Subido por Laura Martinez

The Osteology of Infants and Children

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AN: 430276 ; Baker, Brenda J., Tocheri, Matthew W., Dupras, Tosha L..; The Osteology of Infants and Children
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The Osteology of Infants and Children
N U M B E R T W E LV E :
T E X A S A & M U N I V E R S I T Y A N T H RO P O L O G Y S E R I E S
D . G E N T RY S T E E L E , G E N E R A L E D I T O R
Series Advisory Board
William Irons
Conrad Kottak
James F. O’Connell
Harry J. Shafer
Eric Trinkaus
Michael R. Waters
Patty Jo Watson
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AN: 430276 ; Baker, Brenda J., Tocheri, Matthew W., Dupras, Tosha L..; The Osteology of Infants and Children
Account: s1175444
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The Osteology of
Infants and Children
Brenda J. Baker, Tosha L. Dupras, and Matthew W. Tocheri
A & M
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AN: 430276 ; Baker, Brenda J., Tocheri, Matthew W., Dupras, Tosha L..; The Osteology of Infants and Children
Account: s1175444
College Station
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Copyright © 2005 by Brenda J. Baker, Tosha L. Dupras,
Matthew W. Tocheri, and Sandra M. Wheeler
Manufactured in the United States of America
All rights reserved
First edition
The paper used in this book meets the minimum requirements
of the American National Standard for Permanence
of Paper for Printed Library Materials, Z39.48-1984.
Binding materials have been chosen for durability. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Baker, Brenda J.
The osteology of infants and children / Brenda J. Baker, Tosha L.
Dupras, and Matthew W. Tocheri ; drawings by Sandra M. Wheeler.—1st ed.
p. cm. — (Texas A&M University anthropology series ; no. 12)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1-58544-428-6 (cloth : alk. paper) — ISBN 1-58544-465-0 (pbk. : alk. paper)
1. Children—Physiology. 2. Infants—Physiology. 3. Fetus—Physiology.
4. Human skeleton—Identification. 5. Human remains (Archaeology)
I. Dupras, Tosha L. II. Tocheri, Matthew W. III. Title. IV. Texas A & M
University anthropology series ; no. 12.
GN63.B35 2005
930.1— dc22
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Account: s1175444
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Lois Baker
Neomee and Al Dupras
Earlene and Wayne Tocheri
Michela Wheeler
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AN: 430276 ; Baker, Brenda J., Tocheri, Matthew W., Dupras, Tosha L..; The Osteology of Infants and Children
Account: s1175444
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or applicable copyright law.
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Part One:
Part Two:
Chapter 1. Studying the Bones of Children
Why Are Skeletal Remains of Subadults Important for Interpreting the Archaeological Record? 3
The Developing Skeleton: A Framework for Understanding How Bones Grow 5
Anatomical Terms and Directions 7
Placing Subadult Skeletons in Age and Sex Categories 10
Chapter 2. Excavating the Remains of Fetuses, Infants, and Children
Recognition and Preservation 11
How to Excavate Subadult Burials 13
Laboratory Treatment and Curation of Subadult Remains 24
Chapter 3. The Bones of the Cranial Vault
The Frontal 31
Description at Major Stages 31
Differentiation from Other Bones 32
Siding Techniques 32
The Parietal 32
Description at Major Stages 32
Differentiation from Other Bones 33
Siding Techniques 33
The Occipital 34
Description at Major Stages 34
Differentiation from Other Bones 34
Siding Techniques 36
The Temporal 37
Description at Major Stages 37
Differentiation from Other Bones 37
Siding Techniques 38
The Auditory Ossicles 38
Description at Major Stages 38
Differentiation from Other Bones 38
Siding Techniques 38
The Sphenoid 39
Description at Major Stages 39
Differentiation from Other Bones 40
Siding Techniques 41
Chapter 4. The Bones of the Face
The Ethmoid 42
Description at Major Stages 42
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or applicable copyright law.
Differentiation from Other Bones
Siding Techniques 42
The Inferior Nasal Concha 43
Description at Major Stages 43
Differentiation from Other Bones
Siding Techniques 43
The Vomer 44
Description at Major Stages 44
Differentiation from Other Bones
The Nasal Bone 44
Description at Major Stages 44
Differentiation from Other Bones
Siding Techniques 45
The Lacrimal 45
Description at Major Stages 45
Differentiation from Other Bones
Siding Techniques 46
The Zygomatic 46
Description at Major Stages 46
Differentiation from Other Bones
Siding Techniques 47
The Palatine 47
Description at Major Stages 47
Differentiation from Other Bones
Siding Techniques 48
The Maxilla 48
Description at Major Stages 48
Differentiation from Other Bones
Siding Techniques 50
The Mandible 50
Description at Major Stages 50
Differentiation from Other Bones
Siding Techniques 50
The Hyoid 51
Description at Major Stages 51
Differentiation from Other Bones
Siding Techniques 52
Chapter 5. The Dentition
Five Steps for Tooth Identification 54
1. To Which Tooth Type Does the Tooth Belong? 54
Incisors 54
Canines 54
Premolars 54
Molars 54
2. Is the Tooth Deciduous or Permanent? 56
3. Is It a Maxillary or Mandibular Tooth? 57
Incisors 57
Canines 57
Premolars 57
Molars 58
4. What Is the Tooth’s Position in the Dentition? 62
Incisors 62
Premolars 63
Molars 63
5. Is the Tooth from the Right or Left Side? 64
Incisors 64
Canines 65
Premolars 66
Molars 68
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or applicable copyright law.
Part Three:
Chapter 6. The Vertebral Column and Pelvic Girdle
Cervical Vertebrae 75
The Atlas (C1) 75
Description at Major Stages 75
Differentiation from Other Bones 76
Siding Techniques 77
The Axis (C2) 77
Description at Major Stages 77
Differentiation from Other Bones 78
Siding Techniques 78
Typical Cervical Vertebrae (C3– C7) 78
Description at Major Stages 78
Differentiation from Other Bones 79
Siding Techniques 79
Thoracic Vertebrae 80
Description at Major Stages 80
Differentiation from Other Bones 80
Siding Techniques 81
Lumbar Vertebrae 81
Description at Major Stages 81
Differentiation from Other Bones 81
Siding Techniques 82
Differentiating Vertebrae from Other Bones 82
The Sacrum 83
Description at Major Stages 83
Differentiation from Other Bones 86
Siding Techniques 86
The Coccyx 86
Description at Major Stages 86
Differentiation from Other Bones 86
The Os Coxa 87
The Ilium 89
Description at Major Stages 89
Differentiation from Other Bones 89
Siding Techniques 89
The Ischium 90
Description at Major Stages 90
Differentiation from Other Bones 90
Siding Techniques 91
The Pubis 91
Description at Major Stages 91
Differentiation from Other Bones 91
Siding Techniques 92
Chapter 7. The Chest and Shoulder Girdle
The Ribs 93
First Rib 95
Description at Major Stages 95
Siding Techniques 95
Second Rib 95
Description at Major Stages 95
Siding Techniques 95
Ribs 3 through 10 95
Description at Major Stages 95
Siding Techniques 95
Ribs 11 and 12 95
Description at Major Stages 95
Siding Techniques 96
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Differentiating Ribs from Other Bones 96
The Sternum 96
Description at Major Stages 96
Differentiation from Other Bones 97
The Clavicle 97
Description at Major Stages 97
Differentiation from Other Bones 98
Siding Techniques 99
The Scapula 99
Description at Major Stages 99
Differentiation from Other Bones 101
Siding Techniques 102
Chapter 8. The Bones of the Arms and Legs
The Bones of the Arm 103
The Humerus 103
Description at Major Stages 103
Differentiation from Other Bones 105
Siding Techniques 106
The Radius 107
Description at Major Stages 107
Differentiation from Other Bones 109
Siding Techniques 109
The Ulna 109
Description at Major Stages 109
Differentiation from Other Bones 110
Siding Techniques 111
The Bones of the Leg 112
The Femur 112
Description at Major Stages 112
Differentiation from Other Bones 114
Siding Techniques 115
The Tibia 116
Description at Major Stages 116
Differentiation from Other Bones 118
Siding Techniques 118
The Fibula 119
Description at Major Stages 119
Differentiation from Other Bones 121
Siding Techniques 122
The Patella 122
Description at Major Stages 122
Differentiation from Other Bones 123
Siding Techniques 123
Chapter 9. The Bones of the Hands and Feet
The Bones of the Hand 124
Carpals 124
Scaphoid 125
Differentiation from Other Bones 125
Siding Techniques 125
Lunate 125
Differentiation from Other Bones 125
Siding Techniques 126
Triquetral 126
Differentiation from Other Bones 126
Siding Techniques 126
Pisiform 126
Differentiation from Other Bones 126
Siding Techniques 127
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or applicable copyright law.
Trapezium 127
Differentiation from Other Bones 127
Siding Techniques 127
Trapezoid 127
Differentiation from Other Bones 128
Siding Techniques 128
Capitate 128
Differentiation from Other Bones 129
Siding Techniques 129
Hamate 129
Differentiation from Other Bones 129
Siding Techniques 129
Metacarpals 130
First Metacarpal 130
Differentiation from Other Bones 130
Siding Techniques 130
Second Metacarpal 130
Differentiation from Other Metacarpals 132
Siding Techniques 133
Third Metacarpal 133
Differentiation from Other Metacarpals 133
Siding Techniques 133
Fourth Metacarpal 134
Differentiation from Other Metacarpals 134
Siding Techniques 134
Fifth Metacarpal 134
Differentiation from Other Metacarpals 135
Siding Techniques 135
Differentiating Metacarpals from Metatarsals 135
Hand Phalanges 135
Proximal Phalanges 135
Intermediate Phalanges 137
Distal Phalanges 137
Siding Hand Phalanges 137
Differentiating Hand and Foot Phalanges 137
The Bones of the Foot 138
Tarsals 138
Calcaneus 138
Differentiation from Other Bones 139
Siding Techniques 140
Talus 140
Differentiation from Other Bones 141
Siding Techniques 141
Cuboid 141
Differentiation from Other Bones 142
Siding Techniques 142
Navicular 142
Differentiation from Other Bones 143
Siding Techniques 143
First or Medial Cuneiform 143
Differentiation from Other Bones 144
Siding Techniques 144
Second or Intermediate Cuneiform 144
Differentiation from Other Bones 144
Siding Techniques 144
Third or Lateral Cuneiform 145
Differentiation from Other Bones 145
Siding Techniques 145
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Metatarsals 145
First Metatarsal 147
Differentiation from Other Bones 147
Siding Techniques 148
Second Metatarsal 148
Differentiation from Other Metatarsals 148
Siding Techniques 148
Third Metatarsal 148
Differentiation from Other Metatarsals 149
Siding Techniques 149
Fourth Metatarsal 149
Differentiation from Other Metatarsals 150
Siding Techniques 150
Fifth Metatarsal 150
Differentiation from Other Metatarsals 150
Siding Techniques 150
Differentiating Metatarsals from Metacarpals 151
The Foot Phalanges 151
Proximal Phalanges 151
Intermediate Phalanges 151
Distal Phalanges 151
Siding Foot Phalanges 151
Differentiating Hand and Foot Phalanges 152
Part Four:
Chapter 10. Age Estimation and Templates for Identification
Appearance and Fusion of Skeletal Elements 157
Age-Related Templates 157
References Cited
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00-A3353 4/21/05 8:03 AM Page xiii
This book is intended to fill the need for a field and lab
manual on subadult osteology and provide a textbook for
human osteology courses. Unlike other osteology texts, it
focuses on the recovery, identification, and siding of skeletal elements from fetuses, infants, and children, as well
as from adolescents who have nearly attained adult morphology. Basic descriptions of each skeletal element at
varying stages of development, along with sections on differentiation from other bones and siding tips are provided. The book can serve as a guide to field and lab procedures and will help investigators distinguish human and
nonhuman bones, particularly those of fetuses and infants. The book provides many illustrations of juvenile
skeletal elements as reference material for those who lack
access to a study collection with such remains. These illustrations and descriptions will permit identification of
human subadult remains in field and lab settings.
Our work with abundant subadult remains from ancient Egyptian contexts provides a unique opportunity to
undertake a book on subadult osteology. We are involved
in long-term projects in which we have excavated and analyzed many extremely well-preserved burials of fetuses,
infants, and children. This book is derived from our combined experience in working with these remains. We have
all contributed significantly, in complementary ways, to
this collaboration. The result is a vastly stronger book
than any of us could have produced separately.
This book would not have been possible without the
support of the respective projects in Egypt. Brenda Baker
has been the physical anthropologist for the University of
Pennsylvania Museum–Yale University–Institute of Fine
Arts, New York University Expedition to Abydos since
1988, and Sandra Wheeler served as an artist for the
2002 –2003 field season. Abydos was the site of Early
Dynastic royal tombs and funerary enclosures, with cemeteries that have been in use over the past 5,000 years.
Codirected by David O’Connor (IFA) and William Kelly
Simpson (Yale University), the expedition was initiated in
1967. Special gratitude is owed to David O’Connor and
particularly to Matthew Adams (University of Pennsylvania and IFA), associate director, and Janet Richards (University of Michigan), director of the Abydos Middle Cemetery Project, University of Michigan, for their continuing
interest in the human remains and incorporation of bioarchaeology in their respective projects at Abydos. The
many subadult burials that have been carefully excavated
during the fieldwork directed by Adams and Richards in
the North Cemetery, Middle Cemetery, and settlement
site have been invaluable in creating this book. All photographs of Abydos material are the property of Brenda
Baker and are published with the permission of the University of Pennsylvania Museum–Yale University–Institute of Fine Arts, New York University Expedition to
Tosha Dupras has been a member of the physical anthropology team of the Dakhleh Oasis Project since 1995,
and Matthew Tocheri joined the team in 1998. The mandate of the Dakhleh Oasis Project is the study of human
adaptation to the harsh Saharan environment. This international multidisciplinary project began in 1978 under
the auspices of the Royal Ontario Museum and the directorship of Anthony Mills. The physical anthropology
team is directed by El Molto (University of Western Ontario). The subadult remains from this project are associated with two cemeteries of the village of Kellis and span
the Ptolemaic through Christian periods. The analysis of
these burials has also proved indispensable to the production of this book.
Many other individuals have contributed to this work
through participation in field projects in which the remains that form the basis of the book were excavated or
analyzed. We are indebted to all of them. We especially
thank Scott Haddow, Jaime Ullinger, Lana Williams, and
Melissa Zabecki for their assistance. Matthew Adams,
Scott Burnett, and Rebecca Hill reviewed drafts of certain
chapters and provided helpful comments that have improved the book, as did the two anonymous reviewers. We
also thank our families for their support of our endeavors.
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01-A3353 4/21/05 8:03 AM Page 1
The Bare Bones of Subadult Skeletons
n this section, the basics of studying the skeletal remains of fetuses, infants, and
children are addressed. Students who take a course in human osteology often
receive little or no training in the recognition of such remains. Thus, skeletal
material from children, and particularly from fetuses and infants, is often confused
with animal bone during archaeological fieldwork. Certain skeletal elements may be
overlooked because the archaeologist or bioarchaeologist conducting the fieldwork
does not have a framework for identifying the remains or is using excavation techniques that are not suited to recovery of small bones or growth centers that are just
beginning to ossify.
In the first chapter, therefore, the importance of recognizing subadult remains
and including them in studies concerning bioarchaeology, osteology, and paleopathology is delineated. Recognition of subadult skeletal remains relies on an understanding of skeletal development and the anatomical terminology needed to identify
and side specific elements. The second chapter is devoted to recovery and storage of
subadult remains and procedural recommendations that differ from strategies generally employed for adult burials.
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01-A3353 4/21/05 8:03 AM Page 3
Studying the Bones of Children
The field of human osteology typically emphasizes the bones of the adult skeleton, yet the burials of
subadults often represent up to half of the remains in many mortuary sites. It is, therefore, crucial to include
them in bioarchaeological investigations. The skeletons of subadults at varying stages of development differ
in the number of skeletal elements present and in their appearance, complicating their identification. For this
reason, it is important to develop a basic understanding of bone growth and development from the fetal
through adolescent stages to aid in identification of the bones that are present in a given skeleton or in a set
of commingled remains. The ability to identify and side specific bones at each of these stages relies on standard anatomical terminology that is defined in this chapter.
Why Are Skeletal Remains of Subadults Important
for Interpreting the Archaeological Record?
Burials of fetuses, infants, and children are overlooked in
many investigations. Their exclusion arises partly from
the perception that subadult skeletal material is poorly
preserved in comparison to that of adults (Guy et al.,
1997; Mays, 1998), but also from a lack of recognition
and inadequate excavation techniques. Recovery and investigation of subadult skeletons are hampered by sparse
coverage in most human osteology courses and textbooks. General human osteology texts (e.g., Bass, 1995;
Steele and Bramblett, 1988; White, 2000) emphasize the
adult skeleton and have few illustrations of subadult
skeletal elements. Study collections of subadult material
are usually very small or unavailable at most universities.
As a result, students of human osteology generally do not
become well acquainted with the range of age-based variation until they have several years of experience and have
delved into specialized texts such as Fazekas and Kósa’s
(1978) long out-of-print work Forensic Fetal Osteology or
Scheuer and Black’s (2000) treatise Developmental Juvenile Osteology. Even then, many choose to avoid working
with subadult remains because they may be perceived as
too difficult and time-consuming to deal with or not
worthwhile in terms of information gained. This perception is likely rooted in unfamiliarity. However, there is
still no reliable method of determining the sex of preadolescents, so why should we worry about remains if we
cannot distinguish males and females with confidence?
On the other hand, we can more accurately and precisely
age subadult versus adult remains, so why not include
children in our studies? The sheer numbers of subadult
skeletons in archaeological settings and the need to identify them in forensic contexts makes it increasingly necessary to counter their neglect in osteological training and
research. Subadult osteology is vital for understanding
the range of modern human skeletal variation in bioarchaeological and forensic contexts, and is also imperative in paleoanthropology for fossil fragments of hominid
subadults to be more readily recognized.
Skeletons of fetuses, infants, and children can provide
a wealth of information on the populations from which
they come. Whenever skeletal remains are recovered, estimating the age at death of the individual is often a critical first step for further investigation. In forensic and
occasionally historic archaeological cases, establishing
the age at death is important for positive identification of
the deceased. In archaeological samples, age estimates are
important for a variety of reasons depending on the
specific research objectives. For instance, if a researcher is
interested in how different environments have affected
the growth and development of two or more past human
populations, the age at death of each subadult included
in the sample needs to be estimated. Another instance
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Copyright © 2005. Texas A&M University Press. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except fair uses permitted under U.S.
or applicable copyright law.
might involve trying to understand the burial practices
of a past population by determining at what age subadults receive treatment similar to adults. Determining
the demographic structure and overall health status of the
population also relies heavily on accurate estimations of
subadult age at death.
Studying the patterns and processes of growth in prehistoric skeletal samples is perhaps the most typical component of a research design that involves subadult skeletons. Variations in the timing and trajectory of skeletal
and dental development are known to exist within and
between populations for many reasons. These include
differences due to genetic, environmental, nutritional,
and socioeconomic factors. Such growth-related studies
typically include the goal of investigating general aspects
of health and well-being in prehistoric populations (e.g.,
Johnston and Zimmer, 1989; Saunders and Hoppa,
1993). Humphrey (2000) and Saunders (2000) provide
excellent syntheses of growth-related studies in physical
anthropology. Data derived from these studies often
form a baseline for further studies of paleodemography
and paleopathology.
Paleodemography, which is the study of past populations’ age and sex composition, birth and mortality rates,
and other population statistics, relies on analyses of representative skeletal samples. The inclusion of subadult
remains in such samples is critical for accurate reconstructions of population size and structure, mortality and survivorship rates, life expectancies at birth, and population
fertility and birth rates. A large body of literature in physical anthropology is associated with paleodemography.
For more detailed information on this area of research,
we suggest the following overviews and the references
within them: Hoppa and Vaupel (2002); Konigsberg
and Frankenberg (1994); Milner et al. (2000); and Paine
Despite the onset of many diseases in childhood (e.g.,
nutritional deficiencies like rickets and scurvy, and infections like tuberculosis and yaws), research in paleopathology, the study of disease in past populations, is often limited to adults. The incorporation of subadults in
paleopathology serves to broaden our understanding of
disease prevalence, transmission, susceptibility, age-ofonset, and differential diagnosis. The prevalence of conditions such as porotic hyperostosis (pitting on the skull
vault) and cribra orbitalia (lesions on the roof of the eye
orbits, fig. 1.1) attest to nutritional adequacy and health
status, as do disruptions in the formation of tooth enamel
Fig. 1.1 Severe lesions of cribra orbitalia were active at the time of death in a young child, 1 to 4 years old, from the Abydos Middle
Cemetery in Egypt (AMC1999.35). The pathology in this child is indicative of anemia, arising from inadequate nutrition, malabsorption
of iron due to a heavy parasite load, diarrheal diseases, or a combination of these factors. Photograph by Brenda Baker
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(hypoplasias) during childhood. Patterns of trauma elucidate the risks of childhood and, potentially, even child
abuse (Walker et al., 1997). Congenital abnormalities or
developmental defects in subadult and adult remains can
shed light on the prevalence of both symptomatic and
asymptomatic abnormalities in past populations. Major
treatises on paleopathology include Aufderheide and
Rodríguez-Martín (1998) and Ortner (2003). For a general overview of nonspecific stress indicators, as well as infectious disease, see Larsen (1997) and Mays (1998). Lewis
(2000) specifically addresses issues in nonadult paleopathology and provides many references for those interested in investigating past disease in subadult skeletons.
The primary books devoted to the osteology of
subadult remains (Fazekas and Kósa, 1978; Scheuer and
Black, 2000, 2004) are invaluable resources on the embryological and fetal development of the human skeleton.
A principal goal of these books is the determination of
age. Scheuer and Black (2000) also delineate many
developmental anomalies and their formation during
growth. While they devote some attention to the differentiation of similar bones and siding techniques, these
sections are brief and pertain mainly to perinatal elements. In this book, means of distinguishing skeletal elements from those with similar morphology and techniques for determining which side of the body is
represented are priorities.
Techniques used to identify and side adult bones do
not always apply to fetal, infant, or juvenile remains.
Hence, the approach taken in subsequent chapters is to
provide descriptions of bones at various stages of development with methods used to identify, side, and differentiate them from bones of similar appearance at these
stages. In some cases, the techniques used pertain to adult
bones as well. The information provided should improve
the ability to identify and side bones from fetal, infant,
and juvenile skeletons easily and promote their inclusion
in future research. Excellent casts of subadult material of
varying ages (including bones from a neonate, an infant
0.5–1.5 years, and children 1–2 years and 7.5– 8.5 years,
as well as dental development casts) are available from
France Casting ( to supplement study collections and the illustrations in this book.
In addition, the mini-osteometric board developed by
Jim Kondrat of Paleo-tech Concepts (www.paleotech
.com) greatly facilitates measurements of subadult bones.
The present volume relies considerably on Fazekas and
Kósa (1978), Scheuer and Black (2000), and other standard osteological (Bass, 1995; Schwartz, 1995; Steele
and Bramblett, 1988; White, 2000), anatomical (e.g.,
Gray, 1977), and radiological (e.g., Garn et al., 1967;
Greulich and Pyle, 1959; MacKay, 1961; Tanner and
Whitehouse, 1959) references for the age of appearance
and fusion of ossification centers. While some knowledge
of adult osteology is helpful, it is not a prerequisite for using this book. The basic mechanisms of bone growth and
development, as well as anatomical terminology used in
the descriptions of skeletal elements, are included in this
chapter to provide a complete reference manual for use in
the field or lab.
The Developing Skeleton:
A Framework for Understanding How Bones Grow
Bone is a dynamic tissue that serves multiple functions: it
protects and supports soft tissue; it anchors muscles, tendons, and ligaments, and acts as levers to produce movement; and it provides centers for the production of blood
cells and storage of fat and minerals. Bone is comprised of
an inorganic or mineral component, as well as an organic
or protein component. In adults, the organic portion
comprises 24% of the dry weight of cortical (dense) bone,
while the inorganic portion constitutes 76% (Baker,
1992). In children, the organic portion forms a larger
proportion than in adults. The organic material is composed principally of the protein collagen, which imparts
elasticity, flexibility, and tensile strength. The inorganic
component (hydroxyapatite) provides rigidity, hardness,
and strength in compression. In infants and children,
some of the skeleton is still cartilaginous or membranous,
resulting in greater elasticity and flexibility than adult
bone. Therefore, it is no surprise that young children can
perform amazing feats of agility and break bones infre-
quently in comparison to older individuals exposed to
similar stresses.
In the developing fetus, bone replaces models preformed in cartilage or connective tissue membrane. Thus,
ossification proceeds in two ways: endochondral (based
on a cartilage template) or intramembranous (within dermal or membranous precursors). In some cases, bones
develop from a combination of these processes. The initial bone that forms is referred to as woven, or immature,
bone. Woven bone develops rapidly and is less organized
than the lamellar, or mature, bone that gradually replaces
it. Lamellar bone has two forms. One is the dense compact or cortical bone that comprises the shafts of the tubular bones of the appendages and the outer surface (cortex) of most other bones (e.g., the ilium, scapula, cranial
bones). The other type of lamellar bone is formed from a
network of spicules called trabeculae and resembles a
sponge. For this reason it is often called spongy bone, but
it is more correctly termed cancellous or trabecular bone.
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This type of bone is found in the ends of tubular bones,
the bones of the wrist (carpals) and ankle (tarsals), vertebral centra (the bodies in adults), and the interior regions
of flat bones such as the ilium, scapula, and ribs.
The initial site of ossification is referred to as the primary center. Most primary centers appear during fetal development, although some, such as most of the carpals
and tarsals, appear after birth. Secondary centers appear
in many bones after the primary center has developed.
These can coalesce quickly with the primary center or develop as separate elements known as epiphyses. Epiphyses
fuse to the main body of the bone at later stages of development, typically in adolescence. At birth, approximately 450 separate ossification centers or elements are
present. These gradually enlarge throughout childhood
and fuse together to form the typical 206 bones of the
adult human skeleton.
The complex process of ossification and bone growth
is delineated in many texts. The following discussion is
simplified to provide a basic understanding of bone
growth. Readers should consult Scheuer and Black
(2000) for a more detailed account. Most human osteology textbooks describe the process of bone development
for the long bones of the arms and legs, with little attention paid to bones that ossify from only a single center or
to the growth of epiphyses. While similar, there are some
differences in the growth pattern. In all cases, growth
arises from a combination of bone formation (apposition)
and removal (resorption) that relies upon the adequate
supply of nutrients from blood vessels (vascularization).
This combination of apposition and resorption is called
modeling in an immature bone, while in the mature bone
it is referred to as remodeling.
In long bones, the primary center of ossification forms
the diaphysis, or shaft. Bone apposition begins in an area
of vascularity that invades the cartilaginous template,
with one vessel eventually predominating. This vessel is
the nutrient artery, which enters the diaphysis through a
nutrient foramen. Osteoblasts are bone-forming cells that
deposit osteoid, which is the organic matrix of bone. The
osteoid is rapidly mineralized in the midshaft area, forming a shell of woven bone. Encasing this newly formed
bone is the periosteum, which continues to be osteogenic
(bone-producing) throughout life. After the primary
center of ossification forms, a highly vascularized cartilaginous region develops at each end of the bone, which
is known as the growth plate. At the ends of the diaphysis, in the areas known as metaphyses, vascular loops arranged perpendicular to the growth plate extend from
the bone into the zone of ossification. In this zone, cartilage cells become mineralized and are replaced by osteoblasts. Once the secondary centers begin to ossify, the
disk-shaped growth plate separates the epiphysis from the
metaphysis and permits the bone to continue growing in
length. The end of the metaphysis generally displays a
furrowed or billowy surface where it eventually joins with
the epiphysis. This surface is referred to as the epiphyseal
surface since it faces the epiphysis. An epiphysis has a similar roughened or furrowed surface that eventually fuses
to the shaft and is termed the metaphyseal surface. The
side opposite the metaphyseal surface is articular if part of
a joint (e.g., the femoral head) or nonarticular if not at a
joint (e.g., the greater trochanter).
The metaphysis also plays a role in transverse growth
of the bone. As it is laid down, new bone is reorganized
through resorption by osteoclasts (bone-removing cells).
New bone is deposited along the margins of the metaphysis and growth plate, permitting the width of the bone
to expand as it grows in length. Subperiosteal bone apposition continues along the diaphysis, while it is resorbed at the inner margin, or endosteal surface, which is
also osteogenic. This process allows the entire length of
the bone to increase in width and permits the formation
of the medullary or marrow cavity in the bone’s interior.
As the diaphysis continues to grow and the epiphysis
(which also has a growth plate) ossifies and enlarges, the
expansion of the cartilaginous growth plate slows and
bone formation eventually outpaces the formation of
cartilage. The growth plates of the diaphysis and epiphysis eventually meet and the cartilage plate thins and is
pierced by blood vessels. The periosteum then extends
over the abutting growth plates and, as bone is formed
along the vascular channels, bridges begin to connect the
epiphysis with the diaphysis. The process of epiphyseal fusion is gradual. Upon completion of epiphyseal union,
longitudinal growth ceases.
Epiphyses, as well as bones that form from a single, primary center (e.g., carpals, tarsals, vertebral centra) are also
dependent upon endochondral ossification and vascularization. The many vascular foramina encountered in developing epiphyses and nonarticular areas of largely trabecular bone like the carpals, tarsals, or vertebral centra
attest to the invasion of blood vessels via cartilage canals.
Cartilage begins to calcify in the vascularized areas and is
replaced by osteoid. Due to the highly vascularized nature, the bone is cancellous, or filled with spaces to permit the passage of the blood vessels. The growth plate in
these elements is spherical. Thus, bone continues to replace cartilage in a radiating pattern. As with long bones,
growth stops when the pace of cartilage formation falls
behind that of bone apposition and the zone of ossification makes contact with the perichondrium (outer covering of the cartilage template). Intramembranous ossification of the periosteum then occurs and the modeling
process ends. The bones subsequently continue to change
through the process of remodeling.
Intramembranous ossification in the fetus is a simpler
process and occurs earlier than endochondral ossification.
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It involves the direct mineralization of the membranous
template. Osteoid is deposited in the matrix as vascularization occurs, forming a center of ossification. This type
of ossification characterizes many of the flat bones of the
skull vault and bones of the face. New bone continues to
be deposited on the surface, permitting expansion of the
ossification center.
Anatomical Terms and Directions
For reference purposes, the adult human skeleton is typically oriented in a standing posture with no bone crossing over another. Thus, the legs are together with the
toes pointing forward and the arms are at the sides with
the palms facing forward. This orientation is known as
standard anatomical position. While it feels awkward for
most of us to stand with our palms facing forward rather
than toward the legs, this position ensures that the bones
of the forearm are not crossed. It is important to remember the hand position in reference to directional terms relating to anatomical features that permit identification of
the side of the body from which a bone comes. While
standard anatomical position is based on the adult skeleton, it pertains to any child who has begun to walk. For
fetuses and infants who have not yet begun to walk, the
body can be envisioned in a supine position (on the
back), with the toes pointing up and the palms facing up
along the sides of the body. This position is essentially the
equivalent of an adult body in anatomical position that
has been tipped over onto its back.
A human body or skeleton oriented in standard
anatomical position is typically divided into three planes
of reference—the sagittal, coronal or frontal, and the
transverse planes (fig. 1.2). These planes form the basis of
many of the directional terms used in anatomy. The sagittal plane divides the body into right and left halves along
a midline that begins at the top of the skull and continues downward between the legs and feet. Medial is toward the midline, while lateral is away from the midline.
In the forearm, the ulna is the medial bone and the radius
is the lateral bone in anatomical position. Paired bones
(those that appear on both the right and left sides) have
medial and lateral portions. Many students become confused if they attempt to divide each appendage along its
center instead of referring to the plane dividing the body
as a whole. Thus, in the tibia, the medial side of the bone
is on the inside of the leg (toward the midline of the
body), while lateral is toward the fibula or outside of the
leg. Anatomical landmarks on a given bone are typically
described as medial or lateral to other features as well. For
example, the head of a femur is medial to its neck and the
greater trochanter is lateral to both.
The coronal or frontal plane begins at the crown of the
head and divides the body into front and rear halves. The
front part is referred to as ventral or anterior. The rear
part is termed dorsal or posterior. Some bones, therefore,
lie in the anterior part of the body (e.g., the sternum and
clavicles), while others lie in the posterior half (e.g., vertebrae and scapulae). Bones also have anterior (ventral)
and posterior (dorsal) sides and anatomical features are
described in relation to each other based on these relationships (e.g., the tibial tuberosity is on the anterior part
of the tibia; the spinous process of a thoracic vertebra is
posterior to the transverse processes).
The transverse plane is perpendicular to the sagittal
and frontal planes. It divides the body into upper and
lower halves. Bones from the upper portion of the body
are cranial (toward the head) or superior (on top), while
bones from the lower portion are caudal (toward the tail)
or inferior (beneath). The prefixes “supra” and “infra”
are also used to indicate the superior and inferior directions. Bones also have superior and inferior (or cranial
and caudal) aspects. A vertebral body, for example, has a
superior surface and an inferior surface. The glenoid cavity of a scapula is inferior to the coracoid and acromion
processes, but it is superior to the axillary margin and the
inferior angle.
Other directional terminology derives from the relationship of major divisions of the body. The skeleton is
often divided at the neck, with bones of the skull referred
to as cranial and all bones below the skull referred to as
infracranial (under or beneath the skull). In quadrupeds,
where the body is behind the skull, the terms cranial and
postcranial are used. The latter terminology technically
pertains to crawling infants as well. The axial skeleton
forms the trunk of the body (the skull, thorax, and pelvic
girdle), while the appendicular skeleton refers to the appendages or limbs (bones of the arms and legs). Proximal
and distal are directional terms used in relation to these
divisions (fig. 1.3). Proximal refers to a bone or part of a
bone that is closest to the trunk or axial skeleton, while
distal is a bone or portion of a bone that is farthest from
the trunk. Thus, the humerus is proximal to the radius
and ulna, but the trochlea and olecranon fossa are features on the distal end of the bone. The medial and lateral epicondyles, however, are proximal to the trochlea
and capitulum.
Special terms are used for the hands and feet. Dorsal
refers to the back of the hand (as it lies in standard
anatomical position), but it also refers to the top of the
foot. The opposite side or sole of the foot is its plantar
surface, while the opposite side of the hand is the palmar,
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Fig. 1.2 Three anatomical planes of reference divide the skeleton into left and right
halves (sagittal), upper and lower halves
(transverse), and front and back halves
(coronal). Anatomical directions pertaining
to each plane are used to describe relationships between features on each bone and
are demonstrated on a neonatal skull.
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or volar, surface (see chap. 9). Other terms are particular
to the dentition (see chap. 5). In both the upper and
lower jaws, mesial is toward the point on the midline
where the central incisors meet, and distal is away from
that point. Thus, the mesial surface of a canine is next to
the distal surface of the second (or lateral) incisor. Teeth
also have a buccal (toward the cheek) or labial (toward
the lip) side that is opposite the lingual side, which is toward the tongue. The biting portion of the anterior teeth
is referred to as the incisal edge, while the grinding portion of molars and premolars is known as the occlusal surface. Interproximal refers to spaces between adjacent
teeth, and is easily remembered as the areas where you
put your dental floss.
Bones themselves are often categorized by their
shapes. Long bones are large, tubular bones of the limbs
with articular ends. Short bones are small versions of long
bones and include the metacarpals, metatarsals, and phalanges of the hands and feet, along with the clavicle.
Many bones of the cranial vault are classified as flat bones
because they lack the tubularity of long and short bones
and are, instead, thin and wide. Flat bones also include
the ribs, ilia (os coxae in adults), scapulae, and sternebrae.
Bones that do not fit into these categories are termed irregular bones because of their odd shapes. These tend to
be blocky bones such as those comprising the vertebral
column, as well as the carpals, tarsals, patellae, and some
cranial bones (e.g., the sphenoid).
Fig. 1.3 The skeleton is further divided into appendicular and axial sections with concomitant directional terms.
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When faced with a bone to identify, it is easiest to begin by determining whether it is cranial or infracranial.
Infracranial bones should then be classified by their shape
to narrow the possibilities (e.g., if it is a flat bone then all
the long and short bones can be eliminated from consideration). Proper identification of a bone necessitates
knowledge of its morphology and anatomical features at
various stages of development. In this book, the appearance of each bone is described at key stages of development to aid in its identification at different ages. The
section on differentiation from other bones points out
distinguishing features at each stage in relation to bones
of similar shape. Once a bone is identified, the side of the
body it comes from must be determined if it is a paired
bone (e.g., the femur, ribs, etc.). Many siding techniques
rely on positioning the bone in standard anatomical position and then looking for distinguishing anatomical features. In addition to these techniques, we also provide
alternative ways of siding bones that do not require orientation in anatomical position. Some of these tricks are
quick and easy means of determining a bone’s side that
often help you remember its most distinctive features.
Placing Subadult Skeletons in Age and Sex Categories
Many different terms are employed to describe individuals who are not yet considered mature adults. In fact,
there is no agreement on exactly when an individual becomes adult. In many textbooks, the division occurs at
age 18 or 20. In others, adulthood is perceived to be
slightly earlier, at the end of puberty or adolescence (i.e.,
after sexual maturity is achieved and the adolescent
growth spurt is complete). All those younger than adults
can be referred to as subadults. Some osteologists prefer
to label these individuals as nonadults. Additional terms
used in this volume are fetus, perinate, neonate, infant,
child or juvenile, and adolescent.
Fetus applies to any skeleton that is less than full term.
This 9-month gestational period is divided into trimesters or 3-month intervals. Perinatal refers to the time
just before or after birth. In practice, it is often difficult to
separate a late-term fetus from a newborn. In this situation, the term perinate may be the most accurate. Neonate refers specifically to a newborn in its first month of
life, while infant encompasses the period from birth to
one year of age. A child is an individual over age 1 and up
to puberty. Juvenile has been used interchangeably with
child in this book, but often refers to older children in
whom the permanent dentition has begun to erupt. This
distinction can also be used to divide childhood into early
and late stages, so that young childhood extends from
age 1 to 6 and older childhood from about 7 to 12 years.
Puberty begins as early as age 10 in females and 12 in
males and marks the onset of adolescence. Adolescence
extends through the period of growth, generally culminating around age 14 in females and 16 in males. Adolescents are typically included in the child or juvenile
grouping because they are not yet mature. The period
from the beginning of ossification in the fetus through
adolescent bone development forms the focus of this
book. The templates and tables in chapter 10 summarize
the general developmental stages of bone growth for
placement in the age categories we have defined.
Determining the sex of the fetal and juvenile skeleton
is a difficult endeavor given that most of the morphological features related to sexual differences in human skeletal remains are not present until after the onset of puberty.
In most cases, researchers agree that determining the sex
of subadult skeletal remains cannot be accomplished with
much accuracy. Research on sexing fetal and juvenile remains has concentrated on potential sexual morphological and metric differences in the pelvis (Boucher, 1955;
1957; Holcomb and Konigsberg, 1995; Hunt, 1990;
Mittler and Sheridan, 1992; Rogers and Saunders, 1994;
Schutkowski, 1987; 1993; Weaver, 1980), mandible
(Loth and Henneberg, 2001; Schutkowski, 1987; 1993;
Scheuer, 2002) and dentition (Black, 1978; DeVito and
Saunders, 1990; Hunt and Gleiser, 1955). Generally,
morphological characteristics have been found to be more
reliable than metric techniques.
Among the various methods advanced for determining
sex of juvenile remains, males have been found to classify at a higher rate of accuracy than females. Many of
the proposed methods, however, have not been tested
further on documented samples of known sex. Those
that have been tested on another sample tend to produce much lower accuracy than originally reported (e.g.,
Scheuer, 2002). Because no method for sexing juvenile
remains is currently widely accepted, we have chosen not
to describe such techniques more fully in this book. Consult Sutter (2003) and Scheuer and Black (2000) for further discussion of this issue.
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02-A3353 4/21/05 8:03 AM Page 11
Excavating the Remains of Fetuses,
Infants, and Children
The burials of children, especially those of fetuses and infants, are sometimes missed or ignored in ar-
chaeological excavations and are, thus, poorly represented in many extant skeletal collections. Ubelaker
(1999:2) suggests that “skeletal collections in museums often contain only adults because it was previously
believed that little could be learned from immature individuals.” Extant samples, therefore, are often biased,
skewing observations of mortality and health status. Other factors that contribute to the underrepresentation of subadults include differential mortuary treatment, differential preservation, and inadequate excavation techniques.
Recognition and Preservation
In any mortuary program, age is often a criterion for differential treatment of the dead. Children may be buried
in the same location as adult family members (fig. 2.1),
but they are often interred in separate areas reserved specifically for children. Burials of children in many societies
are often separated from those of adults, particularly if
they were stillborn or did not survive long after birth. Socioeconomic status is frequently a factor in determining
the disposition of a child’s body. For example, remains of
infants and young children are often found under house
floors of ancient Egyptian settlement sites (fig. 2.2), while
others are located in formal cemeteries amid the burials
of adults (fig. 2.3). In this case, burials from the cemetery
context alone are not representative of the living population, since subadults would be underenumerated. Burials may also be found in midden contexts. Sample bias
is, thus, often a reflection of the area excavated. Archaeological research designs should take such potential bias
into account. Osteologists analyzing any collection must
also learn as much as possible about the excavation and
burial context to avoid misinterpretations due to potential sample bias. For example, infanticide is sometimes
suggested as a cause of infant underenumeration in skeletal samples (e.g., Mays, 1993; Smith and Kahila, 1992);
however, more probabilistic approaches to skeletal aging
suggest that the observed peaks in perinatal mortality are
more likely a consequence of differential burial treatment for stillbirths and premature babies unable to survive without modern medical intervention (Gowland and
Chamberlain, 2002; Tocheri et al., 2005).
Differential preservation is another factor contributing
to underrepresentation of subadult burials (Gordon and
Buikstra, 1981; Guy et al., 1997; Mays, 1998). Bones of
children are small and may just be starting to ossify. Because they are not as well mineralized as the bones of
adults, they are more subject to diagenesis and may suffer
greater postmortem degradation. The small size of baby
bones and ossification centers that are just beginning to
form makes them more likely to be displaced by bioturbation or disturbance by animals. In some cases, however,
the bones of children may be better preserved than those
of adults due to differential mortuary treatment (e.g.,
interment in pottery vessels) or even taboos concerning
their disturbance. Because of their small size, however, it
is much more likely that burials of infants and children
will be missed in test excavations or any sampling procedure. It is also much more likely that they will be inadvertently destroyed by backhoes or misplaced shovels
because the burial features are small and not as obvious as
those of adults.
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Fig. 2.1 An infant interred next to the
legs of its mother from the Kellis 2
cemetery (Roman period) at Dakhleh Oasis. Photograph by Tosha Dupras
Fig. 2.2 A perinate and a child, 16 to 18 months old, were interred together under a house floor at the Abydos Settlement Site
(ASS91, Burials 1A and 1B). An overturned bowl dating to the First Intermediate Period (c. 2181–2040 B.C.) covered the bodies. The
water table in this area is high due to the proximity of cultivation, and the burials were moist and began to dry out as excavation proceeded. Photograph by Brenda Baker
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E X C AV AT I N G T H E R E M A I N S O F F E T U S E S , I N F A N T S , A N D C H I L D R E N
Fig. 2.3 An area of burials in the Abydos North Cemetery (ANC88, E840N780, Burials 9–13) consists of two small wooden
coffins containing infants to the left of a group of three anthropoid coffins of adults. Photograph by Brenda Baker
Excavation procedures are, therefore, crucial to the recovery of subadult burials. It is critical to perform careful recovery and documentation in the field. To do so
requires some knowledge of subadult osteology, particularly when remains are poorly preserved. Archaeologists
who lack osteological training, and even those who have
taken osteology courses but have no experience with subadult bones, sometimes do not recognize such remains
as human. Lack of recognition is particularly problem-
atic for fetal and infant skeletons (figs. 2.4 and 2.5). Because the bones have not developed adult morphology
and are very small, they are easily mistaken for bones of
small mammals like rodents. The descriptions that follow in chapters 2 through 9 should help alleviate this predicament. Special excavation and laboratory processes are
needed to ensure these burials are available for osteological analyses.
How to Excavate Subadult Burials
Excellent discussions of the procedures required to excavate, document, and prepare human burials are found in
Brothwell (1981), Ubelaker (1999), and White (2000).
The latter two are replete with photographs and should
be consulted for general steps to be taken in any burial
excavation. Subadult burials, however, are not addressed
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Fig. 2.4 Remains of a fetus (approximate age, 6 to 7 fetal months) are shown in the initial stages of exposure.
The pot in which the fetus was interred, which is badly damaged, was located in the midst of a concentration
of broken animal bones in the Abydos North Cemetery. Part of the skull and bones of the arms and legs are
evident but could easily be mistaken for those of a small animal. Photograph by Brenda Baker
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E X C AV AT I N G T H E R E M A I N S O F F E T U S E S , I N F A N T S , A N D C H I L D R E N
Fig. 2.5 The skeleton (ANC2002.53) is more fully exposed and recognizable, showing the fetus in
fig. 2.4 positioned on its back with the skull toward the bottom of the photo and the legs slightly
flexed at the top of the photo. Photograph by Jody Waldron
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specifically in these works. Because these burials require
additional measures to ensure optimal recovery and curation, they must be treated somewhat differently at all
stages. We limit our discussion to general techniques and
guidelines that are useful in excavating subadult burials in
most situations.
The fragility and size of bones in subadult burials require more delicate tools and a gentler touch than are
necessary in excavation of adult burials (fig. 2.6). Use of
a 2-inch paintbrush on an infant burial, for instance, will
dislodge most of the bones. Once near bone level, trowels are also likely to inflict damage, as it is easy to remove too much dirt or damage bone surfaces with the
metal edge. Metal implements (e.g., dental picks) should
also be avoided for this reason, unless extremely hard and
compact soil conditions necessitate their use. Bamboo
picks, wooden skewers, or soft wooden or bamboo sculpture tools should be used because they are softer than
bone and will not damage it. A range of small, soft artist’s
brushes and paintbrushes up to 1⁄ 2-inch are most suitable for exposing fetal and infant skeletons, while somewhat larger brushes (e.g., 1-inch) are useful on skeletons of older children. The key factor is that the brushes
should be soft so they do not inflict damage on the bone
(fig. 2.7). Stiff brushes may scrape the cortex away from
infant bones or even break them if too much pressure is
applied during soil removal.
Small scoops or spoons facilitate removal of soil from
subadult burials. Sets of wooden or plastic scoops and
measuring spoons available at kitchen and department
stores are perfect for burial excavation. These are small
enough to use in tight spots within the grave of an infant
or child or to remove soil from infants interred in small
coffins or in pots.
As in any burial excavation, all soil must be screened to
ensure complete recovery. Normally, screens used in general excavation have 1⁄ 4-inch mesh (c. 6 mm), and those
employed in burial excavation are typically 1⁄ 8-inch mesh
(about 3 mm). While these are sufficient for adult burials,
finer screens must be used for subadult burials to ensure
recovery of epiphyses, developing teeth, carpals, tarsals, or
fragments. Window screen with 1⁄ 16-inch mesh (or about
1.5 mm) is adequate for most subadult burials, but even
finer screen (e.g., 1 mm) is necessary for fetal or neonatal
burials. Graduated sieves, such as those used by geologists
and for flotation, are ideal. These small, round screens are
an appropriate size and come in U.S. Bureau of Standards
mesh sizes (e.g., no. 10 is 2-mm and no. 18 is 1-mm
mesh). These can be combined to facilitate the screening process (e.g., a 2-mm sieve placed above a 1-mm
sieve permits rapid identification of larger elements in
the first screen and smaller items in the second screen
(fig. 2.8). This type of sieve is available through such outlets as Forestry Suppliers (
Although it takes longer to screen through fine mesh, the
reward is recovery of such items as tiny tooth buds or
barely formed carpals that permit a precise age estimate.
Patience is a prerequisite for excavating subadult remains. Removing soil too quickly or removing too much
can cause small bones to disarticulate. Often, a domino
effect ensues. Soil conditions determine how much matrix should be removed from the bones. While full exposure of the skeleton is preferred for mapping and photographs, it is sometimes necessary to expose only the tops
of the bones to avoid collapse. Excavators who have little
familiarity with subadult burials should err on the side of
caution and ask for assistance from someone with more
experience. Once the small bones of the hands and feet or
epiphyses are removed from their original position, they
can be extremely difficult or even impossible to identify
correctly in a fetus or neonate.
During and after the careful exposure of the skeleton,
a form specific to burial recovery should be completed
and standard information on position and orientation of
the body, context, soil conditions, associated artifacts,
and measurements of the burial facility recorded. A drawing should show the major bones and their relationship to pit or coffin edges, as well as any associated artifacts. When permitted, photographs are indispensable for
documentation. Many Native American groups currently
prohibit photographs of human remains. If photos are
not permitted at the site, it is imperative to document the
burials with detailed drawings and descriptions (figs. 2.9
and 2.10). A visual record of the bone presence or absence, along with observations of unusual features or
damage, can be made on a standard homunculus of an infant or child (fig. 2.11) or on other drawings included in
chapter 10. Additional forms and drawings of this nature
are found in Buikstra and Ubelaker (1994).
Once the burial has been thoroughly documented,
several bags should be labeled with the project and site
number, burial number, and the bones the bag will contain, along with the side of the body from which they are
taken. For example, separate bags should be labeled for
the right and left ribs, right and left arms, and so forth.
Care should be taken to observe the position of all epiphyses or small bones just starting to ossify. These elements should be put in separate bags with explicit labels
if the morphology is not obvious (e.g., the right leg bag
of an infant should clearly differentiate the distal femoral
epiphysis from the proximal tibial epiphysis, as these are
otherwise indistinguishable at this stage of development).
Bones of the skull can be bagged together if the cranium
is intact. The mandible should be separated. Be careful
not to turn the maxillae or mandible upside down before
bagging. If you must do so, be sure to have the bones
over the bag in which they will be placed or over a finemesh screen so any developing tooth crowns are not lost.
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E X C AV AT I N G T H E R E M A I N S O F F E T U S E S , I N F A N T S , A N D C H I L D R E N
Fig. 2.6 Soft brushes and a bamboo pick are used by Laurel Bestock to expose a child’s legs. This child, age 3 to
5 years, was interred in a subsidiary grave of a Dynasty 1 royal funerary enclosure (c. 3100 B.C.) in the North
Cemetery at Abydos (ANC2002.36). Plastic bags for artifacts and bone fragments are also evident. Photograph
by Brenda Baker
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Fig. 2.7 Exposure of a Middle Kingdom (c. 2040 –1786 B.C.) burial of a young child from the Abydos North
Cemetery (ANC2002.51). Using a small brush, sand is removed from the thorax and pushed toward the legs
for removal. The hands, lying over the pelvis and upper legs, and feet are the last areas exposed, ensuring that
the tiny bones are not dislodged as the burial is excavated. Photograph by Brenda Baker
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E X C AV AT I N G T H E R E M A I N S O F F E T U S E S , I N F A N T S , A N D C H I L D R E N
If the skull is fragmentary, pieces from specific bones
should be bagged separately where possible. Because the
metacarpals, metatarsals, and phalanges do not develop
distinctive features until childhood, it is difficult to identify and side them in the lab. Thus, bones of the hands
and feet should be separated not only by side but also by
ray (the bones that form each digit), if possible. The additional time taken to remove each ray and bag it separately in the field is far less than the time required to sort
them out in the lab. The same can be said for vertebral
elements. Bagging all these parts separately ensures that
no information is lost between the field and the lab.
