Subido por Hey-ner García

I this photo I can see a man and a baby

- I this photo I can see a man and a baby.
They are at home, pobably in the living room.
-On the left we can see the man holding the baby with his right hand and vacuuming the
carpet with his left hand
- The man is probably in this thirties. I am not sure because I can't see his face, and the baby
is very young, a few months only
- The man is wearing a pair of white socks, jeans, a white T-shirt and a dark red shirt.
The baby is wearing white nappies and rompers
- The man seems stressed and the baby seems shocked.
- The living room is untidy. The are a lot of things on the sofa and on the floor: toys, a teddy
bear, cushions, a striped blanket...
There is a picture on the wall.
- In my opinion, it is a very funny photo
- En esta foto puedo ver a un hombre y un bebé.
Están en casa, probablemente en la sala de estar.
-A la izquierda podemos ver al hombre sosteniendo al bebé con la mano derecha y aspirando
la alfombra con la mano izquierda.
- Probablemente el hombre tenga unos treinta años. No estoy seguro porque no puedo ver su
rostro, y el bebé es muy pequeño, solo unos meses
- El hombre lleva un par de calcetines blancos, jeans, una camiseta blanca y una camisa roja
El bebé lleva pañales y mamelucos blancos.
- El hombre parece estresado y el bebé parece sorprendido.
- La sala de estar está desordenada. Hay muchas cosas en el sofá y en el piso: juguetes, un oso
de peluche, cojines, una manta a rayas ...
Hay una foto en la pared.
- En mi opinión, es una foto muy divertida.
- En la foto se puede ver que hay un grupo de personas que probablemente están en un día de
- En el centro de la mesa él tiene comida como gaseosas, galletas, y botellas de agua.
- Al parecer ellos son una familia por la diferencia de edades que se ve que tienen
- Hay una chica más joven usa un polo amarillo, también lleva pantalones jeans, la otra chica
más adulta tiene un top color rosa, el chico más joven tiene un polo color verde con rayas
blancas y el otro joven tiene un polo de color morado
- en la parte de atrás se ve que hay una patineta de color rosado
-En mi opinión. es una foto hermosa ya que la familia está reunida.
- In the photo you can see that there is a group of people who are probably on a picnic
- In the center of the table he has food like soda, cookies, and bottles of water.
- Apparently they are a family because of the age difference that they have
- There is a younger girl wearing a yellow polo shirt, she also wears jeans, the other adult girl
has a pink top, the younger boy has a green polo shirt with white stripes and the other girl has
a purple polo shirt
- on the back you can see that there is a pink skateboard
-In my opinion. It is a beautiful photo since the family is reunited.
- En la foto se puede ver a dos chicas, ellas hacen un concierto
- probablemente estén en la habitación de una de ellas
-Ellas están sobre una cama, que tiene un cobertor verde, en el cuarto hay cuadros, posters, un
ropero, almohadas, las paredes son de color amarillo y blanco
-La chica de la derecha toca una guitarra, ella viste pantalones jeans, una casaca y un polo de
rayas blancas y negras, ella tiene el cabello negro, ella luce muy alegre
-la chica de la izquierda tiene un micrófono y esta cantando, ella usa pantalones jeans, y usa un
polo rosado, ella es rubia, tiene el cabello rubio
- En mi opinión es una foto muy divertida
- In the photo you can see two girls, they make a concert
- they are probably in the room of one of them
-They are on a bed, which has a green cover, in the room there are pictures, posters, a
wardrobe, pillows, the walls are yellow and white
-The girl on the right plays a guitar, she wears jeans, a jacket and a polo shirt with black and
white stripes, she has black hair, she looks very cheerful
-the girl on the left has a microphone and is singing, she wears jeans, and wears a pink polo,
she is blonde, she has blonde hair
- In my opinion it is a very funny photo
-En la foto se puede observar a una familia, que hace actividades distintas.
