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oneTHE COLLECTIVE SOUL Source: UMMO 1. INTRODUCTION The data presented
in this report comes from: (a) Old ummite letters, including the so-called French letters,
whose authenticity has finally been accredited along with that of the messages (c),
mentioned below. (b) The letters received between 2011 and 2014 by a French Hispanic
group (called GR1 letters). (c) Electronic messages sent from four accounts through the
Twitter network. Currently, two such accounts are still active. * * * For many religions, the
Individual Soul, or simply the Soul, is a concept that describes something like the immortal
essence of every human being. Although with differences worthy of mention, the concept
ummita of soul, called by them BUAWA 1 (B, for short), is actually quite similar to that of
the Christian tradition. However, in ummite cosmology a transcendent element stands out
unparalleled in our religions, and only vaguely outlined in some Eastern philosophies. It
is the Collective Soul or Collective Spirit, called BUAWA BIAEII (BB, for short). Although
BB has some characteristics that will remind, for example, of those attributed to the
Collective Unconscious of Carl G. Jung, the Akashic records or Buddhist Nirvana, its
holistic complexity and its significance are much greater. Just to motivate the importance
of this concept, we anticipate that the existence of BB explains scientifically (with a
science completely out of our current reach), among other phenomena: 1 BOUAWA with
French phonetics and BOOAWA with English phonetics. There are variations. one In
ummite cosmology, a transcendent element stands out unparalleled in our religions, and
only vaguely outlined in some Eastern philosophies. It is the Collective Soul or Collective
Spirit, called BUAWA BIAEII (BB, for short). Although BB has some characteristics that
will remind, for example, of those attributed to the Collective Unconscious of Carl G. Jung,
the Akashic records or Buddhist Nirvana, its holistic complexity and its significance are
much greater. Just to motivate the importance of this concept, we anticipate that the
existence of BB explains scientifically (with a science completely out of our current reach),
among other phenomena: 1 BOUAWA with French phonetics and BOOAWA with English
phonetics. There are variations. one In ummite cosmology, a transcendent element
stands out unparalleled in our religions, and only vaguely outlined in some Eastern
philosophies. It is the Collective Soul or Collective Spirit, called BUAWA BIAEII (BB, for
short). Although BB has some characteristics that will remind, for example, of those
attributed to the Collective Unconscious of Carl G. Jung, the Akashic records or Buddhist
Nirvana, its holistic complexity and its significance are much greater. Just to motivate the
importance of this concept, we anticipate that the existence of BB explains scientifically
(with a science completely out of our current reach), among other phenomena: 1
BOUAWA with French phonetics and BOOAWA with English phonetics. There are
variations. one It is the Collective Soul or Collective Spirit, called BUAWA BIAEII (BB, for
short). Although BB has some characteristics that will remind, for example, of those
attributed to the Collective Unconscious of Carl G. Jung, the Akashic records or Buddhist
Nirvana, its holistic complexity and its significance are much greater. Just to motivate the
importance of this concept, we anticipate that the existence of BB explains scientifically
(with a science completely out of our current reach), among other phenomena: 1
BOUAWA with French phonetics and BOOAWA with English phonetics. There are
variations. one It is the Collective Soul or Collective Spirit, called BUAWA BIAEII (BB, for
short). Although BB has some characteristics that will remind, for example, of those
attributed to the Collective Unconscious of Carl G. Jung, the Akashic records or Buddhist
Nirvana, its holistic complexity and its significance are much greater. Just to motivate the
importance of this concept, we anticipate that the existence of BB explains scientifically
(with a science completely out of our current reach), among other phenomena: 1
BOUAWA with French phonetics and BOOAWA with English phonetics. There are
variations. one to the akáshikos records or the Buddhist Nirvana, their holistic complexity
and their transcendence are much greater. Just to motivate the importance of this
concept, we anticipate that the existence of BB explains scientifically (with a science
completely out of our current reach), among other phenomena: 1 BOUAWA with French
phonetics and BOOAWA with English phonetics. There are variations. one to the
akáshikos records or the Buddhist Nirvana, their holistic complexity and their
transcendence are much greater. Just to motivate the importance of this concept, we
anticipate that the existence of BB explains scientifically (with a science completely out
of our current reach), among other phenomena: 1 BOUAWA with French phonetics and
BOOAWA with English phonetics. There are variations. one
twoThe survival after death. The orthogenic character of the evolution of species 2.
Telepathic communication (only between beings of the same planet). Some strange
dreams. Certain paranormal phenomena, such as some apparitions of the deceased 3.
The near-death experiences (NDE or NDE). The so-called reincarnation cases (or at least
most of them). Cases of false memories / déjà vu. The collective feelings of a
humanity. The physical degradation of the planetary habitat, and even the global
extinction of human civilization, in those worlds whose civilizations persistently and
seriously threaten the ecosystem and the flow of life. The possibility of asking for and
obtaining help from the deceased (a part of BB), through several scientifically justifiable
prayer protocols. 2 Although the theory of the evolution of Darwin's species is factually
correct, no honest scientist can seriously explain the results by appealing to the vaporous
survival of the strongest, none has done so, even by approximation, with statistical
arguments worthy of being called scientists. Obviously, there must be a direction, a
directed design, however much this expression unleashes the wrath of the Holy
Inquisition of the scientific (pseudo) establishment. We reproduce a few paragraphs of an
old letter U about it: We will put a simile: If the radiation and its genetic action can be
compared to the effects of bullet shots on a target (The target would be the Chromosome)
we can imagine a shooter shooting on the columns of the Parthenon in GREECE. Do you
build beautiful caulicles and airy caryatids on the capitals? How is it possible that the
process of encephalization of man is improving and that some future generations of men
enjoy a cerebral cortex so perfected that our mind is able to solve mathematical problems
mentally without resorting to auxiliary algorithms like our ancestors? Just for the random
bombardment of some neutrons or some deuterons? Only because a Helion affecting the
IXOOURAA (DEOXIRRIBONUCLEIC ACID) alters the position of a molecule of TIMINA
or GUANINA? When in the most probable case they should cause a genetic aberration
and therefore a monstrous being with stunted arms or lacking lungs! 3 It is possible but
the U have so far been reluctant to clarify this issue that many other paranormal
phenomena of baffling features have something to do with BB: psychophonies, ouija,
poltergeist, telekinesia, impregnation ... We do not have information on the part by of the
ummites, beyond some generic warning about the danger of getting involved in this field
(for example, in the experiments with the Ouija), without any further clarification. two
32. APPROXIMATION TO THE BB CONCEPT We will reproduce a selection of card
passages that will outline the nature of BB. (The underscores and words emphasized in
capital letters almost always come from the original texts. The ones highlighted in yellow
or blue are ours). THE BUAUE BIAEEIII (BB) () is an entity capable of linking the elements
of a human or animal Social Network. Although you think that the only link between animal
species of the same genus and species is acoustic or tactile and sometimes chemical or
pheromonic, in addition to that established by visual patterns, this is not exactly the
case. () The Collective Psyche is not established as naively postulated by the author of
Tierra Jung, through genetic pathways. It is not possible to engrave memories in our
biochemical foundations of DNA nucleic acid, since they only transmit, by genomic route,
physiological and anatomical structural characters, that is, simple codifications of amino
acid chains, (proteins and polypeptides) that will give rise to tissue configurations with
cells of different morphology, and spatial distribution. But no coding of memories or
information, linked to OUR CULTURE. () It is BB of Earth's humanity who, in connection
with his brain, processes the information received, generating the conception of things. It
is a holistic process. The bush that you perceive, not only evokes pleasant memories (a
jasmine can be aura of pleasant memories for you, if you remember a pleasant trip to
Greece in your childhood), the jasmine itself, is euthymic for you. Because it is? For the
simple reason that millions of jasmine have been able to evoke pleasant memories in
many other people, while millions of other snakes have stored in the BB a burden of
anguish that you perceive, even if you have never touched an offense. BB stores
thousands of years of social anguish, memories, torture, evocations of wars, but also
universal symbols, remembrance of pleasant parties, remembrances of metaphors and
melodies. When several OEMII dance within the framework of a popular Brazilian party,
there is an evident harmony between the components of the ensemble, which allows them
to coordinate their choreographic movements, even if the dancers keep their eyes
closed. () The universal ideas of God, Soul, love, hate, ... would not be valid in your culture
and in ours, If not for our respective BB. His anthropologists have sometimes felt admired
for the reason that makes it possible for myths such as the Flood to develop in diverse
cultures. ( ) 3
4 BB therefore processes the information accumulated by your humanity, () and the final
elaboration in the form of great universal paradigms, returns it to the men of the Earth. 4
53. BUT WHERE IS BB? It is impossible to answer this question without explaining
before, even qualitatively (in our case, we could not do it any other way even if we wanted
to), a very complex holistic biological cosmo physical model. For the sake of brevity and
to be practical, we will expose it in a drastic and unfairly summarized way. To minimize
this intellectual robbery, at least we will illustrate our statements with occasional literal
quotations of the ummitas letters. First, we must know that there is no single universe or
cosmos, but a (probably infinite) set of universes. To be exact, what exists is a set of
(infinite) pairs of anti-cosmos cosmos (or anti-universe universe), since each cosmos is
linked to an anticosmos in which antimatter predominates. In both universes and antiuniverses there are living beings. It is our case. They call the ummitas WAAM
(abbreviation: W) to a particular cosmos or universe like ours, for example, UWAAM to
the associated anticosmos, and WAAM WAAM (abbreviation: WW) to the multicosmos,
which supports all tangible reality. God (WOA) is outside of WAAM WAAM and co exists
with him. How are the different W distinguished? All W are more or less the same, with
stars, nebulas, space time ... But each W is uniquely characterized by the value of the
speed of light within it. We will call cn the value of the speed of light in the nth universe. No
two cn are the same. In our universe, as we know, c us = c = km / s (approximately). Thus:
For us, the vision of a multiplanar or multi-universe Cosmos is not mere speculation, but
it is proven to satiety. To the point that we actually made our intra-galactic trips within our
closest Cosmos. () We call WAAM-WAAM, the bundle or set of existing Universes, which
we judge (although we have not been able to verify it) is infinite. (We have only detected
a part of them). The primary characteristic that distinguishes them from each other is the
speed of a quantum or discrete unit of electromagnetic energy within it. Actually it is a
family of couples from Cosmos, WAAM. (Each pair will be formed in turn by predominant
matter or predominant antimatter, without implying that in a WAAM there can be in
addition to positive mass, negative mass, and in one of the two members of the couple;
imaginary mass whose speed is the limit speed of quantum EM) () 5 To the point that we
actually made our intra-galactic trips within our closest Cosmos. () We call WAAM-
WAAM, the bundle or set of existing Universes, which we judge (although we have not
been able to verify it) is infinite. (We have only detected a part of them). The primary
characteristic that distinguishes them from each other is the speed of a quantum or
discrete unit of electromagnetic energy within it. Actually it is a family of couples from
Cosmos, WAAM. (Each pair will be formed in turn by predominant matter or predominant
antimatter, without implying that in a WAAM there can be in addition to positive mass,
negative mass, and in one of the two members of the couple; imaginary mass whose
speed is the limit speed of quantum EM) () 5 To the point that we actually made our intragalactic trips within our closest Cosmos. () We call WAAM-WAAM, the bundle or set of
existing Universes, which we judge (although we have not been able to verify it) is
infinite. (We have only detected a part of them). The primary characteristic that
distinguishes them from each other is the speed of a quantum or discrete unit of
electromagnetic energy within it. Actually it is a family of couples from Cosmos,
WAAM. (Each pair will be formed in turn by predominant matter or predominant
antimatter, without implying that in a WAAM there can be in addition to positive mass,
negative mass, and in one of the two members of the couple; imaginary mass whose
speed is the limit speed of quantum EM) () 5 to the beam or set of existing Universes,
which we judge (although we have not been able to verify it) is infinite. (We have only
detected a part of them). The primary characteristic that distinguishes them from each
other is the speed of a quantum or discrete unit of electromagnetic energy within
it. Actually it is a family of couples from Cosmos, WAAM. (Each pair will be formed in turn
by predominant matter or predominant antimatter, without implying that in a WAAM there
can be in addition to positive mass, negative mass, and in one of the two members of the
couple; imaginary mass whose speed is the limit speed of quantum EM) () 5 to the beam
or set of existing Universes, which we judge (although we have not been able to verify it)
is infinite. (We have only detected a part of them). The primary characteristic that
distinguishes them from each other is the speed of a quantum or discrete unit of
electromagnetic energy within it. Actually it is a family of couples from Cosmos,
WAAM. (Each pair will be formed in turn by predominant matter or predominant
antimatter, without implying that in a WAAM there can be in addition to positive mass,
negative mass, and in one of the two members of the couple; imaginary mass whose
speed is the limit speed of quantum EM) () 5 It is the speed of a quantum or discrete unit
of electromagnetic energy within it. Actually it is a family of couples from Cosmos,
