Subido por Sergio Menendez

CAMRT Certification Handbook: Medical Radiation Technologists

August 2008
© Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists
1000 - 85 Albert Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6A4 Canada
Tel: 1-800-463-9729 / (613) 234-0012
Fax: (613) 234-1097
It is the responsibility of each candidate to be thoroughly familiar with ALL the
information printed in this handbook. It is also the candidate’s responsibility to have the
most recent edition of this handbook and the most current exam application form.
1. General Information.....................................................................................
2. Graduates of Canadian Accredited Education Programs
Exam Eligibility Requirements ................................................................
3. Internationally Educated Candidates
Exam Eligibility Requirements ................................................................
4. Application Process .....................................................................................
5. Notice of Exam.............................................................................................
6. Recommendations for Preparing to Write the Exam...................................
7. Writing the Exam.........................................................................................
8. Exam Scoring Process and Release of Results............................................
9. Criteria for Certification.............................................................................
10. Successful Candidates .................................................................................
11. Unsuccessful Candidates.............................................................................
12. Appeals Process ..........................................................................................
13. Failure to Complete the Certification Requirements...................................
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
August 2008
Code of Ethics
Sample Answer Sheet
Website References
This handbook is a guide for both Canadian and Internationally Educated exam
candidates. The handbook describes the certification process as established by the
Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists (CAMRT).
It is the responsibility of each candidate to be thoroughly familiar with ALL the
information printed in this handbook. It is also the candidate’s responsibility to have
the most recent edition of this handbook and the most current exam application form;
both are available on the CAMRT website.
The handbook provides information on the application process; the certification exam
process; the reporting of results for both successful and unsuccessful candidates; and
registration as a CAMRT member.
Eligibility requirements for:
a. Magnetic Resonance / Nuclear Medicine / Radiation Therapy /
Radiological Technology
graduate of a CMA-accredited education program
Provincial regulations vary within each of the ten provinces. Candidates are advised to
contact the provincial association and/or regulatory body of the province in which they will
reside or practice for specific licensure and employment information, prior to submitting an
application for the CAMRT exam. Provinces may require an administration fee in addition
to the CAMRT certification exam fee.
Graduates of Canadian accredited education programs can proceed to:
Section 4. APPLICATION PROCESS on page 4.
August 2008
Candidates must be registered with a provincial association/regulatory body of medical
radiation technologists, where such registration is a provincial requirement.
1. Candidates who wish to work in ONTARIO must register with the provincial regulatory
body, the College of Medical Radiation Technologists of Ontario (CMRTO) BEFORE
applying for national certification with CAMRT. Please contact CMRTO at:
170 Bloor St W Suite 1001, Toronto ON M5S 1T9, Canada [] Tel:
(416) 975-4353 or 1-800-563-5847 (Canada only) / Fax (416) 975-4355
2. Candidates who wish to work in ALBERTA must register with the Alberta College of
Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologies (ACMDTT) BEFORE applying for
national certification with CAMRT. Please contact ACMDTT [] at:
#501 Centre 104, 5241 Calgary Trail, Edmonton AB T6H 5G8, Canada Tel. (780)
487-6130 or 1-800-282-2165 (Canada only) / Fax (780) 432-9106
3. The province of QUÉBEC has its own certification process. Candidates intending to
reside and work in Québec should contact the provincial regulatory body, L’Ordre des
technologues en radiologie du Québec (OTRQ) at:
401-6455 rue Jean Talon e, Saint-Léonard QC H1S 3E8 [] Tel:
(514) 351-0052 or 1-800-361-8759 (Canada only) / Fax (514) 355-2396
Verification of successful completion of a medical radiation technology education
program in one of the following disciplines: Nuclear Medicine / Radiation Therapy /
Radiological Technology / Magnetic Resonance
Submit notarized copies (faxes or un-notarized copies not accepted) of:
1. Degree or diploma certificate;
2. Transcript (this document is also accepted if mailed directly to CAMRT by the
educational institution)
Submit a photocopy or printout of:
3. Syllabus (description/objectives of courses and clinical component) from the
completed university, college or hospital education program.