Bones should then be removed individually by gradually undercutting the remaining soil on which they rest.
The bones that are uppermost should be taken out first,
with those underlying them remaining until they are easily accessible (fig. 2.12). For example, in a burial that is
flexed on its right side, the skull, left arm, and left leg
are generally the highest parts of the skeleton and are re-
moved first. The left ribs and the bones of the left hip are
usually accessible once the arm has been bagged. Bones
of the vertebral column and the right side are removed
last. In a burial that is supine and extended, the bones
of the vertebral column and pelvis are usually the last to
be removed. Light brushing of the bones to remove the
bulk of adhering dirt can be done in the field if the bones
are well preserved. Generally, however, it is best simply
to bag the bones for cleaning in the lab with the soil still
Because they are less dense, the bones of infants and
young children often break or are crushed under the
weight of the overlying soil. Some consolidation may,
therefore, be necessary in the field. Consolidants should
never be used to treat all bone; instead, they should be
judiciously applied only to bones that would otherwise
crumble during removal and only when permitted by
agreements with descendant groups. Only chemicals with
demonstrated stability and reversibility should be used to
Fig. 2.8 Brenda Baker uses graduated sieves as she excavates a neonate interred in a pot found under a house floor
of the Abydos Settlement Site (ASS91, Burial 3). The First Intermediate Period pot was removed from the field to the
lab intact, where the infant’s bones were discovered as the project botanist scooped soil out of the vessel for analysis.
Photograph by Leslie Hammond
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Fig. 2.9 Detailed drawing of the neonate burial in the pot shown in figure 2.8. Courtesy the University of Pennsylvania Museum–Yale University–Institute of
Fine Arts, New York University Expedition
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E X C AV AT I N G T H E R E M A I N S O F F E T U S E S , I N F A N T S , A N D C H I L D R E N
stabilize the bones so they can be removed intact (Johansson, 1987; Kres and Lovell, 1995). Use of reversible
consolidants ensures that any dirt still adhering to the
bone during treatment in the field can later be removed
during cleaning and reconstruction in the lab.
A variety of material has been used by conservators as
adhesives and consolidants (Elder et al., 1997; this leaflet
can be viewed by clicking on Publications at www.spnhc
.org). New consolidants are always being developed, including those intended specifically for organic materials,
such as Passivation Polymers (Smith, 2002). These materials can be obtained through chemical or conservation suppliers (Horie, 1987). Excellent sources of links
to chemical and conservation supply companies in the
United States and the UK are found at
(click on Sources) and
Some common consolidants and their usage are discussed by Brothwell (1981:10). A few materials frequently used in the past, such as shellac and cellulose
nitrate (sold as Duco and UHU), are no longer recommended for long-term conservation. Shellac darkens considerably and is very difficult to remove. Cellulose nitrate
typically becomes brittle over time and can crack or peel
off the bone, sometimes causing damage to the surface
on which it was applied. Alvar is a polyvinyl acetal that
has been widely used. It can also darken considerably
over time. While it is soluble in acetone, personal experience has found it difficult to remove without damaging the bone. The cortex often comes off along with
Fig. 2.10 Photograph of the fully exposed skeleton (ASS91, Burial 3) from figure 2.8. Both the drawing (fig. 2.9) and the photograph document the
position of the baby’s body, which was probably initially placed in a seated position in the vessel. The head and torso have slumped to the right
and onto the floor of the vessel. The right humerus is evident against the side of the pot (top right), while the left humerus crosses over the left leg
(bottom right). The right leg (bottom left) is stretched out near the skull. Photograph by Brenda Baker
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Fig. 2.11 A generalized homunculus of an infant /child skeleton and views of a neonatal skull for use in burial recovery and inventory forms.
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E X C AV AT I N G T H E R E M A I N S O F F E T U S E S , I N F A N T S , A N D C H I L D R E N
the preservative. Although epoxies may be used as consolidants, they are not easily soluble and they discolor
with time.
One of the consolidants most often used in the field is
polyvinyl acetate (PVA), as it has good stability and does
not discolor. It also comes in many different viscosities,
allowing for consolidation of materials of different densi-
ties. A consolidant preferred over PVA by many conservators is Acryloid B72, which has very good durability
and does not discolor. In higher concentrations, it is an
excellent adhesive for repairing breaks. Polyvinyl alcohol
(PVAL) is another effective consolidant. It is only soluble
in water, and it can be applied to wet bone (very helpful
in some archaeological contexts). Cyclododecane, a low-
Fig. 2.12 Removal of a burial begins
with the uppermost bones and requires
many labeled bags to separate parts of
the skeleton. Jaime Ullinger is excavating
ANC2002.51, also shown in fig. 2.7.
Photograph by Brenda Baker
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melting wax that sublimates over time without leaving
a residue, is also a useful, temporary stabilizer (Sanchita
Balachandran, personal communication).
In the past, bones were commonly treated in the lab
with consolidants such as PVA even when they were in
excellent condition. Such treatment was thought to enhance long-term preservation. One of the potential problems with using consolidants, however, is the long-term
effects they have on bone composition (McGowan and
LaRoche, 1996). DNA and stable isotope analyses can
be adversely affected by the use of consolidants on bone
(Cooper et al., 1994; Johnson, 1994; Sease, 1994). For
instance, glues derived from organic substances are
known to introduce contaminant DNA to treated bone
samples (Nicholson et al., 2002). If such analyses may be
performed in the future, we recommend that some bone
not be treated with consolidants. We advocate the use of
consolidants only when necessary to extract poorly preserved remains from the field and for use as adhesives to
reconstruct skeletal elements when required for analysis.
The assistance of a conservator is often indispensable, as in the case of a small child buried in a subsidiary grave of a royal First Dynasty funerary enclosure at
Abydos (fig. 2.13). The lower half of the body was still
in situ in the grave, though it had been crushed in some
places by roof-fall. Application of B72 and placement
of rice paper strips over the badly damaged areas ensured that each bone of this very significant burial could
be taken out and transported to the lab in one piece,
where it could then be cleaned and repaired for study.
In some cases, it is best to remove burials of fetuses or
infants in blocks so trained personnel can excavate them
from the matrix in a lab setting. Removal in blocks or partial blocks is also necessary for subadult burials that are
damp or waterlogged, as they are easily damaged even by
bamboo or wooden picks (see fig. 2.2). Once dry, soil can
be more easily removed under controlled lab conditions
(fig. 2.14). Block removal is much less difficult for baby
burials than it is for adults. Thin boards (often even legalsize clipboards) are suitable for slipping under the skeleton as a burial is undercut. The soil surrounding the bone
must be firm and compact for block removal to be considered. Otherwise, the block can collapse and cause considerable breakage or crumbling of fragile bones. Where
necessary, jacketing in plaster can be employed to stabilize the block (see Ubelaker, 1999; White, 2000).
Bones should be packaged in a box or basket for transport to the laboratory with plenty of padding to ensure
they do not break. Never pack a subadult skeleton with
that of an adult because the small bones will be crushed
by those of the adult. As for adult burials, it is best to
place the largest, heaviest bones on the bottom (e.g., long
bones) and lighter or more fragile bones (e.g., separate
cranial bones, ribs, scapulae, hands, and feet) on the top.
Air in the bags helps protect the bones for transport.
Laboratory Treatment and Curation of Subadult Remains
Once a burial is back in the lab, any moisture in the bones
should be allowed to escape by opening the bags, especially if they are plastic. If wet, the bones should be allowed to dry gradually and should not be placed under
lamps to hasten the process. In arid climates like that of
the Egyptian desert or American Southwest, it is often
most important to make sure that skeletal remains are
stored out of direct sunlight, which causes rapid drying
and bleaching and often leads to warping and cracking in
a very short period of time. Bones of subadults should be
cleaned initially by dry brushing only to remove adhering soil. In cases where the bones are extremely well preserved, they can be washed with water, but they should
never be soaked or placed under a running tap. It is far
safer to use a soft brush dipped in water for the cleaning
Any bone that has been stabilized in the field may require removal of consolidants and special care in cleaning and piecing it back together. Once most bones are
cleaned, breaks can be mended by joining the pieces together with B72 or some other stable, reversible adhesive.
If the descendant group prohibits use of adhesives, care
should be taken to ensure that all fragments of a bone are
kept together for examination. This procedure is particularly important for subadult burials in which bone fragments are not easily identifiable. When permitted, and in
any case where long-term storage of the skeletons ensues,
all bones large enough should be labeled in small print
with indelible ink. Labels should contain identifying information (project/site and burial designations) so that
individuals are not confused during subsequent inventory
or study (fig. 2.15). Writing directly on the bone is sometimes possible, but a thin layer of B72 solution may be
required to provide a smooth surface for the label and
prevent the ink from soaking into porous bone.
Ideally, skeletal inventory forms should be specific to
adults and subadults. Presence or absence of separate ossification centers (e.g., epiphyses) should be noted, as these
are integral in age estimation. Separate elements of bones
like the occipital should be recorded individually (e.g., left
lateral portion present, right absent, squamous portion
fragmentary, etc.). Simply indicating that an occipital is
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E X C AV AT I N G T H E R E M A I N S O F F E T U S E S , I N F A N T S , A N D C H I L D R E N
Fig. 2.13 Many bones of the child in the subsidiary grave shown in fig. 2.6 (ANC2002.36) were scattered
and crushed by roof-fall. The lower half of the body and a cache of ivory bracelets near the right thigh
remained in situ on the cobble floor, but the bones were broken in several places. Stabilization required
application of B72 and rice-paper strips to hold the bones together during removal. Photograph by Brenda
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Fig. 2.14 The double burial shown in fig. 2.2 was removed in a series of blocks to limit damage to the bones. Above,
the thorax block from the child (ASS91, Burial 1A), age 16 to 18 months, after it has dried and before removal of the
silt; below, the thorax after removal of the silt in the lab shows full definition of the ribs and vertebrae. Attempting
such exposure in the field would have caused substantial damage to the soft, wet bones. Photographs by Brenda Baker
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E X C AV AT I N G T H E R E M A I N S O F F E T U S E S , I N F A N T S , A N D C H I L D R E N
Fig. 2.15 Labels with the project, unit, and burial designations (ASS91, OP 2, Burial 1A) are evident in
this dorsal view of the left hand bones of the child in the double burial from the Abydos Settlement Site
(fig. 2.2). Note the small, nearly featureless carpals present at this stage, about 16 to 18 months. Photograph by Brenda Baker
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present or fragmentary may be suitable in an adult, but it
is not particularly informative in subadults for whom the
ossification centers have not yet united. The descriptions
of each bone of the skull and infracranial skeleton and
the techniques for rapid determination of an age category
that follow in chapters 3 through 10 should be consulted
for additional information on identification and siding of
each element. Visual recording forms (e.g., fig. 2.11 and
templates in chap. 10) can be used to assist in documentation of the skeleton.
Once the bones have been cataloged for each individual, they should preferably be placed in archival storage
media for long-term curation. Like adhesives, archival
packaging material can be purchased through conservation suppliers. Boxes should be sturdy, and light boxes
should always be placed above heavy boxes if they must
be stacked. If adult-size storage boxes are used, the skeletons of two or more subadults can be stored together
so the bones do not slide around when the box is moved.
The burials must each be clearly labeled in separate bags
so they do not get mixed together, and each should be
indicated on the exterior box label. If a subadult burial
is stored separately and takes up only a small portion of
the box, extra bags filled with air or some other padding
material (e.g., archival foam or tissue) should be used to
cushion the bones and prevent them from slamming into
the sides of the box whenever it is moved. Following these
excavation and lab procedures and precautions will ensure that subadult burials are well represented in a skeletal collection and are available for research.
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The Skull and Teeth
he adult skull is comprised of twenty-eight bones that form the cranial
vault, the face, and the jaws. Another bone, the hyoid, is suspended from
the skull base and is included in this section. Many of these twenty-nine
bones ossify from multiple centers, so that a typical newborn has at least thirty-nine
separate elements. Some bones in a neonate, therefore, have more than one component, while other centers have not yet begun to ossify.
The development of the bones encasing the brain is delineated in chapter 3. The
bones comprising the face, which contribute to the eye orbits, nasal cavity, hard
palate, and jaws, are the subject of chapter 4. Chapter 5 is devoted to the deciduous
and permanent dentition.
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The Bones of the Cranial Vault
The bones of the cranial vault are those that surround and form a protective cocoon for the brain. They
consist of the frontal, the parietals, the occipital, the temporal bones, and the sphenoid. Although they do
not contribute to the cranial vault, the auditory ossicles are included in this chapter due to their anatomical
location within the temporal bones. The majority of bones discussed in this chapter are categorized as flat
bones (frontal, parietals, temporals, occipital) or irregular bones (sphenoid and auditory ossicles). Most of
these bones ossify from separate centers that eventually fuse together to form the adult bone. Thus, in fetuses, infants, and children, one must be able to identify the separate parts of each bone.
The Frontal
Description at Major Stages
The frontal bone (fig. 3.1) is located on the anterior
portion of the cranium and makes up the superior part of
the face (i.e., the forehead and roof of the eye sockets).
It articulates with twelve other bones: the sphenoid, ethmoid, parietals, nasal bones, maxillae, lacrimals, and zygomatics. The frontal initially develops as a pair of right and
left bones that eventually fuse together medially at the metopic suture (fig. 3.1a). Each half of the frontal bone ossifies intramembranously, typically beginning by the end of
the eighth fetal week. This portion of the skull quickly develops the morphology that characterizes the adult bone.
Frontal bone morphology is usually described in two
sections. The first of these refers to the portions of the
bone associated with the eye orbits (fig. 3.1b) while the
second refers to portions associated with the forehead or
frontal squama (fig. 3.1c). Fusion of the metopic suture
is variable throughout human populations. Typically, the
right and left halves of the frontal bone partly or completely fuse in the first year of life, although it sometimes
takes up to four years for complete fusion. In some cases,
the metopic suture persists throughout life.
In fetuses and neonates, the right and left halves of
the frontal bone are completely separate. Each half consists of a thin, curved squamous portion that has a long,
straight edge on one side and a curved contour around
the rest of its perimeter that gives the bone a D shape.
The straight edge is the slightly serrated metopic suture,
while the curved aspect is the coronal suture (fig. 3.1d).
The rounded protuberance in the middle of the bone
is the frontal eminence (fig. 3.1e). Internally, the squamous portion is slightly cupped and striated. A thin sheet
of bone extending at a right angle to the anterior edge of
the squama is the orbital plate. The orbit is smooth on
the anterior aspect and somewhat convex on the back or
internal aspect of the cranium. The upper edge, where
the orbital roof joins the frontal squama, is known as the
supraorbital margin (fig. 3.1f ). It is marked by a notch
or foramen, even in early stages of development. At its
lateral edge, the supraorbital margin thickens into the zygomatic process (fig. 3.1g), marked by a suture where it
articulates with the zygomatic or cheekbone.
In older infants and children, the two halves of the
frontal bone fuse together and some of the adult morphology becomes observable at this stage. At the midline,
on the anterior portion of the internal frontal squama, a
sharp ridge known as the frontal crest develops, along
with the foramen cecum—a tiny hole at its root. The back
of the orbital plate becomes bumpy, differentiating the
internal aspect from the smooth orbital surface. The orbits are divided by the ethmoidal notch, in which the ethmoid bone is situated, and small cells for the ethmoidal air
sinuses line its perimeter. Larger openings for the frontal
sinuses expand in early childhood.
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mented frontal elements. When fragmentary, however,
the frontal squama can be confused with squamous portions of the parietals, temporals, and even the occipital.
For unfused right and left halves, the internal morphology is not well developed but the small size of the bone
and roughly D shape help distinguish it. Noting that one
edge (for the metopic suture) is straight (fig. 3.1a), while
the other sutural edge is curved (fig. 3.1d) from its posterior juncture with the metopic suture, aids in identifying a neonatal frontal squama. The primary distinction
between various squamal elements in children and adults
lies in the internal morphology. In the frontal bone, the
posterior midline has a groove for the sagittal sinus, anterior to which lies the frontal crest and foramen cecum.
Small vessel impressions may also be present near the
coronal suture.
Fig. 3.1 Right frontal from an infant, top anterior, bottom inferior:
a, metopic suture; b, orbit; c, squama; d, coronal suture; e, frontal eminence; f, supraorbital margin; g, zygomatic process.
Differentiation from Other Bones
Unless fragmentary, the frontal bone is distinct enough
to prevent confusion with other cranial bones from fetal
development onward. In particular, the orbital portions
are unique and can help differentiate even badly frag-
Siding Techniques
For a fetus or neonate, the separate halves of the
frontal must be sided. If a complete bone is present, place
the concave surface down, the convex squamal surface up
(fig. 3.1c), and the orbit facing away from you (fig. 3.1b).
The straighter border for the metopic suture (fig. 3.1a)
is medial, while the curved coronal suture (fig. 3.1d)
marks the side to which the bone belongs. Note also that
the lateral corner of the orbit is thickened, while the
medial border projects farther away from you. Thus, the
thickened corner of the bone, the zygomatic process
(fig. 3.1g), is on the side from which the bone comes,
which is helpful in identifying many fragmentary frontals.
Another siding technique for a complete right or left
frontal is to orient the bone with the convex squamal surface toward you and the orbital portion pointing to the
floor. In this view, the straight border for the metopic suture is on the side to which the bone belongs.
In cases where the orbital plate is broken off and only
a squamous portion is present, orient the fragment with
the cupped internal aspect down and the tapered end
toward you. The broadest part of the squama faces away
from you where it would join the orbital plate. Thus,
the curved margin again reflects the side from which the
bone comes. For fragmentary orbital portions, siding
can be accomplished by identifying the orbital plate and
the zygomatic process (fig. 3.1b, g). If you place the zygomatic process away from you with the orbital plate
pointing toward the floor, the internal side of the orbital plate projects toward the side to which the bone
The Parietal
Description at Major Stages
The right and left parietal bones (fig. 3.2) make up the
top and upper sides of the cranial vault. Each articulates
with the opposite parietal bone, the frontal bone, the
sphenoid, temporal, and occipital (fig. 3.2a– e). The parietal originates from an intramembranous precursor. Os-
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sification begins at the inferior and central portion of the
bone, and slowly moves superiorly, with the bone taking on an elliptical shape by 5 months in gestation. After
this point the borders of the parietal start to devlop their
characteristic shapes and the center of the bone becomes
quite prominent. This rounded prominence on the external aspect is known as the parietal eminence or boss
(fig. 3.2f ) and marks the point toward the back of the
vault where the bone curves from the top to the side of
the skull. The parietal eminences are very pronounced in
infants and young children.
The longest border of the bone is the most superior, located along the midline at the top of the cranium.
This serrated margin is the sagittal suture (fig. 3.2b) and
articulates with the opposite parietal. As the bone develops, a shallow groove known as the sagittal sulcus becomes evident along this suture. The shortest, relatively
straight, border is located anteriorly, where it will fuse
with the frontal bone along the coronal suture (fig. 3.2a).
Although not readily observable in neonates, grooves for
the meningeal vessels mark the internal surface of the
bone in older infants and children. The deepest and widest meningeal groove runs along the coronal suture and
terminates laterally where the bone juts outward to meet
the sphenoid bone (fig. 3.2e). Just posterior to this flange,
on the most lateral and inferior border of the parietal,
is a curved and somewhat beveled squamosal suture for
the articulation with the temporal bone (fig. 3.2d). Posterior to the squamosal suture is a short curve or angle
that marks the parietomastoid suture, where the parietal
bone articulates with the mastoid portion of the develop-
Fig. 3.2 Left parietal from an infant, external view: a, coronal suture;
b, sagittal suture; c, lambdoidal suture; d, squamosal suture; e, sphenoid
articulation; f, parietal eminence.
ing temporal bone. This portion is the thickest part of
the bone, even in infants and small children, and flares
slightly upward. It is also characterized on the internal
table by a slight depression for the sigmoid or transverse
sulcus that becomes more obvious throughout childhood. The posterior border of the parietal is irregular
compared to the other borders for its articulation with
the squamous portion of the occipital. Known as the
lambdoidal suture (fig. 3.2c), this border is generally
thicker and more deeply serrated than the other sutures
as the bone develops.
Differentiation from Other Bones
If complete, even a fetal parietal can be distinguished
from squamous portions of other cranial bones because
it is more uniform and lacks distinct features, such as the
orbital plates of the frontal, the suture pattern of the occipital, and the zygomatic process of the temporal bone.
During fetal and infant development, however, the parietal is a very thin, fragile bone, and in the burial environment it is not unusual for it to be fragmented. In fragmentary condition, it may be very difficult to distinguish
parietal fragments from squamous fragments of other
vault bones since the development of interior features
such as the sulci and meningeal grooves may not be readily apparent until after the first year of life. Identification
of parietal fragments in neonates and infants, therefore,
depends mainly upon the parietal eminence (fig. 3.2f )
and the finely serrated borders. Because the parietal is
larger than the squamous portions of the other vault
bones, large fragments are more likely to be identifiable
at this stage. Once past infancy, the internal features that
characterize the parietal bone aid in its recognition.
Siding Techniques
For a complete fetal or neonatal parietal, determining
which side the bone is from necessitates identification
of the superior, anterior, inferior, and posterior borders.
To orient the bone in standard anatomical position, place
the parietal with concave surface down and the parietal
eminence (fig. 3.2f ) facing up, and locate the very short,
curved and beveled squamosal suture (fig. 3.2d). When
oriented properly, the flange of bone (fig. 3.2e) between
the squamosal suture and the short and slightly concave
border will be at the anterolateral corner (away from you)
and the thicker corner that flares slightly upward will be
at the posterolateral corner (toward you). In this position, the curved squamosal suture indicates the side to
which the bone belongs. In older infants and in children,
check for the presence of the deep meningeal groove that
runs along the coronal suture at the front of the bone and
the depression for the sigmoid sulcus at the posterolateral
corner. Doing so will ensure you have oriented the bone
correctly so that the squamosal suture determines the side
to which the bone belongs.
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A siding technique that does not rely on orienting the
bone in anatomical position is to place the concave surface down with the parietal eminence up. Then place the
longest, straight border for the sagittal suture (fig. 3.2b)
away from you. The side that has an indentation (for articulation with the frontal) will be the side from which
the bone comes.
Parietal fragments are more difficult to side and may
not be distinguishable in fetal and infant remains due to
the lack of diagnostic features. In children, as in adults,
siding fragments relies upon the internal features such as
the sigmoid sulcus, the sagittal sulcus, and the meningeal
grooves. Again, note that the deepest and straightest meningeal groove is parallel to the coronal suture at the front
of the bone. The other meningeal grooves fan out from
the anterolateral corner of the bone, therefore running
up and toward the back of the bone. The pattern will follow that of your hand when placed upon your own parietal, with the side of the hand and little finger running
parallel to the coronal suture and the other fingers spreading out to the sagittal and lambdoidal sutures—in other
words, up and toward the back of your head.
The Occipital
Description at Major Stages
The occipital (figs. 3.3 and 3.4) forms the posterior
and most inferior portion of the cranial vault and articulates with both parietals along the lambdoidal suture
(fig. 3.3a), with the temporals at the occipitomastoid sutures (fig. 3.3b) and with the sphenoid at the basilar or
spheno-occipital synchondrosis (fig. 3.3c). The inferior
part of the occipital also articulates with the first cervical
vertebra or atlas via the occipital condyles.
During early prenatal development, the human occipital bone consists of five separate elements: the basilar
part or basiocciput, two lateral parts, the squama or interparietal part, below which is the supraoccipital part
(fig. 3.3d–g). Ossification of these elements is complex
and occurs both intramembranously and endochondrally.
The supraoccipital, basilar, and lateral parts are all preformed in cartilage, whereas only the interparietal part of
the squama ossifies directly from membrane. Fusion of
these elements occurs in sequence, beginning posteriorly
and continuing anteriorly, usually ending by age 6, but
sometimes as late as 8 years.
By the fifth fetal month, the interparietal and supraoccipital parts begin to fuse together at the center, forming
a united squama. The external occipital protuberance is
the bulge that forms at the point of union of these elements on the exterior surface of the bone. The interparietal and supraoccipital parts remain divided laterally by
the mendosal suture (fig. 3.3h). This suture generally
fuses completely in the first year, but sometimes persists
into adulthood. At birth, therefore, the occipital is comprised of four separate pieces—the squama, two lateral
parts, and the basilar part.
The two lateral parts appear as small, bladelike pieces
of bone that display two small projections on one edge,
known as the condylar and jugular limbs (fig. 3.4i, j).
These limbs, which eventually form the hypoglossal
canal, begin development early in fetal life. The jugular
tubercle (fig. 3.4k) is a bump situated at the base of
the jugular limb on the internal surface, while the poste-
rior portions of the occipital condyles (fig. 3.4l) are
smooth ovals located on the inferior (external) surface
of the condylar limb. The lateral parts generally fuse to
the supraoccipital part of the squama at the posterior
interoccipital suture by age 4. While persistence of this
suture into adulthood is not as well documented as the
mendosal suture, it has been observed in several human
The basilar part forms from one or occasionally two
endochondral ossification centers that appear during the
first trimester of pregnancy. This part of the immature occipital is small and thick. Its diagnostic features include
the smooth, scooped-out curve that marks the anterior
edge of the foramen magnum (fig. 3.4m) and small articular facets that form the anterior portion of the occipital
condyles. Opposite the curved border of the foramen
magnum is a straight border with a rough, porous surface that abuts the body of the sphenoid. The basilar
part begins to assume its diagnostic Y form by the end
of the twentieth fetal week. The posterolateral borders
of the bone display two facets. The more posterior facet
(fig. 3.4n) articulates with the condylar limb of the lateral
part, while the more anterior facet (fig. 3.4o) articulates
with the jugular limb. Fusion of the basilar part to the lateral parts usually occurs by age 7. The anterior portion of
the bone generally does not completely fuse to the base
of the sphenoid until early adulthood, but may begin to
fuse around puberty.
Differentiation from Other Bones
A separate basilar part can sometimes be confused with
the manubrium of the sternum. The characteristic adult
shape of the manubrium, however, is not present until
well after the basilar part is no longer a separate element.
In infants, the manubrium is a thin, flat disk. In the case
of commingled juvenile remains, it is best to remember
that the basilar part displays portions of the occipital
condyles as well as a smooth, U-shaped notch for the
foramen magnum between the condylar facets (fig. 3.4l).
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A lateral part, when unfused, is most commonly mistaken for a scapula. It might also be confused with a first
rib or even a vertebral element because of its slightly
curved, bladelike appearance. A key to correct identification of the lateral parts is recognition of the portions of
the occipital condyles that are located on one of the bony
projections or limbs (fig. 3.4i, l). Another identifying feature is the jugular tubercle (fig. 3.4k), where the jugular
limb joins the body of the bone. Also, the morphology of
the hypoglossal canal, which is formed as a result of the
condylar and jugular limbs (fig. 3.4i, j) fusing to one another, is a key characteristic of the lateral parts in young
children. Recognition of the developing hypoglossal canal
ensures proper identification of this element even in badly
damaged specimens. Another feature to look for is the
smooth and curved edge that represents the border of the
foramen magnum (fig. 3.4p). In contrast, a scapula from
the same individual will be much larger in size with a
larger and thinner blade that curves more gradually than
the border of a lateral part. A first rib or developing ver-
Fig. 3.3 Internal view of the occipital from a
neonate: a, lambdoidal suture; b, occipitomastoid suture; c, spheno-occipital synchondrosis;
d, basilar part; e, lateral part; f, supraoccipital
part; g, interparietal part; h, mendosal suture.
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Fig. 3.4 Right lateral part (top) and basilar part
(bottom) of a neonatal occipital, left side external,
right side internal: i, condylar limb; j, jugular limb;
k, jugular tubercle; l, occipital condyle; m, anterior
border of foramen magnum; n, articulation for
condylar limb; o, articulation for jugular limb; p,
border of foramen magnum.
tebral neural arch has only one articular head, in contrast
to the two limbs of a lateral part.
Unless fragmentary, the squamous portion of the occipital is distinct enough to prevent confusion with other
cranial bones from late fetal development onward. The
bulge of the external occipital protuberance, along with
the winglike projections of the interparietal part above
the mendosal suture (fig. 3.3h), permits identification.
When fragmentary, however, a fetal or neonatal occipital
can be confused with squamal portions of the parietals,
temporals, and possibly the frontal. Even in these early
stages of development, however, the occipital squama will
be slightly thicker with deep serrations on its borders.
In older children, where the separate components of
the occipital are fused, the whole bone is quite distinctive
with its occipital condyles and large opening for the foramen magnum. As the bone develops and takes on its
adult morphology, the primary distinction between squamal fragments of the cranial bones can be made on the
concave or internal surfaces. The occipital lacks the meningeal grooves found on other vault bones and is easily
identified by its cross-shaped internal aspect that divides
the bone into four depressions for the occipital lobes and
cerebellar hemispheres of the brain. The prominent inter-
nal occipital protuberance is located in the center of the
cross, opposite the bulge of the external occipital protuberance on the outside of the bone. On the internal aspect
of the squama, a groove for the sagittal sulcus is located in
the midline above the protuberance. A ridge of bone
known as the internal occipital crest extends from the protuberance to the foramen magnum. The groove running
horizontally across the bone is the transverse sulcus. The
depressions adjacent to all these features help distinguish
occipital fragments from the other vault bones.
Siding Techniques
For a fetal or neonatal occipital, only the lateral parts
must be sided before they fuse to the squama. Place the
flatter surface on the table and the projections or limbs
(fig. 3.4i, j) facing up and toward you (the rounded bladelike surface should be facing away from you). The limbs
and the medial border of the foramen magnum (fig. 3.4p)
are toward the side to which the bone belongs. Alternatively, place the more uneven surface down with the
limbs and occipital condyle (fig. 3.4l) toward you and the
broader portion of the bone away from you. In this external view of the bone, the lateral part of the bone curves
outward and is on the side from which the bone comes.
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The Temporal
Description at Major Stages
The temporal bones (fig. 3.5) are located laterally on
the cranium and contain the auditory ossicles (malleus,
incus, and stapes; see fig. 3.6). Each temporal articulates
with the occipital (at the occipitomastoid suture), the parietal (at the squamous and parietomastoid sutures), the
sphenoid (at the sphenosquamous suture), the zygomatic
(at the zygomaticotemporal suture), and the mandible (at
the temporomandibular joint). The temporal bone ossifies both intramembranously and endochondrally, like the
occipital. During early prenatal development and up to
birth, the human temporal bone consists of three separate
elements: the squama, the petrous portion, and the tympanic portion (fig. 3.5a– c). As with the other bones of
the cranial vault, the squamous portion develops intramembranously. The tympanic portion also develops intramembranously, while the petrous portion is preformed
in cartilage prior to ossification.
The tympanic portion is initially recognizable as a
small, thin semicircle of bone by the middle of fetal development (fig. 3.5c). By late fetal stages, it is generally a
more complete ring and is usually fused to the squama at
birth. Fusion of the tympanic ring and squama has been
suggested as evidence of the viability of the fetus.
The squamous part of the temporal begins to ossify
in the seventh or eighth fetal week. It is flat and progressively becomes more circular in shape. A morphological
feature that is present very early in fetal development is
the projection for the zygomatic process (fig. 3.5d) on
the external, inferior aspect of the squama. The small cup
at the root of this process is the mandibular fossa, for articulation with the mandible (fig. 3.5e).
The petrous portion contains the otic capsule for the
ear. It appears by the middle of fetal development as a
small, irregularly shaped bone with one broad end and
the other tapered and more rounded. By late fetal life,
the broader end becomes rounded with the additional
ossification of the mastoid region, while the tapered end
becomes more pointed. The internal auditory meatus
(fig. 3.5f ) or inner opening of the ear canal is a prominent feature of this bulky bone at all stages. It lies inferior
and medial to the subarcuate fossa (fig. 3.5g)—a fissure
under the bony enclosure of the superior semicircular
canal (fig. 3.5h). During the first postnatal year, the petrous portion fuses to the already joined squama and tympanic portions. Between ages 1 and 5, the triangular mastoid process at the posterior and inferior aspect of the
bone develops and the tympanic plate continues to grow.
A noticeable opening, known as the foramen of Huschke,
forms as the external auditory meatus (outer ear canal;
fig. 3.5i) narrows and becomes defined. The foramen of
Huschke slowly disappears by about age 5, although a
small opening known as the tympanic dehiscence can persist into adulthood.
Differentiation from Other Bones
Before the three main elements of the temporal have
fused and developed much of the adult morphology, the
temporal squama (fig. 3.5a) is probably the most easily
confused with other bones. These include the squamous
Fig. 3.5 Left temporal of an infant, left external, right internal: a, squama; b, petrous portion; c, tympanic portion; d, zygomatic process; e, mandibular fossa; f, internal auditory meatus; g, subarcuate fossa; h, bony enclosure for semicircular canal; i, external auditory meatus; j, sigmoid sulcus.
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portions of the frontal, parietal, and occipital. A key morphological feature that distinguishes the temporal squama
from other squamous elements is the bony projection for
the zygomatic arch (fig. 3.5d). This process is present and
easily distinguishable by the fourth fetal month and possibly as early as the third. Fragments of the squamous part
of the temporal are difficult to distinguish from fragments
of other vault bones early in fetal development. An unfused tympanic portion appears as a thin piece of bone
that almost forms a circle or is semicircular (fig. 3.5c).
When still unfused (e.g., less than 8 fetal months), it is
unlike any other human bone and is easily mistaken for a
faunal bone. The petrous portion assumes its characteristic shape early in fetal development and should not be
confused with any other human element due to its blocky
nature and large opening for the internal auditory meatus
(fig. 3.5f ).
A fused squamosal-tympanic part remains distinctive
due to the round, flat squama with its complete tympanic
ring and straight, narrow zygomatic process on the inferior, external aspects. Once the petrous portion (fig. 3.5b)
has also fused, the temporal is much like its adult form
and is easily recognized. Fragments of the squamous portion at this stage can be distinguished from those of other
vault bones by the interior beveled suture for the parietal
bone and the pronounced sigmoid sulcus (fig. 3.5j) at the
posteroinferior corner. Meningeal grooves also develop
on the internal aspect of the temporal squama, making
it more difficult to distinguish small pieces from parietal
fragments than other vault bones.
Siding Techniques
For fetal remains that are 7 months in gestation or
younger, the temporal bone is likely to be present as three
separate elements. In this case it is possible to side the
squamous and petrous portions (fig. 3.5a, b). To side the
squama, place the flattened or slightly concave surface on
a table with the rounded edge away from you. The projection for the zygomatic process (fig. 3.5d) points in the
direction from which the bone comes. In many cases, the
thin process is broken. The root of the process is thickened and should show a break, making it possible to determine which way it would project if complete. To side
the petrous portion, hold the tapered end of the bone toward you and the rounded bulge (fig. 3.5h) enclosing the
middle ear up. In this view, the opening for the internal auditory meatus (fig. 3.5f ) is on the side to which the
bone belongs.
If a complete temporal bone is present (e.g., in older
infants and juveniles), the convex squamal surface represents the external aspect of the temporal (i.e., lateral)
while the concave surface represents the internal aspect
(i.e., medial). Place the concave internal surface on the
table with the petrous portion and external auditory meatus (fig. 3.5i) facing toward you. The zygomatic process
points to the side from which the bone comes. For fragmentary temporals from children, the bone often breaks
into squamous and petrous portions. The directions for
fetal temporals are still useful in siding these components.
The Auditory Ossicles
Description at Major Stages
The auditory ossicles (fig. 3.6) are located within the
petrous portion of the temporal bone. These three bones,
the malleus (hammer), incus (anvil), and stapes (stirrup),
are the smallest bones in the human skeleton. When excavating human remains, the auditory ossicles are often
missed or lost if fine enough screens are not used. The auditory ossicles are present and take on their characteristic
adult shape and size between 9 and 15 fetal weeks.
The malleus or hammer is the most lateral of the ear
ossicles and abuts the tympanic membrane or eardrum.
It is a slender bone with a rounded head and long handle
or manubrium (fig. 3.6a, b). The other main feature is
the anterior process extending from the handle at a right
angle (fig. 3.6c). A thicker protrusion, known as the lateral process, is located just under the constricted neck of
the bone.
The incus, thought to have the shape of an anvil, is the
most robust of the three ossicles and has somewhat of a
U shape. It has three main components—the body and
the long and short processes (fig. 3.6d–f ). The lenticular
process is a tiny bump located at the end of the long process. The articular surface for the malleus (fig. 3.6g) extends between the long and short processes.
The stapes, aptly named for its stirruplike appearance,
is the smallest and most fragile of the ossicles. It contains
a flat base, called the footplate (fig. 3.6h), and an arch
consisting of an anterior and posterior crus (fig. 3.6i, j),
joined at the top by a small protrusion called the head
(fig. 3.6k). The anterior crus is slightly longer and
straighter than the posterior crus.
Differentiation from Other Bones
Each of the auditory ossicles is very distinct and should
not be confused with one another. No other bones in the
human skeleton are as small as the auditory ossicles nor
are any similar in shape.
Siding Techniques
Due to their small size the auditory ossicles are difficult to side. However, if it is necessary to side them, it is
possible based on their characteristic morphology. Be sure
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Fig. 3.6 Left auditory ossicles, with the malleus and incus in medial view
and the stapes in superior view: a, head; b, long process; c, anterior
process; d, body; e, long process; f, short process; g, articular surface;
h, footplate; i, anterior crus; j, posterior crus; k, head.
to hold the bones over a table when attempting to side
them, as they are difficult to hold and are easily dropped
and lost if you are not careful.
The malleus can be sided by holding the bone by the
handle (fig. 3.6b) between your thumb and index finger
with the largest part of the articular process for the incus facing you (a small spur is visible at its base). The
small lateral process points to the side from which the
bone comes. Another option is to hold the malleus by
the handle with the head (fig. 3.6a) pointing away from
you so the bone is oriented in standard anatomical position. The head inclines upward toward the side to which
the bone belongs when properly oriented (Greiner and
Walker, 1999), as shown in figure 3.6.
The incus can be sided most easily by holding the bone
by the long process (fig. 3.6e) between your thumb and
index finger with the articular surface (fig. 3.6g) facing
you. The articular surface slants toward the opposite side,
while the lenticular process points to the side from which
the bone comes. Another option is the method preferred
by Scheuer and Black (2000). With the short process
(fig. 3.6f ) up and oriented horizontally, the long process
down, and the superior part of the articular surface for
the malleus visible, the short process points to the side to
which the bone belongs (as in fig. 3.6).
The stapes is much more difficult to side because it is
difficult to distinguish the anterior crus from the posterior crus (fig. 3.6i, j). With the head (fig. 3.6k) up, footplate (fig. 3.6h) down, and the shorter, more curved posterior crus toward you, the head leans toward the side to
which the bone belongs. To double-check, put the stapes
on a table with the head away from you, the footplate
toward you, and the flatter surface of the footplate down.
The more rounded aspect of the footplate should be up.
In this view, the more curved posterior crus is on the side
the bone is from, while the straighter anterior crus is opposite the side to which the bone belongs (as in fig. 3.6).
Note also the head tilts in this orientation toward the
anterior crus.
The Sphenoid
Description at Major Stages
The majority of the sphenoid (fig. 3.7) is internal, with
only small portions visible externally in the orbits and
along the sides and base of the cranium. It articulates with
twelve bones of the face and cranial vault (the vomer,
ethmoid, frontal, occipital and both parietals, temporals, zygomatics, and palatines). The sphenoid develops
through intramembranous and endochondral ossification
processes. The name sphenoid means “wedgelike,” which
reflects its adult shape and position in the skull. The
bone is divided into three main components during development: the body and the lesser and greater wings
(fig. 3.7a– c). The body is formed endochondrally from
the presphenoid and postsphenoid portions. The anterior
portion of the body is formed by the presphenoid portion, a small Y-shaped bone that eventually forms the medial walls of the optic canals (fig. 3.7d). The posterior
portion of the body is formed by the postsphenoid, a rectangular block with a superior indentation that forms the
hypophyseal fossa (fig. 3.7e). Two small, winglike projections, the alar processes (fig. 3.7f ), are located along each
side of postsphenoid. The presphenoid and the postsphenoid fuse together shortly before birth to form the body,
which at this time starts to resemble its adult morphology.
The right and left lesser wings of the sphenoid
(fig. 3.7b) are also preformed in cartilage. They are recognizable as small V-shaped bones after 4 months of gestation and rapidly fuse to the presphenoid portion of the
body to form the optic canals (fig. 3.7d). At birth, the
sphenoid is represented by either three or four components: the presphenoid fused with the lesser wings and
sometimes fused with the postsphenoid body, and the
right and left greater wings. Although there is some variation in the order and timing of fusion, generally between
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Fig. 3.7 Sphenoid of a neonate with fused body and lesser wings (top) and unfused left greater wing (bottom),
left internal, right external: a, body; b, lesser wings; c, greater wings; d, optic canals; e, hypophyseal fossa;
f, alar processes; g, foramen rotundum; h, medial pterygoid plate; i, lateral pterygoid plate; j, foramen ovale; k, foramen spinosum; l, orbital surface.
8 fetal months and soon after birth, the presphenoid and
lesser wings fuse with the postsphenoid and develop the
recognizable appearance of a small butterfly or bat.
The right and left greater wings (fig. 3.7c) form from
both endochondral and intramembranous ossification
centers and are recognizable as cupped, wing-shaped
bones. The lateral portions of the greater wings develop
intramembranously, while the medial portion around the
foramen rotundum (fig. 3.7g)—a small, round opening
—forms from a cartilaginous precursor. Between 6 and
8 fetal months the medial and lateral pterygoid plates
(fig. 3.7h, i) fuse to the greater wings. These thin plates
of bone attach at the medial, inferior aspect of the greater
wings. Lateral to this edge of the bone is a large opening
for the incomplete foramen ovale (fig. 3.7j). This oval
opening often does not close until late in fetal development or during the first year. Lateral to foramen ovale, the
tiny, round opening for the foramen spinosum (fig. 3.7k)
is usually not complete until the second year. At birth,
the right and left greater wings are still separate from the
body. They fuse to the postsphenoid portion of the conjoined body during the first year to form the bone’s adult
Differentiation from Other Bones
In its full adult morphological state the sphenoid is
unique, resembling a great horned owl or a bat, and it
is not likely to be confused with other bones. During development, however, some of the small components may
be confused with other bones. The shape of the postsphenoid portion of the body is similar in appearance
to the basilar part of the occipital. The hypophyseal fossa
(fig. 3.7e) of the postsphenoid portion distinguishes it
from the basilar occipital, as do the lateral projections
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forming the alar processes (fig. 3.7f ). Some of the smaller
components, such as unfused lesser wings and the presphenoid, may initially appear unrecognizable and may
be mistaken for nonhuman bones. The lesser wings
(fig. 3.7b) are thin and V-shaped when unfused, with a
deep notch marking the roof of the optic canal (fig. 3.7d).
When joined to the presphenoid, the united lesser wings
resemble a small moth or butterfly. The cup shape of
the greater wing, with the serrated suture at one end and
foramina at the opposite end, helps identify it. When the
pterygoid plates (fig. 3.7h, i) are also fused to the greater
wing, the inferior part of the bone can stand flat on a
table with the wing extending upward.
Siding Techniques
Fetal sphenoid remains consist of multiple elements,
and the lesser and greater wings have right and left components. To side unfused lesser wings, place the bone
with the larger, flat surface on the table and the top of
the V (fig. 3.7d) away from you. The small projection
or the lateral tip is on the side from which the bone
comes. With the flatter side up and the straight edge of
the broader arm of the V away from you, the apex of the
V (the lateral tip) points toward the side to which the
bone belongs.
To side unfused greater wings (or fragmented sphenoids in which the greater wing has broken off the body),
place the flatter surface away from you and the concave surface toward you, with the serrated edge up and
the foramina down (similar to the orientation shown in
fig. 3.7, bottom left). The large oval opening for the foramen ovale (fig. 3.7j) is on the side to which the bone
belongs. Another method is to place the concave surface
on the table and the convex surface up, with the long,
irregular border facing you and the long, straight border
facing away from you. The border with the foramen rotundum and the forming foramen ovale (fig. 3.7g, j) indicates the side from which the bone comes. If the wing is
broken off just above the foramina and conjoining pterygoid plates (fig. 3.7h, i) and lacks these features, it can
still be sided. Hold the concave surface toward you and
the serrated edge up, as oriented on the bottom left side
of figure 3.7. The small, flat surface that abuts the temporal bone is on the side to which the bone belongs.
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The Bones of the Face
The bones discussed in this chapter are those that make up the most anterior portion of the skull, or the
face. These bones comprise parts of the eye orbits, the nasal cavity, and the hard palate. The ethmoid, inferior nasal conchae, vomer, nasal bones, lacrimals, zygomatics, palatines, maxillae, and mandible are included,
as well as the hyoid, which is found in the neck.
The Ethmoid
Description at Major Stages
The ethmoid (fig. 4.1) is located at the top of the nasal
cavity, inside the skull. It lies between the frontal portion
of the orbits and forms part of the medial orbital walls.
The ethmoid articulates with thirteen bones—more than
any other bone in the skull. The articulations include
the frontal, sphenoid, vomer, inferior nasal conchae, nasal
bones, lacrimals, maxillae, and palatines.
The ethmoid ossifies endochondrally during fetal development but remains mostly cartilaginous until after
the first postnatal year, when it begins to develop more of
the adult morphology. At birth, it is comprised of a thin
plate of cartilage with two irregularly shaped concentrations of bone on either side known as lateral masses or
labyrinths (fig. 4.1). These two masses begin to ossify as
early as the fifth fetal month and are filled with air cells.
The lateral masses include the superior and middle nasal
conchae (fig. 4.1a, b), which are puffy in appearance. The
lateral aspects of the superior conchae are smooth and
flat, forming the ethmoid’s contributions to the orbital
wall (fig. 4.1c). During the first year of life, the cribriform
plate, a sievelike, horizontal part of the bone that forms
the roof of the nasal cavity, rapidly ossifies. This development is accompanied by ossification of the crista galli,
a superior projection of bone that marks the top of the
flat perpendicular plate. Between 1 and 3 years of age, the
crista galli and cribriform plate fuse to the lateral masses
or labyrinths. Ossification of the perpendicular plate is
slow, continuing throughout childhood.
cranial bones with which it articulates. To differentiate
the ethmoid or fragments of it, try to identify some of its
unique morphological characteristics, such as the perpendicular plate, cribriform plate, and crista galli. When badly
fragmented, the ethmoid, particularly portions of the
superior and middle nasal conchae (fig. 4.1a, b), appear
as small shavings of bone. The orbital surface (fig. 4.1c)
helps identify fragments of these lateral masses. In older
children, fragments of the cribriform plate and crista galli
are more likely to be encountered, as they are less fragile
Differentiation from Other Bones
It is rare to find an isolated ethmoid that is not damaged. Typically, parts of the ethmoid are attached to other
Fig. 4.1 Left lateral mass of a neonatal ethmoid, top lateral, bottom medial: a, superior nasal concha; b, middle nasal concha;
c, orbital surface.
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parts of the ethmoid. The crista galli is named for its resemblance to a rooster’s comb or crest, and it normally
adheres to part of the cribriform plate with its numerous
perforations. Ethmoid fragments including these features
are easily identifiable.
Siding Techniques
In older fetuses and infants, the lateral masses (fig. 4.1)
are unfused and separated into right and left halves. It is
difficult to side separate lateral masses. To do so, orient
the bone in standard anatomical position by placing the
straighter edge with the free ends of the nasal conchae
(fig. 4.1a, b) down and the orbital surface (fig. 4.1c) oriented above them. In this position, note that the anterior aspect is more rounded, while the posterior aspects
of both nasal conchae come to points. Thus, position the
rounder end away from you and the points toward you.
Now that the bone is in anatomical position, the thin,
bumpy surfaces of the superior and middle nasal conchae
are medial, while the smooth and flat orbital surface is
lateral, or on the side to which the bone belongs.
The Inferior Nasal Concha
Description at Major Stages
The inferior nasal conchae (fig. 4.2) are located inside
the nasal cavity inferior to the ethmoid. These scrollshaped bones form part of the lateral walls of the nasal
cavity and articulate with the ethmoid, lacrimal, maxilla,
and palatine. Each inferior nasal concha undergoes endochondral ossification during fetal development and assumes the adult morphological condition by birth or
shortly thereafter. The longest, straight edge of the bone
represents the inferior border (fig. 4.2a), which ends in a
sharp point in one direction (posterior) and blunt point
in the other (anterior). The posterior point provides the
articulation for the palatine (fig. 4.2b), while the anterior
point provides the articulation for the maxilla (fig. 4.2c).
Two bony projections are present along the superior border. The more anterior projection (i.e., closer to the maxillary articulation) articulates with the lacrimals (fig. 4.2d),
while the more posterior projection (i.e., closer to the
palatine articulation) articulates with the ethmoid and
maxilla (fig. 4.2e, f ). The inferior portion of the bone
hangs free.
bottom view). Hold the bone so the small, smooth part
that curves over is on top (fig. 4.2f ) and the long, straight
border is down (fig. 4.2a). Place the blunt end (fig. 4.2c)
away from you and the sharply pointed end (fig. 4.2b)
toward you. The bone is akin to a scroll that curls. The
medial (puffy) part is convex, while the smooth, thin part
at the top attaches laterally to the ethmoid and maxilla
(fig. 4.2e, f ), thus indicating the side to which the bone
belongs. Another option is to hold the bone with the
smooth, concave, lateral surface toward you and the
long, straight border (fig. 4.2a) facing down (oriented as
shown in the top view of fig. 4.2). The wider, blunt end
(fig. 4.2c) is on the side from which the bone comes.
Differentiation from Other Bones
When complete, an inferior nasal concha is distinct
from other skeletal elements as a thin, curved bone with a
puffy appearance. When fragmentary, the four bony projections (fig. 4.2b –d) described above distinguish inferior
nasal conchae from ethmoidal or other facial fragments.
The lack of an orbital surface on an inferior nasal concha
differentiates it from the ethmoid. The curvature and irregular surface also help separate it from the smooth,
straight perpendicular plate of the vomer and many other
bones of the face, which are relatively thin and flat.
Siding Techniques
Because of the fragility of the thin bony labyrinth of the
inferior nasal concha, this bone is not commonly found
isolated in a complete and undamaged form. It often adheres to the maxilla or other bones with which it articulates. Siding a complete, inferior nasal concha can be done
by placing it in standard anatomical position (fig. 4.2,
Fig. 4.2 Left inferior nasal concha of a neonate, top lateral, middle medial, bottom posterior: a, inferior border; b, posterior point for
the palatine; c, anterior point for the maxilla; d, lacrimal process; e, ethmoidal process; f, maxillary process.
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The Vomer
Description at Major Stages
The vomer (fig. 4.3) is located below the ethmoid, essentially dividing the nasal cavity into two equal halves. It
articulates with six bones—the sphenoid, ethmoid, maxillae, and palatines. Developing intramembranously, the
majority of the vomer ossifies during childhood and is
not likely to be identifiable in the fetal skeleton.