WAAM. (Each pair will be formed in turn by predominant matter or predominant
antimatter, without implying that in a WAAM there can be in addition to positive mass,
negative mass, and in one of the two members of the couple; imaginary mass whose
speed is the limit speed of quantum EM) () 5 It is the speed of a quantum or discrete unit
of electromagnetic energy within it. Actually it is a family of couples from Cosmos,
WAAM. (Each pair will be formed in turn by predominant matter or predominant
antimatter, without implying that in a WAAM there can be in addition to positive mass,
negative mass, and in one of the two members of the couple; imaginary mass whose
speed is the limit speed of quantum EM) () 5
6Twin anticosmos does not mean that its galactic configuration is similar to ours. In our
anticosmos there is no Anti-UMMO, nor a Twin Anti-Earth. () We are convinced that there
are many more and nothing opposes their figure being. () Our twin Cosmos causes us
disturbances that result in folding in our continuous space-time. It is these folds that allow
us to make trips between OYAA (planetary stars not hot) in less time than it would take
to follow a photonic trajectory. The disturbances between Cosmos are produced because
one of them manifests a type of mass that you would mathematically qualify as
IMAGINARY (in another three-dimensional beam frame). This Imaginary Mass
[tachyons?] Has at rest (Maximum energy) the speed of an electromagnetic energy
packet (photon). The existence of this mass allows interaction or mutual action between
Universes although the aforementioned Imaginary Mass is only located in a member of
the couple. Well, that set of infinite cosmos anticosmos pairs is flanked by two bound
universes. One of them, called WAAM B (that is, the universe of individual souls) is
characterized in that it lacks mass and the speed of light in it is zero. The other, WAAM
BB (that is, the universe of collective souls), has an infinite mass and the speed of light in
it is infinite. This universe houses the collective souls (BB) of all the planets. They exist
within the WAAM (Multiplanar Universe) set, two Universes limit that however they are
adjacent, (understood as adjacent, not the usual geometric sense that you grant to this
voice). ADJACENT would mean = MAXIMUM INTERACTION. These are: we describe
below: WAAM, [WAAM B] and WAAM [WAAM BB]. WAAM B: () There are no photons in
it or quantum of other types of field, which is the same as saying that the existence of
fields is meaningless. Or put another way, the speed of a quantum of light would be zero
(if there were photons). () (...) () Two of those planes or Waam (universes) are physically
inaccessible to us. This means that no advanced civilization can visit them with their
ships). One
INTERACTION. These are: we describe below: WAAM, [WAAM B] and WAAM [WAAM
BB]. WAAM B: () There are no photons in it or quantum of other types of field, which is
the same as saying that the existence of fields is meaningless. Or put another way, the
speed of a quantum of light would be zero (if there were photons). () (...) () Two of those
planes or Waam (universes) are physically inaccessible to us. This means that no
advanced civilization can visit them with their UUAUUA (traveling ships). One of
6 ADJACENT would mean = MAXIMUM INTERACTION. These are: we describe below:
WAAM, [WAAM B] and WAAM [WAAM BB]. WAAM B: () There are no photons in it or
quantum of other types of field, which is the same as saying that the existence of fields is
meaningless. Or put another way, the speed of a quantum of light would be zero (if there
were photons). () (...) () Two of those planes or Waam (universes) are physically
inaccessible to us. This means that no advanced civilization can visit them with their
UUAUUA (traveling ships). One of 6 Or put another way, the speed of a quantum of light
would be zero (if there were photons). () (...) () Two of those planes or Waam (universes)
are physically inaccessible to us. This means that no advanced civilization can visit them
with their UUAUUA (traveling ships). One of 6 Or put another way, the speed of a
quantum of light would be zero (if there were photons). () (...) () Two of those planes or
Waam (universes) are physically inaccessible to us. This means that no advanced
civilization can visit them with their UUAUUA (traveling ships). One of 6
7they [WAAM B] () lacks (he is his anticosmos) anticosmos, lacks mass (imaginary and
real). All its particles are annulled, that is: its Iboszoo Uuhu 4 network, is a static network
that does not conform Time, lengths, masses, moments, etc., so it makes no sense to
talk about the speed of a mobile in its bosom. Expressed in a philosophical way, the
WAAM that we mention EXISTS and DOES NOT EXIST. It is dimensional and non-
dimensional. That WAAM settles the entire constellation of BUUAWUA (Souls or
psyches) of all human beings in our Universe. WAAM BB: () THE BUAUEE BIAEEII is an
immense structure as our Universe can be, although it cannot be measured in terms of
light years, since it makes no sense to assess any of its dimensions in WAALII or in
meters. In addition its organic complexity is great. It is true that to measure it we have
used artifice, to make one of its dimensions equal to the classic length of our Cosmos,
and yet its density of information is lower. (Your brain reaches a density of bits / cm 3,
while BB would not exceed 10 4 (10,000) bits / cm 3). BB is a cosmic plant capable of
processing information. It is formed by GUU DOEE (contours or cells). An image would
be, to understand us: the galaxies of our Universe, only that in the BB it is not about
nebular configurations of dust and suns, but of enclosures, divisions of five dimensions. In
other words. That cosmic plane or BB is subdivided into as many BB or universal psyches,
each corresponding to a planetary humanity (the confusion that you might observe, is that
we call BB (BUAUEE BIAEEII), not only to the Collective Soul of Ummo or that of Earth,
but to the cosmic Plane (that is, of the multi-universe) that contains all the BBs of the
different social networks that populate our four-dimensional Universe. (We call it fourdimensional, because they are the four most noticeable dimensions). It is not a Universe
like the one we perceive full of galaxies formed by clouds of gas and dust, forming stars,
novae and cold stars, icy planets like Ummo and Earth, quasi-stellar hot planets with an
almost incandescent crust where they still cannot surface out. DO NOT. () That plane or
PSICO-SOCIAL Universe, is also formed by singularities or concentrations of matter and
energy. It is as anisotropic as ours. () its degree of complexity is high. We could say that
his entropy level is very low. Your information density by WAALI 4 This concept alone
would require many pages of explanations. Better, let's summarize it with a very brief note
written by the ummites themselves: The IBOSZOO UHU is an entity unknown to you. It
does not have mass, electric charge, moment, color, etc. It makes no sense to isolate a
UI since its physical reality requires at least a couple of UI. We can reveal that UI can be
presented in the form of a neutrino, electron, proton component, proton, quantum of light
or quantum of Time, according to their axes they are oriented in one way or
another. Expressed in another way. We consider that our WAAM is made up of subatomic
and quantum energy particles. (So far we agree with the physicists of Earth. Only we
reduce or unify all those physical entities that have associates, mass, energy, load ... and
a wave, to a single genre of entities whose structure is angular). A network of UI forms
the world we perceive in three dimensions plus Time (also quantified). 7
8cubic is of the order of 8 bits. (A WAALI is approximately equivalent to light years). This
average information density is very close to the bit density per cm 3 of this typed
sheet. Representation of the WAAM BB Universe. Each nodule houses the Collective
Soul (BB) of a planetary humanity. The drawing is very schematic because, among other
things, that universe is pentadimensional (the mass is manifested in 5 dimensions). If we
could see or penetrate this strange universe, we would appreciate a confusing
conglomerate of filaments and nodules, floating in space. Part of these filaments is mass
(M +) and part (M-). We would be surprised to note that when some of these fibers impact,
an explosion occurs. (Actually the disappearance of the nodules and filaments, and
release of energy, It helps the adjacent filaments and nodules move away from each
other, compensating for their gravitational attraction. ()). () The nodules must have a
density (in units of Earth) of 10 18.3 grams / cm 3 (), magnitude that would remember in
our Universe that of a neutron Star. The filamentous mass can reach densities between
10 7.2 and 10 5.8 grams / cm 3. The filament between two nodules can enter a period of
longitudinal vibration (axial propagation), oscillating in a standing wave. That swing has
a meaning of INFORMATION. Expressed in another way: GOOINUU UGIIGI (mass
chain), encodes and decodes information, storing it in its filial form and ejecting it or
submerging it for each pair of nodules. We say that an observer would appreciate those
long chains in space, crossing without connecting - except rarely - and you could
appreciate a temperature in its mass, which allows it to emit energy quantum
(photons). (). The thermal energy source is constituted by the impacts of masses (+) with
masses (-) () This complex hyperspace network has the following functions: 8
9- GIVE INFORMATION (Store) - PROCESS DATA (Since it is formed by genuine
photonic amplifiers) .. In other documents we find similar descriptions and some new
aspect. For example: You can see [in WAAM BB] a division in cells, environments or
enclosures (in the same way that our WAAM will be formed by Galaxies). The mass of
this WAAM is infinite. Each of these environments, or enclosures, is a Supercerebro
corresponding to the Social Network of a planetary humanity (). It is an enigma for us to
know whether or not the interconnection between various planetary Concerts is
possible. So far we have not found evidence that this is possible. 5. () WAAM BB, divided
into multiple BBs, receives very diverse INFORMATION from the living beings that
populate the multiple Universe. Note that when YOU RECEIVE INFORMATION from
these beings, you are actually receiving data about the same WAAM-WAAM observed by
them. Each BB receives, above all, a very important flow of information, the result of the
OEMMII or rational beings that populate the WAAM-WAAM. Their intellectual processes,
their perceptions of the world around them, their feelings, etc. WAAM BB processes that
information, dividing it into the different BBs and elaborates morphological patterns and
universal feelings, universal symbols, standard ideas ... Each BB sends its biological
patterns to living beings to guide ORTOGENESIS) the evolution of each cold Astro. Each
BB also issues its universal ideas, collective feelings, gregarious inductions, moral
standard ideas, etc., to all OEMMII. Moral laws, therefore if they are written before the
WOA Envoy [= Jesus Christ, in our case] on each cold Planet, with intelligent biosphere. 5
However, some indication seems to suggest that such communication exists to some
degree, as is some coordination that they envision in the emergence and distribution of
humanities in this corner of the galaxy. 9
10 But, before continuing with the description of the structure and functions of WAAM BB,
we must open a parenthesis to clarify 10
eleven4. HOW DOES BB (YB) INTERACT WITH HUMAN BEING? We have seen that all
living beings inhabit some of the infinite normal universes (ours, and of Ummo, is that of
c = km / s); but we know that there are also two boundary universes that house,
respectively, the individual souls of all human beings (whatever the universe they are,
and the planet that they are) WAAM B and the collective souls of all the planets (be they
of the universe that are ). How does communication occur between living beings on our
planet, for example, and their collective soul, BB, located in one of the WAAM BB
cells? Something must also be said about the communication between each human brain
and its individual B We give the word. In the Year (Year of UMMO) 315/53750 a
biopsychologist scientist, NOI 3 son of NOI 2 discovers the presence of some isolated
atoms of KRIPTÓN inert gas in the Brain. As you know, this gas does not combine with
any other body or chemical element. The presence was therefore strange if one takes
into account that the number was very small and that when exploring a statistical sample
of human brains in living people, such atoms were always located in the same area and
at the same depth in the HYPOTALAMAM. () An assistant of NOI 3, the Biologist SOOIE
996 son of SOOIE 993 initiated the investigations, immediately examining the electronic
crown of those atoms [of Kr, of the brain of a human being (a teenager) under study] to
observe possible alterations quantum caused by probable energy transfers. The results
unequivocally indicated that those strange atoms of Kr received signals from somewhere:
The harmonic movements of the electrons in the crown of the atom PRECEDED! to the
behavior of the Young Girl in experimentation. That is to say: they were produced with an
advance of 0, uiw (around one millionth of a second) over the remaining
neurophysiological reactions of the organism. It seemed as if those electrons were the
soul of the young lady, issuing orders to her OEMMII (ORGANISM). eleven It seemed as
if those electrons were the soul of the young lady, issuing orders to her OEMMII
(ORGANISM). eleven It seemed as if those electrons were the soul of the young lady,
issuing orders to her OEMMII (ORGANISM). eleven
12But some electrons lack Life. To imagine it would be as absurd as to believe that those
messages received by the astronomers of the Earth Planet were generated by stations
that worked alone ... () For the first time in History the existence of a SOUL was confirmed
that our philosophers like those of the EARTH They had suspected (). () Is there () a soul
in nonhuman biological beings? So far we have no certainty and prefer to refrain from
formulating hypotheses 6. Thus, the connecting element between the individual soul (B)
and the brain is a network formed by a small group of krypton atoms located in the
brain. This third factor is called OEMBUUAW (abbreviated to O). Its ideogram is: But O
not only establishes the link between the brain and the soul B, but also between the brain
and the collective soul BB. (At the time of death, in fact, the network of krypton atoms
disintegrates and they disappear). Let's continue to profile brain B interactions: () our
concept of Soul is uniquely different from that of scholastic, and neo-scholastic
thinkers. For them and other believers of disparate religions, the soul or spirit is a
timeless, immaterial dimensionless entity that therefore CANNOT be in a spacetime
continuum and consequently lacks Matter Energy and parts. Such a concept lacks logic
because it is not understood that such an entity can raise awareness that is a quantified
entity and therefore formed of parts. Religious dualists are unable to explain why when
an OEMMII suffers from lipotimia or undergoes anesthesia, If the soul exists, stop raising
awareness and images. On the other hand, an indivisible entity cannot progress or vary
in the form of successive states. The contradiction is so diaphanous that it is not strange
that any scientist 6 In a letter dated later, they explain that every living being has an