If documents are in a language other than English or French, candidates must also submit
notarized translations.
August 2008
Work experience as a medical radiation technologist in the discipline for which the
application is made. A minimum of 1950 working hours (approximately equivalent to one
year full-time, Canadian employment hours) within the past five years is required.
A letter of reference from your current/previous employer(s) is acceptable. The letter must
be submitted on letterhead and indicate your position or title, job responsibilities,
procedures performed and dates of employment.
Verification of language proficiency in either English or French, if not first language
TOEFL and TSE-P score reports (see appendix 3 for website) or verification that the
medical radiation technology education program was conducted in English or French will
be accepted.
TOEFL score requirements:
- Paper-based TOEFL with a score of at least 500 and TSE with a score of at least 40
- Computer-based TOEFL with a score of at least 173, and TSE with a score of at least 40
- Internet-based (iBT) TOEFL with a total score of at least 45 in the Reading, Listening, and
Writing sections, and a score of at least 23 in the Speaking section.
1. Do NOT send original documents; send notarized copies only. CAMRT does NOT
return documents to applicants.
2. Incomplete applications will not be processed.
3. CAMRT does not assess individual credentials for immigration purposes.
4. Since the assessment of credentials is individualized, CAMRT reserves the right to
request additional information.
5. All requirements must be met before the exam application deadline.
August 2008
a. Application
The application form can be found on the CAMRT website. Complete the application
fully in order to avoid delays in processing.
The completed exam application form and fee must be submitted to CAMRT by the
respective “Application Deadline” date. Applications received after this date will NOT
be accepted for the current sitting.
Candidates must notify CAMRT of any change of name and/or address. CAMRT will
not accept responsibility for candidates not receiving notices, exam results or other
mailings if they do not promptly inform CAMRT of any mailing address change.
b. Exam Writing Centres
Candidates should select their exam centre and enter the city on their exam application.
The following list of centres is also provided on the application form.
British Columbia
- Cranbrook
- Kamloops
- Kelowna
- Nanaimo
- Prince George
- Trail
- Vancouver (Burnaby)
- Victoria
- Calgary
- Edmonton
- Regina
- Saskatoon
- Brandon
- Winnipeg
New Brunswick
- Moncton
- Saint John
- Hamilton
- Kingston
- London
- Ottawa
- Sudbury
- Thunder Bay
- Toronto
- Windsor
Nova Scotia
- Halifax
Prince Edward Island
- Charlottetown
- Corner Brook
- St. John's
- Montreal *
* The Montreal exam site is ensured courtesy of the Ordre des Technologues en Radiologie du Quebec.
August 2008
c. Exam Sitting Dates and Deadlines
2008 Exam Sittings
January 15
May 20
September 16
Initial Application deadline
Oct 17 / 07
Feb 20 / 08
June 18 / 08
Rewrite Application deadline
Nov 16 / 07
Mar 21 / 08
July 18/ 08
Exam Sitting Transfer deadline
Dec 19 / 07
Apr 22 / 08
Aug 19 / 08
2009 Exam Sittings
January 20
May 19
September 15
Initial Application deadline
Oct 22/08
Feb 18 /0
June 17/09
Rewrite Application deadline
Nov 21/08
Mar 20/09
July 17/09
Exam Sitting Transfer deadline
Dec 19, 08
Apr 17/09
Aug 14/09
January 19
May 18
September 21
2010 Exam Sittings
d. Exam Administration Fees
Cheques/money orders must be payable to the "Canadian Association of Medical
Radiation Technologists" (CAMRT). CAMRT will NOT accept “post-dated”
cheques. Payments by MasterCard or Visa credit cards are accepted.
Exam Sittings
Initial Write Application fee
Rewrite Application fee
Refund Administration fee
Centre Transfer fee
Sitting Transfer fee
Remark Administration fee
All fees are subject to change without notice.
August 2008
Withdrawal of Application
Requests to withdraw must be submitted in writing. The exam fee minus the administration fee
will be refunded. The full fee is forfeit for requests received after the deadline.
