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Probiotics in Aquaculture: A Review

International Scholarly Research Network
ISRN Microbiology
Volume 2012, Article ID 916845, 13 pages
Review Article
Use of Probiotics in Aquaculture
Patricia Martı́nez Cruz,1, 2 Ana L. Ibáñez,3 Oscar A. Monroy Hermosillo,4
and Hugo C. Ramı́rez Saad1
1 Departamento
de Sistemas Biológicos, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco, Calzada del Hueso 1100,
04960 Mexico City, Mexico
2 Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco, Calzada del Hueso 1100, 04960 Mexico City, Mexico
3 Departamento de Hidrobiologı́a, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, Av. San Rafael Atlixco 186,
09340 Mexico City, Mexico
4 Departamento de Biotecnologı́a, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, Av. San Rafael Atlixco 186,
09340 Mexico City, Mexico
Correspondence should be addressed to Hugo C. Ramı́rez Saad, [email protected]
Received 31 July 2012; Accepted 29 August 2012
Academic Editors: D. H. Kingsley and M. Mitsumori
Copyright © 2012 Patricia Martı́nez Cruz et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
The growth of aquaculture as an industry has accelerated over the past decades; this has resulted in environmental damages and
low productivity of various crops. The need for increased disease resistance, growth of aquatic organisms, and feed efficiency has
brought about the use of probiotics in aquaculture practices. The first application of probiotics occurred in 1986, to test their
ability to increase growth of hydrobionts (organisms that live in water). Later, probiotics were used to improve water quality and
control of bacterial infections. Nowadays, there is documented evidence that probiotics can improve the digestibility of nutrients,
increase tolerance to stress, and encourage reproduction. Currently, there are commercial probiotic products prepared from
various bacterial species such as Bacillus sp., Lactobacillus sp., Enterococcus sp., Carnobacterium sp., and the yeast Saccharomyces
cerevisiae among others, and their use is regulated by careful management recommendations. The present paper shows the current
knowledge of the use of probiotics in aquaculture, its antecedents, and safety measures to be carried out and discusses the prospects
for study in this field.
1. Introduction
Aquaculture is the farming of aquatic organisms by intervention in the rearing process to enhance production and private
ownership of the stock being cultivated. Compared to fishing, this activity allows a selective increase in the production
of species used for human consumption, industry or sport
fishing. Due to overfishing of wild populations, aquaculture
has become an economic activity of great importance
around the world. Aquaculture’s contribution to world food
production, raw materials for industrial and pharmaceutical
use, and aquatic organisms for stocking or ornamental trade
has increased dramatically in recent decades. The report
World Aquaculture 2012 found that global production of
fish from aquaculture grew more than 30 percent between
2006 and 2011, from 47.3 million tons to 63.6 million tons.
It also forecasts that by 2012 more than 50 percent of the
world’s food fish consumption will come from aquaculture,
so it is expected to overtaking capture fisheries as a source
of edible fish. This growth rate is due to several factors:
(1) many fisheries have reached their maximum sustainable
exploitation, (2) consumer concerns about security and
safety of their food, (3) the market demand for high-quality,
healthy, low-calorie, and high-protein aquatic products, and
(4) aquatic breeding makes only a minimum contribution to
carbon dioxide emission [1, 2].
Aquaculture has a long history, originating at least in the
year 475 B.C. in China [3], but became important in the
late nineteen-forties, since the methods of aquaculture could
be used to restock the waters as a complement to natural
spawning. Nowadays, aquaculture is a lucrative industry
[2, 4]. However, the intensification of aquaculture practices
requires cultivation at high densities, which has caused
significant damage to the environment due to discharges of
concentrated organic wastes, that deplete dissolved oxygen
in ponds, giving rise to toxic metabolites (such as hydrogen
sulfide, methane, ammonia, and nitrites), that often are
responsible for mortality. Additionally, aquaculture has
appropriated of water bodies used for recreational purpose,
and sometimes makes a water’s waste because this natural
resource is not reused in extensive aquaculture systems [5, 6].
Moreover, under these conditions of intensive production,
aquatic species are subjected to high-stress conditions,
increasing the incidence of diseases and causing a decrease
in productivity [7].
Outbreaks of viral, bacterial, and fungal infections have
caused devastating economic losses worldwide, that is, China
reported disease-associated losses of $750 million in 1993,
while India reported $210 million losses from 1995 to 1996.
Added to this, significant stock mortality has been reported
due to poor environmental conditions on farms, unbalanced
nutrition, generation of toxins, and genetic factors [8]. In
recent decades, prevention and control of animal diseases
has focused on the use of chemical additives and veterinary
medicines, especially antibiotics, which generate significant
risks to public health by promoting the selection, propagation, and persistence of bacterial-resistant strains [9–11].
Resistance to antibiotics is acquired in two ways: chromosomal mutation or acquisition of plasmids. Chromosomal
mutations are not transferred laterally to other bacteria
but resistance plasmids can be transferred very rapidly,
producing a high percentage of pathogenic bacteria that
develop mediated plasmid-resistance in a short period of
time [12]. This can be an important public health issue as
well. For example, transfer of multidrug resistance occurred
in Ecuador during the cholera epizootic happened between
1991 and 1994, which originated from shrimp farm workers.
