Lista de medicamentos cubiertos (formulario) LEER: ESTE DOCUMENTO CONTIENE INFORMACIÓN SOBRE LOS MEDICAMENTOS CUBIERTOS POR ESTE PLAN. TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP Servicios para miembros: 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711) Abrimos de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. H8786_16_24854_T_008_SP CMS Approved 08/25/2015 Identificación del formulario: 16232 Versión: 14 Issued 09/01/2016 H8786_16_24854_T_008_SP CMS Approved 08/25/2015 Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP (Medicare-Medicaid Plan) | Lista de medicinas cubiertas del 2016 (Formulario) Esta es una lista de las medicinas que los miembros pueden recibir en Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP. Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP es un plan de salud que posee contratos con Medicare y Texas Medicaid para proporcionar los beneficios de ambos programas a los afiliados. La Lista de medicinas cubiertas o las redes de farmacias y prestadores pueden cambiar durante el año. Le enviaremos una notificación antes de hacer algún cambio que afecte su caso. Los beneficios o copagos pueden cambiar el 1 de enero de cada año. Siempre podrá revisar la Lista de medicinas cubiertas actualizada de Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP en Internet en Pueden aplicarse limitaciones, copagos y restricciones. Para obtener más información, llame a Member Services o lea el Manual para miembros de Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP. Los copagos por medicinas recetadas pueden variar según el nivel de Ayuda adicional que reciba. Contacte al plan para obtener más detalles. Puede obtener esta información de forma gratuita en otros formatos, como letra grande, Braille o audio. Llame al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711) de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. You can get this information for free in other languages. Call 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711) Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. local time. The call is free. Usted puede obtener esta información gratuitamente en otros idiomas. Llame al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711) de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratuita. ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 1 H8786_16_24854_T_008_SP CMS Approved 08/25/2015 Preguntas frecuentes Encuentre aquí las respuestas a las preguntas que tiene acerca de esta Lista de medicinas cubiertas. Puede leer todas las preguntas frecuentes para obtener más información, o bien buscar una pregunta y una respuesta. 1. ¿Cuáles medicinas con receta se encuentran en la Lista de medicinas cubiertas? (Abreviamos la Lista de medicinas cubiertas como la “Lista de medicinas”.) Las medicinas de la Lista de medicinas cubiertas que comienzan en la página 10 son aquellas que cubre Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP. Estas medicinas se encuentran disponibles en farmacias dentro de nuestra red. Una farmacia está en nuestra red si tenemos un contrato con ella para que trabaje con nosotros y le proporcione servicios. Nos referimos a estas farmacias como “farmacias de la red”. Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP cubrirá todas las medicinas médicamente necesarias en la Lista de medicinas si: su médico u otra persona que receta la medicina dice que la necesita para mejorar o mantenerse sano y usted presenta la receta en la farmacia de la red de Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP. Es posible que Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP cuente con pasos adicionales para tener acceso a ciertas medicinas (consulte la pregunta N.° 5 más abajo). También puede ver una lista de medicinas actualizadas que cubrimos en nuestro sitio web en o llamando a Member Services al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711). 2. ¿La Lista de medicinas va cambiando? Sí. Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP puede agregar o eliminar durante el año algunas medicinas de la Lista de medicinas. En general, la Lista de medicinas solo cambiará si: aparece una medicina más barata que funciona de la misma forma que una de la Lista de medicinas ahora, o nos enteramos de que una medicina no es segura. También podemos cambiar nuestras normas en relación con las medicinas. Por ejemplo, podríamos: Decidir exigir o no exigir una aprobación previa para una medicina. (Aprobación previa es un permiso de Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP antes de poder conseguir una medicina.) ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 2 Agregar o cambiar la cantidad de una medicina que puede obtener (se conoce como “límites de cantidad”). Agregar o cambiar las restricciones de una terapia escalonada para una medicina. (Terapia escalonada significa que debe probar una medicina antes de que cubramos otra medicina.) (Para obtener más información acerca de estas normas, consulte las páginas 3 y 4.) Le informaremos cuando una medicina de la Parte D de Medicare que esté tomando se elimine de la Lista de medicinas. También le informaremos cuando cambiemos las normas con respecto a la cobertura de una medicina de la Parte D de Medicare. En las preguntas 3, 4 y 7 a continuación se encuentra más información acerca de lo que ocurre cuando cambia la Lista de medicinas. Siempre podrá revisar la Lista de medicinas actualizada de Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP en Internet en También puede llamar a Member Services al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711) para revisar la Lista de medicinas actual. 3. ¿Qué ocurre cuando aparece una nueva medicina más barata que funciona de la misma forma que una de la Lista de medicinas ahora? Si está tomando una medicina de la Parte D de Medicare que se eliminó debido a que aparece una medicina más barata que funciona igual de bien, se lo informaremos. Se lo haremos saber con al menos 60 días de anticipación antes de que la eliminemos de la Lista de medicinas o o cuando solicite su siguiente resurtido. Entonces, podrá obtener un suministro por 60 días de la medicina antes de que se realice el cambio a dicha Lista. Recibirá una carta por correo donde se le informará sobre el cambio. 4. ¿Qué ocurre cuando descubrimos que una medicina no es segura? Si la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos (FDA, Food and Drug Administration) indica que una medicina que está tomando no es segura, nosotros la sacaremos de inmediato de Lista de medicinas. También le enviaremos una carta para informarle sobre ello. Póngase en contacto con el médico que receta la medicina tan pronto como reciba la carta. 5. ¿Existen restricciones o límites para la cobertura de medicinas? O, ¿se deben tomar medidas para recibir ciertas medicinas? Sí, algunas medicinas tienen normas de cobertura o tienen límites acerca de la cantidad que puede recibir. En algunos casos, debe hacer algo antes de poder recibir la medicina. Por ejemplo: Aprobación previa (o autorización previa): en el caso de algunas medicinas, usted, su médico u otra persona que haga la receta deben obtener la aprobación de Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP antes de surtir su receta. Si no tiene la aprobación puede que Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP no cubra la medicina. ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 3 Límites de cantidades: a veces, Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP limita la cantidad de medicina que puede recibir. Terapia escalonada: en ocasiones, Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP exige que usted realice una terapia escalonada. Esto significa que tendrá que probar medicinas en cierto orden por su condición médica. Es posible que tenga que probar una medicina antes de que cubramos otra. Si su médico cree que la primera medicina no funciona para usted, entonces cubriremos la segunda. Puede averiguar si su medicina tiene exigencias o límites adicionales revisando las tablas en las páginas 10-131. También puede recibir más información visitando nuestro sitio web Hemos publicado documentos en Internet que explican nuestras estricciones de autorización previa y las restricciones de terapia escalonada. También puede pedirnos que le enviemos una copia. Puede solicitar una “excepción” a estos límites. Consulte la pregunta 11 para obtener más información acerca de las excepciones. Si usted se encuentra en un centro de enfermería u otra instalación de atención de largo plazo y necesita una medicina que no se encuentra en la Lista de medicinas, o si no puede recibir fácilmente la medicina que necesita, podemos ayudarlo. Cubriremos un suministro de emergencia de 31 días de la medicina que necesite (a menos que tenga una receta por menos días), independientemente de si es o no un miembro nuevo de Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP. Esto le dará tiempo para que hable con su médico u otra persona que realice la receta. Este profesional puede ayudarle a decidir si hay una medicina similar en la Lista de medicinas que pueda tomar en su lugar o si hay una excepción. Consulte la pregunta 11 para obtener más información acerca de las excepciones. 6. ¿De qué manera sabrá si la medicina que desea tomar tiene limitaciones o si hay medidas que se deban tomar para recibir la medicina? La Lista de medicinas cubiertas en la página 10 tiene una columna etiquetada “Medidas, restricciones o límites necesarios en uso”. 7. ¿Qué ocurre si cambiamos nuestras normas sobre cómo cubrimos algunas medicinas? Por ejemplo, si agregamos autorización (aprobación) previa, límites de cantidad o restricciones de terapia escalonada para una medicina. Le informaremos si agregamos aprobación previa, límites de cantidad o restricciones de terapia escalonada para una medicina. Se lo haremos saber con al menos 60 días de anticipación antes de que se agreguen restricciones o cuando solicite su siguiente resurtido. Entonces, podrá obtener un suministro por 60 días de la medicina antes de que se realice el cambio a dicha Lista. Esto le entrega tiempo para que hable con su médico u otra persona que realice la receta sobre qué tiene que hacer después. ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 4 8. ¿Cómo puede encontrar una medicina en la Lista de medicinas? Existen dos formas para encontrar una medicina: Puede buscar en orden alfabético (si sabe cómo se escribe la medicina) o Puede buscar por condición médica. Para buscar en orden alfabético, vaya a la sección Listado alfabético. Puede buscarla en la página 132 y luego buscar el nombre de la medicina en la lista. Para buscar por condición médica, busque la sección llamada “Lista de medicamentos por condición médica” en la página 10. Las medicinas en esta sección están agrupadas en categorías basadas en el tipo de afección médica para los que se utilizan. Por ejemplo, si tiene una condición cardíaca, debe ver en la categoría Cardiovascular/Hipertensión/Lípidos. Ahí es donde encontrará medicinas para el tratamiento de condiciones cardíacas. 9. ¿Qué ocurre si la medicina que desea tomar no se encuentra en la Lista de medicinas? Si no ve su medicina en la Lista de medicinas, llame a Member Services al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711) y haga su consulta sobre él. Si se enteró de que Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP no cubrirá la medicina, puede realizar una de estas opciones: Solicitar a Member Services una lista de medicinas como la que usted desea tomar. Luego debe mostrar dicha lista a su médico u otra persona que realice la receta. Este profesional puede recetar una medicina de la Lista de medicinas que sea similar al que desea tomar. O Puede solicitar al plan de salud que haga una excepción con respecto a la cobertura de su medicina. Consulte la pregunta 11 para obtener más información acerca de las excepciones. 10. ¿Qué ocurre si usted es un miembro nuevo de Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP y no puede encontrar su medicina en la Lista de medicinas o tiene un problema para obtener su medicina? Podemos ayudarlo. Debemos cubrir hasta 31 días de suministro temporal de su medicina, según sea necesario, durante los primeros 90 días como miembro de Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP. Esto le dará tiempo para que hable con su médico u otra persona que realice la receta. Este profesional puede ayudarle a decidir si hay una medicina similar en la Lista de medicinas que pueda tomar en su lugar o si hay una excepción. Cubriremos hasta 31 días de suministro temporal de su medicina si: está tomando una medicina que no se encuentra en nuestra Lista de medicinas o las normas del plan de salud no le permiten obtener la cantidad que solicita su prestador o la medicina requiere una aprobación previa por parte de Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP, o ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 5 está tomando una medicina que forma parte de una restricción de terapia escalonada. Si se encuentra viviendo en centro de enfermería u otra instalación de atención de largo plazo, puede resurtir su receta durante hasta 98 días. Puede resurtir la medicinas varias veces durante sus primeros 90 días en el plan. Esto da tiempo a quien le receta la medicina para que cambie sus medicinas a aquellas que se encuentran en la Lista de medicinas o para que pida una excepción. Cubriremos un suministro temporal de 31 días de su medicina para cubrir los cambios de nivel de atención. 