Subido por Stick Rudy Berrocal Garcilazo


Los adjetivos comparativos y superlativos en inglés se utilizan para comparar varios sujetos atendiendo a una característica. Los adjetivos se miden en varios grados, que son:
Grado positivo: Inteligente – intelligent
Grado comparativo:
de igualdad: tan inteligente como … – as intelligent as …
de superioridad: más inteligente que … – more intelligent than …
de inferioridad: menos inteligente que … – less intelligent than …
Grado superlativo: el más inteligente – the most intelligent
Así pues, vemos que los adjetivos comparativos y superlativos en inglés por regla general se construyen con: as … as, more … than, less … than, y the most, pero esto no siempre es así.
El comparativo de superioridad y el superlativo siguen reglas distintas en ocasiones especiales. Veamos una tabla con todos los casos posibles:
Comparativo de superioridad
more intelligent than …
the most intelligent
more beautiful than …
the most beautiful
faster than …
Adjetivos con más de 1 sílaba
Adjetivos de 1 sílaba
taller than …
He is taller than you
the fastest
slower than …
the slowest
“er”, “le”, “ow”
easier than …
the easiest
better than …
You are better than him
the best
worse than …
farther / further than …
older / elder than …
less than …
the least
Many / Much
more than …
the most
Adjetivos irregulares
My car is the fastest ( Mi coche es el más rápido)
the tallest
Adjetivos terminados en “y”,
She is the most beautiful woman of the world
the worst
the farthest / furthest
the oldest / eldest
Conviene hacer algunas observaciones en relación con:
Latter. Significa el segundo de dos.
Last. Es el último, el final.
Latest. Significa último hasta el presente. The latest news (Ultimas noticias, las más recientes en tanto no se reciban otras).
Farther. Se refiere generalmente a distancia. (Barcelona is farther from London than from Paris) (Barcelona está más lejos de Londres que de París).
Further. Significa adicional. (I will give you further details later.) (Le daré detalles adicionales -ulteriores- más tarde).
También further puede usarse para distancias, al igual que farther, pero, en cambio, sólo further puede utilizarse en sentido adicional.
Much. Se usa en singular. (I have no much time.) (No tengo mucho tiempo).
Many. Se usa en plural. (I have not many pencils.) (No tengo muchos lápices).
Finalmente, si el superlativo se refiere a lugar (complemento de lugar, según dicen las Gramáticas), en inglés se usa la preposición in. (New York is the biggest town in the U. S. A.)(Nueva York es la
mayor ciudad de los Estados Unidos).
Formas simples
(yo) voy
(tú) vas
(él) va
(nosotros) vamos
(vosotros) vais
(ellos) van
(yo) iré
(tú) irás
(él) irá
(nosotros) iremos
(vosotros) iréis
(ellos) irán
Pretérito perfecto simple
(yo) fui
(nosotros) fuimos
(tú) fuiste
(vosotros) fuisteis
(él) fue
(ellos) fueron
Pretérito imperfecto
(yo) iba
(tú) ibas
(él) iba
(nosotros) íbamos
(vosotros) ibais
(ellos) iban
(yo) iría
(tú) irías
(él) iría
(nosotros) iríamos
(vosotros) iríais
(ellos) iría
Formas simples
(yo) vaya
(tú) vayas
(él) vaya
(nosotros) vayamos
(vosotros) vayáis
(ellos) vayan
(yo) fuere
(tú) fueres
(él) fuere
(nosotros) fuéremos
(vosotros) fuereis
(ellos) fueren
Pretérito imperfecto
(yo) fuera o fuese
(tú) fueras o fueses
(él) fuera o fuese
(nosotros) fuéramos o
(vosotros) fuerais o fueseis
(ellos) fueran o fuesen
ve (tú)
vaya (él, usted)
vayamos (nosotros)
id (vosotros)
vayan (ellos, ustedes)
Infinitivo : ir
Gerundio : yendo
Participio : ido
Formas compuestas
Pretérito perfecto compuesto
(yo) he ido
(tú) has ido
(él) ha ido
(él) hay ido
(nosotros) hemos ido
(vosotros) habéis ido
(ellos) han ido
Pretérito pluscuamperfecto
(yo) había ido
(tú) habías ido
(él) había ido
(nosotros) habíamos ido
