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Overview of hysteroscopy - UpToDate

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Resumen de la histeroscopia
Autor: Linda D Bradley, MD
Editor de sección: Tommaso Falcone, MD, FRCSC, FACOG
Subdirector: Kristen Eckler, MD, FACOG
Todos los temas se actualizan a medida que hay nuevas pruebas disponibles y nuestro proceso de revisión por pares está
Revisión de literatura actualizada hasta: enero de 2020. | Última actualización de este tema: 26 de enero de 2020.
El desarrollo de la histeroscopia ha proporcionado un enfoque mínimamente invasivo para los
problemas ginecológicos comunes, como el sangrado uterino anormal. El aumento de la
capacitación del médico, los histeroscopios de menor diámetro y el mayor énfasis en los
procedimientos basados en el consultorio han llevado a un uso generalizado de esta importante
Un histeroscopio es un telescopio que se inserta en el útero a través de la vagina y el cuello uterino
para visualizar la cavidad endometrial, así como la ostia tubárica, el canal endocervical, el cuello
uterino y la vagina. La histeroscopia se puede realizar para indicaciones diagnósticas o terapéuticas.
Aquí se presenta una descripción general de la histeroscopia. La vaginoscopia se discute por
separado. (Ver "Vaginoscopia" ).
La histeroscopia se realiza para evaluar o tratar la cavidad endometrial, la ostia tubárica o el canal
endocervical en mujeres con:
Sangrado uterino premenopáusico o posmenopáusico anormal.
engrosamiento endometrial o pólipos
Fibromas submucosas y algunos intramurales.
adherencias intrauterinas
Anomalías de Müller (p. Ej., Tabique uterino)
Anticonceptivos intrauterinos retenidos u otros cuerpos extraños.
Productos retenidos de la concepción.
Deseo de esterilización.
lesiones endocervicales
Existen varios enfoques para evaluar a las mujeres con sangrado uterino anormal o lesiones
intrauterinas (ecografía pélvica, ecografía de infusión salina, muestreo endometrial,
histerosalpingografía). El uso de la histeroscopia para la evaluación inicial ofrece el beneficio
potencial de combinar la evaluación con el tratamiento. Además, la histeroscopia evita el riesgo de
falta de patología focal, como puede ocurrir con el muestreo endometrial ciego.
Alternativamente, la histeroscopia se puede utilizar para evaluar o tratar las lesiones identificadas en
los estudios de imágenes (por ejemplo, eco endometrial normal detectado con ultrasonido
transvaginal), o para confirmar la ausencia de enfermedad cuando los síntomas persisten y las
pruebas de diagnóstico iniciales son normales (por ejemplo, muestreo endometrial ciego ) El uso de
la histeroscopia para hacer un seguimiento de los hallazgos anormales en las imágenes ayuda a
descartar la patología ovárica o tubárica que puede contribuir al sangrado uterino anormal.
Una discusión detallada de la elección entre la histeroscopia y otros métodos de evaluación
endometrial se puede encontrar por separado. (Ver "Descripción general de la evaluación del
endometrio para enfermedades malignas o premalignas" y "Procedimientos de muestreo
endometrial" ).
La histeroscopia no puede evaluar la enfermedad miometrial (p. Ej., Adenomiosis), la patología
tubárica o el contorno uterino externo; por lo tanto, no es suficiente para evaluar estas estructuras
anatómicas durante una evaluación de infertilidad. Se necesitan procedimientos adicionales (p. Ej.,
Laparoscopia o histerosalpingografía). (Consulte "Descripción general de la infertilidad" ).
Las contraindicaciones para la histeroscopia son:
Embarazo intrauterino viable.
Infección pélvica activa (incluida la infección por herpes genital [ 1 ])
Cáncer cervical o uterino conocido
Si bien la histeroscopia no debe realizarse en una paciente con un embarazo intrauterino viable, la
histeroscopia posparto o postaborto a veces es útil para la evaluación y el tratamiento de los
productos retenidos de la concepción [ 2,3 ].
El sangrado uterino excesivo puede limitar la visualización durante la histeroscopia, pero no es una
contraindicación [ 4 ]. (Ver 'Desafíos operativos' a continuación).
Las comorbilidades médicas (p. Ej., Enfermedad coronaria, diátesis hemorrágica) también son
contraindicaciones potenciales para la cirugía histeroscópica. Sin embargo, dado que este es un
procedimiento mínimamente invasivo, rara vez está contraindicado en pocas mujeres. (Ver "Resumen
de los principios de consulta médica y medicina perioperatoria" .)
The rigid hysteroscope includes an outer sheath which surrounds channels for the telescope,
distending media inflow and outflow, and operative instruments. Additional equipment is needed for
infusing and monitoring uterine distending media.
There are many different sizes and type of hysteroscopes. Some are better suited for diagnostic
versus operative procedures, or for outpatient rather than operating room procedures.
Outer diameter and working length
Outer diameter – The total outer diameter (OD) of a hysteroscope refers to the diameter of the
sheath, a metal tube which houses the telescope and instruments. Sheath ODs range from 3.1 to
10 mm.
Smaller OD hysteroscopes cause less pain and decrease the need for mechanical dilation. Even
reducing the sheath size from 5 to 3.3 mm can improve patient comfort [5,6]. In general, inserting
a hysteroscope with >5 mm OD will require mechanical cervical dilation; most patients will
experience discomfort and will require analgesia (eg, paracervical block, peri-procedural
nonsteroidal agents). In addition, analgesia is typically required for operative procedures.
