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English Grammar Terms: Adjectives, Adverbs, Verbs

Appendix 3
Adverbs of
(adverbios de
Auxiliary verbs
(verbos auxiliaries)
The infinitive
(el infintivo)
Modal verb
(verbos modales)
Describes a noun (people, places, things, events, etc.)
Describe un sustantivo (gente, lugares, cosas, eventos, etc.)
A beautiful city, an enjoyable holiday, interesting people,
terrible news
Adds information about when, where, or how something happens.
Agrega información sobre cuando, donde o como sucede algo
She wrote the report yesterday. He’s waiting outside. Please
drive slowly.
Describes how often something happens.
Describe con que frecuencia algo sucede.
I always play tennis in the summer.
I’m sometimes late for work
(be, do and have) is used with other verbs to forms to make
tenses and passive forms.
Se usan junto a otros verbos para formar tiempos verbales y la
voz pasiva
She is working in Geneva. Where did you go? The window has
been opened.
Is the base form of the verb (see, buy, etc.). It is used with or
without to.
Es el infinitivo de los verbos. Se usa con o sin “to”.
It’s good to meet you. I must go now.
Is a verb like might, can, and should. We use them to express
possibility, ask permission, give advice, etc.
Son verbos como might, can o should. Se usan para expresar
posibilidad, pedir permiso dar consejo, etc.
She might arrive late. Can I use your phone? You should see a
Is a person, place, thing, or idea
Es una persona, lugar, cosa o idea
A journalist, an office, books, beauty
Indicates place, time, direction, etc.
Indican lugar, tiempo, dirección, etc.
I live in a flan. He walks to his office every day. They begin work
at 8 o’clock.
Takes the place of a noun.
Reemplaza al sustantivo
The restaurant is very good but it is expensive. Do you know
Sue? I saw her at the theatre last night
Expresses an action or state.
Expresa una acción o un estado.
He writes for a magazine. I speak French. She didn’t enjoy the