IETF Meetings 2018 IETF 101 London Meeting Revenue $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Actual 810,575 425,000 58,333 55,000 3,333 60,000 81,635 1,493,876 Meeting Expenses Food & Beverage Network & Connectivity Meeting Space Meeting Labor Audio Visual & Power Miscellaneous TOTAL EXPENSES $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Actual Budget 223,460 $ 200,380 307,214 $ 296,269 76,956 $ 110,000 266,618 $ 266,760 60,915 $ 76,714 206,217 $ 207,108 1,141,379 $ 1,157,229 Funds Available for IETF Operations $ Registration Sponsorships In-Kind Sponsorships Event Sponsorships Hackathon Hotel Commissions Miscellaneous TOTAL INCOME Notes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 352,497 $ Budget 746,250 375,000 58,333 25,000 50,000 60,000 74,025 1,388,608 Variance 64,325 50,000 30,000 (46,667) (0) 7,610 105,268 Notes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Variance $ (23,080) $ (10,945) $ 33,044 $ 142 $ 15,799 $ 891 $ 15,851 Notes 8 9 10 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 231,379 $ 11 121,118 Paid attendance was 85 attendees greater than Budget forecast. Google & ICANN Meeting Co-Hosts -Co-Hosts sponsorship greater than budgeted. In-Kind sponsorships includes corporate in-kind of services and contribution of circuits (BT & iNOC) Overage due to Syster's Lunch sponsorship by Comcast & NBC Universal Shortfall in obtaining budgeted Hackathon sponsorship Still awaiting final commission number from venue Revenue from value of guest room comps and upgrades, room rentals, companion fees, fees for expedited letters of invitation, etc. Overage due to increased attendance over budgeted number Includes ntwk connectivity, NOC support and RPS Support. Increased F&B spend resulted in less meeting space fee Shortfall due to lower than expected A/V costs