pE INGLES, UryIDADES I-? EJERSTCIOS * 201}5 20{}4 l" ESp CURSO with the correct schoolsubject. 1. Completethe sentences My favouritesubjectis ................. I like computers. I like all sports,especially baseball. good I'm at ......."......... is .....'.......'....... favourite subject good Her Chemislry. is at Susan at Biology In Britain most children learn French at school, but in Spain they learn............ . He'sin theschoolorchestra. 5. Paulis verygoodat .............,... .... My favouriteperiodis 1942'1560. in .............. 6. I'm interested l. 2. 3. 4. 2. Translate the words. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Pelolargo. Bigote. Picl oscura. Pelocorto. Nariz. Barba. Piel clara. 3. Completethe text with the correct alfirmative or negativeform of the verb be. 12 yeatsold, but my friend from London.My bestfrien{ Mike, andI .................. I .................. (not)interested in computers, (no| 12,he's 13yearsold. They útey Paul.................. interesting. like sport.We like school.It ..............,... 4. Write questionswith be. l. you/ English? 2. AntonioBanderas/ from Spain? 3. RivaldoandRonaldo/ famousfor football? 5. Write the sentences with the correct form of havegot. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. my dog/ big nose [/computergame You / not I 100books TheylfiveCDs Ilnotlawebsite. with the correct pronouns. 6. Completefhe sentences l. 2. 3. 4. 5. British. Jamesis fiom London "Whsreare........................ &om?"'I'm fromMadrid. ... hasn'tgot a big nose. My cat is big but ... are 15yearsold. JeanandPierreare from France. like Art andScience. My friendandI arein class7C.......-................. 7. Completethe questionswith the corrcct questionwords. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. ... is your frvourite subjec't? .,. areyour from? ... old areyou' ... is your favouriteteacher? ... is the Geogtap*ry class?Is it at 10o'clock? Re¡d the texts and answerthe questions. LARA CROFTis a famouscomputergarnecharacter.She'sfrom Londonandshe'sabout tall andshe'sgot long,brownhair,da¡k skin and 34 yearsold. She'sI metre75 centimetres brown eyes.She'sgot a big mouthandsmallnose. She'sgot a big collectionof Lara's interestedin cars,classicalmusic,andphotography. photosfrom manydifferentcounfies.She'sgoodat sports(speciallyskiing)andshelikes but she'snot very goodat Frenchor ltalian. Shelikesanimalsandshe'sgot two languages, dogsanda cat.She'salsogot a websiteandthreecompütergames. she's Next weekLafa's got a film shooton Monday,TuesdayandThursday.On Wednesday got a Tv interview-On FridayandSaturdayshe'sgot a karateclass¿t threeo'clock. On Sundayshehasn'tgot classes.She'sgot a greatjobobut she'svery busy! l. Whatnacionalityis laraCroft? 2. Hasshegot fair hair? 3. What coloureyeshasshegot? 4. HasLara got a big collectionof videos? 5. Is sheinterestedin photos? 6. Is shegoodat languages? 7, How manyanimalshasLara got? 8. Whenhasshegot a film shoot? 9. Hasshegot a karateclasson Friday? 10. Is shebusyonSundaf 9. Write a personaldescriptionof your best friend, your brother or your slster.Include and diary for next week. his or her interests,possessions 10. Listen and match the nameswith the people. LY @ Heather Éa Gina A H g Chris Mikc Joe Paula