Failure to Appear for Certification Exam Sitting
Candidates who fail to appear for the exam without submitting prior notification to CAMRT will
forfeit the full exam fee. However, if candidates are unable to write due to medical or
compassionate reasons, they must supply supporting documentation within 30 days following
the exam date, at which time a refund will be made minus an administration fee.
Note: A candidate failing to appear for an exam sitting does not lose the opportunity to write the
exam (as long as they are still eligible for an alternate sitting), only the fee is forfeit.
Sitting Transfer Fee
Requests must be submitted in writing by the “exam sitting transfer” deadline; requests made
after this date will not be accepted.
Note: sitting transfers will only be processed if the next sitting requested falls within the
candidate’s eligibility time frame.
Any direct costs for additional incidentals are the responsibility of the candidate.
(For example: parking, room rental, etc.)
e. Acknowledgement of Receipt of Exam Application and Fee
Within three (3) weeks of receiving the exam application and fee at the CAMRT Office,
candidates will be mailed a receipt acknowledging the payment. This also confirms
registration for the requested exam sitting. After three weeks, candidates should contact
the CAMRT if they have not received this receipt.
f. Special Needs Accommodation
If a disability or impairment limits major life activities, a request for special needs
accommodation can be submitted in writing. All requests will be handled on an individual basis.
Candidates must submit their request to the Coordinator of Certification with their application to
write the exam with the following documentation.
• A clear statement of the nature of the disability and its severity
• Description of special needs accommodations requested
• Supporting documentation indicating that accommodation was given to the candidate
during education program
• Supporting documentation from healthcare professional that
o indicates an assessment was done on candidate
o describes details of disability including diagnosis
o describes current functional limitation
o supports the request for special needs accommodation
The request must not compromise the validity and integrity of the certification exam.
August 2008
Approximately fifteen (15) business days prior to the exam date, a "Notice of Exam" will be
sent to all eligible candidates. This notice must be taken to the exam site. The notice will
confirm the time and location of the exam.
IMPORTANT: This notice is required for entry to the exam site; contact CAMRT if
you have not received it.
Review the Study Guide and Competency Profile Documents!
The Competency Profile describes the outcome required for entry to practice as well as
providing the foundation for development of the exam blueprint.
The Study Guide contains the exam blueprint that provides a weighting of the percentage of
questions asked per module as related to the Competency Profile. The Study Guide also
contains the recommended reading list, sample questions, glossary (where applicable), code
of ethics, and standards of practice.
Competency Profiles and Study Guides are available on the CAMRT website.
The CAMRT exam is composed of stand-alone and case study questions. All questions are
asked in multiple-choice format. The exam is presented in the form of two booklets.
The exam is written in one day, in two sessions, each three-hours long. Session one is
scheduled from 09:00 to 12:00, and session two is scheduled from 13:30 to 16:30, with an
hour and a half break for lunch.
a. Preparation
1. What to Bring
Candidates must present their "Notice of Exam" to the invigilators at the exam site
prior to writing each part of the exam.
Candidates must be prepared to present "photo identification" on request at the exam
site. A driver's licence, employment card, passport or similar official identification
with photo and signature will meet this requirement.
Pencils / Eraser / Calculators
Candidates must bring three soft lead (HB) pencils and a soft pencil eraser. Marking
answers and/or identification information with anything other than a HB pencil may
interfere with the electronic scoring.
August 2008
Only non-programmable calculators are permitted. Candidates should bring an extra
supply of batteries, as electrical outlets may not be available. Candidates are not
allowed to share calculators. Calculators must not be in cases and are subject to
checking by the invigilator. Cell phones with calculator capability are not permitted.
Summary of Clinical Competence
This is ONLY applicable to graduates of Canadian accredited education programs;
NOT required for internationally educated candidates.
Initial (first write) Canadian educated candidates must bring their completed and
signed "Summary of Clinical Competence" and submit it to the invigilator upon
arrival at the exam site. Summaries must NOT be inserted in the exam envelope.
2. Items NOT Allowed
There will be no eating, drinking or smoking during the writing of the exam. Food
and drinks are NOT allowed in the exam room; they are a distraction to the other
candidates, and could spoil exam material and answer sheets.
