
1. Leading with cultural intelligence.
The first lecture was so interesting, the way that they explain how you can
save yourself from an uncomfortable situation using your knowledge. That is
not the principal thing but is very useful especially when you made a lot of
mistakes like me, it does not mean that I am always late or something, but I
used to say a lot of stupid things when I have to expose in front of a group of
The importance of cultural intelligence shows up when you least expecting
it. But I discovered that magical thing a few semesters ago, I have been
partying with a few Germans and every time we hang out, I asked a few days
before the day if it was going to happen.
One day, one of them said to me: Majo, why when we have a date or if we
are going to do something together and we actually have the plans done
you still asking a few days before if we are going to do it? And then I
understand why because as Mexicans we are usually disrespectful with our
time and the others' time. We could cancel our meetings a few hours or
minutes before, and they could never do that, if they say that they are going
to do something it is because they are going to do it with no excuse. And
that is a huge difference between our cultures.
“Manager does things right and leaders do the right thing” another topic,
was about the difference between managers and leaders. That fragment of
"On becoming a leader" give me a chance to think and wonder why the
author exposed that and actually it is very easy. A manager does the things
right, even if it is not correct to the people that he is directing instead of a
leader who is going to do whatever it takes to do the right thing even if
people is not able to understand why or if they do not agree with them
because at the end everything is going to succeed and being even better
when everyone was expecting disaster.
Nowadays commerce is global, and when we are talking about global
companies, we must be inclusive, and we need to know about the cultures
that are involved. Maybe you are asking yourself why and a simple example
is this if the company has strict rules to dress and you cannot cover your hair
and there is a woman that needs to wear a hijab because of here religion
they have to change that because her thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are
stronger than this.
2. The future of cultural intelligence.
One of the most important things, when we are working with a group of
people is being collaborative because every single person can give
something to make everything inside the company better all can contribute
and it is a global responsibility because you cannot leave your companions
alone and it does not mean that you have to do the others work, it means
that you have to motivate the others and give them something to fight for.
If we change our way to see the things, we are going to change the way to
work, and maybe we will be better and if we are lucky we are going to
transmit that way to see the life to others and then they will be better too.
Sometimes focus on other people’s life it is so easy, but what about our own
life’s, we are focus on the others that in the end, we are terrible people, we
are just judging, always judging. If our neighbors don’t clean their gardens
but indeed we don’t separate the garbage, and we don’t clean our pool,
our we spent a lot of water unnecessarily we are even worst but we are so
blind to catch up what is the problem, and that we are part of it.
I am going to use an actual example, we are in the middle of a big pandemic
a lot of people respect quarantine to stay safe and keep safe their families
but there is a group of people that is not respecting quarantine so because
of them there is a lot of contagious. We could contribute to our society,
positively or negatively and it is our choice, our decision.
“The person of tomorrow”, this concept is interesting, and I think that the
author said it is correct. Our generation is looking to find themselves, being
better, and leave a better world for the next generations.
Reframe has to be primordial for the leaders when you are one of them you
must be prepared to change your vision and see all the things from different
perspectives and that is how you start to navigate the cultural intelligence,
even getting knowledge.
Adapting is one of the hardest things to do, but as someone said if you can’t
getting adapt you will not survive that is not literally but that person was right
because our ancestors would not have survived.
If we are talking about adaptive work, we need to be careful because if we
have a boss we wont be able to change him or our own team and we have
to respect everyone and work with them even if we don’t like them.
3. Motivation leadership and
It is pretty funny how every single person has a different perception of things
and situations we all have our way to see the world, fix our problems and help
others, there is not correctly or incorrectly way and it depends on our vision.
Time pass and we decide if we want to stay with the same perception or if
we want to amplify ourselves, our feelings, emotions, thoughts and that is how
we decided whom we want to be taking unknown roads, stumbling, falling,
and also getting up and learning about it.
The culture is one of the most important things in life because it helps you to
find yourself, to make you feel part of something. After all, as we could see
the people who share things in common usually are together and that is how
you start to have relationships, connections, and you start living and
coexisting with those people.
However, those groups of people are not always positive maybe their ideas
could hurt other people and that is when they have other groups against
them. As Mexicans, there is a lot of communities with different ideas, like
AMLO`s followers and the others that don't share the same ideologies (I am
part of the group that does not share the same ideologies because honestly?
he is completely insane) but they are always discussing if the things that he is
doing are correct or not, and his followers support him even when they know
that he is not doing things right creating a toxic fanaticism which is incorrect
because this motivates Andres to continue doing it. And guess what? That is
driving the country to hell.
Author Geert Hofstede, in his article “ Motivation , leadership and organization: Do American
theories apply abroad ? “ discusses the various tools by which a culture can be defined and
discusses whether the management theories related to motivation , leadership and organization
are universally true or not ? This essay describes the tools which gauge the culture and briefly
deals with two aspects of this article, motivation and organization. The author has based this
article on a large research project conducted by him over ix years, and studied 40 national
He tried to ‘determine empirically the main criteria by which their national cultures differed,
and he found four such criteria. These are, Power-distance, Uncertainty-Avoidance,
Individualism-collectivism, and Masculinity- Femininity. The author cautions, that ‘
characterizing a national culture does not mean that every person in the nation has the
characteristics applied to that culture. Therefore, in defining national cultures we refer to the
common norm- but we are not describing ndividuals’.
These criteria are named as dimensions by the author.
The first dimension is called the ‘ power distance’. It indicates the extent to which a society
accepts the fact that power in institutions and organizations is distributed unequally. It is
reflected in the values of less powerful members of the society as well as the more powerful
ones. A few characteristics of the two extremes would be that in a large power distance nation,
the power holders are entitled to privilege, superiors are naccessible, and latent conflict exists
between the powerful and the powerless. In contrast, in a small power distance nation, all have
equal rights and privileges, superiors are accessible and latent harmony exists between the
powerful and the powerless. The second dimension is ‘ uncertainty avoidance’. It indicates the
extent to which a society feels threatened by uncertain and unambiguous situations and tries
to avoid these situations, by providing greater career stability, establishing more formal rules,
not olerating deviant ideas and behaviors, and believing in absolute truths and attainment of
expertise. Nevertheless, societies with strong uncertainty avoidance are characterized by a
higher level of anxiety, and aggressiveness that creates, among other things, a strong inner
urge in people to work hard. Few characteristics of a nation with weak uncertainty avoidance
dimension are that time is free, and hard work is not a virtue.