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sensory bags

Sensory Pouches for Dementia Care
These touchy-feely sensory pouches (also known as squish bags and sensory pads) are a wonderful
way to explore the senses. Filled with interesting textures, sensory pouches are stimulating to look
at and touch.
They are also so easy to make! Making sensory pouches is a quick and inexpensive way to make an
engaging and relaxing sensory activity for people living with dementia.
Ziplock bags in whatever size you prefer
Hair gel, sand or shaving cream
Food colouring (optional)
Duct tape of any colour 5cm (2 inches) wide
Anything small and soft (sharp items will perforate the plastic) such as: Buttons, coins, plastic
flowers, shells, river pebbles, glitter, beads, sponges, pearls, flat marbles, leftover game
pieces, rubber ‘sea’ toys.
Take a Ziplock bag and tape three sides with duct tape, trimming the edges as you go
(carefully so as not to cut the plastic!)
Open zip side of bags and pour in gel, sand or shaving cream.
Note: You may add two drops of food colouring to clear gel if desired
Insert decorations as you please
Squeeze as much of the air out as you can when sealing the bag
Zip bag shut and fasten shut with duct tape
Clients living with dementia should be supervised at all times while handling the sensory pouches.
Video Instructions
Sensory Pouches for Dementia Care
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Sensory Pouches for Dementia Care
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