At birth, the vomer is a narrow wedge of bone
with a superior furrow, known as the vomerine groove
(fig. 4.3a), running its length and terminating posteriorly in two projections or alae (fig. 4.3b). When fully
ossified, the vomer is a thin, flat bone that is shaped
like a scalene triangle (no equal sides). The shortest border is marked by the two posterosuperior alae that flare
laterally from the central groove. Inferior to the vomerine groove is the thin perpendicular plate. The longer,
somewhat irregular border is inferior and articulates with
the maxillae and palatines. The medium-length border is
superior and articulates with the perpendicular plate of
the ethmoid.
Differentiation from Other Bones
The thin, flat nature of the perpendicular plate of the
vomer makes it very susceptible to damage. Even when
fragmentary, the vomer is usually recognizable because
of the presence of the alae (fig. 4.3b), divided by the vomerine groove (fig. 4.3a), to which at least part of the
perpendicular plate (when ossified) usually adheres. This
portion is the most robust and commonly found piece.
Fragments of the perpendicular plate are easily confused
with the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid. Vomer fragments may also be mistaken for inferior nasal conchae or
lacrimal fragments. In this case, the nasopalatine grooves,
which are faint impressions of nerves and blood vessels on
both sides of the perpendicular plate, can help identify it
as a vomer fragment.
Fig. 4.3 Vomer of a neonate, top superior, bottom right lateral:
a, vomerine groove; b, alae.
The Nasal Bone
Description at Major Stages
The left and right nasal bones (fig. 4.4) articulate with
each other medially at the finely serrated internasal suture
(fig. 4.4a) and, together, form the bridge of the nose.
Each nasal bone also articulates with the frontal (at the
nasofrontal suture), the maxilla (at the nasomaxillary suture), and the ethmoid. The nasal bones ossify intramembranously early in fetal development. Even in early stages
they are easily identifiable because they possess certain
adult characteristics, although they have slightly different
The fetal nasal bone has four smooth edges. The
longest border, for the nasomaxillary suture, is lateral
(fig. 4.4b) and the next longest border, for the internasal
suture, is medial (fig. 4.4a). A short, straight superior
border articulates with the frontal bone at the nasofrontal suture (fig. 4.4c). The nonarticular inferior border
Fig. 4.4 Left nasal of a neonate, left external, right internal: a, internasal suture/medial border; b, nasomaxillary suture/lateral border;
c, nasofrontal suture/superior border; d, inferior border; e, nasal foramen.
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(fig. 4.4d) is slightly wider than the superior margin, but
it is curved and bears a small notch near its midpoint. The
internal surface is concave and rough in comparison to
the smooth, external (anterior or facial) surface of the
bone. At birth or shortly thereafter, the opening for the
nasal foramen is evident on the external surface (fig. 4.4e).
After 3 years of age, the sutures of the nasal bones become serrated and assist in identification and siding.
Differentiation from Other Bones
Complete nasal bones are usually recognizable because
they possess similar morphology to the adult bones even
during late fetal development. A nasal bone might be
mistaken for the vomer, lacrimal, or possibly fragmentary
portions of some of the other flat, thin facial bones. A
nasal bone is generally smaller than the vomer, and can be
distinguished by the three articular borders (fig. 4.4a– c)
and the lack of alae. The lacrimal bones are also distinguishable from the nasals because, although they are both
small, lacrimals are thinner and have a groove for the
lacrimal gland and a small projection called the hamulus.
Nasals are more likely to be found intact and separate
than these other bones because they are slightly thicker.
Fragments of the vomer and lacrimals are more likely to
adhere to bones with which they articulate.
Siding Techniques
Siding complete fetal or neonate nasal bones is easily
accomplished by considering the curvature of the bone
and the border length. The concave surface of the nasal
bone is the internal surface. To side in standard anatomical position, orient the bone with the rougher, concave
internal surface toward you and the smooth side away
from you, as shown in figure 4.4 (right). Place the shortest articular border (fig. 4.4c) up and the curved nonarticular border with its slight notch down (fig. 4.4d). The
longest border is lateral (fig. 4.4b) and on the side to
which the bone belongs. Another way to side a nasal bone
is to place the concave internal surface on a table and
point the nonarticular, notched border (fig. 4.4d) away
from you. The longest border is again on the side from
which the bone comes.
The Lacrimal
Description at Major Stages
The lacrimals (fig. 4.5) are small, thin, rectangular
bones located anteriorly on the medial part of the eye orbits. They ossify intramembranously and articulate with
Fig. 4.5 Left lacrimal of a neonate, posterior view with superior end
at top: a, orbital surface; b, posterior lacrimal crest; c, lacrimal groove;
d, frontal suture.
the frontal, ethmoid, inferior nasal concha, and maxilla.
At birth, the smooth orbital surface (fig. 4.5a) is very small
and lateral to a crest that forms the posterior border of
the tear duct or lacrimal canal. This feature is, therefore,
known as the posterior lacrimal crest (fig. 4.5b). The medial nasal surface is irregular and bumpy in comparison
to the orbital surface as the bone develops. The lacrimals
develop recognizable adult morphology, characterized
by the lacrimal groove (fig. 4.5c) and the hamulus at the
inferior aspect, by approximately 2 to 3 years of age.
Differentiation from Other Bones
The lacrimals are usually found attached to other bones
with which they articulate. When fragmentary, the lacrimals are difficult to differentiate from other fragmentary
cranial bones such as the ethmoid, particularly if only the
orbital surface (fig. 4.5a) is present. When whole, however, a separate lacrimal is not hard to distinguish because
of its small, rectangular shape and diagnostic features
of the orbital surface, posterior lacrimal crest, lacrimal
groove (fig. 4.5a– c), and hamulus. When slightly damaged, the parts most likely to break off are the orbital part
and the hamulus. However, the crest (fig. 4.5b) and adjacent lacrimal groove (fig. 4.5c) distinguish it from all
but a very small fragment of the frontal process of a maxilla. The latter is generally identifiable by its curvature
and larger size. Although the lacrimal bones in fetuses
and infants are similar in size to the nasal bones, they are
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much thinner and their architecture is different enough
that they should not be misidentified. In older children,
the lacrimals are smaller and more rectangular than the
nasal bones.
Siding Techniques
At birth, the lacrimals do not have all the adult characteristics; however, the posterior lacrimal crest (fig. 4.5b)
and an adjacent groove or slight concavity for the lacrimal
canal (fig. 4.5c) are distinct. With the crest facing you,
and the pointed, tapered end facing up, as shown in figure 4.5, the indentation for the lacrimal groove is on the
side from which the bone comes.
After 2 to 3 years of age, the lacrimals possess adult
morphology and can be sided easily using the hooked
projection or hamulus. Place the bone with the hamulus
facing up and toward you. The hamulus points to the side
from which the bone comes. In cases where the hamulus is broken off, place the small suture or tapered end
(fig. 4.5d) up with the orbital surface (fig. 4.5a) toward
you. Note that the lacrimal groove is anterior to the crest
in standard anatomical position, so it is on the side of the
crest from which the bone comes. Thus, if you are looking at the smooth orbital surface with the groove to the
right of the crest, the bone is a right lacrimal.
The Zygomatic
Description at Major Stages
Also known as the malars or zygomas, the right and
left zygomatic bones (fig. 4.6) make up the cheek region
of the face. Each zygomatic articulates with the frontal,
sphenoid, maxilla, and temporal. The zygomatics acquire
recognizable adult morphology by 4 to 5 fetal months.
The bone begins as a squamous portion with the temporal process developing first, followed by the development
of the frontal and maxillary processes. In late fetal and infant stages, zygomatic bones display three projections
emanating from the central body. The narrowest of these
projections is the temporal process (fig. 4.6a), which articulates laterally with the zygomatic process of the temporal bone. The broadest projection or frontal process
(fig. 4.6b) is superior, and the remaining medial projection is the maxillary process (fig. 4.6c). The smooth,
curved surface extending from the medial edge of the
frontal process along the superior part of the maxillary
process is the orbital surface (fig. 4.6d). This part of the
zygomatic forms the anterolateral rim of the eye orbit.
Inferior to the orbit on the external or facial surface of the
body is the opening for the zygomaticofacial foramen
(fig. 4.6e). There may be only a single foramen or multiple foramina in this area.
As the zygomatic develops in early childhood, features
of the adult bone become more useful in identifying and
siding the bone. The inferior aspect becomes more robust
as the malar tubercle becomes a prominent feature. In neonates, this feature appears as a point directly under the
frontal process, adjacent to a notch that separates the maxillary and temporal processes from each other (fig. 4.6f ).
As the bone develops, the temporal process widens so that
it is broader than the frontal process in the adult.
Differentiation from Other Bones
The zygomatic has a characteristic triangular shape
with three radiating processes (fig. 4.6a– c) and its curved
orbital rim by the middle of fetal development. Zygo-
Fig. 4.6 Left zygomatic of a neonate, top external, bottom internal: a, temporal process; b, frontal process; c, maxillary process; d, orbital
surface; e, zygomaticofacial foramen; f, inferior notch/malar tubercle;
g, zygomaticomaxillary suture.
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matics are usually easily identifiable because they are relatively stout compared with many other cranial bones and
often remain intact. When complete, they should not be
mistaken for other bones.
If the zygomatics are found in a fragmentary condition,
the processes may be confused with projections on other
cranial bones, such as the zygomatic process of the temporal and the frontal process of the maxilla. The frontal
and temporal processes of a zygomatic (fig. 4.6b, c) usually have adhering portions of the orbital surface that help
distinguish them. The lesser wing of the sphenoid could
be mistaken for a zygomatic fragment, but it is much
thinner and flatter. For broken zygomatics from children,
the presence of the zygomaticofacial foramen and the
malar tubercle (fig. 4.6e, f ) are identifying features. The
latter is often the best-preserved part of the bone in older
children because it is the most robust portion.
Siding Techniques
Siding complete zygomatic bones of almost any age
can be accomplished by recognizing the specific processes. The external surface of the zygomatic is somewhat
convex and smooth, while the internal surface is concave
and has a ridge. To side the bone in roughly standard
anatomical position, hold it with the smooth external surface away from you and the internal ridge toward you (as
in fig. 4.6, bottom). In fetal and neonatal bones, point
the longer border with a notch in it toward the floor and
the broad frontal process upward (fig. 4.6b). The orbital
surface is medial (fig. 4.6d), or opposite the side to which
the bone belongs, while the long, pointed temporal process is lateral (fig. 4.6a) and points to the side from which
the bone comes.
In older children, the malar tubercle (fig. 4.6f ) is developed and replaces the inferior notch. Note also that
the temporal process (fig. 4.6a) becomes much thicker
as the bone grows in early childhood. Thus, when held
in anatomical position, with the rough malar tubercle
toward the floor, the thickest and widest process is the
temporal process and it is on the side to which the bone
belongs. The smooth, curved orbital surface is medial
(fig. 4.6d), or opposite the side from which the bone
comes. Alternatively, place the internal surface on a table
with the frontal process pointing away from you (fig. 4.6,
top). The orbital surface and the zygomaticomaxillary
suture (fig. 4.6d, g) are on the side from which the
bone comes. This last method works for all stages of
The Palatine
Description at Major Stages
The left and right palatine bones (fig. 4.7) form the
posterior aspect of the hard palate, as well as the floor of
the nasal cavity via the horizontal plate (fig. 4.7a) and the
lateral aspects of the inferior nasal cavity via the perpendicular plate (fig. 4.7b). Each articulates with the opposite palatine, the maxilla, sphenoid, ethmoid, inferior
nasal concha, and vomer. The palatine begins to ossify in
Fig. 4.7 Left palatine of a neonate, left medial, right posterior:
a, horizontal plate; b, perpendicular plate; c, pyramidal process; d, orbital
process; e, sphenopalatine notch or foramen; f, ethmoidal crest; g, sphenoidal process; h, conchal crest; i, posterior nasal spine; j, interpalatine
membrane early in fetal development and is recognizable
by the middle of gestation. At this stage, the bone has developed many of its distinctive features but it differs in
proportions and does not attain its adult size and morphology until puberty.
Each mature palatine is L shaped. In fetal and infant remains, the horizontal and perpendicular plates
are roughly equal in size, while the pyramidal process
(fig. 4.7c) at the posterior, inferior aspect of the perpendicular plate is proportionately large compared to that of
older individuals. After 3 years, the perpendicular plate
grows rapidly, so that it is twice as long as the horizontal
plate by adolescence.
The perpendicular plate is irregular, with a combination of processes and crests for articulation with other
bones. The orbital process (fig. 4.7d) is the most superior
aspect of the palatine, articulating with the ethmoid (medially), sphenoid (posteriorly), and maxilla (anteriorly),
while also contributing to the orbital surface. The sphenopalatine notch or foramen (fig. 4.7e) lies just inferior
to the ethmoidal crest (fig. 4.7f ), where the bone articulates with the ethmoid. The orbital process frequently
breaks off at this junction. A small rounded area projecting posteromedially from the ethmoidal crest is the
sphenoidal process (fig. 4.7g) that articulates with the
sphenoid. Moving down the perpendicular plate, one encounters the maxillary process projecting anteriorly for
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articulation with the maxilla, and the conchal crest
(fig. 4.7h), running across the plate for articulation with
the inferior nasal concha. Inferior to the conchal crest, on
the posterolateral aspect of the perpendicular plate, the
bone articulates with the medial pterygoid plate of the
sphenoid at the pyramidal process (fig. 4.7c), which resembles a tall pyramid in its shape. This part of the bone
is considerably thicker than the thin and fragile portion of
the perpendicular plate that lies superior to the conchal
crest. As a result, the part most frequently encountered in
archaeological remains is that portion inferior to the conchal crest, along with the horizontal plate. In fetal and
neonatal remains, the pyramidal process projects almost
as far from the horizontal plate as the orbital process. The
ethmoidal crest is very close to the horizontal plate,
whereas it is nearly halfway up the perpendicular plate in
adults. The divergence of the maxillary and orbital processes helps distinguish the perpendicular plate from the
flat, rectangular horizontal plate.
The horizontal plate is smooth and flat on the superior or nasal surface, while the inferior surface forming
the roof of the palate is marked by ridges. The anterior
edge joins with the maxilla at the transverse palatine (or
palatomaxillary) suture and the medial border articulates
with the opposite palatine at the posterior median palatine (or interpalatine) suture. The posterior aspect of the
horizontal plate is nonarticular and concave. The posterior nasal spine (fig. 4.7i) projects upward from the superior surface on the most medial and posterior aspect
of the horizontal plate. On the inferior surface of the horizontal plate, two foramina are notable. These are the
greater and lesser palatine foramina found at the juncture
of the horizontal and vertical plates, where the bone abuts
the maxilla.
Differentiation from Other Bones
The palatine has many unique features that distinguish
it from other bones to which it frequently adheres. It is
not commonly found separate, but parts of it are typically
attached to the maxilla or the sphenoid. When fragments
are separated from these other bones, it may be difficult
to distinguish the perpendicular plate from aspects of
other bones contributing to the nasal cavity. The sphenopalatine notch (fig. 4.7e) and the conchal crest (fig. 4.7h)
identify such fragments. The perpendicular plates of the
vomer and ethmoid bones are much smoother and flatter than the surface of the perpendicular plate of a palatine. When a complete or nearly complete palatine is
found, its distinctive L shape and the features of the pyramidal process and horizontal plate (fig. 4.7a, c) make it
easy to identify.
Siding Techniques
Techniques for siding a separate palatine or fragments
thereof are similar regardless of developmental stage.
This bone is easy to position in standard anatomical position because the rougher surface of the horizontal plate
(fig. 4.7a) faces down and the perpendicular plate, or any
portion of it still remaining (fig. 4.7b), projects upward,
with the smooth, concave nonarticular border and pyramidal process (fig. 4.7c) facing you and pointing downward. In this position (fig. 4.7, right), the perpendicular
plate and the pyramidal process are on the side to which
the bone belongs. Thus, if the perpendicular plate is fragmentary, any remnant of the pyramidal process allows
you to side the bone. For example, if it lies to the right of
the nonarticular edge of the horizontal plate, then it is a
right palatine. If only part of the horizontal plate remains,
note that the small projection for the posterior nasal spine
(fig. 4.7i) is posterior and medial, or opposite the side to
which the bone belongs.
Taking the bone out of standard anatomical position
provides another method of siding a whole palatine. Orient the horizontal plate such that the posterior median
palatine (or interpalatine) suture (fig. 4.7j) faces you and
the perpendicular plate is away from you and points upward (fig. 4.7, left). The pyramidal process (fig. 4.7c) is
on the side to which the bone belongs. The nonarticular edge of the horizontal plate also indicates the side to
which the bone belongs in this orientation.
The Maxilla
Description at Major Stages
The right and left maxillae (fig. 4.8) form most of the
nasal aperture and floor, most of the hard palate, and part
of the eye orbit. The maxilla also functions to hold the
upper dentition and contributes to the zygomatic arch
laterally. In addition, the maxillary sinus is a large air cavity within each maxilla that is inferior to the orbital floor
and superior to the part in which the teeth are held (alveolar process). Each maxilla articulates with nine other
bones: the opposite maxilla, palatine, vomer, inferior nasal
concha, lacrimal, ethmoid, zygomatic, nasal, and frontal.
The maxilla begins to achieve a characteristic shape
during early fetal development and by birth shares many
features of the adult bone. Like many other forming
bones, however, it differs in its proportions. The majority
of these features are apparent from the second trimester
onward. At this stage, the projections of the frontal process superiorly (fig. 4.8a) and the zygomatic process laterally (fig. 4.8b) are evident, and tooth germs are forming in the thin, bulging tooth crypts (fig. 4.8c) of the
alveolar process (fig. 4.8d). The tooth crypts for all deciduous teeth are formed by 17 to 18 fetal weeks. The
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that in which the deciduous canines and molars develop.
By birth, the palatine process forms the roof of the mouth
and floor of the nasal cavity (fig. 4.8f ) and consists of a
small, thin plate of bone. Projecting from the midline of
the nasal cavity at the front of the bone is a small anterior
nasal spine (fig. 4.8g). The maxilla looks squat in a neonate in comparison to the adult bone. Most of the inferior aspect displays open crypts or cavities where the
tooth buds are forming. The maxillary sinus (fig. 4.8h) in
a newborn is a small triangle superior to the tooth crypts
of the alveolar process and posterior to the frontal process. The frontal process of a neonate is short, due to the
small size of the face. Just lateral to the frontal process
and inferior to the rim of the orbital surface is a large
opening known as the infraorbital foramen (fig. 4.8i).
This foramen is the external opening of the infraorbital
canal, which continues as the infraorbital sulcus or groove
on the posterior part of the orbital surface. The zygomatic process (fig. 4.8b) flares laterally from the orbital
rim to articulate with the zygomatic. The maxilla undergoes continual remodeling throughout infancy and childhood as both the deciduous and permanent teeth calcify,
emerge, and finally erupt from their crypts. During this
time, the bone grows in size, and the maxillary sinus enlarges, becoming a more obvious feature of the bone in
older children.
Fig. 4.8 Maxilla of a neonate, top left lateral, middle left medial,
bottom right and left inferior: a, frontal process; b, zygomatic process;
c, tooth crypts; d, alveolar process; e, palatine process; f, nasal cavity; g, anterior nasal spine; h, maxillary sinus; i, infraorbital suture; j, orbital surface.
palatine process (fig. 4.8e) at this point is not yet complete but is divided into premaxillary and maxillary parts.
The premaxilla is the portion anterior to the incisive suture, which separates the area holding the incisors from
Differentiation from Other Bones
The presence of tooth crypts in late-term fetuses and
neonates or erupting teeth in infants and children makes
it difficult to confuse the maxilla with other skeletal elements. The only other bone with teeth is the mandible
but, even in fetuses, these bones are easy to differentiate.
Unlike the mandible, the maxilla contributes to the palate (fig. 4.8e), which joins the two halves of the maxilla
together and results in the tooth rows being connected
by a floor of bone. Maxillary fragments are thin and light
due to the presence of the maxillary sinus (fig. 4.8h) and
the orbital surface (fig. 4.8j). The mandible, even in fetal
remains, is more robust.
Fragments of the maxilla may be difficult to distinguish
from pieces of other bones that comprise parts of the orbit or nasal cavity, especially the zygomatic, lacrimal, and
sphenoid. The orbital surface of the maxilla (fig. 4.8j) is
most easily identified by the presence of the infraorbital
sulcus and the infraorbital foramen (fig. 4.8i) on the external surface of the bone. Fragments of the frontal process are most often confused with the lacrimal due to the
presence of the anterior lacrimal crest and anterior portion of the lacrimal duct. Note that the lacrimal bone is
flatter and thinner and has both a smooth orbital surface and a projecting hamulus. The frontal process of the
maxilla (fig. 4.8a), in contrast, lacks these features and has
more curvature. The presence of the maxillary sinus is especially useful in distinguishing maxilla fragments from
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most other bones in older children. The only other bones
with large sinuses are the frontal and sphenoid, and those
of the frontal are much smaller and are surrounded by
thicker bone than the maxilla. The sphenoidal sinus is
usually attached to identifiable fragments of the sphenoid body and often includes parts of the lesser wings
and optic canal. Remember that the maxilla is the only
bone that has tooth crypts, a sinus, and an orbital surface
(fig. 4.8c, h, j).
Siding Techniques
Techniques for siding a complete maxilla or fragments
thereof are similar regardless of developmental stage. To
orient the bone in standard anatomical position, hold it
with the tooth crypts or erupted teeth down (fig. 4.8c)
and the frontal process pointing up (fig. 4.8a). The nasal
cavity (fig. 4.8f ) should point away from you and the back
of the palate and the orbital surface (fig. 4.8j) toward you.
In this position, the orbital surface is lateral to the frontal
process, or toward the side to which the bone belongs.
The external aspect of the bone flares laterally at the zygomatic process (fig. 4.8b), which also indicates the side
from which the bone comes.
Another method is to place the maxilla such that the
tooth crypts are facing you and the anterior nasal spine
(fig. 4.8g) and the incisor crypts are pointing up. Note
that the bony palate (fig. 4.8e) has a straight medial edge.
In this view, the straight edge is on the side to which the
bone belongs (see fig. 4.8, bottom view).
The Mandible
Description at Major Stages
The mandible (fig. 4.9) functions to hold the lower
dentition. It articulates with both temporal bones via the
mandibular condyles (fig. 4.9a). The mandible begins to
attain its characteristic shape during the third fetal
month. At this stage, it consists of two symmetrical halves
(i.e., a left and right) that continue to arise via endochondral ossification processes. These two halves articulate at the mandibular symphysis (fig. 4.9b), which is anterior and oriented superoinferiorly between the left and
right first (or central) incisor crypts. The symphysis typically fuses during the first year. Each half displays morphological features that distinguish the adult mandible,
such as the ascending ramus (fig. 4.9c), which terminates
superiorly in the condyle at its posterior margin and the
thin coronoid process (fig. 4.9d) at its anterior. The internal aspect of the ascending ramus has a large opening
known as the mandibular foramen (fig. 4.9e), at the edge
of which is a small spine called the lingula (fig. 4.9f ).
During fetal and infant growth, the superior aspect of the
mandibular body (fig. 4.9g), or its alveolar process, displays open crypts (fig. 4.9h) where the tooth buds form.
In older infants and children, the mental eminence or
chin (fig. 4.9i) is located in the midline of the fused mandible and is generally very pronounced. To either side of
the mental eminence are large openings for the mental
foramina (fig. 4.9j). The mandible undergoes continual
remodeling throughout development as both the deciduous and permanent teeth calcify, emerge, and finally
erupt from their crypts.
Differentiation from Other Bones
The presence of tooth crypts in late-term fetuses and
neonates, and emerging or erupting teeth in older infants
and children, makes it difficult to confuse the mandible
with other skeletal elements. The only other bone containing tooth crypts and developing teeth is the maxilla.
Unlike the maxilla, the mandible does not have a palate
extending from the alveolar process and lacks orbital and
nasal components. In unfused mandibles, the symphysis
is a roughened but flat area at the midline (fig. 4.9b). In
fused mandibles, the mental eminence (fig. 4.9i) helps
distinguish it from the maxilla. Fragments of the ascending ramus (fig. 4.9c) may be difficult to identify when
separated from the body, but characteristic features such
as the condyle, coronoid process, or the mandibular foramen aid in identification (fig. 4.9a, d, e).
Siding Techniques
Until the two halves of the mandible fuse together, it
is necessary to side them. These techniques also work with
mandibular fragments. Place the tooth crypts (fig. 4.9h)
or teeth, if present, facing up with the mandibular condyle (fig. 4.9a) toward you. Orient the mandibular symphysis (fig. 4.9b) so it runs parallel to an imaginary
straight line (see fig. 4.9, bottom view). The tooth crypts
and ascending ramus (fig. 4.9c, h) curve around toward
the side to which the bone belongs. Thus, if the tooth
crypts, coronoid process, and condyle are to the right of
your line, it is a right mandible. If the ramus is missing,
examine the tooth crypts, which typically increase in size
from incisors to molars, to help you orient the anterior
portion of the fragment. In standard anatomical position,
note that the coarser, external surface of the bone, as well
as the mental foramen (fig. 4.9j), are on the side from
which the bone comes. Internal features such as the mandibular foramen and lingula (fig. 4.9e, f ) are medial, or
opposite the side to which it belongs. Alternatively, place
the anterior portion toward you with the crypts facing up.
The side of the fragment that displays the mandibular fo-
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Fig. 4.9 Mandible of a neonate, top left left medial, bottom left left lateral, right superior view of left and right halves: a, condyle; b, mandibular symphysis; c, ascending ramus; d, coronoid process; e, mandibular foramen; f, lingula; g, body; h, tooth crypts; i, mental eminence; j, mental foramen.
ramen is the side to which the bone belongs. If only the
ramus is present, place the condyle toward you and the
coronoid process pointing down. The condyle in a neonate curves toward the side from which the bone comes.
Also, in this position, the side of the ramus that displays
the mandibular foramen is the side to which the bone
The Hyoid
Description at Major Stages
The hyoid (fig. 4.10) is suspended below the mandible
by muscles and ligaments, and is the only bone that does
not articulate directly with any other bone in the skeleton.
The adult hyoid has three major components: the body,
and the right and left greater horns or cornua (fig. 4.10a,
b). In addition, there are two small components, the lesser
horns, that may or not be present. The body is a small
ovoid bone that is concave on the posterior surface. The
right and left greater horns are long, thin projections of
bone that often fuse to the body in adults.
Developing endochondrally, the hyoid may begin to
ossify as early as the thirtieth fetal week; however, ossification often does not occur until after birth. The
body (fig. 4.10a) is not completely ossified until approximately 2 years of age, while the greater and lesser horns
(fig. 4.10b) continue to ossify through puberty. In some
cases, the lesser horns and the posterior ends of the
greater horns remain cartilaginous. In many cases, however, these components fuse to the body during adulthood. When the greater horns fuse to the body, the hyoid
becomes U shaped.
Fig. 4.10 Hyoid of an older child: a, body (anterior view); b, greater
horns or cornua.
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Differentiation from Other Bones
Before fusion, the hyoid body (fig. 4.10a) may be mistaken for the unfused anterior arch of the first cervical
vertebra (i.e., the atlas). Both are small and have a concave surface in infancy and early childhood. Around age 5
or 6, however, the atlas arch fuses together, preventing
confusion. In younger individuals, the way to distinguish
these bones is to note that the anterior arch of the atlas
has a small tubercle opposite the concave side, which displays a small articular facet for the second cervical vertebra (i.e., the axis). The hyoid body of a single individual
is much smaller than the anterior atlas. It might also be
possible to mistake the first coccygeal element with its
projecting cornua for a hyoid. Note that the coccyx is depressed on its superior surface, from which the cornua
project, rather than being concave on the posterior aspect. The hyoid body is far thinner than the coccyx, which
is a thicker, more rounded bone.
Unfused greater cornua (fig. 4.10b) are long and thin
and could be mistaken for broken processes forming the
zygomatic arch. However, they are broad at one end and
narrow at the other and have no serrated edges representing sutures. A broken styloid process of the temporal bone might also be mistaken for a greater horn but it
shows a break at its thicker end and tapers to a sharp point
at its opposite end.
After adolescence, if the greater horns fuse to the body,
the complete hyoid bears a slight resemblance to a fetal or
infant mandible. The hyoid has a central protuberance resembling the mental eminence of the chin, but it is much
smaller and thinner than an infant’s mandible and lacks
tooth crypts.
Siding Techniques
Siding separate greater horns is difficult in both subadult and adult skeletons. The anterior end is wider than
the posterior end, so these are easy to distinguish. Trying
to differentiate the superolateral and inferomedial aspects, however, is challenging. The superolateral surface
is attached to several muscles and ligaments that suspend
the bone in the throat. Thus, it will tend to have a slightly
rougher surface than the smooth inferomedial aspect. If
you can confidently determine which surface is superolateral, place the bone in standard anatomical position with
that aspect up and the wider end facing away from you.
The bone sweeps up and back, with a concave curve on
its superomedial edge and a convex curve on its inferolateral edge. The bone thus bows out (or curves convexly)
toward the side from which it comes. In many cases, the
greater horns are not developed sufficiently to permit accurate siding.
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The Dentition
Every child who survives to adulthood has experienced tooth loss because humans have two sets of teeth.
The first set, known as the primary or deciduous dentition, begins to form in utero. These teeth emerge from
open crypts but are still under the gums around birth. The second set, known as the secondary or permanent dentition, forms mostly after birth (although certain teeth actually begin formation in utero as well).
Permanent teeth emerge as the deciduous teeth are lost. Upon eruption through the gums, only the crown
of the tooth (that portion covered with hard enamel and visible above the gum line) is fully formed. Tooth
enamel is the hardest substance in the body and helps protect the underlying dentin and pulp cavity
(fig. 5.1a– c). The pulp cavity is the inner core of the tooth that contains blood vessels and nerves. Tooth
roots continue to develop after eruption and typically are not complete until two years or more after crown
completion. Roots are covered with a substance called cementum (fig. 5.1d) that helps secure this part of
the tooth in its socket. The juncture of the tooth root and the crown is a constriction known as the neck or,
more commonly, the cementoenamel junction (CEJ; fig. 5.1e).
The crown surfaces of each tooth are described by their
location in the mouth (fig. 5.2). The main surfaces of the
anterior teeth (the incisors and canines) are referred to
as labial, lingual, and incisal. The posterior teeth (the
premolars and molars) have buccal, lingual, and occlusal
surfaces. The lingual surface is the side of the tooth that
touches the tongue. The labial and buccal surfaces are
opposite the lingual surface. The labial surface touches
the lips and the buccal surface touches the cheeks. The
incisal or occlusal surface is the biting or chewing area of
the tooth. The sides of each tooth are described by their
position in the mouth, either toward the midline between
the two central incisors (mesial) or away from the midline
and toward the back of the mouth (distal). The area between adjacent teeth is interproximal.
Tooth types (incisors, canines, premolars, molars) are
typically designated by their initial letters, with permanent
teeth distinguished by capital letters (I, C, P, M) and deciduous teeth by small letters (i, c, m). The position of the
tooth in the dental arcade is indicated by numbers (e.g.,
i1, i2). Maxillary and mandibular teeth are often distinguished by superscript and subscript, respectively, of the
corresponding tooth number (e.g., i 1 is the deciduous,
maxillary, central incisor; I 1 is the permanent, mandibular, central incisor).
The timing of calcification of the crown and root, emergence, and eruption in both sets of dentition has been well
studied and, at present, is considered the most accurate
approach to determining age at death of subadults. The
majority of evidence suggests that environmental factors
influence dental development less than skeletal development. Tooth formation and eruption is, therefore, under
tighter genetic control than ossification and fusion of
skeletal elements. Some of the standards that should be
referred to for dental age estimation are Gustafson and
Koch (1974), Liversidge et al. (1998), Liversidge and
Molleson (2004), Logan and Kronfeld (1933), Schour
and Massler (1940), Smith (1991), and Ubelaker (1999).
Teeth are found in only two bones of the skull: the
maxilla (upper jaw) and the mandible (lower jaw). In
many cases, forming or erupted teeth are still imbedded
in the jaws, aiding in their identification. Loose teeth,
however, are commonly encountered and must be distinguished from each other for proper identification. This
chapter provides simple, straightforward information to
help you identify and side isolated human teeth.
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Five Steps for Tooth Identification
Differentiating the types of teeth and their position in the
jaws (fig. 5.2) is a multistage process. This chapter follows
five common steps delineated by various authors (e.g.,
Anderson 1962; Ubelaker in Bass, 1995; White, 2000);
Hillson (1996) is also an excellent reference for identifying and differentiating teeth. The following steps help you
answer specific questions that guide you to the proper
identification of a loose tooth.
To which tooth type does the tooth belong?
Is the tooth deciduous or permanent?
Is it a maxillary or mandibular tooth?
What is the tooth’s position in the dentition?
Is the tooth from the right or left side?
1. To Which Tooth Type Does the Tooth Belong?
The first step toward identification involves assessing
what type of tooth is present. There are four types of
teeth: incisors, canines, premolars, and molars (fig. 5.3).
Teeth of each type share common characteristics that differentiate them from other tooth types. The basic morphological features of each tooth type are described below. Together, the incisors and canines form the anterior
teeth and are used for biting and cutting. The teeth shear
past each other, unlike the back teeth (premolars and molars) that come directly together and form grinding surfaces. In incisors and canines, the biting surface of the
tooth is referred to as the incisal surface. The grinding
surface where the upper and lower premolars and molars
contact each other is referred to as the occlusal surface.
In each quadrant of the dentition (upper right, upper
left, lower right, and lower left), the deciduous dentition
consists of two incisors, one canine, and two molars, for
a total of twenty teeth. Each quadrant of the permanent
dentition is typically comprised of two incisors, one canine, two premolars, and three molars, for a total of
thirty-two teeth.
Incisors. The incisors are designed for cutting and stripping and are the most anterior teeth in the mouth. They
are shaped like tiny spatulas or flathead screwdriver blades
with a sharp cutting edge. When the enamel wears off the
incisal surface, the darker dentin below it is exposed as a
thin line. The labial surface (toward the lips) is convex,
while the lingual surface (toward the tongue) is concave.
Also on the lingual surface, just above the CEJ, is a slight
bulge known as the tuberculum, from which marginal
ridges extend toward the incisal edge (the biting surface).
Incisors have a single root.
Canines. Human canines are similar to incisors in having
single roots and a crown with one cusp that has marginal
ridges. The canine crown tapers to a sharp, central point
or cusp rather than having a broad, flat cutting edge, like
an incisor. The tuberculum tends to be larger than in incisors, resulting in a thicker appearance at the CEJ in the
labial-lingual direction. Extending from the tuberculum
is a prominent buttress or ridge that runs up the lingual
surface and supports the central cusp. Canine teeth have
taller crowns and longer roots than incisors. When worn,
the dentin exposure on the incisal edge of a canine is diamond-shaped rather than linear like an incisor.
Premolars. Dentists often refer to premolars as bicuspids
or tricuspids because they have two and sometimes three
distinct cusps on their crowns. They have more complex
roots than incisors and canines that can be single or sometimes double. They are intermediate in morphology between the anterior teeth and the molars. The larger of the
two or three cusps is always buccal (toward the cheek)
while the smaller cusp(s) is lingual. Premolars are found
only in the permanent dentition.
Fig. 5.1 Anatomy of a tooth: a, enamel; b, dentin; c, pulp cavity;
d, cementum; e, CEJ (cementoenamel junction); f, bone; g, gum.
Molars. The molars are designed for grinding. As such,
the crowns are bigger than those of other teeth and the
roots are more complex, which often helps hold the tooth
in its socket. Molar crowns are rectangular in outline and
have several distinct cusps (usually four or five). Molars
typically have two or three roots.
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Fig. 5.2 Deciduous dentition of the maxilla (top) and mandible (middle) in occlusal views with corresponding lingual views (bottom)
of each tooth; maxilla: a, central incisor; b, lateral incisor; c, canine; d, first molar; e, second molar; mandible: f, second molar; g, first
molar; h, canine; i, lateral incisor; j, central incisor. All teeth are approximately two times actual size.
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Fig. 5.3 Tooth types: top row labial/buccal; middle
row lingual; bottom row occlusal. All teeth are
approximately two times actual size.
2. Is the Tooth Deciduous or Permanent?
At birth, only the deciduous teeth are well developed.
In older infants, the permanent teeth have begun to form,
although they do not begin to erupt until about age 6. By
age 12, all twenty of the deciduous teeth have normally
been shed and all thirty-two permanent teeth have begun development, with most already erupted. Thus, from
shortly after birth until about adolescence, a given individual will have both deciduous and permanent teeth
present. This combination is often referred to as a mixed
dentition (fig. 5.4; see also fig. 10.3). It is, therefore, extremely important to become familiar with the features
that distinguish permanent teeth from deciduous teeth
(fig. 5.5).
The overall size of the tooth is the first thing to consider. Deciduous teeth are miniature versions of permanent teeth, so they are much smaller in comparison. Even
when crowns are not fully formed, the developing permanent teeth are broader than their deciduous counterparts. The roots of permanent teeth are also larger, while
deciduous roots are short and slender. Those of deciduous molars are often more divergent than permanent molar roots because they arch over the developing crowns of
the premolars.
Next, inspect the crown of the tooth. The crowns of
all the deciduous teeth tend to be more bulbous than
those of the permanent teeth. The bulbous shape of a
deciduous crown is accentuated by its constricted CEJ.
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Fig. 5.4 Mixed deciduous and developing permanent dentition of a child approximately 4 years
of age.
The enamel of deciduous teeth is thinner than that of
permanent tooth crowns. Thus, they often wear quickly
and can have a yellow or brown tinge due to the dentin
3. Is It a Maxillary or Mandibular Tooth?
Incisors. Maxillary incisors are larger and more shovel- or
spadelike than mandibular incisors, which are smaller and
narrower in shape and appear more rectangular or chiselshaped (figs. 5.6 and 5.7). The marginal ridges on the
lingual surface of the mandibular incisors are either slight
or absent, whereas they are very distinct on the maxillary
incisors. Finally, the cingulum—a bulge on the crown
near the root, often called the tuberculum—is typically
broader on the maxillary incisors and narrower on the
mandibular. Maxillary incisors have more robust roots
than mandibular incisors and are round in cross section.
The mandibular roots are somewhat pinched mesiodistally and are, thus, more ovoid in cross section. Note also
that maxillary incisors typically show wear facets on the
lingual surface, while the mandibular incisors have wear
on the labial surface due to the shearing action of these
teeth in opposition.
Canines. As with the incisors, the maxillary canine has a
broader cingulum, while that of the mandibular tooth is
narrower (figs. 5.8 and 5.9). The cusp of the canine tends
to be sharper and more pointed in the maxillary than mandibular dentition, which tends to be blunter. The crown
is much wider in the maxillary canine, whereas the mandibular canine is thinner and longer, giving it a more rectangular shape. As in incisors, wear facets occur on the lingual surface of maxillary teeth and on the labial surface of
mandibular teeth.
Premolars. The easiest way to identify a premolar is to examine the occlusal surface (fig. 5.10). The two cusps of
the maxillary premolars are similar in size compared to
mandibular premolars, although the buccal cusp is slightly
larger and higher. The mandibular premolars can be bior tricuspid (two or three cusped); however, the buccal
cusp is always larger and higher than the lower and considerably smaller lingual cusp(s). The upper premolars
have a crown shape that resembles the number 8 because
of the groove that separates the cusps. The occlusal outline of the lower premolar crowns is often round if two
cusps are present or almost square when three cusps are
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Fig. 5.5 Comparison of the deciduous and
permanent teeth: top row incisor; middle
row canine; bottom row molar. All teeth
are approximately two times actual size.
Both maxillary and mandibular premolars usually have
one major root that is much wider buccolingually than
incisor or canine roots. Upper premolars sometimes have
two roots (see fig. 5.10) and occasionally even three.
Three-rooted maxillary premolars have two buccal roots
and one lingual like maxillary molars. When there are two
roots, one is buccal and the other is lingual. In some
cases, these roots are entirely or partially fused together.
Lower premolars typically have only one root, although
the single rounded root often displays distinct grooves on
either side that divide it into buccal and lingual sections
and flatten the root mesiodistally.
Molars. A simple way to distinguish maxillary and mandibular molars is to examine the number and position of
the roots (figs. 5.11 and 5.12). Maxillary molars typically
have three roots (one lingual, one mesiobuccal, and one
distobuccal) whereas mandibular molars typically have
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Fig. 5.6 Comparison of maxillary (top) and mandibular
(bottom) deciduous incisors. The right lateral incisors are
shown (approximately two times actual size).
Fig. 5.7 Comparison of maxillary (top) and mandibular
(bottom) permanent incisors. The right lateral incisors are
shown (approximately two times actual size).
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Fig. 5.8 Comparison of maxillary (top) and mandibular (bottom) deciduous canines from the right side,
approximately two times actual size.
Fig. 5.9 Comparison of maxillary (top) and mandibular (bottom) permanent canines from the right side,
approximately two times actual size.
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Fig. 5.10 Comparison of maxillary (top) and
mandibular (bottom) premolars. The right first
premolars are shown (approximately two
times actual size).
Fig. 5.11 Comparison of maxillary (top) and
mandibular (bottom) deciduous molars. The
right first molars are shown (approximately
two times actual size).
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Fig. 5.12 Comparison of maxillary (top) and mandibular (bottom) permanent molars. The right first molars are shown (approximately two times actual size).
only two (one mesial, one distal). Be aware that these
roots may be fused together in the permanent molars but,
in many cases, lines of division are visible so you can count
them or determine their position.
The number and arrangement of the cusps are also diagnostic of upper versus lower molars. For deciduous first
molars, the maxillary and mandibular teeth differ in cusp
morphology and the outline of the crown. The maxillary
first molar is square and resembles a premolar in cusp
configuration, with a groove or gap in the center of the
occlusal surface that separates the large buccal cusp and
smaller lingual cusp. The mandibular first molar is longer
mesiodistally than it is buccolingually, which gives the
crown a rectangular shape. The cusp configuration differs
from that of any other tooth, because of the close proximity of the buccal and lingual cusp rows. Mesially, there
is a small depression separated from a larger distal depression by a constriction, which resembles an hourglass
shape. Because the deciduous second molars are miniature versions of permanent molars, the criteria for distinguishing maxillary from mandibular molars in the permanent dentition can be used for these teeth as well.
The maxillary molars of the permanent dentition typically have four cusps (sometimes only three) arranged
with two buccal cusps that are roughly similar in size, one
large mesiolingual cusp, and a small distolingual cusp.
When only three cusps are present it is because the small
distolingual cusp is absent. The shape of the crown is,
therefore, a square or quadrilateral. The mandibular molars typically have five cusps, or sometimes four, which are
arranged more symmetrically than the cusps of the maxillary molars (see fig. 5.12, occlusal views). There are two
lingual and two buccal cusps, which are similar in size.
The fifth cusp is wedged between the distobuccal and
distolingual cusps. The crown of a mandibular molar is
longer mesiodistally than a maxillary molar and is, therefore, more rectangular.
4. What Is the Tooth’s Position in the Dentition?
Incisors. Is it a central or lateral incisor? Maxillary central
incisor crowns are larger and wider than lateral incisors
mesiodistally (fig. 5.13). However, the mandibular cen-
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Fig. 5.13 Comparison of the deciduous and permanent central and lateral incisors: top row maxillary teeth; bottom
row mandibular teeth. All teeth are from the right side, approximately two times actual size.
tral incisor crown is slightly smaller than a lateral mandibular incisor. Both maxillary and mandibular central incisors are more symmetrical than laterals. Often, the roots
of the central incisors are thicker and straighter than the
lateral incisor roots, which tend to curve distally. Upper
and lower central incisor roots are generally shorter than
the corresponding lateral incisor roots. Mandibular and
maxillary lateral incisors can be confused, but remember
that the mandibular incisor crown and roots are both
smaller than their maxillary counterparts.
Premolars. Is it a first or second premolar? The upper first
premolars have a larger buccal cusp compared to the lingual cusp, whereas the buccal and lingual cusps of upper
second premolars are nearly equal in size (fig. 5.14).
The mesial surface tends to be concave in the maxillary
first premolars and convex in the second premolars. Finally, maxillary first premolars are more likely to have two
discernible roots (buccal and lingual) than the second
The lower first and second premolars are distinguishable mainly by cusp morphology. A first premolar tends
to have a sharp, pointed buccal cusp and a small lingual
cusp. The second, on the other hand, has a dull, rounded
buccal cusp and often two lingual cusps, with the mesiolingual cusp typically larger than the distolingual cusp.
The root of a mandibular first premolar often displays a
groove on the mesial aspect, while that of the second premolar lacks a groove.
Molars. A combination of crown and root morphology
can be used to discriminate between first and second maxillary and mandibular molars in the deciduous dentition,
and among the first, second, and third maxillary and mandibular molars of the permanent dentition.
For deciduous teeth, it is fairly easy to distinguish first
and second molars (fig. 5.15). The upper and lower second molars closely resemble permanent molars in their
morphology. The first molars, however, differ in their
crown configuration. Deciduous first molars are not sym-
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Fig. 5.14 Comparison of the first and second premolars: top
row maxillary teeth, bottom row mandibular teeth.
All teeth are from the right side, approximately two times
actual size.
metrical in crown shape and there is a notable difference
in cusp morphology, with the upper first more closely resembling a bicuspid premolar (except for the three roots),
and the lower first exhibiting a closure of the gap between
cusps due to its broad and angled buccal surface.
In the permanent dentition, first molars are the largest
of the three, decreasing in size to the third molar, which
often has fewer cusps (fig. 5.16). Third molars lack wear
facets on the distal surface of the crown, as do the second
molars if the thirds have not erupted. The first molars display wear facets on both the mesial and distal aspects, as
do the second molars if the thirds have erupted.
For the maxillary molars, the lingual root is largest and
is widely separated from the buccal roots in the first molar. In the second molar, the lingual root is largest but is
less divergent, and the roots are least divergent or fused
to one another in the third molar. The crowns of the upper molars typically display the following cusp pattern:
the first has four well-defined cusps; the second has four
cusps but the distolingual cusp is reduced or may be absent; and the third is highly variable but often has a dramatically reduced or absent distolingual cusp.
In the mandibular molars, the lower first has two distinct and widely separated roots (mesial and distal) and
the mesial root curves toward the distal. The second molars also have two roots but these are occasionally fused.
Both roots have a tendency to curve in a distal direction. The two roots of the third molars are often fused
and they may also curve distally. The crowns of the lower
molars typically display the following cusp pattern: the
first has five cusps including the small distal cusp wedged
between the distobuccal and distolingual cusps, the second typically has five cusps or possibly four with the distal cusp absent, and the third is the most likely to exhibit
only four cusps.
5. Is the Tooth from the Right or Left Side?
Incisors. The key to siding maxillary incisors lies in the
morphology of the mesial and distal surfaces of the crown.
The mesial surface is straight and has a sharp, almost 90degree angle (fig. 5.17a) with the incisal edge. In contrast, the juncture of the distal and incisal edges is more
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Fig. 5.15 Comparison of the first (m1) and second (m2) deciduous
molars. The top two rows show lingual and occlusal views, respectively,
of maxillary molars; the bottom two rows show occlusal and lingual
views, respectively, of mandibular molars: B, buccal; D, distal; L, lingual;
M, mesial. All teeth are from the right side, approximately two times
actual size.
rounded (fig. 5.17b). Keeping these features in mind,
to side a maxillary incisor, orient it in standard anatomical position with the root up and the rugged lingual surface toward you. The rounded corner is on the side from
which the tooth comes (fig. 5.17b). Alternatively, you
can hold the tooth with the convex, labial surface toward
you. In this position, the straighter side of the crown with
the squared corner is on the side from which the tooth
comes (fig. 5.17a). Another method is to examine the
CEJ (fig. 5.17c). On the mesial side, the enamel is lower
(closer to the incisal edge) than on the distal side. Thus,
if you hold the tooth in anatomical position with the root
up and the lingual surface toward you, rotate it slightly
from side to side to examine the relative position of the
CEJ. The enamel extends higher up the tooth (farther
from the incisal edge) on the side to which it belongs.
Another siding tip is to note that, in lateral incisors, the
apex of the root tends to tilt distally. Thus, when holding
the tooth in anatomical position, the apex points to the
side from which the tooth comes (fig. 5.17d). Incisor
roots also have deeper grooves on the distal side of the
root than on the mesial side, also identifying the side the
tooth is from in anatomical position.
Determining the side of mandibular incisors is more
challenging, but some of the observations that pertain to
siding maxillary incisors are also useful for siding lower
incisors. Like maxillary incisors, the juncture of the incisal
and distal edges in lower incisors is also more rounded
than the mesial corner (fig. 5.18a, b). Thus, to side properly, hold the tooth in anatomical position with the root
down and the rougher lingual surface toward you. The
crown is curved more on the distal aspect and the
rounded distoincisal corner (fig. 5.18b). These features
indicate the side to which the tooth belongs. Alternatively, orient the labial surface toward you. In this view,
the straighter edge of the crown and squarer corner indicate the side from which the tooth comes (fig. 5.18a).
This technique is more useful in lateral mandibular incisors but can be ambiguous in the central incisors due to
their smaller size and more symmetrical, chiseled shape.
Therefore, it is important to examine the root. Look for
the grooves on the roots (fig. 5.18c), which are flattened
mesiodistally. The distal groove is usually more pronounced than the mesial groove and the root apex often
tilts distally like the upper incisors (fig. 5.18d). To use
these features in siding a mandibular incisor, hold the
tooth in anatomical position. The deeper groove is on the
side the tooth is from, and the root apex tilts toward that
side as well.
Canines. To side permanent upper and lower canines, examine the incisal edge. The mesial slope from the cusp tip
to the corner of the crown is always shorter than the distal (fig. 5.19a, b). To side, place the tooth in standard
anatomical position (with the root oriented as it would
be in the jaw) with the more rugged, concave lingual surface toward you. The longer, more curved slope is on
the side to which the tooth belongs (fig. 5.19b). Beware
that in deciduous maxillary canines, the opposite holds
true—the mesial slope is always longer than the distal
(fig. 5.19A, B). Thus, in orienting as above, remember
that for a deciduous upper canine, the longer slope is opposite the side the tooth is from and the shorter slope is
on the side from which it comes. In cases where the crown
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Fig. 5.16 Comparison of the first (M1), second (M2),
and third (M3) permanent molars. The top two
rows show lingual and occlusal views, respectively,
of maxillary molars; the bottom two rows show
occlusal and lingual views, respectively, of mandibular
molars: B, buccal; D, distal; L, lingual; M, mesial. All
teeth are from the right side, approximately two
times actual size.
is damaged or very worn, canine roots are helpful in siding the tooth (fig. 5.19c). The distal groove is more pronounced and the apex also angles distally or toward the
side the tooth is from when held in anatomical position.
Premolars. It is generally easy to identify the buccal aspect
of the tooth in both maxillary and mandibular premolars
because it displays the largest cusp (fig. 5.20a, b). This
feature is less obvious in maxillary second premolars. For
maxillary premolars, the lingual cusp leans toward the
mesial side of the tooth (fig. 5.20c). This slant is often
easier to observe on a first premolar because of the greater
disparity in size of the cusps. Note that any wear present on the occlusal surface of maxillary premolars is heavier toward the lingual side of the crown. In mandibular
premolars, the wear tends to be greater on the buccal
cusp. Once you have identified the buccal and lingual aspects, note that the roots of all premolars have a tendency
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Fig. 5.17 Methods for siding maxillary incisors, top deciduous central incisor, bottom permanent lateral incisor: a, straight mesioincisal
corner; b, round distoincisal corner; c, CEJ (cementoenamel junction);
d, root apex. All teeth are from the right side, approximately two times
actual size.