Diagnostic procedures performed with smaller OD sheaths can usually be performed without
dilation and in the office.
Both diagnostic and operative sheaths are fitted with stopcocks or ports for the instillation of
distending media. To clear blood and thus improve visualization of the uterine cavity, some operative
sheaths have dual ports that provide continuous laminar flow of distending media. In addition, some
operative sheaths aspirate pieces of tissue from the uterine cavity (ie, to remove debris or retrieve
specimens for pathologic evaluation). This allows removal of large debris while maintaining cervical
dilation. (See 'Distending media' below.)
Selected diagnostic hysteroscopes permit targeted biopsies and retrieval of foreign bodies, as well as
limited intrauterine surgery (removal of filmy adhesions or small endometrial polyps).
Simple operative sheaths use the distending media channel for the insertion of instruments. Although
this method is easy and allows one to use a small-diameter sheath, leaks of media are common.
Advanced operative sheaths may have three channels: two for operative instruments and one for
instilling distending media.
Other operative sheaths contain permanently attached operative tools, such as biopsy instruments,
forceps, or scissors.
Working length – The working length of a hysteroscope measures from the eyepiece to the distal
tip, and can range from 160 to 302 mm. A longer working element permits the hysteroscopist to
be further away from the vagina.
Rigid versus flexible — Most hysteroscopes are rigid, but narrow caliber scopes (<5 mm) may also
be semi-rigid or flexible. Rigid hysteroscopes cause more intraoperative pain, but offer better optical
quality and are less costly. This was illustrated in a randomized trial that assigned 144 pre- and
postmenopausal women undergoing outpatient diagnostic hysteroscopy to a 3.7 mm rigid or 3.6 mm
flexible hysteroscope [7]. Both groups received topical cervical anesthesia. Compared with flexible
hysteroscopes, use of a rigid hysteroscope was associated with significantly more pain, but better
optical quality and ease of insertion.
Flexible hysteroscopy is especially useful for diagnostic or operative procedures in women with an
irregularly shaped uterus, as the distal tip can be deflected upward or downward (eg, for tubal
cannulation or lysis of adhesions near the tubal ostia) (picture 1).
Optics — Quality of visualization varies among hysteroscopic telescopes. In general, the higher
quality cameras have larger ODs and are more costly. Thus, narrow caliber telescopes provide
adequate quality for routine diagnostic procedures, while the high quality cameras are preferable for
advanced operative hysteroscopy.
The telescope consists of three parts: the eyepiece, barrel, and objective lens. The image depends
upon characteristics of these components. Hysteroscopes are monocular (single eyepiece), and thus,
provide little depth perception. The surgeon can look directly through the eyepiece or view the image
via a video monitoring system. Use of a video monitoring system allows other operating room
personnel and the patient to view the procedure and also allows still photographs and video
recordings for documentation.
Viewing angles range from zero to 70 degrees (figure 1). A zero degree hysteroscope provides a
panoramic view in line with the sheath. Increasing viewing angles allow the surgeon to visualize areas
to the left or right of midline without shifting the telescope from side to side (eg, to view the tubal
ostia or a focal lesion in an irregularly shaped cavity).
There are two main hysteroscopic optical systems: direct optical and contact. The direct optical
hysteroscope, derived from the cystoscope, provides the surgeon with a global view of the uterine
cavity. A distending medium is used and the image is well-illuminated and has excellent contrast and
Conversely, contact hysteroscopes work without a distending medium and provide only a focal view
of the endometrial cavity, since only tissue in direct contact with the scope can be viewed [8]. Thus,
unless the uterine cavity is explored in a slow, systematic fashion, significant pathology can be
missed. This approach is rarely used.
Light source – Illumination for hysteroscopy is provided by a light source connected to the
hysteroscope by a fiberoptic cable. Fiberoptics allow transmission of bright light without the
transmission of significant heat.
Most light sources are either halogen or xenon. Either type of lamp provides adequate
illumination for operative procedures, photography, and videotaping; xenon lamps are more
expensive than halogen.
Operative instrumentation — Operative hysteroscopes are used to remove endocervical or
endometrial lesions (eg, submucosal myomas, endometrial polyps) or to perform an endometrial
ablation/resection. Some, but not all, operative hysteroscopes use electrosurgical cutting. Laser is
rarely used in modern hysteroscopic procedures.
The three types of operative hysteroscopes are:
Operative sheath with instruments inserted through channels or fixed to the sheath
Electrosurgical resectoscope
Hysteroscopic morcellator
Operative sheaths — An assortment of flexible, semirigid, and rigid instruments have been
developed or adapted for hysteroscopic surgery.
Flexible and semirigid instruments range in diameter from 2 to 3 mm and are inserted through an
operating channel in the sheath [9]. These instruments include scissors, grasping forceps, biopsy
forceps, and punctate electrodes (picture 2A-B). Semirigid or flexible instruments may be fragile, and
must be handled with care to avoid damage.
Rigid instruments may also be inserted through a channel, or may be fixed to the end of the
hysteroscope. Fixed instruments are not commonly used, since they must be inserted, removed, and
manipulated along with the entire hysteroscope.
Some systems have sheaths which use suction to retrieve tissue fragments without removing the
Resectoscopes — Resectoscopes typically consist of a 7 to 9 mm sheath [9] (picture 3). They use
radiofrequency electrical energy which may be either monopolar or bipolar. When a monopolar
resectoscope is used, the patient must be grounded and a nonconducting (ie, nonelectrolyte),
distending medium must be used. Bipolar resectoscopes are a newer development and can be used
with electrolyte distending media (eg, saline or Ringer's lactate) [10]. (See 'Distending media' below
and "Overview of electrosurgery".)
