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Outcomes and Complications of Tendon Transfers to.18

Outcomes and Complications of Tendon
Transfers to Address Pinch and Grasp
Weakness: A Systematic Review of the Operative
Management of Ulnar Nerve Paralysis
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Christine V. Schaeffer, M.D.
Heather A. McMahon, M.D.
Eric R. Wagner, M.S., M.D.
Brent R. DeGeorge, Jr., M.D.,
Charlottesville, Va.; and Atlanta, Ga.
Background: Patients with ulnar nerve paralysis note difficulties performing
activities of daily living because of weakness of pinch and altered grasp mechanism. This review investigates outcomes of tendon transfers for ulnar nerve
paralysis to assist in shared decision-making with patients during preoperative
counseling and to inform operative choices.
Methods: A systematic review was conducted to identify studies reporting outcomes following tendon transfer for ulnar nerve palsy. Studies were screened
according to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses
guidelines, and inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied. Primary outcome
measures included postoperative pinch strength and mechanism of grasp.
Results: A total of 26 studies (687 patients) met criteria for inclusion. After
pooled analysis, the flexor digitorum superficialis lasso procedure yielded the
highest rate of complete correction of claw deformity (60.6 percent), followed
by flexor digitorum superficialis four-tail operation (31.4 percent). The extensor
carpi radialis longus four-tail operation yielded the greatest improvement in grip
strength (3.8 kg). The extensor carpi radialis brevis four-tail operation resulted in
the best open hand assessment and mechanism of closing scores; however, these
studies did not objectively evaluate grip strength. The greatest increase in pinch
strength was following tendon transfer to adductor pollicis alone.
Conclusions: Despite the heterogeneous data, if the primary goal is improvement in the appearance of claw deformity, the evidence supports flexor digitorum superficialis lasso transfer. However, if the primary concern is grip
strength, the data favor extensor carpi radialis longus four-tail transfer. When
pinch strength is functionally limiting, adductorplasty alone is most effective.
These data will assist providers in appropriately informing patients of common
risks and complications and setting realistic expectations following tendon
transfer procedures. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 148: 109, 2021.)
n the hand, the ulnar nerve characteristically
innervates the adductor pollicis, deep head of
the flexor pollicis brevis, all the interossei, the
lumbricals of the ring and small fingers, and the
hypothenar muscles—although anatomical variations of innervation have been documented.1,2
Ulnar nerve paralysis manifests clinically as weakness, deformity, asynchronous motion, and loss
From the Department of Plastic Surgery, University of
Virginia; and the Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Emory
University School of Medicine.
Received for publication March 17, 2020; accepted January
15, 2021.
Copyright © 2021 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons
DOI: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000008052
of abduction/adduction control.1 The adductor
pollicis and first dorsal interosseous muscles provide up to 75 percent of the adduction force of
the thumb, and the intrinsic muscles of the hand
account for approximately 50 percent of grip
strength.3 Consequently, following ulnar nerve
injury a reduction in pinch strength by up to 83
Disclosure: The authors have no financial interest
to declare in relation to the content of this article. No
funding was received for this work.
Related digital media are available in the full-text
version of the article on
Copyright © 2021 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • July 2021
percent and grip strength up to 85 percent has
been observed.2,4,5
Finger deformities in ulnar paralysis occur
because of the role of the intrinsic muscles in coordination of synchronous motion of the metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints. Loss of
intrinsic function of the ring and small fingers results
in unopposed metacarpophalangeal extension by
extensor digitorum communis and interphalangeal
joint flexion by flexor digitorum superficialis and
profundus with development of the characteristic
claw deformity.1 In patients with ulnar nerve paralysis, the interphalangeal joints must be fully flexed
before the extrinsic finger flexors can produce
metacarpophalangeal flexion—causing significant
limitations in grasp of both large and small objects.1,6
Functionally, these patients primarily complain of
problems with grasping, lifting, and holding small
objects; eating; and fine motor tasks.7
The most common functional deficits in
ulnar nerve paralysis are a direct result of pinch
weakness and finger deformities, resulting in an
altered grasp mechanism. To treat these deficits
in the chronic setting, there are multiple tendon
transfers described to restore pinch strength and
to improve grasp function by means of correction
of the claw deformity. The reconstructive plan for
these patients is based on numerous factors, including deficits on examination, patient goals, concomitant nerve/tissue injuries, and available tendons
for transfer.6 However, there remains a paucity of
comparison data on the outcomes of these tendon
transfers (Fig. 1 and Table 1). Therefore, the goal
of this review is to provide an evidence-based analysis of functional outcomes following tendon transfer, assist in preoperative counseling and shared
decision-making, and inform operative choices.