Although the original epidemic strain Vibrio cholerae 01
was susceptible to 12 antimicrobial agents tested, on the
coast of Ecuador it acquired multidrug resistance due to
transfer of resistance genes from other Vibrio species that
were pathogenic to shrimp [13].
Probiotic is a relatively new term which is used to name
microorganisms that are associated with the beneficial effects
for the host. Kozasa made the first empirical application
of probiotics in aquaculture [14], considering the benefits
exerted by the use of probiotics on humans and poultry. He
used spores of Bacillus toyoi as feed additive to increase the
growth rate of yellow tail, Seriola quinqueradiata. In 1991,
Porubcan [15, 16] documented the use of Bacillus spp, to
test its ability to increase productivity of Penaeus monodon
farming and to improve water quality by decreasing the
concentrations of ammonia and nitrite. In order to avoid or
reduce the use of certain antimicrobials, biological control
was tested, described as the use of natural enemies to reduce
the damage caused by harmful organisms. Strictly speaking, a
probiotic should not be classified as a biological control agent
because it is not necessarily a natural enemy of the pathogen
[17]. However, certain probiotics have the ability to inhibit
the growth of pathogenic bacteria. Moriarty determined
the ability of Bacillus spp. to decrease the proportion of
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Vibrio spp. in shrimp ponds, especially in sediments [18].
Further studies have stressed probiotics ability to stimulate
appetite, improve absorption of nutrients, and strengthen
the host immune system [19, 20]. The aim of this paper is
to present an updated concept of probiotics, current uses in
aquaculture, commercial presentations, and a final approach
to prospect applications in this area.
2. Definition of Probiotic
The term “probiotic” comes from Greek pro and bios
meaning “prolife” [56], having different meanings over the
years. In 1905, Dr. Elie Metchnikoff was the first to describe
the positive role played by some bacteria among farmers
who consumed pathogen-containing milk and that “reliance
on gut microbes for food makes it possible to take steps
to change the flora of our bodies and to replace harmful
microbes by beneficial microbes” [57]. However, the term
probiotic was introduced until 1965 by Lilly and Stillwell [58]
as a modification of the original word “probiotika.” It was
used to describe substances produced by a microorganism
that prolong the logarithmic growth phase in other species. It
was described as an agent which has the opposite function of
antibiotics. Later, Sperti [59] modified the concept of “tissue
extracts that stimulate microbial growth.”
The first use of the term to describe a microbial feed/food
supplement was by Parker in 1974 [60]. He defined it
as “organisms and substances that contribute to intestinal
microbial balance.” Fuller [61] expanded the definition
to “live microbial food supplement that benefits the host
(human or animal) by improving the microbial balance of
the body” and said that it would be effective in a range
of extreme temperatures and salinity variations. Afterwards,
it was suggested that probiotics were “monocultures or
mixed cultures of microorganisms applied to animals or
humans, that benefit the host by improving properties
of indigenous microflora” [62]. In 1998, Guarner and
Schaafsma assumed that probiotics are live microorganisms
which, when consumed in adequate amounts, confer health
benefits to the host [63]. Gatesoupe in 1999, defined them as
“microbial cells administered in a certain way, which reaches
the gastrointestinal tract and remain alive with the aim of
improving health” [25]. In the same year, studies were carried
out on the inhibition of pathogens using probiotics, this
expanded the definition to “. . . live microbial supplement
which benefits the host by improving its microbial balance”
Knowledge of probiotics has increased, currently it is
known that these microorganisms have an antimicrobial
effect through modifying the intestinal microbiota, secreting
antibacterial substances (bacteriocins and organic acids),
competing with pathogens to prevent their adhesion to the
intestine, competing for nutrients necessary for pathogen
survival, and producing an antitoxin effect. Probiotics are
also capable of modulating the immune system, regulating
allergic response of the body, and reducing proliferation
of cancer in mammals. Because of this, when provided
at certain concentration and viability, probiotics favorably
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affect host health [64]. In fact, terms such as “friendly
bacteria,” “friendly,” or “healthy” are commonly used to
describe probiotics [19].
For many years, studies focused on microorganisms
characteristic from intestinal microbiota, and the term
“probiotic” was mainly restricted to gram-positive lactic
acid bacteria [65], particularly representative of the genera
Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus, and Streptococcus [66]. In
contrast to terrestrial animals, gastrointestinal microbiota
of aquatic species is particularly dependent on the external
environment due to the flow of water passing through the
digestive tract. Thus, the majority of bacteria are transient
in the intestine, due to constant intake of water and food,
together with microorganisms present in them. Although in
the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of aquatic animals have been
reported potentially pathogenic bacteria such as Salmonella,
Listeria, and Escherichia coli, probiotic bacteria and other
microorganisms have also been identified. These include
gram-positive bacteria such as Bacillus, Carnobacterium,
Enterococcus, and several species of Lactobacillus; gramnegative, facultative anaerobic such as Vibrio and Pseudomonas, as well as certain fungi, yeasts, and algae of
the genera Debaryomyces, Saccharomyces, and Tetraselmis,
respectively [20, 67, 68]. Due to the increasing interest of
probiotics in aquaculture, Moriarty [18] proposed extending
the definition of these to “living microbial additives that
benefit the health of hydrobionts and therefore increase
A more general and common concept of probiotic is
“one or more microorganisms with beneficial effects for the
host, able to persist in the digestive tract because of its
tolerance to acid and bile salts” [20]. Although the use of
probiotics in aquaculture is relatively recent, interest in them
has increased due to their potential in disease control [19];
however, gradually other applications have been proposed
(summarized in Table 1), that will be addressed in detail later.
