Subido por Ranulfo Salazar

summary of difference between passive and active voice

the active voice the subject performs the action, then the sentence can be
considered as active voice. Most of the sentence constructions that we
encounter in everyday use are in the active voice. Active voice sentences
are more direct and shorter than passive voice sentences. Therefore,
they are less confusing and less ambiguous. The best way to identify an
active sentence is to identify the subject and then ask if the subject is
performing the action. In an active voice sentence, the author (person or
thing doing the action) is at the beginning of a sentence, and the receiver
of the action is after the verb. examples of active voice sentences.
We went on a trip.
She smiled to me.
The king signed an agreement with the trading company
This is because active voice sentences do not require direct objects,
unlike passive voice sentences.
The passive voice is the opposite of the active voice. Here, the action is
not performed by the subject; rather the action is performed on the
subject. The object of the action is at the beginning of the sentence, and
the author of the action follows the verb.
For example, The students were taught by the teacher.
Since active verbs undergo a significant change in the passive voice,
sentences tend to be longer than active verbs. Also, passive sentences
are used to emphasize the verb and the recipient of the action.