Traditionally, radiofrequency tools for the resectoscope have included the loop (tissue cutting) and
rollerball (coagulation) (picture 4). Newer vaporizing electrodes (eg, VaporTrode, Versapoint) have
been introduced that vaporize lesions and thus obviate the need to remove floating pieces of tissue.
Of course, they are not appropriate for procedures in which a specimen is needed for histology.
Assembly of resectoscopes generally requires some practice and should be mastered before a
surgical procedure is undertaken (picture 5A-D).
Hysteroscopic morcellator — The hysteroscopic morcellator consists of a rotary blade that cuts
lesions; tissue is then aspirated through the morcellator [11]. Morcellators, which are inserted through
the working channel of hysteroscope, exist for use with 6 mm, 7 mm, and 9 mm hysteroscopes. The
morcellator does not use radiofrequency electrical energy, and thus, is not able to coagulate bleeding
vessels encountered during surgery [12,13].
Distending media — Hysteroscopy is performed using a distending medium to provide a global view
of the endometrial cavity.
The most commonly used distending media are low viscosity fluids and carbon dioxide. Carbon
dioxide is used for diagnostic procedures. The management of fluid and gaseous distending media is
discussed in detail separately. (See "Hysteroscopy: Managing fluid and gas distending media".)
Choosing an operative setting — Outpatient settings are increasingly common for diagnostic and
some operative hysteroscopy (eg, hysteroscopic sterilization, removal of small lesions or adhesions).
Ambulatory settings are acceptable to patients, time-saving, and cost-effective compared with
operating room procedures, and should be used, whenever feasible [14-16].
Approach to outpatient hysteroscopy — The most common reasons for failure to complete an
outpatient hysteroscopy are pain, cervical stenosis, and poor visualization [14]. Thus, an approach to
successful outpatient hysteroscopy includes:
Patient counseling and selection
• Exclude patients with cervical stenosis, limited mobility that impedes positioning,
comorbidities that require intensive monitoring, or who cannot tolerate the procedure with a
local anesthetic
• Provide anticipatory guidance about the degree and duration of discomfort
• Verbally reassure the patient during the procedure
Procedure selection and approach
• Choose procedures that are brief (<30 minutes)
• Perform diagnostic or minor operative procedures
• Minimize intraoperative pain
Minimizing cervical dilation
• Pre-treat with a prostaglandin the night before the procedure (eg, a single dose of
misoprostol 200 mcg per vaginam)
• Use a narrow caliber hysteroscope (≤4 mm)
• Choose an anesthetic plan specific to the patient and procedure (eg, procedures that include
endometrial biopsy or use a larger diameter hysteroscope are more likely to require
analgesia). (See 'Anesthesia' below.)
• We do not pre-medicate patients with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
because the data generally do not support a reduction in intraoperative pain [17-23],
although two small trials reported a small reduction in intraoperative pain with pre-procedure
use of tramadol [24,25]. NSAID use has been associated with reduced posthysteroscopy
pain and can be used postoperatively as needed [17-19]. (See 'Postoperative care' below and
"Management of acute perioperative pain", section on 'Oral NSAIDs'.)
Choosing a hysteroscope — Instrumentation choices for hysteroscopy must be tailored to the
procedure and operative setting. Diagnostic hysteroscopy, particularly in the outpatient setting, relies
upon a small outer diameter (OD) to minimize both the need for cervical dilation and patient
For minor procedures performed in the outpatient setting and/or under local anesthetic, it also makes
sense to balance OD and optical quality. However, in general, a larger OD will be required to
accommodate operative instruments compared with diagnostic hysteroscopy.
Advanced operative procedures require an operative hysteroscope with one or two channels for
instruments and also a high quality telescope.
Choosing a distending medium — Diagnostic procedures can be performed using either carbon
dioxide or normal saline. For operative procedures that use monopolar electrosurgical instruments, a
nonconductive fluid (eg, glycine) is required to avoid thermal injury. Bipolar electrosurgical procedures
may be performed using an isotonic fluid (eg, normal saline or lactated Ringer's), which avoids the
risks of electrolyte and osmolar imbalances associated with nonconductive solutions.
A detailed discussion of choosing a distending medium for hysteroscopy can be found separately.
(See "Hysteroscopy: Managing fluid and gas distending media", section on 'Choosing a distending
Informed consent — Women considering hysteroscopy should be counseled about alternative
diagnostic or treatment approaches, and informed consent regarding expected treatment success
and possible complications. Patients should be informed of possible need to abandon or prematurely
stop a procedure due to fluid overload. Also, since uterine perforation is a possible complication,
patients should consent to a possible laparoscopy or laparotomy if it becomes necessary to rule out
visceral or vascular injury. (See "Overview of preoperative evaluation and preparation for gynecologic
Evaluation — A medical history is taken, including: detailed questions regarding symptoms that relate
to the indication for the procedure; obstetric and surgical history; and medical comorbidities,
medications, and allergies. A complete pelvic and general physical examination is performed, with
particular attention to the size and mobility of the uterus and the patency of the cervix. Pregnancy
testing is performed; cervical cultures are appropriate if cervicitis is suspected.
