Subido por Jose Rojas

Drill & Blast Techniques for Underground Mining

Optimal Drill and Blast Techniques for Underground Mining
Commercial explosives used today consist of chemicals that have the ability to convert
their solid mass into gases of extremely high temperatures and pressures extremely
quickly. A good rule of thumb is that a kilogram of explosive will be converted into
about 1000 liters of gas at standard temperature and pressure. It is this rapid conversion
of the explosives, which when confined in a blasthole, produce high amounts of strain
on the rock, which in turn fractures and displaces ground.
The pressures produced behind a detonating front in an explosive column can be in the
order of 30GPa and reach temperatures of up to 4000oC.
Explosives used in industry utilise chemical reactions to produce the gases and heat in
the same basic way that a fire does but much more rapidly. It is the extremely fast
expansion of hot gases that does most of the useful work in an explosion. The diagram
below shows the similarities and difference between a fire and a detonation.
Slow Reaction
Fast Reaction
Figure 7.1 Chemical reactions.
It is the speed of the chemical reaction that makes the difference between combustion
and detonation. All commercial explosives if not used correctly will burn instead of
detonate and the release of energy will be too slow to do useful breakage of the rock.
The energy released from the detonation of explosives result from the conversion of the
solid to gaseous products and heat, with minor energy output into noise and vibration. A
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shock wave is created during the conversion that is highly compressed and superheated.
This detonation wave travels through the unreacted explosives, driving the detonation
further, at a speed greater than the speed of sound in that material. The detonation wave
travels at different speeds for different explosive compositions and also at different
speeds for the same explosive depending on the conditions in which it is used.
Generally the detonation wave travels in the range of 2000m/s to 7500m/s for
commonly available commercial explosives.
The way in which the detonation wave travels through the explosive is important to the
total energy output. If the detonation wave travels slower than the speed of sound in the
explosive then the explosive is said to deflagrate, which is basically a rapid burning.
The deflagration will generate larger volumes of gas and provide less shock energy
from the explosive product.
Shock/Stress Wave in the
Surrounding Media
Shock Front in the Explosive
Direction of
Undisturbed Explosive
Primary Reaction
Stable By-products
Mainly Gases
Figure 7.2 Schematic of detonation process.
The useful energy given out by an explosive detonating is divided into the two
- Shock or Brisance energy
- Gas or heave energy
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Historical Theories
Chapman and Jouguet developed the classical hydrodynamic theory of steady-state
detonation very early this century. In its simplest form the theory states:
PCJ = K *  * (VODCJ)2
CJ detonation pressure
explosive density
CJ velocity of detonation
The theory was based on a one dimensional, discontinuous model. The detonation front
propagated through the explosive at a single characteristic velocity (VODCJ ) which is
dependent only on the density of the explosive. Explosives, which exhibit such
behaviour, are known as ideal explosives. Only molecular explosives i.e. nitroglycerin,
react in this way; it is found that commercial explosives are not described by the model.
The one dimensional model assumes the entire detonation front is flat and perpendicular
to the axis of movement. The discontinuous model assumes that the reaction zone is
two-dimensional and acts only as a boundary between reacted and unreacted products.
The theory assumes all chemical reactions have gone to 100% completion after passing
through this ‘boundary’.
reaction boundary
detonation direction
fully reacted product
unreacted product
Figure 7.3 Principles of the C-J Theory.
Zeldovich, von Neumann and Doring (1940’s - ZND Theory) extended the CJ theory to
the case where chemical reaction occurs at a finite rate. The detonation wave was
considered to be discontinuous and the system one-dimensional.
As all commercial explosives work in a non-ideal manner, which can be seen by the
explosive’s velocity being dependent on the charge diameter, a theory based on ideal
explosives cannot be used. The reaction zone cannot be discontinuous as the chemical
reaction during transformation of the solid to a gas is not instantaneous. The detonation
takes place in three-dimensions and the theory only assumes one dimension. Taking
these three points into consideration this theory and the equation (1) shown above
cannot be used to estimate commercial explosive performance.
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After the introduction of non-ideal explosives such as ANFO, watergels and emulsions
in the 1950’s there was a need for new theories. Wood & Kirkwood (1954) and Bdzil,
Stewart and Fickett (1980’s - DSD Theory) attempted to formulate reactive
hydrodynamic equations that better predicted reaction rate parameters.
Present Theories
A great deal of work has been carried in the last ten years on new theories to predict
explosive performance. The basis behind these theories is combining both the explosive
and rock properties i.e. Lownds’ Rock Model. Experimental work measuring
performance parameters such as diameter effects and shock front curvature are fitted to
reactive hydrodynamic equations. Different explosive formulations will have different
equation parameters. The same explosive formulation will have different parameters
based on the level of confinement and diameter.
To determine the explosive’s performance parameters, the following need to be taken
into account:
- the explosive’s available total energy
- the explosive’s effective fragmentation and heave energy i.e. at what pressure or
volume expansion does effective fragmentation start and finish.
- the expansion work at the maximum detonation velocity
- the expansion work at the actual (lower) detonation velocity
- the rock mass properties
Shock Energy
The influence of the shock energy is greatest in the direction of travel of the shock front
and is mostly used up initiating cracks through the rock mass. Generally the shock is
used to shatter, not displace rock. Care must be taken not to assume that hard rock must
therefore always require a high shock energy explosive to break. Geological conditions
play a major role in the use of energy and this will be discussed later. (See Section 6 Fracture Mechanisms).
Gas Energy
Gas energy is sometimes referred to as bubble energy, as one of the quantitative tests to
measure the energy is carried out underwater to measure the size of the bubble of gas
produced upon detonation.
Gasses produced in the reaction zone following the detonation wave, account for 8590% of the energy released by the explosive detonating. The gas energy release is the
cause of the majority of rock breakage and movement.
The gas pressure is exerted on the blasthole wall by the expanding gasses after the
reaction has completed. The volume and pressure of the gas is dependent on the
temperature at detonation and the formulation of the explosive.
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The gas pressure works by exceeding the rock’s compressive strength in the area
immediately around the blasthole, then enlarging cracks inherent in the rock structure
and those created by the shock wave.
Confinement of the gas energy is therefore essential to achieving good efficiency from
the gas pressure.
Stimulus - Detonator - Primer - Main Charge
Upon initiation of an explosive, a detonation or shock front passes through the
explosive. Immediately behind the front a primary reaction zone contains an area of
chemical reactions - this is where solid ingredients are converted to high pressure
Fundamentally, the detonation front compresses, and therefore heats, the sensitiser
agents, usually bubbles. This assists the reaction occurring between the oxidiser and
fuel, producing the large amounts of gas.
Emulsions need other source of sensitising such as glass balloons or gassing. Sensitisers
in emulsion explosives may be in the form of glass/solid spheres (microballoons) or in
the form of chemically generated gas bubbles. Damage to these sensitisers through poor
handling, effects of detonating cord, or dead pressing will lead to a reduction in
sensitivity of the product. Should the loss of sensitivity be of a large order, the product
may misfire or not detonate at all.
The inherent physical character of AN provides its sensitivity. The prills themselves are
porous, and air voids are present between the prills.
The detonation process continues along the column, provided the critical density and
diameter are not exceeded, and that the sensitisers are not impaired.
Behind the detonation front, the chemical reaction produces high temperature and
pressure gases, referred to as detonation pressure. These gasses work on the borehole
wall and lead largely to the formation of cracks in the rock mass.
Behind the reaction plane, the gasses expand further, opening up the cracks and heaving
fractured rock. Fragmentation is extended at the same time. This pressure is the
borehole pressure. Typically it is of the order of 30 - 70% of the detonation pressure.
Finally, rock mass movement occurs. Further fragmentation occurs through rocks
colliding with each other and through impact on the stope floor. Muckpile shape will be
influenced by shot timing, layout and powder factor, amongst other things.
The way in which the explosives are initiated is important to their overall effectiveness.
If the stimulus from the detonator and primer is not sufficient then either deflagration or
a misfire will occur. If the sensitivity is too high then adjacent blastholes may
sympathetically detonate from the shock wave generated from the first hole detonating.
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All explosives used by the mining industry are chemical type explosive that can be
broken down into two sub groups:
- Molecular explosives
- Composite explosives.
The components which go into making an explosive can be regarded as either:
- A fuel source or
- An oxidiser source.