Books, notes, texts, cell phones, Personal Data Assistants (PDA) and pagers may
NOT be brought into the exam writing area.
3. Suggestions for Clothing
Since candidates will be sitting for several hours, comfortable clothing should be
worn. We recommend layered clothing that can be put on or taken off to allow for
comfort in variable room temperatures.
b. Arrival at the Exam Site
1. Candidates must arrive at the exam site approximately thirty (30) minutes prior to
the exam time to allow for seating arrangements and identification checks.
Candidates who arrive late will not be given extra time to complete the exam.
Candidates will not be allowed into the room 30 minutes after the start of the exam.
2. Candidates must ensure the identification on the exam envelope handed to them by
the invigilator is accurate. If the identification is not accurate, the candidate MUST
bring this to the attention of the invigilator, who will either provide the correct
envelope or include this discrepancy in the report submitted to the CAMRT.
c. During the Exam
1. LISTEN to all instructions and announcements by the invigilator.
2. Candidates must open their OWN exam envelopes.
READ ALL exam instructions carefully.
August 2008
3. Candidates will not be allowed to leave earlier than thirty (30) minutes after the start
of the exam. If a candidate must leave the room for personal reasons, an invigilator
will accompany the candidate. Candidates will not be allowed additional time to
make up for the interruption.
4. ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS! There are approximately 125 questions on each part
of the exam (approximately 250 total for the complete exam). Select the best
response for each question. Marks are not deducted for incorrect answers. Some
exam questions have corresponding images (or tables) to consider when answering.
5. SCRAP PAPER: extra paper will be attached to the back of the exam booklet to be
used for notes and calculations. No other scrap paper is allowed.
Computer Answer/Score Sheet: The computer answer sheets are electronically
scanned and scored. It is very important that these answer sheets be filled out
correctly. A sample answer sheet is provided in the Appendix 2 to demonstrate
the correct way of completing the candidate and exam data required.
6. NEIGHBOURS: Do not worry about candidates seated near you. There are many
different styles of writing exams; some people show confidence while others show
nervousness. Keep in mind that some people finish exams very quickly. Do not
allow this to disturb you or affect your exam strategy.
7. Should there be evidence of dishonest behaviour, the candidate(s) will be
disqualified from the exam, and will be denied future opportunities for certification
with CAMRT.
d. At the End of the Exam
Candidates must immediately stop writing on their answer sheet when time is called at
the end of the exam.
If required, candidates will be given an additional 15 minutes to complete the comment
sheet included in the exam package. The comment sheet is given for the purpose of
providing feedback regarding the content and administration of the exam.
When completed, place the answer sheet, exam, images, scrap paper and comment sheet
back into the envelope and seal with one of the candidate ID barcode labels provided;
then return the sealed envelope to the invigilator.
e. Mailing of Results
Under normal circumstances, exam results are express mailed to candidates within four
weeks after the exam date.
IMPORTANT: Exam results are NOT released by telephone, fax or e-mail.
August 2008
a. Exam scoring process
The CAMRT sets the passing score on certification exams using a panel of disciplinespecific experts from across Canada called the Exam Validation Committee (EVC). The
experts include didactic and clinical instructors, as well as direct patient care providers.
The EVC for each discipline sets the passing score for each exam using a modified Angoff
Method. This method is the accepted practice for high-stake, competency-based certification
exams. With this method each exam question is rated based on the expected success rate of
a minimally competent entry-to-practice technologist. For each exam question the experts
answer the question “What percentage of minimally competent, entry level technologists
would be expected to answer this item correctly”. The EVC considers other relevant data
when rating to ensure the standard that candidates must achieve is fair and valid. This
includes preparation of new graduates at education program level, performance of
candidates on previously administered exams and statistical data for each exam question.
Once all the experts have rated each exam question, the ratings are collated and the average
rating is calculated for each exam question. These ratings are then averaged to obtain a
passing score for the total exam.
The CAMRT certification exam is in two parts, Booklets 1 and 2. The candidate must
achieve a passing score on the combined parts.
b. Release of results
PASS: A candidate who achieves success on the certification exam will be issued a “Pass”.
