Subido por Karwin Vasquez-Colman


BIO 210 Final Exam Review
Be able to identify the homeostatic mechanism that controls blood sugar and what type of feedback
mechanism control.
Be able to identify the stages of cellular respiration in order.
Be able to identify the type of epithelium that is best suited for diffusion and filtration.
Be able to identify the layers of epidermis found in the forearm in order.
Be able to identify the sequence of events in muscle contraction.
Be able to identify a muscle pair from given muscles that are antagonists.
Be able to identify the types of neurons by their function.
Be able to identify which cerebral hemisphere controls which side of the body.
Be able to identify the effects of the sympathetic division on the GI tract.
Be able to identify the structures light passes through when entering the eye.
Be able to identify the characteristics and functions of the cell membrane.
Be able to identify the accessory structures of the digestive epithelium and their function such as villi
and microvilli.
Be able to match an organ system with its function.
Be able to define the term homeostasis.
Be able to identify the location of the heart.
Be able to identify the function of osteogenesis.
Be able to identify the function of the bicarbonate buffer system.
Be able to match the monomer (building block) to the correct macromolecule.
Be able to identify the difference between kinetic and potential energy.
Be able to identify the major cation in extracellular fluid.
Be able to identify the chemical formula of an organic molecule versus an inorganic molecule.
Be able to identify the stages of mitosis in order.
Be able to identify the name of the process that synthesizes proteins and the organelles involved.
Be able to identify the tonicity of solutions and their effects on cells.
Be able to identify the four major types of tissues and their function.
Be able to identify the example of a hinge joint and multiaxial joint.
Be able to identify the types of fibers in connective tissue i.e. collagen, elastic, reticular fibers and the
characteristics they give tissue like strength, stretch, recoil etc.
BIO 210 Final Exam Review
Be able to identify the difference between non-keratinized epithelium and keratinized epithelium and
their locations in the body.
Be able to identify the difference between endocrine and exocrine glands.
Be able to identify the functions of red and yellow bone marrow.
Be able to identify a cation by its chemical fornula.
Be able to identify what is the electron transport chain and how many ATP it produces.
Be able to identify and put in order the stages of healing in bone fractures.
Be able to describe the difference between polar and non-polar molecules as it pertains to membrane
Be able to identify what cells form myelin sheaths in the CNS and PNS.
Be able to identify what type of glandular disorder is acne.
Be able to identify a positive feedback mechanism.
Be able to identify the what is happening to pH levels in alkalosis and acidosis.
Be able to identify which substances give bones their structure.
Be able to identify calcium’s role in muscle contraction.
Be able to identify which muscles innervate the thigh.
Be able to identify the nutrients needed for bone formation.
Be able to identify the bones of the limbs.
Be able to identify what is bursitis.
Be able to identify which molecules in an oxidation-reduction reaction are oxidized.
Be able to transcribe a sequence of given DNA into mRNA.
Be able to describe the way the body is facing when in the anatomical position.
Be able to identify what is a chromosome.
Be able to identify what effects joint stability.
Be able to identify the parts of a neuromuscular junction.
Be able to identify from a diagram of muscle membrane depolarization and which parts of the figure
indicate Na+ channels are open, which part is the absolute refractory period, and why hyperpolarization
Be able to identify the type of muscle fibers that would be the majority of fibers in a marathon runner.
Be able to identify where osteons are found.
BIO 210 Final Exam Review
Be able to identify the difference between isotonic and isometric contractions.
Be able to identify from a diagram of a synapse calcium gated channels and nicotinic receptors.
Be able to identify the functions of the skin.
Be able to identify the functions of the hypodermis (subcutaneous).
Be able to identify the structures in an axodendritic synapse and their order.
Be able to identify the role of oxygen in cellular respiration.
Be able to identify what in the PNS can direct nerve regeneration.
Be able to identify which cerebral hemisphere controls which side of the body.
Be able to identify the difference between paraplegia and quadriplegia in spinal cord damage.
Be able to identify the order of parts of a spinal reflex.
Be able to identify the meninges and meningeal spaces in order of the brain.
Be able to identify gyri and sulci of the brain.
Be able to identify the parts of the brain stem.
Be able to identify which neurotransmitters are found in somatic, sympathetic and parasympathetic
nervous systems.
Be able to identify which nerve carries the most parasympathetic information.
Be able to identify the four nerve plexuses and what parts of the body they innervate.
Be able to identify function of rods in the eye.
Be able to identify difference between the motor homunculus of the cerebrum and the motor
homunculus of the cerebellum.
Be able to identify the autonomic nervous system and its divisions.
Be able to identify which brain structure controls temperature, thirst, and endocrine activity.
Be able to identify the types of receptors and what they percieve.
Be able to identify the various planes coronal etc.
Be able to identify from a figure of the cell membrane the glycocalyx, the phospholipid bi-layer, active
transport, and tonicity of solutions.
Be able to identify which cranial nerve carries stimuli from the special sense such as hearing/balance,
vision, smell, and taste.
Be able to identify which special sense employs the largest amount of cranial nerves and portion of the
BIO 210 Final Exam Review
Be able to identify what side effects might be experienced from sympathomimetic drugs.
Be able to identify the cranial nerve or nerves that carries the special sense of taste.
Be able to identify what are the precentral and postcentral gyri functions.