Explosives also contain other categories of ingredients to improve their performance or
handling capabilities. Some examples are:
- Emulsifiers, which allow the oxidizer and fuel sources to be blended together
- Sensitisers, which are plastic or glass balloons, or chemicals that react to form gas
- Pressure enhancers, such as powdered metals that increase the heat of reaction
- Stabilisers, which include chalk and zinc oxide, that work as an antacid to enhance
Classes of Explosives
All dangerous goods in Australia are classified by Statutory Authorities as to the main
risk the good present. These classification define how goods can be transported, used,
and stored. Explosives are divided into the following groups
Class 1.1
Substances and articles which have a mass explosive hazard. (i.e. entire article
explodes) Examples, ANFO, packaged emulsions detonating cord, boosters and
Class 1.2
Substances which have a projection hazard but non a mass hazard Example: bullets
Class 1.3
Substances which have a fire hazard or minor blast hazard or minor projection hazard
Class 1.4
Substances which present no significant blast hazard
Class 1.5
Very insensitive substances which have a mass blast hazard
Class 1.6
Extremely insensitive substances which do not have a mass blast hazard.
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These groups are further broken down by a compatibility criteria or group designated by
a letter. These lettering groups can then be used to separate the items which can and
cannot be stored together.
For example detonators are Class 1.1 group B, which must not be stored with ANFO,
which is Class 1.1 Group D
Other examples:
Primer sensitive explosives are assigned to Group D.
AN prill is classified as a Class 5.1 Oxidising Agent.
Emulsions can be Class 1.5 or 1.1 Group D, depending on their density and sensitivity.
Unsensitised emulsion matrix is transported as a 5.1 Oxidising agent.
Molecular Explosives
These substances contain both the fuel and oxidisers in the molecular structure of the
explosive, and nothing has to be added to make them sensitive to detonation. Explosives
such as Trinitrotoluene (TNT), Nitroglycerin (NG), Pentaerythritoltetranitrate (PETN),
Lead Azide and Diazol (diazadinitrophenol) are commonly used molecular explosives.
This type of explosives is usually fairly sensitive to shock, friction and heat, detonate at
extremely high velocities and provide the most energy per kilogram. They are mostly
used in initiating devices such as detonators, boosters and detonating cord.
Composite Explosives
These types of explosives are composed of mixtures of fuel sources, oxidisers and other
ingredients, which when brought together form an explosive. ANFO, watergel, and
emulsion explosives are of this category, and comprise most common commercial
mining explosives. Other ingredients may be added to change the physical properties, ie
viscosity, density. These explosives make up the bulk of an explosive load and are not
usually sensitive to detonator stimulation, therefore require a strong initiation source
(primer) to detonate.
There are two broad categories of explosive properties. These properties define how a
commercial explosive will perform under field conditions.
Physical properties
Water resistance
Chemical stability
Fume characteristics
Oxygen balance
- Temperature
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Detonation properties
Velocity of detonation
Energy / Strength
Effective energy
Critical diameter
The physical characteristics are used to define the loading parameters and methods,
whereas the detonation characteristics define how the explosive works internally and
releases energy. These characteristics usually are related, hence it is important not to
look at each in isolation.
Physical Properties
An explosive's density is defined as the weight per unit volume of the explosive, and the
units generally used are grams per cubic centimeter. This factor is important in
determining the suitability of a particular explosive for a particular blasting operation. A
high density explosive is normally suited for hard massive type rock as a higher charge
of explosives may be placed into a given hole size, while low density explosives are
most suitable for soft and/or jointed type rock formations.
In general, higher density bulk explosives require bigger hole diameters to detonate,
where the lower density explosives have more voids and therefore are usually more
sensitive to initiation.
A variation in density allows the energy distribution of the explosive that is placed in a
given hole to be varied so that optimal performance may be obtained.
All explosives have a critical density at which the explosive will not detonate. For
ANFO, the critical density is around 1.2g/cc. Loading application and pressures are
important considerations in the determination of the effective density of the explosive.
Sensitivity is the measure of ease of initiation or the ease with which the explosive can
be detonated by heat, friction, impact or shock. An explosive with high sensitivity is
easily initiated while explosives having low sensitivity are more difficult to initiate.
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No 2 Det
No 6 Det
No 8 Det
Cap sens
Figure 7.4 Sensitivity.
This property should not be confused with 'sensitiveness', that is a measure of the
propagating ability of an explosive (for cartridged explosives). The sensitivity of an
explosive may be determined by numerous different types of tests, including the gap
sensitivity test, the drop test and the minimum primer test. In the explosive train,
detonators are the most sensitive component and must therefore be handled with utmost
Explosive manufacturers can change the ease of initiation by changing the formulation
of the explosive. The trend has been to make the bulk explosives (ANFO, Emulsions)
less sensitive, and make the initiating components (detonators, primers) stronger.
Modern explosives can be categorised as either:
- Primer sensitive, which require the input of relatively large amounts of energy ; or
- Detonator sensitive, which require a No 8 detonator to initiate.
Desensitisation may occur in explosives which are sensitised by gas balloons or
gassing, through the compressive destruction of the air voids (which is known as dead
pressing), which provide hot spots for the continuation of the detonation wave. Gassed
explosives are less susceptible to dead pressing than those sensitised with GMBs, as the
gas bubble can recover from the compression, whereas the GMBs are likely to bust.
This dead pressing can occur from hydrostatic pressures induced due to loading method
and dynamic pressures from other blastholes detonating.
Water Resistance
The water resistance of an explosive refers to its ability to detonate after its exposure to
water. Explosives differ widely in their resistance to water and moisture penetration.
When blasting is to be conducted under wet conditions, an explosive with good water
resistance (i.e. an emulsion or watergel explosive) should be selected.
Explosives penetrated by water have their efficiency impaired and, upon prolonged
exposure or in severe water conditions, they may be desensitised to a point where they
no longer detonate.
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The water resistance of a product depends not only on the type of packaging of the
explosive, but also its inherent ability to withstand water and the water conditions.
Static water at low pressures will not affect the explosive as quickly as dynamic water,
especially at high pressure.
The quality of the water is also an important characteristic to the effect on an explosive.
The pH of the water can affect the sleep time of explosives, as the emulsifiers used in
the emulsion are sensitive to gross changes in pH.
There is no standard test for an explosive’s water resistance, and the rating given is
generally qualitative in nature.
Chemical Stability
The chemical stability of an explosive is defined as its ability to remain chemically
unchanged when kept under specified storage conditions. Less stable explosives have
shorter shelf lives than more stable explosives when stored under the same conditions.
The shelf life of explosives can vary from hours to years depending on the formulation
and the conditions of use and storage. Chemical decomposition can occur due to
temperature and humidity. Decomposition can make the explosive more sensitive or less
sensitive depending on the explosive formulation. For example, nitroglycerin based
explosives become less stable and deteriorate more quickly than cast primers.
ANFO has good stability over long periods of time if correctly stored, and most
emulsion explosives have a 12 -18 month shelf life. The explosive manufactures
provide storage condition and shelf life recommendations for all explosives.
Fume Characteristics
Upon detonation of commercial explosives, the gasses produced are principally carbon
dioxide, nitrogen and steam. These are non-toxic in nature. Poisonous gases including
carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides are also produced as a result from any detonation.
In the explosives industry, the production of visible toxic gases, in particular nitrogen
oxides, is called fume. It is produced by non-ideal detonations resulting from oxygen
imbalance, improper priming, and the presence of excess water, inadequate confinement
or other factor.
Toxic detonation gas characteristics
Carbon monoxide
Colourless, odourless, tasteless. It is lighter than air so rises.
Once inhaled it inhibits oxygen being absorbed into the blood
Oxides of Nitrogen
Usually nitrogen dioxide, which is a reddish brown gas that is
easily recognised. It affects mucus membranes in throat and
lungs, and stops the intake of oxygen.
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Fume (l/kg)
Fuel Oil (wt%)
Figure 7.5 Amount of toxic gas produce if ANFO is incorrectly made.
Oxygen Balance
In a detonation, when there is exactly enough fuel to react with the oxidizer, the
explosive is said to be oxygen balanced.
Figure 7.6 Oxygen Balance.
Oxygen balance is essential to the correct functioning of the explosive. Fume
characteristics, sensitivity and energy output are all affected by improper balance.
An excess of oxygen in the explosive will result in the formation of nitrogen oxides
(NO and NOx), and a deficit of oxygen will cause carbon monoxide (CO) to form.
If the fuel to oxidiser ratio is not balanced the reactions cannot be fully completed. The
energy released from the explosive is reduced and fumes will result.
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Energy (%)
Optimal Drill and Blast Techniques for Underground Mining
Fuel oil (%)
Figure 7.7 Energy verses fuel oil content for ANFO.
Temperature Sensitivity
Explosives are formulated to work in certain temperature ranges consistent with the
place of use. Explosives manufactured for use in hot conditions will be less sensitive if
used in colder areas. The same applies for explosives imported from countries where the
climate differs from Australia. It is important that the working temperature range is
known for each type of explosive.
Explosives become more sensitive with heat and can burn or explode if exposed to high
temperatures. The physical properties will also change, for example emulsions may
become less firm and less viscous. It is possible that the explosive’s chemical structure
may change with temperature, making some explosives inert and others very sensitive.
