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Mixing Tank Analysis: Impeller Effects on Fluid Dynamics

Journal of University of Babylon, Engineering Sciences, Vol.(26), No.(3): 2018.
Numerical Analysis for un-baffled Mixing Tank
Agitated by Two Types of Impellers
Ammar Ashour Akesh
College of Engineering, University of Basrah, 61004, Basrah, Iraq
[email protected]
The effect of impeller flow type and rotation speed on the fluid in mixing tank design under standard
configurations investigated to analyses the fluid velocity, turbulent intensity and path lines. In this
theoretical study, the fluid motion inside the mixing tank was investigated by solving Navier-Stokes
equation and standard k-ε turbulent model in 3-dimensions, for incompressible and turbulent flow. Two
types of flow with three types of impellers were investigated, axial-flow with (Lightnin200 and generic
impellers) and radial-flow with (Rushton turbine). All impellers evaluated under rotation velocity variation
between 10 – 115 rpm. The results showed a direct proportional relationship between the impeller and
turbine rotation speed with the fluid velocity in mixing vessel. Also, this case matches with the turbulent
intensity and path lines.
Keywords- Impeller . Mixing tank. k-ε Turbulent model . Lightnin200. Generic. Rushton Turbine .
Rushton turbine
1. Introduction
1.1 The Fundamentals of Mixing
The word mixing describes the specific blending, mingling, or commingling of
coagulating chemicals or materials with water in order to create a more or less
homogeneous single – or multiple – phase system.
The word stirring describes the disturbing of the flow pattern of a fluid in
mechanically orderly way for the purpose of effecting a dynamic redistribution of
particles by the induced turbulence.
Random rather than orderly turbulence can be distinguished by term agitation.
Mixing is a brief operation seeking a quick response, often in advance of stirring or
agitation, whereas stirring and agitation are more protracted operations normally aiming
at the conjunction of suspended particles or flocs (Gordin, 1985).
Mixing patterns are often complex and difficult to describe , so usually classify
mixers based upon how closely they approximate one of two idealized flow patterns ,
plug flow or complete mixing (Louise , 1993) .
Journal of University of Babylon, Engineering Sciences, Vol.(26), No.(3): 2018.
1.2 Ideal Plug Flow
This type of mixing can explain as that, each volume of water remains in the reactor
for exactly the same amount of time. If a slug of dye were injected into the flow as a
tracer, then all the dye would appear at the outlet at the same time. Ideal plug flow is very
difficult to achieve. In general, the reaction basin must be very long in comparison to its
width or diameter before the mixing pattern begins to approximate plug flow (Louise ,
1.3 Complete Mixing
Basins are always instantaneously blended throughout their entire volume. As a
result, an incoming volume of water immediately loses its identity and is intermixed with
the water that entered previously. A complete-mix reactor is also called a back-mix
reactor because its contents are always blended backwards with the incoming flow. If a
slug of dye tracer was injected into the basin, then some of it would immediately appear
in the outgoing flow. The concentration of dye would drop steadily as the dye in the basin
back mixed with the clear incoming water and was diluted by it (Nicholas , 2002).
2. Mixing Intensity
The type and intensity of agitation are also important. Turbulent mixing, characterized by high velocity gradients G, is desirable in order to provide sufficient energy for
inter-particle collisions. In order to provide the required energy propeller and turbine
mixers are used. Turbine mixers are more suited than propeller. Propellers put more
energy into circulating the basin contents, while turbine mixers shear the water, inducing
the higher velocity gradients and the multi directional velocity currents that promote
particle collisions (McGraw, 1973).
In a turbine-type complete-mix basin , the mixing intensity will not be uniform
throughout the basin , but the impeller discharge zone occupies about 10 percent of the
total volume and has a shear intensity approximately 2.5 times the average (McGraw.,
There is an upper limit to mixing intensity because high shear conditions can break
up micro-flocs and delay or prevent visible floc formation(Louise , 1993).
