Date of issue: Replaces issue: 20-12-2000 15-10-1997 :$9,67521* )/$1*(*8,'( FUTURE PIPE INDUSTRIES B.V. P.O. Box 255 7770 AG Hardenberg the Netherlands REP 363/Rev 02/1200 Telephone : + 31(0)523-288811 Telefax : + 31(0)523-288441 :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH All information was correct at the time of going to press. However, we reserve the right to alter, amend and update any products, systems and services described in this brochure. We accept no responsibility for the interpretation of the statements made. © Copyright by Future Pipe Industries b.v. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form, by print, photo print, microfilm or any other means without written permission from the publisher. :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH 7DEOHRIFRQWHQWV ,QWURGXFWLRQ 1 2YHUYLHZRIWKHVWDQGDUGV 2.1 European standards 2.2 American standards 2.3 Japanese standards 2.4 Explanation of abbreviations 2.5 Suumary of standards 2 2 2 3 3 4 *DVNHWVDQGWRUTXHV 3.1 Gaskets 3.2 Torques 3.3 Sealing surface Wavistrong flange 3.4 Tolerances 10 10 12 16 17 'HWHUPLQDWLRQEROWOHQJWKDQGVWXGEROWOHQJWK 4.1 Determination bolt length for mounting two flanges 4.2 Determination stud bolt length for mounting two flanges 4.3 Determination bolt length and stud bolt length for mounting loose flanges 18 32 32 33 7DEOHV Table 1. Bore Din flanges (ND 6, ND 10 and ND 16) Table 1a. Bore Din flanges (ND 25 and ND 40) Table 2. Bore ANSI, AWWA and MSS Flanges Table 2a. Bore API flanges Table 3. Bore JIS flanges Table 4 Gasket applications Table 5a. Torques rubber gasket with inlay Table 5b. Torques rubber gasket with steel inlay Table 5c. Torques rubber gasket with support ring Table 5d. Torques graphite gasket with metal foil Table 6. Dimensions flange groove Table 7. Tolerances Table 8. Flange thickness steel flanges DIN and ANSI Table 9. Flange thickness steel flanges MSS, API, AWWA and JIS Table 10. Flange thickness cast iron flanges DIN, ANSI and JIS Table 11. Flange thickness steel blind flanges DIN Table 12. Flange thickness steel blind flanges ANSI, MSS and JIS Table 13. Flange thickness cast iron blind flanges ANSI and JIS Table 14. Flange thickness GRP-flanges Table 15. Flange thickness GRP orifice flanges Table 16. Flange thickness GRP heavy duty flanges Table 17. Flange thickness GRP blind flanges Table 18. Flange thickness GRP stub-ends Table 18a. Flange thickness steel loose flanges according to ISO 7005-3 Table 19. Dimensions nuts, washers and continuous holes Table 20. Available bolt lengths , 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30 31 :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH %ROWOHQJWKVWXGEROWOHQJWKWDEOHVVRUWHGWR)ODQJH Table 21. Table 22. Table 23. Table 24. Table 25. Table 26. Table 27. Table 28. Table 29. Table 30. Table 31. Table 32. Table 33. Table 34. Table 35. Table 36. Table 37. Table 38. Table 39. Table 40. Table 41. Table 42. Table 43. Table 44. Table 45. Table 46. Table 47. Table 48. Table 49. Table 50. Table 51. Table 52. Table 53. Table 54. Table 55. Table 56. Table 57. Table 58. Table 59. Table 60. Table 61. Table 62. Table 63. Table 64. Table 65. Table 66. %RUH )ODQJH )ODQJH DIN 2501 ND 6 DIN 2501 ND 6 DIN 2501 ND 6 DIN 2501 ND 6 DIN 2501 ND 6 DIN 2501 ND 10 DIN 2501 ND 10 DIN 2501 ND 10 DIN 2501 ND 10 DIN 2501 ND 10 DIN 2501 ND 16 DIN 2501 ND 16 DIN 2501 ND 16 DIN 2501 ND 16 DIN 2501 ND 16 DIN 2501 ND 25 DIN 2501 ND 25 DIN 2501 ND 25 DIN 2501 ND 25 DIN 2501 ND 25 DIN 2501 ND 40 DIN 2501 ND 40 DIN 2501 ND 40 DIN 2501 ND 40 DIN 2501 ND 40 Class 150 Class 150 Class 150 Class 150 Class 150 Class 150 Class 150 Class 300 Class 300 Class 300 Class 300 MSS SP-44 class 300 API 605 class 75 API 605 class 150 DIN 2501 ND 6 DIN 2501 ND 10 DIN 2501 ND 16 DIN 2501 ND 25 DIN 2501 ND 40 Class 150 Class 300 flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP orifice flange GRP orifice flange GRP orifice flange GRP orifice flange GRP orifice flange GRP orifice flange GRP orifice flange GRP flange GRP blind flange GRP flange cast iron flange steel blind flange steel flange GRP blind flange GRP flange cast iron flange steel blind flange steel flange GRP blind flange GRP flange cast iron flange steel blind flange steel flange GRP blind flange GRP flange cast iron flange steel blind flange steel flange GRP blind flange GRP flange cast iron flange steel blind flange steel flange GRP blind flange GRP flange/blind flange cast iron flange/blind flange steel flange steel flange steel flange/blind flange steel flange GRP blind flange GRP flange/blind flange cast iron flange/blind flange steel flange/blind flange steel flens steel flange steel orifice flange GRP orifice flange GRP orifice flange GRP orifice flange GRP orifice flange GRP orifice flange GRP orifice flange GRP :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH ,, 1RUPIODQJH DIN 2531 ND 6 DIN 2631 ND 6 DIN 2527 ND 6 DIN 2532 ND 10 DIN 2632 ND 10 DIN 2527 ND 10 DIN 2533 ND 16 DIN 2633 ND 16 DIN 2527 ND 16 DIN 2534 ND 25 DIN 2634 ND 25 DIN 2527 ND 25 DIN 2535 ND 40 DIN 2635 ND 40 DIN 2527 ND 40 ANSI B16.1 class 125 ANSI B16.5 class 150 AWWA C207 class D AWWA C207 class E MSS SP-44 class 150 ANSI B16.1 class 250 ANSI B16.5 class 300 MSS SP-44 class 300 API 605 class 75 API 605 class 150 SDJH 35 35 35 36 36 36 37 37 37 38 38 38 39 39 39 40 40 40 41 41 41 42 42 42 43 43 43 44 44 44 45 45 45 46 46 46 47 47 47 48 48 48 49 49 49 50 %ROWOHQJWKVWXGEROWOHQJWKWDEOHVVRUWHGWR)ODQJH Table 67. Table 68. Table 69. Table 70. Table 71. Table 72. Table 73. Table 74. Table 75. Table 76. Table 77. Table 78. Table 79. Table 80. Table 81. Table 82. Table 83. Table 84. Table 85. Table 86. Table 87. Table 88. Table 89. Table 90. Table 91. Table 92. Table 93. Table 94. Table 95. Table 96. Table 97. Table 98. Table 99. Table 100. Table 101. Table 102. Table 103. Table 104. Table 105. Table 106. Table 107. Table 108. Table 109. Table 110. Table 111. Table 112. Table 113. Table 114. Table 115. Table 116. Table 117. Table 118. Table 119. Table 120. Table 121. Table 122. Table 123. %RUH )ODQJH )ODQJH DIN 2501 ND 6 DIN 2501 ND 6 DIN 2501 ND 6 DIN 2501 ND 6 DIN 2501 ND 6 DIN 2501 ND 10 DIN 2501 ND 10 DIN 2501 ND 10 DIN 2501 ND 10 DIN 2501 ND 10 DIN 2501 ND 16 DIN 2501 ND 16 DIN 2501 ND 16 DIN 2501 ND 16 DIN 2501 ND 16 DIN 2501 ND 25 DIN 2501 ND 25 DIN 2501 ND 25 DIN 2501 ND 25 DIN 2501 ND 25 DIN 2501 ND 40 DIN 2501 ND 40 DIN 2501 ND 40 DIN 2501 ND 40 DIN 2501 ND 40 Class 150 Class 150 Class 150 Class 150 Class 150 Class 150 Class 150 Class 300 Class 300 Class 300 Class 300 MSS SP-44 class 300 DIN 2501 ND 6 DIN 2501 ND 6 DIN 2501 ND 10 DIN 2501 ND 10 DIN 2501 ND 16 DIN 2501 ND 16 DIN 2501 ND 25 DIN 2501 ND 25 DIN 2501 ND 40 DIN 2501 ND 40 Class 150 Class 150 Class 150 Class 150 Class 150 Class 300 Class 300 MSS SP-44 class 300 API 605 class 75 API 605 class 150 heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP blind flange GRP blind flange GRP blind flange GRP blind flange GRP blind flange GRP blind flange GRP blind flange GRP blind flange GRP blind flange GRP blind flange GRP blind flange GRP blind flange GRP blind flange GRP blind flange GRP blind flange GRP blind flange GRP blind flange GRP blind flange GRP blind flange GRP blind flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP blind flange GRP flange cast iron flange steel blind flange steel heavy duty flange GRP blind flange GRP flange cast iron flange steel blind flange steel heavy duty flange GRP blind flange GRP flange cast iron flange steel blind flange steel heavy duty flange GRP blind flange GRP flange cast iron flange steel blind flange steel heavy duty flange GRP blind flange GRP flange cast iron flange steel blind flange steel heavy duty flange GRP blind flange GRP flange/blind flange cast iron flange/blind flange steel flange steel flange steel flange/blind flange steel heavy duty flange GRP blind flange GRP flange/blind flange cast iron flange/blind flange steel flange/blind flange steel flange cast iron flange steel flange cast iron flange steel flange cast iron flange steel flange cast iron flange steel flange cast iron flange steel flange/blind flange cast iron flange/blind flange steel flange steel flange steel flange/blind flange steel flange/blind flange cast iron flange/blind flange steel flange/blind flange steel Flange steel Flange steel ,,, 1RUPIODQJH DIN 2531 ND 6 DIN 2631 ND 6 DIN 2527 ND 6 DIN 2532 ND 10 DIN 2632 ND 10 DIN 2527 ND 10 DIN 2533 ND 16 DIN 2633 ND 16 DIN 2527 ND 16 DIN 2534 ND 25 DIN 2634 ND 25 DIN 2527 ND 25 DIN 2535 ND 40 DIN 2635 ND 40 DIN 2527 ND 40 ANSI B16.1 class 125 ANSI B16.5 class 150 AWWA C207 class D AWWA C207 class E MSS SP-44 class 150 ANSI B16.1 class 250 ANSI B16.5 class 300 MSS SP-44 class 300 DIN 2531 ND 6 DIN 2631 ND 6 DIN 2532 ND 10 DIN 2632 ND 10 DIN 2533 ND 16 DIN 2633 ND 16 DIN 2534 ND 25 DIN 2634 ND 25 DIN 2535 ND 40 DIN 2635 ND 40 ANSI B16.1 class 125 ANSI B16.5 class 150 AWWA C207 class D AWWA C207 class E MSS SP-44 class 150 ANSI B16.1 class 250 ANSI B16.5 class 300 MSS SP-44 class 300 API 605 class 75 API 605 class 150 SDJH 50 50 51 51 51 52 52 52 53 53 53 54 54 54 55 55 55 56 56 56 57 57 57 58 58 58 59 59 59 60 60 60 61 61 61 62 62 62 63 63 63 64 64 64 65 65 65 66 66 66 67 67 67 68 68 68 69 :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH %ROWOHQJWKVWXGEROWOHQJWKWDEOHVVRUWHGWRERUH Table 59. Table 123. Table 58. Table 122. Table 46. Table 47. Table 48. Table 49. Table 50. Table 51. Table 52. Table 65. Table 92. Table 93. Table 94. Table 95. Table 96. Table 97. Table 98. Table 114. Table 115. Table 116. Table 117. Table 118. Table 53. Table 54. Table 55. Table 56. Table 66. Table 99. Table 100. Table 101. Table 102. Table 119. Table 120. Table 26. Table 27. Table 28. Table 29. Table 30. Table 61. Table 72. Table 73. Table 74. Table 75. Table 76. Table 106. Table 107. Table 31. Table 32. Table 33. Table 34. Table 35. Table 62. Table 77. Table 78. Table 79. Table 80. Table 81. Table 108. Table 109. %RUH )ODQJH )ODQJH 1RUPIODQJH API 605 class 150 API 605 class 150 API 605 class 75 API 605 class 75 Class 150 Class 150 Class 150 Class 150 Class 150 Class 150 Class 150 Class 150 Class 150 Class 150 Class 150 Class 150 Class 150 Class 150 Class 150 Class 150 Class 150 Class 150 Class 150 Class 150 Class 300 Class 300 Class 300 Class 300 Class 300 Class 300 Class 300 Class 300 Class 300 Class 300 Class 300 DIN 2501 ND 10 DIN 2501 ND 10 DIN 2501 ND 10 DIN 2501 ND 10 DIN 2501 ND 10 DIN 2501 ND 10 DIN 2501 ND 10 DIN 2501 ND 10 DIN 2501 ND 10 DIN 2501 ND 10 DIN 2501 ND 10 DIN 2501 ND 10 DIN 2501 ND 10 DIN 2501 ND 16 DIN 2501 ND 16 DIN 2501 ND 16 DIN 2501 ND 16 DIN 2501 ND 16 DIN 2501 ND 16 DIN 2501 ND 16 DIN 2501 ND 16 DIN 2501 ND 16 DIN 2501 ND 16 DIN 2501 ND 16 DIN 2501 ND 16 DIN 2501 ND 16 flange GRP blind flange GRP flange GRP blind flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP orifice flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP blind flange GRP blind flange GRP blind flange GRP blind flange GRP blind flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP orifice flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP blind flange GRP blind flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP orifice flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP blind flange GRP blind flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP orifice flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP blind flange GRP blind flange GRP flange steel flange steel flens steel flens steel flange GRP blind flange GRP flange/blind flange cast iron flange/blind flange steel flange steel flange steel flange/blind flange steel orifice flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP blind flange GRP flange/blind flange cast iron flange/blind flange steel flange steel flange steel flange/blind flange steel flange/blind flange cast iron flange/blind flange steel flange steel flange steel flange/blind flange steel flange GRP blind flange GRP flange/blind flange cast iron flange/blind flange steel orifice flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP blind flange GRP flange/blind flange cast iron flange/blind flange steel flange/blind flange cast iron flange/blind flange steel flange GRP blind flange GRP flange cast iron flange steel blind flange steel orifice flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP blind flange GRP flange cast iron flange steel blind flange steel flange cast iron flange steel flange GRP blind flange GRP flange cast iron flange steel blind flange steel orifice flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP blind flange GRP flange cast iron flange steel blind flange steel flange cast iron flange steel API 605 API 605 API 605 API 605 :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH ,9 class 150 class 150 class 75 class 75 ANSI B16.1 class 125 ANSI B16.5 class 150 AWWA C207 class D AWWA C207 class E MSS SP-44 class 150 ANSI B16.1 class 125 ANSI B16.5 class 150 AWWA C207 class D AWWA C207 class E MSS SP-44 class 150 ANSI B16.1 class 125 ANSI B16.5 class 150 AWWA C207 class D AWWA C207 class E MSS SP-44 class 150 ANSI B16.1 class 250 ANSI B16.5 class 300 ANSI B16.1 ANSI B16.5 ANSI B16.1 ANSI B16.5 class 250 class 300 class 250 class 300 DIN 2532 ND 10 DIN 2632 ND 10 DIN 2527 ND 10 DIN 2532 DIN 2632 DIN 2527 DIN 2532 DIN 2632 ND 10 ND 10 ND 10 ND 10 ND 10 DIN 2533 ND 16 DIN 2633 ND 16 DIN 2527 ND 16 DIN 2533 DIN 2633 DIN 2527 DIN 2533 DIN 2633 ND 16 ND 16 ND 16 ND 16 ND 16 SDJH 47 69 47 68 43 43 44 44 44 45 45 49 58 59 59 59 60 60 60 66 66 66 67 67 45 46 46 46 50 61 61 61 62 67 68 36 37 37 37 38 48 52 52 52 53 53 63 63 38 38 39 39 39 48 53 54 54 54 55 64 64 %ROWOHQJWKVWXGEROWOHQJWKWDEOHVVRUWHGWRERUH Table 36. Table 37. Table 38. Table 39. Table 40. Table 63. Table 82. Table 83. Table 84. Table 85. Table 86. Table 110. Table 111. Table 41. Table 42. Table 43. Table 44. Table 45. Table 64. Table 87. Table 88. Table 89. Table 90. Table 91. Table 112. Table 113. Table 21. Table 22. Table 23. Table 24. Table 25. Table 60. Table 67. Table 68. Table 69. Table 70. Table 71. Table 104. Table 105. Table 57. Table 103. Table 121. %RUH )ODQJH )ODQJH DIN 2501 ND 25 DIN 2501 ND 25 DIN 2501 ND 25 DIN 2501 ND 25 DIN 2501 ND 25 DIN 2501 ND 25 DIN 2501 ND 25 DIN 2501 ND 25 DIN 2501 ND 25 DIN 2501 ND 25 DIN 2501 ND 25 DIN 2501 ND 25 DIN 2501 ND 25 DIN 2501 ND 40 DIN 2501 ND 40 DIN 2501 ND 40 DIN 2501 ND 40 DIN 2501 ND 40 DIN 2501 ND 40 DIN 2501 ND 40 DIN 2501 ND 40 DIN 2501 ND 40 DIN 2501 ND 40 DIN 2501 ND 40 DIN 2501 ND 40 DIN 2501 ND 40 DIN 2501 ND 6 DIN 2501 ND 6 DIN 2501 ND 6 DIN 2501 ND 6 DIN 2501 ND 6 DIN 2501 ND 6 DIN 2501 ND 6 DIN 2501 ND 6 DIN 2501 ND 6 DIN 2501 ND 6 DIN 2501 ND 6 DIN 2501 ND 6 DIN 2501 ND 6 MSS SP-44 class 300 MSS SP-44 class 300 MSS SP-44 class 300 flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP orifice flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP blind flange GRP blind flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP orifice flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP blind flange GRP blind flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP flange GRP orifice flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP blind flange GRP blind flange GRP flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP blind flange GRP flange GRP blind flange GRP flange cast iron flange steel blind flange steel orifice flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP blind flange GRP flange cast iron flange steel blind flange steel flange cast iron flange steel flange GRP blind flange GRP flange cast iron flange steel blind flange steel orifice flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP blind flange GRP flange cast iron flange steel blind flange steel flange cast iron flange steel flange GRP blind flange GRP flange cast iron flange steel blind flange steel orifice flange GRP heavy duty flange GRP blind flange GRP flange cast iron flange steel blind flange steel flange cast iron flange steel flange/blind flange steel flange/blind flange steel flange/blind flange steel 9 1RUPIODQJH DIN 2534 ND 25 DIN 2634 ND 25 DIN 2527 ND 25 DIN 2534 DIN 2634 DIN 2527 DIN 2534 DIN 2634 ND 25 ND 25 ND 25 ND 25 ND 25 DIN 2535 ND 40 DIN 2635 ND 40 DIN 2527 ND 40 DIN 2535 DIN 2635 DIN 2527 DIN 2535 DIN 2635 ND 40 ND 40 ND 40 ND 40 ND 40 DIN 2531 ND 6 DIN 2631 ND 6 DIN 2527 ND 6 DIN 2531 ND 6 DIN 2631 ND 6 DIN 2527 ND 6 DIN 2531 ND 6 DIN 2631 ND 6 MSS SP-44 class 300 MSS SP-44 class 300 MSS SP-44 class 300 SDJH 40 40 40 41 41 49 55 55 56 56 56 64 65 41 42 42 42 43 49 57 57 57 58 58 65 65 35 35 35 36 36 48 50 50 51 51 51 62 63 47 62 68 :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH 9, ,QWURGXFWLRQ Because the mechanical properties and production methods for glass fibre reinforced (GRP) flanges are different from those of steel flanges, the dimensions