ANFO prills will break down the non-caking coating if the temperature cycles around
38oC (the actual temperature depends on the crystal habit modifier used). Some water
based emulsions may recrystallise and become inert when frozen. Most emulsions will
begin to decompose at around 80oC or higher.
The temperature of the rock around the borehole is a major factor to consider. Some
rock reacts once exposed to air, and if the rock has this characteristic, special explosive
formulations are required to ensure safety and stability of the explosive.
Detonation Properties
Velocity of Detonation
The velocity of detonation (VOD) is the rate at which the detonation wave travels
through the explosive column. The VOD is an important property to consider in
determining explosive functioning and performance. The detonation wave commences
at the point of initiation in the explosive column and travels at supersonic speeds
throughout the explosive charge. Typical detonation velocities of commercial
explosives range from 2000 - 7500m/s.
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The following have an influence on VOD:
- Hole diameter (VOD increases up to steady state with increasing diameter)
- Primer (diameter, type, length)
- Confinement (increases reaction rate, ie VOD)
- Particle size (smaller size, higher VOD)
- Explosive density (higher density, higher VOD, up to critical density)
- Temperature (minimal)
- Water content, particularly of ANFO (increased water content lowers VOD)
VODs are measured for explosive products by manufacturers and are quoted on
technical specification sheets. Users of explosives also measure VODs of explosives. In
doing so, an idea of the quality of the supplied explosive is obtained. This, after time,
indicates consistency, the effects of ageing, and allows a record of performance to be
built up.
There are many models on how the explosive and VOD interact with the rock but no
definitive theory. VOD should only be used as a quality indicator of the same explosive
used under the same conditions in a standard test setup. In hole VOD results are prone
to other factors influencing the final VOD and should not be used to determine
explosive performance. VOD testing should not be used as a definitive test to compare
the performance of two different products.
The most popular method currently used to measure the VOD of an explosive is
aontinuous recorder. Continuous recorders, although being more complicated, expose
great detail with respect to run-up velocities and time taken to obtain steady state
velocity. Examples of VOD's:
Detonating Cord
Titan 4000G
Emulite® 100
HDP Booster
High Explosive
Bulk Emulsion
Packaged Emulsion
Cast Booster
3500 - 4500m/s
4000 - 5200m/s
Energy / Strength
The energy or strength of an explosive is a measure of its ability to do work on its
surroundings, i.e. mullock or ore. The energy of the initial explosive is stored as
chemical energy and upon detonation is released and used. The utilisation of explosive
energy is governed by the laws of conservation of energy and mass.
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The energy can be expressed in terms of either the weight or the volume of explosive.
These are known as:
- the Absolute Weight Strength (AWS)
- the Absolute Bulk Strength (ABS)
The AWS is the measure of the absolute amount of energy (J) available in each gram of
explosive. The ABS is the measure of the absolute amount of energy (J) available in
each cubic centimetre of explosive. The ABS is obtained by multiplying the AWS by
the density of the explosive.
Energy can also be expressed in relative terms. These are known as:
- the Relative Weight Strength (RWS)
- the Relative Bulk Strength (RBS) of an explosive.
The Relative Weight Strength (RWS) of an explosive is a measure of the energy
available per weight of explosive as compared to an equal weight of ANFO (100%).
RWSE = AWSE x 100 where
RWSE = relative weight strength of explosive
AWSE = absolute weight strength of explosive
AWSA = absolute weight strength of ANFO
The relative bulk strength of an explosive is a measure of the energy available per
volume of explosive as compared to an equal volume of bulk ANFO at a density of
0.80g/cc. It is calculated by
RWSE x Explosive density
ANFO density
It is important to note that the calculations and measurements all assume a theoretical
detonation under ideal condition. This ideal detonation assumes all ingredients react
fully. There is no program currently available to exactly predict the way in which
commercial explosives release energy. Any measurement has inherent faults as rock
masses responds differently to explosive energy and also affect the way in which the
detonation proceeds.
Effective Energy
The effective energy of an explosive is considered as the energy used to effectively
fragment and heave the rock volume. This energy is a percentage of the total energy
available from the detonation reaction. As described earlier the initial detonation
energy deforms and crushes a zone surrounding the explosive. This deformation
process is considered as an energy loss as the proportion of effected rock is small when
compared to the overall blast volume.
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This is often explained as the area under the Pressure-Volume (VP) curve from V0 to
Vcutoff. Where V0 is the initial blasthole volume and Vcutoff is the volume at cut-off,
which is approximately 100 Mpa. Vcutoff is usually 10-20 times V0.
Figure 7.8 Pressure - volume curve diagram.
The effective expansion work may only be 50 - 70% of the total energy, with the
biggest losses involved with heat retained in the reaction products.
To divide the total effective energy into fragmentation, crush and heave energy there is
a need for an explosive rock model such as Lownds’ Rock Model. Such models
introduce rock and blast design parameters such as rock strength, Young’s Modulus,
Poisson’s Ratio, burden, bench height and hole diameter.
Critical Diameter
This term is a measured quantity that indicates the diameter at which a stable detonation no
longer occurs in the explosive. This is an important factor in defining the hole sizes in
which the explosive can be used. Explosives with high sensitivity usually have a- small
critical diameter, so can be used in small boreholes. The explosive’s formulation defines
how small the diameter will be.
Emulite 150
Bulk Emulsion
Reaction Zone
20 - 25
15 - 20
30 - 60
15 - 20
40 - 75
The reaction zone on the detonation wave is one of the overriding factors in the critical
diameter determination, with a smaller reaction zone allowing a smaller critical diameter.
Particle size of the explosive ingredients is also an important factor, with most molecular
explosives having very small critical diameters.
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The minimum diameter for explosive use is not always larger than the critical diameter, as
confinement will influence the detonation. It is important to know the minimum
recommended diameter as not all explosives will detonate in all hole sizes.
During the 1960's, ANFO started to replace dynamite in dry holes because of its cost
savings, safer handling characteristics and quicker loading. Since their introduction
ANFO products have found extensive use in a variety of blasting applications such as
surface mining of coal, metal mining, quarrying and underground mining.
ANFO has a high weight strength and low bulk strength compared to other bulk explosive
types e.g. emulsions. It excels in gas (heave energy) production and provides a moderately
high velocity of detonation.
Fuel Content
ANFO consists of Ammonium Nitrate (AN) and fuel oil (FO). The most widely used
ANFO product is an oxygen-balanced, free flowing mixture of 94 percent AN prills and 6
percent diesel fuel oil. For optimum results (e.g. in terms of energy release and fume
generation) this mixing ratio by weight is desirable. The energy decreases with too little or
too much oil.
Various types of fuels can be used in the manufacture of ANFO. Legislation requires
fuels with high flash points to be used as a safety precaution to reduce the flammability
of the product. The commercial manufacture of ANFO utilises distillate. The distillate
provides a cost effective fuel source which is readily absorbed by the AN to produce an
evenly mixed product.
Experimentation with the use of waste oil as a fuel source for ANFO has been carried
out over the last several years. With appropriate refining and dilution, waste oil can be
used as a fuel source for large diameter applications (311mm). The use of waste oil
potentially increases the generation of noxious fumes and reduces the effective energy
generated. Limited, if any, testing has been carried out in underground small hole
diameter applications.
Properties of ANFO
The bulk density of ANFO depends on the density and the fine distribution of the AN
prill used in the mix. The majority of ANFO has a poured density of 0.8 - 0.85g/cc.
Pneumatically loaded ANFO has a loaded density of 0.85 - 0.95g/cc. Higher densities
can be achieved although care must be taken with regard to the critical diameter.
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By increasing the density of ANFO the detonation properties change. The velocity of
detonation (VOD) will increase with increasing density due to the smaller particle size.
Hole Diameter
The hole diameter in which the ANFO is loaded will affect the detonation properties. The
critical diameter of ANFO is the smallest diameter in which ANFO will detonate. Hole
diameters near the critical diameter will reduce its VOD. As the hole diameter increases,
the VOD of ANFO will increase. This relationship will continue to a point where
maximum VOD for ANFO is achieved. Under normal conditions this occurs at approx 127
to 151mm
ANFO (density = 0.85g/cc)
VOD (m/s) 3000
Charge Diameter (mm)
Figure 7.9 Effect of confinement on VOD for ANFO.
Provided that full order detonation is achieved (above 75mm for ANFO) the total energy
yielded will not dramatically change, however the application of the energy into the rock
mass will. As a general rule, as the hole diameter decreases (below approx 151mm), the
detonation becomes less ideal and a higher proportion of heave energy will be produced.
The sensitivity of ANFO is dependent on:
Particle size
- sensitivity increases with decreasing size
- sensitivity increases with increasing density (dead-pressing will occur at
high densities)
Fuel content
- sensitivity decreases with over fuelling
Confinement - sensitivity increases with increasing confinement
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In the majority of blasting applications ANFO is booster sensitive and requires adequate
priming. In small diameter tunneling applications ANFO can be made cap/detonator
sensitive by reducing the particle size of the AN prills. Note a No 12 strength detonator
will initiate ANFO in small diameter pressure loaded holes.