The candidate has met the standard for entry-to-practice and is eligible for the CAMRT
credential. There will be no numerical marks given to candidates who pass the exam.
FAIL: A candidate who has not been successful in the certification exam will be notified
that they have failed. Each failed candidate receives a performance profile indicating:
ƒ The candidate’s total raw score (number of questions they had correct)
ƒ The raw score required for a pass
ƒ A breakdown by Competency Profile Module, comparing the number of questions asked
on the exam in that module to the number of questions candidate had correct. In some
modules, a further breakdown will be provided depending on the content of the module.
The breakdown per module will give the failed candidate an indication of areas of
weakness. This information is provided to allow the candidate an opportunity for
remedial preparation.
IMPORTANT: The answer sheets of candidates with a “borderline” result – those
with a total number of correct answers within 3 (three) marks of the passing raw score
– are remarked by hand to confirm the number of correct answers BEFORE the
candidate’s result is released. The score as indicated in the result letter is final.
August 2008
a. Pass the CAMRT Certification Exam
Candidates are allowed a maximum of three writes (one initial write plus two rewrites).
ƒ Canadian educated candidates must complete the three attempts within two years of
the first exam date available after graduation;
ƒ Internationally educated candidates must complete the three attempts within two
years from the initial write OR by a deadline determined on an individual basis by
the CAMRT or by the provincial regulatory body.
b. Approval of Completed Summary of Clinical Competence
This is ONLY applicable to graduates of Canadian accredited education programs;
NOT required for internationally educated candidates.
Canadian educated graduates must submit a completed “Summary of Clinical
Competence”. Summaries and Education Program lists are available on the CAMRT
website (see appendix 3 for websites).
The Summaries of Clinical Competence submitted by successful candidates will be held
at the CAMRT Office for three months, after which they will be destroyed. Summaries
will be returned to successful candidates upon written request.
Summaries of Clinical Competence submitted by unsuccessful candidates will be held at
the CAMRT Office indefinitely.
a. Certificate and Professional Designation
All successful candidates receive a CAMRT certificate. The date of exam will appear
on the certificate, provided all certification requirements are met; otherwise, the
certificate will be dated when all outstanding requirements are fulfilled.
Upon successful completion of the certification requirements, candidates earn the right
of appending the appropriate discipline-specific professional designation to their name:
Registered Technologist, Magnetic Resonance, (RTMR)
Registered Technologist, Nuclear Medicine, (RTNM)
Registered Radiation Therapist, (RTT)
Registered Technologist, Radiological Technology, (RTR)
b. CAMRT Membership
Technologists with a CAMRT professional designation may apply to their Provincial
Member Association for membership, thereby automatically becoming members of the
CAMRT. Membership is renewable annually through Provincial Member Associations
upon payment of fees (see appendix 3 for website).
Technologists with a CAMRT professional designation and residing outside of Canadian provincial
jurisdictions may apply directly to CAMRT. Membership is renewable annually upon payment of fees.
August 2008
a. Result Letter and Rewrite Application
Unsuccessful candidates will receive a result letter indicating the number of
remaining writes, the next available exam sitting, and the last available
opportunity to write the exam. A rewrite application form will also be included.
The rewrite application deadline is set one month after the deadline for initial
writes, to allow for result processing and application submission.
Candidates should refer to section 4 of this handbook (page 4) for information
when completing their rewrite application.
b. Exam Performance Profile
Unsuccessful candidates will also receive an analysis of their performance on the
certification exam. Please see section 8b of this handbook (page 10) for details on
exam performance profile.
Candidates may request to have their exams manually remarked. The request for
remark must be made in writing and sent to the CAMRT Office within ninety (90)
days following the exam date. A remark administration fee will apply. E-mail
requests are accepted. A response will be sent to the candidate within 15-20 working
days of receipt of request and payment.
Please see section 8a of this handbook (page 10) for more information on exam
Candidates who fail the three (3) available attempts at the exam are not eligible to
write future CAMRT certification exams, unless they first re-qualify. In order to requalify, candidates must apply as a new student to a medical radiation technology education
program. Candidates should contact CAMRT for more information.
