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Hallermann-Streiff Syndrome: A Rare Case Report

Case Report
Hallermann‑Streiff Syndrome
Jayakar Thomas, B Sindhu Ragavi, PK Raneesha, N Ashwak Ahmed, S Cynthia, D Manoharan,
R Manoharan
From the Department of Dermatology, Sree Balaji Medical College, Chromepet, Chennai, India
Hallermann-Streiff syndrome (HSS) is a rare disorder characterized by dyscephalia, with facial and dental abnormalities. We report a
12-year-old female child who presented with abnormal facial features, dental abnormalities and sparse scalp hair.
Key Words: Abnormal facial features, dental anomalies, Hallermann‑Streiff syndrome
What was known?
Hallerman‑Strieff syndrome as a rare genetic disorder is known to occur with
multiple abnormalities.
It seems that the first record of this disorder was made by
Aubry[3] in 1893. More than 150 cases of HSS have been
reported till date. Virtually all cases are sporadic and thus there
is no obvious pattern of inheritance. The most likely hypothesis
is that of a single mutant gene (dominant) with most cases
representing fresh mutations. Recently a defect of elastin and
abnormal glycoprotein metabolism has been reported.[4]
Hallerman‑Strieff syndrome (HSS), occulomandibulodyscephaly
was first described completely in 1948 by Hallermann and
then in 1950 by Streiff.[1]
Seven essential signs were described by Francois as
diagnostic criteria for HSS. Our patient had five of the
seven signs of this syndrome and there were no ocular
abnormalities. Physical growth and development was retarded
however, mental development was normal in our patient. In
addition Port wine stain was present in this patient. This has
not been reported earlier to the best of the knowledge of
the authors. The lenses of patients with HSS are described
as white and liquefied and often resorb spontaneously.
Other ophthalmic findings that have been reported include
blue sclera, nystagmus, strabismus, down slanting palpebral
fissures, glaucoma, aniridia, and sclerocornea.
Seven essential signs described by Francois as diagnostic
criteria for HSS: These signs are dyscephalia and bird
face, dental abnormalities, proportionate short stature,
hypotrichosis, atrophy of skin especially on nose, bilateral
microphthalmos, and congenital cataract.[2] Other systemic
abnormalities of potential importance include trachea malacia.
Case Report
A 12‑year‑old girl brought by her mother was seen for
abnormal appearance and skin changes. She was the second
child of consanguineous parents (cousins from second
rank) and was born preterm on 7th month of eventful
normal delivery. Her medical history revealed the presence
of bilateral direct congenital hernia, delayed closure of
fontanelles, delayed milestones and hypothyroidism.
Examination revealed facial characteristics typical of the
“bird face” in HSS [Figure 1]. The nose appeared thin, sharp
and hooked; hypoplastic mandible; high arched palate, mal
implantation of teeth [Figure 2]. Propotionate dwarfism was
present. Dermatological examination revealed sparse scalp
hair, alopecia along lines of suture [Figure 3], atrophy of
skin in central part of face. A large port wine stain of size
10 cm was present on left side of neck [Figure 4]. Her eyes
were normal and there was no tracheomalacia.
Other systemic abnormalities of potential importance
include trachea malacia and upper airway obstruction,
which can lead to chronic respiratory embaressment.[5] An
infant was reported with six of the seven essential signs,
except microphthalmos. Other uncommon ocular features
like districhiasis, ptosis, iris atrophy, peripapillary choroidal
atrophy, cherry red spot at macula, pale discs, and coloboma
at the entrance of optic nerve have also been reported.[6]
Association of HSS with port wine stain is not yet reported
in the literature. Absence of clinodactyly or clitoral
enlargement and photosensitivity or deafness; will possibly
exculde bird‑headed dwarf of Seckel and Cockayne
syndrome, respectively, though these have in common the
Both the parents were counseled. Detailed oral hygiene
instructions and dietary recommendations were given to the
parents. Laser treatment is being planned for the port wine
stain. The child is being followed up by us, the dentist and
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Address for correspondence: Dr. Jayakar Thomas, 135, East Mada Church
Road, Royapuram, Chennai ‑ 600 013, India. E‑mail: jayakarthomas@
DOI: 10.4103/0019-5154.117311
Indian Journal of Dermatology 2013; 58(5)
Thomas, et al.: Hallermann-streiff syndrome
Figure 1: Bird like facies with hypoplasia of mandible. A port wine stain on
the left side of neck is partially seen
Figure 2: Mal implantation of teeth
Figure 3: Alopecia along suture lines
Figure 4: Port wine stain on left side of neck
bird facies. Except microcephaly, the other major or minor
criteria for Cowdens disease were absent in this child.
What is new?
Association with port wine stain is so far not reported in literature.
The dental examination is as important as there is a massive
malformation of cranium and craniofacial region. From the
clinical point of dentistry, it is characterized by hypoplasia
of mandible, restricted movement of jaw, narrow oral
cavity, narrow highly arched palate, shortened root length
of teeth, presence of neonatal teeth (tooth present at birth),
and sometimes hypodontia (missing of some tooth), or
partial anodontia (absence of series of teeth). Enamel
hypoplasia is also common causing carious teeth, and there
is improper alignment of teeth in most of the cases.
Unsatisfactory data for HSS in the literature together
with cooperation problems, respiratory challenges, small
mouth and mobility of the mandibular segments due to
the absence of fusion on the symphysis region affected all
treatment procedures. An interdisciplinary approach, early
preventive‑care programs, detailed oral hygiene instructions
and dietary recommendations, counseling to the parents are
the essential procedures for the patients with HSS.
Indian Journal of Dermatology 2013; 58(5)
Hoefnagel D, Benirschke K. Dyscephalia mandibulooculo‑facialis. Arch Dis Child 1965;40:57‑61.
Francois J. A new syndrome: Dyscephalia with bird face and dental
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and congenital cataract. AMA Arch Ophthalmol 1958;60:842‑62.
Casperson I, Warburg M. Hallerman‑Streiff syndrome. Acta
Ophthalmol (Copenh) 1968;46:385‑90.
Francois J. A new syndrome. Arch Ophthalmol 1958;60:812‑42.
Maus M. Basic Anatomy of the Orbit in Albert and Jakobiec’s
Principles and Practice of Ophthalmology, Saunders Elsevier, St.
Louis, 3rd edition, vol. 3; 2008. p. 4213-5.
Nicholson AD, Menon S. Hallerman‑Streiff syndrome. J Postgrad
Med 1995;41:22‑3.
How to cite this article: Thomas J, Ragavi BS, Raneesha PK, Ahmed NA,
Cynthia S, Manoharan D, et al. Hallermann-Streiff syndrome. Indian J
Dermatol 2013;58:383-4.
Received: March, 2012. Accepted: May, 2012.
Source of support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: Nil.
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