Subido por Juan camilo Fernandez Morales

Student Teacher Weekly Report Template

ACC student teachers weekly report
Description of activity, task duty or responsibility
- (this is where you list what, how, when, where, and about what you are going to do)
Observed: (your observation of your students)
Assisted others: (did you or the students help others?)
Performed with supervision: (where the task completed without help?)
Performed alone: (did you need help to deliver the material?)
Trained or supervised others: (did you work with someone?)
Time spent: (how long did it take to plan and teach the lesson?)
Description of activity, task duty or responsibility
- (this is where you list what, how, when, where, and about what you are going to do)
Observed: (your observation of your students)
Assisted others: (did you or the students help others?)
Performed with supervision: (where the task completed without help?)
Performed alone: (did you need help to deliver the material?)
Trained or supervised others: (did you work with someone?)
Time spent: (how long did it take to plan and teach the lesson?)
Description of activity, task duty or responsibility
- (this is where you list what, how, when, where, and about what you are going to do)
Observed: (your observation of your students)
Assisted others: (did you or the students help others?)
Performed with supervision: (where the task completed without help?)
Performed alone: (did you need help to deliver the material?)
Trained or supervised others: (did you work with someone?)
Time spent: (how long did it take to plan and teach the lesson?)
ACC student teachers weekly report
Description of activity, task duty or responsibility
- (this is where you list what, how, when, where, and about what you are going to do)
Observed: (your observation of your students)
Assisted others: (did you or the students help others?)
Performed with supervision: (where the task completed without help?)
Performed alone: (did you need help to deliver the material?)
Trained or supervised others: (did you work with someone?)
Time spent: (how long did it take to plan and teach the lesson?)
Description of activity, task duty or responsibility
- (this is where you list what, how, when, where, and about what you are going to do)
Observed: (your observation of your students)
Assisted others: (did you or the students help others?)
Performed with supervision: (where the task completed without help?)
Performed alone: (did you need help to deliver the material?)
Trained or supervised others: (did you work with someone?)
Time spent: (how long did it take to plan and teach the lesson?)
Description of activity, task duty or responsibility
- (this is where you list what, how, when, where, and about what you are going to do)
Observed: (your observation of your students)
Assisted others: (did you or the students help others?)
Performed with supervision: (where the task completed without help?)
Performed alone: (did you need help to deliver the material?)
Trained or supervised others: (did you work with someone?)
Time spent: (how long did it take to plan and teach the lesson?)
ACC student teachers weekly report
List one thing that went particularly well this week (area of improvement, new task,
Give an example of something that worked in the lesson.
List one thing that was the most challenging this week (issue, problem, difficulty,
Give an example of what needed improving?
Action Plan
Provide a step by step action plan
Do you want your coordinator to visit your work in the near future? __Y __ N
Do you want me to sit in on a session to give you feedback?
Self-Evalutation: (circle one) Evaluate delivery of the lesson. Did you meet the
ACC standards?
A+ A
B+ B
B- C+
D+ D
List one way you can improve your job performance
Self reflection: how could you have improved the leaning experience for
your students? __________________________