Timing and endometrial preparation — For premenopausal women with regular menstrual cycles, the
proliferative phase is best for visualization of the uterine cavity. During the secretory phase, the thick
endometrium can mimic endometrial polyps and lead to inaccurate diagnoses. Also, during
menstruation, blood may interfere with visualization.
In reproductive age women with irregular uterine bleeding, the ideal time for the procedure is
unpredictable. Thus, patients should be counseled that a procedure may be attempted, but may need
to be rescheduled if obscuring blood makes it impossible to evaluate the uterine cavity. Often, surgery
is still feasible, because fluid pumps facilitate visualization by rapidly clearing debris and blood. (See
'Operative challenges' below.)
Another approach is pharmacologic thinning of the endometrium. Thinning agents should be used
only when the surgeon plans operative hysteroscopic resection of a leiomyoma or endometrial
ablation. Thinning agents should not be used when diagnostic hysteroscopy alone is planned, as
these hormones may influence the histology of the endometrium. The most commonly used agents
are estrogen-progestin contraceptives or progestins alone (eg, oral medroxyprogesterone acetate 10
mg daily on cycle days 15 to 26) [26]. Gonadotropin releasing hormone agonists and danazol are also
effective, but are used infrequently due to adverse effects [27-30]. All of these agents require at least
two months of therapy to effectively thin the endometrium. Regimens that require a shorter duration
of therapy have been proposed (eg, desogestrel and raloxifene) [31].
For postmenopausal women, hysteroscopy may be performed at any time.
Cervical preparation and dilation — Adequate cervical dilation is an important step in hysteroscopy,
as nearly 50 percent of hysteroscopic complications are associated with difficult passage of the
hysteroscope through the cervical canal [32]. Not all women will require cervical dilation for
hysteroscopy, namely premenopausal women undergoing hysteroscopy with a narrow caliber (<5
mm) or flexible hysteroscope. Women who benefit from cervical dilation include those having
procedures with larger hysteroscopes (≥5 mm), women with a history of cervical stenosis or cervical
surgery, and postmenopausal women.
Cervical dilation can be done mechanically at the time of the procedure (dilators) or done
preoperatively with cervical ripening agents (misoprostol or dinoprostone) or vaginal osmotic dilators
(laminaria). Preoperative dilation is generally preferred because it avoids or reduces the need for
mechanical dilation and the associated risks of pain, uterine perforation, and false track creation
[14,33]. (See "Dilation and curettage", section on 'Procedure'.)
In our practice, for women expected to need cervical dilation for hysteroscopy, we pretreat with 200 to
400 mcg of vaginal misoprostol 12 to 24 hours prior to hysteroscopy. In a 2015 systematic review
and meta-analysis of 19 trials addressing preoperative cervical ripening prior to operative
hysteroscopy, pre- and postmenopausal women treated with misoprostol were much less likely to
require additional mechanical dilation than women treated with placebo or no intervention (odds ratio
[OR] 0.08, 95% CI 0.04-0.16) or women treated with dinoprostone (OR 0.58, 95% CI 0.34-0.98) [33]. As
an illustration of this effect, if mechanical dilation would normally be needed in 80 percent of
untreated women undergoing hysteroscopy, the use of misoprostol would reduce the need for
mechanical dilation to between 14 and 39 percent of women based on this meta-analysis. The metaanalysis also reported that women receiving misoprostol pretreatment had fewer complications than
those treated with placebo (OR 0.37, 95% CI 0.18-0.77) or those treated with dinoprostone (OR 0.32,
95% CI 0.12-0.83). The side effects of misoprostol included mild abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding,
and increased body temperature.
Although prior trials of misoprostol in postmenopausal women had reported conflicting results [3438], the meta-analysis above, which only included two trials in the analysis of postmenopausal
women, did demonstrate a benefit of misoprostol in this group [33]. In addition, pretreatment of
postmenopausal women with vaginal estrogen (25 mcg daily) for two weeks before surgery may
augment the cervical dilation caused by misoprostol [35].
The optimal misoprostol pretreatment dose, route, and timing have not been determined; most
studies have used 200 to 400 mcg. While trials comparing oral versus vaginal administration of
misoprostol have reported conflicting results regarding superiority, both routes of administration
appear to improve pre-operative cervical dilation and ease of procedure [39-41]. In another study that
compared 400 mcg of misoprostol inserted vaginally either 12 or 3 hours prior to the procedure, the
women in the 12-hour group had easier insertion of the hysteroscope and reported less pain than the
women in the 3-hour group [42]. Thus, we ask women to self-administer misoprostol (200 to 400
mcg) vaginally the night before the procedure. For women who cannot or prefer not to use a vaginal
medication, oral dosing is a reasonable alternative.
With the addition of 25 mcg vaginal estrogen 14 days prior to hysteroscopy, along with 400 to 1000
mcg vaginal misoprostol 12 hours prior to the procedure, ease of cervical dilation and reduction in
pain was significantly lower compared with misoprostol alone [35,43].
One study reported evening primrose oil (EPO) facilitated cervical ripening and dilation before
operative hysteroscopy in both pre- and postmenopausal patients [44]. Patients without a prior
vaginal delivery were randomly assigned to receive two soft gels (each 500 mg) placed into the
posterior vaginal fornix six to eight hours before operative hysteroscopy. The total dilation time and
the size of the first dilator used to apply force was less in women treated with EPO. It is easy to use,
available, inexpensive, and had no serious sequelae, but these study results have not been replicated.