( Casy, 1997) found in experimental work that the geometry and speed for several
type of impellers are vary within rang 0.2 – 0.6 m/s with the relative blade velocity in the
tank is about 0.75 time the peripheral velocity and the drag coefficient Cd for flat blades
is about 1.8, also, the paddle blade area is usually between 15 % to 25 % of tank cross
section area, and the detention time about 20 – 40 minute for optimum flocculation
process. (Holland and Chapman, 1966) use different types of impeller and its path lines
generated, reported that the axial – flow generates a constant pumping action toward the
bottom of mixing tank at first stage and then followed by circulation to the top of the
mixing tank at the second stage after that the rapid return to the impeller zone at the final
stage. On the other hand , the radial-flow impeller direct the fluid flow in the radial
direction out ward from the impeller which mostly circulates in the region above the
impeller , before slowly returning to the impeller zone . (Alves and Barata , 1997) studied
the mixing process for tall tank agitated by multi-Rushton turbines to get the best
dimensions for the model . The models in this study were structured by using
computation fluid dynamics ( CFD ) with flat bottom cylindrical vessel of inner diameter
DT = 0.292m equipped with four baffles of width =DT / 10 . Stirring was provided by
Rushton turbine agitator of diameter =DT/3 driven by a variable speed 0.75 KW. AC.
Journal of University of Babylon, Engineering Sciences, Vol.(26), No.(3): 2018.
motor. The off-bottom clearance of the lowest turbine was DT/2. The working liquid
were tap water and glycerol solution and liquid depth were set to 3DT. The spacing
between turbines was DT to prevent hydrodynamic interaction between them under those
condition the mixing process becomes more convenient by using multi impellers and gets
a stabile homogenous for lees mixing tank . (Wei-Ming and Ming-Ying , 1997)studied
the effect of baffle design on the liquid mixing in stirred tank with standard Rushton
turbine impellers , they noted that the insertion of the appropriate number of baffles
clearly improves the extent of liquid mixing . The width and the number of the baffles
affect the extent of liquid mixing of the single impeller system for N=3.33 rps in term of
mixing time. The mixing time decreases steeply with the increase of the width of baffles
first, and then it soon reaches a constant value as B/DT exceeds 0.1 where B is baffle
width and DT is tank diameter. It is interesting to note that this leveling of values tend to
decrease as the number of baffles increases in the range nb <8 and B/DT > 0.2 . The
model of this study was done by using Fluent software and the k-ε turbulent model was
adopted to determine the Reynolds stresses. Also they determined the optimum number
of baffle.
3. Physical Model
Since the flow in mixing tank are complex and change from zone to zone, ( i.e.
from high turbulent level at impeller zone to less turbulent flow near the wall of tank )
so, it is necessary to use mathematical models to predict such flow fields .
3.1 The Standard Configuration of Designing Mixing Tank
The design of mixing tank depending on the following standard configuration
provides an arbitrary criterion for sufficient mixing in stirred tanks (Selomulya, 2001) ,
(Georgy, 1991) .
1. The impeller diameter , ( D ) = 1/3 of the tank diameter , ( DT ) .
2. The impeller height from the bottom of the tank ( impeller clearance ) , ( Hi ) =
impeller diameter , ( D ) .
3. The impeller blade width , ( q ) = ( 1 / 5 ) impeller diameter , ( D ) .
4. The impeller blade length , ( ri ) = ( 1 / 4 ) impeller diameter , ( D ) .
5. Length of impeller blade mounted on the central disk ( si ) = ( 1 / 8 ) impeller
diameter , ( D ) .
6. Liquid height , ( Hl ) = tank diameter , ( DT ) .
3.2 The Model of Present Study
The mixing tank design depends on the above standard configuration in 3-D. The
model consists of the following items (figure 1) :
1- Cylindrical tank with 25 cm diameter and 32 cm height with flat bottom style .
2- Inlet tube with 0.8 cm inner diameter .
3- Out let tube with 0.8 cm inner diameter .