associated soul, let's say expectant but only the connection with the brains of human
beings is established () First place contrary to you; We affirm that every living being, from
a viroid to a complex mammal such as an Earth orangutan, passing through all the cells
of a man, is associated by biunivocal relationship to a SOUL although only the OEMII can
connect with it through the emitters- Krypton receptors. 12 The contradiction is so
diaphanous that it is not strange that any scientist 6 In a letter dated later, they explain
that every living being has an associated soul, let's say expectant but only the connection
with the brains of human beings is established () First place contrary to you; We affirm
that every living being, from a viroid to a complex mammal such as an Earth orangutan,
passing through all the cells of a man, is associated by biunivocal relationship to a SOUL
although only the OEMII can connect with it through the emitters- Krypton
receptors. 12 The contradiction is so diaphanous that it is not strange that any scientist 6
In a letter dated later, they explain that every living being has an associated soul, let's say
expectant but only the connection with the brains of human beings is established () First
place contrary to you; We affirm that every living being, from a viroid to a complex
mammal such as an Earth orangutan, passing through all the cells of a man, is associated
by biunivocal relationship to a SOUL although only the OEMII can connect with it through
the emitters- Krypton receptors. 12 let's say expectant but only the connection with the
brains of human beings is established () First of all unlike you; We affirm that every living
being, from a viroid to a complex mammal such as an Earth orangutan, passing through
all the cells of a man, is associated by biunivocal relationship to a SOUL although only
the OEMII can connect with it through the emitters- Krypton receptors. 12 let's say
expectant but only the connection with the brains of human beings is established () First
of all unlike you; We affirm that every living being, from a viroid to a complex mammal
such as an Earth orangutan, passing through all the cells of a man, is associated by
biunivocal relationship to a SOUL although only the OEMII can connect with it through
the emitters- Krypton receptors. 12
13Earth's intelligent rejects that notion, calling it superstitious and illogical. The scientific
paradigm of UMMO contemplates another very different model. An IBOZOO UHUU
Network can be formed as atomic particles, such as Time, as space, but also as a simple
information substrate capable of engraving it. In that way contrary to what you believe,
the information does not necessarily have to be carried by a flow of energy, or stored in
a substrate of matter. That happens only in a universe of non-zero mass. There is a NULA
Mass Cosmos capable of storing data on a non-material foundation formed by long UI
chains. For us (B) ALMA does not transcend space and time. It enjoys location and there
is the possibility scientifically proven by us that you can transfer information with our
Universe. The SOUL is not only the RES COGITANS that Descartes postulates. SOUL
does not think. THINK THE BRAIN. The soul stores data and governs by interaction
between IU sequences and cortical neural networks, the behavior of the human temporal
space organism (WILL). He (B) is able to raise awareness only if Krypton receptoremitters put him in relation to the human brain. () That is why when you are anesthetized
and the connection is lost (It is as if you turned off your receiving transmitter) and it seems
as if there is a death of the spirit. Is a disc with engrammed music capable of manifesting
its content if it is disconnected from its phonocaptor and amplification or transduction
chain? 13 and cortical neural networks, the behavior of the human temporal space
organism (WILL). He (B) is able to raise awareness only if Krypton receptor-emitters put
him in relation to the human brain. () That is why when you are anesthetized and the
connection is lost (It is as if you turned off your receiving transmitter) and it seems as if
there is a death of the spirit. Is a disc with engrammed music capable of manifesting its
content if it is disconnected from its phonocaptor and amplification or transduction
chain? 13 and cortical neural networks, the behavior of the human temporal space
organism (WILL). He (B) is able to raise awareness only if Krypton receptor-emitters put
him in relation to the human brain. () That is why when you are anesthetized and the
connection is lost (It is as if you turned off your receiving transmitter) and it seems as if
there is a death of the spirit. Is a disc with engrammed music capable of manifesting its
content if it is disconnected from its phonocaptor and amplification or transduction
chain? 13 () That is why when you are anesthetized and the connection is lost (It is as if
you turned off your receiving transmitter) and it seems as if there is a death of the spirit. Is
a disc with engrammed music capable of manifesting its content if it is disconnected from
its phonocaptor and amplification or transduction chain? 13 () That is why when you are
anesthetized and the connection is lost (It is as if you turned off your receiving transmitter)
and it seems as if there is a death of the spirit. Is a disc with engrammed music capable
of manifesting its content if it is disconnected from its phonocaptor and amplification or
transduction chain? 13
have a soul B and interact with it in addition to BB through the cloud of Kr atoms of the
OEMBUUAW (O). However, ALL living beings, of any complexity, interact with BB. The
link for that universal (not only human) interaction with BB does NOT consist of a network
of cerebral krypton atoms as described above (OEMBUUAW, O), which, we repeat, only
humans possess, but also 86 pairs of krypton atoms which are located at the ends of the
helical chain of the DNA of all cells of any living being. This structure is called
BAAYIODUU. All living beings send information to that great COSMIC BRAIN, or
COLLECTIVE SOUL () that stores, encodes, decodes and processes information from all
living beings on the cold Planet. Only () a fish sends information about its genes and about
the environment, and only receives shape patterns, or genotype patterns to modulate its
mutations. That is the whole link that unites an inferior animal with the BB It is through the
BAAYIODUU link how BB directs the evolution of the planet's species, through a process
that is explained neatly in a long 1967 report and that implies favoring certain mutations
genetic and hinder others. () BAAYIODUU is able to collect information from WAAM, that
is, from the physical environment. These data are contrasted with the information
contained in the genome, and depending on the need of the organism; or it protects you
from a mutagenic action (quantum of radiation, rapid proton,
15 6. BB OPERATION Let's recap what has been exposed so far by means of a graph
(made by one of the ummites): In your own words: This diagram should be interpreted as
didactic and symbolized. In none of the ways, the images correspond to the real WAAMWAAM system, since their genuine forms are very complex to represent on paper and
would lead to confusion. Represents the WAAM-WAAM or three planes or WAAM of the
same among the possible infinities. [Refers to representing WAAM B, WAAM BB, and
one of the normal WAAM infinities p. eg ours]. The WAAM limit of infinite mass that
contains the BB or BUAWUA BIAEEII. [Red, left] fifteen
16BUAWUUA BIAEEI [BB; one of them, of a particular humanity, for example ours] or
collective psychic brain from which so many pairs of OAUOO NIAUXOO emerge as
human beings of the Social Network. Centrifugal information channel. That is OAWOO
NIUASOO that transfers information from BB to the OEMMII body. Centripetal channel
that transfers data from the OEMMII to the psychic entities. Krypton atoms that act as
outlet valves and information input between the different WAAMs (Universes). [Refers to
Kr brain atoms that communicate with WAAM B and WAAM BB]. WAAM in which we
live. Axis of Time Three-dimensional framework that, together with Time, structures the
real WAAM. [Our]. OEMMII tetradimensional. [3 spatial dimensions plus time]. Spacetime
man. Null mass WAAM, which integrates the various psyches of human beings. (Ibozsoo
uuhu network). [WAAM B. Blue, right. It contains the souls of all beings of all universes,
that is, of all WAAM WAAM]. These channels don't really exist. They are reduced to
Krypton valves that link the real WAAM that we perceive with the WAAM. The spheres
represent the different human psyches. Of course its real form is not that of symmetrical
volumes of constant radius. Although they do not appear in the graph, it is assumed that
among the three WAAMs there are infinite universes, supposedly accessible, that contain
singularities of mass and energy: the other normal universes. 16 These channels don't
really exist. They are reduced to Krypton valves that link the real WAAM that we perceive
with the WAAM. The spheres represent the different human psyches. Of course its real
form is not that of symmetrical volumes of constant radius. Although they do not appear
in the graph, it is assumed that among the three WAAMs there are infinite universes,
supposedly accessible, that contain singularities of mass and energy: the other normal
universes. 16 These channels don't really exist. They are reduced to Krypton valves that
link the real WAAM that we perceive with the WAAM. The spheres represent the different
human psyches. Of course its real form is not that of symmetrical volumes of constant
radius. Although they do not appear in the graph, it is assumed that among the three
WAAMs there are infinite universes, supposedly accessible, that contain singularities of
mass and energy: the other normal universes. 16 which contain singularities of mass and
energy: the other normal universes. 16 which contain singularities of mass and energy:
the other normal universes. 16
17So, this is what happens: BODY (OEMII) It captures information from the environment
through the sense organs, that is: it translates the information patterns () into biochemical
patterns through neurosensors, and this in turn translates into bioelectric patterns carrying
them to the cerebral cortex. There it is processed, together with the reflection on the
subcortical nuclei of the limbic system that associate each perception with an emotional
correlate. That information captured and elaborated is also provisionally stored in the
brain. BUUAWUA (B, Psyche or Soul) Consciousness is governed by B. In reality, both
the tree and OEMII [man] is an ALL spacetime that exists in itself. Consciousness is like
an exploratory focus that illuminates a long gallery, section by section (that is, instant by
instant). Imagine that this long corridor is full of furniture and fixtures and that you move
slowly in the dark with a weak lantern that only allows you to visualize a narrow ideal
enclosure, that is, progressively a section of that long corridor. The future is thus shaped
(the corridor furniture not yet explored). But from there we can - if we consider this
metaphor or didactic image to the letter - deduce that the future is determined, and that
therefore we lack freedom. It is not like this. The shape of that corridor, that is, the sum
of behaviors of the OEMII is a complex function that shapes its spacetime structure. What
factors shape it? First of all its WAAM environment, that is, the energy patterns that
interact with the body, including information in the genome or DNA of gametes. But
especially B. o Soul with that information that in turn is accumulated in B. (globally in the
total time of existence). And BB also strongly influences, that is, the action filtered by BB
of all the beings of humanity that have existed. () The OEMBUUAW [O] exerts a feverish
activity, exploring the contents of B., contrasting them with those of BB and with the
contents in the brain's neural network. This together with B. and BB form an interaction
system that modulates the behavior of Man. 17 and with the contents in the neural
network of the brain. This together with B. and BB form an interaction system that
modulates the behavior of Man. 17 and with the contents in the neural network of the
brain. This together with B. and BB form an interaction system that modulates the
behavior of Man. 17
18BUUAWUAA BIAEII (BB, Collective Psyche) () the forms we see, the configurations of
a square or the NOOSOEE (green) color of an Earth bush, do not exist as we perceive it
in the external world, but in BB, but yes It is true that there is a relationship or
correspondence that you would call biunivocal between a color (image in BB and brain)
and a photonic electromagnetic quantum of our WAAM. The sequential patterns of
bioelectric impulses in the brain neural network are nothing like a triangle or the color
orange. If BB did not exist, we would not raise shapes and colors, but purely emotional
confused and diffuse impressions. () The OEMII captures energy patterns corresponding
to SOMETHING of the WAAM-WAAM. BB lends the corresponding cliché to configure
what is perceived as shape, color, sound, touch, smell, etc. and BUUAWUA (B.) (Alma),
as BB stores that information that will serve to govern the conduct of OEMII. But notice
that B. only stores the experiences of ONE BRAIN, while BB merges such experiences
into a set of alluvium that integrates trillions of experiences of human beings. () () The
OEMMII Man is a living being that distinguishes himself from others in that, in addition to
the BAAIYODUU KRIPTÓN [see previous section], his brain integrates ANOTHER
CLOUD OF KRIPTÓN ATOMS [already described]: the OEMMUUAUW (O) transfers
much richer information to BB and Alma B. Not only what he perceives, but what
symbolizes, reflects, thinks, feels. Ideas, symbols, affections, intellectual elaborations,
that is, every mental process is coded simultaneously in: The brain Memories The Soul
(B) The Collective Psychism (BB) The first two engrave only the perceptions and
intellectual processes of the individual. The BB integrates this information with that
coming from Millions of living beings on the planet. In addition, the brain receives:
INSTRUCTIONS (Guiding information of the SOUL) [B]. Intellectual and emotional
information, product and synthesis of the huge processes of 18
19See this, in the following graphic: all the information of the living beings of the Planet
in which they reside. [I mean, from BB]. () There are two types of information flow that link
us to the Collective Soul or BUAUE BIAEII (). One of them centrifugal afferent, sends
information to that Universal Psyche. When someone humiliates us, we not only feel the
verbal stimulus, formed by a sequence of phonemes that in that language syntactically
and semantically represent an insult. That train of words is surrounded by an emotional
halo that affects the limbic system of the OEMMII or brain base of affections. Then our
brain gives a cry of pain that is bridged towards the Collective Soul. It is actually a
sequence of data that is transferred. So that entity accumulates all the information
load, composed of billions of emotional experiences corresponding to many other human
beings. () There are other transfer channels that link the brains of the Social Network with
that collective psyche. We must point out that these are centripetal flows. They are
umbilical cords that unite us with our mother BUAUE BIAEII, to the point of transferring
some of the accumulated information, although conveniently modulated. () Of course it is
not only our emotional and traumatic experiences that access that universal entity. Not