Water Resistance
Due to the hygroscopic nature of AN, ANFO has no water resistance. The addition of fuel
oil does not provide any water resistance. Lack of water resistance is the major limitation
and disadvantage of ANFO. The sensitivity, VOD and strength of ANFO are all reduced
by the absorption of moisture. Orange fumes after detonation are a good indication of the
presence water when using ANFO.
VOD (m/s)
Wt % water
Figure 7.10 Effect of water on VOD of ANFO.
Shelf Life
The ideal storage conditions for ANFO are cool, dry conditions. For AN, temperature
cycling about 32C and increasing humidity will promote deterioration of the prill. As a
result ANFO suffers the same deterioration problems as AN. The ANFO will eventually
deteriorate to a solid mass. The rate of degradation depends on the storage conditions.
ANFO is classified as a 1.1D dangerous good and must be stored in appropriately licensed
Legislation requires that a license must be obtained from the appropriate authorities to
manufacture explosives.
The manufacturing process involves the blending of prilled AN and fuel oil. The most
effective method is injecting fuel oil at the base of an auger carrying AN. The rotation of
the auger provides even and consistent mixing. ANFO can be purchased premixed or
manufactured on demand by site based manufacturing units. For larger operations bulk
delivery trucks manufacture ANFO and deliver a down the hole service.
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In most cases legislation requires the addition of a dye to enable easy identification of
ANFO as compared to AN. Provided the quantity of dye is kept consistent, coloration is a
good indicator of whether a good mix is being achieved. Change in ANFO colouring may
not be an indication of poor mixing but due to the mix or type of dye being used.
All manufacturing units are specifically designed to meet safety requirements. All
manufacturing units should be inspected and authorised prior to commissioning by the
relevant authorities. Any manufacturing unit should be well maintained and serviced on a
regular basis.
ANFO-PS Derivatives
A number of ANFO based explosives are finding widespread application.
A small percentage of aluminium (a fuel) is added to increase
Polystyrene beads are added in various proportions to
density of the ANFO.
This is essentially the same as ANFO PS, but an emulsion is also
added. This improves product up hole loading characteristics.
The reduction in the bulk density in ANFO-PS is an effective method of reducing the bulk
strength. Common blend ratios range from 70% ANFO - 30% PS through to 30% ANFO 70% PS.
The manufacturing process generally involves premixing the ANFO using a mineral or
vegetable oil as the fuel source. The polystyrene is added to the ANFO and blended. Due
to large differences in particle densities of prill and polystyrene segregation is a common
The use of light grade oils to replace distillate as the fuel source in the manufacture of
ANFO PS products is necessary to prevent the separation of AN prills and polystyrene
beads. The higher viscosity of the oils, as compared to distillate, leads to the oil
remaining on the surface of the ANFO prill and assists in the cohesion of the AN and
polystyrene beads. Distillate will also dissolve the PS beads and lead to their collapse.
Parameters that affect the performance of ANFO are the same for ANFO PS.
The main benefit in using ANFO PS is that it has a high weight strength (90 - 99) and low
bulk strength (35 - 85) as compared to ANFO. It excels in gas or heave energy production
and provides a low velocity of detonation.
The main drawback is the occurrence of segregation during the loading process. This
can result in inconsistent loading densities causing potential performance and reliability
problems. When used in controlled blasting applications the inconsistency may also
result in poor performance
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The bulk density of ANFO PS depends on the volume of polystyrene in the mix. ANFO
PS has a poured density of 0.3 - 0.7g/cc. Pneumatically loaded ANFO PS has a loaded
density of 0.4 - 0.8g/cc. Segregation may occur during the loading operation and could
result in higher loading densities.
By increasing the density of ANFO PS the detonation properties change. The speed of
detonation (VOD) will increase with increasing density.
Hole Diameter
The hole diameter in which the ANFO PS loaded will affect the detonation properties. The
recommended minimum hole diameter for ANFO PS products is 32 to 45mm, dependant
on the PS quantity in the blend. Hole diameters near the critical diameter will reduce the
VOD. As the hole diameter increases the VOD will increase. This relationship will
continue to a point where maximum VOD for ANFO PS is achieved.
Water Resistance
Due to the hygroscopic nature of AN, ANFO-PS has no water resistance. The addition of
oil does not provide any water resistance. The sensitivity, VOD and strength of ANFO are
all reduced by the absorption of moisture. Orange fumes are a good indication of the
presence of water when using ANFO PS.
ANFO-PS Emulsion Blends
This is essentially the same as ANFO-PS, but an emulsion is added as a tackifying
agent. This reduces product segregation and improves hole-loading characteristics.
The two main application are in uphole large diameter stoping and development rounds.
The emulsion helps prevent segregation of the polystyrene beads.
The main benefit in using ANFO PS - Emulsion blends is that it has a high weight strength
and low bulk strength as compared to ANFO. The small quantity of emulsion maintains a
consistent mix during hole loading. It excels in gas or heave energy production and
provides a low velocity of detonation.
The current blends available range from 5 - 10% emulsion with 30 - 80% PS.
Emulsion explosives are liquids consisting of a continuous oil fuel phase containing
dispersed droplets of oxidiser solution. The oxidiser droplets, which comprise around 90%
of the volume, may range in size from around 0.2m up to 10 m. The continuous oil
phase resists the ingress of water that would otherwise dilute the oxidiser phase. The
oxidiser solution consists of a super-saturated solution of ammonium nitrate (sometimes
with calcium or sodium nitrates) in water. The oil phase contains the fuels and
emulsifiers, and consists primarily of hydrocarbon compounds, which include oils, diesel
fuel and waxes. Emulsifiers are used to stabilise the mixture so that the components do
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not separate and the nitrates in solution do not crystallise. It is necessary to sensitise
emulsion explosives through a reduction in density to below the critical value, which is
achieved by mixing in air, use of a chemical gassing agent or through the addition of glass
or plastic micro-spheres. High-energy fuels can also be used to improve the sensitivity
and performance of the explosive but these tend to be expensive.
Emulsion explosives are inherently unstable, ie with time the supersaturated oxidiser
droplets will crystallise and the fuel and oxidiser phases separate. As the level of
crystallisation increases the viscosity, pumpability, water resistance and explosive
performance of the emulsion decreases. Various factors including the presence of gassing
chemicals, particulate material, and excessively high or low temperatures enhance the
ageing process. The choice of emulsifying system is critical, as the shelf life, gassed blend
stability, water resistance and stress resistance is determined by the type of emulsifier and
its concentration. For those applications that are manufactured close to the site of use, and
require a relatively short sleep time, the traditional emulsifier used is sorbitan monooleate
(SMO). As the requirements of mines have become more demanding in terms of longer
available sleep times and water resistance, emulsifiers based on polyisobutylene-succinic
anhydride (PIBSA) have become the emulsifier of choice for repumpable emulsions. A
photomicrograph of a repumpable downhole is shown in Figure 7.12.
The physical properties of emulsion explosives can be varied to suit the application. This
is achieved by varying the fuel phase components. Packaged product requires a putty-like
consistency, which is imparted by the use of waxes. Repumpable down hole emulsions
use lower viscosity fuels such as diesel or mineral oil, and have a relatively low viscosity.
Up hole emulsions, as they need to be repumpable, also use lower viscosity fuels, however
the emulsifier system is selected to enable a very high viscosity to be achieved upon
introduction into the blast hole by the delivery system.
Figure 7.11. Photomicrograph of a repumpable downhole explosive emulsion.
The photomicrograph has been computer enhanced to increase the differentiation between the
dark continuous fuel phase and light disperse oxidiser phase. The particle size range is from
around 1m to 10m.
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Figure 7.12. Photomicrograph of a repumpable emulsion showing the onset of crystallisation.
The scale is the same as for Figure 7.12.
Underground emulsions are specifically designed to be retained uphole against the force
of gravity. An explanation of how this is achieved is detailed in Section 7.4.7. The
major physical difference between up hole and down hole emulsions is the particle size
distribution. This is achieved by subjecting the emulsion to a high shear field either by
forming a spray, or forcing the emulsion through a small orifice under high pressure.
The decrease in particle size leads to the increase in solid-like behaviour, which
contributes significantly to the up hole retention.
Figure 7.13. Diluted Underground Emulsion.
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The scale is the same as for Figure 7.11. The oxidiser droplets are the darker drops, which show
a particle size range of around 300nm to 2m, which is much smaller than for the down hole
emulsions shown in Figures 7.11 and 7.12.
The density range of sensitised emulsions normally varies from 1.10g/cc to 1.3g/cc.
Emulsion products can contain up to 40 per cent ANFO and have a very good water
resistance because of the inherent nature of their compositions. Care should be taken
when using emulsions if dynamic water is present. The stability of emulsions is
extremely good with compositions remaining consistent for long periods of time.
