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Acta Neurochirurgica, Suppl. 53, 92-97 (1991)
© by Springer-Verlag 1991
Clinoidal Meningiomas
O. AI-Meftyl and S. Ayoubi2
IDivision of Neurological Surgery, Loyola University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois, USA and 2Hurstwood Park Neurological Center,
Haywards Heath, Uk
Clinoidal meningiomas have distinguishing clinical, radiological,
and surgical considerations. They present a surgical challenge and
have a notorious rate of recurrence. The best chance of their cure
comes through total removal, but the fear of injury to cerebral
vessels has led most surgeons to accept subtotal removal. We classify
these tumours into three groups according to the presence or
absence of an interfacing arachnoid membrane between the tumour
and cerebral vessels. The presence or absence of this membrane
depends on the origin of the tumour and its relation to the naked
carotid segment lying outside the carotid cistern. In Group I, total
removal is impossible and results are disappointing. In Groups II
and III, total removal is possible and results are good despite arterial
encasement by the tumour.
Keywords: Meningioma;
cavernous sinus.
remIssIon and no clinical or radiological signs of
recurrence 7,9,25. A striking difference in mortality,
morbidity, failure of total removal, and recurrence is
evident when comparing clinoidal meningiomas to
middle and lateral sphenoidal tumours or tuberculum
sellae tumours 6,7,9,15,16,22,30. Recent advances in
cranial base and cavernous sinus surgery have
markedly improved the incidence of total removal and
good outcome 2,3,l1,24,27. We herein update our
experience with this tumour, emphasizing the impact
of their classification on surgical difficulties, success of
total removal and morbidity.
Anatomical Considerations and Classification
Clinoidal meningiomas, also known as sphenocavernous meningiomas, originate from the dura of
the cavernous sinus, the anterior clinoid process and
the internal part of the sphenoid wing.
They are frequently grouped with sphenoid ridge
or suprasellar meningiomas 6,13,14,22,29,30 but should
be defined as a separate entity having distinguishing
clinical, radiological, and surgical considerations.
They correspond with what Cushing referred to as
meningiomas ofthe "deep or clinoidal third,,9, with the
Group A sphenoid ridge meningiomas in Bonnal and
colleagues' classification 7, and with the first category
of Ojemann's sphenoid ridge meningiomas 21 .
Clinoidal meningiomas have always presented a
surgical challenge and had an ominous outcome and
a notorious rate of recurrence 6,8,13,14,22,29,30. Only a
few patients have had excellent results, as defined by
total, removal combined with complete clinical
Based on intraoperative anatomical observation
related to the presence of an arachnoid membrane
between the tumour and cerebral vessels, we have
distinguished 3 groups of clinoidal meningiomas.
As the carotid artery emerges from the cavernous
sinus inferomedial to the anterior clinoid process, it
enters the subdural space to be vested in the carotid
cistern. The arachnoid membrane of the carotid cistern
does not follow the internal carotid artery (ICA) into
the cavernous sinus space nor is it attached to the
anterior clinoid process. There are 1 or 2 mm of naked
artery between the investment of the carotid cistern
and the dura of the cavernous sinus 32 .
Group I includes meningiomas with origins proximal to the end of the carotid cistern, as is the case
in meningiomas originating at the inferior aspect of
the anterior clinoid process. These tumours enwrap
the carotid artery, adhering to the adventitia and
lacking an interfacing arachnoid membrane (Fig. 1).
Clinoidal Meningiomas
Fig. 1 A. Artist's illustration of a Group I tumour. The tumour
encases the carotid artery and its branches with direct attachment
to the adventitia. The optic nerve maintains an arachnoidal plane
from the chiasmatic cistern. (Reproduced with permission from
AI-Mefty 0 : Clinoidal meningiomas. J Neurosurg 73: 840-849,
Fig. 2 A. Artist's illustration of a Group II tumour. The tumour
encases the carotid artery and its branches. An arachnoidal
membrane of the carotid cistern separates the tumour from the
adventitia, making dissection possible. The optic nerve maintains
an arachnoidal membrane from the chiasmatic cistern. (Reproduced
with permission from AI-Mefty 0: Clinoidal meningiomas. J
Neurosurg 73: 840- 849, 1990)
Fig. 1 B. MR image of a Group I tumour
Fig. 2 B. Retouched operative photograph of a Group II tumour.
The optic nerve (Il), the anterior cerebral artery (Ad, the middle
cerebral artery (M I), and part of the internal carotid artery (C) are
dissected free from the encasing tumour (T). The dissection was
relatively easy, owing to the presence of an arachnoid membrane
of the carotid cistern
Their direct attachment to the vessel wall continues
as the tumour grows to the carotid bifurcation and
along the middle cerebral artery.
