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bizhub PRO C6500P SSD Support Solutions - Troubleshooting

November 2009
This document contains information that was exported directly from Konica Minolta's SSD
Support knowledge base. Some solutions may contain hyperlink references which originally
contained links to graphic or text files. If you wish to view these files, you must access the
solutions via SSD CS Expert Support on Konica Minolta's website,
Legal Notice
This document is designed as a diagnostic tool, primarily for Konica Minolta's support personnel, and authorized
service representatives. Konica Minolta recommends that all service be performed by an authorized service
representative. Users are responsible for seeking advice of a Konica Minolta authorized service representative
regarding the information, opinion, advice or content of this document.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Abnormal noise or odor
Solution Usage
LS-501/502, abnormal noise.
CAUSE: If the clip ring keeps rotating while touching the outer rim of the bearing, the clip wears and detaches from the roller shaft. The bearing then
becomes loose and the roller shaft is damaged. If this happens, abnormal noise may occur from the bearing. Additionally, the roller shaft becomes damaged
further if the tension of the belt that transfers drive to the roller is excessive.
A Bearing
B Clip ring
C Roller
D Belt
SOLUTION: Replace the roller with the modified roller (p/n 15AV46040 is the original style and p/n 15AV46041 is the modified).
Notes :
1. The modified roller is more durable and the ring has been changed from a clip to e-clip to prevent detachment. Therefore, after replacing the roller with the
modified one, use the recommended e-clip (p/n 00Z670606). It is not possible to fit the original clip ring on the modified roller.
2. CAUTION : When installing the belt ( D ), be careful not to adjust the tension in excess, so that it does not exceed the tension spring load. Otherwise,
bearing damage may reoccur.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan).
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Breakage, damage, malformed, removed part
Solution Usage
SD-501, C-7777 (C7777)code.
When bundle press cable is unwrapped
CAUSE:The left and/or right sway springs (p/n 15AN 5029 1E - left and p/n 15AN 5030 1E - right) have failed.
SOLUTION: Replace the damaged spring(s) andrewrap the bundle press cables. The Bundle Press will need to be removed for service. Documentation for
Bundle press removal and Bundle Press Wire installationis attached.
Note :To view the attached documents, Microsoft® Excel® or Excel® Viewer must be installed. Excel® Viewer 2003 (9.9MB) can be obtained free from
Microsoft® at the following URL; .
When making booklets
CAUSE: Failed drive motor (p/n 15AN 7718 0) and drive gear (p/n 129U 8004 2).
SOLUTION: Replace drive motor and gear.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp and Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
RU-504, INSTALLATION WARNING . At installation, the 5V DCsupply to theMFP is lost, rendering the machine inoperable.
CAUSE: The RU-504 has been changed for future model support. Included in this change is an extra connector.
WARNING : If a peripheral is connected to this connector it will severely damage the bizhub PRO C6500 .
SOLUTION: When installing a peripheral on an RU-504 connected to a bizhub PRO C6500/P, be certain that the correct connector is used (use only the
REAR connector with the BLUE wires). Refer to attached Bulletin Number 6541 for the proper connection.
Also, pleasesee the attached list of boardsto bereplaced (if a peripheral was connected to the wrong connector). To viewa PDF, Adobe Reader® must be
installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
Solution ID
Solution Usage
C-2220 (C2220) error code.
CAUSE: Transfer belt coupler has broken off. Transfer belt drive motor (M18) spins true in I/O mode 41-14. Transfer belt and secondary transfer roller turn
OK manually.
SOLUTION: Replace transfer driving roller assembly (p/n A03U R733 00).Also, replace intermediate transfer assembly (p/n A03U R7A1 00) if needed.
Note : See attached document for parts reference. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from
the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
FS-503, non-stapled 11x17 paper is bending or creasing.
CAUSE: The mounting plate for the intermediate roller release solenoid SD7 is damaged causing the solenoid to bind.
SOLUTION: Repair or replace the SD7 mounting plate (p\n 15AA42940).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Breakage, damage, malformed, removed part
Solution Usage
PF-601, Lock screw in the paper feed unit separates into two pieces.
CAUSE:Lock screw needs to be strengthened to withstand normal use.
SOLUTION: The lock screw design has been changed. See attached Parts Modification document for details.To view the PDF, Adobe Reader® must be
installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
Solution ID
Solution Usage
FD-501, is the folding/conveyance section available as a complete assembly?
The folding/conveyance section is not available as a complete assembly.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
SD-501 Bundle Press motor (M23) replacement procedure.
The attached documents provide detailed instruction on replacing the bundle press motor (p/n 120H 8001 2).
IMPORTANT : The bundle press will need to be removed to perform this procedure. Documentation is attached for this procedure as well.
Note :To view the attached documents, Microsoft® Excel® or Excel® Viewer must be installed. Excel® Viewer 2003 (9.9MB) can be obtained free from
Microsoft® at the following URL; .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
SD-501, after the Trimmer frame reinforcement kit was installed, over a period of time, the paper adjustment unit roller guidesbecomedamaged.
CAUSE: By applying the countermeasure against the frame damage, load added during trimming operation is concentrated on the roller guides, causing
fatigue breakage.
Roller Guide position
Countermeasure parts (t = 3.2mm)
SOLUTION: The roller guide plate thickness is increased from t = 2.0mm to t = 3.2mm.
Countermeasure parts will be provided. Please install the countermeasure parts on the next service visit of each machine andrefer to the attached
replacement procedure. To view thedocument, Microsoft® Excel® or Excel® Viewer must be installed. Excel® Viewer 2003 (9.9MB) can be obtained free
from Microsoft® at the following URL; .
TheSD-501 units that require this roller guide modification.
Units that have been installed with the frame breakage countermeasure parts
SD-501 frame breakage countermeasure production units
* Serial number cut-in: 15AQ02421 , 15AQ02423 through 15AQ02703 (282 units)
*Yellow sticker is attached before the Lot No. of the paper adjustment unit
Notes :
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Breakage, damage, malformed, removed part
1.The paper adjusting units that are currently shipped as spareparts havethe frame reinforcement and roller guide breakage prevention measures applied.
2. Countermeasure applied in production and identification mark begin withserial number 15AQ03109.
SD-501 outer box -Black sticker is attached on the S/No label.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan)
Solution ID
Solution Usage
The Trimmer frame may break under certain conditions. This is most likely to occur when a large amount of trimming is done AND the number of sheets to be
trimmed is relatively small (less than 40 sheets or so).
CAUSE: When a small number of sheets are trimmed, the bundle press pressure can exceed the design value, creating a heavier-than-expected stress on
the frame. When this happens repeatedly, metal fatigue occurs, resulting in fractured frame parts.
SOLUTION: The thickness of the frame metal was changed during production, resulting in greater inherent strength, and a spring was added to reduce the
bundle press pressure when trimming a small number of sheets. A reinforcement kit is available to strengthen earlier trimmers by adding the spring and
bracing the frame. Please see attached Bulletin Number 6361 for more details and installation instructions. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be
installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Controller - no or slow print, scan failure, garbled data, lockup
Solution Usage
When printing a calibration page from ColorWise™ Pro tools or the MFP LCD, the page does not print. There is nomessage on the printer orcontroller that
indicates the job was sent.
1. There is a mismatch between the default paper media settings on the IC-303 and the paper drawer settings on the engine.
The IC-303 ships with default paper settings of Plain, White, 64-74. If the paper drawer of theengine is not set to these same settings, the job will not print
until the drawer is configured to match these settings. There will not be an indication on the IC-303 panel and the job will also not show up in the job list on the
engine. The only place that the problem can be observed from is Command WorkStation™.
To have all jobs print, based on the drawer settings by default, enter the IC-303 "Launch Configure" through a web browser and edit the PS settings for paper
type "PDL => PS". Paper weight should be set to "Printers Default".
Note :When printing an IC-303configuration page, the paper weight will show as "0" for this setting.
2. Incorrect DipSW setting.
Verify that DipSW 24-2 is set to "0".
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Clinton Marquardt, ESS/BSE and Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
IC-408 powers down after booting.
CAUSE: The IC-408 with system code version 1.0. is installed on an unsupported configuration (Professional configuration), OR version 1.0A or higher is
loaded but unsupported PRO series finisher is installed
SOLUTION: The IC-408 must be updated to system code version 1.0A or higher to allow operation of the SD-501, RU-503, and/or the PF-701. All other PRO
series finishers are not supported when using the Fiery® IC-408.
Note :See attacheddocumentation for supported bizhub PRO C6500 configurations.To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader®
can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Printing appears to be very slow and the controller has high disk and CPU activity.
CAUSE: Secure Eraseis enabled.
SOLUTION: Secure Erase is enabled insetup under Server => Jobs. If enabled, it will securely erase all print jobs by rewriting over the data 3 times. This
requires constant disk access and CPU utilization and will significantly slow down the printing capabilities of the controller.
Secure Erase is required in government or other environments that handle sensitve orconfidential material.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Unable to print. A ‘Please Confirm Authentication Setting of Administrator Setting or Controller’ error message is displayed on the operation panel’.
CAUSE: ‘Allow printing from’ is set to Authorized Users on the Fiery®.
SOLUTION: Set ‘Allow printing from’ to All Users. To set ‘Allow printing from’ to All Users perform the following:
1. Browse into the Fiery®.
2. Launch Fiery® configure.
3. Check the Allow users to print without authentication check box.
4. Reboot the Fiery® for the setting to take effect.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Controller - no or slow print, scan failure, garbled data, lockup
Solution Usage
When installing system code on an IC-303, the controller is booted from the system DVD, but nothing appears to install and the front LCD panel just displays
the Fiery® logo.
CAUSE: The FACI option is enabled on the IC-303.
SOLUTION: If the FACI option is enable on the IC-303, it is assumed that a monitor, keyboard and mouse is also connected. The FACI option disables the
front panel messages that would normally be displayed as part of setup and displays them on the external monitor. The monitor, keyboard and mouse are
required items to install and reinstall system code on a FACI-enabled IC-303. Without these items being attached, no response can be made to the
installation program.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
TFTP ERROR UNABLE TO OPEN SOCKET messagewhenupdating system code.
CAUSE: Incorrect or failed Ethernet crossover cable, or poor connection between laptop and IC-408.
SOLUTION: Connect the laptop used for the system code update directly to the IC-408 with an Ethernet crossover cable. Confirm that the Ethernet cable is a
crossover cable and that it is not damaged.
Note :See attached documentation for IC-408 installation instructions.To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be
downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
The 1-V80PE patch does not work properly for the Fiery® IC-408 v1.0a.Itdoes not show up on the Fiery® Configuration Page and does not allow any
additional patches to be installed.
CAUSE: Updated patch required.
SOLUTION: The original patch has been removed from the KMBS SSD Download Selector andanother version of 1-V80PE is available. To verify between
old and new,check the file properties: Right-click => Properties; the file size of the bad patch is 1.51MB ( 1,585,202 bytes ) and the file size of the
good patch is 1.51MB ( 1,590,397 bytes ).
Note : There are currently 5 patches available for the IC-408 v1.0a code (see attached list). Patch 1-V80PE and 1-VA0ZQ are the same; 1-V80PE is for the
bizhub PRO C6500 and 1-VA0ZQ is for the bizhub PRO C5500. Please be sure to read the release notes carefully as the install process does vary between
Also, attached is a configuration page fromthe SSD/ESSIC-408 installed on a bizhub PRO C6500, the first 4 patches were manually installed and all the rest
are from performing the system updates.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Unable to scan; Scan button is "grayed out".
CAUSE: Scanner function is prohibited.
SOLUTION: To enable, perform the following:
1. Select Utility\Counter.
2. Select [03] Machine Admin. Setting.
3. Select [01] System Setting.
4. Select [04] Operation Prohibit Set.
5. Select [03] Scanner Prohibit Setting.
6. Select Permission: E-mail Permission or Prohibit FTP Permission or Prohibit HDD Permission or Prohibit SMB Permission or Prohibit Queue Permission or
Prohibit Manual Input Permission or Prohibit.
7. Click OK.
8. Exit the Administrator mode.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Controller - no or slow print, scan failure, garbled data, lockup
Note : Permission = Allow and Prohibit = Not Allow.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez and Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Document cannot be added to controller using FreeForm™.
CAUSE:Customer is using FreeForm2 to create masters for individual pages.This function was never supported by Konica Minolta products;even though this
technique may have worked on older controllers, it was never really supported.
Since the OS was rewritten for many of the new printers, any programming (Feature) holes that existed in the previoussystem code, wereplugged;therefore,
this function will not work.
SOLUTION:Follow standard FreeForm (1) techniques for creating a master.
If a document has more then one page, then all the pages must be contained in the master.When the variable data is sent, it mustcontainthe data for all the
SPECIAL NOTE: Solution contribution by Paul Santangelo, ESS
Solution ID
Solution Usage
When installing a new IC-303, nothing can be setup from the front panel of the controller. Howis the controller configured?
The IC-303 is configured using 2 different methods.
1. After the controller has initialized completely and is connected to the MFP, a controller button will be available under the Machine settings on theMFP LCD
panel. This button will allow basic funtions to be configured under setup. Server Name, system Date/Time, TCP/IP settings, Ethernet speed, enabling Remote
Desktop and Enabling web services are the basic functions that can be configured.
Ensure that Web services are enabled as the remainder of the configuration will have to be done from the web-based configure utility.
2. After a TCP/IP address has been configured and Web services are enabled, launch configure from a Web browser and configure the remaining settings on
the IC-303.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
After updating the IC-408 to version 1.1, unable to print andfinishing options and features not available.
CAUSE:Correct PPD has not been loaded in Adobe® PageMaker® or PPD has not been assigned to printer in PageMaker® print dialog box.
SOLUTION:To correct this:
1. Remove the EF9M9A90 and the EF9M9090 PPDs from the C:\Program Files\Adobe\PageMaker 7.0\RSRC\USENGLSH\ppd4 folder.
2.Copy and paste the EF9M9A91.ppd from the extracted IC-408 version 1.1 print driver into the PPD4 folder.
3.Reboot the system then open PageMaker® file (File=> print => select the IC-408 printerthen select PAPER). This should now make the DOCUMENT
button available.
4.Select DOCUMENTand change the PPD to Fiery® X3ETY2 65_55C-KM.
5.Press ENTER on keyboard. This may cause job to print but the PPD will now be assigned as the default PPD to use for this printer.
Note :Once the PPD is selected in the Document screen all the finishing features become available andthe remainder of the steps are just to set the PPD to
that printer so the PPD does not have to be selected everytime.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Slow print speed to the IC-408/bizhub PRO C6500.
CAUSE: Pre-release PrintStation Manager™, build 8282 is installed on the MicroPress® server.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Controller - no or slow print, scan failure, garbled data, lockup
SOLUTION: Install the official release PrintStation Manager™, build 8283 on the MicroPress® server.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Quick Cal/Color Cal option is not shown. Only one calibration type is listed.
CAUSE: Desired calibration device is not set.
SOLUTION: From CREO© interface select File=> Preferences=> Calibration Device=> Select Desired Calibration type. Off-the-glass = Color Cal
Device Tool = Densitometer.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Scan address will not clear after the scan is complete.
CAUSE: Incorrect DipSW setting (DipSW 15-6 = 0).
SOLUTION: To change the dipswitch setting:
1. Enter Service mode.
2.Select System Setting.
3.Select Software DS Setting.
4.Set DipSW 15-6 = 1 (ON).
5.Exit Service mode.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Missing profile message when trying to print calibration page.
CAUSE: Paper tray on the bizhub PRO C6500 was set for the incorrect paper type. These may include Colored or Punched.
SOLUTION: Set paper tray on the bizhub PRO C6500 to White and\or Non-Punched.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Cannot print when using 64-bit Microsoft® Windows Vista™ and IC-303 running firmware version 1.01.
CAUSE: Microsoft® Windows Vista™ driver incompatibility with older Fiery® system software.
SOLUTION: Update Fiery® system software to version 2.0 or above. The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta
Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Rabindranauth Ramkumar, KMBS/Tampa, FL
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Controller - no or slow print, scan failure, garbled data, lockup
Print jobs failing to process when selecting 8.5x11R size paper with image quality set to High. Job prints normally when 8.5x11 paper is selected.
CAUSE: Print controller version 2.0 software bug.
SOLUTION: Load the version 2.0 Service Pack 1 (SP1) using the installation procedure in the attached Release Notes. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader®
must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
Note : Service Pack 1 (SP1) is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by
clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
IC-304 unable to communicate properly with the MFP with the FD-501, FS-503 and LS-501 installed. Will not RIP.
CAUSE: Improper configuration.
SOLUTION: The CREO© workstation is not able to support the configuration of FS-503 with FD-501 Bookletmaker and LS-501 stacker, even though theMFP
does support it.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by David Holt, SSD District Service Manager/Midwest Region
Solution ID
Solution Usage
The Fiery® driver will not hold certain settings:
2-way communications
Account information
Authentication information
This might be more noticeable when using Terminal Services.
Escalated to KMBT.
For a workaround, please use the Emperon print controller if available.
This issue has been escalated to Konica Minolta Business Technologies in Japan.
KMBS/SSD is working with partners in support and R & D in Japan to obtain a resolution for this issue as quickly as possible. If viewing this solution via
the web, please establish a ticket via either the web or by calling the contact center at 1-800-825-5664. Once a ticket has been established an E-mail will be
sent when this solution is updated.
Note : For phone advisors, please attach to this solution for an automatic E-mail that will be sent to the technician when this solution is updated. End the
call with call code "Escalated to Japan".
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Clinton Marquardt, ESS
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Dirty image - Spots, banding, streaks, smudged or background
Solution Usage
Streaks and/or lines on copies, possibly accompanied by an abnormalnoise.
CAUSE: Drum cleaning blade has "flipped".
SOLUTION: Depending upon the installed Drum Unit there are different recommendations:
If using a DU-102 Drum Unit please install the cleaning blade (p/n65AA 2003 1)and2 cleaning blade holders (p/n 65AA 2012 0) from the 8050/bizhub PRO
C500. The 8050/bizhub PRO C500 cleaning blade should be trimmed on the corners before installation.
If using a DU-102B Drum Unit please install the cleaning blade (p/n65AA 2003 1)and2 cleaning blade holders (p/n 65AA 2012 0) from the 8050/bizhub PRO
C500. The 8050/bizhub PRO C500 cleaning blade should NOT be trimmed on the corners before installation.
If using the new Green Dot Drum Unit no modifications are required.
Please see the attached documents and Bulletin Number 6833for instructions.To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be
downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE: Solution contribution by Clinton Marquardt, ESS/BSE
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Toner is adhering to the drum surface.It can be cleaned off, but returns a short time later.
CAUSE: It appears as though there may be an issue with the coating on the drums which seems to be most sensitive when replaced in the black drum
section. The other 3 colors, Magenta, Cyan and Yellow do not seem to be affected as much by this change to the drum surface.
SOLUTION: If you are experiencing marks on the drum please order a replacement 102C drum (p/n A0400Y4)
Note : Should Magenta, Cyan or Yellow drum unit fail, please follow the same procedure listed above for replacement.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by David Aekus, Production Print/SSD and Rich Raynor/Clinton Marquardt, ESS
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Banding in half tones in the lead-to-trail direction on all copies, prints and test charts.
CAUSE: Changing machine conditions.
SOLUTION: Adjust AC Dev Bias in the negative direction for the affected color(s). To adjust AC dev bias, perform the following:
1. Enter Service mode.
5. Set the affected color(s) to the desired setting. The range is +5 to -5. The default setting is 0.
6. Exit Service mode. Automatic Gamma will automatically run when the Service mode is exited.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham/Ed Bellone/Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Lines on all color copies/prints in the sub-scan direction.
CAUSE: Failed or damaged transfer belt.
SOLUTION: A modified Transfer Belt Plate (Intermediate Transfer Assembly Kit - p/n A03UR7A400) is available to prevent the scratching of the rear side of
the transfer belt. Please seeattached Bulletin Number 6187 for details. To view the PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be
downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Dirty image - Spots, banding, streaks, smudged or background
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Clinton Marquardt, ESS/SSD and Ed Bellone/Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Dark bandin the main scan (front-to-rear) direction at the lead edge.
CAUSE: Incorrect separation setting.
Note : Please refer to attached sample of dark band. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from
the Adobe® web site at:
SOLUTION: Adjust theDC separationsetting:
1. Set Dip-SW 1-0 to 1.
2. Select Paper setting => Change => Process Adj. => Separation DC (Front) and (Back).
3. Change the Separation DC settings from -20 to -30.
4. Please check the dark band level.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Clinton Marquardt, ESS/SSD and Mark D'Attilio/Ed Bellone/Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Double image when copying or printing and the machine is misting one or more toners from the drum area.
CAUSE: Rear locking screws for the drum cleaner blade were not removed during machine setup or drum unit replacement of one or more units.
SOLUTION: Ensure that the front and rear locking screws for the drum cleaner blade are removed during machine setup.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Jim Behrends and David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Intermittent cyan, magenta, yellow or black streaks from front-to-rear.
CAUSE: Possible loose HDD ribbon cable on the HD-506 assembly.
SOLUTION: Check and reseat all the ribbon cables on the hard drives of the HD-506 assembly which mounts on the Memory Control Board Assembly (p/n
A03U H040 13).
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Banding from front-to-rear (in many cases, mostly cyan). The banding (lines/vertical bands) may also be considered as being in the main scan direction.
CAUSE: Scratched(worn) drum(s), failingcoronasand/orover-charged developer. A PM is required.
SOLUTION: Perform a 100K PM and 200K PM. Replace all drums and developers. Replace the Charging Corona Assembly.
The bizhub PRO C6500 series 100K PM kit (Item #DC65PM100) is for the bizhub PRO C6500, C6500P and C5500 ONLY.
The bizhub PRO C6501 series 100K PM kit (Item #DC651PM100) is for the bizhub PRO C6501, C6501P and C5501 ONLY.
Item numbers for 200K PM kits are as follows:
Item #DC65PM200 - Includes all 200K PM Parts (no developers or drums)
Item #DC65X001 (Kit A) - Includes all 200K PM parts plus developers (1 each)
Item #DC65X002 (Kit B) - Includes all 200K PM Parts plus developers (1 each) and four (4) drums.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Dirty image - Spots, banding, streaks, smudged or background
The PM schedule for the bizhub PRO C6500 is every 200K and the PM schedule for the bizhub PRO C5500 is every 150K.
Note : Please see the attached sample of the banding andattachments concerning PM Kit contents.
To viewa PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
To view theExcel document, Microsoft® Excel® or Excel® Viewer must be installed. Excel® Viewer 2003 (9.9MB) can be obtained free from Microsoft® at
the following URL; .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez and Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Streaks on copies/prints with mixed colors.
CAUSE:Worn/damagedfirst transfer rollers.
SOLUTION: To help isolate if it is a failed transfer roller, run halftones of 2 mixed colors at different densities levels (40%, 80%, 100%), and alternate the
colors until the problem has been isolated.
Confirm theproblem transfer roller(s) by swappingwith each other. Replace thetransfer roller as necessary (p/n A03U500400).
Note :Please refer to the attached Troubleshooting Guidefor additional information on copy quality issues. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be
installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at:
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
SD-501, front cover soiling.
CAUSE: The front cover becomes dirty/soiled during booklet creationdue to the shape of Pressing Plate/1 (non-supply part) and Pressing Plate/2.
SOLUTION:To remedy this problem, changes have been made to the shape of the Pressing Plate/1 and Pressing Plate/2. In accordance with this, the part
number of Support Plate 1assembly (p/n 15AN-6221) has been changed.
See attached Parts Modification document for details.To view the PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from
the Adobe® web site at: .
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Identifying a repeated mark on copies/prints.
Failed or "dirty" mechanical part which may needcleaning or replacing.
Approximately 251mm pitch: Damageto the fusing belt
Approximately 188mm pitch: Damageto the drum surface
Approximately 95mm pitch: Soiled second transfer roller
Approximately 94mm pitch: Developer conveyance failure
Note : As a reference, the inch conversion is:
251mm = 9.88 inches
188 mm = 7.40 inches
95mm = 3.74 inches
94 mm = 3.70 inches
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone/Ian Lynch/Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Streaking on copies and prints.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Dirty image - Spots, banding, streaks, smudged or background
CAUSE: Fixing paper exit roller pressure is too high.
SOLUTION:The bizhub PRO C6500 series has added a customer adjustment lever to the fuser exit plate to release pressure on the exit rollers, allowing the
print to cool with less pressure on the image.Slide the lever to the front to remove the pressure and to the rear for small size copies or prints.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Front-to-rear lines, very close together, on one color.
CAUSE: The plate that the developing unit slides onto has become loose and it is rubbing on the drum.
SOLUTION: Tighten\repair the plate that the developing unit slides onto. Replace the drum if damaged.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Scuff marks on trail edge of copies.
CAUSE:Paper isbrushing the upper fuser guide.
SOLUTION:Check lowerfuser roll insulating sleeves.If they are worn or broken the lower roller will not function as designed.The sleeves must be replaced
(p/n A03U 7227 00).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Smearing along edge of paper.This occurs when paper is fed from main body bizhub PRO 1050 series or from the LS-501/LS-502 installed on the bizhub
PRO 1050 series or the bizhub PRO C6500 series.
CAUSE: Idler, conveyance and feed rollers need to be replaced withmodified rollers.
SOLUTION: The modified rollers have a different type of rubberto prevent smearing on copies.Urethane rubber is now used rather than EPDM rubber.See
attached Parts Modification documents for more detail.To viewa PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from
the Adobe® web site at: .
Solution ID
Solution Usage
FD-501,marks on edge of copies.
CAUSE:Conveyance driveroller composition (rubber).
SOLUTION: Modified rollers now useurethane rubber rather thanEPDM rubber.See attached Parts Modification document for details.To view the PDF, Adobe
Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Dirty image - Spots, banding, streaks, smudged or background
Solution Usage
White spots with tailing.
CAUSE: The transfer belt separation claw is contacting the transfer belt due to a worn actuator pin on the separation claw assembly.
SOLUTION: Replace the separation claw assembly (p/n 65AA -284 0). Review the attached samples for more detail on symptom and worn part.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution provided by John Day, Network Imaging Integrator, Hughes-Calihan Konica Minolta, Inc.
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Lines in sub scan (lead-to-trail) direction.
CAUSE:Worn lower fuser roll bearings and sleeves which causepaper to curl upward in the fuserentrance and contact the guide.
SOLUTION: Replace the bearings (p/n 26NA 5371 2) and i nsulating sleeves (p/n A03U 7227 00).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Case Bratten, KMBS/Minneapolis
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Other image quality failure
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Under certain conditions, the cyan toner used in these models may cause spots on prints.
CAUSE: Only certain manufacturer lots of cyan toner exhibit these spots which are the result of a manufacturing anomaly.
SOLUTION: All the affected lot numbers have been purged. Please order new toner from KMBS.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Joe Rooney, Manager/Service Operations and Russell Anselmo, Manager/ESS.
Solution ID
Copy quality defects; CQ issues. How to change the Speed Down, 2nd Transfer Pressure or the CPM Down.
To change the Speed Down, 2nd Transfer Pressure or the CPM Down, perform the following:
1. Touch the Paper Setting on the control panel.
2.Touch the CHANGE setting.
3.Select the Process Adj. button.
4.Press NEXT two times. This shouldgo to the screenfor Speed Down, 2nd Trans Pressure and the CPM Down. Try setting these adjustments for CQ
CAUTION : Adjustment of the “2nd Trans Offset”, “Separation AC” and “Separation DC” may be needed when “Speed Down” is set to “On”.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
RU-503/RU-504, when printing on 200g/m2 or more thick paper, the "scratches" appear on the solid part of the image.
CAUSE: At the paper path of finishing options, including RU, the thick paper contacts with the steel plate or gate. As the result, fine "scratches" appearin the
face-down direction.
SOLUTION: On the steel plate of RU, attach PET sheets to reduce the contact area between paper and paper path so that scratch is reduced.
However, this solution is effective only for the face-up exit and not effective for the face-down exit or duplex printing. Also, this solution is effective against the
"scratches" caused by the RU but not effective for the "scratches" generated by lower stream option.
Note : This countermeasure is to beapplied only to the machines experiencing the problem.
Please refer attached files for detailed procedure. To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the
Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan).
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Error when performing the Scanner Smooth Tone Adjustment.
CAUSE: Incorrect color chart is being used.
SOLUTION: Perform the Auto Adjustment as the correct color chart cannot be ordered and is only used in manufacturing for initial set-up.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Image blank or solid color
Solution Usage
Indentations are being seen on 12x18 or 13x19 paper at the 11-inch mark after running mostly 8.5x11 paper.
CAUSE:These marks are caused by wear on the fuser belt. It occurs when most of the paper printed is 11", followed by changing to larger paper.
SOLUTION: A conversion kit is available to enable customers in production print
environments to exchange the fusing unit without the need for a technician. This kit will allow the fusing unit to be removed by the end user and swapped with
another.Please see attached Bulletin Number 6756 for additional details. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be
downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
Hotline advisors - An Acknowledgment Form (waiver)must be signed by the end user. This form is part of the bulletin.After completing and signing the waiver,
pleaseattach it tothe ProblemTicket andescalate to ESS.
The technician should be instructed to order the user kit. Once the order number and the customer waiver form are received please transfer the ticket to ESS
for approval and release of the part. No fusing unit modification kits will be shipped until ESS has received the signed Acknowledgement Form.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Clinton Marquardt, ESS/BES
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Evenly spaced yellow, magenta, cyan, or black lines from lead-to-trail after setup.
CAUSE: The time, date, and telephone numbers have not been programmed.
SOLUTION: To program the time, date, and phone numbers:
bizhub PRO C500/CF5001/8050
1. Press the Help key.
2. Select [Key operator mode].
3. Select [1. System initial setting].
4. Select [1. Date & Time setting].
5. Enter the date and time pressing [Set] after each entry to scroll to the next number entry position.
6. After all numbers have been entered, select [Set], [Previous Screen], [Previous Screen] to return to the normal operations screen.
7. Enter the 25 mode (power ON the sub power switch while pressing the 2 and 5 keys).
8. Select [12. Setting date input].
9. Input the proper date. Note: The date must be entered again even if the current displayed date is correct. The machine will cycle through the date, month,
and year each time the numbers are entered.
10. Select [OK] after each number entry.
11. Select [7. Telephone number setting menu].
12. Select [Service center Telephone number (16 digit)].
13. Input up to 16 numbers. Note: A number must be entered.
14. Select [Service center FAX number (16 digit)].
15. Input up to 16 digits.
Note : A number must be entered.
16. Select [OK].
17. Power the sub switch OFF/ON to exit the 25 mode.
bizhub PRO C6500/C6500P/C5500/C6501/C6501P/C5501/C65hc/LD6500
Follow the setup instructions that come with the machine (Installation Manuals are attached)and do not powerOFF the machine until everything has been
entered. Refer tomanuals for:
Time and Date setting
Setup Date Input
Telephone number setting
Notes :
1.To viewthe zipped PDFs, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
2. To open the ZIP file, WinZip®should be installed. WinZip® can be downloaded from the WinZip® website: .The file
can either be saved to disk or opened.It is recommended to download the ZIP and open from the local computer to view or run the contents.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone and David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Image blank or solid color
Solution Usage
SD-501, dust mark appears on bundles of paper output in the Trimming mode.
CAUSE: Dus t accumulation not dropping from the Trimming board.
SOLUTION: I nstallthe following partsby adhering tothe attached installation procedure.
15AQ-5800 Paddle unit
15AQ-5810 Guide sheet/3 Assembly
15AQN19200 DC relay wiring/K
15AQN19300 DC relay wiring/L
Notes :
1. If trimming dust does not drop properly after installation of the paddle unit, please check the following:
Whether or not the guide sheet/3 fully opens
If the guide sheet/3 cannot fully open:
a. Trimming dust is caught at the moving part of the guide sheet/3.
Remove the dust.
b. The press board of the dust box does not move smoothly.
Apply additional grease on the slide shaft of the press board (compress the long spring andset it asidetoapply grease on the shaft).
c. The positional relation between the press board and open roller of the guide sheet3/ is not correct and the press board is malformed.
Correct the malformation "manually".
Whether or not the blackplastic istight (taut or stiff)when the guide sheet/3 is fully opened
If it is not stiff, after ensuringguide sheet/3 fully opens, fix theplastic whileguide sheet/3 is fully opened.
2. To view the attached document, Microsoft® Excel® or Excel® Viewer must be installed. Excel® Viewer 2003 (9.9MB) can be obtained free from
Microsoft® at the following URL; .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham and Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Dirty copies with lines and possible noise.
CAUSE: Transfer belt cleaning blade flipping due toinsufficient lubrication of the transfer belt cleaning blade.
SOLUTION: To allow for sufficient lubrication of the transfer belt cleaning blade set software DipSW 20-4 to 1 (enabled).To set DipSW 20-4 to 1, perform the
1. Enter Service mode.
2. Select [System Setting].
3. Select [Software SW Setting].
4. Set switch 20-4 to 1. 5.
5.Exit Service mode.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone/Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Poor quality on thick stock glossy paper only.
CAUSE: Deformed registration guide plate 2.
SOLUTION: Replace the registration guide plate 2 (p/n A03U7117 00) or the registration roller assembly (p/n 65LAR707 00).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Image blank or solid color
Solution Usage
Security lines on copies after a new install.
CAUSE: Initial settingsdid not take when programmed.
SOLUTION: Time and date, telephone and ADF serial numbers need to be re-entered:
1. Sub-power ON => Utility/Counter => Machine Admin settings => System settings => Date and time setting => (Enter year/month/day/time)
=> OK => Exit =>PowerOFF sub-power switch.
2. Enter Service Mode => System settings => Setup date input => (Enter year/month/day) => OK.
CAUTION : DO NOT POWER OFF. Leave machine in Service Mode.
3. In the Service Mode => System settings => Telephone setting => (Enter 16-digit number) => OK.
CAUTION : DO NOT POWER OFF. Leave machine in Service Mode.
4. In the Service Mode => System settings => M/C serial number setting => touch ADF => (Enter ADF serial number) => OK => PowerOFF
5. PowerON sub-switch and run copies with no security lines.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy/David Aekus/Ed Bellone/Ian Lynch/Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Image delay, advance, shift or skew
Solution Usage
Varying second side registration in the main scan direction.
CAUSE: Failed ADU centering sensor (PS65).
SOLUTION: Replace ADU centering sensor (p/n 56UA85510E).
Note :Part number provided by Alexander Fedoseev - KMBS/Ft. Myers.Part number and sensor designationin the Service Manual are incorrectly
labeledcausing confusion when ordering.Part numbers in the Parts Manual are correct.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Intermittent half-inch image shift on second side in the main scan direction.
1. Failed Image Processing Board (IPB).
Verify failed Image Processing Board by swapping it with another board if possible. Replace the IPB as necessary (p/n A03U H020 28 for bizhub PRO
C6500/C5500 and p/n A0U0 H020 02 for bizhub PRO C6501/C5501 ).
2. Failed ADU centering sensor (PS65).
Replace the ADU centering sensor (p/n 56UA 8551 0E for bizhub PRO C6500/C5500 and p/n 56UA 8551 0E for bizhub PRO C6501/C5501 ).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ian Lynch/Freddie Burnham/Mike McCarthy/Ed Bellone/Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to adjust the 1st side and 2nd side image registration.
Please refer the attached documentation if the customer requests accurate image registration between 1st side and 2nd side using PF-601 and LU-202. It
describes paper skew, trailing edge timing, centering error, vertical magnification and horizontal magnification adjustment procedure.
If the customer uses the PF-601 and LU-202, and requests accurate image registration between 1st side and 2nd side, please perform following:
1. PF-601 side guides fine adjustment (correct 1st side skew).
2. LU-202 side guides fine adjustment (correct 1st side skew).
3.Enable [Side 2 lens adjustment mode].
4. Image position adjustment -method to adjust the trailing edge, centering error, vertical zoom and horizontal zoom using the [Chart adjustment].
Note : To view the attached document, Microsoft® Excel® or Excel® Viewer must be installed. Excel® Viewer 2003 (9.9MB) can be obtained free from
Microsoft® at the following URL; .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone and Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
PF-601, image shifts from front-to-rear only from Tray 5.
CAUSE:The inclination sensor assembly has failed.
SOLUTION: Replace the PF-601inclination sensor assembly (p/n A03X R703 00).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mark D'Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Image delay, advance, shift or skew
Solution Usage
Uneven pitch countermeasure.
Install the uneven pitch countermeasure as explained in the attached Parts Modification Notice.To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe
Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at:
Solution ID
Solution Usage
PF-601, varying first side registration in the main scan direction.
CAUSE: Possible failed Imaging Centering sensor PS25 (CN928 on the PFDB).
SOLUTION: Use the information in the attached documentation concerning 1st side, 2nd side registration and image position.
Try disabling the skew correction sensors to see if this corrects the problem. To disable skew correction: set DIPSW 26-4=1 and DIPSW 26-5=1. When
DIPSW 26-4=1, skew correction is disabled for PFU1, PFU2 and LCT. When DIPSW 26-5=1, ADU skew correction is disabled.
Replace the Imaging Centering sensor (p/n A03X R703 00) as necessary.
Notes :
1.The default for both the DIPSWs is 0 and they are the same as conventional control. This is a new feature of version 30 firmware.
2. To viewa PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, David Aekus and Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Image is skewed on the paper.
CAUSE: Registration loop adjustment has not been performed.
SOLUTION: Perform the Registration Loop Adjustment.
Follow these procedures:
1. Enter Service mode.
2. Select Machine Adjust
3. Select Printer Adjust.
4. Select Registration Loop Adjust.
5. Select desired paper tray.
6. Enter an adjustment value of +/- 99 and press Set.
7. Exit Service mode.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Trapezoid effect at the lead edge of 11x17 prints/copies.
CAUSE:The transfer belt walked to one side. When this happens, the guild bands inside the edge of the transfer belt will jump up onto the guide rollers. This
causes the transfer belt to notrun in parallel to the second transfer roller.
SOLUTION: Replace if the Transfer belt (p/n A03U504200) if the inside guild bands are damaged.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Jay Lucier,KMBS/Salem, New Hampshire and Ed Bellone/Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Image delay, advance, shift or skew
Poor color registration with magenta in the lead-to-trail direction for the last 3 inches.
CAUSE: The Image Processing board has failed.
SOLUTION: Repalce the IMPB (p/n A03U H020 03 for the bizhub PRO C6500 and p/n A03U H020 15 for the bizhub PRO C6500P).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mark D'Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Small blank area appears or color registration error is visible with text or fine lines.
CAUSE: When using heavy paper (256gsm or more) or thick paper, the intermediate transfer belt rotation speed is changed when the paper passes the 2nd
transfer unit.It causes the color registration error at the first transfer where the toner on the photoconductor drum is transferred to the intermediate transfer
belt.The color registration error appearing at thefirst position depends on the distance between the 2nd transfer roller and drum for each color (see attached
From 495mm of the 1st sheet or from the 2nd sheet, the color registration error of each color overlaps and is visible for all colors.
SOLUTION: To reduce the intermediate transfer belt speed change, increase the line speed:
1. From COPY or MACHINE screen, select [Paper Setting].
2.Select arbitrary tray.Then select [Change].
3.At the [Weight], select the lighter weight than paper actually used. Asa rough indication, 1/1 speed= 105gsm or less and2/3 speed for 106 to 209 gsm.
If the above setting change is performed, fusing time is reduced and fusing failure may occur.The setting should be used carefully.
Iffusing failure occurs after trying the above, change the fusing temperature:
1. From COPY or MACHINE screen, select [Paper Setting].
2. Select arbitrary tray. Then select [Change].
3. Select [Process Adj.] then press [Next] button. For the Upper Roller Temperature (Print) and Lower Roller Temperature (Print), then enter larger value.
If the fusing roller temperature is changed, paper turns wavy or blisters oncoated paper may occur.Additionally, depending on the paper, the registration error
cannot be solved completely.If the improvement level is not enough, please request that the customeruses another paper type.
Note : To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan)
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Image failure other than density/color - magnification, blur
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Jitter in the sub scan direction on thick paper only.
CAUSE: The stiffness of the paper is causing it to flex during transfer.
SOLUTION: Set the 2nd paper transfer setting to low. To Set the 2nd paper transfer setting to low, perform he following:
1. From theMACHINE screen, select [Paper Setting].
2. Select [Change].
3. Select [Process Adjustment].
4. Select [Next] 2 times.
5. Select [Low].
6. Exit the Paper Setting mode.
Note : If Process Adjust is not displayed in the Paper Setting mode, set software DipSwitch 1-0 = 1.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Jim Behrends and Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Dark center line on all copies when using Image Repeat and Frame Center Erase cannot be selected.
CAUSE: Firmware limitation.
SOLUTION: Install Special image control firmware version GMK-50 which removes the constraint so that Frame Center Erase can be selected when using
Image Repeat. The firmware is available for download via the Konica Minolta Download Selector:
1. Login in via .
2. Select the "Service" tab located at the top of the page.
3. Select the "SSD (DNA, Drivers, MSDS)" link located to the left.
4. Select the "Continue on to the SSD Home Page" link located in the middle of the page.
5. Select the "Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more" link located to the left.
6. Select a Product Group and then a Product (model). A File Type and OS are optional selections.
7. Click on ? Show.
8. All product-related downloads are listed with the most current at the top of each category.
Note :This constraint removal applies to version GMK-50 and does not carry over to newer versions of image control firmware. Please see the
attachedRelease Notesfor version GMK-50 firmware details. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free
from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Clinton Marquardt, ESS and Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Blurred colored text. Toner scattered around color text as if the characters are blurred.
CAUSE: More toner is laid down on multiple color text than single color text. With the thick toner later, discharge may occur during image transfer causing
toner scattering to occur.
SOLUTION: Reduce toner quantity of the color of the blurred text. To reduce the toner quantity, perform the following:
1.Press the Utility/Counter button.
2.Select Machine Admin Setting.
3.Select System Setting.
4.Select Expert Setting.
5.Select Process Adjustment.
6.Select Toner Quantity/Exposure.
7.Decrease the Maximum Toner Quantity value for the desired color(s).
8.Exit Machine Admin mode.
Note : After adjusting the Maximum Toner quantity setting, perform the controller calibration.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Image failure other than density/color - magnification, blur
Blurred text on the trail edge on gloss paper.
CAUSE: Machine speed is too fast for gloss type paper.
SOLUTION: Slow the machine speed for the paper in the Paper Settings. To change the machine speed, perform the following:
1.Press tab on the operation panel.
2.Select Paper Setting.
3.Select the paper tray that the gloss paper is loaded in.
4.Select Change.
5.Select Process Adjust.
Note : If the Process Adjust tab is not present, turn soft switch 1-0 = 1 (ON).
6.Select Next.
7.Select Next.
8.Set Speed Down to ON Set CPM Down to Down.
9.Exit Paper Setting mode.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
When copying or printing, the printed image is 1mm or 2mm shorter than the original.
CAUSE: The heat from the fuser can shrink the paper.
SOLUTION: To correct the problem, perform the following:
1. Enter Tech Rep mode.
2. Select Machine Adjustment.
3. Select Printer Adjustment.
4. Select Belt Line Speed Adj. and enter a value between +/-100.
5. Press Set.
6. Press Return to exit the screen.
7. Press Closetwo times.
8. Press Exit two times to exit the Tech Rep mode.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Carrier attaching to the image. The image has a rough texture.
CAUSE: Environmental changes can cause carrier attachment to the image.
SOLUTION: Adjust Covered Margin and/or Toner Density Fine adjustment. To adjust the Covered Margin Adjustment and the Toner Density Fine adjustment
perform the following: 1.Enter Service mode.
2.Select Process Adjustment.
3.Select Process Fine Adjustment.
4.Select Covered Margin Fine Adjustment.
5.Decrease the set value.
6.Select Return.
7.Select Toner Density Fine Adjustment.
8.Increase set value.
Note : With both of these adjustments, ensure background does not occur.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Jitter or blurred line in the main scan direction 4 inchesfrom the trail edge of 12x18 paper stock.
CAUSE: Failing PS64 (fuser loop sensor),actuator and/or actuator spring.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Image failure other than density/color - magnification, blur
SOLUTION: Replace the fuser loop sensor (p/n 55VA 8552 1), actuator (p/n 65AA 5337 1) and/or actuator spring (p/n 65AA 5356 0) as necessary.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to enable Thin Line enhancement for printing.
To enable Thin Line enhancement for printing, perform the following:
1. Press the [Utility/Counter] button.
2. Select [User Setting].
3. Select [Printer Setting].
4. Select [Thin Line Enhancement].
5. Select the desired setting [Strong +], [Strong], [Normal], [Weak], [Weak +] and select [OK].
6. Exit the User Setting mode.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
When printing or copying, the image on the paper will reduce in size up to 20% as it travels down the page.