11. ¿Puede pedir una excepción para la cobertura de su medicina? Sí. Puede pedir a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP que haga una excepción para que cubra una medicina que no se encuentra en la Lista de medicinas. También puede solicitarnos que cambiemos las normas para su medicina. Por ejemplo, Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP puede limitar la cantidad de medicina que cubriremos. Si su medicina tiene un límite, puede pedirnos a nosotros cambiemos el límite y que cubra mayor cantidad. Otros ejemplos: Puede pedirnos a nosotros que omitamos las restricciones de terapia escalonada o las exigencias de aprobación previa. 12. ¿Cuánto tiempo se requiere para recibir una excepción? En primer lugar, debemos recibir una declaración de quien le recepta la medicina donde respalde su solicitud de excepción. Después de que recibamos la declaración, le entregaremos una decisión sobre su solicitud de excepción en 72 horas. Si usted o quien le recetó la medicina creen que su salud podría verse dañada si tiene que esperar 72 horas por una decisión, puede solicitar una excepción urgente. Esta es una decisión más rápida. Si quien le recetó la medicina respalda su solicitud, le entregaremos una decisión 24 horas dentro de las 24 horas en que se reciba la declaración de respaldo de quien recetó la medicina. 13. ¿Cómo puede solicitar una excepción? Para solicitar una excepción, llame a su coordinador de servicio. Su coordinador de servicio trabajará con usted y su prestador para ayudarle a solicitar una excepción. 14. ¿Qué son las medicinas genéricas? Medicinas genéricas son aquellas que están fabricadas con los mismos ingredientes activos de las medicinas con nombre de marca. Generalmente, cuestan menos que la medicina con nombre ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 6 de marca y no tienen nombres bien conocidos. Las medicinas genéricas cuentan con aprobación de la FDA. Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP cubre medicinas con nombre de marca y medicinas genéricas. 15. ¿Qué son las medicinas de venta sin receta? OTC es el acrónimo en inglés para “over-the-counter” (de venta sin receta). Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP cubre algunas medicinas vendidas en el mostrador cuando están escritas como recetas por su prestador. Puede leer la Lista de medicinas de Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP para ver las medicinas de venta sin receta que están cubiertas. 16. ¿Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP cubre productos que no sean medicinas de venta sin receta? Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP cubre algunos productos que no son medicinas de venta sin receta cuando están escritas como recetas por su prestador. Puede leer la Lista de medicinas de Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP para ver qué productos que no son medicinas de venta sin receta están cubiertos. 17. ¿Qué es su copago? Puede leer la Lista de medicinas de Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP para obtener información sobre el copago para cada medicina. Los miembros de Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP que viven en centros de enfermería u otras instalaciones de atención de largo plazo no tendrán copagos. Algunos miembros que reciben atención de largo plazo en la comunidad tampoco tendrán copagos. Los copagos se indican por niveles. Los niveles son grupos de medicinas con el mismo copago. Las medicinas de Nivel 1 son medicinas (genéricas y de marca preferidas) de la Parte D de Medicare. El copago será de $0. Las medicinas de Nivel 2 son medicinas (genéricas y de marca preferidas y no preferidas) de la Parte D de Medicare. El copago será desde $0 a $7.40, dependiendo de su nivel de elegibilidad de Texas Medicaid. Las medicinas de Nivel 3 son medicinas recetadas de marca y genérica aprobadas de Texas Medicaid (estatal). El copago será de $0. Las medicinas de Nivel 4 son medicinas de venta sin receta aprobadas de Texas Medicaid (estatal). Las medicinas de venta sin receta cubiertas requieren una recepta de su prestador. El copago será de $0. ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 7 Lista de medicinas por condición médica La siguiente Lista de medicinas cubiertas que comienza en la siguiente página le entrega información sobre las medicinas que cubre Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP. Si tiene problemas para encontrar su medicina en la lista, use el índice que comienza en la página 132. La primera columna de la tabla indica el nombre de la medicina. Las medicinas con nombre de marca están en mayúsculas (por ejemplo, ABELCET) y las medicinas genéricas se indican en minúscula y cursiva (por ejemplo, fluconazole). La información en la columna de medidas, restricciones o límites necesarios en uso le indican si Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP tiene normas para la cobertura de su medicina. Estos son los significados de los códigos que se utilizan en la columna “Medidas, restricciones o límites necesarios en uso”: B/D: esta medicina recetada puede tener cobertura conforme a la Parte B o D de Medicare dependiendo de las circunstancias. Es necesario que se deba enviar información donde se describa el uso y marco de la medicina para tomar la determinación. HI: infusión casera. Esta medicina recetada puede cubrirse conforme a nuestro beneficio médico. Para mayor información, llame a Servicios para miembros. LA: disponibilidad limitada. Esta receta puede estar disponible solo en ciertas farmacias. Para mayor información, llame a Servicios para miembros. MO: medicina de pedido por correo. Esta medicina recetada se encuentra disponible a través de nuestro servicio de pedido por correo, así como mediante nuestras farmacias de la red minorista. Considere el uso de pedido por correo para medicinas de largo plazo (mantenimiento) (como medicinas para hipertensión). Las farmacias de la red minorista pueden ser más apropiadas para recetas de corto plazo (como antibióticos). PAR: autorización previa requerida. El plan exige que usted o su médico obtengan una autorización previa para ciertas medicinas. Esto significa que necesitará obtener una aprobación antes de surtir sus recetas. Si no obtiene la aprobación, no podemos cubrir la medicina. QLL: límite de cantidad. Para ciertas medicinas, el plan limita la cantidad de medicina que cubriremos. ST: Tratamiento escalonado. En algunos casos, el plan exige que primero pruebe ciertas medicinas para tratar su condición médica antes de que cubramos otra medicina para esa condición. Por ejemplo, si tanto la medicina A como la medicina B tratan su condición médica, no podemos cubrir la medicina B a menos que primero pruebe la medicina A. Si la medicina A no funciona para usted, entonces cubriremos la medicina B. Nota: el asterisco (*) junto a la medicina indica que la medicina no es una “medicina de la Parte D.” El monto que paga cuando surte una receta para su medicina no cuenta para los costos totales de su medicina (es decir, el monto que paga no ayuda a calificar para cobertura catastrófica). Además, si recibe ayuda adicional para pagar sys recetas, no obtendrá ninguna ayuda adicional ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 8 para pagar estas medicinas. Estas medicinas también tienen diferentes normas para apelaciones. Una apelación es una manera formal para pedirnos que revisemos una decisión de cobertura y cambiarla si cree que cometimos un error. Por ejemplo, podemos decidir que una medicina que desea no esté cubierta o que deje de estar cubierta por Medicare o Texas Medicaid. Si usted o su médico no están de acuerdo con nuestra decisión, pueden apelar. Para solicitar instrucciones sobre cómo apelar, llame a Member Services al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711). También puede leer el Manual para miembros para saber cómo apelar a una decisión. ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 9 Lista de medicamentos por condición médica Los medicamentos en esta sección están agrupados en categorías, dependiendo del tipo de condiciones médicas para los que se utilizan. Por ejemplo, si tiene una condición cardiaca, debe buscar en la categoría Cardiovascular/hipertensión/lípidos. Es donde encontrará medicamentos para tratar condiciones cardiacas. Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso ANTI - INFECTIVES ANTIFUNGAL AGENTS ABELCET $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO AMBISOME $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO amphotericin b $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO CANCIDAS $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO clotrimazole mucous membrane $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ERAXIS(WATER DILUENT) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO fluconazole $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO fluconazole in dextrose(iso-o) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) FLUCONAZOLE IN NACL (ISO-OSM) INTRAVENOUS PIGGYBACK 100 MG/50 ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) fluconazole in nacl (iso-osm) intravenous piggyback 200 mg/100 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) fluconazole in nacl (iso-osm) intravenous piggyback 400 mg/200 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) flucytosine $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO griseofulvin microsize oral suspension $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO griseofulvin ultramicrosize $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO itraconazole $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO ketoconazole oral $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO NOXAFIL ORAL SUSPENSION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (630 per 30 days) nystatin oral suspension $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO nystatin oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO terbinafine hcl oral $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) MO B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 10 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso voriconazole intravenous $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO voriconazole oral suspension for reconstitution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (300 per 30 days) voriconazole oral tablet 200 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) voriconazole oral tablet 50 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) abacavir $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) abacavir-lamivudine-zidovudine $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) acyclovir oral capsule $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO acyclovir oral suspension 200 mg/5 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO acyclovir oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO acyclovir sodium intravenous solution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO adefovir $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO amantadine hcl oral capsule $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO amantadine hcl oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO APTIVUS ORAL CAPSULE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) APTIVUS ORAL SOLUTION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) QLL (380 per 30 days) ATRIPLA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) BARACLUDE ORAL SOLUTION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO cidofovir $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO COMPLERA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) CRIXIVAN ORAL CAPSULE 200 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (360 per 30 days) CRIXIVAN ORAL CAPSULE 400 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) DAKLINZA ORAL TABLET 30 MG, 60 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) DAKLINZA ORAL TABLET 90 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; QLL (30 per 30 days) DESCOVY $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) QLL (30 per 30 days) didanosine oral capsule,delayed release(dr/ec) 125 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) didanosine oral capsule,delayed release(dr/ec) 200 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) ANTIVIRALS ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 11 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso didanosine oral capsule,delayed release(dr/ec) 250 mg, 400 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) EDURANT $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) EMTRIVA ORAL CAPSULE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) EMTRIVA ORAL SOLUTION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (850 per 30 days) entecavir $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO EPIVIR HBV ORAL SOLUTION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO EPIVIR ORAL SOLUTION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (900 per 30 days) EPZICOM $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) EVOTAZ $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) famciclovir oral tablet 125 mg, 