Temario B2 - Centro Universitario Montejo

Sección Preparatoria
Ciclo Escolar 2014-2015
First Semester
Unit 1. Study plans
1.- Studying at university
SB p. 6, 16 and 17
WB p. 2
2.- Life at university
SB p. 6, 16 and 17
WB p. 2
3.- Present simple, past simple, present continuous, past continuous.
SB p. 8, 16 and 17
WB p. 4
4.- Present perfect simple & present perfect continuous
SB p. 8,9, 16 and 17
WB p. 4
5.- Do & Make
SB p. 9, 16 and 17
WB p. 5
5.- Gerunds and infinitives 1
SB p. 12, 13, 16 and 17
WB p.7
6.- Reading activities.
Unit 2 . Work experience
1.- Work conditions & Responsabilities
SB p. 18, 28 and 29
WB p. 10
2.- Working hours & Stages of a job
SB p. 18, 28 and 29
WB p. 10
3.- Past Perfect Simple& Past Perfect Continuous
SB p. 20, 28 and 29
WB p. 12
4.- Past Habits
SB p. 20,21, 28 and 29
WB p. 12
5.- Gerunds and Infinitives 2
SB p. 24, 25, 28 and 29
WB p.15,18
6.- Present habits
SB p. 25, 28 and 29
WB p.15
7.- Reading activities
Sección Preparatoria
Ciclo Escolar 2014-2015
Unit 3. Space and time
1.- Space and space travel/ Travel, trip, journey, voyage
SB p. 32, 42 and 43
WB p. 20
2.- Future forms
SB p. 34, 42 and 43
WB p.22
3.- Prefixes
SB p. 35, 42 and 43
WB p.22
4.- Future continuous,future perfect simple, future perfect continuos
SB p.38, 39, 42 and 43
WB p.25
5.- Reading activities
Unit 4. Extraordinay Behavior
1.- Personality
SB p. 44, 54 and 55
WB p. 28
2.- Comparative and superlative adjectives & adverbs/ other ways of making comparisons.
SB p. 46, 47, 54 and 55
WB p.30
3.- Noun suffixes
SB p. 47, 54 and 55
WB p.31
4.- Articles
SB p.50, 51, 54 and 55
WB p.33, 36
5.- Reading activities
Unit 5. Money Talks
1.- Buying and selling
SB p. 58, 68 and 69
WB p.38
2.-Money and banking
SB p. 58, 68 and 69
WB p. 38
3.- Modal verbs of obligation, prohibition and advice present & past
SB p. 60, 61, 68 and 69
WB p.40
4.- Modal verbs of especulation and deduction
SB p. 64, 65, 68 and 69
WB p.43
5.- Reading activities
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