CAUSE: PWB-IPB has failed
SOLUTION: Replace PWB-IPB (p/n A03U H020 28 for bizhub PRO C5500\C6500\C6500P and p/n A0U0 H020 02 for bizhub PRO C5501\C6501\C65hc ).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gary Scimeca, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Image too light, dark, uneven or wrong color
Solution Usage
When printing, one of these image problems may occur:
negative image
color is greatlymisaligned
a pattern is printed in the background or there are missing images
CAUSE:Electrical noise (interference)when sending and receiving the data in the MFP possibly due to:
an incomplete connection between theMFP and cable or the controller and cable.
system code.
a failed IPB.
failed Fiery® I/F card.
a failed Fusion board.
In some cases, a normal image returns by powering theMFPON/OFF.
SOLUTION: Check, installor replace the following:
Loose or damaged Interface cable between the Fiery® and the Image Processing Board
Be sure the cable is firmly seated andsecured at the Fiery® and the IPB. If the problem is intermittent,replace the cable ( IC-303/IC-305 - p/n 45059133,
IC-408 - p/n 45053602).
System Code
For a bizhub PRO C6500/C5500 with the CREO© controller, install version 2.0 system code on the controller (IC-304). Install the patch fileif still using version
Note : The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support
(CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
Failed IPB
Replace the IPB (p/n A03U H020 28).
CAUTION : For a bizhub PRO C6500/C5500 withthe EFI Fiery ® controller, replace the IPB (p/n A03U H020 28) and Fiery® I/F board (p/n 45053205) as a
set .
Notes :
a. Both the MFP and the controller have a circuit on the interface; changing both boards is recommended.
b. I/F boards have been modified (Rev.D). Please refer to the attached EFI Cut-in Serial Number List. To view the PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed.
Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
IMPORTANT : This pertains to the bizhub PRO C6500\C5500 ONLY . The bizhub PRO C6501 IPB is already modified.
Failed IC-304 Fusion board
Reseat the cable connections between the main body and the CREO© controller. If the problem still exists, replace the fusion board (p/n 503-00351A).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD;Jim Behrends, Workgroup/SSD and Clinton Marquardt, ESS
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Different types of uneven density may occur:
When printing a full sheet halftone the center of the image is noticeably darker than the front and rear edges. This can also be reproduced by running
halftone test prints set to 40 in the TechRep Mode.
Uneven image density from front-to-rear on halftone patterns.
Uneven density front-to-rear. This is a gradual density shift from thefront of the page to the rear of the page.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Image too light, dark, uneven or wrong color
Center of printed page is darker than the edges:
1. Incorrect firmware level/DipSW setting.
Please install minimum firmware version 27 and set DipSW 2-5 to 1. The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta
Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
Note : Firmware version 27 MFP serial number cut- in:
bizhub PRO C6500
bizhub PRO C5500
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2.A failed write unit.
Replace the write unit(Black Write Unit:p/n A03U R7A5 00 and Color Write Unit:p/n A03U R7A6 00).Please see the attached document to determine if the
write unit has failed.
Note : Modified write unitMFP serial numbercut-in:
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Gradual density shift from thefront of the page to the rear of the page on copies/prints and on halftone patterns:
1. Charge corona is not level with the drum.
The level of the charge corona assembly can be adjusted on the drum unit. If this does not produce the desired results, please order mylar shims (p/n A03U
P461 00 -blue adjusting film/1 and p/n A03U P462 00 - white adjusting film/2). See the attached document for details and procedure.To viewthe PDF, Adobe
Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
2.The charge wire in the corona housing might not be seated properly.
Remove the end caps on the charge corona and verify the charge wire is sitting at the bottom of the V-shaped groove.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD and Clinton Marquardt, ESS/BSE
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Colors varying.
Colors are inconsistent after Auto-gamma adjustment
Red areas of the image are reproduced incorrectly
Colors varying or flat colors - low density
CAUSE: Failed Color Registration Sensor assembly.
SOLUTION: Amodified Color RegistrationUnit is available that has much better color consistency. Replace the Color RegistrationUnit with themodified type
(p/n A03UR79800).
Please see attached Bulletin Number 6513 for additional information. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be
downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Clinton Marquardt, ESS/SSD,David Aekus, Mike McCarthy and Cesar Jimenez,Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Image too light, dark, uneven or wrong color
Solution Usage
Pitch lines near the rear edge of the print.
CAUSE: Very slight misalignment of the transfer unit.
SOLUTION: A modified rear transfer support block (p/n 65AA 2237 0E) is available to help remedy this situation. Please refer to attached Bulletin Number
6460 for additional detail. To view the PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Light copies and prints (low density).
CAUSE: An increase in toner charge in developer under a low humidity environment, or a decrease of developing ability due to too high or too low coverage
SOLUTION: Adjust Developer AC Bias and/or Developer AC Frequency. To adjust Developer AC Bias and/or Developer AC Frequency perform the following:
1. Enter service mode.
2. Select Process Adjustment.
3. Select Process Fine Adjustment.
4. Select Developer AC Bias Fine adjustment. Increase the adjustment value for the color needing an increase in density.
Note : If white spotting occurs decrease the adjustment value of Developer AC Bias Fine adjustment.
5. Select Return.
6. Select Developer AC Frequency Adjustment.
7. Decrease the adjustment value to increase the density.
Note : If background occurs, increase the adjustment value.
8. Select Return.
9. Exit Service Mode.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to enable the Drum Tiny Rotation Interval.
This adjustment can be used to improve image failures caused by uneven drum charging potential that can occur with low humidity. To enable the Drum Tiny
Rotation Interval, perform the following:
1. Enter the Service Mode Menu screen.
2. Select [02 Process Adjustment].
3. Select [05 Interval/Quantity Adjustment].
4. Select [01 Drum Small Rotation Interval].
5. Enter the adjustment value of +1 to +5. (1 step = 1 minute). Then press [Set].
6. Press [Return], [Close], [Close], [Exit], [Exit] to return to copy mode.
Note : To restore the default value, press [Default] in step 5.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Low density/light copies.
CAUSE: The perception of density is largely subjective; consequently individual interpretations may occasionally disagree with measured results or other
individuals’ evaluations, even when the measured values are within the machine’s design specification. The issue is compounded by the nature of
electrostatic printing where some degree of variation is inherent, especially when comparing it to traditional offset press printing.
SOLUTION: Acolor registration unit is available for use when a customer believes that the density is not adequate. Themodified unit contains a different
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Image too light, dark, uneven or wrong color
gamma sensor which can help with this issue. It is recommended for use only in those cases where a customer requires greater density than can otherwise
be achieved through standard adjustment procedures. It should be installed only under the following conditions:
The color settings are within the published specifications.
The customer perceives insufficient density, especially in large solid fill areas.
Please refer to attached Bulletin Number 6513 for part number and details. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be
downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Higher density at the top and bottom of page.
CAUSE: Setting of 1st Transfer needs adjustment.
SOLUTION:Decreasing 1st Transfer value with each color will alleviate the symptom (please refer to the attached file):
[Utility]=> [03 Machine Admin. Setting]=> [01 System Setting]=> [05 Expert Adjustment] =>[06 Process Adjustment]=> [01 Front & Back
CAUTION : In order topreventwhite spots as a side effect when decreasing the 1st Transfer valuevia [Front & Back Density], check the image every
timeafter adjusting it.
Note : To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan) and Ed Bellone/Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Gray not reproduced correctly. Gray chart copiesappear slightlyred or blue.
CAUSE: YMCK output balance varies slightly among different machines.
SOLUTION: Change following dipswitch settings:
Dipswitch 12-4 = 0: Conventional gray balance (appearing slightlyred or blue)
Dipswitch 12-4 = 1:Modified gray balance (default valuesince1/2006 production).
Notes :
1.To enable the setting, dipswitch 12-5 should be set to 0. Check the setting and change the value as needed.
2. Additionally, if further gray balance adjustment for copies is necessary, perform thefollowing:
a. Access the Service mode.
b.Select [01 Machine Adjustment].
c.Select [03 Quality Adjustment].
d. Select [08 Tone Adjustment].
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Faded or ‘cloudy’ copies/prints.
CAUSE: Incorrect 2nd transfer setting.
SOLUTION: To set 2nd transfer adjustment to default setting (-50):
1. Enter Service mode.
2. Select Process Adjustment.
3. Select High Voltage Adjustment.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
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bizhub PRO C6500P
Image too light, dark, uneven or wrong color
4. Select 2nd Transfer Manual Adjustment.
5. Set adjustment -50.
6.Exit Service mode.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Uneven brightness on thick small size paper, especially while duplexing.
CAUSE: The fixing pressure is settoo low for this paper type.
SOLUTION: Increase the fixing pressure by moving the fixing pressure adjustment knob to the rear position.
Note : The fixing pressure adjustment knob is located on the left side of the fixing unit. The left side cover of the fixing unit must be opened to access it.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ian Lynch and David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to create a new substitute color inColorWise Pro Tools.
Substitute color works with color recipes in RGB and CMYK.It does not use the Pantone® spot color numbers, but you can look up the recipe.
You will need to know the color recipe that you want to substitute. Pitstop inspector or another program can measure color recipes.
Record the recipe values for CMYK or the RGB values.
Open Command WorkStation™.
Select ColorWise Pro Tools.
Select Manage Color.
Select Spot-On® from the ColorWise™ Pro Tools window.
From the Select Output Profile menu, access the “Edit spot colors for this output profile” pull-down menu and choose the current default output profile.
The Select Output Profile window opens. (Fiery 65-CKM).
The Spot On menu appears.
From the Edit menu, choose New Substitute Group.
The new substitute group appears with the default name “Untitled1”.
Double-click on the Untitled1 and rename it.
Highlight the renamed color group.
From the Edit menu, select New Substitute Color.
In the Add Substitute Color menu, select RGB (0-100%) or CMYK (0-100%) and enter the values from the recipe that you wanted to substitute.
In Tolerance, click the radio button next to Large (small +/- .25, Large +/- .50), and click OK.
The new substitute color now appears in the library list.
Default CMYK values appear to the right of the RGB recipe. The strength of the Spot-On feature results in its ability to calculate CMYK conversion values in
order to establish more accurate color matching in print.
Highlight the new substitute color in the library list and form the Edit menu choose Color Search.
Spot-On offers several ways to create alternate color recipes for CMYK conversion:
Printing patches of the target color and surrounding neighbors to perform a visual evaluation of the closet color match from the printed sheet. This is a
streamlined and efficient process.
Using a measurement instrument, such as the EFI ES-1000, to obtain an accurate measurement from an existing ink color sample.
Editing the substitute color table directly.
Double-click the Center Patch to edit the color table directly.
5. In the Set Center Patch Color menu you can select the new conversion recipe.
6. After processing with Spot-On, the original color will be changed to the new Substitute color.
Click OK when done.
SPECIAL NOTE: Solution contribution by Marge McLea, Production Customer Support/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Light, faded or washed out area of a single color on copies/prints.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Image too light, dark, uneven or wrong color
CAUSE: Poor first or second transfer.
SOLUTION: Adjust transfer current for optimum value in the current environment or paper type. To adjust transfer current perform the following:
1.Press the Utility/Counter key.
2.Select Machine Admin Setting.
3.Select System Setting.
4.Select Expert Adjustment.
5.Select Process Adjustment.
6.Select Front and Back Density. Adjust first and second transfer suitable to the paper. The setting range is -3 to +3. The default value is 0.
7.Exit Machine Admin mode.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Printing tones are garbled with no apparent gradient.
CAUSE: The Image Processing Board (IPB) has failed.
SOLUTION: Replace the Image Processing Board (p/n A03U H020 15).
Note: See attached sample. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site
at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mark D'Attilio and David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
C-2803 when running auto gamma after PM or on new install.
CAUSE:The Cyan transfer roller in the transfer belt assembly has become dislodged
SOLUTION:Inspect transfer belt assembly and reposition transfer roller as needed.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Internal test patterns do not reproduce magenta.
CAUSE: Firmware bug.
SOLUTION: Install special Image firmware GCF41. This correction will be included in the next mass production firmware release.
Notes :
1. The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS
Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
Please see attachedfirmware files (for accessibility in case the Download Selector cannot be accessed).
2. To open the file(s) using WinZip®, WinZip®should be installed. WinZip® can be downloaded from the WinZip® website: . The file(s) can either be saved to disk or opened. It is recommended to download the ZIP and open from the local
computer to view or run.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Clinton Marquardt, ESS/BES
Solution ID
Solution Usage
When copying or printing, the black color plate is missing.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Image too light, dark, uneven or wrong color
CAUSE: The black data has become corrupt and the printer gamma adjustment data must be reset.
SOLUTION: To resolve the issue, perform the following:
1. Verify firmware is current.
2. Enter Service mode and select Machine Adjustment.
3. Select Quality Adjustment.
4. Select Printer Gamma Adjustment.
5. Select the Printer Gamma Sensor Adjustment and run each adjustment. Prior to running each adjustment, select Adjustment Data Reset to clear the
corrupt data.
6. Exit the Service mode and reboot theMFP when all adjustments have been completed.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gary Scimeca, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Ghost image is seen on the same page as the primary image. Itis most noticeable when transitioning from a high density object to a low density object.
CAUSE:This is caused by the developer sleeve. A residual charge is left on the sleeve and is transfered onto the paper. An example can be seen in the
attached document.
SOLUTION:This cannot be completely eliminated, but can be reduced by applying one or more of the following countermeasures:
1. Service mode => [02 Process adjustment] => [04 Process fine adjustment]
=> [01 Covered margin fine adj]: Decrease the set value.
After setting, perform auto gamma adjustment.
2. Service mode => [02 Process adjustment] => [04 Process fine adjustment]
=> [02 Develop AC Bias Fine Adj.]: Increase the set value.
After setting, perform auto gamma adjustment.
3. Service mode => [02 Process adjustment] => [04 Process fine adjustment]
=> [03 Develop AC frequency]: Decrease the set value.
After setting, perform auto gamma adjustment.
4. Service mode => [02 Process adjustment] => [04 Process fine adjustment]
=> [04 Toner density fine adjustment]: Increase the set value.
Note: To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at:
SPECIAL NOTE: Solution contribution by Clinton Marquardt, ESS
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Color registration is off in the center of the copy. The lead edge and the trail edge registrationare fine.
CAUSE: The fuser loop sensor (PS64) or its actuator might be failing.
SOLUTION: Replace the fuser loop sensor (p/n 55VA 8552 1)andactuator (p/n 65AA 5337 1) as a set.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gary Scimeca, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Image voids or deletions
Solution Usage
White lines appear shortly after wire replacement in printshop environments.
This condition and samples have been escalated to Japan for their evaluation.
Note : If viewing this solution via the web, please establish a ticket via either the web or by calling the contact center at 1-800-825-5664. Once a ticket has
been established an E-mail will be sent when this solution is updated.
For phone advisors, please attach to this solution so that an automatic E-mail will be sent to the technician when this solution is updated. End the call with
call code "Escalated to Japan".
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Felix Burgen, ESS/BSE
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Void line in the lead-to-trail direction (in one color only) of all copies and prints.
CAUSE: Failed PCL lamp.
SOLUTION: Replace PCL lamp (p/n 65AA 8307 0).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone and Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Void lines in one or more colors.
CAUSE:Fibers from the Dust Proof Filter have become detached from filter, traveled through the toner supply hosesand haveaccumulated in area below a
Developing Unit. The fibers will block the laser from imaging unit contacting the drum during image creation.
SOLUTION:Replace or remove the Dust Proof Filter, clean debris from under side of Developing Units andclean toner supply section and hoses to remove
any remaining fibers from the previous filter.
Note : Please review attacheddocument for images of Filter, Fibers, and Filter location. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe
Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Solution Usage
What Konica Minolta printer drivers will come bundled with Microsoft® Windows Vista™ and what is the release schedule for Vista™-compatible drivers?
Please refer to the Windows Vista™ Hardware Compatibility List for Printers & Scanners.
For EFI legacy products that will not receive a Vista™-specific driver, refer to the following statement:
"The previous drivers ( System 5/5e-8/8e ) will not work on 64-bit Vista™. However, these drivers will work on the 32-bit version of Windows Vista™ with
minor issues."
Known issue : Borders and frames around icons and panes within the driver UI may not show up correctly.
Notes :
1. If a previous driver was Microsoft® Windows XP WHQL certified, Microsoft® also honors the digital signature (CAT file) on Windows Vista™.
2. The latest print drivers are available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from the KMBS public site
( Support & Drivers tab or from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers,
Firmware and more'.
3. The Windows Vista™ Compatibility Legend can be viewed at:
4. Refer to the attached document for a list of Konica Minolta printer drivers that come bundled with Microsoft® Windows Vista™. To view the PDF, Adobe
Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Bill Ehmke, ESS/SSD and Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Image registration and adjustment front-to-rear when using the PF-601 (Trays 4 and 5).
Please see the attached documents for details on adjusting image registration and position.
Note : To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Clinton Marquardt, ESS/BSE
Solution ID
How black and white versus color increment the machine counters.
The reason that many ofthe color printers will count a page as color, even though the page content looks like Black and White or Gray, is that many “Office”
applications create or use graphics using RGB data. Even though a graphic may be black, it uses RGB values of 0-0-0 to achieve black or will use equal
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
values of RGB to represent gray. As far asa Konica Minoltaprinter is concerned, this is color information and will therefore count the page as a color page.
This scenario applies to applications like Microsoft® OfficeWord, Excel and Publisher, to name a few. Higher end applications like Adobe®
PageMaker®/InDesign®/Illustrator® and Quark® typically use the CMYK color space.
A job can consist of just K (Black), with no CMY components. This will print as just black. If printing a gray shade from one of these applications, a halftone
screen would have to be used using just K or using equal values of CMYK, which would count as color.
Note : If the files have been converted to a PDF, Acrobat® 6 and7 Pro have built-in Preflighting tools under the “Advanced” menu. Preflighting the
document will provide detail of what color components each graphic is composed. Other add-ons, such as Enfocus© PitStop Professional will also provide the
same capabilities from within Acrobat®.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone and Mark D'Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
How to take a firmware (engine log) capture.
To take a firmware capture, please perform the following:
1.When the error code (SCxx-xx) is displayed on the operation panel insert a USB drive into the mainbody Service Port.
2.Press the following: [Utility] => [Utility] => [Powersave] => [Powersave].
3.By pressing the above buttons, the Interrupt button and the Accessibility button on the operation panel will be blinking.
4. If the light pulse disappears, it shows that the taking of log data is finished.
Note : Please see attachment of sample log.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham/David Aekus/Cesar Jimenez/Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Troubleshooting Guide version 3.1.
The contents of the attachedTroubleshooting Guide:
1. Low density (under low humidity environment)
2. White spot
3. Carrier attachment to the image
4. Poor transfer
5. Background
6. Repeater Mark
7. Toner spilling
8. White lines (to sub-scan direction)
9. Uneven gloss
10. Paper waving
11. How to maintain consistent color during continuous printing
12. Darker at the trailing edge of image
13. Problem with non-recommended paper
14. How to adjust side1/2 Image registration
15. Thin paper jams wrapping around the fusing belt (separation failure)
16. Blurred image
17. Change of color
18. White Streaks (drum memory)
19. Waste toner packing
20. PFU, LU paper no feed under low temperature environment (J16-02)
21. Gloss unevenness on side2 of coated paper (PFU, LU)
22. SC28-01 to 04 when machine is powered up
23. SC28-31 to 34 (Charging potential correction (Vm) error)
24. White (meandering) line (dust attach on PET sheet)
25. PFU centering error (image suddenly shifts by 5mm)
26. Centering error, skew (how to set paper in PFU)
27. Print job is not accepted while machine indicates dehumidifying
28. Transfer shifts with halftone on thick paper under high humidity
29. Drum drive error C-22xx
30. Depletion of developer after continuous printing
31. Abnormal Image
32. Coupling shaft breakage of transfer belt unit rear side
33. How to perform book printing from Adobe Acrobat (IC-303/IC-305)
34. Calibration procedure
35. C6501 uneven density correction procedure
36. SD-506, tri-fold adjustment procedure
37. How to print on custom size (IC-303/IC-305/IC-408)
38. Rippled uneven image
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
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39. Banding on Halftone
40. Adjustment Procedure at Write Unit Replacement
41. Blurred Characters, toner spray only on black part in color at rear edge, with thick paper
42. How to install IC-304 enhanced driver for Mac
43. IC-304: Custom size is recognized as A4
44. FS-607/520 Main Tray Capacity by Paper Size and Paper weight
45. Copy image orientation changes if using finishing function
46. Paper size list (to feed and to exit)
Note : To view the attached PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Clinton Marquardt, ESS
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to install system code on the IC-408 through the Ethernet port or USB flash drive.
Version 2.0 systemsoftware or higher can be run directly from the DVD;
1. Disconnect cables from Fiery® and power it down. Power downthe MFP using sub-switch.
2. Double-click on Fiery® Installer.exe.
3. Flip both DIP switches (one inch away from LED display on Fiery® - sometimes covered by gray tape).
4. Approve license screen and Ethernet connection screen.
5. TurnON the Fiery® power switch and wait 15 seconds or so until "FF" is seen on the Fiery® LED (green switch light must be ON). Within 2-3 minutes "1 of
12" will show on installer screen.
6. This will take 35-50 minutes.
7. Once "12 of 12" is done, with status bar not moving and "0KB" visible, click "Finish".
8. Ignore verbiage in installer, power down Fiery® using the AC switch, reset DIP switches to original, then power down the MFP using the main sub-switch.
9. Reconnect normal cables, power up the MFP, then the Fiery® AC switch making sure the green soft-switch light goes ON.
10. At this point it can take the Fiery® up to 60 minutes to complete self-install. When the Fiery® is done the "Controller" button on the MFP LCD is active
and "00" is seen on Fiery® LED.
11. Set up the Fiery® partially through the MFP interface, or via Web Configure (more settings).
Notes :
Video port is totally dead when monitor is connected to Fiery® VGA port.
When Fiery® is booted up, "00" is in LED display.
PC must have a DVD drive and USB 2.0 port (remove USB devices prior to procedure). According to the manual, 6GB flash drive is minimum size, but a 5GB
drive will work. A 4GB drive may also work, but it has been reported that some features are not loaded as the result of this. BIOS on the PC must be set so
that DVD drive is bootable.
1. Put flash tool version 3.11 CDROM into the PC drive and boot to it. Follow prompts to insert system DVD and flash drive; then select language.
2. Continue to follow prompts. DVD contents will copy to flash drive.
3. Load Fiery® with prepared flash drive:
a. PowerOFF sub-switch on the MFP and powerOFF Fiery® AC switch.
b. Plug in flash drive.
c. DIP switches do NOT have to be changed for this load method.
d. PowerON the Fiery® AC switch. If green light does not come on, push soft-switch until it does. Shortly, observe LED on flash drive itself sporadically
e. When done (about 10 minutes), LED on Fiery® shows "FF" and stays there; flash drive ceases blinking.
f. PowerOFF Fiery® AC switch, wait at least 30 seconds, remove flash drive andreconnect cables.
g. Power ON the MFP sub-switch, then the Fiery®,watching to ensure green light comes on.
h. The Fiery® must self-configure for 45 minutes. Unfortunately, there is nothing, other than very intermittent Fiery® LED activity to show if anything is really
happening. Be patient and wait 45 minutes.
i. IMPORTANT - Power down the Fiery® andcompletely power down the MFP. Power up the MFP, wait for normalMFP screen to appear and then bring up
Fiery®, making sure green soft-switch light is ON. Within 3-5 minutes "Controller" button on LCD should be active.
Notes :
The documentation states that the controller button will appear after about 60 minutes. During testing, waiting 70+ minutes, "Controller" button never
appeared. But as soon as the controller and the MFP are powered up again, it does. Recommend following the above procedure (step i).
Flash drive and Fiery® LED behavior while transfer from flash drive to Fiery® (steps d and e above):
On initial power up, for about 20 seconds, there willbe rapid Fiery® LED changes and the flash drive will flash a few times. Then, Fiery® LED will count 00,
01, 02 ... 13, 14, FF(changing values about every 30 seconds or so). Once the flash drive stops blinking and Fiery® LED has not changed from "FF", transfer
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
is complete. The IC-408 Service Manual, pages 50-61, covers this procedure (see attached).
To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at:
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone and Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
How to change the Administrator password.
To change the Administrator password, perform the following:
1. Enter the Service mode.
2. Press STOP-0-CLEAR to enter the Enhanced security mode.
3. Select Administrator Password.
4. Enter NEW Administrator password.
5. Click on END.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone and Mark D'Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Paper specifications and recommendations.
Please refer to attachedSubstrate Throughput Assurance Guide. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for
free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Paper skew specification.
The specificationfor skew is 0.5% to the length for 1-sided and 1.0% for 2-sided. For example, if the page is 11x17, the maximum skew would be
approximately 2mm. In 2-sided mode, a maximum of 4mm skew may occur on side 2.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by David Aekus and Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Scanning capability.
How to scan when using the Creo® IC-301 (bizhub PRO C500 only) or IC-304/Plus
TheRemote Scan utility must be loaded on a workstation or thecontroller to utilize scanning on the controller(s). This utility allows for the creation of scan
boxes on theMFP and to retrieve scans from those boxes. Scanning is performed on theprinter/copier using the scan to HDD option from the LCD panel.
Please refer to the attached document for more detail.To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from
the Adobe® web site at: .
How to create and perform Scan to E-mail on the Creo® IC-304 version 2
To create and perform scan to E-mail on the Creo® IC-304 version 2, perform the following:
1.From the Creo® workstation select File, Preferences and then Mail Services.
2.Enter the Outgoing Mail Server TCP/IP address (preferred) or the E-mail Server Name.
3.Enter the Attachment Max Size.
4.Enter a valid Administrator E-mail Address. Set it for Anonymous or Basic (authentication User ID and Password).
Note :After performing the above, the bizhub PRO C6500 Scan tab should set up a Box called IC-304 E-mail. Scan something to this box. You will need the
Remote Scan Application loaded on a workstation in order to retrieve the scanned image and to perform the Scan to E-mail.
5. Launch the Remote Scan Application.
6. Type in the Server Name or TCP/IP address and thenpress the Connect button.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
7. Select the Scan box IC-304 (or one that you have already created and scanned to). Highlight the scanned file andpress the Send button.
8.Enter the From: and To: E-mail address, Subject and Text if desired and hit the Send button.
Note : If you getonly the URL link and have selected Send Scan as Attachment, the Attachment Max Size (Step 3) needs to be increased.
Unable to create scan boxes using Remote Scan software. The scan boxes do not appear at the Scan/HDD
CAUSE: The Creo® has been joined to the customer domain or has been signed-on toan account other than the operator account.
SOLUTION: Log onto the Creo® locally using the default account ( operator ) and password ( colorserver ).
Unable to scan to FTP or E-mail when using an IC-301 controller (bizhub PRO C500 only)
CAUSE: These options are not available when using an IC-301. Only a Fiery® controller will provide these scanning options.
SOLUTION: Scanning will need to be performed using the Remote Scan utility (provided on the User CD). Once the scans are retrieved with this utility, the
scans can then be manually E-mailedor moved to an FTP site.
Remote Scan Application information
Location - D:\Utilities\PC Utilities\RemoteScan.exe
How to lauch - Start => Programs => IC304 => Remote Scan Application
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone/Freddie Burnham/Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
How to transfer Management Lists to a USB drive and capture the Management Lists electronically.
To capture the Management Listselectronically (sample attached), perform the following:
1. Insert the USB drive into the Service Port on the bizhub PRO C6500.
2. Press the following keys in this order:
a. Utility/Counter
b. Detail
c. Help
d. Utility/Counter
e. Mode Check
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez/David Aekus/Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Is there a media guide for the bizhub PRO C6500?
The media guide for the bizhub PRO C6500 is attached. This list is current, as of 11/09/06.
Solution ID
Paper Test requirements.
For initial test the dealer/branch must supply 1000 sheets of the media paper. Once the paper is received the ticket is transferred to ESS.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
If the initial test does not have any issues then a second test can be done. The dealer/branch must supply enough media to cover 1/3 of a PM cycle. There is
a charge involved to cover labor and supplies. The dealer/branch will be notified byESS before the test to communicate the charges.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez and Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
How to set the total counter to count one (or two) counts for large size paper.
To set the total counter to count one/two counts for large size paper, perform the following:
1. Enter Service mode.
2. Select [System Setting].
3. Select [Software SW Setting].
4. Set Software SW 4-6 (large size B&W), and Software SW 4-7 (large size Color) to:
Software SW Counts
4-6=0 and 4-7=0 1
4-6=1 and 4-7=1 2
5. Define the "size" of large size paper with Software SWs 10-3 and 10-4:
Software SW Size
10-3=0 and 10-4=0 A3/11x17 or larger sizes count as large size paper
10-3=1 and 10-4=0 All sizes count as small
10-3=0 and 10-4=1 B4/8.5x14 or larger sizes count as large size paper
10-3=1 and 10-4=1 8.5x13, 8.25x13, 8.12x13.25, 8x13 and custom size paper (298mm or larger) all count as large size paper
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone/Freddie Burnham/David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Requirements needed for testing and escalation to SSD or ESS of print quality or related issues for Fiery®, CREO©, Emperon and applications.
Requirements are:
Hard copy samples of issue, with the issue identified/highlighted/circled.
Hard copy samples of what the copies should look like (if possible).
Engine test prints of gradations, halftones at different densities levels, 255, 100, 80, 40.
Mixed halftones at different density levels (see attached Mixed halftones document for additional information).
All machine management and adjustment list printouts.
If relevant, Fiery® configuration page, PostScript and or PCL test page.
If relevant, CREO© configuration page.
Operating System versions (Service packs, 32-bit or 64-bit, etc.), application versions (e.g., Adobe® Acrobat® Pro 8.13), driver versions.
A print to file. PCL or PostScript test print file. This file must have been tested using an LPR command to copy to the MFP and the reported failure observed
prior to sending to SSD or ASG.
If applicable, an archive jobfrom the Fiery® with rasters (RIPped data). This archive should have been tested and verified to contain the reported failure. The
archive folder and associated files must be zipped before sending or placed directly on a CD or DVD.
If applicable, an archivefrom the CREO© that also contains the rasters (RIPped data)
The original application file. If the problem is with Quark® or InDesign®, we need the file and all of its assets (fonts, linked graphics, etc.). Use the feature
“Select Package” within the application for Portability (see attached InDesign file document for additional information). Fill out the wizard, put in the associated
ticket number and special instructions of how the job was set up (detailed, including screen shots if available) and a folder name (usually of the ticket number
and or name of the account). Archive the files into a Folder or burn it from the Macintosh®. These files will typically be too large to attach to a ticket or to
E-mail and will have to be sent on a CD/DVD.
Notes :
1.To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
2. If the files were created on a Macintosh® system the CD/disk needs to be burned on the Macintosh® for the files to be good. You cannot take the files from
the Macintosh® and store them on a USB drive then burn a CD on a Microsoft® Windows machine.They are not portable using that method and will be
useless when burned. If you must burn them on a Microsoft® Windows machine you have to use the following method to make them portable.
a. All the files must be saved/stored in the same folder on the Macintosh®.
b. You must use the"Compress " function on the Macintosh® to save all of the files in the folder in a zipped file format. This must be done to make them
c. Once this is done then you can then burn them on a Microsoft® Windows PC.
Rather than going through the additional steps it is easier to burn them on the Macintosh® to start with.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham/Cesar Jimenez/, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to print halftone test patterns to test copy quality issues.
To print halftone test patterns, perform the following:
1. Enter Service mode.
2. Select Test Mode.
3. Select Test Pattern Output.
4. Set Test Pattern number 53.
5. Select values for the desired colors.
6. Select screen setting.
7. Select Copy screen.
8. Select desired paper size.
9. Press Start.
Note : Please use Test Pattern #53 when troubleshooting problems on the bizhub PRO C6500. Test Pattern #1 is a pure contone image and does not have
any screening applied. Test Pattern #53 uses the selected screen for output. This produces a much smoother output for halftones.
Test pattern #53, mixed halftones at different densities, can also be useful for troubleshooting copy quality (CQ) issues. The following mixed halftones are
required along with samples of the CQ issue when sending in CQ issues to SSD Technical Support or ASG.
Test pattern #53 set to 130 line 1 for Y, M, C, K (prints for each color)
Test Pattern #53 line 1 set to the following - Y = 130 and M = 130 (red)
Test Pattern #53 line 1 set to the following - Y = 130 and C = 130 (green)
Test Pattern #53 line 1 set to the following - C = 130 and M = 130 (blue)
Test pattern #53 set to 40 line 1 for Y, M, C, K (prints for each color)
Test pattern #53 set to 40 line 1 for Y, M, C(process black 1 print)
Test pattern #53 set to 40 line 1 for Y, M, C, K (process black 1 print)
Test Pattern #53 line 1 set to the following - Y = 40 and M = 40 (red)
Test Pattern #53 line 1 set to the following - Y = 40 and C = 40 (green)
Test Pattern #53 line 1 set to the following - C = 40 and M = 40 (blue)
Test pattern #53 set to 60 line 1 for Y, M, C, K (prints for each color)
Test pattern #53 set to 255 line 1 for Y, M, C (prints for each color)
Note :Please provide a copy of theManagement List.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Ed Bellone and Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Complete ICP/fuse list, which includes:
OverAll control board
Image processing board
Memory control board
Printer control board
Conveyance drive board
Toner supply drive board
Scanner drive board
Drum drive board
I/F board
CCD board
AC drive board
PFU drive board (PF-601)
LU drive board (LU-202)
AC drive board /2 (HT-503)
Please see attached document. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site
at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Clinton Marquardt, ESS/BSE
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Which transparencies are approved for use in the bizhub PRO C6500?
Transparencies are not officially supported for use in the bizhub PRO C6500.
SSD-ESS has done some very limited testing on this and recommends the 3M PP2200 transparency. This should only be used through the bypass tray or
LU-202. The paper settings are:
Paper = Plain
Weight= 210 to 256
Face Up
Note : SSD is not offically endorsing the use of any transparencies and does not guarantee performance.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Clinton Marquardt, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
LS-501/LS-502/LS-505, VR adjustment at replacement of control board.
This information regards thereplacement of the LS-501/LS-502 control board which is an option of bizhub PRO 1050 series and bizhub PRO C6500 series,
and the LS-505 control board which is option of bizhub PRO 1200 series and bizhub PRO C6501 series.
VRadjustment on LS-501/LS-502/LS-505 control board is necessary at replacement of the board (p/n 15AV -931 3 and p/n 15AT-931 1 for LS-501 ; p/n
15AW-932 3 for LS-502 ; p/n A0H1 H933 00 and p/n A0H1 H010 00 for LS-505 ).
Please see the attached documentfor the adjustment procedure and attached Bulletin Number 7043.ThisVR adjusts sensitivity of the sensor that detects the
gripper (p/n 15AV 5050 1).If it is not correctly adjusted, the followings SC codes may occur.
bizhub PRO 1050 series: SC76-04
bizhub PRO 1200 series: C-1204/C-1214
bizhub PRO C6500/6501 series: C-1204
This information is also foundin the Service Manual (Field Service) in the LS-50x section under ADJUSTMENT/SETTING/MECHANICAL ADJUSTMENT.
Note : To viewa PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan)
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Paper specifications.
The bizhub PRO C6500 is equipped with the following trays for loading copy paper:
Tray 1, Tray 2 and Tray 3 (Main body trays):
8.5×11, A4 or larger: 17 to 68 lb Bond
5.5×8.5, B5 or smaller: 17 to 56 lb Bond
Bypass Tray: 17 to 81 lb Bond
Tray 4 (Paper Feed Unit PF-601 Upper tray): 17 to 68 lb Bond
Tray 5 (Paper Feed Unit PF-601 Lower tray): 17 to 81 lb Bond
Tray 4 (Large Capacity Unit LU-202): 17 to 81 lb Bond
Automatic Duplex Unit: 17 to 68 lb Bond
Finisher (FS-503):
Primary (main) tray: 13 to 81 lb Bond
Secondary (sub) tray: 13 to 81 lb Bond
Staple: 13 to 64 lb Bond
Folding Unit (FD-501):
Primary (main) tray: 13 to 64 lb Bond
Secondary (sub) tray: 13 to 81 lb Bond
Punch: 13 to 56 lb Bond
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Z-Fold, Tri-Fold-in, Tri-Fold-out, Half Fold: 13 to 34 lb Bond
Double Parallel, Gate Fold: 13 to 24 lb Bond
Post Inserter (attached to Folding Unit FD-501): 13 to 81 lb Bond
Large Capacity Stacker (LS-501):
Stacker: 13 to 64 lb Bond
Secondary (sub) tray: 13 to 81 lb Bond,
Saddle Stitcher (SD-501):
Fold & Staple, Trimming: 13 to 64 lb Bond
Multi Half Fold of 5 sheets: 13 to 22 lb Bond
Multi Half Fold of 3 sheets: 23 to 35 lb Bond
Multi Half Fold of 2 sheets: 36 to 64 lb Bond
Multi Tri-Fold of 5 sheets: 13 to 22 lb Bond
Multi Tri-Fold of 3 sheets: 23 to 24 lb Bond
Secondary (sub) tray: 13 to 81 lb Bond
Finisher (FS-607):
Primary (main) tray: 16 to 81 lb Bond
Secondary (sub) tray: 13 to 81 lb Bond
Staple: 16 to 28 lb Bond
Fold & Staple: 16 to 28 lb Bond
Half Fold: 16 to 28 lb Bond
Multi Half Fold of 3 sheets: 16 to 21 lb Bond
Multi Half Fold of 1 sheet: 22 to 28 lb Bond
Paper Inserter PI-502 (option for Finisher FS-607): 13 to 53 lb Bond
Punch Kit (PK-512): 16 to 34 lb Bond
Output tray (OT-502) 17 to 81 lb Bond
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to clear a fuserabnormality code (C35xx, C38xx, C39xx).
The Service modeis inaccessible byentering Utility => Stop => 0 => Stop => 0 => 0 => 1. This is to prevent accidental reset of the code and
causing additional damage to the machine. To reset a fuser abnormality code, perform the following:
1. Power the machine OFF from the main switch leaving the sub switch ON.
2. Press the utility Key and power ON the machine from the main switch.
3. Enter Stop => 0 => 0 => Stop => 0 => 1.
4. Press [03 System Setting] on the touchscreen.
5.Press [01 Software SW setting] on the touchscreen.
6.Press the left up-arrow, which is displayed on the touchscreen, 2 times. The number displayed above the up-arrow will change to 03.
7. Select the bit number of switch 1, using the right up-arrow, 03-1 will be indicated.
8. Press the [Return] key, which is displayed on the touchscreen.
9. Exit Service mode to return to normal operation.
Note : The list of codes are:
C-3501, C-3502, C-3503, C-3504, C-3505, C-3506, C-3507, C-3508
C-3801, C-3802, C-3803, C-3804, C-3805, C-3806
C-3901, C-3902, C-3903, C-3904, C-3905, C-3906, C-3907, C-3908, C-3909, C-3910,
C-3911, C-3912, C-3913, C-3914, C-3915, C-3916
WARNING : When C35xx, C38xx or C39xx (fusing temperature related abnormality) occurs, be sure to repair/replacethefailed part generating the code
before setting the Service mode software DipSW3-1 to 0. Ifsoftware DipSW 3-1 is set to 0 without correcting the cause of the error, a fire mayoccur.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to set up Account Track codes for printing.
To set up Account Track codes for printing, perform the following:
1. Select Utility/Counter.
2. Select Machine Admin. Setting (enter the machine Administrator password if prompted).
3. Select User Auth./Account Track.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
4. Select Authentication Method.
5. Select Manage next to Account Track.
6. Select Account + Password or Password.
7. Press OK.
8. Select Account Track.
9. Select Account Register.
10. Select Add.
11. Select Section Name and enter the account name in the text box.
12. Press OK.
13. Select Password and enter a password (up to 8 digits) in the text box.
14. Press OK.
15. Select Name and enter the account owners name in the text box.
16. Press OK.
17. Select Upper Limit Set.
18. Select Upper and enter an account limit in the text box.
19. Press OK three times.
20. Press Return.
21. Press Close.
22. Select Without Authentication.
23. Under Print select Prohibition.
24. Press OK.
25. Exit Machine Admin. Mode.
26. From the print driver properties, select the Job Info. tab.
27. Enter the registered Account Track Name in the Section Name text box.
28. Enter the matching Account Track password in the Section Password text box.
29. Press OK.
30. Make additional desired print driver settings and print the document.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone and David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
FS-520/FS-607, availability of 3-hole punch in offline mode.
The 3-hole offline punch is available with the use of special firmware.Please install the following special firmware:
FS-520 - version GMC-31
FS-607 - version GMC-33
The firmware is available for download viathe Konica Minolta Download Selector.
1. Login in via .
2. Select the "Service" link located on the top of the page.
3. Select the "SSD (DNA, Drivers, MSDS)" link located on the left.
4. Select the "Continue on to the SSD Home Page" link located in the middle of the page.
5. Select the "Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more" link located on the left.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Clinton Marquardt, ESS/BSE and Ed Bellone/David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Support for Account track, Secure print, and User authentication from Unix/Linux environments.
Konica Minolta does not support Account track, Secure print, and User authentication from Unix/Linux environments at this time.
The availability of these options for Unix/Linux environments is being considered for future development.
Please attachticket to this solution and provide the following information;
1. Product model number(s).
2. Now many products placed or being considered for placement.
3.What "flavor" and version of Unix/Linux operating system.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Tony Pizzoferrato, ESS/SSD
Solution ID
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Thick Paper BK mode setting.
Thick Paper BK mode setting is to reduce banding that occurs 230mm in from the lead edge when printing halftone images with thick paper stock.
Thick Paper BK Mode engages the first transfer rollers on each YMC colors and operates in color mode during printing in B/W mode.
Notes :
1. Use only for thick paper on whichbanding occurs.
2. Sinceprinting in B/W mode operates in color mode, the total counter counts in B/W and the maintenance counter counts in color. It does not develop YMC,
but the life of the developer is shortened since it agitates the developing unit.
3.Concerningcolor printing, after printing more than 1000 sheets in this mode toner scattering or blurred color image may occur.
To enable Thick Paper BK mode, perform the following:
1.Press the Utility button on theMFP and select #3 Machine Admin. Setting.
2. Select #6 Common Settings.
3. Pressthe Next button and select Thick Paper BK mode to ON.
Note : If Thick Paper BK modeoption is NOT displayed, enableit by setting software DipSW 11-5 = 1 (ON).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone and Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to load a 64-bit driver on a 32-bit Server system (Microsoft® Windows 2003 Server/Vista™).
Please follow this step-by-step procedure and refer to the attached video.
1. Load the 64-bit driver on the client.
2. Load the 32-bit driver on the server and share it out.
Note : If you receive a pop-up indicating “COPY ERROR”, setup cannot copy this file. Example: KOZJA_.PP_. This could possibly be a file path length
limitation. Try reducing this limitation by pulling out the specific driver needed and placing it on the desktop.
3. From the 64-bit client perform the Run command to connect to the 32-bit server (example: \\ and press enter.
4. Double-click on the shared out printer.
5. Select printer and then properties.
6. Select the Sharing tab and click on the additional drivers box.
7. Select or check-off the 64-bit (x64) driver to be added to the 32-bit server.
8. Select OK and the 64-bit driver should be pushed up to the server.
9. Check the additional drivers of the client and server to confirm that the x86 (32-bit) and x64 are both installed.
Notes :
a.This was tested on like versions of 32-bit and 64-bit drivers.
b.To viewthis procedure, Apple© QuickTime®should be installed.It can be downloaded for free at .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Item number for the 200K PM kit.
Item numbers for 200K PM kits are as follows:
Item #DC65PM200 - Includes all 200K PM Parts (no developers or drums)
Item #DC65X001 (Kit A) - Includes all 200K PM parts plus developers (1 each)
Item #DC65X002 (Kit B) - Includes all 200K PM Parts plus developers (1 each) and four (4) drums.
Formerly, PM kits A and B (discontinued Item #7640X025 and Item #7640X026) included all components of the 100K PM kit -- this is not the case with Item
#DC65X001 and Item #DC65X002. The 100K PM kit must be ordered separately (see below).
When ordering 100K PM kits, be aware that, due to a change in the Charging Corona for the new models, 100K PM kits are NOT cross-compatible between
the bizhub PRO C6500 and bizhub PRO C6501 series.
The bizhub PRO C6500 series 100K PM kit (Item #DC65PM100) is for the bizhub PRO C6500, C6500P and C5500 ONLY.
The bizhub PRO C6501 series 100K PM kit (Item #DC651PM100) is for the bizhub PRO C6501, C6501P and C5501 ONLY.
Note : Please refer to attached marketing Bulletin 08-GB-084 and other 2 documents for details.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
-To viewa PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
-To view theExcel document, Microsoft® Excel® or Excel® Viewer must be installed. Excel® Viewer 2003 (9.9MB) can be obtained free from Microsoft® at
the following URL; .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to default a Macintosh® driver to black & white.
