Subido por Nicolas Elias Vera Roca


Movement by Perfection
The Royal League in ventilation, control and drive technology
Cpro ZAmid ®Te c h n o l o
High-performance centrifugal impeller
Cpro ZAmid ®Tec h n o lo g y
Extremely light, extremely stable, extremely durable,
extremely quiet and extremely efficient
The new high-performance centrifugal impeller, the C p r o
, standsogi
upe to all challenges – be they high operaZAmid ®Technol
tional temperatures, or special requirements in cleanroom or
other air-conditioning applications.
The high-performance composite material ZAmid ®Technologi
, develo- e
ped using the latest insights, makes the impeller significantly
lighter than those made of steel - and offers superior mechanical properties. ZAmid ®Te
opportunities for
c h n o l o g new
system runtimes, enables lower power consumption and leads
to a drastic reduction in noise.
Flow engineering marvel
with three-dimensional blade geometry
Prof it from
A nother ef fective technic al feature of the Cpr o ZAmid ®Technologi
is the three - dimensional blade geometr y which produc es
ideal f low characteristic s with exc eptional results. C p r o
is manufactured
using a one - shot injection - moul ZAmid ®Technol
ogi e
Cpro ZAmid ®Technol ogy
Innovation at a glance
▪ Significant weight reduction, which reduces motor bearing loads and increases the system service life
▪ Drastic reduction in noise generation
The new high - per for manc e c omposite material ZAmid ®Technologi
▪ Significant
increase of the impeller efficiency, which e
ex tremely stable, non - c or roding, c olour- stable, and is 10 0%
reduces the absorbed power
▪ Reduced power consumption
▪ Up to 15% energy savings during operation
▪ Significant CO² reduction
▪ Improved mechanical properties, comparable with steel
ding proc ess in a highly c omplex injection - moulding machi ne, resulting in no welded joints. This highly technic al pro c ess ensures the highest system reliabilit y.
Extreme advantages – ZAmid versus steel
C (steel)
Sound power level SS [dB]
System efficiency in %
Air volume q v [m 3/h]
Cpro vs. C (steel), frame size 450, P = 1,2 kg/m 3 , 4-pole
C (steel)
Center frequency third-octave band [Hz]
Cpro vs. C (steel), frame size 450, Spektrum SS, P af = 450 Pa
ziehl - abegg.c om
The strengths of
C p r o ZAmid ®Technologi e
lie in the details -
No weld seams
High peripheral velocities up to 70 m/s
Can be combined with various types of motors
Tonal noise reduction up to 5 dB
Suitable for operational temperatures from -35°C to +80°C, comparable with steel impellers
▪ Corrosion-free
▪ No toxic gas emissions
▪ Colour-stable
e.g. the exceptional
blade geometry
Pure innovation
C p r o ZAmid ®Te c hnology with the latest ZIEHL-ABEGG
motor technology
The combination of the innovative ECblue and PMblue mot o r c o n t r o l t e c h n o l o g y w i t h t h e C p r o ZAmid ®Tec h n o l o g y
high-performance centrifugal impeller promises unbeatable
p e r f o r m a n c e . S t a r t i n g w i t h t h e i m p r e s s i v e e ff i c i e n c i e s o f
over 90%, the modern motors, in combination with the
C p r o ZAmid ®Tec
, a tht n
i nlo g
u ines u r p a s s e d a e r o d y n a m i c s . I n
s y n e r g y w i t h t h e n e w l y d e v e l o p e d C p r o ZAmid ®Te
i mchnol
p e l - ogi e
l e r, t h a t r e s u l t s i n m a x i m u m e ff i c i e n c y a n d m i n i m u m e n e r g y c o n s u m p t i o n d u r i n g u s e . E C b l u e , P M b l u e a n d Cp r o
ZAmid ®Tec
i ea r k s o f Z I E H L - A B E G G S E , a n d s t a n d
a r eh n
t roalo
d egm
f o r P r e m i u m E ff i c i e n c y, p u t t i n g t h e m i n t h e m o s t e n v i r o n mentally friendly class with the greatest energy-savings
potential. The innovative technologies exceed the existing
m i n i m u m e ff i c i e n c y r e q u i r e m e n t s o f E r P 2 0 1 5 .
ziehl - abegg.c om
© ZIEHL-ABEGG SE - 00705660 - EN - MA - 02/2018 - 600 - Klunker & Ewald. This brochure contains information for your guidance. No guarantee is provided with
regard to the accuracy of all information and no legal claims may be derived from this. Reproduction of this information, or extracts thereof, is permitted only with written approval.
The Royal League
Heinz-Ziehl - Straße
D -74653 Künzelsau
+49 79 40 16 - 0
info@ ziehl - abegg.c om
ziehl - abegg.c om