Fig. 5.19 Methods for siding maxillary (top) and mandibular (bottom) canines,
left deciduous canines, right permanent canines: A, long, mesial incisal
edge; B, short, distal incisal edge; a, short, mesial incisal edge; b, long, distal
incisal edge; c, root apex. All teeth are from the right side, approximately
two times actual size.
Fig. 5.18 Methods for siding mandibular incisors, top deciduous lateral
incisor, bottom permanent central incisor: a, straight mesioincisal corner; b, round distoincisal corner; c, root grooves; d, root apex. All teeth
are from the right side, approximately two times actual size.
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Fig. 5.20 Methods for siding maxillary (top) and mandibular (bottom) premolars, left first premolars (P1), right second premolars (P2): a, small lingual cusp; b, large buccal
cusp; c, mesial slant of lingual cusp; d, root apex. All teeth are from the right side, approximately two times actual size.
to curve distally (fig. 5.20d). When oriented in standard
anatomical position, the root thus curves toward the side
to which the tooth belongs.
Molars. For deciduous first molars, whether maxillary
or mandibular, a feature that aids in siding is a bulge or
ridge located on the mesiobuccal aspect of the tooth
(fig. 5.21a). To side a deciduous first molar using this feature, hold the tooth with the roots as they would be held
in the jaw (i.e., in anatomical position); the tubercle or
bulge indicates the side from which the tooth comes.
Tips for siding deciduous second molars coincide with
the instructions below for siding permanent molars.
In the maxillary dentition, all molars have one large
lingual root and two smaller buccal roots regardless of
whether the three roots of the permanent upper molars
are fused or not (figs. 5.21b, c and 5.22a, b). In the permanent molars, the thicker of the two buccal roots is usually mesial (fig. 5.22c), while in the deciduous the longer
of the two is usually mesial (fig. 5.21b). On the crown, if
the fourth cusp is present (i.e., the smallest cusp), it is always located distolingually (figs. 5.21d and 5.22d). Note
also that the crown is relatively vertical on its buccal side
but bulges outward lingually (figs. 5.21 and 5.22). After
identifying the above aspects, orient the tooth with the
roots away from you and the distal surface pointing down
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Fig. 5.21 Methods for siding deciduous maxillary (top) and mandibular (bottom) molars. The first molars (m1) are shown in buccal
view and the second molars (m2), in buccal and occlusal views: B, buccal; D, distal; L, lingual; M, mesial; a, mesiobuccal bulge; b, buccal root; c, lingual root; d, distolingual cusp. All teeth are from the right side, approximately two times actual size.
(figs. 5.21 and 5.22). The smallest cusp is toward the side
to which the tooth belongs (figs. 5.21d and 5.22d).
For all permanent mandibular molars, the mesial root
is thicker in a buccolingual direction and both roots curve
distally (fig. 5.23a, b). The mesial root of the deciduous molars tends to be straighter and longer than the
distal root (fig. 5.21e, f ). Looking at the crown from
a mesial, distal, or occlusal perspective, the buccal side
bulges while the lingual side is straighter (fig. 5.23). In
the occlusal view, the fifth cusp, if present, is distobuccal
(fig. 5.23c). The crown outline has a flattened mesial end
and a rounded distal end. These features help you orient
the tooth in anatomical position, as it would be in the
dental arcade, for proper side identification. When viewed
from the distal end of the tooth, note the CEJ slopes down
toward the side it is from and the crown bulges outward
(is more convex) on the side from which it comes. If you
look at the occlusal surface with the distal side toward
you, the side with the three cusps indicates the side to
which the tooth belongs. If you hold the roots down with
the lingual side facing you, the root tips curve distally, or
toward the side from which the tooth comes.
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Fig. 5.22 Methods for siding permanent maxillary
first (M1), second (M2), and third (M3) molars, top
row buccal, middle row mesial, bottom row occlusal: B, buccal; D, distal; L, lingual; M, mesial; a,
lingual root; b, buccal root; c, thicker mesiobuccal
root; d, distolingual cusp. All teeth are from the right
side, approximately two times actual size.
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Fig. 5.23 Methods for siding permanent mandibular
first (M1), second (M2), and third (M3) molars, top
row buccal, middle row mesial, bottom row
occlusal: B, buccal; D, distal; L, lingual; M, mesial;
a, straighter and longer mesial root; b, shorter and
more curved distal root; c, distobuccal cusp. All
teeth are from the right side, approximately two
times actual size.
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The Infracranial Skeleton
he infracranial skeleton refers to the bones situated beneath the skull in
an animal with erect posture. The term postcranial, which refers to bones
located behind or posterior to the skull, is more accurate for quadrupedal
animals, though it is often used interchangeably with infracranial.
The infracranial skeleton is comprised of bones that form the bulk of the axial
skeleton, or the trunk, and the appendicular skeleton, or appendages (fig. 1.3). The
trunk includes the bones of the vertebral column, ribs, and shoulder and pelvic
girdles, while the appendages consist of the bones of the arms and legs. The bones
forming the vertebral column and pelvic girdle (vertebrae, sacrum, coccyx, and os
coxae) are delineated in chapter 6. Chapter 7 covers the chest cavity and shoulder
girdle and includes the ribs, sternum, clavicles, and scapulae. All the long bones of
the arms and legs are discussed in chapter 8, while chapter 9 is devoted to the bones
of the hands and feet.
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The Vertebral Column and Pelvic Girdle
The vertebral column and pelvic girdle, together with the skull and the bones of the chest and shoulder
girdle (chap. 7), form the axial skeleton. The vertebral column or spine is comprised of twenty-four true vertebrae, the sacrum, and the coccyx. The twenty-four presacral vertebrae are divided into three groups— cervical, thoracic, and lumbar (fig. 6.1). All bones of the vertebral column develop in a similar manner through
endochondral ossification. At birth, all but the first and second cervical vertebrae consist of three elements.
The unfused right and left halves of the neural arch form the posterior portion of the adult vertebrae plus
the lateral transverse processes and, anteriorly, a small portion of the adult vertebral body. The centrum is
the third element, which consists of all but the posterolateral aspects of the adult vertebral body.
The sacrum, while part of the vertebral column, also forms the posterior aspect of the pelvic girdle. The
vestigial tailbone—the coccyx—is inferior to the sacrum. The ilium, ischium, and pubis fuse together to
form the os coxae or hip bones that complete the pelvis. Together these bones form a stable platform for
bipedal locomotion, muscle attachment, and encasement and protection of some of the internal organs.
Cervical Vertebrae
The neck is comprised of seven cervical vertebrae
(figs. 6.2 – 6.4). These are numbered consecutively from
superior to inferior so that the uppermost cervical vertebra is designated C1, while the lowest is C7. The first two
cervical vertebrae are distinctive at all stages of development. The third through sixth are typical cervical vertebrae, while the seventh can be distinguished in adults.
Because its development is identical to that of C3 to C6
and its distinctive features are difficult to discern in infants and young children, C7 is treated here as a typical
cervical vertebra.
The Atlas (C1)
Description at Major Stages. The atlas or first cervical vertebra (C1; fig. 6.2) is the most superior of the vertebrae.
It articulates superiorly with the occipital condyles and
inferiorly with the axis or second cervical vertebra. The
atlas develops from three primary centers of ossification:
one for each lateral mass (posterior arch segment) and a
third for the anterior arch. The atlas begins to ossify in
the seventh to tenth week of gestation from two primary
endochondral centers. By the fourth fetal month, these
elements are the recognizable right and left halves of the
posterior neural arch (fig. 6.2a). Each posterior arch initially consists of a large and small projection of bone emanating from an oval portion that has an articular facet
on each side. The superior articular facet (fig. 6.2b) is
the larger of the two and is cupped to articulate with
the occipital condyles. The inferior facets are small ovals
(fig. 6.2c). The larger projection of bone sweeping back
from the articular area forms the posterior arch. The small
anterolateral projection adjacent to the articular facet
forms the posterior part of the incomplete transverse foramen (fig. 6.2d). This description applies to the atlas
through the first year of life.
The anterior arch (fig. 6.2e) begins to ossify around
age 1, and it attains recognizable morphology by age 3
to 4. At this stage, it is generally represented as a thin,
straight piece of bone that is slightly concave with a small
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Fig. 6.1 Typical vertebrae from a child, 2 to 4 years old, in superior views, top anterior, bottom posterior: A, cervical; B, upper
thoracic; C, lower thoracic; D, lumbar.
articular facet on one side, opposite a slight bulge. The
bulge represents the anterior tubercle, while the articular
facet (fig. 6.2f ) on the opposite side is for the odontoid
process (dens) of the axis or C2 (fig. 6.3). The transverse
foramina are also completed about this time on the posterior arch segment. Between age 4 and 5, the two halves
of the posterior arch fuse together, followed by the fusion
of the posterior arch to the anterior arch between 5 and
6 years. The atlas may also have two secondary epiphyses
that appear and fuse during adolescence on the tips of the
transverse processes (fig. 6.2g).
Differentiation from Other Bones. The developing posterior neural arches (fig. 6.2a) of the atlas are identifiable
at all stages because of the very large, concave superior
articular facets (fig. 6.2b), beneath which are small, flat
facets (fig. 6.2c) for the axis. The anterior arch (fig. 6.2e)
is also recognizable from its early stages of development
because of the anterior tubercle opposite the small articular facet (fig. 6.2f ) for the odontoid process of C2.
When fused, the atlas is a complete bony ring with cupped
facets that articulate with the occipital condyles. Fragments of a mature atlas are easily recognized because its
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Fig. 6.2 Atlas (C1), A the posterior neural arches of a perinate (inferior view), B the unfused posterior neural arches (superior
view) and the anterior arch (posterior view) of a child, 3 to 4 years old: a, posterior neural arch; b, superior articular facet; c, inferior
articular facet; d, transverse foramen; e, anterior arch; f, articular facet for the odontoid process; g, transverse process.
pieces are distinguished by the features noted on unfused
Siding Techniques. Up to 5 years of age, the right and left
halves that unite to form the posterior arch of the atlas
must be sided. To do so, place the larger, concave facet up
(fig. 6.2b) and the bigger, posterior projection (fig. 6.2a)
toward you so the bone is in standard anatomical position
(see fig. 6.2B). The small projection for the transverse
process (fig. 6.2g) points to the side from which the bone
comes. Thus, if the projection is to the right of the facet,
it is the right half of the arch.
The Axis (C2)
Description at Major Stages. The axis or second cervical
vertebra (C2; fig. 6.3) articulates superiorly with the atlas (C1) and inferiorly with C3. Its distinct morphology
makes it easy to distinguish from all other vertebrae, although its complicated ossification requires differentiating all of its components in infants and young children.
The axis forms from a total of six ossification centers.
The centers for each half of the neural arch (fig. 6.3a) are
the first to ossify, beginning by the end of the second
month in utero. The centrum and paired centers for the
body of the odontoid process or dens appear between 4
and 6 fetal months, with the dens centers coalescing soon
after their appearance (fig. 6.3b). The tip of the dens appears around 2 years of age.
In a neonate, the axis consists of four components—
the two halves of the neural arch, a centrum, and the body
of the dens. Each neural arch half has a bulbous anterior
articular area that eventually fuses with the centrum. An
articular facet is present on the superior aspect (fig. 6.3c),
adjacent to the incomplete transverse foramen (fig. 6.3d).
The posterior portion of the transverse foramen is formed
from a small spicule of bone (fig. 6.3e) on the lateral aspect of the neural arch. The posterior terminus of the
lamina is rounded, but it is smaller than the anterior part
of the arch. The centrum is squarer than those of other
cervical vertebrae. The body of the dens resembles two
upside-down commas placed back to back. A groove representing the line of fusion separates the posterior aspect
of each half of the body.
Between 3 and 4 years of age, the groove begins to
disappear as the dens fuses to the two halves of the neural arch, which also fuse together posteriorly at the same
time. The transverse foramina are also completed about
this time. Soon thereafter, the centrum fuses to the dens
and the neural arch. Thus, as early as 4 years, and maximally by about 6, the axis has only two components—
the amalgamated neural arch, dens body, and centrum,
plus the small nodule of bone that represents the unfused
tip of the dens. A fusion line or groove (fig. 6.3f ) persists
along the center of the posterior aspect of the dens body
until 9 or 10 years of age. The tip fuses to the dens at approximately 12 years of age. The axis also has five secondary ossification centers that appear and fuse during ado-
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Fig. 6.3 Axis (C2), A the right neural arch of a perinate shown in the inferior (left) and superior (right) views, with the body of the dens
(superior view) at top, B the superior view of the fused neural arch and separate body of the dens from a child, 3 to 4 years old, C posterior view of the body of the dens: a, neural arch; b, dens or odontoid process; c, superior articular facet; d, transverse foramen; e, posterior portion of the transverse foramen; f, line of fusion on dens body; g, articulation between neural arch and centrum/body of the dens;
h, inferior articular facet.
lescence. These epiphyses are for the transverse processes,
the tips of the bifid spinous process, and the inferior surface of the centrum (annular ring).
Differentiation from Other Bones. The axis has recognizable
features for each component early in its development.
The neural arches (fig. 6.3a) and centrum are thicker
than those of other cervical vertebrae. It displays a curved
shape without distinct projections. A large, roughened
area (fig. 6.3g) is present on one end that represents the
articulation for the centrum and the dens (fig. 6.3b). The
ends of the neural arch halves are larger and blockier than
those of other cervical arch components, and the transverse foramen (fig. 6.3d) is defined by a very thin spicule
of bone (fig. 6.3e) emanating from the lateral aspect of
the posterior arch (or lamina). The centrum of a neonate
is square compared to the more wedge-shaped centra of
C3 through C7. The separate body of the dens is a small,
curvy element, and its forked tip is unlike any other vertebral element. Once united with the neural arches and
centrum, the C2 of a child closely resembles the adult
bone. The superior projection of the dens remains indented at its apex until the small nodule at its tip fuses
around age 12.
Siding Techniques. Because the two halves of the dens are
fused before birth, they appear as separate halves for only
a short period in fetal development. It is far more important to identify them as components of the axis than
to attempt siding them. Like the other cervical vertebrae, the unfused halves of the neural arch must be sided
in individuals younger than 3 to 4 years of age, when
they unite posteriorly. Place the bulbous articular end
(fig. 6.3g) away from you. Note that the posterior aspect
of the arch angles down when properly positioned and
the inferomedial surface is concave. In this view (which
corresponds to standard anatomical position), the arch
curves out toward the side it is from and the small lateral
projection for the transverse process (fig. 6.3e) is also on
the side from which the bone comes.
Typical Cervical Vertebrae (C3–C7)
Description at Major Stages. The typical cervical vertebrae,
C3 through C7 (fig. 6.4), form in the same general
pattern as C1 and C2, but with slight differences in appearance and fusion time. Each is formed from right
and left neural arches and a centrum (fig. 6.4a, b). These
elements first appear in C7 during early fetal life, and
centra progressively appear superiorly, reaching C3 by the
fourth fetal month. At birth, the three-part cervical vertebra is distinguished by the developing transverse foramina (fig. 6.4c) on each neural arch half and by its small,
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the superior and inferior surfaces of the centrum, and one
on each end of the bifid spinous process (fig. 6.4d). The
spinous process of C7 is not bifurcated like those of other
cervical vertebrae. Thus, it has only one epiphysis for the
spinous process. This is the only epiphysis that is likely to
be found separately as a small cap that is difficult to distinguish from those of the thoracic vertebrae below it.
Fig. 6.4 Typical cervical vertebra, A the right neural arch of a perinate shown in the inferior (left) and superior (right) views, B the superior view of the fused neural arch and separate centrum from a child,
2 to 4 years old: a, neural arch; b, centrum; c, transverse foramen; d, spinous process; e, superior articular facet; f, inferior articular facet; g,
transverse process.
relatively flat centrum. Centra are shaped much like a slice
of bread with a somewhat scalloped anterior border (similar to the top crust of a bread slice). The anterior aspect
is broad and convex, while the posterior aspect is narrower. The superior surface of a centrum slopes down toward the anterior edge, while the inferior aspect is flat.
The halves of the neural arch fuse around 2 years of
age and subsequently fuse to the centrum between ages 3
and 4. The transverse foramina are completed at the same
time. Typically, C3 through C6 have six secondary epiphyses that appear and fuse during adolescence. These
epiphyses occur on the tips of each transverse process, on
Differentiation from Other Bones. All cervical vertebrae have
common features that help distinguish them as a group
from other vertebrae. These are the only vertebrae that
have foramina (fig. 6.4c) for passage of the vertebral artery on either side of the neural arch. The presence of
a transverse foramen is, therefore, diagnostic of a cervical vertebra. While incomplete in infants and very young
children, the transverse foramina are still identifiable because the posterior aspect of the transverse process is
formed early in development and creates a semicircular
indentation in the anterolateral aspects of the paired neural arches. In addition, the posterior portions of each neural arch (the laminae) are long and thin.
On C3 through C7, a small superior articular facet
(fig. 6.4e) is evident and forms an upward angle at the
corner of the neural arch. The opposite inferior articular
facet (fig. 6.4f ) is generally more rounded than the superior facet and does not angle as sharply. The projecting spurs (fig. 6.4g) that form the posterior portion of
the transverse process become thicker inferiorly so that all
are more robust than that of C2. The united neural arch
in all but C7 typically has a bifid spinous process.
The unfused cervical centra are small and flat in comparison to thoracic and lumbar elements (fig. 6.1). They
become progressively larger from C3 to C7. While the
centrum of C2 is shaped more like a square, those of
typical cervical vertebrae are shaped like a slice of bread
—wider and billowed at the top (anterior aspect) with
slightly angled sides and a narrower bottom (posterior
Siding Techniques. Unfused neural arch halves must be
sided in children younger than 3 or 4 years of age. To
side, it is useful to orient the bone in standard anatomical position. Place the transverse foramen (fig. 6.4c) away
from you with the superior articular facet up (fig. 6.4e).
This facet protrudes from the bone, angling up and away
from you. On the inferior surface, the facet (fig. 6.4f )
angles down and away from you. The inferior margin
of the lamina angles downward slightly, while the superior border is slightly concave. In anatomical position, the
portion of the arch on which the articular facet lies is toward the side from which the bone comes (see fig. 6.4A,
right). Thus, if you follow a line from the posterior aspect
of the arch to the articular facet, the line points to the
correct side.
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Thoracic Vertebrae
The twelve thoracic vertebrae are inferior to the cervical
vertebrae and superior to the lumbar vertebrae. In addition to articulating with the vertebrae above and below,
each articulates with a pair of ribs to form the thoracic
cavity. The thoracic vertebrae are numbered consecutively
from superior to inferior so that the first element is labeled T1 and the last is designated T12.
Description at Major Stages
Like the typical cervical vertebrae, each thoracic vertebra develops from three primary centers of ossification,
two for the neural arch halves and one for the centrum
(fig. 6.5a, b). These all appear by the tenth week of gestation and are recognizable soon thereafter. At birth, each
thoracic vertebra continues to be represented by the same
three components.
The neural arches of the lower thoracic vertebrae are
the first to fuse, progressing superiorly during the first
and second years of life. Generally, between about 1 and
3 years of age, most thoracic vertebrae consist of two elements—a complete neural arch and an unfused centrum.
Fusion of the neural arch to the centrum in the lower thoracic vertebrae begins around 3 to 4 years of age, and progresses superiorly, completing fusion by 5 to 6 years of
age. The thoracic vertebrae also have five secondary epiphyses that appear during early adolescence and fuse by
early adulthood. They are found on the superior and inferior surfaces of the centrum, on the tips of the transverse processes, and on the end of the spinous process.
Differentiation from Other Bones
It is most difficult to distinguish the components of
fetal or neonatal thoracic vertebrae from those of lumbar vertebrae. The neural arch halves lack the transverse
foramina that identify the cervical vertebrae and can be
separated from lumbar neural arches by their prominent
transverse processes (fig. 6.5c) and more angular, thinner
laminae. The facet pattern of thoracic vertebrae also distinguishes them. With the exception of T12, both the superior (fig. 6.5d) and inferior articular facets (fig. 6.5e)
are small, flat surfaces oriented vertically. They increase in
Fig. 6.5 Typical thoracic vertebrae, A the right neural arch of a perinate shown in the inferior (left) and superior (right) views, B the superior view of the fused neural arch and separate centrum of an upper
thoracic from a child, 2 to 4 years old, C the superior view of the
fused neural arch and centrum of a lower thoracic from a child, 2 to
4 years old: a, neural arch; b, centrum; c, transverse process; d, superior
articular facet; e, inferior articular facet; f, spinous process.
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size from T1 through T12, so that T11 and T12 are more
similar to lumbar neural arches.
A neural arch half from T1 can often be differentiated
because it resembles the cervical arches closely in size and
shape yet lacks the transverse foramen. The neural arch
halves of T11 and T12 are more difficult to separate from
the lumbar arches because of greater similarity in size and
shape. The transverse process is still more prominent and
the laminae are thinner and angled more sharply than
their lumbar counterparts. In T12, the less robust transverse process and the lumbarlike, convexly curved inferior
articular facet, even at very young ages, permit it to be
separated from other thoracic arches. The flat, vertically
oriented superior articular facet separates it from the lumbar facet pattern (see below).
Thoracic centra are generally thicker and more
rounded than those of the cervical segment (fig. 6.1).
They are smaller than the lumbar centra, but increase in
size from T1 to T12. While the centrum of T1 is difficult
to distinguish from a cervical centrum because of similarity in shape, the superior surface is even rather than sloping down toward the anterior aspect. The centra of the
lower thoracic vertebrae are broader (transversely across
the center) and are rounded anteriorly.
For unfused neural arches and centra, the increasing
size from T1 through T12 is the only way to identify
specific thoracic elements, and it is very difficult to place
them in proper sequence even when preservation is good.
Generally, only T1 and T12 are likely to be differentiated
with confidence. In older children for whom the centrum
and neural arch are fused, the presence of an obvious cos-
tal facet (for the head of the corresponding rib) on the
body (near the neurocentral juncture) is the easiest way
to separate a thoracic vertebra from lumbar or cervical
vertebrae. Costal facets also develop on the transverse
processes of all but T11 and T12. As in adults, T1 and
T12 of older children are distinguishable by their transitional features.
The epiphyses of thoracic vertebrae include small caps
for the ends of the spinous (fig. 6.5f ) and transverse processes. These caps are smaller than long bone epiphyses
such as the medial epicondyle of the humerus or the lesser
trochanter of the femur. They are more convex than epiphyses for the bones of the hands and feet. The annular
rings are semicircular flakes that are readily distinguishable from epiphyses for the vertebral border of the scapula
or those on the bones of the hip. In all cases, they are
thin, flat, and more curved due to the small diameter of
the vertebral bodies.
Siding Techniques
If the thoracic neural arches are unfused, they can be
sided by placing the arch with the small projection for the
superior articular facet (fig. 6.5d) facing up, and the large
projection of the lamina toward you (see fig. 6.5A, right).
The inferior border of the arch just anterior to the transverse process and facets is always concave and should be
oriented away from you, along with the rounded surface
for the centrum. In this view (which corresponds to standard anatomical position), the small, lateral projection
for the transverse process is on the side from which the
bone comes.
Lumbar Vertebrae
The five elements of the lumbar spine form the lower
back. They are situated between the thoracic vertebrae
above and the sacrum below them. As with other vertebrae, each articulates with the element above and below
it via superior and inferior articular facets. The elements
are numbered superiorly to inferiorly from L1 to L5.
Description at Major Stages
Like the thoracic and typical cervical vertebrae, the
lumbar vertebrae initially consist of two neural arch halves
and the centrum (fig. 6.6a, b). In general the centra ossify first, followed by the neural arches. The centra begin
to ossify superiorly, reaching L5 by the end of the third
fetal month. Neural arches follow the same ossification
pattern, reaching L5 by the end of the fourth fetal month.
At birth, the lumbar vertebrae are characterized by the
three main components. The neural arches of the upper
lumbar vertebrae begin to fuse together posteriorly by
about age 1, although fusion in L5 may not occur until
the fifth year. Between ages 2 and 3, the centrum and
neural arches begin to fuse, culminating with L5 by age 4.
The lumbar vertebrae also have seven secondary epiphyses that appear and fuse during adolescence. Two of these
epiphyses occur on the mamillary processes, two on the
transverse processes, annular rings for the superior and
inferior surfaces of the centrum, and one for the tip of the
spinous process.
Differentiation from Other Bones
The elements of the lumbar vertebrae are the largest,
most robust parts of the presacral vertebral column at all
ages. In a neonate, the neural arches are thicker superiorly to inferiorly than thoracic or cervical arches and lack
the defining features of those segments, such as transverse
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foramina of the cervical vertebrae and large transverse
processes of the thoracic spine. In lumbar vertebrae, the
transverse processes (fig. 6.6c) are rudimentary and are
not readily apparent in infants and young children. In
older children it is evident that the lumbar neural arch
lacks costal facets. The defining curvature of the superior
(fig. 6.6d) and inferior articular facets (fig. 6.6e) is evident by late childhood. The superior articular facets are
concave, while the inferior facets are oriented somewhat
laterally on the anterior aspect of the laminae and are
slightly convex.
The centra of lumbar vertebrae are larger than those
above them (fig. 6.1). They are thicker superiorly to inferiorly and broader transversely than they are anteroposteriorly, giving them an oblong shape. As in adults, L5
is distinguished by its wedge shape. The anterior aspect
of the centrum is thicker than the posterior aspect, so it
slants from front to back.
For epiphyses, the shapes are similar to those described
for the thoracic vertebrae. The mamillary process epiphyses are very small, curved caps that are less regular in
appearance than epiphyses for the transverse and spinous
Fig. 6.6 Typical lumbar vertebra, A the right neural arch of a perinate
shown in the inferior (left) and superior (right) views, B the superior
view of the fused neural arch and separate centrum of a lumbar from a
child, 2 to 4 years old: a, neural arch; b, centrum; c, transverse process;
d, superior articular facet; e, inferior articular facet.
Siding Techniques
The neural arches of the lumbar vertebrae are more
difficult to side because of the attenuated transverse processes (fig. 6.6c). However, they still bear small projections at the lateral aspects of the laminae where the
superior articular facets (fig. 6.6d) are located. To distinguish the right and left side requires identification of
the superior and inferior borders. The superior border
is straighter than the inferior border, which is concave.
Place the inferior border on a table with the rounded surface for the centrum facing away from you and the posterior end of the lamina toward you (so that the bone is in
standard anatomical position). The small projection with
the superior articular facet is on the side from which the
bone comes.
Differentiating Vertebrae from Other Bones
During the fetal and infant stages of development, the
vertebral elements have very similar shapes and are hard
to distinguish from one another, but they are unlike other
bones in the skeleton. In general, vertebral arches consist
of two bony projections that join together in an L or
T shape. During the fetal stage, a neural arch exhibits a
boomerang shape depending on the degree of angle and
helps differentiate it from rib fragments.
An unfused anterior arch of the atlas could be mistaken for the unfused body of a hyoid bone but is easily
distinguished by the small facet on the center of the posterior surface for articulation with the dens. The centra
may be confused with the sternebrae. Although the vertebral centra have the same general shape, the sternebrae
are very flat and have a thin, smooth cortex. The vertebral centra, in contrast, show vascular channels on the su-
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perior and inferior surfaces that give them an uneven
appearance. Vertebral centra are generally thicker and
rounded. The greatest confusion lies with cervical centra,
which are the smallest and flattest in the vertebral column.
In late childhood and adolescence, the composite vertebra closely resembles the adult morphology. Thus, in
older children (those with fully fused centra and neural
arches), a vertebra is distinctive and should not be confused with other bones of the body. Rules used in adults
for differentiating cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae
and specific elements within each category can, therefore,
be applied.
The Sacrum
The sacrum (figs. 6.7– 6.9) is located at the base of the
vertebral column. It articulates superiorly with the fifth
lumbar vertebra, laterally with the ilium and inferiorly
with the coccyx. The sacrum is typically composed of five
elements numbered S1 to S5 from superior to inferior.
These elements are separate in children and fuse together
in adults to form a single wedge-shaped bone that is broad
at the top and tapers to a narrow apex inferiorly.
Description at Major Stages
The ossification of the sacrum is complex. While each
of the sacral elements has the three typical primary centers of all vertebrae, representing the neural arches and
centrum (figs. 6.7a, b and 6.8a), the first three sacral elements have additional ossification centers (fig. 6.7c) that
form the lateral wings or alae and the articular surface for
the hip bones. The sacrum generally ossifies from twentyone primary centers plus at least fourteen secondary centers or epiphyses.
The first to third sacral elements typically form from
five ossification centers. Two wedge-shaped anterolateral
centers on each side (fig. 6.7c and 6.8b) form the front
portion of the alae or wings. The posterior part of each ala
is formed from the neural arch (fig. 6.7a and 6.8a). Ossification data on the sacral elements is variable, with some
investigators (e.g., Fazekas and Kósa, 1978) indicating
much later times of appearance than others. In general,
the centra begin to ossify around the third fetal month,
while the neural arches appear at 4 to 6 fetal months. The
centers for the alae appear between 6 and 8 fetal months.
The remaining sacral elements, S4 and S5, consist of
the three standard ossification centers for the centrum
and neural arches. The centra of S4 and S5 begin to ossify in the fourth and fifth fetal months, respectively. The
neural arches, like those of S1 through S3, appear between 6 and 8 fetal months.
In late-term fetuses and infants, the sacrum thus normally consists of twenty-one separate elements. At birth,
some of these centers are not clearly defined and they do
not usually develop recognizable morphology until about
1 year of age. In infants, the centra differ in shape from
S1 to S5, with S1 the largest and S5 the smallest. The superior surfaces are broader than the inferior surfaces in all
sacral centra (see fig. 6.9). The neural arches also decrease
in size from S1 to S5, as do the alar or costal centers from
S1 to S3. The neural arches of S1 are recognizable early
in development because of their larger size and prominent superior articular facets. The alar elements (figs. 6.7
and 6.8) are blocky, wedge-shaped or somewhat pyramidal bones with smooth, concave anterior surfaces and billowy articular surfaces for the neural arch.
Between ages 2 and 5, the neural arches and elements
of the alae fuse together in S1 to S3 and fuse soon after
to the centrum. The neural arches of S4 and S5 fuse to
the centrum between 2 and 6 years of age. By age 6 or 7,
therefore, the sacrum consists of five unfused segments
(fig. 6.9). Because the neural arches fuse to the alar elements and centra initially, rather than first uniting posteriorly as in the presacral vertebrae, the spinous processes
are delayed in development. The laminae continue to
grow toward each other, fusing at the spinous process between age 7 and 15. The five sacral segments of an older
child or adolescent are readily identifiable at this stage because of their transverse breadth and sweeping alar surfaces in the upper elements and their narrow anteroposterior dimension in lower elements.
Around puberty, several secondary centers or epiphyses appear. The number of epiphyses varies by individual;
however, they are consistently found on the superior and
inferior aspects of the body (annular rings), two lateral
plates for the auricular surface where the sacrum articulates with the ilium, and two narrow strips for the lateral
margins below the level of the auricular surface. At least
fourteen epiphyses, therefore, develop. Frequently, small
epiphyses appear for the tips of the spinous and transverse
processes, as in other vertebrae. In the unified sacrum,
these are fused to form the median crest and the lateral
crests on the posterior aspect of the bone. Around age 12,
the sacral elements begin to unite laterally, starting with
S5 and S4 and progressing superiorly. Fusion of the annular rings coincides with this sequence. The epiphyses
for the auricular surfaces and inferior lateral margins generally appear by age 15 or 16 and fuse in the late teens.
By age 20, the sacral segments are all united laterally but
space may still remain between the bodies of upper elements until the late 20s.
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Fig. 6.7 First sacral segment (S1) of a child, 1 to 2 years old, A superior, B inferior, C posterior: a, neural arch; b, centrum; c, ala; d, lamina; e, superior articular facet; f, articular surface for the auricular surface.
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Fig. 6.8 First sacral segment (S1) of a child, 1 to 2 years old, A lateral, B medial: a, neural arch; b, anterolateral center for the ala.
Fig. 6.9 Unfused sacral segments of an adolescent, left anterior, right posterior.
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Differentiation from Other Bones
Before fusion, the separate elements of the sacrum can
be confused with other aspects of the developing skeleton, particularly the presacral vertebrae. A separate neural
arch can be differentiated from other vertebrae by a much
larger and thicker articular projection that meets the centrum. An S1 neural arch (figs. 6.7a and 6.8a) is distinguished by its very large superior articular facet and blocky
anterior portion with billowy surfaces on the anterior and
medial aspects for articulation with the centrum and the
ala. For children of 3 years or more, the neural arches of
the vertebrae are already fused together posteriorly, while
those of the sacrum are open.
Sacral centra may also be confused with those of the
other developing vertebrae. The S1 centrum (fig. 6.7b),
in particular, resembles that of L5 in size but it is not
wedged like the L5 centrum, which is taller anteriorly
than posteriorly. The S1 centrum is more rectangular
and the short end has a cut corner, making it hexagonal.
Centra of the lower sacral segments could be confused
with those of the cervical vertebrae due to their smaller
size. Sacral centra, unlike all other vertebral centra, have
straight to slightly concave anterior margins, whereas
those of presacral vertebrae are convex. Sacral centra are
broader transversely than in the anteroposterior direction,
unlike the cervical centra. They also display larger superior surfaces than inferior surfaces. Like the other vertebral centra, sacral centra have crenulated borders for the
passage of blood vessels, which distinguishes them from
the smooth sternebrae.
The anterior portion of the ala (figs. 6.7c and 6.8b)
may resemble a carpal bone of the wrist or a tarsal of the
ankle (e.g., the lunate or talus), but during fetal and infant development it is much too large to be confused with
a carpal. A tarsal (e.g., the calcaneus and talus), however,
may be similar in size. The developing carpals and tarsals
in infants are more rounded than the alar elements of a
Siding Techniques
To side a separate right or left sacral neural arch, place
it on a table with the posterior lamina (fig. 6.7d) facing
toward you, the anterior metaphyseal surfaces away from
you, and the superior articular facet (fig. 6.7e) up, as
shown in figure 6.7A. The superior articular facet is displaced to one side of the lamina, indicating the side from
which the bone comes. The large anterior aspect also
points toward the side to which the arch belongs. Thus,
if the axis of the arch angles to the right in this position,
it is from the right side.
To side the separate alae, hold the large articular surface for the auricular surface (figs. 6.7f and 6.8A, b)
toward you with the saddle surface facing up, as in figure 6.8A (left). A large bump is present on the surface
facing you, just above a large porous, vascular area. The
bump in relation to the vascular area is toward the side
from which the bone comes. Thus, a bump to the left of
the vascular area indicates it is a left ala.
The Coccyx
The coccyx is inferior to the sacrum. The coccygeal elements comprise what is colloquially referred to as the tailbone. This vestigial tail anchors pelvic muscles and ligaments. The number of coccygeal vertebrae is variable, as
is the development.
Description at Major Stages
The mature coccyx is usually composed of four vertebral segments that may fuse or remain as separate elements. It is generally accepted that each coccygeal element arises from one ossification center that forms a body,
although the first element may have separate centers for
the cornua or superior horns that articulate with the
sacrum. The first coccygeal center appears by the end of
fetal development or in infancy. The remaining two or
three elements usually begin developing superiorly to
inferiorly between age 3 and puberty. Early in development, the coccygeal bodies are nondescript ovoids. They
attain their final adult morphology by puberty.
Differentiation from Other Bones
The coccygeal vertebrae are usually not identifiable until
after the advent of puberty. In older children, the first
coccygeal element is easily distinguished from other coccygeal vertebrae due to the small projecting cornua at its
superior border. It might be confused with a hyoid bone,
although the body of the hyoid is much thinner, while
the coccyx is thicker and more rounded. The nondescript, rounded bodies of the lower coccygeal elements
are distinguished from other bones at this stage because
all others have developed distinctive features.
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The Os Coxa
The os coxa or hip bone (figs. 6.10 and 6.11) is sometimes referred to by the misnomer “innominate,” meaning “no name.” Its plural form is os coxae. Each mature bone articulates anteriorly with its counterpart at the
pubic symphysis, inferiorly and laterally with the femora
at the acetabulum (hip socket), and posteriorly with the
sacrum at the auricular surface or sacroiliac joint. The
os coxa develops from the fusion of three different bones:
the ilium, the ischium, and the pubis (figs. 6.10a– c and
6.11a– c). At birth, these three separate elements are present and recognizable. The first of the elements to fuse together are the ischium and the pubis, which unite inferiorly to form the ischiopubic ramus between 4 and 8 years
of age. The ilium subsequently fuses with the combined
ischiopubic portion at the acetabulum between 11 and
14 years in females and 14 to 17 years in males to form
the os coxa.
Beginning around age 9 or 10, secondary centers of ossification appear in the acetabulum. In adolescents, these
separate bones can often be identified in isolation. These
centers develop in the Y-shaped cartilage separating the
pubis, ischium, and ilium and form part of the articular
surface and most of the acetabular rim. The first center
to appear is for the os acetabuli at the anterior aspect of
the acetabulum, between the pubis and ilium. It is somewhat triangular in shape. The posterior epiphysis is usually larger and arises around age 10 or 11 between the
ilium and ischium to form a triangular wedge along the
rim of the acetabulum. A third center develops between
12 and 14 years at the superior rim of the acetabulum,
just inferior to the anterior inferior iliac spine. This center often develops an extension toward the latter feature
and is irregular in shape compared to the other acetabular bones. A variable number of small ossicles also tend to
Fig. 6.10 Left ilium, ischium, and pubis of a perinate, left medial, right lateral: a, ilium; b, ischium; c, pubis; d, iliac crest; e, auricular surface; f, nutrient foramen; g, acetabular surface of ilium; h, greater sciatic notch; i, anterior superior iliac spine; j, posterior superior iliac spine;
k, inferior ramus of ischium; l, lunate surface; m, acetabular fossa; n, ischial tuberosity; o, acetabular surface of pubis; p, superior ramus of
pubis; q, pubic symphysis; r, obturator crest; s, inferior ramus of pubis.
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Fig. 6.11 Left ilium, ischium, and pubis of a child, left medial, right lateral: a, ilium; b, ischium; c, pubis; d, iliac crest; e, auricular surface; f, nutrient foramen; g, acetabular surface of ilium; h, greater sciatic notch; i, anterior superior iliac spine; j, posterior superior iliac spine; k, inferior ramus of ischium; l, lunate surface; m, acetabular fossa; n, ischial tuberosity; o, acetabular surface of pubis; p, superior ramus of pubis; q, pubic symphysis; r, obturator crest; s, inferior ramus of pubis.
appear within the Y-shaped cartilage. Fusion of the acetabular elements begins earlier in females than males.
For females, fusion occurs between 11 and 15 years. In
males, it takes place between age 15 and 17. Scheuer and
Black (2000:357– 63) provide an excellent discussion of
the complex development and fusion of the acetabulum
and should be consulted for further detail. The major acetabular bones, when separate, are identifiable as blocky
bones with a curved rim on one aspect and a smooth,
concave articular surface opposite a rougher, convex external aspect.
Additional epiphyses that appear for each of the three
primary bones of the os coxa are described below. The
growth and fusion of all elements of the os coxa are not
complete until adulthood. To understand the development of the os coxa, it is important to consider each of
these bones separately.
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The Ilium
The ilium (figs. 6.10a and 6.11a) is the largest and most
superior portion of the os coxa. It is considered a flat
bone because of its broad blade. The ilium articulates
posteromedially with the sacrum. It unites inferiorly at
the acetabulum or hip socket, with the pubis anteriorly,
and the ischium posteriorly to form the adult bone.
Description at Major Stages
The ilium begins to ossify before the other components
of the os coxa, at 2 to 3 fetal months. By 4 to 5 fetal
months, it is recognizable. The ilium is easily identified in
third trimester fetuses, infants, and children by its broad
blade with distinctive features. The superior border of
the blade has a long metaphyseal surface called the iliac
crest (figs. 6.10d and 6.11d), which changes in thickness
throughout its length and is slightly S shaped. On the
medial and posterior aspect of the blade is an articular surface shaped like an ear, hence it is called the auricular surface (figs. 6.10e and 6.11e). This surface articulates with
the opposing auricular surface of the sacral ala to form the
sacroiliac joint. The lateral side of the blade has a large
nutrient foramen (figs. 6.10f and 6.11f ) in the middle
of the blade. The inferior aspect of the bone is thick and
rounded and contributes to the acetabulum. The acetabular surface (figs. 6.10g and 6.11g) is somewhat crenulated around the edges where it eventually fuses with the
pubis, ischium, and secondary acetabular bones. Inferior
to the auricular surface and extending to the acetabular
area is the broad concavity of the greater sciatic notch
(figs. 6.10h and 6.11h). This feature is present very early
in development.
Even in young children, the adult morphology of the
ilium is well developed. The bone thickens anteriorly
above the acetabular surface to form a buttress known as
the iliac pillar. The width of the superior border thickens
noticeably toward its anterior margin as well. This buttress is present but slight at birth. It becomes much more
pronounced after a child begins to walk because of its relationship to biomechanical stressors associated with
weight bearing. The most anterior extension of the superior border terminates at the projection of the anterior
superior iliac spine (figs. 6.10i and 6.11i), while the posterior aspect ends at the posterior superior iliac spine
(figs. 6.10j and 6.11j). The posterior inferior iliac spine is
just below, on the lateral side opposite the auricular surface. The bump for the anterior inferior iliac spine is not
well developed in infants and very young children but is
discernible in older children as a bulge between the auricular aspect and the anterior superior iliac spine.
Two epiphyses generally develop for the ilium. A small
cap for the anterior inferior iliac spine begins to ossify
around ages 10 to 13, but this center is sometimes linked
to the acetabular epiphysis and is not always found separately. This epiphysis fuses completely between ages 18
and 20. The second epiphysis is the iliac crest, which begins ossifying from two separate centers around age 12 or
13 in females and 14 to 15 in males. These separate centers grow toward the midpoint of the crest and unite to
form a single iliac crest epiphysis that subsequently begins
to fuse to the blade of the ilium between 17 and 20 years
and is complete by age 23. When separate, the long, thin
epiphysis for the iliac crest will follow the S-shaped curvature of the ilium. The anterior portion is wider than the
posterior portion, and is especially thick toward its posterior end where it forms the iliac tubercle atop the iliac pillar. The opposite, anterior end of this portion often has a
hooklike extension that covers the anterior superior iliac
spine. The posterior portion of the crest epiphysis is more
uniform in width, but is a little narrower where it joins
the anterior part and slightly wider posteriorly. The epiphysis is very thin superoinferiorly and quite porous.
Differentiation from Other Bones
Being a flat, bladelike bone, the ilium, or fragments
thereof, may be confused with the scapula or flat bones
of the skull at all ages. In fetal and infant remains, the ilium is most often confused with the scapula. The ilium is
thicker and has more rounded contours than a scapula and
lacks the scapular spine. Look for the distinctive auricular
surface (figs. 6.10e and 6.11e), the rounded acetabular
area (figs. 6.10g and 6.11g), the iliac crest (figs. 6.10d
and 6.11d), or even the nutrient foramen (figs. 6.10f and
6.11f ) to ensure correct identification as the ilium. Fragments of the ilium at any age can also be distinguished
from those of the scapula because of the presence of thin
cortices encasing an inner layer of spongy (trabecular)
bone. Thus, iliac fragments more closely resemble cranial
fragments than scapular fragments. The borders of the ilium, however, are rounded and not serrated as for cranial
sutures, and the surface lacks distinguishing cranial features such as meningeal impressions or grooves of various
Iliac crest epiphyses or fragments are often mistaken
for ribs because they are thin and curved. The iliac crest
epiphysis is easy to distinguish from a rib by noting its
bubbly, porous surface. In contrast, a rib presents smooth
Siding Techniques
Before fusion, the ilium is easily sided at all stages of
development. To side this bone, hold the acetabular surface (figs. 6.10g and 6.11g) toward you and the iliac crest
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(figs. 6.10d and 6.11d) away from you, with the auricular
surface up (figs. 6.10e and 6.11e). The auricular surface
is on the side from which the bone comes (see figs. 6.10
and 6.11, left). You can also position the bone with the
iliac crest up, the acetabular surface down, and the auricular surface facing you. Again, the auricular surface and
the greater sciatic notch (figs. 6.10h and 6.11h) are on
the side to which the bone belongs. Another method is
to orient the ilium in standard anatomical position with
the acetabular area down, the iliac crest up, and the auricular surface back and toward the sagittal plane (midline
of your body). The smooth, lateral surface of the bone
with its large nutrient foramen (figs. 6.10f and 6.11f ) is
on the side from which the bone comes.
Siding epiphyses of the ilium is difficult. The indistinct
caps of the anterior inferior iliac spines cannot be sided
with any accuracy unless both os coxae are present to per-
mit fitting onto the bones. This procedure also ensures
accurate siding of iliac crest epiphyses. These can be sided
in isolation, however, by noting the thickness and curvature of the crest. When oriented properly, the anterior
half of the crest is concave on its medial edge, curving toward the widest area for the iliac tubercle. Posterior to the
tubercle, the crest narrows considerably and past the midpoint the medial edge curves convexly toward the wider,
somewhat rounded posterior end. When viewing the superior aspect of a crest epiphysis, place the anterior end
away from you and the posterior end toward you. The
bulge of the iliac tubercle is toward the side to which the
epiphysis belongs. Note that this technique also works for
an isolated anterior portion of the crest epiphysis. If the
posterior portion is isolated, place the narrowest end
away from you and the wider end toward you. The concavity is on the side from which the epiphysis comes.
The Ischium
The ischium (figs. 6.10b and 6.11b) is located laterally
and inferiorly to both the ilium and the pubis and forms
the posteroinferior aspect of the os coxa. It contributes
substantially to the formation of the acetabulum and its
superior border forms the lateral and inferior margins of
the obturator foramen.
Description at Major Stages
The ischium forms endochondrally from one primary
ossification center, beginning between 3 and 5 fetal
months. It is recognizable early in its development and
generally maintains the same shape until the inferior ramus (figs. 6.10k and 6.11k) fuses with that of the pubis
between 4 and 8 years of age.
In isolation, the ischium is shaped like a small hook or
comma. The wider part is superior and the narrow curved
part is inferior. A crescent-shaped articular surface is located on the lateral aspect of the superior portion of the
ischium. This feature forms the inferior part of the lunate surface (figs. 6.10l and 6.11l) for articulation with
the head of the femur. Anterior to the articular surface is
an indentation for the acetabular fossa (figs. 6.10m and
6.11m). This fossa, which deepens as the bone develops,
is only a slight depression in infants. Above this, the acetabular portion of the ischium has two contiguous epiphyseal surfaces. The larger posterosuperior surface is for
the ilium, while the smaller anterior surface is for the pubis. The anteroinferior part of the ischium is the ramus,
which eventually fuses to the pubis to form the ischiopubic ramus. The posterior aspect of the ramus bears a
thick and roughened oval known as the ischial tuberosity
(figs. 6.10n and 6.11n). One secondary ossification center arises between ages 13 and 16 for the epiphysis of the
ischial tuberosity. This epiphysis is a curved cap with irregular edges that resembles a large cornflake that covers
the area of the tuberosity as well as the inferior aspect of
the ramus. It begins to fuse between ages 16 and 18 and
is fully fused by 21 to 23 years. Occasionally, a small epiphysis forms for the ischial spine, a projection located just
above the ischial tuberosity.
Differentiation from Other Bones
The ischium is quite distinct throughout development. Its hook or comma shape, along with distinguishing features such as the lunate surface (figs. 6.10l and
6.11l) and the ischial tuberosity (figs. 6.10n and 6.11n),
makes it unlikely to be confused with another bone. In
older infants and in children, the unfused pubis has a hook
shape with a curved, roughened component (the pubic
symphysis) that is similar to the ischium (at the ischial tuberosity), but the ischium is larger and more robust at all
stages. In commingled remains, however, the ischium
and pubis of different individuals could be confused. The
square acetabular end and large articular crescent for the
lunate surface on the lateral aspect of the ischium distinguish it from the pubis.
When fused with the pubis, the united bones form a
ring to create the obturator foramen. The ischial portion
is still distinctive because it forms the majority of the acetabulum and, at this stage, the indentation for the acetabular fossa becomes marked adjacent to the articular
lunate surface. The thickened ischial tuberosity is unmis-
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takable. The epiphysis for the ischial tuberosity is generally not difficult to distinguish from other epiphyses due
to its fairly large size and substantial curvature.
Siding Techniques
To side an isolated ischium, hold the ischial tuberosity
(figs. 6.10n and 6.11n) toward you with the thicker portion of the acetabular surface (figs. 6.10l, m and 6.11l, m)
up and the thin ramus down (figs. 6.10k and 6.11k). The
smooth side is medial, while the lateral side of the bone
has the articular surface for the femoral head (lunate surface) and indentation for the acetabular fossa. These features are on the side from which the bone comes. If you
only have the acetabular surface (if the ramus is broken)
hold the thicker metaphyseal edge (for the ilium) toward
you and the lunate surface facing up. The articular surface
is toward the side to which the bone belongs.
The Pubis
The pubis (figs. 6.10c and 6.11c) is the most anterior of
the three bones of the os coxa. It articulates medially with
the opposite pubis, inferiorly with the ischium, and superiorly at the acetabulum with the ilium and ischium. The
contribution to the acetabulum (figs. 6.10o and 6.11o) is
less than that of the ischium. The borders of the pubis
also form part of the obturator foramen.
Description at Major Stages
The pubis forms endochondrally, typically from one
primary ossification center. It is the last of the pelvic elements to begin ossifying, at 4 to 6 fetal months. During
fetal and infant growth, the pubis is very small in comparison to the ilium and ischium. It has a characteristic
hook shape after birth, but it remains much smaller and
less robust than the ischium.
In the developing pubis, the actebabular surface is
thicker and rounder than the longer, flatter body. In lateterm fetuses and neonates, the pubis consists of only the
acetabular aspect, the superior ramus (figs. 6.10p and
6.11p), and the pubic symphysis (figs. 6.10q and 6.11q).
The latter is a narrow, roughened surface on the most
medial aspect for articulation with the opposite pubis. At
this stage, the shape of the bone has been characterized
as a dumbbell. Because it is slightly indented on the superior ramus and the anterolateral (outer) aspect has a
short ridge, it appears twisted on that side. The opposite
or posteromedial (internal) aspect is smooth.
In older infants and in children, the acetabular end has
a smooth lateral articular surface. This articular aspect
forms the anteroinferior portion of the lunate surface for
articulation with the femoral head. A small, indented vascular surface is situated at the center of the acetabular end
for ligament attachments to the femoral head. The superior and medial surfaces of the acetabular end are crenulated metaphyseal areas. The superior metaphyseal surface is for the ilium, while the medial surface is for the
ischium. Although not readily observable at birth, a sharp
ridge known as the obturator crest (figs. 6.10r and 6.11r)
on the superior aspect of the superior ramus, extending
between the acetabular end and the pubic symphysis, is
present in older infants and children. The inferior aspect
of the superior ramus is somewhat concave where it forms
part of the obturator foramen. As the bone grows from
infancy to childhood, the inferior pubic ramus (figs.
6.10s and 6.11s) ossifies below the pubic symphysis. This
development gives the bone a hook-shaped appearance as
it extends inferiorly and posteriorly toward the inferior
ramus of the ischium. The narrow, flat inferior ramus of
the pubis completes fusion with its ischial counterpart by
8 years of age. At this stage, the two bones form a ring
encircling the obturator foramen and meeting superiorly
at the acetabulum. At this juncture, the metaphyseal surfaces are separated by a cartilaginous strip that later ossifies to form the fused acetabulum (see above).
