Subido por Juan Carlos Cárcamo

Program Planning Form: Country Context Assessment

Appendix #3: Program Planning Form (A)
(name of country)
Country Context
Describe briefly what survey work has been done, and when, that has led to commitments to working in this
What is the field context within which is working? What are the key factors that shape program planning? What are the trends in the society
that have an impact on churches, on the poor, on our partners? If you need to elaborate on difference between local and overall national context,
please do so.
1. Social Context
2. Political Context
3. Economic Context
4. Educational System
5. Ecclesiastical Context
6. Summary Conclusions
Long-range Outlook
Based on this country context, what are the vision and mission statements for work in this country?
What is the long-range (3 to 5 year) strategy for work in this country?
How does it relate to any regional strategy that has been adopted?
Collaboration with other institutions
What collaboration between others (not national partners) is being carried out and how is it working? (Indicate if there is a need for
increased collaboration.)
Describe the participation of other agencies/ institutions in this planning process. (If there were any agencies not brought in, explain how
they might be included in the future.)
How will your field utilize individuals & groups from the NA support base this fiscal year? (Consider supporting churches and other
volunteers, work groups, Discovery Tours, service-learning contracts, Partners for Christian Development, Service and Training)