only our sufferings and our joys, but any sequence of data obtained by access to the
outside world or through our mental processes. The perception of a eucalyptus tree, or
the aroma of ethyl mercaptan molecules, is transferred to BB
twentyintellectual that takes place when we reflect on the ethical problem of
euthanasia. Is the BB a mere data bank? So far our description seems to reflect a gigantic
memory where millions of Gigabits from millions of peripheral receiving terminals would
be stored. But BB is not just a macrocephalic database, firstly because the transfer of
information is not limited to neutral configurations of data that would allow, for example,
to replay in the BB a canvas by Leonardo de Vinci, that author of Land that we admire so
much the OEMII of UMMO. When you use a diode array on your computers, for example,
or a magnetic bubble memory to encode information, you can also, provided your capacity
is wide, store the information contained in the Gioconda, if with sufficient resolution they
explore the surface point by point, expressing the chemical nature of each pigment
molecule, not only that contained in the rough plane of the canvas, but those located in
lower planes that can be seen at through the fatty, almost solidified and semi-transparent
media that shaped the oil. No. It is necessary to convey to you the notion that this
information is always associated with a parameterizable emotional tone. Although we
cannot, we can tell you that just as you transmit a photograph, you solve each point with
two figures that indicate the location in a two-dimensional field, and another six capable
of fixing not only three components of color (chromatism) but their respective intensity
values, the BB not only would you receive a larger number of data for each point, but
additional information associated with the emotional constellation of the data
provided. twenty
twenty-one7. BB BEHAVIOR A selection of literal paragraphs of ummite letters will
probably be the best synthesis of the behavior of the collective soul. The (BUUAWE
BIAEI) does not freely generate ideas, such as the individual soul. Such ideas exist, yes,
in Him [BB] since its creation by WOA. The nature of these ideas is restricted to the
Universal concept of what should constitute an ideal Human Society. () BUUAWE BIAEI
is therefore not responsible for its functions. It lacks true CONSCIOUSNESS as we
understand it in the INDIVIDUAL SOUL, and cannot be sanctioned by WOA as long as it
cannot transgress laws that it faithfully complies with, we would say better, FATALLY. ()
Suppose that your degree of civilization on Earth has reached such a level, that in Paris
for example, A gigantic Computer (ELECTRONIC BRAIN) 7 that resembles our XANMOO
Network in UMMO is capable of storing millions of reports, referring to the life of each one
of you. This magnificent machine will have received both programmed instructions from
several specialists in Sociology. Your own Unit of calculation, will combine these
instructions to sociometric mathematical laws, with the reports received by you, and will
determine at all times, what all the men of the Earth must do, so that the Society evolves
happily. In each of the homes located on five continents, they would have installed a
microphone and a speaker, connected by two cables to the central computer. Each of
you, through the microphone would report on the bias that your lives are leading. They
could also take advantage of the microphone to also communicate with a relative residing
in another country. [telepathy; see below] On the other hand the speaker would be
repeating continuously and crushingly, instructions directed exclusively to you, on how to
behave, what to eat, who should vote, and when to travel (Of course these instructions
would obey a preconceived Plan by the Electronic Brain, of universal scope.It is true that
you will always be free to ignore such mandates.But as you can never disconnect the
speaker and on the other hand, your cadent and tenacious voice is so persuasive,
unconsciously you will end up doing I often listen to your suggestions. There you have a
Humanity, programmed by 7 The occasional appearance of archaic terminology is due to
the dates on which many of the letters were written (60s, for example), sometimes sent
to recipients without great scientific or technical training. twenty-one
22God 8 previously, so that without suppressing Freedom of Action, we guide our Social
Conduct. When an Atom of KRIPTÓN UAXOO (RECEIVER) corresponding to the
OEMBUUAW receives instructions from BUUAWAA (SOUL), its volitional act is
necessarily performed, unless the nerve pathways are blocked by a drug, a pathogen, or
an external obstacle. On the other hand, an atom of Kr. That links us to the collective
Soul, can receive other instructions (In fact our scientists have observed the encoded
movements of their electrons, from such a message of the BUUAWE BIAEI) without the
organism reacting at all to Your instructions There are pathological cases, Mental
illnesses whose etiology is precisely that their behavior follows faithfully, the imperatives
of BUUAWEE BIAEI, the nerve pathways that link their cortical motor areas are blocked,
with true awareness. More usually the exact opposite happens. A very small fraction of
our behavior in daily life is conditioned by the messages received by the Collective Soul
DIRECTLY. Notice that we say DIRECTLY. In effect: The instructions received, even if
they are not motorized, that is: although the nerve pathways do not transform them into
muscle movements, they are stored in the Memory, in a band of the BIEYAE YUEO DOO
(MEMORY ORGANS) corresponding to the images of difficult access to the field of
Consciousness (That is, the SUBCONSCIOUS). It may happen that you go to a Store
and when selecting between two or more hats, one of them, you believe that such a
choice is conscious, when in fact it is induced by hidden motivations that months ago
were supplied by his Collective Soul. An important feature of the Collective Soul, we
express it in a superficial way below: Imagine that our Universal Computer in Paris, is
collecting data on the lives of all citizens for twenty-four hours. This information is still
insufficient. It cannot be digested by the Calculator; You cannot deduce universal
statistical laws or usable rules, until more time passes, many more weeks, and you have
more information. Nor can you, if you have a factory, for example, take stock, if your
accounting employees have not collected absolutely all the useful data. This informative
material accumulated wildly in the memory units of the Computer, It could leak and be
irradiated through the speakers, inducing inadvertent citizens to error. Something similar
happens in the COLLECTIVE SOUL. Not all instructions or messages received from it,
are perfectly logical and pure as the ideas emanated by WOA. On the contrary, the
majority comes from that collection 8 Although, perhaps because of the contemplation
with the Hispanic correspondents of the 1960s in that context, the transmitted image of
God (WOA) in these ancient letters closely resembles the anthropoformed God of the
monotheistic religions, and in particular of the Christian ones, the truth is that the concept
of WOA ummita is noticeably different. WOA that exists, indeed (it is not a pantheistic
concept) it becomes the infinite cosmic source or pole that contains all imaginable and
unimaginable information. 22
2. 3(poorly digested yet) of thousands of human behaviors, in the time we live. Only from
the society of our ancestors, of which it has all the data, can it reflect exact and elaborate
rules of conduct. (It can resemble a Historian who, when he speaks to you about the
Empire of Alexander the Great, refers to this period with all objectivity and scientific
probity, while in talking about the Spanish Civil War of the years he becomes passionate,
distorting the truth ). We are going to give you a real example: You have all known or
perhaps lived, some moment of Terror or collective Panic, when in the course of the tragic
fire of a Cinema or in a Bombing, the masses are driven by a standard norm that urges
them to execute actions that are identical for all the components of the group. Right
now, BUUAWEE BIAEI is the only activator of their behaviors. Except for exceptional
cases; Conscious and responsible behavior is blocked, and yet real behavior is wild and
aberrated. Here: The collective soul is dictating messages that only have as a logical
substratum the law of conservation that governs biological beings. Now you can
synthesize all the (known) functions of WAAM BB. We will use a didactic
language. WAAM makes possible the organizational wealth of the Pluriuniverse. Without
him; WAAMWAAM would be a network of hypermasic points and there would be no
galaxies, stars, living beings, things in sum. WAAM modulates through LEEIYO WAAM
(border effects) [it refers to interactions between some cosmos and others, through the
imaginary mass] the configurations of the multiplanar Cosmos (...) Each BB receives,
above all, a very important flow of information, the result of the OEMMII or rational beings
that populate the WAAM-WAAM. Their intellectual processes, their perceptions of the
world around them, their feelings, etc. WAAM processes that information, dividing it into
the different BBs and elaborates morphological patterns and universal feelings, universal
symbols, pattern ideas ... Each BB sends its biological patterns to living beings to guide
ORTOGENESIS) the evolution of each cold Astro. [mentioned in section 5]. Each BB also
issues its universal ideas, collective feelings, gregarious inductions, moral standard ideas,
etc., to all OEMMII. Moral laws, therefore if they are written before the WOA Envoy [Jesus
Christ, in our case] on every cold Planet, with intelligent biosphere. A graphic didactically
summarizes these functions:
24 24
258. SOME EXAMPLES OF BB ACTIVITY 8.1. Telepathy Telepathic communication is a
very poorly developed ability on Earth. So underdeveloped, that it is included in the
catalog of oddities of parapsychological phenomena and, therefore, many disparagingly
deny their existence. The reason for this telepathic poverty will be explained
later. Meanwhile, let's say that telepathy develops through BB, to which both individuals
in telepathic contact must belong. Therefore, telepathy between beings from different
planets, which belong to different BBs that are apparently isolated, IS NOT
POSSIBLE. Therefore, if things are like that (as the ummites themselves think for now),
all stories of telepathic contact between abducted or contacted ETs are false, or (b) the
supposed telepathic messages received are actually generated technologically, induced
in the corresponding brain areas in an artificial way (which certainly seems very
meritorious). They say Our telepathic communication does not consist in principle of
being able to see what happens in another city, simply closing our eyes. This idea is
puerile. Or that at any given time we can read the thoughts of a brother of ours located a
thousand KOOAE. Such stereotyped concepts have only a weak real basis. With few
exceptions, we do not use telepathy other than with people located at great
distances. This has a simple explanation: Transmission is laborious and requires some
mental effort. The process for communication with people whose identity I know and that
is far from the area where I am, It develops like this: In principle I must reach a very low
conscious level, for external stimuli (Light, sounds, smells etc.). The sensations have to
be verified subliminally. We want to express with this that it is necessary to achieve an
artificial cataleptic state, using the autosuggestive route. The continuous habit of this
practice, already genetically favored by many generations that have been doing it at
UMMO, allows this self hypnosis and the process that follows, to be carried out very
quickly (). () There are two essential organs for telepathic transmission in the
brain. Actually it is a double neural network, whose connections with memory and the
field of consciousness are normally inhibited (neutralized). Only through a succession of
synapses, is the 25 In principle I must reach a very low conscious level, for external stimuli
(Light, sounds, smells etc.). The sensations have to be verified subliminally. We want to
express with this that it is necessary to achieve an artificial cataleptic state, using the
autosuggestive route. The continuous habit of this practice, already genetically favored
by many generations that have been doing it at UMMO, allows this self hypnosis and the
process that follows, to be carried out very quickly (). () There are two essential organs
for telepathic transmission in the brain. Actually it is a double neural network, whose
connections with memory and the field of consciousness are normally inhibited
(neutralized). Only through a succession of synapses, is the 25 In principle I must reach
a very low conscious level, for external stimuli (Light, sounds, smells etc.). The sensations
have to be verified subliminally. We want to express with this that it is necessary to
achieve an artificial cataleptic state, using the autosuggestive route. The continuous habit
of this practice, already genetically favored by many generations that have been doing it
at UMMO, allows this self hypnosis and the process that follows, to be carried out very
quickly (). () There are two essential organs for telepathic transmission in the
brain. Actually it is a double neural network, whose connections with memory and the
field of consciousness are normally inhibited (neutralized). Only through a succession of
synapses, is the 25 for external stimuli (Light, sounds, smells etc.). The sensations have
to be verified subliminally. We want to express with this that it is necessary to achieve an
artificial cataleptic state, using the autosuggestive route. The continuous habit of this
practice, already genetically favored by many generations that have been doing it at
UMMO, allows this self hypnosis and the process that follows, to be carried out very
quickly (). () There are two essential organs for telepathic transmission in the
brain. Actually it is a double neural network, whose connections with memory and the
field of consciousness are normally inhibited (neutralized). Only through a succession of
synapses, is the 25 for external stimuli (Light, sounds, smells etc.). The sensations have
to be verified subliminally. We want to express with this that it is necessary to achieve an
artificial cataleptic state, using the autosuggestive route. The continuous habit of this
practice, already genetically favored by many generations that have been doing it at
UMMO, allows this self hypnosis and the process that follows, to be carried out very
quickly (). () There are two essential organs for telepathic transmission in the
brain. Actually it is a double neural network, whose connections with memory and the
field of consciousness are normally inhibited (neutralized). Only through a succession of
synapses, is the 25 We want to express with this that it is necessary to achieve an artificial
cataleptic state, using the autosuggestive route. The continuous habit of this practice,
already genetically favored by many generations that have been doing it at UMMO, allows
this self hypnosis and the process that follows, to be carried out very quickly (). () There
are two essential organs for telepathic transmission in the brain. Actually it is a double
neural network, whose connections with memory and the field of consciousness are