The drivercannot bedefaulted to black & white on a Macintosh®. This is a limitation of the operating system. Howevera PRESET can be made in the
driver for black & white printing by performing the following:
1. Select FilePrint andfrom the PRINT box, select the drop-down from the second box under the presets box.
2. Select QUALITY.
3. Select the drop down for SELECT COLOR.
4. Select GRAYSCALE (or the desired functionalityto besaved as a preset like duplex, finishing options, etc.).
5. Select PRESETS, then SAVE AS….
6. Name the file (example: Black & White).
7. Select OK. Select this saved PRESET of Black & White wheneverblack & white printing is required.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone/Chuck Tripp/Mark D'Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Printgroove-supported printers.
Printgroove-supported Printers
Konica Minolta:
bizhub PRO 1050/1050P Embedded Full
bizhub PRO 920 IC-203 Full
bizhub PRO C500/8050 IP-901/IC-302/IC-405 Limited
bizhub PRO C500 IC-301 Limited
bizhub PRO C6500/6500P IC-303/IC-305/IC-408 Limited
bizhub C650 IC-409 Limited
7085 IP-602/IP-602M Limited
DocuTech 6100 series DocuSP 4.x Limited
Note : The bizhub C650 IC-409 and Xerox© DocuTech 6100 series DocuSP 4.x are now supported with PrintgroovePOD SERVE/GUIDE/QUEUE version
Solution ID
Solution Usage
ISW error codes list.
Error Code
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
There is an error in the command to ISW processing unit.
Program is not executing normally. Restart from power ON and re-execute the ISW.
A program error is detected.
Program is not executing normally. Restart from power ON and re-execute the ISW.
Input data format error
Check the ISW transfer data file.
Invalid machine name input data
Check the ISW transfer data file.
Invalid board name input data
Check the ISW transfer data file.
Input device error such as input timeout.
Check that the communication cable between input devices (PC or ISW Tool) is properly connected.
Failed to erase flash ROM. (during ISW to image control board)
There is an error in the flash ROM on the image control board. Restart from ISW. If the error persists, the life of the image control board flash ROM may
have expired. Replace the image control board.
Failed to write flash ROM. (during ISW to image control board)
There is an error in the flash ROM on the image control board. Restart from ISW. If the error persists, the life of the image control board flash ROM may
have expired. Replace the image control board.
Error Code
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
ROM checksum error. (during ISW to image control board)
The checksum result after program writing does not match the ROM checksum data of the ISW transfer data file. Restart from ISW. If the error persists, the
ISW transfer data file may not be created correctly.
Output device error such as output timeout
An error was detected in the ISW board targeted at that time. Check the ISW board.
Failed to erase flash ROM. (during ISW to printer control board and FNS control board)
There is an error in the flash ROM on the printer control board or FNS control board. Restart from ISW. If the error persists, the life of the targeted flash ROM
may have expired. Replace the targeted control board.
Failed to write flash ROM. (during ISW to printer control board and FNS control board)
There is an error in the flash ROM on the printer control board or FNS control board. Restart from ISW. If the error persists, the life of the targeted flash ROM
may have expired. Replace the targeted control board.
Communication error between image control board, printer control board, and FNS control board (during ISW to printer control board and FNS control board)
Check the I/F between the image control board and printer control board, or I/F between the printer control board and FNS control board.
Error Code
Printer Control ISW not written
Perform ISW data install
VIF Control ISW not written
Perform ISW data install
ISW time-out
Perform ISW data install
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
ISW data error
Perform ISW data install
ISW write error
Perform ISW data install
FNS ISW not written
Perform ISW data install
ZU ISW not written
Perform ISW data install
Note : Please refer to attached Error Codes list. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the
Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to load a 32-bit driver on a 64-bit operating system.
Please follow this step-by-step procedure and refer to the attached video.
1. Load the 64-bit driver on the server and share it out.
2. Load a 32-bit driver on a workstation locally.
3. From the workstation perform the Run command to connect to the server (example: \\ and press enter. This should bring up the server.
4.Navigate to the previously shared out printer on the server.
5. Right-click on the shared out printer and select properties.
6. Select the sharing tab and then click on the Additional Drivers button.
7. Select or check-off the 32-bit driver to be added to the 64-bit system.
8. Select OK and then browse to the folder that houses the 32-bit driver to be installed and select OK. The Additional Drivers window should now have the
32-bitand 64-bit checked off.
9. Check the Additional Drivers of the Server to make sure that the 32-bit has been pushed up (right-click on the shared out printer of the server
=>Properties =>Sharing Tab =>Additional Drivers).
Notes :
a.This was tested on like versions of 32-bit and 64-bit drivers.
b.To viewthis procedure, Apple© QuickTime®should be installed.It can be downloaded for free at .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to install an indicator light system (Status indicator light).
Konica Minolta does not supply an indicator light system. However, one can be purchased and installed. The following information is needed:
Patlite Corporation
Patlite LES-402A-RYGB (four light pole mounted system)
Patlite SZ-012 Mounting Bracket (needed to mount the light pole to the machine)
The following connectors are needed to connect the Light Pole Wiring to the machine:
Tyco Electronics AMP
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Connector (concave) - 179228-6 (CRIMP TYPE II RECPT HSG)
Connector (convex) - 292254-6 (CT RELAY HDR ASSY 6P NAT)
Pins (6 needed) - 179518-1
Connector packed in installation kit has 7 wires. Only six are usedfor the light bar. Pin 1 is marked in the plastic of the connector with the black wires
attached;please look closely.
The wires on the machine plug side of the connector are numbered in reverse (pin 1 on the indicator light side of the connector is attached to pin 6 of the
machine side). Keep this in mind when consulting themachine schematics and the Service Manual sectionfor connecting the indicator light.
Connector pins below refer to the harness with the black wires that comes in the kit with the light.
Pin 1 is not used (would be a ground but our system switches to ground)
Pin 2 connected to the BLACK wire in the light harness(+24 volt power lead)
Pin 3 is connected to the ORANGE wire in the light harness and causes the AMBER light to come on. This happens when the machine is out of toner.
Pin 4 is connected to the RED wire in the light harness and causes the RED light to come on. This happens when there is a machine paper jam or when
there is a paper mismatch from the Fiery® controller and the Detail Check button comes on requiring customer interaction.
Pin 5 is connected to the GREEN wire in the light harness and causes the GREEN light to come on. This happens when the machine is operating normally
(making copies). The BLUE light is also on at this time.
Pin 6 is connected to the BLUE wire in the light harness and causes the BLUE light to come on. This happens when the machine is on and ready to copy,
print or scan but not actually running. The BLUE light is also on with the GREEN light when the machine is operating and making copies.
Note : This is a four-light system that indicates Ready, Operating, Low toner, and Jam.The wiring for the light system can be found in the Service
Manual.Please see attachments for reference. To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the
Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone/Cesar Jimenez/Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD and Clinton Marquardt, ESS
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Konica Minolta Security White Paper.
See Security White Paper for details.
Notes :
a.To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
b. More in-depth security information is also availableon the Konica Minolta bizhub security page, .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Jim Behrends and Mark D'Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
SD-501, how to adjust the trimmer receiver movement count.
Verify that dipswitch 22-5 is set to 1 (Tech Rep mode) to display the Timmer Count Adjustment correctly.
To adjust the trimmer count, perform the following:
1. With the machine powered ON touch [MACHINE] on the upper right corner of the touchscreen.
2. Touch [Adjustment] on the touchscreen.
3. Touch [02 Finisher Adjustment] on the touchscreen.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
4. Touch [06 Trimmer Count Adjustment] on the touchscreen. Select [700], [500], or [300] as the trimmer count setting.
5. Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
6. Touch [RETURN] on the touchscreen.
Note : The cutting board (p/n 15AN 5282 1E), also referred as the trimmer receiver or the catching plate, must be replaced when it has reached its useful
life (after 18,900trim cycles).The part can be found in the SD-501 Parts Guide Manual in the paper adjustment unit sectionat theend of the
manual.Replacement procedure can be found in the SD-501 Field Service Manual and is titled as:Replacing the trimmer board assembly.
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Power requirements.
Power requirements:
208V ACto 240V AC,60Hz, 16A, (dedicated line)
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
How to display the Process Adjustment on the User screen.
To display the Process Adjustment on the User screen, perform the following:
1. Enter Service mode.
2. Select System setting.
3. Select software SW setting.
4. Scroll to software switch 1-0.
5. Select ON.
6. Exit service mode.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
How to enable Blur Prevention for printing.
To enable Blur Prevention for printing, perform the following:
1. Press the [Utility/Counter] button.
2. Select [User Setting].
3. Select [Printer Setting].
4. Select [Blur Prevention].
5. Select [ON].
6. Select [OK].
7. Exit the User Setting mode.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
How to change the Image Quality Stability frequency.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
To change the Image Quality Stability frequency, perform the following:
1.Select the Utility/Counter button on the display.
2.Select #3 Machine Admin. Setting.
3.Select #1 System Setting.
4.Select #5 Expert Adjustment.
5.Select #7 Quality Adjustment.
6.Select #4 Image Quality Stability. Here you can select the Image Quality and frequency ± 2, or Speed.
Note : When Image Quality Stability is chosen productivity may fail, when Speed is chosen, quality may fail.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham and David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Unable to access the printer from a web browser. Can print to and PING the machine.
CAUSE: TCP/IP conflict with another device on the network.
SOLUTION: Remove the network cable from the printer and PING the same TCP/IP address again. If there is a Reply from the same TCP/IP address, work
with the network administrator to identify the other network device with the same TCP/IP address as the printer.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
RU-503/RU-504 installation instructions are incomplete.
The installation instructions for the RU-503/RU-504 are completed in the Installation Manual forwhatever finishing featureis connected to the unit. Attached is
the RU-503/RU-504 Installation Manual.
IMPORTANT ADDENDUM : The RU-504 has been changed for future model support. Included in this change is an extra connector.
WARNING : Ifaperipheral is connected to this connector it will severely damage the bizhub PRO C6500 .
When installing a peripheral on an RU-504 connected toa bizhub PROC6500, be certain that the correct connector is used (use only the REAR connector
with the BLUE wires). Refer to attached Bulletin Number 6541 for the proper connection.
Also, pleasesee the attached list of boardsto bereplaced (if a peripheral was connected to the wrong connector). To viewa PDF, Adobe Reader® must be
installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Information concerning the bizhub PRO C5500/C6500/IC-408/FS-520 configuration.
The bizhub PRO C5500/C6500/IC-408/FS-520 configuration is now available. With IC-408 version 1.0, the following patches are required 1-PYRSX and
1-UY7PG (IC-408 versions 1.0a and 1.1 do not require the patches).
Notes :
1.See attached configuration sheet. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web
site at: .
2.The IC-303 and IC-305is not compatible with the FS-520.
3.The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS
Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Clinton Marquardt, ESS/SSD and Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to copy/print onto envelopes.
Copying/printing onto envelopes is not recommended or supported.
SPECIAL NOTE: Solution contribution by Malcolm Hibbert, Workgroup/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Is GBC® pre-punched paper a supported paper type?
At this time GBC® pre-punched paperis not a supported type. If attempting to run this stock and a jamsoccurs, rotate paper to the 8.5x11R position or rotate
image and run with holes on trail edge.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to enable/disable the DETAIL CHECK button on the MFP display, and force printed jobs to printmessages such as "Please load designated Paper in
Tray”, “Incorrect paper size”, “Incorrect paper weight”, “To check details, touch [Detail Check]" is indicated”.
To enable/disable the DETAIL CHECK button on theMFP display (this is done on the controller),perform the following:
1. Browse to the Fiery® controllers viathe TCP/IP address.
2. Launch the Fiery® Web Tools and log in under Administrator, Fiery.1.
3. LaunchConfigure.
4. Select Server.
5. Select Jobs and enable/disable the JOB MISMATCH ACTION IS DETECTED. Check/enable if you DO NOT want the message to be displayed on theMFP
and uncheck/disable to have the message indicated.
6.Select Apply followed by a reboot of the controller.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone and Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Can NCR PAPER® be used as copy paper?
NCR PAPER® is not a supported media type.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gary Scimeca and Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
What is the username and password for Extension for Maintenance (Web Utilities) when browsing to the mainbody NIC?
The user ID is: ce (lowercase) and the password is: 92729272 .
Note : The user namecannot be changed.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mark D'Attilio/Jim Behrends/Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
For what is the Feature Update CD that ships with the IC-303 used?
The Feature Update CD v1.1 is used to enable addon features that were purchased separately. This includes the FACI and Graphic Arts Premium packages.
The CD is a bootable disk. Once booted, you will be offered an option to update the controller or to exit. You must have a dongle for the feature that is to be
enabled before using this CD. You would insert the dongle prior to selecting the update option from the CD menu.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
What functions are restricted when operating EFI® Impose™ in Demo mode?
EFI® Impose™ Demo mode is 100% functional and only differs from the retail product by printing a watermark on all pages with the word "DEMO". The
"DEMO" watermark is removed when an Impose™ dongle is inserted in the workstationon whichImpose™ is being invoked.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
How to enable a key counter or other vendor option.
To enable a Key counter or other vender option, perform the following:
1.Enter the Service mode.
2.Press Stop, 9 to enter the Fee Collection Setting Mode.
3.Select Coin Vendor and set to Equip and press OK.
4.Select Management Function and select the correct settings for the equipment.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
How to enable/disable continuation print.
To enable/disable continuation print, perform the following:
1. Press the Utility/Counter key.
2. Touch [02 User Setting] on the touchscreen.
3. Touch [03 Common Setting] on the touchscreen.
4. Next to the [Continuation print] mode selection choice displayed on the touchscreen, touch [Copy on] to enable or [Copy off] to disable.
5. Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
6. Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
How to activate Toner Refresh mode.
To activate Toner Refresh mode, perform the following:
1. Select Machine on the LCD screen.
2. Select Adjustment.
3. Select Execute Adjust Operation.
4. Select Toner Refresh Mode.
5. Select OK.
6. Select Exit.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
FS-503/FS-607 main tray stacking capacity.
The main tray stacking capacity for standard 8.5x11 and A4paper size is 3000 sheets.
With version 20 (Phase 2) firmware the main tray stacking capacity has changed for 8.5x14 11x17, 12x18, 13x19, A4, B3, large custom paper sizes, and is
now based upon paper weight.
Up to 80gsm - 1500 sheets
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
81gsm - 135gsm - 1000 sheets
136gsm - 209gsm - 700 sheets
210gsm - 300gsm - 500 sheets
Note : FS-607 does not support larger than 12x18 sheet exitingto the main tray. The sub tray must be used for these sizes.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
What is the paper weight specification for the ADU?
Equipment Paper Weight specification for the Automatic Duplex Unit is 17lb to 68lb Bond. This can be found in the User's Guide.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Is the bundle press assembly for the SD-501 available as a complete assembly?
This unit isavailable as a complete assembly (Up Down Conveying assembly -p/n15AN-6001).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
How to enable Auto Tray select (ATS).
To enable ATS settings perform the following:
1. Press the Utility key.
2. Select User Setting.
3. Select System Setting.
4. Select Feed Tray Setting.
5. Select ATS Permit.
6. Select ON.
7. Select OK.
8. Select Feed Tray Auto Select.
9. Select the desired feed trays to be included in the ATS search.
10. Set the tray priority for the ATS search.
11. Select OK.
12. Select Auto Paper Type.
13. Select paper types, weights, hole-punch, tab, color papers to be included in ATS.
14. Select OK.
15. Exit User mode.
16.Select Paper Setting on the Machine Screen.
17.Select a tray in the ATS list.
18. Select Size Setting.
19.Select or confirm it is set to normal and select OK.
20. Perform same for other trays.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD and Reginald Tingle, KMBS - Hawthorne
Solution ID
What are the drum part numbers?Drums are not listed in the Parts Manual.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
The drums are a supply item and are listed as the DU-102 (Item #A0400Y0). All 4 drums are the same.
Notes :
a.The DU-102B drum (polished) was developed to counteract the white spots that were caused by toner adhering to the black drum surface. The DU-102B
drum should only be used for the black station, although in a pinch it can be used in any station. The bizhub PRO C6501 ships with the DU-102B drum
installed in the black station.
b. The modified DU-102C Drum Kit (Item #A0400Y4) can now be used in place of the DU-102 and DU-102B. DU-102C is packaged the same as DU-102B
but with a green dot label on each box.DU-102C = DU-102B drum + DU-101 cleaning blade/holder.
c. Please see attached documentation for additional detail. To view the PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free
from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp and Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Finisher compatibility between bizhub PRO C5500/C6500 and bizhub PRO C5501/C6501.
The bizhub PRO C6501 peripherals (FD-503, FS-521, LS-505, PB-502, SD-506) are not backwards-compatible to the bizhub PRO C5500/C6500.
The bizhub PRO C5500/C6500 peripherals (FS-503, PB-501) are compatible with the bizhub PRO C6501.
The bizhub PRO C5500/C6500 peripherals (FS-520, FS-607, LU-202, PI-502, PK-512, OT-502) are compatible with the bizhub PRO C5501.
The PF-602 is compatible with the bizhub PRO C6500.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Option compatibility between original bizhub PRO 1050/bizhub PRO C6500 series andlatest bizhub PRO C6501 series. Options include:
The option configurations can be confusing between "old" and "new". Some questionsthat might come to mind are:
Can "old" options be configured with "new" options?
What options can be installed on the "01" series mainbody versus the "00" series?
What options can be installed on either series?
For answers, pleaserefer todetailed informationin theattached document. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be
downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Part Number for actuator in finisher stapler unit.
Actuator (p/n 15SJ P720 00). This actuatordetects the remaining quantity of staples and may come off whenreplacing the staple cartridge.
Notes :
1.This part iscompatible with the following:
Mass production models
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
ColorMFP FS-608/FS-607 - bizhub C650/C550/C451 and bizhub PRO C5500/C5501/C6500/C6500P/C6501/C6501P/C65hc
B/WMFP FS-602/FS-604/FS-611 - bizhub 600/750 and bizhub PRO 920/950
Discontinued model
FS-110(13QE)/FS-210(13QJ) - 7155/7165
FS-110(14JS)/FS-210(14JT) - 7272/7255
FS-108 - 7085/7075
2. Installation of Actuator
Using tweezers (or something similar), please install the actuator in the position shown in theattached photo. Ensure to set the two pins on the side of the
actuator andpay attentiontothe direction of the actuator.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Craig Blyther, ESS
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Power consumption data.
Please see attachedpower consumption data for warm-up, standby, and running modes.
To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE: Solution contribution by Clinton Marquardt, ESS and Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
How to set up scan to FTP with Creo IC-301 or IC-304/Plus.
Scan to FTP is not available with the IC-301 or IC-304/Plus.
As an altenative, the Remote Scan can be used. The Remote Scan utility can be loaded on a Workstation or the controller. This utility allows for the creation
of scan boxes on the engine and to retrieve scans from those boxes. Scanning is performed on the engine using the scan to HDD option from the LCD panel.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Standard memory for thebizhub PRO 6500 series.
The standard memory is 256MB for each color.
Note : Additional storage isobtained by installing the HD-506 (Item #A03Y0Y0). The HD-506 is used for stamp, watermark and overlay.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How large of a "Trap" does Auto Trapping apply to a print and is it adjustable?
Auto Trapping is not adjustable, and when enabled, will apply a 1 pixel trap around an object. If the Graphic Arts Premium Package is installed, traps are
adjustable to almost any pixel width.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
What is the default user name and password for the Machine Manager Setting page of the main body web utilities?
The default user name and password for the Machine Manager Setting page of the main body web utilities:
User name: admin
Password: 12345678
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
LS-501 setup for use with the bizhub PRO C6500.
When using the LS-501 with the bizhub PRO C6500, the following must be done.
1. The Serial number prefix must be 15AM.
2. The switch on the LS control board must be set to SYS2.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
How to disable auto shut off.
To disable the auto shut off mode, perform the following:
1.Press the Utility/Counter key.
2.Touch [03 Machine Admin. Setting] on the touchscreen.
3.Enter the Administrator password (default password is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8).
4.Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
5.Touch [01 System Setting] on the touchscreen.
6.Touch [01 Power Save Setting] on the touchscreen.
7.Touch [Auto Shut Off] on the touchscreen.
8.Scroll to the top of the Auto Shut Off screen using the up/down arrows located on the right side of the touchscreen until [---min.] is highlighted on the
9.Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
10.Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
CS Remote Care/vCare E-mail Setup Instructions.
Attached are the zipped CSRC E-mail Setup Instructions:
bizhub PRO 1050/1050P/1050e vCare/CS Remote Care E-mail Setup Instructions version 1.8.5
bizhub 200/250/350/222/282/362 vCare/CS Remote Care E-mail Setup Instructions version 1.3.0
bizhub 360/420/500/600/750 vCare/CS Remote Care E-mail Setup Instructions version 1.2.1
bizhub PRO 920 vCare/CS Remote Care E-mail Setup Instructions version 1.8.2
bizhub C451/C550/C650/C203/C253/C353/C552/C652/361/421/501 vCare/CS Remote Care E-mail (One-Way) Setup Instructions version 1.3.0
bizhub PRO 950 vCare/CS Remote Care E-mail (One-Way) Setup Instructions version 1.3.2
bizhub C200 vCare/CS Remote Care E-mail Setup Instructions version 1.2.0
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
bizhub C450/C351/C250/C352/C300 CS Remote Care E-mail Setup Instructions version 1.3.8
bizhub C451/C550/C650/C203/C253/C353 vCare/CS Remote Care E-mail (Two-Way) Setup Instructions version 1.0.0
bizhub PRO C500/8050/IP-901/IP-921/IC-405/IC-302 vCare/CS Remote Care E-mail Setup Instructions version 1.8.3
bizhub PRO C6500/C6500P/C5500/C5501/C6501/C65hc/Main body NIC vCare/CS Remote Care E-mail Setup Instructions version 1.4.0
Notes :
1. To open the file WinZip® should be installed. WinZip® can be downloaded from the WinZip® website: . The file can
either be saved to disk or opened. It is recommended to download the ZIP and open from the local computer to view.
2.This vCare documentation can also be found by using the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert
Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'. Please see attached procedure. To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed.
Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Able to input account track setup data but the account will not create.
CAUSE: An account with the same data already exists.
SOLUTION: Create the account with a different name to remove the conflict.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
How to check the toner density sensor values.
To check the toner density sensor values, perform the following:
1. Enter Service mode.
5. Select the desired colors.
6. Select [START]. The machine will cycle and the toner density value will be displayed.
7. Select [CLOSE].
8. Exit Service mode.
Note : The optimum value for the toner density sensor is 127. If a value of ±5 is returned, run toner refresh mode and recheck the toner density sensor
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to enable/disable Pile Permission of the main tray on the LS-501.
To enable/disable Pile Permission of the main tray on the LS-501, perform the following:
1. Press the Utility button.
2. Select [USER SETTING].
4. Select [NEXT].
5. Next to Printer Job Stacker Pile, select [PERMISSION] or [PROHIBITION].
6. Exit the User mode.
Note : Version 25 firmware or latermust be installedto accessthis setting.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
How to print detailed meter count data, including large pages, small pages, black & white, and color.
To print a detailed counter list perform the following:
1. Press the Utility button.
2 Select Details.
3. Select Copy Screen.
4. Select the desired paper tray and press the Copy button.
Note : Please see attached screen shot for the data thatis availableusing theDetail Counter List.
Solution ID
Is printing or copying to 4x6 postcard stock supported?
The smallest supported paper size is 5.5x8.5S for this engine.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
How to set up FTP Publishing Services on a Microsoft® Vista™ workstation.
Please follow the step-by-step procedures as shown in the attacheddocument.
Note : To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
How to print out the account data (account track, ECM, EKC) counter list from the main body.
To print account track data list from the machine, perform the following:
1. Enter the Admin Mode.
2. Select #1 System Setting.
3. Select #6 List/Count.
4. Select Use Management List (this is the account track, ECM, ECK accounts list information).
5. Select Copy (upper left hand corner of the display) and thenpress the green Start button.
Notes :
a. Remember to exitAdministrator mode,press the Utility button (upper right-hand corner of the display) followed by the Return, Clear, Clear, and then Exit.
b. Be sure to createone account under User Authentication Set or data will not print.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, David Aekus and Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to install a printer using LPR (IP Printing) under Macintosh® OS9.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Please perform the procedures mentioned in the attached document.
Note : To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mark D'Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
After ARPing LinkCom™ III, the LAN light still flashes and is not seen in PrintGuide™.
CAUSE: Incorrect procedure.
SOLUTION: After ARPing the LinkCom™ box, PING the TCP/IP address in order to activate the ARP. The light will go solid and it will be seen in
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Paul Santangelo, ESS
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
PI-110/PI-502/PI-503, how to tri-fold several sheets from the Post Inserter.
Multiple stacks cannot be set to fold in tri-fold individually using the Post Inserter.This is specification of the machine.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Large size count on the 2nd page of the Management List.
With bizhub PRO C6500/C6500Pfirmware version 30 and bizhub PRO C5500 firmware version 12, DipSW 10-6 setting is now available. Depending on this
DipSW setting, the count increment value of Large size count on the 2nd page of the Management List may differ from the earlier version firmware.
The new DipSW 10-6 works in conjunction withDipSW 4-6 andDipSW 4-7 affecting copy/print by changing only the increment value of Large size count. For
the details of the operation, please refer to the attached file.
To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
CAUTION : If one or both of DipSW 4-6 and DipSW 4-7 is/are set to 1 (increment 2 counts for large size), the increment value of Large size count on the
2nd page of the Management List may change.
Note : The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support
(CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan).
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to disable the Skew Correction sensors for the PF-601, LU-202 and the ADU.
To disable Skew Correction sensors perform the following:
1. Enter Service mode.
2. Select System Setting.
3. Select Software SW Setting.
4. Set the desired Software Switch.Software Switch 26-4=1 disables the Skew Correction sensors of the PF-601 and the LU-202.Software Switch 26-5=1
disables the Skew Correction sensors of the ADU.
Note : The above settings are availablein firmware version 30. The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download
Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Version 30 firmware.
Version 30 firmware has been released for the bizhub PRO C6500 and PRO C6500P. Complete details are contained in attached Bulletin Number 6264.
To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
Note : The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support
(CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
Solution ID
Solution Usage
PB-501 Perfect Binder.
PB-501 Perfect Binder for the bizhub PRO C6500/C6500P (Item #A075011).
IMPORTANT :The PB-501 for the bizhub PRO 1050e/1050eP (Item #A075010) is NOT compatible with the C6500/C6500P. However, the same GC-501
glue chips (Item #A0800Y0) are used for both versions.
The following updates are necessary in order to connect the PB-501 to the bizhub PRO C6500/C6500P:
bizhub PRO C6500/C6500P firmware must be updated to version 30 (G00-30)and is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the
Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
IC-303 system code must be updated to new version 1.1 via one of the following methods:
o Download the version 1.1 files (> 5GB) via the Konica Minolta Download Selector.
o Order the version 1.1 DVDs (p/n 45067363) from SSD.DVDs are not yetin stock but willbeavailable shortly.
The following is a complete list of supported bizhub PRO C6500/C6500P configurations that include the PB-501 and IC-303 v1.1.
• Engine + PF-601 + RU-503 + PB-501
• Engine + PF-601 + RU-503 + FD-501 + PB-501
• Engine + PF-601 + RU-503 + SD-501 + PB-501
• Engine + PF-601 + RU-503 + FD-501 + SD-501 + PB-501
• Engine + PF-601 + RU-503 + LS-501 + PB-501
IMPORTANT :The Creo IC-304 will not support attachment of the PB-501 until the IC-304 version 2 release and there are no plans for the IC-408 to support
the PB-501.
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Supported configurations for the bizhub PRO C6500/C6500P, PB-501 and IC-303 (version 1.1).
The following is a complete list of supported bizhub PRO C6500/C6500P configurations that include the PB-501 and IC-303 (version 1.1).
• Engine + PF-601 + RU-503 + PB-501
• Engine + PF-601 + RU-503 + FD-501 + PB-501
• Engine + PF-601 + RU-503 + SD-501 + PB-501
• Engine + PF-601 + RU-503 + FD-501 + SD-501 + PB-501
• Engine + PF-601 + RU-503 + LS-501 + PB-501
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Why, when inserting multiple pages from Post Inserter and attempting to subset staple, are all sheetsstapled? For example, if attempting to insert 3 sheets
into a document and setting only the first 2 to staple, all 3 will be stapled.
It is not possible to apply subset finishing properties to a group of inserts, as the inserts themselves are a subset.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
PK-512, availability ofhole punch for tab paper.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
The punching of tab paper is not supported with the PK-512. The PK-512 is the punch kit for both the FS-520 and FS-607.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
How to disable the centering sensors on the LU-202, PF-601 and ADU.
The centering sensors for the LU-202, PF-601 and ADUcan be disabled by using the following DIP switches:
LU-202/PF-601 - DIPsw 26-4 set to "1"
ADU - DIPsw 26-5 set to "1"
Note : These DIP switches were added in bizhub PRO C6500 version 30 firmware.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Clinton Marquardt, ESS/SSD and David Aekus/Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Part number for the PB Drive Board.
PBDB (p/n A075H02002).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Is there a Bypass Paper Tray adjustment for paper size detection?
There is no Bypass Paper Tray adjustment for paper size detection. If the tray is recognizing paper sizes incorrectly, please perform the following:
1.Ensure that the three holes in the Side Guide Pinion (gear) aligned properly. Two of the holes align with holes in the Side Guide Racks and the other aligns
with a hole in the Mount Plate for the Side Guide Pinion (p/n 65AA 4262 0).
2. If the tray alignment is correct replace Size Detection VR (VR4) (p/n 56AA 8560 1).
3. If problem persists, replace the entire Bypass Feed Unit (p/n A03U R750 00).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
What are the ventilation specifications (ventilation equipment/CFM) when installing a PB-501 at a customer location?
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Due to the wide variety of locationsin whichthe PB-501 may be set up, ventilation requirements have not been established. The customer will need to discuss
with a local vendor/contractor in orderto fit their individual needs and that of local building requirements and code.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ron Reed, ESS/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to find/display a MAC address.
To find the MAC address of a specific device in a Microsoft® Windows environment, such as a main body internal NIC, access the command prompt,PING
the TCP/IP address of the device and then perform the command, arp –a .
The attached procedures are for Microsoft® Windows 98/NT/2000/2003/XP, DOS/Microsoft® Windows 3.11/Microsoft® Windows for Workgroups, Microsoft®
Windows Vista™ and Macintosh® OS X. To viewa PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe®
web site at: .
Note : Also attached is the Technitium MAC Address Changer© freeware program. This software is not supported by Konica Minolta and is to be used at
your own risk.
To open the ZIP file, WinZip® should be installed. WinZip® can be downloaded from the WinZip® website: . The file
can either be saved to disk or opened. It is recommended to download the ZIP and open from the local computer to view or run.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez and Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Part numbers for the fuser connections.The part numbers for the connectors cannot be found in the Parts Manual.
Fixing power source wiring/2 (p/n A03UN10601) is the connector that mounts to item 18 in the manual.
Connector (p/n A03UN10500) mounts to item 20 in the Parts Manual.
The wiring harness for the main body that contains CN130 and CN131 is called the AC driving wire (p/n A03UN11801).This containsthe connectors and
wiring that the other 2 connectors described above plug into on the main body.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Caution when installing bizhub PRO C6500/bizhub PRO 1050 common options (FD-501/FS-503/LS-501/PB-501/SD-501).
The bizhub PRO C6500 and bizhub PRO 1050 have common finishing options. The product names are the same, however, the connectable engines differ
depending on the product codes. Please check the product codes and install them to appropriate engines.
Option (product code) - common to bizhub PRO C6500 and bizhub PRO 1050
FS-503 [15AE (all)]
FD-501 [15BN (North America), 15BP (Europe)]
SD-501 [15AQ (all)]
LS-501 [15AM (North America), 15AT (Europe)]
PB-501 [A075011 (North America), A075WW1 (Europe), A0750Y1 (Asia Pacific, Generic)]
Note :The products of the above product codes can be connected to both bizhub PRO C6500 and bizhub PRO 1050 by switching the dipswitch which is
located on the control board of each option (only on LS-501, the switch is toggle type and located in the connection part to the next option), and rewriting the
firmware. As the default, the switches are set to bizhub PRO C6500. When connecting to bizhub PRO C6500, the switch operation is not necessary.
When connecting to bizhub PRO 1050, the switch operation is necessary.
Option (product code) - dedicated to bizhub PRO 1050
FS-503 [15AA (all)]
FD-501 [15AH (North America), 15AJ (Europe)]
SD-501 [15AN (all)]
LS-501 [15AV (all)]
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
PB-501 [A075010 (North America), A0750Y0 (Europe, Asia Pacific)]
IMPORTANT : The bizhub PRO C6500 cannot be connected.
Option installation procedure (summary) :
1. Switch the dipswitch (toggle) according to the main body model (need to change the wiring only for PB-501).
2. Connect the option to the main body.
3. Rewrite the firmware by ISW.
Note : Fordetails,refer tothe Installation Manualattached to the product.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan).
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
How to change the Page Size in Adobe® InDesign® in Macintosh® OSX 10.5.
To change the Page Size in Adobe® InDesign® in Macintosh® OSX 10.5:
1. With the document open, select File.
2. Select Print.
3. On the General tab select the printer from the list.
4. On the Setup tab select the desired page size.
5. Select Print to print the job.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant and Mark D'Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
How to change the Page Size in Adobe® Acrobat® in Macintosh® OSX 10.5.
To change the Page Size in Adobe® Acrobat® in Macintosh® OSX 10.5:
1. With the document open, select File.
2. Select Page Setup.
3. Format For: Select the printer from the list.
4.Page Size:Select the desired page size.
5. SelectOK.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Replacing a color write unit and necessary adjustments.
There are multiple adjustments that need to be performedafter replacing a color write unit. Please refer toattached documentation for the procedures.
IMPORTANT : Prior to performing these adjustments ensure that the Dust proof glass is clean (write unit).
FD-Mag. Adjustment (Printer Adjustment)
CD-Mag. Adjustment (Printer Adjustment)
LD bias adjustment (Drum Peculiarity Adj.)
Color Registration Adj. (Printer Adjustment)
Color Registration/Manual (Printer Adjustment)
Auto gamma adjustment (Drum Peculiarity Adj.)
Note : To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Why is there a 3-sheet limit when half folding paper on the FS-607?
The 3-sheet limit is due to the fact that if more than 3 sheets are foldedthere is a good probability the paper will not stay together and cause a jam in the
That is whyup to 20 sheets of paper can bestapled; the staples actingas abind for the pages.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
How to change theinitial screen to black from color.
To change the initial screen to black from color:
1. Press the Utility/Counter key.
2. Select Initial settings.
3. Select Copier initial settings.
4. Wait for the copier screen to appear then change the setting to = black.
5. PressOK then exit.
To not have the copier initial screen default back to Color if the "RESET" button is pressed perform the following:
1. Press the Utility/Counter key.
2. Select User Setting on the touchscreen.
3. Select System Setting on the touchscreen.
4. Select Reset Setting on the touchscreen.
5. Select Mode reset setting.
6: Select Reset Button function.
7: Set to "Initialize".
8. Press O.K.
9. Press Exit.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
How to change the Scan to E-Mail/Print via E-Mail ports.
The default ports are 25 for outgoing and 110 for incoming. To change ports:
1. Browse to the Fiery® TCP/IP address.
2. Select Web Tools.
3. Select Configure tab.
4. Select Launch Configure.
5. A new window will open, input the Administrator password when prompted.
6. From settings list on left side (gray background), select Network.
7. In Network settings options, select Services.
8. In Services settings options, select either E-mail or Print via E-mail.
9. In E-mail settings options on right side of window (white background) select E-mail Setup.
10. A new window will open with E-mail Server settings.
11. Change port numbers as needed.
12. Select Save, window closes.
13. In original Configure window, select Reboot from left side menu (gray background) to apply setting changes.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Are the developer supplies and the developing units interchangeable orcross-compatible between the bizhub PRO C6500 and the bizhub PRO C6501?
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
The developer supplies and the developing units are interchangeable/cross-compatible between the bizhub PRO C6500 and the bizhub PRO C6501. The
part numbers and item numbers are as follows.
Developing Unit Y, M, C (p/n A03U R706 00)
Developing Unit K (p/n A03U R707 00)
Black Developer DV610K (Item #A04P600)
Yellow Developer DV610Y (Item #A04P700)
Magenta Developer DV610M Item #A04P800)
Cyan Developer DV610C Item #A04P900)
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Text Thinning/Reversed Text Enhancement Setting.
Text Thinning/Reversed Text Enhancement Setting works on controller and engine at the same time. Please set carefully; refer tothe attached documents. To
view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan)
Solution ID
Solution Usage
ISO 15408 certification information.
TheMFPsare certified ISO 15408 EAL Level 3. Refer to the following for more detailed information concerning ISO 15408 as well as the attached Security
White Paper and Marketing Bulletin 09-GB-059.
1. ISO 15408 FAQ
2. Trusted Computing Base
3. ISO 15408-3
4. Common Criteria
Notes :
a. To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
b. Also, go to Konica Minolta's bizhub security page, , for more in-depth security information.
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Part number for the Konica Minolta logo 11x17 color test chart.
Konica Minolta logo 11x17 color test chart (p/n 4036 7941 01).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
How to archive a file from a MicroPress® 7/7.5/8 system.
To archive a file from a MicroPress® 7/7.5/8 system, perform the following:
1. From MicroPress®, highlight the file that is to be archived.
2. From the MicroPress® toolbar, press the Archive button. This will bring up a dialog box which prompts for a destination to save the file.
3. Select a location to save the file and select OK. The file will then be saved with an MSM extension. This is the archive format used by MicroPress®. The file
is then portable and can be "unarchived" on the same or another system. Job settings will be saved with the file.
Note : Archiving is the method thatSSD requires if a file needs to be submitted for testing.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Part numbers for the write units.
Black write unit(p/n A0U0 R707 00) andcolor write unit(p/n A0U0 R708 00).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
How to change the default scan settings.
To change the default scan settings, perform the following:
1. Press Utility/Counter.
2. Select User Setting.
3. Select Initial Setting.
4. Select Scan Initial Setting.
5. Make the desired settings.
6. Select OK.
7. Select Close.
8. Select System Setting.
9. Select Reset Setting.
10. Select Mode Reset Setting.
11. For Reset Button Function select Initialize.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by David Aekus and Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Item number for the 100K PM kit.
When ordering 100K PM kits, be aware that, due to a change in the Charging Corona for the new models, 100K PM kits are NOT cross-compatible between
the bizhub PRO C6500 and bizhub PRO C6501 series.
The bizhub PRO C6500 series 100K PM kit (Item #DC65PM100) is for the bizhub PRO C6500, C6500P and C5500 ONLY.
The bizhub PRO C6501 series 100K PM kit (Item #DC651PM100) is for the bizhub PRO C6501, C6501P and C5501 ONLY.
Note : Please refer to attached marketing Bulletin 08-GB-084 and other 2 documents for details.
-To viewa PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
-To view theExcel document, Microsoft® Excel® or Excel® Viewer must be installed. Excel® Viewer 2003 (9.9MB) can be obtained free from Microsoft® at
the following URL; .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Is the Fusing Belt included in the 200K PM kit?
The Fusing Belt (p/n A03U 7205 01) is not included in a 200K PM kit. It is replaced according to the Maintenance 2 schedule (every 400,000 copies/prints on
the bizhub PRO C6500 and every 300,000 copies/prints on the bizhub PRO C5500) and must be ordered separately.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to set the machine to default to black for copy mode.
To set the machine to default to black for copy mode, perform the following:
1. Press the Utility Button.
2. Select User Setting.
3. Select Initial Setting.
4. Select Copier Initial Setting.
5. For Color mode select Black.
6. Make any other desired initial settings.
7. Select OK.
8. Select Close.
9. Select System Setting.
10. Select Reset Setting.
11. Set Mode Reset Setting to Initialize.
12. Exit User mode.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
What is the default user name and password for the IC-301 or IC-304 Microsoft® Windows XP logon screen?
The default user name is "Operator" and the password is "colorserver".
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Unable to burn the IC-303 system code and user ISO files from the Konica Minolta Download Selector onto a CD.
CAUSE: The system code and User files now come on DVD media.
SOLUTION:Thesystem and user ISO files were createdfrom the original DVD media that ships with the IC-303. A DVD burner, DVD media and anapplication
that supports both will be required to burn these ISO files.
Solution ID
Solution Usage
ENERGY STAR compliance.
The ENERGY STAR Program has been established to encourage the widespread and voluntary use of energy efficient technologies that reduce energy
consumption and prevent pollution. As an ENERGY STAR Partner, Konica Minolta has determined that this product meets the ENERGY STAR guidelines for
energy efficiency, based on the following features.
Auto Low Power -This function conserves energy by lowering the set temperature of the fixing unit. In the standard setting, Auto Low Power operates
automatically when 15 minutes have elapsed after completion of the last copy, with theMFP remaining in the ready to copy state during that time. The time
period for the Auto Low Power function can be set for 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 60 minutes, 90 minutes, 120 minutes, or 240 minutes.
Automatic Shut-Off -This function achieves further energy conservation by partially turning the power supply OFF, thereby reducing energy consumption to
7.9W or less. In the standard setting, Automatic Shut-Off follows Auto Low Power, operating automatically when 90 minutes have elapsed after completion of
the last copy, with theMFP remaining in the ready to copy state during that time. The time period for the Automatic Shut-Off function can be set for 30 minutes,
60 minutes, 90 minutes, 120 minutes or 240 minutes.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Operating environment.
The environmental requirements for correct operation of the bizhub PRO C6500/C5500 series are as follows:
Minimum Environmental Requirements
Optimal Environment
10 to 30°C (50 to 86°F)
18 to 23°C (64.4 to 73.4°F)
10 to 80% RH
40 to 60% RH
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ian Lynch and Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to set the bizhub PRO C6500 main body NIC TCP/IP address.
To set the bizhub PRO C6500main body NIC TCP/IP address, perform the following:
1. Select Utility/Counter.
2. Select Machine Admin. Setting.
3. Select Network Setting.
4. Select Machine NIC Setting.
5. Enter the desired TCP/IP address, Subnet mask and Default Gateway.
6. Exit the Machine Admin. Mode.
7. Power OFF/ON the machine.
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to program the low power mode activation time.
To program the low power mode activation time, perform the following:
1. Press the Utility/Counter key.
2. Touch [03 Machine Admin. Setting] on the touchscreen.
3. Enter the Administrator password (default password is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8).
4. Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
5. Touch [01 System Setting] on the touchscreen.
6. Touch [01 Power Save Setting] on the touchscreen.
7. Touch [Auto Low Power] on the touchscreen.
8. Scroll to the desired time for entry into the low power mode using the up/down key on the touchscreen. The selectable times are displayed on the
touchscreen with a minimum setting of 5 minutes and a maximum setting of 240 minutes.
9. Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
10. Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to enable CE Authentication.
To enable CE Authentication, perform the following:
1. Enter Service mode.
2. Press Stop, 0, C.
3. Select CE Authentication.
4. Select ON.
5. To change the CE password from the default setting select CE Auth Password.
6. Enter the current password (the default password is 92729272).
7. Enter the new password.
8. Confirm the new password.
9. Exit Service mode.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to program the setup date.
To program the setup date, perform the following:
1. Press the Utility/Counter key.
2. Press Stop-0-0-Stop-0-1.
3. Touch [03 System Setting] on the touchscreen.
4. Touch [04 Setup Date Input] on the touchscreen.
5. Input the month using the numeric keypad located on the operation panel or touchscreen, and then press [Set] on the touchscreen.
6. Input the day using the numeric keypad located on the operation panel or touchscreen, and then press [Set] on the touchscreen.
7. Input the year using the numeric keypad located on the operation panel or touchscreen, and then press [Set] on the touchscreen.
8. Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
9. Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
10. Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to perform the Writing Initial Position Memory adjustment.
WARNING : DO NOT PERFORM . This adjustment cannot be performed in the Field. Machine setting may be adversely affected if it is performed.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Itemnumber for the optional hard drive (HD-506).
The HD-506 is actually a kit (Item# A03Y0Y0)that includes (4x40GB) hard drives
(1 per color channel) mounted to a single board.This makes a total of 160GB of hard drive space. The drives are formatted (FAT32) and contain pre-loaded
stamps and watermarks with plenty of room for user overlays.HD-506 is required for booklet pagination processing of copy jobs.It is not utilized for printing
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike Galletta, Workgroup/SSD and Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Can the RU-504 be substituted for the RU-503?
The RU-504 can be substituted for the RU-503. The RU-504 has an additional power supply to power the FS-503; the RU units are otherwise identical. There
are no dipswitch settings or special firmware needed.
IMPORTANT ADDENDUM : The RU-504 has been changed for future model support. Included in this change is an extra connector.
WARNING : Ifaperipheral is connected to this connector it will severely damage the bizhub PRO C6500 .