Another option for preoperative cervical dilation is osmotic dilation (eg, laminaria). However, we do
not use laminaria as they are typically inserted in the office on the day prior to the procedure and
therefore require an additional visit for the patient. Although a meta-analysis (one trial, 110 women)
and a separate trial of 150 women both reported a reduced need for intraoperative cervical dilation
after laminaria pretreatment compared with misoprostol pretreatment [33,45], we do not believe this
difference warrants the extra time and cost of an additional office visit because the intraoperative
complication rates were the same between the two groups [33].
Prophylactic antibiotics — Antibiotics are not routinely administered during hysteroscopy for
prevention of surgical site infection or endocarditis since posthysteroscopy infection occurs in less
than 1 percent of women [46]. (See 'Infection' below and "Antimicrobial prophylaxis for the prevention
of bacterial endocarditis" and "Overview of preoperative evaluation and preparation for gynecologic
surgery", section on 'Antibiotic prophylaxis'.)
Sterile preparation — Povidone iodine solution is typically used for sterile vaginal preparation.
However, there are few studies evaluating the effect of vaginal preparation on the risk of surgical site
infection prevention. (See "Overview of preoperative evaluation and preparation for gynecologic
surgery", section on 'Vaginal preparation'.)
Anesthesia — Anesthesia may be needed to limit pain and facilitate hysteroscopy. Parts of the
procedure that are potentially painful include placement of a tenaculum on the cervix, dilation of the
cervix, insertion of the hysteroscope, uterine distension, and uterine biopsy [47]. Some women find
uterine biopsy to be the most painful part of the procedure [48]. Managing pain or discomfort
encompasses not just medication, but also patient counseling, complimentary treatments (eg, guided
visualization or listening to music [49]), and selection of the type of procedure and instruments. (See
'Approach to outpatient hysteroscopy' above.)
Most women are able to undergo diagnostic hysteroscopy without anesthesia [50,51]. The benefits of
not using anesthesia include no adverse medication reactions, reduced procedure time and cost, and
avoidance of a pain-inducing paracervical block [48,52]. Not using anesthesia appears particularly
appropriate for diagnostic procedures using a hysteroscope that is <4 mm in diameter. In a trial of
over 350 postmenopausal women undergoing hysteroscopy, women who underwent hysteroscopy
with a 3.5 mm hysteroscope and no anesthetic had significantly less pain than women who had the
procedure with a 5 mm hysteroscope, even when a paracervical block was used [48].
For women undergoing simple operative hysteroscopy (eg, IUD removal) or hysteroscopy with a
hysteroscope 4 mm or larger, we prefer a paracervical block because it is low cost, well tolerated, and
reduces some aspects of pain. Although a meta-analysis of 26 studies comparing paracervical block
with various interventions during cervical dilation and uterine intervention reported that no technique
provided reliable pain control across all studies, sub-analysis comparing paracervical block with
placebo reported that paracervical block reduced the following [53]:
Pain with cervical dilation (standardized mean difference [SMD] -0.96, 95% CI -1.91 to -0.01, four
trials, 381 women).
Pain of uterine interventions (SMD -0.74, 95% CI -1.19 to -0.28, six trials, 696 women).
Interventions included carbon dioxide insufflation, endometrial biopsy, fractional curettage,
suction evacuation, or aspiration.
Risk of severe pain (relative risk 0.16, 95% CI 0.04-0.74, two trials, 242 women).
Choice of agent and technique for paracervical block are discussed in detail separately. (See
"Pudendal and paracervical block", section on 'Women undergoing gynecologic procedures'.)
Women undergoing operative hysteroscopy with intrauterine procedures (eg, myomectomy, uterine
evacuation) typically require additional pain control beyond that provided by a paracervical block [14].
Options include intravenous medication (ie, conscious sedation) and regional or general anesthesia.
Paracervical block can be combined with these other modalities, but no benefit has been
demonstrated [53]. Patient selection and use of conscious sedation is reviewed separately. (See
"Procedural sedation in adults outside the operating room".)
Regional or general anesthesia is reserved for women who cannot tolerate a procedure under local or
intravenous anesthesia, such as patients who require extensive operative procedures (eg, resection of
uterine septum) or who have other medical comorbidities [54]. Patients with comorbidities may
require intensive monitoring in an operating room, even when local anesthesia or conscious sedation
is planned.
General principles regarding performing hysteroscopy are reviewed here. A detailed discussion of
specific operative procedures can be found separately. (See "An overview of endometrial ablation"
and "Intrauterine adhesions: Clinical manifestation and diagnosis" and "Congenital uterine anomalies:
Surgical repair".)
A Foley urethral catheter is not necessary unless intensive monitoring of urine output is necessary
(eg, prolonged procedure, excessive fluid absorption, or need to diuresis patient).
Although a video monitor is not requisite, it greatly benefits the surgeon, trainees, and scrub and
nursing personnel throughout the case.
Entry and cervical dilation — The initial steps for all hysteroscopic procedures are the same as for
other transcervical procedures (patient in dorsal lithotomy position, placement of speculum, use of
tenaculum or mechanical dilation as needed). The cervix should not be dilated beyond the size of the
hysteroscope, since this may cause leakage of distending medium.
A removable obturator (rod within the sheath) is especially helpful for introduction of the sheath into
the uterine cavity when entry is difficult. However, it is generally advisable to introduce the
hysteroscope under direct visualization to be able to navigate through the cervical canal.
Once the hysteroscope has been inserted, it is helpful to remove the speculum; using a bivalve
speculum (open on one side) makes this possible. Insert the hysteroscope through the cervical os
under direct endoscopic vision and remove the speculum.