(vosotros) habíais ido
(ellos) habían ido
Futuro perfecto
(yo) habré ido
(tú) habrás ido
(él) habrá ido
(nosotros) habremos ido
(vosotros) habréis ido
(ellos) habrán ido
Condicional perfecto
(yo) habría ido
(tú) habrías ido
(él) habría ido
(nosotros) habríamos ido
(vosotros) habríais ido
(ellos) habrían ido
Pretérito anterior
(yo) hube ido
(tú) hubiste ido
(él) hubo ido
(nosotros) hubimos ido
(vosotros) hubisteis ido
(ellos) hubieron ido
Pretérito perfecto
Pretérito pluscuamperfecto (2)
(yo) hubiese ido
(tú) hubieses ido
(él) hubiese ido
(nosotros) hubiésemos ido
(vosotros) hubieseis ido
(ellos) hubiesen ido
Pretérito pluscuamperfecto
(yo) hubiera ido
(tú) hubieras ido
(él) hubiera ido
(nosotros) hubiéramos ido
(vosotros) hubierais ido
(ellos) hubieran ido
Infinitivo compuesto
haber ido
Gerundio compuesto
Futuro perfecto
(yo) hubiere ido
(tú) hubieres ido
(él) hubiere ido
(nosotros) hubiéremos ido
(vosotros) hubiereis ido
(ellos) hubieren ido
habiendo ido
Formas simples
I go
you go
he/she/it goes
we go
you go
they go
I went
you went
he/she/it went
we went
you went
they went
to go
let's go
Formas compuestas
Past Participle
having gone
Present continuousPresent perfect
I am going
I have gone
you are going
you have gone
he/she/it is going he/she/it has gone
we are going
we have gone
you are going
you have gone
they are going
they have gone
I will go
you will go
he/she/it will go
we will go
you will go
they will go
Future perfect
I will have gone
you will have gone
he/she/it will have gone
we will have gone
you will have gone
they will have gone
Past continuous Past perfect
I was going
I had gone
you were going
you had gone
he/she/it was goinghe/she/it had gone
we were going
we had gone
you were going
you had gone
they were going
they had gone
Future continuous
Present perfect
I will be going
you will be going
I have been going
he/she/it will be goingyou have been going
we will be going
he/she/it has been going
you will be going
we have been going
they will be going
you have been going
they have been going
Past perfect continuous
I had been going
you had been going
he/she/it had been going
we had been going
you had been going
they had been going
Future perfect continuous
I will have been going
you will have been going
he/she/it will have been going
we will have been going
you will have been going
they will have been going
También es importante saber que utilizamos el verbo Be para los siguientes casos:
Para presentarnos. I´m David (Yo soy David)
Saludar .Hello. How are you? (Hola. ¿Cómo estás?)
Disculparnos. I´m sorry. (Lo siento)
Expresar la profesión. We are lawyers (Somos abogados)
Expresar la nacionalidad. They are Spanish (Ellos son españoles)
Referirnos a lugares .My dad is in Palencia (Mi padre está en PAlencia)
Describir cosas .It´s an old film (Es una película vieja)
Expresar la edad. En español corresponde al verbo tener My brother is 10 years old (Mi hermano tiene 10 años)
Decir cómo nos sentimos. I´m very hungry (tengo mucha sed)
Hablar sobre el tiempo que hace .It´s very hot today (Hace mucho calor hoy)
Expresar la hora y la fecha. It´s six o´clock (son las 6 en punto). It´s Monday (Es lunes)
Utilizamos HAVE con o sin got en el sentido del verbo español “tener”, para:
Hablar de las cosas que poseemos She has got a house (ella tiene una casa)
Hablar de la familia We have got a sister (nosotros tenemos una hermana)
Describir rasgos físicos .I have got brown eyes (yo tengo los ojos marrones)
Expresar el malestar físico .I have got a headache (tengo dolor de cabeza)
Para hablar de comidas, vacaciones y la higiene You have a shower (tú te duchas) He has breakfast at seven o´clock (el desayuna a las 7)
Tablas de Conjugación del verbo en inglés: bring
Infinitive: to bring .