When installing a peripheral on an RU-504 connected toa bizhub PROC6500, be certain that the correct connector is used (use only the REAR connector
with the BLUE wires). Refer to attached Bulletin Number 6541 for the proper connection.
Also, pleasesee the attached list of boardsto bereplaced (if a peripheral was connected to the wrong connector). To viewa PDF, Adobe Reader® must be
installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Is the PB-501 available for use with the bizhub PRO C6500/C6500P?
PB-501 Perfect Binder is available for the bizhub PRO C6500/C6500P (Item #A075011).
IMPORTANT :The PB-501 for the bizhub PRO 1050e/1050eP (Item #A075010) is NOT compatible with the C6500/C6500P. However, the same GC-501
glue chips (Item #A0800Y0) are used for both versions. Please refer to attached documentation for additional detail.
To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to Secure Print.
To secure print, perform the following:
1. From the print driver properties, select the Job Info tab.
2. In the Secure Print dialog box, enter the desired alpha-numeric password.
3. Make any additional driver settings and print the document.
4. At the engine LCD screen, select Controller.
5. Select Job List.
6. Select Secure Print.
7. Select the Secure Print Password dialog box.
8. Enter the alpha-numeric password entered in the print driver.
9. Select the job to be printed.
10. Select Print.
Note : The Secure Print job will not appear in the job log or be viewable from Command WorkStation™.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to check the machine humidity and temperature values.
To check the machine humidity and temperature values, perform the following:
1. Enter Service mode.
2. Select [PROCESS].
4. Select [HUMIDITY/TEMP].
5. Select [START].
6. Select [STOP].
7. Exit Service mode.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to print out the USE MANAGEMENT list.
To print out the Use Management List, perform the following:
1. Press the Utility/Counter key.
2. Select #3 Machine Admin. Setting.
3. Select #1 System Setting.
4. Select #6 List/Count.
5. Select Use Management List.
6. Select the upper left COPY; this will bringup a basic copy screen.
7.Press the Start button; this should print out the Use Management List.
8. Exit by pressing the upper right UTILITY followed by Return and then Exit.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham and David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Characters are printed compressed together in an Advanced Function Presentation™ Data Stream (AFPDS) jobfromthe AS/400®.
CAUSE:Some documents are designed in a way that Host Print Transform (HPT) finds it difficult to transform. IBM has recognized this and has provided a
SOLUTION:A new DataStream type has been created forWSCST (WorkStation Customization tables)that instructs HPT to create an image of the page
instead of transformingit character-by-character.Using this method, spacing is maintained throughout the document.
Note : Attached is a general use WSCST where the tray calls are set to ATS.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Paul Santangelo, ESS/SSD and Mark D'Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to clear the machine jam counter.
To clear the machine jam counter, perform the following:
1. Enter Service mode.
2. Select [Counter Data].
3. Select [Data Collection].
4. Select [Paper Jam Sectional Counter].
5. Select [Count Reset].
6. Select [Yes].
7. Exit the Service mode.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Is the offset feature available with the LS-501 or LS-502?
The offset feature is only supported with the FS-503 finisher. The LS-501 and the LS-502 do not support the offset feature.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution byEd Bellone/Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to bypass an external key counter for printing.
To bypass an external key counter for printing, perform the following:
1. Enter Service Mode.
2. Press Stop and then 9.
3. Press Management Function.
4. Press NOT OBJECT for the printer.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone/Jim Behrends/Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
C-1321 code at start up.
CAUSE: The RU Control Board has failed.
SOLUTION: Replace the RU Control Board (p/n A045 H010 00).
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to enable the Service Port for mouse and keyboard support.
To enable the Service Port for mouse and keyboard support, perform the following:
1. The "Service Port Device" must be set to [ON] in the settings menu mode of the:
[02] User Setting
[01] System Setting
[12] Service Port Device
2. Set Service Port Device = ON, Keyboard Type = EN65 and click OK.
Note : Please refer to the attached document for additional detail. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded
for free from the Adobe® web site at:
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Printing to a printer on a Microsoft® Windows XP PC from a Macintosh® OS version 10.3.
Please perfrom the step-by-step procedures mentioned in the attached PDF.
Note : To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at:
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Miscellaneous .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez and Mark D'Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
MSDS information for drum, developer and toner.
Attached are the Material Safety Data Sheets for the bizhub PRO C5500/C5501/C6500/C6500P/C6500P/C6501/C6501P drum, developer and toner.
Notes :
1. To open the ZIP file, WinZip® should be installed. WinZip® can be downloaded from the WinZip® website: . The
file can either be saved to disk or opened. It is recommended to download the ZIP and open from the local computer to view or run.
2. To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
3. The MSDS documentation is also available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from the the KMBS public site ( ) Support & Drivers tab or from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers,
Firmware and more'.
Solution ID
Solution Usage
SD-501, trimmer lubrication.
Periodic lubrication of the SD-501 trimmer has been added to the maintenance requirements for all units to maintain performance and reduce wear. The
recommended lubricant is Molykote® EM-30L grease (p/n 00GR00220). Some points are lubricated every 4,000,000 prints; others every 8,000,000 prints.
Refer to attached Bulletin Number 6199 for complete details, including the parts to be lubricated and a detailed schedule.
Note : To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE: Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan) and Ed Bellone/Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Is the IC-408 controller supported with the bizhub PRO C6500P?
The IC-408 is not supported with the bizhub PRO C6500P.
SPECIAL NOTE :Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to set default paper weight for printing.
The sequence to set default paper is:
Machine control Panel=> Utility/Counter=> Sytem Setting=> Feed Tray Setting=> Auto Paper Type:
In "Auto Paper Type"set which types of paperto be used when paper selection in Driver or Command Work Station is set to Auto.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Select multiple paper types (Plain, High Quality, Several Gloss....) and weights ranges to be used. Set the unit of measurement (this pertains to the paper
weight), such as G/M2, Bond, Index, Cover, or Kg.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to enable the Service Port for mouse and keyboard.
To enable the Service Port for mouse and keyboard:
1. The "Service Port Device" must be set to [On] in the settings menu mode of the [02] User Setting =>[01] System Setting =>[12] Service Port Device.
2. Set Service Port Device = ON, Keyboard Type = EN65 and click OK.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Is the PB-501 for the bizhub PRO 1050e/1050eP compatible with the bizhub PRO C6500/C6500P?
The PB-501 for the bizhub PRO 1050e/1050eP (Item # A075010) is not compatible with the bizhub PRO C6500/6500P (Item # A075011). However, the
same GC-501 glue chips (Item # A0800Y0) are used for both versions.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Does the Creo IC-304 support the PB-501?
The Creo IC-304 will not support the attachment of the PB-501 until the release IC-304 version 2.0 which is tentatively dueJune of 2008. Version 2.0 will
support the following configurations of the PB-501:
PB-501 FD-501 + PB-501 SD-501 + PB-501 LS-501 + PB-501 FD-501 + SD-501 + PB-501 SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ian Lynch,
Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Does the IC-408 support the attachment of a PB-501?
The IC-408 does not support the attachment of a PB-501 and there are no plans to support this configuration.Please refer to attached documentation for
To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ian Lynch and Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Lead Edge Erase Adjustment (Printer Adjustment), test pattern No. 16 is not printed and the original on the platen glass is copied.
CAUSE: The main body operation is normal. The description in the Service Manual is incorrect.
SOLUTION: The description in the Service Manual will be corrected at the next revision. (scheduledfor June 2008). The purpose of this adjustment is to
erase the lead edge when scanning. For the adjustment, usean original to check the erasure amount.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan).
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
M61, M62 and M63 are listed in the Service Manual,but not in the Parts Catalog.
These exit cooling fans will be made available in the very near future and the part number will beinParts ordering in the next few days.
Note :Withinthe next month or two, if the fans are needed for an emergency repair,order them as an emergency order, overnight delivery, and the parts will
be pulled from a new machine to fill the order.
Exit cooling fans FM61, FM62 and FM63 have the same part number (p/n A03UM15800).
Please see attachment below for fan location.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Don St. Onge, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
PF-601, what is the part number for the Pickup Assembly Weight Plates?
There are no weight plates manufactured for installation on the PF-601.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Can a punch unit be installed in the FS-503?
There is no punch unit that can be installed in the FS-503. The FS-503 must be configured in conjunction with an FD-501 to add the punching feature.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Approved labels.
Avery© 5160 labels listedon the attached Media Guide pages are approved. The labels can be run through the PF-601 or the LU-202 only.
Note : To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
IsMagneCote® paper or magnetic backed paper supported?
MagneCote® paperor magnetic backed paper is not supported.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Marge McLea, ProductionCustomer Support/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Part number for the fixing upper unit.
Fixing Upper Unit (p/n A03U R755 00).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Solution Usage
SD-501, part number for the trimmer pressing plate/C.
Pressing plate/C in the SD-501 trimmer unit is the black plastic piece that the trimmer press presses the book against for trimming. The part is not shown in
the SD-501 parts guide. Pressing plate/C (p/n 15ANPA1100).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Bob Moeller and Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Unique parts forthe Saddle Stitch Booklet Maker (SD-501).
Parts number information forthe Saddle Stitch Booklet Maker (SD-501)is provided in theattached Parts Modification document. To view the PDF, Adobe
Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Can the developing unitsbe swapped for troubleshooting purposes?
The developing units can be swapped to troubleshoot error codes related to them. For example, the error code C-2803 is displayed, indicating the Cyan unit
has a failure. You may swap the suspected problem developing unit with the another developing unit (tape up the developer toner entrance hole) and power
on the machine. If the problem follows the developing unit and a different service code is indicated, then you have verified thatthe Cyan developing unit is at
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike Galletta, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Part number for the 1st transfer pressure/release motor (M19).
The 1st transfer pressure/release motor (M19) is listed as a paper feed motor in the parts catalog (p/n 08AA 8003 0).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Updates to bizhub PRO C6500/6500P/5500 Service Manual.
Updates to bizhub PRO C6500/6500P/5500 Service Manual. For details, please refer to the attached document. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be
installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan).
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
How to find/display the MAC address in a Macintosh® OS X environment (versions 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5).
Please perform the procedures mentioned in the attached documentation. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be
downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to check Java version on a Macintosh® OS 10.X.
To check Java version on a Macintosh® OS 10.X:
Open a Finder window=> select the base HD=> select Applications=> select Utilities=> select Java.All installed versions of Java will be listed.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Is the drum potential sensor output check available in I/O Check Mode?
The drum potential sensor output check is not available in I/O Check Mode on the bizhub PRO C5500/C6500. The drum potential sensor output check can
be accessed by:
Accessing Service Mode.
Selecting [02 Process Adjustment] on the touchscreen.
Selecting [03 Sensor Output Check] on the touchscreen.
Selecting [05 Drum Surface Potential] on the touchscreen.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Serial number and meter reading location.
Serial Number : Located inside Left Side Door on left frame UPC label.
Meter: Mechanical Counter located inside Left Side Door above power switch. Left meter is total count, right meter is blank count.
Software Counter and Serial number may be viewed by pressing Utility/Counter on the operation panel
Note : Please see attachment.
SPECIAL NOTE: Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Are version 2 ICC profiles from 1.0a system code patch 1-UP600 included in 1.1 code?
The version 2 ICC profiles contained in patch 1-UP600 for version 1.0a (for example Fiery® 65C-KM Coated G v2.icc) are included in the software for newly
ordered Fiery® systems but not included in the downloaded or ordered system code update software. To obtain these profiles, install the attached 1-VNT51
patch.The patch is alsoavailable via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on
'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Can the IKON versionmachine be converted to the Konica Minolta version?
Due to differences of the machines, this is not possible. Among the many other differences, the IKON version will not accept a Konica Minolta firmware flash
and the Konica Minolta version will not accept an IKON flash. Please do not attempt a conversion of the machine.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gary Scimeca, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
What is the minimum clearance specification from the back of the machine to the wall?
Page 2 of the Specification and Installation Guidefor the bizhub PRO C6500liststhe minimum clearance from the rearmost part of the machine to the wallto
be at least 11.5" or 293mm.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to perform the FD-501 tri-fold adjustment.
To locatethe tri-fold adjustment, perform the following:
Press the Utility button.
Enter Admin mode.
Enter System settings.
Select Expert adjustment.
Select Finisher adjustments.
Select Multifolder.
Select Tri-fold.
Select the paper size to adjust.
Note : The adjustment changes the fold position in .1mm increments.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
If placemats are printed, is it safe to eat food that has touched the fused toner on the placemat?
KMBT toners are not certified as "food grade" under US FDA regulations. As such, the use of KMBS products for the printing of placemats that will come into
contact with food is not recommended.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Part number for the wiring from the Toner Control Sensors (TCR) to the printer control board (PRCB).
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
This hard-to-find wiring part can be found on page 88 of the Field Service Parts Manual, Process Detection Wiring /2 (p/n A03U N111 02).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
DipSW 10-6 information.
1. From bizhub PRO C6500/C6500P firmware version 30 and bizhub PRO C5500 firmware version 12, DipSW 10-6 has beenestablished. Depending on this
DipSW setting, the count increment value of Large size count on the 2nd page of the Management list may differ from the earlier version firmware.
2. Operation of DipSW 10-6:
Affecting Copy/print corresponding to DipSW 4-6, 4-7 = 1
Changing only the increment value of Large size count. For the details of the operation, please refer to the attached file.
3. CAUTION : If one or both of DipSW 4-6 and DipSW 4-7 is/are set to 1 (Increment 2 counts for large size), the increment value of Large size count on the
2nd page of the Management list may change between before or after installing the version 30/version 12 firmware. In that case, please refer to the attached
file and setDipSW 10-6 properly.
Note : To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan).
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Enhancement of color stability.
Please refer to the attached Parts Modification Notices for details. To viewa PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for
free from the Adobe® web site at: .
Solution ID
Solution Usage
What is the average toner yield for black and CMY?
Based on 5% fill the average yield for black is 35,000 8.5x11 single sided copies. For Cyan, Magentaand Yellow, based on a 5% fill, the average yield is 24K
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Version 40 firmware information.
The firmware is available for download via the SSD support site;
1. Login in via
2. Select the "Service" link located on the top of the page.
3. Select the "SSD" link located on the left.
4. Select the "SSD Home Page" link located in the middle of the page.
5. Select the "Download MSDS,Drivers,Firmware and more" link located on the left.
Note : Please refer to attached Release Notes prior to firmware update. To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be
downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Clinton Marquardt, ESS/BES
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Solution Usage
What components are referred to as Lock Lever 1 and 2 in the Service Manual?
The attached document contains information from the Parts Manual and provides the location of Lock Lever 1 and 2. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must
be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gary Scimeca, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
EFI MicroPress® version update and connectivity options.
Whether installed from the factory on new MicroPress® Servers, or installed as an update on existing MicroPress® Servers, version system software
can now drive the following:
MicroPress Prodigy for the bizhub PRO C6500/C6500P/C5500
Connectivity Kit for the bizhub PRO C6500/C6500P/C5500 for the MicroPress® Professional and Production Servers
Additional finishing support for the bizhub PRO 1050e/1050eP
For more details concerning connectivity options please refer to the attached Marketing Bulletin #08-GB-035. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be
installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Is the Dehumidifier/Heater (HT-504) standard or an option for the PF-601?
The Dehumidifier/Heater, HT-504 (Item#A0410Y1) is an option for the PF-601.This option is highly recommended for customers who plan to run coated
stocks and/or operate in humid environments.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
What is the acoustic noise level (decibel level) for the bizhub PRO C6500?
The acoustic noise level (decibel level) of the bizhub PRO C6500 is:
Machine Mode
Decibel Level
58.4db (A)
Copy (running)
77.1db (A)
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Is the fuser belt impregnated with fuser oil?
The fuser drive belt is not impregnated with fuser oil of any type.The toner contains wax particles which provide the necessary lubrication for the copy
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
IC-304 User Guide.
Please refer to the attached IC-304 User Guide (4.84MB). To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free
from the Adobe® web site at: .
Some of the topics addressed in the User Guide:
Printing a Job from a Client Workstation
EZ Connect
Remote Workspace
Creo Color Server Job Ticket Software
Web Center
Basic Workflows
Managing Jobs
Color Workflow
VI Workflow
System Administration
Setting Parameters
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Which traysare available with Air Assist?
Air Assist - Tray 4 and Tray 5 of Paper Feeder Unit, PF-601, only.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Marge McLea, Production Customer Support/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to register paper on the printer.
To register paper on the printer, perform the following:
02 User Settings.
01 System Settings.
03 Feed Tray Setting.
01 Paper Setting.
Touch an empty line registration number of modify a paper setting if desired.
Touch Add/Edit.
Select Paper Type.
Select desired paper type.
Touch Name.
Enter Name.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Select Weight.
Select Change unit if you with to change unit of measurement of paper.
You can adjust position of front and back if desired.
Touch process adjustment.
Adjust the speed of desired.
Select punched paper if desired.
Specify color paper.
Specify Air Assist (Auto will automatically come on when coated paper 81-100gm or higher is used.
Select paper size.
Touch OK.
Close the paper settings.
Note : See attached file for more information. To view the PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the
Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Marge McLea, Production Customer Support/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Fixing temperature specifications.
Konica Minoltaconsiders the exact fixing temperature specifications proprietary information and not for public release.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
What is the size counted for Infinite1 to Infinite5 and Longpaper on the Machine Management List?
The size counted as Infinite1 to Infinite5 and Longpaper can be switched byDIP switch8-7. The function has been includedsince firmware30.0 (version
DIPSW 8-7= 0
Infinite1: 196mm or less
Infinite2: 250mm or less
Infinite3: 330mm or less
Infinite4: 390mm or less
Infinite5: 456mm or less
Longpaper: 457mm or greater
DIPSW 8-7=1
Infinite1: 196mm or less
Infinite2: 490mm or less
Infinite3: 700mm or less
Infinite4: 900mm or less
Infinite5: Over 900mm
Factory default :
DIPSW 8-7= 0
Note : The custom size for DIPSW 8-7=1 setting is Japanese specification only.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan).
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to obtain the main body MAC address.
The main body MAC can be obtained by PINGing the main body NIC, After thePING completes, type in ARP-A in the command prompt and hit enter, this will
list the TCP/IP addresses on the subnet and their MAC address. Locate the main body NICTCP/IP address in list.
Note :To get the main body NICTCP/IP, go to "Utility" => "Machine admin" => "Network setting" => "Machine NIC".
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Information concerning the 100K PM kit and 200K PM kit.
Please be aware of thechangesto PM kits.
Whereas the bizhub PRO C6500/C5500 200K PM kit included all components in the 100K PM kit, this is NOT the case with the PM kits for the bizhub PRO
C6501/C5501.The 200K PM kit (Item #DC651PM200), PM kit-A(Item #DC56X001) and PM kit-B (Item #DC65X002) DO NOT include any 100K PM
components, therefore, a new 100K PM Kit (Item #DC651PM100) should be ordered for each and every bizhub PRO C6501/C6501P/C5501 PM.For example,
a 200K PM would require both a 200K PM Kit and a 100K PM Kit.
When ordering 100K PM kits, be aware that, due to a change in the Charging Corona for the new models, 100K PM kits are NOT cross-compatible between
the bizhub PRO C6500 and bizhub PRO C6501 series.
The bizhub PRO C6500 series 100K PM kit (Item #DC65PM100) is for the bizhub PRO C6500, C6500P and C5500 ONLY.
The bizhub PRO C6501 series 100K PM kit (Item #DC651PM100) is for the bizhub PRO C6501, C6501P and C5501 ONLY.
Note : Please refer to attached marketing Bulletin 08-GB-084 and other 2 documents for details.
-To viewa PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
-To view theExcel document, Microsoft® Excel® or Excel® Viewer must be installed. Excel® Viewer 2003 (9.9MB) can be obtained free from Microsoft® at
the following URL; .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Guide Plate Assembly (Conveyance Guide Plate/J) part number.
Attachment Guide Plate Assembly (Conveyance Guide Plate/J)- lower portion only (p/n 15AG46411E) and thecomplete plate assembly (p/n 15AG1130).
Note : Please see attachment for Guide Plate location. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free
from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Can output permission for public user be restricted to Black & White only?
The bizhub PRO C6500/C5500 series cannot be set to restrict the output of public users to Color or Black & White. The available option is to either allow
full access or restrict all access.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to set the Toner Refresh Interval rate.
To set the Toner Refresh Interval, pleaseperform the following:
1. Enter Service mode and select #2 Process Adjustment.
2. Select #5 Interval/Quantity Adj.
3. Select # 2 Auto Refresh Interval.
4. Set Execution to ON and then set the Execution Frequency for the interval desired.
Small = 1000 prints
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Middle = 500 prints
Large = 330 prints
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Can the bizhub PRO C6500 be configured with a LS-502?
The bizhub PRO C6500 does not support being configured with an LS-502.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
In some cases, the SD-501trimmer does not function correctly, even after replacing the roller guide as described inBulletin #6360.
CAUTION: Before proceeding with any of these adjustments, follow the steps in Bulletin #6360.
Three (3) adjustments to resolve trimming problems
Adjustments mayincludescrews which are described in the Service Manual as not to be replaced.
Before attempting, please understand that these adjustments mayrequires a lot of skill.
Reasons foradjustments
a. Many reported SD-501 problems can be resolved by performing these adjustments.
b. Thematerial of the trimming board (p/n 15AN52821E) has changed.
These adjustments must be applied if the trimming boarddiffers between the before and after replacement.
Pay attention to the following before making each adjustment:
a. Check the symptom very carefully.
b. Specific tools (not necessary for usual service activity)are necessary for some adjustments.
c. WARNING : Some adjustments may involve risk. Be very careful with operating environment.
1. Blade cut-in amount adjustment
This adjustment is effective for the following cases:
a. Sheets are not trimmed properly.
b. Burr mark of the trimming board is on sheet.
c. Trimming board is cracked with trimming operation.
CAUTION : If this adjustment is not performed properly, trimming board and trimming unit may get damaged.Therefore, pleasecomprehend the procedure
before performing this adjustment.
For the details, see Document 1 of the attached Excel® file.
2. Trimming unit stopper adjustment
This adjustment is effective for the following cases:
a. Sheets are not trimmed properly.
b. Burr mark of the trimming board is on sheet.
c. Trimming board is cracked with trimming operation.
d. The material of the trimming board differs between before and after replacement.
CAUTION : If this adjustment is not performed properly, trimming board and trimming unit may get damaged.Therefore, pleasecomprehend the procedure
before performing this adjustment.
For the details, see Document 2 of the attached Excel® file.
3. Trimming board shifting amount adjustment
This adjustment is effective for the following cases:
a. Trimming amount is not constant.
b. The material of the trimming board differs between before and after replacement.
Other than this adjustment, there is the countermeasure to stabilize the trimming board shifting amount on the paper adjustment unit (p/n 15AN50923H).
For the details, see Document 3 of the attached Excel® file. To view the attached document, Microsoft® Excel® or Excel® Viewer must be installed. Excel®
Viewer 2003 (74.1MB) can be obtained free from Microsoft® at the following URL: .
Note: To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at:
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan).
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Can the Pixel Ratio data be used to determine the toner usage or coverage?
The pixel ratio data cannot be used to determine the toner usage or coverage.
The pixel ratio data reported on the list is simply referential data and it is not designed for accounting purpose.The intentedpurpose of this data is to check
rough machine usage conditions (low coverage or high coverage). Therefore,KMBS does not recommendusing the pixel ratio data for accounting purpose.
The pixel ratio is calculated from the actualarea written bythe write unitand the total paper area, based on A4 size.
The calculation formula is as follows: Pixel ratio =actually written area for the period / total paper area for the period (# of sheets x A4 area).
The total paper area in the above formula, however, is always calculated using A4 sizem regardless of the actualpaper size used. (One sheet of legal, letter,
A3,or A5 paper is counted as 1 sheet of A4.) The calculationis not affected by any machine setting or market destination. The pixel ratio for an A3
whole-area-solid image is calculated as 200%. If a customer prints many A3 whole-area-solids, the pixel ratio exceeds 100%.
In addition,the pixel ratio datadoes not reflect the actual amount of toner attachedper dot.
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Where are the ICC color profiles stored on a Macintosh OS X system?
Color Profiles are stored in the Libraries ? Colorsync ? Profiles folder.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to install “Print Services for UNIX” on a Microsoft® Windows 2000 computer.
To install “Print Services for UNIX” on a Microsoft® Windows 2000 computer:
1. Open the Start => Settings => Network and Dial-up Connections dialogue.
2. In this window, click on the “Add Network Components” link.
3. With your Microsoft® Windows 2000 installation CD in the drive, checkmark “Other Network File and Print Services;” Next.
4. The “Print Services for UNIX” should then install. You will now be able to set up an LPR connection to your Fiery® controller.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Macintosh® OS 10.5 driver availability. No driversappear to belisted in the KMBS Download Selector.
CAUSE: Macintosh® OS 10.5 drivers are available with system code 2.0.
SOLUTION: Update system code and user software to version 2.0. The latest version of firmware, system software or print drivers is available via the Konica
Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
RU-503/RU-504, prevention of static build-up.
Modified parts are available to prevent static build-up. Please refer to attached Bulletin Number 6657 for the details. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must
be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to remove the SD-501 Bundle Press.
The attached documentation provides detailed description of the Bundle Press removal process.
Note :To view the attached document, Microsoft® Excel® or Excel® Viewer must be installed. Excel® Viewer 2003 (9.9MB) can be obtained free from
Microsoft® at the following URL; .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
SD-501 Up-Down Conveyance Section removal procedure.
The attached documentation provides detailed description of theSD-501 Up-Down Conveyance section removal.
Note :To view the attached document, Microsoft® Excel® or Excel® Viewer must be installed. Excel® Viewer 2003 (9.9MB) can be obtained free from
Microsoft® at the following URL; .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to change the Electronic Meter Count (utility button) to display in size versus color for the Classified Copy Count by Paper Size.
The count indicated at the left side of the utility screen can be switched as follows:
DipSW 14-1 = 1: Enabled - Displays the electronic meter count (Utility button) to Sizes of paper
DipSW 14-1 = 0: Disabled (default) - Displays the electronic meter count (Utility Button) to Colors of paper.
Note : The same information is added to the Counter List and Management List.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
LS-501/LS-502, interchangeability of Built-In Trolley and spare parts information.
An additional Trolley can be ordered for use in the LS-501/LS-502. Take care to note interchangeability of the old and new styles.See attached Bulletin
Number 5861 for details. To viewthw PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
FD-501, what is the supported paper weight for folding?
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
The supported paper weight for folding is 50gsm to 130gsm.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
What to do when a customer or technician callsrequesting information about a leased printer or MFP.
Pleaserefer them to 877-451-1731.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBS - Mobile, AL
Solution ID
Solution Usage
What is the FS-607 exit tray capacity for 163-209 GSM, 12x18 paper?
The FS-607 exit tray capacity is 2500 sheets of 22lb 8.5x11 paper or 1500 sheets of 22lb. 12x18.
The machine uses the paper weight and paper size information to establish the maximum capacity of the exit tray. There is no breakdown available for all
paper weights.
Please refer to the attached machine specificationstaken fromthe Service Manual for more information.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Isthe fuser interchangeable?
The fuser (p/n A03U R791 11)is interchangeablebetween models.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Why job quantity does not count down when printing.
This is normal operation for this model. The remaining quantity of a job can be viewed from Fiery® Command WorkStation™.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
FS-607, how to use hole punch on tab paper.
Hole punch on tab paper cannot be accomplished. This is normal operation of the machine and aspecification for the FS-607.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
What is the recommended MD5 checker?
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Therecommended MD5 checker is HkSFV (download attached file).
HkSFV uses CRC-32 and MD5 technology to validate the integrity of files that you have downloaded or moved through a potentially unstable medium (burnt
to CD, transferred over the Internet/LAN). HkSFV can verify your files in seconds and is compatible with Win-SFV and md5sum.
HkSFV is the simple, easy and most automatic application to create or check SFV and MD5 files.
What is an SFV?
An SFV file is a tiny list of files and CRCs, which allow you to check to see if the files you have downloaded are exactly what you are expecting. The CRC
algorithm used in SFV files allows you to see if the file you have has been changed, even a single byte, since the SFV file was created.
What is an MD5?
MD5 did not exist until somewhat recently, as md5sum is a popular UNIX format similar to SFV and UNIX does not use file extensions the way Microsoft®
Windows-based systems do. MD5 uses the md5 algorithm to computechecksums, rather than the CRC-32method used by SFV. The md5 algorithm is almost
as fast as CRC-32, but it is much more accurate at detecting changes in files.
Some key features of HkSFV:
Easy installation and automatic uninstallation (leaves no trace in the registry, even goes one step further than most programs and restores previous file
associations when you remove it)
One-click creation and checking of SFVs and MD5s
Flawless & smooth upgrading to new versions (simply install the new version)
Automatic association with SFV files, and an option to fix file association when other programs steal it
Handles SFV and MD5 files from any other program invisibly (including files created on *NIX)
Database/cache of previously checked files
Batch SFV and MD5 checking - queue up and check many SFVs and MD5s in one pass, specify a directory and check all the SFVs and MD5s in that
directory (including subdirectories, if you want)
Automatically find renamed files while checking SFV or MD5 files
Enqueue SFVs or MD5s during file verification
Recursive directory support during creation and verification
Supports creation of .bad and .missing files, or deleting failed files
Drag-and-drop SFV or MD5 file or directory to create/check SFV or MD5
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Drum Units, DU-102/DU-102B, changed toDU-102C.
Topreventdrum cleaning blade from flipping.
2.Item changedtoDU-102C (Item #A0400Y4).
3.The technical improvement from DU-102/DU-102B to DU-102C:
The drum surface status and the cleaning blade contacting angle have been changed. Details are as follows.
Surface of Drum (DU-102C uses the DU-102B rough surface)
DU-102 = Smooth
DU-102C/DU-102B = Rough
Cleaning blade contacting angle (DU-102C uses the DU-101 cleaning blade and holder to reduce the cleaning bladecontacting angle. DU-101 is installed on
bizhub C500/8050)
DU-102/DU-102B = Larger
DU-102C/DU-101 = Smaller
Note : DU-102C is packaged the same as DU-102B but with a green dot label on each box.DU-102C = DU-102B drum + DU-101 cleaning blade/holder.
Please see attached documentation for additional detail. To view the PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free
from the Adobe® web site at: .
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Are the bizhub PRO C5500/C6500 toner bottles compatible with the bizhub PRO C5501/C6501?
The bizhub PRO C5500/C6500 toner bottles are keyed differently and cannot be installed in the bizhub PRO C5501/C6501.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
IC-305 compatibility.
The IC-305 issupported with the bizhub PRO C6500/C6500P/C6501/C6501P/C65hc.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mark D'Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Paper feed/exit size and maximum image area.
Maximum imaging area of main body is 318mm x 480mm. Paper feed/exit size are different on each option.
Note :Please see attached files foradditional information. To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free
from the Adobe® web site at: .
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Part number for the FD-501/FD-503 Punch Guide Plate.
FD-501/FD-503 Punch Guide Plate/A (p/n 15AH 5004 0).
Note : Pleaserefer to attached Bulletin Number6822for details. To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for
free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Solution Usage
LS-501/LS-502, interchangeability of built-in trolley LC-501.
LS-501 and LS-502 have been changedto allow forcompatibility with the bizhub PROC6500.Accordingly, care must be takenwith interchangeability between
the current andmodified built-in trolleyand the LC-501.Please beaware of thecautions and the required actions.
Cautions about trolley interchangeability
1. It is not possible to use the current style trolley with a new version LS-501 (15AT/15AM/15AU).
In the new version LS-501, the tray shape is different for an additional tray sensor. To share the trolley between the current and new LS-501, install
themodified tray in the current style trolley.
LS-505 cannot be connectedwith anotherLS-505. Therefore, an old built-in trolley cannot beusedwith the LS-505.
2. It is not possible to install the paper holding leverto hold paper during trolley transport in the current style trolley.
To modify and install the lever, replacement of base part of trolley and handle part is required. Purchase of entire LC-501 (15HS) is recommended.
Following are the main changes (formore details, please see the attached files).
1. Addition of sensor to detect paper stack during tray lift-up operation.
2. Addition of paper holding lever to hold paper during trolley transport.
Notes :
a.The new version LS-501 (15AT, 15HL) is also applicable to bizhub PRO 1050.For the details, pleaserefer tothe Installation Manual.
b. To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan)
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Support for vCare/CSRC HTTP communication.
The bizhub PRO C6500P/C6501P/C65hc does support vCare HTTP communication via the engine NIC. Please refer to the attached documentation for
additional information. To view the PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Rick Veale, ESS
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Parts modification - change of torque limiter and pin.
A modified Torque limiter/A (p/n A03X 5656 00) and Pin B (p/n 56AA 1751 0) have been changed for the purpose of parts sharing (commonality). Please see
attached Parts Modification Notice for the associated item locations ineach Parts Manual. To view the PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe
Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
56AA 4041 1 - Torque limiter/A
56AA 1731 0 - Pin B
4024 2062 01 - Torque limiter/A (Di7210 and CF5001 only)
4594 2214 01 - Pin B (Di7210 and CF5001 only)
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Multifunctional Products and Printer support bizhub vCare and/or Total Counter Notification.
Download the following document, whichlists MFP and Printers compatible with vCare\CSRC (CS Remote Care) or Total Counter Notification in engine’s
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
administrator mode.
To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at:
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Original jam, no-feed, multi-feed, folding, tearing, skewing, curling
Solution Usage
DF-319/DF-603/DF-606/DF-609, pages are being scanned multiple times after jamming/misfeeding with accompanying"Reload originals" message. If a
jam/misfeed occurs, the machineindicates to reload originals. After originals have been reloaded and Start is pressed, the machine starts scanning again and
adds the reloaded pages to the document as well as the previously scanned pages.
CAUSE: Improper reloading of originals. If the machine misfeeds an original it will then indicate to reload originals, but if it jams past the feeder it will indicate
where the jammed sheets are and after jammed sheets are removed it will indicate how many originals need to be reloaded.
SOLUTION:If a misfeed occurs, the message to reload originals means to reseat the originals remaining in the feed tray, NOT add all the originals from
output tray back into feeder.If thedocument feederjams after the feeder it will indicate clear the indicated sheets, thento reload the number of originals that
have not yet been scanned.For example, if 3 sheets are indicated as jammed in thepaper pathand machine indicates to reload 2 originals. the first 2 sheets in
theDF paper pathstarting from just past the feed section should be reloaded and the third sheet (closest to output) should be set in the output tray as it has
already completed the scanning process and is stored in memory.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
DF-609, front-to-rear registration is off. Image shift in main scan direction. Printer internal test pattern #16and off platen glass registration is good.
CAUSE: DF-609 needs centering adjustment.
SOLUTION: Perform the attached ADF Centering adjustment, both Front and Back.
Note : To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
LS-501/LS-502, tray will not rise when MFP powered ON and SC76-34 is displayed.
1. Failed or out-of-position PS5 Grip Conveyance Home sensor.
TestPS5 in I/O 74-24 (home position = HIGH). Replace PS5 (p/n 13GA 8551 1) if necessary.
2. Failed Gripper Conveyance motor M4.
Test M4 in I/O 74-07/08 (grip conveyance motor). Replace M4 (p/n 15AV 8002 0) if necessary.
3. LS-502 has been isolated due to excessive jamming.
DIPSW 33-7=0 enables LS-502 (2nd).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Paper Conveyance jams, no-feed, folding, tearing, skewing, curling
Solution Usage
FS-607, incorrect alignment or jamming when stapling.
1.Excessive static build-up in the Staple/Folding section.
Remove Teflon guides .
2. The rear mylar (p/n 15AA 4334 0) is caught behind the stapler rear guide plate (p/n 15AA 4225 0) causing the first sheet of a corner staple job to be
missed. The following pages fall into the stapler because the first sheet acts as a guide.
Reform the rear mylar in the up directionto guide the paper over the stapler rear guide plate.
3. The front stopperis cracked, causing paper to get above top part of stopper.
Replace the broken stopper (p/n 15JM 4331 0).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD andDan Lantz, Infomax Office Systems
Solution ID
Solution Usage
1. The FNS entrance sensor (PS4) does not turn ON within a specified period of time after the main body paper exit sensor (PS13) turns ON.
Remove jammed paper in the finisher/main body, if any. Check the operation of the sensors PS4 (p/n 13QA85521) and PS13 (p/n 65AA48440 - Actuator and
p/n 08AA85512 - Photosensor) in the State confirmation (47) Mode for proper operation and replace as necessary. Try adjusting the loop timing in the
Adjustment Mode (36 mode).
2. Not enough paper loop when pages are entering the finisher.
Adjust finisher curl to Middle or Large:
a. Enter Service Mode.
b. Select Finisher Adjustment.
c. Select Curl Adjustment.
d. Select Middle or Large.
e. Select OK.
3. HB Motor/50 (M33) has failed causing insufficient drive to exit paper from reversing section.
Replace M33 (p/n A03U M111 00).
Note : This will be evident only with 11x17. Paper stops in the reverse section and the paper is not damaged.
4. Worn actuator or actuator spring for PS19 causing timing to be off on large paper sizes.
Replace the actuator for PS19 (p/n 65AA 5131 1) or the actuator spring (p/n 65AA 5150 0).
5. Warped or damaged Guide Plate /B. This is the black plastic guide which holds the actuator for PS19.
Replaced Guide Plate /B (p/n A03U 8602 01).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Freddie Burnham, Gregg Gallant, Ian Lynchand Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
J-3102 error codes
1. After replacing damaged fuser drive gears, internal damage tothe fuser drive motor (M29) might also have occurred when the drive gears failed.
Replace M29 (p/n 27LA 8003 2E).
2. Timing adjustments are incorrect when running various stocks.
Recall Standard Data to Factory Initial under Service => Printer Adjust.
3. Broken locking cam.
Note :Varying lead edge registration will also be a symptom.
Replace the locking cam (p/n 65AA 5032 0). See attached document for component location. To view the PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe
Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Paper Conveyance jams, no-feed, folding, tearing, skewing, curling
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gary Scimeca/David Aekus/Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
FS-503, J72-20 (J-7220) jam code which may also be intermittent.
As copies are being exited from the stacker unit
CAUSE: The inner portion of the drive gear for the stack assist plate has worn. The excessive play of the hub causes the stack assist plate to intermittently
obstruct paper as its being fed into the stacker unit.
SOLUTION: The shaft, gear and set screw have been modified in this area. Replace the swing gear (p/n 15AA 9100 00). Replace the swing shaft (p/n 15AA
4285 1E) and install themodified screw (p/n 00z163081).
Note : Please refer to attached procedure for more detail concerning prevention of J72-20 (J-7220) jam code.
When making 2 or more stapled sets of a document. No jammay beindicated when making single sets or when running landscape sheets (8.5x11R,
1.Conveyance Guide Plates A and/orBare damaged.
Replace Guide Plate A(p\n 15AA 4505 0) and/orGuide Plate B(p\n 15AA 4506 0).
2.Failed Finisher drive board.
Replace the FS-503 Finisher drive board (p/n15AA -932 2F).
When stapling larger stacks. Paper exits about 2" and stops.
CAUSE: Timing in FS-503 exit roller.
SOLUTION: Perform the attached Intermediate Roller Position adjustment. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be
downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Matthew Behling, KMBS/Milwaukee and Jim Behrends/Ed Bellone/Mike McCarthy/Gregg Gallant/Chuck Tripp,
Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
FS-503, J72-19 (J-7219).
1. The return spring for the bypass gate (paper guide #2) is broken or has become dislodged.
Observe the bypass gate operation. If the gate does not return to its normal position, check for a broken or dislodged return spring. If broken, replace the
spring (p/n 15AA 4532 0).
Note : The spring is located at the rear side of the finisher. One end is hooked over the gate and the other end is secured through a hole in the rear finisher
2. The Finisher Drive Board has failed. The board failure may present itself as jamming on the second stapled of 8.5x11 only (no jamming with 8.5x11R or
8.5x14). The jam occurs due to the trail edge of the first sheet of set two still being driven slightly after the lead edge has been stopped to allow the first set to
be stapled and exited. J72-20s may also occur.
Replace the FNSCB (p/n 15AA -932 2F).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
FS-xxx, first page not aligned properly/not stapled in stapled sets.
CAUSE:Static build-up onalignment plate which causes the first page to stick.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Paper Conveyance jams, no-feed, folding, tearing, skewing, curling
SOLUTION:Wipe affected are with anti-static compound (Brillianize®, Pledge®, dryer sheet, etc.).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
J-3202 paper jams.
1. Paper jamming in the fuser due to a broken/worn fuser unit drive gear and/or shaft.
Note : Codes from all paper trays also may occur when using 80lb Cougar Cover paper.
Replace the worn one-way gear (p/n A03U 8093 11) and, if required,the shaft (p/n A03U 7258 00).
2. One or more springs are under the Paper Exit Shaft and the Fixing Paper Exit Rollers are not be able to touch the Fixing Paper Exit Drive Rollers (p/n
A03U 7209 00).
Note : Paper may be 1 to 2 inches out of the fuser when the jam occurs.
When replacing Fixing Paper Exit Rollers (p/n A03U 7225 00), all three springs should be over the Paper Exit Shaft (p/n A03U 7280 00) to allow for proper
roller tension. Please see attached photos.
3. Bearing in the paper exit unit is dirty or worn.
Clean or replace the exit bearing (p/n 07AA 7506 2) in the paper exit unit.
4. PS17 actuator missing or broken.
Replace the actuator for PS17 (p/n A03U 7308 00).
5. Improper actuation of SD4 (Paper Exit solenoid).
Note : In most cases, the jam occurswith 8.5x11 portrait only.
Check the actuation of the solenoid in the I/O mode, State Confirmation Mode, Code 80-0 for proper operation. Check to make sure that the throw of the gate
is above the fuser nip andadjust as necessary. Replace the solenoid (p/n 65AA R704 00)and Linkage (p/n 65AA 4928 0) as necessary.
6. The guide plate diverting the paper to the turnaround section may be bowed or cracked. Replace the Paper Exit Guide Swing Part (p/nA03U 8610 02).
Pleaseseeattached Parts Manual pages as a reference. To viewa PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from
the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Rick Johnson, DSM/Midwest Region and Gregg Gallant/Mark D'Attilio/Gary Scimeca/Freddie Burnham/Gary
Scimeca, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
1.Poor conveyance of paper.
A Guide Sheet (p/n A03U 8159 00)is available to facilitate conveyance of paper. See attached Parts Modification document for details. To view the PDF,
Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
2. Failure of Reverse motor (M32) orLoop motor (M57).
Swap motors to decide which motor is failing. Replace the failed motor (p/n 65AA 8011 2).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
SD-501, SC77-78 (B/W MFP) or C-1259 (Color MFP).
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Paper Conveyance jams, no-feed, folding, tearing, skewing, curling
1. PS35 or PS45 failed.
Replace PS35, Bundle press stage up/down home sensor (p/n 08AA 8551 2) and/or PS45, Bundle press stage up/down limit sensor (p/n 08AA 8551 2).
2. ICP1 has failed on the SDDB (FNS Driving Board assembly).
Replace the SDDB (p/n 15AN -932 1F).
At power up. Saddle stitch mode is grayed out on the operation panel.
3. The SD-501 is locked out due to a prevous mechanical malfunction.
In the Service mode, set software settings 34-0 through 34-7 to 0 (1050 series) or 7-0 through 7-1 to 0 (C6500 series).
Access the Service Mode:
a. Be sure that the ordinary copy screen is displayed.
b. Select Utility/Counter.
c. Press Stop ? 0 ? 0 ? Stop ? 0 ? 1.
d. [07 System Setting] (1050 series) or [03 System Setting] (C6500 series).
e. [01 Software SW Setting].
f.Press the [Down-arrow], [Up-arrow] key or the numeric keys to select a DIPSW bit number.
g. Press the [On (1)] or [Off (0)] key to set the selected bit number ON/OFF.
After code J72-73 was indicated (1050 series only).
4. If the shaft supporting Gear /B is loose or the gear backlash alignment is not correct, Gear /B (p/n 15AN 7719 0) or the stopper gear assembly (p/n 15AN
-689 0) may wear abnormally, or the teeth may be damaged.
Gear /B has been redesigned to be stronger and more resilient. If the original gear has been damaged, it should be replaced with the new style.
Notes :
a.When removing a gear from the shaft that supports the wire winding pulley, or when removing the stopper gear, position adjustment is necessary.
b. Please refer to Bulletin Number 6050 for additional detail. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for
free from the Adobe® web site at: .
c. The C6500 series SD-501 already has the modified gear installed in production.
Only when trimming (may be intermittent).
5. The trimmer registration sensor (PS55) is not functioning due to a malformed sensor mounting bracket.
Inspect the sensor mounting bracket and adjust as necessary, To confirm correct sensor operation, use I/O input check code 71-68.
