Subido por Franco Morandi

Enterovirus Infections in Neonates: A Review

Seminars in Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 14 (2009) 222–227
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Enterovirus infections in neonates
Marc Tebruegge a, b, c, Nigel Curtis a, b, c, *
Department of Paediatrics, The University of Melbourne, Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne, Flemington Road, Parkville, VIC 3052, Australia
Infectious Diseases Unit, Department of General Medicine, Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia
Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia
s u m m a r y
Antiviral therapy
Enteroviruses, which include echoviruses, coxsackie A and B viruses, polioviruses and the ‘numbered’
enteroviruses, are among the most common viruses causing disease in humans. A large proportion of
enteroviral infections occur in neonates and infants. There is a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations
that can be caused by enterovirus infection with varying degrees of severity. In the neonatal age group,
enteroviral infections are associated with significant morbidity and mortality, particularly when infection
occurs antenatally. This review provides a detailed overview of the epidemiology and clinical features of
enterovirus infections in the neonatal period. In addition, laboratory features and diagnostic investigations are discussed. A review of the currently available data for prophylactic and therapeutic interventions, including antiviral therapy, is also presented.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
The human enteroviruses belong to the family of picornaviridae
and have historically been classified into echoviruses, coxsackie A
and B viruses, and polioviruses. This traditional taxonomy is based
on replication properties in culture, as well as the range of clinical
symptoms caused by infection with these viruses in humans. Since
the 1960s, rather than being assigned to one of the four major
groups, newly identified enteroviruses have been given a numeric
designation (‘numbered enteroviruses’, e.g. enterovirus 68 to 71).
Further numbered enterovirus serotypes have been identified only
in the last five years.1,2
Relatively recent molecular data suggest that the traditional
groups are genetically quite diverse, which has led to the adoption
of a new taxonomy.3,4 In this current taxonomy, enteroviruses are
divided into five species: human enterovirus A, B, C and D, and
polioviruses, with the traditional names retained for individual
serotypes (Table 1).
This review focuses primarily on non-polio enterovirus infections. Poliovirus infections and poliomyelitis have become
exceedingly rare in most developed countries as a result of routine
immunisation programmes, and are discussed in detail elsewhere.8,9 Also, parechoviruses, some of which were previously
classified as echoviruses (echovirus 22 and 23), are not discussed in
this review. Recent molecular sequencing data suggest that these
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ61 3 9345 5161; fax: þ61 3 9345 6667.
E-mail address: [email protected] (N. Curtis).
1744-165X/$ – see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
are a separate group of viruses.10 However, the clinical manifestations associated with parechovirus infection show a considerable
overlap with those produced by enteroviruses and disease can be
virtually indistinguishable.11
Non-polio enteroviruses can produce a wide spectrum of acute
illnesses with clinical manifestations ranging from non-specific febrile
illness, mild upper respiratory tract infection or self-limiting gastroenteritis, to more severe entities such as myocarditis, hepatitis and
encephalitis. Some diseases or manifestations are typically associated
with a particular enterovirus group or even a particular serotype,
such as herpangina (coxsackie A viruses),12 hand-foot-and-mouth
disease [coxsackie A viruses (frequently A16), enterovirus 71],13,14
pericarditis/myocarditis (coxsackie B viruses),15,16 pleurodynia (Bornholm’s disease; coxsackie B viruses)17 and haemorrhagic conjunctivitis (coxsackievirus A24, enterovirus 70).18,19
2. Epidemiology of enterovirus infections
Enteroviruses are among the most common viruses causing
disease in humans. It has been estimated that in the USA alone 10–
15 million symptomatic enterovirus infections occur each year.20
Enterovirus infections have a distinct seasonal pattern in temperate
climates, with the majority of infections occurring during summer
and fall,21–24 although this seasonality appears to be less
pronounced in the neonatal population.20
In Europe the most commonly isolated enterovirus serotypes
are echoviruses E6, E7, E9, E11, E13, E19, E30, coxsackie A viruses A9,
A16 and coxsackie B viruses B2 to B5.21,25,26 A recent publication
from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
M. Tebruegge, N. Curtis / Seminars in Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 14 (2009) 222–227
Table 1
Classification of enteroviruses.
