Subido por Fredy Vergara

2006 Occupational and environmental human lead exposure in Brazil

Environmental Research 103 (2007) 288–297
Occupational and environmental human lead exposure in Brazil
M.M.B. Paolielloa,, E.M. De Capitanib
Departamento de Patologia, Análises Clı´nicas e Toxicológicas, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Avenida Robert Koch 60,
86038-440 Londrina, Paraná, Brasil
Centro de Controle de Intoxicac- ões, Hospital Universitário da UNICAMP, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brasil
Received 12 June 2006; accepted 27 June 2006
Available online 17 August 2006
The purpose of this paper is to present a review of data on assessment of exposure and adverse effects due to environmental and
occupational lead exposure in Brazil. Epidemiological investigations on children lead exposure around industrial and mining areas have
shown that lead contamination is an actual source of concern. Lead in gasoline has been phasing out since the 1980s, and it is now
completely discontinued. The last lead mining and lead refining plant was closed in 1995, leaving residual environmental lead
contamination which has recently been investigated using a multidisciplinary approach. Moreover, there are hundreds of small battery
recycling plants and secondary smelting facilities all over the country, which produce focal urban areas of lead contamination. Current
regulatory limits for workplace lead exposure have shown to be inadequate as safety limits according to a few studies carried out lately.
r 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Lead exposure; Blood lead levels; Occupational exposure; Environmental exposure; Brazil
1. Introduction
Brazilian scientific literature on lead adverse effects on
workers and on general population has irregularly been
produced since the end of the 19th century. Notwithstanding, epidemiological data on human lead exposure has been
scanty disallowing a more accurate understanding of its
impact on public health (Franco-Netto et al., 2003). Lead
adverse effects on general population, specially on children,
started to be a public health concern only in the 1980s,
after the studies carried out by a multidisciplinary group of
researchers from the state of Bahia on children living close
to a primary lead refinery (Carvalho et al., 1984, 1985,
1995, 2003; Tavares et al., 1989; Silvany-Neto et al., 1989,
1996). Regarding occupational health, a few isolated and
tentative studies were published in Brazilian literature
much earlier, in the first half of the XX century, dealing
with preventive, laboratory diagnostic methods (Bastos et
al., 1949; Borges, 1950), and clinical aspects of particular
Corresponding author. Fax: +55 43 3371 2323.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M.M.B. Paoliello).
0013-9351/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
worker populations like printers (Barreto, 1948; Oliveira
and Cavalcanti, 1950), and battery manufacturing workers
(Fonseca, 1953; SESI, 1955; Zaia, 1966). Lately, some
efforts were made in the 1960s and 1970s in the states of
São Paulo and Bahia aiming to control workplaces, and
regularly monitoring exposed workers (Salgado, 1976;
Bedrikow, 1977; Spı́nola et al., 1980).
In a previous article published elsewhere we reviewed
basically and extensively the problem of lead contamination to the various ecosystems, discussing data on national
production, imports, exports; data on bioaccumulation
by plants and animals; data on lead concentration in
soil and sediment; sources of human contamination,
including food and beverages, drinking water, and other
possible sources (Paoliello and De Capitani, 2005). In the
present paper we aimed to comprehensively review and
discuss the significant Brazilian available data on human
exposure (for children and adults), including the lead
occupational issue, not adequately discussed so far.
To put some figures into perspective, like blood lead
levels (BLL), studies on reference values for lead in blood
carried out in the general population will also be discussed,
M.M.B. Paoliello, E.M. De Capitani / Environmental Research 103 (2007) 288–297
as well as some aspects of the Brazilian regulatory acts
on lead concentration limits in workplaces and in the
Papers were searched using basically Medline and
scientific literature databases hosted by Virtual Health
Library (BVS-BIREME-PAHO-WHO; which permits access to LILACS, a specific Latin
America database for South American publications in
Portuguese and Spanish. Environmental assessment reports from local Environmental Agencies were also
consulted. All papers containing detailed information on
sampling procedures and methods used were quoted and
Current Brazilian production of metal lead (8832 ton in
the year 2000) represents 0.003% of the global production,
and it has clearly declined over the last years. Actually it
represents only 8.1% of the total amount of lead that is
consumed in the country per year. All mineral production
is exported because local lead refining stopped in 1996.
Nowadays, around 90% of the total national consume of
lead in the country comes from recycling activities.