are different (the most important difference is the larger flange thickness). This Wavistrong Flange Guide gives an overview of the commonest flange standards. This guide contains general data concerning the recommended gaskets and the accompanying torques. These data are based on calculations, practical experience and test results. It is not possible to give the ideal solution for all situations that may arise. For this reason you should consult the gasket supplier for special applications. Gaskets, mounting materials and steel/cast iron (blind) flanges are not included in the Wavistrong product range. Specific information regarding these products can be obtained from the manufacturers or suppliers concerned. Data for various flange standards have been applied to determine the bolt and stud bolt lengths for the commonest flange connections and are shown in tables. The calculation methods for determining the bolt and stud bolt length are shown so that these lengths can be determined for flange connections that have not been included. In this Wavistrong Flange Guide certain starting points have been used for calculating a number of data. In the case of differing views concerning the chosen starting points the calculation should be made anew. :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH 2YHUYLHZRIWKHVWDQGDUGV Wavistrong flanges are drilled according to current standards which can be categorised as follows: - European standards; - American standards; - Japanese standards. (XURSHDQVWDQGDUGV The German standard DIN 2501 applies as the basis for the European standards. This standard indicates the bore of the flanges (outer diameter, pitch circle and number and diameter of the bolts + bolt holes) for various diameters and pressure classes. If another DIN standard is used, this standard relates to a certain pressure class and type of material. The following standards correspond to DIN 2501 regarding the bore: - German standards DIN 2531 up to 2535 - German standards DIN 2631 up to 2635 - German standard DIN 2527 - Standards for cast iron flanges ND 6 up to ND 40 - Standards for steel flanges ND 6 up to ND 40 - Standard for steel blind flanges ND 6 up to ND 100 The following standards have the same bore as DIN 2501, but flange thickness data have not been included in this Wavistrong Flange Guide: - French standards NF 29-221 up to 223 - English standard BS 4504 - International standard ISO 7005 The standards according to DIN 2501 (pressure classes ND 6, ND 10, ND 16, ND 25 and ND 40) are shown in table 1 and table 1a. For some standards the abbreviation PN or NP (Nominal Pressure) is given instead of the abbreviation ND (Nenndruck). $PHULFDQVWDQGDUGV Various American standards correspond regarding the bore, as is also the case for the European standards. The American standards can be divided into: - ANSI/ASME B16.5 - ANSI/ASME B16.1 - ANSI/AWWA C-207 - MSS SP-44 - API 605 Standard for steel flanges for the diameters up to and including ID 600 (24"). Class 150 and class 300 (psi) are important. Standard for cast iron flanges. Class 125 and class 250 are important. The bores of class 125 and class 250 flanges for the diameters ID 600 and smaller are the same as the ANSI/ASME B16.5 class 150/class 300 flanges. Standard for steel flanges designated for the water industry. Class D (175-150 psi) and class E (275 psi) are important. Both pressure classes have the same bore, only the flange thickness is different. The bores of the ANSI/AWWA C-207 flanges are the same as those of ANSI/ASME B16.1 class 125 flanges. Standard for steel flanges for diameters from ID 300. Class 150 and class 300 are important. The bore of class 150 flanges is the same as that of ANSI/ASME B16.1 class 125 flanges. The bore of class 300 flanges the same as that of the ANSI/ASME B16.1 class 250 flanges up to and including ID 900, for ID 1200 the bore deviates from the ANSI/ASME B16.1 standard. Standard for steel flanges for diameters from ID 700. Class 75 and class 150 psi are important. The bores of this standard do not correspond to another American standard. :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH It would not be correct to assume that an ANSI/ASME B16.5 class 150 flange is suitable for a pressure of 150 PSI (approx. 10 bars) and therefore corresponds to a DIN ND 10 flange. The design temperature of the ANSI/ASME flanges is much higher than that of DIN flanges, so that at the same temperature the load bearing capacity of ANSI/ASME flanges is significantly higher than that for DIN flanges. This also applies to the class 300 flanges. 1% Because the ANSI/ASME B16.5 is an important and often applied standard (in America), it is often simply assumed that this standard is applied. The tables then show, for example: class 150 or 300 lbs. In older documentation and catalogues the indications ASA 150 and ASA 300 are still found for the bores. It is preferable to abandon the ASA notation and to refer to class 150 (or class 300), giving the standard in brackets. The bores of the American standards are shown in table 2 and table 2a. -DSDQHVHVWDQGDUGV The Japanese standard JIS B 2210 specifies the primary dimensions of steel flanges for nominal pressures of 2, 5, 10, 16, 20, 40 and 63 bars. These pressure classes are indicated as 2K, 5K, etc. Flanges with the classification 10K are found as normal and thin type. Only the classes 5K and 10K (normal type) are included in this Wavistrong Flange Guide. The flanges can be found in two material types, steel and grey cast iron. The bores of 5K and 10K flanges are shown in table 3. ([SODQDWLRQRIDEEUHYLDWLRQV $16, $3, $6$ $::$ %6 ',1 ,62 066 1) -,6 = = = = = = = = = = American National Standards Institute American Petroleum Institute American Standard Association American Water Works Association British Standard Deutsches Institut für Normung International Organization for Standardization Manufacturers Standardization Society Norme Française Japanese Industrial Standards (67 &67 = = (:7 = *53 1' 1331 ,' 'X 'VW G 7) 72 W S = = = = = = = = = = = type indication for Wavistrong standard products (Epoxy Standard Tensile resistant) type indication for Wavistrong electrically conductive products (Conductive Standard Tensile resistant) type indication for Wavistrong products for drinking water applications (Epoxy potable Water Tensile resistant) Glassfibre Reinforced Plastic Nenndruck (nominal pressure) nominal pressure internal diameter outer diameter flange diameter pitch circle diameter bolt holes thickness GRP flange thickness steel slip-on flange thickness steel or cast iron flange gasket thickness :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH 6XPPDU\RIVWDQGDUGV This summary gives an overview of the bore in relation to the various standards. %RUHLQGLFDWLRQ LQUHODWLRQWRIODQJHVWDQGDUG 7DEOH DIN 2501 ND 6 * * * DIN 2531 DIN 2631 DIN 2527 NF 29-221 BS 4504-NP 6 ISO 7005 PN6 23, 69, 104 24, 70, 105 25, 71 DIN 2501 ND 10 * * * DIN 2532 DIN 2632 DIN 2527 NF 29-222 BS 4504-NP 10 ISO 7005 PN10 28, 74, 106 29, 75, 107 30, 76 DIN 2501 ND 16 * * * DIN 2533 DIN 2633 DIN 2527 NF 29-223 BS 4504-NP 16 ISO 7005 PN16 33, 79, 108 34, 80, 109 35, 81 DIN 2501 ND 25 * * * DIN 2534 DIN 2634 DIN 2527 BS 4504-NP 25 ISO 7005 PN25 38, 84, 110 39, 85, 111 40, 86 DIN 2501 ND 40 * * * DIN 2535 DIN 2635 DIN 2527 BS 4504-NP 40 ISO 7005 PN40 43, 89, 112 44, 90, 113 45, 91 Class 150 * * * * * ANSI B 16.5 class 150 ANSI B 16.1 class 125 AWWA C 207 class D and E MSS SP-44 class 150 ASME B16.47 type A class 150 49, 95, 115 48, 94, 114 50, 51, 96, 97, 116, 117 52, 98, 118 Class 300 * * ANSI B 16.5 class 300 ANSI B 16.1 class 250 56, 102, 120 55, 101, 119 MSS class 300 ASME B16.47 type A class 300 * * MSS SP-44 class 300 ASME B16.47 type A class 300 57, 103, 120 API class 75 API class 150 ASME B16.47 type B class 75 ASME B16.47 type B class 150 * * * * API 605 class 75 API 605 class 150 ASME B16.47 type B class 75 ASME B16.47 type B class 150 58, 122 59, 123 JIS 5K JIS 10K JIS B 2210 5K JIS B 2210 10K The combinations marked * are included in the bolt length / stud bolt length tables. :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH %RUH',1IODQJHV 1'1'DQG1' 7DEOH %RUH',1IODQJHV 1'1'DQG1' ',11' Du Dst d bolt no. Du mm mm mm M.. mm 25 100 75 12 10 4 40 130 100 14 12 4 50 140 110 14 12 4 ID mm ',11' Dst d bolt mm mm M.. 80 100 150 190 210 265 150 170 225 19 19 19 16 16 16 4 4 8 200 250 300 320 375 440 280 335 395 19 19 23 16 16 20 8 12 12 340 395 445 295 350 400 23 23 23 20 20 20 350 400 490 540 445 495 23 23 20 20 12 16 505 565 460 515 23 27 450 500 600 595 645 755 550 600 705 23 23 27 20 20 24 16 20 20 615 670 780 565 620 725 700 750 800 860 810 27 24 24 895 975 920 30 27 24 1015 900 1075 1020 1000 1175 1120 1200 1405 1340 30 30 33 27 27 30 no. ',11' Dst d bolt mm mm M.. Du mm no. 200 220 285 160 180 240 19 19 23 16 16 20 8 8 8 8 12 12 340 405 460 295 355 410 23 27 27 20 24 24 12 12 12 20 24 16 16 520 580 470 525 27 30 24 27 16 16 27 27 30 24 24 27 20 20 20 640 715 840 585 650 770 30 33 36 27 30 33 20 20 20 840 30 27 24 910 840 36 33 24 950 33 30 24 1025 950 39 36 24 24 1115 1050 28 1230 1160 32 1455 1380 33 36 39 30 33 36 28 1125 1050 28 1255 1170 32 1485 1390 39 42 48 36 39 45 28 28 32 1RWH DIN 2501 ND 6 bore is applied for DIN 2531, DIN 2631 and DIN 2527 ND 6 DIN 2501 ND 10 bore is applied for DIN 2532, DIN 2632 and DIN 2527 ND 10 DIN 2501 ND 16 bore is applied for DIN 2533, DIN 2633 and DIN 2527 ND 16 :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH %RUH',1IODQJHV 1'DQG1' 7DEOHD ID mm %RUH',1IODQJHV 1'DQG1' Du mm ',11' Dst d bolt mm mm M.. no. ',11' Dst d bolt mm mm M.. 85 14 12 110 19 16 125 19 16 25 40 50 Du mm 115 150 165 no. 80 100 150 200 235 300 160 190 250 19 23 27 16 20 24 8 8 8 4 4 4 200 250 300 360 425 485 310 370 430 27 30 30 24 27 27 12 12 16 375 450 515 320 385 450 30 33 33 27 30 30 12 12 16 350 400 555 620 490 550 33 36 30 33 16 16 580 660 510 585 36 39 33 36 16 16 450 500 600 730 845 660 770 36 39 33 36 20 20 685 755 890 610 670 795 39 42 48 36 39 45 20 20 20 700 750 800 960 875 42 39 24 995 900 48 45 24 1085 990 48 45 24 1140 1030 56 52 24 900 1000 1200 1185 1320 1530 1090 1210 1420 48 56 56 45 52 52 28 28 32 1250 1360 1575 1140 1250 1460 56 56 62 52 52 56 28 28 32 Note: DIN 2501 ND 25 bore is applied for DIN 2534, DIN 2634 and DIN 2527 ND 25 DIN 2501 ND 40 bore is applied for DIN 2535, DIN 2635 and DIN 2527 ND 40 :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH %RUH$16,$::$DQG066IODQJHV 7DEOH ID mm %RUH$16,$::$DQG066IODQJHV &ODVV &ODVV ANSI/ASME B16.5 class 150 * ANSI/ASME B16.1 class 125 ** ANSI/ASME B16.5 class 300 * AWWA C207 class D and E *** ANSI/ASME B16.1 class 250 ** MSS SP-44 class 150 **** 06663&ODVV ASME B 16.47 type A class 300 ! ASME B 16.47 type A class 150 ! Du mm 25 108 40 127 50 152 Dst d bolt no. mm mm M.. 79.4 14 12 4 98.6 14 12 4 120.7 19 16 4 Du mm 124 156 165 Dst d bolt no. Du mm mm M.. mm 88.9 19 16 4 114.3 23 20 4 127.0 19 16 8 Dst mm d bolt mm M.. no. 80 100 150 191 229 279 152.4 190.5 241.3 19 19 23 16 16 20 4 8 8 210 254 318 168.1 200.2 269.7 23 23 23 20 20 20 8 8 12 200 250 300 343 406 483 298.5 362.0 431.8 23 27 27 20 24 24 8 12 12 381 445 521 330.2 387.4 450.9 27 30 33 24 27 30 12 16 16 521 450.9 33 30 16 350 400 533 597 476.3 539.8 30 30 27 27 12 16 584 648 514.4 571.5 33 36 30 33 20 20 584 648 514.4 571.5 33 36 30 33 20 20 450 500 600 635 699 813 577.9 635.0 749.3 33 33 36 30 30 33 16 20 20 711 775 914 628.7 685.8 812.8 36 36 42 33 33 39 24 24 24 711 775 914 628.7 685.8 812.8 36 36 42 33 33 39 24 24 24 700 927 750 984 800 1060 863.6 914.4 977.9 36 36 42 33 33 39 28 28 28 1092 997.0 48 45 1035 939.8 28 1092 997.0 1149 1054.1 45 48 52 42 45 48 28 28 28 900 1168 1085.9 1000 1289 1200.2 1200 1511 1422.4 42 42 42 39 39 39 32 36 44 1270 1168.4 56 52 1651 1543.1 56 52 32 1270 1168.4 1238 1155.7 40 1467 1371.6 56 45 52 52 42 48 32 32 32 * ** ANSI/ASME B16.5 ANSI/ASME B16.1 *** **** AWWA C207 MSS SP-44 ASME B 16.47 type A only valid for ID 25 up to ID 600 valid for ID 25 up to ID 1200 except ID 700, ID 800 and ID 1000 for Class 250 ID 900 and ID 1200 are specials only valid for ID 100 and larger only valid for ID 300 and larger only valid for ID 700 and larger :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH %RUH$3,IODQJHV 7DEOHD ID mm %RUH$3,IODQJHV $3,FODVV $60(%W\SH%FODVV Du Dst D bolt no. mm mm Mm M.. $3,FODVV $60(%W\SH%FODVV Du Dst d bolt no. mm mm mm M.. 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 813 864 914 774.7 825.5 876.3 19 19 19 16 16 16 40 44 48 837 887 941 795.3 846.1 900.1 23 23 23 20 20 20 40 44 48 900 1000 1200 1033 1135 1353 992.2 1093.8 1304.9 23 23 27 20 20 24 40 44 44 1057 1175 1392 1009.6 1120.8 1335.1 27 30 33 24 27 30 44 44 44 :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH %RUH-,6IODQJHV 7DEOH ID mm 25 40 50 %RUH-,6IODQJHV -,6%. Du Dst d bolt mm mm mm M.. 95 75 12 10 120 95 14 12 130 105 14 12 no. 4 4 4 Du mm 125 140 155 -,6%. Dst d bolt mm mm M.. 90 19 16 105 19 16 120 19 16 no. 4 4 4 80 100 150 180 200 265 145 165 230 19 19 19 16 16 16 4 8 8 185 210 280 150 175 240 19 19 23 16 16 20 8 8 8 200 250 300 320 385 430 280 345 390 23 23 23 20 20 20 8 12 12 330 400 445 290 355 400 23 25 25 20 22 22 12 12 16 350 400 480 540 435 495 25 25 22 22 12 16 490 560 445 510 25 27 22 24 16 16 450 500 600 605 655 770 555 605 715 25 25 27 22 22 24 16 20 20 620 675 795 565 620 730 27 27 33 24 24 30 20 20 24 700 750 800 875 945 995 820 880 930 27 33 33 24 30 30 24 24 24 905 970 1020 840 900 950 33 33 33 30 30 30 24 24 28 900 1000 1200 1095 1195 1420 1030 1130 1350 33 33 33 30 30 30 24 28 32 1120 1235 1465 1050 1160 1380 33 39 39 30 36 36 28 28 32 :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH *DVNHWVDQGWRUTXHV Wavistrong flanges are designed with a flat sealing face. For sealing a connection with Wavistrong glass fibre reinforced flanges a choice can be made from a number of gasket types depending on the diameter, internal pressure, type of flange, medium and temperature. When fitting against flanges with a raised face a bending moment will occur in the flange neck when tightening the bolts. This means that the allowable torque must be adjusted, or that precautionary measures must be taken against non-permissible loads. *DVNHWV Rubber gasket with inlay specification model manuf. / type sup. / type application : : : : : depending on medium and temperature Full Face, p = 3-5 mm Phoenix Benelux, St. Niklaas (Belgium) Eriks, Alkmaar (Netherlands) see table 4 Rubber gasket with steel inlay specification model manuf. / type : : : depending on medium and temperature Raised face, p = 4-11 mm Kroll & Ziller, Hilden (Ger.), type G-St-P/S (for the DINbores ID 25 - ID 1200 and the MSS SP-44 bores ID 700 ID 1200) Kroll & Ziller, Hilden (Ger.), type G-St-P/K (for the ANSI B16.5-bores ID 25 - ID 600) Eriks, Alkmaar (Neth.), type Elastomet-OR/ElastometOR/K : sup. / type : application : see table 4 Rubber gasket with support ring specification model manuf./ type sup. / type : : : : : : see table 4 application :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH depending on medium and temperature Full face, p = 4.5-10 mm Raised face, p = 4.5-10 mm Kempchen, Oberhausen (Dld.), type WL IPAR Industrial Partners, Venlo (Neth.), type WL Graphite gasket with metal foil 7DEOH specification model manuf./ type sup. / type manuf./ type : : : : : sup. / type : application : depending on medium and temperature Raised face p = 2-3 mm Sigri, Meitingen (Ger.), type Sigraflex HD Eriks, Alkmaar (Neth.), type Sigraflex HD Kempchen, Oberhausen (Ger.), type RivaTherm Super 2E2 / 3E2 IPAR Industrial Partners, Venlo (Neth.), type RivaTherm Super 2E2 / 3E2 see table 4 *DVNHWDSSOLFDWLRQV Rubber gasket Rubber gasket With steel inlay with inlay Raised face Full face PN ≤ 10 bars PN ≤ 32 bars Rubber gasket with support ring Full face/Raised face PN ≤ 32 bars Graphite gasket with metal foil Raised face PN ≤ 32 bars PN ≤ 32 bars PN ≤ 32 bars PN ≤ 32 bars PN ≤ 25 bars PN ≤ 25 bars PN ≤ 25 bars PN ≤ 25 bars PN ≤ 25 bars PN ≤ 25 bars 700 750 800 PN ≤ 16 bars PN ≤ 16 bars PN ≤ 16 bars PN ≤ 16 bars PN ≤ 16 bars PN ≤ 16 bars 900 1000 1200 PN ≤ 12.5 bars PN ≤ 12.5 bars PN ≤ 12.5 bars PN ≤ 12.5 bars PN ≤ 12.5 bars PN ≤ 12.5 bars ID mm 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 PN ≤ 10 bars :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH 7RUTXHV Tables 5a up to 5d give general values for the torques and serve only as a guideline. The torque depends on a large number of factors, so that no exact value can be given for the torque relating to a certain diameter for a certain bore. The gasket supplier should be consulted for the precise calculation of torques. The starting points for the calculation of torques for various types of gaskets: - hexagonal bolts DIN 931 class 8.8 - standard bolts lubricated with Molykote; friction coefficient = 0.1 ⇒ K = 0.142 - surface pressure for - rubber gasket with inlay: - 12 N/mm2 - rubber gasket with steel inlay: - 10 N/mm2 - rubber gasket with support ring: - 12 N/mm2 - graphite gasket with metal foil: - 25 N/mm2 7DEOHD ID mm 7RUTXHVUXEEHUJDVNHWZLWKLQOD\ IXOOIDFH Torques (Nm) for rubber gasket with inlay (Phoenix) Bore DIN ND 10 DIN ND 16 DIN ND 25 DIN ND 40 Class 150 50 40 100 55 120 100 25 40 50 DIN ND 6 30 60 65 80 100 150 145 160 105 200 250 300 140 110 185 215 170 195 140 215 265 195 290 265 350 400 220 180 190 265 250 330 450 500 600 185 275 265 375 440 655 700 750 800 275 395 515 390 555 690 900 1000 1200 435 410 570 530 690 875 :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH 80 130 225 150 100 155 110 160 150 250 385 360 220 220 325 240 250 375 390 520 445 400 390 505 525 725 445 420 585 490 575 920 90 165 505 555 775 775 825 855 Class 300 70 135 60 7DEOHE ID mm 25 40 50 7RUTXHVUXEEHUJDVNHWZLWKVWHHOLQOD\ UDLVHGIDFH Torques (Nm) for rubber gasket with steel inlay (Kroll & Ziller G-St-P/S and G-St-P/K) Bore DIN ND 6 DIN ND 10 DIN ND 16 DIN ND 25 DIN ND 40 Class 150 Class 300 15 15 20 30 20 35 20 35 35 20 80 100 150 45 35 30 45 75 45 40 55 40 55 65 200 250 300 45 40 65 75 60 70 50 75 95 75 105 105 90 140 145 80 85 130 100 105 145 350 400 80 65 80 105 105 130 155 205 185 180 180 225 450 500 600 70 105 110 150 185 285 220 305 185 175 255 220 255 405 700 750 800 110 175 200 155 235 265 900 1000 1200 170 160 230 225 295 390 30 55 220 235 320 335 365 415 :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH 7DEOHF ID mm 25 40 50 7RUTXHVUXEEHUJDVNHWZLWKVXSSRUWULQJ IXOOIDFHUDLVHGIDFH DIN ND 6 Torques (Nm) for rubber gasket with support ring (Kempchen WL) Bore DIN ND 10 DIN ND 16 DIN ND 25 DIN ND 40 Class 150 10 5 20 10 25 20 80 100 150 25 50 Class 300 10 15 10 20 35 55 30 25 50 20 35 35 60 70 65 65 55 65 55 50 65 200 250 300 65 50 55 45 55 65 55 65 55 350 400 60 85 75 95 90 120 75 80 50 80 450 500 600 75 80 110 85 100 135 110 145 115 100 135 85 90 130 700 750 800 130 155 165 195 900 1000 1200 180 220 285 :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH 120 130 160 155 155 150 7DEOHG ID mm 25 40 50 7RUTXHVJUDSKLWHJDVNHWZLWKPHWDOIRLO UDLVHGIDFH Torques (Nm) for graphite gasket with metal foil (Sigraflex HD/RivaTherm Super) Bore DIN ND 6 DIN ND 10 DIN ND 16 DIN ND 25 DIN ND 40 Class 150 Class 300 20 35 30 45 45 70 40 85 50 85 75 45 80 100 150 105 110 80 200 250 300 110 95 155 180 150 170 120 185 230 180 255 260 350 400 200 165 195 260 255 325 450 500 600 175 255 275 375 465 715 700 750 800 265 435 495 380 590 660 900 1000 1200 420 400 575 565 735 975 Note: 70 105 180 115 95 135 95 130 155 225 345 360 195 215 330 245 255 365 385 505 455 445 440 560 550 755 460 440 630 545 630 1010 75 130 590 630 835 865 935 1040 In tables 5a up to 5d of this Wavistrong Flange Guide, certain starting points have been used for calculating the torques. Different starting points lead to results other than those shown in the tables; in this event the calculations should be remade. :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH 6HDOLQJVXUIDFH:DYLVWURQJIODQJH The sealing surface of the flanges is provided with two grooves, the purpose of which is to create an efficient seal when a hard gasket is used. These grooves also ensure that the gasket does not get blown out by internal pressure. 7DEOH ID mm 'LPHQVLRQVIODQJHJURRYHV DU1 mm 25 35 40 50 50 60 DU2 mm 55 70 80 80 100 150 90 110 160 110 135 190 200 250 300 210 260 310 240 290 340 350 400 380 430 420 470 450 500 600 500 530 630 520 570 670 700 700 750 800 800 730 725 780 830 830 770 740 820 870 845 900 1000 1000 1200 930 1050 1035 1245 950 1100 1055 1265 :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH Note API 75 API 75 AWWA 7ROHUDQFHV 7DEOH 'LPHQVLRQV TF DU Dst α S2 S3 d 7ROHUDQFHV 7ROHUDQFH -1, +2 mm 0, +5 mm -1, +2 mm 0, +5 mm ± 1.0 mm ± 1.3 mm ± 1.5 mm ± 0.5° ± 0.3° ± 0.2° ± 0.15° ± 1 mm ± 1.5 mm 0, +1 mm 0, +1.5 mm 'LDPHWHUUDQJH ID 25 up to ID 400 mm ID 450 up to ID 1200 mm ID 25 up to ID 400 mm ID 450 up to ID 1200 mm Bolt diameter M10 up to M24 Bolt diameter M27 up to M33 Bolt diameter M36 and larger ID 25 up to ID 200 mm ID 250 up to ID 600 mm ID 700 up to ID 900 mm ID 1000 and ID 1200 mm Bolt diameter M10 and M12 Bolt diameter M16 and larger :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH 'HWHUPLQDWLRQEROWOHQJWKDQGVWXGEROWOHQJWK Wavistrong flanges are mounted using bolts and/or stud bolts with washers and nuts. The following situations have been assumed for determining the bolt length: - Wavistrong flange against steel or cast iron flange; - Wavistrong flange against steel or cast iron blind flange; - Wavistrong flange against Wavistrong flange; - Wavistrong flange against Wavistrong blind flange. The Wavistrong flange can be a normal flange, a heavy duty flange, an orifice flange or a blind flange, about which it is important to note that the mounting of two blind flanges against each other and of an orifice flange against an ordinary (non-orifice) flange does not arise. For flange thickness and various standards for steel and cast iron flanges see tables 8 up to 10. For flange thickness and various standards for steel and cast iron blind flanges see tables 11 up to 13. For flange thickness of Wavistrong flanges see tables 14 up to 16. For flange thickness of Wavistrong blind flanges see table 17. Hexagonal bolt specification according to DIN 931 and DIN 933 in the various kinds of material and surface treatments (for available trade dimensions of bolts see table 20). Hexagonal bolt specification according to DIN 934 in the various kinds of material and surface treatments (for dimensions see table 19). Stud bolt specification according to DIN 975 in the various kinds of material and surface treatments. Washer specification according to DIN 125 A in the various kinds of material and surface treatments (for dimensions see table 19). :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH )ODQJHWKLFNQHVVVWHHOIODQJHV',1DQG$16, 7DEOH Flange standard Bore ID (mm) 25 40 50 )ODQJHWKLFNQHVVVWHHOIODQJHV',1DQG$16, DIN 2631 DIN 2632 DIN 2633 DIN 2634 DIN 2635 ANSI B16.5 ANSI B16.5 ND 6 ND 10 ND 16 ND 25 t (mm) ND 40 class 150 class 300 14 14 14 16 16 18 18 18 20 14 18 19 18 21 22 80 100 150 16 16 18 20 20 22 24 24 28 24 24 25 28 32 37 200 250 300 20 22 22 24 26 26 24 26 28 30 32 34 34 38 42 28 30 32 41 48 51 350 400 22 22 26 26 30 32 38 40 46 50 35 37 54 57 450 500 600 24 24 28 28 34 36 44 46 52 40 43 48 60 64 70 700 750 800 24 30 36 46 24 32 38 50 900 1000 1200 26 26 28 34 34 38 40 42 48 54 58 :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH )ODQJHWKLFNQHVVVWHHOIODQJHV066$3,$::$DQG-,6 7DEOH Flange standard Bore ID (mm) 25 40 50 )ODQJHWKLFNQHVVVWHHOIODQJHV066$3,$::$DQG-,6 MSS MSS AWWA AWWA API 605 API 605 SP-44 SP-44 C207 C207 class 150 class 300 class 75 class 150 class D class E JIS B 2210 5K JIS B 2210 10 K 10 12 14 14 16 16 t (mm) 80 100 150 13 14 24 25 14 16 18 18 18 22 200 250 300 32 51 14 17 17 29 30 32 20 22 22 22 24 24 350 400 35 37 54 57 19 19 35 37 24 24 26 28 450 500 600 40 43 48 60 64 70 19 19 25 40 43 48 24 24 26 30 30 32 700 750 800 71 75 81 90 95 100 33 33 35 44 44 46 25 25 29 52 54 57 26 28 28 34 36 36 900 1000 1200 90 90 108 111 114 133 37 38 46 52 56 65 29 29 35 60 64 70 30 32 34 38 40 44 :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH )ODQJHWKLFNQHVVFDVWLURQIODQJHV',1$16,DQG-,6 7DEOH Flange standard Bore )ODQJHWKLFNQHVVFDVWLURQIODQJHV',1$16,DQG-,6 DIN DIN DIN DIN DIN ANSI 2531 2532 2533 2534 2535 B16.1 class ND 6 ND 10 ND 16 ND 25 ND 40 125 ID (mm) ANSI B16.1 class 250 JIS B 2210 JIS B 2210 5K 10 K t (mm) 25 40 50 14 16 16 16 18 20 18 20 22 11 14 16 18 21 22 14 16 16 18 20 20 80 100 150 18 18 20 22 24 26 26 28 34 19 24 25 29 32 37 18 20 22 22 24 26 200 250 300 22 24 24 26 28 28 30 32 32 34 36 40 40 46 50 29 30 32 41 48 51 24 26 28 26 30 32 350 400 26 28 30 32 36 38 44 48 54 62 32 37 54 57 30 30 34 36 450 500 600 30 30 32 34 36 40 42 48 52 40 43 48 60 64 70 30 32 32 38 40 44 700 750 800 32 40 54 54 76 34 44 58 34 36 36 48 50 52 900 1000 1200 36 36 40 46 50 56 62 66 60 86 70 102 38 40 46 54 58 66 :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH )ODQJHWKLFNQHVVVWHHOEOLQGIODQJHV',1 7DEOH Flange standard Bore ID (mm) 25 40 50 )ODQJHWKLFNQHVVVWHHOEOLQGIODQJHV',1 DIN 2527 DIN 2527 DIN 2527 DIN 2527 DIN 2527 ND 6 ND 10 ND 16 ND 25 ND 40 t (mm) 14 14 14 16 16 18 18 18 20 80 100 150 16 16 18 20 20 22 24 24 28 200 250 300 20 22 22 24 26 26 24 26 28 30 32 34 34 38 42 350 400 22 22 26 26 30 32 38 40 46 50 450 500 600 24 28 36 45 56 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH )ODQJHWKLFNQHVVVWHHOEOLQGIODQJHV$16,066DQG-,6 7DEOH Flange standard Bore ID (mm) 25 40 50 )ODQJHWKLFNQHVVVWHHOEOLQGIODQJHV$16,066DQG-,6 ANSI B16.5 ANSI B16.5 MSS SP-44 MSS SP-44 JIS B 2210 JIS B 2210 class 150 class 300 class 150 class 300 5K 10 K t (mm) 14 18 19 18 21 22 10 12 14 14 16 16 80 100 150 24 24 25 28 32 37 14 16 18 18 18 22 200 250 300 28 30 32 41 48 51 32 51 20 22 22 22 24 24 350 400 35 37 54 57 35 37 54 57 24 24 26 28 450 500 600 40 43 48 60 64 70 40 43 48 60 64 70 24 24 26 30 30 32 700 750 800 71 75 81 90 95 100 26 28 28 34 36 36 900 1000 1200 90 90 108 111 114 133 30 32 34 38 40 44 :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH )ODQJHWKLFNQHVVFDVWLURQEOLQGIODQJHV$16,DQG-,6 7DEOH Flange standard Bore ID (mm) 25 40 50 )ODQJHWKLFNQHVVFDVWLURQEOLQGIODQJHV$16,DQG-,6 ANSI B16.1 ANSI B16.1 JIS B 2210 JIS B 2210 class 125 class 250 5K 10 K t (mm) 11 14 16 18 21 22 14 16 16 18 20 20 80 100 150 19 24 25 29 32 37 18 20 22 22 24 26 200 250 300 29 30 32 41 48 51 24 26 28 26 30 32 350 400 32 37 54 57 30 30 34 36 450 500 600 40 43 48 60 64 70 30 32 32 38 40 44 700 750 800 54 76 34 36 36 48 50 52 60 86 70 102 38 40 46 54 58 66 900 1000 1200 :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH )ODQJHWKLFNQHVV*53IODQJHV 7DEOH Flange standard Pressure class ID (mm) 25 40 50 )ODQJHWKLFNQHVV*53IODQJHV Wavistrong EST 8 EST 10 EST 12.5 EST 16 EST 25 EST 32 TF (mm) 30 30 35 80 100 150 200 250 300 Note: EST 20 45 40 55 40 45 60 65 70 80 45 55 55 45 55 55 45 55 55 55 55 60 60 65 65 70 80 85 90 95 90 95 100 100 110 120 350 400 55 55 450 500 600 60 60 65 65 70 75 70 75 80 80 85 90 700 750 800 70 70 75 80 85 90 85 90 95 100 110 120 900 1000 1200 75 80 90 95 100 100 110 The flange thickness given for Wavistrong series EST also applies to the series CST and EWT. :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH )ODQJHWKLFNQHVV*53RULILFHIODQJHV 7DEOH Flange standard Pressure class ID (mm) 25 40 50 )ODQJHWKLFNQHVV*5(RULILFHIODQJHV Wavistrong EST 8 EST 10 EST 12.5 EST 16 EST 25 EST 32 TF (mm) 65 65 70 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 EST 20 90 90 80 75 90 75 80 95 100 105 115 80 90 90 80 90 90 80 90 90 90 90 95 95 100 100 105 115 120 125 130 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 Note: The flange thickness given for Wavistrong series EST also applies to the series CST and EWT. :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH )ODQJHWKLFNQHVVKHDY\GXW\IODQJHV 7DEOH Flange standard Pressure class ID (mm) 25 40 50 )ODQJHWKLFNQHVV*5(KHDY\GXW\IODQJHV Wavistrong EST 8 EST 10 EST 12.5 EST 16 EST 25 EST 32 TF (mm) 30 40 45 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 EST 20 85 90 60 50 70 50 55 75 85 90 105 65 75 80 65 75 80 65 75 80 75 75 85 90 100 95 105 110 120 120 130 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 Note: The flange thickness given for Wavistrong series EST also applies to the series CST and EWT. :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH )ODQJHWKLFNQHVV*5(EOLQGIODQJHV 7DEOH Flange standard Pressure class ID (mm) 25 40 50 )ODQJHWKLFNQHVV*5(EOLQGIODQJHV Wavistrong EST 8 EST 10 EST 12.5 EST 16 EST 25 EST 32 TF (mm) 25 30 35 80 100 150 200 250 300 Note: EST 20 40 40 45 40 45 55 60 70 80 40 45 50 40 45 50 45 50 55 50 55 60 55 55 60 60 65 65 70 75 70 70 75 80 80 85 350 400 45 45 450 500 600 50 50 50 55 55 55 60 60 65 65 65 70 700 750 800 55 60 60 60 65 65 70 75 75 80 85 85 900 1000 1200 65 65 70 70 75 80 85 The flange thickness given for Wavistrong series EST also applies to the series CST and EWT. :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH )ODQJHWKLFNQHVVVWHHOVOLSRQIODQJHV TO = thickness steel slip-on flange TF = thickness GRP flange (see table 14) 7DEOH Pressure class 7KLFNQHVV*53VWXEHQGV EST 8 EST 10 EST 12.5 Wavistrong EST 16 ID (mm) EST 20 EST 25 EST 32 TF (mm) 25 40 50 35 35 35 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 55 55 45 40 55 40 45 60 65 70 80 45 55 55 45 55 55 45 55 55 55 55 60 65 65 65 70 80 85 90 95 450 500 600 Note: - The flange thickness given for Wavistrong series EST also applies to the series CST. :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH 7DEOHD )ODQJHWKLFNQHVV*53EOLQGIODQJHV Flange DIN ND 10 standard ISO PN 10 ID (mm) 25 40 50 DIN ND 16 ISO PN 16 DIN ND 25 ISO PN 25 Class 300 * ISO PN 50 ISO PN 40 Class 150 ISO PN 20 TO (mm) 80 100 150 18 18 200 250 300 20 22 26 22 24 28 26 30 34 350 400 28 32 32 36 38 42 * Note: DIN ND 40 ISO PN 40 18 18 20 14.3 17.5 19 17.5 21 22.5 18 18 20 22 22 24 24 24 25.5 29 32 37 22 22 24 30 36 40 29 30.5 32 41.5 48 51 30 36 40 35 37 54 57.5 46 50 According to ISO 7005-3, the equivalent ISO-designation of clss 300 is ISO PN 50. In Order to save weight, the ISO PN 40 flange thickness could be used as an alternative. 7DEOH 'LPHQVLRQVQXWVZDVKHUVDQGFRQWLQXRXVKROHV Nut DIN 934 Metric (mm) Washer DIN 125 A Continuous hole nut height m (mm) Hole diameter d1 (mm) outer diameter d2 (mm) thickness r (mm) diameter d (mm) M8 6.5 8.4 16 1.6 9 M10 8 10.5 20 2 12 M12 10 13 24 2.5 14 M16 13 17 30 3 19 M20 16 21 37 3 23 M22 18 23 39 3 25 M24 19 25 44 4 27 M27 22 28 50 4 30 M30 24 31 56 4 33 M33 26 34 60 5 36 M36 29 37 66 5 39 M39 31 40 72 6 42 M42 34 43 78 7 45 M45 36 46 85 7 48 M48 38 50 92 8 52 M52 42 54 98 8 56 M56 45 58 105 9 62 :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH 7DEOH M8 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 $YDLODEOHEROWOHQJWKV WUDGHGLPHQVLRQV /EROW PP M10 M12 M16 M20 M22 M24 M27 M30 M33 M36 M39 M42 M45 M48 M52 M56 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 180 200 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 55 60 65 70 75 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 65 70 75 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 180 200 220* 240* 260* 280* 300* 75 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 80 90 100 110 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320* 340* 360* 380* 400* 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 400 100 110 120 160 110 120 130 140 150 160 180 200 220* 240* 260* 280* 300* 320* 340* 360* 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320* 340* 360* 140 110* 120* 130* 140* 150* 160* 170* 180* 200* 220* 240* 260* 280* 300* 320* 340* 360* 120* 140* 140* 140* 150* 150* 160* 160* 160* 160* 170* 180* 180* 180* 180* 200* 200* 200* 200* 220* 240* 240* 240* 240* 260* 260* 280* 280* 280* 280* 300* 320* 320* 320* 320* 340* 360* 360* 360* 360* 160* 180* 200* 240* 260* 280* 320* 360* 400* 400* 400* 400* 400* 400* 400* 420* 440* 460* 500* 500* Dimensions of hexagonal bolts DIN 931 class 8.8 in steel and or electrolytically galvanised steel. * only available in steel, not electrolytically galvanised. Note: the programme of the available bolt lengths and the availability of the electrolytically galvanised model can be different to the above table among various suppliers. :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH 'HWHUPLQDWLRQEROWOHQJWKIRUPRXQWLQJWZRIODQJHV Fig. 1 Determination bolt length The minimum length of the bolt (Lb) is determined using the following formula: /E 7)WROB S WWROB UP In which: TF = tol_1 p = t = tol_2 r = m = (1) flange thickness Wavistrong flange/orifice flange/heavy duty flange / blind flange (see tables 14 up to 17) = tolerance on the GRP-flange: tol_1 = 2 mm for ID ≤ 400 tol_1 = 5 mm for ID > 400 gasket thickness (see 3.1.), used for the tables: p = 6 mm for ID ≤ 400 p = 8 mm for ID > 400 thickness opposing flange (see tables 8 up to 13 for steel and cast iron flanges or tables 14 up to 17 for GRP-flanges) = tolerance on the opposing flange for opposing flange of GRP: see tol_1 for opposing flange of steel or cast iron: tol_2 = 5 mm thickness washer (see table 19) nut height (see table 19) In most cases this formula will provide a non-standard available bolt length. The following applies for these cases: /EROW is the next nearest available standard length. See table 20 for available standard lengths of bolts. The calculated bolt lengths and stud bolt lengths are shown in tables 21 up to 123. 