normally inhibited (neutralized). Only through a succession of synapses, is the 25 We
want to express with this that it is necessary to achieve an artificial cataleptic state, using
the autosuggestive route. The continuous habit of this practice, already genetically
favored by many generations that have been doing it at UMMO, allows this self hypnosis
and the process that follows, to be carried out very quickly (). () There are two essential
organs for telepathic transmission in the brain. Actually it is a double neural network,
whose connections with memory and the field of consciousness are normally inhibited
(neutralized). Only through a succession of synapses, is the 25 It allows this self hypnosis
and the process that follows to be carried out very quickly (). () There are two essential
organs for telepathic transmission in the brain. Actually it is a double neural network,
whose connections with memory and the field of consciousness are normally inhibited
(neutralized). Only through a succession of synapses, is the 25 It allows this self hypnosis
and the process that follows to be carried out very quickly (). () There are two essential
organs for telepathic transmission in the brain. Actually it is a double neural network,
whose connections with memory and the field of consciousness are normally inhibited
(neutralized). Only through a succession of synapses, is the 25
26connection of ISIAGEE IA (CITED ORGAN UNKNOWN TO YOU) to accessible areas
of the brain. The provocation of these synapses is a problem of adaptation or even
inheritance. There is no reason for you terrestrials whose cortical physiological
morphology, is the same as ours, cannot establish these connections or synapses. An
example you have in those people who manage to establish synaptic connection with the
nerves that act on certain muscles of the auditory pavilions (ears) getting them to move. ()
message is captured by all men of UMMO (We repeat that the cases of telepathy
registered by you confirm that the phenomenon is identical for humans on Earth). How is
then that only one of the people is able to interpret such a message, and be aware that it
is only for him? () Imagine a million boxes of flows throughout your country. Each of which
can only be opened by means of a combination of six digits, and all of them under the
care and vigilance of many other guardians. () You now send an encrypted letter that can
only be read with the help of cryptographic keys, enclosed in the boxes. Send a million
copies to all guardians, with a single indication on the envelope. For example, only the
recipient whose figure in the ark opening mechanism matches that number can open it
and find out the content of the message. () We told them that telepathic transmission was
verbal. However, visual images have been consciously transmitted, olfactory and tactile
that in normal circumstances are phenomena caused only in certain cases of transient
mental disturbance or in pure cataleptic period. Experiences in this regard are rare among
us, and we find ourselves in front of them as you do in the face of normal telepathic
transmission. We do not rule out that in some galactic or extragalactic civilization
unknown to us its Psychophysiological evolution, has achieved this dream cherished by
us and after which our UNNIEYO (NEUROLOGISTS) work actively. () lesions caused by
necrosis of certain neuronal groups, results in the patient not being able to correctly emit
the series of impulses that select the specific person to whom the message is
intended. On the contrary, an extensive wild and disorderly range of signals that affect
millions of people is emitted. Something like if in our example, the envelopes carried not
a Number but several hundred thousand. There would be many guardians who could
open their coffers to decipher the content. Three procedures have been discovered until
today to neutralize these patients who at the dawn of our humanity caused hallucinating
disorders that prevented their evolution. 26 Three procedures have been discovered until
today to neutralize these patients who at the dawn of our humanity caused hallucinating
disorders that prevented their evolution. 26 Three procedures have been discovered until
today to neutralize these patients who at the dawn of our humanity caused hallucinating
disorders that prevented their evolution. 26
27It is important to specify that telepathy is (almost) instantaneous, regardless of the
distance between the subjects (perhaps this is related to the fact that the speed of light in
WAAM BB is infinite): () The TOTAL Time it took Telepathic message from the
CONSCIENCE of Man No. 1 to the CONSCIENCE of No. 2 was two thousandths (in our
Example). A little insightful researcher, then, may believe that if telepathic messages take
some time, this is perhaps because they propagate at the speed of light by means of
electromagnetic waves, when the reality is that the only time invested, threw it nerve
conduction within our brains. You will find a simile in your Telegraph service. The
electrical communication itself, It is almost instantaneous between two cities plus the time
spent by the messengers to take and hand deliver the telegram requires a few hours. The
scheme that we have outlined () illustrates to you about the Why the UMMO scientists
have determined that the Soul BUUAWAA and the COLLECTIVE SOUL, are two
independent entities. If the Telepathic transmission requires a link in man (NERVOUS
ROUTE expressed in RED Arch) to pass from one soul to another, it is that the collective
Soul and the individual Soul are independent entities, which are only united by the link of
the BODY HUMAN while he lives Why are telepathic phenomena so elusive on
Earth? Fundamentally, as we have already seen, because the brain structure of humans
is usually not properly developed. But let's learn more details only recently revealed in
several tweets: Question: Is there a method of learning (of children) of telepathy
communication, or does our brain not allow it? 27
28@ oaxiiboo6 During adolescence. Technique => slow release of oxytocin. It must be
mastered before experiencing the 1st. orgasms 9 Telepathy is a natural stage in the
evolutionary process that stems from the continuous growth of the cortical mass and the
complexification of synaptic and neuro-glial connections. The cortical architectural
organization proper to telepathy, in the OYAGAAOEMMII [= terrestrial] exists at a primary
level at the level of the specific neurono-glial groups of the language that connect the
angular turn and the Broca area. However, the complexity required for full functionality is
only reached by the restricted part of the OYAGAA population that has undergone the
M130 mutation (haplogroup C of the Y chromosome DNA). The development of these
neurono-glial groups is still insufficient in most other racial groups, particularly among
individuals with a preponderant haplogroup of type R (white race), except in cases of
favorable individual mutation. The OEMMII of OYAGAA also has the disadvantage of the
unilaterality of the brain areas dedicated to language [the U use both cerebral
hemispheres for language]. In any case, through a rigorous exercise, a restricted capacity
of telepathy is still possible, thanks to the plasticity of these brain areas and the
multimodal nature of the neurons involved in the process. Telepathic capacity develops,
from the very beginning of adolescence. , practicing a constant exercise that needs a lot
of calm, concentration and intimacy with an emotionally close relative. It is a
psychodynamic learning that, on UMMO, needs several Earth months to obtain a
systematically reproducible connection by progressive reinforcement of effector synaptic
circuits. This is for the only relative with whom the child exercises during this first
phase. The process continues, more rapidly each time, with all the members of the next
family. The telepathic capacity of children is examined during the 40 XII (UMMO days) of
orientation that precede integration into the UNAWO UI (university) at the age of 64.67
XEE (13.7 years). This capacity will continue to be developed, by emulation of affinities,
among young people who are treated on a daily basis. Finally, there is an essential
condition to establish the telepathic link between two people, That will certainly attract our
attention. Said in Roman Paladin: there can be no telepathic communication between two
people who hate each other. Sympathy, Empathy and Love are degrees that are
ascending on the emotional scale. Each grade increases the emission of oxytocin
required to establish the telepathic link between OEMMII. This link acts as a catalyst for
the emission, promoting the strengthening of the bonds of affection. Just as Love feeds
on Love, Empathy feeds on its reciprocal. Two OEMMIIs who experience indifference or
resentment towards each other cannot establish telepathic connection. Please avoid
conflicting relationships with loved ones at all costs to keep communion with them intact. 9
This explains, finally, an extravagant passage from an ummite report from the 60s in
which, to the amazement of their readers, they described the great developments of their
society to prevent teenagers from masturbating before marriage (which takes place at a
very young age, fortunately). 28
298.3. Eschatology. Heaven is BB What happens when an OEMMII (human)
dies? Naturally, OEMMII disintegrates, as you know, in its component atoms, confusing
itself with the surrounding chemical environment. At the moment of death O., that is, the
atoms of Krypton cease to exercise their function. But instead: B. (Alma) is fully connected
through valves that connect both WAAM (WAAM and WAAM) so that it amounts to a true
almost total integration of the Soul into the Collective Soul, participating in all the
knowledge accumulated by the humanity. () An IBOZSOO UHU network acts as a valve
between B. (Alma) located in the WAAM and the BB inserted in the WAAM, allowing an
almost absolute integration between both entities. It is WOA (GENERATOR OR GOD)
who sets the characteristics of this UI chain (Information valve) in a certain time 10. If the
OEMII; In those aspects of which he is responsible and free, throughout his life he has
violated the UUAA (ETHICS) laws, he needs to reform the structure of his information
encoded in Do not forget that the SOUL does not think, that it is a mere frozen matrix of
data . Only with the help of BB can you process your own collection of information. The
psyche may be condemned to suffer a slow ability to use its own EGO (Information coded
within it) and not participate in the dense complexity of the BB [= PURGATORY, which
apparently implies intellectual suffering that can reach enormous levels, according to the
case]. But WOA may 11, if the Man met the moral norms in his existence, or after the
correction of his structure once deceased (reconformation) allow that UI Network It allows
a much more dense flow of communication than we achieve in the course of our existence
as living beings in our WAAM. In that case the integration of (Alma) in BB is so intense
that she participates in the huge volume of data of the COLLECTIVE SOUL. His
intellectual vision of WOA (God) increases. Penetrates the deep knowledge of the
Cosmos, the evolution of beings, the vast knowledge (intellectual and affective
information) contained in BB 10 A more detailed report on this process, which includes
the explanation of the concept of Soul Mirror that comes to Being an ideal archetypal soul,
it can be found at 4.html 11 WOA may have set the standards,
but the agent that manages the reconformation is, according to the letter mentioned in
the previous Note, BB himself; more specifically, all deceased beings integrated into it. 29
30Note that in a way, this eschatological notion coincides with some accuracy with the
theological assessment of Christianity of OYAAGAA, regarding salvation. The call for you
Purgatory is in this case, the RECONFORMATION process that is reduced to the fact of
limiting WOA to different degrees, this participation of B. in BB restricting the value of the
Channel or valve that separates both WAAMs at different levels: (and ) What you call
GLORY OR SALVATION, is the full integration of the Soul, not exactly in God, but in such
a great creation of WOA as BB (COLLECTIVE PSIQUE). We can imagine the wonderful
ecstasy or enjoyment that our psyche can experience, not only allowing the information
that is engrammed in it to be fluidly processed (the Psyche by itself could not do so) but
by participating and benefiting from ALL the enormous information contained in the
WAAM-WAAM. Through it you can communicate with other of your deceased siblings,
and how each participates in the matrix information printed in the WAAM from the moment
of its creation or generation (Do not forget that WAAM served to shape the singularities
of the entire WAAM-WAAM group ), your psyche will penetrate the most intimate secrets
of the multiplanar Cosmos (Universes) Some paranormal phenomena / Appearances As
we have previously noted, we have not been provided with explanations for all the wide
known paranormal phenomenology. But yes, although without great detail, for some
specific types of phenomena. We begin with the mentions of certain appearances or
communications with deceased. First clarification: Communication by telepathy with
deceased OEMII is not possible under any circumstances. But The relationship with the
souls of the deceased is still possible globally through the intermediation of BB although
a communication with a specific soul of a deceased, merged into BB, is illusory. BUAWA
is sometimes expressed at the subconscious level, through a dream or a sensory illusion
[ie: hallucination caused by BB], using the image of a deceased OEMMII to give more
impact to your message. In the same line: 30 But The relationship with the souls of the
deceased is still possible globally through the intermediation of BB although a
communication with a specific soul of a deceased, merged into BB, is illusory. BUAWA is
sometimes expressed at the subconscious level, through a dream or a sensory illusion
[ie: hallucination caused by BB], using the image of a deceased OEMMII to give more
impact to your message. In the same line: 30 But The relationship with the souls of the
deceased is still possible globally through the intermediation of BB although a
communication with a specific soul of a deceased, merged into BB, is illusory. BUAWA is
sometimes expressed at the subconscious level, through a dream or a sensory illusion
[ie: hallucination caused by BB], using the image of a deceased OEMMII to give more
impact to your message. In the same line: 30
31BB's murmur is best heard in a state of half-sleep [sleep it]. Sometimes through the
voice of a missing relative to have more impact Some paranormal phenomena /
Precognition The only paragraph about this intriguing phenomenon can not be more
laconic: Words like clairvoyance and premonition are traps. BUAWA reveals, sometimes
as a warning, what it will be or could be. BUAWA already knows the decision that its
OEMII will make, but warns it to introduce in its election a weak capacity of free
will. Despite the brevity of the previous text, if your words are contextualized in the set of
information U, several conclusions can be glimpsed: It is the individual Soul itself that
sometimes triggers premonitions. How is it possible? Undoubtedly, thanks to the fact that
the whole life of each man has already been decided once in the same moment of the
connection of his soul to his brain, shortly after fertilization. Therefore, the soul already
knows everything that will happen to it. Does this mean that there is no free will? No.