6. Possiblefailed Trimmer press home sensor (PS53) or flag. The flag of the trimmer sensor may have play in the mounting position resulting in timing issues.
Check the sensor and actuator in the Machine condition 47 Mode, code 71 multi-code 64 (71-64) for proper operation and play in the actuator. Replace the
sensor (p/n 08AA 8551 2) as necessary.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution byKMBT (Japan);Allen Johnson, IKON Office Solutions, Norcross, GA and Mike McCarthy/Freddie Burnham/Ed
Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Trimmed surface is poorly finished. For example, it is incompletely trimmed or the surface is burred.
CAUSE: The paper holding plate in the trimmer unit is not positioned correctly or the holding plate may become loose due to machine vibration while used.
SOLUTION: Remove the trimmer unit and reinstall the paper holding plate (A in the photo) correctly as instructed in the attached document. Trimming
performance is affected if the paper holding plate is not positioned correctly.
Note : To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan) and Ed Bellone/Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
PF-601/PF-602, paper tray lift or paper feed problems.
TheLCD still indicates out of paper,even after adding paper, andthe 5th paper tray does not lift.
CAUSE:Photosensor (PS9 - paper lift upper limit) is operational in the IO test mode, butit is not dropping far enoughto signal the machinethat the tray is in the
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Paper Conveyance jams, no-feed, folding, tearing, skewing, curling
lower position.
SOLUTION: Replace PS9 (p/n 08AA 8551 2).
The paper tray fails to rise after being loaded with paper and inserted.
CAUSE: The paper feed tire mechanism that is lifted when the tray is extracted from the machine to ease installation of paper is being damaged as the tray is
inserted into the machine. The mechanism is becoming misaligned, which results in the machine falsely detecting the paper lift tray as being raised.
SOLUTION: Position the bypass feed up down rack (p/n 65AA 4232 0) back a tooth and realign any misaligned plates. Instruct the customer to insert the
paper tray slowly into the PF-601 after the paper tray has been filled in order to allow the paper feed mechanism to return to its normal position prior to
contacting the PF-601 frame assembly.
Paper tray(s) will not lift.
1. Upper limit sensor is actuated when the tray is down in the lower position.
Repair or replace the Tray 4/Tray 5 upper limit sensor, PS1/PS9(p/n 56AA 8551 2) or adjust the position of the feed assembly for proper upper limit sensor
operation. The operation of the sensor can be checked in the State Confirmation I/O mode code 23-7 or 23-8 (Tray 4/Tray 5). Upper limit activation
It is also advised to check the operation of the cam on the left hand side of the drawer that raises and lowers the feed assembly when the drawer is pushed or
pulled out.
2. Failed Tray 4 lift motor (M2)orTray 5 lift motor (M3).
Replacethe failed lift motor(p/n 56UA R791 00).
Multi-feeding from Tray 4or Tray 5.
CAUSE:One of the pins in the PF-601 connector has backed out.
SOLUTION: Remove PF-601 connector,inspect it for a backed out pin andrepair as needed.
Skewing only when feeding from Tray 4or Tray 5.
CAUSE: PF-601 adjusters (feet) were not used to secure the PFU to the mainbodyduring installation.
SOLUTION:PF-601 adjusters must be used to secure the PFU against the mainbodyas listed in the attached installation procedures. To viewthe PDF, Adobe
Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp/Ted Young/Michael McCarthy/David Aekus/Gregg Gallant/Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
J-1702. The jam may occuronly when running 11x17 or letter size duplexed.
1.The Guide plate/3is malformed.
Replacethe duplex section Guide plate/3 (p/n A03U 8403 00). For the guide plate location see attached file.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan).
2. Failed ADU clutch(es) - MC1 (letter size paper usually affected)orMC2/MC3/MC18(larger size paper usually affected).
To checkand isolate MC1 or one of the other clutches, swap the suspectclutch with onethat is presumed"good"to see if the symptom or code changes.
Replace any of thefailed ADU clutches (p/n A03U M201 00).
CAUTION : Do not swap MC4, MC5 or MC6 with the above-mentioned clutches.They are not the same part (p/n 56AA 8201 2).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Jonathan Rooks,KMBS/San Diego and Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
J-3204.Jam code may occur when
feeding from any paper tray.
duplexing or face downcopying (J-3209also indicated).
feeding 11x17 or 8.5x14 paper.
running alarge job of only glossy (photo) paper.
Feeding from any paper tray
CAUSE: Failing intermediate conveyance clutch (p/n 56AA 8201 2).
SOLUTION: Replace intermediate conveyance clutch.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Paper Conveyance jams, no-feed, folding, tearing, skewing, curling
Jamming every copy
CAUSE: Possible failed AC Drive Board assembly.
SOLUTION: Check ICP1 on the AC Drive Board to see if it is OPEN.It provides 24V DC to the motors. Before replacing the board, check for a short to
ground. Replace the AC Drive Board assembly (p/n A03U H520 01).
Duplexing or face downcopying (J-3209 also indicated)
CAUSE: M33 motor was swapped with good motor and M33 is not turning in I/O mode, code27-2. PS17 (I/O mode, code 59-3) and PS62 (I/O mode, code
20-13) both test good. Failed CVDB.
SOLUTION: Replace CVDB (p/n A03U H050 04).
Feeding 11x17 or 8.5x14 paper
CAUSE: Broken lower fuser roller heat (insulating)sleeve. Thefront side of the sleeve is broken causing drive gear misalignment.
SOLUTION: Replace the broken lower fuser roller heat sleeve (p/n A03U 7227 00).
Running alarge job of only glossy (photo) paper
CAUSE:A buildup of toner on the guide behind the paper exit roller.
SOLUTION: Clean the buildup of toner on the guide plate
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski/Mike McCarthy/Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD; Joel Valerio, Global Imaging Systemsand
Brandon Greisinger, Perry Corporation
Solution ID
Solution Usage
LS-501/LS-502, J74-02.
1. Jamming in stacker tray and the previous copy being folded over in the tray. The rear stoppers were not returning fast enough and holding up the trailing
edge of copy. The next copy would hit this trail edge and fold it over and jam.
Replace rear stopper solenoid, SD3 (p/n 15AV 8255 0).
2. The front paper press lever is not functioning.
Replace the front paper press solenoid, SD6 (p/n 15AV 8253 0).
3. Conveyance Motor (M2) has failed causing mis-timing caused by varying paper speed.
Replace the Conveyance Motor, M2 (p/n 15AV 8002 0).
4. Worn Entrance Roller or Entrance Roller Bearings.
Replace the Entrance Roller (p/n 15AV 4604 0) or Entrance Roller Bearings (p/n 15AV 7504 0).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contributed by Dave Bridges, DSM, Western Region; Frank Bartosik, Illinois Paper Company and Ian Lynch, Production
Solution ID
Solution Usage
1.Too much toner on page when printing with high toner coverage. There is a very high toner coveragewith the papersometimes wrapping around the fuser
roller and sticking thus causing the jam.
In the printer driver, select TONER REDUCTION which islocated under the IMAGE tab.
2. Damaged linkage for paper exit gate or failed paper exit solenoid SD4. The jam occurs when duplexing either face up or face down. Paper stops in the
inversion section at reverse roller/Lw before entering the ADU section. All motors and sensors test good in state confirmation mode.
Test SD4 in state confirmation mode 80-0. Repair linkage (p/n 65AA 4928 0) or replace SD4 (p/n 65AA R704 00) if deemed necessary.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Paper Conveyance jams, no-feed, folding, tearing, skewing, curling
Solution Usage
FD-501, SC77-33 (3-hole) or SC77-34 (4-hole) after approximately 30,000 punch operations. The codes for the bizhub PRO 6500 MFPs are C-1224 or
CAUSE: Soilage, such as toner residue, is adhered to impregnated oil of the punch pin slide bearing which is attached to the punch pin (punch support
pedestal/A - p/n 13QR10100).
SOLUTION: Clean the punch pin and the punch support pedestal approximately every 100,000 punches. If the punch pin is damaged, replace the punch unit
(p/n 15AH-550 1).
Note : Use the procedure beginning on page 2 of attached Bulletin Number 6433 to clean the punch units listed in the included table. Punch units with
serial numbers greater than those listed were produced with a design that prevents binding.
Solution ID
Solution Usage
On the PF-601 and LU-202, when approximately 2000 sheets of coated paper are fed under low temperature environment, a no feed jam or misfeedoccurs.
CAUSE: The resin from the coated paper is attached on the paper feed roller, the separation roller and the pick-up roller. The friction coefficient of the pick-up
roller surface decreases and causes the misfeed.
SOLUTION: Clean the paper feed roller, the separation roller and the pick-up roller. Install the countermeasure against no feed jam/misfeed of coated paper.
Please refer to the attached Bulletin Number 6198 regarding the new style paper feed mechanism for the PF-601 and Bulletin Number 6381 regarding the
new style paper feed mechanism for the LU-202. To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the
Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ian Lynch and David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
SD-501, J-7571 (color MFP) or J72-72 (B/W MFP) when folding or folding/stapling (making booklets).
1.One or both of the bundle arms have become bent causing the booklet to remain on the clinchers or, be curled to the extent that the bundle sensor (PS14)
does notdetect the bundle when the booklet is at the top of the slope section.
Inspect the bundle arms and ensure that the arms are perpendicular to the fulcrum shaft where they are attached. If they are not perpendicular, gently reform
the arm(s).
2. The folding exit motor (M8) has failed.
Replace the folding motor (p/n 27LA 8001 2E).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Jim Behrends and Mark D'Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
SD-501, SC77-77 (B/W MFP)or C-1258 (Color MFP)at power up.Abnormal noise may accompany the error.
1. Worm gear of bundle press motor (M23) is loose due toset screw(s)not gripping shaftbecause ofinsufficient lock agent or a set position failure.
Bundle press section does not return to its home position and it cannot be detected by the bundle press home sensor.
After the operation starts, bundle press section does not move to the predefined position and it cannot be detected.
Abnormal noise also may occur since the motor keeps rotating when gears do not engage properly.
If the worm gear is not worn or the edge part of the worm gear is not cracked, reinstall it on the motor.If the gear is damaged, replace it (p/n 15AN 7720 1E).
Note : When tightening the worm gear set screw(s) ( a , as seen below), please apply lock agent ("older" SD-501 M23 motor worm gearshave one set screw
whereas the more recent production models havetwo screws).
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Paper Conveyance jams, no-feed, folding, tearing, skewing, curling
2.The bundle press home position sensor (PS37) is not being actuated by the bundle press motor (M23). The bundle press cable is wrapping around itself
causing the unit raise up cocked instead of parallel.
Inspect and realign the cable to wind properly around the capstan.
3. Swing springs left (p/n 15AN 5029 1E) and right (p/n 15AN 5030 1E) are broken.
Replace the left and right swing springs.
4. The bundle press GearAis broken.
Replace bundle press Gear A (p/n 15AN 7718 0).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by David Leathers, Blue Technologies, Inc. and Greg Lantowski/Jim Behrends/Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
FS-607, Vertical Position Punch Adjustment does not work.
CAUSE: The Paper Edge Detect Sensor Punch Adjustment has not been performed.
SOLUTION: Perform the Paper Edge Detect Sensor Punch Adjustment prior to performing the Vertical Position Punch Adjustment, follow these procedures:
1. Enter Service Mode.
2. Select Finisher Adjustment.
3. Select Punch Adjustment.
4. Select Paper Edge Detect SensorAdjustment.
5. Select START.
6. When completed then perform the Vertical PositionAdjustment again.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant and Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
SD-501, J72-81 (B/W MFP) or J-7578 (color MFP).
CAUSE: Bundle clip springs (Paper Holding Springs)are installed incorrectly. This causes application ofexcessive pressure,thus the folded copies are not
SOLUTION: Reposition the spring(s) as shown in the attached document. Ifdamaged due to incorrect placement, replace them (p/n 15AN 5538 1E - Paper
Holding Spring/Right and p/n 15AN 5524 1E - Paper Holding Spring/Left).
Note : To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
1. Photosensor in the cassette failed.
Replacephotosensor (p/n 08AA 8551 2). For the location of the photosensor see attached photo.
2. Conveyance Drive Board assembly failed. ICP2 on the Conveyance Drive Board (CDB) is OPEN.It supplies the 24V DC to the ADU reverse drive motor
Check the motor operation in the I/0 mode, code 84, multicode 0 through 9. If the motor fails to operate, check the wiring between the Conveyance Drive
Board and the motor.Check ICP2 on the CDB to see if it is OPEN. If so, replacethe Conveyance Drive Board assembly (p/nA03U H050 04).
CAUTION : Determine if the wiring or motor is shorted before replacing the CDB.
For the location of the Conveyance drive board assembly see attached photo.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan).
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Paper Conveyance jams, no-feed, folding, tearing, skewing, curling
Solution Usage
J-1705 (J1705) or J-1706 (J1706) when paper is fed from Tray 2 or Tray 3 respectively. Possibly J-1706 will occur ONLY when feeding from Tray 1.
1.Intermediate conveyance clutch MC13 has 24V DC continuously. PRCB ICP27 is not OPEN. The PRCB has failed.
Replace the PRCB (p/n A03U R759 00).
2. Conveyance clutch 1 (MC13) has no power.
Check ICP28 on the PRCB to determine if it is OPEN.Check the wiring to the clutchfor a short to ground.Replace the PRCB (p/n A03U R759 00) if necessary.
3. Damaged Tray 1 connector (cassette signal wire).
Note : J-1706 when feeding from Tray 1.
To locate the problem:
Check MC8 (pre-registration clutch)in I/O mode, 22-0.
Check for 24V DC at PRCB, CN400-4A.
Check for paper behind Tray 1.
Check for damaged Tray 1 connectors. In this case, replace male connector - cassette signal wire(p/n 65AA 9017 0E).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski/Jim Behrends/Mike McCarthy/Ian Lynch , Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
"Press Start to Restart" message while operating. Machine will stop and message will appear withno jam or faultindicated.
CAUSE: A hesitation (slippage) has occurred in the paper feed section causing a timing abnormality. This hesitation is not large enough to cause a jam code
but machine will detect the abnormality and halt operation. This issue is most prevelant when running gloss stocks and/or during long runs.
SOLUTION: When issue occurs clean/replace feed components of paper tray currently in use. In the case of thick or glossy stocks adjust the feed roller
tension if issue is occuring frequently.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
FS-520/FS-607, J7217 when hole punching and duplexing.
1. The actuator for PS6 is hitting the paper exit guide plate when the paper exit section closes. This may cause PS6 not to be deactivated and register a jam.
Reform that the paper exit guide plated/lower assembly (p/n A04D A896 0) if it is bent in the center and interfering with the actuator for PS6. Replace the
paper exit guide plate/lower assembly if necessary.
2. The Curl Adjustment is set to Small.
Set the Curl Adjustment to Large or Middle by using the below procedure:
a. Enter Service Mode.
b. Select Finisher Adjustment.
c. Select Curl Adjustment.
d. Select Middle or Large.
e. Select OK.
3. An incorrect Finisher Adjustment setting.
Recall Standard Data for Finisher Adjustment using the below procedure:
a. Enter Service Mode.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Paper Conveyance jams, no-feed, folding, tearing, skewing, curling
b. Select Finisher Adjustment.
c. Select Recall Standard Data.
d. Select Factory Initial Data.
e. When “Recall Factory Initial Data” is displayed select Yes.
f. Select Return.
g. Select Close.
h. Select Exit.
i. Select Exit.
Note : The Finisher Adjustments will be returned to the factory values after recalling factory initial data is selected. Readjustment of the Finisher
Adjustments may be necessary.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Finisher option capable of printing 13x19 jobs to the stapler main tray. The selection is "grayed out" in the printer driver properties for the FS-520/FS-607.
This is a normal operation with the FS-520 and FS-607 finishers for both print and copy operations. The physical specifications for the FS-520/FS-607
finishers do not support the output of 13x19 paper to the main tray. The paper can only be exited to the sub tray.
Output of 13x19 paper to the main tray is only available with the FS-503or FS-521 stapler finisher.Please refer to the attacheddocument for a listing of the
FS-503/FS-521/FS-520/FS-607 specifications.To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the
Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Tony Pizzoferrato, ESS and Ed Bellone/Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
SD-501/SD-506, trimming scraps overflow at the scrap guide or trimming failure occurs if 15mm or more is trimmed.
CAUSE:The trimming scrap removal paddle rotates in the reverse direction when 15mm or more amount is trimmed. It is the specification (this is toensure
the paddle tipstouch the long-width scraps).
Since the scrap dropping position changes, the scraps may not drop into the scrap box smoothly, depending on type of paper.
SOLUTION:Checkthe areas whichcan prevent scraps from dropping into the box.
The blacktrimmer scraps guideattached on the trimming unit sideis loose.In that state, the dropping path is narrowed.Attach theguide properly.Thismay
occurif the paddle unit was installed in the field.
If the customer always trims 15mm or morefor their booklets, remove the paddle once and watch the operation.The scraps drop byweight.
Note : When removing the trimmer paddle, remove the paddle shaft part only (shown below).It is not necessary to remove the whole paddle unit.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan).
Solution ID
Solution Usage
FS-503, paper conveyance issues. Paddles not properly turning.
Last sheet is misaligned in a stapled bundle.
J72-20 when stapling. Paperis not fully entering the stacker resulting in mis-stapled sets or jamming.
Abnormal noise when when jobs are output to the sub tray.
1.If load to the stacker paddle motor increases, the stepper motor may lose timing, stopping the paddle shaft rotation.If this happens, paper alignment in the
stacker section in staple mode is affected and the last sheet may be misaligned in a stapled bundle.
The finisher program has been updated.The paddle motor driving frequency and acceleration and deceleration curve specification have been changed.The
change has been appliedin the FS-503finisher program version 71 ( for bizhub PRO 1050 series only ) and version 27 ( bizhub PRO C6500/C6500P only
).Thefirmware is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on
'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'. Also, please see the attached files (in case the Download Selector cannot be accessed).
Note : To viewthe Release Notes PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan).
2. The stacker regulating belts (paddles) are not turning due to the paddle motor (M2) not functioning. Paperis catching on the paddles.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Paper Conveyance jams, no-feed, folding, tearing, skewing, curling
Check the operation of M2 using I/O check mode, output code 72-76. If the motor does not function or is noisy/sluggish, replace M2 (p/n 15AA R738 00).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Bob Moeller and Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
PF-601/PF-602, J-1610 jam code.
1.The PFU DFeed Detect Adjustment was not performed after replacing the Multi-Feed Detection Board (MFDTB).
Perform the PFU DFeed Detect Adjustment. Please refer to attached pages from the Field Service Manual.
2. The PF Drive Board (PFDB) was just replaced and the multi-feed detection sensors are out of adjustment.
Perform the PFU DFeed Detect Adjustment. Please refer to attached pages from the Field Service Manual.
3. Failed Multi-feed Detection Board(Multi-feed Sensor Assembly).
Replace the sensor board assembly (p/n 15AG -840 1E).
Notes :
a.You can check the operation of the sensor in the I/O mode, Output Check18-04 (pressing the START button).
b. After repacing the MFDTB,perform the PFU DFeed Detect Adjustment. Please refer to attached pages from the Field Service Manual. To viewthe PDF,
Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by David Aekus and Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Creasing or wrinkling from front-to-rear prior to image transfer.
CAUSE: Incorrect Pre-registration loop adjustment.
SOLUTION: Adjust the Pre-registration loop:
1.Service mode.
2.01 Machine Adjustment.
3. 01 Printer Adjustment.
4. 07 Pre-registration Adj. Lower the value of the tray from which the creasing occurs. SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by David Aekus, Production
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Wrinkle and creasing when paper enters the SD-501. Paper is fed into SD unit straight, paper skews and a wrinkle/crease is formed.
CAUSE: Uneven pressure on paper feed. Worn or out-of-position SD-501 entrance roller (CONVEYANCE DRIVE ROLLER A).
SOLUTION: Replace the SD-501 entrance roller(p/n 15AN 4514 0).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
How to enable/disable Job Offset Mode.
To enable/disable Job Offset Mode, perform the following:
1.Press the Utility/Counter key.
2.Touch [02 User Setting] on the touchscreen.
3.Touch [03 Common Setting] on the touchscreen.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Paper Conveyance jams, no-feed, folding, tearing, skewing, curling
4.Next to the Job Offset Mode selection option displayed on the touchscreen, touch [ON] to enable or [OFF] to disable.
5.Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
6.Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
FS-503, J-7219.
1.The return spring for the bypass gate (paper guide #2) is broken or has become dislodged.
Observe the bypass gate operation. If the gate does not return to its normal position, check for a broken or dislodged return spring. If broken, replace the
spring (p/n 15AA 4532 0).
Note : The spring is located at the rear side of the finisher. One end is hooked over the gate and the other end is secured through a hole in the rear finisher
frame. Please see attached document for location.
2. Worn Conveyance Rollers.
Check and replace Conveyance Rollers (p/n 15AA 4516 0 and p/n 15AA 4517 0) especially if the MFP has run more than 200,000 copies. There are two (2)
for each.
3.If jam occurs whenstapling 8.5x11 portrait, Special firmware is needed on the FS-503.
Please load Special firmware version 50-ACK0. The latest version of firmware, system software or print drivers is available via the Konica Minolta Download
Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'. For addition
information please review the attached Release Notes. To viewa PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from
the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Jim Behrends and Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
FS-503/FS-520/FS-607, J-7301.
CAUSE: The main tray exit sensor PS10 (FS-503 -p/n 08AA 8551 2) or PS6 (FS-520/FS-607 -p/n 08AA 8551 2) turns ON while in idling.
SOLUTION: Remove jammed paper in the finisher/main body, if any. Check the operation of the sensor PS10 in the I/O state confirmation mode, code 72-13
(FS-503) or for PS6, code 72-6 (FS-520/FS-607). Replace the sensor as necessary.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham and Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
FS-503, J-7222 (J72-22) when exiting to sub-tray in the FS-503. Stapling operation feature functionsnormally when exiting to themain tray.
1. FS-503 gate solenoid (SD2)not energizing (possible failure).
Check for SD2 energizing in FS-503. I/O check 72-47 (drops to 12V DC from 24V DC on one side). Check for 24V DC at FNSDB CN51-A12 andreplace
FNSDB (p/n 15AA-9322 F) if no 24V DC is present. Replace SD2 (p/n 15AA R724 00) if deemed necessary.
Note : Adjust the diverter solenoid to have the smallest amount of arc when actuated.
2. Possible open ICP1 on the finisher driver board.
Check the corresponding solenoids related to ICP1 for proper operation in the I/O state confirmation mode (SD2, SD5, SD7 and SD9). Check the connectors
and pins, "ohm-out" each solenoid side of the pins individually to machine ground to find the solenoid with the lowest resistance or shorted to machine ground.
After identifying the solenoid, replace the finisher driver board (p/n 15AA -931 2F) and solenoid at the same time to prevent further board failure.
SD2/SD9 (p/n 15AA -488 1)
SD5 (p/n 15AA -498 1)
SD7 (p/n 15AA R718 00)
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Paper Conveyance jams, no-feed, folding, tearing, skewing, curling
3. Gate solenoid (SD2) is out of adjustment.
Adjust the gate solenoid SD2 for proper movement of the gate.
Note :The solenoid and gate are easily accessible from the rear of the finisher.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy/Freddie Burnham/Mark D'Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
FS-607, J7301 error code.
CAUSE: Either PS5 (p/n 08AA 8551) or its actuator (p/n 13QE 4807 0) have failed in the stacker unit.
SOLUTION: Replace PS5 and its actuator as a set.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gary Scimeca, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
LS-501/LS-502, will not raise or lower.
CAUSE:The LS main tray has been isolated by software switches.
SOLUTION:Check software switches: 33-6 for LS-501 and 33-7 for LS-502.For normal operation, the switches should be OFF.If either is isolated, the switch
will be ON.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Bob Moeller/Ed Bellone/Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
FS-520/FS-607, J-7218 when creating a booklet.
CAUSE:Worn or damagedconveyance roller.
SOLUTION: Replace conveyance section entrance roller 4 (p/n A04D 7007 01) as necessary.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham and Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
SD-501/SD-506, staples are not folding over on sets.
CAUSE: Stapler Home Sensors HS1/HS3are not detecting home position. These sensors are in the Stapler unit, not the Clincher unit. SD9 or SD10 will NOT
fire until these sensors are made.
SOLUTION:First, clean these sensors. Replace thefailed corresponding stapler unit (p/n 15AN -550 1) as needed.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Jeffrey Nettleton, KMBS - St. Louis
Solution ID
Solution Usage
PF-601, J-1604 when feeding from Tray 4 and J-1607 when feeding from Tray 5. Paper is not damaged and is stopped at entrance to main body.
CAUSE: Possibledipswitch setting is incorrect or communication failure with the PFDB.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Paper Conveyance jams, no-feed, folding, tearing, skewing, curling
SOLUTION: Set DIPSW 19-4 (PF multi-feed detection) to ON andif this does not resolve the problem, reseat connectors on the PFDB. Replace the PFDB as
neccessary (p/n A03X H010 17).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
FS-503, MAX 2 SHEETS CAN BE STAPLED, STAPLE MODE IS NOW RELEASED message and unable to staple more than 2 sets.
CAUSE: The maximum staple amount needs to be changed.
SOLUTION: To program the amount of stapled copies, perform the following:
1. Enter Service mode.
2. Select Finisher Adj.
3. Select Output Quantity Limit.
4. Select the staple mode and corresponding paper weight.
5. Input a new staple amount.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mark D'Attilio and Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
J-1701 out of all trays including bypass except the LU-202.
CAUSE: Possiblefaulty Intermediate conveyance clutch 2, MC4 (p/n 56AA 8201 2), Intermediate conveyance clutch 3, MC5(p/n 56AA 8201 2)or paper feed
motor, M41 (p/n 65AA 8002 1).
SOLUTION: Check the operation of the PAPER FEED DRIVING CLUTCH (29-1), MC5 (29-2) and the DC BRUSHLESS MOTOR (28-0) in the State
Confirmation Mode.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham and David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
FS-607,message to empty booklet tray.
1. Actuator for PS25 the Folding Exit Sensor is not moving properly.
Clean or repair the PS25 actuator (p/n 129X 4850 0) and spring assembly.
2.FNSCB has failed.
Replace the FNSCB (p/n A04D H010 02).
IMPORTANT : The following information isa temporary countermeasure to allow operation ofthe FS-607 while awaiting a replacement FNSCB. Operation
of unit must be monitored at all times when these settings are applied as jamming/damage may occur.
In some cases the messagecan be cleared by resetting communication with the FNSCBby setting DIPSW 18-5 to 1 (Faulty part isolation of the
fold-and-staple function of the SD), recycle power, set DIPSW 18-5to 0 .
If the message clears, set DiPSW 15-3and 15-4 to 1 . This allows the machine to continue printing even if an alarm stop signal is received (tray full, tray lower
limit, waste full, etc.) from the FD/FS/LS/SD. DIPSW 15-3 and 15-4 will need to be set back to 0 after the FNSCB is replaced.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant and Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Lead edge of paper is wrinkling when duplexing.
CAUSE: When a high coverage image is printed in duplex mode, paper may be wrinkled at the paper exit decurler entrance due to strain which is caused by
the difference of paper contraction ratio between the non-image area and the image area.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Paper Conveyance jams, no-feed, folding, tearing, skewing, curling
SOLUTION: Reduce the paper exit decurler roller pressure setting in duplex mode by setting DIPSW 4-4 to 1.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Error code J72-30 (J-7230).
CAUSE: After the paper exit driving shaft has been replaced the jam occurs. Light shielding tape was not applied to some replacement parts. This occurs
only with replacement parts; production machines are not affected.
SOLUTION: Apply black vinyl tape to the shaft as instructed inBulletin Number 6598. It is preferable to use tape with a matte (non-glossy) finish. Obtain the
tape locally.
The following spare parts may not have tape applied. If they do not, apply it as instructed in attached Bulletin Number 6598 when installing the part into the
machine. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
Part Number
Paper exit driving shaft
Driving shaft /H
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
J-17xx codes when feeding from bypass; any paper size or weight.
CAUSE: Dirty or failed bypass feed clutch (MC8).
SOLUTION: Clean and/or replace bypass feed clutch (p/n 56AA 8201 2).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Paper Conveyance jams, no-feed, folding, tearing, skewing, curling
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
FS-607, hole-punched sheets are out of alignment in the lead-to-trail direction.
CAUSE: Paper Edge Detect Sensor adjustment needs to be performed.
SOLUTION: Perform Paper Edge Detect Sensor adjustment.
1. Enter Service Mode.
2. Select Finisher Adjustment.
3. Select Punch Adjustment.
4. Select Paper Edge Detect Sensor Adjustment.
5. Press Start.
6. Exit Service Mode.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone and Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Intermittent C-0201 (C0201), C-0202 (C0202), and C-0311 (C0311)error codes.
CAUSE: The harness in Tray 4 is pinched or failing.
SOLUTION: Replace the harness (p/n A03X N103 02).
Solution ID
Solution Usage
J17-02 only when duplexing.
CAUSE:ADU loop timingis incorrect.
SOLUTION:To adjust the ADU loop timing, perform the following:
1. Access service mode.
2. Touch Machine Adjustment.
3. Touch Printer Adjustment.
4. Touch Registration Loop Adjustment.
5. Touch the down arrow to second screen.
6. Select appropriate size and weight to adjust.
7. Increase loop values until the jamming is corrected.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
FD-501, J-7507 when using Z-fold and punch with mixed sizes.
CAUSE: Firmware bug.
SOLUTION: Upgrade firmware to minimum version 20 (Phase 2). The latest version firmware and system software is available via the Konica Minolta
Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Paper Conveyance jams, no-feed, folding, tearing, skewing, curling
Solution Usage
SD-501, J-7585 when using center staple and trim with a small number of pages.
CAUSE: Firmware bug.
SOLUTION: Upgrade firmware to minimum version 20 (Phase 2). The latest version firmware and system software is available via the Konica Minolta
Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Error code J-1501 when feeding from the LU-202.
CAUSE: Failed LU-202 conveyance photosensor.
SOLUTION: Replace the LU-202 conveyance photosensor (p\n 56AA8552 1).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
SD-501, J-7576 error code when folding.
CAUSE: Folding Roller/1 is damaged (rubber is pulled away from the metal roller).
SOLUTION: Replace the Folding Roller/1 (p/n 15AN48510).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
FS-503, J-7308.
CAUSE: J-7308 indicates paper is in the stacker area of the FS-503. The stacker empty sensor PS20 (p/n 08AA 8551 2) turns ON while in an exit jam.
SOLUTION: Remove jammed paper in the finisher/main body, if any. Check sensor PS20 in the I/O state confirmation mode, code 72-23, for proper
operation. Also check actuator (p/n 13QE 4828 0) and actuator tension spring (p/n 13QE 4808 0) for defects and replace parts as necessary.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Clinton Marquardt, ESS/SSD and Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
CAUSE: Connector 57-1on the ADU drive board (CN57P1) is connected with a malformed pin.
SOLUTION: Correct the CN57P1 malformed pin on the ADU drive board, then reconnect.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan).
Solution ID
Solution Usage
PF-601, caution when applying countermeasure for false feed jam when feeding coated paper.
Please exercise caution when installing themodified rollers as the countermeasure againstfalse feed jams when feeding coated paper. When installing
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Paper Conveyance jams, no-feed, folding, tearing, skewing, curling
themodified rollersin place oftheoriginal rollers installed PF-601, it is necessary to also replace the pickup assembly (p/n A03XR7100) and the paper separator
assembly (p/n A03XR70900). The shaft diameter of the feed roller, etc. was changed and cannot be used in common. For the details, please refer to attached
Parts Modification Notice. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
Note : Serial number cut-in of themachines with modified rollers A03XWW0000572 and A03X0Y0000945.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan).
Solution ID
Solution Usage
SD-501, paper skewing/jamming.
CAUSE: Guide Sheet/A is damaged.
SOLUTION: To prevent damageof Guide Sheet/A, Cushion/1(quantity of 3) and Cushion/2(quantity of 4) are available. In accordance with this, the part
number of thePaper Adjusting Unit has been changed. See attached Parts Modification document for details. To view the PDF, Adobe Reader® must be
installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
Solution ID
Solution Usage
J-3206 when duplexing or when output is face down.
1.M33, the reverse exit motor, does not operate. ICP4 on the Conveyance Drive Board may be OPEN. It controls the 24V DC power to M33.
Check ICP4 for continuity by using a meter. Check the wiring from the circuit board to M33 for any shorts to ground. Please check the motor as well to see if it
has shorted. Once the source of the problem has been determined, the Conveyance Drive Board (p/n A03U H050 04) and possibly M33 (p/n A03U M111 00)
will have to be replaced.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski and Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
2. Torquing of motor M33.
Check the operation ofM33in the State Confirmation I/O mode. Torque down the motor against the motor mounts or replace them so there is less twist or
backlash when the motor is operated. Replace the motor (p/n A03U M111 00) and gear (p/n A03U 8899 00) as necessary.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
J-7402 codes. Jammingat LS-501 entrance.
CAUSE: Poor connection to PS4 sensor or failed PS4 sensor.
SOLUTION: Reseat connection to PS4 or replace PS4 (p/n 15AV R711 00) as necessary.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
J13-17 after a job is output onto LS-501 sub tray or conveyed to a finishing option connected after the LS-501.
CAUSE: While outputting a job onto LS sub tray or other finishing option connected after LS, when the gate ( C in the photo below) lifts up, the gate partly
touches the sensor, PS4 ( A in the photo below) causing the sensor to falselydetect.The gate should stop at the gate stopper( B in the photo below).
However,the gate stopper recedes for some reason.
SOLUTION: If there is a gap between the gate and the gate stopper (check by inserting a sheet of paper at B ), slightly push the gate stopper with a finger
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Paper Conveyance jams, no-feed, folding, tearing, skewing, curling
and make the gate touch the gate stopper to avoid the gate touching the sensor.
CAUTION :Do not push the gate stopper too firmly. The edge of the gate may interfere with paper path if it is toomalformed (paper jam may occur). If the
gate is tooseparated from the gate stopper, the gate stopper part may have already become damaged. Replace the guide (p/n 15AV45021).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan).
Solution ID
Solution Usage
PF-601, J-1609. There is no paper feed.
CAUSE:Paper stops between PS19 and PS20.The PRCB has failed.
SOLUTION: PS19 (conveyance sensor/2) and PS20test OK Replace PRCB (p/n A03U R759 00).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Cannot hole punch from some trays. Hole Punch is an available option, but sheets output without being punched.
CAUSE: Tray paper setting is set at punched paper.
SOLUTION: De-select Punched as the paper type.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Paper skew when feeding small size paper (5.5x8.5 or B5) from Tray 3. Paper skew does not occur with paper larger than 5.5x8.5.
CAUSE: In Tray 3 the distance between the paper feed roller and the intermediate conveyance roller is longer than that of Tray 1or Tray 2. Therefore, paper
skew occurs between these two rollers.
SOLUTION: Use Tray 1, Tray 2, PF-601 or LU-202 to feed small-size paper. These paper trays have a shorter distance between the paper feed roller and the
intermediate conveyance roller.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Paper curls or a corner is folded only at thelead edge on reverse exiting.
CAUSE: The reverse exit photosensor (PS19) connector at reverse exit section is disconnected.
SOLUTION: Check that the reverse exit photosensor (PS19) connector is properly connected. Regardless of the connection status of the connector, change
the routing of the connector wiring as shown in the attached file. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for
free from the Adobe® web site at: .
Note : Even if the sensor connector is disconnected, no paper jam occurs, since the machine is operated with timer.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
LU-202, unable to feed paper from Tray 4. It is recognized but it errors when trying to manually or automatically select the tray, paper weight or size.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Paper Conveyance jams, no-feed, folding, tearing, skewing, curling
CAUSE: Tray 4 needs to be added to the APS paper selection list.
SOLUTION: To add Tray 4 to the APS paper selection list:
1.Press the [Utility/Counter] button.
2. Select [User Setting].
3. Select [System Setting].
4. Select [Feed Tray Setting].
5. Select [Feed Tray Auto Setting].
6. Select [Tray 4].
7. Set Tray 4 priority using the Up/Down arrow.
8. Select [OK].
9. Exit the User Setting mode.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
SD-501, in some cases, a pressure line may appear about 25mm from the trimmed edge of a booklet. This is most noticeable with the following conditions:
Glossy (coated) stock used for covers
Heavy toner application on pages that contact the trimmer board
Booklets over 50 pages thick
Trimmer board nearing its end of life
CAUSE: A protrusion or ridge at the edge of the trimmer board may have developed during the molding process in manufacturing. The ridge occurs where
the flat surface of the trimmer board meets the beveled edge on the booklet entrance side, causing a line to be pressed into the finished booklet.
SOLUTION: Remove the trimmer board from the SD-501.Use a sharp knife or blade to remove the ridge.
WARNING : To avoid personal injury, keep your hands away from the blade.
Angle the blade away from the direction of travel to avoid cutting into the trimmer board.
Draw the blade along the length of the ridge in a single continuous motion from one end of the board to the other. Repeat two or three times until the ridge
area is slightly rounded. Do not remove too much, or marks from dents may result.
Note : Please refer to attached Bulletin Number 6409 for more information. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be
downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
SD-501, booklets are being exited without being trimmed if Trim is selected.
CAUSE:The bundle press lower limit sensor (PS47)is ON due to the sensor being contaminated, defective, or due to damaged wiring. This prevents the
bundle press from lowering to press the booklet to be conveyed to the trimmer.
SOLUTION:Observe the operation of the bundle press when making booklets.If the press does not lower to the booklet, perform the following:
1.Check the state of PS47 using I/O inputcheck code 71-50.If L is displayed, the sensor is on and the bundle press will not lower.
2. Begin by cleaning the sensor.If cleaning does not resolve the issue, replace PS47 (p/n 08AA85512).
3. If the problem remains, the wiring for PS47should be checked for damage.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Bob Moeller and Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
FS-607, 13x19 glossy/thick paper is unable to exit from the subtray.
CAUSE: Worn foam exit rollers.
SOLUTION: Inspect/replace the foam exit rollers (exit roller A, p/n 122H48251 and exit roller/B, p/n A04D890400).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Paper Conveyance jams, no-feed, folding, tearing, skewing, curling
Solution Usage
C-1243 (C1243) when making booklets. Paper may jam in folding exit section.
CAUSE: The folding knife drive gear is damaged.
SOLUTION: Replace the driving gear (p/n 15AN 7704 0).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
SD-501/SD-506, "Dust Box In Trimmer Is Not Set" message.
CAUSE: Trimming scrap collection box is not closed.
SOLUTION: Close the bottom drawer on the SD unit.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
FS-521, J-7218, J-7219 or J-7220 after first stapled set. Sheet 1 and 2 of the second set does not move to the stacker section. Bypass gate is functioning
CAUSE: Bypass pressure release motor, M12, is not functioning correctly.
SOLUTION: Test M12 by running I/O mode 72-81 to find home position followed by 72-84 to release pressure. If abnormal noise is heard or motor does not
operate, replace M12 (p/n A0GY A704 0).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
PF-601/PF-602, J-1606.
CAUSE: The the conveyance clutches4 and 5, and the pre-registration clutch are not functioning; no power. ICP7 on the PFU driver board is
OPEN.Determine the source of the problem;look for a shorted wire.
SOLUTION: Replace the PFU driver board (p/n A03XH010) if necessary.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
PF-601/PF-602, J-1603 and J16-04.
CAUSE: Conveyance cluches 1, 2 and 3 are not working; no power. Check ICP6on the PFU driver board which supplies 24V DC to the clutches.Checkwiring
and the clutches for a short.
SOLUTION: Replace the PFU driver board (p/n A03XH010) if necessary.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Paper Conveyance jams, no-feed, folding, tearing, skewing, curling
Solution Usage
J-7568 after the second sheet of a saddle stitch booklet has entered the accumulator. Paper is stopped and does not go into the right angle conveyance
CAUSE: The right angle conveyance motor (M6) has failed.
SOLUTION: Check the operation of M6 using I/O mode 71-6.ReplaceM6 (p/n 56AA 8011 2)if it does not turn.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
PF-601, unable to replace the front or rear paper guides.
CAUSE:Modified front or rear paper guide does not fit.Shape is different than the original.
SOLUTION:Parts were changed to improve feeding of thick stock from all trays of the PF-601. The front part/guide (p/n A03X562011) and rear part/guide (p/n
A03X562112) along with the guide plate/upper (p/n A30X560014) to whichthey connecthave to be replaced as a set.The "old" part numbers were
discontinued and are no longer available.Refer to the attached Bulletin Number 6546.
Note : To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
FS-607, jamming in stacker when stapling or making booklets.
CAUSE: The Staple Pitch adjustment was not performed.
SOLUTION:Perform the Staple Pitch adjustment. Please refer to the attached procedures. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe
Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
SC22-21 error.
CAUSE: The first transfer pressing/releasing function is not working. The 24V DC required to operate the motor, M19,may not be available.
SOLUTION: Check ICP4 on the AC Drive Board assembly to see if it is OPEN. If required, replace the AC Drive Board (p/n A03U H520 01).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
FS-607, staples uneven on saddle stitch booklets.
CAUSE:The staplers are out of parallel.
SOLUTION:Perform the attached Stapler Position Adjustment. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for
free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by David Aekus and Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Paper Conveyance jams, no-feed, folding, tearing, skewing, curling
Solution Usage
LS-501/LS-502, J73-17 (J-7350)or J73-18 (J-7351) jam codes.
1.The sponge, which is attached on the gate stopper section that controls the LS entrance switching gate, has sagged downward due to age deterioration.
Sometimes, the gate stopper moves for no apparent reason. Then the gate interferes with the sensor (PS4) during operation. As the result, the sensor
"chatters" causing J73-17 (J-7350) to occur.
A: Gate stopper B: PS4
As a temporary measure, pull out the gate solenoid. If the gate interferes with the sensor, slightly push the gate stopper with a finger toward the gate until the
gate does not interfere with the sensor when the solenoid is pulled.
CAUTION : Do not push the gate stopper too much. Ensure that the gate stopper does not protrude into the gate.
Note : The gate stopper interference rubber will be changed as follows.
Rubber material: CR rubber hardness 60 degrees
Size: Rubber plate thickness 2.0mm, 10mm x 8mm (the horizontal dimension of the rubber will be changed from 5mm to 8mm).
2. The PS4 (entrance sensor) mounting bracket may have loosened from vibration. This causes a timing error betweenPS4 and PS10 (sub tray exit sensor)
causing J73-18 (J-7351) to occur.
Use either Locktite® or clear nail polish to seal the mounting screw once it has been secured.
Note : J73-17/J73-18 codes pertain to bizhub PRO 1050/1050P/1050e/1050eP and J-7350/J-7351 codes pertain to bizhub PRO
C6500/C6500P/C6501/C6501P .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan) and Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
PF-601, misalignment of paper in the tray.
CAUSE: One-handed operation of the side guide and abnormality of the centering detection control.
SOLUTION: Parts for the paper feed tray and side guide have been modified to prevent paper misalignment. Please refer to attached Bulletin Number 6769
for the details. To view the PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
Note : The parts described in the bulletin are not interchangeable among the current and modified types. When replacing any of the current type parts with
a modified part, be sure to replace all the parts together as a set.
Solution ID
Solution Usage
FS-607, copies are buckling upon exit.
CAUSE: Possible bad/worn conveyance roller.
SOLUTION:Check the operation of the conveyance rollers in the State Confirmation I/O Mode. Replace the rollers as needed.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Paper Conveyance jams, no-feed, folding, tearing, skewing, curling
CONVEYANCE ROLLER 2 (p/n 14JS 4512 0)
CONVEYANCE ROLLER 3 (p/n 13QE 4513 2)
CONVEYANCE ROLLER 4, (p/n 13QE 4531 0)
Solution ID
Solution Usage
PF-601, J-1608 after installing the modified plate forcurled which ismentioned in attached Bulletin Number 6546. This is mostlycaused by feeding12x18
heavy stock.
CAUSE: Feed timing is incorrect for Tray 5.
SOLUTION: Perform attached Registration Loop adj (Printer Adjustment) for Tray 5.
Note : To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
FS-607, J-7220, stapled sets not being exited.
CAUSE:The paper exit arm in the stacker is out of adjustment not allowing the sets to be exited.
SOLUTION:Reference the attached adjustment procedure for detailed instructions. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can
be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Bob Moeller, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
PF-601, machine output speed only when feeding from Tray 4 is half the normal output speed.
CAUSE: Process adjustments programmed for Tray 4 are resulting in the machine speed being reduced by 50%.
SOLUTION: To return the Tray 4 output speed to normal, perform the following:
1. Touch [MACHINE] on the upper right side of the touchscreen.
2. Touch [Paper Setting] on the touchscreen.
3. Touch [Tray 4] on the touchscreen.
4. Touch [Change] on the touchscreen.
5. Touch [Process Adjust] on the touchscreen.
6. Touch [Reset] on the touchscreen.
7. Touch [Yes] on the touchscreen.
8. Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
9. Touch [OK] on the touchscreen.
10. Touch [Close] on the touchscreen.
11. Touch [COPY] on the upper left side of the touchscreen to return to the normal screen.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Creasing output pages.