The emulsion matrix is sensitised with the use of either micro balloons or chemical
gassing. Micro balloons are hollow glass or plastic balloons which entrap micro
bubbles of air. Micro balloons are rated by their ability to resist crushing. The addition
of micro balloons sensitises and reduces the density of the emulsion. The final
sensitivity and density of the emulsion are determined by the volume of micro balloons
added. If, during any part of the process prior to detonation a high percentage of the
micro balloons are crushed, the emulsion will partially or fully desensitise. This may
result in low order detonation or a misfire. This problem can be partially overcome by
using stronger micro balloons.
Chemical gassing relies upon the formation of micro gas bubbles to sensitise the
emulsion. In principle the sensitisation process is the same as adding micro balloons.
The quantity of trace chemicals added will determine the volume of gas bubbles
produced thus determining the density of the emulsion. Since the gassing is generated by
a chemical reaction, a period of time is required for the reaction to occur, ie the gas is not
generated instantaneously. By controlling certain chemical and physical variables, the rate
of gas generation can be adjusted for different applications.
Due to the compressible nature of gas a density profile is produced for vertical columns
of gassed emulsions. Due to the weight of emulsion above a gas bubble it is
compressed, thus reducing the density of the surrounding emulsion. Therefore the
density of the explosive progressively increases towards the bottom of the blasthole due to
the hydrostatic head of pressure created by the weight of explosive above it. Thus the bulk
strength is higher in the toe of a downhole where a higher energy is generally desirable. As
an effectively loaded up hole emulsion is solid-like in flow behaviour, a density profile
with height does not occur. Current gassing technology limits the height of a gas
sensitised explosive column to approx 80m. Depths exceeding this can result in
desensitisation of the emulsion.
Explosive column of solid sensitised emulsions do not have a density profile due to the
incompressible nature of micro balloons. The compressive strength of the micro
balloons is generally greater than the hydrostatic pressure of explosive columns under
normal blasting applications.
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Emulsions are specifically formulated for different applications which require the use of
many different raw ingredients. These ingredients can be categorised into two main
areas - oxidisers and fuels.
The oxidiser solution generally consists of either solely Ammonium Nitrate (AN) or a
mixture of AN, Calcium Nitrate (CN) and/or Sodium Nitrate (SN). The primary
oxidiser used is AN with CN and SN added to modify the performance for the intended
application. The fuel phase generally consists of emulsifiers, oils, waxes and distillate.
Combinations of each of these ingredients will produce a specific product for a specific
application. Considerations taken into account include water resistance, viscosity and
The manufacturing process of bulk emulsions involved blending a supersaturated
oxidiser solution with a fuel phase. The blending process disperses the oxidiser phase
into micro fine droplets throughout the fuel phase forming an emulsion. This process
also act to increase the viscosity producing an emulsion with a thick consistency.
AN,SN,CN, Water
Oil, Emulsifier
Bulk Emulsion
Figure 7.14
To Delivery Tankers
or Bulk Trucks
Bulk emulsion manufacture process.
Emulsions can be blended with different ratios of ANFO for a wide variety of
applications. Typically, blends with greater than 60% emulsion are pumped and blends
with less than 60% are augured. Different blends are used based on a number of
different criteria including hole diameter, geology and required energy.
Bulk Emulsions - Up-Holes
7.5.4 Up Hole Emulsion and Delivery System
Up hole emulsions are specifically designed to be retained up hole, upon introduction
into the blast hole by the associated delivery system. This is achieved by altering the
flow characteristics of the emulsion from being viscous and pumpable, to solid-like in
character when under the influence of gravity. The up hole delivery system is mounted
on a truck chassis (see Figure 7.15), and consists of the following systems:
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Emulsion delivery system. This consists of an emulsion storage tank, which is
connected via a progressive cavity pump and homogeniser to the delivery hose
fitted with a spray nozzle at the end of the hose. A hose pusher/retractor
apparatus introduces the hose into the blast hole, and withdraws it at an
appropriate rate for the design density to be achieved.
Chemical sensitising system, which includes storage tanks, pumps, flow meters
and injection ports. The gassing trace chemicals are introduced via injection
into the centre of the emulsion stream and are mixed in at the end of the hose
using the shear nozzle
A water ring lubrication system, which is used to lubricate emulsion flow
through the hose. The water used is incorporated into the loaded product.
PLC control system to control emulsion flow, pumping pressure, chemical
sensitisation injection rates, hose retract rate, pumping over pressure cut off,
homogeniser pressure and other key parameters.
Different emulsion densities are available, through changing the delivery parameters of
gassing chemical input rate and hose retraction rate. The latest technology trucks are
able to change these parameters during the loading phase, allowing (so-called)
differential loading.
For best performance, the blast holes need to be clean, dry and constant diameter. The
system can cope with wet holes, however holes with dynamic water will be very
difficult to load. It is necessary to clean holes after drilling, as residual particulate
matter will inhibit retention.
Figure 7.15: Underground Emulsion Truck
Under ideal hole conditions the sleep time emulsions in the hole is approx 30 days.
Factors including ground temperature and ground water will affect the sleep time.
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Cartridged Emulsions
The emulsions used in cartridged products are similar to those used in bulk applications.
A wax is added to the fuel phase to stiffen the emulsion into a putty like consistency.
The formulations are modified according to the application, to either a cap sensitive or
non cap sensitive product. The critical diameter of most cap sensitive cartridged
products is approx 20mm.
AN,SN,CN, Water Oil, Wax, Emulsifier
Cooling Bath
Boxing, storage
and delivery
Figure 7.15 Packaged emulsion manufacture process.
Formulation modifications that are introduced to cartridged products include the
addition of Aluminium (Al) and a reduction in water content. The addition of Al into an
emulsion will increase the heat of detonation thus increasing the energy available.
Aluminised emulsions are identifiable by the grey colour produced by the aluminium.
Specialised manufacturing processes are required to achieve a reduction in water
content which will increase the available energy.
The inherent water resistance combined with the plastic wrapping provides a water
proof product - provided the wrapping is unbroken. Exposed emulsion only provides
excellent water resistance, the emulsion will eventually deteriorate in water over an
extended period of time.
The major applications for cartridged products is in development rounds and stoping
applications. In development rounds a 25mm or 32mm product is used depending on
the hole diameter. Stoping applications involve larger diameter products either manually
or pneumatically loaded into the blast hole.
Most cartridged emulsions are manufactured in 25kg boxes. The normal recommended
shelf life is 12 months if stored in cool conditions.
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These explosives were originally developed to eliminate the need for nitroglycerin in
explosives. They consist of oxidising salts, fuels, and sensitises dissolved or dispersed
in a continuous liquid phase. Gels and cross-linkers thicken the product and provide it
with water resistance.
Oil in Water
Figure 7.16 Simplified explosive watergel.
Oxidising salts may be Ammonium Nitrate, Sodium Nitrate or Calcium Nitrate. Fuels
such as Hexamine, Monomethylamine Nitrate, Trinitrotoluene, Aluminium or
Ammonium Perchlorate provide both sensitivity and oxygen balance. Physical
sensitisation is provided by entrapped air bubbles, either alone or with chemical
Physical Properties of Watergels
The liquid phase is thickened by gums or long chain organic molecules. The thickeners
or cross linkers determine the consistency of the product, and also the water resistance
of it. Water resistance is, in general, very good.
Densities of watergels range between 0.80g/cm and 1.60g/cm; the most common ones
lying between 1.10g/cm and 1.35g/cm. Excellent tamping characteristics mean that
watergels can be loaded at higher borehole densities than cartridged explosives.
Watergels are safer to handle than NG based explosives. They are sensitive to normal
priming methods, and relatively less sensitive to accidental initiation when compared to
NG based explosives.
Detonation Properties of Watergels
Velocity of detonation varies with hole diameter and confinement. Typically it lies
between 3400m/s and 6000m/s. High shock energies make watergels suitable for
blasting of hard materials in wet ground. However, long run up times can lead to poor
performance where difficult toe conditions exist.
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Electric detonator
An instantaneous electric detonator is a detonator that does not contain a delay element;
the detonator fires instantaneously. Delay electric detonators are similar to
instantaneous electric detonators in make-up except for a delay element in the detonator.
Electrical energy is delivered into the detonator by two plastic insulated metal wires
called leg or lead wires that enter the detonator through a rubber/plastic/neoprene plug.
This plug, crimped tightly in the open end of the detonator shell (normally aluminium)
forms a water resistant seal and firmly positions the leg wires inside the detonator shell.
The ends of the leg wires are joined inside the detonator by a short length of high
resistant wire called the 'bridge wire', which is embedded in the detonator's ignition
mixture or fuse head. When sufficient electrical current passes through the system, the
bridge wire heats and fires the fuse head. The fuse head ignites the priming charge
which detonates the high explosive base charge.