Although man lives his life thinking illusory that he is making decisions at all times
throughout his days, when on the contrary those decisions have already been actually
taken, the truth is that he has been HIM (his soul ) who has taken them. One lives, then,
a written life, yes, but written by oneself, not by a fatalistic destiny. What is the point of
having Alma notify his owner of something she knows how it will be resolved? It is difficult
to approach a process that certainly reminds a fish that bites its tail; but let's try it We will
have to be in time and out of time at the same time. Can we? ... All vital decisions are
made by the soul at once, as we have said. Of course, the vital trajectory is heavily
mediated by all kinds of circumstances (me and my circumstances): place of birth,
environment, time, events that will occur around us, parents, family, coincidences. Let's
add one more circumstance: the possibility that Our soul, aware of what is coming, let us
know. Indeed, at that moment outside the time in which all our life is decided, the Soul
knows that one day I will have the intention of participating in the inaugural voyage of the
Titanic. So, consider it appropriate to let me know with a premonition of what will
happen. That premonition is also inserted in that story of the life of a single package, as
well as of course my reaction to the premonition; For example, give up the trip. The
response to the premonition has been, again, my decision, but, along with everything else
that concerns my life, the Soul already knows whether I will listen to that feeling or not. 31
32More difficult (even) is to explain what sense the soul warns, not of what it may be for
me, as in the example of the Titanic, but of what it will be for me, as the ummita text also
says. For what then? Perhaps to give the opportunity to anticipate, to prepare a little for
what will fatally happen. Little else can we conjecture such a short and nuanced
information. Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) The NDEs, or NDE (Near Death
Experiences) in English, They began to attract public attention after the publication in
1975 of the famous book Life After Life, by Dr. Raymond Moody. In general, rational
scientists have dismissed any transcendent interpretation of such phenomena with more
or less crude biochemical explanations (for example, generic allusions to hypoxia of
patients during trance) or, recently, somewhat more elaborate. After reading the
explanations of the ummites, it can be concluded that detractors and defenders of the
NDEs are all partly right The NDEs are indeed of cerebral biochemical origin; there is no
such trip to the other side, nor a return from death. But, contrary to what, sometimes
arrogantly, take for granted the excipients, the root of these biochemical phenomena
(which really science today cannot explain except with vagueness) is transcendent in
nature. Let's see. Transmit to your brother XXX that "near death experiences" (NDE) exist
but are of a different nature than the one defended by some of his OYAGAA
thinkers. Indeed, the return to the random behavior of the atoms of K, It produces the
death of the OEMMII and is of nature IBOO AAYANU UIOO ("atomic" quantum state,
which does not allow intermediate states). An OEMMII is alive or dead, but CANNOT, this
is a universal UAA, "being halfway", let alone "coming and going" The phenomenon
detected by the defenders of NDE, however, has a real basis and consists of the following:
When an organism is on the verge of death, BAAIOODUU (actually intracellular Helium
gas atoms) captures the material degradation that is not necessarily irreversible, but,
even so, sends, when the situation penetrates a certain threshold (that you. They would
call OEMMII "dying") a message to BUUAAWEE BIIAEII (the process, by complex, would
require an "ad hoc []) report as" preparing you " to receive BUAWAA that will be the
BUAWAA (of ALL OEMMIIs that are in the trance) signals that are neurologically
translated into strictly chemical based messages at destination, which suggest a lighter
transit. Therefore, the messages are universal for HOMO SAPIENS: luminosity, tunnel,
peace, beings of light, relatives who receive the transferor, etc ... These signals "turn off"
once - if necessary -, returned the OEMMII to life, and most of the OEMMII forget the
experience that, we repeat, ALL who have been in the trance, have experienced, but most
have forgotten. 32 BUUAAWAA BIIAEII sends back to BUAWAA (of ALL OEMMIIs that
are in the trance) signals that are neurologically translated into strictly chemical based
messages at destination, which suggest a lighter transit. Therefore, the messages are
universal for HOMO SAPIENS: luminosity, tunnel, peace, beings of light, relatives who
receive the transferor, etc ... These signals "turn off" once - if necessary -, returned the
OEMMII to life, and most of the OEMMII forget the experience that, we repeat, ALL who
have been in the trance, have experienced, but most have forgotten. 32 BUUAAWAA
BIIAEII sends back to BUAWAA (of ALL OEMMIIs that are in the trance) signals that are
neurologically translated into strictly chemical based messages at destination, which
suggest a lighter transit. Therefore, the messages are universal for HOMO SAPIENS:
luminosity, tunnel, peace, beings of light, relatives who receive the transferor, etc ...
These signals "turn off" once - if necessary -, returned the OEMMII to life, and most of the
OEMMII forget the experience that, we repeat, ALL who have been in the trance, have
experienced, but most have forgotten. 32 These signals "go out" once - if necessary -,
the OEMMII is back to life, and most of the OEMMII forget the experience that, we repeat,
ALL who have been in the trance, have experienced, but Most have forgotten. 32 These
signals "go out" once - if necessary -, the OEMMII is back to life, and most of the OEMMII
forget the experience that, we repeat, ALL who have been in the trance, have
experienced, but Most have forgotten. 32
33Note in passing that the preceding paragraphs implicitly reveal something interesting:
BB does not know the future. If I knew him, he would never be wrong in estimating that a
person in an agonized state will die; and we see that it is not so. Undoubtedly (and of
course it also follows from many other reports) that BB is experiencing the passage of
time although we do not know how; presumably, in a different way from how we
experience it in earthly life. Magic cures In all U documents, only a single and carefully
elusive reference to the possibility of healing by alternative procedures could be found so
far. Specifically, in a 1966 letter, it was said: () For that reason it would be foolish to ignore
that there are aspects of Nature that constitute inaccessible arcana, even by our scientific
methods. If we hear from the lips of a terrestrial that a healer from the suburbs of a large
Italian city has been able to eliminate a kidney nephroblastoma by applying his hands on
the patient's side, we cannot strictly deny this possibility without prior study, and In fact,
we have recognized in some isolated cases the reality of such types of
cryptotherapeutics. However, in a recent tweet published in an exchange about the
maximum age that can reach a human being, and really without much to come to mind,
the U is off-hook with this information: Question: In what range is the average duration of
life in civilizations that you. do you know Is there a universal maximum for all
OEMMII? The duration of life tends to lengthen with the course of the neuropsychological
evolution of OEMII. From 38 years to> 300 years. Question (from another follower): Could
Jesus Christ then live 300 years? 12 Probably not. But, as it is said in hagiographic texts,
He was endowed with regenerative capacities for others and for himself. 12 Better
expressed: Could Jesus Christ then have lived 300 years? Jesus Christ, according to U,
was endowed with a very high intelligence. 33 Could Jesus Christ then have lived 300
years? Jesus Christ, according to U, was endowed with a very high intelligence. 33 Could
Jesus Christ then have lived 300 years? Jesus Christ, according to U, was endowed with
a very high intelligence. 33
3. 4Question (from another follower): Do you mean that [Jesus Christ] did perform
miracles? 13 OEMMIIWOA 14 are capable of amazing healing. But they cannot alter the
laws of physics. Certain stories lack realism. Thus, using physical laws unknown to us, it
is possible to perform amazing cures. Of course, such methods do not seem to be
available to everyone, so it must be concluded that only those people (or super people)
who, for the reason that is perhaps a unique communion with the Collective Soul are able
to unleash the appropriate processes of BB, can perform these wonders Again, it is BB
who acts The Reincarnation The information we are going to reproduce in this section
could be summarized as follows: Reincarnation does NOT exist, but the Reincarnation
Phenomena DOES exist. We know that many of your brothers are asking legitimate
questions about the reality of what you call reincarnation. This term entails its own
confusion in suggesting that a soul can migrate to another body after the death of the
former. With this crude interpretation, reincarnation does not exist. When a new OEMII
[person] is formed, when the embryo reaches the gastric stage, BUAUA [individual soul]
joins the body in formation. The link that connects OEMII with BUAUA and BUAUA BIAEII
[= BB; collective soul] (OEMBUAU [link name]) is unique and persists throughout the life
of OEMII. When OEMII dies, BUAUA is integrated into BB. Does this mean that
reincarnation is a myth and that the soul of a deceased person cannot express itself
through another person? DO NOT. Although the soul cannot cover / perform in another
body, it can partially impregnate another OEMII. In this sense, the word reincarnation is
not adequate. We will try to explain it in a simple way, although the processes involved
are very complex. 13 In a letter from the 80s, U alluded to deformed and mythified stories
about the historical facts of Jesus Christ, as implying that the miracles and portents
attributed were exaggerations or inventions. 14 Beings resulting from a transcendent
mutation from the human being: Jesus Christ. 3. 4 U alluded to deformed and mythified
stories about the historical facts of Jesus Christ, as implying that the attributed miracles
and portents were exaggerations or inventions. 14 Beings resulting from a transcendent
mutation from the human being: Jesus Christ. 3. 4 U alluded to the distorted and mythified
stories about the historical facts of Jesus Christ, as implying that the attributed miracles
and portents were exaggerations or inventions. 14 Beings resulting from a transcendent
mutation from the human being: Jesus Christ. 3. 4
35When BUAUA immerses itself in the fullness of BB, it retains a certain singularity
although it shares the sum of peculiarities of all other integrated souls. After going through
the process of reconformation, BUAUA retains the memory of past life that was in line
with the UAA [moral laws], the memory of the acts performed and their
consequences. However, the process of reconformation takes into account not only the
acts performed and their consequences, but also some unfinished actions whose
expected consequences could never be triggered. BUAUA can then look forward to these
consequences. Such
reconformation without being filtered, and that expectation can thus also happen. BUAUA
may then be left with a certain regret or regret for not being able to see some actions
completely finished. To integrate in complete stillness, BUAUA can turn to BUAUA BIAEII
to express itself through another OEMBUAU link that corresponds very closely to its
former OEMBUAU. This allows you to impregnate the memory of another OEMII with
memories that do not correspond to your real experiences. This impregnation is more
efficient when it involves a young OEMII whose almost virgin memory will receive a great
impact with a sudden flow of dense and clear information. This can only be done with the
aim of finalizing pending actions or disclosures to family members. This has nothing to do
with the supposed seers who swarm around people weakened by the loss of loved
ones. Let's notice, However, this curious confession 15: In fact, we are going to confess
something that will undoubtedly surprise you: We have found that in OYAGAA,
LIFE. We have not known how to unravel the nature of these very few events. We
estimate that these cases can be around (it is an estimate, not a real fact) around only
about thirty in the entire written history of OYAGAA, (of which DOS, studied by us
directly). Discounting of course, the countless cases of fraud or errors in good faith. Read
to your brothers Ian Stevenson and Paul Edwards, each one who owns a part of the
truth. As you will see in relation to another of your concerns that we will try to answer next
16, the 15 In this case, the orange highlight is from the original. 16 Despite the
announcement, unfortunately there has been no subsequent report with explanations
about false memories. Presumably (but this is nothing more than a conjecture) that these
would be phenomena similar to the one explained here; that is, instillation of information
of beings already deceased, or even alive, through BB. Why or for what purpose? Mystery
36called by these brothers "false memories" are not such, but phenomena of a very
different nature that will undoubtedly interest you to know Extinction of toxic civilizations
The expression divine punishment, no doubt of biblical origin, is used today in a colloquial
way, rather humorous, to illustrate some misfortune that occurs to someone who
supposedly deserved it, for whatever reason No, God (WOA) does not punish among
other things, the concept U of Divinity is far from the anthropomorphic God who rewards,
punishes or intervenes in our affairs without stopping. But we will see that a harmful,
perverse planetary civilization, which persists in continually attempting against life and
neguentropia, will end up encountering an unpleasant surprise from its own
BB. Question: Is BB who regulates the emergence of diseases and new lethal viruses for
humanity? ( ) So is. Viruses [sic] and their mutations are governed under the influence of
BB. BB may also favor some conditions to expand or decrease the probability of
occurrence of phenomena by purely physical laws. BB does not act against Humanity. Act
globally in favor of Life. It opposes any factor that endangers the dynamic equilibrium
resulting [resulting] from millions of years of evolution. BB acts in the long term (). Even
more blunt and disturbing is this revelation: Question: I do not understand the difference
between BUAWA BIAEII and BUAEII BIAEII. Thanks for clearing. You must take into
account two different aspects of BOUAEII BIAEII (BB). When we talk about BOUAWA
BIAEII we refer to the specific part of BB that contains the neguentropic information of the
implications). When BOUAWA is injected into BOUAWA BIAEII, the reconformation acts
as a filter. Ultimately, only useful information not contradictory with the OAU [moral laws]
of WOA is taken into account. In that sense, no neguentropic information remains without
entering BOUAWA BIAEII. However, BB treats all the information available in the course
of that filtering / shaping process. This information will enrich BB's general reactive
mechanisms related to the global evolution of the environment. Thus a soul impregnated
with the strong entropic burden of his memories 36 When BOUAWA is injected into
BOUAWA BIAEII, the reconformation acts as a filter. Ultimately, only useful information
not contradictory with the OAU [moral laws] of WOA is taken into account. In that sense,
no neguentropic information remains without entering BOUAWA BIAEII. However, BB
treats all the information available in the course of that filtering / shaping process. This
information will enrich BB's general reactive mechanisms related to the global evolution
of the environment. Thus a soul impregnated with the strong entropic burden of his
memories 36 When BOUAWA is injected into BOUAWA BIAEII, the reconformation acts
as a filter. Ultimately, only useful information not contradictory with the OAU [moral laws]
of WOA is taken into account. In that sense, no neguentropic information remains without
entering BOUAWA BIAEII. However, BB treats all the information available in the course
of that filtering / shaping process. This information will enrich BB's general reactive