'HWHUPLQDWLRQVWXGEROWOHQJWKIRUPRXQWLQJWZRIODQJHV Fig. 2 Determination stud bolt length :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH The minimum length of the stud bolt (Ld) is determined using the following formula: /G 7)WROB S WWROB UP (2) For the various abbreviations see 4.1. In most cases this formula will not provide a rounded size for the thread length. The length /VWXG is the length Ld rounded off upwards to 10 mm. The calculated bolt lengths and stud bolt lengths are shown in tables 21 up to 123. 'HWHUPLQDWLRQEROWOHQJWKDQGVWXGEROWOHQJWKIRUPRXQWLQJVOLSRQIODQJHV The minimum length of the bolt (Lb) is determined using the following formula: /E 7)WROB 72WROB S WWROB 72WROB UP (3) It is not probable that all thickness will be at the upper limit of their tolerance. In order to limit the excess length of the bolts to some extent, half of the maximum tolerance is taken. The formula then becomes: /E 7)72SW72UP WROBWROBWROBWROB (4). In which: TF tol_1 TO1 tol_3 p t tol_2 TO2 tol_4 r m = = = = = = flange thickness Wavistrong flange (see table 14) tolerance on the GRP-flange; tol_1 = 2 mm thickness of the slip-on flange (see table 18) tolerance on the slip-on flange; tol_3 = 5 mm gasket thickness (see 3.1.), thickness opposing flange (see tables 8 up to 13 for steel and cast iron flanges or tables 14 up to 18 for GRP flanges). = tolerance on the opposing flange for opposing flange of GRP: tol_2 = 2 mm for opposing flange of steel or cast iron: tol_2 = 5 mm = thickness of loose flange accompanying opposing flange = tolerance on the slip-on flange accompanying the opposing flange; tol_4 = 5 mm = thickness washer (see table 19) = nut height (see table 19) In most cases this formula will provide a non-standard available bolt length. The following applies in these cases: /EROW is the next nearest available standard length. See table 20 for available standard lengths of bolts. The calculated bolt lengths and stud bolt lengths are shown in tables 21 up to 123. :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH Also in the case of slip-on flanges, use can be made of stud bolts rods instead of bolts. The minimum length of the stud bolt (Ld) is determined using the following formula: /G 7)WROB 72WROB S WWROB 72WROB UP (5) To limit the excess length of the stud bolt the formula becomes: /G 7)72SW72 UP WROBWROBWROBWROB (6) In most cases the formula for Ld will not provide a rounded size. The length /VWXG is the dimension Ld rounded off upwards to 10 mm. :DYLVWURQJ)ODQJH*XLGH Table 21. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 6 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M D+2M M10 * 4 M12 * 4 M12 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 8 M16 * 8 M16 * 12 M20 * 12 M20 * 12 M20 * 16 M20 * 16 M20 * 20 M24 * 20 M24 * 24 150 150 160 160 180 200 170 170 180 180 200 210 M27 M27 M27 M30 200 200 220 240 220 220 230 260 * 24 * 24 * 28 * 32 flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 180 180 200 220 190 200 220 230 120 140 150 160 180 180 200 220 220 240 240 260 250 260 270 240 260 280 140 160 170 180 190 200 210 230 240 120 140 150 180 180 200 220 240 260 140 160 170 190 200 220 230 250 270 260 270 290 300 310 120 120 140 150 200 220 220 240 260 140 140 160 170 220 230 240 250 270 flange GRP Wavistrong 25 32 B+M D+2M 110 140 140 140 160 220 240 240 260 300 130 160 160 160 180 240 250 260 280 310 B+M 90 90 100 110 120 150 160 180 200 D+2M 100 100 110 130 140 170 180 190 220 Table 22. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 6 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M D+2M M10 * 4 M12 * 4 M12 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 8 M16 * 8 M16 * 12 M20 * 12 M20 * 12 M20 * 16 M20 * 16 M20 * 20 M24 * 20 M24 * 24 140 140 150 150 160 180 160 160 170 170 180 190 M27 M27 M27 M30 180 200 200 220 210 210 220 240 * 24 * 24 * 28 * 32 flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 160 180 180 200 180 190 200 210 120 130 140 150 160 180 180 200 200 200 220 220 230 240 250 220 240 240 130 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 120 130 140 160 180 200 200 220 240 130 150 160 180 190 210 210 230 250 240 250 270 260 280 120 120 140 150 180 200 200 220 220 130 140 150 170 200 210 220 230 240 blind flange GRP Wavistrong 25 32 B+M D+2M 110 130 140 140 160 200 220 220 240 260 130 150 150 160 180 220 230 240 250 270 B+M 80 90 100 110 120 150 160 180 200 D+2M 90 100 110 130 140 160 170 190 220 Table 23. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 6 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M D+2M flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M M10 * 4 M12 * 4 M12 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 8 M16 * 8 M16 * 12 M20 * 12 M20 * 12 M20 * 16 120 120 140 140 M20 * 20 M24 * 20 M24 * 24 130 140 150 150 160 170 140 150 160 M27 M27 M27 M30 160 160 160 180 180 190 190 210 180 180 180 * 24 * 24 * 28 * 32 100 110 120 120 130 120 130 130 140 150 100 110 120 130 130 120 130 130 150 150 160 170 180 150 160 160 170 180 190 160 180 180 180 190 200 200 210 210 180 180 200 200 210 220 200 230 35 25 32 B+M D+2M 100 100 110 120 140 150 110 120 130 130 160 170 90 110 110 110 120 150 160 110 120 130 130 140 170 180 180 180 190 200 180 200 200 220 M*n = Thread diameter (metric) and number of bolts/stud bolts per flange joint B+M = Bolt length for mounting of flanges using bolt and nut and 1 washer (Lbolt) D+2M = Stud bolt length for mounting of flanges using stud bolt and 2 nuts and 2 washers (Lstud) Wavistrong Flange Guide flange cast iron DIN 2531 ND 6 B+M 70 75 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 D+2M 80 90 90 110 110 130 140 140 160 Table 24. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 6 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M D+2M flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M M10 * 4 M12 * 4 M12 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 8 M16 * 8 M16 * 12 M20 * 12 M20 * 12 M20 * 16 110 110 130 130 M20 * 20 M24 * 20 M24 * 24 130 130 140 140 160 160 140 140 150 M27 M27 M27 M30 160 160 160 180 170 180 180 200 160 180 180 * 24 * 24 * 28 * 32 100 110 110 120 120 110 130 130 140 140 100 110 110 120 130 110 130 130 140 150 150 170 170 140 150 150 160 170 180 150 160 180 170 180 190 190 200 200 180 180 180 190 200 210 200 220 flange steel DIN 2631 ND 6 25 32 B+M D+2M 100 100 110 110 140 140 110 110 130 130 160 160 90 110 110 110 120 150 150 110 120 120 130 140 170 170 160 180 180 190 180 200 190 210 B+M 70 70 75 90 90 110 120 130 140 D+2M 80 90 90 110 110 130 130 140 160 Table 25. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 6 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M D+2M M10 * 4 M12 * 4 M12 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 8 M16 * 8 M16 * 12 M20 * 12 M20 * 12 M20 * 16 110 110 130 130 M20 * 20 130 140 flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 140 150 100 110 110 120 120 110 130 130 140 140 100 110 110 120 130 110 130 130 140 150 100 100 110 110 140 140 140 160 150 170 160 blind flange steel DIN 2527 ND 6 25 32 B+M D+2M 110 110 130 130 160 160 90 110 110 110 120 150 150 110 120 120 130 140 170 170 180 180 190 B+M 70 70 75 90 90 110 120 130 140 D+2M 80 90 90 110 110 130 130 140 160 Table 26. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 10 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M D+2M M20 * 8 M20 * 12 M20 * 12 M20 * 16 M24 * 16 M24 * 20 M24 * 20 M27 * 20 M27 * 24 150 150 180 180 180 200 170 170 190 190 200 210 M30 M30 M33 M36 200 200 220 240 230 230 240 270 * 24 * 28 * 28 * 32 flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 180 200 200 220 200 210 220 230 130 150 150 160 180 200 200 220 220 240 240 260 260 270 280 240 260 280 150 170 170 180 190 210 220 230 240 130 150 150 180 180 220 220 240 260 150 170 170 190 200 230 240 250 270 270 280 300 300 320 130 150 150 200 220 240 240 260 M*n = Thread diameter (metric) and number of bolts/stud bolts per flange joint B+M = Bolt length for mounting of flanges using bolt and nut and 1 washer (Lbolt) D+2M = Stud bolt length for mounting of flanges using stud bolt and 2 nuts and 2 washers (Lstud) Wavistrong Flange Guide 36 150 170 170 220 230 250 260 270 flange GRP Wavistrong 25 32 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 150 150 160 220 240 260 280 300 170 170 180 240 250 270 290 310 180 180 200 190 200 220 Table 27. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 10 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M D+2M M20 * 8 M20 * 12 M20 * 12 M20 * 16 M24 * 16 M24 * 20 M24 * 20 M27 * 20 M27 * 24 140 140 160 160 160 180 160 160 180 180 190 200 M30 M30 M33 M36 200 200 200 220 210 220 230 250 * 24 * 28 * 28 * 32 flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 180 180 180 200 190 190 200 210 120 140 140 150 160 180 180 200 200 220 220 240 230 240 260 220 240 260 140 160 160 170 180 200 200 220 230 120 140 140 160 180 200 200 220 240 140 160 160 180 190 210 220 230 250 250 260 280 260 280 130 140 150 180 200 220 220 220 150 160 170 200 210 230 230 250 blind flange GRP Wavistrong 25 32 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 140 150 160 200 220 240 240 260 160 170 180 220 230 250 260 280 160 180 200 180 200 220 Table 28. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 10 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M D+2M M20 * 8 M20 * 12 M20 * 12 M20 * 16 M24 * 16 M24 * 20 M24 * 20 M27 * 20 M27 * 24 120 130 140 140 160 160 140 150 160 160 180 180 M30 M30 M33 M36 180 180 180 200 200 200 210 240 * 24 * 28 * 28 * 32 flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 140 150 160 180 170 170 190 190 110 120 120 130 140 150 150 160 180 180 200 200 210 220 230 200 200 220 130 140 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 110 120 120 130 140 160 160 180 200 130 140 140 150 170 180 190 200 210 220 220 240 220 240 110 120 120 150 160 180 180 180 130 140 140 170 180 190 200 210 flange cast iron DIN 2532 ND 10 25 32 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 120 120 120 160 180 180 200 200 140 140 140 180 190 200 210 230 130 130 140 150 150 160 Table 29. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 10 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M D+2M flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M M20 * 8 M20 * 12 M20 * 12 M20 * 16 M24 * 16 120 120 140 140 M24 * 20 M27 * 20 M27 * 24 130 140 160 160 170 170 140 160 160 M30 M30 M33 M36 160 160 180 180 190 190 200 220 180 180 200 * 24 * 28 * 28 * 32 25 32 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 130 130 140 140 150 160 110 120 120 120 130 120 140 140 140 150 110 120 120 130 140 120 140 140 150 160 110 120 120 140 150 120 140 140 160 170 120 120 120 150 160 130 140 140 170 180 170 180 180 150 160 160 170 180 190 160 180 180 180 190 200 180 180 190 200 180 200 210 220 200 210 220 180 180 200 210 210 230 200 230 M*n = Thread diameter (metric) and number of bolts/stud bolts per flange joint B+M = Bolt length for mounting of flanges using bolt and nut and 1 washer (Lbolt) D+2M = Stud bolt length for mounting of flanges using stud bolt and 2 nuts and 2 washers (Lstud) Wavistrong Flange Guide flange steel DIN 2632 ND 10 37 Table 30. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 10 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M D+2M M20 * 8 M20 * 12 M20 * 12 M20 * 16 M24 * 16 120 120 140 140 M24 * 20 130 160 flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 140 170 blind flange steel DIN 2527 ND 10 25 32 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 130 130 140 140 150 160 110 120 120 120 130 120 140 140 140 150 110 120 120 130 140 120 140 140 150 160 110 120 120 140 150 120 140 140 160 170 120 120 120 150 160 130 140 140 170 180 150 170 160 180 180 190 180 210 Table 31. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 16 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M D+2M M16 * 8 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 12 M24 * 12 M24 * 12 M24 * 16 M27 * 16 M27 * 20 M30 * 20 M33 * 20 M33 * 24 150 160 180 180 180 200 170 180 190 200 210 220 M36 M36 M39 M45 220 220 220 280 240 240 260 290 * 24 * 28 * 28 * 32 flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 180 200 200 220 200 220 230 240 130 150 150 160 180 200 200 220 220 240 260 260 270 280 300 260 260 280 150 170 170 180 200 210 230 240 250 130 150 150 180 180 220 220 240 260 150 170 170 190 210 230 250 260 280 280 290 320 300 330 130 130 150 150 200 220 240 240 260 150 150 170 170 220 240 250 270 280 flange GRP Wavistrong 25 32 B+M D+2M 110 150 150 150 160 220 240 260 280 300 130 170 170 170 180 240 260 270 300 320 B+M D+2M 110 120 160 180 180 200 130 140 180 190 200 220 Table 32. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 16 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M D+2M M16 * 8 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 12 M24 * 12 M24 * 12 M24 * 16 M27 * 16 M27 * 20 M30 * 20 M33 * 20 M33 * 24 140 140 160 160 180 180 160 170 180 190 200 210 M36 M36 M39 M45 200 200 200 240 230 230 240 270 * 24 * 28 * 28 * 32 flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 180 180 180 200 190 200 210 220 120 140 150 160 160 180 200 200 220 220 220 240 250 260 270 240 240 260 140 160 170 180 190 200 210 230 240 120 140 150 180 180 200 200 220 240 140 160 170 190 200 220 230 240 260 260 270 290 260 300 120 130 150 150 200 200 220 220 240 M*n = Thread diameter (metric) and number of bolts/stud bolts per flange joint B+M = Bolt length for mounting of flanges using bolt and nut and 1 washer (Lbolt) D+2M = Stud bolt length for mounting of flanges using stud bolt and 2 nuts and 2 washers (Lstud) Wavistrong Flange Guide 38 140 150 170 170 210 220 230 240 260 blind flange GRP Wavistrong 25 32 B+M D+2M 110 140 140 150 160 200 220 240 240 260 130 160 160 170 180 220 240 250 270 290 B+M D+2M 110 120 150 160 180 200 130 140 170 180 200 220 Table 33. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 16 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M D+2M flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M M16 * 8 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 12 M24 * 12 M24 * 12 M24 * 16 M27 * 16 M27 * 20 M30 * 20 M33 * 20 M33 * 24 130 140 160 150 180 180 150 160 170 180 200 210 160 160 180 200 M36 * 24 M36 * 28 M39 * 28 200 200 220 220 230 240 200 220 240 180 190 210 220 110 130 130 140 160 160 180 180 200 130 150 150 160 170 180 200 210 220 110 130 130 140 160 180 180 200 220 130 150 150 160 180 190 210 220 240 240 250 260 220 220 240 240 250 270 240 270 110 110 130 130 160 180 180 200 200 130 130 150 150 180 190 200 220 230 flange cast iron DIN 2533 ND 16 25 32 B+M D+2M 100 120 120 130 130 180 180 200 200 220 110 140 140 150 160 190 200 210 230 250 B+M D+2M 100 100 120 130 140 150 110 120 140 150 170 180 Table 34. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 16 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M D+2M flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M M16 * 8 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 12 M24 * 12 M24 * 12 M24 * 16 M27 * 16 130 140 150 160 M30 * 20 M33 * 20 M33 * 24 140 160 160 170 190 190 150 160 180 M36 M36 M39 M45 180 180 180 200 200 210 220 250 180 200 200 * 24 * 28 * 28 * 32 110 120 120 130 140 120 140 150 150 170 110 120 120 140 160 120 140 150 160 170 180 200 200 160 180 180 190 200 210 180 180 200 200 210 220 220 230 240 200 200 220 220 230 250 220 250 flange steel DIN 2633 ND 16 25 32 B+M D+2M 110 130 130 140 150 180 200 220 240 100 110 120 120 150 160 120 120 140 150 170 190 90 110 120 120 130 160 180 180 200 210 220 200 220 B+M D+2M 90 100 120 130 140 150 110 110 140 140 160 170 Table 35. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 16 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M D+2M M16 * 8 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 12 M24 * 12 M24 * 12 M24 * 16 M27 * 16 130 140 150 160 M30 * 20 150 170 flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 160 180 25 D+2M 110 130 130 140 150 180 200 220 110 120 120 130 140 120 140 150 150 170 110 120 120 140 160 120 140 150 160 170 100 110 120 120 150 160 120 120 140 150 170 190 160 190 180 200 180 210 200 39 32 B+M 90 110 120 120 130 160 180 M*n = Thread diameter (metric) and number of bolts/stud bolts per flange joint B+M = Bolt length for mounting of flanges using bolt and nut and 1 washer (Lbolt) D+2M = Stud bolt length for mounting of flanges using stud bolt and 2 nuts and 2 washers (Lstud) Wavistrong Flange Guide blind flange steel DIN 2527 ND 16 B+M D+2M 90 100 120 130 140 150 110 110 140 140 160 170 Table 36. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 25 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M24 M27 M27 M30 M33 D+2M flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M * 12 * 12 * 16 * 16 * 16 160 160 180 190 M33 * 20 M36 * 20 M39 * 24 180 200 200 200 220 240 200 220 220 M45 M45 M52 M52 240 240 240 280 260 260 280 300 280 280 280 * 24 * 28 * 28 * 32 flange GRP Wavistrong 25 32 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 180 180 200 190 210 230 130 160 160 180 180 150 180 180 190 210 130 160 160 180 200 150 180 180 200 220 130 160 160 220 220 150 180 180 230 250 150 160 160 240 240 170 180 190 250 270 220 240 260 200 220 240 230 250 270 220 240 260 250 270 300 240 260 270 290 280 300 300 330 290 300 320 280 280 320 300 310 340 320 350 Table 37. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 25 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M24 M27 M27 M30 M33 D+2M flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M * 12 * 12 * 16 * 16 * 16 150 160 170 180 M33 * 20 M36 * 20 M39 * 24 160 180 180 190 210 220 180 200 200 M45 M45 M52 M52 200 240 240 240 240 250 270 280 240 240 280 * 24 * 28 * 28 * 32 blind flange GRP Wavistrong 25 32 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 180 180 200 190 210 230 130 140 160 160 180 150 170 170 190 200 130 140 160 180 180 150 170 170 200 210 130 160 160 200 200 150 170 180 220 230 150 160 160 220 220 170 180 190 230 250 210 220 240 200 200 220 220 240 250 200 220 240 230 250 280 220 240 250 270 240 260 270 300 260 270 300 240 280 280 280 290 320 280 310 Table 38. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 25 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M24 M27 M27 M30 M33 D+2M * 12 * 12 * 16 * 16 * 16 140 160 170 180 M33 * 20 180 200 flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 180 210 25 32 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 140 160 160 160 180 190 120 140 140 150 160 140 160 160 180 190 120 140 140 150 180 140 160 160 180 200 120 140 140 180 180 140 160 160 200 210 130 140 140 180 200 150 160 170 210 220 180 210 200 220 200 230 220 250 M*n = Thread diameter (metric) and number of bolts/stud bolts per flange joint B+M = Bolt length for mounting of flanges using bolt and nut and 1 washer (Lbolt) D+2M = Stud bolt length for mounting of flanges using stud bolt and 2 nuts and 2 washers (Lstud) Wavistrong Flange Guide flange cast iron DIN 2534 ND 25 40 Table 39. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 25 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M24 M27 M27 M30 M33 D+2M flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M * 12 * 12 * 16 * 16 * 16 140 140 170 170 M33 * 20 M36 * 20 M39 * 24 160 180 180 190 200 210 180 180 200 M45 * 24 M45 * 28 M52 * 28 200 200 240 230 240 260 240 240 240 flange steel DIN 2634 ND 25 25 32 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 140 160 160 160 170 180 120 140 140 140 160 140 160 160 170 180 120 140 140 150 160 140 160 160 180 190 120 140 140 160 180 140 160 160 190 200 130 140 140 180 180 150 160 160 200 210 200 210 220 180 180 200 200 220 230 180 200 220 210 230 240 200 200 220 240 220 220 240 260 250 260 280 240 240 240 250 260 290 240 280 Table 40. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 25 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M24 M27 M27 M30 M33 D+2M * 12 * 12 * 16 * 16 * 16 140 140 170 170 M33 * 20 160 190 flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 180 200 blind flange steel DIN 2527 ND 25 25 32 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 140 160 160 160 170 180 120 140 140 140 160 140 160 160 170 180 120 140 140 150 160 140 160 160 180 190 120 140 140 160 180 140 160 160 190 200 130 140 140 180 180 150 160 160 200 210 180 200 180 210 200 220 220 240 Table 41. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 40 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M D+2M M12 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M24 * 8 M27 * 12 M30 * 12 M30 * 16 M33 * 16 M36 * 16 M36 * 20 M39 * 20 M45 * 20 M45 * 24 160 160 180 180 200 240 190 200 210 220 240 250 M52 M52 M52 M56 240 240 240 260 270 270 280 310 * 24 * 28 * 28 * 32 flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 200 200 240 240 220 240 260 270 140 160 160 180 180 200 220 240 240 280 280 280 300 310 320 280 280 320 160 180 180 200 220 230 250 270 280 140 160 160 180 200 220 240 280 280 160 180 180 210 230 250 270 290 310 310 320 340 320 360 130 140 160 160 220 220 240 260 280 M*n = Thread diameter (metric) and number of bolts/stud bolts per flange joint B+M = Bolt length for mounting of flanges using bolt and nut and 1 washer (Lbolt) D+2M = Stud bolt length for mounting of flanges using stud bolt and 2 nuts and 2 washers (Lstud) Wavistrong Flange Guide 41 150 160 180 180 240 260 270 290 310 flange GRP Wavistrong 25 32 B+M D+2M 120 150 160 160 180 240 240 260 280 320 140 170 180 180 190 260 280 290 320 350 B+M 90 90 100 110 130 160 180 200 220 D+2M 100 110 120 130 150 180 200 210 230 Table 42. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 40 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M D+2M M12 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M24 * 8 M27 * 12 M30 * 12 M30 * 16 M33 * 16 M36 * 16 M36 * 20 M39 * 20 M45 * 20 M45 * 24 160 150 180 170 180 200 180 190 200 210 220 230 M52 M52 M52 M56 240 240 240 240 260 260 270 290 * 24 * 28 * 28 * 32 flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 180 180 200 240 210 220 240 250 140 150 150 160 180 200 200 240 240 240 240 280 280 290 300 240 280 280 150 170 180 190 210 220 230 250 260 140 150 150 180 180 200 220 240 280 150 170 180 200 220 240 250 270 290 290 300 320 280 330 130 140 150 160 200 200 220 220 240 150 160 180 180 220 240 250 260 280 blind flange GRP Wavistrong 25 32 B+M D+2M 120 140 160 160 180 220 220 240 260 280 140 160 170 180 190 240 260 270 290 310 B+M 90 90 100 110 130 160 180 200 220 D+2M 100 110 120 130 150 180 190 210 230 Table 43. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 40 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M12 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M24 * 8 M27 * 12 M30 * 12 M30 * 16 M33 * 16 M36 * 16 D+2M 160 180 flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 140 150 150 160 180 190 200 150 170 180 190 210 140 150 150 180 180 150 170 180 200 220 120 140 150 150 180 200 140 150 170 180 210 230 flange cast iron DIN 2535 ND 40 25 32 B+M D+2M 100 130 140 150 160 200 220 120 150 160 170 180 220 240 B+M 75 80 90 100 110 130 160 160 180 D+2M 90 100 110 120 130 160 170 190 200 Table 44. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 40 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M D+2M M12 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M24 * 8 M27 * 12 M30 * 12 M30 * 16 M33 * 16 M36 * 16 160 160 180 190 M39 * 20 170 210 flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 180 220 120 140 140 160 180 150 170 170 190 200 120 140 140 160 180 150 170 170 190 210 110 120 140 140 180 200 200 220 200 230 220 M*n = Thread diameter (metric) and number of bolts/stud bolts per flange joint B+M = Bolt length for mounting of flanges using bolt and nut and 1 washer (Lbolt) D+2M = Stud bolt length for mounting of flanges using stud bolt and 2 nuts and 2 washers (Lstud) Wavistrong Flange Guide 42 flange steel DIN 2635 ND 40 25 32 B+M D+2M 140 150 170 170 210 220 100 120 140 140 150 180 200 120 150 160 170 180 220 230 240 220 260 B+M 75 80 90 100 110 130 140 150 180 D+2M 90 100 100 110 120 150 170 180 200 Table 45. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 40 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M D+2M M12 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M24 * 8 M27 * 12 M30 * 12 M30 * 16 M33 * 16 M36 * 16 160 160 180 190 M39 * 20 180 210 flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 200 220 120 140 140 160 180 150 170 170 190 200 120 140 140 160 180 150 170 170 190 210 110 120 140 140 180 200 200 230 200 240 220 blind flange steel DIN 2527 ND 40 25 32 B+M D+2M 140 150 170 170 210 220 100 120 140 140 150 180 200 120 150 160 170 180 220 230 250 240 260 B+M 75 80 90 100 110 130 140 150 180 D+2M 90 100 100 110 120 150 170 180 200 Table 46. Norm bore : Class 150 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M12 * 4 M12 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 8 M24 * 12 M24 * 12 M27 * 12 M27 * 16 M30 * 16 M30 * 20 M33 * 20 M33 * 28 M33 * 28 M39 * 28 M39 * 32 M39 * 36 M39 * 44 D+2M 160 160 180 180 180 200 200 220 220 220 240 180 180 200 200 210 220 220 250 250 260 280 flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 180 200 200 220 220 240 260 260 210 220 230 240 250 280 290 300 130 150 150 160 180 200 200 220 220 240 260 260 280 150 170 170 190 200 220 230 240 250 260 290 300 320 130 150 150 180 180 220 220 240 260 280 300 150 170 170 200 210 240 250 260 280 300 340 130 130 150 150 200 220 240 240 260 150 150 170 170 230 240 260 270 280 flange GRP Wavistrong 25 32 B+M D+2M 110 150 150 150 160 220 240 260 280 300 130 170 170 170 180 250 260 280 300 320 B+M 90 90 100 110 120 160 180 180 200 D+2M 100 100 120 130 140 180 190 200 220 Table 47. Norm bore : Class 150 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M12 * 4 M12 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 8 M24 * 12 M24 * 12 M27 * 12 M27 * 16 M30 * 16 M30 * 20 M33 * 20 M33 * 28 M33 * 28 M39 * 28 M39 * 32 M39 * 36 M39 * 44 140 140 160 160 180 180 180 200 200 200 220 D+2M 170 170 190 190 200 210 210 230 240 240 260 flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 180 180 180 200 200 220 220 240 200 200 210 220 230 250 260 270 120 140 150 160 160 180 200 200 220 220 240 240 260 140 160 170 180 190 210 210 230 240 250 270 280 290 120 140 150 180 180 200 200 220 240 260 260 140 160 170 190 200 220 230 240 260 280 300 120 130 150 150 200 200 220 220 240 M*n = Thread diameter (metric) and number of bolts/stud bolts per flange joint B+M = Bolt length for mounting of flanges using bolt and nut and 1 washer (Lbolt) D+2M = Stud bolt length for mounting of flanges using stud bolt and 2 nuts and 2 washers (Lstud) Wavistrong Flange Guide 43 140 150 170 170 210 220 240 240 260 blind flange GRP Wavistrong 25 32 B+M D+2M 110 140 140 150 160 200 220 240 240 260 130 160 160 170 180 230 240 260 270 290 B+M 90 90 100 110 120 150 160 180 200 D+2M 100 100 120 130 140 170 180 200 220 Table 48. Norm bore : Class 150 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M D+2M flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M M12 * 4 M12 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 8 M24 * 12 M24 * 12 M27 * 12 M27 * 16 M30 * 16 M30 * 20 M33 * 20 140 140 150 150 180 160 160 180 180 200 160 160 180 M33 * 28 180 210 M39 * 32 200 230 M39 * 44 220 260 180 190 210 110 130 130 140 160 160 180 180 130 150 150 160 170 190 200 210 110 130 130 140 160 180 180 200 130 150 150 170 180 200 210 220 200 220 200 230 220 250 220 250 220 260 110 110 130 130 160 180 180 200 200 130 130 150 150 180 190 210 220 230 flange/blind flange cast iron ANSI B16.1 class 125 25 32 B+M D+2M 100 120 120 130 130 180 180 200 200 220 110 140 140 150 160 190 200 220 230 250 B+M 70 70 80 90 100 120 130 140 150 D+2M 80 90 100 110 120 140 150 160 180 Table 49. Norm bore : Class 150 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M12 * 4 M12 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 8 M24 * 12 M24 * 12 M27 * 12 M27 * 16 M30 * 16 M30 * 20 M33 * 20 D+2M 140 140 150 150 180 160 160 180 180 200 flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 160 160 180 180 190 210 110 130 130 140 160 160 180 180 130 150 150 170 170 190 200 210 110 130 130 140 160 180 180 200 130 150 150 170 180 200 210 220 110 110 130 130 160 180 180 200 200 130 130 150 150 190 190 210 220 230 flange/blind flange steel ANSI B16.5 class 150 25 32 B+M D+2M 100 120 120 130 130 180 180 200 200 220 110 140 140 150 160 200 200 220 230 250 B+M 70 75 90 100 100 120 130 140 150 D+2M 90 90 100 110 120 140 150 160 180 Table 50. Norm bore : Class 150 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 8 M24 * 12 M24 * 12 M27 * 12 M27 * 16 M30 * 16 M30 * 20 M33 * 20 M33 * 28 M33 * 28 M39 * 28 M39 * 32 M39 * 36 M39 * 44 120 120 130 130 140 160 160 160 160 170 180 D+2M 140 140 160 160 180 180 180 200 200 210 220 flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 140 140 160 160 160 180 180 200 160 170 190 190 200 220 220 230 100 110 110 120 140 140 150 160 160 180 180 200 200 120 140 140 150 150 170 170 190 200 200 220 230 240 100 110 110 140 140 150 160 180 180 200 220 120 140 140 150 160 180 180 200 210 220 250 100 100 110 110 140 160 160 180 180 M*n = Thread diameter (metric) and number of bolts/stud bolts per flange joint B+M = Bolt length for mounting of flanges using bolt and nut and 1 washer (Lbolt) D+2M = Stud bolt length for mounting of flanges using stud bolt and 2 nuts and 2 washers (Lstud) Wavistrong Flange Guide 44 120 120 140 140 170 170 190 190 210 flange steel AWWA C207 class D 25 32 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 90 110 110 110 120 160 160 180 180 200 100 130 130 140 140 180 180 200 210 230 90 110 120 130 140 110 130 140 150 160 Table 51. Norm bore : Class 150 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 8 M24 * 12 M24 * 12 M27 * 12 M27 * 16 M30 * 16 M30 * 20 M33 * 20 M33 * 28 M33 * 28 M39 * 28 M39 * 32 M39 * 36 M39 * 44 D+2M 140 140 150 150 180 180 180 200 200 200 220 160 160 180 180 200 210 210 230 230 240 260 flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 160 160 180 200 200 220 220 220 180 190 210 220 220 240 250 260 110 130 130 140 160 160 180 180 200 200 220 220 240 130 150 150 160 170 190 200 210 220 230 250 260 270 110 130 130 140 160 180 180 200 220 220 240 130 150 150 170 180 200 210 220 240 250 270 110 110 130 130 160 180 180 200 200 130 130 150 150 180 190 210 220 230 flange steel AWWA C207 class E 25 32 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 100 120 120 130 130 180 180 200 200 220 110 140 140 150 160 190 200 220 230 250 100 120 130 140 150 120 140 150 160 180 Table 52. Norm bore : Class 150 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n M24 M27 M27 M30 M30 M33 M33 M33 M39 M39 M39 M39 * 12 * 12 * 16 * 16 * 20 * 20 * 28 * 28 * 28 * 32 * 36 * 44 8 B+M D+2M 140 140 150 150 180 200 200 220 240 240 260 160 160 180 180 200 230 230 250 260 270 290 flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 160 160 180 220 220 240 260 260 180 190 210 240 240 270 280 290 130 140 160 160 180 180 220 220 240 260 260 150 170 170 190 200 210 240 250 270 290 300 130 140 160 180 180 200 240 240 260 150 170 180 200 210 220 260 270 300 130 160 180 180 200 200 150 190 190 210 220 230 flange/blind flange steel MSS SP-44 class 150 25 32 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 130 180 180 200 200 220 160 200 200 220 230 250 150 180 Table 53. Norm bore : Class 300 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M D+2M flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M M16 * 4 M20 * 4 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 12 M24 * 12 M27 * 16 M30 * 16 M30 * 20 M33 * 20 M33 * 24 M33 * 24 M39 * 24 160 160 180 180 200 180 190 200 200 230 180 200 220 M45 * 28 240 250 M52 * 32 240 270 M52 * 40 280 300 210 220 250 130 160 160 180 180 200 200 220 150 180 180 190 210 220 230 260 130 160 160 180 200 220 220 240 150 180 180 200 220 240 250 280 240 280 280 290 320 330 280 310 280 320 130 130 160 160 220 220 240 240 260 M*n = Thread diameter (metric) and number of bolts/stud bolts per flange joint B+M = Bolt length for mounting of flanges using bolt and nut and 1 washer (Lbolt) D+2M = Stud bolt length for mounting of flanges using stud bolt and 2 nuts and 2 washers (Lstud) Wavistrong Flange Guide 45 150 150 180 180 230 250 260 270 300 flange GRP Wavistrong 25 32 B+M D+2M 120 150 150 160 180 240 240 260 280 300 140 170 170 180 190 250 270 280 300 340 B+M 90 100 100 120 130 160 180 180 220 D+2M 110 120 120 140 150 180 190 210 230 Table 54. Norm bore : Class 300 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M D+2M flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M M16 * 4 M20 * 4 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 12 M24 * 12 M27 * 16 M30 * 16 M30 * 20 M33 * 20 M33 * 24 M33 * 24 M39 * 24 150 160 160 160 170 170 180 190 190 210 180 180 200 M45 * 28 200 240 M52 * 32 240 260 M52 * 40 240 280 200 210 230 130 140 150 160 180 180 200 200 150 170 180 190 200 210 220 240 130 140 150 180 180 200 200 220 150 170 180 200 210 230 230 260 240 260 240 270 280 300 240 290 280 300 120 130 160 160 200 200 220 220 240 140 150 170 180 220 230 240 250 270 blind flange GRP Wavistrong 25 32 B+M D+2M 120 140 150 160 180 220 220 240 240 260 140 160 170 180 190 230 250 260 270 300 B+M 90 100 100 120 130 150 180 180 220 D+2M 100 120 120 140 150 170 190 210 230 Table 55. Norm bore : Class 300 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M D+2M flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M M16 * 4 M20 * 4 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 12 M24 * 12 M27 * 16 M30 * 16 M30 * 20 M33 * 20 M33 * 24 M33 * 24 M39 * 24 150 160 180 180 200 180 190 210 210 230 180 200 200 M45 * 28 240 260 M52 * 32 240 280 M52 * 40 280 310 210 220 240 130 160 150 160 180 180 200 220 150 170 180 190 200 220 220 250 130 160 150 160 180 200 200 220 150 170 180 190 210 230 230 260 240 270 240 280 280 300 280 300 280 310 120 130 160 150 180 200 200 220 240 140 150 170 