The pubic symphysis presents the typical appearance
of an epiphyseal surface with its ridges and furrows that
characterize it throughout childhood and early adulthood. The changes associated with aging of the pubic
symphysis are due to secondary ossification that begins
around age 20.
Differentiation from Other Bones
The pubis of a fetus or neonate is much smaller than
the other pelvic bones and is distinguished by its rounded
end and slightly twisted appearance. It might be confused
with an unfused vertebral neural arch but the pubis is
much thicker, more rounded, and it lacks distinctive vertebral features such as transverse foramina or processes.
In older infants and children, an unfused pubis can be
mistaken for an ischium. The pubis has a hook shape with
a curved, roughened component (the pubic symphysis)
that is similar to the area of the ischial tuberosity. However, the pubis of a single individual is smaller and thinner than the ischium at all stages. In commingled remains, the pubis can be distinguished from an ischium by
noting the obturator crest (figs. 6.10r and 6.11r) extending between the pubic symphysis (figs. 6.10q and 6.11q)
and the rounded, crenulated acetabular end (figs. 6.10o
and 6.11o). In contrast, the acetabular end of the ischium
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is a much flatter square with a large articular crescent for
the lunate surface.
Siding Techniques
The pubis of a fetus or neonate may seem much harder
to side than those of older individuals because its features
are less developed, but siding is simple when you orient
the pubis in approximately standard anatomical position.
To do so, hold the pubis with the rounded acetabular end
(figs. 6.10o and 6.11o) toward you, the pubic symphysis
(figs. 6.10q and 6.11q) away from you, and the concave
inferior aspect of the ramus down (figs. 6.10s and 6.11s).
The smooth side is internal, while the irregular, slightly
twisted side is external and indicates the side from which
the bone comes. This method works well at all ages.
To side an unfused pubis in older infants and children,
several other methods can be employed. When held as
above, the obturator crest (figs. 6.10r and 6.11r) angles
toward the side to which the bone belongs. Likewise, if
you orient the pubic symphysis toward you and the acetabular end away from you with the obturator crest up,
it also angles toward the side from which the bone comes.
These methods are useful when only the superior ramus
(figs. 6.10p and 6.11p) is preserved. Alternatively, hold
the symphyseal surface toward you with the inferior ramus
(thin projection) pointing down. The side of the symphysis that is convex (dorsal) is the side to which the bone
belongs. This technique works well when only the symphyseal area is present. If you only have the acetabular
portion, hold the acetabular surface toward you, with the
broader metaphyseal surface of the ilium pointing up.
The smoother, flatter articular surface is on the side from
which the bone comes.
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The Chest and Shoulder Girdle
The chest or thorax is composed of the rib cage and the sternum (breastbone). These bones protect vital
organs and serve as areas for muscle attachment. The shoulder girdle, which gives anchor and stability to the
arm, consists of the scapula (shoulder blade) and the clavicle (collarbone).
The Ribs
There are typically twelve pairs of ribs (fig. 7.1), numbered 1 through 12 from superior to inferior, for a total
of twenty-four. All ribs are crescent-shaped blades with
a flattened end and a rounded end. The rounded ends
or heads (fig. 7.1a) articulate with the thoracic vertebrae
posteriorly, while the flat, anterior ends are the sternal
ends (fig. 7.1b). The ribs appear early in development
with endochondral ossification beginning between 8 and
9 fetal weeks in ribs 5 through 7. By 11 to 12 fetal weeks,
all ribs have usually begun to ossify. At birth, the ribs are
readily recognizable and resemble adult ribs in all but
their size and vertical angulation. In fetal and neonatal remains, the ribs are relatively horizontal from end to end.
Throughout childhood, they gradually angle downward
so that adult ribs, rather than being straight across, are
much higher at the vertebral end than the sternal end in
standard anatomical position.
Around puberty, most of the ribs develop three very
small epiphyses at the vertebral end of the shaft. One of
these epiphyses is for the articular surface of the rounded
head, while the others form the articular and nonarticular
portions of the tubercle, a prominent bulge near the head
that articulates with the transverse process of the associated thoracic vertebra. Because the eleventh and twelfth
ribs lack tubercles, they develop only one epiphysis for the
head. The epiphyses fuse to the shaft of the rib between
17 and 25 years. Due to their small size, they are often
overlooked in archaeological contexts.
Ribs 1 through 7 are known as true ribs because they
articulate with the sternum via cartilage. Ribs 8 through
10 are called false ribs because they articulate indirectly
with the sternum via cartilage that attaches to that of the
true ribs above them. The last two ribs (11 and 12) are
designated floating ribs because they have no cartilagi-
nous connection to the other ribs or to the sternum and
hang free.
General features of the ribs include the shaft or body
(fig. 7.1c). The external surface of a rib shaft is rougher
and slightly convex compared to the very smooth internal
or visceral surface. The superior edge of the shaft is blunt
and convex, while the inferior edge is sharp and concave.
The internal aspect of the inferior border of all but the
twelfth rib is marked by the costal groove (fig. 7.1d) for
blood vessels and nerve fibers, which is most prominent
toward the posterolateral aspect of the shaft and disappears anteriorly (toward the sternal end). The sternal end
is generally roughened and cupped for cartilage or tapers
to a point in the floating ribs. The posterior or vertebral
end of a rib is characterized by the knobby head and a
constricted neck (fig. 7.1e) that separates the head from
the tubercle (fig. 7.1f ). Just anterolateral to the tubercle
is the angle (fig. 7.1g), where the shaft takes a sharp curve.
The angle is marked on the external surface by a diagonal
line that serves for attachment of muscles of the back
and on the internal surface by the deep but narrow costal
groove. The curvature of the ribs decreases from the first
to the twelfth rib. The necks are much longer and more
slender in upper ribs than in lower ribs due to the greater
curvature at the angle.
Ribs increase in length from the first through seventh
ribs, then decrease in length through the twelfth rib. Features of the first, second, eleventh, and twelfth ribs permit them to be distinguished easily from the other, typical ribs, even in late fetal and neonatal remains. These ribs
are treated separately from ribs 3 through 10 for purposes
of identification and siding. In adults, the tenth rib can
also be differentiated but it is grouped here with typical
ribs because the distinguishing features are difficult to
discern in infants and children.
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Fig. 7.1 Left ribs of a child,
left inferior, right superior: A, first rib; B, second
rib; C, typical rib; a, head;
b, sternal end; c, shaft; d, costal groove; e, neck; f, tubercle;
g, angle.
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First Rib
Description at Major Stages. The first rib (fig. 7.1A) is the
broadest, flattest, and most curved of all ribs and it is also
one of the shortest. It is compressed superior to inferior
so it lies flat on a table, whereas ribs 3 through 12 are
thinner in an anterior-posterior orientation so their shafts
are raised off a table when complete. The sternal or anterior end of the first rib is wider or more flared than the opposite vertebral end with its small, rounded head. The
neck of a first rib is long, with a prominent tubercle set off
at a right angle to it. Even in infants, the inferior (internal or visceral) surface of a first rib is convex and smoother
than the superior (external) surface. A shallow depression
for a short costal groove is located at the medial border of
the neck. The superior surface of the first rib is slightly
concave. As it develops in childhood, it becomes increasingly marked by depressions for the subclavian grooves on
either side of a small ridge called the scalene tubercle.
Siding Techniques. To side the first rib, orient the bone in
standard anatomical position (see fig. 7.1A, right) with
the neck and tubercle (fig.7.1A, e, f ) facing you. When
oriented properly with the inferior surface on a table, the
head (fig. 7.1A, a) inclines downward slightly (i.e., it does
not point up in the air). If you have mistakenly placed the
superior surface down, the head and neck will be raised
off the table and you need to flip the bone over. When
placed in anatomical position, the tubercle is lateral, or
toward the side from which the bone comes.
Second Rib
Description at Major Stages. The second rib (fig. 7.1B) is
longer and less curved than the first. It looks more like a
lower rib except that it is more strongly curved and lies almost flat on a table because the smooth, internal (visceral)
surface is directed inferiorly. The superior or external surface is roughened, with a prominent bump or tuberosity
near the midshaft becoming evident in childhood. The
inferior or internal surface has a short costal groove at the
Siding Techniques. The same technique described for the
first rib also works for the second rib. Thus, even if you are
having trouble distinguishing the superior (external) and
inferior (internal) aspects, the head (fig. 7.1B, a) will be
raised off the table if you have oriented the rib incorrectly.
Also note that the tubercle (fig. 7.1B, f ) is oriented downward when properly positioned, as in ribs 3 through 10.
Ribs 3 through 10
Description at Major Stages. The third rib still has a long
neck and more pronounced curvature than the ribs below
it (fig. 7.1C). Its superoinferior orientation is transitional
between the more inferiorly oriented internal surface of
the second rib and the more vertically inclined internal
aspect of the fourth rib. The curvature of the ribs decreases as you progress down the rib cage. The tubercle
in these ribs is oriented inferiorly and the costal groove becomes deeper and longer from ribs 3 through 7, and decreases in prominence from ribs 8 through 11. In adults,
the tenth rib can be distinguished from ribs 3 through 9
because it is shorter and straighter and has a rounder head
with only a single articular facet. A double, saddle-shaped
facet characterizes the heads of ribs 2 through 9 because
they articulate with two adjacent vertebral bodies. Unlike
ribs 11 and 12, however, rib 10 has a tubercle. Because
the difference in the articular aspect of the head is difficult
to identify in ribs of children who lack head epiphyses,
the tenth rib is categorized here as a typical rib.
Siding Techniques. To side ribs 3 through 10, hold the head
(fig. 7.1C, a) toward you (flattened sternal end away from
you) with the tubercle pointing down (fig. 7.1C, f ). Note
that the blunt superior surface is up, and the sharp margin with the costal groove (fig. 7.1C, d) is down and faces
inward. The rib curves out toward the side that it is from;
the external surface, which lacks the costal groove, is also
on the side from which it comes. For vertebral fragments
of ribs, these features are recognizable and permit siding.
For sternal ends only, siding depends upon identification
of the rounded superior margin and sharper inferior edge,
even on fragments that lack a portion of the costal groove.
Observe that the superior edge of the rib is straight, while
the inferior edge is not as regular and is slightly indented.
By orienting the superior and inferior borders properly,
with the sternal end pointing away from you, the coarser
and somewhat convex external aspect is on the side to
which the rib belongs. For midshaft fragments, note that
the costal groove is deeper and broader posteriorly, and
shallower anteriorly. Using this feature, orient the deeper,
wider part of the groove toward you and facing down.
With the costal groove facing you, the widest end is on
the side from which the bone comes. If you hold it so the
broken end with the widest part of the groove is toward
you, the external surface opposite the groove is on the
side to which the fragment belongs.
Ribs 11 and 12
Description at Major Stages. Ribs 11 and 12 differ from
other ribs in their morphology. They are two of the smallest ribs and lack the curvature of the ribs above them.
They do not articulate with the sternum, nor do they have
a cartilaginous connection to the other ribs, so the sternal ends taper to a point and lack the cupped or billowy
articular surface seen on all the other ribs. In addition,
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because these ribs do not articulate with a transverse process on the eleventh and twelfth thoracic vertebrae, no
neck or tubercle is present. Like the first and tenth ribs,
the head of an eleventh or twelfth rib is rounded with
only a single facet for articulation with one vertebral body.
The eleventh rib is longer than the twelfth rib. It often
has a groove on the external aspect of the neck in older
individuals. Rib 12 can be easily distinguished in adults
by its lack of an angle and costal groove. The presence or
absence of these features in the eleventh and twelfth ribs
is difficult to discern in neonates but becomes more obvious throughout childhood. Rib 12 is often attenuated
and its internal surface inclines superiorly.
Siding Techniques. To side the eleventh rib, follow the procedures outlined for ribs 3 through 10. In cases where the
costal groove is difficult to observe, remember that the
superior border of the rib is straight, while the inferior
border is uneven. Orient this uneven border down. Hold
the head toward you and the nonarticular sternal end
away from you. The smoother surface is the internal aspect and the coarser, convex external surface is on the side
from which the rib comes. The rib curves out slightly toward the side to which it belongs. To side the twelfth rib,
hold the vertebral end toward you with the nonarticular
sternal end away from you. Like the other ribs, the superior border is straight, while the inferior border is uneven
and contributes to the change in width of the rib near the
midpoint. When held with the head straight on, the shaft
angles downward when properly positioned. If the rib
shaft slants upward, you have misidentified the superior
and inferior aspects and must flip the bone over. With the
bone oriented with the superior side up, the twelfth rib
also curves slightly toward the side from which it comes.
Differentiating Ribs from Other Bones
Because of their narrow, bladelike shape and distinctive ends, whole ribs do not resemble any other bone in
the body. They are identifiable very early in development
because of their characteristic shape. When fragmentary,
small pieces of ribs are generally thin and flat. The cortex or dense outer covering of a rib is very thin, whereas
the internal part of the bone is light and airy with thin
spicules of bone (trabeculae) giving it a webbed appearance. There is no marrow cavity such as that seen in long
and short bones of the limbs or the clavicle. A rib fragment could be mistaken for a piece of the scapula or ilium, but these bones are larger and the scapula is much
thinner. The superior and inferior edges of a rib fragment
identify its narrow shaft, while scapula and ilium fragments do not show two parallel borders. A rib shaft fragment might also be mistaken for a piece of cranial vault
bone. Vault bones will generally have identifying internal
features such as meningeal grooves, a sulcus, a foramen,
or a serrated sutural border. Look for the presence of the
parallel margins and costal groove (fig. 7.1d) to distinguish a rib shaft fragment.
The epiphyses of the ribs are very small. Those for
the articular aspect of the tubercle and the head are
round to oval in shape. The head epiphysis is more of a
disk, while that of the tubercle is thicker and more like
a small cap. These epiphyses could be mistaken for those
found in the metacarpals, metatarsals, and phalanges of
the hands and feet or for the vertebral epiphyses on the
spinous and transverse processes. Careful excavation and
labeling in the field are important in distinguishing these
The Sternum
Description at Major Stages
The sternum (fig. 7.2) is located in the anterior portion of the rib cage in the midline of the chest. It articulates with both clavicles, and directly and indirectly via
cartilage to ribs 1 through 10. The adult sternum is comprised of three main parts—the manubrium, sternal
body, and xiphoid process. The manubrium (fig. 7.2a) is
the thickest, most superior part of the sternum, while the
xiphoid process is variable in appearance and forms the inferior terminus of the sternum. The entire sternum is preformed in cartilage. Although the number of ossification
centers is variable, the sternum generally develops from
six primary centers. One ossification center forms the manubrium; another is for the xiphoid process; and the remaining four comprise the sternal body. Prior to fusion
into the composite sternal body, these four segments are
known as sternebrae (fig. 7.2b). The sternebrae frequently
ossify from paired centers that fuse together during their
development. Thus, it is not uncommon to find more
than four elements for a sternal body in a given subadult
Ossification of the sternum commences with a center
in the manubrium that appears at about 5 fetal months.
The first sternebra appears shortly thereafter. By 8 fetal
months, the second and third sternebrae begin to mineralize. At birth, therefore, the sternum generally consists of
at least four indistinct nodules of bone. The fourth sternebra does not start to ossify until the first year after birth,
while the xiphoid process can commence ossification as
early as 3 to 6 years of age but frequently remains cartilaginous well into adulthood.
By the late third trimester and during infancy, each
portion of the sternum that is present appears as a thin,
circular disk of bone. The manubrium is the largest seg-
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longer circular. The manubrium resembles a hexagon and
the sternebrae are more rectangular. By approximately
8 years, the clavicular and jugular notches (fig. 7.2c, d)
on the superior aspect of the manubrium resemble their
adult form. At this time, the sternal bodies are generally
square, thin bones. The third and fourth sternebrae typically fuse together between 4 and 10 years and these fuse
to the second sternebra in adolescence (generally between
age 11 and 16). Finally, the first sternebra fuses to form a
complete sternal body between ages 15 and 20.
Fig. 7.2 Sternum of an infant (left) and an older child (right), anterior
view: a, manubrium; b, sternebra; c, clavicular notch; d, jugular notch.
ment, and size decreases inferiorly. The manubrium becomes recognizable in late infancy as a flat bone with
relatively straight sides and an inferior ovoid articular
area. By around 3 years of age, each sternal portion is no
Differentiation from Other Bones
For fetal and infant remains, the sternal segments, including the manubrium, are often misclassified as vertebral centra, particularly those of the cervical vertebrae.
Vertebral centra tend to be thicker and more consistent in
shape, whereas the sternal elements are thinner, irregular
disks of bone. The anterior and posterior surfaces of the
sternal elements are thin and smooth, while the vertebral
centra appear to have thin layers of dense, furrowed bone
above and below a porous interior. The internal porosity
reflects the complex development and vascularity of the
vertebrae, and is absent in a sternal element. While cervical centra are flatter than thoracic and lumbar centra and
more easily confused with sternebrae, they also display
more crenulated surfaces than a sternal element.
Before the basilar part fuses to the lateral portions of
the occipital bone, it may be misidentified as the manubrium. However, the characteristic adult shape of the manubrium is not present until well after the basilar part is
no longer a separate element. In the case of commingled
juvenile remains, remember that the basilar part displays
portions of the occipital condyles as well as a smooth, Ushaped curve for the foramen magnum situated between
the condylar facets.
In older children and adolescents, the manubrium has
attained its adult morphology and the sternal body demonstrates scalloped edges at the costal facets where the
sternebrae are fused together. When fully fused, the long,
flat sternal body is unlikely to be misidentified.
The Clavicle
Description at Major Stages
Although the clavicle (fig. 7.3) is unique in its morphology and development, it is classified as a short bone
because of its tubular shape. The clavicle acts as a strut or
support for the shoulder joint and anchors many muscles.
It articulates medially with the manubrium of the sternum, laterally with the scapula, and inferiorly with the
first rib. The clavicle begins to ossify before any other
bone of the body, commencing in the fifth week in utero.
The ossification of the clavicle is complicated, and it ap-
pears to be the only infracranial bone to employ intramembranous ossification. It develops both intramembranously and endochondrally from two primary ossification
centers that form the shaft. Additionally, there is one secondary center that forms the medial or sternal epiphysis
(fig. 7.3C). This epiphysis may begin to ossify around puberty but frequently does not appear until the late teens.
While the clavicle is the first bone to ossify, its medial epiphysis is the last to fuse, generally in the mid-20s. A lateral epiphysis may also develop around age 19 to 20 but,
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Fig. 7.3 Left clavicle of a perinate (A) and an adolescent (B), top superior, bottom inferior; and a left medial epiphysis of an adolescent (C), left metaphyseal view, right medial view of articular surface: a, medial/
sternal end; b, lateral/acromial end; c, costal tuberosity; d, conoid tubercle; e, oblique/trapezoid line; f, facet for
acromion process of scapula. Actual size.
when actually separate, it fuses very quickly, so it is rarely
found in archaeological contexts.
By the eleventh fetal week, the shaft reflects its distinctive S-shaped adult morphology, distinguishing it from
all other bones. The medial or sternal end (fig. 7.3a) of
the bone is round in cross section. The epiphyseal surface
of the medial metaphysis is a vertically oriented ovoid.
It flares inferiorly (downward) noticeably at all ages. The
lateral or acromial end (fig. 7.3b) is flat in cross section,
giving it an oblong appearance on the metaphyseal surface. The inferior aspect of the clavicle is marked on the
medial end by a roughened indentation known as the costal tuberosity (fig. 7.3c), a nutrient foramen in the midshaft region, and the conoid tubercle (fig. 7.3d) and the
oblique trapezoid line (fig. 7.3e) on the lateral end. In fetal and neonatal clavicles, the nutrient foramen is the most
obvious of these features, but it can sometimes occur on
the posterior aspect of the midshaft area. The superior
surface is very round and smooth.
The medial epiphysis initially appears as a small, oval
piece of bone that is smaller than the medial end of the
shaft. It is often a cap that is separate, but can also be a thin
flake that forms on the metaphyseal surface of the shaft.
Differentiation from Other Bones
Unless fragmentary, the clavicle is distinct enough to
prevent confusion with other bones from early fetal development onward. Small clavicular shaft fragments may be
confused with long bone shaft fragments; however, the
small circumference aids identification. In fragmentary
condition, the lateral or acromial end (fig. 7.3b) of the
clavicle is most often confused with the acromion process
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of the scapula. In children, the most obvious difference is
the epiphyseal nature of the scapular acromion process.
An acromial end of the clavicle will exhibit a break rather
than a billowy metaphyseal surface. The clavicle also displays the conoid tubercle (fig. 7.3d) on its inferior aspect,
while the acromion process is smooth. The articular facet
on the clavicle is lateral (fig. 7.3f ), whereas it is anteromedial on an acromion process of the scapula. A further
distinction is the cross section. The lateral end of a clavicle, while flat, becomes round as it extends medially,
while the acromion process continues medially to the pronounced ridge of the scapular spine. A clavicle fragment
may also be mistaken for a piece of a rib. The clavicle is
more robust, rounder, and has a thicker cortex with a narrow medullary cavity in its shaft.
The medial epiphysis (fig. 7.3C) for the clavicle is frequently not very distinct, but it is unlikely to be confused
with other epiphyses because of its late development and
persistence long after other similarly shaped epiphyses
have fused. It can appear as an irregular flake in the center of the surface of the metaphysis or as a separate, thin
cap with a smooth, slightly convex, articular surface.
Siding Techniques
For a neonatal clavicle (fig. 7.3A), determining which
side the bone is from is most easily accomplished by identifying the medial, lateral, inferior, and superior aspects of
the bone. Doing so allows you to place the bone in standard anatomical position with the rougher inferior surface and majority of the medial metaphyseal end down
and the rounded superior surface up. Place the conoid
tubercle (fig. 7.3d) down and toward you (because it is
inferior and posterior on the shaft). You can inspect the
curvature of the shaft near the rounded medial end. If ori-
ented correctly, the bone bows out anteriorly (away from
you) at the medial end (fig. 7.3a), then curves posteriorly toward the lateral end. In anatomical position, the
flat acromial end (fig. 7.3b) is, thus, on the side to which
the bone belongs. Alternatively, place the clavicle with
the smooth, superior surface on a table and the rounded,
medial end pointing away from you (the inferior surface is identified by the presence of the nutrient foramen).
The medial end curves toward the side from which the
bone comes.
To side fragments consisting of only the medial or lateral portions of the clavicle, it is generally easiest to orient the bone in standard anatomical position by observing the curvature. For a medial end, remember that the
costal tuberosity (fig. 7.3c) is inferior, the medial metaphysis flares downward, and the bone curves out anteriorly. The rounded end is medial, or opposite the side the
bone is from, while the broken end is on the side from
which the bone comes. For a lateral portion, place the
rugged surface with the conoid tubercle and trapezoid
line (fig. 7.3d, e) down and the smooth surface up. The
posterior part curves out toward you and the flat, acromial end indicates the side to which the bone belongs. Alternatively, if you only have the lateral or acromial end,
hold the flat end up and the roughened inferior surface
toward you. The end of the bone curves toward the side
from which it comes.
The medial epiphysis (fig. 7.3C) is very difficult to side
due to its nondescript nature. Unless both medial ends
are present to permit fitting them to each clavicle, there
are no reliable siding techniques for separate medial epiphyses. The lateral epiphysis, when present, is usually not
The Scapula
The scapula (figs. 7.4 and 7.5) is classified as a flat bone
because of its broad blade, which serves as an anchor for
several muscles. It articulates laterally with the humerus
and superiorly and anteriorly with the clavicle. The anterior aspect of the blade is a shallow concavity known as the
subscapular fossa (fig. 7.4a) for the subscapularis muscle,
which separates the bone from the back of the rib cage.
The blade is situated between ribs 2 and 7.
Description at Major Stages
The body of the scapula begins to ossify endochondrally around 7 to 8 fetal weeks. By 12 to 14 fetal weeks,
it has recognizable morphology. At this stage and at birth,
the scapula has a thin, bladelike surface that is flat on both
sides. The dorsal or posterior side has a large projecting
ridge of bone called the scapular spine (fig. 7.4b) at the
superior part of the blade. This spine extends laterally
into the acromion process (figs. 7.4c and 7.5a), which has
an epiphyseal surface on its end. Below the spine is the infraspinous fossa (fig. 7.4d), while the supraspinous fossa
(fig. 7.4e) is above the spine. In adults, these are pronounced hollows immediately adjacent to the spine. In
fetuses and infants, however, they are much shallower.
The blade of the fetal/neonatal scapula has a somewhat triangular or sail shape with two long borders and
one short margin. The longest border is a broad, convex curve. This margin is the vertebral or medial border
(fig. 7.4f ) and is further distinguished by a thin epiphyseal surface along its edge. The straighter edge opposite the vertebral border is the axillary or lateral border
(figs. 7.4g and 7.5b). It is a relatively straight margin that
is concavely curved from the inferior angle (the point
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Fig. 7.4 Left scapula of a perinate (A) and a young child (B), left anterior, right posterior: a, subscapular fossa; b, scapular spine;
c, acromion process; d, infraspinous fossa; e, supraspinous fossa; f, medial/vertebral border; g, lateral/axillary border; h, glenoid cavity;
i, epiphyseal surface for the coracoid; j, coracoid epiphysis; k, inferior angle.
where it meets the curved vertebral border) to the epiphyseal surface of the glenoid cavity or fossa (figs. 7.4h and
7.5c). The shortest border is superior and somewhat irregular. It flares upward to meet the vertebral border at
the superior angle and ends laterally at the glenoid cavity,
where the bone articulates with the head of the humerus.
The glenoid cavity has an epiphyseal surface on its lateral
aspect (fig. 7.5d) and a contiguous surface on its superior aspect (fig. 7.4i) for the epiphysis of the coracoid
process (fig. 7.4j). Thus, in a fetus or neonate, the scapula resembles the adult form but it is less angular. The
fingerlike coracoid process has not yet formed, while the
acromion process is attenuated because the projecting
spine lacks its epiphysis.
The scapula has approximately seven secondary ossification centers, but not all of these appear as separate, recognizable epiphyses. One of the largest and most easily
identified epiphyses is for the coracoid process (fig. 7.4j),
which begins to ossify in the first year of life. Because the
other epiphyses commence ossification in late childhood
and adolescence, the coracoid process is the only scapular epiphysis present in older infants and young children. At this stage, the coracoid process looks like a tiny,
crooked little finger. It is broader and thicker inferomedially, where it has a roughened metaphyseal surface that
eventually fuses to the superior aspect of the glenoid area.
The more superolateral end is a small, blunt projection.
In addition to the body of the coracoid process, scapu-
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pect or angle of the coracoid process and the thin, flaky
epiphysis for the articular surface of the glenoid cavity develops. The latter is evident during fusion as an irregular
deposit of very smooth bone on the rough epiphyseal surface. An epiphysis at the lateral end of the coracoid (the
apex) may also form and join with the angle epiphysis as
it fuses in the late teens.
Distinct epiphyses develop between 13 and 16 years
of age for the acromion process (figs. 7.4c and 7.5a)
and at age 15 to 17 for the inferior angle (fig. 7.4k) and
vertebral border (fig. 7.4f ). The acromial epiphysis is a
U-shaped piece of bone with the opening of the U showing a rough metaphyseal surface and the bottom of the U
displaying a smooth surface. The lateral half of the articular facet for the clavicle is located on the shorter arm of
the U. It generally fuses to the spine between age 18 and
20 but can remain separate throughout life as the os
acromiale. The epiphysis for the inferior angle varies in
size from a small cap to a broader crescent. It is a narrow
ridge of bone with a billowy metaphyseal surface and a
smoother nonarticular aspect that forms the apex of the
scapula. The rim of the vertebral border also forms at the
same time and is generally comprised of multiple, thin
strips of bone that fuse to the blade of the scapula. These
epiphyses are generally completely fused between 20 and
23 years of age.
Fig. 7.5 Left scapula of a young child, medial view: a, acromion process;
b, lateral/axillary border; c, glenoid cavity; d, epiphyseal surface for the
coracoid; e, superior border.
lar epiphyses develop for the subcoracoid, the angle of the
coracoid, the glenoid cavity, acromion process, inferior
angle, and vertebral border. The subcoracoid is the earliest of these to appear (around age 8 to 10) and fuses first
with the coracoid process between 14 and 15 years and
then with the superior aspect of the glenoid cavity by age
16 to 17. This ossification center does not typically appear as a separate, identifiable epiphysis. Instead, it is usually observed at the top of the glenoid cavity as the composite coracoid fuses to the body of the bone. Around
age 14 to 15, a small cap appears at the superomedial as-
Differentiation from Other Bones
When complete, the scapula of a fetus or infant is most
likely to be confused with the lateral parts of an unfused
occipital bone because of their similar shape and double
projections at one end. The scapula is much larger, with
a thinner blade that curves more gradually than the border of a lateral part. The glenoid cavity (figs. 7.4h and
7.5c) at the lateral end and the large spine on the posterior aspect (fig. 7.4b) differentiate the scapula from the
lateral part of the occipital. The lateral part shows a large
portion of the occipital condyle on one of the bony projections or limbs. Another feature distinguishing the lateral occipital is the smooth and curved edge that represents the border of the foramen magnum.
Fragments of the scapula blade may be confused with
other thin, flat developing bones of the skull or pelvic area.
The spine of the scapula (fig. 7.4b) is generally the best
preserved area because it is thicker than other parts of the
bone. When present, the spine should eliminate confusion with other bones. In cases where only a fragment of
the blade is present, look at the borders (fig. 7.4f, g). The
scapula is longer and more angular than the broad ilium,
particularly if the inferior angle (fig. 7.4k) is apparent.
While the top of the ilium also curves much like the vertebral border of the scapula, even in infants it is twice as
thick as this border of the scapula. An ilium also displays
the ear-shaped articular surface for the sacrum. The bor-
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ders of cranial vault bones are serrated sutures, and the internal features of these bones (e.g., meningeal grooves,
presence of a sulcus, etc.) distinguish them from a scapula.
An unfused coracoid process (fig. 7.4j) can be mistaken for the transverse process of a thoracic vertebra
but it lacks an articular facet and has significant curvature.
The epiphyses for the inferior angle and vertebral border
are most likely to be confused with the epiphysis of the
iliac crest. The latter is broader and curves in an S shape,
whereas the thinner epiphyses of the scapular margins are
much straighter. The acromial epiphysis is generally recognizable with its U shape and presence of a portion of
the articular facet for the clavicle.
Siding Techniques
To side a complete scapula at any age, orient it with
the spine (fig. 7.4b) facing you and toward the top of the
bone, which corresponds to standard anatomical position
(see fig. 7.4, right). The concave anterior surface, welldeveloped in children and adults, is away from you. The
spine projects laterally toward the side the bone is from
and the glenoid cavity (fig. 7.4h) is also on that side. Alternatively, place the scapular spine up and the glenoid
cavity toward you, as shown in figure 7.5. The spine with
its acromial surface (fig. 7.5a) is opposite the side the bone
is from, while the glenoid cavity (fig. 7.5c) and the articulation of the coracoid process (fig. 7.5d) are on the side
from which the bone comes. Also, in the same orientation, the short superior border (fig. 7.5e) of the bone indicates the side to which it belongs.
To side the coracoid epiphysis (fig. 7.4j), hold the
metaphyseal surface toward you with the concave surface
facing up (the blunt end should point upward). The side
that the tip of the coracoid process points toward is the
side from which the bone comes. Another method is to
hold the metaphyseal surface down with the projection
up and toward you. The process curves toward the side
to which the epiphysis belongs. For an unfused acromion
process, point the metaphyseal surface away from you and
the smoother surface down. The facet for the clavicle indicates the side from which the bone comes. Note also
that this facet is on the shorter arm of the U formed by
the epiphysis. Epiphyses for the inferior angle are very
hard to side without reference to the scapular blades. The
difficulty is in determining which aspect is anterior and
which is posterior. The anterior surface is very slightly
concave, while the posterior is slightly convex; however,
the unfused epiphysis is often relatively flat. If you can
identify the front and back of the bone confidently, place
the posterior surface on the table with the tip of the
epiphysis toward you. The epiphysis extends up and away
from you on the side it is from because the medial border
of the epiphysis is longer.
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The Bones of the Arms and Legs
This chapter contains all the bones of the arms and legs, including the humerus, ulna, radius, femur, tibia,
fibula, and patella. With the exception of the patella, all these bones are considered long bones because of
their length and tubular shape. The patella, which does not appear until childhood, is technically a sesamoid
because it is located within a tendon.
The Bones of the Arm
The major bones of the arm consist of the humerus, radius, and ulna. All three of these bones are long, tubular
bones with proximal and distal ends, as well as epiphyses
that appear and fuse to the shaft of the bone at specific
times. Separate epiphyses are described with each major
bone. An interesting developmental pattern is that the
bones of the arm are only longer than the corresponding
bones of the leg during the first trimester in utero, likely
reflecting our common ancestry with apes. In all subsequent stages of development, human leg bones are longer
than the analogous arm bones.
The Humerus
Description at Major Stages. The humerus (figs. 8.1– 8.3)
is the major bone of the upper arm. It articulates proximally with the scapula, and distally with the radius and
ulna. The growing humerus consists of a shaft (figs. 8.1a
and 8.2a) and proximal and distal epiphyses. During the
first trimester, the humerus begins as a cartilage model
and starts to ossify during the seventh week in utero
(fig. 8.1A). There are at least two proximal epiphyses,
for the head (figs. 8.1b and 8.2b) and greater tubercle
(figs. 8.2c and 8.3c) and, possibly, a third for the lesser
tubercle, although its existence has been questioned
(Scheuer and Black, 2000:281). The proximal epiphysis
for the head typically begins to ossify between birth and
6 months of age, and between 3 months and 3 years
for the greater tubercle. These centers are generally considered to fuse together between 5 and 7 years, forming
a single, united epiphysis (fig. 8.3A). The distal epiphysis initially consists of four secondary ossification centers.
These are the capitulum (figs. 8.1c, 8.2d, and 8.3B),
trochlea (figs. 8.2e and 8.3D), and medial (figs. 8.1d,
8.2f, and 8.3C) and lateral (fig. 8.2g) epicondyles. The
capitulum begins to ossify between 6 months and 2 years
of age, whereas the trochlea does not form until 8 years
of age and quickly fuses to the capitulum. The medial epicondyle begins to form after the fourth year of life, while
the lateral epicondyle forms after the tenth.
The humeral diaphysis displays distinct morphological
characteristics from the time of ossification. It is fairly
round throughout the midshaft, although both ends form
other characteristic shapes. Bilateral flaring at the distal
end creates an inverted V shape. The metaphyseal surface
of the distal end of the shaft is approximately four times
as wide medially to laterally as it is anteroposteriorly, resulting in a flattened appearance. A large indentation is
present on one side of the distal end. This depression is
the olecranon fossa (fig. 8.1e), which identifies the posterior aspect of the humerus. At the proximal end, the diaphysis appears straighter on the lateral side and curved
on the medial side, with the latter flaring outward where
the epiphysis for the head eventually fuses. The proximal metaphyseal surface is ovoid, but a portion is pinched
inward. This pinched area represents the intertubercular
sulcus (figs. 8.1f and 8.2h) and identifies the anterolateral aspect of the bone. A nutrient foramen is present
in the middle of the shaft and its entrance is directed distally. This foramen identifies the anteromedial aspect of
the bone.
The proximal epiphysis for the head (figs. 8.1– 8.3) initially appears as an oval piece of bone. At first, the epiphysis is thin and porous, with a bubbly appearance. The
posterior aspect is rounded, whereas the anterior has a
hooked projection at its lateral edge. The area opposite
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Fig. 8.1 Left humerus shown in actual size at approximate ages, A first trimester, B second trimester, C third trimester, D perinate,
E 1.5 years, F 5 years: a, diaphysis; b, head; c, capitulum; d, medial epicondyle; e, olecranon fossa; f, intertubercular sulcus. All shafts are
shown in an anterior view except D, which is posterior. Epiphyses are in proximal and distal views to show the articular surfaces.
the roughened metaphyseal surface is somewhat bulbous
and represents the humeral head. This bulbous portion is
raised more in the medial direction than the lateral. The
greater tubercle first appears as a nodule and begins to
fuse to the lateral projection between 2 and 6 years of age.
Once the greater tubercle (figs. 8.2c and 8.3c) has fused
to the head, the combined epiphysis displays a smooth,
rounded articular surface. The nonarticular tubercle is
somewhat crenulated and forms the lateral aspect of the
epiphysis. It is situated between the intertubercular sulcus and the posterior notch that marks the line of fusion between the formerly separate centers of ossification.
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Based on radiographic studies, this combined epiphysis
typically fuses to the humeral diaphysis between 13 and
17 years in females and between age 16 and 20 in males.
Scheuer and Black (2000:281), however, note that direct
observation of bone generally places fusion approximately two years later than fusion data from radiographic
The capitulum (figs. 8.1c, 8.2d, and 8.3B) is rounded,
tapering medially and dropping off sharply at the lateral
edge. The anterior aspect is smooth and rounded, while
the posterolateral edge is irregular and more pointed.
The trochlear epiphysis (figs. 8.2e and 8.3D) is rather indistinct and exists as a separate entity only in late childhood. Like the epiphyses for the medial and lateral epicondyles, the separate epiphysis for the trochlea is difficult
to recognize. These epiphyses can appear as thin crescents
or nodules when they begin to ossify. The capitulum,
trochlea, and lateral epicondyle (fig. 8.2g) generally completely fuse to one another between 10 and 14 years of
age. These subsequently fuse to the distal diaphysis between 11 and 15 years in females and between 12 and
17 years in males. The medial epicondyle (figs. 8.1d, 8.2f,
and 8.3C) is the last distal epiphysis to fuse to the diaphysis, generally between ages 13 and 15 in females and between 14 and 16 in males. It is only in adolescence, after
the union of the capitulum, trochlea, and lateral epicondyle, that the small, caplike epiphysis of the medial epicondyle is generally recognizable.
Fig. 8.2 Left humerus, anterior view, at approximate ages, left 9 years,
right 15 years: a, diaphysis; b, head; c, greater tubercle; d, capitulum;
e, trochlea; f, medial epicondyle; g, lateral epicondyle; h, intertubercular
sulcus; i, lesser tubercle. Epiphyses (except f ) are in proximal and distal
views to show the articular surfaces.
Differentiation from Other Bones. Bones of similar size and
thickness that may be confused with the humerus at each
stage of development are the tibia and the femur. The
Fig. 8.3 Left humeral epiphyses for the head (A), capitulum (B), medial epicondyle (C), and trochlea (D), left articular/
external view, right metaphyseal view: a, head; b, lesser tubercle; c, greater tubercle; d, intertubercular groove.
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humerus and tibia are similar in length and diameter until approximately 1 year of age when the tibia becomes
the longer bone. After the first fetal trimester, the femur
is longer than the humerus at each developmental stage;
this difference can help identify both bones when each is
present in a burial.
For fetal and neonatal remains, the humerus is distinguishable from the femur and tibia by the deep depression of the olecranon fossa (fig. 8.1e), situated on the distal, posterior aspect of the bone. The proximal end of the
humerus is rounded, whereas this portion of the femur is
larger and more rectangular in shape. Moreover, the billowy femoral epiphyseal surface for the lesser trochanter
differentiates it from the humerus. The midshaft of the
humerus is round like the femur, but it is smaller in diameter and lacks the posterior ridge (linea aspera) that marks
the femur. As the linea aspera develops, the femur begins
to resemble a teardrop in cross section, whereas the humeral midshaft is more rounded throughout childhood.
In contrast, the tibia is triangular in cross section due
to the anterior crest. In the humerus, the nutrient foramen is situated on the anteromedial aspect of the diaphysis; in the femur and tibia, the nutrient foramen is located on the posterior surface. Note also that the nutrient
foramen for the humerus enters the bone in the distal direction, toward the elbow. In the tibia, the nutrient foramen also enters the bone distally, but in the femur, it proceeds proximally.
In infancy and later stages, the intertubercular groove
(figs. 8.1f and 8.2h), proximally, and the olecranon fossa
(fig. 8.1e), distally, continue to be key features that separate the humerus from the femur and tibia. In early childhood, the further development of the humeral head and
distal epiphyses are features that aid in identification of
the bone (figs. 8.1– 8.3).
The humeral head is easily distinguished from the femoral head in older children by its smooth surface, which
lacks the indentation found on the femoral head, and by
the protuberances at the lateral aspect from the fusion of
the greater and lesser tubercles. In early stages of ossification, however, the epiphyses for the femoral and humeral heads are very similar in appearance. The humeral
head from a single skeleton is much smaller and not as
rounded as the femoral head epiphysis. It is readily identified by a hooked projection at its anterolateral border
(fig. 8.1b). A separate distal epiphysis for the capitulum
is recognizable as a small, rounded knob. A combined
distal epiphysis has two rounded eminences. The separate
medial epicondyle is a small cap that is notable because it
lacks an articular surface.
Siding Techniques. For a perinatal humerus (fig. 8.1D), determining which side the bone is from is most easily accomplished by identifying the olecranon fossa (fig. 8.1e)
at the distal end of the shaft on the posterior surface. In
standard anatomical position, the distal end points down
with the olecranon fossa facing you and the intertubercular groove (fig. 8.1f ) facing up and away from you. In this
position, note that the proximal end of the bone projects
medially, or opposite the side to which the bone belongs,
while the indentation of the intertubercular groove is displaced laterally, or toward the side to which the bone belongs. At the distal end, the bone curves more medially,
while the lateral side is relatively straight and marks the
side from which the bone comes.
Additional methods of siding the bone rely on holding
the humerus out of anatomical position. One option is to
hold the bone with the anterior surface facing you. Locate the nutrient foramen and note that it indicates the
medial aspect of the bone so, in this position, it is on the
same side to which the bone belongs. The humeral head
and the distal end also flare more toward the side to which
the bone belongs in this view. Alternatively, if you hold
the bone with the posterior surface facing you and the distal aspect pointing down, determine which of the medial
and lateral borders of the olecranon fossa is longer proximally to distally (in the long axis of the shaft). The longer
border is on the side from which the bone comes. These
features continue to aid in siding the humerus throughout childhood.
To side the proximal epiphysis, place the metaphyseal
surface on a table with the large, round head (fig. 8.3A, a)
away from you and the biggest nonarticular area toward
you (see fig. 8.3A, left). The smaller nonarticular tubercle,
known as the lesser tubercle (fig. 8.3A, b), is on the side
to which the bone belongs. The lesser tubercle is separated from the greater tubercle (fig. 8.3A, c) by the intertubercular groove (fig. 8.3A, d), a shallow depression.
This groove is anterior, so when positioned facing away
from you, it will be toward the side from which the bone
comes. For younger individuals where the lesser tubercle
is not yet fused, place the metaphyseal surface on a table
with the head away from you and the tubercle (nonarticular portion) facing you. There is a large notch present
(where the lesser tubercle will eventually fuse) that is on
the side to which the bone belongs. To side an unfused
head only, note that the posterior aspect is rounded,
whereas the anterior has a hooked projection at its lateral
edge (fig. 8.1E, b and 8.1F, b). With the anterior aspect
facing away from you, the hook is thus on the side from
which the bone comes.
For the unfused distal capitulum (fig. 8.3B), the anterior aspect is smooth and rounded, while the posterior,
lateral edge is irregular and more pointed. Place the metaphyseal surface on a table with the sharper edge away
from you. The widest part of the epiphysis is on the side
to which the bone belongs. Alternatively, place the metaphyseal surface on a table with the bulbous portion to-
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ward you. The nonarticular area faces you and the serrated
edge is on the side from which the bone comes.
The Radius
Description at Major Stages. The radius (figs. 8.4 – 8.6) is
one of the two bones in the lower arm. In standard anatomical position, the radius lies on the lateral side. It articulates proximally with the ulna and humerus and distally with the ulna, scaphoid, and lunate. The growing
radius consists of a shaft (figs. 8.4a and 8.5a) and a proximal and distal epiphysis. During the first trimester, the
radius begins as a cartilage model and starts to ossify during the seventh week in utero (fig. 8.4A). The proximal
epiphysis (figs. 8.4b and 8.5b) begins to ossify around
5 years of age. The distal epiphysis (figs. 8.4c and 8.5c)
typically begins to ossify between the first and third years.
The radial diaphysis is discernible from the time of ossification as a tubular bone with small diameter and distinctive ends. The distal end of the bone flares bilaterally.
The opposite or proximal metaphyseal end is round. A
large bump is present just below the proximal metaphysis.
This bump, known as the radial tuberosity (figs. 8.4d and
8.5d), is present from the third month in utero and is a
distinguishing feature of the radius throughout life. The
nutrient foramen is located on the anterior surface in the
middle of the diaphysis and enters the bone in a proximal
direction (toward the elbow).
Fig. 8.4 Left radius, anterior view, shown in actual size at approximate ages, A first trimester, B second trimester,
C third trimester, D perinate, E 1.5 years, F 5 years: a, diaphysis; b, head; c, distal epiphysis; d, radial tuberosity;
e, ulnar notch.
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Fig. 8.5 Left radius, anterior view, at approximate ages, left 9 years,
right 15 years: a, diaphysis; b, head; c, distal epiphysis; d, radial tuberosity; e, ulnar notch; f, styloid process.
The proximal epiphysis for the head of the radius initially appears as a circular disk of bone that displays a
roughened surface on the metaphyseal side and a smooth
articular surface on the other side (fig. 8.4F, b). The articular surface becomes slightly concave by around 10 years
of age (fig. 8.6A). The proximal epiphysis typically fuses
to the shaft between 11 and 15 years in females and between 14 and 17 in males. Again, it appears to be later in
direct observation of dry bone versus radiographs.
The distal epiphysis begins to ossify as early as infancy
and no later than the third year of life (fig. 8.4c). It soon
becomes recognizable as a thin, wedge-shaped bone. A
smooth articular surface, often marked by nutrient foramina, is present on the distal aspect. The metaphyseal
surface is rough. During growth, the epiphysis thickens
and, by age 10, it is rectangular with a diagonal cut at
one corner (fig. 8.6B). This diagonal corner identifies the
posterolateral border. Opposite this border, on the medial side of the epiphysis, a distinct notch (figs. 8.4e, 8.5e,
and 8.6a) provides the articulation for the ulna. The dorsal tubercle is also evident as a bump on the posterior
aspect of the epiphysis. Two concavities on the articular
surface, for the scaphoid and lunate, are evident by this
time. By adolescence, a large bony protuberance known
as the styloid process (fig. 8.5f ) is present and identifies
the lateral aspect of the epiphysis. The distal epiphysis
fuses to the shaft between 14 and 17 years in females and
between ages 16 and 20 in males.
Fig. 8.6 Left radial epiphyses for the head (A) and distal end (B), left articular view, right metaphyseal
view: a, ulnar notch. Orientation: anterior is at the top.
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Differentiation from Other Bones. The radius is the shortest
of the long bones after the first fetal trimester. Bones that
may be confused with the radius at each stage of development are the ulna and fibula. However, the proximal
end of the radius is easily separated from the ulna and
fibula because of the presence of the radial tuberosity
(figs. 8.4d and 8.5d). For fetal and neonatal remains, the
rounded proximal end and flared distal end of the radius
(fig. 8.4A–D) help distinguish it from both the fibula and
the ulna. In more mature juveniles, the radius is typically
more triangular in cross section at the midshaft, whereas
it is circular proximally and rectangular distally. In neonates, the radial shaft is approximately the same diameter
as the ulna. A broken distal ulna can be easily mistaken
for a proximal radius. The distal ulna, however, is broader
medially to laterally, giving it a more oval shape than the
round radial head. Proximal and distal fibula shaft fragments must be distinguished from the radial and ulnar
heads. A proximal radius fragment exhibits the radial tuberosity and angled neck between this bulge and the head.
The distal radius is much broader than the distal ulna and
both ends of the fibula.
The radial epiphyses ossify much earlier than those of
the ulna. The epiphysis for the radial head is distinctive.
It is much more developed and exhibits an indentation
on the articular surface by the time the distal ulnar epiphysis has ossified to the point where it might be confused.
The distal radial epiphysis is small and wedge-shaped, with
two slight depressions on the articular surface that distinguish it from other long bone epiphyses.
Siding Techniques. For the radius of neonates and older
children, determining which side the bone is from is best
done by identifying the radial tuberosity (figs. 8.4d and
8.5d), which signifies the proximal end. The nutrient foramen identifies the anterior aspect. If the nutrient foramen is absent, as it sometimes is, the anterior aspect of
the distal end is fairly flat to slightly concave and smooth,
whereas the posterior aspect is convex and slightly irregular because of the dorsal tubercle ridge.
Holding the bone in standard anatomical position with
the anterior aspect up and the flared distal end pointing
away from you, the proximal end shows a bulge on the
medial aspect for the radial tuberosity and the distal end
curves medially to meet the ulnar head. These features,
therefore, are opposite the side to which the bone belongs when held in this manner.
Taking the bone out of anatomical position provides
some simple ways of siding the shaft. By holding the radius with the anterior surface facing you and the proximal
end up, the radial tuberosity is on the side from which the
bone comes (see figs. 8.4 and 8.5). Alternatively, if the
proximal end is missing, hold the bone with the anterior
surface facing you and the distal end away from you. The
ulnar notch (figs. 8.4e and 8.5e) is on the side to which
the bone belongs. If the distal end is missing, the radial
tuberosity is more visible if the anterior surface is facing
you and identifies the side from which the bone comes (as
above). These features continue to aid in siding the radius
throughout childhood.
The proximal epiphysis (fig. 8.6A) is very difficult to
side before it fuses to the shaft. The only means of siding is to attempt fitting a well-developed epiphysis to
the radial shaft. Unless both shafts are present, however,
this method may not be accurate. The distal epiphysis
(fig. 8.6B) can be sided by placing the articular surface
on a table with the thick end away from you. The epiphysis is rectangular in shape with one corner missing. This
missing corner (or more curved edge) is on the side to
which the bone belongs.
The Ulna
Description at Major Stages. The ulna (figs. 8.7– 8.9) is the
medial bone in the lower arm in standard anatomical position. It articulates proximally with the humerus and radius and, distally, connects directly only with the radius.
The growing ulna consists of a shaft (figs. 8.7a and 8.8a)
and a proximal and distal epiphysis. During the first trimester, the ulna begins as a cartilage model and starts to
ossify during the seventh week in utero (fig. 8.7A). The
proximal epiphysis (figs. 8.8b and 8.9A) begins to ossify around 8 years of age in females and around 10 years
in males. The distal epiphysis (figs. 8.7b, 8.8c, and 8.9B)
typically begins to ossify between ages 5 and 7 years.
The ulnar diaphysis is quite distinct from the time of
ossification and is easily identifiable when undamaged.
The bulbous olecranon process (figs. 8.7c and 8.8d)
marks the proximal end. While this feature is somewhat less pronounced in infants than older children, the
bulging proximal end is readily observable early in development. The shallow depression or concavity below this
knob is the trochlear notch (figs. 8.7d and 8.8e), which
identifies the anterior aspect of the ulna. The opposite
(distal) end is straight and narrow and the metaphyseal
surface is round. The nutrient foramen is located in the
proximal half of the bone, typically on the anterior surface, and enters in a proximal direction.