Group II includes meningiomas originating above
the segment of the carotid artery invested in the carotid
cistern, as is the case in meningiomas originating from
the superior and/or lateral aspects of the anterior
clinoid process. As the tumour grows, an arachnoid
membrane separates it from the arterial adventitia,
making microsurgical dissection feasible despite total
arterial encasement by the tumour (Fig. 2).
In both groups, the optic nerve and chiasm are
wrapped in the arachnoid membrane of the chiasmatic
cistern, making microdissection of the nerves and
chiasm from the tumour relatively easy. In patients
having had previous surgery, the arachnoidal membrane may be violated, making dissection of a
Group II tumour as difficult as dissection of a Group I
Group I I I includes meningiomas originating at the
optic foramen, extending to the optic canal and the
tip of the anterior clinoid process. The arachnoid
membrane is present between the tumour and vessels,
O. AI-Mefty and S. Ayoubi
Fig. 2 C. Preoperative contrast enhanced CT scan of a Group II
clinoidal meningioma
Fig. 3 B. Retouched operative photograph of a Group III tumour.
The carotid cistern is intact. The tumour is small and extends into
the optic canal. T Tumour; II optic nerve; C carotid artery; R
retractor on the frontal lobe
Fig. 2 D. Postoperative CT scan after total removal
Fig. 3 C. Contrast enhanced MR image of a Group III tumour
but may be absent between the optic nerve and the
tumour (Fig. 3).
Case Material
Fig. 3 A. Artist's illustration of a Group III tumour. The origin of
the tumour is the optic foramen. The tumour is small, separated
from the carotid by the carotid cistern, but it extends into the optic
canal. (Reproduced with permission from AI-Mefty 0 : Clinoidal
meningiomas. J Neurosurg 73: 840-849, 1990)
Twenty-eight cases qualifying as clinoidal meningiomas were
operated on over an 8 year period; some have been included in an
earlier report 3 . There were seven other patients who did not have
surgery. Excluded were meningiomas with origins (as described
intraoperatively) on the tuberculum sellae, diaphragm sellae,
planum sphenoidale, and middle and lateral sphenoid ridge, as well
as hyperostosing en plaque meningiomas. Ages of patients ranged
from 26 to 76 years (mean: 50 years); seven were males and 21 were
females. The symptoms of two females presented during pregnancy.
Five patients had previous surgery on their tumours.
Visual disturbances were present in 86% of cases, similar to the
typical findings described for tumours at this site (initial unilateral
visual loss). Seven patients experienced loss on one side only; 12
experienced optic atrophy, and six had papilledema. FosterKennedy syndrome was documented in only one case. Six patients
had impairment of the oculomotor or trigeminal nerve and seizures
Clinoidal Meningiomas
occurred in three patients. Two patients were admitted in a comatose
state with giant tumours and underwent emergency surgery. Visual
loss preceded diagnosis in a range of 2 to 44 months (average: 25
Computized tomography (CT) scans revealed the presence of
the tumour and its extensions in all ca&es. Magnetic resonance (MR)
images with gadolinium enhancement were used in the last seven
cases. All patients underwent cerebral angiography to delineate the
anatomy of cerebral circulation, arterial displacement, encasement
of major vessels, and blood supply. According to the aforementioned classification, there were three Group I tumours, 21 Group II
tumours, and four Group III tumours.
The carotid, middle cerebral, and anterior cerebral arteries, as
well as the optic apparatus, were all intimately involved with the
tumour, being displaced, adherent, or totally engulfed. The carotid
artery was totally enCl\.sed in 12 patients; the branches of the middle
cerebral artery were encased in seven; the anterior cerebral artery
was encased in three, and the optic nerve was encased in ten.
Cavernous sinus invasion occurred in 12 patients.
Surgical Technique
We use the cranio-orbital approach, described
elsewhere 2 to remove clinoidal meningiomas.
The sphenoid ridge is completely drilled, unroofing
the superior orbital fissure and removing the anterior
clinoid process extradurally. This maneuver intercepts
the arterial feeders coming from the middle meningeal
artery while the involved bone is removed. It also
prepares for exposure of the superior aspect of the
cavernous sinus. The dura is opened with a
semicircular incision centered on the pterion, and a
branching incision is carried out posteriorly and
inferiorly toward the floor of the temporal fossa.
Brain relaxation is achieved by slowly draining 35
to 50 ml of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The drain is then
closed to keep the arachnoid cisterns open and
facilitate dissection. The arachnoid of the sylvian
fissure is opened; this opening is extended on the
frontal side to preserve the middle cerebral veins.