mechanisms related to the global evolution of the environment. Thus a soul impregnated
with the strong entropic burden of his memories 36 In that sense, no neguentropic
information remains without entering BOUAWA BIAEII. However, BB treats all the
information available in the course of that filtering / shaping process. This information will
enrich BB's general reactive mechanisms related to the global evolution of the
environment. Thus a soul impregnated with the strong entropic burden of his memories
36 In that sense, no neguentropic information remains without entering BOUAWA
BIAEII. However, BB treats all the information available in the course of that filtering /
shaping process. This information will enrich BB's general reactive mechanisms related
to the global evolution of the environment. Thus a soul impregnated with the strong
entropic burden of his memories 36
37destroyers reports the destructive potential of the whole human race, contrary to the
global action of the BB. A too strong entropic load of the souls to be reshaped can then
entail, by threshold effect, a compensatory action of BB tending to regulate that entropic
potential. BB can then put into action regulatory mechanisms directed directly against the
OEMMIIs that, globally, threaten the homeostasis of the global ecosystem without the
influence of the BOUAWA BIAEII sub-part being able to counteract this trend. In fact, we
will remember, from the previous document (and video) about amoral and hostile ET
visitors, that 2 races described by the U as unscrupulous, and that we call AM1 and AM2,
intend to slowly take over the domain of our world, for whose future they have devised
morally disgusting plans with the ultimate goal of near-colonization. To carry them out,
they use the members of our corrupt and ill superior elite without remorse, composed as
is known by the greatest psychopaths of the Planet, with whom they agree without any
objection. Let's reproduce what was said in the previous report: Question: When some
ETs treat another race of OEMMI badly, is their BB affected, taking into account the rules
in force in the cosmos? "BB is informed of its harmfulness. As with cruel OEMMII towards
the animals, mammals and OEMMII of their own ecosystem, that is, BB reproves the
immoral behavior of their humans, not only towards their peers, but towards any human
beings from other planets.Another follower then raises: Question: The amoral races do
not know this? They are supposed to know BB. Not in depth? And the hostile? "Obviously
they know it, suffering genetic disorders and with their planetary ecosystems of dying
origin. But they can still compensate technologically." This answer can only be described
as amazing. Amoral races suffer degenerations, inflicted by their own BB, both genetic
and planetary, as a result of their behavior towards other humanities, and apparently they
are aware of it, despite which they persist in their attitude by being able to compensate
(for now ?) those effects. 37 This answer can only be described as amazing. Amoral
races suffer degenerations, inflicted by their own BB, both genetic and planetary, as a
result of their behavior towards other humanities, and apparently they are aware of it,
despite which they persist in their attitude by being able to compensate (for now ?) those
effects. 37 This answer can only be described as amazing. Amoral races suffer
degenerations, inflicted by their own BB, both genetic and planetary, as a result of their
behavior towards other humanities, and apparently they are aware of it, despite which
they persist in their attitude by being able to compensate (for now ?) those effects. 37
38Will there be any relationship between "dying planetary ecosystems of origin" and the
"dying planet in which they could not continue to live from some time in the future", as
explained in the previous document? Will the degeneration towards the extinction of his
own world one of the reasons for his expansionist mood? The attached graphic, provided
by U (here only slightly modified for clarity), schematizes the planetary human races
known to the U. Planetary civilizations identified by U. Explanation in the text. Each
rectangle schematizes a civilization. We have added a T to indicate where the Earth is,
and a U for Ummo. We see that, in the age range of 4 to 5 million years, the Earth is
found along with four more (known) civilizations. Ummo is in segment 9 10 million years,
along with another civilization. Turquoise blue civilizations (U, for example) have access
to intragalactic travel and are free. There are 3 problematic civilizations. The red rectangle
identifies a hostile civilization that, were it not for the fortunate presence of the U and two
other civilizations 17, there would be 17 Those two allied civilizations are not indicated in
the table because the U have not specified them, but there are undoubtedly two of the
turquoise blue rectangles. 38 If it were not for the fortunate presence of the U and two
other civilizations 17, there would be 17 These two Allied civilizations are not indicated in
the table because the U have not specified them, but they are undoubtedly two of the
turquoise blue rectangles. 38 If it were not for the fortunate presence of the U and two
other civilizations 17, there would be 17 These two Allied civilizations are not indicated in
the table because the U have not specified them, but they are undoubtedly two of the
turquoise blue rectangles. 38
39the Earth colonized by force, as it has already done with an undetermined number of
technologically inferior civilizations, which it maintains in servitude. Their colonies, in
unidentified number, are some of the unfortunate planets represented with black
rectangles in the left area of the painting. The black color indicates that the civilization in
question does not make interstellar trips 18, either because of its limited scientifictechnological development (such as Earth itself), or because it is a colony of hostile
civilization. As we indicated in the previous document, our biggest problem is two other
civilizations, there called AM1 and AM2, described by the U as amoral and
unscrupulous. They are represented in the box by a purple rectangle (AM1) and a light
brown or khaki (AM2), with a red dot on both cases. These two planets with a red dot are,
then, the nests (nest) from which the respective swarms (swarm) have split, which have
been established on another 11 planets in total, each of which is shown in the color
scheme purple or brown, depending on the civilization that has dominated it. The 11 semicolonized autochthonous civilizations can travel through space for the sake of technology
graciously contributed by their partners, but under their domain, of whom they will always
be subordinates. It is the objective of both amoral civilizations that the Earth happens to
swell its list of submitted planets, by means of the artful methods described in the previous
document. It's these civilizations, AM1 and AM2, those who see their habitat agonize and
their genetic degradation as a result of the corrective action of their respective BB, as
confirmed by the U. It is assumed that the hostile civilization will happen (now or over
time) something similar. * * * We have developed so far a synopsis of the characteristics
and functions of the Planetary Collective Soul (BB). All this information will allow us to
understand (at the level that is possible for our scientific development) a VITAL aspect to
which we will dedicate the following sections of the document. This is an information of
TRASCENDING importance for us at the crossroads in which we are, and it is
undoubtedly the greatest HELP that U can, and has wanted, to offer at this time and for
the future. 18 The most advanced civilization (33 million years old, at the far right of the
table) it appears in black because it is no longer physically traveling, it may continue its
explorations by means of unmanned automatic ships, because apparently it is no longer
desired. 39
409. HOW TO ASK HELP BB Who writes this is not fond of the melodramatic or the
solemn, but we have no choice but to warn of the enormous importance of what is
explained below Introduction Everyone has heard about the dance of the rain, an
ancestral magical tradition rooted in certain American Indian tribes, especially, and still
practiced by some communities today. Is it a mere archaic and irrational rite? ... Maybe
not In a 2012 letter, the U say: () hence we want to communicate with you, with the fervent
hope that a group of no more than 7 OEMMII [that is, at least 7] activate the informative
acceleration of the BUUAAWEE BIIAEEII that begins to save them from the moral swamp
where you OEMMII of OYAGAA are immersed. In 2013, they add: We will confess one
ALREADY ENTERING () In another letter of the same year we find this new revealing
paragraph: You need to constitute a MINIMUM number of 7 OEMMII so that [obtain] the
"tuning" (in reality it is a quantum information threshold of an integrated physics
unknowable to you) with BUAAUA BIIAEEII. You worry too much - although we praise
and enhance the fact - of the content of what you can do to achieve that
communion. Leave that task to the BUUAAWAA BIIAEII and us to a much lesser extent,
since we privilege the existence of other OEEMMII groups in OYAGAA that do the same
as you do and that at a certain moment will achieve 40 YOUR PARTICULAR BLACK
NIGHT, IN WHICH THEY ARE ALREADY ENTERING () In another letter of the same
year we find this new revealing paragraph: You need to constitute a MINIMUM number
of 7 OEMMIIs so that [tune] is obtained (actually of a threshold of quantum information of
an integrated Physics unknowable for you.) with BUAAUA BIIAEEII. You worry too much
- although we praise and enhance the fact - of the content of what you can do to achieve
that communion. Leave that task to the BUUAAWAA BIIAEII and us to a much lesser
extent, since we privilege the existence of other OEEMMII groups in OYAGAA that do the
same as you do and that at a certain moment will achieve 40 YOUR PARTICULAR
same year we find this new revealing paragraph: You need to constitute a MINIMUM
number of 7 OEMMIIs so that [tune] is obtained (actually of a threshold of quantum
information of an integrated Physics unknowable for you.) with BUAAUA BIIAEEII. You
worry too much - although we praise and enhance the fact - of the content of what you
can do to achieve that communion. Leave that task to the BUUAAWAA BIIAEII and us to
a much lesser extent, since we privilege the existence of other OEEMMII groups in
OYAGAA that do the same as you do and that at a certain moment will achieve 40 they
need to constitute a MINIMUM number of 7 OEMMIIs so that [tune] is obtained (in reality
it is a quantum information threshold of an integrated Physics unknowable to you) with
BUAAUA BIIAEEII. You worry too much - although we praise and enhance the fact - of
the content of what you can do to achieve that communion. Leave that task to the
BUUAAWAA BIIAEII and us to a much lesser extent, since we privilege the existence of
other OEEMMII groups in OYAGAA that do the same as you do and that at a certain
moment will achieve 40 they need to constitute a MINIMUM number of 7 OEMMIIs so
that [tune] is obtained (in reality it is a quantum information threshold of an integrated
Physics unknowable to you) with BUAAUA BIIAEEII. You worry too much - although we
praise and enhance the fact - of the content of what you can do to achieve that
communion. Leave that task to the BUUAAWAA BIIAEII and us to a much lesser extent,
since we privilege the existence of other OEEMMII groups in OYAGAA that do the same
as you do and that at a certain moment will achieve 40 they worry too much - although
we praise and enhance the fact - of the content of what they can do to achieve that
communion. Leave that task to the BUUAAWAA BIIAEII and us to a much lesser extent,
since we privilege the existence of other OEEMMII groups in OYAGAA that do the same
as you do and that at a certain moment will achieve 40 they worry too much - although
we praise and enhance the fact - of the content of what they can do to achieve that
communion. Leave that task to the BUUAAWAA BIIAEII and us to a much lesser extent,
since we privilege the existence of other OEEMMII groups in OYAGAA that do the same
as you do and that at a certain moment will achieve 40
41Together with your group, change the future of your beautiful cold star. How else do
we believe that we managed to resurface after the monstrous night we suffered? Grant
us at least the benefit of the doubt of knowing how to resurface from a borderline situation
like the one you suffer in your beautiful cold star. The possibility of asking for help and
receiving it is not exactly new, as the U have remembered. Although it has gone rather
unnoticed, it appears in a New Testament passage: Ask, and it will be given to you; seek,
and you will find; knock, and it will open to you. Because everyone who asks
receives; and he who seeks finds; and to the caller, it will be opened. What man is there
of you, that if his son asks for bread, he will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will
he give him a snake? For if you, being bad, know how to give good gifts to your
children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask
him? (Matthew 7: 7 12). And this concrete evangelical passage, it seems, is authentic. As
it is, according to U, this other: Because where two or three are gathered in my name,
there I am in their midst. (Matthew 18:20) This second appointment accompanies a June
2015 tweet that answers this question: Should we collectively send a signal to BB? How
can we do that?. The answer is: calling. Matthew 18:20 We believe that the threshold
effect requires consistent action by groups of no less than 7 people. There is no need for
great insight to fit the pieces of all this information 41 this other: Because where two or
three are gathered in my name, there I am in their midst. (Matthew 18:20) This second
appointment accompanies a June 2015 tweet that answers this question: Should we
collectively send a signal to BB? How can we do that?. The answer is: calling. Matthew
18:20 We believe that the threshold effect requires consistent action by groups of no less
than 7 people. There is no need for great insight to fit the pieces of all this information
41 this other: Because where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in their
midst. (Matthew 18:20) This second appointment accompanies a June 2015 tweet that
answers this question: Should we collectively send a signal to BB? How can we do
that?. The answer is: calling. Matthew 18:20 We believe that the threshold effect requires
consistent action by groups of no less than 7 people. There is no need for great insight to
fit the pieces of all this information 41 20 We believe that the threshold effect requires
consistent action by groups of no less than 7 people. There is no need for great insight to
fit the pieces of all this information 41 20 We believe that the threshold effect requires
consistent action by groups of no less than 7 people. There is no need for great insight to
fit the pieces of all this information 41
429.2. Protocol to ask for help On June 6, 2015, the penultimate tweet of the account was
published (today The textual part (ASCII) of it says: Prayers are most effective when they
are made by many small groups in parallel that focus on objectives The accompanying
sentence is accompanied by a text in image format with the following instructions 19:
Before finally closing this channel, we will access your request and tell you a way to get
the help of BUUAWA BIAEII, not to dispel the inevitable events that approach, but to
minimize the consequences by providing you with the inspiration and synergy necessary
to move forward despite the adversity. There are several ways to obtain this privileged
connection with BB. We offer you one. Form groups of at least 7 people, but no more than
three times that number. Form these groups by affinity or by common language. Decide
what you want to ask at the group level. Write it in a simple text of moderate length, with
short sentences. Memorize the text, fully understanding each request. Every day for a
week, each group member must PRAY this text at the same time (IMPORTANT). It is not
necessary for them to be physically together, but the entire group must coordinate to
ensure that each member will be available to participate in the prayer at the same
time. But the instructions are not limited to what has been said; They also reveal the
concrete way to PRAY so that the prayers are effective. There is no doubt that regular