The proximal epiphysis (figs. 8.8b and 8.9A) begins to
ossify much later than that of the radius and is separate for
only a few years. It appears as a somewhat elongated cap
with a crenulated metaphyseal surface and a smooth articular surface. It has a small projection or hook extending downward on the anterolateral aspect. The proximal
epiphysis typically fuses between 12 and 15 years in females and between 13 and 17 in males.
The distal epiphysis (fig. 8.7F, b) first appears as a small,
thin, circular disk with a roughened metaphyseal surface
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Fig. 8.7 Left ulna shown in actual size at approximate ages, A first trimester, B second trimester, C third trimester, D perinate, E 1.5 years, F 5 years: a, diaphysis; b, distal epiphysis/head; c, olecranon process; d, trochlear notch; e, radial notch.
All are shown in an anterior view except D, which is lateral.
and a bubbly articular surface with scalloped edges. During growth, the epiphysis thickens and the articular surface becomes smoother (fig. 8.9B). By early adolescence,
a bony process, known as the styloid process (figs. 8.8f
and 8.9a), is present and identifies the posterior aspect of
the epiphysis. The distal epiphysis fuses between 15 and
17 years in females and between 17 and 20 in males.
Differentiation from Other Bones. Bones of similar size and
thickness that may be confused with the ulna at each
stage of development are the radius and fibula. However,
the bulbous proximal end of the ulna is easily distin-
guishable from the more tubular ends of the radius and
fibula. For fetal and neonatal remains, the ulna and fibula
are similar in length, but the fibula is uniformly thin and
straight throughout the entire diaphysis. The ulna, on the
other hand, is curved and thicker in the proximal half
(fig. 8.7A–D). After birth, the fibula begins to increase in
length at a faster rate than the ulna. Separating the distal
ulna (head) from the proximal and distal ends of a fibula
is challenging in neonates. The proximal end of the fibula is very small in diameter and more rounded, with a
tubular shaft and straight sides. When viewed from the
distal end, the ulna is broader and more ovoid in shape
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Fig. 8.9 Left ulnar epiphyses for the proximal olecranon (A) shown in
superior view and distal head (B), left articular view, right metaphyseal view: a, styloid process.
Fig. 8.8 Left ulna, at approximate ages, left 9 years, anterior; right 15 years, posterior: a, diaphysis; b, proximal epiphysis/olecranon; c, distal
epiphysis/head; d, olecranon process; e, trochlear notch; f, styloid process; g, radial notch; h, interosseous crest.
and the posterior edge is flat rather than curved like the
The radius is always shorter than the ulna; it does not
display a distinct process with an articular notch like the
ulna, and its distal end displays bilateral flaring. In more
mature juveniles, the ulna is typically more triangular in
cross section proximally and circular distally.
The age of appearance is useful in identifying ulnar
epiphyses, because they begin to ossify much later than
those of the radius. The proximal olecranon epiphysis
(fig. 8.9A) is shaped like a cap. While it could be confused with the femoral greater trochanter epiphysis, it is
much smaller and has an articular surface that the greater
trochanter lacks. The distal ulnar epiphysis (fig. 8.9B)
could be confused with that of the radial head since both
are relatively flat circles of bone. When compared to the
radial head epiphyses from the same skeleton, the distal
ulnar epiphysis is smaller and more irregular because it begins to ossify much later. In later stages of ossification, the
development of the styloid process (figs. 8.8f and 8.9a)
and the convexity of the head distinguish the distal ulna
from the radial epiphysis, which has a smooth, concave
articular surface.
Siding Techniques. For a neonatal ulna, determining which
side the bone is from is accomplished by first identifying
the trochlear notch (figs. 8.7d and 8.8e), which signifies the proximal end and the anterior aspect. Orient the
bone in standard anatomical position with the proximal
end up and trochlear notch away from you. Note that the
articular surface extends laterally, or on the side to which
the bone belongs. In infants, the depression for the proximal articulation of the radial head, known as the radial
notch (figs. 8.7e and 8.8g), can be difficult to discern, but
it is readily observable in older children and is on the side
the bone is from when it is held in anatomical position.
Note also that the sharp ridge of the interosseous crest
(fig. 8.8h) is on the side from which the bone comes.
Taking the bone out of anatomical position and holding it with the anterior surface facing you and the proximal end up (see fig. 8.7F), note that the proximal end
curves toward the side to which the bone belongs. For
infants only, if the proximal end is missing, the nutrient
foramen occurs on the anterior surface and enters the diaphysis proximally (toward the elbow). Holding the bone
the same way, the distal metaphysis is curved on the side
the bone is from, while the opposite side is straight up
and down.
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To side the proximal epiphysis, place the rough metaphyseal surface on a table with the rounded portion facing you (see fig. 8.9A). The hook or small projection is
on the side from which the bone comes.
To side the distal epiphysis (fig. 8.9B), place the rough
metaphyseal surface on a table with the round portion of
the epiphysis away from you. The projection or styloid
process (fig. 8.9a) is on the side to which the bone belongs. Alternatively, you can view the epiphysis with the
metaphyseal surface down, the rounded portion toward
you, and the styloid process away from you and pointing
up. In this view, a notch or indentation is located adjacent
to the styloid process and indicates the side from which
the bone comes.
The Bones of the Leg
The bones in the legs are the femur, tibia, fibula, and
patella. Like the bones of the arm, the leg is comprised of
three long, tubular bones with proximal and distal ends,
and epiphyses that appear and fuse to the shaft of the
bone at specific times. Separate epiphyses are described
with each major bone. The patella or kneecap is classified
as an irregular bone and does not begin to ossify until
early childhood.
The Femur
Description at Major Stages. The femur (figs. 8.10 – 8.12),
the largest bone in the human skeleton, is found in the
upper leg. It articulates proximally with the pelvis and
distally with the tibia and the patella. The femur develops
from five ossification centers. The primary center forms
the shaft (figs. 8.10a and 8.11a), with four secondary
centers. Three are for the proximal epiphyses that become the head (figs. 8.10b, 8.11b, and 8.12A) and the
greater and lesser trochanters (figs. 8.10c, d, 8.11c, d, and
8.12B, C), and one is for the distal epiphysis (figs. 8.10e,
8.11e, and 8.12D). The femoral shaft begins to mineralize between the seventh and eighth weeks in utero
(fig. 8.10A). From its inception, the femur is tubular.
The distal end is slightly flared, while the proximal end
already shows the development of what will become the
femoral neck (figs. 8.10f and 8.11f ). As the femur progresses through the fetal growth stages, the general shape
of the shaft or primary center remains similar, with its
distal end flared and the neck extending medially at the
proximal end. From the second trimester on, several distinct anatomical landmarks begin to take shape on the
shaft, including the epiphyseal surface of the lesser trochanter (fig. 8.10g), the linea aspera (fig. 8.10h), and the
nutrient foramen.
The distal epiphysis typically appears between 36 and
40 fetal weeks and usually begins to ossify before birth. In
most cases, the distal epiphysis is the only femoral epiphysis to appear before birth, although occasionally the
proximal epiphysis for the head is also present. During fetal development, the distal epiphysis has a distinctive
shape, with two rounded protuberances on the articular
surface that eventually form the medial and lateral condyles (figs. 8.10i, j, 8.11g, h, and 8.12a, b). The metaphyseal surface of this epiphysis, like all others, has a roughened texture where it joins the growth plate. Between 3
and 5 years of age, the distal epiphysis achieves its characteristic adult shape, making it much easier to differentiate from other epiphyses. While it is the first long bone
epiphysis to form, it is one of the last to fuse to the shaft.
Fusion generally occurs earlier in females than males with
an approximate age range of 14 to 18 years and 16 to
20 years, respectively.
The appearance of the proximal epiphysis that forms
the femoral head (figs. 8.10b and 8.11b) is variable, but
usually occurs after birth and within the first year of life.
During early development, the epiphysis is nondescript
and may resemble others in the body (e.g., the epiphysis for the head of the humerus). It is generally flattened
on the metaphyseal surface and rounded on the articular surface. One feature that helps identify this epiphysis
is the beginning of the cavity that forms the fovea capitis
(figs. 8.11i and 8.12c). By early childhood, the epiphysis
attains its characteristic shape, with its rounded articular
surface and depressed fovea capitis. The metaphyseal surface is flattened but somewhat indented. At this stage,
the head resembles a toadstool cap in shape. The epiphysis typically reaches its distinctive shape between 10 and
12 years of age. The proximal end of the femoral shaft also
reflects the adult shape, as the neck is well developed and
the metaphysis has a convex surface, while the adjacent
metaphyseal side of the epiphysis has a concave surface.
Fusion of this epiphysis usually begins between 12 and 16
years in females and between 14 and 19 years in males.
The epiphysis that forms the greater trochanter
(figs. 8.10c, 8.11c, and 8.12B) usually appears between
the ages of 1 and 5 years. Between 6 and 9 years, this
epiphysis achieves a notable crescent shape due to the
presence of the trochanteric fossa (fig. 8.12d). Fusion
to the shaft generally occurs later in males than females,
with an approximate age range of 16 to 18 years and
14 to 16 years, respectively. The epiphysis that forms the
lesser trochanter (figs. 8.10d, 8.11d, and 8.12C) appears
between 7 and 12 years and fuses around 16 to 17 years.
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AN: 430276 ; Baker, Brenda J., Tocheri, Matthew W., Dupras, Tosha L..; The Osteology of Infants and Children
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Fig. 8.10 Left femur shown in actual size at approximate ages, A first trimester, B second trimester, C third trimester, D perinate, E 1.5 years, F 5 years: a, diaphysis; b, head; c, greater trochanter; d, lesser trochanter; e, distal epiphysis; f, neck; g, epiphyseal surface for lesser
trochanter; h, linea aspera; i, medial condyle; j, lateral condyle; k, intercondylar fossa. All are shown in an anterior view except D, which is posterior.
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Fig. 8.11 Left femur, anterior view, at approximate ages, left 9 years,
right 15 years: a, diaphysis; b, head; c, greater trochanter; d, lesser
trochanter; e, distal epiphysis; f, neck; g, medial condyle; h, lateral
condyle; i, fovea capitis; j, intercondylar fossa.
Differentiation from Other Bones. The femur is the longest
bone in the human skeleton except during the first fetal
trimester. Bones of similar size and thickness that may
be confused with the femur at each stage of development
are the humerus and the tibia. When all these bones are
present (from the second trimester onward), the femur
is the longest. If preservation is poor, or where multiple
individuals are commingled, length alone cannot be used
to distinguish the femur from a humerus or tibia.
For fetal and neonatal remains, the epiphyseal surface
for the lesser trochanter (fig. 8.10g) is the most distinctive feature. Located on the posterior metaphysis at the
proximal end of the bone, the presence of this roughened, ovoid surface identifies the bone as a femur. The
medial curvature of the proximal humerus is similar, but
the width of its metaphysis is much smaller and its posterior aspect is smooth and rounded. The proximal tibia is
also flared medially, but is angulated anteriorly due to its
protruding tuberosity. At midshaft, the femur is rounded
anteriorly and shows a nutrient foramen posteriorly. The
ridge of the linea aspera (fig. 8.10h) is variably developed
but is evident along the lateral margin of the posterior
shaft from the surface for the lesser trochanter to the
flared distal end of the bone where it becomes the lateral
supracondylar line. In contrast, the midshaft region of the
humerus is smaller and rounder. The nutrient foramen
and interosseous crest on the posterior tibia are easily mistaken for the features on the posterior femur. Note, however, that the tibial shaft is much more angular than that
of the femur due to its well-developed anterior crest. The
distal femur lacks the deep indentation that marks the
posterior aspect of the distal humerus and is more flared
and much wider than either the distal humerus or tibia.
In infancy and later stages, these characteristics continue to be useful in differentiating the femur from the
humerus and tibia. In early childhood, the further development of the femoral neck (figs. 8.10f and 8.11f ) and
epiphyseal surface for the greater trochanter are key features that aid in identification of the bone. The proximal
tibia, though flared, is straight up and down, while the
humerus curves only slightly medially. Only the femur
shows the elongated medial extension at the proximal extremity of the shaft.
Femoral epiphyses can generally be easily distinguished
from those of other bones. An exception is in the early
stages of ossification of the femoral head, when it lacks
the development of the fovea capitis and more closely resembles the humeral head. The femoral head, however, is
larger and more rounded than the humeral head from the
same individual, and the latter has a notable hooked projection. The crescent shape of the greater trochanter is
distinctive in its early development. By late childhood, the
trochanteric fossa is evident and the epiphysis resembles
its adult shape by puberty. Its lack of articular surfaces
aids in its identification at all stages. When recovered, the
small epiphysis for the lesser trochanter is an ovoid cap,
unlike most other long bone epiphyses. The medial epicondyle of the humerus is similar in appearance, but it is
much smaller than the lesser trochanter epiphysis.
The distal epiphysis of the femur is one of the most
easily identified epiphyses at most stages of development
because it begins to ossify before birth, at which point it
is an indistinct oval marked by numerous foramina. At this
stage, it can be confused with the proximal tibial epiphysis, which appears just before or immediately after birth
and is, therefore, similar in size and shape. To separate
these epiphyses confidently requires careful recovery and
labeling in the field. During infancy and early childhood,
the distal femoral epiphysis begins to develop recogniz-
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Fig. 8.12 Left femoral epiphyses for the head (A), greater trochanter (B), lesser trochanter (C), and
distal end (D): a, medial condyle; b, lateral condyle; c, fovea capitis; d, trochanteric fossa; e, intercondylar fossa; f, notch.
able articular condyles that are separated by the indentation of the intercondylar fossa (figs. 8.10k, 8.11j, and
8.12e), thereby distinguishing it from the flatter proximal
tibial epiphysis.
Siding Techniques. For a neonatal femur, determining
which side the bone is from is most easily accomplished by
locating the surface for the lesser trochanter (fig. 8.10g)
on the posterior aspect and holding the bone in standard
anatomical position (see fig. 8.10D). The proximal end
curves medially, opposite the side to which the bone belongs. Thus, if you view the anterior aspect of the bone
with the lesser trochanter surface up and away from you,
the neck (figs. 8.10f and 8.11f ) and head curve toward
the side from which the bone comes (see fig. 8.10E).
This siding technique works for all ages.
In early childhood, another method is to orient the
bone in anatomical position and note that the surface for
the greater trochanter is toward the side to which the
bone belongs. Distally, even in neonates, the bone flares
more medially and is somewhat straighter laterally. The
ridge of the linea aspera extends distally into the lateral
supracondylar line, sweeping toward the side from which
the bone comes. These features continue to aid in siding
the femur throughout childhood.
Femoral epiphyses generally cannot be sided until early
childhood and, even then, siding is quite difficult. For
these reasons, careful excavation and bagging of epiphy-
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ses with each bone in the field is imperative. In late childhood and adolescence, femoral epiphyses are more easily
identified and sided as they develop their adult morphology. Nonetheless, bagging the epiphyses by side while in
the field will save time and possible misidentification in
the lab.
To side the head, note that the fovea capitis (figs. 8.11i
and 8.12c) is medial, but displaced posteriorly. Place the
articular surface on a table with the fovea capitis facing directly away from you. A slight notch (fig. 8.12f ) is present on the border of the metaphyseal surface that is facing you. This notch is toward the side to which the bone
The greater trochanter (fig. 8.12B) is irregular in
shape, with a flat and rough metaphyseal side and bulbous body, and a deep notch for the trochanteric fossa
(fig. 8.12d) on one side. To side a separate greater trochanter, hold the bone with the pointed end up and the
fossa toward you. The body of the epiphysis is on the side
from which the bone comes. Another method is to hold
the epiphysis with the pointed end up and the bulbous
projection toward you. In this view, the notch is opposite
the side it is from while the superior projection is on the
side to which the epiphysis belongs. Alternatively, place
the metaphyseal surface on a table with the notch for
the trochanteric fossa facing away from you. The larger
side of the epiphysis represents the side to which the bone
belongs. In older children, the greater trochanter is more
developed and the trochanteric fossa is not visible from
the nonmetaphyseal surface. In this case, hold the metaphyseal surface toward you and the fossa pointing down
(see fig. 8.12B, right). In this view, the metaphyseal surface looks similar to the outline of a horse’s head, with
a long nose projecting to one side. The metaphyseal surface or nose of the horse is thicker and extends more toward you on the side from which the epiphysis comes.
To side the distal epiphysis (fig. 8.12D), orient it with
the metaphyseal surface on the table, the articular surface
up, and the depression or notch separating the condyles,
the intercondylar fossa (fig. 8.12e), away from you. The
edge of the intercondylar fossa is curved more on the medial side and is much straighter on the lateral side, or the
side to which the epiphysis belongs. Note also that the
articular surface extends toward you on the side from
which the bone comes. Another way to side the bone is
to place the metaphyseal surface up, the articular surface
on the table, and face the intercondylar fossa toward you
(see fig. 8.12D, right). On the edge farthest from you,
the margin slopes upward and farther away from you on
the side to which the epiphysis belongs.
The Tibia
Description at Major Stages. The tibia (figs. 8.13 – 8.15) is
the larger of the lower leg bones. In standard anatomical
position the tibia lies on the medial side. It articulates
proximally with the femur and the fibula, and distally
with the fibula and the talus. The growing tibia consists
of a shaft (figs. 8.13a and 8.14a) and proximal and distal epiphyses (figs. 8.13b, c, 8.14b, c, and 8.15). During
the first trimester, the tibia begins as a cartilage model
and starts to ossify during the eighth week in utero
(fig. 8.13A). Toward the end of the third trimester the
proximal epiphysis also begins to ossify. The identification of this epiphysis can be used to identify a full-term
infant in archaeological and forensic contexts. The distal
epiphysis does not typically begin to ossify until the second year of life.
The tibial shaft displays distinct morphological characteristics from the time of ossification. A unilateral flare is
present on one end of the bone. This flare distinguishes
the proximal end from the distal end, which is narrower
and straighter. The metaphyseal surface of the distal end
of the shaft is somewhat rhomboid shaped, while the
proximal metaphyseal surface displays a rounded edge
opposite a more pointed edge. A very large nutrient foramen is present and denotes the posterior aspect of the
proximal third of the shaft. The anterior surface displays
a pronounced ridge (the anterior crest) that corresponds
to the shin.
During early development, the proximal epiphysis appears as a porous, oval nodule. By 3 to 4 years of age, the
articular surfaces begin to become distinct and the epiphysis as a whole appears somewhat kidney shaped. The intercondylar eminence (figs. 8.13d, 8.14d, and 8.15a) becomes observable around this time as a bulge or slight
bumps between the developing articular condyles. These
features gradually become more distinct as growth continues and the articular surfaces become smoother throughout childhood. During early adolescence, the proximal
epiphysis is identified by the presence of a large tuberosity that extends perpendicular to the condylar surface.
This perpendicular projection is known as the tibial tuberosity (fig. 8.14e) and identifies the anterior and lateral
aspect of the bone. Directly behind the tuberosity, on the
posterior aspect of the epiphysis, is a smooth, oval articular facet. This facet represents the articulation for the
proximal end of the fibula. The distal portion of the tibial
tuberosity does not unite with the proximal epiphysis until 12 to 14 years of age. The proximal epiphysis fuses
typically between 13 and 17 years in females and between
15 and 19 in males.
The metaphyseal surface of the distal epiphysis (fig.
8.15B), like all others, has a roughened texture where it
joins the growth plate, but it also displays a small ridge
that identifies the medial aspect of the bone. The articular
surface appears smooth and concave. Overall, this epiphysis is somewhat square or rhomboid shaped like the distal end of the shaft. As growth occurs, the shape of the
epiphysis changes as one corner of the square begins to
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AN: 430276 ; Baker, Brenda J., Tocheri, Matthew W., Dupras, Tosha L..; The Osteology of Infants and Children
Account: s1175444
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Fig. 8.13 Left tibia shown in actual size at approximate ages, A first trimester, B second trimester, C third trimester, D perinate,
E 1.5 years, F 5 years: a, diaphysis; b, proximal epiphysis; c, distal epiphysis; d, intercondylar eminence; e, anterior crest. A–C shown
in a posterior view; D–F, in anterior.
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Fig. 8.14 Left tibia, anterior view at approximate ages, left 9 years,
right 15 years: a, diaphysis; b, proximal epiphysis; c, distal epiphysis; d,
intercondylar eminence; e, tibial tuberosity; f, fibular notch; g, medial
malleolus; h, anterior crest.
project outward at an angle of approximately 45 degrees.
This projection represents what eventually becomes the
fibular notch (figs. 8.14f and 8.15b) and identifies the
anterior and lateral aspect of the bone. On the opposite
(i.e., medial) side of the projection, an outgrowth of bone
begins to appear by 3 or 4 years of age that represents the
developing medial malleolus (figs. 8.14g and 8.15c). By
adolescence, the fibular notch and medial malleolus are
distinct and useful in identifying the lateral and medial
aspects, respectively. The distal epiphysis fuses to the diaphysis between 14 and 16 years in females and between
15 and 18 in males.
Differentiation from Other Bones. Bones of similar size and
thickness that may be confused with the tibia at each stage
of development are the humerus and the femur. The tibia
and humerus are similar in length and diameter until approximately 1 year of age. At this stage, the tibia becomes
the longer bone. The nutrient foramen on the tibia is typically very large relative to those on the other long bones.
The tibia lacks the large indentation, the olecranon fossa,
that characterizes the distal end of the humerus. A distinction from other long bones is the sharp ridge present on the anterior surface of the tibia. This anterior crest
(figs. 8.13e and 8.14h) gives the tibia a cross section that
is typically triangular at one end and square at the other.
In contrast, the humerus is round at one end and flattened
at the other. The femur is always longer than the tibia
at each developmental stage, and this helps distinguish
the bones when both are present. The proximal ends of
the tibia and femur flare medially and can be easily confused unless other features, such as the billowy surface for
the lesser trochanter, are considered. It helps to remember that the distal end of the tibia is square (or rhomboid
shaped), whereas it is flattened and flared both medially
and laterally in the femur. The cross section of a femur
shaft is more rounded than that of the tibia; as the linea
aspera develops, it becomes teardrop shaped rather than
triangular like the tibia. In infancy and later stages, these
characteristics continue to be useful in differentiating the
tibia from the humerus and femur. In early childhood,
the further development of the femoral neck and surface
for the greater trochanter are key features that distinguish
it from the tibia. The proximal tibia, though flared like a
proximal humerus, has a bulge on the anterior surface and
lacks the indentation that represents the intertubercular
groove of the proximal humerus.
Differentiating the tibial epiphyses from other long
bone epiphyses is most difficult early in development
when the proximal epiphysis is generally the same size and
shape as that of the distal femoral epiphysis (fig. 8.13D, b).
By early childhood, however, it can be separated by its
oval shape and its flatness. The smooth articular surfaces
and small bumps marking the intercondylar eminence
develop throughout childhood and become the primary
features for recognition (fig. 8.15A). The distal epiphysis
(fig. 8.15B) is initially round to oval but is flatter than the
epiphyses for the femur and humerus. In shape, it more
closely resembles the epiphysis of the distal radius, but
the latter is much smaller.
Siding Techniques. Determining the side for a perinatal
tibia is most easily accomplished by identifying the nutrient foramen on the proximal third of the posterior surface. Hold the tibia either with the posterior surface facing you and the nutrient foramen toward the top, or with
the anterior crest (figs. 8.13e and 8.14h) up and the distal end pointing away from you. The proximal end flares
on one side, while the other side is straighter and marks
the side from which the bone comes. The same holds true
for the distal end of the shaft. Also, the nutrient foramen
typically dominates one half of the posterior surface over
the other and is on the side to which the bone belongs.
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Fig. 8.15 Left tibial epiphyses for the proximal (A) and distal (B) ends: a, intercondylar eminence; b, fibular notch;
c, medial malleolus; d, posterior intercondylar fossa; e, anterior intercondylar fossa; f, medial condyle; g, lateral
condyle; h, bump for siding.
The anterior surface can be used to side the bone and is
useful especially when only the tibial shaft is present. If
you can determine the proximal and distal aspects of the
shaft, hold the proximal end up with the anterior surface
facing you. The anterior border curves distally toward the
side to which the bone belongs. These features continue
to aid in siding the tibia throughout childhood.
Tibial epiphyses generally cannot be sided until early
childhood and, even then, siding is quite difficult. In
late childhood and adolescence, tibial epiphyses are more
easily identified and sided as they attain their adult morphology. To side the proximal epiphysis, first orient it
in standard anatomical position by placing the metaphyseal surface on a table and the straighter side with the
smaller indentation or fossa (fig. 8.15d) toward you (see
fig. 8.15A, left). The rounded side with the larger fossa
(fig. 8.15e) is, therefore, away from you. The larger fossa
angles anteriorly and laterally, or toward the side from
which the bone comes. As in adults, the medial condyle
(fig. 8.15f ) is an oval with its long axis oriented anteroposteriorly (front to back as you view it in this position).
The lateral condyle (fig. 8.15g) is smaller and rounder,
projecting in a mediolateral axis (side to side) toward the
side to which the epiphysis belongs. Another way to side
the proximal epiphysis is to place the metaphyseal surface on the table with the little, central notch or indentation away from you. In this orientation, the anterior part
of the epiphysis is now facing you. The raised portion
in the middle, the intercondylar eminence (fig. 8.15a), is
larger, higher, and thicker on the side to which the bone
belongs. In addition, the side of bone that extends farther
away from you is on the side from which the bone comes.
In this view, the larger articular surface is also on the side
to which the bone belongs.
To side the distal epiphysis (fig. 8.15B), place the articular surface on a table with the thicker (medial) side away
from you. The side with the larger bump (fig. 8.15h) on
the thick part indicates the side from which the bone
comes (the bump is anterior and medial). Also, the protruding portion (anterior) of bone that is toward you
points to the side from which the epiphysis comes. Alternatively, place the articular surface facing up and the
raised edge for the medial malleolus (fig. 8.15c) toward
you. On the end facing away from you, the edge protrudes outward on the side to which the bone belongs.
The Fibula
Description at Major Stages. The fibula (figs. 8.16 – 8.18) is
located in the lower leg and is the thinnest of the leg
bones. In standard anatomical position, it is lateral to the
tibia. It articulates proximally with the tibia, and distally
with the tibia and the talus. The growing fibula consists of a shaft (figs. 8.16a and 8.17a) and a proximal and
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Fig. 8.16 Left fibula, anterior view, shown in actual size at approximate ages, A first trimester, B second trimester, C third
trimester, D perinate, E 1.5 years, F 5 years: a, diaphysis; b, proximal epiphysis; c, distal epiphysis.
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Fig. 8.18 Left fibular epiphyses for the proximal (A) and distal (B) ends:
a, articular facet for tibia; b, malleolar fossa; c, articular facet for talus;
d, styloid process.
Fig. 8.17 Left fibula, anterior view, at approximate ages, left 9 years,
right 15 years: a, diaphysis; b, proximal epiphysis; c, distal epiphysis;
d, articular facet for tibia; e, styloid process.
distal epiphysis (figs. 8.16b, c, 8.17b, c, and 8.18). During the first trimester, the fibula begins as a cartilage
model and starts to ossify during the eighth week in utero
(fig. 8.16A). The proximal epiphysis begins to ossify
around 4 years of age in females and around 5 in males.
The distal epiphysis typically begins to ossify between the
ages of 1 and 2 years.
The fibular diaphysis is distinct from the time of ossification in that it has a minimum of distinguishing features. In other words, a lack of morphological characteristics sets the fibula apart from the other long bones. It
is a very straight and narrow bone with a circular cross
section from the proximal end toward the midshaft. The
distal end displays a more oval cross section. No flaring
is present at either end. The nutrient foramen, located in
the middle of the diaphysis, enters in a distal direction,
away from the knee.
The proximal epiphysis (fig. 8.18A) typically displays a circular, roughened metaphyseal surface bordered
by nonarticular areas. The articular facet for the tibia
(figs. 8.17d and 8.18a) forms a circle in the middle of the
epiphysis but borders toward the posterior aspect. The
proximal epiphysis typically fuses between 12 and 18 years
in females and between 15 and 20 in males.
The distal epiphysis (fig. 8.18B) has a flat metaphyseal
surface on one end, opposite a more rounded nonarticular surface on the other. A fossa is present by around
6 years of age and is situated below an articular facet. This
indentation is the malleolar fossa (fig. 8.18b) and the
facet is the articulation for the talus (fig. 8.18c). On the
opposite side of these two features, a roughened and convex nonarticular area is present. These features become
more distinct as growth continues. The distal epiphysis
fuses between 12 and 16 years in females and between 15
and 18 in males.
Differentiation from Other Bones. The radius and ulna are
the most likely bones to be confused with the fibula at
each stage of development. The fibular shaft is narrower
than the bones of the forearm. Its ends are also narrower
than the radius in proportion to the shaft and do not flare
as much. For fetal and neonatal remains, the proximal end
of the ulna is easily distinguishable from the fibula because the ulna possesses the trochlear notch and displays
a thickened proximal end, whereas the fibula is straight
and narrow throughout its diaphysis. This characteristic
straight and narrow shaft also distinguishes the fibula
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from the radius, which has a bilaterally flared distal end
and the radial tuberosity on the proximal end. In more
mature juveniles, the fibula is typically irregular in cross
section at the midshaft, more circular in cross section
near the proximal end, and oval in cross section at the
distal end.
The epiphyses are usually not difficult to identify because they begin to ossify later than some of the other
epiphyses with which they might be confused. Thus, the
initial stages of ossification in which the epiphyses are
small, bubbly nodules of bone occur later than those of
other leg bone epiphyses. The proximal epiphysis does
not attain its characteristic adult shape until late in childhood, when the articular facet for the tibia and the projecting styloid process (fig. 8.17e and 8.18d) distinguish
it. The distal epiphysis is recognizable at an earlier age. It
is somewhat bulbous in shape with a flat metaphyseal surface. By about age 6, the articular surface and malleolar
fossa are well developed and aid in both identification and
siding of the epiphysis.
Siding Techniques. The perinatal fibula is the hardest of all
the long bones to side. However, several approaches help
in this difficult task. First, the proximal metaphysis is distinguishable from the distal metaphysis in that the former
is more circular and smaller in diameter than the latter,
which is more ovoid. The nutrient foramen most often
occurs on the medial aspect of the midshaft. Hold the
distal end away from you and the nutrient foramen facing
up. In this position, the side of the distal end that has a
smooth ligamentous attachment is the side to which the
bone belongs. To double-check, rotate the bone so that
the smooth, ligamentous attachment faces down. The
distal end also flares toward the side from which the bone
comes. These features continue to aid in siding the fibula
throughout childhood.
To side the proximal epiphysis (fig. 8.18A), place
the metaphyseal surface on a table with the tibial articular facet (fig. 8.18a) facing you. The styloid process
(fig. 8.18d) is on the side to which the bone belongs.
Alternatively, place the articular surface on the table with
the straight edge away from you. The styloid process is
again on the side from which the bone comes.
To side the distal epiphysis (fig. 8.18B) hold the metaphyseal surface up and the smooth articular surface
(fig. 8.18c) toward you (see fig. 8.18B, left). The indentation for the malleolar fossa (fig. 8.18b) is on the side
from which the epiphysis comes. Thus, if the fossa is to
the left of the articular facet, the epiphysis is from a left
fibula. Alternatively, place the metaphyseal surface on a
table with the articular surface facing you. The articular
surface is on the side the bone is from (in this view, the
fossa is on the opposite side to which the bone belongs).
The Patella
Description at Major Stages. The patella or kneecap (fig.
8.19) is located in the middle of the leg. It articulates
only with the distal end of the femur. The patella begins
as a cartilage model during the seventh to eighth week in
utero. The patella mineralizes from multiple ossification
centers, typically between 18 months and 6 years. It is
Fig. 8.19 Left patella of an adolescent, left anterior, right posterior: a, medial articular surface; b, lateral articular surface;
c, apex.
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often not present until age 4 or 5. As it first begins to ossify, the patella is an oval disk of bone. As growth progresses, the patella becomes more triangular. It develops
a rough, nonarticular surface on its anterior aspect where
the quadriceps femoris tendon attaches. On the opposite
or posterior surface, two articular facets (fig. 8.19a, b) are
separated by a slight rise or convexity, although these may
not be distinct until late in childhood. The larger of the
two articular facets is located on the lateral side. These
surfaces articulate with the distal epiphysis of the femur.
Inferior to these articular surfaces is a small, triangular
nonarticular area known as the apex (fig. 8.19c) that extends inferiorly. Generally, the patella develops its adult
morphology just prior to or during adolescence.
Differentiation from Other Bones. During early development,
the patella may be confused with some of the long bone
epiphyses such as the forming humeral and femoral heads.
Unlike those epiphyses, the patella does not have a metaphyseal surface; instead, it presents a smooth articular
surface on one side, while the opposite side displays a
roughened, somewhat porous surface. Once the patella
develops its adult morphology, it is distinct from all other
bones of the skeleton.
Siding Techniques. Siding the patella is difficult until some
of the adult morphology is present, which may not occur
until late childhood or early adolescence. Identification
and labeling of a developing patella during excavation is
essential. When the articular facets (fig. 8.19a, b) and the
apex (fig. 8.19c) are present, however, siding a patella is
relatively simple. Place the articular surfaces of the patella
on the table with the apex facing away from you. The
patella falls to the side to which the bone belongs.
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The Bones of the Hands and Feet
The bones of the hands and feet are treated together in this chapter because of the similarity in their de-
velopment and in the characteristics of the bones that comprise these appendages. Because hand and foot
bones are likely to be confused, this chapter emphasizes their differentiation at various stages. Their indistinct appearance at early phases of development renders it imperative to excavate and bag these small bones
in subadult burials very carefully in the field.
The Bones of the Hand
Each human hand consists of twenty-seven separate
bones, eight of which form the wrist (the carpals) and
nineteen that form the palm (metacarpals) and fingers
(phalanges). The five metacarpals are numbered by ray
(bones that form each digit). The first ray (which forms
the thumb) is the most lateral in standard anatomical position with the palm face up, and the fifth (little finger
side) is the most medial. Each finger (rays 2 through 5)
has three separate phalanges, the proximal (which articulate with the metacarpals), the intermediate, and the distal, while the thumb (ray 1) only has proximal and distal
phalanges. In addition, the hand also possesses additional
small bones called sesamoids. These bones are found
within tendons. There are typically two sesamoids in each
hand, located at the base of the thumb, under the head of
the first metacarpal.
In standard anatomical position, the palm of the hand
faces forward so that the little finger is toward the leg and
the thumb points away from the body. In this position,
the bones of the forearm are not crossed. The anterior
portion of the hand is known as the palmar or volar aspect, while the back of the hand is the dorsal or posterior
aspect. The proximal aspect of each bone is that which is
closest to the forearm, while the distal aspect is toward
the tips of the fingers.
At birth, only the shafts of the metacarpals and phalanges are present. The wrist is generally cartilaginous until a few months after birth. By age 4, in both males and
females, all the epiphyses have formed and centers for at
least four carpals have appeared. By age 10, all bones of
the hand are present, but fusion of the epiphyses is not
complete until about 14 to 17 years, depending on the
sex of the individual.
The wrist is organized into two rows of four carpals
each. The proximal row (from lateral to medial in standard anatomical position) consists of the scaphoid, lunate,
triquetral, and pisiform (see figs. 9.1–9.4); the distal row
consists of the trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, and hamate
(see figs. 9.5–9.8). The proximal and distal rows articulate with each other, forming the midcarpal joint. The
proximal surfaces of the scaphoid and lunate contribute
to the radiocarpal or wrist joint, while the distal surfaces
of the trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, and hamate provide
articulations for the carpometacarpal joints.
The carpals all ossify endochondrally from one or two
centers and usually do not appear until after birth. Carpals ossify earlier in females than males, initially with only
a few months difference in timing, but ending with a gap
of 2 years by the time the pisiform ossifies. The capitate
and hamate are the first to appear in infancy. These are the
only carpals present at 1 year of age. The triquetral begins
to ossify in the following year. By age 5, all but the trapezoid, scaphoid, and pisiform are ossified in males, while in
females all but the pisiform are present. By age 6, only the
pisiform has not begun to ossify in males. Around age 8
or 9 in females and 10 to 11 in males, the center for the
pisiform, along with the sesamoids for the thumb, make
an appearance. Typically, by puberty, the carpals display
their distinct adult features, and they generally reach their
adult size by age 12 to 13 in females and 15 in boys.
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Scaphoid. The scaphoid (fig. 9.1), sometimes called the
navicular of the hand, is the most lateral carpal in the
proximal row. It is the second largest carpal. It articulates
proximally with the radius, distally with the trapezium,
trapezoid, and capitate, and medially with the lunate. The
scaphoid does not typically appear until 5 years of age in
females and 6 years of age in males, and becomes identifiable by 9 years in females and 11 years in males. Prior to
this time, it is an undifferentiated, rounded nodule of
bone. In a mature or nearly mature scaphoid, one side is
dominated by a large, concave articular facet for the capitate (fig. 9.1a). It is bordered by a slightly convex articulation for the lunate (fig. 9.1b). On the opposite side,
there is a convex surface that has two articular facets, one
for the radius (fig. 9.1c) and the other for the trapezium
and trapezoid (fig. 9.1d, e), divided by a nonarticular
groove or indentation (fig. 9.1f ). This feature accentuates the shape of one end where the blunt nonarticular
projection of the scaphoid tubercle (fig. 9.1g) is located.
Differentiation from Other Bones. Except for its larger
size, the immature scaphoid is difficult to distinguish
from the trapezium and trapezoid that ossify around the
same time. Prior to development of its adult morphology,
it can be separated from the carpals that develop earlier by
its lack of defined features. The mature scaphoid has very
distinct morphology. The only bone that is somewhat
similar is the navicular bone of the foot. Although the
navicular is similar in form, it is always considerably larger
than the scaphoid.
Siding Techniques. To side the scaphoid, hold the concave capitate surface (fig. 9.1a) toward you, with the lunate surface (fig. 9.1b) pointing down and the tubercle
(fig. 9.1g) at the top. The scaphoid tubercle points to the
side from which the bone comes. Another method is to
hold the bone so the long horizontal ridge and groove
(fig. 9.1f ) face you, with the convex facet up and the
facets for the trapezium and trapezoid (fig. 9.1d, e) pointing down. The tubercle is, again, on the side to which the
bone belongs (see fig. 9.1, left).
Fig. 9.1 Left scaphoid of an older child (c. 8 years, top) and adolescent
(c. 15 years, bottom): a, capitate facet; b, lunate facet; c, radial facet;
d, trapezium facet; e, trapezoid facet; f, nonarticular groove; g, tubercle.
Fig. 9.2 Left lunate of an older child (c. 8 years, top) and adolescent
(c. 15 years, bottom): a, capitate facet; b, hamate facet; c, triquetral facet;
d, scaphoid facet; e, radial facet.
Lunate. The lunate (fig. 9.2) derives its name from its
shape like a crescent moon. It articulates laterally with
the scaphoid, proximally with the radius, and distally with
the capitate, hamate, and triquetral. The lunate appears
around age 3 in females and 4 in males, becoming identifiable between 9 and 10 years of age.
The lunate has a distinct half-moon shape because of a
large concave surface dominating one side of the bone.
The concave articular surface is for the capitate (fig. 9.2a),
and it is bordered by a small articular lip for the hamate
(fig. 9.2b), adjacent to which is a flat, square to oval articular facet for the triquetral (fig. 9.2c). To one side is the
crescent-shaped articulation for the scaphoid (fig. 9.2d).
A large, convex articular surface for the radius (fig. 9.2e)
is proximal to the concavity.
Differentiation from Other Bones. Before the alar portions of the first sacral vertebra (and sometimes the alar
centers for S2) have fused, they look quite similar to a lunate. An unfused ala is usually as large, or larger, than an
adult lunate because this component of the sacrum begins to ossify in fetal development. Since it fuses between
2 and 5 years to other sacral elements, it is unlikely to be
mistaken for a lunate in its early stages of ossification in a
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single individual. In situations where subadult remains
are commingled, note that the alar elements do not display articular facets that are present on the lunate.
Siding Techniques. To side the lunate, place the rectangular triquetral facet (fig. 9.2c) on a table with the concave capitate surface (fig. 9.2a) away from you. The scaphoid surface (fig. 9.2d) faces up and is mostly on the side
to which the bone belongs. Alternatively, place the large,
convex radial surface (fig. 9.2e) on the table with the concave capitate surface facing toward you and the rectangular triquetral surface facing up (see fig. 9.2, right). The
triquetral surface is displaced toward the side from which
the bone comes.
Triquetral. Sometimes called the triangular in older texts,
the triquetral (fig. 9.3) articulates proximally with the lunate, laterally with the hamate, and anteriorly (on the palmar aspect) with the pisiform. The timing of the appearance of this bone is somewhat variable, ossifying anywhere
from 1 to 3 years of age. It is the third carpal to appear.
The bone becomes recognizably triangular shortly after
its initial appearance, but it is usually not identifiable in
the absence of other carpals until 8 to 10 years of age.
The triquetral has somewhat flattened edges, giving
it four to five different sides for a pyramidal shape. One
side has a slight convexity and is dominated by a large
articular surface for the hamate (fig. 9.3a). This facet is
contiguous with the slightly smaller and flat facet for the
lunate (fig. 9.3b). A small, ovoid articular surface for the
pisiform (fig. 9.3c) may be present on the palmar sur-
Fig. 9.3 Left triquetral of an older child (c. 8 years, top) and adolescent
(c. 15 years, bottom): a, hamate facet; b, lunate facet; c, pisiform facet;
d, nonarticular surface.
face of the bone depending on the stage of development.
The triquetral has one surface that is entirely nonarticular (fig. 9.3d).
Differentiation from Other Bones. The triquetral may
be confused with the trapezium; however, the trapezium
has an identifiable saddle-shaped articular surface for the
first metacarpal that the triquetral does not possess. The
trapezoid is similar in size and shape as it develops but
has distinctive facets and nonarticular areas that give it a
shape like a boot. Together, the geometrical straight
edges distinguish the triquetral from other carpal bones.
Siding Techniques. To side the triquetral, hold the
slightly concave surface for the hamate (fig. 9.3a) toward
you with the oval facet for the pisiform (fig. 9.3c) facing
up (see fig. 9.3, right). The pisiform articulation is on
the side to which the bone belongs. In younger children,
the pisiform facet may be poorly developed due to the
late ossification of this carpal. Thus, siding the triquetral
is more difficult but can be accomplished by holding the
flat facet for the lunate (fig. 9.3b) toward you with the tapered part of the bone down and the largely nonarticular
surface on which the pisiform facet (fig. 9.3c) develops
up. The larger facet for the hamate is on the side from
which the bone comes.
Pisiform. The pisiform (fig. 9.4) articulates directly with
the triquetral. The pisiform is the last of the carpals to appear, around 8 to 9 years in females and 10 to 11 years in
males. It is the smallest of the carpal bones and is named
for its resemblance to the shape of a pea.
Differentiation from Other Bones. The pisiform may be
confused at different phases of growth with other small,
round bones such as the sesamoid bones or the vertebral
centra. Because the pisiform ossifies late in childhood, it
is unlikely to be mistaken for other bones within the
skeleton of a single individual. In the case of commingled
subadult remains, the mature pisiform is generally indis-
Fig. 9.4 Left pisiform of an adolescent (c. 15 years): a, triquetral facet;
b, facet tends to hang over; c, indentation with vascular foramina.
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tinct compared to developing vertebral centra or epiphyses for long bones. It is small in comparison to most
epiphyses, lacks a metaphyseal surface, and can be distinguished by the presence of the small, oval articular facet
for the triquetral (fig. 9.4a).
Siding Techniques. Siding the pisiform prior to development of adult morphology depends on accurate labeling during excavation. Even when the bone has attained
adult morphology, it is difficult to side. To do so, hold
the facet toward you and at the top, with the nonarticular area down (see fig. 9.4, middle). The facet points or
hangs over toward the side to which the bone belongs
(fig. 9.4b). Alternatively, hold the facet toward you with
the bulk of the nonarticular area at the top. There is an
indentation, which often shows small vascular foramina,
in the nonarticular area on the side from which the bone
comes (fig. 9.4c). This technique, not highly reliable by
itself, provides a good check for the first siding method.
It is recommended that both techniques be used together
to ensure proper siding.
Trapezium. The trapezium (fig. 9.5) is the most lateral
carpal in the distal row. It is often referred to in older texts
as the greater multangular. It articulates distally with the
first metacarpal, proximally with the scaphoid, and medially with the trapezoid. The trapezium appears around
4 years of age in females and 5 years in males. By 9 years
in females and 10 years in males, the trapezium can be
identified by its distinctive features.
The trapezium displays a saddle-shaped, concave articular facet for the first metacarpal (fig. 9.5a). Early in
Fig. 9.5 Left trapezium of an older child (c. 8 years, top) and adolescent
(c. 15 years, bottom): a, first metacarpal facet; b, scaphoid facet; c, trapezoid facet; d, second metacarpal facet; e, tubercle; f, groove.
development, the bone appears bulbous, with very little
adult morphology. Later, it looks like a cube with a triangle attached. On the opposite side of the saddle facet is
a somewhat square surface (on the cube portion) where
there is an articular surface for the scaphoid (fig. 9.5b).
On the triangular part adjacent to the facet for the
scaphoid is another articular surface for the trapezoid
(fig. 9.5c). Extending distomedially from the trapezoid
surface, another small articular surface may develop for
the second metacarpal (fig. 9.5d), but it may not be present until adolescence. A small tubercle (fig. 9.5e) with an
adjacent groove for the flexor carpi radialis (fig. 9.5f ) is
located at the opposite (proximal and lateral) end of the
bone. The first metacarpal facet becomes more saddle
shaped as development progresses.
Differentiation from Other Bones. The trapezium can
be mistaken for the triquetral early in development due
to the angularity and multiple articular facets on both
bones. The saddle-shaped facet and projecting ridge or
tubercle on the trapezium are diagnostic.
Siding Techniques. To side the trapezium, place the
large saddle surface (fig. 9.5a) on a table with the square
(cube) portion toward you and the triangular portion facing away from you. The trapezoid surface (fig. 9.5c) is on
the side to which the bone belongs; the triangular projection also points to that side. Another method is to orient the bone with the tubercle (fig. 9.5e) at the top and
facing toward you. The concave facets for the first metacarpal and the trapezoid are on each side. The groove
(fig. 9.5f ) next to the tubercle is on the side from which
the bone comes. Thus, if the groove is to the left of the
tubercle, it is a left trapezium.
Trapezoid. The trapezoid (fig. 9.6) articulates distally with
the second metacarpal, proximally with the scaphoid, laterally with the trapezium, and medially with the capitate.
In older textbooks, this bone is often called the lesser
multangular. The trapezoid begins to ossify around the
same time as the trapezium (at approximately age 4 in females and age 5 to 6 in males). By age 8 to 10, the bone
is identifiable due to the development of the convex facet
for the second metacarpal and the concave facet for the
By puberty, the trapezoid has its characteristic adult
morphology and is shaped like a boot. There are four distinct articular areas and a large nonarticular area on the
dorsal/posterior portion akin to the sole of the boot.
Opposite the large nonarticular area on the palmar or
volar aspect is a small nonarticular area at the top of the
boot (fig. 9.6a) that separates the lateral facet for the trapezium (fig. 9.6b) and distal facet for the second metacarpal (fig. 9.6c). As development progresses, the nonarticular area takes on a V shape (fig. 9.6a) that is diagnostic
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of this bone and looks like an open zipper on the side of
the boot. On the other, proximal, end of the trapezial
surface is the articular facet for the scaphoid (fig. 9.6d).
Adjacent to the scaphoid surface (toward the top half of
the boot on the medial aspect) is a square articular facet
for the capitate (fig. 9.6e).
Differentiation from Other Bones. The trapezoid is
most often confused with the triquetral due to their similar size and somewhat triangular shape. The triquetral is
more angular than the trapezoid and is distinguished at
puberty by the round or oval facet for the pisiform. The
trapezoid attains its boot shape with distinctive V-shaped
nonarticular area by this time and is identifiable before
this by its convex facet for the second metacarpal and
broad, convex nonarticular area (sole of the boot).
Siding Techniques. To side the trapezoid, the easiest
method is to place the V-shaped zipper (fig. 9.6a) toward you with the large, nonarticular surface or sole of
the boot down (see fig. 9.6, left). The toe of the boot
(fig. 9.6f ) points toward the side to which the bone belongs. Note that some of the nonarticular Vs are zipped
up farther than others. Alternatively, place the scaphoid
surface (fig. 9.6d) on a table with the V-shaped nonarticular area (zipper) facing up, and the trapezium surface (fig. 9.6b) facing toward you. The side that the large
nonarticular surface is on (sole of boot) is the side from
which the bone comes.
Capitate. The capitate (fig. 9.7) is the largest carpal. It articulates proximally with the scaphoid and the lunate, distally with metacarpals 2, 3 and 4, laterally with the trapezoid, and medially with the hamate. It is the first carpal
to ossify. The capitate is occasionally present at birth but
usually appears between the second and fourth months
after birth. Because it is the largest and the earliest to ossify, the capitate can be distinguished in relation to other
developing carpals from the earliest stages of development. By 3 to 4 years of age, the distinctive morphology
permits its recognition in the absence of other carpals.
The head (fig. 9.7a) of the capitate is very round and
articulates with the scaphoid and lunate. Just distal to the
convex and contiguous articular area of the head on the
lateral aspect is a small facet for the trapezoid (fig. 9.7b),
which is thus positioned between the head and the distal
articular areas for the metacarpals. The distal end of the
bone is somewhat triangular and displays slightly concave
articular facets for the second (fig. 9.7c) and third metacarpals (fig. 9.7d). The facet for the fourth metacarpal
(fig. 9.7e) is very small and is located at the dorsomedial
edge of the bone, distal to the long, narrow facet for
the hamate (fig. 9.7f ). This articular area extends down
the entire dorsal aspect of the medial side of the bone.
Fig. 9.6 Left trapezoid of an older child (c. 8 years, top) and adolescent
(c. 15 years, bottom): a, V-shaped nonarticular area; b, trapezium facet;
c, second metacarpal facet; d, scaphoid facet; e, capitate facet; f, toe
of boot.
Fig. 9.7 Left capitate of an older child (c. 8 years, top) and adolescent
(c. 15 years, bottom): a, head; b, trapezoid facet; c, second metacarpal
facet; d, third metacarpal facet; e, fourth metacarpal facet; f, hamate
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The flow of the facet from the smooth head of the bone
bears a resemblance to a facial profile with hair (hamate
facet) flowing down to the shoulders or Darth Vader’s
helmet going back and over his head and to his shoulders.
Thinking of the bone with Darth Vader in mind assists
with siding it.
Differentiation from Other Bones. The capitate should
not be confused with other carpals from a single individual at any stage of development because of its large size
and distinctive head. It can be confused with other bones
that have rounded heads (e.g., the talus) but it is much
smaller than a tarsal or the heads and condyles of long
bones. Unlike the long bone epiphyses, it has no billowy
metaphyseal surface. The distinctive shape and articular
facets readily distinguish the capitate from other bones.
Siding Techniques. To side the capitate, place the head
(fig. 9.7a) up and the long, narrow articular facet for the
hamate (fig. 9.7f ) toward you (see fig. 9.7, right). The
side on which the hamate articulation is located is the side
to which the bone belongs. Thus, Darth Vader’s helmet
flows down to the shoulders on the side from which the
bone comes.