Plastic covered
lead wires
Neoprene plug
Detonator tube
Neoprene sleeve
Priming charge
Base charge
Figure 7.18 Instantaneous electric detonator.
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Dyno Nobel NONEL® detonators
The components of a NONEL® detonator can be best described by referring to the
figure below.
7. The aluminium shell
6. The isolation cup is made of a semi-conductive
material preventing any static electricity in the
NONEL tube from affecting the pyrotechnics in the
5. The Delay Ignition Buffer (DIB). This is a very fine
mesh disk that is pressed onto the top element. The
DIB controls the signal transmission of the tube
providing a reliable signal pick-up and contributes to
detonator accuracy. It also prevents any timing or
functionality problems that are associated with
depressurization of the NONEL assembly. NONEL
assemblies are normally a closed system that becomes
highly pressurized during functioning. If a rupture
occurs in the shock tube, without the DIB the rapid
depressurization could cause separation of the
reacting pyrotechnic, thereby resulting in poor timing
or functionality problems.
The delay train. A stack of drawn lead pyrotechnic
elements, the burning characteristics of which
determine the timing of the detonator.
Figure 7.19 Construction of 3.
The Cushion disk (CD). This is a “wiper ring”
the NONEL® Detonator used
that ensures that all traces of the explosives charges
in the LP series.
are cleaned from the shell wall. The CD was
developed to prevent instantaneous detonation that
could occur if the shell walls were not cleaned of
residual traces of explosives during the loading
process. In addition, it aids in resisting “reverse
propagation,” and increases impact resistance.
2. A lead azide primary charge.
1. The high strength PETN base charge.
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NONEL® tube
The NONEL tube is the unique component in the NONEL system. It is made of a high
quality plastic tube (OD = 3mm), the inside of which is coated with an explosive dust.
When initiated NONEL tube has a propagation velocity (VOD) of 2100m/s.
A close contact detonation is necessary to reliably initiate the tube that transmits an
explosive shock wave to initiate the
External layer for abrasion resistance
and UV protection
Middle layer for tensile strength,
elongation and chemical resistance
Inner Layer reliably holds the
explosive dust in place
Figure 7.20 NONEL® tube.
The NONEL® system is highly resistant to initiation by static, stray electric energy or
high frequency radio transmissions. It can also resist mechanical interference and rough
handling better than other initiation systems.
NPED detonator
A recent development in detonator technology is the Non Primary Explosives Detonator
(NPED), a detonator that contains no primary explosives.
Most detonators in the industry today contain a combination of primary and secondary
The two main active parts in a detonator are:
Delay Element - a pyrotechnic composition that gives the detonator its time delay from
initiation to firing.
Base Charge - a secondary explosive that gives the detonator its initiation force.
In the contact surface between the delay element and the base charge in a conventional
detonator there is a small quantity of a primary explosive. Its purpose is to quickly
transfer the relatively slow deflagration in the delay element to a detonation in the base
A characteristic of primary explosives is that they are easily initiated through heat,
friction or impact, features which are desirable for the initiation of the base charge in a
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detonator. At the same time they make the detonator more sensitive to accidental
Secondary explosives are less sensitive to heat, friction and impact, and are
consequently more difficult to initiate.
In the NPED detonator, the sensitive primary explosive has been replaced with an
Initiation Element that is filled with a secondary explosive. This explosive has been
specially treated to obtain what is known as DDT, Deflagration to Detonation
Transition. This means that deflagration is accelerated up to detonation in a controlled
The delay element in the NPED detonator contains entirely new types of pyrotechnic
compositions. This is the first time in the industry that delay time compositions with
high time accuracy and excellent moisture resistance have been produced without using
lead compounds, toxic or carcinogenic substances.
A NONEL NPED detonator is made up of following components:
6. Detonator Shell
The detonator shell is made of aluminium.
5. Delay Element
The delay element consists of an aluminium tube filled with a
pyrotechnic composition. Using pyrotechnic compositions with
different deflagration speeds and varying lengths of the delay
element, different delay times are obtained.
4. Delay Compound
3. Initiation Element
The initiation element consists of a steel tube filled with PETN,
which is a secondary explosive.
1. Base Charge
The base charge is Hexogen (RDX) a secondary explosive pressed
directly into the aluminium detonator shell. The detonator is #12
Electronic detonators
Electronic detonators differ from other detonators in the means by which they provide
delay times. An electronic detonator relies on an electronic timer to provide the delay
from the time that the initial impulse is received to the time that the bas charge fires.
This difference is the reason that electronic detonators are extremely accurate, typical
scatter would be in the region of 0.02% shift from nominal firing time, irrespective of
total delay. There are a number of types of electronic system available, ranging from
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the pre programmed (in the factory) to fully programmable (in the field) systems. In
between these two extremes are the auto programmable systems, a less flexible but still
accurate system.
Electronic systems, through their very nature, provide features and benefits that are not
possible with other systems. Apart from being extremely accurate, every detonator can
be given an individual delay, making the system very flexible. They can be tracked
individually from point of manufacture to point of consumption in the blast They
require complex coded signals issues by dedicated firing boxes before they will fire, all
control equipment can be password protected, and checks on the integrity of the
detonator. All system connections can be done at any point during the loading of the
blast, allowing defective units to be identified and corrected prior to firing the shot.
Other benefits are realized through stock rationalization and streamlined manufacture
processes – no longer do we need specific detonators to provide specific delays.
Whilst the level of use currently is low, electronic detonators are definitely a safer, more
secure, accurate and flexible means of initiation, and will become the initiation system
of choice in the future.
The HotShot detonator
The detonator consists of an electronic delay module in combination with an
instantaneous detonator. The shell is made from copper, this giving greater protection to
the electromnics than an aluminium shell
An integrated circuit constitutes the heart of the detonator. This contains a capacitor for
energy storage, and separate safety circuits to protect against electrical overload. The
chip itself also has internal safety circuits on the inputs.
Typical characteristics for the Dyno Nobel electronic detonator include:- The detonator initially has no initiation energy of its own.
- The detonator cannot be detonated without a unique activation code.
- The detonator is equipped with over-voltage protection
- The initiation system operates with low voltages on bench operations are carried out
at 9 volts, arming and firing (carried out from the safe firing point) are done at 26
The Tagger and Blast Cradle
The HotShot tagger is the key component of the system. It is used for all on bench
testing, and once in a position of safety, the tagger is used to design the blast and
program the detonators. Whilst not fully programmable, the HotShot system offers a fair
degree of flexibility, such that it closely replicates current shocktube systems.
Arming and firing can only be done when the blast key and tagger are installed in the
cradle. The system requires the use of passwords and sends coded signals to the
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detonators when the firing instruction is received, thus preventing unauthorized use of
the system.
Typical system characteristics are:-
Shortest time between two adjacent period numbers (the interval time) is 1ms.
Longest delay time is 20.0 secs.
They system will fire 600 detonators, and will allow for 1000m of lead in line.
Max hole depth is 35m, and inter hole pitch is 10m.
This is a hybrid shock tube/electronic system. The transmission of signals is carried out
by conventional shock tube, however the delay in the detonators is achieved through the
use of electronic timing devices.
It is therefore non programmable, but offers a very accurate detonator with virtually no
training required for shot crews.
Detonating Cord
Detonating cord is a round, flexible cord containing a center core of high explosive. The
explosive core, usually pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN) is covered with various
combinations of materials, including textiles, waterproofing materials, and plastics
which protect it from damage caused by physical abuses or exposure to extreme
temperature, water, oil, or other elements and provide such essential features as tensile
strength, flexibility and desirable handling characteristics.
Detonating cord is a safe and reliable non-electric detonating device. Detonating cord
requires an explosive input for reliable initiation, commonly a detonator, minimum #8
strength, or another detonating cord. PETN detonates at a velocity of about 6,700
metres per second.
Plastic Covering
PETN Explosive
Nylon Fibres
Figure 7.22 Detonating cord.
The ability of detonating cord to initiate other explosives depends on the size of the
PETN coreload, usually expressed as grams of PETN per linear metre of cord, and the
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initiation sensitivity of the receptor. The most widely used cords are 3.6 to 10 grams of
PETN per metre.
Detonating cords commonly used in commercial blasting are “self-to-self” propagating
which provides a high degree of versatility in use.
Detonating cords are high explosives, and must be stored, transported and handled in a
safe manner. Only approved tools are to be used when cutting detonating cord. The
PETN coreload of detonating cords is sensitive to initiation by impact and friction;
approved tools avoid ‘by-pass’ and impact cutting methods. Likewise, joins are to be
made using approved methods.