4- Top shaft with 0.6 cm diameter .
Using three types of impellers with two types of flow: axial-flow ( Lightnin , 200 )
and generic impeller ( high efficiency ) and radial-flow ( Rushton turbine ) . The
specification of the three type of impeller show in table ( 1 ) .
Journal of University of Babylon, Engineering Sciences, Vol.(26), No.(3): 2018.
Table (1 ) Specification of Impellers Used in the Mixing Tank Model
Impeller type
No. of blades
Blade width at root ( m )
Blade width at tip ( m )
Blade thicknesses ( m )
Hub cord angel ( deg. )
Tip cord angel ( deg. )
Hub diameter ( m )
Hub height ( m )
Inner diameter ( m )
Disk diameter ( m )
Lightnin 200
Rushton turbine
45 ο
45 ο
90 ο
90 ο
45 ο
20 ο
Note: all dimension in cm.
Figure (1) Geometry with all Dimensions.
3.3 Assumptions
The following assumptions are used to simplify the proposed model solution :
1- The fluid is water .
2- The fluid has constant properties .
3- Steady state conditions .
4- The detention time of fluid is 1800 sec , that means the study of fluid motion and
path lines in this period .
5- The model case is turbulence , and stander k-ε model is used.
6- No slip at wall .
7- The impeller has constant rotation velocity .
3.4 Boundary Conditions
Referring to figure ( 1 ) which illustrates the boundary condition in the mixing tank
where the boundary conditions of this model can be summarized as follows :
Journal of University of Babylon, Engineering Sciences, Vol.(26), No.(3): 2018.
1- On the tank wall , the velocity is taken to be zero ( no slip ) .
i . e . U=0 , V=0 and W = 0 in the Z , R and θ direction .
2- At the symmetric line ,
 0 (Anderson., 1980; Versteeg and Malasekera, 1995) .
U V W
3- The impeller velocity =   ri
4- The initial values for k and ε are
T )2 ,
2 ref i
 C 3 4
l  0.07 2
(Anderson , 1980) .
3.5 The k-ε Turbulence Model
The standard ( k-ε ) model is a semi empirical model based on model transport
equation for two turbulent properties , kinetic energy ( k ) and its dissipation rate ( ε ) .
For turbulence kinetic energy ( k )
k   t k  1   t k  1   t k 
 v  w
 
 z  
z  r r  
r  r   
  ( 3 – 1 )
 k, t 
 k, t
 k, t
    G
For energy dissipation rate ( ε )
     1   t   1   t  
 v
 w
  t
 z    ,t z  r r    ,t r  r r    ,t  
 C1 t G  C2
( 3–2 )
Where G is referred to the generation term and is given by (Versteeg and
Malasekera, 1995) :
 u  2  v  2  v  2   u   v  2  w  2  w w  2
G  2                
  …....
 
r 
r    r   z 
z 
 z 
( 3–3 )
The turbulent kinetic energy ( k ) and the dissipation rate of the turbulent energy
( ε) are chosen as the two properties in order to determine the turbulent viscosity μt .
C k 2
t  
l 1
…………... ………………… ( 3 – 4 )
Where: Cµ is a constant , it is assumed that at a high Reynolds number , ( ε ) value
to be proportional to k
t 
C k 2
l , the above equation becomes :…………………….………………………. ( 3 – 5 )
The value of the constants in the ( k-ε ) model shows in table (2 ) below .
Journal of University of Babylon, Engineering Sciences, Vol.(26), No.(3): 2018.
Table (2 ) value of ( k-ε ) constant (Versteeg and Malasekera, 1995 ; Marco and
Francesco, 1990)
3.6 Governing Equations
The description of the fluid motion in the mixing tank is made by solving the
average differential equation of mass (continuity) and momentum equation model
equation by considering the infinite control volume with cylindrical coordinate .