August 2008
Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists
Code of Ethics
The CAMRT Code of Ethics has been developed by members to articulate the ethical behavior expected
of all medical radiation technologists and to serve as a means for reflection and self- evaluation.
Members of the Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists (CAMRT) recognize their
obligation to identify, adopt and promote exemplary professional standards of practice, conduct and
While performing professional activities, medical radiation technologists shall uphold the vision of the
Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists (CAMRT) by adhering to the following tenets of
ethical conduct.
Patient respect and dignity
Medical radiation technologists shall:
• Treat patients and families with respect and dignity;
• Assist patients and families to make informed decisions regarding care;
• Facilitate the patient’s free and informed choices;
• Provide the patient with an accurate description of all procedures and associated risks in a truthful
and comprehensible manner;
• Answer patient questions fully and honestly within the limits of their knowledge and
• Participate in the formal consent process by ensuring patient willingness to participate in the
• Respect the patient’s right to refuse or withdraw from treatment;
• Take steps to ensure the physical privacy of the patient;
• Maintain the confidentiality of information provided by or about the patient, as well as anything
contained in the patient record, except as part of standard therapeutic information sharing within the
healthcare team, or where required by law.
Patient centered care and safety
Medical radiation technologists shall:
• Practice only those procedures for which the member is qualified, or has been properly delegated by
the appropriate institutional authority, where the member has the requisite knowledge, skills and
judgment to ensure competence;
• Practice only those disciplines of medical radiation technology in which the member is certified by the
Association and is currently competent;
• Incorporate risk management principles into routine practice in order to minimize risk;
• Conduct all procedures and examinations in keeping with current safety standards;
• Make use of appropriate professional and institutional mechanisms to intervene when witness to
unsafe, incompetent or unethical practice;
August 2008
Fairness, accountability and integrity
Medical radiation technologists shall:
• Provide care to all regardless of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, gender, sexual orientation,
religious or political affiliation, age, type of illness, mental or physical ability;
• Prioritize the use of resources according to need;
• Utilize and distribute resources over which they have control in a fair and responsible manner;
• Be accountable for their actions and conduct themselves with honesty and integrity in all of their
professional interactions;
• Avoid any activity that creates a conflict of interest or violates any local, provincial or federal laws and
• Avoid exploiting the vulnerability of patients by entering into dual or non-therapeutic relationships;
• Advocate for working environments that support safe, competent and ethical practice;
• Assume responsibility for errors committed and take immediate action to prevent or minimize
associated harm;
• Recognize that while patients must seek diagnostic information from their physician, an impression
expressed to another health care professional with regard to the appearance of a procedure or
examination may assist in diagnosis or treatment;
• Educate patients, students and professional colleagues about practices and procedures pertinent to
the medical radiation technology;
• Reflect on practice to promote the development of informed, knowledgeable and safe practice
• Monitor their performance to ensure continuing competence;
• Contribute to interdisciplinary collaboration and the development of partnerships which contribute to
positive patient outcomes;
• Strive to be a role model for other members of the healthcare team by demonstrating responsibility,
cooperation, accountability and competence in meeting the healthcare needs of the public;
• Participate in continuing professional development, research and the utilization of best practice
• Participate in collaborative problem solving to promote knowledge transfer and exchange, support
appropriate decision-making and facilitate human resource succession planning;
• Participate in the affairs of the Association in a responsible and professional way.
Approved by the CAMRT Board, June 7, 2008
August 2008
August 2008
Application For Certification Exam
Canadian Graduates
International Graduates –
Candidates’ Certification Handbook
Code of Ethics
Competency Profile and Study Guide
Education Programs in Medical Radiation Technology
Provincial Member Associations
Provincial Regulatory Bodies
Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists (ACMDTT)
College of Medical Radiations Technologists of Ontario (CMRTO)
Ordre des technologues en radiologie du Québec (OTRQ)
Risk Management Guidelines – General
Scope of Practice
Standards of Practice
Summary of Clinical Competence
Test of English as Foreign Language (TOEFL)
August 2008