The sensitivity of all bulk and pumped explosives to detonating cord is variable and
tends to be greater for good confinement, small diameters, high temperatures and low
densities. For example tests have indicated that ANFO is unlikely to side initiate in hole
diameters exceeding 65mm for detonating cord of 7g/m or less, but will for a 10g/m
detonating cord if warm and at a low density but not at a lower temperature and higher
density. ANFO/Emulsion mixtures (ie Heavy ANFO) tend to be less sensitive but have
also been seen to be cord sensitive under certain conditions. As a general rule there is a
high probability of all bulk explosives being initiated by 8 to 10g/m cords but minimal
likelihood of initiation with core-loads of 4g/m or less.
NB: If a low core load downline is knotted in any way the knot may provide sufficient
added energy to initiate the explosive.
Desensitization of Explosives By Detonating Cord
If the coreload of the downline is too low to initiate the explosives then it potentially
damages the structure of the explosive immediately around it and desensitizes it. The
extent of energy loss depends on the explosive, its density, the power of the downline,
the blasthole diameter, the strength of the confining rock and the period between the
downline firing and the returning initiation wave from the primer.
Evidence of this desensitization or "dead pressing" is sometimes seen in quarries using
ANFO in holes with diameters between 50 - 76mm. Packed ANFO prills can
occasionally be seen in the half barrels on the back wall of a blast. This is indicative of
low order explosive detonation, as a fully charged hole should cause the rock to be
shattered for some distance beyond the borehole wall. Barrels should only be seen
where smooth blasting techniques have been used.
It is now widely accepted that, due to the resultant concentration of energy released in
the detonation wave, point initiation of explosives results in higher shock impulse on the
side of the blasthole than does side initiation. This gives finer fragmentation, especially
in the stronger rock types, but not necessarily more heave.
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Cast Boosters
High velocity, high energy boosters have been developed to initiate less sensitive
explosives such as bulk ANFO and emulsion. Cast boosters are less susceptible to
accidental detonation from impact, shock or friction than dynamite based products, but
must be handled in the same safe manner as with all explosive types and systems.
Cast boosters are high explosives that detonate at varying velocities depending on
explosive composition, producing large volumes of gases at very high pressures. Cast
boosters are most commonly made of Pentolite, a mixture of PETN (pentaerythritol
tetranitrate) and TNT (trinitro toluene). These are high explosives that accept initiation
from a No 8 strength detonator or suitable detonating cord.
Cardboard or
plastic shell
Figure 7.23 General make-up of a cast booster.
The density of cast boosters made of a Pentolite mixture is approximately 1.60g/cc.
Initiation Sensitivity
This is dependent on particle size of ingredients, density, diameter, temperature and
static water pressure encountered. Cast boosters require a No 8 strength detonator or
detonating cord, as specified for the booster construction, for optimum initiation.
Manufacturers may include a sensitiser mechanism for application with low strength
detonating cords.
Water Resistance
The selection of a booster must include its ability to perform well under both high
hydrostatic pressures and long sleeping times. Cast boosters have a very good water
resistance and perform well under high water pressures and long sleeping times.
Physical Strength
The physical strength (the ability to remain intact during handling and use) of a booster
must be so that the detonator or detonating cord remains well embedded in the booster
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until the charge is initiated. Cast boosters have very good physical properties due to
their solid ingredients.
A cast booster should have sufficient energy to initiate the detonation reaction in the
main charge and sustain it until the primed explosive produces enough energy to
support the detonation reaction by itself.
Explosives require vast amounts of testing before becoming available as commercial
explosives. Below is a list of the most common tests carried out by explosive
The explosive’s sensitivity is the ease that an explosive can be initiated. Explosive
products are graded as to their sensitivity, e.g. Class 1.5 is non cap sensitive and Class 1.1
is cap sensitive, thus bulk products will usually be classified as Class 1.5 (can only be
initiated with a booster) and cartridged products as Class 1.1.
Minimum Initiation Requirements
This test is performed to determine the minimum booster or cap size necessary to initiate
the explosive.
Gap Sensitivity
A small diameter unconfined cap sensitive cartridged emulsion must be able to initiate
another cartridge through a 12mm air gap. This test is only performed on cartridged
Critical Diameter
All explosives have a diameter under which they will not detonate which is known as the
critical diameter. Explosive companies conduct tests to determine this diameter and the
product Technical Data Sheets have recommended minimum diameters for each explosive
formulation. These minimum diameters are larger than the critical diameters.
This also becomes relevant when tying detonating cord around emulsion cartridges as in a
pre-split charging operation; if the cord is pulled too tight around the explosive then it is
possible that, upon initiation of the cord, the explosive can be cut instead of detonating as
the explosive charge is now below its critical diameter.
Drop Impact
Weights of up to 5kg are dropped onto a sample of explosive from heights up to 1 metre.
Emulsions, watergels and ANFO products will not detonate from this impact.
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Side Impact
This tests the products ability to withstand a glancing blow from an object without sign of
detonation or burning.
Bullet Tests
Samples of explosive are placed on a steel backing plate and then shot with high powered
bullets or similar projectiles. Emulsions, watergels and ANFO should not detonate.
Samples of explosive are placed on a steel rod and another rod is slid across the sample to
analyse the effect of friction on samples.
Thermal Analysis
Samples have heat applied and the temperature monitored. If the temperature does not rise
at a constant rate it indicates a form of internal combustion or self sustaining reaction.
Burning Tests
Various sizes of confined and unconfined samples, up to 200kg, are burnt in wood or
diesel generated fires. Samples must not detonate. A UN classification test also uses heat
to determine what class the explosive should be either a 5.1 Oxidiser or a 1.1 Explosive
Static Electricity
Samples of explosives are subjected to electrical discharges of up to 20,000 volts to
observe reaction.
Explosives Performance Assessment
This type of monitoring has a primary application to modeling, providing the basic
information on explosive performance and explosive/rock interaction which is required to
calibrate and verify model predictions. To a large extent, performance monitoring can be
used whenever the explosive user feels that the explosive product, initiation system, or
blast design can be optimised.
Blasthole VOD
Two main techniques exist for measurement of blasthole velocity of detonation (VOD),
though many variations in instrumentation may be observed within the two main groups:
Point contact methods which measure time of propagation of the shock front
between known distance intervals, providing a relatively small number of readings
over the full length of the blasthole;
Continuous methods which provide a continuous signal which can be interrogated to
determine VOD, either over the full length of the blasthole or specific sections (e.g.
around the primer).
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The measurement of blasthole VOD is not a simple task, and the success rate, irrespective
of the technique used, may be as low as 70%. Despite claims by some workers, no
technique currently in use today will give perfect results every time a blasthole is
monitored. To a greater or lesser extent, all methods rely on linear regression to determine
velocities over an interval, and the main differences between the techniques is the
minimum size of interval over which an accurate measurement can be made.
Point to Point Methods
The common techniques used include fibre optic based, and plasma continuity based
measurement systems. With the fibre optic technique, electronic timing circuitry records
the moment at which the plasma strikes an optic fibre. The optic fibre transmits an intense
pulse of light, and continues to do so from the moment it is "hit", to the completion of the
detonation reaction in that blasthole. At locations further along the column, additional
targets transmit pulses and time intervals between transmissions are recorded using a high
speed counter/timer. This technique can measure VOD to acceptable levels of accuracy
over intervals as small as approximately 0.1 metres.
The fibre optic method has been found to give unsatisfactory results in blastholes where
the column height of explosive is large (e.g. 30 metres or more). It is proposed that at the
hydrostatic pressures which are present at the base of long charges, the nature of the
plasma undergoes dramatic change, emitting much less light than for short columns. The
result is that only weak signals are recorded, and VOD measurements are frequently not
obtained. The fibre optic method has the main advantages that it does not require the
insertion of current carrying, or electronic probes into the explosive, and should be less
influenced by extraneous electronic "noise".
The second common point contact method is the plasma continuity technique, and is
capable of the same levels of measurement accuracy as the fibre optic method. With this
method electrodes are placed in the explosive during charging at known intervals (e.g. ½
metre or 1 metre intervals). A small voltage is applied across the electrodes, but no current
flows through them because the ends of the electrodes are open-circuit.
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2 m ANFO column (100 mm dia.)
TIME (sec)
CJ Plane
Direct ion of
Det onat ion
Blast hole
Det onat ion
Figure 7.24 Schematic showing pin contactor method for VOD measurement
and signal record.
When the detonation front strikes the electrode pair, the ionisation within the plasma
permits a small current to flow between the electrodes. The commencement of this flow is
used to trigger timing circuitry for a direct read out of time interval, or the entire signal
may be recorded in full for operator interpretation.
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ANFO (100 mm dia.)
Ve lo city (m /s)
Avg. VOD = 3840 m/s
Distance (m)
Figure 7.25 Analysis of VOD over discrete intervals gives instantaneous VOD.
Data collected in this manner can be analysed in a number of ways. Velocities over each
discrete interval can be calculated to consider variations in VOD along the column length in these cases the error associated with each discrete measurement is a maximum.