3.6.1 Continuity Equation
The net flow of mass across the boundary of a control volume is zero in steady state
flow. The continuity equation can be written as conservation of mass equation with the
following form
u   1  rv   1  w  0
r r
r 
….………………………. ( 3 – 8 )
3.6.2 Momentum Equation
The general momentum equations governing the fluid motion for three dimensions in
cylindrical coordinate are (Ronald , 1984) :
In z – direction :
1 
   
rv   u 1  w     p  2    eff u   1  r eff  u  v 
u u
r r
r 
z 
z  r r 
 z
 r z 
 u
1  
 1 u w 
 eff 
r  
 r  z 
….………………………. ( 3 –31a )
In r – direction :
1 
   
rv   v 1  w     p  
u v
r r
r 
 z
 v
r   eff
1 
 v u
  eff  z  r
 w  
 
2  eff 1 w
 r     w 
 
 r 
r 
 r 
 2 
 
 r r
 v
r eff  r
………….. ( 3 – 32a )
In Ө - direction :
 w
 w 1 u 
  eff  z  r   
 
 1 w v
 r  1 v  w v 2  
 eff 
r  
r  
 r  r
u   w 1  rv   w 1  w    1  p  
r r
r 
r 
1  
   eff
r r  eff  r
  r
…..…..(3 – 33a)
4. Simulation Setting
To setup the simulation program in FLUENT , the following were carried out :
1- The meshed geometry of simulation case study were imported from Gambit into
2- Turbulent flow model was selected ( solver ) .
Journal of University of Babylon, Engineering Sciences, Vol.(26), No.(3): 2018.
The fluid was defined and it's variables selected .
The k-ε model was chosen as the turbulent model .
Specify the operation conditions .
Defining the boundary condition concerned .
The starting values of velocities , pressure and turbulent parameters
Appropriate residual conditions were defined .
4.1 The meshes
The boundary of the shapes was mashed by boundary layer and the rest of the
geometry was auto meshed with schema called tetrahedral and triangular types as shown
in figure ( 2 )
Rushton turbine
Figure ( 2 ) ( A ) Shows the Mesh of Geometry and ( B ) Shows the Mesh of
present study Impellers
5. Results and Discussion
The value of velocity magnitude can be evaluated relative to impeller radius. When
the impeller radius is equal to zero so the value of impeller speed would be equal to zero
too, while the maximum velocity can be achieved at the tip of impeller blade. This
behavior could be repeated for three types of impeller. However figure ( 3 ) shows the
velocity distribution along of the blade of impeller when the impeller blade have radius
between zero to 0.04m .
Journal of University of Babylon, Engineering Sciences, Vol.(26), No.(3): 2018.
Lightnin200 impeller
Generic impeller
Rushton turbine
Figure ( 3 ): The velocity distribution along of the blade of impeller
Figure ( 4 ) shows the velocity vectors and contours for impellers at 10 rpm . For
Lightnin200 impeller, the figure shows that the fluid motion is started from impeller zone
to the bottom of mixing tank at first stage then change direction to the upper region of
tank in second stage , in the third stage, the flow retunes to the impeller zone with high
velocity .
This behavior is referred to that the fluid flow is proportional with impeller
pumping direction .
Anyway , the fluid upper and lower region of impeller is mainly affected with
circulation motion of fluid , while the fluid near the top zone of mixing tank is less
effected with fluid motion . Also, it can note that the fluid near the tip of the impeller
blade is not affected with impeller rotation where this clearly appears in the contour of
velocity in figure ( 4 ) , this behavior due to the previous zone is far from the pumping
direction of impeller .
In the same figure, for the Generic impeller, the velocity vectors of fluid motion is
approximately similar to the fluid motion of Lightnin200, but the major difference is
occur in the fluid profile near the tip of impeller blade shows a largely influence with
impeller rotation but it's not affected with impeller pumping direction motion. Therefore,
the small eddies are generated in this region due to the impeller blade design as shown in
figure ( 4 ) .