180 210 220 240 240 270 flange/blind flange cast iron ANSI B16.1 class 250 25 32 B+M D+2M 110 130 140 160 160 200 200 220 240 260 130 150 160 170 180 220 230 250 260 290 B+M 80 90 90 110 110 130 150 160 180 D+2M 100 110 110 120 130 150 170 190 200 Table 56. Norm bore : Class 300 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M16 * 4 M20 * 4 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 12 M24 * 12 M27 * 16 M30 * 16 M30 * 20 M33 * 20 M33 * 24 M33 * 24 M39 * 24 150 160 180 180 200 D+2M 180 190 210 210 230 flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 180 200 200 210 220 240 130 160 150 160 180 180 200 220 150 170 180 190 200 220 220 250 130 160 150 160 180 200 200 220 150 170 180 190 210 230 230 260 120 130 160 150 180 200 200 220 240 M*n = Thread diameter (metric) and number of bolts/stud bolts per flange joint B+M = Bolt length for mounting of flanges using bolt and nut and 1 washer (Lbolt) D+2M = Stud bolt length for mounting of flanges using stud bolt and 2 nuts and 2 washers (Lstud) Wavistrong Flange Guide 46 140 150 170 180 210 220 240 240 270 flange/blind flange steel ANSI B16.5 class 300 25 32 B+M D+2M 110 130 140 160 160 200 200 220 240 260 130 150 160 170 180 220 230 250 260 290 B+M 80 90 90 110 110 130 150 160 180 D+2M 100 110 110 120 130 150 170 190 200 Table 57. Norm bore : MSS SP-44 class 300 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 M*n M30 M30 M33 M33 M33 M39 M42 M45 M48 M52 M42 M48 * 16 * 20 * 20 * 24 * 24 * 24 * 28 * 28 * 28 * 32 * 32 * 32 type: Flange 1 mat.: 8 B+M D+2M 150 160 180 180 200 220 240 240 280 260 300 180 190 210 210 230 270 270 290 310 300 340 flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 180 200 200 240 280 260 280 280 210 220 240 280 290 310 330 320 150 160 180 180 200 220 240 280 260 280 320 180 190 200 220 220 250 280 290 310 330 330 150 160 180 200 200 220 260 280 300 180 190 210 230 230 260 300 310 340 150 180 200 200 220 240 180 210 220 240 240 270 flange/blind flange steel MSS SP-44 class 300 25 32 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 160 200 200 220 240 260 180 220 230 250 260 290 180 200 Table 58. Norm bore : API 605 class 75 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n M16 M16 M16 M20 M20 M24 * 40 * 44 * 48 * 40 * 44 * 44 8 B+M D+2M 140 140 150 150 160 180 160 160 160 170 180 200 flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 150 160 160 180 180 170 170 180 190 200 160 160 180 180 200 170 180 180 200 210 180 180 200 flens steel API 605 class 75 25 B+M 32 D+2M B+M D+2M 190 200 210 Table 59. Norm bore : API 605 class 150 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n M20 M20 M20 M24 M27 M30 * 40 * 44 * 48 * 44 * 44 * 44 8 B+M D+2M 160 160 160 180 180 220 180 180 180 200 210 230 flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 180 180 180 200 200 190 190 200 220 230 180 180 180 200 220 190 200 200 220 240 200 200 220 210 220 230 M*n = Thread diameter (metric) and number of bolts/stud bolts per flange joint B+M = Bolt length for mounting of flanges using bolt and nut and 1 washer (Lbolt) D+2M = Stud bolt length for mounting of flanges using stud bolt and 2 nuts and 2 washers (Lstud) Wavistrong Flange Guide 47 flange steel API 605 class 150 25 B+M 32 D+2M B+M D+2M Table 60. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 6 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M10 * 4 M12 * 4 M12 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 8 M16 * 8 M16 * 12 M20 * 12 M20 * 12 M20 * 16 D+2M 220 220 orifice flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 200 220 220 240 240 240 240 210 230 240 250 260 200 220 220 240 260 210 230 240 260 270 200 200 220 220 280 280 210 210 230 240 290 300 orifice flange GRP Wavistrong 25 32 B+M D+2M 180 220 220 220 240 300 300 200 230 230 230 250 310 320 B+M 160 160 180 180 200 220 240 240 280 D+2M 170 170 180 200 210 240 250 260 290 Table 61. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 10 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M20 * 8 M20 * 12 M20 * 12 M20 * 16 M24 * 16 D+2M 220 220 orifice flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 200 220 220 240 240 240 240 220 240 240 250 260 200 220 220 240 260 220 240 240 260 270 200 220 220 280 280 220 240 240 290 300 orifice flange GRP Wavistrong 25 32 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 220 220 240 300 300 240 240 250 310 320 240 260 280 260 270 290 Table 62. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 16 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M16 * 8 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 12 M24 * 12 M24 * 12 M24 * 16 M27 * 16 220 220 D+2M 240 250 orifice flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 200 220 220 240 240 220 240 240 250 270 200 220 220 240 260 220 240 240 260 280 200 200 220 220 280 280 M*n = Thread diameter (metric) and number of bolts/stud bolts per flange joint B+M = Bolt length for mounting of flanges using bolt and nut and 1 washer (Lbolt) D+2M = Stud bolt length for mounting of flanges using stud bolt and 2 nuts and 2 washers (Lstud) Wavistrong Flange Guide 48 220 220 240 240 290 310 orifice flange GRP Wavistrong 25 32 B+M D+2M 180 220 220 220 240 300 300 200 240 240 240 250 310 330 B+M D+2M 180 200 240 240 260 280 200 210 250 260 270 290 Table 63. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 25 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M24 M27 M27 M30 M33 * 12 * 12 * 16 * 16 * 16 D+2M 240 240 orifice flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 200 220 220 240 260 250 260 220 250 250 260 280 200 220 220 260 260 220 250 250 270 290 200 220 220 280 300 220 250 250 300 320 orifice flange GRP Wavistrong 25 32 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 220 220 240 300 320 240 250 260 320 340 240 260 280 260 280 300 Table 64. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 40 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M12 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M24 * 8 M27 * 12 M30 * 12 M30 * 16 M33 * 16 M36 * 16 D+2M 240 240 orifice flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 200 240 240 240 260 260 270 230 250 250 270 290 200 240 240 260 260 230 250 250 280 300 200 200 240 240 280 300 220 230 250 250 310 330 orifice flange GRP Wavistrong 25 32 B+M D+2M 200 220 220 240 240 300 320 210 240 250 250 260 330 350 B+M 160 160 180 180 200 240 240 260 280 D+2M 170 180 190 200 220 250 270 280 300 Table 65. Norm bore : Class 150 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M12 * 4 M12 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 8 M24 * 12 M24 * 12 M27 * 12 M27 * 16 220 220 D+2M 250 250 orifice flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 200 220 220 240 240 220 240 240 260 270 200 220 220 240 260 220 240 240 270 280 200 200 220 220 280 280 M*n = Thread diameter (metric) and number of bolts/stud bolts per flange joint B+M = Bolt length for mounting of flanges using bolt and nut and 1 washer (Lbolt) D+2M = Stud bolt length for mounting of flanges using stud bolt and 2 nuts and 2 washers (Lstud) Wavistrong Flange Guide 49 220 220 240 240 300 310 orifice flange GRP Wavistrong 25 32 B+M D+2M 180 220 220 220 240 300 300 200 240 240 240 250 320 330 B+M 160 160 180 180 200 240 240 260 280 D+2M 170 170 190 200 210 250 260 270 290 Table 66. Norm bore : Class 300 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M16 * 4 M20 * 4 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 12 M24 * 12 M27 * 16 M30 * 16 M30 * 20 M33 * 20 D+2M 240 240 orifice flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 200 220 240 240 260 250 260 220 250 250 260 280 200 220 240 260 260 220 250 250 270 290 200 200 220 240 280 300 220 220 250 250 300 320 orifice flange GRP Wavistrong 25 32 B+M D+2M 200 220 220 220 240 300 320 210 240 240 250 260 320 340 B+M 160 180 180 200 200 240 240 260 280 D+2M 180 190 190 210 220 250 260 280 300 Table 67. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 6 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M10 * 4 M12 * 4 M12 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 8 M16 * 8 M16 * 12 M20 * 12 M20 * 12 M20 * 16 D+2M 220 220 heavy duty flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 160 180 200 220 240 230 240 180 200 220 240 260 160 180 200 240 260 180 200 220 250 270 150 160 180 200 260 280 170 180 200 220 280 300 heavy duty flange GRP Wavistrong 25 32 B+M D+2M 130 180 180 180 220 280 300 150 190 200 200 230 300 320 B+M 90 110 120 130 140 180 200 220 260 D+2M 100 120 130 150 160 200 220 230 270 Table 68. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 6 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M10 * 4 M12 * 4 M12 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 8 M16 * 8 M16 * 12 M20 * 12 M20 * 12 M20 * 16 180 180 D+2M 190 190 heavy duty flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 140 150 180 180 200 150 170 190 200 210 140 150 180 200 200 150 170 190 210 220 130 140 160 180 220 220 M*n = Thread diameter (metric) and number of bolts/stud bolts per flange joint B+M = Bolt length for mounting of flanges using bolt and nut and 1 washer (Lbolt) D+2M = Stud bolt length for mounting of flanges using stud bolt and 2 nuts and 2 washers (Lstud) Wavistrong Flange Guide 50 150 160 170 190 230 240 blind flange GRP Wavistrong 25 32 B+M D+2M 120 150 160 160 180 240 240 140 160 170 180 200 250 260 B+M 80 100 110 120 130 160 180 200 220 D+2M 90 110 120 140 150 180 190 210 240 Table 69. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 6 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M10 * 4 M12 * 4 M12 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 8 M16 * 8 M16 * 12 M20 * 12 M20 * 12 M20 * 16 D+2M 150 150 heavy duty flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 120 130 140 150 160 170 170 140 150 160 170 180 120 130 140 160 180 140 150 160 180 190 110 120 130 140 180 180 130 140 150 160 190 200 flange cast iron DIN 2531 ND 6 25 32 B+M D+2M 100 120 130 130 150 180 200 120 140 150 150 160 200 210 B+M 70 90 90 100 110 130 140 150 180 D+2M 80 100 100 120 120 140 160 160 180 Table 70. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 6 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M10 * 4 M12 * 4 M12 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 8 M16 * 8 M16 * 12 M20 * 12 M20 * 12 M20 * 16 D+2M 140 150 heavy duty flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 120 130 140 150 160 160 170 130 150 160 170 180 120 130 140 150 160 130 150 160 170 180 110 120 130 140 180 180 130 130 150 160 190 200 flange steel DIN 2631 ND 6 25 32 B+M D+2M 100 120 130 130 140 180 200 120 140 140 150 160 200 210 B+M 70 80 90 100 100 130 140 150 160 D+2M 80 100 100 120 120 140 150 160 180 Table 71. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 6 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M10 * 4 M12 * 4 M12 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 8 M16 * 8 M16 * 12 M20 * 12 M20 * 12 M20 * 16 140 150 D+2M 160 170 heavy duty flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 120 130 140 150 160 130 150 160 170 180 120 130 140 150 160 130 150 160 170 180 110 120 130 140 180 180 M*n = Thread diameter (metric) and number of bolts/stud bolts per flange joint B+M = Bolt length for mounting of flanges using bolt and nut and 1 washer (Lbolt) D+2M = Stud bolt length for mounting of flanges using stud bolt and 2 nuts and 2 washers (Lstud) Wavistrong Flange Guide 51 130 130 150 160 190 200 blind flange steel DIN 2527 ND 6 25 32 B+M D+2M 100 120 130 130 140 180 200 120 140 140 150 160 200 210 B+M 70 80 90 100 100 130 140 150 160 D+2M 80 100 100 120 120 140 150 160 180 Table 72. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 10 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M20 * 8 M20 * 12 M20 * 12 M20 * 16 M24 * 16 D+2M 220 220 heavy duty flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 180 200 200 220 240 230 240 190 210 220 240 260 180 200 200 240 260 190 210 220 250 270 180 200 200 260 280 190 210 220 280 300 heavy duty flange GRP Wavistrong 25 32 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 200 200 220 280 300 210 210 230 300 320 220 220 260 230 240 270 Table 73. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 10 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M20 * 8 M20 * 12 M20 * 12 M20 * 16 M24 * 16 D+2M 180 180 heavy duty flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 140 160 180 180 200 190 200 160 180 190 200 220 140 160 180 200 220 160 180 190 210 230 150 160 180 220 240 170 180 190 230 250 blind flange GRP Wavistrong 25 32 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 160 180 180 240 260 180 190 200 250 270 180 200 220 200 220 240 Table 74. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 10 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M20 * 8 M20 * 12 M20 * 12 M20 * 16 M24 * 16 150 160 D+2M 170 190 heavy duty flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 130 140 140 160 180 150 160 160 180 200 130 140 140 160 180 150 160 160 180 200 130 140 140 180 200 M*n = Thread diameter (metric) and number of bolts/stud bolts per flange joint B+M = Bolt length for mounting of flanges using bolt and nut and 1 washer (Lbolt) D+2M = Stud bolt length for mounting of flanges using stud bolt and 2 nuts and 2 washers (Lstud) Wavistrong Flange Guide 52 150 160 160 200 220 flange cast iron DIN 2532 ND 10 25 32 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 140 140 150 200 200 160 160 170 210 230 150 150 180 170 170 190 Table 75. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 10 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M20 * 8 M20 * 12 M20 * 12 M20 * 16 M24 * 16 D+2M 150 160 heavy duty flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 130 140 140 150 180 170 180 140 160 160 170 190 130 140 140 160 180 140 160 160 180 190 130 140 140 180 200 140 160 160 190 210 flange steel DIN 2632 ND 10 25 32 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 140 140 150 180 200 150 160 170 200 220 150 150 180 160 170 190 Table 76. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 10 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M20 * 8 M20 * 12 M20 * 12 M20 * 16 M24 * 16 D+2M 150 160 heavy duty flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 130 140 140 150 180 170 180 140 160 160 170 190 130 140 140 160 180 140 160 160 180 190 130 140 140 180 200 140 160 160 190 210 blind flange steel DIN 2527 ND 10 25 32 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 140 140 150 180 200 150 160 170 200 220 150 150 180 160 170 190 Table 77. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 16 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M16 * 8 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 12 M24 * 12 M24 * 12 M24 * 16 M27 * 16 220 220 D+2M 230 250 heavy duty flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 180 200 200 220 240 190 210 220 240 270 180 200 200 240 260 190 210 220 250 280 160 180 200 200 260 280 M*n = Thread diameter (metric) and number of bolts/stud bolts per flange joint B+M = Bolt length for mounting of flanges using bolt and nut and 1 washer (Lbolt) D+2M = Stud bolt length for mounting of flanges using stud bolt and 2 nuts and 2 washers (Lstud) Wavistrong Flange Guide 53 180 190 210 220 280 310 heavy duty flange GRP Wavistrong 25 32 B+M D+2M 130 180 200 200 220 280 300 150 200 210 210 230 300 330 B+M D+2M 130 140 200 220 220 260 150 160 210 230 240 270 Table 78. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 16 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M16 * 8 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 12 M24 * 12 M24 * 12 M24 * 16 M27 * 16 D+2M 180 180 heavy duty flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 140 160 180 200 200 190 200 160 180 190 210 220 140 160 180 200 220 160 180 190 220 230 140 150 180 180 220 240 160 170 190 200 240 250 blind flange GRP Wavistrong 25 32 B+M D+2M 120 150 160 180 200 240 260 140 170 180 190 210 250 270 B+M D+2M 120 130 180 180 200 240 140 150 190 200 220 250 Table 79. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 16 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M16 * 8 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 12 M24 * 12 M24 * 12 M24 * 16 M27 * 16 D+2M 160 180 heavy duty flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 130 150 150 180 180 180 200 150 170 180 190 210 130 150 150 180 200 150 170 180 190 210 120 130 150 150 200 200 140 150 170 180 210 230 flange cast iron DIN 2533 ND 16 25 32 B+M D+2M 110 130 140 150 160 200 220 120 150 160 170 180 220 240 B+M D+2M 110 110 140 150 160 180 120 130 160 170 190 200 Table 80. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 16 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M16 * 8 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 12 M24 * 12 M24 * 12 M24 * 16 M27 * 16 160 180 D+2M 180 190 heavy duty flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 130 140 150 160 180 140 160 170 180 200 130 140 150 180 180 140 160 170 190 210 120 130 140 150 180 200 M*n = Thread diameter (metric) and number of bolts/stud bolts per flange joint B+M = Bolt length for mounting of flanges using bolt and nut and 1 washer (Lbolt) D+2M = Stud bolt length for mounting of flanges using stud bolt and 2 nuts and 2 washers (Lstud) Wavistrong Flange Guide 54 140 140 160 170 200 220 flange steel DIN 2633 ND 16 25 32 B+M D+2M 100 130 140 140 150 200 220 120 150 150 160 180 210 230 B+M D+2M 100 110 130 150 160 180 120 120 150 160 180 200 Table 81. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 16 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M16 * 8 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 12 M24 * 12 M24 * 12 M24 * 16 M27 * 16 D+2M 160 180 heavy duty flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 130 140 150 160 180 180 190 140 160 170 180 200 130 140 150 180 180 140 160 170 190 210 120 130 140 150 180 200 140 140 160 170 200 220 blind flange steel DIN 2527 ND 16 25 32 B+M D+2M 100 130 140 140 150 200 220 120 150 150 160 180 210 230 B+M D+2M 100 110 130 150 160 180 120 120 150 160 180 200 Table 82. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 25 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M24 M27 M27 M30 M33 * 12 * 12 * 16 * 16 * 16 D+2M 220 240 heavy duty flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 180 200 200 240 260 240 260 190 220 230 250 280 180 200 200 240 260 190 220 230 260 290 180 200 200 280 300 190 220 230 290 320 heavy duty flange GRP Wavistrong 25 32 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 200 200 220 300 320 210 220 240 310 340 220 220 260 230 250 280 Table 83. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 25 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M24 M27 M27 M30 M33 * 12 * 12 * 16 * 16 * 16 180 180 D+2M 200 210 heavy duty flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 150 160 180 200 200 170 190 200 220 230 150 160 180 200 220 170 190 200 230 240 150 180 180 220 240 M*n = Thread diameter (metric) and number of bolts/stud bolts per flange joint B+M = Bolt length for mounting of flanges using bolt and nut and 1 washer (Lbolt) D+2M = Stud bolt length for mounting of flanges using stud bolt and 2 nuts and 2 washers (Lstud) Wavistrong Flange Guide 55 170 190 200 250 260 blind flange GRP Wavistrong 25 32 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 180 180 200 240 260 190 200 210 260 280 200 200 240 210 230 250 Table 84. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 25 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M24 M27 M27 M30 M33 * 12 * 12 * 16 * 16 * 16 D+2M 180 200 heavy duty flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 140 160 160 180 200 200 220 160 180 190 210 230 140 160 160 180 200 160 180 190 210 230 140 160 160 200 220 160 180 190 230 250 flange cast iron DIN 2534 ND 25 25 32 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 150 160 180 220 240 170 180 190 240 260 160 180 200 180 200 210 Table 85. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 25 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M24 M27 M27 M30 M33 * 12 * 12 * 16 * 16 * 16 D+2M 180 180 heavy duty flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 140 160 160 180 200 200 210 160 180 180 200 220 140 160 160 180 200 160 180 180 210 220 140 160 160 200 220 160 180 180 220 240 flange steel DIN 2634 ND 25 25 32 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 150 160 160 200 220 170 180 190 230 250 160 180 180 180 190 210 Table 86. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 25 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M24 M27 M27 M30 M33 * 12 * 12 * 16 * 16 * 16 180 180 D+2M 200 210 heavy duty flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 140 160 160 180 200 160 180 180 200 220 140 160 160 180 200 160 180 180 210 220 140 160 160 200 220 M*n = Thread diameter (metric) and number of bolts/stud bolts per flange joint B+M = Bolt length for mounting of flanges using bolt and nut and 1 washer (Lbolt) D+2M = Stud bolt length for mounting of flanges using stud bolt and 2 nuts and 2 washers (Lstud) Wavistrong Flange Guide 56 160 180 180 220 240 blind flange steel DIN 2527 ND 25 25 32 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 150 160 160 200 220 170 180 190 230 250 160 180 180 180 190 210 Table 87. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 40 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M12 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M24 * 8 M27 * 12 M30 * 12 M30 * 16 M33 * 16 M36 * 16 D+2M 220 240 heavy duty flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 180 200 220 240 260 250 270 200 220 230 260 290 180 200 220 240 260 200 220 230 270 300 160 180 200 220 280 300 180 200 220 230 300 330 heavy duty flange GRP Wavistrong 25 32 B+M D+2M 140 180 200 200 220 300 320 160 200 220 220 240 320 350 B+M 90 110 120 130 150 200 220 240 260 D+2M 100 130 140 150 170 210 240 250 280 Table 88. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 40 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M12 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M24 * 8 M27 * 12 M30 * 12 M30 * 16 M33 * 16 M36 * 16 D+2M 180 200 heavy duty flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 160 180 180 200 220 210 220 170 190 200 220 240 160 180 180 200 220 170 190 200 230 250 140 160 180 180 220 240 160 180 200 210 250 270 blind flange GRP Wavistrong 25 32 B+M D+2M 130 160 180 180 200 240 260 150 180 190 200 220 270 290 B+M 90 100 110 120 140 180 200 220 240 D+2M 100 120 130 140 160 190 210 230 260 Table 89. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 40 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M12 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M24 * 8 M27 * 12 M30 * 12 M30 * 16 M33 * 16 M36 * 16 200 200 D+2M 220 240 heavy duty flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 160 180 180 200 220 170 190 200 220 250 160 180 180 200 220 170 190 200 230 250 130 160 180 180 220 240 M*n = Thread diameter (metric) and number of bolts/stud bolts per flange joint B+M = Bolt length for mounting of flanges using bolt and nut and 1 washer (Lbolt) D+2M = Stud bolt length for mounting of flanges using stud bolt and 2 nuts and 2 washers (Lstud) Wavistrong Flange Guide 57 160 170 190 200 240 270 flange cast iron DIN 2535 ND 40 25 32 B+M D+2M 110 140 160 180 180 220 240 130 170 180 190 210 250 280 B+M 75 90 100 110 120 150 180 180 200 D+2M 90 110 120 130 140 170 190 210 230 Table 90. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 40 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M12 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M24 * 8 M27 * 12 M30 * 12 M30 * 16 M33 * 16 M36 * 16 D+2M 180 200 heavy duty flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 140 160 180 180 200 210 230 170 190 200 220 240 140 160 180 200 220 170 190 200 220 240 130 140 160 180 200 220 150 170 190 200 240 260 flange steel DIN 2635 ND 40 25 32 B+M D+2M 110 140 160 160 180 220 240 130 160 180 190 200 250 270 B+M 75 90 100 110 120 140 160 180 200 D+2M 90 110 110 120 130 170 190 200 220 Table 91. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 40 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M12 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M24 * 8 M27 * 12 M30 * 12 M30 * 16 M33 * 16 M36 * 16 D+2M 180 200 heavy duty flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 140 160 180 180 200 210 230 170 190 200 220 240 140 160 180 200 220 170 190 200 220 240 130 140 160 180 200 220 150 170 190 200 240 260 blind flange steel DIN 2527 ND 40 25 32 B+M D+2M 110 140 160 160 180 220 240 130 160 180 190 200 250 270 B+M 75 90 100 110 120 140 160 180 200 D+2M 90 110 110 120 130 170 190 200 220 Table 92. Norm bore : Class 150 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M12 * 4 M12 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 8 M24 * 12 M24 * 12 M27 * 12 M27 * 16 220 220 D+2M 240 250 heavy duty flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 180 200 200 220 240 190 210 220 250 270 180 200 200 240 260 190 210 220 260 280 160 180 200 200 260 280 M*n = Thread diameter (metric) and number of bolts/stud bolts per flange joint B+M = Bolt length for mounting of flanges using bolt and nut and 1 washer (Lbolt) D+2M = Stud bolt length for mounting of flanges using stud bolt and 2 nuts and 2 washers (Lstud) Wavistrong Flange Guide 58 180 190 210 220 290 310 heavy duty flange GRP Wavistrong 25 32 B+M D+2M 130 180 200 200 220 280 300 150 200 210 210 230 310 330 B+M 90 110 120 130 140 200 220 220 260 D+2M 100 120 140 150 160 210 230 240 270 Table 93. Norm bore : Class 150 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M12 * 4 M12 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 8 M24 * 12 M24 * 12 M27 * 12 M27 * 16 D+2M 180 180 heavy duty flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 140 160 180 200 200 200 200 160 180 190 210 220 140 160 180 200 220 160 180 190 220 230 140 150 180 180 220 240 160 170 190 200 240 250 blind flange GRP Wavistrong 25 32 B+M D+2M 120 150 160 180 200 240 260 140 170 180 190 210 260 270 B+M 90 100 110 120 130 180 180 200 240 D+2M 100 110 130 140 150 190 200 220 250 Table 94. Norm bore : Class 150 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M12 * 4 M12 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 8 M24 * 12 M24 * 12 M27 * 12 M27 * 16 D+2M 160 180 heavy duty flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 130 150 150 180 180 190 200 150 170 180 190 210 130 150 150 180 200 150 170 180 200 210 120 130 150 150 200 200 140 150 170 180 210 230 flange/blind flange cast iron ANSI B16.1 class 125 25 32 B+M D+2M 110 130 140 150 160 200 220 120 150 160 170 180 220 240 B+M 70 80 90 100 110 140 150 160 180 D+2M 80 100 110 120 130 160 170 180 200 Table 95. Norm bore : Class 150 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M12 * 4 M12 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 8 M24 * 12 M24 * 12 M27 * 12 M27 * 16 160 180 D+2M 190 200 heavy duty flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 130 150 150 180 180 150 170 180 200 210 130 150 150 180 200 150 170 180 200 210 120 130 150 150 200 200 M*n = Thread diameter (metric) and number of bolts/stud bolts per flange joint B+M = Bolt length for mounting of flanges using bolt and nut and 1 washer (Lbolt) D+2M = Stud bolt length for mounting of flanges using stud bolt and 2 nuts and 2 washers (Lstud) Wavistrong Flange Guide 59 140 150 170 180 220 230 flange/blind flange steel ANSI B16.5 class 150 25 32 B+M D+2M 110 130 140 150 160 200 220 120 150 160 170 180 230 240 B+M 70 90 100 110 110 140 150 160 180 D+2M 90 100 110 120 130 160 170 180 200 Table 96. Norm bore : Class 150 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 8 M24 * 12 M24 * 12 M27 * 12 M27 * 16 D+2M 160 160 heavy duty flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 120 130 140 160 160 170 180 140 160 160 180 190 120 130 140 160 180 140 160 160 180 190 110 120 130 140 180 180 130 140 160 160 200 210 flange steel AWWA C207 class D 25 32 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 100 120 130 130 140 180 200 110 140 150 160 170 210 220 100 130 140 150 160 120 150 160 170 190 Table 97. Norm bore : Class 150 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 8 M24 * 12 M24 * 12 M27 * 12 M27 * 16 D+2M 160 180 heavy duty flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 130 150 150 180 180 190 200 150 170 180 190 210 130 150 150 180 200 150 170 180 200 210 120 130 150 150 200 200 140 150 170 180 210 230 flange steel AWWA C207 class E 25 32 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 110 130 140 150 160 200 220 120 150 160 170 180 220 240 110 140 150 160 180 130 160 170 180 200 Table 98. Norm bore : Class 150 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n M24 * 12 M27 * 12 M27 * 16 8 B+M D+2M 160 180 190 200 heavy duty flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 150 180 180 180 200 210 150 180 200 180 200 210 150 200 200 M*n = Thread diameter (metric) and number of bolts/stud bolts per flange joint B+M = Bolt length for mounting of flanges using bolt and nut and 1 washer (Lbolt) D+2M = Stud bolt length for mounting of flanges using stud bolt and 2 nuts and 2 washers (Lstud) Wavistrong Flange Guide 60 180 220 230 flange/blind flange steel MSS SP-44 class 150 25 32 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 160 200 220 180 230 240 180 200 Table 99. Norm bore : Class 300 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M16 * 4 M20 * 4 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 12 M24 * 12 M27 * 16 M30 * 16 M30 * 20 M33 * 20 D+2M 220 240 heavy duty flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 180 200 220 240 260 240 260 190 220 230 250 280 180 200 220 240 260 190 220 230 260 290 160 180 200 220 280 300 180 190 220 230 290 320 heavy duty flange GRP Wavistrong 25 32 B+M D+2M 140 180 200 200 220 300 320 160 200 210 220 240 310 340 B+M 90 120 120 140 150 200 220 220 260 D+2M 110 140 140 160 170 210 230 250 280 Table 100. Norm bore : Class 300 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M16 * 4 M20 * 4 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 12 M24 * 12 M27 * 16 M30 * 16 M30 * 20 M33 * 20 D+2M 180 180 heavy duty flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 150 160 180 200 200 200 210 170 190 200 220 230 150 160 180 200 220 170 190 200 230 240 140 150 180 180 220 240 160 170 190 210 250 260 blind flange GRP Wavistrong 25 32 B+M D+2M 130 150 180 180 200 240 260 150 170 190 200 220 260 280 B+M 90 110 110 130 140 180 200 200 240 D+2M 100 130 130 150 160 190 210 230 260 Table 101. Norm bore : Class 300 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M16 * 4 M20 * 4 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 12 M24 * 12 M27 * 16 M30 * 16 M30 * 20 M33 * 20 180 200 D+2M 210 230 heavy duty flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 150 180 180 200 220 170 190 200 220 240 150 180 180 200 220 170 190 200 220 240 130 150 180 180 220 240 M*n = Thread diameter (metric) and number of bolts/stud bolts per flange joint B+M = Bolt length for mounting of flanges using bolt and nut and 1 washer (Lbolt) D+2M = Stud bolt length for mounting of flanges using stud bolt and 2 nuts and 2 washers (Lstud) Wavistrong Flange Guide 61 150 170 190 200 240 260 flange/blind flange cast iron ANSI B16.1 class 250 25 32 B+M D+2M 120 140 160 180 180 220 240 140 160 180 190 210 250 270 B+M 80 100 100 120 120 150 180 180 200 D+2M 100 120 120 130 140 170 190 210 230 Table 102. Norm bore : Class 300 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M16 * 4 M20 * 4 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 12 M24 * 12 M27 * 16 M30 * 16 M30 * 20 M33 * 20 D+2M 180 200 heavy duty flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 150 180 180 200 220 210 230 170 190 200 220 240 150 180 180 200 220 170 190 200 220 240 130 150 180 180 220 240 150 170 190 200 240 260 flange/blind flange steel ANSI B16.5 class 300 25 32 B+M D+2M 120 140 160 180 180 220 240 140 160 180 190 210 250 270 B+M 80 100 100 120 120 150 180 180 200 D+2M 100 120 120 130 140 170 190 210 230 Table 103. Norm bore : MSS SP-44 class 300 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 M*n M30 * 16 M30 * 20 M33 * 20 type: Flange 1 mat.: 8 B+M D+2M 180 200 210 230 heavy duty flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 180 200 220 200 220 240 180 200 220 200 220 240 180 220 240 200 240 260 flange/blind flange steel MSS SP-44 class 300 25 32 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 180 220 240 210 250 270 200 230 Table 104. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 6 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M D+2M blind flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M M10 * 4 M12 * 4 M12 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 8 M16 * 8 M16 * 12 M20 * 12 M20 * 12 M20 * 16 110 110 130 130 M20 * 20 M24 * 20 M24 * 24 120 130 130 140 150 160 130 130 140 M27 M27 M27 M30 140 160 160 160 170 180 180 190 160 160 160 * 24 * 24 * 28 * 32 100 100 110 120 120 110 120 130 140 140 100 100 110 120 120 110 120 130 140 140 150 150 160 130 140 150 150 160 170 140 150 160 160 170 180 170 180 190 160 160 180 180 190 200 180 190 62 25 32 B+M D+2M 90 100 110 120 130 130 110 120 120 130 150 150 90 100 110 110 120 130 140 110 110 120 130 140 150 160 140 150 160 170 150 160 170 180 M*n = Thread diameter (metric) and number of bolts/stud bolts per flange joint B+M = Bolt length for mounting of flanges using bolt and nut and 1 washer (Lbolt) D+2M = Stud bolt length for mounting of flanges using stud bolt and 2 nuts and 2 washers (Lstud) Wavistrong Flange Guide flange cast iron DIN 2531 ND 6 B+M 65 75 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 D+2M 80 90 90 110 110 120 130 140 160 Table 105. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 6 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M D+2M blind flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M M10 * 4 M12 * 4 M12 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 8 M16 * 8 M16 * 12 M20 * 12 M20 * 12 M20 * 16 100 100 120 120 M20 * 20 M24 * 20 M24 * 24 120 120 120 130 140 150 120 120 130 M27 M27 M27 M30 140 140 140 150 160 170 170 180 140 140 160 * 24 * 24 * 28 * 32 90 100 110 110 110 110 120 130 130 130 90 100 110 120 120 110 120 130 140 140 140 150 150 130 130 140 140 160 160 130 140 150 150 160 170 160 170 180 160 160 160 170 180 190 160 180 flange steel DIN 2631 ND 6 25 32 B+M D+2M 90 100 110 110 120 120 110 110 120 130 140 140 90 100 100 110 120 130 130 110 110 120 130 140 150 150 140 140 150 170 150 150 160 180 B+M 65 70 75 90 90 110 110 130 140 D+2M 80 90 90 110 110 120 130 140 160 Table 106. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 10 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M D+2M M20 * 8 M20 * 12 M20 * 12 M20 * 16 M24 * 16 M24 * 20 M24 * 20 M27 * 20 M27 * 24 110 120 130 130 140 140 130 140 150 150 160 170 M30 M30 M33 M36 150 160 180 180 180 190 200 220 * 24 * 28 * 28 * 32 blind flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 130 130 140 160 160 160 170 170 100 110 110 120 130 140 140 160 160 160 180 180 190 190 210 180 180 200 120 130 130 140 150 160 160 180 180 100 110 110 130 130 140 140 160 180 120 130 130 150 160 170 170 180 190 200 200 220 180 210 110 110 120 130 140 150 150 160 130 130 140 150 160 170 170 190 flange cast iron DIN 2532 ND 10 25 32 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 110 120 120 140 150 160 160 180 130 140 140 160 170 180 180 200 120 130 140 140 150 160 Table 107. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 10 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M D+2M blind flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M M20 * 8 M20 * 12 M20 * 12 M20 * 16 M24 * 16 110 110 130 130 M24 * 20 M27 * 20 M27 * 24 120 140 140 150 150 160 130 140 140 M30 M30 M33 M36 140 150 160 160 170 180 180 200 150 150 160 * 24 * 28 * 28 * 32 25 32 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 120 130 140 140 150 160 100 110 110 120 120 120 130 130 140 140 100 110 110 120 130 120 130 130 140 150 110 110 120 130 130 120 130 140 150 150 110 120 120 130 140 130 140 140 150 160 150 160 160 130 140 160 160 170 170 140 160 160 160 170 180 140 160 170 180 150 160 180 190 180 180 190 160 160 180 190 190 200 180 200 M*n = Thread diameter (metric) and number of bolts/stud bolts per flange joint B+M = Bolt length for mounting of flanges using bolt and nut and 1 washer (Lbolt) D+2M = Stud bolt length for mounting of flanges using stud bolt and 2 nuts and 2 washers (Lstud) Wavistrong Flange Guide flange steel DIN 2632 ND 10 63 Table 108. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 16 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M D+2M blind flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M M16 * 8 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 12 M24 * 12 M24 * 12 M24 * 16 M27 * 16 M27 * 20 M30 * 20 M33 * 20 M33 * 24 120 140 140 140 160 160 140 150 160 170 180 190 140 150 160 180 M36 * 24 M36 * 28 M39 * 28 180 180 200 210 220 230 180 200 200 170 180 190 200 110 120 120 130 140 160 150 180 180 130 140 150 150 160 170 180 200 210 110 120 120 140 140 160 160 180 200 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 220 210 220 240 200 200 220 220 230 250 200 230 100 110 120 130 140 160 160 160 180 120 130 150 150 160 170 180 190 210 flange cast iron DIN 2533 ND 16 25 32 B+M D+2M 100 110 120 130 130 150 160 180 180 200 110 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 220 B+M D+2M 100 100 120 130 140 150 110 120 140 150 170 180 Table 109. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 16 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M D+2M blind flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M M16 * 8 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 12 M24 * 12 M24 * 12 M24 * 16 M27 * 16 120 120 140 150 M30 * 20 M33 * 20 M33 * 24 130 140 140 160 170 180 140 140 160 M36 M36 M39 M45 150 160 170 180 190 200 200 230 160 180 180 * 24 * 28 * 28 * 32 100 110 120 130 140 120 130 140 150 160 100 110 120 130 140 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 180 140 160 160 170 190 190 150 160 180 180 190 200 190 200 210 180 180 200 200 210 220 180 210 flange steel DIN 2633 ND 16 25 32 B+M D+2M 110 120 130 140 150 160 180 190 210 100 110 120 120 140 140 120 120 140 150 160 170 90 100 110 120 130 140 160 150 160 180 200 160 180 B+M D+2M 90 100 110 120 140 150 110 110 130 140 160 170 Table 110. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 25 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M24 M27 M27 M30 M33 D+2M * 12 * 12 * 16 * 16 * 16 130 140 160 170 M33 * 20 160 190 blind flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 160 190 25 32 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 130 160 160 160 180 190 110 120 140 140 160 140 150 160 170 180 110 120 140 150 160 140 150 160 180 190 120 140 140 150 160 140 160 160 180 190 120 140 140 160 180 150 160 170 190 200 180 200 180 200 180 210 200 220 M*n = Thread diameter (metric) and number of bolts/stud bolts per flange joint B+M = Bolt length for mounting of flanges using bolt and nut and 1 washer (Lbolt) D+2M = Stud bolt length for mounting of flanges using stud bolt and 2 nuts and 2 washers (Lstud) Wavistrong Flange Guide flange cast iron DIN 2534 ND 25 64 Table 111. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 25 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M24 M27 M27 M30 M33 D+2M blind flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M * 12 * 12 * 16 * 16 * 16 130 140 160 160 M33 * 20 M36 * 20 M39 * 24 160 150 160 180 190 200 160 160 170 M45 * 24 M45 * 28 M52 * 28 180 180 200 220 230 250 180 200 240 flange steel DIN 2634 ND 25 25 32 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 130 160 160 150 170 180 110 120 140 140 140 130 150 150 170 170 110 120 140 140 160 130 150 150 170 180 120 140 140 150 160 140 150 160 180 180 120 140 140 150 160 140 160 160 180 190 180 190 200 160 180 180 190 200 210 160 180 200 190 210 220 180 180 200 210 180 200 210 220 220 230 260 200 200 240 230 240 270 200 240 Table 112. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 40 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M12 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M24 * 8 M27 * 12 M30 * 12 M30 * 16 M33 * 16 M36 * 16 D+2M 160 160 blind flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 120 140 150 160 180 180 190 150 160 170 190 200 120 140 150 160 180 150 160 170 190 210 110 140 140 150 180 180 140 150 170 180 200 210 flange cast iron DIN 2535 ND 40 25 32 B+M D+2M 100 120 140 150 160 180 200 120 140 160 170 180 200 220 B+M 70 80 90 100 110 130 140 160 180 D+2M 90 100 110 120 130 150 170 190 200 Table 113. Norm bore : DIN 2501 ND 40 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M D+2M M12 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M24 * 8 M27 * 12 M30 * 12 M30 * 16 M33 * 16 M36 * 16 140 150 170 180 M39 * 20 160 200 blind flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 170 200 120 130 140 160 160 140 160 170 180 190 120 130 140 160 160 140 160 170 190 200 110 120 130 140 160 180 170 210 180 210 180 M*n = Thread diameter (metric) and number of bolts/stud bolts per flange joint B+M = Bolt length for mounting of flanges using bolt and nut and 1 washer (Lbolt) D+2M = Stud bolt length for mounting of flanges using stud bolt and 2 nuts and 2 washers (Lstud) Wavistrong Flange Guide 65 flange steel DIN 2635 ND 40 25 32 B+M D+2M 130 150 160 170 190 200 100 110 140 140 150 160 180 120 140 150 170 180 200 210 220 200 230 B+M 70 80 90 100 110 120 140 150 180 D+2M 90 100 100 110 120 150 160 180 200 Table 114. Norm bore : Class 150 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M D+2M blind flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M M12 * 4 M12 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 8 M24 * 12 M24 * 12 M27 * 12 M27 * 16 M30 * 16 M30 * 20 M33 * 20 120 140 140 140 160 150 150 170 170 180 150 150 160 M33 * 28 180 200 M39 * 32 200 220 M39 * 44 200 240 170 180 190 110 120 120 140 140 150 150 180 120 140 150 160 160 180 180 200 110 120 120 140 140 160 160 180 120 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 180 200 180 210 200 220 200 230 200 240 100 110 120 130 140 160 160 160 180 120 130 140 150 170 170 190 190 210 flange/blind flange cast iron ANSI B16.1 class 125 25 32 B+M D+2M 100 110 120 130 130 160 160 180 180 200 110 130 130 150 160 170 180 200 200 220 B+M 65 70 80 90 100 120 130 140 150 D+2M 80 90 100 110 120 140 140 160 180 Table 115. Norm bore : Class 150 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M12 * 4 M12 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 4 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 8 M24 * 12 M24 * 12 M27 * 12 M27 * 16 M30 * 16 M30 * 20 M33 * 20 D+2M 120 140 140 140 160 150 150 170 170 180 blind flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 150 150 160 170 180 190 110 120 120 140 140 150 150 180 120 140 150 160 160 180 180 200 110 120 120 140 140 160 160 180 120 140 150 170 170 180 190 200 100 110 120 130 140 160 160 160 180 120 130 140 150 170 170 190 190 210 flange/blind flange steel ANSI B16.5 class 150 25 32 B+M D+2M 100 110 120 130 130 160 160 180 180 200 110 130 130 150 160 180 180 200 200 220 B+M 65 75 90 100 100 120 130 140 150 D+2M 80 90 100 110 120 140 140 160 180 Table 116. Norm bore : Class 150 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 8 M24 * 12 M24 * 12 M27 * 12 M27 * 16 M30 * 16 M30 * 20 M33 * 20 M33 * 28 M33 * 28 M39 * 28 M39 * 32 M39 * 36 M39 * 44 110 110 120 120 140 140 140 150 150 150 160 D+2M 130 130 150 150 160 170 170 190 190 190 200 blind flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 130 130 140 140 140 150 160 160 150 150 170 170 180 190 200 200 90 100 110 120 120 130 130 140 160 160 160 170 170 110 130 130 140 140 160 160 180 180 190 200 210 210 90 100 110 120 120 140 140 160 160 160 170 110 130 130 150 150 160 160 180 190 200 210 90 100 110 110 140 140 140 140 160 M*n = Thread diameter (metric) and number of bolts/stud bolts per flange joint B+M = Bolt length for mounting of flanges using bolt and nut and 1 washer (Lbolt) D+2M = Stud bolt length for mounting of flanges using stud bolt and 2 nuts and 2 washers (Lstud) Wavistrong Flange Guide 66 110 120 130 140 150 150 170 170 190 flange steel AWWA C207 class D 25 32 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 90 100 100 110 120 140 140 150 150 160 100 120 120 140 140 160 160 180 180 200 90 110 110 130 140 110 130 130 150 160 Table 117. Norm bore : Class 150 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 8 M24 * 12 M24 * 12 M27 * 12 M27 * 16 M30 * 16 M30 * 20 M33 * 20 M33 * 28 M33 * 28 M39 * 28 M39 * 32 M39 * 36 M39 * 44 D+2M 120 140 140 140 160 160 180 180 200 200 200 150 150 170 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 blind flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 150 150 160 180 180 180 200 200 170 180 190 200 200 220 230 240 110 120 120 140 140 150 150 180 180 180 200 200 220 120 140 150 160 160 180 180 200 210 210 230 240 250 110 120 120 140 140 160 160 180 200 200 200 120 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 220 220 240 100 110 120 130 140 160 160 160 180 120 130 140 150 170 170 190 190 210 flange steel AWWA C207 class E 25 32 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 100 110 120 130 130 160 160 180 180 200 110 130 130 150 160 170 180 200 200 220 100 120 130 140 150 120 140 140 160 180 Table 118. Norm bore : Class 150 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n M24 M27 M27 M30 M30 M33 M33 M33 M39 M39 M39 M39 * 12 * 12 * 16 * 16 * 20 * 20 * 28 * 28 * 28 * 32 * 36 * 44 8 B+M D+2M 120 140 140 140 160 180 200 200 220 220 240 150 150 170 170 180 210 220 240 250 250 270 blind flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 150 150 160 200 200 220 220 240 170 180 190 220 220 240 260 260 120 140 140 150 150 180 200 200 220 240 240 150 160 160 180 180 200 230 230 250 270 270 120 140 140 160 160 180 220 220 240 150 170 170 180 190 200 240 240 260 130 140 160 160 160 180 150 170 170 190 190 210 flange/blind flange steel MSS SP-44 class 150 25 32 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 130 160 160 180 180 200 160 180 180 200 200 220 150 180 Table 119. Norm bore : Class 300 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M D+2M blind flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M M16 * 4 M20 * 4 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 12 M24 * 12 M27 * 16 M30 * 16 M30 * 20 M33 * 20 M33 * 24 M33 * 24 M39 * 24 140 160 160 180 180 170 180 200 200 220 180 180 180 M45 * 28 200 250 M52 * 32 240 270 M52 * 40 240 290 200 200 220 120 140 150 150 160 180 180 200 150 160 170 180 190 210 210 230 120 140 150 160 180 180 180 200 150 160 170 190 200 210 210 240 240 250 240 260 240 270 240 280 240 290 110 130 140 150 160 180 180 200 200 M*n = Thread diameter (metric) and number of bolts/stud bolts per flange joint B+M = Bolt length for mounting of flanges using bolt and nut and 1 washer (Lbolt) D+2M = Stud bolt length for mounting of flanges using stud bolt and 2 nuts and 2 washers (Lstud) Wavistrong Flange Guide 67 130 150 170 180 190 200 220 220 240 flange/blind flange cast iron ANSI B16.1 class 250 25 32 B+M D+2M 110 120 130 160 160 180 180 200 200 220 130 140 160 170 180 200 210 230 230 250 B+M 75 90 90 110 110 130 140 160 180 D+2M 90 110 110 120 130 150 170 190 200 Table 120. Norm bore : Class 300 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n 8 B+M M16 * 4 M20 * 4 M16 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 8 M20 * 12 M24 * 12 M27 * 16 M30 * 16 M30 * 20 M33 * 20 M33 * 24 M33 * 24 M39 * 24 D+2M 140 160 160 180 180 170 180 200 200 220 blind flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 180 180 180 200 200 220 120 140 150 150 160 180 180 200 150 160 170 180 190 210 210 230 120 140 150 160 180 180 180 200 150 160 170 190 200 210 210 240 110 130 140 150 160 180 180 200 200 130 150 170 180 190 200 220 220 240 flange/blind flange steel ANSI B16.5 class 300 25 32 B+M D+2M 110 120 130 160 160 180 180 200 200 220 130 140 160 170 180 200 210 230 230 250 B+M 75 90 90 110 110 130 140 160 180 D+2M 90 110 110 120 130 150 170 190 200 Table 121. Norm bore : MSS SP-44 class 300 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 M*n M30 M30 M33 M33 M33 M39 M42 M45 M48 M52 M42 M48 * 16 * 20 * 20 * 24 * 24 * 24 * 28 * 28 * 28 * 32 * 32 * 32 type: Flange 1 mat.: 8 B+M D+2M 140 160 160 180 180 220 240 240 280 240 280 170 180 200 200 220 250 260 280 300 280 320 blind flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 180 180 180 220 240 240 280 260 200 200 220 260 270 280 300 290 150 150 160 180 180 200 220 240 240 280 260 170 180 190 210 210 230 270 280 290 310 300 150 160 180 180 180 200 240 280 260 170 190 200 210 210 240 280 290 300 150 160 180 180 200 200 180 190 200 220 220 240 flange/blind flange steel MSS SP-44 class 300 25 32 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 160 180 180 200 200 220 180 200 210 230 230 250 180 200 Table 122. Norm bore : API 605 class 75 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n M16 M16 M16 M20 M20 M24 * 40 * 44 * 48 * 40 * 44 * 44 8 B+M D+2M 130 130 130 140 150 160 140 150 150 160 160 180 blind flange type: Flange 2 mat.: GRP Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 130 140 140 150 160 150 150 150 170 170 140 150 150 160 180 160 160 160 180 180 150 160 160 170 170 170 M*n = Thread diameter (metric) and number of bolts/stud bolts per flange joint B+M = Bolt length for mounting of flanges using bolt and nut and 1 washer (Lbolt) D+2M = Stud bolt length for mounting of flanges using stud bolt and 2 nuts and 2 washers (Lstud) Wavistrong Flange Guide 68 flens steel API 605 class 75 25 B+M 32 D+2M B+M D+2M Table 123. Norm bore : API 605 class 150 ID (mm) 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 type: Flange 1 mat.: M*n M20 M20 M20 M24 M27 M30 * 40 * 44 * 48 * 44 * 44 * 44 8 B+M D+2M 140 150 150 160 180 200 160 170 170 190 200 210 blind flange type: GRP Flange 2 mat.: Wavistrong norm: PN (bar) EST..., CST..., EWT... 10 12.5 16 20 B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M B+M D+2M 150 150 150 180 180 170 170 170 190 210 160 160 160 180 200 180 180 180 200 220 180 180 180 190 190 190 M*n = Thread diameter (metric) and number of bolts/stud bolts per flange joint B+M = Bolt length for mounting of flanges using bolt and nut and 1 washer (Lbolt) D+2M = Stud bolt length for mounting of flanges using stud bolt and 2 nuts and 2 washers (Lstud) Wavistrong Flange Guide 69 flange steel API 605 class 150 25 B+M 32 D+2M B+M D+2M