However, it is estimated that about 2 million used batteries
are annually lost to that recycling effort (Franco-Netto
et al., 2003). The main consumers of lead in the country are
the lead-acid battery producers (80%), representing
88,000 ton (figures from 1999), followed by oxides and
pigments (12%), and the electric and electronic sectors
(soldering and alloys) with 8% (Brasil, 2001).
2. Studies on blood lead reference values
Although this is a matter of considerable concern, Brazil
does not have, as a health public policy, any regular
program for measuring BLL in the general population.
A few particular studies tried to determine BLL as
reference values in some cities. In São Paulo, the biggest
industrialized urban center in the country, the only such
study was done and published in 1981 (Fernı́cola and
Azevedo, 1981). At that time, lead was still added to
gasoline all over the country. BLL were measured by flame
atomic absorption spectrometry (Perkin Elmer 360) in
three different adult population subgroups from a small
rural area, an urban population without any occupational
or industrial environmental contact with lead, and another
subgroup living near a lead recycling plant. Using inclusion
and exclusion criteria in a non-random voluntary
sample, they selected 56 adult from both sexes in the rural
area and found mean BLL of 11.2 mg/dL (SD ¼ 5.6;
range ¼ 3.2–27.2); in a group of 100 adults from the urban
area, a mean of 12.4 mg/dL (SD ¼ 4.8; range ¼ 2.8–25.7);
and in a group of 54 residents of the area around the lead
recycling plant, a mean BLL of 20.5 mg/dL (SD ¼ 5.7;
range ¼ 9.2–33.1) (Fernı́cola and Azevedo, 1981). Men had
significantly higher levels compared to women in the three
subgroups. No other similar studies were carried out in São
Paulo so far.
In another study carried out by Paoliello et al. (2001), in
a non-exposed population in Londrina, state of Paraná, a
non random sample of 538 adults was selected using
inclusion and exclusion criteria. Blood lead median value
obtained was 5.7 mg/dL (range ¼ 1.2–13.7) with no significant difference between sexes. Londrina is a dynamic,
but poorly industrialized city with the economy based
mainly on specialized services. At the time of the study,
lead had already been withdrawn from gasoline for the last
10 years. Table 1 shows the results of these two studies
compared with blood lead reference values from other
Rosalém (2004) studying the possible relationship of
environmental lead exposure and reproductive outcome in
women from São Paulo, did not find any significant
correlation with BLL. No other studied risk factors showed
any positive correlation. The author found mean BLL in
190 pregnant women with healthy babies of 2.39 mg/dL
(SD ¼ 2.53), and 2.71 mg/dL (SD ¼ 5.86) in 190 women
with miscarriage.
3. Studies on ALA-D activity reference values
Delta-aminulevulinic acid dehydratase (ALA-D) is an
enzyme strongly inhibited by lead in human organism. Its
activity levels can be a good index of early lead biochemical
adverse effect, mainly in low levels exposure situations as
seen in general population.
In a study aiming to establish reference values for
delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase activity (ALA-D) in
the general population of southern Minas Gerais, De
Siqueira et al. (2003) studied 113 blood samples from
56 adult males and 57 adult females. The mean value
obtained was 54.5 mM/min/L erythrocytes (SD ¼ 9.8; 95%
CI ¼ 52.7–56.4). According to the authors these results
were higher than any other results published elsewhere.
Age, gender, drinking, or smoking did not significantly
interfere with ALA-D results.
In 1981, Fernı́cola and Azevedo, in the study of
BLL in São Paulo, performed ALA-D activity measurements in the same adult population. They found
mean ALA-D of 47.1 mM/min/L erythrocytes (SD ¼ 9.8;
range ¼ 20.8–67.6) in the rural area; mean of 38.4 mM/
min/L erythrocytes (SD ¼ 7.1; range ¼ 19.1–58.7) in the
urban area; and mean of 30.5 mM/min/L erythrocytes
(SD ¼ 12.1; range ¼ 14.5–60.3) in the residents of the
urban area around the lead recycling plant (Fernı́cola and
Azevedo, 1981).