3. Commercial Preparations
The interest in probiotics as an environmentally friendly
alternative is increasing and its application is both empirical
and scientific. According to Soccol et al. [69], the global
market for probiotic ingredients, supplements and foods,
reached US $15,900 million in 2008 and is projected to
increase to US $19,600 million in 2013, representing an
annual growth rate of 4.3%. At present, there are several
commercial preparations of probiotics that contain one or
more live microorganisms, which have been introduced to
improve the cultivation of aquatic organisms. Probiotics can
be used as a food additive added directly to the culture tank
or mixed with food.
Apart from laboratory preparation of bacteria, some
commercially available products are now available. One of
the first evaluations of commercial products focussed on
a bacterial preparation called Biostart that is derived from
Bacillus isolates. It was used during the production of cultured catfish studying the effect of inoculum concentration
[22]. In 1998, Moriarty reported that the use of commercial
probiotic strains of Bacillus spp. increased the quality and
viability of pond-raised shrimp [18]. Meanwhile, Chang and
Liu [31] evaluated the effect of Enterococcus faecium SF68 and
Bacillus toyoi isolates present in Cernivet LBC and Toyocerin,
respectively, to decrease the mortality of the European eel
because of the edwardsielosis, ensuring greater efficiency
with E. faecium SF68. It is relevant to note that E. faecium has
long been known as a probiotic for humans, whereas B. toyoi
has been used with terrestrial animals. Moreover, a B. subtilis
strain combined with hydrolytic enzymes to produce Biogen,
was used to supplement the feed of Oreochromis niloticus,
obtaining significant increases in productivity [70].
The lactic acid-producing bacteria have been the focus
of much interest. The human probiotic, Lactobacillus rhamnosus ATCC (American Type Culture Collection, Rockville,
MD, USA), was used in rainbow trout for 51 days to reduce
mortality by Aeromonas salmonicida, the causative agent of
the fish disease “furunculosis” (one of the major fish diseases
in many parts of world). Mortality was reduced from 52.6
to 18.9% when 109 cells g−1 were administered with feed,
when probiotic dose was increased to 1012 cells g−1 of feed
the mortality reached 46.3% [32]. Apparently, increasing
dosage does not necessarily improve protection. Abasali and
Mohamad [55] increased the gonadosomatic index and the
production of fingerlings in females of reproductive age,
using mixed cultures consisting of L. acidophilus, L. casei, E.
faecium, and B. thermophilum (Primalac).
Studies with Penaeus vannamei showed that using mixed
cultures of probiotics increases survival, feed conversion,
and the final production of farmed shrimp [71]. Meanwhile,
Taoka et al. [72] used Alchem Poseidon and Alchem Korea
CO and Wonju Korea CO, which have mixed cultures
of bacteria (Bacillus subtilis, Lactobacillus acidophilus, and
Clostridium butyricum) and yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae),
enhanced nonspecific immune parameters of tilapia Oreochromis niloticus such as lysozyme activity, migration onf
neutrophils, and plasma bactericidal activity, resulting in
improvement of resistance to Edwardsiella tarda infection.
Previous studies in humans and land animals using prebiotics (nondigestible ingredients of the diet that stimulates the
growth of microorganisms) showed their ability to stimulate
the activity of probiotic bacteria in the colon [73, 74].
Some commercial aquaculture products included prebiotics
in their formulation, such as mannans, glucans, and yucca
extract that further increase the beneficial effects of the
product [75, 76].
Currently, commercial products are available in liquid or
powder presentations, and various technologies have been
developed for improvement. on the case of fermentation
processes, the interest has been focused on optimizing
the fermentation conditions to increase the viability and
functionality of probiotics, improving performance [77].
Generally, the production is carried out in batch cultures due
to the difficulty of industrial scale operation of continuous
systems [69]. More recently, systems have been developed for
immobilization of probiotics, especially using microencapsulation. Microbial cells at high density are encapsulated in
a colloidal matrix using alginate, chitosan, carboxymethylcellulose, or pectin to physically and chemically protect
ISRN Microbiology
Table 1: Different applications of probiotics in aquaculture.
Growth promoter
Pathogen inhibition
Nutrient digestibility
Water quality
Stress tolerance
Identity of the probiotic
Bacillus sp. S11
Bacillus sp.
Carnobacterium divergens
Alteromonas CA2
Lactobacillus helveticus
Lactobacillus lactis AR21
Streptococcus thermophilus
L. casei
Bacillus NL 110, Vibrio NE 17
Bacillus coagulans
Bacillus sp.
Enterococcus faecium SF 68
L. rhamnosus ATCC53103
Micrococcus luteus A1-6
Pseudomonas fluorescens
P. fluorescens AH2
Roseobacter sp. BS. 107
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, S. exiguous,
Phaffia rhodozyma
Vibrio alginolyticus
V. fluvialis
Tetraselmis suecica
Carnobacterium sp. Hg4-03
Lactobacillus acidophilus
Bacillus spp., Enterococcussp.