Data Collection
We performed a systematic review in accordance with the 2009 Preferred Reporting Items for
Fig. 1. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses flow diagram
outlining study selection for inclusion in review.
Copyright © 2021 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 148, Number 1 • Restoration of Pinch and Grasp
Table 1. Reported Tendon Transfer Procedures in the
Literature for Ulnar Nerve Palsy
Tendon Transfer
Static correction
of claw deformity
Tendon grafts
Four-tail approach
Lasso procedure
Split EDM
Split EDM
Dynamic correction
of claw deformity
Thumb adduction
(transfer to AP)
Index finger
(transfer to
first DI)
ECU, extensor carpi ulnaris; ECRL, extensor carpi radialis longus;
ECRB, extensor carpi radialis brevis; FCR, flexor carpi radialis; FDS,
flexor digitorum superficialis; PL, palmaris longus; AP, adductor pollicis; EDM, extensor digiti minimi; APL, adductor pollicis longus;
EIP, extensor indicis proprius; DI, dorsal interosseous; EPB, extensor
pollicis brevis.
Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines.8
A systematic review of the literature regarding
the use of tendon transfers to address functional
deficits as a result of ulnar nerve paralysis was
conducted using PubMed (1965 to 2018), Ovid
MEDLINE (1948 to 2018), and Cochrane Database
of Systematic Reviews; the queries were performed
in April of 2018. The specific search strategies
were devised in conjunction with a health sciences
librarian with expertise in systematic review search
methodology. We used the following search terms
for each of the databases: ulnar nerve*; tendon
transfer*. Detailed search strategies are outlined in
Appendix 1. (See Appendix, Supplemental Digital
Content 1, which shows the search strategy used
for systematic review,
E478.) In addition, we assessed the reference lists
of included studies or pertinent reviews identified
through the initial search to ensure inclusion of
all relevant publications. No study design or date
limits were imposed on the search.
Inclusion criteria consisted of studies in the
English language, written on the treatment of
ulnar nerve paralysis with tendon transfers in
human subjects. The exclusion criteria were
studies without outcome data, studies that did
not report outcomes stratified by procedure
performed, and studies reporting outcomes
following nerve transfers for ulnar nerve paralysis.
Participants of any age with ulnar nerve paralysis
were considered. No minimum length of followup criteria were required. We included studies
evaluating patients with a combination of ulnar
and median nerve paralysis if data for restoration of ulnar nerve function were reported. The
authors screened the titles and abstracts yielded by
the search against the eligibility criteria described
above. Full articles were obtained for all titles
that appeared to meet the inclusion criteria. The
full-text reports were then reviewed to determine
whether inclusion criteria were met.
Data were extracted from each full text, including study characteristics (year, level of evidence,
patient demographics), surgical technique, total
duration of follow-up, clinical outcomes, and postoperative complications. Level of evidence for
data were assigned using the criteria outlined by
the Oxford Centre for Evidence Based Medicine,
The Journal of Hand Surgery, and The Journal of Bone
and Joint Surgery. Missing data elements were documented as “not reported.”
To facilitate analysis of these treatment methods despite heterogeneity of selected outcome
metrics, all available data were abstracted and categorized as objective (improvement of key pinch
strength, grip strength, or grasp) and subjective
(functional improvement, patient satisfaction).
Subjective data most frequently consisted of either
surgeon or patient-rated outcomes data and were
reported as the total number of patients achieving
a good or excellent result.
Statistical Analysis
We included studies representing the highest level of evidence available; however, the existing data are from retrospective cohorts or case
series (Level III and IV). For articles that included
individual patient information tables, data were
collected and pooled estimates were measured.