Some experts advocate an alternative approach to the classic initial entry (particularly for diagnostic
procedures) technique, the vaginoscopic technique, which avoids the use of a speculum or
Vaginoscopic technique — The vaginoscopic, or "no touch," technique is performed without a
speculum or tenaculum and without anesthesia [55]. Women with cervical stenosis are not
candidates for this approach. A meta-analysis of six randomized trials found that use of the
vaginoscopic versus traditional technique was associated with a significant decrease in operative
pain [56]. Failed procedures were infrequent for both techniques. Some, but not all, randomized trials
have found that operative time was shorter for the vaginoscopic technique [57-60].
To perform the vaginoscopic technique, perform a bimanual pelvic examination with the patient in the
dorsal lithotomy position. Prepare the vaginal introitus with saline or povidone iodine [61]. Without
using a speculum, introduce a rigid or semi-rigid, narrow caliber (<4 mm) hysteroscope into the
vaginal introitus. Infuse normal saline at a pressure of 150 mmHg [62]. Close the labia minora
manually if needed to contain the distending medium. Visualize the cervix and direct the
hysteroscope through the cervical canal into the uterine cavity.
Evaluating the endocervix — The endocervix can be easily inspected during insertion of the
hysteroscope. Any lesions that warrant further evaluation can be visualized by withdrawing the
hysteroscope to the lesion site.
Evaluating the uterine cavity — Once the hysteroscope is within the endometrial cavity, the uterine
cavity is distended. The entire cavity is inspected, including the tubal ostia and any pathology. It is
often helpful to take photographs for documentation and communication with the patient.
Whether using a gaseous or fluid medium, after initial uterine distension, deflate the endometrial
cavity. This will prevent "negative hysteroscopic view" (ie, flattening of lesions by the pressure of
distension, thereby making them difficult to see).
In general, 1 to 3 percent of benign or malignant endometrial lesions are missed on hysteroscopy
[63]. To avoid missing uterine pathology, endometrial sampling (hysteroscopic biopsies or blind
sampling) should be performed in patients with global endometrial pathology or with persistent
bleeding and no hysteroscopic findings.
Women with focal pathology should undergo hysteroscopically directed removal of lesions. (See
"Endometrial carcinoma: Epidemiology, risk factors, and prevention".)
Management of distending media — One of the most important factors in performing operative
hysteroscopy is maintenance of a clear operative field. For fluid media, this is most safely
accomplished with a continuous flow hysteroscope and fluid pump. A complete discussion of the
choice and management of distending media can be found separately. (See "Hysteroscopy: Managing
fluid and gas distending media".)
Vasovagal reactions — Vasovagal syncope (also called neurocardiogenic syncope) is usually, but not
always, associated with a prodrome of dizziness, nausea, bradycardia, pallor or diaphoresis. When
these symptoms occur, useful measures are: stopping the procedure, placing the patient in supine
position with her legs raised or in the Trendelenburg position, and administering intravenous fluid.
Some patients may require atropine (0.5 to 1 mg IV every five minutes, not to exceed a total of 3 mg
or 0.04 mg/kg) or "smelling salts" (ie, aromatic ammonia spirit).
There are several reasons for hysteroscopic failure. As noted above, in the office setting, pain, cervical
stenosis, and poor visualization are the most common reasons for terminating a procedure. In
addition, advanced operative hysteroscopy may need to be halted due to excessive fluid absorption or
uterine perforation (which precludes adequate uterine distension). In a systematic review of over
26,000 procedures, the overall rate of failure was 3.6 percent, and was similar in ambulatory and
hospitalized patients and pre- and postmenopausal women [64].
Cervical stenosis — Pre-procedure cervical ripening with misoprostol and small diameter instruments
can reduce the frequency of procedure failure due to cervical stenosis. In postmenopausal women
with cervical stenosis, one option is to treat with two to four weeks or more of vaginal estrogen prior
to the procedure to soften the cervix and thereby facilitate the action of misoprostol, although the
efficacy of this approach has not been proven. (See 'Cervical preparation and dilation' above.)
When dilation of the cervix is difficult, a flexible hysteroscope may be passed more easily than a rigid
dilator or sound. Also, the direct view helps to navigate the canal.
For women who fail these measures, intracervical injection of dilute vasopressin (4 units per 80 mL
normal saline) has been reported to facilitate cervical dilation [65]. Although generally well tolerated,
vasopressin injection must be performed with caution (by aspirating and confirming the absence of
blood in the syringe prior to each injection), since intravascular injection or absorption has been
associated with profound hypertension, bradycardia, and intraoperative mortality [66].
If a small dilator cannot be easily inserted, hysteroscopy can be performed under ultrasound
guidance to confirm correct passage of the dilator into the endometrial cavity and make sure a false
passage is not created.
Uterine malposition — Extreme uterine retroversion or anteversion may be congenital or may be due
to pelvic adhesions. Such malposition may limit the ability to introduce the hysteroscope. Traction
with a tenaculum on the anterior lip of the cervix will often straighten the uterine axis. Also, use of a
flexible hysteroscope may be helpful. Of note, malposition may increase the risk of uterine
When the uterus is severely angulated, the tubal ostia must be visualized to confirm that the entire
uterine cavity has been evaluated.
Difficult uterine distention — Once the cervix has been dilated, it is unusual to have difficulty instilling
a distention medium. If this difficulty is encountered, it is likely that there is an obstruction in the
uterine cavity (eg, synechiae, malignancy).