However, the flow behavior is different with the Rushton turbine . Figure ( 4 )
illustrates the pumping direction is started from the tip of turbine blade then the fluid
divided into two parts . The first one in the upper region from the turbine and circulated
from the tip turbine bled to the upper direction of the mixing tank then return to the
turbine zone where most of fluid in this zone is influenced with this circulation motion.
The second part take the same behavior of the first part but in the lower region of the
turbine .
The fluid velocity generated as a result of impeller motion is varies with each type
of impeller. The higher velocity value occur with Ruston turbine is 3.27x10-2 m/s , while
lower magnitude occur with generic impeller 1.81x10-2 m/s
Journal of University of Babylon, Engineering Sciences, Vol.(26), No.(3): 2018.
Velocity contour
Rushton Turbine
Lightnin 200
Velocity vectors
Figure ( 4 ) :The velocity vectors and contours for impellers at 10 rpm
Figure ( 5 ) shows the value of fluid velocity for each type of impellers at 10 rpm ,
as a function of tank radius and taking into account the line of symmetry .
For lightnin200 impeller the fluid velocity at zone of mixing tank between radius
0.005-0.03 m is about 0.0015 m/s and then increases with the increment of tank radius
until it reaches the maximum value which is about 0.0042 m/s . At mixing tank zone
between the tank radius 0.03-0.085 m the fluid velocity decreases from 0.0042 m/s to
about 0.0009 m/s with the increment of tank radius. The last stage at zone between tank
radius 0.085-0.11m the fluid velocity take a direct proportional relation with the
increment of tank radius, the fluid velocity increases from 0.0008 m/s to 0.0011m/s ,
then decreases to 0.009 m/s near the wall .
Journal of University of Babylon, Engineering Sciences, Vol.(26), No.(3): 2018.
Rustton turbine
Generic impeller
velocity magnitude m/s
0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09
Radius of mixing tank m
0.11 0.12 0.13
Figure ( 5 ) : The value of fluid velocity for each type of impellers at 10 rpm
From above illustrates it can explain the maximum fluid velocity occurs at impeller
zone in the mixing tank , and for zone far from impeller the fluid velocity decreases since
the fluid becomes less effects with the impeller motion because if far from impeller zone .
At the last zone the effect of impeller pumping capacity and direction clearly appear, it's
increase the fluid velocity in this zone , then the velocity decreases at near the wall
because the velocity at wall is zero and increases gradually to word the impeller zone.
The fluid velocity with generic impeller at 10 rpm takes similar behavior to
Lightnin200 impeller. The fluid velocity at zone of mixing tank between radius 0.0050.03 m is about 0.0008 m/s and then increases with the increment of tank radius until it
reaches the maximum value which is about 0.0033 m/s . At mixing tank zone between
the tank radius 0.024-0. 12 m the fluid velocity decreases from 0.0033 m/s to about 0.007
m/s with the increment of tank radius .
For Rushton turbine the magnitude of fluid velocity is higher than the Lightnine200
and generic impeller but, the fluid velocity behavior is similar to the axial flow impeller,
the highest value at impeller zone and decreases at other zone in mixing tank. Velocity
increasing at impeller zone and decreasing with increment of mixing tank radius.
5.1 Effect of Impeller Rotation Speed on the Turbulent Intensity
Figures ( 6 and 7 ) show the contour of turbulent intensity at 10 rpm. For
Lightnin200 impeller at 10 rpm, in the beginning the turbulent intensity is generated at
the zone of impeller ( highest velocity ) , after this step the turbulent intensity expands in
all direction with reduction of turbulent values . The turbulent intensity in the lower zone
of the impeller is greater than the upper zone because the area of lower zone is smaller
than the upper zone with taking into account the constant pumping capacity of impeller at
the same rotation speed .
Journal of University of Babylon, Engineering Sciences, Vol.(26), No.(3): 2018.
The same behavior is occurred with the generic impeller type at same rotation
speed but with less magnitude in turbulent intensity value, because the velocity generated
with this type is less than the Lightnin200 type .