Traditional taxonomy
Current taxonomy
E1–7, 9, 11–21, 24–27, 29–33
Human enterovirus A (HEV-A)
CAV2-8, 10, 12, 14, 16, EV71
Coxsackie A viruses
CAV1–22, 24
Human enterovirus B (HEV-B)
CAV9, CBV1–6, E1–7, 9, 11–21,
24–27, 29–33, EV69
Coxsackie B viruses
Human enterovirus C (HEV-C)
CAV1, 11, 13, 17, 19–22, 24, PV1–3
Human enterovirus D (HEV-D)
EV68, 70
Numbered enteroviruses
Table adapted from Khetsuriani et al.27
Gaps in the numbering are partly due to the finding that some viruses were in fact
identical (e.g. coxsackievirus A15 and A11); others have been reclassified as part of
another genus or virus family (e.g. echovirus 28 is now human rhinovirus 1A).
Notably, echoviruses 22 and 23 are now considered to be part of a different genus,
and have been renamed as parechovirus 1 and 2, respectively. Not included in the
table are the four new enterovirus serotypes described in 2005 (EV76, EV89, EV90,
EV91; likely subgroup of HEV-A)1 and 13 new serotypes reported in 2007(EV79-88,
EV97, EV100, EV101; likely members of HEV-B).2 Other reports have described
additional serotypes.5–7
summarising the epidemiological data in the USA accumulated
over a 35-year period, reported that the five most common
enterovirus serotypes were echoviruses E6, E9, E11, E30 and coxsackievirus B5, which accounted for almost half of all enteroviruses
detected.27 In contrast to Europe, echovirus E13 and E19 played
only a relatively minor role in the USA (1.2% and 0.2% of the
reported cases respectively). The same report also showed that the
predominant serotypes and ranking of individual enteroviruses
change considerably over time.
Another recent publication from the CDC reported that coxsackievirus B1 had become the most commonly identified
enterovirus serotype in the USA in 2007, accounting for 25% of all
enterovirus infections with known serotypes.28 Worryingly, an
unusually large proportion of babies infected with this serotype
developed severe disease – including myocarditis, severe hepatitis
and coagulopathy – resulting in the death of five of these
National surveillance data collected over a five-year period in
France has shown that the vast majority of enterovirus infections
occur in young children, with infants below the age of one year
accounting for about a third of all cases.25 Similar observations have
been reported by other national enterovirus surveillance programmes, including those in the USA,27 the UK26 and Taiwan.15
Enterovirus infections in the neonatal period are not rare. One
study in the USA, conducted during a typical enterovirus season,
found that the incidence of non-polio enterovirus infection in
neonates, who were followed until one month of life, was as high as
12%.29 Interestingly, the majority (79%) of babies infected with
enteroviruses in this report were asymptomatic, while only 4%
required admission to the hospital.
More recent data from the CDC National Enterovirus Surveillance System indicate that enteroviral infections in the neonatal
period account for about 10% of the total number of reported cases
of enterovirus infection in the USA.20 Notably, this report also
revealed that the relative frequency and predominant serotypes of
enteroviruses affecting neonates differed from the pattern
observed in the general population (described above). During the
20-year period described in this report, echoviruses E6, E9, E11 and
coxsackieviruses B2, B4 and B5 were the most commonly identified
serotypes in neonates.
Enterovirus infections are not an uncommon cause of sepsis-like
illness in the neonatal period. A prospective, population-based
survey of neonates (up to day 29 of life) presenting with suspected
systemic infection found that at least 3% of these episodes had been
caused by enteroviruses.24 To put this number into context: only 3%
of infants were diagnosed with microbiologically confirmed
bacterial sepsis during the same period.
3. Enterovirus transmission in neonates
There is evidence suggesting that enterovirus infections can be
acquired antenatally, intrapartum and postnatally.
In-utero transmission in late gestation has been demonstrated
in animal models,30 and a number of observations in humans also
support the concept that enteroviruses can be transmitted antenatally – either transplacentally or potentially via ascending
One prospective study during a community outbreak of echovirus 11 suggests that vertical transmission is relatively common
when the maternal enterovirus infection is acquired during late
pregnancy.31 In this report, 57% of the neonates born to mothers
with echovirus 11 infection were found to be infected with the
same serotype; in all neonatal cases the virus could be isolated from
the throat and/or rectum at three days of age, suggesting that the
virus had been transmitted antenatally.