Obscuring blood — Bleeding can impair visualization either directly or, if carbon dioxide is used for
distension, bleeding may cause gas bubbles to form. The gas bubbles can be cleared by switching to
a fluid medium.
For fluid media procedures, use of a continuous flow hysteroscope allows lavage of the endometrial
cavity. When lavage is not possible, then dilation and curettage can be performed to remove
endometrial debris and clots. Repeating the hysteroscopic procedure with a continuous flow
hysteroscope can then be successful. (See "Dilation and curettage".)
Most patients experience postoperative cramping or light bleeding and some complain of vaginal
discomfort. Carbon dioxide distension can cause referred shoulder pain, but this typically resolves
within 15 minutes [67]. Acetaminophen or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are usually adequate
for postoperative pain control, if necessary.
The patient may resume most normal activities within 24 hours and should follow standard
postoperative instructions for gynecologic procedures. (See "Patient education: Care after
gynecologic surgery (Beyond the Basics)".)
We see patients for a follow-up visit two weeks postoperatively to assess for further complications
and review pathology results.
Complications from hysteroscopy are rare, but some are potentially life threatening [32].
A multicenter study of 92 centers and over 21,000 operative hysteroscopic procedures reported a
complication rate of 0.22 percent [68]. The most common complication was perforation of the
uterus (0.12 percent), followed by fluid overload (0.06 percent), intraoperative hemorrhage (0.03
percent), bladder or bowel injury (0.02 percent), and endomyometritis (0.01 percent).
Another multicenter study reported data from both diagnostic and operative procedures [69]. The
study involved 82 hospitals and 13,600 procedures; the overall complication rate was 0.28
percent. Diagnostic hysteroscopy had a significantly lower complication rate than operative
hysteroscopy (0.13 versus 0.95 percent).
The most common complication of both types of hysteroscopy was uterine perforation (0.13 for
diagnostic; 0.76 percent for operative); 18 of 33 perforations occurred during entry (measuring
the size of the uterus with the sound instrument, dilation problems, perforation by hysteroscope).
Fluid overload occurred in operative (0.02 percent), but not diagnostic, procedures. The operative
procedure with the highest frequency of complications was intrauterine adhesiolysis (4.5 percent
complication rate); all of the other procedures had complication rates less than 1 percent.
In a systematic review of over 26,000 women who underwent diagnostic hysteroscopy,
complication rates were reported by only 29 percent of studies, totaling 9413 procedures [64].
Among these procedures, there were only eight complications: four uterine perforations, one
pelvic infection, one bladder perforation, and two medical complications.
Uterine perforation — Uterine perforation is the most common complication of hysteroscopy. In most
studies, hysteroscopy is complicated by confirmed uterine perforation in 0.8 to 1.6 percent of
operative procedures [68-72]. The perforation rate is less during diagnostic hysteroscopy (eg, 0.1
versus 1.0 percent with operative hysteroscopy percent in a series of 13,600 procedures) [69].
A uterine perforation can occur during mechanical cervical dilation or insertion of the hysteroscope.
Such a perforation may be recognized when an instrument passes beyond depth of the uterine
fundus, when there is sudden loss of visualization, when omentum or bowel or peritoneal structures
can be visualized at the uterine fundus, or when there is a sudden increase in the fluid deficit.
If a uterine perforation occurs, all instruments should be removed from the uterus and the
hemodynamic status of the patient should be assessed. A detailed discussion of the management of
uterine perforation can be found separately. (See "Uterine perforation during gynecologic
Urinary tract or bowel injury — Bowel or bladder injury are rare, but may occur in association with
uterine perforation or as a result of use of electrical current. Management of these injuries is
discussed in detail elsewhere. (See "Urinary tract injury in gynecologic surgery: Identification and
Cervical laceration — Cervical lacerations can occur, particularly in women with cervical stenosis.
Lacerations that are large or are bleeding require sutures.
Excessive fluid absorption — Complications related to distending media vary according to the patient
population and the media used. A complete discussion of management of distending media can be
found separately. (See "Hysteroscopy: Managing fluid and gas distending media" and "Hyponatremia
following transurethral resection or hysteroscopy".)
Embolism — Embolism (air or carbon dioxide) can occur with any hysteroscopic technique and can
cause cardiovascular collapse [73]. A complete discussion of management of distending media and
prevention of gas embolism can be found separately. (See "Hysteroscopy: Managing fluid and gas
distending media".)
Hemorrhage — Potential sources of intraoperative bleeding include operative sites, uterine
perforation, and cervical laceration.
Bleeding from cervical lacerations that is recognized at surgery can be controlled using the operative
instrument or sutures.
Bleeding from a specific site within the uterine cavity, with no suspicion of uterine perforation, can be
controlled with electrosurgery is most cases. Women with diffuse bleeding should be evaluated for
If coagulation testing is normal and diffuse bleeding continues, it can be treated by placing a Foley
catheter in the uterine cavity and then distending the bulb with 15 to 30 mL of water. In one series of
216 resectoscope procedures, four women (1.9 percent) developed postoperative uterine bleeding
and were successfully treated with this procedure [74]. Postoperative bleeding (with no suspicion of
uterine perforation), can also be managed with this technique.
Electrosurgical injury — Thermal effects of radiofrequency or laser energy can cause injuries to the
uterine cavity, as well as bowel, urinary bladder, and large pelvic vessels [9]. In particular, a significant
risk of bowel injury has been reported from hysteroscopic coagulation of the tubal cornua for
sterilization [75]. One must be cautious if coagulating in the tubal recesses.