Rushton turbine at 10 rpm gives other indication , it is clearly to note the turbulent
intensity generated with the same start point of Lightnin200 and Generic impeller but the
shape of expansion is approximately to be circled and continues into propagate to the all
mixing tank zones .
The profile for turbulent intensity shows the highest level with Rushton turbine and
the lowest level with generic impeller but, for Lightin200 impeller, the turbulent intensity
is less relative to Rushton turbine and great relative to the generic impeller with small
The turbulent intensity is increased for axial-flow impellers and also for radial-flow
turbine with increment of the rotation speed.
Rushton Turbine
Figure ( 6 ) : The contour of turbulent intensity at 10 rpm
Rushton turnie
Turblence intensity m2/s2
Radius of tank m
Figure ( 7 ) The contour of turbulent intensity with tank radius at 10 rpm
Journal of University of Babylon, Engineering Sciences, Vol.(26), No.(3): 2018.
5.2 Effect of Impeller Rotation Speed on the Path Lines
Figure ( 8 ) shows the path lines for the axial-flow impeller and radial-flow turbine
for impeller rotation speed varies between 10 rpm .
The drawing for path lines are always in 3-D, and it is difficult to get clear image to
explain the path lines of fluid motion especially in mixing tank. But it is important to
study the shape of path line and its effect on floc formation .
The path lines for Lightnin200 at 10 rpm indicate that the impeller generate a
constant pumping action toward the bottom of vessel followed by the circulation to the
top of the vessel and return to impeller zone. The fluid in the vessel is not fully influence
with the patterns of circulation, where the top part is less effective, because this zone is
far from impeller zone.
The shape of path lines have taken approximately uniform shapes with one plane (
i.e. for one path line is stared from impeller zone to the bottom of vessel then circulated
to the top of vessel with straight line and return to impeller zone again where all this
occur without any deflection with the path ) . That is mean the tangential velocity very
small so it's effect not appear .
The Generic impeller adopts the same behavior with Lightnin200 impeller , but the
tangential velocity is more affected on the path of fluid motion . This is due to the tip
design of impeller blades. This case is different with radial-flow turbine at the same
rotation speed with axial-flow impellers .
The Rushton turbine is directed the fluid flow in the radial direction outward from
the impeller, which is mostly circulation in the region above the impeller and slowly
returned to the impeller zone .
Lightnin 200
Figure ( 8 ) : The path lines for the axial-flow impeller and radial-flow turbine for
impeller rotation speed varies between 10 rpm .
6. Conclusions
From the results, it is concluded that :
1- The program MixSim is appropriate to modeling and solving problems of fluid motion
and velocity in mixing tank.
2- For the same type of impeller flow (axial-flow), there are different results. The
Lightin200 impeller is more suitable than Generic in flocculation process.
Journal of University of Babylon, Engineering Sciences, Vol.(26), No.(3): 2018.
3- For the different type of impeller flow, axial-flow and radial-flow, the results shows
that, the radial-flow turbine is more appropriate than axial-flow impellers for
flocculation process.
4- When increase the impeller rotation speed, the fluid motion and the turbulent intensity
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English Symbols
Impeller diameter
Diameter of mixing tank
Floc diameter
SI Unit
Journal of University of Babylon, Engineering Sciences, Vol.(26), No.(3): 2018.
Velocity gradient in sheared fluid
Mixing length
Impeller rotation speed
Radius of mixing tank
Source term in k-ε model
Greek symbols
N / m2
Relaxation factor
SI Unit
Dissipation rate of kinetic turbulence energy
Turbulent kinetic energy
Dynamic viscosity
Turbulent viscosity
Effective viscosity
Kinematics viscosity
Turbulent Prandtl constant in k- equation
Turbulent Prandtl constant in ε- equation
Shear stress
kg / m3
m 2 / s3
m 2 / s2
Group Abbreviations :
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Confocal leaser scanning microscopy
Package software
Prefix :
Dimensionless Group :
Partial gradient
Gradient operator
Camp's number
Reynolds number
N / m2