Subido por Diego Vergara

Apes and ASL: Intelligence and Communication

ARW 02
Name: __________________________________________ November 2019
Can Apes Learn ASL?
Nowadays, the animals are breaking our expectations showing that they
are smarter than us in many ways. A great example of that are apes such as
gorillas, chimpanzees and bonobos. Consequently, apes are animals that
possess high levels of intelligence, also they are capable to learn American Sign
Language. In this composition, I am focusing on how apes show intelligence and
how apes can learn American Sign Language.
In this part, I am writing about apes show how smart they are in two
principal aspects. Fist, apes have high levels of cognition, they make tools and use
them to acquire foods. As we know, cognition is the ability to interpret and
connect information that is perceived in the world and then apply this knowledge
to future situations. So, a good way to show the abilities that apes have is making
tools. In addition, the use of tools by apes is varied. For example, they use plant
stems, stones and wood to make tools for collecting (nuts, fruits, vegetables and
seeds) and collecting water. Additionally, they use elements that they can find in
nature to make different tools that are required for acquire food. Consequently,
apes apply what they know to make tools for they needs. Second, apes use their
knowledge to apply in sophisticated hunting strategies. In fact, apes use their
intelligence to make tools or instruments to hunt. Although, tool use was long
assumed to be a uniquely human trait, there is now much evidence that many
animals use tools. Consequently, discussions of tool use often involve a debate
about what constitutes a "tool", and they often consider the relation of tool use
to the animal's intelligence and brain size. For instance, apes sharpen sticks to use
as spears when they hunt animals (mammals, invertebrades,fish). Also, another
strategy is stand up near to a termite mound without making any strong
movement and they use sticks to hunt the termites. Additionally, with the passing
of time, the environment changes, the animals become stronger, so the apes can
use other things that they find in nature to be able to get the things that they
need to survive. As a result, they have to improve their skills to make their tools
to be able to continue hunting.
In this section, I am focusing on the things that apes need to learn American
Sign Language are divided in two. First, apes need a comfortable space with
sensory approach to learning. Indeed, apes do not have to feel pressure about
learning something new. The space in which they are, has to be harmonious, cozy,
quiet and also containing things that apes like and make them feel safe. For
example, they can include things that make them feel that they do not are in
danger, like pillows, colorful things and images. Also, all the things that are put
into the environment are very important to teach American sign language. It
enhance the process of learning ASL because the place attracted the attention of
the ape. Consequently, caretakers are meticulous with every detail and the things
that apes need. As a result, caretakers are carefully with everything they put close
to an ape because everything influences in ASL learning. Second, apes require
different types of sensory tools to learn. In fact, there are many tools that
caretakers can use to teach American Sign Language such as educational games
that capture their attention and interest. For instance, they can use blocks, cards,
images, computer keyboard and toys. Researchers and caretakers use these tools
to teach them how to form words and they were associated what they know with
something new and combine two words to form a new one. Also, to reinforce and
practice what has been learned, it is necessary that the people around the ape
speak sign language. Consequently, they have to find a strategy to teach ASL to
an ape and try to improve the communication capacity in the ape. In addition, the
use of didactic material helps a lot because the apes can touch and play with the
things that help them to learn something new in a comfortable way.
To sum up, apes are smart animals that have the capacity to learn ASL to
communicate with people and express what they want to say with signs.
Eventhough, there are many controversies about that apes do signs only to
receive an award from their caretaker, and they really cannot communicate using
sign language. In my opinion, apes are species similar to humans because they
show cognition using ASL to communicate with people. Also, they are capable to
learn more and more, with help and without help.