If individual patient information was not available, the reported overall mean values were used.
Our reported outcomes focused on recovery of
key pinch and grasp. Descriptive statistics with
weighted means were calculated to report data
given variability in sample size between studies.
The collected data were divided into two categories: (1) the effect of tendon transfer on grasp
(Table 2) and (2) the effect of tendon transfer on
key pinch (Table 3). Surgical outcomes to evaluate improvement of grasp are summarized in
Appendix 2 (see Appendix, Supplemental Digital
Content 2, which shows surgical outcomes used
to evaluate improvement in grasp. PIP, proximal
Copyright © 2021 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • July 2021
Table 2. Summary of Data for Grasp Operations
Sample size
No. of studies
No. of patients
277 (6–70)
112 (3–54)
106 (1–54)
4 digits
% of patients
61 (0–83)
31 (21–68)
13 (12–18)
with complete
correction of
claw (range)
Change in grip
strength (kg)
(−10.7 to 4.4)
Change in grip
strength (%
(−21 to 20%)
unaffected hand)
(2 to 17%)*
(29 to 32%)*
(6 to 14%)*
Altered finger
range of motion
4% of digits*
Limited finger
6% †
5.5%† (PL and
6% (extension)†
5% (extension)† —
ECRL lasso)
11% (flexion)†
10% (flexion)†
PIP stiffness
8% (6 to 20%)†
Recurrent claw
18% of digits†
17% (distal palm; PL 9% of digits†
and ECRL lasso)
Injury to
median nerve
FDS, flexor digitorum superficialis; ECRL, extensor carpi radialis longus; PL, palmaris longus; ECRB, extensor carpi radialis brevis; FCR, flexor
carpi radialis; OHA, open hand assessment; CFA, closed fist analysis; MOC, mechanism of closing; PIP, proximal interphalangeal; ROM, range
of motion.
*Donor finger deformity.
†Recipient finger deformity.
interphalangeal; MRI, mean rate of improvement,, and the
Functional Hand Assessment scoring criteria
are summarized in Appendix 3 (see Appendix,
Supplemental Digital Content 4, which shows a
summary of Functional Hand Assessment scoring
criteria based on Brand’s criteria. PIP, proximal
interphalangeal; MCP, metacarpophalangeal; IP,
interphalangeal; DIP, proximal interphalangeal,
Study Retrieval and Characteristics
Figure 1 outlines our Preferred Reporting
Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses
flow diagram of the selection process. After title
and abstract search, 26 articles encompassing 687
patients met the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
The causes of ulnar nerve paralysis included leprosy (eight studies, 307 patients), posttraumatic
(13 studies, 161 patients), nerve compression/
severe cubital tunnel syndrome (six studies, 63
patients), and not reported (four studies). Two
articles were prospective and 24 were retrospective. Twenty-three studies provided Level IV evidence, whereas three studies provided Level III
Tendon Transfer for Grasp
For the management of grasp, there are two
generally accepted treatment approaches: static
or dynamic tendon transfers. The Bouvier test is
used to assess the integrity of the extensor apparatus and therefore determine complexity of the
ulnar claw. A positive test is present if the patient
can actively extend the interphalangeal joint when
metacarpophalangeal joint extension is blocked.
Copyright © 2021 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
17%, causing
Forearm symptoms
14%, PIP
Decreased thumb ROM
No significant complications
AP, adductor pollicis; DI, dorsal interosseous; FDS, flexor digitorum superficialis; FPB, flexor pollicis brevis; AbPL, abductor pollicis longus; EPB, extensor pollicis brevis; PL, palmaris longus; EIP, extensor
indicis pollicis; EPB, extensor pollicis brevis; ECRL, extensor carpi radialis longus; ECRB, extensor carpi radialis brevis; EDM, extensor digiti minimi; MCP, metacarpophalangeal; ROM, range of motion.