Lactococcus lactis
L. helveticus
Bacillus NL 110, Vibrio NE 17
Carnobacterium sp. Hg4-03
Lactobacillus acidophilus
Shewanella putrefaciens Pdp11
Litopenaeus vannamei
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Salmo salar
Hepialus gonggaensis larvae
Clarias gariepinus
Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis
Epinephelus coioides
Scophthalmus maximus
Macrobrachium rosenbergii
Hepialus gonggaensis larvae
Clarias gariepinus
Solea senegalensis
Bacillus sp. 48
Penaeus monodon
Bacillus NL 110, Vibrio sp. NE 17
Lactobacillus acidophilus
B. coagulans SC8168
Bacillus sp., Saccharomyces sp.
Macrobrachium rosenbergii
Clarias gariepinus
Pennaeus vannamei
Penaeus monodon
Lactobacillus delbrueckii
Dicentrarchus labrax
Alteromonas sp.
Sparus auratus
B. subtilis, L. acidophilus, S. cerevisiae
L. casei
Pediococcus acidilactici
Paralichthys olivaceus
Poecilopsis gracilis
Litopenaeus stylirostris
Shewanella putrefaciens Pdp11
Bacillus subtilis
L. rhamnosus
L. acidophilus, L. casei, Enterococcus
faecium, Bifidobacterium thermophilum
Applied to aquatic species
Penaeus monodon
Gadus morhua
Crassostrea gigas
Scophthalmus maximus
Brachionus plicatilis
Scophthalmus maximus
Xiphophorus helleri
Poeciliopsis gracilis
Macrobrachium rosenbergii
Cyprinus carpio koi
Anguilla anguilla
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Scallop larvae
Poecilia reticulata, Xiphophorus
Danio rerio
Xiphophorus helleri
ISRN Microbiology
the microorganisms. The methods commonly used for
microencapsulation of probiotics are the emulsion, extrusion, spray drying, and adhesion to starch [78]. Focused
on the application to aquaculture, Rosas et al. [79] have
effectively encapsulated cells of Shewanella putrefaciens in
calcium alginate, demonstrating the survival of encapsulated
probiotic cells through the gastrointestinal tract of sole (Solea
senegalensis). Encapsulation in alginate matrices protects
bacteria from low pH and digestive enzymes; this protection
helps to release the probiotic into the intestine without
any significant damage [80]. Currently, the lyophilized
commercial preparations have advantages for storage and
transport. However, conditions for reconstitution of these
preparations such as temperature, degree of hydration, and
osmolarity of the solution are vital to ensure the viability
of bacteria [81]. It is important to emphasize that these
products must provide a health benefit to the host; for this, it
is necessary that contained microorganisms have the ability
to survive storage conditions, and after that in the digestive
tract of aquatic species, remaining viable and stable, and
finally improving production [20]. According to the opinion
of the producers, these preparations are safe to use and
effective in preserving the health of aquatic animals [19].
4. Applications of Probiotics in Aquaculture
The need for sustainable aquaculture has promoted research
into the use of probiotics on aquatic organisms. The initial
interest was focused on their use as growth promoters
and to improve the health of animals; however, new areas
have been found, such as their effect on reproduction or
stress tolerance, although this requires a more scientific
4.1. Growth Promoter. Probiotics have been used in aquaculture to increase the growth of cultivated species, in reality it
is not known whether these products increase the appetite,
or if, by their nature, improve digestibility. Some people are
inclined to think that it could be both factors; furthermore,
it would be important to determine whether probiotics
actually taste good for aquaculture species [20]. According
to Balcázar et al. [13], probiotic microorganisms are able
to colonize gastrointestinal tract when administered over a
long period of time because they have a higher multiplication
rate than the rate of expulsion, so as probiotics constantly
added to fish cultures, they adhere to the intestinal mucosa of
them, developing and exercising their multiple benefits. This
also depends on factors such as hydrobionts species, body
temperature, enzyme levels, genetic resistance, and water
The effect of probiotics has been tested on phytoplankton
(microalgae), which forms the basis of aquatic food chains,
due to its nutrient-producing photosynthetic machinery that
in most cases, higher organisms are unable to synthesize
such is the case of polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamins. Within groups of microalgae used in aquaculture are
distinguished central diatoms as Chaetoceros spp., which
have proven to be a good live food; however, production
has limitations due to the complexity of their nutritional
requirements [82]. Gómez et al. [83] assessed the growth
of Vibrio alginolyticus C7b probiotic in the presence of
the microalgae Chaetoceros muelleri, proving that these
organisms can be grown together to achieve high density and
fed to shrimp.
Rotifers are indispensable as the first live feed for larvae
of most cultured aquatic species, due to their small size
they are more accessible to larvae, for example, the nauplii
of brine shrimp, which is a very common live feed. Planas
et al. [84] used lactic acid bacteria to increase the growth
of the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis and obtained best results
with the addition of Lactococcus casei ssp. casei, Pediococcus
acidilactici, and Lactobacillus lactis ssp. lactis.
The use of probiotics as growth promoters of edible
fishes has been reported. Diet of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis
niloticus) was amended with a probiotic Streptococcus strain,
increasing significantly the content of crude protein and
crude lipid in the fish, also weight has increased from 0.154 g
to 6.164 g in 9 weeks of culture [85]. Due to the commercial
importance of this species, the effect of supplementing
diet with probiotics produced an increase of 115.3% when
commercial formulation was used at a concentration of 2%
Examples of growth improvement of ornamental fishes
include swordtail (Xiphophorus helleri, X. maculatus) and
guppy, (Poecilia reticulate, P. sphenops), their feed was
supplemented with Bacillus subtilis and Streptomyces, finding
significative increases in growth and survival of Xiphophorus
and Poecilia after 90 and 50 days of administration, respectively [27, 86].