4. Lead in gasoline
It is known that many factors can influence BLL in adult
population, such as age, sex, ethnic group, food habits,
alcohol consumption, smoking, hobbies, and place of
dwelling. Besides that, sources of lead exposure are always
changing in location and intensity along the time, making
reference values a temporary definition (Gerhardsson et al.,
M.M.B. Paoliello, E.M. De Capitani / Environmental Research 103 (2007) 288–297
Table 1
Reference values for blood lead level (BLL) in adult population of several places in the world compared to municipalities of São Paulo and Londrina,
São Paulo, state of São
Paulo, Brazil
Londrina, state of
Paraná, Brazil
Lombardia region, north of Italy
Luca, Italy
United States
Taiwan, China
2330 (total)
Italy (several places)
Korea (several
District of Florence,
Average BLL(mg/dL)
14.2 (men)
9.3a (women)
5.6b (men)
5.4b (women)
15.30c (men)
10.0c (women)
5.6a (men)
4.6a (women)
6.36b (men)
5.09b (women)
5.67b (women)
9.35c (men)
6.25c (women)
Standard deviation
Fernı́cola and Azevedo (1981)
Morisi et al. (1989)
Paoliello et al. (2001)
Apostoli and Alessio (1990)
Minoia et al. (1990)
Montesanti et al. (1995)
Grandjean (1992) apud
Gerhardsson et al. (1996)
NHANES III (1988–1991)
Liou et al. (1996)
Zhang et al. (1997)
Zhang et al. (1997)
Donni et al. (1998)
Dabbas and Al-Zoubi (2000)
Yang et al. (1996)
Source: Paoliello and De Capitani (2005) (modified).
Aritmetic mean.
Geometric mean.
1996). It is well recognized that BLL have been decreasing
among people living in countries where some measure
aiming to control or ban lead in gasoline has been adopted.
In addition, international publications reveal a tendency
towards reducing lead in the atmosphere in several
countries. Such reductions have been reported in the
United States (Muntner et al., 2005), Canada, Germany,
Norway, United Kingdom (WHO, 1995), Chile (SánchezCortez et al., 2003), Costa Rica (Sánchez-Molina and
Rojas-Carrión, 2003), and Mexico (Flores and Albert,
According to Paoliello and De Capitani (2005) in Brazil,
phasing out of lead in gasoline started as a consequence of
the National Anhydrous Ethanol Program, a strategic
program launched in 1975 in an attempt to diminish oil
imports. Through this program, engine changes were
performed aiming to use anhydrous ethanol as automotive
fuel. As a consequence, a substantial percentage of ethanol
was also added to regular gasoline to boost its octane
rating, replacing tetraethyl lead. Ethanol itself does not
need lead to boost its octane rating.
However, only in 1979 a regulatory disposition (Resolution 14/79), issued by the Petroleum National Council
(CNP), defined that gasoline type-C (the one used for
ordinary terrestrial, and aquatic vehicles) could not have
any tetraethyl lead, being replaced by up to 22% of its
volume by ethanol. The maximum allowed addition of
0.8 ml/L of tetraethyl lead would be to restrict to gasoline
types A and B (high octane rating) for exclusive use of the
Air Forces, and commercially distributed in the states of
Acre, Rondônia, Amapá, and Roraima (Resolution 14/79
and Technical Regulation 04/79 of the Petroleum National
Council—Ministry of Mining and Energy (CNP-MME), 4
September 1979).
In 1982, a new resolution (Resolution 15/82) modified
the former 1979 technical regulation, allowing a maximum
of 0.8 ml/L of tetraethyl lead also in the ordinary gasoline,
retroacting the decision of 1979 (Resolution 15/82
and Technical Regulation 04/79 Rev. I, CNP-MME, 30
November 1982). After those resolutions, there has not
been another specific legislation forbidding tetraethyl lead
use as gasoline additive, but since 1993 its use became
totally unnecessary when it was established the obligation
to add 22% of ethanol (Paoliello and De Capitani, 2005).