250 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) famciclovir oral tablet 500 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (21 per 7 days) foscarnet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR FUZEON SUBCUTANEOUS RECON SOLN $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) ganciclovir sodium $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO GENVOYA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) HARVONI $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (28 per 28 days) INTELENCE ORAL TABLET 100 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) INTELENCE ORAL TABLET 200 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) INTELENCE ORAL TABLET 25 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (480 per 30 days) INVIRASE ORAL CAPSULE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (300 per 30 days) INVIRASE ORAL TABLET $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) ISENTRESS ORAL POWDER IN PACKET $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ISENTRESS ORAL TABLET $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) ISENTRESS ORAL TABLET,CHEWABLE 100 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) ISENTRESS ORAL TABLET,CHEWABLE 25 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (720 per 30 days) KALETRA ORAL SOLUTION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (480 per 30 days) KALETRA ORAL TABLET 100-25 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (300 per 30 days) B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 12 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso KALETRA ORAL TABLET 200-50 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) lamivudine oral solution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (900 per 30 days) lamivudine oral tablet 100 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO lamivudine oral tablet 150 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) lamivudine oral tablet 300 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) lamivudine-zidovudine $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) LEXIVA ORAL SUSPENSION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (1800 per 30 days) LEXIVA ORAL TABLET $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) nevirapine oral suspension $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (1200 per 30 days) nevirapine oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) nevirapine oral tablet extended release 24 hr 100 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO nevirapine oral tablet extended release 24 hr 400 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) NORVIR ORAL CAPSULE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (360 per 30 days) NORVIR ORAL SOLUTION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (480 per 30 days) NORVIR ORAL TABLET $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (360 per 30 days) ODEFSEY $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) QLL (30 per 30 days) OLYSIO $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO PREZCOBIX $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) PREZISTA ORAL SUSPENSION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (400 per 30 days) PREZISTA ORAL TABLET 150 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) PREZISTA ORAL TABLET 600 MG, 800 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) PREZISTA ORAL TABLET 75 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (300 per 30 days) RELENZA DISKHALER $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 180 days) RESCRIPTOR ORAL TABLET $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) RESCRIPTOR ORAL TABLET, DISPERSIBLE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (360 per 30 days) RETROVIR INTRAVENOUS $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO REYATAZ ORAL CAPSULE 150 MG, 200 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) REYATAZ ORAL CAPSULE 300 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 13 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso REYATAZ ORAL POWDER IN PACKET $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) ribasphere oral capsule $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO ribasphere oral tablet 200 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO ribavirin oral capsule $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO ribavirin oral tablet 200 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO rimantadine $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO SELZENTRY $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) SOVALDI $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO stavudine oral capsule 15 mg, 20 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) stavudine oral capsule 30 mg, 40 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) stavudine oral recon soln $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (2400 per 30 days) STRIBILD $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) SUSTIVA ORAL CAPSULE 200 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) SUSTIVA ORAL CAPSULE 50 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (360 per 30 days) SUSTIVA ORAL TABLET $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) SYNAGIS $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; LA TAMIFLU $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO TECHNIVIE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (56 per 28 days) TIVICAY ORAL TABLET 10 MG, 25 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) QLL (60 per 30 days) TIVICAY ORAL TABLET 50 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) TRIUMEQ $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) TRUVADA ORAL TABLET 100-150 MG, 133200 MG, 167-250 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) QLL (30 per 30 days) TRUVADA ORAL TABLET 200-300 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) TYBOST $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) TYZEKA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO valacyclovir $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 2 days) valganciclovir $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO VIDEX 2 GRAM PEDIATRIC $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (1200 per 30 days) VIDEX 4 GRAM PEDIATRIC $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (1200 per 30 days) B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 14 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso VIEKIRA PAK $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO VIRACEPT ORAL TABLET 250 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (300 per 30 days) VIRACEPT ORAL TABLET 625 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) VIRAMUNE XR ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HR 100 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO VIRAZOLE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO VIREAD ORAL POWDER $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) VIREAD ORAL TABLET $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) VITEKTA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) ZEPATIER $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) ZIAGEN ORAL SOLUTION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (960 per 30 days) zidovudine oral capsule $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) zidovudine oral syrup $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (1920 per 30 days) zidovudine oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) cefaclor oral capsule $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO cefaclor oral suspension for reconstitution 125 mg/ 5 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) cefaclor oral suspension for reconstitution 250 mg/ 5 ml, 375 mg/5 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO cefaclor oral tablet extended release 12 hr $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO cefadroxil oral capsule $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO cefadroxil oral suspension for reconstitution 250 mg/5 ml, 500 mg/5 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO cefadroxil oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO cefazolin in dextrose (iso-os) intravenous piggyback 1 gram/50 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO CEFAZOLIN IN DEXTROSE (ISO-OS) INTRAVENOUS PIGGYBACK 2 GRAM/50 ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO cefazolin injection recon soln 1 gram, 500 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO cefazolin injection recon soln 10 gram, 20 gram $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) CEPHALOSPORINS ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 15 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso CEFAZOLIN INJECTION RECON SOLN 100 GRAM, 300 G $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) cefazolin intravenous $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) cefdinir $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO cefepime $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO cefoxitin in dextrose, iso-osm $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) cefoxitin intravenous recon soln 1 gram $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) cefoxitin intravenous recon soln 10 gram, 2 gram $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) cefpodoxime $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO cefprozil $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ceftazidime injection recon soln 1 gram, 2 gram $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ceftazidime injection recon soln 6 gram $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ceftriaxone in dextrose,iso-os $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ceftriaxone injection recon soln 1 gram, 2 gram, 250 mg, 500 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ceftriaxone injection recon soln 10 gram $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) CEFTRIAXONE INJECTION RECON SOLN 100 GRAM $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ceftriaxone intravenous $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO cefuroxime axetil oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO cefuroxime sodium intraveneous vial injection recon soln 1.5 gram, 750 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO cefuroxime sodium intraveneous vial intravenous recon soln 7.5 gram $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) cephalexin oral capsule 250 mg, 500 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO cephalexin oral suspension for reconstitution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO cephalexin oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO TEFLARO $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO MO ERYTHROMYCINS / OTHER MACROLIDES azithromycin intravenous recon soln 500 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 16 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso azithromycin intravenous recon soln 500 mg (2 mg/ ml) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) azithromycin oral $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO clarithromycin oral suspension for reconstitution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO clarithromycin oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO clarithromycin oral tablet extended release 24 hr $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (28 per 2 days) e.e.s. 400 oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ery-tab $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO erythrocin (as stearate) oral tablet 250 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ERYTHROCIN INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 500 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) erythromycin ethylsuccinate oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO erythromycin oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ALBENZA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ALINIA ORAL SUSPENSION FOR RECONSTITUTION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (180 per 3 days) ALINIA ORAL TABLET $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO AMIKACIN INJECTION SOLUTION 1,000 MG/ 4 ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO amikacin injection solution 500 mg/2 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO atovaquone $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO atovaquone-proguanil $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO AZACTAM IN DEXTROSE (ISO-OSM) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) aztreonam $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) baciim $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) BILTRICIDE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) CAPASTAT $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) CAYSTON $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) chloramphenicol sod succinate $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MISCELLANEOUS ANTIINFECTIVES ? MO MO PAR; MO; LA Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 17 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso chloroquine phosphate oral $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO clindamycin hcl $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO clindamycin phosphate injection $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO CLINDAMYCIN PHOSPHATE INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 300 MG/2 ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) clindamycin phosphate intravenous solution 600 mg/4 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) clindamycin phosphate intravenous solution 900 mg/6 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) colistin (colistimethate na) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO DAPSONE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO DARAPRIM $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ethambutol $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO gentamicin injection $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO GENTAMICIN SULFATE (PED) (PF) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO GENTAMICIN SULFATE (PF) INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 100 MG/10 ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO GENTAMICIN SULFATE (PF) INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 60 MG/6 ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) gentamicin sulfate (pf) intravenous solution 80 mg/ 8 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) hydroxychloroquine oral $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO imipenem-cilastatin $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO INVANZ INJECTION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO isoniazid oral $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ivermectin oral $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO linezolid intravenous $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) linezolid oral suspension for reconstitution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (1800 per 2 days) linezolid oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (28 per 2 days) LINEZOLID-0.9% SODIUM CHLORIDE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) mefloquine $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO MO B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 18 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso meropenem $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO METRO I.V. $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO metronidazole in nacl (iso-os) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO metronidazole oral $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO NEBUPENT $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO neomycin $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO paromomycin $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO PASER $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO PENTAM $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO PRIFTIN $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO PRIMAQUINE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO pyrazinamide $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO rifabutin $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO rifampin $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO RIFATER $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO SIRTURO $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; LA STREPTOMYCIN INTRAMUSCULAR $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO SYNERCID $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) tobramycin in 0.225 % nacl $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) tobramycin sulfate injection recon soln $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) tobramycin sulfate injection solution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO TRECATOR $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO TYGACIL $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ZYVOX INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 200 MG/100 ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ZYVOX INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 600 MG/300 ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ZYVOX ORAL SUSPENSION FOR RECONSTITUTION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (1800 per 2 days) ? B/D PAR; MO; QLL (280 per 28 days) Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 19 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso PENICILLINS amoxicillin oral capsule $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO amoxicillin oral suspension for reconstitution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO amoxicillin oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO amoxicillin oral tablet,chewable 125 mg, 250 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO amoxicillin-pot clavulanate $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ampicillin $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ampicillin sodium injection $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ampicillin sodium intravenous $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ampicillin-sulbactam injection recon soln 1.5 gram, 3 gram $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ampicillin-sulbactam injection recon soln 15 gram $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ampicillin-sulbactam intravenous recon soln 1.5 gram $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ampicillin-sulbactam intravenous recon soln 3 gram $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO BICILLIN C-R $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO BICILLIN L-A $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO dicloxacillin $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO nafcillin injection $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO nafcillin intravenous recon soln 2 gram $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO oxacillin injection $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO oxacillin intravenous $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PENICILLIN G POT IN DEXTROSE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) penicillin g potassium $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO penicillin g procaine intramuscular syringe 1.2 million unit/2 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO penicillin g procaine intramuscular syringe 600,000 unit/ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) penicillin g sodium $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO penicillin v potassium $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO MO B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 20 escalonada Nombre de la medicina piperacillin-tazobactam Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO QUINOLONES ciprofloxacin $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ciprofloxacin (mixture) oral tablet, er multiphase 24 hr 1,000 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (14 per 2 days) ciprofloxacin (mixture) oral tablet, er multiphase 24 hr 500 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (3 per 2 days) ciprofloxacin hcl oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ciprofloxacin lactate intravenous solution 200 mg/ 20 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ciprofloxacin lactate intravenous solution 400 mg/ 40 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) levofloxacin intravenous $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO levofloxacin oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (14 per 2 days) moxifloxacin $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (21 per 2 days) ofloxacin oral tablet 400 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO sulfadiazine oral $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO demeclocycline $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO DOXY-100 $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO doxycycline hyclate intravenous $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) doxycycline hyclate oral capsule $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO doxycycline hyclate oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO doxycycline hyclate oral tablet,delayed release (dr/ ec) 100 mg, 150 mg, 75 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO doxycycline monohydrate oral capsule $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO doxycycline monohydrate oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO minocycline oral capsule $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO minocycline oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO SULFA'S / RELATED AGENTS TETRACYCLINES ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 21 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO methenamine hippurate $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO nitrofurantoin macrocrystal oral capsule 50 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO trimethoprim $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO tetracycline URINARY TRACT AGENTS VANCOMYCIN VANCOMYCIN IN 0.9% SODIUM CL INTRAVENOUS PIGGYBACK 500 MG/100 ML, 750 MG/150 ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) vancomycin in dextrose 5 % intravenous piggyback 1 gram/200 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) vancomycin in dextrose 5 % intravenous piggyback 500 mg/100 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) VANCOMYCIN IN DEXTROSE 5 % INTRAVENOUS PIGGYBACK 750 MG/150 ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) vancomycin intravenous $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO VANCOMYCIN INTRAVENOUS $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO vancomycin oral capsule 125 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (40 per 2 days) vancomycin oral capsule 250 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (80 per 2 days) MO ANTINEOPLASTIC / IMMUNOSUPPRESSANT DRUGS ADJUNCTIVE AGENTS amifostine crystalline $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO dexrazoxane hcl intravenous recon soln 250 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) dexrazoxane hcl intravenous recon soln 500 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ELITEK $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO FUSILEV $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO KEPIVANCE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) leucovorin calcium injection recon soln 100 mg, 350 mg, 50 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO LEUCOVORIN CALCIUM INJECTION RECON SOLN 200 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 22 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso LEUCOVORIN CALCIUM INJECTION RECON SOLN 500 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) leucovorin calcium oral $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO mesna $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO MESNEX ORAL $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO XGEVA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (1.7 per 28 days) ANTINEOPLASTIC / IMMUNOSUPPRESSANT DRUGS ABRAXANE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO AFINITOR DISPERZ ORAL TABLET FOR SUSPENSION 2 MG, 5 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) AFINITOR DISPERZ ORAL TABLET FOR SUSPENSION 3 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) AFINITOR ORAL TABLET 10 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) AFINITOR ORAL TABLET 2.5 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) AFINITOR ORAL TABLET 5 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) AFINITOR ORAL TABLET 7.5 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (40 per 30 days) ALECENSA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ALIMTA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO anastrozole $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) ARRANON $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ARZERRA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO AVASTIN $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO azacitidine $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO azathioprine $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO azathioprine sodium $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR BELEODAQ $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO BENDEKA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO bexarotene $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO bicalutamide $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO BICNU $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 23 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso bleomycin $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO BLINCYTO $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO BOSULIF ORAL TABLET 100 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) BOSULIF ORAL TABLET 500 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) BUSULFEX $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) CABOMETYX ORAL TABLET 20 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; LA; QLL (90 per 30 days) CABOMETYX ORAL TABLET 40 MG, 60 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; LA; QLL (30 per 30 days) CAPRELSA ORAL TABLET 100 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; LA; QLL (90 per 30 days) CAPRELSA ORAL TABLET 300 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; LA; QLL (30 per 30 days) carboplatin