Alternatively, all data may be analysed by regression to obtain an estimate of much higher
accuracy which applies to the entire charge length, as shown in the following figure.
ANFO (100 mm dia.)
Dista nce (m )
VOD = 3849 m/s
r 2 = 0.99998
Time (us)
Raw Data
Figure 7.26 Regression analysis gives VOD over full charge length.
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Using regression techniques in conjunction with the point contact method, multiple
measurements of VOD per blasthole can easily be obtained, and an average velocity of
detonation can be calculated with a precision of ± 1% or better. Simultaneous monitoring
in up to 16 holes per blast has also been conducted for production blasting.
Blasthole VOD calculations, however, must be conducted with considerable care. It has
been clearly demonstrated that significant run-up zones can exist around the primer.
Blasthole VOD within approximately 4 blasthole diameters may be significantly less than
the steady state velocity. This itself may be an important aspect of performance
monitoring, since it will influence the fragmentation potential of the explosive in the
vicinity of the primer. Since primers are generally located at the base of the explosive
column, improved performance during the early period of detonation may improve
conditions. Further complications may be introduced around the interfaces between
different explosives in the one blasthole where combination loading is practised.
Experience in measurement of blasthole VOD indicates that the variability between
blastholes is significantly greater than the variability within a blasthole, generally
attributable to blasthole loading practices or ground conditions (i.e. In-flow of water).
Therefore, more meaningful information can be obtained by conducting measurements on
many blastholes, than by increasing the number of measurements, and measurement
accuracy, in a single blasthole.
Continuous Methods
Several methods are available for the continuous measurement of blasthole VOD, the
better known ones being the SLIFER method, the CORRTEX method, and the resistance
wire method.
The SLIFER technique for blasthole VOD measurement is a method of continuous
measurement of detonation velocity, permitting identification of small inconsistencies in
behaviour. This method of continuous measurement is considerably more complex than
the point contact method, and in this case utilises the resonance effect of a shorted coaxial
cable to allow the position of the plasma front (which provides the short circuiting of the
cable) to be calculated at any instant.
The length of coaxial cable is lowered into the blasthole at the time of charging. The cable
probe forms part of an oscillator circuit, the frequency of which varies with the length of
the cable. As the cable is progressively consumed by the detonating shock front, the
circuit resonance changes continuously, and a frequency to voltage converter outputs a
voltage signal which is recorded on high speed recorders.
The technique is capable of detecting quite small anomalies in the detonation velocity in
the blasthole, and can provide valuable information concerning the effect of primer size on
run-up velocities, the effect of additional priming, and the behaviour at explosive/explosive
interfaces in combination loading.
Since the SLIFER technique also relies on the plasma at the detonation front to effect cable
shorting, the success of this technique is also dependent on the quality of the plasma.
Experimentally, plasma characteristics vary quite considerably depending on explosive
formulations, blasthole condition, and blasthole depth. The SLIFER has the main
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disadvantage of requiring quite complex analysis to calculate VOD from the recorded
signal, since there is no simple proportionality between signal amplitude or signal gradient
and VOD.
The CORRTEX method is the most complex method for measurement of VOD, requiring
very expensive instrumentation. The method uses time domain reflectometry to
interrogate the two-way transit time of an electric pulse reflected off the end of a coaxial
cable. The method is not dissimilar from radar. As a shock wave advances along the cable
length, the cable is either shortened or compressed, causing the two-way transit time to
shorten. Even relatively slight compression of the cable is sufficient to produce a
reflection, enabling the precise location of the point of application of the pressure to be
calculated. The CORRTEX method has been commercialised in the form of the VODR
system. Despite the claims of extreme precision, this device samples relatively slowly (10
µs per point, 10kHz sample rate), and therefore effectively takes samples every 5cm or so.
Recognising that several samples are required before a reasonable estimate of velocity can
be made, this technique is able to provide VOD measurements over intervals of
approximately 0.1 to 0.2m.
Int erference
st emming
init iat ion
VOD % Slope
Time (seconds)
Figure 7.27 VOD measurement using the resistance wire method.
The resistance wire method relies on a linear relationship between the length of wire in the
blasthole and the resistance of the wire. A constant current is applied to a length of
resistance wire which is inserted into the blasthole at the time of charging. As the wire is
consumed by the advancing detonation front, the resistance varies linearly. The variation
in resistance is reflected in the voltage drop along the wire. An example of a continuous
VOD signal obtained from resistance wire in a bulk watergel explosive is shown in the
waveform previous. The method also relies on the conductivity of the plasma, in the same
manner as the SLIFER and point contact methods, and is therefore subject to the same
limitations with respect to reliability.
Accessory Performance Assessment
The performance of explosive accessories relates primarily to the accuracy of delay
detonators, and the matching of initiating systems to explosive products.
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The degree of scatter in initiation times from a delay detonator can be measured using a
range of electronic timing equipment. Such testing is generally limited to one detonator
per measurement. High speed photography permits measurement of many detonators in a
single firing, but is limited in accuracy by the framing rate of the camera. Some workers
have claimed to be able to measure the initiation times of in-hole delay elements using
high speed photography, relying on detonating cord "tell-tales" to provide the surface
expression of in-hole detonation. This method is disruptive, influencing the performance
of the blast, and should be avoided.
Perhaps the simplest way to test delay accuracy on multiple samples is to use a
microphone and some form of full waveform recorder. This technique is capable of
measuring the firing times of at least 10 detonators per firing, with an accuracy of ± 1ms or
better. This level of precision is more than adequate for most detonators, including the
newer electronic detonators which claim to have a precision of ± 1ms for any period of
delay. A simple arrangement for measurement with a microphone is shown in next
diagram, with the microphone placed as shown.
Monit or
Lead in
Time (seconds)
6 9 ms
Figure 7.28 Arrangement for determining the timing of delay elements using a microphone.
The fundamental data obtained from delay testing are the mean and standard deviation,
from which all applicable statistics can be calculated. These two parameters introduce the
concepts of accuracy and precision. Accuracy, in relation to delay variability, can be
defined as the proximity of the mean initiation time for a single group of delays to a
nominal or quoted firing time. Hence, an accurate batch of delay elements would have a
mean firing time approximating the nominal initiation time. The standard deviation, on the
other hand, is an indicator of precision. Precision is a measure of the scatter of a group of
firing times.
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Delay Accuracy
If a small sample of initiation times is sampled, the mean of the sample will not necessarily
coincide with the nominal initiation time. This may be due to random variation, or the true
mean being offset from the nominal initiation time. This offset may be due to the
manufacturing process and/or the subsequent storage conditions prior to testing.
To enable all results, irrespective of nominal delay time or delay type, to be grouped
together to calculate the "accuracy", the normalised mean firing time (), is calculated
according to the equation:
100 % 
where µ is the mean firing time for a single group of delays, and n is the nominal initiation
time for the group.
Accuracy therefore represents the offset between the nominal initiation time for a group of
delay detonators, and the actual mean firing time for those delays.
Delay Precision
The nature of pyrotechnic compounds is such that delay elements do not react with a
constant reaction rate, irrespective of the degree of quality control over manufacturing
conditions, but rather within specified tolerances.
Detonation times will be distributed around the batch mean firing time. This scattering
effect can be attributed to variations in the chemical kinetics of the delay compound and
the absolute volume of the product in the delay itself. Unlike the offset with the sample
mean which was assumed to be due to factors affecting the manufacturing process and
subsequent use, the variance is attributable to variation in the compound itself. Grain size,
purity, and moisture content will all affect the reaction rate. Absolute control over all these
parameters is not feasible, and as such, the variation is an inherent property of pyrotechnic
delay elements.
Precision of delay elements is therefore defined in terms of the standard deviation of a
group of delays and the mean initiation time, and in statistical terms is referred to as the
coefficient of variation, , expressed as a percentage.
where  is the calculated standard deviation, and µ is the calculated mean firing time
(usually approximately equal to the nominal initiation time).
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The "F-Factor" presents a single number capable of representing both the accuracy and
precision of a group of delays, defined by:
X 
where X is the midpoint between the nominal delay time and the nominal delay time of the
next delay in the series.
Hence, the F-Factor represents the number of standard deviations between the mean time
and the halfway point to the next delay in the series. For high precision delays, with very
low probability of overlap with the next element in the series, the F-Factor will be high. A
low F-Factor means that scatter is likely to exceed half the interval to the next element in
the series, and overlap between detonators is likely.
Any sample of delays may be classified according to their F-Factors, and the probability of
overlap (assuming adjacent delays have the same F-Factor) may be calculated.
F-Factor Range
0.0 – 0.5
0.5 – 1.0
1.0 – 1.5
1.5 – 2.0
2.0 – 2.5
Overlap Probability
50.0 – 24.0%
24.0 – 7.9%
7.9 – 1.7%
1.7 – 0.23%
0.23 – 0.02%
Figure 7.29 Overlap probabilities for various F-Factors.
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