5. Body lead burden and adverse effects in adults
5.1. Adult exposure in workplaces
As showed above, occupational lead exposure in Brazil
occurs mainly in lead-acid battery producing and recycling
plants. The lead-acid battery producing sector officially
employs around 8000 workers all over the country,
producing 11,500,000 batteries per year (Brasil, 2002;
M.M.B. Paoliello, E.M. De Capitani / Environmental Research 103 (2007) 288–297
Table 2
Epidemiological studies on lead workers in Brazil
Design and worker population
Mendes (1974)
Cross sectional
Lead miners and lead smelting workers in three plants
Alves and Terra (1983)
Cross sectional
93 tetraethyl lead workers in Rio Grande do Sul
Cross sectional
62 lead workers in three plants
Cross sectional
52 lead smelting workers in Bahia
Mean of BLL
Exposed group 1: 93.6 mg/dL
Control group 1: 52.6 mg/dL
Exposed group 2: 56.2 mg/dL
Control group 2: 48.2 mg/dL
Mean of BLL ¼ 35.2 mg/dL
8.6% with BLL above 60 mg/dL
Mean of BLL: 52, 39, and 69 mg/dL
Monteiro et al. (1985)
Pinto de Almeida et al. (1987)
Alvarez-Leite et al. (1989)
Cross sectional 223 lead workers
Melo Mattos et al. (1994)
Cross sectional
1520 blood samples from lead workers from the
metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais
Cross sectional
166 workers exposed to lead
60 control workers
Dos Santos et al. (1994)
Silva et al. (1995)
Cordeiro et al. (1996a)
Cordeiro et al. (1996b)
Demarchi et al. (1999)
Araújo et al. (1999)
Caldeira et al. (2000)
Silva et al. (2000)
Case study
Cross sectional
20 lead battery workers compared with 20 controls
Cross sectional
20 lead battery workers compared with 20 controls
Cross sectional
116 lead battery workers
Cross sectional
22 lead battery workers
Cross sectional
82 workers exposed to lead, Rio de Janeiro
Cross sectional
Two groups of exposed workers
Silva (2001)
Cross sectional
47 lead battery workers
Menegotto and Paoliello (2001)
Cross sectional
62 lead battery workers
De Capitani et al. (2004)
Clinical trial
19 workers from various kinds of lead industries
Mean of BLL: 64.1 mg/dL
Mean of ZPP: 212.1 mg/dL
Mean of BLL (control group): 25.5 mg/dL
No significant differences in ALA-U results corrected or
not by density
70% of the samples above 40 mg/dL
35% of the samples above 60 mg/dL
Higher diastolic arterial pressure in the exposed group
(Po0:05). Higher median activity of urinary NAG in the
exposed group (Po0:001) with good correlation with BLL
(Po0:001) but not with arterial pressure
Hand muscles paralysis (finger’s common extensor)
Neuropsychological signs of radial
Neuropathy in the exposed group (P ¼ 0:06)
Neurobehavioral alterations in the exposed group
(P ¼ 0:02)
58.6%: BLLo40 mg/dL
23%: BLL between 41 and 60 mg/dL
18.1%: BLL460 mg/dL
55% of workers with BLL above 25 mg/dL
Mean of BLL: 61.5 mg/dL
BLL (mean): 17.3 mg/dL (group 1)
BLL (mean): 61.5 mg/dL (group 2)
Significant correlations: ALA-U and BLL (group 1
r ¼ 0:739; group 2 r ¼ 0:902)
BLL (mean): 44.52 mg/dL
ALA-U (mean): 14.25 mg/g C
Pb-U: 7.33 mg/g C
Significant correlations found: Pb-U and BLL (r ¼ 0:677);
ALA-U and BLL (r ¼ 0:654); ALA-U and Pb-U
(r ¼ 0:852)
BLL (mean): 45.0 mg/dL
Control group—BLL (mean): 7.0 mg/dL. Statistical
differences between BLL levels and hematological
parameters when compared with control group
Mean of BLL: 90.0 mg/dL
BLL: blood lead level.
Pb-U: urine lead level.
ALA-U: delta-aminolevulinic acid in urine.
ZPP: zincoprotoporphyrin.
Franco-Netto et al., 2003). Those figures do not compute
the informal contingent of employees working illegally in
small recycling shops, without any workplace control or
biological monitoring enforcement.
Monitoring of workers BLL commenced in late 1960s
in São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, where a specialized
medical service, linked to the industries owners association,
provided technicians and equipment to the task. Reports
on workers monitoring were published as internal reports
(SESI, 1955) or non-scientific publications (Zaia, 1966). In
spite of that, no parenteral chelating treatment was offered
at that time, and workers were simply kept out of work
M.M.B. Paoliello, E.M. De Capitani / Environmental Research 103 (2007) 288–297
until BLL came down, when they usually returned to the
same work conditions.
Table 2 summarizes the studies on occupational exposure published since the 1970s. None of the studies can
represent the real situation of lead occupational exposure
due to the lack of good sampling design. Most of the
studies have a cross-sectional design investigating different
outcomes of a small part of the exposed population. In
spite of that, they present a kind of an average portrait of
BLL in that industrial sector.
