Subido por Ursula Cabrera

Doraemon Manga: Story, History, and Publication Details

Doraemon is the title of a popular manga authored Fujiko F. Fujio since 1970 and
revolves around the life of a 5th grade boy slackernamed Nobi Nobita who was visited
by a robotic cat named Doraemon who came from the 22 nd century. He was sent to help
Nobita Nobita so offspring can enjoy his success rather than having
Doraemon is the title of a popular manga authored Fujiko F. Fujio since
1970 and revolves around the life of a 5 th
grade boy slackernamed Nobi Nobita who was
visited by a robotic cat named Doraemonwho came from the 22nd century. He was
sent to help Nobita Nobitaso offspring can enjoy his success rather than having
to suffer fromfinancial debt - which will happen in the future - which is caused
byignorance Nobita.
Nobita, after failing a repeat school or after being bothered
by Giantand Suneo, Doraemon will always come to his
help. Doraemon helpsNobita then usually by using advanced equipment from his
magic bag;equipment is often used as "bamboo propeller" and "Door
toAnywhere". Often times, Nobita to go too far in using the equipment and even lapse
into a bigger problem.
In December 1969, the Doraemon manga continuously published monthly magazine
titles in 6children. These magazines are magazines Yoiko (good
boy), Yochien (kindergarten), ShogakuIchinensei (1st grade), Shogaku Yonnensei (4th
grade), and since 1973 the magazine ShogakuGogensei (5 th
grade) and Shogaku Rokunensei (6th grade). Stories contained in the magazines were
different, meaning the author of this story had to write more than six stories each
month. In 1979,CoroCoro Comic magazine was launched as Doraemon.
Since it first appeared in 1969, Doraemon stories have been collected and divided
into 45 bookspublished from 1974 to 1996, and has sold more than 80 million books in
1992. In addition, in 2005,Shogakukan published
an additional serial number 5 volumes under the title Doraemon + (DoraemonPlus), with
a different story from the original 45 volumes.