Hamate. The hamate (fig. 9.8) is the most medial bone of
the distal row of carpals. It articulates distally with the
fourth and fifth metacarpals via a double facet, proximally
to medially with the triquetral, and laterally with the capitate. A thin articular area for the lunate is present where
Fig. 9.8 Left hamate of an older child (c. 8 years, top) and adolescent
(c. 15 years, bottom): a, hamulus; b, fourth metacarpal facet; c, fifth
metacarpal facet; d, triquetral facet; e, lunate facet; f, capitate facet.
the bone is wedged between the triquetral and capitate,
giving it a somewhat triangular shape.
The hamate is the second carpal to begin ossification,
first appearing at 3 to 4 months postnatally in females and
4 to 5 months in males. At this stage, it is a small, oval
nodule like the capitate, though it is smaller. Around
age 2, the hamate begins to develop its articular features
and it can usually be identified separately by 4 years in females and 5 years in males. The most distinctive attribute
of the bone is the projecting hook or hamulus (fig. 9.8a).
This feature becomes distinct around age 10 to 11 years
in females and 12 to 14 years in males, and the bone attains its adult size within a year or two thereafter.
The hamulus projects in an anterior or palmar direction and is on the medial aspect of the bone. Directly
opposite the hamulus is a nonarticular surface that represents the posterior or dorsal aspect. This nonarticular
surface is bordered on three sides by the articulations
for the fourth and fifth metacarpals (fig. 9.8b, c), the triquetral (fig. 9.8d) and lunate (fig. 9.8e), and the capitate
(fig. 9.8f ). The capitate articulation is the only one of
the three that shares its surface with nonarticular areas.
The articular surface for the triquetral is longer and more
concave than the articular area for the fourth and fifth
metacarpals. A small articular strip at the narrow apex of
the bone connects the triquetral and capitate surfaces.
The triquetral surface is almost parallel to the capitate
surface, while the fourth and fifth metacarpal surface lies
between the other two, just under or distal to the hamulus. This articular area forms the short axis of the bone
and is characterized by a double concavity because the
two small articular facets are contiguous.
Differentiation from Other Bones. Once the hamulus
has begun to develop, the hamate is unlikely to be confused with any other bone. Prior to age 10 or 12 (or in
the occasional cases where the hamulus fails to develop),
the hamate is distinguished by the double concavity for
articulation with metacarpals on a short end of the bone,
opposite a single, flat facet for the capitate.
Siding Techniques. Most siding techniques rely on the
hamulus (fig. 9.8a), so the bone is difficult to side prior
to its development. To side the hamate, hold the capitate
surface (fig. 9.8f ) away from you with the lunatotriquetral surface (fig. 9.8d, e) toward you and the fourth and
fifth metacarpal facets (fig. 9.8b, c) facing up. The hamulus points toward the side to which the bone belongs. Another method is to place the large, dorsal nonarticular aspect down and the lunatotriquetral facet away from you
(the facet for the capitate is toward you) with the hamulus pointing up. The hamulus and the metacarpal articular area are on the side from which the bone comes. This
method can be used in the absence of a defined hamulus by noting that the indentation and small nonarticular area are above the lunatotriquetral facet. When that
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aspect is oriented up and away from you, the facets for the
fourth and fifth metacarpals again indicate the side to
which the bone belongs. Alternatively, place the dorsal
nonarticular area down, the hamulus up, and the metacarpal surfaces toward you. The hamulus is on the side
from which the bone comes. This technique also works if
a small bump or bubbly area where the hamulus forms is
identifiable or if the hamulus is present but not yet well
The metacarpals (fig. 9.9) are short, tubular bones distal to the carpals and proximal to the phalanges. Five
metacarpals make up the palm of each hand. All metacarpal shafts (fig. 9.9a) begin to ossify between 8 and
10 fetal weeks. The metacarpals can be distinguished
from each other as early as the fifth fetal month. Each
has a concave palmar aspect and a flat dorsal surface, with
rounded proximal ends and broader, flatter distal ends.
The appearance of each metacarpal at varying stages is described below in detail.
The heads or distal ends (fig. 9.9b) of all but the
first metacarpal develop as secondary ossification centers.
These initially appear as small, oval elements as early as
10 months in females to as late as 2.5 years in males.
These epiphyses are nondescript nodules before age 5
or 6. By this time, they have attained much of the adult
morphology and are identifiable as metacarpal heads.
The rounded, distal articular surfaces resemble a pillow
in shape. The metaphyseal surfaces are lobate and look
like the impression of a molar tooth crown (especially the
larger second and third heads). These epiphyses fuse to
the shaft between 14 and 15 years in females and around
16 to 17 years of age in males according to Scheuer and
Black (2000:334), although others indicate that fusion is
completed between 18 and 21 years.
Rather than an epiphysis for its head, the first metacarpal forms as a separate secondary epiphysis at the base
or proximal end (fig. 9.9c) like a proximal phalanx. The
epiphysis appears between 2 and 3 years of age. It is identifiable by age 9 or 10 as a thin, oval disk with a saddleshaped facet that articulates proximally with the trapezium. The base of the first metacarpal, like the heads of
the other metacarpals, completes fusion by 14 years of
age in females and around age 16 in males according to
Scheuer and Black (2000:334), although others again
place complete fusion as late as age 21.
First Metacarpal. This bone (fig. 9.10) is the shortest and
most lateral of the metacarpals. It forms the base of the
thumb, and articulates proximally with the trapezium and
distally with the first proximal phalanx. It resembles the
proximal phalanges more than the other metacarpals because it has a proximal (base) epiphysis (fig. 9.10a) rather
than a distal (head) epiphysis. It is wider in a mediallateral direction than in a palmar-dorsal direction, like the
other proximal phalanges and unlike the more tubular
shape of the other metacarpals.
The dorsal and lateral aspect of the shaft is very
straight, while the palmar-medial side is concave and has
a nutrient foramen at its distal end. The proximal end is
circular and displays an epiphyseal surface prior to the fusion of the proximal epiphysis. The distal end is smooth
and rounded for articulation with the first proximal phalanx. Two tubercles are present on each side of the palmar aspect, just at the edge of the distal articular surface.
These eminences form the articular aspects for the two
small sesamoids that develop around the same time as the
Differentiation from Other Bones. The short, squat appearance of the first metacarpal distinguishes it from the
other metacarpals at all stages. In fetal and neonatal skeletons, it may be mistaken for a proximal, or even intermediate, phalanx because of its similar size and roughened
proximal surface that eventually fuses with an epiphysis.
The hand phalanges, however, are much flatter (dorsal to
palmar) than the first metacarpal. The distal head of the
first metacarpal is broader in relation to the shaft than the
distal ends of the phalanges. The first metacarpal is much
smaller than the first metatarsal, so these bones are unlikely to be confused in a single individual.
Siding Techniques. To side the first metacarpal in very
young individuals, it is best to examine the dorsal surface
with the concave palmar surface down, the flatter epiphyseal surface at the base toward you, and the convex head
away from you. The straight side of the shaft is lateral,
while the more concave side is medial and also displays
the nutrient foramen. The concave side of the shaft with
the nutrient foramen is on the side to which the bone belongs when viewed dorsally.
In older children, an alternative is to place the epiphyseal surface, or the trapezium articular surface if the
epiphysis has fused, toward you with the concave, palmar
side up (fig. 9.10b). The tubercle on the distal end that
is slightly bigger and more on the palmar aspect is on the
side to which the bone belongs (fig. 9.10c). The other
tubercle is smaller and extends more toward one side of
the bone rather than the palmar aspect. Also, in this orientation a ridge may be present on the proximal half of
the shaft and is on the side from which the bone comes.
For adolescents in which the base is well developed or has
fused, the proximal end is more pointed and projects farther medially, or on the side to which the bone belongs,
when viewed dorsally (fig. 9.10d).
Second Metacarpal. The second metacarpal (fig. 9.11) is
located at the base of the index finger. It articulates proximally with the trapezium, trapezoid, and capitate. On the
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Fig. 9.9 Left metacarpals of a neonate (top), older child (c. 8 years, middle), and adolescent
(c. 15 years, bottom). Metacarpal shafts are in dorsal view, unfused heads are in distal view,
and unfused base is in proximal view: a, shaft; b, distal epiphysis; c, proximal epiphysis.
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Fig. 9.10 Right first metacarpal of an older child (c. 8 years, top) and
adolescent (c. 15 years, bottom): a, base viewed proximally; b, palmar
view of shaft; c, slightly larger, more palmarly placed tubercle; d, dorsal
view of shaft.
medial side of the base, it articulates with the third metacarpal. In fetal and infant remains, this bone is distinctive
because of its broad proximal and distal ends relative to
its length. Furthermore, a ridge runs obliquely along the
palmar aspect that sets the distal end off medially and the
proximal end off laterally.
By age 3 or 4, the base (fig. 9.11a) begins to develop
its distinctive morphology with a medial projection and it
attains its characteristic V shape by age 4 or 5. The adult
base morphology displays a distinct groove running in a
palmar-dorsal orientation, with projections on either side
forming the V. The medial side of the V is typically larger
than the lateral. The dorsal aspect of the shaft (fig. 9.11b)
displays two ridges and is flat between them, while the
palmar surface (fig. 9.11c) is concave and marked by a
single ridge.
Fig. 9.11 Right second metacarpal of an older child (c. 8 years, top) and
adolescent (c. 15 years, bottom): a, base viewed proximally; b, dorsal
view of shaft; c, palmar view of shaft; d, head viewed distally.
Differentiation from Other Metacarpals. During all
stages of development, the second and third are the two
longest of the five metacarpals and are easily distinguished
from the others on that basis alone. The second metacarpal is wider than the third, particularly at its distal end
(fig. 9.11d), and has a somewhat twisted appearance even
by birth due to oblique ridges on the dorsal and palmar
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aspects. The early development of the basal projections
and its distinctive V shape permit the bone to be differentiated from the other metacarpals.
Siding Techniques. In neonates, the nutrient foramen
is typically located on the medial side of the shaft. Orient
the bone with the straighter dorsal edge toward you and
the convex distal end pointing up. The nutrient foramen
is on the side from which the bone comes. In children
for whom the base has not yet achieved its characteristic shape, orient the bone with the head away from you,
the flat dorsal side down, and the concave palmar side up
(fig. 9.11c). The head hooks to the lateral side or toward
the side to which the bone belongs. Once the base has
developed, it permits easy siding of the bone. When oriented as above, with the base toward you, the side that displays the single facet for the trapezium identifies the side
from which the bone comes. Alternatively, place the bone
with the dorsal surface up, concave palmar surface down,
and the head away from you (fig. 9.11b). The largest basal
projection is medial, so it is on the side to which the bone
belongs in this view.
Third Metacarpal. The third metacarpal (fig. 9.12) is one
of the two longest metacarpals. Its base articulates proximally with the capitate (fig. 9.12a), laterally with the second metacarpal, and medially with the fourth metacarpal.
In fetal and infant remains, it is straight and narrow with
a constriction at midshaft. By puberty, the proximal end
has started to develop adult morphology and the styloid
process is recognizable on the dorsal and lateral aspect of
the base.
Differentiation from Other Metacarpals. The second
and third metacarpals can be confused in early stages
of development due to their similar length. The third
metacarpal is narrower than the second, and its shaft
(fig. 9.12b, c) is straighter. The styloid process characterizes the bone after age 11 or 12, but the absence of a welldefined base prior to this age differentiates it from the
more developed V-shaped base of the second metacarpal.
Siding Techniques. Siding the third metacarpal prior
to development of the styloid process is challenging. In
neonates, the nutrient foramen is typically located on
the medial side of the shaft. Orient the bone with the
straighter dorsal edge toward you and the convex distal
end pointing up. The nutrient foramen is on the side from
which the bone comes. When viewed from the dorsal aspect with the distal head away from you, the edge of the
shaft is straighter on the side to which the bone belongs,
and that side may also display a stronger muscle marking.
For adolescents, use of the base provides the easiest
means of siding. Hold the dorsal surface toward you
with the proximal end (base) up. The styloid process is
on the side from which the bone comes. Or, orient the
bone with the dorsal surface up and the head away from
you (see fig. 9.12b). The side of the base that lacks the
styloid process (i.e., the side that projects the least proximally) indicates the side from which the bone comes.
Note also that the base angles up and away from you toward that side (a useful tip when the styloid process is not
well developed).
Fig. 9.12 Right third metacarpal of an older child (c. 8 years, top) and
adolescent (c. 15 years, bottom): a, base viewed proximally; b, dorsal
view of shaft; c, palmar view of shaft; d, head viewed distally.
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Fourth Metacarpal. The fourth metacarpal (fig. 9.13) is
found at the base of the ring finger and articulates proximally with the capitate and the hamate (fig. 9.13a). On
the lateral and medial aspects of its base, the fourth metacarpal articulates with the third and fifth metacarpals, respectively. The bone is much shorter than the second and
third metacarpals but slightly longer than the fifth at all
stages of development. It does not acquire distinctive features at its base until age 4 or 5. The base is somewhat triangular in shape with the bottom of the triangle on the
Fig. 9.13 Right fourth metacarpal of an older child (c. 8 years, top)
and adolescent (c. 15 years, bottom): a, base viewed proximally; b, oval
facets for third metacarpal; c, palmar view of shaft; d, dorsal view of
shaft; e, head viewed distally.
dorsal surface. The proximal articular facets for the third
and fifth metacarpals are diagnostic. There are two small,
oval articular facets for the third metacarpal on the lateral
side (fig. 9.13b) and a single large facet for the fifth metacarpal on the medial side.
Differentiation from Other Metacarpals. The fourth
and fifth metacarpals can be confused in early stages of
development due to their similar length. In a single individual, the fourth metacarpal is slightly longer and relatively nondescript in comparison to the fifth. The bulge
for the proximal tuberosity of the fifth metacarpal develops by age 5 and permits its distinction from the fourth
metacarpal. At this time, the facet pattern on the base of
the fourth metacarpal is established.
Siding Techniques. In neonates, the nutrient foramen
is typically located on the medial side of the shaft. Orient
the bone with the straighter dorsal edge toward you and
the convex distal end pointing up. The nutrient foramen
is on the side from which the bone comes. After the nutrient foramen is no longer distinct, siding fourth metacarpals is very difficult until the characteristic facet pattern of
the base develops around age 4 or 5. Its shaft (fig. 9.13c,
d) is straighter on the lateral side and somewhat concave
on its medial aspect. When viewed dorsally with the small
end (the head) away from you and the larger end (the
base) toward you (fig. 9.13d), the side that is more concave toward the base indicates the side from which the
bone comes.
In older children, orient the bone with the proximal
(base) end facing you and the facet for the fifth metacarpal up. The concave, palmar surface is on the side from
which the bone comes. Alternatively, place the flat, dorsal side on a table with the base toward you. The side of
the base that displays the two articular facets for the third
metacarpal identifies the side to which the bone belongs.
If you prefer to view the bone from the dorsal aspect,
place the palmar surface down and the head away from
you (fig. 9.13d). In this orientation, the large, single facet
for the fifth metacarpal is on the side from which the
bone comes. The base also appears to be twisted toward
the side it is from (i.e., the base angles up and away from
you toward the side to which it belongs).
Fifth Metacarpal. The fifth metacarpal (fig. 9.14) is the
most medial and second shortest of the metacarpals. It
is located at the base of the little finger. The base of the
fifth metacarpal articulates proximally with the hamate
(fig. 9.14a) and laterally with the fourth metacarpal. It
is slightly shorter than the fourth metacarpal at all ages.
By age 4 to 5, the nonarticular bulge or tuberosity is
identifiable on the medial aspect of the proximal end
(fig. 9.14b). The lateral side of the base has a large, single
facet for the fourth metacarpal. The proximal end is round
to oval with a somewhat saddle shape. In contrast to the
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palmar aspect (fig. 9.13c), the dorsal aspect (fig. 9.13d)
displays a distinct ridge that slopes down the shaft.
Differentiation from Other Metacarpals. Prior to the
development of the nonarticular area at the base, the
fifth metacarpal is easily confused with the fourth. In
subadults under age 4 or 5, the shorter length and the lateral displacement of the base help distinguish it. Although it is the second shortest metacarpal, it is much
longer and thinner than the first. Once the nonarticular
tubercle develops (fig. 9.14b), the fifth metacarpal is
readily identifiable.
Siding Techniques. In neonates, the nutrient foramen
is typically located on the medial side of the shaft. Orient
the bone with the straighter dorsal edge toward you with
the convex distal end pointing upward. The nutrient foramen is on the side from which the bone comes. At all
ages, hold the dorsal surface down and the distal end
away from you. The base (proximal end) projects farther
on the side from which the bone comes.
For older individuals, hold the distal end away from
you, with the dorsal or flat aspect of the shaft facing up
(fig. 9.14d). The nonarticular tubercle is on the side to
which the bone belongs and the base also projects farthest toward you on that side. Alternatively, place the
flat, dorsal side on a table with the base toward you
(fig. 9.14c). The side of the base that displays the single
articulation for the fourth metacarpal (fig. 9.14f ) identifies the side from which the bone comes.
Differentiating Metacarpals from Metatarsals. The metacarpals and metatarsals differ in length, with the metacarpals
being shorter at all stages of development. They also differ in morphology. In fetuses, neonates, and infants, the
distal ends are more circular and convex in metacarpals;
metatarsal heads are more oblong and slightly concave.
The metacarpal bases display four distinct sides and are
rectangular in outline but slightly pinched in the middle.
The pinching decreases from the second to the fifth.
In contrast, the proximal ends of the metatarsals are
rounded in the fourth and fifth metatarsals, and triangular or teardrop shaped in the second and third.
Metatarsal shafts are straighter and narrower than
those of metacarpals, even in the very young. Metacarpals
clearly have thicker and broader shafts than metatarsals.
For example, the relationship between the medial-lateral
breadths of the metacarpal shaft, head, and base are similar to one another, whereas metatarsal shaft breadth
is considerably narrower compared with head and base
breadth. The heads of the metatarsals also tend to be
smaller than those of the metacarpals. Metacarpal heads
are broader medially to laterally than superiorly to inferiorly (the opposite of metatarsal heads).
Hand Phalanges
Each hand has a total of fourteen phalanges. The fingers of each hand are made up of three phalanges—the
proximal, intermediate, and distal phalanges (fig. 9.15).
The thumb lacks an intermediate phalanx and is made up
of only proximal and distal phalanges.
Fig. 9.14 Right fifth metacarpal of an older child (c. 8 years, top) and
adolescent (c. 15 years, bottom): a, base viewed proximally; b, nonarticular bulge; c, palmar view of shaft; d, dorsal view of shaft; e, head viewed
distally; f, facet for fourth metacarpal.
Proximal Phalanges. The proximal phalanges (fig. 9.15a)
articulate proximally with the heads of the metacarpals
and distally with the intermediate phalanges for the fingers and with the distal phalanx in the thumb. During juvenile growth, they consist of a shaft and a separate base
(proximal end). The shafts first appear between 9 and
11 fetal weeks. Proximal phalanges are the largest of the
three rows. In fetal and infant skeletons, they are flat on
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Fig. 9.15 Left hand phalanges of rays 1–5, A neonate, B older child (c. 8 years), C adolescent (c. 15 years):
a, proximal row; b, intermediate row; c, distal row. Shafts shown in dorsal view; epiphyses shown in proximal view.
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the palmar aspect and very broad at the distal end, giving
the midshaft a constricted appearance. The dorsal aspect
is rounded, so even at early stages the cross section of
these manual phalanges is semicircular. The first proximal
phalanx (of the thumb) is much shorter and comparatively broader in relation to length than the others in this
row. Its sides are straight, unlike the other proximal phalanges. The fifth proximal phalanx is the next shortest,
but is much narrower than the first.
The bases of the proximal phalanges are generally the
first epiphyses to appear, between 1 and 2 years of age.
They are small, flat disks with a characteristic single, oval,
and slightly concave articular surface for the metacarpal
heads. These epiphyses are broader medially to laterally
than in the palmar to dorsal direction. The palmar edge
of the epiphysis is indented at its center, while the dorsal,
medial, and lateral borders are all rounded, giving the
epiphysis a D shape. Fusion of the bases to the shaft occurs around 14 to 15 years in females and 16 to 17 years
in males, with some sources indicating complete fusion
takes place as late as age 21.
Intermediate Phalanges. There are four intermediate phalanges (fig. 9.15b) found in the fingers. These are located
between the proximal and distal phalanges. The intermediate phalanges are formed from a shaft and a base. The
shafts of the second, third, and fourth intermediate phalanges begin to ossify between fetal weeks 10 and 12, but
the fifth may not appear until just before birth. The intermediate phalanges are shorter than the proximal phalanges but longer and much wider than those of the distal row, particularly at the base. Because they are relatively
short and broad, they lack the midshaft constriction characteristic of the other phalanges. Like the proximal phalanges, they have bilobed distal ends for articulation with
the phalanges distal to them. Thus, shape and size distinguish proximal and distal phalanges in early stages of development, whereas the articular ends of both separate
them from the pointed ends of the distal phalanges.
The bases of the intermediate phalanges form as secondary epiphyses between 2 and 3 years of age. These
epiphyses appear as small, ovoid disks that have an articular surface with two small, concave indentations for articulation with the heads of the proximal epiphyses. The
bases are wide medially to laterally but are compressed in
the dorsal to palmar direction. With the double indentations separated by a slight ridge on the articular surface,
they look like a pig snout. This base form permits the intermediate phalanges to be distinguished from those of
the proximal row. The bases fuse to the shafts at approximately 14 to 15 years in females and 16 to 17 years in
males, ranging up to age 21 for completion.
Distal Phalanges. There are five distal phalanges (9.15c) in
each hand. The distal phalanges are the first bones to os-
sify in the hand, beginning between 7 and 9 fetal weeks.
The base or proximal end forms as a secondary epiphysis, first appearing around 1 to 2 years of age. Of all the
phalanges, the bases of the distal row are the first to
fuse, beginning around 13.5 years in females and 16 years
in males.
Distal phalanges are distinct from proximal and intermediate phalanges at all stages because they are smaller
and have a nonarticular distal end. The distal end has a
characteristic terminal tuft that resembles a spear point.
The only articular surface is located at the proximal end.
Like the bases of the intermediate phalanges, the proximal ends of the distal phalanges have two small indentations and resemble pig snouts. They are smaller than the
corresponding bases of the intermediate row and more
compressed in the dorsal to palmar aspect.
The first distal phalanx is much wider and more robust
than the others and can be easily distinguished on that
basis. The fifth distal phalanx can also be distinguished in
a single individual because it is the smallest of the five and
has an attenuated tuft at its distal end. It also has the narrowest shaft.
Siding Hand Phalanges. Mature hand phalanges can be
sided, but doing so is very difficult and requires the presence of all phalanges from a given row (D. Troy Case,
personal communication, 2002). In children, siding hand
phalanges probably is not possible. Thus, it is imperative
that all phalanges are bagged and minimally labeled with
the side of the body during burial excavation.
Differentiating Hand and Foot Phalanges. Phalanges of either
the hands or feet are unlikely to be confused with other
bones of the body, even in fetuses. Distinguishing hand
and foot phalanges is key and can be accomplished even
in early stages of development.
Hand phalanges are longer and the shafts are usually
broader than those of the foot. In hands, the palmar surface is flattened, while the dorsal aspect is round, thus
giving the shaft a semicircular cross section that looks
like the letter D turned on its flat side. The shafts of pedal
phalanges, in contrast, are circular in cross section. Manual phalanges are more regular in shape.
When proximal phalanges from the hand and the foot
are compared, those of the hand tend to have a head,
shaft, and base that are similar in mediolateral breadth.
The intermediate and distal phalanges of the hand are
longer than those of the foot, with the exception of the
first proximal and distal phalanges. The cross section and
regular shape of the manual phalanges in the first ray
(thumb) help distinguish them. The distal first phalanx
is not as rough on its palmar surface as the plantar surface
of its counterpart in the foot. The latter has a broader
base that becomes squared off on one end as the bone
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The Bones of the Foot
Each human foot consists of twenty-six separate bones, or
one less than the hand. In all, seven tarsals form the ankle;
five metatarsals form the bulk of the foot; and fourteen
phalanges form the toes. In addition, two small sesamoid
bones are situated under the head of the first metatarsal,
and others occasionally develop in tendons elsewhere in
the foot. Like the hand, the bones forming each digit are
designated as rays, and each ray includes the metatarsal
and phalanges. The first ray is the most medial and forms
the big toe, while the fifth ray is most lateral in standard
anatomical position. All but the first ray are comprised of
a metatarsal and proximal, intermediate, and distal phalanges. The first ray, as in the hand, lacks an intermediate
In standard anatomical position, the inferior aspect or
sole of the foot is referred to as the plantar surface (that
aspect which is planted on the ground when one is walking). The top of the foot or superior aspect is known as
the dorsal surface. The proximal part of the foot is toward
the bones of the lower leg, while the distal aspect is toward the toes.
At birth, the shafts of the metatarsals and phalanges are
all present, accompanied by two or three tarsals (the calcaneus, talus, and sometimes the cuboid). By age 2 to 3
in females and 4 to 5 in males, the epiphyses for the metatarsals and phalanges have formed and centers for all seven
tarsals have appeared. The calcaneal epiphysis appears as
early as age 5 in females and 7 in males. Around age 9 in
females and 12 in males, the sesamoids are present. Fusion
of the metatarsal and phalangeal epiphyses is complete by
age 13 to 15 in females and 16 to 18 in males. The epiphysis of the calcaneus is the last to fuse at approximately 15
to 16 years in females and 18 to 20 years in males.
The tarsals are not as clearly organized into rows as the
carpals. The proximal row consists of the calcaneus and
talus; the distal row includes the cuboid and the first to
third (or medial, intermediate, and lateral) cuneiforms,
with the navicular wedged between these and the talus
(figs. 9.16 –9.22). At birth, only two tarsals, the calcaneus and talus, are typically present. The five other tarsals
appear from shortly after birth to about 5 years of age.
With the exception of the calcaneus, tarsals usually ossify
endochondrally from a single center. In some cases, however, a separate center occurs in other tarsals, producing
variations in the form of the bone. By puberty, the tarsals display all the distinct adult features and soon attain
adult size.
Calcaneus. The calcaneus (fig. 9.16) is the largest of the
tarsal bones, forming the heel. It articulates superiorly
with the talus and anteriorly or distally with the cuboid. It is the first tarsal to ossify, beginning as early as 3
to 4 fetal months or as late as 6 to 7 months in utero. It
has a unique, identifiable shape at birth, and has recognizable morphology by the end of infancy. It is the only
tarsal that consistently has a secondary epiphysis, which
develops in childhood and fuses in adolescence to early
At birth, the calcaneus is an ovoid nodule with flattened areas on the plantar to medial surfaces that resemble facets, although they are not articular. A small depression and central nutrient foramen are evident on the
dorsal side of the nodule. The distal/anterior aspect of
the bone is somewhat narrower than the proximal/posterior end of the bone. During infancy (fig. 9.16A), the
distal end lengthens and widens as a medial protrusion
develops to support the talus. This feature later becomes
the sustentaculum tali (fig. 9.16a). Within a few months
of birth, the distal portion is broader than the proximal
part of the bone. The distal end (fig. 9.16b) flattens for
the developing cuboid, while the metaphyseal proximal
end develops its rounded calcaneal tuberosity (fig. 9.16c)
that has distinct ridges and furrows on its surface. Thus,
even in infancy, the calcaneus can be differentiated when
found in isolation.
By 3 to 4 years, the calcaneus has the roughly rectangular shape of an adult bone, with a medial shelf, but the
articular facets are not well developed until approximately
5 to 6 years of age. At this stage, the bone achieves adult
morphology, though not its full adult size.
The articular facets on the calcaneus are variable in
number and form. The superior surface has two or three
articular facets for the talus. The largest of these is the
posterior articular surface (fig. 9.16d), which runs medially to laterally across the middle part of the bone. It is
convex and supports the body of the talus. The other articular area is located on the sustentaculum tali on the
medial part of the bone for the inferior aspect of the talar
head. This facet can be a single, long, thin strip or divided
into middle and anterior surfaces (fig. 9.16e, f ) that are
oval and contiguous. In young children, the anterior facet
is the least well defined and often appears quite distant
from the middle facet. It is situated at the anterosuperior rim, just above the articular facet for the cuboid at
the flat, distal end of the bone. The proximal or posterior
end of the calcaneus becomes increasingly defined with
its convex tuberosity that displays a large, oval epiphyseal
surface. This billowy surface extends inferiorly to the
plantar surface of the bone. The lateral side of the calcaneus is rough and relatively flat and featureless compared
to the medial aspect of the bone.
The secondary epiphysis (fig. 9.16g) for the calcaneal
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tuberosity at the posterior or heel portion of the bone
appears anytime between 4 and 12 years of age, beginning earlier in females than in males. It is identifiable in
isolation by 8 to 10 years of age, when it looks like a large
cornflake that caps the heel. The epiphysis has a roughened, concave metaphyseal surface and a convex nonarticular surface. Its general shape is somewhat oval. It
is thicker on the inferior and medial portion, while the
superior edge is quite thin. From its center, the epiphysis
appears to curve inferiorly and laterally toward a prong
at the inferolateral corner that represents the lateral tubercle. This epiphysis generally begins to fuse to the body
of the calcaneus between 10 and 12 years in females and
11 to 14 years in males. Fusion is complete by age 16 in
females and 20 to 22 in males.
Differentiation from Other Bones. The calcaneus of
a perinatal skeleton may be confused with a long bone
epiphysis such as that of the distal femur because of its
nodular shape. Differentiation is based on the small, flat
areas that resemble articular facets opposite the side with
an indentation and large nutrient foramen that are evident on a calcaneus at this stage. Long bone epiphyses in
neonates lack defined features. By the end of infancy, the
calcaneus begins to attain its recognizable shape and is
only likely to be confused with the talus, which is smaller
and has central depressions on both the superior and inferior surfaces. By age 3, a complete calcaneus is unlikely
to be mistaken for any other bone. Fragments, however,
must be distinguished primarily from talus fragments because of their complementary facets. The contour of the
facets (i.e., the posterior facet is convex on a calcaneus
and concave on a talus) is key to differentiating them.
Calcaneal fragments in adults are sometimes incorrectly
identified as an incomplete patella, but the much later
ossification of the patella renders it less likely to be confused with well-defined articular surfaces on the calcaneus
of a child.
The calcaneal epiphysis and the fused or unfused calca-
Fig. 9.16 Left calcaneus, superior view, A young child (c. 2–3 years), B older child (c. 8 years), C adolescent (c. 15 years):
a, sustentaculum tali; b, cuboid surface/distal end; c, calcaneal tuberosity; d, posterior articular facet for talus; e, middle articular facet
for talus; f, anterior articular facet for talus; g, epiphysis for calcaneal tuberosity.
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neal tuberosity are sometimes misidentified as the greater
trochanter of a femur. Both lack articular features, and
they are similar in size, but the greater trochanter is much
thicker than a calcaneal epiphysis, which is more like a
cap. The unfused posterior part of the calcaneus has a
well-defined epiphyseal surface on one end and will show
breakage at its opposite end, which is blocky. An unfused
greater trochanter also displays a billowy metaphyseal surface, but its opposite end is likely to be intact and is more
curved than the body of a calcaneus.
Siding Techniques. To side the fetal or neonatal calcaneus, look for the flattened areas that resemble facets and
identify the opposite side with the slight indentation and
nutrient foramen. Place the indented side down with the
flattened surfaces up, and the broader end toward you.
One of the flat areas extends downward, along the side to
which the bone belongs.
Siding calcanei from older infants and very young children (fig. 9.16A) is easier, although it is still more challenging than siding those from children over about 3 years
of age. Hold the bone with the marked indentation up
(which is the superior or dorsal surface) and the smoother
and slightly convex plantar surface down. Place the distal
end (fig. 9.16b) away from you and the rounded proximal end toward you (this is the end immediately behind the indentation). The bone is now in standard anatomical position (see fig. 9.16A). The medial side bulges
out (fig. 9.16a), while the lateral side is relatively straight
and featureless, and indicates the side from which the
bone comes.
In children over 3 years of age and into adulthood
(figs. 9.16B, C), the preceding technique can be used
with greater ease as the calcaneal tuberosity (fig. 9.16c)
develops at the posterior end of the bone and the articular facets become obvious on the superior aspect. As
above, orient the bone in anatomical position with the
calcaneal tuberosity toward you and the articular surfaces
up (fig. 9.16d–f ). The straighter lateral side is the side
from which the bone comes, while the medial bulge of
the sustentaculum tali (fig. 9.16a) is on the opposite side.
Thus, if you orient the bone with the calcaneal tuberosity or heel facing away from you with the articular surfaces facing up, the side with the sustentaculum tali is the
side to which the bone belongs. A method that is useful
if only the proximal part of the bone is present is to place
the tuberosity toward you with the narrower apex up.
The epiphyseal surface extends down farther on the side
from which the bone comes. Alternatively, in older individuals, turn the bone over and examine the plantar surface. The largest tubercle (medial tubercle) lies on the
side to which the bone belongs.
Several methods can be used to side the calcaneal
epiphysis (fig. 9.16g). Hold the metaphyseal surface away
from you with the thin edge up and the thicker, curved
edge down. The bone appears to curl under more toward
the side it is from due to a small projection for the lateral
tubercle. Thus, the small hook or projection indicates
the side of the bone. Alternatively, place the thicker, more
convex (medial) side toward you with the metaphyseal
surface on a table. The bone extends farther away on the
side to which it belongs. Another method is to place the
metaphyseal surface down, the thin side facing you, with
the ridge of the convexity in a parallel line toward you. The
thicker side is on the side from which the bone comes.
Talus. The talus (fig. 9.17) is the second largest of the tarsal bones and the second to ossify. It articulates superiorly
with the tibia and fibula, inferiorly with the calcaneus, and
anteriorly with the navicular. The talus first appears between 6 and 7 fetal months. At birth, it is an ovoid nodule
that is compressed superiorly to inferiorly due to depressions on both the plantar and dorsal surfaces. A small ridge
is present on the lateral aspect, while the medial side is
featureless. By late infancy, the dorsal depression deepens
to form a clearly defined neck or constriction (fig. 9.17a).
The neck lies posterior to the elongating, rounded head
(fig. 9.17b) that articulates with the navicular. The lateral
ridge is set off as a thin strip between the depressions, and
a small groove is present on the medial side that provides
increased definition of the head. The proximal end of the
bone is also rounded, but it is broader and more vascularized than the distal head.
By age 2, the talus begins to attain its adult morphology with the further definition of the head and neck and
development of the rounded trochlea at the superoposterior aspect of the bone. This surface articulates with the
tibia. Later in childhood, the articular surfaces become
distinct on the head, trochlea, and on the inferior surface
for articulation with the calcaneus.
The bone reaches adult size during adolescence. At this
point, it is easily identified by the large, convex, saddleshaped trochlea on the superior aspect, the constricted
nonarticular area of the neck, and its rounded head at the
distal end. On the inferior aspect, there are two or three
articular facets corresponding to the pattern on the calcaneus, with which they articulate. A deep groove, the
sulcus tali (fig. 9.17c), separates the large, concave posterior facet (fig. 9.17d) and the middle calcaneal facet
(fig. 9.17e). This facet may be distinct or may be continuous with the anterior calcaneal facet (fig. 9.17f ). On either side of the bone, articular surfaces extend from the
trochlea. The larger lateral facet is shaped like an inverted
triangle that extends to the inferior edge of the bone.
This articular surface is for the distal fibula (lateral malleolus). On the medial aspect is a smaller facet, oriented
anteroposteriorly, for the medial malleolus of the tibia.
The talus may have a small epiphysis that arises between
7 and 11 years, but usually fuses a year or two later. The
epiphysis is a very small, triangular bone that fuses to the
posterior edge of the talus to form the lateral tubercle. In
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some cases, the epiphysis does not fuse, forming the separate os trigonum.
Differentiation from Other Bones. Because the talus is
a nondescript ovoid until about 2 years of age, it may easily be mistaken for other developing bones or epiphyses.
Attention to morphological detail and position during
excavation aid in identification. The talus, however, can
be distinguished in neonates and infants because of the
indentations on both the plantar and dorsal surfaces and
its flattened superoinferior height. It is smaller than the
developing calcaneal nodule.
By late infancy and early childhood, the talus has a
definite neck with rounded proximal (trochlear) and distal (head) ends. At this stage and beyond, a complete
talus is unlikely to be confused with any other bone. Fragments are most likely to be mistaken for calcaneal or
other tarsal fragments. The complementary facet pattern
on the inferior talar surface matches that of the superior
calcaneal surface. The large posterior facet of the talus,
however, is concave rather than convex. A broken head
fragment is much smaller than that of a humeral or femural head.
Siding Techniques. In fetal and infant remains, siding
the talus is problematic because it does not have many
identifiable features that permit unambiguous orientation. The depressions on both the plantar and dorsal surfaces of the bone are somewhat distal to the center, but
there is no specific landmark to distinguish these surfaces
from each other. Thus, the bone can easily be oriented
upside down at this stage of development.
Once it has attained some adult morphology (in later
infancy and certainly by age 2), the talus can be easily
sided. To orient the bone in standard anatomical position, place the head (fig. 9.17b) away from you and the
deeper, dorsal depression up. The broad, convex surface
of the trochlea is toward you. The head is more medial,
while the lateral side of the neck displays a concave curve
and, in older infants, a ridge is present toward the plantar
edge of the lateral aspect that connects the surfaces of the
trochlea and head. The concavity and ridge, therefore, indicate the side from which the bone comes. The articular facets become increasingly defined during childhood
and can be used to side the bone. By placing the talus in
anatomical position, as above, the side with the large, triangular fibular articular facet is the side to which the bone
Cuboid. The cuboid (fig. 9.18) is named for its cube
shape. It is located on the lateral side of the foot and is
the third largest tarsal and the third to ossify. It articulates
proximally with the calcaneus, medially with the navicular and the third cuneiform, and distally with the fourth
and fifth metatarsals.
The cuboid may begin ossifying as early as the ninth
fetal month, but usually appears within 1 to 3 months
after birth. It is sometimes present at birth, particularly in
Fig. 9.17 Left talus, inferior view, A young child (c. 2–3 years), B older child (c. 8 years), C adolescent (c. 15 years): a, neck; b, head;
c, sulcus tali; d, posterior calcaneal facet; e, middle calcaneal facet; f, anterior calcaneal facet.
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Fig. 9.18 Left cuboid of an older child (c. 8 years, top) and adolescent
(c. 15 years, bottom), left dorsal, right lateral: a, distal aspect; b, medial side with facets for third cuneiform and navicular; c, articular surface
for calcaneus; d, peroneal tuberosity; e, peroneal sulcus.
females. During its initial formation, the cuboid is a
round nodule with no distinguishing features. In infancy
and early childhood, its edges flatten so it attains an identifiable cube shape by 3 to 4 years of age. The bone is
longer proximally to distally than its medial to lateral
breadth. The distal or anterior aspect is completely articular, flat, and somewhat wedge shaped (fig. 9.18a).
It angles posteriorly toward the nonarticular, somewhat
vascularized (porous), lateral side of the bone. The opposite, medial, side is the longest surface. It is flat or slightly
concave with smooth articular surfaces for the third cuneiform and navicular (fig. 9.18b). The proximal (posterior) side is entirely articular and flat or slightly rounded
in very young children. This surface becomes increasingly
concave throughout childhood for the articulation with
the calcaneus (fig. 9.18c). The dorsal and plantar aspects
are both nonarticular. The dorsal side is vascularized or
porous in appearance, while the plantar surface has a
slight bump at the center and a shallow groove just distal (anterior) to it. These features become more defined
throughout childhood as the cuboid or peroneal tuberosity and the peroneal sulcus (fig. 9.18d, e). By age 8, the
bone is a smaller version of the adult bone.
Differentiation from Other Bones. Until 3 or 4 years of
age, the cuboid is not easily identified out of context and
may be confused with other developing tarsals or epiphyses. Its recognition depends on the presence of the other
tarsals; hence, careful excavation and labeling of each
foot in the field is imperative. After this stage, the bone is
identifiable by its characteristic cube shape. Because the
bone is blocky, it is usually found intact. By about age 5,
the bone is increasingly distinguishable by features such
as the peroneal tuberosity and peroneal sulcus, which
form a bar of bone and a distinct groove on its plantar
Siding Techniques. Siding a cuboid cannot be done
prior to development of some distinctive features at age 3
or 4. To side the cuboid of a young child, it is best to
orient the bone in standard anatomical position with the
nondescript, nonarticular, dorsal aspect up and the more
irregular, plantar surface with the bump and groove down
(fig. 9.18d, e). The more challenging task is to distinguish the proximal and distal surfaces for proper positioning. The distal end is flatter, shorter, and more angled
than the proximal end in young children. Place this end
away from you. In this position, the short nonarticular
side is on the side from which the bone comes, opposite
the long articular surface of the medial aspect. Alternatively, one can orient the bone with the more irregular
plantar surface facing up, the dorsal surface down, and
the angled distal end (fig. 9.18a) away from you. The
longest side indicates the side to which the bone belongs.
In older children and adolescents, methods used for
siding the adult bone are useful. The easiest method involves picturing the bone as an ice cube or a marshmallow that has been squished or pinched on one side. If you
place the bone in anatomical position with the irregular
plantar surface down and the concave facet for the calcaneus (fig. 9.18c) toward you, the bone is pinched on the
side from which it comes (see fig. 9.18, left). You can also
orient the bone with the peroneal tuberosity and peroneal sulcus up and the peroneal articular facet toward
you. The long articular side with the facet for the third cuneiform (fig. 9.18b) then indicates the side to which the
bone belongs. Alternatively, place the long medial facet
for the third cuneiform on a table (down) with the flat,
wedge-shaped distal articulation away from you. The calcaneal articular surface that faces you flares toward the side
from which the bone comes.
Navicular. The navicular (fig. 9.19) is the last tarsal to begin ossification at age 2 to 3 in females and 4 to 5 in
males. It is wedged between the head of the talus proximally (posteriorly), and the first to third (medial, intermediate, and lateral) cuneiforms distally (anteriorly). It
also articulates laterally with the cuboid. The navicular
sometimes has a secondary epiphysis for the tubercle
that begins to ossify around 9 years of age in females and
12 years in males. It fuses not long after its appearance.
During the early development of the bone, it is a
rounded nodule with a flat side opposite a convex surface. Thus, it resembles a domed coat button. Although
it does not attain its full adult morphology until early
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adolescence, the navicular has a recognizable shape by
age 7 or 8, with the development of the large, oval concavity (fig. 9.19a) for articulation with the head of the
talus (proximal/posterior). The opposite distal side has
a convex kidney-shaped surface exhibiting three articular
planes for the three cuneiforms (fig. 9.19b –d). The superior or dorsal aspect of the bone is a thick nonarticular
surface that is somewhat convex relative to the thinner,
flatter, nonarticular inferior or plantar surface. The lateral
aspect angles inferiorly and superiorly to meet at a central
point, while the medial aspect is rounded and presents a
bubbly surface where the tubercle (fig. 9.19e) eventually
develops. Once present, this rounded projection at the
inferomedial aspect of the bone is a distinguishing feature. In some instances, the tubercle remains unfused
into adulthood and becomes an accessory bone known as
the os tibiale externum.
Differentiation from Other Bones. Up to about age 7
or 8, the navicular has few recognizable features and cannot be readily identified in isolation. It can be distinguished within a single individual by its resemblance to a
domed button. After 7 or 8 years of age, the bone still resembles a domed disk but is easily identified by the large
concavity for the head of the talus and by the three flat,
wedge-shaped facets for the cuneiforms on the opposite,
convex side. It is easily differentiated from the scaphoid in
the wrist because of its greater size. Once the tubercle has
developed, the navicular is unlikely to be confused with
any other bone.
Siding Techniques. Prior to development of the tubercle, the navicular can be challenging to side. To do
so, place the flat or concave proximal side down and the
domed distal side up with the long, straight to some-
Fig. 9.19 Left navicular of an older child (c. 8 years, top) and adolescent
(c. 15 years, bottom), left proximal, right distal: a, facet for talus;
b, facet for first cuneiform; c, facet for second cuneiform; d, facet for
third cuneiform; e, tubercle.
what concave edge of the plantar surface toward you.
The curved side indicates that to which the bone belongs,
while the more pointed lateral side is opposite.
Once the tubercle (fig. 9.19e) has developed on the
medial side, the bone resembles the body and head of a
bear. When positioned as shown on the right side of figure 9.19, the head of the bear points down and to the
side from which the bone comes. Alternatively, place the
large, concave talar surface (fig. 9.19a) up with the large,
superior nonarticular surface toward you. The tubercle
points toward the side from which the bone comes. Another option is to hold the bone by the tubercle with the
broad, dorsal surface up and the concave facet toward you
(see fig. 9.19, left). The body of the bone is toward the
side to which the bone belongs.
First or Medial Cuneiform. The first cuneiform (fig. 9.20) is
the largest and most medial of the three wedge-shaped
cuneiform bones. It articulates proximally with the navicular, laterally with the second or intermediate cuneiform,
and distally with the first and second metatarsals. It is
most convenient to refer to the bone as the first cuneiform in reference to its position and its primary distal articulation for the first metatarsal.
The first cuneiform is the fifth tarsal to ossify. It typically ossifies from two centers (one superior, one inferior)
that appear between the ages of 1 and 3 years. These centers normally coalesce soon after ossification. Unlike the
other cuneiforms, which are not easily identified until
Fig. 9.20 Left first cuneiform of an older child (c. 8 years, top) and adolescent (c. 15 years, bottom), left lateral, right medial: a, plantar
surface; b, facet for first metatarsal; c, facet for navicular; d, facet for second cuneiform; e, facet for second metatarsal.
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mid-childhood, the first cuneiform has unique morphology by 3 to 4 years of age, and is very similar to its adult
form by age 6. At this stage, rather than displaying the
characteristic wedge shape of the other cuneiforms, the
first cuneiform is more of a crescent shape with five sides.
The broadest nonarticular surface (fig. 9.20a) is inferior
(plantar surface), while two of its parallel surfaces are completely articular. The larger distal surface is fairly flat with
a crescent or kidney-shaped facet for the first metatarsal
(fig. 9.20b), while the proximal facet is a smaller, somewhat kite-shaped concavity for the navicular (fig. 9.20c).
Only one other surface, the lateral side of the bone, has
articular facets. Located at the superolateral aspect, one
facet is L shaped and extends from the kite-shaped proximal facet for the navicular. This facet is for the second
or intermediate cuneiform (fig. 9.20d) and is contiguous
with a small, triangular facet for the second metatarsal
(fig. 9.20e) at its distal edge.
Differentiation from Other Bones. The first cuneiform
is not readily identifiable until approximately 3 to 4 years
of age. It is larger than the other cuneiforms, is less wedge
shaped, and develops greater curvature as it rapidly attains
its adult morphology. The broad, rounded, nonarticular
plantar surface opposite the tapered dorsal surface and its
distinguishing articular facets render it unlikely to be mistaken for any other bone.
Siding Techniques. Even in young children, siding the
first cuneiform is relatively simple. Orient it with the
broadest nonarticular surface down, the tapered point up,
and the small, concave facet for the navicular (fig.9.19c)
toward you so the bone is in standard anatomical position. The top of the bone curves over toward the side
from which it comes, which also bears the L-shaped articular facet for the second cuneiform (fig. 9.20d). Alternatively, place the largest, kidney-shaped facet for the first
metatarsal (fig. 9.20b) up and the thin, tapered end toward you. The side that has an articular surface for the
second cuneiform and second metatarsal (fig. 9.20d, e) is
the side to which the bone belongs.
Second or Intermediate Cuneiform. The second cuneiform
(fig. 9.21) is the smallest of the tarsal bones, and the sixth
to appear. It articulates proximally with the navicular, medially with the first cuneiform, laterally with the third cuneiform, and distally with the second metatarsal.
The second cuneiform generally appears between 2
and 4 years of age. It is not readily recognizable until
approximately age 6, when it has developed most of its
adult morphology. At this time, it can be described as
being wedge shaped with five sides. The dorsal surface
(fig. 9.21a) is nonarticular and somewhat square. The
bone tapers inferiorly to a thin plantar aspect that is also
nonarticular. The narrow, triangular proximal and distal
ends of the bone are completely articular. The smaller,
slightly convex facet is at the distal end for the second
metatarsal, while the larger, slightly concave facet is proximal for the navicular (fig. 9.21b). On either side of the
proximal facet for the navicular are contiguous facets on
the broader sides of the bone for the first and third
cuneiforms. The medial edge of the contiguous facets is
convex, with a large, somewhat L-shaped articular surface
for the first cuneiform. The posterolateral edge is slightly
concave and displays an articular surface shaped like a
backward B (fig. 9.21c) for the third cuneiform.
Differentiation from Other Bones. The second cuneiform is easily misidentified until it acquires adult morphology at approximately 6 years of age. Before this time,
it may be mistaken for any of the other developing tarsal
bones or epiphyses. Once it has attained its recognizable
shape, it is most easily confused with the third cuneiform
because of their similar size and shape. The second cuneiform is the smaller of the two and the dorsal aspect
is square rather than rectangular as on the third cuneiform. The facet pattern also assists in differentiating these
Siding Techniques. After about age 6, the second cuneiform can be sided. One method is to hold the bone in
standard anatomical position with the broad nonarticular
surface (fig. 9.21a) up, the pointed aspect down, and the
more concave facet for the navicular (fig. 9.21b) toward
you (see fig. 9.21, right). The bone is concave on the side
it is from, which also displays the inverted B-shaped facet
for the third or lateral cuneiform (see fig. 9.21c). Another
option is to place the nonarticular surface on a table with
the point of the wedge facing up and the lateral surface
with the B-shaped articulation toward you. The facet is
on the side from which the bone comes.
Fig. 9.21 Left second cuneiform of an older child (c. 8 years, top) and
adolescent (c. 15 years, bottom), left lateral, right proximal: a, dorsal surface; b, facet for navicular; c, facet for third cuneiform.
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Third or Lateral Cuneiform. The third or lateral cuneiform
(fig. 9.22) is the fourth tarsal bone to appear. It articulates proximally with the navicular, medially with the intermediate cuneiform, laterally with the cuboid, distally
with the second and third metatarsals, and distolaterally
with the fourth metatarsal. Because its principal distal articular surface is for the third metatarsal, it is easiest to
refer to the bone as the third cuneiform in recognition of
this articulation.
The third cuneiform is often present by 6 months of
age and generally by the end of the first year after birth.
As with the other tarsals, it initially forms as a small, nondescript nodule. It gains some of its characteristic features
and becomes identifiable by 4 years of age, and has most
of its adult morphology by age 6.
By age 4, the bone retains somewhat rounded edges
but has developed the typical wedge shape that identifies
it as a cuneiform. The dorsal aspect (fig. 9.22a) is a broad,
slightly convex, nonarticular rectangle, with the opposite
plantar surface tapering to a narrow ridge of bone. The
medial and lateral surfaces are large and have clear articular surfaces, with the lateral side showing a large, round
facet for the cuboid (fig. 9.22b) that is a hallmark of this
bone. The medial surface shows a long, narrow facet for
the second cuneiform (fig. 9.22c) adjacent to a slightly
depressed nonarticular area. Although the distal and
proximal articular facets are not delimited at this stage, the
proximity of the medial and lateral facets to the proximal
end of the bone aid in its orientation for proper siding.