Mendes (1974, 1977) investigated lead miners and lead
smelting workers in the biggest Brazilian company located
in Bahia. Using the dithizone extraction method for
spectrophotometric analysis of lead in blood, he found
very high levels, even in the worker control population
living nearby the primary smelting plant. The mean of BLL
in the smelting plant workers was 93.6 mg/dL (SD ¼ 33.2),
compared to 52.6 mg/dL (SD ¼ 23.0) in metal workers
not involved in the smelting plant at least in the last 2
years. Miners of galena (lead sulfide ore) showed mean
BLL of 56.2 mg/dL (SD ¼ 22.3) compared to 48.2 mg/dL
(SD ¼ 24.2) in a group of agriculture workers of the same
region (Mendes, 1974). These results probably show a
systematic over estimation of BLL intrinsic to the dithizone
In 1976, Salgado published an extensive review paper
discussing analytical methods for lead exposure monitoring
advocating the use of atomic absorption spectrometry as a
key method for lead in blood (Salgado, 1976).
Monteiro et al. (1985), studying superoxide dismutase
(SOD) and glutathione peroxidase levels in lead workers,
found BLL means of 52, 39, and 69 mg/dL in three different
plants. A nice dose–response curve was characterized in
that study between BLL and SOD levels in the group of
workers with BLL equal or above 40 mg/dL.
Studying renal dysfunction in 52 workers of a primary
lead smelting plant in Bahia, Pinto de Almeida et al.
(1987) found mean of BLL of 64.1 mg/dL (SD ¼ 16.3),
and zincoprotoporphyrin (ZPP) mean of 212.1 mg/dL
(SD ¼ 96.9). Zincoprotoporphyrin was measured due
to its high stability as a hematological lead adverse
effect parameter, being a complement to BLL in understanding the real magnitude of lead exposure. The renal
dysfunction diagnosis was based in blood creatinine
(41.5 mg/dL) and uric acid (X8.0 mg/dL) levels, found
in 17 (32.7%) and 11 (21.1%) workers, respectively. It is
interesting to note that the reference group used in that
study, recruited in the same city where the lead smelting
plant was located, presented mean of BLL of 25.5 mg/dL
(SD ¼ 4.4), suggesting the existence of a possible environmental contamination of this group due to the plant air
Melo Mattos et al. (1994) studying 1520 workers from
different plants in the metropolitan region of Belo
Horizonte, state of Minas Gerais, observed that 70% had
BLL above 40 mg/dL, and 38% above 60 mg/dL. Considering 25 mg/dL as a safe level for lead in blood, Araújo et al.
(1999) found 55% of the workers from a battery plant in
Rio de Janeiro with BLL above this limit.
Caldeira et al. (2000) studying the correlation between
urinary ALA and BLL found an average of 61.5 mg/dL
(range ¼ 41.1–91.0 mg/dL) in a battery plant in Rio de
Janeiro. A rather similar result was found by Menegotto
and Paoliello (2001) in another battery plant where the
average BLL was 45 mg/dL.
Workers exposed to tetraethyl lead in an urban gas
station in Rio Grande do Sul showed an average BLL of
35.2 mg/dL with 8.6% above 60 mg/dL (Alves and Terra,
Cordeiro and Lima Filho (1995), expressed concern
about Brazilian biological exposure limits for blood lead
adopted by the Ministry of Labor so far (60 mg/dL)
(Regulatory Act—NR7, 1994), showing through extensive
international literature review that workers apparently
protected under the current regulation would have
moderate to high risk of developing central and peripheral
neuropathy. Following this reasoning, Cordeiro et al.
(1996a, b) evaluated acid-lead battery workers whose
BLL were between 40 and 60 mg/dL for the last 2 years.
Assessing the presence of peripheral neuropathy using
physiologic diagnostic methods, and central neuropathy
through a variation of the WHO Neurobehavioral Core
Test Battery, they found a significant decrease in the nerve
conduction velocity of radial nerves, and neurobehavioral
alterations, compared to a randomized control group
(P ¼ 0:0067 and o0:02, respectively).
