Shakespeare in love

Shakespeare in love
1. When was he born?
2. Where was he born?
3. Who was Shakespeare's wife?
4. How many children did they have?
5. When did he die?
7. Who died the same day Shakespeare did?
8. Name two theatres in London in 16th century.
9. Name three of Shakespeare's comedies.
10.Name three of Shakespeare's tragedies.
11.What’s Shakespeare’s first name?
12.What’s the name of the woman he falls in love with?
13.What’s the name she gives when she acts in the theatre?
14.Why couldn’t women act in the theatre in the 16th century?
15. The name of Shakespeare’s literary rival was………………
16. Name some plays by Shakespare’s rival?
17. What’s the name of the boy who plays with rats?
18. What will this boy’s job be in the future?
18. Lord___________ wants to marry ____________ but she doesn’t want to.
19. What’s the name of the play they perform?
20. What’s the name of the Queen?
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