Probiotics also have been tested successfully in shellfish
culture. Macey and Coyne [87] isolated two yeasts and
one bacterial strain (designated SS1, AY1, and SY9, resp.)
from the digestive tract of abalone (Haliotis midae). A
diet was formulated with a mixture of the three putative
probiotics. Each probiont was added to the feed to achieve
a final concentration of approximately 107 cells g−1 of dry
feed. The growth rate of small (20 mm) and large (67 mm)
abalone was improved by 8% and 34%, respectively, in eightmonth cultures. Furthermore, abalones supplemented with
probiotics had a survival rate of 62% to the pathogenic
bacterium Vibrio anguillarum compared to 25% survival of
untreated animals.
4.2. Inhibition of Pathogens. Antibiotics were used for a long
time in aquaculture to prevent diseases in the crop. However,
this caused various problems such as the presence of antibiotic residues in animal tissues, the generation of bacterial
resistance mechanisms, as well as an imbalance in the
gastrointestinal microbiota of aquatic species, which affected
their health [88]. In fact, the European Union has regulated
the use of antibiotics in organisms for human consumption
[89]. Today, consumers demand natural products, free of
additives such as antibiotics; moreover, there is a tendency
for preventing diseases rather than treating them. Thus, the
use of probiotics is a viable alternative for the inhibition of
pathogens and disease control in aquaculture species.
Probiotic microorganisms have the ability to release
chemical substances with bactericidal or bacteriostatic effect
on pathogenic bacteria that are in the intestine of the
host, thus constituting a barrier against the proliferation of
opportunistic pathogens. In general, the antibacterial effect
is due to one or more of the following factors: production of
antibiotics, bacteriocins, siderophores, enzymes (lysozymes,
proteases) and/or hydrogen peroxide, as well as alteration of
the intestinal pH due to the generation of organic acids [65].
Taoka et al. [51] showed that viable probiotics administered to tilapia Oreochromis niloticus, increased nonspecific immune response, determined by parameters such
as lysozyme activity, neutrophile migration, and bactericidal
activity, which improved the resistance of fish to infection
by Edwardsiella tarda. In turn, Robertson et al. [90] isolated
a strain of Carnobacterium sp. from salmon bowel and
administered alive to rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon,
demonstrating in vitro antagonism against known fish
pathogens: Aeromonas hydrophila, A. salmonicida, Flavobacterium psychrophilum, Photobacterium damselae, and Vibrio
species. There is also evidence on the effect of dead probiotic
cultures consisting on a mixture of Vibrio fluvialis A3-47S,
Aeromonas hydrophila A3-51, and Carnobacterium BA211,
in the control of furunculosis in rainbow trout. For this
specific case, the number of leukocytes was greater than with
live cells, in fact, the data suggest that cellular immunity
more than humoral factors was involved in the benefits of
these preparations of inactivated bacterial cells [91]. In the
case of shrimp, studies have focused on the evaluation of
probiotics such as Bacillus cereus, Paenibacillus polymyxa,
and Pseudomonas sp. PS-102 as biocontrol agents against
pathogens of various Vibrio species [92, 93].
Probiotic strains isolated from the gastrointestinal tract
of clownfish (Amphiprion percula) have been used to inactivate several pathogens such as Aeromonas hydrophila and
Vibrio alginolyticus among others. It has been observed
that probiotics in vivo generate a density such that allow
the production of antimicrobial metabolites therefore, the
bacteria isolated from adult clownfish have the potential to
colonize the intestinal mucus and therefore can be used as
prophylactic agent and/or therapeutic [94, 95]. Furthermore,
it has been found that concentrations of 106 to 108 cells g−1
of probiotic promote the development of healthy microbiota
in the gastrointestinal tract of ornamental fishes from the
genera Poecilia and Xiphophorus, decreasing the amount of
heterotrophic microorganisms [86].
Gómez et al. [96] reported the use of Vibrio alginolyticus
strains as probiotics to increase survival and growth of white
shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei), also by using probiotics in
Ecuadorian shrimp hatcheries, production increased by 35%,
while with the use of antimicrobials it decreased by 94%.
4.3. Improvement in Nutrient Digestion. A study has suggested that probiotics have a beneficial effect on the digestive processes of aquatic animals because probiotic strains
synthesize extracellular enzymes such as proteases, amylases,
and lipases as well as provide growth factors such as vitamins,
fatty acids, and aminoacids [13]. Therefore, nutrients are
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absorbed more efficiently when the feed is supplemented
with probiotics [70].
In this sense, probiotics have been used in edible fishes, as
in the case of larvae of European bass (Dicentrarchus labrax).
It has been reported that the probiotic yeast Debaryomyces
hansenii HF1 has the ability to produce spermine and
spermidine, two polyamines involved in the differentiation
and maturation of the gastrointestinal tract in mammals.