CAUSE: Fixing paper exit roller tracks to one sideonthe shaft.
SOLUTION: Replace fixing paper exit roller (p/n A03U 7209 00).
Note : See attached photo of the roller position.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Paper Conveyance jams, no-feed, folding, tearing, skewing, curling
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Software/Driver related
Solution Usage
The entire print job is stapled instead of each set when printing multiple stapled sets from Microsoft® Word.
CAUSE:The Collate option in the Microsoft® Word dialog box is selected.
SOLUTION:When printing and stapling multiple sets, the Collate option in the Microsoft® Word dialog box must be deselected. Please refer to attached
example. To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution byMark D'Attilio and Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Troubleshooting vCare/CS Remote Care E-mail communication failure.
In the attached vCare/CS Remote Care E-mail Communication Troubleshooting Guide are troubleshooting methods and procedures to resolve vCare E-mail
Communication issues. Topics addressed are:
A. Essential vCare Technician troubleshooting tools
B. Email Communication Requirements
C. Additional Requirements
D. Troubleshooting when a email communication test fails
E. EMAIL Server Considerations
F. Determining the type of Authentication required on a Mail Server, through telnet
G. Ethereal network capture to diagnose email connectivity issues
H. Performing a Communication Test, Printing the Communication Log and verifying that the MFP is communicating with the vCare system
I. Verifying through the vCare web application that MFP setup is complete
J. Example Mail Server logs which record a CSRC Communication Test and reception of a “setup email”
K. Advanced Email Communication Troubleshooting
Note : To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Printing from any driver using an Adobe® CS3 Suite application is very slow. The print job maycomplete quickly, but the application indicates that it is still
printing for a long period after the actual completion. The application is unavailable to perform any other tasks during this period.
CAUSE: A compatibility issue between a native Intel® application, like Adobe® CS3 Suite applications and the Intel® versionMacintosh® OS 10.4x.
SOLUTION: The best workaround for this issue is to hide the Macintosh® DOCK. The problem appears to be related to how the application interacts with the
DOCK while it is visible. Auto-hiding theDOCK through preferences will correct this printing deficiency. Adobe® and Apple® have not officially acknowledged
this problem, even though it affects printing using any print driver.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Bill Ehmke and Ed Bellone, ESS/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
When printing from Microsoft® Publisher andperforming a mail merge, thecopiesare all stapled together.
CAUSE: This is a known anomaly with Microsoft® applications.
SOLUTION: Please read the attached Microsoft® articleregarding a resolution for the problem with Microsoft® Publisher 2000 and 2003. To viewthe PDF,
Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mark D'Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Software/Driver related
Solution Usage
Unable to select Booklet feature when using FreeForm™.
CAUSE: FreeForm™ does not support the booklet feature.
SOLUTION: Unfortunately, there is no solution that will allow the functionality of creating a booklet from a document when using FreeForm™. It is
recommendend to first have document imposed as needed and then utilize FreeForm™.
The IC-303/IC-305 does have an Impose™ module option available that can be used to impose the file prior to utlizing FreeForm™.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Tony Pizzoferrato, ESS/SSD andChuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Not all available finishers are not shown in the IC-408 printer drivers.
CAUSE: Themore recent bizhubC6500/C6501 PRO finishers (FS-521, FD-503, LS-505, PB-503, PF-602 andSD-506) are not compatible with the IC-408.
SOLUTION: If the "newer" finishers are to be used, either the Fiery® IC-303/IC-305 controllers or the CREO© IC-304 controller must be used.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Corel® Draw X3 documents which are formatted in Landscape orientation will only print through the IC-304 Creo in Portrait orientation.
CAUSE: Corel® Draw X3 does not have a page orientation function as part of its printer interface. Correct page orientation must then be part of thedriver
manufacturerinterface to obtain correct output.
The IC-304 Graphical Driver Interface does not include a page orientation function, as almost all applications include this as part of their printing interface. As
there is no way to rotate the page within the application, the output will always be rotated 90 degrees.
SOLUTION: Install the IC-304 PPD in Corel® to allow the selection of page orientation.
To enable correct output in Corel®, select "Use PPD" from the General tab of the print dialog box. When this is selected, it will require a PPD to be selected
from the PC. Browse to the c:\windows\system32\spool\drivers\w32x86\3 folder and point to the IC-304v1.ppd . Once selected, press the properties button
and choose the Landscape radio button under the Orientation settings. This should allow the job to print in the correct landscape orientation.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Bill Ehmke, ESS/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
“Please load 8.5x11 paper “message on the operation panel when using auto paper select options yet8.5x11 normal stock is loaded.
CAUSE: Possible incorrect PostScript settings of the Fiery® IC-408 controller.
SOLUTION: Print out a Fiery® configuration page and make sure that the PostScript setupisas follows:
Paper Type: Plain
Paper Color: White
Paper Weight: 81-105
Note : All paper settings MUST match from the Fiery®, the driver and in the machine in order to print automatically or the job will have to be forced to print
from the machineby pressing Detail Check and selecting a paper weight.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham and Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Software/Driver related
Solution Usage
How to obtain spool files from an AS/400 for analysis by the lab.
Because of the complexityand types of issues betweenMFPs and the AS/400, the Lab may occasionally require that a spool file be provided so that the exact
issue can be re-created by the lab. There aretwo methods to follow, depending upon the OS version on the AS/400.
Follow these steps to obtain the spool file.
1. Obtain the version of the OS/400 that is installed the AS/400 by issuing the following command:
(The user will need appropriate rights in order to do this.)
2. When the Work with Licensed Programs menu is displayed, type option 10 to display installed licensed programs.
3. After the list is displayed (it may take awhile), press F11 to display the release version. This will appearunder the Installed Release column.
4. Use theattached instructions to obtain the spool file.
If the OS version is V5R4M0 or higher, then use instructions called
Backing up Spool files System i V5R4Mx.pdf
If the OS version is lower then V5R4M0, then use instructions called:
Instructions to copy spool files off AS400 V5 using FTP-final.pdf
5. After thefiles are obtained,attach them to the SSD ticket.
SPECIAL NOTE: Solution contribution by Paul Santangelo, ESS/BSE
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to perform a Mail Merge using Microsoft® Word 2007.
The attached documentation outlines procedures to:
divide Mail Merge into separate jobs based on name or address
separate a file that has already been merged into Microsoft® Word 2007. In other words, you only have a Word file with all the variable data incorporated. No
need to add recipients from a spreadsheet.
Notes :
1.The instructions are for both scenarios using Microsoft® Word 2007 and attached are the files used in the instructions.
2. To view the DOC file, Microsoft® Word® or Word® Viewer must be installed. Word® Viewer 2003 (11.7MB) can be obtained free from Microsoft® at the
following URL; .
3. To view the XLS file, Microsoft® Excel® or Excel® Viewer must be installed. Excel® Viewer 2003 (9.9MB) can be obtained free from Microsoft® at the
following URL; .
4. To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
In Microsoft® Publisher 2002/2003, publications/records are not individually collated and stapled when duplexing and using the Mail Merge feature.
CAUSE: Registry edit required.
WARNING : In Microsoft® Windows, system configuration information is centrally located in the registry. While this simplifies the administration of a
computer or network, one incorrect edit to the registry can disable the operating system. The following list provides some best practices for using the registry
and Registry Editor safely:
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Software/Driver related
Before making changes to the registry, make a backup copy.
Back up the registry by using a program such as Backup. After making changes to the registry, create an Automated System Recovery (ASR) disk. For
troubleshooting purposes, keep a list of the changes you make to the registry. For more information, see System State data.
Do not replace the Microsoft® Windows registry with the registry of another version of the Microsoft® Windows or Microsoft® Windows NT-type operating
Use reliable tools and programs other than Registry Editor to edit the registry.
Incorrectly editing the registry may severely damage the system. Use tools and programs that provide safer methods for editing the registry.
Never leave Registry Editor running unattended.
Konica Minolta is not responsible for any system errors that may result from using a registry editor incorrectly.
SOLUTION: Microsoft® Publisher can be enabled to individually collate, staple and duplex publications/records when using the Mail Merge feature of
Publisher through a registry edit. This can be done either manually or by a script.
To manually edit the registry
Open the Registry Editor by clicking Start, click Run, type regedit , and then click OK. Go to:
1. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\ \Publisher\Printing
2. Right-click on the Printing folder, select New => String Value.
2. Create new "string value" called: NumberOfRecordsPerBatch
3. Double-click and set the Value Data to 1 . Instead of grouping records together into groups of 10to send to the printer (Publisher default), the records are
now sent in groups of 1 (i.e., each document is sent separately).
Note : A value for this size setting can be set between 0 and 99999.
To update the registry "automatically" from a script
1. Download the scriptfrom and save the REG file to the Desktop (script is also attached in case the URL cannot be
2. Double-click on the icon, and then click on Yes to the question, "Are you sure you want to add the information in C:DOCUME~1\administrator account
\Desktop\20031Rec.reg to the registry?"
3. The new value will be added to the registry.
Note :Refer to Windows registry information for advanced users ( ) for additional registry editinformation.
Solution ID
Solution Usage
When printing from multiple worksheets in Microsoft® Office Excel through an IC-408 or an IC-303 using short edge fed paper (8.5x11S, 8.5x14, 11x17…) set
to staple in any position, the first sheet will will output correctly but the second sheet will jam in the finisher. This happens with the FS-503/FS-520/FS-607. If
job is viewed in Command WorkStation™ thestapling option is not set.
CAUSE: The first sheet will follow correct paper path through finisher and stops in stacker waiting for other sheets in the set. After the first sheet there is a 3
second pause before sheets 2 through 5 begin printing. Sheet2 does not follow correct path and attempts to bypass stapler section and output to Main tray
where it jams against conveyance section which is still set in the position for stapled sets.
SOLUTION: Select File=> Print=> Select Entire workbook radio button=> Select Properties=> Under "Basic" tab select paper size=> Under "Job
Info" tab scroll down and select "Print Queue Action" to "Process and Hold"=> Click "OK" twice=> Open Command WorkStation™=> Right Click on
desired job and select "Properties"=> Under "Layout" tab set "Scaling" to 100=> under "Finishing" tab select desired stapling option=> Click "Print".
Please see attacheddocumentation for Screen Capture walkthrough.
To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Macintosh® O/S 10.4 is "crashing" several applications when selecting the printer and when sending the print job.
CAUSE:Plug-ins from previous models ("konicacover", "konicafinisher" and "konicasetup) arein the library folder.
SOLUTION: Remove"konicacover", "konicafinisher" and "konicasetup from the Library on the Macintosh® system.
SPECIAL NOTE :Solution contribution by Mark D'Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
When printing from Microsoft® Office Excel using authentication and printng several spreadsheets within the same document, the authentication dialog box
pops up for each spreadsheet page.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Software/Driver related
CAUSE: Improper selection in the printer driver.
SOLUTION: Select PRINT ENTIRE WORKGROUP in the application dialog box.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mark D'Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Command WorkStation™ (CWS) not displaying all properties of print job. The print job propertieswhen viewed in CWS only have three tabs: Basic, Job Info
and Summary. Missing are Media, Layout, Color, Image, Finishing, VDP and Stamping.
CAUSE: Incorrect driver.
SOLUTION: Install latest driver. The latest print drivers are available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from the the KMBS
public site ( ) Support & Drivers tab or from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS,
Drivers, Firmware and more'.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Error message “The service Calibrator is currently used by Operator” appears.
CAUSE: IC-408 System code anomaly.
SOLUTION: Install attached patch1-Z92DF on the IC-408 with system code versions 1.1/1.1a/2.0.The patch can also be downloaded from the Konica Minolta
Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
This patch is to resolve the issue after it has occurred. It is not necessary to install this patch in advance.
Notes :
1.Please refer to attached Release Notesprior to patch installation. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded
for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
2. To open the patch file using WinZip®, WinZip®should be installed. WinZip® can be downloaded from the WinZip® website: .The file can either be saved to disk or opened.It is recommended to download the ZIP and open from the local
computer to view.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
"Job media is not associated with any tray" error message whenselecting a custom size paper created with the paper catalog and printing from EFI® Impose.
CAUSE: Incorrect settings.
SOLUTION; To use custom size paper with the paper catalog and print from Command WorkStation™ using EFI® Impose to the bizhub PRO C6500 perform
the following:
1.On the bizhub PRO C6500, perform the following procedure:
a. Select Paper Settings.
b. Select the trayto which the settings will apply.
c. Select the Register button.
d. Select an open slot for a new registration.Double-click on the open slot and Name the registration, thenselect OK.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Software/Driver related
e. Close.
f. Make sureto selectthe tray for whichthe paperis registered. Select the Change button; makethe needed changes andselect OK.
g. Select Size Settings.
h. Select Custom.
i. Input the size of the paper.
j. Select OK.
k. Select Close.
l. Checkthat the tray view on the mainbodyindicates 'custom' and has the correct registration name.
2.Open Command WorkStation™ andperform the following:
a. Under the server menu, go to Tray and Paper Association.
b.Select the trayto print to and for which theRegistration was made on the mainbody.
c. After selecting the tray, the created Registration can be seen.
IMPORTANT : Select and highlight the registration, then select OK.
d. Select the file to impose and start EFI® Impose.
e. Select the Paper Name, and the Sheet/Sheet Range Media dialog box will pop up.
f. Select the Paper Catalog drop-down box and Select the name of the Registration that was made on the bizhub PRO C6500. Select OK.
g. Make any other selection for finishing or layout.
h. Close the box by clicking on thered X in the upper-right corner and a prompt will ask for a Name to which the print jobwill besaved. Make sure the Name
ends with . dbp .
i. Right-click the file and select print.
3.To remove the Registration from the mainbody, perform the following:
a. Select the Utility Button.
b. User Settings.
c. System Settings.
d. Feed Tray Setting.
e. Paper Setting.
f. Select the Registration and select Delete. The Registration can also be editedon this screen.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Corel® documents print light. Output from other applications is normal.
CAUSE:Setting in Corel®.When the colors in a file or in the workspace color palette are not displaying as bright, vibrant colors this can be caused by the
Color Management being enabled in CorelDRAW®. The default setting in CorelDRAW® is Color Management enabled.
SOLUTION:To disable Color Management,perform the following:
1. Click on Tools, Color Management.
2. In the Style drop-down list, select "Color Management Off" and click OK.
Note : In this mode, colors may not print as they are displayed on screen.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Bill Hall, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
"[Paper size such as Letter, 8.5x11, Legal, etc.] not loaded in any tray" message when printing through the PostScript driver, even though the correct paper
size is loaded in the machine.
CAUSE:Incorrect setting."Hold mismatched documents" is selected.
SOLUTION:In Microsoft® Windows, open Printer Properties, select the "Advanced" tab and clear the check box for "Hold mismatched documents."
Note :This is shown in the attached document.To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the
Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Luis Alvarez, KMBS/San Diego
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Software/Driver related
Solution Usage
When viewing RIPped files in the Image Viewer application, the colors are not comparable to the printed output.
CAUSE: Monitor ICC profile is not associated to the viewer application in the Image Viewer Preferences.
SOLUTION: In Image Viewer, select "Edit => Preferences" and select the monitor profile for the type of monitor being used. This will ensure that colors are
reproduced more accurately when editing files.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
FS-607, unable to select staple or punch from the control panel. Able to select staple and fold or 3-fold options.
CAUSE: In the Output Applications either the machine is defaulted to N to 1 or N to 1 is selected.
SOLUTION: Under Output Applications select 1 to N to unlock these features.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Jim Behrends and Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Unable to print 11x17 booklets using Microsoft® Office Word. Thedocument prints on 8.5x11 with booklet impositionwhen properties specifiedare 11x
17 with booklet imposition and finishing.
CAUSE: Incorrect setup.
SOLUTION:Set up all imposition and finishing options under the Properties tab of the driver. At the main driver screen change [Scale to paper size:] from
None to Tabloid (see attached).
Note : To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at:
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
When attempting to unpack the Macintosh® driver (a file in .sit format) thefile is opened in Microsoft® Word instead of uncompressing it.
CAUSE: Stuffit® is not installed on the computer.
SOLUTION: Please download and install Stuffit® on the Macintosh®.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution byJohn Meyer, North Shore OfficeMachines.
Solution ID
Solution Usage
"Device can not print in accordance w/guidelines pick another printer" message when trying to print postage from Stamps.Com.
CAUSE: Driver incompatibility.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Software/Driver related
SOLUTION: states that they will not work with Konica Minoltadrivers.The only thing they will do is print labels, and you have to purchase the
labels from
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Meter readings that are exported to an Microsoft® Excel file from the main body NIC are incorrect when compared to the software meters of the machine.The
total B&W and Color are totalled under the color column andthere is nothing in the B&W column.
CAUSE:Incorrect settings of TOTAL set for the account under Account Track.
SOLUTION:When setting up a new account change the upper limit setting from “TOTAL" to "INDIVIDUAL”.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Tabloid (11x17) booklet creation on a Fiery® IC-408, IC-303 and IC-305.
Please perform the step-by-step proceduresin the attached documentation. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be
downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Unable to locate the Microsoft® Windows Vista™ 32-bit or 64-bit driver for the IC-304.
CAUSE: System code requires an upgrade.
SOLUTION: Install version 2.0 of the system code, then install all of the applicablepatches. System code and patches are available via the Konica Minolta
Download Selector under ColorProducts => IC-304 (Creo) => System Code. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by
clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
The SCAN functions are "grayed out"on theMFPyet the permissions are set to allow the scan functions.
CAUSE: Incorrect sytem configuration.
SOLUTION: "Normal" scanning is not supported through the Creo®.The scan method is called Remote Scan and it uses the TWAIN driver. To configure:
1. Upgrade theMFP to at least version 40 firmware.
2. Upgrade the IC-304 to minimum version 2.0 and install all applicable patches to meet the customer needs.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Software/Driver related
3. Sign on locally to the Creo® as " operator " and use the password of " colorserver ".
4. Using the Help function, look at Basic Workflows and select the "Remote Scanning Application".This section will assist youwithlearning how to set up users.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Log file dates are incorrect when exporting from Command WorkStation™ (CWS). Process used: Open CWS=> click SERVER=> click LOG=> click
export. Name the file and click SAVE.
CAUSE: The CWS version is an older version.
SOLUTION: Update CWS to the latest version. Check for latest version of CWS via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD
Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Microsoft® Word does not return to the default printer when closed and reopened.
CAUSE: Microsoft® Outlook is open and is using Microsoft® Word asthe default program for editing messages.
SOLUTION: To change the default mail message editing program perform the following:
1. Go into Microsoft® Outlook and select Tools from the tool bar.
2. Scroll down to Options.
3. Click on the Mail Format Tab.
4.Make sure the Use Microsoft Office Word 2003 to edit e-mail messages checkbox is selected.
Note : In versions before Microsoft® Outlook 2003, the text reads Use Microsoft Word to edit e-mail messages . In Microsoft® Outlook 2007, there is no
longer an Outlook editor. The default is Microsoft® Word and cannot be changed.
5. Close the dialog.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Cannot print to a user box from MicroPress®.
CAUSE: This is not an available function with the MicroPress® sytem.
SOLUTION: To print to a user box, a standard bizhub PRO 1050 driver must be installed. This will allow printing directly to the bizhub PRO 1050 bypassing
the MicroPress® system. SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Accessories are not shown or not available in the MicroPress® shared driver.
CAUSE: Options are not enabled in the driver on the MicroPress® server.
SOLUTION: To enable the driver options:
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Software/Driver related
1. On the MicroPress® server, access the Printers & Faxes menu.
2.Right-click the desired printer.
3. Select Properties.
4. Select the Device Settings tab.
5.Scroll down to the Installable Options section; expand the section.
6.Select desired paper source and finishing options thenselect Apply.
The options will now be available for all workstations with the shared driver loaded. Please review the attached document for detailed view of option setting.
To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Selected areas, like charts, print in black when color is selected from Microsoft® Excel 2007. Driver is defaulted to black. If color is selected for the entire
document all will print in color.
CAUSE: Service Pack 2 for Microsoft® Office 2007 has not been installed.
SOLUTION: Install Microsoft® Office 2007 SP2. To install the Service Pack, run
Microsoft® Update or download from the Microsoft Office Online Downloads page .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Jim Behrends, Workgroup/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
Solution Usage
C-3102 (C3102) code possibly accompanied by an abnormal noise.
1.One of the gears in the fusing unit gearboxfails. The shaft for fusing unit gear/H has been changed so that it is now supported at both ends instead of just
one end. The gear is now made of a stronger material.
The new design has been incorporated into all bizhub PRO C6500 machines beginning with s/n A03U0000787. A replacement gearbox is available for
machines with lower serial numbers. For the machines with serial numbers between A03U010000788 and A03U010001446 the fuser gearbox is already
updated and only fusing gear /H (p/n A03U808811) needs to be replaced.
Note :See attached Bulletin Number5923.This only applies to bizhub PRO C6500. All other models have the new style. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader®
must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
2. The machine cannot determine the separation cam home position.
Check the following items PS16 (p/n 08AA 8551 2) and Release Actuator flag (p/n A03U 7244 00). Make sure when the fuser jam release green knob is
turned counterclockwise, the Release Actuator flag (p/n A03U 7244 00) blocks and unblocks PS16/PS17. Check to see if the sensor is disconnected. If
turning the Fuser Jam removal Knob does not change the position of the Release Actuator flag, then check the drive gears associated withM30 (p/n 27LA
8003 0) for broken or stripped drive gears andreplace them if damaged.
3. A one-way gear (p/n A03U 8093 00) is slipping in the fixing drive assembly.
Replace the (3) fixing drive gears with the modifiedFixing Drive Gear/M 22T (p/n A03U 8093 11) andthe fixing drive shaft/A (p/n A03U725800).
Please refer to the attached Parts Modification Notices for details. To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for
free from the Adobe® web site at: .
4. Failed fixing limiter.
Replace fixing limiter (p/n 65AA53651).
5. Failed ICP14 on Conveyance Drive Board
Replace Conveyance Drive Board (p/n A03U H050 04).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy, David Aekus and Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
C-2211 (C2211), C-2212(C2212), C-2213 (C2213) or C-2214 (C2214)usually when the machine is running in thick paper mode (1/2 line speed). These are
drum drive error codes. Pleasebe sure that the problem is not drive-related.
1. Incorrect drum speed.
Please installminimum v40 firmwareto correct the drum speed.
Note : The latest version firmware isavailable via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support)
by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
After installing the firmware please set the following DipSW to the recommended setting:
bit 6 bit 7
0 0 Default
1 0 0.1% up
0 1 0.2% up (Recommended)
1 1 0.3% up
If the symptom reoccurs with the recommended value, try the 0.3% UP setting.
2. Cleaning blade has "flipped" on a corresponding color.
Please refer to TAUS0801219EN15 if it is determined that the drum blade has flipped.
3. Incorrect Belt Line Speed Adjustment setting.
Check the setting by referring to section 10.3.8 Belt Line Speed Adj. (Printer Adjustment) in the Service Manual. If the setting value is not in the range
between -5 to -35, readjust the value within -5 to -35. If -5 to -35 cannot give the satisfactory result, also perform the section 10.3.3. FD Mag. Adjustment
(Printer Adjustment).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Clinton Marquardt, ESS/BSE;Cesar Jimenez,Ed Bellone and Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
C-4520 (C4520) error code
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
at power up.
with poor copy quality, lines, wrinkles. The transfer belt may mis-track or slide toward one side or the other ("walking" off the rollers).
during color registration adjustment.
after performinga PM.
possibly with C-2714 error code. No image is visible on the transfer belt.
possibly with C-4501, C-4502, C-4503and/or C-4504 error codes.
possibly with C-4521 and/or C-4522 error codes.
At power up.
CAUSE: Ten (10) pixels of Color registration overlap is detected when comparing to a previous Color Registration adjustment.
SOLUTION: In order to reduce the error occurrence ratio, the following function was added to firmware version 60.
DIPSW 23-1
0 : SC detected condition 10 pixels (Default)
1 : SC detected condition 60 pixels
Notes :
1. To change SC detected condition only, color registration accuracy itself is not change.
2. The purpose of this DIPswitch is to reduce the occurrence ratio. Color registration problem itself cannot be improved.
3. Download and install firmware version 60 if necessary. The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download
Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
Poor copy quality, lines, wrinkles. The transfer belt may mis-track or slide toward one side or the other ("walking" off the rollers).
1. Upper front bearing falling out of the holderbecause oflack of tension on the upper roller bearings.
Remove and reverse the upper front bearing (p/n 540076050 listed on page 32, Key 5 in the Parts Manual) so that the bearing flange is outward and/or
slightly re-form the holder in which it sits so that more pressure is applied to the bearing.
2. Tension roller in the Intermediate Transfer Assemblybecoming dislodged, permitting the transfer belt to “walk off” or the upper and lower tension rollers are
not lining up correctly.
Addition of a new spacer at each end of the tension roller prevents the roller from disengaging from the bracket. To accommodate the new spacer, the length
of the roller has been increased slightly and a “D” shape placed on the ends. Refer to attached Bulletin Number 6331 for additional detail. Also, adjusting the
lower tension roller is suggested. Please see the attached document for directions.
3. Gaps between Tension Plate Rear Caulking (p/n 65AA-2730) and Plate/Rear (p/n 65AA26250E) after maintenance performed on the transfer belt unit.
Set Tension Plate Rear Caulking properly so that no gap exists and firmly fix with screw. See attached files for more information.
Note :Also refer to attached Bulletin Number 6522 which addresses Transfer Belt Sliding.To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe
Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
During color registration adjustment.
CAUSE: Failed color registration sensor PS8 or PS9.
SOLUTION:SwapPS8 and/or PS9. Replace color registration assembly (p/n A03U R798 00).
After performinga PM.
CAUSE: The Color Registration adjustment was not performed (bizhub PRO C5500/C5501/C6500/C6501 ).
SOLUTION: Perform the Color Registration adjustment:
1.Enter Service Mode.
2.Select Machine Adjustment.
3.Select Printer Adjustment.
4.Select Color Registration Adjustment and then Start.
5.Exit Service mode.
Possibly with C-2714 error code. No image is visible on the transfer belt.
CAUSE: The first transfer pressure release motor (M19) coupling gear is spring loaded and can become lodged in the back position.
SOLUTION: Release the first transfer pressure release motor (p/n 08AA 8003 0) coupling gear (p/n 65AA 1714 0) so that it springs freely when pressed and
Possibly with C-4501, C-4502, C-4503and/or C-4504 error codes.
1.Open ICP fuse on the Printer Control Board (PRCB).
Check the continuity of the ICP fuses ICP17, ICP20, and ICP21 with the PRCB out of the machine. You can also carefully check that there is 24V DC on
each side of the fuses while the board is in the machine. Voltage on just one side of the fuse would indicate that the fuse is open and the board needs
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
replacing (p/n A03U R759 00 - Printer Control Unit).
2. If [09 Writing Init. Pos. Memory] is not performed, the adjustment value is not reset to the initial value. Consequently, adjustment margin is decreased in
some cases.
Whenthe write unit is replaced, clean the dust-proof glass and perform the following adjustments in order:
a. Writing Init Pos. Memory
b. LD Bias Adjustment
c. I/O check mode
d. CD Skew Adjustment
e. Restart Timing Adjustment
f. Color Registration Adjustment
g. Color Registration/Manual (Adjustment)
h. Auto Gamma Adjustment
Note : Please refer to attached Machine Adjustment section taken from the March 2009, Version 2.0 bizhub C6501/C6501P/C65hc/C5501 Service Manual,
Theory of Operation. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
Possibly with C-4521 and/or C-4522 error codes.
CAUSE: ICP17 isOPEN on the Printer Control Board. The wiring between the printer control board and the hardware counters may be pinched. If the wire is
shorted to ground, ICP17 on the printer control board will open, resulting in the error code. If the wire is broken internally without shorting, the machine will
function but the counter will not increment.
SOLUTION:Check the wiring between the PRCB and the Total Counter. There might be a short to ground close to the Total Counter. After the short is found
and repaired, replace the PRCB (p/n A03U R759 00).
If the wiring is not damaged, reposition it so that it is secured in the plastic hooks behind the counters. This will keep the wiring from being pinched when the
cover is removed and reinstalled.
It is recommended that all machines be inspected at setup or the next service call to prevent future incidents.
Refer to attached Bulletin Number 6196 for complete information, including illustrations.To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader®
can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy/Mark D'Attilio/Freddie Burnham/Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD and KMBT (Japan)
Solution ID
Solution Usage
C-6708 (C6708) at power up.
1.At power up the exposure lamp moves to the left to perform shading correction, but the lamp never lights. Failed exposure lamp or Inverter board.
Replace Exposure Lamp (p/n A03U M301 01) or Inverter Board (p/n A03U M405 00) as necessary.
2. ICP1 or ICP2 has failed (OPEN) on the CCD.
Verify thatICP1 or ICP2is OPENand replace the CCD (p/n A03U A290 00)if necessary.
3. ICP2 on the IFB has failed (OPEN).
Verify thatICP2 is OPEN and replace the IFB (p/n A03U H100 01)if necessary.
4. ICP1 or ICP2 on the IPB (located on theopposite side of the ribbon cable connection) has failed (OPEN).
Verify thatICP1or ICP2is and replace the IPB (p/n A03U H020 15)if necessary.
5. The CCD wiring is poorly connected or damaged.
Reseat connection ribbon cable (p/n A03U N133 00) on the CCD unit and the IPB, inspect for damage andreplaceif necessary.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Ed Bellone, David Aekus and Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
C-6704 (C6704).
1. The image memory control board has failed.
Replace the image memory control board(p/n A03UH04001).
2.The code is indicated when making a booklet and saddle stitching. If the booklet is made without saddle stitch, it works fine with no error codes. Size is set
to metric in Command WorkStation™.
Change to inch size.
3. Components NF30 and C249have failed on theIPB. For the details, please viewthe attached file.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
Replace the IPB (p/n A03UH02003).
4. INDriver patch is required or Fusion Board has failed if using the Creo controller (IC-304).
Install the Fusion (INDriver) patch. If that does not resolve the problem,replace the Fusion Board (p/n 503-00351A).
5. Document is being scannedwhile the controller is still booting.
Pleasewait until the controllerhas fullyloaded before beginning the scan process.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD and Clinton Marquardt, ESS/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
C-6702 (C6702), C-6703 (C6703) orC-6704 (C6704) code.
CAUSE: Failed Image Processing Board.
SOLUTION: Replace the IPB (p/n A03U H020 03 for bizhub PRO C5500/C6500 andp/n A0U0 H020 02 for bizhub PRO C5501/C6501).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Jim Behrends and Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
C-4718, C-4719, C-4720 or C-4721.Depending on the code indicated, the three other malfunction codeshave not been registered.
CAUSE: Write unit failure.
SOLUTION:Replace the write unit.
bizhub PRO C5500/C6500 write unit:
p/n A03U R712 00 - color
p/n A03U R711 00 - black
bizhub PRO C5501/C6501 write unit:
p/n A0U0 R708 00 - color
p/n A0U0 R707 00 - black
Note : The following codes relate to individual write units.
C-4718 Yellow
C-4719 Magenta
C-4720 Cyan
C-4721 Black
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
“Please wait...” message.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
“Please wait for a while” message and unable to power the machine OFF/ON from sub-power switch after failed firmware update. Service mode will be
inaccessible. May also indicate "System down please main power off and on". Power save button is flashing on control panel.
CAUSE: Machine is in "Power On" mode due to flashing of Image files to the OACB failing.
SOLUTION: Firmware Image (I0-I5) files must be resent using the ISWutility.
Note : USB Flash will not be possible until firmware is written to the OACB. The current machine condition is the same as when replacing the OACB.
Please wait for a while” messageand unable topower the machineOFF/ON from sub-power switch. Firmware update was not being performed prior to issue.
SOLUTION: Replace the OACB (p/n A03U H010 5A). For the OACB location, please see the attached file.
Note :The new OACB will not have firmware loadedwhich will require the board be flashed using the ISW utility. USB flash will not be possible until the
firmware is installed on thereplacement OACB.
"Please Wait" message with C-37C5 (or any C-37xx code).
CAUSE: Any C-37xx code indicates a problem with the fuser roller temperature.
SOLUTION: For the C-37C5 code, replace the upper fuser lamp (p/n A03U M31E 00).
"Please Wait Warming Up" messagefrequently during copy/print runs.
CAUSE: Incorrect Software SW setting.
SOLUTION: Set fixing temperature soft switch to the standard setting. To set the fixing temperature soft switch perform the following:
1.Enter Service mode.
2.Select System Setting.
3.Select Software SW Setting.
4.Set Software SW 19-1 to1 (ON), 19-2 to 1 (ON) and 19-3 to0 (OFF for Standard fixing temperature settings.
5.Exit Service mode.
"Please Wait Now Adjusting" message.
CAUSE: Machine has a service code and the display of service codes has been disabled.
SOLUTION: Set Software SW 11-0to0. Cycle power OFF/ON and check for a service code.
"Please Wait..." message. Touch panel is unresponsive, Sub power indication light is flashing on control panel andService mode can not be accessed by
powering on while holding utility.
CAUSE: The OACB was replaced with no firmwareloaded.
SOLUTION: Load firmware. PowerON themachine and wait until it reaches the "Please Wait" indication. Using a USB cable (USB memory stick cannot be
used)and the ISWTRNS utility, sendthe "ImageAll" files. The transfer may be slow.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution byJohn Miller, Workgroup/SSD; David Aekus/Ed Bellone/Jim Behrends/Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD and
Clinton Marquardt, ESS/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
ISW DATA ERROR 41 when attempting to flash the firmware.
CAUSE: A printer is attached to LPT1 preventing the ISW utility from sending the file to LPT1.
SOLUTION: Remove the printer (or other device) that is attached to LPT1.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
C-2451 (C2451) intermittently or at power up.
1.Auto Refresh Interval is set to OFF.
Set the Auto Refresh Interval (Interval/Quantity Adj.) accordingly.
Select the execution intervals and the toner consumption amount of the toner refresh mode (checks the average of print coverage for each color with each
specific drive distance of the developing roller/K, and consumes a certain amount of toner for the color that the print coverage is lower than 5% converted in
A4 size after completion of printing).
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
From theService Mode Menu screen:
a.Press [02 Process Adjustment].
b.Press [05 Interval/Quantity Adj.].
c.Press [02 Auto. Refresh Interval].
d. At theAutomatic Refresh Interval screen, specify the settings of each adjustment item:
Execution existence: ON
b. Execution frequency:
[small] - Equivalent to A4 continuous 1,000 prints
[middle] - Equivalent to A4 continuous 500 prints
[large] - Equivalent to A4 continuous 330 prints
Refresh quantity:
[small] - Equivalent to A3 solid 3 sheets
[middle] - Equivalent to A3 solid 5 sheets
[large] - Equivalent to A3 solid 8 sheets
Note :Execution frequency varies depending on environmental temperature and print modes.
e.Press [OK]to enable the new settings or press [Cancel] to cancel the operation.
2. Failed Yellow Developing Unit.
Replace the Yellow Developing Unit (p/n A03U R706 00).
3. DCPS2 has failed.
Verify 24V DCoutput from DCPS2, there should be 24V DCat CN112 pins 1 & 2 and CN113 pins 1 & 2. If voltage is missing replace DCPS2 (p\n
A03U M402 01).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Craig Blyther, ASG/SSD and Jim Behrends/Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
C-0213 (C0213) code intermittently.
1.A one-way paper exit drive gear is slipping.
Replace paper exit gear /2 (p/n A03U 9098 00), paper exit gear /3 (p/n A03U 9097 01), paper exit gear /4 (p/n A03U 9096 00), or paper exit gear /5 (p/n A03U
9095 02) as necessary.
2. Dirty or failed photosensor.
Clean or replace PS10 as necessary (p/n 08AA 5512 0).
3.Older style regulating shaft is installed.
Installmodified paper exit regulating shaft (p/n A03U 8929 02).
Note : See attacheddocumentation for additional details. To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free
from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ian Lynch/Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
FS-503, SC77-25.
CAUSE: A failed paper lift up gear and/or the intermediate roller open close motor (M25). Note : The motor worm gear and paper lift up gear are worn or
improperly meshed and unable to transmit the drive. This applies to machines below the following serial numbers:
Manufacturing changes were made to eliminate this situation on machines with higher serial numbers.
SOLUTION: Replace paper lift up gear (p/n 540077321) and/or the intermediate roller open close motor (p/n 15AAR71700 - includes worm gear).
Notes : 1. The operation of the intermediate roller and motor can be checked using I/O mode output code 72-56. When initiated, the intermediate roller
should perform a home search.
2. If improperly meshed and only slightly worn, loosen the screw that fixes the M25 motor (using bit-1 Phillips-head screw driver). While pressing the worm
gear slightly in the direction of the gear, tighten the screw and apply a drop (2-3mm size) of Plus Guard grease (p/n 00GR00020) on the worm gear. Apply a
few drops (5-6mm size) of Plus Guard grease also on the cam surface. If the worm gear and worm wheel are seriously worn, replace them with new ones and
then apply a drop (2-3mm size) of Plus Guard greaseon the worm gear. Apply a few drops (5-6mm size) of Plus Guard grease also on the cam surface.
CAUTION : Be careful not to smear grease on the nearby sensor.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
3. Refer to attached documentation for additional detail. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free
from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
No power.
1.Failed OACB.
Replace OACB (p/n A03U H010 5A).
2.Peripherals were plugged into the wrong connector on the RU-504.This causes a short in the 5V DC line in the bizhub PRO C6500/C6500P/C6501 and any
attached peripherals.
Multiple boards will need to be replaced. These include (not limited to) the following boards:
Main Body
Part Number
Operation Panel Board
( bizhub PRO C6501 )
A03U R708 00
( A0U0 R701 00 )
A03U H010 5A
( bizhub PRO C6501 )
A03U H020 15
( A0U0 H020 02 )
( bizhub PRO C6501 )
A03U R759 00
( A03U R759 11 )
Conveyance Drive Board
A03U H050 04
Scanner Drive Board
Toner Drive Boards
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
PFU Drive Boards
A03X H010 17
Control boards of all options (includes DF, RU, FS, SD, etc.).
Note : Please see the attached Bulletin Number 6541 for further information. To view the PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be
downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Clinton Marquardt, ESS/BSE and Ed Bellone/Jim Behrends/David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
C-C134 (CC134) after replacing image processing board.
CAUSE: The incorrect Image processing board is installed.
Note :The latest bizhub PRO C6500/C6500P/C5500 IPB (p/n A03UH020 15 or greater) and bizhub PRO C6501/C6501P/C5501/C65hc (p/n A0U0 H020 *).
The [*] designates the last digitsof theboard revision("00"is the initial version).
SOLUTION: Install the correct Image processing board.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan) and Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD.
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Intermittent C-4701 (C4701) and/or C-4703(C4703) codes.
CAUSE: A failed Image Memory Control Board.
SOLUTION: Replace the IMCB (p/n A03U H040 13).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ian Lynch and Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
“Ready to print\Exchange time of the Toner Filter" messages.
CAUSE: Toner filtersneed to be replaced and the life counter needs to be reset.
SOLUTION: Replace the filters. Enter theService Modeto reset the life counter:
1. Enter Service mode.
2. Select [4: COUNTER/DATA].
3. Select [3: PARTS COUNTER].
5. Using the down arrow, scroll down to highlight the desired part to be reset (NO: 002 & 003), Dust-proof Filter/1 (Right Side - p/n A03UA122) and
Dust-proof Filter/2 (Rear Side - p/n 65AA-142).
6. Select [COUNT RESET].
7. Exit the Service mode.
Notes :
a. When either part is reset, both counts will reset as they are linked and must be changed as a set.
b. The part numbers to order these filters are:
Dust Proof Filter 1 (listed as "filter exchanging assy" in SAP); found in main body Service Manual, page 13 aspart number A03U R701 00.
Dust Proof Filter 2; found in main body Service Manual, page 13 aspart number 65AA R718 00.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp/Ed Bellone/Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD and KMBS - Mobile, AL
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
Solution Usage
C-0418 (C0418) code which may be intermittent.
1.This occurswhen the LU-202 is set to Coated Paper and the Relative Humidity is above 56%.
Installthemodified LU-202 LCT control board (p/n A03W H010 13).
2. Failing HT-503 (Item #A0410Y0).
Replace HT-503.
Note : Ensure the Dehumidifier Switch (SW3) is turned ON with the HT-503 installed. SW3 is located on the lower left side of the machine under a cover.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Clinton Marquardt, ESS/SSD and Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
The Use Management List, the Account track & Authentication information, is blank when printed.
CAUSE: A user has not been registered for User Authentication.
SOLUTION: Account Track data will be output if either User Authentication is enabledor a User Authentication account is set up and then User Authentication
is disabled with the account still Registered. To Register a user, select:
2. Machine Admin.
3. User Auth./Account Track.
4. Authentication method.
5. Set User Authentication ON (MFP).
6. Close.
7. User Authentication Set.
8. User Register.
9. Add.
10. Create user.
11. Return.
12. Close.
13. Go back to Authentication Method.
14. User Authentication OFF.
15. OK.
16. Close.
17. System Setting.
18. List/Count.
19. Use Management List.
20. Select Copy at top of screen.
21. Press Start.
21. Once list has output, select Utility tab at top of screen.
22. Return.
23. Exit.
The list will now output with Account Track information.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp/Ian Lynch/Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
CAUSE:The surface of the cutting board of the trimmer unit has reached its useful life (after 18,900trim cycles).
SOLUTION:The cutting board (p/n 15AN 5282 1E), also referred as the trimmer receiver or the catching plate, must be replaced.The part can be found in the
SD-501 Parts Guide Manual in the paper adjustment unit sectionat theend of the manual.Replacement procedure can be found in the SD-501 Field Service
Manual and is titled as:Replacing the trimmer board assembly.
Note : See attached instructions. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web
site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Bob Moeller/Mike McCarthy/David Aekus/Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
Solution Usage
C-2721 (C-2721) shortly after power up or during operation.
ReplaceHV2 (p/n A03U M404 00).
2. Bad connection.
Re-seat the connection to the separation pole of the separationdischarge section.Please see attached diagram from the Field Service Manual.To viewthe
PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
Note : The code does not appear immediately after pre-drive; it appearswhen a copy is made and the paper stops at the separation section.
3. Separation abnormality; poorconnection of the Powering Block A Assembly (p/n 65AA R7460 0), and/or the Powering Block 1 Assembly (p/n 65AA R7270
0) and/or Separation Wire (p/n 65AA 9025 0).
Check the connectors of the power blocks for corrosion, proper alignment and contact. Replace as necessary.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Marco Cortez, KMBS/San Diego and Mark D'Attilio/Freddie Burnham/Ian Lynch/Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
C-3912 (C3912) code at power up or "Machine warming up please wait" message.
1.Failed ACDB.
Replace the ACDB (p/n A03U H520 02).
Note : Before replacing the ACDB ensure that temperature sensor/3 (TH3) is working. TH3 will read if one of the fuser lamps is open.
2. Failed fuser lamp(s).
Check continuity of the three upper fuser lamps L2, L3 and L4. Replace failed fuser lamp (p/n A03U M32E 00).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Jim Behrends/Mike McCarthy/Ed Bellone/David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
C-6801(C6801) at power up.
1.Poor connection of the Operation panel.
Reseat Operation panel connectors.
2.Communications error between the Overall CB, PRCB and the Operation panel.
Reseat the connectorss on the CB and the PRCB.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Jim Behrends and Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
C-283x codes.
CAUSE: LD Power becomes saturated when performing Auto Gamma adjustment in a low humidity condition.
SOLUTION: Perform the following adjustment:
1. [Utility].
2. [Machine Admin. Setting].
3. [System Setting].
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
4. [Expert Adjustment].
5. [Process Adjustment].
6. [Toner Quantity / Exposure].
7. Select the proper Exposure Adjustment [Yellow, Magenta, Cyan, or Black] by using the Next/Previous button.
8. Select Standard then select [-2] under Exposure.
9. Press OK.
Notes :
a.If the problem persists, replace the problem color drum since the cause of the SC is the combination of drum characteristic and humidity.
b. The following codes = colors: C-2831 = Yellow ; C-2832 = Magenta ; C-2833 = Cyan ; C-2834 = Black .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone and David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
C-2451 (C2451), C-2452 (C2452), C-2453 (C2453)orC-2454 (C2454).
CAUSE:A toner density sensor has failed or is being read incorrectly.
SOLUTION:Swap suspected problem developing unit with theanother developing unit (tape up the developer toner entrance hole or leave toner hopper unit
open with interlocks made so it will not be adding toner to the incorrect swapped unit) and powerON the machine.If the problem follows the developing unit
and a different service code is indicated,the TDS sensor (p/n A03U M508 01) may have failed.