13%, abduction
7%, De
7%, postoperative
22%, abduction deficit;
11%, MCP extensor lag
11%, intersection
11%, index
adduction deficit
17%, extension deficit
fifth MCP; 17%, flexion
deficit fifth MCP
29 (11–18)
36 (18–18) 15
40 (18–20)
Sample size
No. of studies
No. of patients (range)
Change in pinch strength, kg
Change in pinch strength,
% unaffected hand
Postoperative pinch strength,
% unaffected hand
Donor deformity
Transfer to AP
Table 3. Summary of Data for Pinch Operations
Transfer to First DI
(First DI)
Transfer to AP plus First DI
(First DI) OR
AbPL (First DI)
AbPL (First DI)
(First DI)
(First DI)
Volume 148, Number 1 • Restoration of Pinch and Grasp
A negative Bouvier test indicates a complex claw
deformity, which requires an operation to address
both metacarpophalangeal hyperextension and
weak interphalangeal extension.6,10,11 The application of the Bouvier test for surgical decisionmaking is discussed in only two of the included
Fifteen studies including 531 patients
described procedures, performed with the intent
of restoring grasp by improving claw deformity,
with a sample size per study ranging from four to
70 patients (see Table 2 for sample size by procedure).11–24 The mean patient age was 28 years
(range, 7 to 60 years). The predominant cause of
ulnar nerve paralysis was leprosy (301 patients),
followed by trauma (92 patients). Patients with
isolated ulnar nerve paralysis were evaluated
in seven studies—the remaining eight studies
included patients with median and ulnar nerve
paralysis or did not specify. The mean duration
of ulnar nerve paralysis was 45 months (range, 1
to 360 months), and the mean duration of total
postoperative follow-up was 31 months (range, 3
to 150 months). Weighted surgical outcomes and
postoperative complications are summarized in
Table 2 and Figures 2 through 4 because of variability in study size.
F2 –F4
I. Static Procedures: Claw Deformity
Static procedures prevent metacarpophalangeal hyperextension and can be used in patients
with “simple” claw deformities (positive Bouvier
test) to improve grasp cascade and in patients who
lack functional donor tendons for transfer.6,10,11
The described use of static tenodesis procedures
(e.g., Riordan static tenodesis, Smith sling tenodesis, Srinivasan tenodesis) in the literature is largely
limited to tetraplegic patients and therefore were
not captured in the literature review.25–30
II. Dynamic Procedures: Claw Deformity
In “complex” claw deformities (negative
Bouvier test), dynamic tendon transfers are typically required to address weak interphalangeal
extension caused by intrinsic muscle paralysis.
Dynamic procedures also have the added benefit of increasing grip strength.6,10,11 Techniques
used for dynamic tendon transfer to restore
grasp include the lasso procedure and the fourtail approach, though many variations have
been described in the literature. In the lasso
procedure, the donor tendon is transferred by
means of a volar route adjacent to the lumbrical muscle, looped through and around the A1
pulley, then sutured proximally to itself.17 Lasso
procedures using flexor digitorum superficialis,
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Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • July 2021
Fig. 2. Weighted outcomes of rate of claw deformity resolution in patients undergoing procedures
to improve grasp, accounting for differences in study size. FDS, flexor digitorum longus; 4-T, four-tail;
ECRL, extensor carpi radialis longus; ECRB, extensor carpi radialis longus; PL, palmaris longus.