Further evidence for antenatal transmission comes from the fact
that specific neutralising immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies have
been detected on the first day of life in a number of neonates.32
Other publications have reported the isolation of enterovirus from
amniotic fluid and umbilical cord blood.22,33,34 In addition,
a number of postmortem studies have identified the presence of
enteroviruses in the organs of aborted fetuses using immunohistochemical and molecular methods.35,36 Furthermore, several
publications have reported neonates with symptomatic enterovirus
infection on day 1 of life, indicating that the infection must have
been acquired antenatally.22,23,33,37–40
Other modes of transmission include intrapartum exposure to
maternal blood, genital secretions and stool, as well as postnatal
exposure to oropharyngeal secretions from the mother and other
individuals who have close contact with the baby.22,37,41 Given the
relatively high rates of ‘viral illness’ observed in siblings and fathers
of neonates with confirmed enterovirus infection it appears likely
that transmission from family members is relatively common.38–40
Both epidemic outbreaks and sporadic transmission of enteroviruses in neonatal units and hospital nurseries have been
described, with echovirus 11 and coxsackie B viruses as the most
commonly implicated serotypes in the majority of reports.22,37,42–45
In some of these instances the enterovirus had been introduced by
personnel working in the unit, while other outbreaks were traced
back to neonates in the unit who had been vertically infected. The
attack rate for infants at risk has been estimated to range from 22%
to 53% in this setting.37 Notably, nosocomially acquired enterovirus
infections are generally associated with less severe disease and
lower mortality rates than vertically acquired infections.16,37
4. Clinical features of neonatal enterovirus infection
Enterovirus infections in the neonate are associated with a wide
spectrum of signs and symptoms, which range from a non-specific
febrile illness to potentially fatal multisystem disease, frequently
referred to as ‘neonatal enterovirus sepsis’ or ‘enteroviral sepsis
The most common presenting features associated with neonatal
enterovirus infection are fever, irritability, poor feeding and lethargy.22,38–40 A non-specific rash, which is frequently macular or
M. Tebruegge, N. Curtis / Seminars in Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 14 (2009) 222–227
maculo-papular in nature, is observed in around half of infants
during the course of the illness.38,39 A similar proportion of patients
develop respiratory symptoms, including nasal discharge, cough,
apnoeas, tachypnoea, recessions, grunting and nasal flaring.
Gastrointestinal symptoms, comprising vomiting, abdominal
distension and diarrhoea, are less common, but still occur in about
20% of cases.39 Other potential manifestations include pancreatitis,
adrenal haemorrhage and necrotising enterocolitis.22
Approximately half of the infants with neonatal enterovirus
infection have evidence of hepatitis or jaundice during the course
of the illness, while hepatomegaly is detected in around 20%.22,38
The hepatic inflammation may progress to acute hepatic necrosis,
associated with marked elevation of transaminases and jaundice,
liver failure and coagulopathy.23,39 Splenomegaly is a relatively
uncommon feature.39 Some neonatal cases develop signs of
myocarditis, such as cardiac arrhythmias, cardiomegaly, poor
ventricular function, systemic hypotension, congestive heart
failure, pulmonary oedema and myocardial ischaemia.16,22,23,39,40
Central nervous system disease may manifest as meningitis or
encephalitis, or a combination of the two.22,23,39,46 Neonates with
enteroviral meningitis may present with irritability, poor feeding,
or less commonly a prominent anterior fontanelle.22,39 Encephalitis
can manifest with seizures, depressed level of consciousness or
focal neurological symptoms.
5. Diagnosis of enterovirus infection
The detection of enteroviruses is traditionally based on viral
isolation in cell culture, followed by immunofluorescence staining
or typing with the use of antisera, which allows identification of the
infecting serotype. Previous reports suggest that the highest
isolation yields are achieved with samples from the upper respiratory tract (throat swabs/nasopharyngeal aspirates), gastrointestinal samples (rectal swabs/stool samples) and cerebrospinal fluid.
Isolation from blood and urine is less common.15,23,38
Serology, which relies on the detection of IgM antibodies or
the detection of a significant rise in IgG antibody titre, is
generally less useful in the diagnosis of enterovirus infections. All
currently available serological techniques have significant limitations. Notably, there is no single antigen that is present in all
enterovirus serotypes, and consequently no truly ‘universal’
antibody or antigen assay exists. Various serological methods,
including enzyme immunoassays (EIA) and complement fixation
tests, have been developed.47,48 Although the specificity of these
tests is often good, their sensitivity is generally rather poor
(below 80%).
Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) may
increase the detection rate in enterovirus infections and is particularly useful in the analysis of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples in
patients with evidence of meningitis.40,49 In this setting, RT-PCR
has been shown to have greater sensitivity than culture methods. In
addition, RT-PCR on blood can be a useful tool for the diagnosis of
enterovirus infection in infants presenting with sepsis-like
illness.50,51 More recently, enteroviral real-time RT-PCR assays,
which allow shorter turnover times, have been developed and
demonstrated to have high sensitivity and specificity.50,52
Cerebrospinal fluid abnormalities are common in neonates
with enterovirus infection. One study reported that abnormal CSF
results were observed in 70% of neonatal cases, with CSF pleocytosis occurring in 53%.38 CSF pleocytosis in these patients most
commonly shows a predominantly lymphocytic pattern.22
However, CSF pleocytosis with polymorphonuclear predominance
(i.e. more than 50% polymorphs; usually suggestive of bacterial
meningitis) has been reported to occur in up to one-third of
patients.22,38,39 The majority of patients with enterovirus
meningitis have only mild to moderately elevated CSF white
blood cell counts, but cases with counts above 1000/mm3 have
been described.16,22,38–40,46 CSF protein levels are frequently
elevated.22 CSF glucose concentrations are generally within
normal range,39,46 as would be expected in a viral infection,
although several neonates with CSF glucose levels below 30 mg/
dL and abnormally low CSF glucose:blood glucose ratios have
been reported.22
6. Prognosis of enterovirus infection in the neonatal period
The majority of infants who present with enterovirus infection
in the neonatal period have a benign course and make a full
recovery. Pyrexia generally resolves within three to five days,
whereas resolution of symptoms occurs on average within four to
seven days after onset.22,38,39
Previous studies have reported overall mortality rates ranging
between 0 and 42%.16,22,38,39,41 Risk factors for severe infection
include prematurity,31,39,53 presence of maternal ‘viral symptoms’
at delivery,38 onset of symptoms in the first week of life23,38,40,53
and absence of specific antibodies (acquired by placental transfer)
to the infecting serotype in the neonate.31,44,53,54
There is some evidence that certain enterovirus serotypes are
associated with more severe disease in the neonatal period. In one
population-based study, the highest mortality rate by far (40%) was
observed in neonates infected with coxsackievirus B4.20 Another
serotype associated with a high mortality rate was echovirus E11.
By contrast, despite the fact that a considerable number (n ¼ 28) of
neonatal infections with coxsackie B5 virus were documented
during the study period, none had a fatal outcome.
In addition to the specific serotype involved, the clinical manifestation of neonatal enterovirus infection is also an important
determinant of prognosis, with the highest mortality rates being
reported in neonates with sepsis-like illness, myocarditis and
hepatitis.23,38,39,55 In one large study, all neonates who presented
with a non-specific illness or aseptic meningitis (n ¼ 103) survived
without long-term sequelae.23 By contrast, 24% of the neonates
who developed hepatic necrosis and coagulopathy (n ¼ 42) had
a fatal outcome. In this cohort the highest mortality (71%) was
recorded in patients with hepatic necrosis and concurrent
myocarditis. A different, retrospective study reported that the
mortality rate of neonates with hepatitis and coexisting coagulopathy was 31%.55
Long-term sequelae following neonatal enterovirus infection
are relatively rare. However, residual hepatic dysfunction in some
infants who had originally presented with acute hepatic failure and
coagulopathy has been described.38 Most patients with enteroviral
myocarditis who survive have no persisting cardiac problems;
a minority have residual ventricular dysfunction, ventricular
aneurysms or rhythm abnormalities or develop dilated cardiomyopathy.56–58 Several reports have also described persisting neurological deficits in patients who had enteroviral meningitis or
encephalitis, including spasticity, seizure disorders, learning difficulties and language disorders.59–61 One report also described the
presence of white matter changes in several neonates with
enterovirus meningoencephalitis, which resembled periventricular
leukomalacia on imaging.62
7. Prophylaxis and treatment of enterovirus
infection in neonates
As enteroviral infection is a self-limiting infection in immunocompetent individuals and most neonates have a benign course,
the treatment of neonatal enterovirus infections predominately
consists of supportive therapy.