In addition this yeast secretes amylase and trypsin, enzymes
that aid digestion in sea bass larvae [97]. Studies in juvenile
common dentex Dentex dentex L. showed that when diet is
supplemented with 0.5 g of Bacillus cereus strain E kg−1 of
food, increased fish growth due to more efficient use of the
food [98]. In the case of rainbow trout, similar results were
obtained using B. subtilis, B. licheniformis, and Enterococcus
faecium, when these probiotics were provided for 10 weeks
along with the diet of fish [99]. In some trials, diet of
European sea bass larvae (Dicentrarchus labrax) has supplemented with probiotic yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain
X2180), assessing fish growth and activity and expression of
antioxidative key enzymes (catalase, glutathione peroxidase,
and superoxide dismutase), finding differences in enzyme
activity and gene expression patterns between probiotic
supplemented and nonsupplemented treatments, which was
attributed to the presence of the yeast [100].
In white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei Boone and Fenneropenaeus indicus, various strains of Bacillus have been
used as probiotics to increase apparent digestibility of dry
matter, crude protein, and phosphorus. Results showed
higher sizes when the diet is supplemented with 50 g of
probiotic kg−1 of food [101]. Other research has suggested
the importance of managing the probiotic in all ontogenetic
stages of the shrimp to generate a constant effect on the
production of digestive enzymes [102].
In guppies (Poecilia reticulata, P. sphenops), and swordtail
(Xiphophorus helleri, X. maculatus), the effect of incorporating Bacillus subtilis, isolated from the intestine of Cirrhinus
mrigala into their diet has been evaluated. The results show
an increase in the length and weight of the ornamental fishes
as well as the specific activity of proteases and amylases in
the digestive tract [86]. According to Moriarty [103], Bacillus
secretes a wide range of exoenzymes that complement the
activities of the fish and increases enzymatic digestion. In
fact, the bacteria isolated from the digestive tract of aquatic
animals have shown chitinases, proteases, cellulases, lipases,
and trypsin [67].
4.4. Improvement of Water Quality. In several studies, water
quality was recorded during the addition of probiotic strains
especially of the gram-positive genus Bacillus. Probably since
this bacterial group is more efficient than gram-negative
in transforming organic matter to CO2 . It is suggested
that maintaining high levels of probiotics in production
ponds, fish farmers can minimize the accumulation of
dissolved and particulate organic carbon during the growing
season. In addition, this can balance the production of
phytoplankton [13]. However, this hypothesis could not be
confirmed on tests carried out during cultivation of shrimps
ISRN Microbiology
or channel catfish, using one or more species of Bacillus,
Nitrobacter, Pseudomonas, Enterobacter, Cellulomonas, and
Rhodopseudomonas. Thus published evidence for improving
water quality is limited, except for the nitrification [65].
In the case of edible fish, trout production farms
generate high concentrations of nitrogen ranging from 0.05–
3.3 mg L−1 of total Kjeldahl nitrogen and up to 6.4 mg L−1
after 7 months of monitoring [104]. For tilapia production in
recirculating systems, concentrations of total ammonia (NH4
+ NH3 ) increased from 4.73 to 14.87 mg L−1 in a 21-dayexperiment, while the nitrite concentration increased from
3.75 to 9.77 mg L−1 [105]. Due to the high concentrations
of produced nitrogen compounds, especially the highly toxic
total ammonia; the use of probiotics is recommended, as
they may improve water quality. Haroun et al. supplemented
the food of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus L. with a
commercial probiotic made from Bacillus licheniformis and
B. subtilis in 17 weeks of culture. Assessment of water quality
parameters showed an acceptable range for fish cultivation:
5.7–6.3 mg L−1 for dissolved oxygen concentration, 0.36–
0.42 mg L−1 for ammonia concentration, and pH between 6.3
and 8.2 [70].
Lalloo et al. [106] isolated several strains of Bacillus
from Cyprinus carpio and carried out tests to improve water
quality in ornamental fish culture and to inhibit the growth
of Aeromonas hydrophila. Three out of nine isolates showed
high capacity to inhibit the pathogen in 78 of relative incidence rate; moreover, concentrations of ammonia, nitrate,
and phosphate were lowered in rates of 74%, 76% and 72%,
respectively. Contradictorily, Queiroz and Boyd [22] tested a
commercial probiotic in catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), noting
a survival and net fish production significantly higher when
the probiotic was applied. However, very little differences
were significant for the determined water quality variables
(ammonia, chemical oxygen demand, nitrate, soluble reactive phosphorus, and dissolved oxygen) between the treated
and control ponds. Taoka et al. [51] studied effects of
commercial probiotics formulated from mixed cultures of
bacteria and yeast on survival of Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus, and water quality in a closed recirculating
system. The probiotics-treated groups showed significantly
greater survival rate as compared to the control group at the
end of rearing experiment (50 days of culture), and water
quality parameters were significantly lower in probiotics
diet groups (from 0.24 ± 0.22 to 0.12 ± 0.10 mg L−1 of
NH4 , from 0.15 ± 0.08 to 0.08 ± 0.08 mg L−1 of NO2 , and
from 13.0 ± 3.9 to 10.2 ± 3.0 mg L−1 of PO4 ). Meanwhile,
Wang et al. showed that a commercial product made from
Bacillus sp., Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Nitrosomonas sp., and
Nitrobacter sp. had the ability to increase the beneficial
bacterial microbiota of Penaeus vannamei shrimp, further
reducing the concentrations of inorganic nitrogen from 3.74
to 1.79 mg L−1 and phosphate from 0.1105 to 0.0364 mg L−1
4.5. Stress Tolerance. Aquaculture practices demand intensive productions in shorter times, causing stress in crop
species. For example, it has been reported that chronic
stress in zebra fish, Danio rerio, induces a general depression
on the synthesis of muscle protein [108]. As a result, it
was sought to increase stress tolerance by using probiotics.