extensor carpi radialis longus, and palmaris
longus donor tendons were included in this
The four-tail approach, also referred to in the
literature as the modified Stiles-Bunnell procedure, requires splitting the donor tendon longitudinally into four equal tails, which are then passed
through the lumbrical canal of each finger and
attached to the radial lateral bands of the long,
ring, and small fingers and the ulnar lateral band
of the index finger.32,33 Alternative insertion sites
have been described, including donor tendon
insertion on the radial lateral bands of index, long,
ring, and small fingers (Warren)34 and insertion
on the radial aspect of proximal phalanx of the
involved fingers (Burkhalter and Strait).13 Fourtail procedures using flexor digitorum superficialis, extensor carpi radialis longus, extensor carpi
radialis brevis, palmaris longus, and flexor carpi
radialis donor tendons were included in this rev
iew.11–14,22–24,34 Burkhalter and Strait compared grip
strength between tendon transfers (flexor digitorum superficialis four-tail, extensor carpi radialis
longus four-tail, extensor carpi radialis brevis fourtail, and brachioradialis four-tail surgery) and
reported that patients had “considerable increase
in grip strength” following extensor carpi radialis
longus four-tail and extensor carpi radialis brevis
four-tail surgery, particularly when compared to
patients who underwent flexor digitorum superficialis four-tail surgery.13
Tendon Transfer for Pinch
Thirteen studies in this review described surgical procedures with the intent of restoring pinch
function following ulnar nerve paralysis.23,24,35–45
The total number of patients included was 166, with
sample size ranging from four to 22 patients (see
Table 3 for sample size by procedure). The mean
age of patients was 40 years (range, 9 to 77 years)
and the predominant cause of ulnar nerve paralysis was trauma (eight studies, 85 patients), followed
by cubital tunnel syndrome/ulnar nerve compression (five studies, 57 patients). One hundred four
patients had isolated ulnar nerve paralysis; the
remaining studies included patients with median
and ulnar nerve paralysis (51 patients).23,24,35,37–41,45
The mean duration of ulnar nerve paralysis was
24.5 months (range, 3 to 192 months), and the
mean duration of total postoperative follow-up was
29 months (range, 1 to 144 months).
To restore pinch function, various tendons
were transferred to the adductor pollicis alone,
the first dorsal interosseous muscle alone, or a
combination of the two procedures. The donor
tendons described in this series include the extensor indicis proprius, flexor digitorum superficialis,
abductor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis,
Copyright © 2021 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 148, Number 1 • Restoration of Pinch and Grasp
Fig. 3. Open hand assessment, closed fist analysis, and mechanism
of closing weighted outcomes of procedures performed to improve
grasp, accounting for differences in study size. FDS, flexor digitorum
longus; 4-T, four-tail; ECRL, extensor carpi radialis longus; ECRB, extensor carpi radialis longus; PL, palmaris longus.
Copyright © 2021 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • July 2021
Fig. 4. Change in grip strength preoperatively and postoperatively in kilograms after procedures performed to improve grasp, weighted to account
for differences in study size. FDS, flexor digitorum longus; 4-T, four-tail; ECRL,
extensor carpi radialis longus.
extensor digiti minimi, extensor carpi radialis longus, extensor carpi radialis brevis, palmaris longus, and flexor pollicis brevis. Weighted outcomes
of the above studies are illustrated in Figure 5 and
summarized in Table 3.
Regardless of cause, ulnar nerve paralysis
results in significant functional impairment, with
weakness of pinch and altered grasp.46,47 Based
on the data, the flexor digitorum superficialis
lasso procedure resulted in the highest rate of
correction of claw deformity (60.6 percent), followed by the flexor digitorum superficialis fourtail approach (31.4 percent). The functional
hand assessment instrument was used to evaluate
postoperative results, and extensor carpi radialis brevis four-tail surgery resulted in the best
open hand assessment and mechanism of closing
Fig. 5. Change in key pinch strength preoperatively and postoperatively in
kilograms after procedures performed to improve pinch, weighted to account
for differences in study size. AP, adductor pollicis; DI, dorsal interosseous.
Copyright © 2021 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 148, Number 1 • Restoration of Pinch and Grasp
scores.9,48 The flexor digitorum superficialis lasso
procedure gave the best closed fist analysis
results. However, the functional hand assessment
was performed in two separate studies for flexor
digitorum superficialis lasso, flexor digitorum
superficialis four-tail, and extensor carpi radialis
longus four-tail operations and only one study
for extensor carpi radialis brevis four-tail and palmaris longus four-tail surgery. The weighted averages for the former operations, represented in
Figures 2 through 4, demonstrate a more representative postoperative result than the outcomes
reported from small, individual studies. Dynamic
procedures completely corrected claw deformity
in 35 percent of patients and resulted in a net
increase in strength of 6.4 percent from preoperatively to postoperatively (62.7 percent of the
normal, unaffected side). For pinch procedures,
the average restoration of pinch strength was 60
percent of the unaffected hand.