Present: bring
Past Simple: brought.
Past Participle: brought.
Present Simple ( do-does , y añade –s o -es al verbo
en las 3ª pers. Singular.
I bring.
Do I bring?
I do not bring.
You bring.
Do you bring?
You do not bring.
Gerund: bringing.
Meaning: traer
Present Simple Continuous to be + -ing
I am bringing.
Am I bringing?
I am not bringing.
You are bringing.
Are you bringing?
You are not bringing.
He/She/It brings. Does he/she/it bring? He/She/It does not bring.
He/She/It is bringing. Is he/she/it bringing? He/She/It is not bringing.
We bring.
Do we bring?
We do not bring.
We are bringing.
Are we bringing?
We are not bringing.
You bring.
Do you bring?
You do not bring.
You are bringing.
Are you bringing?
You are not bringing.
They bring.
Do they bring?
They do not bring.
They are bringing.
Are they bringing?
They are not bringing.
Present Perfect Se compone del verbo Haber : Have – has ( 3ªpers.sing )
+ la forma del verbo en participio ( Termina en –ed , o en los verbos irregulares
sería la forma verbal de la 3ª columna.
Present Perfect Continuous Verbo have –has + been + verbo en gerundio –ing
Have I brought?
I have not brought.
I have been bringing. (He
estado trayendo)
Have I been bringing?
I have not been bringing.
Have you brought?
You have not brought.
You have been bringing.
Have you been bringing?
You have not been bringing.
He/She/It has brought. ( ha traído) Has he/she/it brought?
He/She/It has not
He/She/It has been bringing.
Has he/she/it been bringing?
He/She/It has not been bringing.
We have been bringing.
Have we been bringing?
We have not been bringing.
We have brought.
Have we brought?
We have not brought.
You have brought.
Have you brought?
You have not brought.
You have been bringing.
Have you been bringing?
You have not been bringing.
They have brought.
Have they brought?
They have not brought.
They have been bringing.
Have they been bringing?
They have not been bringing.
I have brought. ( He traído)
You have brought. (has traído)
Past Simple Pasado del presente simple : El auxiliar es did para todas las presonas.
El pasado de un verbo se hace con la terminación –ed ( verbos regulares ) ,
o la 3ªcolumna verbos irregulares.
Past Continuous Es el pasado del presente continuo. Verbo to be en pasado : was- were + verbo
en gerundio –ing.
Did I bring?
I did not bring.
I was bringing.
Was I bringing?
I was not bringing.
You brought.
Did you bring?
You did not bring.
You were bringing.
Were you bringing?
He/She/It brought.
Did he/she/it bring?
He/She/It did not bring.
He/She/It was bringing.
Was he/she/it bringing?
You were not bringing.
He/She/It was not
We brought.
Did we bring?
We did not bring.
We were bringing.
Were we bringing?
We were not bringing.
You brought.
Did you bring?
You did not bring.
You were bringing.
Were you bringing?
You were not bringing.
They brought.
Did they bring?
They did not bring.
They were bringing.
Were they bringing?
They were not bringing.
I brought.
Past Perfect Es el pasado del presente perfecto. Had ( forma pasada de have) + participio
(verbo terminado en –ed , o los irregulares la 3ªcolumna )
Past Perfect Continuous. Pasado del presente perfecto continuo: Se forma con had been + verbo en
gerundio –ing.
I had brought. ( Había
Had I brought?
I had not brought.
I had been bringing.
(había estado trayendo)
You had brought.
Had you brought?
You had not brought.
You had been bringing.
Had you been bringing?
He/She/It had brought.
Had he/she/it brought?
He/She/It had not brought.
He/She/It had been bringing.
We had brought.
Had we brought?
We had not brought.
Had he/she/it been
We had been bringing.
Had we been bringing?
You had brought.
Had you brought?
You had not brought.
You had been bringing.
Had you been bringing?
They had brought.
Had they brought?
They had not brought.
They had been bringing.
Had they been bringing?
Future Simple Se forma con will para todas las personas + el verbo en infinitivo sin to.
Had I been bringing?
I had not been bringing.
You had not been bringing.
