Subido por wilbert pinto

Historia de Halloween y Día de Muertos en Bolivia

The history of Halloween
Halloween is an annual holiday celebrated each year on October 31.
Halowen is an eniol holiday celebreidet ich yer on actober shortiferst
It originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain.
It oriyineited with the einchent queoltic festivol of saawen.
It was known as all Hallows Eve
and later Halloween. Halloween evolved into a day of
eand leidor. halowen ivold intu a dey of
activities like trick-or-treating, carving jack-o-lanterns, festive
activitis like truek-or-truiden, carvin yako lenterns, festiv
gatherings, donning costumes and eating sweet treats.
Gaderins, donin castium eand iden eswit truits
Americans began to dress up in costumes and go house to house
Ameruikens bigan tu dres ap in castium eand gou haus tu haus
asking for food or money, a practice that eventually became today’s
askin for fud or mani, a practis that evenchuali bikeim tudeys
“trick-or-treat” tradition.
truek-or-truid truadicions
How Halloween is Celebrated
when it is dark, children dress up in costumes and go trick-or-treating
wen it is dark, chindren dres ap in castiums eand gou truek-or-truiden
around their neighborhood. Adults have Halloween parties. Candy is
aruaunt der neiborhud. Edoulds hav halowin partis, kendi is
given out (and eaten). Jack-o’-lanterns are lit. And, most likely, somebody
guiven aut. yako lenterns ar let. eand, mos laicli, sombady
is left a little scared.
Is lef a lidoul eskerd.
cuando está oscuro, los niños se visten con disfraces y van a pedir dulces a su
vecindario. Los adultos tienen fiestas de Halloween. Se reparten dulces (y se
comen). Las linternas de Jack están encendidas. Y, lo más probable, alguien
queda un poco asustado.
Day of the Dead in Bolivia
Day of the Dead is a big holiday in Bolivia. It is celebrated over two days, on
November 1st and 2nd.
During the Day of the Dead in Bolivia, people believe that the souls of the
dead come back as spirits to visit their homes for twenty-four hours,
people prepare their family’s tombs in the local cemetery
families clean the graves, place fresh flowers, and they even plant various
plants or trees around the tombstones
Offering Tables At Home
Once the tombs are prepared at the cemetery, most Bolivians prepare a
small offering table in their homes for the souls of their departed loved ones
to enjoy.
Bolivians put foods and drinks on the table that the deceased particularly
liked, as well as a variety of drinks, cakes, cookies.
Dia de los muertos en Bolivia
El Día de Muertos es una gran fiesta en Bolivia. Se celebra durante dos días,
el 1 y 2 de noviembre.
Durante el Día de los Muertos en Bolivia, la gente cree que las almas de los
muertos regresan como espíritus para visitar sus hogares durante
veinticuatro horas,
la gente prepara las tumbas de sus familias en el cementerio local
las familias limpian las tumbas, colocan flores frescas e incluso plantan varias
plantas o árboles alrededor de las lápidas
Ofrecer mesas en casa
Una vez que las tumbas están preparadas en el cementerio, la mayoría de los
bolivianos preparan una pequeña mesa de ofrendas en sus hogares para que
las almas de sus seres queridos fallecidos puedan disfrutar.
Los bolivianos ponen alimentos y bebidas en la mesa que gustaron
especialmente al difunto, así como una variedad de bebidas, pasteles y