To verify, check the values of the sensors in the Service mode => Process adjustment => Sensor output check => #4 TCR sensors. Values should
be around 130 (if no reading, check developing unit connections, spring contacts and for loose wires). The higher the value, the more undertoned the
developer. The lower the value, the more overtoned.
Try depleting toner, if needed, from the suspected unit by running halftones of test pattern 53, density of 255 (leaving toner hopper unit open so it will not add
toner). Check if the TCR value rises, achieving a value of 130.
Try adding toner to the suspected unit (closing the toner hopper unit so it will add) in the I/O mode (54-4 for Yellow, 54-5 for Magenta, 54-6 for Cyan or 54-7
for Black) to see if the suspected unit values go lower (if not, the toner hopper may be packed or the toner motor has failed; test in I/O). Try to achieve the
value of 130.
The above procedures might have to be done a couple of times to achieve the target values. Perform any required image adjustments after the procedure
has been done.
Malfunction Code Color
C-2452 Magenta
C-2453 Cyan
C-2454 Black
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp and Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Error code C-4850 (C4850).
1. Firmware update required.
Please update to firmware version 40 or greater. The latest version of firmware, system software or print drivers is available via the Konica Minolta Download
Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
Note : If the problem occurs while using the SD-501, install mimimum version 30-GCD for the Saddle Stitcher. A C-4840 (C4840) code may also be
2. The Overall Control Board has failed.
Replace the OACB (p/n A03UH0105A).
IMPORTANT : Firmware should be updated to version 40 before replacement of the OACB.
3. Incorrect initial settings. Perform the following:
a. Depress "Utility"
b. Select "User setting"
c. Select "Initial setting"
d. Select "Copy Initial Setting"
e. Select "ADF" or select "1 -> 1" on initial copy mode
f. Press "OK"
Note :This is a firmware bug that will be corrected a future release of firmware (above version 41).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Clinton Marquardt, ESS/BSE and Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Constant jam at inversion unit when duplexing or face down copying.
CAUSE: Failed AC Driver Board - ICP1 is OPEN.
SOLUTION: Check ICP1 for continuity. If it fails, replace the AC Driver Board (p/n A03UH52001).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
CHECK POWER AND CABLE message for SD-501/SD-506 at power up.
CAUSE: SD-501/SD-506 door switches not actuated.
SOLUTION: Make certain that the finisher doors are closed and the switches actuated. If the switches are actuated and the problem persists, check the
continuity. Replace the door switches (p/n 40AA85010) as needed.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
"Memory Full" messagewhen copying mutiple colored originals through the DF-609 and requesting more than one set after installing the HD-506.
CAUSE: Dipswitch 10-1 (Hard disk image memory)is set to 0 (OFF).
SOLUTION: Set dipswitch 10-1 to 1 (ON) to allocate extra memory after the HD-506 is installed.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
C-D0E1 (CD0E1).
CAUSE: Black Hard Disk Drive (HDD) initialization abnormality.
SOLUTION: This has been corrected with firmware version 26 (install version 26 or later). The latest version firmware or system software is available via the
Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and
Run I/O code 99-03. This will check HDD for bad sectors and recovery. If problem persists, swap the black HDD with another color to verify that the HDD
failed and replace the individual HDD as necessary (p/n A03Y R701 00).
The HD-506 is actually a kit (p/n A03Y0Y0) that includes 4x40GB hard drives (1 per color channel) mounted to a single board. The drives are formatted
(FAT32) and contains pre-loaded stamps and watermarks with plenty of room for user overlays.
Notes :
1. To temporarily use the machine, set DipSW 2, Bit 0 to 0. This will disable the HDDs.
2.Please referenceversion 26 Release Notes prior to installation. The HD-506 Installation and Parts Manuals are also attached for reference.
3. To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone/Freddie Burnham/Mike McCarthy/Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
C-5003 (C5003) error code.
1.The Conveyance Drive board has failed.
Check ICP13on theConveyance Drive board (p/n A03U H050 04) replace as needed.
2. DCPS/2 has failed
Check for 24V DCon CN115of DCPS/2 (p/n A03U M402 01) and replace DCPS as needed.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski and Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
C-3911 (C3911) code at power up.
1.Failed temperature sensor/1 (TEMS1).
Replace temperature sensor/1 (p/n 65AA 8801 0).
2. Failed ACDB.
Replace the ACDB (p/n A03U H520 01).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ian Lynch/Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
HD-506 not recognized.
CAUSE: Software switch for HDD recognition not set correctly.
SOLUTION: To enable HDD recognition, perform the following:
1. Access Service Mode by pressing the utility/counter key and then pressing Stop, 00, Stop, 01.
2. On the touchscreen, touch 03 [System Setting].
3. On the next screen touch 01 [Software Switch Setting].
4. Use the up/down arrows to scroll to Software dipswitch 2-0. Set the switch to ON (1) to enable the HD-506.
Note : DipSW 10-1 also needs to be set to1 for the HD-506 to be utilized by the MFP.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez and David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
FD-501, unable to update the finisher firmware.
CAUSE:The jumper for CN19 is installed on the FD-501 instead of the actual connector.
SOLUTION:Remove the jumper from CN19 and reinstall the connector for CN19.
Note : CN19 is used in conjunction with the bizhub PRO 1050 series peripherals (options)only.Theconnector is already set for the
bizhubC5500/C6500/C6500P when delivered.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Touchscreen is not responding. If out of adjustment, how can the touchscreen be adjusted?
CAUSE: The touch panel (touchscreen) is out of adjustment and no longer responds.
SOLUTION: To adjust the touchscreen, perform the following:
1.Selectthe Utility/Counter button.
2. Select 04 Touch Screen Adjustment.
3. Following theon-display prompts, touch the points on the display.
4. Touch theCheck boxes on the display to verify.
5. Save bypressing the hard key 0,then exit with hard key 1.
Note : If adjustment must be made whenmachine has a service code,perform the following:
a. Power on machine holding Utility/Counter button.
b. Press the Access button.
c.Press the 4 on keypad.
d.Following theon-display prompts, touch the points on the display.
e.Touch theCheck boxes on the display to verify.
f.Save bypressing the hard key 0,then exit with hard key 1.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by David Aekus/Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
CAUSE: Paper exit sensor, PS13, is not turned off within a specific time. Possible incorrect setting of dipswitch 8-5 in accordance to firmware version 25.
SOLUTION: Check for the proper setting of dipswitch 8-5 = 1 with firmware version 25 and above. See attached Bulletin Number 5898 for additional
Note : To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at:
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Peripherals (options) not recognized. When attempting to download firmware,the ISW indicates anERROR 196. When booting the MFP, the control panel
indicates a C-C109 (CC109) error code. N1may begrayed out in ISW and there may be a constant "Warming Up" message.
1.The finisher control boards were just replaced and there is no firmware on the boards.
Replaced control boards need to be updated with firmware via the "back door" to Service Mode ISW. Power up the machine holding down the Utility button,
enter the ISW and load the latest peripheral firmware which can be found on the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web
Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
2.DIP switches of the RU unit and/or the finisher are in the OFF position.
Check the DIP switches of the RU unit (SW1) and the FS-503 (SW3) to make sure they are all in the ON position.
See page 124 of the Service Manual (ISW Firmware Version Up) andpages 633and 640 (Connector Layout Drawing) for additional information.
3.Dipswitch 2 is set to OFF on the FS-503 control PWB and/orCN19 on the FS-503 control PWB has a jumper on it.
Set dipswitch 2 on the FS-503 control PWB to ON and/orremove the jumper on CN19 and install the correct connector located in the harness to the left of
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gary Scimeca and Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Paper skew from all paper trays.
CAUSE: Misalignment of the transfer belt (p/n A03U 5042 00).
SOLUTION: Repair or replace the transfer belt as necessary.
Note : Install countermeasure against tension roller dropping out modification for the transfer assembly. This modification will prevent the transfer belt from
walking to one side. See attached Bulletin Number6241.
To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
ISW error 196when attempting to flash firmware.
When booting theMFP, the control panel indicates aC-C113 (CC113) or C-C114 (CC114)
CAUSE: At the rear of the machine, DIPsw 2 is set to "OFF" or the jumper is inserted in CN19.
SOLUTION: Set DIPsw 2 to "ON" and remove jumper and reinstall connector into CN19. Note : The error relating to FD-501 is C-C113 and for SD-501,
C-C114. For the LS-501, make sure that the connector jack is disconnected and plugged into the connector plugs of the RU-503 unit. Please seesteps 8
& 9on pages E8/E9 of the attached LS-501 Installation Manual. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded
for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
When flashing the PB-501/PB-502
CAUSE: The jumper for CN29 on the PBCB is connected.
SOLUTION: The jumper for CN29 on the PBCB must be removed and the wiring connector connected. The jumper is only used when the Perfect Binder is
installed on abizhub PRO1050.
After replacing PWB-PRCB
CAUSE: When the PWB-PRCB was installed CN301 was not connected.
SOLUTION: Unplug theMFP from the wall outlet and connect CN301. The connector is a 4-pin connector located on the bottom of PWB-PRCB.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp/Freddie Burnham/Ed Bellone/Ian Lynch/Gary Scimeca, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
SD-501, SC77-95.
CAUSE:Loss of 5V DC on SDDB withthe green LED not lit.OPEN ICP1 on SDDB (ICP1 is located near CN100 on bottom middle of PWB).
SOLUTION: Replace SD-501 SDDB (p/n 15AN-9321F).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
SD-501/SD-506, SC77-74 (bizhub PRO 1050/1050P/1050e/1050eP only)or C-1255.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
1.The clincher up/down gear has become damaged.
Note : A grinding noise may also be heard.
Replace the gear(p/n 15AN 7744 00). The stacker section must be withdrawn to access the gear.Pleaseseeattached SD-501 Bulletin Number 5384 as a
IMPORTANT :As a preventative measure,apply EM-30L grease (p/n 00GR00220) to the gear on the next service visit. After that, please apply grease every
750,000 copies. Grease is applied during the manufacturing process, but possibly dries upover time.
The gear location can be seen when the left door of SD-501/SD-506 is opened. Using a long brush or similar, apply the grease under good light (flashlight).
Turn off the power switch before starting the work
Be careful that grease does not fall off of the gear.
2. Failed M20 (clincher up/down motor) which"appears" to function normally, but lacks speed and strength to lift the clinchers and activate PS26 (clincher
up/down home sensor) at the designated time (for reference, please see attached SD-501 Theory of Operation).
The commutator in M20 becomes dirty and fails to make good connection with the brushes. The motor loses strength and speed or may fail tocommence
rotating. When continuity is measured with a meter, reading will fluctuate wildly as the shaft is slowly turned, indicating poor connection through the
commutator to the windings of the armature.
Replace M20 (DC Brush Motor/1 - p/n 15AQ M103 00).
3. PS26 has failed.
Replace PS26 (p\n 08AA 8551 2).
4. The staple clincher wiring is disconnected or the solenoid stopper portion of the staple clincher breaks.
Check the staple clincher wiring connection. The shape of the staple Assy/B has been changed. Please replace the part andsee attached SD-501 Bulletin
Number 6428 for reference.To viewa PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Steve Bray, Pacific Office Automation/Beaverton, OR; Jim Behrends/Gregg Gallant/Bob Moeller/Ed Bellone,
Production Print/SSD and KMBT (Japan)
Solution ID
Solution Usage
PF-601, C-0413 at power up.
CAUSE: Failed HT-504 (Dehumidifier/Heater).
SOLUTION: Disable the power switch, and open/close the front door. If the code does not reset, this could be an indication of failed sensors. As a temporary
measure, disconnect the HT-504 (Dehumidifier/Heater) to get the machine up and running. Replace the HT-504 for the PF-601 (p/n A0410Y1).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
Solution Usage
Machine stops printing and indicates "Dehumidifying".
CAUSE: Print during temperature control is set to "Not allowed".
SOLUTION: Change Print during temperature control to "Allowed" by setting DIPswitch 18-4 to 1 in the Software Switch Setting Mode.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
C-1132 when not using the Punch option. Code may occur after replenishing stock in the bypass tray during a run.
CAUSE: The Home Position Encoder Wheel is contacting the Home Position Sensor (PS301).
SOLUTION: Check for proper placement of PS301 or excessive play of the Encoder Wheel. PS301 (p/n 13QA 8552 1) should be replaced if damaged due to
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by David Aekus and Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
PB-501, SC78-16.
1. Motor M32 has failed.
Replace M32 (p/n 15AA 8005 0) and the PB-501 driver board (p/n A075 H510 00).
2. An OPEN ICP12, ICP19 and/or ICP59 on the finisher drive board of the Perfect Binder.
Verify open ICP fuses and replace the Perfect Binder control board (p/n A075 H020 02).
Note : Clean melted glue residue and set machine to lower power mode function to prevent further issues.
Supply Voltage
Supplied To
PB drive board
24V DC
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
3. Low level of firmware.
Note : The SC78-16 occurs after machine completes book jobs and sets idle for more than 30 minutes. A SC78-14 may also be indicated.
Update firmware to minimum version of 50 and version 20 on the Perfect Binder.The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica
Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Chuck Tripp, Greg Lantowskiand Ian Lynch - Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
LU-202 not recognizing paper sizes correctly.
CAUSE: The paper size VR (VR1) gear has slipped a tooth and is not aligned properly with the rear detect guide plate.
SOLUTION: Realign the paper size VR (VR1) gear by aligning the black dot on the gear with the hole in the rear detection guide plate (see attached). If the
gear alignment is correct replace paper size VR (p/n 56AA 8560 1).
Please refer to attached documentation for additional details. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for
free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ian Lynch and David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
J7540with paper stopped in the reversing section.
CAUSE: A failed reverse/exit sensor PS19 or actuator.
SOLUTION: Replace the reverse/exit sensor (p/n 08AA 8551 2) or actuator (p/n 65AA51311) as necessary.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ian Lynch and Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Unable to Auto Tray select (ATS).
CAUSE: Incorrect driver setting.
SOLUTION: Ensure that a specific paper feed tray is not selected in the print driver. To use ATS, the paper tray setting in the print driver needs to be set to
Note : Ensure that the ATS settings in user mode are enabled. To enable ATS settings perform the following:
1. Press the Utility key.
2. Select User Setting.
3. Select System Setting.
4. Select Feed Tray Setting.
5. Select ATS Permit.
6. Select ON.
7. Select OK.
8. Select Feed Tray Auto Select.
9. Select the desired feed trays to be included in the ATS search.
10. Set the tray priority for the ATS search.
11. Select OK.
12. Select Auto Paper Type.
13. Select paper types, weights, hole-punch, tab, color papers to be included in ATS.
14. Select OK.
15. Exit User mode.
16.Select Paper Setting on the Machine Screen.
17.Select a tray in the ATS list.
18. Select Size Setting.
19.Select or confirm it is set to normal and select OK.
20. Perform same for other trays.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD and Reginald Tingle, KMBS - Hawthorne
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
C-3804 (C3804).
CAUSE: TEMS/4 has flipped or is out of position.
SOLUTION: Correct the position of the sensor.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
C-3501 (C3501).
1. Temperature Sensor 1 has failed.
Replace Temp Sensor 1 (p/n 65AA 8801 0).
2. Failed fuser lamp(s).
Check continuity of the three upper fuser lamps L2, L3 and L4. Replace failed fuser lamp (p/n A03U M32E 00).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp and Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
C-2451, C-2452, C-2453 after long runs of dark copy/print jobs. Machine codes after 30K - 40K B&W copies made in one run. No color copies made.
1. Toner Density Sensor values are undertoned.
Check Toner Density Sensor values in the Service mode => Process Adjustment => Sensor output check => 04 Toner Density Sensor Check.
Values should read approximately 127. An error code could occur if the value is above 210 (undertoned). Briefly run the toner supply motor to bring to 127
Notes :
a. This is a quick process. Be ready to stop the motor.
b. Toner motors check OK in I/O mode.
2. Developing unit augers are not turning. Damaged gears or developer motor.
Replace developer unit (p/n A03U R706 00) or replace developer motor (p/n 27LA 8003 0).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
C-4111 (C4111), C-4112 (C4112), C-4113 (C4113), or C-4114 (C4114) codes.
CAUSE: Abnormal temperature detection of the polygon motor was detected.
SOLUTION: Replace affected write unit or PRCB (p/n A03U R759 11).
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
bizhub PRO C6501/C6501P/C5501/C65hc
Part NumberError Code Type
A0U0 R708 00C-4111/C-4112/C-4113 Color
A0U0 R707 00C-4114Black
bizhub PRO C6500/C6500P/C5500
Part NumberError Code Type
A03U R7A6 00 C-4111/C-4112/C-4113 Color
A03U R7A5 00 C-4114 Black
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone and Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
C-2801 (C2801).
1. ... withblank copies on the color output.
Possible malfunction or incorrect assembly of the first transfer pressure release cam.
Run the halftone test pattern (#53) for C, M, Y, in the Tech Rep mode (Copy screen, Full Color). If the output is blank, check the position of the first transfer
roller (Y, M, C) pressure release cam. With the transfer belt unit assembly out of the machine, the rollers should not be engaged outward, pressing against the
belt with the cam in home position. If they are, remove the cam, push the positioning pin to the opposite side and reassemble the cam. The function of the
pressure release motor (M19) can be tested for proper operation in the I/O output mode:
Code 48-0…..Rotates constantly
Code 48-1…..Stops at release position
Code 48-2…..Stops at B & W mode fuser position
Code 48-3…..Stops at color mode pressure position
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
2. ... shortly after power ON.
Failed HV/2.
Reseat CN736 on the PRCB and CN737, CN738 and CN739 on HV/2. Replace HV/2 (p/n A03U M404 00) as necessary.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Machine reset returns the machine to full color instead the color choice set as initial color.
CAUSE:Machine is set to reset to full auto instead of initial settings.
SOLUTION:Set the machine to reset to initial settings instead of full auto.To set the machine to reset to initial settings, perform the following:
1.Press the Utility button.
2. Select User Setting.
3.Select System Setting.
4.Select Reset Setting.
5.Select Mode Reset Setting and change the functionality of the reset button to Initialize and exit screens.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by David Aekus and Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
LS-501, “Please Change Either Output Tray or Paper Size” message on the operation panel.
CAUSE: Improper selection. Tab paper cannot be output to the LS-501 main stacker tray.
SOLUTION: This function cannot be performed and is within machine specification.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
C2811, C2812, C2813 or C2814 error code.
1. The drum potential sensor for yellow (C-2811), magenta (C-2812), cyan (C-2813) or black (C-2814)may have a film of toner dust on it affectingsensitivity.
Clean the sensorand if the problem persists replace the HV detecting sensor assembly (p/n A03U R736 00).The sensors for the 4 colors are interchangeable.
2. The Process Carriage connector is contaminated.
Clean the connectors on the rear of the ProcessCarriage and opposing connectoron main body.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski and David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Equitrac© will not print without installing a key counter.
CAUSE: Incorrect settings.
SOLUTION: To allow printing with a key counter installed, perform the following:
1. Enter Service Mode.
2. Press Stop, 9.
3. Select Management Function.
4. Set Printer to Not Object.
5. Exit Service Mode.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by David Aekus and Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
PB-501, troubleshooting for wrinkles/dents at spine of booklet.
Wrinkles and/or dents at spine of booklets influence thequality of perfect bound booklets. Therefore, please pay attention to the following for troubleshooting
CAUSE: A slight pasting unevenness at spine of a book may cause wrinkles and/or dents after cover paper is attached. If glue applying conditions (glue
applying area and cover paper pressing force) are the same, wrinkles and/or dents become more noticeable when cover paper is thin or book is thick. For the
details, see the attached Paper Wrinkles and Dents document.
SOLUTION: By pressing the cover paper forcibly against the spine of book, flatten the glue at the spine. Concretely, according to the combination of cover
paper weight and book thickness, increase the cover paper pressing force (spine corner forming position adjustment). The adjustment is on the [Machine]
screen => [Adjustment] => [Finisher Adjustment] => [Perfect Binder Adjustment] => [Spine corner forming Position Adj. (front and rear sides)].
For the amount of adjustment, see the attached Rough indication document.
Additionally, cover paper pressing force set when the machine is shipped from the factory (gap between the spine of book and cover paper). See the
shipment standard in the attached Rough indication document.
During the manufacturing process, the following values are input.
Basic: 0.8mm
Only for 7mm or thicker book printed with bizhub PRO C6500: 1.5mm
Adjustment target during the manufacturing process:
Book thickness: 10mm, cover paper weight: 128g/m2
For specified paper for PB-501, see the attached Specified Paper for PB-501 document.
Note : To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan).
Solution ID
Solution Usage
FS-503, "grayed out" during install. Unable to flash the finisher.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
CAUSE: Failed Finisher Control Board.
SOLUTION: Replace the FNSCB (p/n 15AA -931 2F). Set dipswitch 2 on the FS-503 control PWB to ON.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
C-5001 (C5001) error.
CAUSE: Failed Printer Control board or DCPS/1.
SOLUTION: Check ICP22 on the Printer Control board to see if it is OPEN. If it isOPEN replace the Printer Control board (p/n A03UR75900).If it is notOPEN
and there is no 12V DC check DCPS/1 (p/n A03UM40100). It supplies the 12 volts to the Printer Control board.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Incorrect/poor color output. YMCK test print solid color and halftones look normal.
CAUSE: Dirty or failed gamma sensor. Gamma values on the adjustment list will be at a low value.
SOLUTION: Replace the color registration assembly (p/n A03UR79800).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Trimmer paddle motor (M33) for the SD-501 does not operate in I/O mode.
CAUSE: IncorrectDIPswitch setting.
SOLUTION: Verify that DIPswitch 1="OFF" on the SD-501 control board; it enables thetrimmer paddle motor.
To operate the trimmer scrap paddle motor in I/O mode, use the following codes:
71-65(M33) in the forward direction
71-66 (M33) in the reverse direction
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski and Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
C-C130 (CC130) after replacing the OACB from another machine.
1. The OACB or PRCB has been replaced, but firmware has not been flashed to the new boards.
Restart machine while holding down the "Utility" key to enter Service mode. When in Service mode, flash the firmware.
2. The OACB or PRCB was installed from a non-matching model. For example the OACB has been removed from a bizhub PRO C5500 and installed in a
bizhub PRO C6500. The OACB has the same part number for both machines but, once installed and firmware has been flashed, the board is now
Install a new OACB (p/n A03U H010 5A) or PRCB (p/n A03U R759 00).
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
3. The NVRAM is not installed or itmay bedamaged. The operation paneldisplay is in Spanish (see attached example).
Note : To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
Install NVRAM or contact SSD Hotline if the NVRAM is damaged and needs replacement.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp and Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
C-4521 (C4521) color registration error code.
CAUSE: It is possible toner or dust is deposited between the color registration sensors, PS8 and PS9, and their outer cover. Simply wiping the sensor will not
resolve the problem.
SOLUTION: Remove the color registration assembly (p/n A03U R7980 0) and inspect the sensors. If toner or dust is deposited between the sensor and its
outer cover, the color registration assembly must be replaced.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gary Scimeca, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
C-D0EF code.
1. HD-506 has been enabled but is not installed.
Set DipSW 2, Bit 0 to 0. This will disable the HD-506.
2. HD-506 unit abnormality.
To temporarily use the machine, set DipSW 2, Bit 0 to 0. This will disable the HD-506, and replace the HD-506 unit (p/n A03Y0Y0).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
C-2840 (C2840)at startup.
CAUSE: The PGC sensor is malfunctioning.
SOLUTION: Recall Standard Data to Factory Init from the Process Adj screen in Service mode.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Unable to print when the dust proof filter/1 life count is reached.
CAUSE: The software switch which controls machine functionality when the dust proof filter/1 life count is reached is set to Prohibit.
SOLUTION: To allow the machine to print when the dust proof filter/1 life count is reached, perform the following:
1. Press the Utility/Counter key.
2. Press Stop-0-0-Stop-0-1.
3. Touch [03 System Setting] on the touchscreen.
4. Touch [01 Software SW Setting] on the touchscreen.
5. Use the left up-down arrow to input DIPSW number [5].
6. Use the right up-down arrow to input bit number [7].
7. Touch [OFF] on the touchscreen.
8. Touch [Return] on the touchscreen.
9. Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
10. Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
C-1411 (C1411)at power up.
CAUSE:The error codeis not listed in the Service Manual. The code indicates a 5V DC error with the SD-501 DB.
SOLUTION: Replace the SD-501 DB (p/n 15AN -9321F).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
LS-501, not recognized.
CAUSE: The LS-501 has been isolated in software dipswitches.
SOLUTION: Perform the following:
1.Access Service mode Touch System Setting on the touchscreen.
2. Touch Software SW setting.
3.Use the arrows to scroll to software switch 33-6; set to OFF.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone/Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
SD-501, C-1246 (C1246).
1.M11 (Bundle clip motor) has failed.
After verifying that PS33 (bundle clip upper limit sensor) and PS30 (bundle clip lower limit sensor) are functioning by checking in the I/O mode, replace the
bundle clip motor (p/n 15AN R728 00). The motor may operate but may be too weak to overcome the spring pressure at the top and bottom of the slope
2. Loose bundle clip wire tension.
Adjust bundle clip wire tension so that there is no slack in the wire.
Note : See attached photo.To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone and Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
SD-501, C-1260.
CAUSE:Clincherup/down gears (Staple Up/Down Gear /D - p/n 15AN 7732 0, Up/Down Gear /B -p/n 120H 7709 0 and/or Up/Down gear /C - p/n 15AN 7744
00) have damaged teeth causing the clinchers to bind.
SOLUTION:Replace any damaged gears. Pleasesee attached Parts Manual pages as a reference. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed.
Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
Note :The SD-501 stacker unit must be removed to access the gears.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Jim Behrends and Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
The FS-503 can not be set to stack paper until the exit tray reaches the lower limit switch (as can be set on a bizhub PRO1050/FS-503 attached).
CAUSE: This is bizhub PRO C5500/C6500/FS-503 machine specification.
SOLUTION: The FS-503 exit tray drive gears will not support the additional weight of heavy stock paper that is commonly run through the bizhub PRO
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
When performing copy or print jobs with the number of tab banks being more than 5 (such as 10 tab bank), jamming will occur in the finishing unit.
CAUSE: Tab banks selected are out of specification for the finishing unit.
SOLUTION: Even though the product specification of the main body supports 2-15 tab banks; the FS-503, FD-501, PB-501, and PI-501specification supports
up to 5 tabs.
If more than 5 tabs are being used for a job, paper handling ability can not be assured and jamming may occur. Tabbed paper must be fed so that the tab is
on the lead edge as it exits the finishing unit.
In regards to the LS-501 and LS-502 (installed on bizhub PRO 1050), tabbed paper is supported only with firmware version 50ACQ0 installed. The latest
version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support)
by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ron Reed, ESS/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
CAUSE: Possibleopen 24V ICP9 fuse (fuse type ICP-S1.0) on the Conveyance Drive Board Assembly.
SOLUTION: Check foropen ICP fuse on the CVDB and replace the CVDB (p/n A03U H050 04)if necessary.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Copies/prints are skewing as they pass thru the SD-501.
CAUSE: Timing of the release solenoid due to a failed FNS CB.
SOLUTION:ReplacetheFinisherControl Board (p/n 15AN-9313).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
LU-202, intermittent J-1502 codes.
1.Failed LU exit sensor (PS107).
Check the operation of (PS107) using I/O check mode by entering code 20 multi-code 0. he display should be 001 when paper is present and 000 when no
paper is present. Replace the LU exit sensor (p/n 56AA 8552 1) if it is not displaying the correct state.
2.Failed pre-registration clutch (MC102).
Check the operation of (MC102) using I/O check mode by entering code 22 multi-code 5. Replace the pre-registration clutch (p/n 56AA 8201 2) if it is not
being activated in I/O mode.
3.Loose or damaged connector between (PS107) and the LUDB.
Replace failed LUDB (p/n A03W H010 02).
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
4.Loose or damaged connector between (MC102) and the LUDB.
Replace failed LUDB (p/n A03W H010 02).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ian Lynch and Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Paper from Tray 2 or Tray 3 does not feed past the vertical conveyance.
CAUSE: Failed feed component(s).
SOLUTION: Check PS50 in I/O mode, 20-07. If no state change then replace PS50 (p/n 08AA 8551 2). Check Intermediate Conveyance Clutch/1 (MC13) in
I/O mode, 29-0. Conveyance roller should lock in position and not be easily turned. If roller turns freely check for 24V DCat MC13. If 24V DCis present replace
MC13 (p/n56AA 8201 2). If 24V DC is NOT present at MC13 replace the PRCB (p/nA03U R759 00).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
C-2221 (C2221).
1.The terminal for the first transfer pressure/release sensor is not connected properly.
Reconnect the terminal.
2.Failed PS15 (p/n 08AA 8551 2).
Test photosensor, PS15, in the I/O State Confirmation Mode, 48-0HIGH = home position or LOW = Other than home position by activating M19 (p/n 08AA
8003 0) transfer pressure/release motor, 48-0, 48-1, 48-2, or 48-3. Replace thephotosensor or motor as needed.
3. Possiblefailed Transfer/Pressure Release motor (M19).
Check the operation of the motor(p/n 08AA 8003 0) in the I/O State confirmation mode for proper operation with code 48-0; this should rotate the motor
constantly. Replace motorif needed.
Also check for possibleopen ICP fuses, ICP3 (5V DC)and ICP4 (24V DC) on the AC drive board (p/n A03U H520 01). Replace the drive board as necessary.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan) and Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
SD-501, staples jamming, misfiring, not pushing through sheets.
CAUSE: Staple unit not adjusted correctly.
SOLUTION: Perform the Tilt/Gap adjustment to correct staple alignment. The attached document shows the procedures for this adjustment as listed in the
SD-501 Service Manual. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
C-0303 (C0303).
CAUSE: ADU Cooling fan (M66) not working.
SOLUTION: Check ICP7on the Conveyance drive board.It supplies the 24V DC to the ADU cooling fan (M66).If it is determined the ICP isOPEN, check the
wiring to the motorfor shorts. Replace the conveyance drive board (p/n A03UH05004).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
"Please close finisher door" message.
CAUSE: Wire harness shorted against drive shaft. FNSCB has failed.
Note : There is 24V DC present at the interlock.
SOLUTION: Replace wire harnessA (p/n 15AA90010) and FNSCB (p/n 15AA-9312F).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
No warm up completion. Intermittent fuser abnormality code (C35xx - C39xx).
CAUSE:Fusing unit will no longer make a proper electrical connection because it has been improperly installed.The wiring connector on the fusing unit has
been damaged and the receiver wiringon the mainbody side of the connection has been damaged.
SOLUTION:Replace the following parts:
Fixing power source wiring/2 -p/n A03UN10601
AC driving wire - p/n A03UN11801
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
ERROR message when performing toner density sensor initial auto-adjustment.
CAUSE: Either the Toner Supply Unit is not set or the front door is open.
SOLUTION: Make certain that the Toner Supply Unit is set and the front door is closed.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
When FS-607 booklet tray is full, printing does not stop.
CAUSE: Firmware update required.
SOLUTION: Please update to firmware version 40 or greater. The latest version of firmware, system software or print drivers is available via the Konica
Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Intermittent C-0201 (C0201), C-0202 (C0202) and C-0203 (C0203)paper lift error codes.
1.The trail edge paper guide (p/n A03U R756 00) may not be pressed against the paper. This will allow the paper to fall backwards and induce the error code.
Instruct the end user to check the position of the trail edge paper guide whenever paper is loaded into the paper tray.
2. Coupling for the tray lift for Tray 1, Tray 2 or Tray 3 is obstructed or out of alignment causing the tray to not lift.
Inspect the coupler in the back of the machine for paper preventing the pin from seating in the coupler. Check alignment when tray is inserted. If out of
alignment try to adjust the drive to properly align.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
3. Cassette drive lift motor failed.
Check drive lift motor operation for the problem cassette.
Tray 1 lift motor M38 I/O mode check 23-0
Tray 2 lift motor M39 I/O mode check 23-1
Tray 3 lift motor M40 I/O mode check 23-2
Replace the failed cassete drive motor (p/n 56AA 8003 1).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gary Scimeca/Jim Behrends/Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
SD-501, SC77-72 code at power up.
CAUSE: Worn 1st folding blade drive gear.
SOLUTION: Replace up/down gear A (p/n 13QE77011) or blade drive gear (p/n 15AN77030).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Blackdisplay with only fans operating.
CAUSE: Loss of 3.3V DC due toa failed DC power supply/1. When the machine is powered ON, the display will start out white and gradually change to a total
black screen. Fans may be heard operating.
SOLUTION: Due to the location of the DC power supply/1, it is not possible to check voltages at the power supply. To confirm, check the voltage at the
interface board, CN265-4 for 3.3V DC. If no voltage is present, replace DC power supply/1 (p/n A03U M401 00).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Bob Moeller, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
C-2424 (C2424) code.
After the black developer was replaced.
CAUSE: Toner Density Sensor initial was not performed.
SOLUTION: Perform the Toner Density Sensor Initial adjust by entering Service Mode and performing the following:
1.Select Process Adjustment.
2.Select Drum Peculiarity Adjustment.
3.Select Toner Density Sensor Init.
4.Select Black and press Start.
5.When completed exit the screen and mode.
The color registration is off 1mm whenprinting the printer gamma sensor output pattern.Look for avoid between the pure black strip and the process black
on the top margin.
CAUSE:TCR/K is reading LOW.
SOLUTION: Please perform the following adjustments in order:
Manual color registration adjustment
Auto gamma adjustment
Manual color registration adjustment again
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
Color registration adjustment
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD and Tom Ingham, Docutek Imaging Solutions/Deerfield Beach, FL
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Pages are output out of orderwhen printing and copying after flashing the MFP with version GMG-40 firmware.
CAUSE:Firmware bug or mismatch.
SOLUTION:Flash the Image to version 41 or greater. The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector.
Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
"Now warming up" message remains on the display.
1. One of the heat lamps has failed.
Use an ohm meter and check each of the 3 upperlamps (p/n A03U M31E 00)and 1 lower heat lamp (p/n A03U M32E 00)for continuity. If any fail the test,
replace the lamp.
2. PWB-PRCB has failed.
Replace the PWB-PRCB (p/n A03U R759 00).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by John Miller, Workgroup/SSD and Gary Scimeca, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
C-2720 (C2720). Image density is lost toward trail edge of sheet.
1. Second Transfer Roller/upper (located in the transfer belt unit) has failed.
Replace the Second Transfer Roller/upper (p/n 65AA 4504 0).
2. HV/2 has failed.
Replace HV/2 (p/n A03U M404 00).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
PF-601/PF-602, the paper trays are reading B5 size paper when 11x17 is installed.
CAUSE:The PF unitVR is out of adjustment.
SOLUTION:Adjust the VR on the PF unit viathe little cut out/hole near the VR.The VR should be aligned with the black marking and the side guide arrow
should be positioned at the B5 marking.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mark D'Attilio and Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
C-2470 (C2470)after a jam is cleared from inside MFP engine. There may be a "Close front door" message indicated.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
CAUSE: Processing unit not connected.
SOLUTION:Open front door and pull out processing unit by handles. Slide processing unit back into machine noting if it slides smoothly (check for
obstructions if not smooth). Close front door.Replace PRCB (p/n A03U R759 11) if code does not clear.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
FS-607, Fold and Staple is grayed out when Application Output is selected.
CAUSE: Saddle stitch is isolated.
SOLUTION: Please set DipSW 7, bit 0 = 0.
Note : This DipSW is for the SD saddle stitch isolation, however, it effects the FS-607 even though there is no SD in the configuration.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy and Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
SC22-11, SC22-12, SC22-13 or SC22-14 errors and the drum fails to rotate.
CAUSE: Cleaning blade damage or Drum Drive board (PRCB) has failed.
SOLUTION:Check the Drum Drive board for a failed ICP1 or ICP2.IfICPs are OPEN replace the Drum Drive board(p/n A03U R759 00) . Also, replace the
drum unitdue to probable cleaning blade damage. Please refer to attached Bulletin Number 6833 for more information. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must
be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
There are paper jams coming out of the ADU section when face down copying/printing. J-7540 codes. There is no paper in RU unit
Cause: Paper dust on the de-curler sensor PS62 .
Solution: Clean the PS62 sensor of paper dust.
Contributor name: Frank Crotts, COBB OFFICE PRODUCTS, INC, SPECIAL NOTE: Solution contribution by Ken Walker, Workgroup/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
"Tri-fold limit is 1" message.
CAUSE:Tri-fold of three sheets is only for 20lb plain paper. Paper setting is set to heavier stock.
SOLUTION:Load proper weight of paper.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Sean Jones, MERITECH, INC.
Solution ID
How to enable jam code display.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
To enable jam code display, perform the following:
1. Press the Utility/Counter key.
2. Press Stop-0-0-Stop-0-1.
3. Touch [03 System Setting] on the touchscreen.
4. Touch [01 Software SW Setting] on the touchscreen.
5. Use the left up-down arrow to input DIPSW number [11].
6. Use the right up-down arrow to input bit number [7].
7. Touch [ON] on the touchscreen.
8. Touch [Return] on the touchscreen.
9. Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
10. Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
Note : Making this change to the software switches will allow both a position code and a J-code reference to be displayed any time a jam occurs.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone and Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
When Coated GL or ML is selected for Tray 4 or Tray 5, the machine stays in dehumidfy mode for a longer than normal time.
CAUSE: The machine has early firmware.
SOLUTION: Flash the machine to the latest version firmware. The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download
Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
Note : To enable printing during dehumdification set softwareSW 18-4 to 1.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Unable to select Account Track to change to Manage. Account Track is grayed out.
CAUSE: User Authentication is set to ON (external controller).
SOLUTION: This is normal with User Authentication set this way. If Account Track is needed the customer will have to set User Authentication to ON (MFP)
and register the users manually.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Deformation of the reverse decurler roller causing noise and wrinkling of paper.
CAUSE: Deformation can occur when the reverse deculer roller is stationary for a long period of time.
SOLUTION: Set DIPSW 3-2 to1 to enable reverse decurler roller preliminary rotation. This will rotate the roller for 5 minutes after the end of print operation
and for a fixed period of time during image stabilization control.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
C-2804 (C2804) code.
CAUSE: Normally, replacing the Black Developing unit would correct the problem. Although the problem turned out to be a bad Cyan Developing unit which
would normally generate a C-2803 code.
SOLUTION:When performing the Gamma correction adjustment, Cyan did not look correct. Replace the Cyan Developing unit (p/n A03U R706 00).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Matt Behling, KMBS - Waukesha, WI
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
Solution Usage
J-7540, J-7541, J-7542.
CAUSE: Possible incorrect alignment of the rod shaft on the main door cover/3, alignment to the door interlock switch (p/n 12QR 8601 1 - Key #3 on page 3
of the RU-503/RU-504 Parts Guide Manual).
SOLUTION: Check the alignment of the rod/shaft to the door interlock switch for proper actuation. Also check the operation of the switch in the I/O mode.
Note : For best results,viewing and performing this adjustment should be from the back of the machine/RU unit with therear cover removed.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
"Please Insert Tray" message on the control panel and theMFP will not copy or print.
CAUSE: When the "Please Insert Tray" message appears, copying and printing operations cannot be performed until all paper trays are inserted.
SOLUTION: Insert all paper trays.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gary Scimeca, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
"Trim receiver exchange" message after replacing trimmer board. Counter was reset.
CAUSE: The Trimmer Receiver board flag is blocking the EOL sensor. Trimmer board was put in wrong positon. Possibly at end of life position.
SOLUTION: Reset the Trimmer Receiverboard to the correct positionof the EOL sensor. Enter I/O mode and perform a 71-55 then a 71-58 to get the blade in
the correct positionallowing the Trimmer board to be inserted all the way forward. Be sure it is away from EOL sensor. Raise the spring loaded mechanism
that engages/advances the position of the Trimmer board assembly then reset counter in I/O 71-95.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
SC67-08 error.
CAUSE:No power to the CCD board. ICP1, 5V DCsupply to the CDD unitand/or ICP2, 12V DC supplyto the CCD unitare OPEN (both located on the Image
processing board).
SOLUTION: Check the wiring to the CCD to be sure there is no short. Replace the IPB (p/n A03U H020 28).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
After entering "Full Screen" mode in Image Viewer by selecting "Edit => Full Screen", there is no way to get out of Full Screen mode as the menu tool bar
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
is not accessible.
CAUSE: When entering Full Screen mode, the menu bar is gone and cannot be disabled through a menu selection.
SOLUTION: Full Screen mode can also be enabled using a hot key. The hot key to enable or disable Full Screen mode is F11. To get out of Full Screen
mode, press F11 again.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
C-F023 (CF023).
CAUSE:Early version firmware, firmware is corrupt or System Programwas aborted.
SOLUTION:Re-installfirmware with the most current version. The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download
Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
The ROM version checkis invalid on the machine display when using the USB flash drive methodfor updating the firmware.
1.The downloaded file is corrupt.
Download the file again making certain that the folder structure is correct on the flash drive.
2.The sum file was not included when the firmware file was placed on the flash drive.
The file will work but cannot be checked. Both the bin and sum files should show on the display. It is recommended that the sum file be placed on the flash
drive so that the file can be verified.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Tray 1 is grayed out.
CAUSE: The paper tray has been deactivated using the faulty part isolation in the Software SW setting mode.
SOLUTION: To activate the paper tray in the Software SW setting mode, perform the following:
1. Press the Utility/Counter key.
2. Press Stop-0-0-Stop-0-1.
3. Touch [03 System Setting] on the touchscreen.
4. Touch [01 Software SW Setting] on the touchscreen.
5. Use the left up-down arrow to input DIPSW number [18].
6. Use the right up-down arrow to input bit number [0].
7. Touch [OFF] on the touchscreen to remove Tray 1 from the isolation mode.
8. Touch [Return] on the touchscreen.
9. Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
10. Touch [Exit] on the touchscreen.
Note : Paper trays will be deactivated automatically if the customer selects the option to continue when a tray SC code appears.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
Solution Usage
C-2702, C-2703, C-2704.
CAUSE: A failed HV power source/1.
SOLUTION: Replace HV power source/1 (p/n A03U M403 00).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Loud popping noise anddamage to the LS-501 and LS-502.
1. The main cause of damage to the LS-501 and LS-502 is power to the machine being turned off before the stacker tray has fully descended onto the hand
cart. This is not an issue for day-to-day operation in a static configuation; it becomes an issue if the bizhub PROconfiguration is being changed and the LS
units are being moved.
Before moving an LS-501 or LS-502, always be certain that the stacker tray has finished moving to the lowered position before turning the machine off. This
keeps tension on the stacker up/down wires, keeping them from binding when the unit is connected the next time.
2. Another cause of damage is improper positioning of the stacker tray on the hand cart, usually after unloading paper from the tray. If the tray is not
positioned properly, the upper limit switch is not actuated, so the mechanism continues driving the tray until the alignment plate or other parts are damaged, or
the up/down wires break.
Be certain that the stacker tray is positioned properly on the hand cart before placing it back inside the LS-501 or LS-502.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone/Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
"Please load paper size" message from the platen or ADF. Able to manually select the tray. APS is enabled for both.
CAUSE: Paper type is not set under the Auto Paper Type selection.
SOLUTION: To set the Auto Paper Type Selection perform the following:
1. Select Utility.
2. Select Function Setting (B/W MFPs).
a. SelectUser Setting for the color MFPs.
b. System Setting for the color MFPs.
3. Select Feed Tray Setting.
4. Select Auto Paper Type Selection.
5. Set the paper type and color of the trays to use -usually Normal and White.
6. Return to normal operations screen and test.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
C-0302 (C0302)code.
CAUSE: Abnormality detection signal for M26, M27 or M28 was continuously detected for the specified time when one or more of the tucking fans was ON.
SOLUTION: Check M26, M27 or M28 (p/n 13NT80511) and ICP3 (24V DC) on the PRCB (p/n A03U R759 00). Replace as necessary.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Cesar Jimenez and Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
SD-501, C-1247 (C1247).
1. One or both of trimmer unit swing springs (left or right) has broken.
Replace both springs together. The location of the springs can be found in the SD-501 Parts Guide Manual on page 26, references 1 and 9. The part
numbers are changed from their original number. Swing spring left (p/n 15AN 5029 1E) andSwing spring right (p/n 15AN 5013 1E).
2. The bundle registration home sensor (PS34) has failed.
Replace the bundle registration home sensor (p/n 088A A855 12).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Todd Mudge, KMBS/FT. Myers, FL and Ian Lynch/Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
FD-501, J73-06or J-7359 at power up.
CAUSE: The connector to the main tray exit sensor (PS18) has become dislodged from the sensor, resulting in a false jam detection:
SOLUTION: To check the operation of the main tray exit sensor (PS18), perform the following:
1. Access theI/O mode and use input code 70, multimode 13 to check the operation of the sensor.
2. If, additional accessories are attached to the exit of the FD-501 they will have to be removed to access the main tray exit sensor.