One of the firsts formal reports on this field studied the
supplementation of Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. delbrueckii
in the diet of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), at
time intervals of 25 to 59 days. In addition to evaluating
the growth improvement, hormone cortisol was quantified
in fish tissue as stress marker, since it is directly involved in
the animal’s response to stress. Cortisol levels obtained in
the treated fishes were significantly lower than those in the
control (3.6 ± 0.36 ng g−1 and 5.1 ± 0.47 ng g−1 , resp.) [49].
Another way to assess stress in fish involve subjecting them to
heat shock, as in the case of Japanese flounder (Paralichthys
olivaceus) grown in a recirculating system [72]. The stress
tests were carried out until half the population died, thus
calculated the mean lethal time (LT50 ) in the absence and
with addition of a commercial probiotic containing Bacillus
subtilis, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Clostridium butyricum, and
Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The group treated with probiotics
showed greater tolerance in the stress test than the control
group, the LT50 was 40 and 25 min, respectively.
Lactate and plasma glucose levels are considered appropriate indicators of stress as they increase as a secondary
response during periods of stress to cover high energy
requirements induced by this situation. Therefore, Varela et
al. have conducted studies on the gilt-head bream (Sparus
auratus); the glycogen and triglycerides reserves in the
livers of the control group were significantly decreased in
relation to concentrations obtained when the fish feed was
supplemented with the probiotic Alteromonas sp. Strain Pdp
11 [50].
Castex et al. [52] evaluated the effect of Pediococcus
acidilactici MA 18/5 in the antioxidative response of the
shrimp Litopenaeus stylirostris to oxidative stress. The results
showed high activities of antioxidant enzymes; superoxide
dismutase (283.7 and 153.7 mol min−1 in control and treated
groups, resp.) and catalase (3.08 and 1.34 mol min−1 for the
control and probiotic-treated, resp.).
The results obtained so far raise the possibility of
preparing the fish in advance with probiotic treatment,
for conventional aquacultures practices that create stress in
animals, such as transport, change in water temperature, and
periodic manipulations [46].
4.6. Effect on Reproduction of Aquatic Species. According to
Izquierdo et al. [109], breeding aquaculture species have
high nutritional requirements, thus reproductive capacity
depends on appropriate concentrations of lipids, proteins,
fatty acids, vitamins C and E, and carotenoids. Furthermore,
the relationship of these components influences reproduction in various processes such as fertility, fertilization, birth
and development of larvae. At present, for most cultured
fish species, there are commercially available “broodstock
diets” that just are larger-sized diets. In practice, many
fish hatcheries improve the nutrition of their broodstock
by feeding them solely on fresh fish byproducts or in
combination with commercial diets. The most common
fresh organisms used to feed broodstock fishes include squid,
cuttlefish, mussels, krill, and small crustaceans. The use
of these unprocessed fish products often do not provide
adequate levels of nutrients needed by broodstock fishes,
increasing the risk of pathogens transmission to the parents
and offspring, including parasites, bacteria, and viruses.
Therefore, probiotics added to food or water were used in
order to prevent infections and to explore their effect on
The pioneer study on the effect of probiotic supplementation on reproductive performance of fish was carried
out by Ghosh et al. [53], using a strain of B. subtilis
isolated from intestine of Cirrhinus mrigala, incorporated at
different concentrations to four species of ornamental fishes:
Poecilia reticulata, P. sphenops, Xiphophorus helleri, and X.
maculates, in a one-year experiment. The results showed that
using B. subtilis concentrations of 106 –108 cells g−1 of food,
produced increases in the gonadosomatic index, fecundity,
viability, and production of fry from the females of all four
species. Furthermore, these authors proposed that complex
B vitamins synthesized by the probiotic, especially thiamine
(vitamin B1) and vitamin B12, contribute to reduce the
number of dead or deformed alevins.
Abasali and Mohamad [55] carried out similar studies
with X. helleri, using a commercial probiotic containing
Lactobacillus acidophilus, L. casei, Enterococcus faecium, and
Bifidobacterium thermophilum. The total production of
alevin per female and the relative fecundity were evaluated.
Their results showed significant differences between the
control and probiotic-treated groups; in the first parameter
105 and 150 alevins were found on average, respectively.
While in the second, 28 females were fecundated in the
control and 41 for the probiotic treatment.
5. Safety Considerations of Probiotic
Traditionally, probiotics used in food industry have been
deemed safe, in fact, no human risks have been determined,
remaining as the best proof of its safety [110]. Theoretically,
probiotics may be responsible for four types of side effects
in susceptible individuals: systemic infections, deleterious
metabolic activities, excessive immune stimulation, and gene
transfer. However, no hard evidence has been found.
In practice, there are few reports of bacteremia in
humans, where isolation of probiotic bacteria from infections seems to be the result of an opportunistic infection
caused by skin lesions, cancer, chronic illness, or a druginduced abnormality. These conditions lead to a decreased
intestinal barrier that promotes the passage of the bacteria through the mucosal epithelium. Subsequently, these
microorganisms are transported to the mesenteric lymph
nodes and other organs, leading to bacteremia that may
progress to septicemia [111]. All reported cases of bacteremia
occurred in patients with chronic illness or a weakened
immune system [69, 112].