He/She/It had not been
We had not been bringing.
You had not been bringing.
They had not been
Future Perfect : Se forma con will+ presente perfecto
I will bring.(Traeré)
Will I bring?
I will not bring.
I will have brought.
You will bring.
Will you bring?
You will not bring.
He/She/It will bring.
Will he/she/it bring?
We will bring.
Will I have brought?
I will not have brought.
You will have brought.
Will you have brought?
You will not have brought.
He/She/It will not bring.
He/She/It will have brought.
Will he/she/it have
He/She/It will not have
Will we bring?
We will not bring.
We will have brought.
Will we have brought?
We will not have brought.
You will bring.
Will you bring?
You will not bring.
You will have brought.
Will you have brought?
You will not have brought.
They will bring.
Will they bring?
They will not bring.
They will have brought.
Will they have brought?
They will not have brought.
Conditional : Se forma con el pasado de will : would + infinitivo sin to.
Conditional Perfect : Se forma con would + have+participio (-ed , los verbos regulares,3ªcolumna
los irregulares).
I would bring.(Traería)
Would I bring?
I would not bring.
I would have brought.
Would I have brought?
I would not have brought.
You would bring.
Would you bring?
You would not bring.
You would have brought.
Would you have brought?
You would not have brought.
He/She/It would bring.
Would he/she/it bring?
He/She/It would not bring.
He/She/It would have brought.
Would he/she/it have
He/She/It would not have
We would bring.
Would we bring?
We would not bring.
We would have brought.
Would we have brought?
We would not have brought.
You would bring.
Would you bring?
You would not bring.
You would have brought.
Would you have brought?
You would not have brought.
They would bring.
Would they bring?
They would not bring.
They would have brought.
Would they have brought?
They would not have brought.
Shape - Forma
Size/Measure -Tamaño/Medida
Age/Time -Edad/Tiempo
Weather - Tiempo (clima)
Temperature - Temperatura
square - cuadrado
round - redondo
curved) - curvo
big - grande
high - elevado
old - viejo
quick - rápido
rainy - lluvioso
foggy - con niebla
freezing - helado
rectangular crooked) large - grande
low - bajo
young - joven
slow - lento
stormy overcast - nublado chilly - frío
huge - enorme
tall - alto
new - nuevo
senior - mayor
cloudy - nuboso
cold - frío
triangular - triangular
broad - ancho
small - pequeño
short - corto, bajo
modern - moderno
junior - más joven
sunny - soleado
clear - despejado
cool - fresco
oval - oval
narrow -angosto
tiny - diminuto
long - largo
ancient - antiguo
current - actual
windy - ventoso
mild - templado
lukewarm - tibio
conical - cónico
flat - plano
heavy - pesado
medium - medio
old fashioned past - pasado
snowy - con nieve
chilly - frío
boiling - hirviendo
spherical - esférico
steep light - liviano
narrow - angosto
future - futuro
damp - húmedo
icy - con hielo
muggy - caluroso
cubical - cúbico
thick - grueso
deep - profundo
updated -actualizado
fast - rápido
dry - seco
hot - caluroso
straight -recto
hollow - hueco
thin - delgado
shallow - playo
outdatedwarm - cálido
cylindrical - cilíndrico
solid- sólido
wide - ancho
broad - ancho
pleasant - agradable
Personality (positive) - Personalidad (positivo)
Personality (negative) - Personalidad (negativo)
ambitious- ambicioso
tolerant - tolerante
courageous - valiente
disciplined - disciplinado
dishonest - deshonesto
lazy- haragán
possesive - posesivo
gullible - ingenuo
modest - modesto
patient - paciente
intelligent - inteligente
sympathetic - comprensivo pessimistic- pesimista
greedy - codicioso
conceited - engreído
stubborn - terco
sensible - sensato
honest - honesto
generous - generoso
considerate considerado
miserly- avaro
resentful - resentido
arrogant - arrogante
careless - negligente
friendly - amistoso
optimistic- optimista
humorous - divertido
responsible - responsable
coward (- cobarde
envious - envidioso
fussy - quisquilloso
selfish - egoísta
practical - práctico
sincere - sincero
jealous - celoso
impatient - impaciente