- El padre probablemente ayuda a hacer las tareas a la hija, ellos revisan el cuaderno, al
costado del padre hay una tasa con café, él tiene una camisa de color azul y usa lentes y al
costado de la hija hay un vaso de jugo de naranja, ella usa un polo marrón
- La madre habla por teléfono, ella usa una chompa rosada
- El niño probablemente esté jugando con videojuegos, el usa un polo verde con rayas blancas
y un pantalón de color blanco
-En la cocina hay una despensa, una ventana, una cocina y sillas
-sobra la mesa hay comida como mermelada, aceite, tomates, jugos también hay cuadernos
-En mi opinión es una foto muy familiar interesante
-In the photo you can see a family, which does different activities.
- The father probably helps to do the homework for the daughter, they check the notebook,
next to the father there is a fee with coffee, he has a blue shirt and wears glasses and next to
the daughter there is a glass of juice orange, she wears a brown polo
- The mother speaks on the phone, she uses a pink sweater
- The child is probably playing video games, he wears a green polo shirt with white stripes and
white pants
-In the kitchen there is a pantry, a window, a kitchen and chairs
-On the table there is food like jam, oil, tomatoes, juices there are also notebooks
-In my opinion it is an interesting family photo
-En la foto se puede ver que hay un grupo de alumnos que se encuentran seguramente en la
-En el fondo hay un grupo de alumnos que probablemente estén debatiendo. sobre lo que
-En la biblioteca hay mesas, sillas, libros. una planta, ventanas y estantes
-La chica de la izquierda está viendo hacia la ventana, ella tiene un polo rojo. tiene cabello
rubio, ella se ve pensativa
-Ella estudia un libro, en la mesa hay libro, lapiceros
-Detrás de ella hay más personas que también estudian
-En mi opinión es una foto interesante
-In the photo you can see that there is a group of students who are surely in the library
-In the background there is a group of students who are probably debating. about what they
-In the library there are tables, chairs, books. a plant, windows and shelves
-The girl on the left is looking towards the window, she has a red polo shirt. She has blonde
hair, she looks thoughtful
-She studies a book, at the table there is a book, pens
-After her there are more people who also study
-In my opinion it is an interesting photo
3) - In the photo you can see that there is a group of people who are probably on a picnic
- In the center of the table he has food like soda, cookies, and bottles of water.
- Apparently they are a family because of the age difference that they have
- There is a younger girl wearing a yellow polo shirt, she also wears jeans, the other adult girl has a pink
top, the younger boy has a green polo shirt with white stripes and the other girl has a purple polo shirt
- on the back you can see that there is a pink skateboard
-In my opinion. It is a beautiful photo since the family is reunited.
4) - In the photo you can see two girls, they make a concert
- they are probably in the room of one of them
-They are on a bed, which has a green cover, in the room there are pictures, posters, a wardrobe,
pillows, the walls are yellow and white
-The girl on the right plays a guitar, she wears jeans, a jacket and a polo shirt with black and white
stripes, she has black hair, she looks very cheerful
-the girl on the left has a microphone and is singing, she wears jeans, and wears a pink polo, she is
blonde, she has blonde hair
- In my opinion it is a very funny photo
5) -In the photo you can see a family, which does different activities.
- The father probably helps to do the homework for the daughter, they check the notebook, next to the
father there is a fee with coffee, he has a blue shirt and wears glasses and next to the daughter there is
a glass of juice orange, she wears a brown polo
- The mother speaks on the phone, she uses a pink sweater
- The child is probably playing video games, he wears a green polo shirt with white stripes and white
-In the kitchen there is a pantry, a window, a kitchen and chairs
-On the table there is food like jam, oil, tomatoes, juices there are also notebooks
-In my opinion it is an interesting family photo
6) -In the photo you can see that there is a group of students who are surely in the library
-In the background there is a group of students who are probably debating. about what they study
-In the library there are tables, chairs, books. a plant, windows and shelves
-The girl on the left is looking towards the window, she has a red polo shirt. She has blonde hair, she
looks thoughtful
-She studies a book, at the table there is a book, pens
-After her there are more people who also study
-In my opinion it is an interesting photo