Retracting the frontal lobe 1.5 cm is adequate for
tumour removal. The olfactory nerve is dissected for
some distance from the base of the frontal lobe and
Both moderate and large tumours are encountered
upon opening the sylvian fissure. Microdissection is
carried out in a plane between the tumour and the
frontal and temporal lobes. After debulking the
tumour with an ultrasonic aspirator, the distal
branches of the middle cerebral artery are followed
and dissected, removing the tumour capsule from the
arterial wall. This dissection is carried out along the
bifurcation of the ICA and along the anterior cerebral
artery. Dissection is then continued to free the
ventriculostriate arteries, the perforators of the
anterior cerebral artery, the ICA branch to the Qptic
apparatus, and along the posterior communicating
and anterior choroidal arteries before sacrificing any
arterial branches. The surgeon must be certain that
an arterial twig, and not a vital perforator, is supplying
the tumour. The third nerve is then freed from the
tumour. In most cases, the Liliequist membrane is
intact, making dissection of the interpeduncular fossa
and the posteriorly displaced basilar artery relatively
easy. If a tear occurs in a cerebral vessel, temporary
vascular clips are applied proximal and distal to the
bleeding point, which is then sutured using 10-0
The optic nerve may be displaced inferiorly and
medially, elevated, or engulfed by the tumour. In all
cases, the presence of an arachnoid membrane
facilitates dissection of the optic apparatus. If the
tumour extends into the optic canal, the canal should
be unroofed and the tumour removed. The arterial
supply to the optic apparatus should be preserved,
particularly the inferior group, which is the sole supply
to the central decussating fibers of the chiasm. The
optic nerve should not be sacrificed even in patients
having total blindness as visual recovery has been
reported 4 ,19,23.
If the cavernous sinus is involved, the intrapetrous
ICA is exposed for proximal control, and the
cavernous sinus is entered through the lateral or
superior wallS.
After gross tumour removal, the dura around the
anterior clinoid process is evaporated using the CO 2
laser. Any further hyperostosis is drilled, and a piece
of fascia is applied over the drilled bone to avoid CSF
leakage. The dura is closed watertight, the bone flap
secured, and the skin closed in two layers.
In Group II, total removal (tumour, dura and bone),
as judged by intraoperative inspection and confirmed
by postoperative CT scans, was achieved in all 21 cases
but two, in which a small nub of tumour was left in
the cavernous sinus and the medial wall of the sella
respectively. There was one death nine days postoperatively, due to pulmonary embolism, in a patient
who was in excellent condition and was ready to be
discharged. One patient lost vision in one eye in which
she had been able to count fingers preoperatively from
a one-foot distance.
Preoperative visual impairment improved in four
patients. One patient had permanent third cranial
O. Al-Mefty and S. Ayoubi
nerve palsy. Three patients had transient diabetes
insipidus and one patient had permanent diabetes
insipidus. One patient was readmitted for repair of a
CSF leak and one required a CSF shunt for
hydrocephalus. One other patient had a pulmonary
embolism. The one semicomatose and one fully
comatose patient at admission both made impressive
recoveries postoperatively.
Postoperative follow-up ranged from seven months
to seven years, with an average of 57 months. There
was only one asymptomatic recurrence which was
observed to be without change via a CT scan three
years later in one of the patients with subtotal removal.
In Group I, only partial but extensive removal was
possible in all three patients. One patient developed
delayed postoperative vasospasm 7 days postoperatively, which was confirmed by angiography, with a
deteriorating ischemic neurological condition and
eventual death 4 months later. The second patient
had postoperative hemiplegia and was treated for
pulmonary embolism. A gradual increase of tumour
size over a three-year period was documented by CT
scan. Radiation therapy was administered upon the
patient's refusal of a second operation. The third
patient showed some recovery of extraocular movement and received radiation therapy, showing no
changes in his MR image 2 years later.
The four patients in Group III had no complications
and two patients showed improvement in their visual
findings in postoperative follow-up.
The surgical mortality of anterior clinoid meningiomas has remained unacceptably high. A mortality of 32% was reported by Uihlein and Weyand
in 1953 31, and a mortality of 42% was reported
by Bonnal in 1980 7. The major operative cause of
death is injury to a major cerebral vessep,9,13,22,31,
prompting most surgeons to recommend subtotal
On the other hand, the extent of surgical removal
is the determining factor in tumour progression or
recurrence 1,20,28. Incomplete removal of tumours
carries a higher recurrence rate and the results from
a second operation are discouraging 22 .
Microsurgical techniques have improved operative mortality, morbidity, and chance of total
removap,ll,18,19,26,29. The presence of an arachnoid
membrane has a great impact on the surgical outcome,
as is seen in our Group I. In patients of Groups II and
III, in which the arachnoid membrane was present,
total removal was possible and the morbidity was
The authors thanks Julie Hipp for her editorial assistance.
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Correspondence: Prof. O. AI-Mefty, M.D., Division of Neurological
Surgery, Loyola University Medical Center, 2160 S. First Avenue
Maywood, Illinois 60153, U.S.A.