More recently, De Capitani et al. (2004) investigating
the therapeutic efficacy of intramuscular versenate for lead
intoxication treatment in adults, studied 19 clinically
intoxicated workers distributed randomly in 40 treatment
cycles. The mean BLL at hospital admittance was 90.2 mg/
dL (SD ¼ 25.5) for patients allocated at the intravascular
drug administration group, and 89.8 mg/dL (SD ¼ 21.8)
for the intramuscular group. All these workers had
moderate to severe symptoms (chronic abdominal pain,
malaise, anemia, muscle pain, memory loss, irritability,
sleep disorders, neurobehavioral disorders), coming
from various kinds of lead industries (acid-lead battery
recycling plants, pigment production, PVC production,
and enamel ceramic manipulation) giving at least
a hint of the occurrence of high levels workplace lead
In Brazil, according to a Regulatory Act (NR7 from the
Ministry of Labor, 1994), the laboratory parameters
indicated for the biological monitoring of inorganic lead
exposure are: lead in blood, d-aminolevulinic acid in urine
(ALAU) or ZPP in blood. Reference values for adults and
maximum permitted biological values are, respectively, up
to 40 mg/dL and 60 mg/dL for lead in blood, up to 4,5 mg/g
of creatinine and 10 mg/g of creatinine for ALAU, and up
to 40 mg/dL and 100 mg/dL for ZPP in blood. For tetraethyl
lead, the biological indicator of exposure must be lead in
urine, being the reference value up to 50 mg/dL of creatinine
and the maximum permitted biological index equal to
M.M.B. Paoliello, E.M. De Capitani / Environmental Research 103 (2007) 288–297
Table 3
Blood lead levels in adult and children populations living in former mining areas, Alto Vale do Ribeira, Brazil
Residential area
Percentile intervala
Mining area close to the lead refinery
Mining area far from the lead refinery
Control group
Mining area close to the lead refinery
Mining area far from the lead refinery
Control group
Source: Paoliello (2002) and Paoliello et al. (2002).
P-value comparing medians by Kruskal–Wallis test.
Table 4
Blood lead levels (BLL) in mothers of Santo Amaro da Purificac- ão, state of Bahia, Brazil, and umbilical cord lead levels (UcLL) of their newborns
Mothers BLL (mg/dL)
Newborns UcLL (mg/dL)
Median (Min–Max)
Median (Min–Max)
Total population (n ¼ 55)
Distance from lead source
o 1650 m (n ¼ 13)
1650–3299 m (n ¼ 33)
3300–5000 m (n ¼ 09)
Source: Zentner and Rondó (2004) (modified).
100 mg/dL, despite the fact we did not use tetraethyl lead
Regarding threshold limit values (TLV) definition the
Regulatory Act—NR15 from the Ministry of Labor
established the limit of 0.1 mg/m3 for a weekly journey of
48 h.
5.2. Adult environmental exposure
In the region of the upper Ribeira de Iguape river valley
(State of São Paulo and at east side of the State of Paraná),
part of the work population and their families still continue
to live in the contaminated area, despite de closure of the
smelting plant and mining activities in 1995. In a study by
Paoliello et al. (2003) evaluating adults living close to that
lead refinery, BLL were found to be 14.55 mg/dL for males
(n ¼ 46) and 6.80 mg/dL for females (n ¼ 55). Logistic
regression models were used to correlate some independent
variables to BLL and to assess the specific effect to each
adjusted variable by the others. The BLL cutoff used was
14 mg/dL because it was the superior limit of the reference
interval obtained in previous studies (Paoliello et al., 2001).
Five of the variables studied were independently associated
with high BLL in adults: residential area (close to the
refinery), gender (male), former dwelling at refinery village,
smoking habits, and consumption of fruits from home
In that same study, the authors compared BLL found in
adults and children living close to the old sites of mining
and refining of lead, with a control group living around
45 km far from lead sources, and found significant
differences between groups, as seen in Table 3 (Paoliello,
2002; Paoliello et al., 2002).
In another study carried out in an area around a lead
recycling plant in municipality of Pindorama, State of São
Paulo, Kuno et al. (1994) observed that BLL varied
according to the distance from the plant. BLL means
varied from 4.85 mg/dL (2 km distant from the source) to
21.22 mg/dL (between 600 and 800 m distant from the
Zentner and Rondó (2004) studied BLL and lead in the
umbilical cord of 55 pairs of mothers and their offspring
living in the municipality of Santo Amaro da Purificac- ão,
state of Bahia, where a primary lead smelting plant has
been in activity for more than 30 years, closing in 1993.
