Subido por maria sanz morillo

Power Point Hedy Lamarr en inglés

Hedy Lamarr
"I wouldn't tell anyone who wants something from someone else to pretend
not to want it. People are wicked. If you give them a lot of affection, they
turn their back on you."
Historical background.
Life and andecdotes.
Draw my life
She was born in Viena the 9 of November of 1914. Was a cinema
actress and inventor. She was an only daughter. At school, she stood
out for her intellectual brilliance, being considered by her teachers as
gifted. At home, she grew up listening to her mother's performances
on the piano and she herself, from a young age, played this
instrument to perfection. Complex and restless, she dropped out of
engineering studies, determined to fulfill her dream of being an
actress. Her discoverer, the businessman and theater and film
director Max Reinhardt, took her to Berlin to train in acting, after
which they returned to Vienna to start working in the film industry.
• Lamarr received a lot of attention from her
father, bank manager and curious man, who
inspired her to look at the world with wide eyes.
He often took her on long walks where he talked
about the inner workings of different machines,
such as the printing press or trams.
• The movie that led her to stardom in 1932 couldn't have been more controversial. Ecstasy, filmed in
Czechoslovakia under the direction of Gustav Machaty, was the first film to show the face of an actress,
completely naked, during an orgasm. It was branded a sex scandal and its projection in movie theaters was
banned. Censors and condemnations rained down on him, including from the Vatican.
• Her husband was extremely jealous and tried to get hold of all the
copies of Ecstasy. He only allowed her to undress or bathe if he
was present and forced her to accompany him to all social events
and business dinners so as not to lose sight of her.
Lamarr laid the foundations for security in Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS
devices (essential for autonomous cars), mobile phones and
military technology thanks to a revolutionary invention: frequency
hopping. An invention that was stolen by Germany.
• In 1939, Lamarr was selected as • In 1997, Lamarr and George Antheil were
the "Most Promising New
jointly honored with the Pioneer Award from
Actress" of 1938 in an area voter
the Electronic Frontier Foundation and
poll conducted by the
Lamarr was also the first woman to receive
Philadelphia Record film critic.
the BULBIE Gnass Spirit of Achievement
British moviegoers voted Hedy
Award from the Invention Convention,
Lamarr the 10th best actress of
known as the "Oscars of inventing."
the year, for her performance in
Samson and Delilah in 1951.
• In 2014, Lamarr was posthumously inducted into the
National Inventors Hall of Fame for Frequency
Hopping Spread Spectrum Technology.
Draw my life