In the case of some lactic acid bacteria that are regarded
as probiotics, the resistance to antibiotics can be linked to
genes on chromosomes, plasmids, or transposons. However,
ISRN Microbiology
there is insufficient information about the circumstances
in which these genetic elements could be mobilized [113].
Moreover, it is recognized that some enterococci may possess
virulence characteristics and have the ability to transfer
antibiotic resistance elements, so it is recommended that no
reference should be made to these organisms as probiotics
for human consumption, unless the producer can demonstrate that this strain cannot acquire or transfer antibiotic
resistance or induce infection [112].
Regarding safety of aquaculture products, in Asia and
more recently in Latin America cultures of Penaeus monodon
have been reported with bacterial white spot syndrome
(BWSS), in farms with recurrent use of probiotics based
on Bacillus subtilis. The spots are similar to those generated
in the white spot viral syndrome (WSS), which is a deadly
disease that spreads rapidly and causes mass mortalities in
shrimp cultures [114, 115]. Wang et al. [116] demonstrated
in 2000 that BWSS is a nonsystemic infection in P. monodon
and lesions usually disappear after molting, under this
condition cultures are still active and grow normally without
significant mortality. However, it is of great concern because
most farmers cannot distinguish BWSS from WSS. Farmers
are advised in case of suspicion to send samples to the
laboratory for confirmatory diagnosis.
Furthermore, since some aquaculture products are consumed raw or half cooked, has raised the question of whether
residual probiotics may cause any infection in the final
consumer. Shakibazadeh et al. [117] assessed the potential
risk to humans caused by the use of probiotic Shewanella
algae in shrimp farms. Studies were performed in mice that
were given up to 1036 cfu to reach the LD50 value for S.
algae, proving the safety of using probiotics in mice. Based
on their results, these authors state that the use of S. algae is
safe for the consumer of shrimps, such as for workers in the
processing plants and farms.
Because there was no international consensus to ensure
efficiency and safety of probiotics, FAO and WHO recognized the need to create guidelines for a systematic approach
for the evaluation of probiotics in food, in order to substantiate their health claims. A working group with experts
in the field was formed in order to recommend criteria
and methodology for the evaluation of probiotics, based
on scientific evidence [118]. As a result the “Guide for the
Evaluation of Probiotics in Food” was presented, providing
guidelines on the evaluation of health and nutrition properties of probiotics in food. The working group stated that no
pathogenic or virulent properties were found in lactobacilli,
bifidobacteria, or lactococci, although they acknowledged
that under certain conditions, some strains of lactobacilli
have been associated with rare cases of bacteremia. However,
its incidence does not increase with raising the use of lactobacillus in probiotics. It was also mentioned that enterococci
may possess virulence characteristics; therefore, it is not
recommended as a probiotic for human consumption [113].
Although the guide is not focused on aquaculture products,
it creates a precedent for conducting studies to evaluate the
safety of probiotics in this area.
To date, the use of animal models including mice, rats,
and fish has not revealed specific determinants of virulence
ISRN Microbiology
or pathogenicity of the studied probiotic microorganisms,
suggesting the overall safety of them [112]. However, it is
important to continue research using three approaches: (i)
analyzing the intrinsic properties of probiotic strains, (ii)
studying its pharmacokinetics (survival, activity in the intestine, dose response, and recovery from mucosa), and (iii)
understanding the interactions between the microorganism
and the host [69].
6. Concluding Remarks
The current global food crisis and increasing production
costs has put pressure on governments and the international
community to ensure sufficient food supply for a growing
population. Thus, aquaculture is presented as a way to meet
the growing demand for fresh water food or seafood, and to
meet current challenges relating to the ongoing globalization
of trade, intensification and diversification of aquaculture,
progress in technological innovations for food production,
changes in ecological systems and human behavior, including
a greater awareness to protect biodiversity, public health,
and the environment. These challenges will lead to increased
attention for improving aquaculture practices, and will
become an important alternative to overexploitation and
modification of aquatic ecosystems caused by capture fisheries. The use of probiotics can potentiate the benefits of this
activity because, as presented in this paper, it offers viable
alternatives for the generation of a higher-quality livestock
product in terms of size, production time, and health.
In the near future, it is necessary to conduct studies relating to probiotics resistance to antibiotics, and the chances of
transmission of genetic elements to other microorganisms
in the fish GIT, and thus to humans when consuming the
aquaculture product.
On the other hand, there is a need to strengthen studies
of microbial ecology in aquaculture systems, correlating
microbial communities (microorganisms on water and in the
GIT of aquatic species) with animal growth and its relationship to the water quality. Nowadays, a variety of probiotic
strains present in the GIT of aquatic animals and nitrifying
bacteria from biofilters have been isolated and characterized
using biochemical, morphological, and molecular techniques
[68, 119–121]. The development of molecular techniques
such as PCR, FISH (fluorescent in situ hybridization), DGGE
(denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis), and generation
of genomic libraries have started to unveil the diversity
present in aquaculture systems. Currently, next-generation
sequencing methodologies offer great potential for phylogenetic identification of probiotic microorganisms without
using conventional cultivation techniques.
Conflict of Interests
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests
between authors and the commercial probiotics and trademarks mentioned in the paper. Mentioning of those products
is related to the scientific literature cited in the text with
the mere purpose of illustrating the wide range of probiotic
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