Some of the results of that study can be observed in
Table 4. Mother’s BLL showed to be higher as the distance
from the plant decreased, and were significantly higher
M.M.B. Paoliello, E.M. De Capitani / Environmental Research 103 (2007) 288–297
Table 5
Means of blood lead levels (BLL in mg/dL) in children living around industrial sources in Brazil and others countries
Santo Amaro da
Purificac- ão, State of
Santo Amaro da
Purificac- ão, State of
Santo Amaro da
Purificac- ão, state of
Adrianópolis, State
of Paraná
Bauru, State of São
At the margins of
Cubatão River, State
of São Paulo
Mumbay, India
North of France
Antofagasta, Chile
Proximity to the
Age (yr)
Primary lead
smelting plant
Until 900 m
Carvalho et al. (1985)
Primary lead
smelting plant
Until 900 m
Silvany-Neto et al.
Primary lead
smelting plant
o 1 km
Carvalho et al. 2003
Primary lead
smelting plant
Secondary lead
smelting and battery
recycling plant
500 m–1.5 Km
Paoliello et al. (2002)
Until 1 km
Freitas et al. 2002
Santos Filho et al.
Metal foundry
2 km
Until 14
Mañay et al. (1999)
Industrial area
6 a 10
Metal foundry
Lead storage
Metallurgical plant
400 m
Until 2
4–6 Km
Raghunath et al.
Leroyer et al. (2000)
Sepúlveda et al.
Fischer et al. (2003)
Source: Paoliello and De Capitani (2005).
Geometric mean.
than umbilical cord lead levels (UcLL) of their sons.
A good correlation was established between mothers BLL
and UcLL (r ¼ 0:86; Po0:001). A multiple regression
analysis model showed some variables were correlated with
mothers BLL: weight, hemoglobin levels, and calcium in
diet. For the newborns, BLL were correlated with height
and weight. Despite the closure of the plant, an important
issue to be addressed in the region is the presence of lead
contamination in soil and water, and its effects on the
reproductive health of the population.
6. Body burden of children
6.1. Children environmental exposure
In Brazil there are no data available allowing a definition
of a reference values for blood lead in children. Some
Brazilian studies have evaluated the exposure of children
living near lead smelting plants and mining areas, when
authors compare BLL with limit values established by
Centers of Disease Control (CDC), equal to 10 mg/dL.
In the municipality of Santo Amaro da Purificac- ão,
State of Bahia, between 1960 and 1993, a primary lead
smelting plant affected the community of the areas close to
the plant (Carvalho et al., 1984, 1985, 1995, 2003; SilvanyNeto et al., 1989, 1996; Tavares et al., 1989). The foundry
scrap, containing around 2–3% of lead, was used to pave
the home access ways and backyards. The local executive
city authority used huge amounts of that scrap to pave
many streets and public places of the city. In a study
carried out in 1980, the average BLL (geometric means) of
555 children between 1 and 9 years old, who were living less
than 900 m of the plant, was 59.1725.0 mg/dL. In 1985,
after the adoption of some controlling measures, the
average level observed in a sample of 53 children was of
36.9722.9 mg/dL. In 1998, using a sample of children from
1 to 4 years of age, the average blood lead level was of
17.177.3 mg/dL, with 88% of the results above 10 mg/dL
and 32% above 20 mg/dL (Carvalho et al., 2003). These
results can be observed in Table 5 which presents the few
studies carried out in Brazil on BLL in children living in
polluted areas with some lead source of contamination,
and some studies from others countries.
In the region of the upper Ribeira de Iguape river valley,
Paoliello et al. (2002) assessed the level of lead exposure in
295 children aged 7–14. It presented median results of 11.25
M.M.B. Paoliello, E.M. De Capitani / Environmental Research 103 (2007) 288–297
and 4.40 mg/dL from children very close to the refinery, and
in the mining areas, respectively. Those median values
differed significantly from a non-exposed population
(control group) living 45 km far from the areas, which
was 1.80 mg/dL (Table 3). Fifty-nine percent of the children
had BLLX10 mg/dL and 12.8% X20 mg/dL. Using logistic
regression model analysis and defining 10 mg/dL of
blood lead level as cutoff value, some variables showed
significant association with high BLL: residential area close
to the refinery [OR ¼ 10.38 (95% Confidence Interval
(CI) ¼ 4.86–23.25)]; former father’s occupational lead
exposure [OR ¼ 4.07 (95% CI ¼ 1.82–9.24)], and male
gender [OR ¼ 2.60 (95% CI ¼ 1.24–5.62)]. Those results
demonstrated that a residual contamination still remained
even after the interruption of industrial activities. There are
no data about children BLL in children when the refinery
and the mining were still in activity.