The risk of thermal injury can be minimized by always moving the electrical instrument when it is
activated because the temperature of the uterine serosal surface does not rise appreciably if the
instrument is not held stationary during coagulation [76]. Vaginal thermal injury may result from
overdilation of the cervix or activation of current when the external sheath is less than 2 cms past the
external cervical os [77]. Electrode insulation defects can also cause thermal injury.
Sepsis generally results from unrecognized thermal bowel injury; fistulae or urinary ascites can occur
from an unrecognized bladder injury. Such complications require consultation with a colorectal
surgeon, urologist, or infectious disease specialist.
Infection — The risk of infection after operative hysteroscopy is low. Studies of 2000 or more
procedures report postoperative incidences of 0.1 to 0.9 percent incidence for endometritis and 0.6
percent for urinary tract infections [68,69,78].
Dissemination of tumor — Concerns regarding the dissemination of malignant cells during
hysteroscopy are discussed separately. (See "Overview of the evaluation of the endometrium for
malignant or premalignant disease", section on 'Risk of tumor dissemination'.)
Links to society and government-sponsored guidelines from selected countries and regions around
the world are provided separately. (See "Society guideline links: Hysteroscopy".)
Hysteroscopy is a procedure in which a telescope with a camera is used to evaluate or treat
pathology of the endometrial cavity, tubal ostia, or endocervical canal. (See 'Indications' above.)
Hysteroscopy in outpatient settings is increasingly common. Advances in instrumentation,
including narrow caliber hysteroscopes, decrease patient discomfort and have facilitated use of
local anesthetic and ambulatory procedures. (See 'Hysteroscopes' above.)
During hysteroscopy, the uterus is distended with a gas or fluid medium. Each medium has
benefits and risks, including fluid overload or gas embolism. (See "Hysteroscopy: Managing fluid
and gas distending media".)
Most women will need cervical dilation to undergo hysteroscopy. Preoperative cervical ripening
can reduce the need for mechanical dilation at the time of hysteroscopy and its attendant risks.
We suggest preoperative cervical ripening with misoprostol rather than no preoperative
treatment (Grade 2B). We prescribe misoprostol 200 mcg to be inserted into the posterior
vaginal fornix the night prior to the procedure. Premenopausal women undergoing hysteroscopy
with a flexible or narrow (<5 mm) scope may not require dilation at all and thus not benefit from
cervical ripening. (See 'Cervical preparation and dilation' above.)
Prophylactic antibiotics are not routinely administered during hysteroscopy since
posthysteroscopy infection is rare. (See 'Preoperative evaluation and preparation' above.)
Most diagnostic and brief or minor operative procedures can be performed without anesthetic or
with a local anesthetic. Regional or general anesthesia is reserved for patients who cannot
tolerate a procedure under local anesthesia, extensive operative procedures, or patients with
comorbidities that necessitate intensive monitoring. (See 'Anesthesia' above.)
In women undergoing hysteroscopy under local anesthetic, we suggest a paracervical block over
other methods of administering local anesthesia (Grade 2B). (See 'Anesthesia' above.)
The vaginoscopic technique for hysteroscopy avoids the use of a speculum and tenaculum. This
may decrease patient discomfort in some procedures. (See 'Vaginoscopic technique' above.)
Hysteroscopic complications are infrequent. Major complications include: uterine perforation,
fluid overload, and gas embolism. (See 'Complications' above and "Hysteroscopy: Managing fluid
and gas distending media".)
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Topic 3278 Version 26.0
Flexible hysteroscope
Courtesy of William J Mann, Jr, MD.
Graphic 59639 Version 1.0
Hysteroscope with different viewing angles
Graphic 58867 Version 1.0
Hysteroscopic instruments
(A) Scissors.
(B) Grasping forceps.
(C) Rigid hysteroscopic biopsy forceps.
Courtesy of William J Mann, Jr, MD.
Graphic 82008 Version 2.0
In-line operative hysteroscope with semirigid scissors
Courtesy of William J Mann, Jr, MD.
Graphic 69759 Version 1.0
Hysteroscopy: resectoscope
(A) Assembled hysteroscopic resectoscope with (B) rollerbar and (C) rollerball.
Courtesy of William J Mann, Jr, MD.
Graphic 74123 Version 3.0
Hysteroscopy: Resectoscopic instruments
(A) Rollerball.
(B) Loop electrode.
(C) Punctate electrode.
Courtesy of William J Mann, Jr, MD.
Graphic 55853 Version 4.0
Hysteroscopy: Resectoscope parts
Courtesy of Linda D Bradley, MD.
Graphic 69544 Version 1.0
Hysteroscopy: Resectoscope assembly 1
Courtesy of Linda D Bradley, MD.
Graphic 50056 Version 2.0
Hysteroscopy: Resectoscope assembly 2
Courtesy of Linda D Bradley, MD.
Graphic 62804 Version 2.0
Hysteroscopy: Resectoscope assembly 3
Courtesy of Linda D Bradley, MD.
Graphic 75612 Version 2.0
Contributor Disclosures
Linda D Bradley, MD Grant/Research/Clinical Trial Support: Bayer Healthcare [Uterine fibroids]. Other Financial
Interest: Gynesonics [Uterine fibroids]; PCORI [Uterine fibroids registry]. Tommaso Falcone, MD, FRCSC,
FACOG Nothing to disclose Kristen Eckler, MD, FACOG Nothing to disclose
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