M. Tebruegge, N. Curtis / Seminars in Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 14 (2009) 222–227
7.1. The role of immunoglobulin in enterovirus infections
There is some anecdotal evidence suggesting that prophylactic
immunoglobulin containing sufficiently high levels of specific
neutralising antibodies may prevent enterovirus infection in
infants at risk during outbreaks on neonatal units. In one report all
patients in a neonatal unit were given immunoglobulin following
the diagnosis of meningitis caused by echovirus 11 in an index case,
and infection control measures were instigated simultaneously.54
None of the babies that had received prophylactic immunoglobulin
soon after delivery developed signs suggestive of echovirus infection. Subsequent studies in similar settings reported less favourable
results, although it appears that prophylactic immunoglobulin at
least mitigates disease severity in some exposed neonates.63–65
Immunoglobulin has also been used for the treatment of
symptomatic infants with enterovirus infection in several
reports.16,23,66 While some groups believe that the use of immunoglobulin was potentially beneficial,16 others did not observe any
impact on clinical outcome.23 In the only randomised controlled
trial of immunoglobulin in the context of neonatal enterovirus
infection, intravenously administered immunoglobulin was associated with subtle clinical benefits and faster resolution of viraemia.67 However, the study group was small (n ¼ 16), and
therefore firm conclusions cannot be made.
7.2. Antiviral treatment options in enterovirus infection
Over the last three decades a large variety of compounds with
activity against picornaviruses, including enteroviruses, have been
developed. These compounds either: (a) target the attachment,
entry and uncoating of enteroviruses (e.g. pleconaril, BPROZ-194,68
MDL-86069), (b) inhibit the replication of the virus (e.g. enviroxime,
enviradone,70 TBZE-02971), (c) interfere with viral proteases (e.g.
rupintrivir,72 MPCMK73) or (d) prevent viral assembly and release
(e.g. 5-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)methylhydantoin74). Many of these
antiviral agents have been assessed in vitro and in animal models,
and some have been evaluated in human trials (mainly phase I and
II). A detailed review of these agents is beyond the scope of this
chapter, but can be found elsewhere.75
At present, pleconaril is the most advanced antiviral treatment
option for enterovirus infections. A report by Rotbart et al., describing
the early experience with pleconaril in human enterovirus infection,
showed some encouraging results.76 The majority of cases in this
report were patients with congenital immunodeficiencies who
suffered from chronic enterovirus infection. In this subgroup, treatment with pleconaril was associated with clinical improvement in
75% and virological response in 86% of cases. Notably, this report also
included six neonates with enteroviral sepsis syndrome, five of
whom survived. Viral clearance was achieved in all four neonates in
whom the virological response was assessed.
The largest study of pleconaril in the context of enteroviral
disease reported to date is a randomised controlled trial conducted
in adults with meningitis (n ¼ 240).77 Disappointingly, the clinical
benefit of pleconaril treatment was only modest and primarily
apparent in patients who presented with the most severe disease.
To date there are only very limited data regarding pleconaril as
treatment for enterovirus infections in neonates or infants.40,78–82
In this age group, reports consist almost exclusively of single case
reports and small case series. Some of the respective authors
believed that treatment with pleconaril had a positive impact on
outcome; however, without untreated control patients for
comparison, none of these anecdotal observations allow firm
conclusions. Notably, some reports have described neonates with
a fatal outcome despite treatment with pleconaril, although in most
instances these patients already had severe disease manifestations
before treatment was started.40,79,82 A small randomised controlled
trial in infants failed to show a significant difference in viral
persistence, symptoms or duration of hospitalisation between the
pleconaril-treated and the placebo groups.78 However, the majority
of patients in this study had only mild disease and the size of the
study population (n ¼ 20) would have limited the ability to detect
even moderate treatment effects.
A phase II double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of pleconaril for
the treatment of neonatal enteroviral sepsis syndrome is currently
underway.83 However, the results of this trial are unlikely to be
available before the year 2010, highlighting the need for the
development and investigation of further effective anti-enteroviral
Practice points
Enterovirus infections in neonates are associated with
a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations resulting in
significant morbidity and mortality.
The seasonality of enterovirus infections is less
pronounced in the neonatal population and infections
may be encountered throughout the year.
Neonatal enterovirus infection resulting from antenatal
transmission is associated with the most severe disease
and poorest outcome.
Prognosis depends on the causative serotype and the
clinical manifestations.
The use of molecular diagnostic methods can improve
detection rates.
The potential benefit of currently available antivirals in
neonatal enterovirus infection remains uncertain.
Research directions
The epidemiology and clinical manifestations of
recently identified enterovirus serotypes.
The role of existing antiviral agents in the treatment of
neonatal enterovirus infections.
The development of new antiviral agents with antienteroviral activity.
Conflict of interest statement
None declared.
Funding sources
M.T. is supported by a Fellowship from the European Society of
Paediatric Infectious Diseases and an International Research
Scholarship from the University of Melbourne.
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