Subido por ljohana92

Active and Passive Voice Exercise

Review about Active and Passive Voice:
Apply the passive voice in the different tenses to these sentences:
.Liza organiza las sandalias y zapatos en el closet
Present tense:
Active: Liza organizes the sandals and shoes in the closet/ She doesn’t organize the sandals and
shoes in the closet.
Passive: The sandals and shoes are organized in the closet by Liza/The sandals and shoes aren´t
organized in the closet by Liza
Past tense:
Active: Liza organized the sandals and shoes in the closet/She didn´t organize the sandals and
shoes in the closet
Passive: The sandals and shoes were organized in the closet by Liza/The sandals and shoes weren´t
organized in the closet by Liza
Future tense: Will – Be going to
Active: Liza will organize the sandals and shoes in the closet /Liza won´t organize the sandals and
shoes in the closet
Passive: The sandals and shoes will be organized in the closet by Liza/ The sandals and shoes won´t
be organized in the closet by Liza
Be going to:
Active: Liza is going to organize the sandals and shoes in the closet/ She isn´t going to organize the
sandals and shoes in the closet.
Passive: The sandals and shoes are going to be organized in the closet by Liza / the sandals and
shoes aren´t going to be organized in the closet by Liza
Present perfect tense: (has / have= active voice) (have been/ has been= passive voice)
Active: Liza has organized the sandals and shoes in the closet/She hasn´t organized the sandals and
shoes in the closet
Passive: The sandals and shoes have been organized in the closet by Liza/ the sandals and shoes
haven´t been organized in the closet by Liza.