After installation, run "WUMT Wrapper Script" in the WUMT Wrapper Script folder in the start menu to initialize all settings. (It's "WUMTWrapperScript.cmd" in the script folder if you installed as portable). You don't have to check for updates, just close the first information screen that appears. If Windows Update Assistant is installed, the script will prompt you to uninstall and delete it first. Then the information screen will appear. Afterwards you can run the Configurator to allow using the Store. For the Store to work, the update service must be on. Use the Configurator to set it to [E]nable to use Store and then set [D]isable with Configurator after you're through with the Store. Windows Defender will update every six hours no matter what setting you use, but it'll only update if it's enabled. No resource hogging if Defender is disabled. Uninstaller in start menu or "Uninstaller_undo-all-script-changes.cmd" in the script folder is the only way to completely uninstall the script. The wrapper script causes sfc errors, so if you want to run sfc, uninstall the script first or read the logs for errors with EOSNotify.exe, osrss.dll, UsoClient.exe, WaaSMedic.exe, WaasMedicSvc.dll, WaaSMedicPS.dll, WaaSAssessment.dll, MusNotificationUx.exe, MusNotification.exe, and SIHClient.exe, which is normal. This command in the command prompt will show if the above files are the problem: findstr /c:"[SR] Cannot" %windir%\logs\cbs\cbs.log|more Check the included readme for more information.