In a cross-sectional design in the municipality of Bauru,
State of São Paulo, 624 children between 0 and 12 years,
living in a range of 1000 m from a secondary smelting
lead recycling plant, and 31 children living 11 km distant
from the source (control group) were studied. Mean
blood lead values in the exposed group were 9.28 mg/dL
(Table 5). Almost 36% presented levels equal to or
above 10 mg/dL. In the logistic regression model analysis,
defining 10 mg/dL as cutoff value, the following variables
showed significant association with high BLL: dwelling in
non-paved street [OR ¼ 7.46 (95% CI ¼ 4.60–12.10)],
distance from the emission source (less than 500 m
from the plant) [OR ¼ 2.42 (95% CI ¼ 1.62–3.63)], occupational lead exposure of a family member [OR ¼ 1.52
(95% CI ¼ 1.13–2.03)] and habit of playing on the
ground [OR ¼ 1.55 (95% CI ¼ 1.03–2.31)] (Freitas et al.,
The municipality of Cubatão, in the state of São Paulo
can be considered one of the biggest siderurgical, chemical
and petrochemical industrial complex of the country,
which has been in operation since the 1950s. Wastes
and sewage from the harbor and urban centers around
added to industrial pollutants, and oil and toxic chemical
spillings from ships, have been performing a most
desolated environmental picture (CETESB, 2001).
The process of degradation of the coastal ecosystems
where Cubatão is located geographically, and the injurious
effects of pollution, started to be reverted only in 1984,
when an intensive program for air, water and soil pollution
control was put into practice. Headed by the Environmental Agency of the state of São Paulo (CETESB), the
‘‘Program for Environmental Quality Recovery of Cubatão’’ was launched, implanting systems for treatment of
industrial effluents, resulting in a marked reduction in
the pollution load. From 1467 ton/yr of heavy metals
discharged by industries in the estuary in 1984, the
program obtained, in 1994, a decrease to 44 tons/yr, a
reduction of 97%.
Even after that intervention, Santos Filho et al. (1993)
found a mean blood lead level of 17.8 7 5.8 mg/dL in 251
children between 1 and 10 years old, living at the margins
of the Cubatão river (Table 5).
Also in Cubatão, Azevedo et al. (1989) studied 199
children between 4 and 5 years, from 10 public schools, and
found BLL varying from 5.02 to 18.51 mg/dL.
In a study of children living in the surroundings of a lead
refinery in the municipality of Belo Horizonte, State of
Minas Gerais, Leite et al. (2002) evaluated levels of urinary
homovanillic acid (HVA-U) and serum prolactin (Pro-S) in
200 exposed children, comparing results with 200 control
children matched by age and sex living in a clean area. The
influence of lead exposure on HVA-U and Pro-S was
assessed by stepwise multiple regression, testing BLL, age,
sex, and area of residence as predictors. Mean BLL
was rather low (3.95 mg/dL) and no significant correlation
was found with Pro-S or HVA-U levels. However, when
the subgroup of 121 children with BLL above 5.0 mg/dL
were considered, a weak positive correlation was found
with HVA-U (r2 ¼ 0:04, P ¼ 0:03). Probably that correlation has low biological impact, but the authors suggest that
the neurotoxic effects of lead may partially be mediated by
the dopaminergic system, supporting the recommended
CDC level of 10 mg/dL as the action level for children.
7. Conclusions
The present review tried to discuss the most important
studies on human lead exposure carried out in Brazil so far.
Epidemiological investigations on children lead exposure
around industrial and mining areas were revised, showing
that many situations of lead contamination still need to be
addressed by governmental agencies. Occupational exposure to lead in Brazil occurs mainly in battery plants
(mainly in recycling plants), but lead in pigments, ceramics
and plastic, and rubber industries are also a concern. Small
recovery battery workshops and medium size secondary
smelting plants are responsible for the majority of
occupational lead intoxication cases in the country. Studies
on correlation of current legal values for BLL established
in the country, and neurological effects point out to the
inadequacy of current regulatory legislation which still
establishes the level of 60 mg/dL as a safe limit for BLL for
lead workers, compared to the 30 mg/dL level defined by
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH).
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