The greatest improvement of grip based on
weighted average results was seen following the
extensor carpi radialis longus four-tail operation,
with a 3.8-kg increase in grip and 15 percent net
increase in strength from preoperative to postoperative measurement (49 percent of unaffected
hand grip strength) (Table 2). In addition, the
use of a wrist extensor (extensor carpi radialis
longus and brevis) for tendon transfer biomechanically introduces a new motor power into the
hand and maintains tension during wrist flexion
because of its dorsal location.16,17,49 Hastings and
Davidson11 and Hastings and McCollam17 reported
grip strength results following flexor digitorum
superficialis lasso in 1988 and 1994. In 1988,
this group noted an increase in grip strength of
7.8 kg following the flexor digitorum superficialis lasso procedure at 40 months postoperatively;
however, this study included grip strength measurements for only nine patients, and grip at 8
months decreased by 10.7 kg compared to preoperative measurements. In 1994, a 21 percent
decrease in grip strength was noted following the
flexor digitorum superficialis lasso procedure.11,17
Consequently, the authors attributed the increase
in grip strength at 40 months in their initial study
to “extremity conditioning,” and recommended
against using the flexor digitorum superficialis
lasso to increase grip. Özkan et al. noted superior
results following the flexor digitorum superficialis
lasso procedure for grip compared to the extensor carpi radialis longus four-tail procedure—
increase in grip strength of 4.4 kg and 16 percent
increase in strength (versus 3.8 kg and 15 percent, respectively, after the extensor carpi radialis
longus four-tail procedure). They attributed these
results to tendon transfers to all four digits, instead
of only clawed digits.12 Interpretation of absolute
increase in grip strength measured in kilograms is
limited, as only two studies [56 patients (Hastings
and McCollam, and Özkan et al.)] reported this
The greatest increase in pinch was seen following transfer to the adductor pollicis alone.
However, only one of three studies evaluating
adductorplasty alone measured pinch. The individual tendon transfers that resulted in the most
significant increase in pinch strength were extensor carpi radialis longus to adductor pollicis and
abductor pollicis longus to the first dorsal interosseous.38,40,41,44 Postoperative pinch as a percentage of the unaffected hand was highest following
transfer to the first dorsal interosseous alone—
transfer of abductor pollicis longus to the first
dorsal interosseous resulted in 75 percent of unaffected hand pinch strength. As a group, transfer
to adductor pollicis alone resulted in the greatest
increase in pinch strength as a percentage of normal hand pinch strength. However, both flexor
digitorum superficialis to adductor pollicis and
combined transfer of extensor digiti minimi to
adductor pollicis/extensor indicis proprius to the
first dorsal interosseous resulted in a 41 percent
In general, complication reporting in these
studies was inconsistent and sparse. However,
swan-neck deformity was a commonly noted postoperative donor finger deformity following the
flexor digitorum superficialis four-tail procedure
(30 percent). Several authors hypothesize that
this deformity relates to unopposed pull of the
central slip on the middle phalanx, removal of the
primary proximal interphalangeal joint flexor,
attachment of the donor tendon slip to the extensor mechanism (by means of the lateral bands in
the classic four-tail approach), preoperative laxity
of the proximal interphalangeal joint volar plate,
and surgical technique.6,50 Swan-neck deformities
were noted with increased frequency following
four-tail approaches (Table 2) and not reported
following extensor carpi radialis longus/palmaris
longus lasso procedures. This finding may be
attributable to the donor tendon slip not attaching to the extensor mechanism with the lasso
approach and therefore not increasing extension
torque.51 Theoretical increased risk of swan-neck
deformity has also been suggested with tendon
transfer to the extensor mechanism in patients
with a positive preoperative Bouvier test.6 Tendon
transfers using a wrist extensor (extensor carpi
Copyright © 2021 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • July 2021
radialis longus/brevis) or palmaris longus typically require lengthening by tendon grafts (palmaris or plantaris tendon, tensor fascia lata graft)
to reach the insertion target on the digit.15 The use
of tendon grafts theoretically increases the morbidity of the procedure and is thought to increase
rate of adhesions (Table 2). Adhesions were noted
as a postoperative complication in one study following palmaris longus transfer to the first dorsal
interosseous [one patient (16.7 percent)]. One
case of intersection syndrome requiring tenolysis
was noted following combined tendon transfer of
extensor carpi radialis longus to adductor pollicis and abductor pollicis longus to the first dorsal
interosseous. Limited thumb abduction was noted
in extensor carpi radialis brevis [two of 15 patients
(13 percent)] and extensor carpi radialis longus
[two of nine patients (22 percent)] transfer to the
adductor pollicis.4,41 Some debate exists in the literature regarding adhesion formation after the
use of wrist tendon as donors; however, in these
studies, no evidence of significant limitations in
wrist range of motion were noted.41,44 Recurrence
of or incomplete correction of claw deformity
were reported only following flexor digitorum
superficialis lasso (29 percent), flexor digitorum
superficialis four-tail (18 percent), and extensor
carpi radialis brevis four-tail (9.5 percent) tendon transfers. Interestingly, the highest rates of
resolution of claw deformity were also reported
following flexor digitorum superficialis lasso (61
percent; range, 0 to 81 percent) and flexor digitorum superficialis four-tail (31 percent; range, 21
to 68 percent) procedures.