After about age 6, when the bone has gained essentially adult features, the third cuneiform is clearly wedge
shaped. Only one side (edge) is completely articular and
T shaped to form the distal articulation for the third meta-
Fig. 9.22 Left third cuneiform of an older child (c. 8 years, top) and
adolescent (c. 15 years, bottom), left medial, right proximal: a, dorsal surface; b, facet for cuboid; c, facet for second cuneiform; d, facet for
second metatarsal; e, facet for navicular.
tarsal. Continuing on one side of this facet (medially) is a
small articulation for the second metatarsal (fig. 9.22d)
and a small lip on the lateral aspect for articulation with
the fourth metatarsal. The opposite or proximal end displays a smaller facet with a nonarticular area extending
from it inferiorly, thus giving it a truncated appearance
in comparison to the distal articular surface. This somewhat triangular, flat articular facet is for the navicular
(fig. 9.22e). Contiguous articular surfaces extend on each
side of the bone. The continuation on the medial aspect
is the long, narrow B-shaped facet for the second cuneiform (fig. 9.22c). The opposite, lateral aspect bears the
large oval facet on the superior or dorsal half for the cuboid (fig. 9.22b).
Differentiation from Other Bones. Differentiating the
third cuneiform from other developing tarsals, particularly the other cuneiforms, is very difficult until approximately 4 years of age. Once it has attained its recognizable
shape, it is most easily confused with the second cuneiform because of its similar size and shape. The third cuneiform is larger and its dorsal aspect is rectangular, as opposed to the square surface on the second cuneiform. The
facet pattern also assists in differentiating these bones.
The large, round or oval facet for the cuboid is definitive.
Siding Techniques. To side the third cuneiform at early
stages (i.e., between 4 and 6 years), place the side with
the large, rounded facet for the cuboid (fig. 9.22b) on a
table with the broad nonarticular surface (fig. 9.22a) away
from you. The long articular facet for the second cuneiform (fig. 9.22c) is on the side to which the bone belongs. Alternatively, place the broad nonarticular area toward you with the rounded cuboid facet up. The facet
is toward the side from which the bone comes.
Once adult morphology is present, other methods can
be used for siding the third cuneiform. It can be oriented
in standard anatomical position with the broad, nonarticular dorsal surface up, the pointed aspect down, and the
smaller facet for the navicular (fig. 9.22e) toward you (see
fig. 9.22, right). As an aid in orientation, remember that
the facet for the navicular does not extend all the way
down the length of the bone. In this position, the large,
oval or round facet for the cuboid (fig. 9.22b) indicates
the side to which the bone belongs. Also note that the articular surface extends farther along the top edge of the
bone on the side it is from and the border of the dorsal
surface is also longer on that side. Alternatively, place the
large T-shaped facet (for the third metatarsal) toward you
with the point of the wedge facing down. The side from
which the bone comes displays a very small articular facet
for the fourth metatarsal as well as the oval cuboid facet.
The metatarsals (fig. 9.23) are short, tubular bones
distal to the tarsals and proximal to the phalanges. Five
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Fig. 9.23 Left metatarsals of a
neonate (top), older child
(c. 8 years, middle), and adolescent (c. 15 years, bottom). Metatarsal shafts are in dorsal view;
unfused heads, in distal view; and
unfused base, in proximal view:
a, shaft; b, distal epiphysis; c, proximal epiphysis.
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metatarsals extend from the arch to the ball of each foot.
All of the metatarsal shafts (fig. 9.23a) begin to ossify between 8 and 10 fetal weeks, much like the metacarpals.
Similar to the metacarpals, the metatarsals have a flat dorsal surface with a concave plantar surface. With the exception of the first metatarsal, which can be differentiated at
birth, it is very difficult to distinguish the second through
fifth metatarsals until the bases develop their adult morphology in mid-childhood. However, it is possible to side
the second through fifth metatarsals even when the specific position of the bone is unknown. Even in infant remains, the base of the metatarsal, when viewed from the
dorsal aspect with the distal end away from you, angles
toward you (i.e., projects farther proximally) on the side
from which the bone comes.
The heads (fig. 9.23b) or distal ends of all but the first
metatarsal develop as secondary ossification centers and
first appear as small oval elements around 2 to 3 years of
age. The heads are recognizable by age 4 or 5, when they
develop rounded distal articular surfaces and flat, roughened metaphyseal surfaces on their proximal aspects. The
heads are narrow medially to laterally and longer in the
dorsal to plantar direction, forming a somewhat rectangular contour with bulges at the corners when viewed
from the distal surface. It is very difficult to identify separate, unfused heads, with the possible exception of the
fifth. It has a more lobular shape and is much smaller than
the other metatarsal heads. If all heads are present, the
second is the largest. Without fitting the heads to the
metatarsal shafts in older children, any further attempt at
identification or siding will be unreliable. The heads begin fusing to the shafts between 11 and 13 years in females and between 14 and 16 years of age in males, with
completion generally occurring by age 16 in females and
18 in males.
Like the first metacarpal, the first metatarsal also develops more like a proximal phalanx. It is the only metatarsal to have an epiphysis at its base or proximal end
(fig. 9.23c), rather than at the head or distal end of the
bone. The epiphysis usually begins to ossify by age 2 or
3 years and it becomes recognizable by 6 to 7 years. Its
features are delineated in the first metatarsal section. The
base completes its fusion to the shaft at the same time the
heads fuse to the other metatarsals (by 15 years of age in
females and 18 years in males).
First Metatarsal. This bone (fig. 9.24) is the shortest and
most robust of all the metatarsals at all stages of development. It is located at the base of the big toe, and articulates proximally with the first (medial) cuneiform
(fig. 9.24a).
The shaft of the bone has a concave plantar surface,
while the superior or dorsal surface is convex (fig. 9.24b,
c). The lateral side of the bone is also somewhat concave,
while the medial side is much straighter. The proximal
end is roughly D shaped, with a flat lateral aspect and a
convex medial aspect. It is larger in the dorsal to plantar
direction than the medial to lateral direction. In contrast, the distal head is rounded and broader mediolaterally. The plantar surface of the head develops two large
grooves for the medial and lateral sesamoid bones that
begin to ossify around age 9 in females and 12 in males.
Before fusion, the proximal epiphysis is a thin, ovoid to
D-shaped disk with a billowy metaphyseal surface on one
side and a smooth, slightly concave articular surface on
the opposite (proximal) side. By age 6 or 7, the articular
facet develops its distinctive kidney shape. The lateral aspect of the facet shows a small notch or indentation and
is flatter than the convex medial side of the epiphysis. By
puberty, the plantar aspect is narrower than the broader
dorsal aspect of the epiphysis.
Differentiation from Other Bones. The first metatarsal
is unlikely to be confused with the other metatarsals at
any stage of development because it is much shorter and
Fig. 9.24 Right first metatarsal of an older child (c. 8 years, top) and
adolescent (c. 15 years, bottom): a, base viewed proximally; b, palmar
view of shaft; c, dorsal view of shaft.
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broader than the others. Thus, it is most often confused
with a first metacarpal, which is also short and broad in
comparison to the other metacarpals. A first metatarsal
is much larger than a first metacarpal from the same individual. In instances where remains are commingled,
noting the differences in the shape of the base and the
grooves for the sesamoids on the plantar surface of the
head aids in identification of the first metatarsal.
Siding Techniques. To side the first metatarsal, place
the concave plantar surface on a table, the rounded dorsal aspect up, and the rounded head away from you (see
fig. 9.24c). At all ages, the medial side of the shaft is
straighter than the curved, lateral side of the bone (particularly the plantolateral border). Thus, in the dorsal
view, the concave side indicates the side to which the bone
For an unfused proximal epiphysis, orient the disk with
the metaphyseal surface away from you and the smooth
articular surface toward you (fig. 9.24a). The broader,
convex aspect should be up, with the narrower aspect
downward. The articular facet has an indentation on the
side to which the bone belongs and it is also flatter on
that side. In individuals for whom the epiphysis is fused
or fusing, this method is also useful and it is much easier
to orient the whole bone with the convex dorsal surface
up and the concave plantar surface down. When you look
directly at the base in this orientation, the flatter side
indicates the side to which the bone belongs, and the articular facet is indented on the same side.
Second Metatarsal. The second metatarsal (fig. 9.25) is
the longest metatarsal. It articulates distally (fig. 9.25a)
with a proximal phalanx, and proximally (fig. 9.25b) with
the second cuneiform, as well as first and third metatarsals and cuneiforms on either side of the base. The shaft
(fig. 9.25c, d) has a somewhat triangular shape in cross
section. The base is shaped like a map of the continent of
Africa or South America, depending on its side. On the
medial side is a single facet for the first cuneiform that
lips over the edge from the base. The lateral side has two
small facets for the third metatarsal and third cuneiform.
Differentiation from Other Metatarsals. The second
and third metatarsals are similar in length, but the second
is longer. The base has a projecting area on one side and
the facet patterns distinguish the bones from each other.
The second metatarsal has two small facets on the lateral
side of the base, whereas the third metatarsal has a single,
large, round facet with an oblique groove under it.
Siding Techniques. The second metatarsal can be sided
even before the distinctive facet pattern develops on the
base. To do so, hold the bone with the dorsal surface up,
the concave plantar surface down, and the head away
from you (fig. 9.25d). The base slants toward the side to
which the bone belongs, so that it projects toward you
(proximally) farther on that side. When the articular
Fig. 9.25 Right second metatarsal of an older child (c. 8 years, top) and
adolescent (c. 15 years, bottom): a, head viewed distally; b, base viewed
proximally; c, palmar view of shaft; d, dorsal view of shaft.
facets are better developed at about 4 or 5 years of age,
the side with the two separate facets is on the side from
which the bone comes when oriented in the same manner.
Third Metatarsal. The third metatarsal (fig. 9.26) is the second longest metatarsal. It articulates distally (fig. 9.26a)
with the proximal phalanx, proximally (fig. 9.26b) with
the third cuneiform, and with the second and fourth
metatarsals on either side of the base. The shaft is somewhat twisted (fig. 9.26c, d). The base is shaped like a map
of the continent of Africa or South America, depending
on its side. The medial side of the base normally has two
small, separate, round facets for articulation with the sec-
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ond metatarsal. The lateral side of the base has a single,
large, round facet for articulation with the fourth metatarsal with an oblique groove just inferior to it.
Differentiation from Other Metatarsals. The second
and third metatarsals are similar in length, but the third
is slightly shorter. The base is flatter than that of the second, which is slightly convex due to the more proximal
projection on one side. The facet pattern of the third
metatarsal is distinctive with the single, round facet and
oblique groove on the lateral aspect of the base. Note that
the groove separating the two small facets on the lateral
side of a second metatarsal is straight up and down rather
than angled.
Siding Techniques. Even in neonates, the base of the
metatarsal projects farther proximally toward the side
from which the bone comes. Thus, with the dorsal aspect
up and the head away from you, the base angles toward
you on the side from which it comes (fig. 9.26d). In older
individuals, that side of the base also shows the large,
round facet and oblique groove. Another method is to
place the dorsal edge on a table with the concave plantar
surface up and the proximal base facing you (fig. 9.26c).
The side of the base that displays the two smaller articulations for the second metatarsal identifies the side from
which the bone comes.
Fig. 9.26 Right third metatarsal of an older child (c. 8 years, top) and
adolescent (c. 15 years, bottom): a, head viewed distally; b, base viewed
proximally; c, palmar view of shaft; d, dorsal view of shaft.
Fig. 9.27 Right fourth metatarsal of an older child (c. 8 years, top) and
adolescent (c. 15 years, bottom): a, head viewed distally; b, base viewed
proximally; c, palmar view of shaft; d, dorsal view of shaft.
Fourth Metatarsal. The fourth metatarsal articulates distally (fig. 9.27a) with a proximal phalanx, proximally
(fig. 9.27b) with the cuboid, and with the third metatarsal and third cuneiform and the fifth metatarsal on
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either side of the base. The shaft (fig. 9.27c, d) is somewhat twisted like that of the third metatarsal, and the base
is roughly square or rectangular. The medial side of the
base has one articular facet for the third metatarsal, and
the lateral side has a single, large, ovoid to almost triangular facet for articulation with the fifth metatarsal.
Differentiation from Other Metatarsals. The fourth
metatarsal has single facets on both sides of its base. The
large, single facet on the lateral side has a groove under it
like the third metatarsal, which makes these two metatarsals the easiest to confuse. The fourth is shorter than the
third and the much squarer base distinguishes it.
Siding Techniques. Even at the earliest stages of development, the base slants toward you or projects more
proximally on the side from which the bone comes when
viewed with the dorsal surface up, the concave plantar aspect down, and the base toward you (fig. 9.27d). In this
position, older subadults exhibit a large facet with an
oblique groove on the lateral side, indicating the side to
which the bone belongs. Another method is to view the
concave plantar surface with the proximal base toward you
(fig. 9.27c). The side of the base with the more vertically
oriented facet for the third metatarsal, and lacking the
groove, identifies the side from which the bone comes.
Fifth Metatarsal. The fifth metatarsal articulates distally
(fig. 9.28a) with a proximal phalanx, proximally
(fig. 9.28b) with the cuboid, and with the fourth metatarsal on the medial side of the base. In fetal and infant
remains, the shaft is shorter and more robust than all
but the first metatarsal. In older individuals, the shaft
(fig. 9.28c, d) has a well-defined ridge on the dorsal surface, and the base is unique in that it has a large nonarticular protuberance or styloid process (fig. 9.28e) on
the lateral side that develops in childhood. The plantar aspect of the proximal end is marked by a medial prominence opposite the styloid process and the head also displays a groove on the plantar surface. A single articular
facet is present on the medial side of the base for the
fourth metatarsal, while the proximal articular facet for
the cuboid is somewhat triangular and slightly convex.
Differentiation from Other Metatarsals. In fetal and
neonatal remains, the fifth metatarsal is shorter than all
but the robust first metatarsal. It is similar in size to the
fourth metatarsal, with which it shares a rounded base.
The fifth, however, is more robust than a fourth metatarsal in the same individual, with a broader base and head.
As the styloid process develops, this bone is unlikely to be
mistaken for any other metatarsal.
Siding Techniques. Until the styloid process is recognizable, the easiest way to side a fifth metatarsal is to
note that, like the second through fourth, the base projects proximally or angles toward you on the side it is
from when viewed dorsally with the base facing you
(fig. 9.28d). In older children and adults, the more difficult aspect of orientation is determining which side is
dorsal. The plantar aspect is more rounded, while the
dorsal surface has a sharp ridge on the medial aspect of
the shaft. It is more obvious in larger individuals.
Once the styloid process (fig. 9.28e) is apparent, hold
it toward the floor with the articular surface for the fourth
metatarsal facing you. The articular facet is shaped like a
right triangle and the 90-degree angle is on the side to
which the bone belongs. Also in this position, the flatter
side of the midshaft is on the side from which the bone
comes. Another technique is to hold the bone with the
dorsal aspect (and ridge) up, plantar surface down, and
Fig. 9.28 Right fifth metatarsal of an older child (c. 8 years, top) and
adolescent (c. 15 years, bottom): a, head viewed distally; b, base viewed
proximally; c, palmar view of shaft; d, dorsal view of shaft; e, styloid
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base toward you (see fig. 9.28d). In this position, the
styloid process indicates the side to which the bone
of the metatarsals. Fusion of the bases to the shaft occurs
between 13 and 15 years in females and 16 to 18 years
in males.
Differentiating Metatarsals from Metacarpals. The metatarsals and metacarpals differ in length, with the metatarsals being longer. They also have substantial differences
in morphology. Metatarsals have straighter, narrower, and
more rounded shafts, even in fetal development. Metatarsal shaft breadth is considerably narrower compared
with head and base breadth than in metacarpals because
the metatarsal heads and shafts are compressed in the
mediolateral direction. Metatarsal heads are smaller than
those of the metacarpals.
In fetuses, neonates, and infants, the distal ends of
the shafts are oblong and slightly concave in metatarsals;
metacarpal heads are more circular and convex. The proximal ends are rounder in the fourth and fifth metatarsals,
and more triangular or teardrop shaped in the seconds
and thirds. In contrast, metacarpal bases display four distinct sides and are rectangular in outline but slightly
pinched in the middle.
Intermediate Phalanges. There are four intermediate phalanges (fig. 9.29b) found in rays 2 through 5 that articulate at their bases with the proximal phalanges and at their
heads with the distal phalanges. Each is formed from a
shaft and a base. The shafts begin to ossify between fetal
weeks 16 and 20. In fetal and neonatal skeletons, these
bones are much smaller and squarer than the proximal
phalanges but lack the pointed ends of the distal phalanges. The heads of the intermediate phalanges become
increasingly bilobate or spool shaped through childhood.
Epiphyses for the bases form between 1 and 2 years.
Like those of the proximal phalanges, they are small,
ovoid disks. In contrast, they have an articular surface
with two small, concave indentations for articulation with
the heads of the proximal epiphyses. Like the intermediate phalanges of the hands, the proximal facets resemble
a pig snout. The bases fuse to the shafts at approximately
11 to 13 years in females and 14 to 16 years in males.
The Foot Phalanges
Each foot has a total of fourteen phalanges; however,
fusion of the distal and intermediate phalanges in the
fourth and fifth rays is not uncommon. Each toe (except
the first ray or big toe) is typically comprised of three
phalanges: the proximal, intermediate, and distal phalanges (fig. 9.29). The first ray has only proximal and distal phalanges. Throughout development, the proximal
and intermediate phalanges of the foot can be sided, although it is not possible to side the distal phalanges, with
the exception of the first. It is very difficult to distinguish
the ray to which each row of phalanges belongs, with the
exception of the first or big toe.
Distal Phalanges. The distal phalanges (fig. 9.29c) on rays
2 through 5 are distinct from the proximal and intermediate phalanges because they are very small and have only
one articular surface on the proximal end, while the distal end has a terminal tuft or spear-point shape like the
distal hand phalanges. This feature is known as the distal
phalangeal tubercle. The proximal end has a double articular facet that resembles a pig snout, like those of the
intermediate phalanges. The distal phalanx for the first
ray is very distinct because of its large size. It is the only
distal phalanx that can be easily differentiated and sided.
The distal foot phalanges are formed from a small shaft
and a base. They first appear between 9 and 12 fetal weeks.
The base or proximal end forms as a secondary epiphysis,
and the appearance varies by ray. The base of the distal
phalanx on the first toe appears around 9 months of age
in females and 14 months in males. The epiphyses for rays
2 through 5 appear between 2 and 3 years in females
and 4 to 5 years in males. Fusion of the bases to the shafts
occurs between 11 and 13 years in females and 14 and
16 years in males.
Proximal Phalanges. The proximal phalanges (fig. 9.29a)
articulate proximally with the metatarsal heads and distally with the intermediate phalanges, except in the first
ray where the proximal phalanx articulates directly with
the distal phalanx. They form from a shaft and a base
(proximal end). The shafts first appear between 14 and
16 fetal weeks.
The proximal phalanges are the largest of the three
rows of phalanges, and display a circular, concave base.
The distal end is bilobed or somewhat spool shaped. The
first proximal phalanx is much larger than the others and
can be distinguished at all stages of development by its
robusticity. The proximal phalanges decrease in size from
the first through the fifth rays.
Epiphyses for the bases appear between about 1 and
2 years of age. These epiphyses are small, oval disks with
a slightly concave surface for articulation with the head
Siding Foot Phalanges. Unlike the hand phalanges, the
proximal and intermediate foot phalanges can generally
be sided. To do so, place the flatter plantar aspect down,
the rounded dorsal side up, and the distal head away from
you (see fig. 9.29). The bilobate head slants down toward
the side from which the bone comes. In other words, the
lower lobe is the side to which the bone belongs because
the head projects farther distally on the medial aspect. In
some phalanges, this distinction may be very slight and
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Fig. 9.29 Left foot phalanges of an older child
(c. 8 years, top) and adolescent (c. 15 years, bottom),
with shafts in dorsal view and bases in proximal view:
a, proximal row; b, intermediate row; c, distal row.
those bones may not be readily sided. The first distal phalanx is the only one in the distal row that can be sided reliably. It has a projecting area on the medial side of its
proximal end. Thus, the side of the base that protrudes
the least indicates the side to which the bone belongs.
Differentiating Hand and Foot Phalanges. Foot phalanges
are much shorter than hand phalanges. Their shafts are
round in cross section, while those of the hand phalanges are flat on the palmar surface and semicircular or
D shaped. On proximal and intermediate foot phalanges,
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a fossa is usually present on the plantar surface near
the base. The foot phalanges also tend to be irregular in
When proximal phalanges of the hand and foot are
compared, those of the foot tend to have larger bases and
heads, and the shafts are constricted in a mediolateral direction. The intermediate and distal phalanges of the foot
tend to be short, with shafts that are concave on both the
anterior (plantar) and dorsal surfaces, while those of the
hand are only concave on the anterior (palmar) surface.
The distal foot phalanges look stunted in comparison
to the distal hand phalanges and appear to have no constriction or neck. Distal hand phalanges are long and
slender in comparison. An easy way to remember this difference is to note that a foot phalanx looks like a football
player who has a head and broad shoulders, but no discernible neck.
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Quick Reference
he last part of this book is designed to provide the investigator with rapid
means of identifying human subadult bones and teeth and estimating the
stage of development. Chapter 10, therefore, includes tables indicating the
timing of appearance and fusion of various ossification centers, as well as illustrations
of long bones at several stages of development. Additional templates of other bones
at various ages are included to assist in identification. These figures may be useful
complements to skeletal inventory forms.
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Age Estimation and Templates
for Identification
The major focus of this book is to provide the excavator or student with techniques to identify the skel-
etal remains of fetuses, infants, and children in archaeological and forensic contexts. Once all excavated skeletal elements have been identified, the following tables and templates can be used to determine the age category to which the individual belongs. These tables and templates act as a basic summary of subadult skeletal
and dental aging techniques and also help the reader better understand which elements should be present
at various stages of development.
Generally accepted methods for estimating age at death
rely on dental and skeletal evidence. Dental evidence typically includes the sequence of tooth eruption and the
pattern of tooth formation. Dental formation is the preferred aging method because it is the best approximation
of chronological or “true” age (Garn et al., 1958; Moorrees et al., 1963; Smith, 1991).
Skeletal age indicators, such as long bone diaphysis
lengths and epiphyseal fusion times, are more variable
than dental indicators. Dental remains may not always
be present and, therefore, skeletal age indicators play
an important role in subadult age estimation. Researchers often correlate skeletal age indicators with dental
ages when both dental and skeletal evidence are present.
This approach attempts to provide population-specific
skeletal growth profiles that can be used to age skeletal re-
mains when dental evidence is lacking (Hoppa, 1992).
The development and testing of subadult aging methods is an active area of research in physical anthropology. These methods, however, are often population and
sample specific. Thus, a particular aging method appropriate for some samples may not be appropriate for others.
Measurements of skeletal elements, particularly long bone
diaphysis lengths, are frequently used to estimate subadult
age at death and are available in several publications (e.g.,
Fazekas and Kósa, 1978; Kósa, 1989; Scheuer and Black,
2000; Ubelaker, 1989, 1999). In this chapter, we provide
general aging templates for limb bone length and epiphyseal appearance and fusion. However, the reader should
consult the references listed above when conducting more
detailed analyses of subadult age estimation.
Appearance and Fusion of Skeletal Elements
The presence and fusion of certain bones and epiphyses
are very useful in determining the approximate age of an
individual, while also indicating which other elements are
likely to be forming or fusing. Summary appearance and
fusion data are provided in the following tables for the
epiphyses of the long bones (table 10.1); flat and irregular bones, including the scapula, os coxa, ribs, and patella
(table 10.2); vertebral column (table 10.3); and bones of
the hands (table 10.4) and feet (table 10.5).
Age-Related Templates
The templates in figures 10.1–10.12 permit rapid visual
assessment of the size and appearance of representative
skeletal and dental elements at varying stages of development. These templates are designed to enable the reader
to make general age assessments from subadult remains
while also serving to identify those elements that should
be present at general stages of development. The tem-
plates, therefore, can assist in recovery and identification
of subadult skeletal remains. Figures 10.1 and 10.2 can
be used as a visual inventory or documentation sheet for
an infant skeleton. All of these visual reference guides
should be used in conjunction with data presented in
tables 10.1–10.5.
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Table 10.1. Approximate Ages for Appearance and Fusion of Long Bone Epiphyses
Long Bone Epiphysis
Femur, distal
Femur, proximal
Tibia, proximal
Tibia, distal
Humerus, proximal
Fibula, distal
Femur, greater trochanter
Radius, distal
Humerus, capitulum
Humerus, greater tubercle
Ulna, distal
Radius, proximal
Fibula, proximal
Humerus, medial epicondyle
Humerus, lesser tubercle
Tibia, tuberosity
Ulna, proximal
Humerus, trochlea
Femur, lesser trochanter
Humerus, lateral epicondyle
Clavicle, medial
Clavicle, lateral
Fetal Trimester
Young Child
Older Child
Young Adult
0 – 0.5 0.5–1 1–3
3– 6
6 –9 9–12
12–15 15–20
20 –25 25–30
P first present; U unfused; F fusing; C complete fusion
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Table 10.2. Approximate Ages for Appearance and Fusion of Irregular and Flat Bones and Epiphyses
Irregular & Flat Bone
or Epiphysis
Sternebra 1
Sternebra 2
Sternebra 3
Sternebra 4
Xiphoid process
Scapula, coracoid
Ilium, iliac crest
Ishium, ischial tuberosity
Scapula, acromion
Rib, tubercle
Scapula, medial border
Rib, head
Fetal Trimester
Young Child
Older Child
Young Adult
0 – 0.5 0.5–1 1–3
3– 6
6 –9 9–12
12–15 15–20
20 –25 25–30
P first present; U unfused; F fusing; C complete fusion
Table 10.3. Approximate Ages for Appearance and Fusion of Vertebral Elements
Vertebral Element
Cervical/thoracic neural arches
Cervical/lumbar centra
Thoracic centra
Lumbar neural arches
Sacrum 1-2 alae, lateral parts
Sacrum 1 and 2 centra
Sacrum 1 and 2 neural arches
Sacrum 3 and 4 centra
Sacrum 3 neural arches
Sacrum 4 and 5 centra
S5 and S4 elements
S5-S4 and S3 elements
S5-S3 and S2 elements
S5-S2 and S1 elements
Coccyx 1, body and cornua
Coccyx 2
Coccyx 3
Coccyx 4
Annular rings
Fetal Trimester
Young Child
Older Child
Young Adult
0 – 0.5 0.5–1 1–3
3– 6
6 –9
12–15 15–20 20 –25 25–30
P first present; U unfused; F fusing; C complete fusion
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Table 10.4. Approximate Ages for Appearance and Fusion of Hand and Wrist Bones
Hand and Wrist Bones
1st metacarpal, base
Proximal/distal phalanges 1-5, base
Intermediate phalanges 2-5, base
Metacarpals 2-5, heads
Capitate and hamate
Scaphoid and lunate
Trapezium and trapezoid
Fetal Trimester
Young Child
Older Child
Young Adult
0 – 0.5 0.5–1 1–3
3– 6
6 –9
12–15 15–20 20 –25 25–30
P first present; U unfused; F fusing; C complete fusion
Table 10.5. Approximate Ages for Appearance and Fusion of Foot and Ankle Bones
Foot and Ankle Bones
1st distal phalanx, base
Metatarsals 2-5, head
Intermediate phalanges 2-5, base
Proximal phalanges 1-5, base
Distal phalanges 2-5, base
Metatarsal 1, base
3 rd cuneiform
1 st cuneiform
2 nd cuneiform and navicular
Calcaneus, epiphysis
Fetal Trimester
Young Child
Older Child
Young Adult
0 – 0.5 0.5–1 1–3
3– 6
6 –9
12–15 15–20 20 –25 25–30
P first present; U unfused; F fusing; C complete fusion
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Fig. 10.1 Infant skull inventory sheet with bones of
the cranial vault and face.
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Fig. 10.2 Infant infracranial inventory sheet.
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Fig. 10.3 Dental aging template. A chart showing the approximate range of crown calcification is useful for estimating the age of subadults.
Illustrations show children at different stages of crown and root formation, as well as tooth eruption.
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Fig. 10.4 The left long bones of a developing fetus at actual size: A, first trimester; B, second trimester; C, third
trimester. Views are same as shown in
chapter 8 figures.
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Fig. 10.5 The left long bones of a neonate
at actual size. Views are same as shown in
chapter 8 figures.
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Fig. 10.6 The left long bones of a young child (c. 1.5 years) at actual size. Views are same as shown in chapter 8 figures.
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Fig. 10.7 The left long bones of a young child (c. 3 years) at approximately half actual size. Views are same as shown in chapter 8 figures.
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Fig. 10.8 The left long bones of an older child (c. 9 years), shown at approximately 40% actual size. Views are same as shown in chapter 8 figures.
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Fig. 10.9 The left long bones of an adolescent (c. 15 years), shown at approximately 20% actual size. Views are same as shown in chapter 8 figures.
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Fig. 10.10 Elements from the axial skeleton are shown to represent children age 3 to 9 years, and can be used in conjunction with appropriate
long bone templates for skeletal inventory. Bones are shown in roughly anatomical position but left and right sides are reversed (i.e., bones from
the left are on the right and vice versa).
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Fig. 10.11 The left hand and wrist of an older child (c. 8 years, left) and adolescent (c. 15 years, right), shown at approximately half the actual size. Metacarpals and phalanges are in dorsal view with reflected epiphyses. Carpals are in approximate anatomical position showing distinctive features of each bone.
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Fig. 10.12 The left foot and ankle of an older child (c. 8 years, left) and adolescent (c. 15 years, right), shown at approximately half the actual size. Metatarsals and phalanges are in dorsal view with reflected epiphyses. Tarsals are in approximate
anatomical position showing distinctive features of each bone.
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Page numbers in italics refer to figures.
acetabulum, 87, 88, 90, 91, 92
adhesives, 21, 23, 24, 28
of sacrum, 83, 84, 85, 86, 89, 125, 126
of vomer, 44, 45
anatomical directions
dentition, 9, 53
general: anterior, 7, 8; caudal, 7, 9; cranial,
7, 9; distal, 9; dorsal, 7, 124, 138; inferior, 7, 8; lateral, 7, 8; medial, 7, 8; palmar, 7, 124; plantar, 7, 138; posterior,
7, 124, 8; proximal, 9; superior, 7, 8;
ventral, 7; volar, 9, 124
anatomical position, standard, 7
inferior, of scapula, 7, 99, 100, 101
of a rib, 93, 94
superior, of scapula, 100
appendicular skeleton, 7, 9
anterior, of atlas (C1), 51, 52, 75, 76, 77,
neural: of a cervical vertebra, 78, 79, 79,
81; of a lumbar vertebra, 81, 82, 82; of a
thoracic vertebra, 80, 80; of a vertebra,
36, 75, 76, 91; of axis (C2), 77, 78, 78;
of sacrum, 83, 86, 84, 85
of stapes, 38
posterior: of atlas (C1), 75, 76, 77; of axis
(C2), 78
zygomatic, 38, 52
meningeal, 32
nutrient, 6
vertebral, 79
atlas, 34, 52, 75–77, 77
auditory meatus
external, 37, 37, 38
internal, 37, 37, 38
axial skeleton, 7, 9, 75
axis, 52, 75, 77–78, 78, 79
base of sphenoid, 34
basiocciput, 34, 35, 36
of a vertebra, 7, 75
of coccyx, 86
of hyoid, 51, 52, 82, 86
of incus, 38, 39
of mandible, 50
of odontoid process or dens, 77, 78, 78
of rib, 93
of scapula, 99
of sphenoid, 34, 39, 40, 40, 50
sternal, 96, 97
axillary or lateral, of scapula, 99, 100, 101
vertebral or medial, of scapula, 99, 100,
100, 101
calcaneus, 86, 138–39, 139, 140 – 41
hypoglossal, of occipital, 34, 35
infraorbital, of maxilla, 49
lacrimal, of lacrimal, 45, 46
optic, of sphenoid, 39, 40, 41, 50
semicircular, of temporal, 37, 37
capitate, 124, 128, 128, 129
capitulum of humerus, 7, 104, 105
capsule, otic, of temporal, 37
carpal, 6, 9, 124
cecum, foramen, of frontal, 31, 32
cervical vertebral, 78, 79, 79, 97
lumbar vertebral, 81, 82, 82, 97
of axis, 77, 78, 79
of sacrum, 83, 84, 86
thoracic vertebral, 80, 80, 81, 97
vertebral, 6, 75, 126, 127
clavicle, 7, 9, 93, 96, 97–98, 98, 99, 102
cleaning of bones, 19, 21, 24
coccyx, 52, 75, 83, 86
collagen, 5
column, vertebral, 9, 75
inferior nasal, 43, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48
middle nasal, 42
femoral, 112, 113, 114, 115
mandibular, 50, 51
occipital, 34, 35, 36, 36, 75, 76, 97, 101
tibial, 116, 118, 119, 119
consolidants, 19, 21, 23, 24, 25
greater, of hyoid, 51, 52
lesser, of hyoid, 51
cornua of coccyx, 52, 86
anterior: of lacrimal, 49; of tibia, 106, 114,
116, 117, 118, 118
conchal, of palatine, 48
ethmoidal, of palatine, 47, 48
frontal, 31, 32
illiac, of pelvis, 90, 91, 87, 88
interosseous: of tibia, 114; of ulna, 111, 111
obturator, of pelvis, 91, 92, 87, 88
posterior lacrimal, of lacrimal, 45, 46
crista galli, 42
anterior, of stapes, 38, 39, 39
posterior, of stapes, 38, 39, 39
crypts, tooth
of mandible, 50
of maxilla, 48, 49, 50
cuboid, 138, 141– 42, 142
1st (medial), 138, 143, 143, 144
2nd (intermediate), 138, 144, 144
3rd (lateral), 138, 145, 145
curation, 16, 24, 28
dens of axis, 77, 78, 78
of femur, 112, 113, 114
of fibula, 110, 119, 120, 121, 121
of humerus, 103, 104, 105, 105
of radius, 107, 107, 108, 109
of tibia, 114, 116, 117, 118, 119
of ulna, 109, 110, 111
documentation, 13, 16, 20, 21, 22, 24, 28
duct, lacrimal, of lacrimal, 49
frontal, 31, 32
intercondylar, of tibia, 16, 117, 118, 118,
119, 119
mental, of mandible, 50, 52
parietal, 33, 33, 34
lateral or acromial, of clavicle, 98, 98, 99
medial or sternal, of clavicle, 98, 98, 99
sternal, of rib, 93, 94, 95, 96
vertebral, of rib, 93, 95, 96
lateral, of humerus, 7, 105
medial, of humerus, 7, 104, 105
distal: of femur, 112, 113, 114, 114, 115,
116, 118, 123, 139; of humerus, 103,
104, 105, 105, 106, 114, 118
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Copyright © 2005. Texas A&M University Press. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except fair uses permitted under U.S.
or applicable copyright law.
epiphyses (continued )
proximal: of femur, 106, 111, 112, 113,
114, 114, 115, 116, 123, 140; of humerus, 103, 104, 104, 105, 106, 114,
for acetabulum, 90
for acromion process, of scapula, 101, 102
for angle of coracoid, of scapula, 101
for annular rings, of vertebra, 81, 83
for anterior inferior iliac spine, of ilium, 90
for auricular surface, of sacrum, 83
for coracoid process, of scapula, 100, 100,
for glenoid cavity, of scapula, 101
for head, of rib, 93, 96
for iliac crest, 90, 102
for inferior angle, of scapula, 101, 102
for inferior lateral margin, of sacrum, 83
for ischial spine, 90
for ischial tuberosity, 90, 91
for mamillary process, of vertebra, 81, 82
for spinous process, of vertebra, 81, 82, 83,
for subcoracoid, of scapula, 101
for transverse process, of vertebra, 81, 82,
83, 96
for tubercle, of rib, 93, 96
for vertebral border, of scapula, 81, 101,
epiphysis, distal
of fibula, 120, 121, 121, 122
of metacarpal, II, 96, 130, 131, 132
of metacarpal, III, 96, 130, 131, 132, 133
of metacarpal, IV, 96, 130, 131, 134
of metacarpal, V, 96, 130, 131, 135
of metatarsal, II, 96, 146, 147, 148
of metatarsal, III, 96, 146, 147, 149
of metatarsal, IV, 96, 146, 147, 149
of metatarsal, V, 96, 146, 147, 150
of radius, 107, 107, 108, 108, 109, 118
of tibia, 116, 117, 118, 118, 119, 119
of ulna, 109, 110, 110, 111, 111, 112
epiphysis, lateral, of clavicle, 97, 99
epiphysis, medial, of clavicle, 97, 98, 98, 99
epiphysis, proximal
of calcaneus, 138, 139, 139, 140
of distal phalanges, I, 96, 136
of distal phalanges, II, 96, 136
of distal phalanges, III, 96, 136
of distal phalanges, IV, 96, 136
of distal phalanges, V, 96, 136
of fibula, 119, 120, 121, 121, 122
of intermediate phalanges, I, 96, 136
of intermediate phalanges, II, 96, 136
of intermediate phalanges, III, 96, 136
of intermediate phalanges, IV, 96, 136
of intermediate phalanges, V, 96, 136
of metacarpal, I, 96, 130, 131, 132
of metatarsal, I, 96, 146, 147, 147
of proximal phalanges, I, 96, 136
of proximal phalanges, II, 96, 136
of proximal phalanges, III, 96, 136
of proximal phalanges, IV, 96, 136
of proximal phalanges, V, 96, 136
of radius, 107, 107, 108, 108, 109, 111
of tibia, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 118,
119, 119
of ulna, 109, 110, 111, 111, 112
ethmoid, 42, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48
excavation, 3, 11, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24,
25, 26
bags, 16, 17, 19, 23, 24, 28
tools, 16, 17, 18, 19, 24
costal, of ribs, 93, 94, 95, 96
infraorbital, of maxilla, 49
lacrimal, of lacrimal, 45, 46
meningeal vessel, 33, 34, 36, 38, 90, 96,
nasopalatine, of vomer, 44
subclavian, of rib, 95
vomerine, of vomer, 44
femur, 10, 87, 103, 105, 106, 112 –16, 113,
114, 118, 122
fibula, 7, 103, 109, 111, 112, 116, 119 –22,
120, 121
footplate of stapes, 38, 39, 39
greater palatine, 48
infraorbital, of maxilla, 49
lesser palatine, 48
magnum, 34, 35, 36, 36, 97, 101
mandibular, 50, 51
mental, 50
nasal, 45
nutrient: of calcaneus, 138, 139, 140; of
metacarpal, V, 135; of metacarpal, IV,
134; of metacarpal, III, 133; of metacarpal, II, 133; of metacarpal, I, 130; of
clavicle, 98, 99; of ilium, 87, 88, 90; of
femur, 106, 112, 114; of fibula, 121,
122; of humerus, 103, 106; of radius,
109; of tibia, 106, 114, 116, 118; of
ulna, 109, 111
obturator, of pelvis, 90, 91
of Huschke, 37
ovale, 40, 40, 41
rotundum, 40, 40, 41
spinosum, 40, 40
supraorbital, of frontal, 31
transverse: of atlas (C1), 75, 76, 77; of axis
(C2), 77, 78, 78; of cervical vertebra,
78, 79, 79, 82; of thoracic vertebra, 80,
82; of lumbar vertebra, 82
zygomaticofacial, 46, 47
acetabular, of pelvis, 87, 88, 90, 91
glenoid, of scapula, 100, 100, 101, 101,
hypophyseal, of sphenoid, 39, 40, 40
infraspinous, of scapula, 99, 100
intercondylar: of femur, 113, 114, 115,
115, 116; of tibia, 119
malleolar, of fibula, 121, 121, 122
mandibular, of temporal, 37, 37
olecranon, of humerus, 7, 103, 104, 106,
subarcuate, of temporal, 37, 37
subscapular, of scapula, 99, 100
supraspinous, of scapula, 99, 100
trochanteric, of femur, 112, 114, 115, 116
fovea capitis, 112, 114, 114, 115, 116
frontal bone, 31–33, 32, 34, 42, 44 – 46, 48
hamate, 124, 129, 129, 130
of hamate, 129, 129, 130
of lacrimal, 45, 46, 49
handle of malleus, 39
humeral, 100, 104, 105, 141
femoral, 6, 7, 90, 91, 113, 114, 115, 141
of malleus, 39, 39
of rib, 93, 94, 95, 96
of stapes, 39, 39
homunculus, 16, 22
horns, superior, of coccyx, 86
humerus, 7, 99, 103 –107, 104, 105, 109,
114, 118
hydroxyapatite, 5
hyoid, 51–52, 51
pelvic, 7, 75
shoulder, 75, 93
ilium, 5, 6, 9, 75, 83, 87, 87, 88, 89 –90, 91,
incus, 37, 38–39, 39
ischium, 75, 87, 87, 88, 90 –91
lacrimal bone, 43, 44, 45– 46, 45, 48, 49
labeling of bones, 24, 27
condylar, of occipital, 34, 35, 36, 36
jugular, of occipital, 34, 35, 36, 36
lateral supracondylar, of femur, 114, 115
oblique trapezoid, of clavicle, 98, 98, 99
linea aspera of femur, 106, 112, 113, 114,
115, 118
lingula of mandible, 50
lunate, 86, 107, 108, 124, 125–26, 125
medial, of tibia, 118, 118, 119, 119, 140
lateral, of fibula, 140
malleus, 37, 38–39, 39
mandible, 37, 49, 50 –51, 51, 53
manubrium, 34, 96, 97, 97
of malleus, 38
axillary, of scapula, 7
supraorbital, of frontal, 31, 32
maxilla, 43, 44 – 47, 48–50, 49, 53
metacarpal, 9, 124, 130, 131, 151
1st, 130, 131, 132
2nd, 130, 131, 132, 132, 133
3rd, 131, 133, 133
4th, 131, 134, 134
5th, 131, 134 –35, 135
metatarsal, 9, 138, 145, 146, 151
1st, 130, 146, 147, 147
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AN: 430276 ; Baker, Brenda J., Tocheri, Matthew W., Dupras, Tosha L..; The Osteology of Infants and Children
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2nd, 146, 148, 148
3rd, 146, 148– 49, 149
4th, 146, 149, 149, 150
5th, 146, 150 –51, 150
nasal bone, 44, 44, 45, 46, 48
navicular, 125, 138, 142 – 43, 143
of femur, 7, 112, 113, 114, 114, 115, 118
of malleus, 38
of rib, 93, 94, 95, 96
clavicular, 97, 97
ethmoidal, 31
fibular, of tibia, 118, 118, 119
greater sciatic, 87, 88, 90
inferior, of zygomatic, 47
jugular, 97, 97
radial, of ulna, 110, 111, 111
spheno-palatine, 47, 48
supraorbital, of frontal, 31
trochlear, of ulna, 109, 110, 111, 111, 121
ulnar, of radius, 107, 108, 108, 109
occipital bone, 31, 33, 34 –36, 37
os coxae, 75, 87–92, 87, 88
ossicles, auditory, 31, 37, 38–39
ossification, endochondral, 75
osteoblasts, 6
osteoclasts, 6
osteoid, 6, 7
otic capsule, of temporal, 37
palatine, 43, 44, 47– 48, 47
paleodemography, 4
paleopathology, 4, 5
parietal bone, 31, 32 –34, 33, 37
basilar, of occipital, 35, 36, 40, 97
interparietal, of occipital, 34, 35, 36
lateral, of occipital, 34, 35, 35, 36, 36, 101
supraoccipital, of occipital, 34, 35
patella, 9, 103, 112, 122 –23, 139
pelvis, 75, 112
perichondrium, 6
periosteum, 6
phalanges, 9
of foot, 137, 138, 151–52, 152
of hand, 124, 135–37, 136, 152, 153
iliac, 90
pisiform, 124, 126 –27, 126
coronal or frontal, 7, 8
sagittal, 7, 8
transverse, 7, 8
cribriform, of ethmoid, 42
horizontal, of palatine, 47, 48
lateral pterygoid, of sphenoid, 40, 40, 41
medial pterygoid, of sphenoid, 40, 40, 41,
orbital, of frontal, 31, 32, 33
perpendicular: of palatine, 47, 48; of ethmoid, 42, 44, 48; of vomer, 43, 44, 48
petrous, of temporal, 37, 37, 38
tympanic, of temporal, 37, 37, 38
preservation of bones, 11, 24, 25
acromion, of scapula, 7, 98, 99, 100, 100,
alar, of sphenoid, 39, 40, 41
alveolar: of mandible, 50; of maxilla, 48,
anterior, of malleus, 38, 39
coracoid, of scapula, 7, 100, 102
coronoid, of mandible, 50, 51
frontal: of maxilla, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50; of
zygomatic, 46, 47
lateral, of malleus, 38, 39
lenticular, of incus, 38, 39
long: of incus, 38, 39, 39; of malleus, 39
mastoid, of temporal, 37
maxillary: of palatine, 47, 48; of zygomatic, 46
odontoid, of axis (C2), 76
olecranon, of ulna, 109, 110, 111
orbital, of palatine, 47, 48
palatine, of maxilla, 49
pyramidal, of palatine, 47, 48
short, of incus, 38, 39, 39
sphenoidal, of palatine, 47
spinous: of axis (C2), 78; of cervical vertebra, 79, 79; of thoracic vertebra, 7, 80,
80, 81; of sacral vertebra, 83
styloid: metatarsal V, 150, 150; of metacarpal III, 133; of fibula, 121, 122; of
radius, 108, 108; of temporal, 52; of
ulna, 110, 111, 111, 112
temporal, of zygomatic, 46, 47
transverse: of atlas (C1), 76, 77, 77; of
axis (C2), 78; of cervical vertebra, 75,
79, 79; of lumbar vertebra, 75, 81,
82; of thoracic vertebra, 7, 75, 80, 80,
xiphoid, of sternum, 96
zygomatic: of maxilla, 48, 49, 50; of
frontal, 31, 32, 32; of parietal, 33; of
temporal, 37, 37, 38, 46, 47
program, mortuary, 11, 13
external, of occipital, 34, 36
internal, occipital, 36
pubis, 75, 87, 87, 88, 90, 91–92
radius, 7, 103, 107–109, 107, 108, 110, 111,
ascending, of mandible, 50, 51
inferior: of ischium, 87, 88, 90, 91; of pubis,
87, 88, 91, 92
ischiopubic, 87, 90
superior, of pubis, 87, 88, 91, 92
reconstruction of bones, 24
ribs, 6, 9, 10, 80, 90, 93 –96, 99
1st, 35, 94, 95, 97
2nd, 94, 95
typical, 94, 95
11th and 12th, 95–96
sacrum, 75, 83 – 86, 84, 85, 87, 90, 101
scaphoid, 107, 108, 124, 125, 125
scapula, 5, 6, 7, 9, 35, 90, 93, 97, 99 –102,
100, 101, 103, 143
ethmoidal, 31
frontal, 31, 50
maxillary, 48, 49, 50
sphenoid, 9, 31, 33, 37, 39 – 41, 40, 42, 44,
46, 47, 48, 49
sphenoidal, 50
anterior nasal, of maxilla, 49, 50
anterior superior iliac, of pelvis, 87, 88, 90
anterior inferior iliac, of pelvis, 87, 90
nasal, of palatine, 48
posterior superior iliac, of pelvis, 87, 88, 90
posterior inferior iliac, of pelvis, 90
scapular, of scapula, 99, 100, 100, 101, 102
stapes, 37, 38–39, 39
sternebra, 9, 82, 86, 96, 97, 97
sternum, 7, 93, 96 –97, 97
frontal, 31, 32, 32, 36, 37, 38
occipital, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38
parietal, 32, 36, 37, 38
temporal, 32, 36, 37, 37, 38
zygomatic, 46
health, 11
socioeconomic, 11
infraorbital, of maxilla, 49
intertubercular, of humerus, 103, 104,
104, 105, 106, 118
peroneal, of cuboid, 142, 142
sagittal, 33, 34, 36
sigmoid or transverse, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38
acetabular, of pelvis, 87, 90, 91, 92
auricular, of pelvis, 87, 88, 90
lunate, of pelvis, 87, 88, 90, 91, 92
orbital: of ethmoid, 42, 43; of frontal, 31,
32, 32, 42; of lacrimal, 45, 46; of maxilla, 49, 50; of palatine, 47; of sphenoid,
40; of zygomatic, 46, 47
coronal, 31, 32, 32, 33, 33, 34
incisive, 49
internasal, 44
interpalatine, 48
lambdoidal, 33, 33, 34, 35
mendosal, 34, 35, 36
metopic, 31, 32, 32
nasofrontal, 44, 45
nasomaxillary, 44
occipitomastoid, 34, 35, 37
palatomaxillary, 48
parietomastoid, 33, 37
posterior interoccipital, 34
sagittal, 33, 33, 34
sphenosquamous, 37
squamosal, 33, 33, 37
zygomaticomaxillary, 47
zygomaticotemporal, 37
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AN: 430276 ; Baker, Brenda J., Tocheri, Matthew W., Dupras, Tosha L..; The Osteology of Infants and Children
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pubic, 87, 87, 90, 91, 92
mandibular, 50
synchondrosis, spheno-occipital, 34, 35
talus, 86, 116, 119, 121, 129, 138, 139,
140 – 41, 141
sustentaculum, 138, 139, 140
sulcus, 140, 141
tarsal, 6, 9, 138
temporal bone, 33, 37–38, 37, 41, 46, 50
tibia, 7, 103, 105, 106, 112, 114, 116 –19,
117, 118, 121, 122
calcification, 53
emergence, 53
formation, 53
eruption, 53
type: incisor, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 62,
63, 63, 64, 65, 67; canine, 53, 54, 55,
56, 57, 58, 60, 65, 66, 67; premolar, 53,
54, 55, 56, 56, 57, 58, 61, 63, 64, 66,
68; molar, 53, 54, 55, 56, 56, 58, 58, 61,
62, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68, 69, 69, 70, 71
trapezium, 124, 127, 127
trapezoid, 124, 127–28, 128
triquetral, 124, 126, 126
greater, of femur, 6, 7, 113, 114, 114, 115
lesser, of femur, 113, 114, 115
of humerus, 7, 105
of talus, 140, 141
anterior, of atlas, 76
conoid, of clavicle, 98, 98, 99
dorsal, of radius, 108, 109
greater, of humerus, 105
iliac, of ilium, 90
jugular, of lateral part occipital, 34, 35, 36
lateral, of calcaneus, 139, 140
lesser, of humerus, 105
malar, of zygomatic, 46, 47
medial, of calcaneus, 140
navicular, 143, 143
of rib, 93, 94, 95
scalene, of rib, 95
scaphoid, 125, 125
trapezium, 127, 127
calcaneal, of calcaneus, 138, 139, 139,
costal, of clavicle, 98, 98, 99
ischial, of pelvis, 87, 88, 90, 91
of metacarpal V, 134, 135
peroneal, of cuboid, 142, 142
radial, of radius, 107, 108, 109, 122
tibial, of tibia, 7, 116, 118
ulna, 7, 103, 107, 109 –12, 110, 111, 121
vertebra, 7, 35, 75, 76
cervical, 75–79, 76, 80, 81, 82
lumbar, 75, 76, 80, 81– 82
sacral, 81
thoracic, 75, 76, 80 – 82, 82, 93, 102
vomer, 44, 44, 45, 47, 48
greater, of sphenoid, 39, 40, 40, 41
lesser, of sphenoid, 39, 40, 40, 41
zygomatic bone, 37, 46 – 47, 46, 48, 49
EBSCO Publishing : eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost) - printed on 7/16/2017 5:21 PM via UNIVERSIDAD DE ANTIOQUIA
AN: 430276 ; Baker, Brenda J., Tocheri, Matthew W., Dupras, Tosha L..; The Osteology of Infants and Children
Account: s1175444