3. Reattach the connector to the main tray exit sensor if it is dislodged and check the operation of the main tray exit sensor.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution provided by Tien Nguyen, KMBS Washington.
Solution ID
Solution Usage
CAUSE: FS-503/FS-520/FS-607 front door open jam. Door switch (MS1) was turned OFF when printing. The front door and PI-502 upper door are opened
while in printing.
SOLUTION: Check and close all doors of the finisher(s), PI and main body. Check the operation of the MS1 switch(es) (p/n 12QR86011)in the State
Confirmation (47) Mode and replace as necessary. Remove jammed paper in the finisher/main body, if any.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
FS-503, C1107 (C-1107) at power up.
CAUSE: Pinched wiring harness for PS14 (Stapler Rotation Home Sensor).
SOLUTION: Remove the wiring harness from theconnector on the board and the sensor. Check for continuity and replace the wiring harness (p/n
15AA90030) as needed.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
FS-607, J-7225.
CAUSE: The folding paper exit sensor PS25 (page 19 of the FS-607 Service Manual) does not turn ON within a specified period of time after the folding knife
motor M19 (page 20 of the FS-607 Service Manual) turns ON.
SOLUTION: Check the sensor (72-44) and motor (72-43) in the I/O State confirmation mode for proper operation. Clean, adjust, and replace as necessary
(p/n 08AA85512 - PS25 and p/n 120H80012 - M19).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
FS-607, J-7226.
CAUSE: The folding paper exit sensor PS25 (page 19 of the FS-607 Service Manual) does not turn OFF within a specified period of time after it turns ON.
SOLUTION: Check the sensor (72-44) in the I/O State confirmation mode for proper operation. Clean, adjust, and replace as necessary (p/n 08AA85512).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Unable to browse to orPING the machine (main body) NIC.
CAUSE: The machine NIC setting is set to disable.
SOLUTION: Enable the machine NIC by setting DIPSW 22-0 to 1.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ian Lynch and Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
FS-520/FS-607, J-7229.
CAUSE: The main tray paper exit sensor PS6 (p/n 08AA85512) does not turn OFF within a specified period of time after it turns ON (while in the non-stapling
mode). The sub tray paper exit sensor PS1 (p/n 08AA85512) does not turn OFF within a specified period of time after it turns ON (while in the stapling mode).
SOLUTION: Remove jammed paper in the finisher/main body, if any. Manually check the operation of the sensors in the I/O State Confirmation mode. Look
for sticky or nicked actuators and replace as necessary.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
PI-502, J-7235.
CAUSE: The paper entrance sensor PS206 (page 4 of the paper feed section of the PI Parts Manual, p/n 08AA85512) does not turn ON within a specified
period of time after the conveyance clutch MC202 (page 2 of the paper feed section of the PI Parts Manual, p/n 13QN82011) turns ON.
SOLUTION: Remove jammed paper in the PI/main body, if any. Manually check the operation of the sensor and clutch in the I/O State Confirmation mode.
Look for sticky or nicked actuators replace as necessary.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Auto Restart Function after supplying paper.
If a paper source tray becomes empty during the middle of a job, printing restarts when the tray lift up completes or PFU heater is ready after adding paper.
This has been corrected with version 30 firmware in conjunction withdipswitch settings, DIPSW 11-6=1: Enabled andDIPSW 11-6=0: Disabled (Factory
Note : The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support
(CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
FS-607, C-1104 (C1104) when outputting copies/prints to the main tray.
CAUSE: Broken drive coupling gear on rear of stacker unit.
SOLUTION: Replace drive coupling gear (p/n 129U77041).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
J76-74 and/or J76-98 with the PB-501 connected.
CAUSE: Possible firmware incompatibility.
SOLUTION: Check to make sure that the PB-501 is at minimum firmware level of version 20. Serial number cut in for version 20. North America A075011:
#54or Generic A075WW1: #79.
Note : The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support
(CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
J-7317 orJ-7314.
CAUSE: The corresponding paper entrance sensor/Up (PS201) or sensor/Lw (PS206) turns ON while machine in idle.
SOLUTION: Check sensor PS201 and/or PS206 in the State Confirmation Mode (47 mode) for proper operation and replace as necessary. Photosensor (p/n
08AA 8551 2), key 17 on page 4 of the PI-502 Parts Manual) and actuator (p/n 13QE 4807 0), key 19.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
FS-607, paper empty is displayed, even though the PI-502 tray is not empty.
CAUSE: Firmware bug.
SOLUTION: Upgrade to the most current versionof firmware.The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download
Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
SC80-43 error code (unable to flash firmware).
1.There is no firmware presently installed on the LS-501. This code occurs when doing a new installation of the finisher or if the finisher control board is
Install the latest firmware which is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by
clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
2. The 2-pin connector (blue wires) on the LS-501 is not connected.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
The extra 2-pin connector not connected to the peripheralto which the LS connectsmust be plugged into the female connector on the plate where the wiring is
passing through on the LS-501.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski/Ed Bellone/Ian Lynch/Bob Moeller, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
C-2462 (C2462) is indicated.
CAUSE: Drum Driving Motor assembly failure.
SOLUTION: Replace Drum Driving Motor assembly (p/n A03UR70500).For the drum drive motor location, please see the attached file.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan).
Solution ID
Solution Usage
SC46-06 error.
CAUSE:A problem with Tray 4 and the double feed prevention clutch assembly.
SOLUTION: The screw that holds the assembly together is too short and as a result only the wires hold it in place.This allows for too much motion in the
clutch resulting in timing problems.The problem is best resolved by installing a longer screw such as the drum lock screw from a bizhub C500.As a temporary
countermeasure, the tabs on the clutch can be carefully bent out at approximately a 30 degree angle to hold it in place.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Randall Sea, KMBS Houston.
Solution ID
Solution Usage
FS-607, J-7310. This code is not described in the Service Manual.
CAUSE: The folding paper exit sensor PS25 on the FS-607 turns ON while in idling.
SOLUTION: Remove any jammed paper in the finisher and/or main body,and check the operation ofPS25 (p/n 08AA 8551 2) and actuator (p/n 129X 4850 0)
in the state confirmation I/O mode (47 mode). Replacefailed parts as necessary.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
C-1532 (1532).
CAUSE: No change of statecan be read atPS63.
SOLUTION: Check for broken or frayed wires in the M63 wire harness from rear of PB-501 to stacking unit. The damaged wires may have also damaged the
PB Drive Board (p/n A075H02002).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
LS-501/502 not recognized and machine will not come to ready, indicates "Warming Up".
CAUSE: Failed DC Power Supply on LU unit.
SOLUTION: Replace DCPS (p/n 15AV 8451 1).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Main body will not come to Ready; indicates "Warming Up" after removing finishers.
CAUSE: RU-503/RU-504 is installed on main body with no finishers attached after it. The main body will not come to Ready if it detects an RU and no finisher
because it cannot detect an exit trayfor output.
SOLUTION: Remove the RU unit.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
C-3103 (C3103) code.
CAUSE:ICP1 on theConveyance Drive Boardmay be OPEN. ICP1(Internal Circuit Protector 1)controls 24VDC toM34.
SOLUTION: If no voltage is present to M34 in I/O modecheck the wiring for an open.If no problem is found with the wiring replacetheConveyance Drive Board
(p/n A03UH05004).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Blur on lead edge when running 12pt or similar heavy stock.
CAUSE: The Conveyance Drive Board has failed.
SOLUTION: Replace the CDB (p/n A03U H050 04)
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
J-1001 error.
CAUSE: Failed Conveyance Drive board. The Bypass Up/Down motor runs on 24V DC supplied by the Conveyance drive board.
SOLUTION:Check ICP11 on the board to see if it is OPEN.Check the motor (M35)to see it it has shorted or if the wiring has shorted to ground. Replace
theConveyance Drive board (p/n A03UH05004) if necessary.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
PK-512, J-7243.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
CAUSE: The punch home sensor (PS301) does not turn ON within a specified period of time after the punch motor (M301) turns ON. Or, the paper size
sensor (PS305) does not turn ON within a specified period of time after the punch shift motor (M302) turns ON.
SOLUTION: Remove jammed paper in the FS/main body, if any. Check the operation of the sensors PS301 and PS305 (p/n 08AA 8551 2) in the I/O state
confirmation mode 72-57 and 72-64 for proper operation and replace as necessary. Also check the operation of the motors M301 (56GA 8006 2) and M302 in
the I/O state confirmation mode 72-69 (M301 punch motor home position search) and 72-70 (M301 punch motor punching), and 72-65 (M302 Punch shift
motor home position) and 72-66 (M302 punch shift motor).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Various jam codes may occur when the punch blade in the FD-501 punch section binds.
CAUSE The punch unit can bind when debris accumulates on the punch blade. This is most likely to be an issue when there is toner on the portion of the
paper being punched.
SOLUTION Use the procedure beginning on page 2 of attached Bulletin Number 6433 to clean the punch units indicated in the included table. Punch units
with serial numbers greater than those listed were produced with a design that prevents binding.
If a punch blade is actually broken, the entire punch unit should be replaced (p/n 15AH-550 1).
Note : To view the PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
Solution ID
Solution Usage
C-5002 (C5002) error code.
CAUSE: Possible failed Printer Control board and/or DCPS/2.
SOLUTION: Check ICP32 on the Printer control board. It supplies 24V DC to the machine andthe voltage is generated by DCPS/2. If the ICP isOPEN when
checked with an OHM meter replacethe Printer Control board (p/n A03UR759). If there is no 24V DC supplied from DCPS/2 (p/n A03UM40201), it must be
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
FS-607, J-7248.
CAUSE: The folding pass-through sensor (PS26) does not turn OFF within a specified period of time after it turns ON.
SOLUTION: Remove jammed paper in the FS/main body, if any. Check the operation of the sensor PS26 (FS-607 PartsManual, STACKER, page 18, p/n
08AA 8551 2), actuator (p/n 13QE 4828 0) and actuator tension spring (p/n 13QJ 4354 0) in the I/O state confirmation mode, code 72-45, for proper operation.
Replace parts as necessary.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
PI-502, J-7249.
CAUSE: The paper entrance sensor/Up, PS201 (page 4 of the PI-502Parts Manual - p/n 08AA 8551 2) does not turn ON within a specified period of time
after the conveyance clutch/Up, MC201 (page 2 of the PI-502 Parts Manual -p/n 13QN 8201 1) turns ON.
SOLUTION: Open the PI upper door and remove jammed paper, if any. Checksensor PS201 in the I/O state confirmation mode, code 72-49, and the
conveyance clutch, MC201, code 72-84, for proper operation and replace parts as necessary.
Note : See the Parts Layout Drawing, PI section, page 604 of the Field Service Manual for a general location of these parts.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
PI-502, J-7250.
CAUSE: The FNS entrance sensor (PS4) does not turn ON within a specified period of time after the paper entrance sensor/Up (PS201) turns ON.
SOLUTION: Open the PI upper door and remove jammed paper if any. Checksensor PS4 (page 3 of the FS-607 Parts Manual “CONVEYANCE UNIT” -p/n
13QA 8552 1) in the state confirmation I/O mode, code 72-2, andsensor PS201 (page 4 of the PI-502Parts Manual -p/n 08AA 8551 2) state confirmation code
72-49, for proper operation and replace parts as necessary.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
PI-502, J-7251.
CAUSE: The finisher entrance sensor (PS4) does not turn ON within a specified period of time after the paper entrance sensor/Lw (PS206) turns ON.
SOLUTION: Open the PI upper door and remove jammed paper if any. Checksensor PS4 (page 3 of the FS-607 Parts Manual “CONVEYANCE UNIT”- p/n
13QA 8552 1) in the state confirmation I/O mode, code 72-2 andsensor PS206 (page 4 of the PI-502 Parts Manual, p/n 08AA 8551 2) state confirmation code
72-50, for proper operation and replace parts as necessary.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
LU-202 is constantly feeding paper resulting in a code J-1708.
CAUSE: The LUDB has failed.
SOLUTION: Replace the LCT Board Assembly (p/n A03W H010 13).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mark D'Attilio, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Cannot enter Service Mode through Utility menu or by recycling the sub power switch while holding Utility button after machine displays C-35xx code.
CAUSE: Lower fuser roller is in the upper position.
SOLUTION: Drop lower fuser roller into low position and recycle power.
Note : The Service modeis inaccessible byentering Utility => Stop => 0 => Stop => 0 => 0 => 1. This is to prevent accidental reset of the
code and causing additional damage to the machine. To reset a fuser abnormality code, perform the following:
a. Power the machine OFF from the main switch leaving the sub switch ON.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
b. Press the utility Key and power ON the machine from the main switch.
c. Enter Stop => 0 =>0 => Stop =>0 => 1.
d. Press [03 System Setting] on the touchscreen.
e. Press [01 Software SW setting] on the touchscreen.
f.Press the left up-arrow, which is displayed on the touchscreen, 2 times. The number displayed above the up-arrow will change to 03.
g. Select the bit number of switch 1, using the right up-arrow, 03-1 will be indicated.
h. Press the [Return] key, which is displayed on the touchscreen.
i. Exit Service mode to return to normal operation.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Lines on the touch panel screen.
CAUSE: The Overall Control Board has failed.
SOLUTION: Replace the OACB (A03U H010 5A).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mark D'Attilio/Ed Bellone/Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
CAUSE: The front right door is not locked into place with the screw.
SOLUTION: Ensure that the front right door is locked into position with the screw.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
SD-501, SC77-82.
1.SD-501 trimming scraps not dumping; backing up due to malfunction of the Bundle Exitmotor (M5).
Test the M5 motor in the Machine Condition I/O Service Mode 71-09 and 71-21 for proper operation. Also, with the scrap drawer out, try manually rotating the
M5 motor clockwise withonly your index finger; it should rotate easily with no hesitation. Look for binds or cracked gears. Replace thefailed M5 motor (p/n
27LA 8003 2E) as necessary.
Note :This DC BRUSHLESS MOTOR/30 can be found on page 29 (Trimmer Section), Key 10 of the SD-501 Parts Manual.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
2. Trimming scrap wraps around the scrap removal paddle. As shown by Figure 1, the trimming scraps drop unevenly (the center of the scrap delays) andthe
scrap iscaught at the roller of the paddle.
Figure 1
If the unit continues trimming operation, the scrap does not drop and wraps around the paddle as shown by Figure 2.
Figure 2
This might occur because:
The trimming blade is dull.
The trimming scrap width is large.
If the scrap tends to drop vertically (not horizontally), the scrap in the collection box is not straight or the trimmed surface is not smooth thenthe trimming
blade is dull. Replace the blade unit (p/n 15AN-5701).
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
Ifthe scrapis about 10mm, it may easily be caught by the paddle. Set the width to between 2mm and 4 mm:
a. Enter the Service Mode.
b. Touch [11 Finisher Adjustment].
c. Touch [06 Saddle Stitcher Adj.].
d. Touch [07 Trimming Adjustment].
e. Enter a value using numeric keys and touch [Set]. Value: 1 step = 0.1mm
Note : Modified parts for the paddle need to be installed.For more detail, please refer to the attached Parts Modification Noticeand the parts installation
procedure. To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
IMPORTANT : Please be aware that some or all of the modified replacement parts may not be readily available as thisis a recently releasedmodificationby
Konica Minolta Japan (6/19/2008).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan).
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Controller button is blank on the MFP and the Fiery® web page is completely functional when browsing out to the controller, but it indicates “Establishing
Serial Connection”.
CAUSE: The controller is not communicating with the machine image processing board (IPB) due to abad connection or possibly amalfunctioning video
SOLUTION: Try flipping or reversing the ends of the video cable and reconnecting; tighten securely. Replace the cable (p/n 45053602) as necessary.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Test pattern (No. 16) is blank whenperforming Printer Adjustments.
CAUSE: The black density is improperly set in Test Pattern Output Mode.
SOLUTION: Set the black density by using the below procedure:
1.Access Service Mode.
2.Select [11 Test Mode] on the touchscreen.
3.Select [02 Test Pattern Output mode] on the touchscreen.
4.Select [Tone-K] on the touchscreen.
5.Enter 255 using the touchscreen or keypad.
6.Select [Set] on the touchscreen.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by David Aekus, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
"Sub Tray of Folding Unit is Full" error message.
CAUSE: The SD-501 sub tray paper full photosensorhas failed or theactuatoris binding.
SOLUTION: Repair or replace the paper full sensor (p/n 08AA 85512) or actuator (p/n 15AA45430).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
C-2403 (C2403) at power up.
CAUSE: Failed Erase lamp/C.
SOLUTION: Replace Erase lamp/C (p/n 65AA83070).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
Solution Usage
SD-501, C-1253 (C1253).
1. Folding motors M18 and M19 not operating in I/O mode, code 71-44 and 71-45.
Check for24V DC goingto SDDB. CN101, CN162 and CN163.
If no 24V DCvoltage reading, SDDB has failed.Replace SDDB (p/n 15AN-9321 F).
If 24V DC is present, replace M18 or M19 folding motors (p/n 15AN R716 00)
2. PS20 (1st folding blade home position /1 sensor) or PS21 (1st folding blade home position /2 sensor) failed.
PS20 I/O mode check 71-13 = 0 (LOW) home position.
PS21 I/O mode check 71-12 = 0 (LOW) home position.
Replace the photosensor(s) if necessary (p/n 08AA 8551 2).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
SD-501, J-7290.
CAUSE: Modified part is required.
SOLUTION: Please install the modified Stopper Caulking (p/n 15AN-5911).Refer to the attached Parts Modification Notice for details. To viewthe PDF, Adobe
Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Tray 2 does not raise.
CAUSE: Incorrect settings.
SOLUTION:Test in I/O mode, code 23, multicode 1(M29 for Tray 2). If the motorworks, enterthe Service mode and check the setting for soft switch 18-1.If it is
setto 1 please set it backto 0.This will correct the faulty part isolation.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
SD-501, C-7771.
CAUSE: The bundle press does not find home.
SOLUTION: Replace theBundle Press home position sensor PS36 (p/n 08AA 8551-2).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
Solution Usage
SC23-04 code.
CAUSE: Developer fans M45 and M46 are not spinning. ICP 5 on PRCB is OPEN.
SOLUTION: Replace PRCB (p/n A03UR75900).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
When OT-502 is connected, if custom size job is printed, the machine requests to press the start key at each paper exit.
CAUSE: Firmware update required.
SOLUTION: Please update to firmware version 40 or greater. The latest version of firmware, system software or print drivers is available via the Konica
Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
Solution ID
Solution Usage
If interrupt copy is performed during printing and a jam occurs or the interrupting copy job is deleted, the controller locks up indicating “Printing” on Command
CAUSE: Firmware update required.
SOLUTION: Please update to firmware version 40 or greater. The latest version of firmware, system software or print drivers is available via the Konica
Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
Solution ID
Solution Usage
C-C111 (CC111)when connecting an LS-501 to the main body.
CAUSE: LS-501 had previously been installed on a black and white machine and has the incorrect firmware loaded for a color machine.
SOLUTION: Flash the LS-501 with the correct firmware for the color machine after making certain that the switches and wiring are correct for the installation.
The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS
Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Intermittent C-2411 (C2411), C-2412 (C2412), C-2413 (C2413) or C-2414 (C2414).
CAUSE: Failed TCR Sensor.
SOLUTION: Replace the Toner Density Sensor (p/n A03U M508 01) for the Developing Unit indicated by the failure code.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
Failure Code
Related TCR Sensor
Yellow TCR Sensor
Magenta TCR Sensor
Cyan TCR Sensor
Black TCR Sensor
Solution ID
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ian Lynch, Production Print/SSD
Solution Usage
After performing maintenance on themachine, only cyan and black colors print.
CAUSE: Possible malfunction or incorrect assembly of the first transfer pressure release cam when performing maintenance.
SOLUTION: Remove the transfer belt unit assembly from the machine. The rollers should not be engaged outward, pressing against the belt when the cam is
in the home position.
If the rollers are contacting the belt remove the cam and push the positioning pin to the opposite side, then reassemble the cam and test for proper operation.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
RU-503/RU-504, C-1434 (C1434).Unable toflash firmware to RU.
CAUSE: Therelay unit control board has failed.
SOLUTION: Replace therelay unit control board (p/n 4038 1027 04).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
LS-501/LS-502,sub tray messagewhen printing a mixed size document to the main stacker tray. Pressing the start button releases to the sub tray.
CAUSE: Machine specification. Mixed output is not supported to the main stacker tray.
SOLUTION: Print all pages as the same size or to a supported output tray.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Jim Behrends, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
Solution Usage
C-3101 (C3101).
CAUSE:Drive is lost to fuser.
SOLUTION:Parts that may require replacement:
Broken fuser drive gear /B 28T (p/n A03U808201)
Failedfuser drive motor M29 (p/n 27LA 8003 2E)
Failed CVB (p/n A03U H050 04)
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
C-4725 at power up.
CAUSE: DCPS 1 has failed.
SOLUTION: Replace DCPS 1 (p\n A03UM40201).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
C-2401 (C2401) at power ON.
CAUSE: Poor electrical contact at the Erase lamp/Y or possible failed Erase lamp/Y.
SOLUTION: Clean and inspect the electrical contacts on the Erase lamp/Y. Replace the Erase lamp/Y (p/n 65AA83070) as necessary.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ted Young, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
LS-501/LS-502/LS-505, C1203 (C-1203)or C1204 (C-1204) at power up.
1.The Grip Conveyance Sensor Adjustment has not been performed.
Note : The LSCB may have just been replaced. Please refer to attached LSCB Update documentation.
Perform the Grip Conveyance Sensor Adjustment (procedureis listed in the LS-50x section under ADJUSTMENT/SETTING/MECHANICAL ADJUSTMENT).
See attached procedure. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
2. The Holder Claw (Grip) is damaged or missing.
Reinstall or replace the Holder Claw (p/n 15AV 5050 1).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ian Lynch and Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
PK-512, punch unit is grayed out.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
CAUSE:Fault Isolation dipswitch has tripped.
SOLUTION:Check the Fault Isolation dipswitch 6-0 in the System Settings, 25 mode, and make sure that it is set to 0 (normal); ifset to1PK-512 functionality is
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Controller is calling for incorrect paper size when inserting tabs.
CAUSE: Firmware bug.
SOLUTION: Install version GCE41 special firmware.
Note :The firmware is available for download via the Konica Minolta Download Selector..
1. Login in via
2. Select the "Service"tab locatedat the top of the page.
3. Select the "SSD (DNA, Drivers, MSDS)" link locatedto the left.
4. Select the "Continue on to the SSD Home Page" link located in the middle of the page.
5. Select the "Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more" link locatedto the left.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Clinton Marquardt, ESS/BES
Solution ID
Solution Usage
C-2303 (C2303) error code.
CAUSE: Transfer belt motor not spinning. PRCB failed. No 24V DC at PRCB CN384-11B and CN384-14B.
SOLUTION: Replace the PRCB (p/n A03UR75900).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
LU-202 is installed and a C-0205 (C0205) erroroccurs.
CAUSE:LU-202 paper trayis not lifting. There is no 24V DC at CN814 (M100 connector) when I/O check 23-5 (down) and 23-6 (up) is selected. M100 lift
motor has failed.
SOLUTION: Replace M100(p/n 25AA80173).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
The CS Remote Care tab is grayed out in Service mode.
CAUSE: Incorrect software SW setting.
SOLUTION: Set software SW 15-5 = 1 (ON). To set the software DipSW, perform the following:
1.Enter Service mode.
2.Select System Setting.
3.Select Software SW Setting.
4.Set software SW 15-5 = 1 (ON).
5.Exit Service mode.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone and Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
Solution Usage
"Modem error" message after upgrading firmware.
CAUSE:CS Remote Careis not being used or the setting for CS Remote Care is incorrect.
SOLUTION:Disable CS Remote Care or confirm that "Email" is selected if CS Remote Care is being used.
To disable CS Remote Care:
1. Access Service mode.
2. CS remote => CS Remote.
3. Software Settings =>switch 15-5 = 0 (OFF).
To confirm that "Email" is selected if CS Remote Care is being used:
1. Access Service mode.
2. CS remote => CS Remote.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Timeout error when installing firmware.
CAUSE: Timeout error may occur when installing firmware with the order of C-ROM first and then option N1 (or N2) continuously.
SOLUTION: The workaround (the following examplepertains toinstalling firmware with USB memory stick):
1. Go to ISW in the Service mode.
2.Insert the USB memory stick to the service port of the MFP.
3.Choose USB Memory ISW in the display of the Service mode and make sure that the USB memory stick is recognized.
4.Choose N1 (or N2) and press Start key. Confirm the completion of the install and press Continue.
5. Choose other options and press Start key. Confirm the completion of the install and press Continue.
6.Choose Print Control (C) and press Start key. Confirm the completion of the install and press Continue.
7.Choose Image Control (I0) and press Start key. Confirm the completion of the install and press Exit.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
FS-607, intermittent SC47-05.
CAUSE:Anomaly in previous mainbody firmware version.
SOLUTION:Upgrade mainbody firmware to version 41. The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector.
Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
FS-520/FS-521/FS-607, when printing single sided, stapling is occassionally canceled.
CAUSE: Anomaly in previous mainbody firmware version.
SOLUTION:Upgrade mainbody firmware to version 41. The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
Note : Please refer to attached documentation prior to firmware installation. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be
downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
FS-607, when exiting custom size paper, Tray Full message is indicated before reaching the upper limit.
CAUSE:Anomaly in previous version firmware.
SOLUTION:Upgrademainbody firmware to minimum version 41. The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download
Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
Please refer to attached Release Notes prior to firmware installation. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be
downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
PF-601 "Please Close PFU Vertical Conveyance Door" message, yet the door is closed.
CAUSE: The PF vertical conveyance door sensor, PS24, has failed or the Vertical Conveyance door has become bent and does not actuate the sensor fully.
SOLUTION: Test the sensor using I/O mode 25-11. If the state does not change when door is opened and closed, try applying pressure to top front corner of
the door to see if state changes. If state does not change even when extra pressure is applied, replace the PS24 sensor (p/n 08AA 8551 2). If state does
change with added pressure, reshape the door to correct any warping.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
CAUSE: The Toner Supply Drive Board has failed.
SOLUTION: Check all ICPs on the Toner Supply Drive Board. Replace board (p/n 65AA -906 1E) as required.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
SC61-01 error.
CAUSE: The Scanner Driver Board has failed.
SOLUTION: Replace the Scanner Driver Board (p/n 65AA -907 1E).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
Solution Usage
Machine display willindicate "Please wait" then dashes in bottom left appear, blue stripes appear and boot sequence stops at power ON. The Konica Minolta
logo never appears.
CAUSE: Reset is needed.
SOLUTION: To reset:
1. Remove NVRAM from OACB and power ON the machine holding down the Utility button (Service mode access- French language).
Note : Touchscreen is inoperable due to settingsin NVRAM.
2. Power machineOFF and reinstall NVRAM.
3. Power machineON normally.
Note : Unplug any peripheral during this process.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Mike McCarthy, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
C-DC20 (CDC20) code at power up.
CAUSE: Corrupt firmware.
SOLUTION: Update firmware to the latest level. The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector.
Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
C-4501 yellowlaser correction failureoccurs after running the "Both Sides" paper tray adjustment.
CAUSE: The error occurs because the adjustment was not completed prior to running test copies.
SOLUTION: To correct the problem, perform the following procedure:
1. Select the Machine icon on the control panel.
2. Select the Both Sides icon on the lower part of the control panel.
3. Input the paper tray adjustment values.
4. Select Chart Adjust.
5. Select Adjustment Start.
6. Select Close after the adjustment completes.
7. Select the Copy icon and run test copies.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gary Scimeca, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
SC50-01 error.
CAUSE: Possible DCPS/1 or PRCB failure.
SOLUTION: Check DCPS/1, CN104 - pin 5 and CN106 - pin 5 to see if 12V DC is present. Check ICP22 on the PRCB for 12V DC. Replace theDCPS/1
(p/nA03U M401 00) orthe PRCB (p/n A03U R759 00) as necessary.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Main Tray lowersbut will not raise.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
CAUSE: A damaged Paper Exit Detection Actuator.
Note : The tray can be raised in I/O mode.
SOLUTION:Replace the Paper Exit Detection Actuator (p/n 15AA 4645 0).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ken Humphrey, IKON
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Error code SC-4850 after power ON and warm up hasfinished.
CAUSE: If a modem is connected to the device and
no CSRC configuration has been done -ORa RAM clear has been executed on the device.
SOLUTION: To correct:
Set the CSRC configuration and perform an initial connection of the device -ORdisconnect the modem from the device properly if no CSRC connection is needed.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KM Europe (BEU) - CSRC Team.
Solution ID
Solution Usage
The PF-601 was removed/reinstalled andnowthe Auto Tray Select function does not work.
CAUSE: Settings have changed.
SOLUTION:Access thesetup for ATS and verify that "Feed Tray Auto Select" has not be deselected.The following explains how to check this:
1. Press the Utility key.
2. Select User Setting.
3. Select System Setting.
4. Select Feed Tray Setting.
5. Select ATS Permit.
6. Select ON.
7. Select OK.
8. Select Feed Tray Auto Select.
9. Select the desired feed trays to be included in the ATS search.
10. Set the tray priority for the ATS search.
11. Select OK.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Operation panel LCD touchscreen is jittering or blinking light/dark quickly.
CAUSE: DCPS2 has failed.
SOLUTION: Replace DCPS2 (p\n A03U M402 01).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
Machine continues to run after a jam occurs and will eventually cause a C-xxx code.
CAUSE: DIPsw 12-2 is set to "1" (OFF).
SOLUTION: Set DIPsw 12-2 to " 0" (ON). DPSW 12-2 controls all jam sensors for the main body and, by default, it is set to"0" (ON) state which enables the
jam sensors. This should only be set to"1" (OFF) for testing/troubleshooting purposes, and should be immediately set back to its default "0" (ON) state when
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
C-C104 (CC104) at power up.
CAUSE: ISW abnormality. Printer Control program is not detected.
SOLUTION: Flash the Printer Control program. Replace the PRCB if necessary (p/n A03U R759 11).
Note : The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support
(CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
LU-202, J15-01.
CAUSE: Failed LU Drive Board.
SOLUTION: Check the voltages going to the feed clutch, the pickup solenoid and the shutter solenoid. Check ICP5 on the LU Drive Board.Ifthe ICP is OPEN
replace the LCT board assembly(p/n A03W H010 13).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Greg Lantowski, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
FS-503, "Please close finisher door" message.
CAUSE:PossibleOPEN ICP3 on the finisher drive board (p/n 15AA -932 2F)and/orbound orfailed M1 motor (p/n 27LA 8003 2E).
SOLUTION: Check motor in the I/O state confirmation mode for binds. Check ICP fuse for 24V DCon both sides. If no 24V DCthen the ICP is OPEN.Replace
the drive board and/or the M1 motor as needed.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
LU-202, C-0401 at power up.
CAUSE: Failed LU Drive Board (LUDB).
SOLUTION:Replace LUDB (p/nA03W H010 13).
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gregg Gallant, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Warm-up, wrong display, incorrect operation, lock-up
Solution Usage
PK-511/PK-512/PK-513, Punch selection button is grayed out.
CAUSE: Improper DIPSW setting.
SOLUTION: SetDIPSW 19-5 = 0 (Faulty Part Isolation = Normal ).
Note : DIPSW 19-5 is incorrectlylabeled in the Service Manualas "Faulty part isolation: PF ".This should read "Faulty part isolation: PK ".
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Clinton Marquardt, ESS
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Serial number cut-off for version 25 or higherfirmware without having to change the memory board.
Before version 25 or higher firmwarecan be loaded into the bizhub PRO C6500, the Memory Control Board must be replaced in machines below s/n
A03U010000516. Please see Bulletin Number5898 for additional details.
Note : To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at:
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Setting SNMP v1/v2c “read/write community” names through PageScope Net Care.
Changing the read and/or write SNMP "community names" can be implemented as a security measure through PageScope Net Care. Please see attached
document for instructions.
Note : To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at:
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Tray 5 will not raise and no error code is indicated.
CAUSE: Tray 5 feed assembly is damaged or bound up and not moving. PS9 (upper limit sensor) is not being flagged.
SOLUTION:Repair thefeed assembly to allow it to move freely andensure that PS9 flag is not damaged.
Solution ID
List of equipment that is no longer being supported.
Please see attached Product & Technical Support Bulletins 1792 and 2443 andMarketing Bulletin#07-GB-016.
Note : To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at:
Solution ID
How to create Signature Booklets from either Adobe® Acrobat™ or Microsoft® Office Word.
To create Signature Booklets from Adobe® Acrobat™:
1. Select File.
2. Select Print.
3. Choose the IC-408 and click Properties.
4. In the Basic Tab, select:
a. Duplex: Right & Left Binding
b. Paper Size: 8½x11S
c. Orientation: Portrait
5. In the Layout Tab select:
a. Booklet Maker: Saddle-Left Binding
b. "Booklet Best Fit"
6. In the Finishing Tab select:
a. Fold: Multi Half Fold
b. Stapling: Center
7. Press OK twice.
To create Signature Booklets from Microsoft® Office Word:
IMPORTANT : Make sure to have a minimum of 8 pages.
1. Select File.
2. Select Page Setup.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
3. Select the Paper Tab=> Paper Size=> 8½x11S.
4. Press OK.
5. Select File.
6. Select Print.
7. Choose the IC-408 and click Properties.
8. In the Basic Tab, select:
a. Duplex: Right & Left Binding
b. Paper Size: 8½x11S
c. Orientation: Landscape
9. In the Layout Tab select:
a. Booklet Maker: Saddle-Left Binding
b. "Booklet Best Fit"
10. In the Finishing Tab select:
a. Fold: Multi Half Fold
b. Stapling: Center
11. Press OK twice.
Solution ID
Solution Usage
The PB-501 canbe installed on both the bizhub PRO 1050 and bizhub PRO C6500. To ensure proper operation of the PB-501,settings must becorrect
depending on which main body it is beinginstalled.
bizhub PRO 1050 setup :
Access the PB control board by removing the cover above the book stacker. Ensure that DIP SW 1 is OFF.
If only the PB-501 will be installed on the bizhub PRO 1050, leave the jumper on CN29.
If any other finishingoption is being installed (FD, LS or SD), remove the jumper from CN29 on the PB control board and install wire harness connector 29
onto CN29.
Install PB firmware version 30 (filename a075j1300000.bin) which is availablefrom the KMBS Download Selector.
Recall Factory Initial Data in Service Mode/Finisher Adjustment.
bizhub PRO C6500 setup :
Access the PB control board by removing the cover above the book stacker.Set DIP SW 1to ON.
Since the PB-501 will always be connected with a relay unit, remove the jumper from CN29 on the PB control board and install wire harness connector 29
onto CN29.
Install PB firmware version 20 (filename A0750Y0_00J1_G00_2000.bin) which is contained in bizhub PRO C6500 firmware version 30 and is availablefrom
the KMBS Download Selector.
Recall Factory Initial Data in Service Mode/Finisher Adjustment.
Note : Please see attachmentas areference.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ron Reed, ASG/SSD and Cesar Jimenez, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Unable to select the main Perfect Binder tray. The main tray is displayed as unavailable.
CAUSE: The Perfect Binder has not completed its warm-up cycle and will not be shown as available until warm-up is complete.
SOLUTION: Allow the Perfect Binder to complete its warm-up cycle.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Curl adjustment is not available for the FS-607.
CAUSE: Low level of firmware, the curl adjustment was added in version G00-20 firmware.
SOLUTION: Upgrade the machine to G00-20 firmware or higher.
Note : The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support
(CS Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
Solution Usage
How to print to a printer on a Microsoft® Windows XP PC from a Macintosh® running OS version 10.4.x.
Please perfrom the step-by-step procedure mentioned in the attached document.
Note : To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at:
Solution ID
Can the new-style staple jig be used on the FS-607?
The new-style staple jig (p/n 13QEJG010) can be used on the FS-607.
Solution ID
SD-501, C-1256.
CAUSE: The saddle stitching hold motor (M21) has failed and damaged the SDDB.
SOLUTION: To check the operation of the saddle stitching hold motor (M21), perform the following:
1. Press the Utility/Counter key.
2. Press Stop - 0 - 0 - Stop - 0 - 1.
3. Touch [05State Confirmation] on the touchscreen.
4. Touch [01 I/O Check Mode] on the touchscreen.
5. Input code 71-48 using the numeric keypad and the ACCESS key for the multi-mode.
6. Press the START key and observe the saddle stitching hold motor (M21) for movement. Replace the saddle stitching hold motor (p/n 15ANR72000) as
7. If, the saddle stitching hold motor (M21) fails to move after replacement; the SDDB (p/n 15AN-9320) should be replaced.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution provided by Brian Dolan, KMBS Boston.
Solution ID
Solution Usage
C-C116 (CC116) when installing PB-501/PB-502. The Perfect Binder is not recognized by the MFP.
CAUSE: Firmware upgrade required,bizhub PRO 1050 firmware loadedorincorrect PB unit installed.
SOLUTION: First, verify the item number isNOT A075010 (bizhub PRO 1050 only). To upgrade firmware:
1. Verify that CN29 and DipSW 1 are set according to Installation Instructions in order for the PB-501/PB-502 to accept the firmware. The jumper for CN29 on
the PBCB must be removed and the wiring connector connected. The jumper is only used when the PB is installed on a bizhub PRO 1050. Please refer to
attached documentation for details. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web
site at: .
2. Enter Tech Rep Mode by holding the Utility key when poweringON the machine.
3.Check ROM version to verify the PB-501/PB-502 is recognized by the main body.
4.For the bizhub PRO C6500, enter ISW and flash to minimum firmware level. For the bizhub PRO C6501, update the firmware using the USB drive option.
The latest version firmware or system software is available via the Konica Minolta Download Selector. Access the Selector from SSD Web Support (CS
Expert Support) by clicking on 'Download MSDS, Drivers, Firmware and more'.
Note : The ISW tool for the bizhub PRO C6501 does not have a PB-501 option and the PB-502 option does not recognize the PB-501.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by David Aekus, Cesar Jimenez and Ed Bellone, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to perform Print Screens (screen shots) from a Microsoft® Windows OS and Macintosh® OS.
Please see the attacheddocument for detailed information.
Note : To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at:
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Current print or copy job continues after staple cartridge is empty. If job is stopped for any reason, it cannot be restarted until staples have been supplied.
"Staple cartridge empty" is indicated.
CAUSE: Suspend Interruption is set to When Job Complete.
SOLUTION: Set Suspend Interruption to Stop Immediately. To set this perform, the following:
1. Enter Machine Administrator Setting.
2. Select Copy Setting.
3. Press Next until at the last screen.
4. Select Stop Imediately and then exit.
Note : This setting may also be available in User Setting if security settings allow.
Solution ID
Solution Usage
PB-501 is grayed out under Output Application.
1.Uncollate is selected as an Output application which conflicts.
Deselect Uncollate.
2. The Perfect Binder has been isolated by isolation software dipswitches.
Access software switch settings by entering Service mode, selecting System setting, selecting SoftwareSW setting.Use the arrows to scroll to software
switches 35-3, 35-4,35-5and set all to 0 (OFF).
SPECIAL NOTE :Solution contribution by Jim Behrends/Bob Moeller/Freddie Burnham, Production Print/SSD
Solution ID
Solution Usage
When creating a Printer Driver Profile in iManager under iPrint task, Winsock error 11004 is encountered.The error message is: The DNS has been found in
the database, but its associated data is not correct.
CAUSE: The Novell TID is inaccurate. A DNS entry of the server needs to be on the workstation running iManager.Novell has been informed.
SOLUTION: The DNS entry should look something like this: Netware65.kmbs.local Netware65
Once placed in the etc/hosts file on the workstation, the error does not occur.A restart of the workstation is not necessary.
Solution ID
Solution Usage
The bizhub PRO C6500/C6500P/C5500 Service Manual (Theory of Operation).
The bizhub PRO C6500/C6500P/C5500 Service Manual - Theory of Operation (157MB).
Note : To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at:
Solution ID
Solution Usage
FS-503, C-1103 at power up.
CAUSE: Failure of PS8.
SOLUTION: Swap PS8 with PS31. If the problem changes replace PS8 (p/n 08AA85512).
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Solution Usage
How to obtain the pixel ratio required to return the IPB.
Pixel ratio information will not be required to return this item. Pixel ratio information is a requirement for a different model machine.
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Printing to a Windows Samba shared printer from a Macintosh®.
Please perfrom the step-by-step procedure mentioned in the attached document.
Note : To view a PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at:
Solution ID
Solution Usage
SD-501, C-1248.
CAUSE: The overlap home sensor (PS17) located at the bottom of the SD right side has become dislodged or damaged possibly due to a paper jam.
SOLUTION: Inspect PS17 (p/n 13QA85511) and the overlap mechanism for damage. The belt for the overlap mechanism may have also come off the
pulleys. Place belt back on pulleys and re-tension using the belt tension mechanism.
Note : To inspect, the SD unit must be pulled away from the accessory to which it is attached.
Solution ID
Solution Usage
SD-501 J-7584 when making booklets either trimming or not trimming.
CAUSE: PS55 (trimmer registration PS) is always ON.
SOLUTION: Check PS55 using I/O input code 71-68. The normal reading when not actuated should be LOW. IfHI is indicated, the sensor mayhave
failedor the actuating mechanism is not functioning properly.
Inspect the operation of the black plastic actuator that operates PS55 and correct if not functioning.
If necessary, replace PS55 (p/n 08AA85512).
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Lock up of operation panelcountermeasure.
Install thecountermeasure to prevent operation panel lockup as explained in the attached Parts Modification Notice.To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be
installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at:
Solution ID
Solution Usage
What is the part number for the folder rollers? The rollers are pictured using dashed lines and no part number is given in new version of Parts Catalog.
The part was taken off the list of servicable partsbecause Japan was considering making it a replaceable unit. Japan has decided against this action and the
original part number of 15AG-5734 0 is the correct number to use for ordering these rollers.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Chuck Tripp, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Solution ID
Perfect binder failure
Solution Usage
If the feed direction (FD) alignment plate does not move properly, there is interference with the paper clamp, which can result in the alignment plate being
bent. There is no associated error code.
CAUSE: Evaporated glue can accumulate on the slide shafts for the FD alignment plate, preventing the plate from operating normally.
SOLUTION: As a preventive measure, apply grease to the slide shafts at the next service visit. The grease will prevent evaporated glue from adhering to the
shafts. After the initial application of grease, reapply it every 750,000 prints. The recommended grease is Plas Guard No. 2 (p/n 00GR00020).
Notes :
1. Applying grease to the FD alignment plate shafts has been added to the 750,000-print PM schedule.
2. Please refer to attached Bulletin Number 6450 for additional information. To view the PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be
downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
Solution ID
Solution Usage
PB-501, SC78-15.
CAUSE: Severe damage to the machine involving the glue tank and the regulation plate /2 in the clamp section. The screws that secure regulation plate/2 are
loose and the plate interferes with the glue tank. In some cases, the regulation plate bows outward and the clamp unit becomes bent.
SOLUTION: Due to the potential serious damage that may occur if the regulation plate becomes loose (and also as a preventive measure), check the screws
on the next service call to ensure that they are tight. If loose, add a drop of thread lock adhesive to prevent loosening in the future. Machines currently in
production have the screws fastened with a thread lock adhesive.
Note : Please refer to attached Bulletin Number 6503 for more detail. To view the PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be
downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
Solution ID
Solution Usage
PB-501, problem with UP/DOWN Unit.
Changes have been made to prevent the bearing for the Rotation Shaft/1 in the UP/DOWN Unit from falling off. Please refer to the attached Parts
Modification Notice for more information. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe®
web site at: .
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by KMBT (Japan).
Solution ID
Solution Usage
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009
bizhub PRO C6500P
Perfect binder failure
PB-501, how to clear a C-1540 (C1540) code.
The codepoints toa heater fault in the PB-501and software switch 3-1 was "tripped". To clear:
1.Enter Service Mode andgo to System Settings.
2.Software Switch Settings.
3.Set 3-1 to 0.
IMPORTANT : Be sure to resolve the initial cause of the heater fault or the code will reappear.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Shaun DesJardins, Pacific Office Automation, Inc.
Solution ID
Solution Usage
PB-501, Clamp Unit failure.
Modified parts are available to prevent Clamp Unit failure.A different type ofSupport Shaft screwisused. Please refer to attached Bulletin Number 6659 for the
details. To viewthe PDF, Adobe Reader® must be installed. Adobe Reader® can be downloaded for free from the Adobe® web site at: .
Solution ID
Solution Usage
ThePB-501 indicates it is full after 3 booklets have been made.
CAUSE: PS65 and LED61 in the PB-501 are failing.
SOLUTION: Replace PS65 (p/n 12AR 8551 2) and LED61 (p/n 13QJ 8551 0) as a set.
SPECIAL NOTE : Solution contribution by Gary Scimeca, Production Print/SSD
Copyright 2009, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc.
November 2009