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ingles exam

How to have a succesfull marriage
I thin one of the most important things about a successfull mariage could be , be
compatible with your parnert in some aspect like: have high goals, trust, respect
differences, and support each other.
Another things is have comunication like, if something is happening just tell me i will
undertand or try to help you , and dont forget to be a detailed person , and special
faithful person
In those times divorce its like something very normal , because people got married and
they say if we stop loving each other we divorce,because if you chose(chous) this
person was for be with that person forever, but there are some aspect of why peple
get divorce
1 infidelity , i think you can’t apologize something like that is s very heavy and hard
2( abuse, and could mental and physical abuse
3) economical crisis; as we say love doesnt’ pay all and sometimes you cant support
4 when you stop having comunication
5) if one of them have a bad habbit
6 the flame is over
gender equialty
gender equiality for me means that women hace to reiceive the same rights, benetfis
and opportunities, and of course be treted with same respect.
Trying to eliminate the inequialities like having the same Jobs and dont receive the
same salary,