The present study has several limitations. Of
the 26 studies, three presented Level III evidence
and the remainder were Level IV. As a result, a formal meta-analysis could not be performed, and we
were limited in the conclusions and the strength of
recommendations that could be made. Significant
variability in outcomes reporting also limited our
ability to directly compare studies. We focused
primarily on the most common and consistently
reported outcomes (see Appendix, Supplemental
Digital Content 2,
E479). For studies evaluating grasp, outcomes
were grouped based on donor tendon used, yet
there were significant differences in methodology
between authors. Sample size of individual studies was also a significant limitation. Three of the
larger studies—Brandsma et al.50 (100 patients),
Brand9 (150 patients), and Solonen and Bakalim52
Fig. 6. Algorithm for evidence-based management of grasp and pinch deficits with ulnar nerve palsy. *Bouvier
test: a positive test is present if the patient can actively extend the interphalangeal joints when metacarpophalangeal joint extension is blocked, whereas a negative Bouvier test indicates a complex claw deformity, which
requires an operation to address metacarpophalangeal joint hyperextension and weak interphalangeal extension. FDS, flexor digitorum superficialis; ECRL, extensor carpi radialis longus; AP, adductor pollicis.
Copyright © 2021 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 148, Number 1 • Restoration of Pinch and Grasp
(34 patients)—were excluded from this review, as
results were not categorized based on procedure
performed. For studies evaluating pinch, there
was significant variability in donor tendons used
for transfer. Therefore, outcomes were grouped
based on tendon transfer target(s). The majority
of tendon transfer approaches for pinch outlined
here were described in only a single study (eight
of 13 studies), with a maximum of two studies
per group evaluating the same transfer(s). Lastly,
given the limited number of studies available, a
minimum duration of follow-up was not selected
as an exclusion criterion. The minimum follow-up
of the studies included was 6 months, which may
be an insufficient amount of time to accurately
assess postoperative results and complications.
Ultimately, we were able to identify several key
conclusions, which can help to inform the joint
decision-making process (summarized in Fig. 6).
The Bouvier test should be performed preoperatively to assess the integrity of the extensor mechanism and to guide the decision to perform static
versus dynamic procedures for grasp. Based on
the available evidence, if the primary goal is to
improve appearance of the claw deformity with
a dynamic procedure, a flexor digitorum superficialis lasso procedure should be considered. If
the patient’s primary concern is grip strength,
the extensor carpi radialis longus four-tail tendon transfer should be considered. When pinch
strength is functionally limiting, adductorplasty
alone is the most successful procedure in the
available literature. We anticipate that this review
will assist providers in counseling their patients
regarding postoperative expectations and summarizes the risks of these procedures. In addition,
we recommend future efforts to standardize preoperative and postoperative assessments, including objective grip and range-of-motion data and
patient-reported outcomes questionnaires.53
Brent R. DeGeorge, Jr., M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Plastic Surgery
University of Virginia
1215 Lee Street
Charlottesville, Va. 22903
[email protected]
The authors would like to thank the staff at the
University of Virginia Health Sciences Library for their
assistance with the compilation of the systematic review.
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