practitioners of community prayers, collective meditations, the great invocation, etc. they
will feel a certain familiarity when reading the previous instructions except for the strange
condition that limits the number of participants between 7 and 21. But, what have been
the results of centuries and centuries of prayers and meditations by millions of wellmeaning people of all religions and 19 The upcoming events deserve extraordinary
attention, but we prefer to leave that subject for another document and focus on it in the
pleading protocol. 42 what have been the results of centuries and centuries of prayers
and meditations by millions of well-meaning people of all religions and 19 The upcoming
events deserve extraordinary attention, but we prefer to leave that topic for another
document and focus on it in the Pray protocol. 42 what have been the results of centuries
and centuries of prayers and meditations by millions of well-meaning people of all
religions and 19 The upcoming events deserve extraordinary attention, but we prefer to
leave that topic for another document and focus on it in the Pray protocol. 42
43philosophies? We cannot know, but: have they avoided those commendable efforts
that the world has turned into a rotten swamp of greed, corruption, death, wars and
chaos? Have you prevented humanity, today more than ever, hypnotized and subdued
by the most unimaginably ill and psychopathic minds on the planet, from moving at a
speed of vertigo towards collapse? ... Let's finish reading the text. HOW TO PRAY
EFFECTIVELY Choose a deceased person for whom you have an intense affection
(mother, father, grandfather, authentic friend ...). You can choose a different person from
one day to another. Some of his brothers systematically choose the archetypal image of
Christ (Jesus), with whom they have not coincided in life. This is NOT effective, unless
you profess a real and intense devotion to Him. You must observe silence for 6 or 7
minutes to pick up before begging, focusing intensely on that person, imagining that she
is looking at you, ready to listen to you. Recite the text mentally, saying the words slowly
and clearly. Try to pronounce your sentences with a strong mental voice, as if you were
communicating telepathically with the deceased person (this is an image, we trust you
will get the idea). You must have a real conviction of the importance of your request, as
it will be heard as you express it. You must adopt the modest and humble attitude of a
pleading individual who is going to ask a huge favor from the only person who can grant
it. Finally, you must observe silence for 6 or 7 minutes, picking up after the prayer thanking
and saying goodbye to the deceased. They should repeat this prayer every day for seven
consecutive days (neither one more nor one less). It should not last [in total] more than
twenty minutes each day Clarifications about the protocol Some of the many doubts and
questions that will have arisen will surely co-manage with some of those that a follower
made on twitter, and that were answered in a text that accompanied a Tweet with the
following text: Influencing awareness and stochastic events are the two main modes of
action of BB. 43 and that were answered in a text picture that accompanied a tweet with
the following text: Influencing awareness and stochastic events are the two main modes
of action of BB. 43 and that were answered in a text picture that accompanied a tweet
with the following text: Influencing awareness and stochastic events are the two main
modes of action of BB. 43
441) In each group that is formed is it necessary that at least seven of its members be
fixed in the seven sessions to be held? 2) Is it counterproductive for any member (other
than the seven fixed ones) to participate in any but not all sessions? 3) When addressing
a deceased being with whom we have had a special relationship of tenderness, can we
use photographs in order to achieve a greater emotional ligament? 4) How important is
good harmony (or more than harmony, empathy) among the components of a
group? Suppose a group consisting of followers of O5 tweets (or their other incarnations)
who don't even know each other personally. As willing as they have, they hardly know
anything about the other people who would form the group. Is such a group advisable? Or
inadvisable? 5) Just as you can understand the need for a minimum number (7) of people
to achieve the threshold effect (the privileged connection), and you can also understand
the need for a minimum number of sessions (7 too), why the number of sessions should
be strictly limited to seven? 6) Will we have any way of realizing that we have achieved
the goal of privileged connection? Will we know immediately? Will we know in the longer
term because it is, from BB, an AIOYAOU influence (NR20 reading)? 7) Will you know
before, if this effect has occurred? 8) Since BB's influences on our planet, through
LEIIYOO WAAM, are channeled through BAAYIODUU or OEMBUAW, Can you tell us
what are the effects in one way and another of having achieved the privileged
connection? 9) Was it essential in your society to achieve this privileged connection with
BB to get out of your black night? Yes. This is absolutely necessary. BB must be
repeatedly informed by the same channels for the request to be processed. There is no
disadvantage. Yes. An image is an excellent vehicle to strengthen the emotional bond by
the influx of memories. It is not necessary for group members to be united by ties of
affection. They should only be united by a common goal. Imagine having to move a large
rock. Alone, you will not be able to do it. If others help you by pushing in the same
direction, the rock will move. If too many people gather around the rock, each pushing
their side, It will not move. If BB does not process the request after seven times, it will
not, even if the sentence continues. If the objective pursued is concrete, you will see the
effects. Not immediately, but in the time necessary to enhance the circumstances
necessary for its improvement. [no answer] In this case, the OEMBUAW connection
provides repeated information, weighted with a strong emotional charge. If the threshold
is reached, information processing becomes a priority. In this case, BB determines the
urgency and magnitude of the response and, if necessary, implements the necessary
mechanisms for its application. Yes. 44 Not immediately, but in the time necessary to
enhance the circumstances necessary for its improvement. [no answer] In this case, the
OEMBUAW connection provides repeated information, weighted with a strong emotional
charge. If the threshold is reached, information processing becomes a priority. In this
case, BB determines the urgency and magnitude of the response and, if necessary,
implements the necessary mechanisms for its application. Yes. 44 Not immediately, but
in the time necessary to enhance the circumstances necessary for its improvement. [no
answer] In this case, the OEMBUAW connection provides repeated information, weighted
with a strong emotional charge. If the threshold is reached, information processing
becomes a priority. In this case, BB determines the urgency and magnitude of the
response and, if necessary, implements the necessary mechanisms for its
application. Yes. 44 In this case, BB determines the urgency and magnitude of the
response and, if necessary, implements the necessary mechanisms for its
application. Yes. 44 In this case, BB determines the urgency and magnitude of the
response and, if necessary, implements the necessary mechanisms for its
application. Yes. 44
Four. Five(See, if necessary, the reminder of terms at the bottom of this page 20). It is
essential to be clear that there are two inexcusable conditions for a request to succeed:
a) It must be carried out with an intense emotional tone (for all participants), so that BB
perceives the true importance of them. Needless to say, it is impossible to reach a sincere
emotional state if, in the end, one does not seem so pressing what you request. That
automatically discards the possibility of asking for nonsense or mere whims, however
appealing they may be. B) Assuming that the above condition has been met, BB then
judges the importance and URGENCY of what is requested, and, only if he considers that
requires, responds to the request by implementing the appropriate measures, which, as
the tweet indicates, they consist mainly (although perhaps not only) of acting on individual
consciences and stochastic events 21. Although, strictly speaking, it is not said that
generic or less concrete requests (for humanity to progress towards peace, etc.) cannot
to have some kind of effect, the allusion, for two times in two tweets, to the desirability of
setting clear, concrete objectives, in relation to the effectiveness and / or the reasonable
appearance of visible results, seems to indicate the importance of effectively , avoid
vagueness or generic good intentions, and make requests as concrete as
possible. Moreover, in general terms, the waiting time to receive help seems to be
determined by a factor that can hardly be missed: Question: If a request has been
positively received by BB, what can be the minimum time to see it done? It depends on
the inertia to be overcome. It is not hard to imagine the enormous inertia that BB will have
to overcome to rectify so many things in a society so deeply ill and corrupt from its
foundations. Has U guided us about the types of request we could make? AIOYAOU: 4th
value of the tetravalent logic; See LEIIYOO WAAM:
Border effect between universes. BAAYIODUU: Reduced set of krypton atoms at the
ends of the DNA chains of the cells of all living beings, through which BB sends and
receives information from them. OEMBUAW: Krypton atom set located somewhere in the
brain of all humans that serves as a link between the brain and both the soul (B) and the
collective soul (BB) throughout life. 21 In this regard: BB does not influence chance, but
reinforces local neguentropy within processes that are globally entropic. For example:
improvement in DNA repair during the cell cycle. Four. Five
46It seems to be our task to think about it. However, exceptionally, they have provided at
least one example although somewhat peculiar in an indirect but clear way; specifically,
putting a like or like (procedure that they occasionally use to answer Yes or No questions)
to a follower's tweet. Before the question of another follower on how to avoid signing pacts
(by our corrupt elites) with the races amoral ET see the previous document, answer U:
LETTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS. CHAPTER 1. ARTICLE 1.2. Invoke: threat to [right
to] self-determination. Observe then the aforementioned follower: Suddenly, I have the
impression that here we must see a possible plea to BB: that this article be respected. Do
not? And it is precisely that tweet that U places on his Like list. Another (very expected)
question has been: Are we able to successfully make an appeal? Has it happened yet? If
yes, have the effects been noticeable, perceived? Thank you. Although he has
responded, U has perhaps preferred to avoid the issue raised and interpret the question
in a different sense; but still, it provides an interesting answer: Yes. Frequent in its
primitive tribes. Efficiency diminished by intellectualization and religiosity. Intellect
emotion. Thus, the modern preponderance of the intellectual, as well as the emergence
of regulated religions, end up killing the pure emotion so important in this process of
communication with BB. This intense communion of many primitive peoples with nature,
with spirits, with the gods, with the Earth it is a recurring characteristic that has not
escaped the attention of numerous anthropologists and scholars. And it is, of course, our
justification to refer to the dance of luvia with which we allow ourselves to open this
section. The next question that may assail some minds is what would happen if, having
such a powerful resource, a plea group conceived and wrongly formulated a request
whose compliance would be inconvenient. The answer is quite expected: 46 any request
whose compliance would be inconvenient. The answer is quite expected: 46 any request
whose compliance would be inconvenient. The answer is quite expected: 46
47Question: Can the protocol of requests to the BB be used by ill-intentioned beings, for
negative purposes? Can it be counteracted? The plea for access to BB requires a sincere
emotional state. No disrespectful request with the UAA [moral laws] could prosper. In the
presentation of the protocol, the U began by stating that there are several ways to obtain
the privileged connection with BB. To the question of a follower who is interested in the
possibility of using another method, due to the difficulty he sees in guaranteeing the
participation of 7 people for 20 minutes over 7 days at the same time, this is the answer:
There are other ways of making the connection, such as trenodic group dances 22 that
induce trance, but are not suitable for geographically dispersed individuals. Such a
method reminds us once again of the ritual dances performed in tribes and other
communities, which effectively lead the trance participants on occasion. Perhaps we have
gone too fast and we have not noticed the double effect that at least, as we believe to
deduce from the information provided with eyedroppers and generally very succinctly by
the U produce the appeals to BB. Recall that the U introduce the protocol as a method to
get inspiration from BB; but at the same time, the method is to ask for things. What should
we understand by privileged connection? Which is established every time we make a
successful request? Or is it a rather permanent state, which is reached after having
successfully participated in several requests? Adding the information of the following
tweets to all the previous one, that each reader draw the conclusion that seems most
likely. The first option mentioned seems to be the most popular, but many questions
remain. Question: () My question is how you discovered this method. By experimentation
exclusively, we know how to measure how a coherent AÏOOYA AMMIÉ 23 field 24 can
very effectively modulate the AÏOOYAOU. 22 In English, threnody: funeral song,
lament. 23 Also related to tetravalent logic. 24 Consistent: remember the example of the
stone. 47 We know how to measure how a coherent AÏOOYA AMMIÉ 23 field 24 can
modulate AÏOOYAOU very effectively. 22 In English, threnody: funeral song, lament. 23
Also related to tetravalent logic. 24 Consistent: remember the example of the
stone. 47 We know how to measure how a coherent AÏOOYA AMMIÉ 23 field 24 can
modulate AÏOOYAOU very effectively. 22 In English, threnody: funeral song, lament. 23
Also related to tetravalent logic. 24 Consistent: remember the example of the stone. 47
48Question: For me: - 1 coherent AÏOOYA AMMIÉ field = 1 OEMMII group (+7) in prayer
- AÏOOYAOU = BB connection emergency. - AÏOOYAOU modulation = BB's leading
influence to realize a precise objective (for example: after appeals). Question: Yes, but
what kind of experimentation? How do they measure the impact on AÏOOYAOU? You
can investigate, as we did, the causality of the variations in the sex ratio in new births in
unbalanced populations of mammals. Coinciding with this tweet, the U account publishes
a like that refers to an old scientific article entitled: Selection of sex ratio and the evolution
of sex determination (I. Eshel, in Heredity; June 1975, pp), whose summary or abstract
is: Deterministic selection forces operating at a modifier level within a population lead to
the establishment of systems of sex determination which, under a variety of natural
conditions, induces sex ratios close to 1: 1. Through a voluntary statistical study, the
author takes care to try discover the reasons why, mysteriously and against all odds,
certain populations of mammals always end up reaching an unlikely sex ratio close to 1:
1 that saves them from extinction. Nothing conclusive is able to find the article And finally:
48 certain populations of mammals always end up reaching an unlikely sex ratio close to
1: 1 that saves them from extinction. Nothing conclusive is able to find the article And
finally: 48 certain populations of mammals always end up reaching an unlikely sex ratio
close to 1: 1 that saves them from extinction. Nothing conclusive is able to find the article
And finally: 48
49 An
response. Persevere «Seven for seven days making a supplication of heart can achieve
a thousand times what a thousand cannot» * * * OBU.UBIEE Of heart and spirit (Thank
you) 49