intravenous solution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO CELLCEPT INTRAVENOUS $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO cisplatin $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO cladribine $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO CLOLAR $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO COMETRIQ ORAL CAPSULE 100 MG/DAY(80 MG X1-20 MG X1) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (56 per 28 days) COMETRIQ ORAL CAPSULE 140 MG/DAY(80 MG X1-20 MG X3) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (112 per 28 days) COMETRIQ ORAL CAPSULE 60 MG/DAY (20 MG X 3/DAY) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (84 per 28 days) COTELLIC $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; LA; QLL (90 per 30 days) cyclophosphamide oral capsule $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO cyclosporine intravenous $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR cyclosporine modified $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO cyclosporine oral capsule $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO CYRAMZA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO cytarabine $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO CYTARABINE (PF) INJECTION SOLUTION 100 MG/5 ML (20 MG/ML) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO cytarabine (pf) injection solution 2 gram/20 ml (100 mg/ml) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 24 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso CYTARABINE (PF) INJECTION SOLUTION 20 MG/ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) dacarbazine $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO DARZALEX $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; LA daunorubicin intravenous solution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) decitabine $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) DOCEFREZ INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 20 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) DOCETAXEL INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 10 MG/ML, 160 MG/16 ML (10 MG/ML), 160 MG/ 8 ML (20 MG/ML), 20 MG/2 ML (10 MG/ML) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) docetaxel intravenous solution 20 mg/ml (1 ml), 80 mg/4 ml (20 mg/ml), 80 mg/8 ml (10 mg/ml) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) doxorubicin intravenous recon soln $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) doxorubicin intravenous solution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO DROXIA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO EMCYT $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO EMPLICITI $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO ENVARSUS XR $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO epirubicin intravenous solution 200 mg/100 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) epirubicin intravenous solution 50 mg/25 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ERBITUX $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO ERIVEDGE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) ERWINAZE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO ETOPOPHOS $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO etoposide intravenous $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO EVOMELA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) exemestane $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) FARESTON $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) FARYDAK ORAL CAPSULE 10 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) FARYDAK ORAL CAPSULE 15 MG, 20 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) ? MO MO Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 25 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso FASLODEX $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO FIRMAGON KIT W DILUENT SYRINGE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO fludarabine intravenous recon soln $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO FLUDARABINE INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) fluorouracil intravenous $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO FLUOROURACIL INTRAVENOUS $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO flutamide $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO FOLOTYN $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO GAZYVA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO gemcitabine intravenous recon soln 1 gram, 200 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO GEMCITABINE INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 2 GRAM $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) GEMCITABINE INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 1 GRAM/26.3 ML (38 MG/ML), 200 MG/5.26 ML (38 MG/ML) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) GEMCITABINE INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 2 GRAM/52.6 ML (38 MG/ML) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) gengraf oral capsule 100 mg, 25 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO gengraf oral capsule 50 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR gengraf oral solution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO GILOTRIF $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) GLEEVEC ORAL TABLET 100 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) GLEEVEC ORAL TABLET 400 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) GLEOSTINE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO HALAVEN $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO HERCEPTIN $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO HEXALEN $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO hydroxyurea $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO IBRANCE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) ICLUSIG ORAL TABLET 15 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) MO B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 26 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso ICLUSIG ORAL TABLET 45 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) idarubicin $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ifosfamide intravenous recon soln $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) IFOSFAMIDE INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) imatinib oral tablet 100 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) imatinib oral tablet 400 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) IMBRUVICA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) INLYTA ORAL TABLET 1 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) INLYTA ORAL TABLET 5 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) IRESSA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO irinotecan intravenous solution 100 mg/5 ml, 40 mg/2 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO IRINOTECAN INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 500 MG/25 ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ISTODAX $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO IXEMPRA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO JAKAFI ORAL TABLET 10 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (150 per 30 days) JAKAFI ORAL TABLET 15 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (100 per 30 days) JAKAFI ORAL TABLET 20 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (75 per 30 days) JAKAFI ORAL TABLET 25 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) JAKAFI ORAL TABLET 5 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (300 per 30 days) JEVTANA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO KADCYLA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO KEYTRUDA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO LENVIMA ORAL CAPSULE 10 MG/DAY (10 MG X 1/DAY) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) LENVIMA ORAL CAPSULE 14 MG/DAY(10 MG X 1-4 MG X 1), 20 MG/DAY (10 MG X 2) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) LENVIMA ORAL CAPSULE 18 MG/DAY (10 MG X 1-4 MG X2) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; QLL (90 per 30 days) ? PAR; MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) MO Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 27 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso LENVIMA ORAL CAPSULE 24 MG/DAY(10 MG X 2-4 MG X 1) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) LENVIMA ORAL CAPSULE 8 MG/DAY (4 MG X 2), 8 MG/DAY (4 MG X 2) (60 PACK) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; QLL (60 per 30 days) letrozole $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) LEUKERAN $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO leuprolide subcutaneous kit $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO LONSURF $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO LUPRON DEPOT INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE KIT 3.75 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (1 per 28 days) LUPRON DEPOT INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE KIT 7.5 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO LUPRON DEPOT-PED INTRAMUSCULAR KIT 7.5 MG (PED) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (1 per 28 days) LYNPARZA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (480 per 30 days) LYSODREN $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO MATULANE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO MEGESTROL ORAL SUSPENSION 400 MG/10 ML (10 ML), 800 MG/20 ML (20 ML) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR megestrol oral suspension 400 mg/10 ml (40 mg/ ml) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO megestrol oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO MEKINIST ORAL TABLET 0.5 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; QLL (90 per 30 days) MEKINIST ORAL TABLET 2 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; QLL (30 per 30 days) melphalan hcl $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) mercaptopurine $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO methotrexate sodium $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO methotrexate sodium (pf) injection recon soln $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) methotrexate sodium (pf) injection solution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO mitomycin $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO mitoxantrone $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 28 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso MUSTARGEN $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO mycophenolate mofetil $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO mycophenolate sodium $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO NEXAVAR $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; LA; QLL (120 per 30 days) NILANDRON $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) NINLARO $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (3 per 28 days) NIPENT $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO NULOJIX $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO octreotide acetate $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO ODOMZO $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; LA; QLL (30 per 30 days) ONCASPAR $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO OPDIVO $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO oxaliplatin intravenous recon soln 100 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO oxaliplatin intravenous recon soln 50 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) oxaliplatin intravenous solution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO paclitaxel $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO PERJETA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO POMALYST ORAL CAPSULE 1 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) POMALYST ORAL CAPSULE 2 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) POMALYST ORAL CAPSULE 3 MG, 4 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) PORTRAZZA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO PROGRAF INTRAVENOUS $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO PURIXAN $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO RAPAMUNE ORAL SOLUTION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO REVLIMID ORAL CAPSULE 10 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; LA; QLL (60 per 30 days) REVLIMID ORAL CAPSULE 15 MG, 2.5 MG, 20 MG, 25 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; LA; QLL (30 per 30 days) REVLIMID ORAL CAPSULE 5 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; LA; QLL (150 per 30 days) RITUXAN $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO SIGNIFOR $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 29 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso SIMULECT INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 10 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR SIMULECT INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 20 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO sirolimus $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO SOLTAMOX $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO SOMATULINE DEPOT $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO SPRYCEL $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) STIVARGA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) SUTENT ORAL CAPSULE 12.5 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) SUTENT ORAL CAPSULE 25 MG, 37.5 MG, 50 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) SYNRIBO $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO TABLOID $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO tacrolimus oral $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO TAFINLAR $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; QLL (120 per 30 days) TAGRISSO ORAL TABLET 40 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; LA; QLL (60 per 30 days) TAGRISSO ORAL TABLET 80 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; LA; QLL (30 per 30 days) tamoxifen $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO TARCEVA ORAL TABLET 100 MG, 150 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) TARCEVA ORAL TABLET 25 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) TARGRETIN ORAL $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (300 per 30 days) TARGRETIN TOPICAL $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO TASIGNA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) TECENTRIQ $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) LA; QLL (20 per 21 days) THALOMID ORAL CAPSULE 100 MG, 50 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) THALOMID ORAL CAPSULE 150 MG, 200 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) thiotepa $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO toposar $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO topotecan intravenous recon soln $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 30 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso TOPOTECAN INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO TORISEL $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO TREANDA INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO TRELSTAR INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION FOR RECONSTITUTION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (1 per 168 days) TRELSTAR INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 11.25 MG/2 ML, 3.75 MG/2 ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO TRELSTAR INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 22.5 MG/2 ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (1 per 168 days) tretinoin (chemotherapy) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO TREXALL $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO TRISENOX $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO TYKERB $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; LA; QLL (180 per 30 days) UNITUXIN $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO VECTIBIX $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO VELCADE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO VENCLEXTA ORAL TABLET 10 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; LA; QLL (60 per 30 days) VENCLEXTA ORAL TABLET 100 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; LA; QLL (120 per 30 days) VENCLEXTA ORAL TABLET 50 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; LA; QLL (30 per 30 days) VENCLEXTA STARTING PACK $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; LA; QLL (42 per 365 days) vinblastine intravenous solution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO VINCASAR PFS INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 1 MG/ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) VINCASAR PFS INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 2 MG/2 ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO vincristine $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO vinorelbine $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO VOTRIENT $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) XALKORI $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) XTANDI $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) YERVOY $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 31 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso YONDELIS $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ZALTRAP $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO ZANOSAR $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ZELBORAF $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) ZOLINZA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) ZORTRESS $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO ZYDELIG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) ZYKADIA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (150 per 30 days) ZYTIGA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) AUTONOMIC / CNS DRUGS, NEUROLOGY / PSYCH ANTICONVULSANTS APTIOM $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ST; MO BANZEL ORAL SUSPENSION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (2400 per 30 days) BANZEL ORAL TABLET 200 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (480 per 30 days) BANZEL ORAL TABLET 400 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) BRIVIACT INTRAVENOUS $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR BRIVIACT ORAL SOLUTION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; QLL (600 per 30 days) BRIVIACT ORAL TABLET 10 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; QLL (600 per 30 days) BRIVIACT ORAL TABLET 100 MG, 75 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; QLL (60 per 30 days) BRIVIACT ORAL TABLET 25 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; QLL (240 per 30 days) BRIVIACT ORAL TABLET 50 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; QLL (120 per 30 days) carbamazepine oral capsule, er multiphase 12 hr $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO carbamazepine oral suspension 100 mg/5 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO carbamazepine oral suspension 200 mg/10 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) carbamazepine oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) carbamazepine oral tablet extended release 12 hr 100 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) carbamazepine oral tablet extended release 12 hr 200 mg, 400 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO carbamazepine oral tablet,chewable $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO MO B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 32 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso CELONTIN ORAL CAPSULE 300 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO clonazepam oral tablet 0.5 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (1200 per 30 days) clonazepam oral tablet 1 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (600 per 30 days) clonazepam oral tablet 2 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (300 per 30 days) clonazepam oral tablet,disintegrating 0.125 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (4800 per 30 days) clonazepam oral tablet,disintegrating 0.25 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (2400 per 30 days) clonazepam oral tablet,disintegrating 0.5 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (1200 per 30 days) clonazepam oral tablet,disintegrating 1 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (600 per 30 days) clonazepam oral tablet,disintegrating 2 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (300 per 30 days) diazepam rectal kit 12.5-15-17.5-20 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO diazepam rectal kit 2.5 mg, 5-7.5-10 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (2 per 2 days) DILANTIN EXTENDED CAPSULES $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO DILANTIN INFATABS $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO DILANTIN ORAL CAPSULES 30 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO divalproex $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO epitol $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO EQUETRO ORAL CAPSULE, ER MULTIPHASE 12 HR 100 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (480 per 30 days) EQUETRO ORAL CAPSULE, ER MULTIPHASE 12 HR 200 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) EQUETRO ORAL CAPSULE, ER MULTIPHASE 12 HR 300 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) ethosuximide $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO felbamate $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO fosphenytoin $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO FYCOMPA ORAL SUSPENSION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) QLL (720 per 30 days) FYCOMPA ORAL TABLET 10 MG, 12 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) FYCOMPA ORAL TABLET 2 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) FYCOMPA ORAL TABLET 4 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) FYCOMPA ORAL TABLET 6 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 33 Nombre de la medicina FYCOMPA ORAL TABLET 8 MG Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (45 per 30 days) gabapentin oral capsule 100 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (1080 per 30 days) gabapentin oral capsule 300 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (360 per 30 days) gabapentin oral capsule 400 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (270 per 30 days) gabapentin oral solution 250 mg/5 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (2160 per 30 days) GABAPENTIN ORAL SOLUTION 250 MG/5 ML (5 ML), 300 MG/6 ML (6 ML) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) QLL (2160 per 30 days) gabapentin oral tablet 600 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) gabapentin oral tablet 800 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (135 per 30 days) GABITRIL ORAL TABLET 12 MG, 16 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO lamotrigine oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO lamotrigine oral tablet, chewable dispersible $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO levetiracetam in nacl (iso-os) intravenous piggyback 1,000 mg/100 ml, 1,500 mg/100 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) levetiracetam in nacl (iso-os) intravenous piggyback 500 mg/100 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO levetiracetam intravenous $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO levetiracetam oral solution 100 mg/ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO LEVETIRACETAM ORAL SOLUTION 500 MG/ 5 ML (5 ML) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) levetiracetam oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO levetiracetam oral tablet extended release 24 hr 500 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) levetiracetam oral tablet extended release 24 hr 750 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) LYRICA ORAL CAPSULE 100 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) LYRICA ORAL CAPSULE 150 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) LYRICA ORAL CAPSULE 200 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) LYRICA ORAL CAPSULE 225 MG, 300 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) LYRICA ORAL CAPSULE 25 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (720 per 30 days) LYRICA ORAL CAPSULE 50 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (360 per 30 days) B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 34 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso LYRICA ORAL CAPSULE 75 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) LYRICA ORAL SOLUTION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (900 per 30 days) ONFI ORAL SUSPENSION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (480 per 30 days) ONFI ORAL TABLET 10 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) ONFI ORAL TABLET 20 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) oxcarbazepine $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO OXTELLAR XR ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HR 150 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (480 per 30 days) OXTELLAR XR ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HR 300 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) OXTELLAR XR ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HR 600 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) PEGANONE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO phenobarbital oral elixir $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (3000 per 30 days) phenobarbital oral tablet 100 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) phenobarbital oral tablet 15 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (800 per 30 days) phenobarbital oral tablet 16.2 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (741 per 30 days) phenobarbital oral tablet 30 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (400 per 30 days) phenobarbital oral tablet 32.4 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (370 per 30 days) phenobarbital oral tablet 60 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (200 per 30 days) phenobarbital oral tablet 64.8 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (185 per 30 days) phenobarbital oral tablet 97.2 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (123 per 30 days) PHENYTEK $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO PHENYTOIN ORAL SUSPENSION 100 MG/4 ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) phenytoin oral suspension 125 mg/5 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO phenytoin oral tablet,chewable $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO phenytoin sodium extended $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO phenytoin sodium intravenous solution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO phenytoin sodium intravenous syringe $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 35 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso POTIGA ORAL TABLET 200 MG, 300 MG, 400 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) POTIGA ORAL TABLET 50 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (270 per 30 days) primidone $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO roweepra $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) SABRIL $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; LA; QLL (180 per 30 days) SPRITAM ORAL TABLET FOR SUSPENSION 1,000 MG, 250 MG, 500 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; QLL (60 per 30 days) SPRITAM ORAL TABLET FOR SUSPENSION 750 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; QLL (120 per 30 days) tiagabine $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO topiramate oral capsule, sprinkle $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO topiramate oral tablet 100 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (480 per 30 days) topiramate oral tablet 200 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) topiramate oral tablet 25 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (1920 per 30 days) topiramate oral tablet 50 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (960 per 30 days) valproate sodium $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO valproic acid $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO valproic acid (as sodium salt) oral solution 250 mg/ 5 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO VALPROIC ACID (AS SODIUM SALT) ORAL SOLUTION 250 MG/5 ML (5 ML), 500 MG/10 ML (10 ML) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) VIMPAT INTRAVENOUS $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) QLL (1200 per 30 days) VIMPAT ORAL SOLUTION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (1200 per 30 days) VIMPAT ORAL TABLET 100 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) VIMPAT ORAL TABLET 150 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (80 per 30 days) VIMPAT ORAL TABLET 200 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) VIMPAT ORAL TABLET 50 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) zonisamide $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 36 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso ANTIPARKINSONISM AGENTS APOKYN $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; LA AZILECT $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO benztropine oral $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO bromocriptine $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO carbidopa-levodopa $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO entacapone $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO NEUPRO $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) pramipexole oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ropinirole oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO selegiline hcl $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO tolcapone $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO MIGRAINE / CLUSTER HEADACHE THERAPY dihydroergotamine injection $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO ERGOMAR $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO rizatriptan $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (12 per 30 days) sumatriptan succinate oral $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (9 per 30 days) sumatriptan succinate subcutaneous cartridge $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (4 per 30 days) sumatriptan succinate subcutaneous pen injector $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (4 per 30 days) sumatriptan succinate subcutaneous solution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (4 per 30 days) sumatriptan succinate subcutaneous syringe 6 mg/ 0.5 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) QLL (4 per 30 days) zolmitriptan $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (9 per 30 days) ZOMIG NASAL $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (6 per 30 days) MISCELLANEOUS NEUROLOGICAL THERAPY AMPYRA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; LA; QLL (60 per 30 days) COPAXONE SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE 20 MG/ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) COPAXONE SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE 40 MG/ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (12 per 28 days) ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 37 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso donepezil oral tablet 10 mg, 5 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) donepezil oral tablet,disintegrating $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) galantamine oral capsule,ext rel. pellets 24 hr $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) galantamine oral solution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) galantamine oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) GILENYA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) GLATOPA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) memantine oral solution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (300 per 30 days) memantine oral tablet 10 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) memantine oral tablet 5 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) NAMENDA ORAL SOLUTION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (300 per 30 days) NAMENDA XR ORAL CAP,SPRINKLE,ER 24HR DOSE PACK $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (56 per 365 days) NAMENDA XR ORAL CAPSULE,SPRINKLE, ER 24HR $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) NAMZARIC $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO NUEDEXTA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) rivastigmine $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) rivastigmine tartrate $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) TECFIDERA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO tetrabenazine oral tablet 12.5 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) tetrabenazine oral tablet 25 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) TYSABRI $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; LA XENAZINE ORAL TABLET 12.5 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; LA; QLL (240 per 30 days) XENAZINE ORAL TABLET 25 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; LA; QLL (120 per 30 days) MUSCLE RELAXANTS / ANTISPASMODIC THERAPY baclofen $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO cyclobenzaprine oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO dantrolene $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO MESTINON ORAL SYRUP $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 38 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso MESTINON TIMESPAN $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO pyridostigmine bromide $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO tizanidine oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO acetaminophen-codeine oral solution 120 mg-12 mg /5 ml (5 ml), 300 mg-30 mg /12.5 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) QLL (4500 per 30 days) acetaminophen-codeine oral solution 120-12 mg/5 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (4500 per 30 days) ACETAMINOPHEN-CODEINE ORAL SOLUTION 240 MG-24 MG /10 ML (10 ML) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) QLL (4500 per 30 days) acetaminophen-codeine oral tablet 300-15 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (390 per 30 days) acetaminophen-codeine oral tablet 300-30 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (360 per 30 days) acetaminophen-codeine oral tablet 300-60 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) buprenorphine hcl injection solution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (150 per 30 days) buprenorphine hcl injection syringe $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) QLL (150 per 30 days) buprenorphine hcl sublingual tablet 2 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) buprenorphine hcl sublingual tablet 8 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) BUTALBITAL COMPOUND W/CODEINE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) duramorph (pf) injection solution 0.5 mg/ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) duramorph (pf) injection solution 1 mg/ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) QLL (180 per 30 days) endocet oral tablet 10-325 mg, 5-325 mg, 7.5-325 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (360 per 30 days) fentanyl citrate $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) fentanyl transdermal patch 72 hour 100 mcg/hr, 12 mcg/hr, 25 mcg/hr, 50 mcg/hr, 75 mcg/hr $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ST; MO; QLL (15 per 30 days) HYDROCODONE-ACETAMINOPHEN ORAL SOLUTION 2.5-167 MG/5 ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) QLL (2700 per 30 days) hydrocodone-acetaminophen oral solution 7.5-325 mg/15 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (2700 per 30 days) hydrocodone-acetaminophen oral tablet 10-300 mg, 5-300 mg, 7.5-300 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (390 per 30 days) NARCOTIC ANALGESICS ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 39 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso hydrocodone-acetaminophen oral tablet 10-325 mg, 5-325 mg, 7.5-325 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (360 per 30 days) hydrocodone-ibuprofen oral tablet 10-200 mg, 5200 mg, 7.5-200 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (480 per 30 days) hydromorphone oral tablet 2 mg, 4 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (360 per 30 days) hydromorphone oral tablet 8 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) levorphanol tartrate $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) methadone injection $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) QLL (150 per 30 days) METHADONE INTENSOL $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) methadone oral concentrate $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) methadone oral solution 10 mg/5 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (900 per 30 days) methadone oral solution 5 mg/5 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (1800 per 30 days) methadone oral tablet 10 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) methadone oral tablet 5 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (360 per 30 days) METHADOSE ORAL CONCENTRATE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) morphine (pf) injection solution 0.5 mg/ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) morphine (pf) injection solution 1 mg/ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) MORPHINE (PF) INTRAVENOUS PATIENT CONTROL.ANALGESIA SOLN 150 MG/30 ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) MORPHINE (PF) INTRAVENOUS PATIENT CONTROL.ANALGESIA SOLN 30 MG/30 ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) QLL (180 per 30 days) morphine concentrate oral solution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (270 per 30 days) MORPHINE INTRAVENOUS CARTRIDGE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) QLL (120 per 30 days) MORPHINE INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 10 MG/ML, 50 MG/ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) MORPHINE INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 100 MG/4 ML, 25 MG/ML, 250 MG/10 ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) QLL (120 per 30 days) MORPHINE INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 4 MG/ ML, 8 MG/ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) morphine intravenous syringe 2 mg/ml, 4 mg/ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) QLL (120 per 30 days) morphine oral capsule, er multiphase 24 hr 120 mg, 75 mg, 90 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 40 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso morphine oral capsule, er multiphase 24 hr 30 mg, 45 mg, 60 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) morphine oral capsule,extend.release pellets 100 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg, 50 mg, 60 mg, 80 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) morphine oral solution 20 mg/5 ml (4 mg/ml) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (1350 per 30 days) morphine oral tablet 15 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (360 per 30 days) morphine oral tablet 30 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) morphine oral tablet extended release 100 mg, 15 mg, 30 mg, 60 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) morphine oral tablet extended release 200 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) oxycodone oral capsule $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (360 per 30 days) oxycodone oral concentrate $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (360 per 30 days) oxycodone oral tablet 10 mg, 5 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (360 per 30 days) oxycodone oral tablet 15 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (540 per 30 days) oxycodone oral tablet 20 mg, 30 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) oxycodone-acetaminophen oral solution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) QLL (1800 per 30 days) oxycodone-acetaminophen oral tablet 10-325 mg, 2.5-325 mg, 5-325 mg, 7.5-325 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (360 per 30 days) oxycodone-aspirin $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (360 per 30 days) NON-NARCOTIC ANALGESICS acephen rectal suppository 120 mg, 650 mg $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] acephen rectal suppository 325 mg $0 (Tier 4) [*] ACETA-GESIC $0 (Tier 4) [*] acetaminophen oral tablet 325 mg $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] all day pain relief $0 (Tier 4) [*] all day relief $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] arthritis pain relief (acetam) $0 (Tier 4) [*] aspir-low $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] aspirin oral tablet $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] aspirin oral tablet,chewable $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 41 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso aspirin oral tablet,delayed release (dr/ec) 325 mg, 81 mg $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] buprenorphine-naloxone sublingual tablet 2-0.5 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (360 per 30 days) buprenorphine-naloxone sublingual tablet 8-2 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) butorphanol tartrate injection solution 1 mg/ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) butorphanol tartrate injection solution 2 mg/ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) butorphanol tartrate nasal $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (5 per 28 days) child ibuprofen $0 (Tier 4) [*] children's aspirin $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] children's ibuprofen $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] children's mapap $0 (Tier 4) [*] children's pain-fever relief oral liquid $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] children's pain-fever relief oral suspension $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] CHILDREN'S PAIN-FEVER RELIEF ORAL TABLET,CHEWABLE $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] children's q-pap $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] diclofenac potassium $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO diclofenac sodium oral $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO diclofenac sodium topical gel 1 % $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) QLL (1000 per 30 days) diflunisal $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO diphenhydramine-acetaminophen $0 (Tier 4) [*] ed-apap $0 (Tier 4) [*] effervescent pain relief oral tablet, effervescent 3251,916-1,000 mg $0 (Tier 4) [*] etodolac oral capsule 200 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO etodolac oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO etodolac oral tablet extended release 24 hr $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO fenoprofen oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO flurbiprofen $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO $0 (Tier 4) [*] HISTAFLEX B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 42 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso ibu-drops $0 (Tier 4) [*] ibuprofen jr strength $0 (Tier 4) [*] ibuprofen oral capsule $0 (Tier 4) [*] $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ibuprofen oral suspension ibuprofen oral tablet 200 mg $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO infant's ibuprofen $0 (Tier 4) [*] infants ibu-drops $0 (Tier 4) [*] junior mapap $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] mapap (acetaminophen) oral capsule $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] mapap (acetaminophen) oral liquid $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] mapap (acetaminophen) oral suspension $0 (Tier 4) [*] mapap (acetaminophen) oral tablet $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] mapap (acetaminophen) oral tablet,chewable $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] mapap arthritis pain $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] mapap extra strength $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] mapap pm $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ibuprofen oral tablet 400 mg, 600 mg, 800 mg meclofenamate oral $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO meloxicam oral suspension $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (300 per 30 days) meloxicam oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 4) [*] nabumetone $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO nalbuphine injection solution 10 mg/ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) nalbuphine injection solution 20 mg/ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) naloxone $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO naltrexone $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO naproxen $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO migraine formula naproxen sodium oral tablet 220 mg naproxen sodium oral tablet 275 mg, 550 mg ? $0 (Tier 4) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; [*] MO Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 43 Nombre de la medicina non-aspirin pm oxaprozin pain and fever piroxicam Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso $0 (Tier 4) [*] $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO $0 (Tier 4) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; [*] MO q-pap extra strength $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] q-pap oral drops $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] q-pap oral liquid $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] q-pap oral tablet 325 mg $0 (Tier 4) [*] q-pap oral tablet 500 mg $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] SUBOXONE SUBLINGUAL FILM 12-3 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) SUBOXONE SUBLINGUAL FILM 2-0.5 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (360 per 30 days) SUBOXONE SUBLINGUAL FILM 4-1 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) SUBOXONE SUBLINGUAL FILM 8-2 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) sulindac oral $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO tolmetin $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO tramadol oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) tramadol-acetaminophen $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) VOLTAREN GEL TOPICAL GEL 1 % $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (1000 per 30 days) ABILIFY MAINTENA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (1 per 28 days) ADASUVE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) alprazolam oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) amitriptyline $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO amoxapine $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO PSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC DRUGS aripiprazole oral solution $0 (Tier 1) PAR; MO; QLL (900 per 30 days) aripiprazole oral tablet 10 mg $0 (Tier 1) PAR; MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) aripiprazole oral tablet 15 mg $0 (Tier 1) PAR; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) aripiprazole oral tablet 2 mg $0 (Tier 1) PAR; MO; QLL (450 per 30 days) aripiprazole oral tablet 20 mg, 30 mg $0 (Tier 1) PAR; MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 44 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso aripiprazole oral tablet 5 mg $0 (Tier 1) PAR; MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) aripiprazole oral tablet,disintegrating 10 mg $0 (Tier 1) PAR; MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) aripiprazole oral tablet,disintegrating 15 mg $0 (Tier 1) PAR; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) ARISTADA INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION, EXTENDED REL SYRING 441 MG/1.6 ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (1.6 per 30 days) ARISTADA INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION, EXTENDED REL SYRING 662 MG/2.4 ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (2.4 per 30 days) ARISTADA INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION, EXTENDED REL SYRING 882 MG/3.2 ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (3.2 per 30 days) bupropion hcl oral tablet 100 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (135 per 30 days) bupropion hcl oral tablet 75 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) bupropion hcl oral tablet extended release 100 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) bupropion hcl oral tablet extended release 150 mg, 200 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) bupropion hcl oral tablet extended release 24 hr 150 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) bupropion hcl oral tablet extended release 24 hr 300 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (45 per 30 days) buspirone $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO chlorpromazine $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO citalopram oral solution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (600 per 30 days) citalopram oral tablet 10 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) citalopram oral tablet 20 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) citalopram oral tablet 40 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) clomipramine $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO clorazepate dipotassium $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) clozapine oral tablet 100 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (270 per 30 days) clozapine oral tablet 200 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (135 per 30 days) clozapine oral tablet 25 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (1080 per 30 days) clozapine oral tablet 50 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (540 per 30 days) clozapine oral tablet,disintegrating 100 mg $0 (Tier 1) QLL (270 per 30 days) ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 45 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso clozapine oral tablet,disintegrating 12.5 mg $0 (Tier 1) QLL (2160 per 30 days) clozapine oral tablet,disintegrating 150 mg $0 (Tier 1) QLL (180 per 30 days) clozapine oral tablet,disintegrating 200 mg $0 (Tier 1) QLL (135 per 30 days) clozapine oral tablet,disintegrating 25 mg $0 (Tier 1) QLL (1080 per 30 days) desipramine oral $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO DESVENLAFAXINE FUMARATE ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24HR 100 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) DESVENLAFAXINE FUMARATE ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24HR 50 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) DESVENLAFAXINE ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HR 100 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) DESVENLAFAXINE ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HR 50 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) desvenlafaxine oral tablet extended release 24hr 100 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) QLL (120 per 30 days) desvenlafaxine oral tablet extended release 24hr 50 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) QLL (240 per 30 days) dextroamphetamine oral capsule, extended release 10 mg, 5 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) dextroamphetamine oral capsule, extended release 15 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) dextroamphetamine oral tablet 10 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) dextroamphetamine oral tablet 5 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) dextroamphetamine-amphetamine oral tablet 10 mg, 12.5 mg, 15 mg, 20 mg, 5 mg, 7.5 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) dextroamphetamine-amphetamine oral tablet 30 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) diazepam injection solution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) diazepam injection syringe $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO diazepam intensol $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) diazepam oral concentrate $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) diazepam oral solution 5 mg/5 ml (1 mg/ml) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (1200 per 30 days) B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 46 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso DIAZEPAM ORAL SOLUTION 5 MG/5 ML (1 MG/ML, 5 ML) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; QLL (1200 per 30 days) diazepam oral tablet 10 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) diazepam oral tablet 2 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (600 per 30 days) diazepam oral tablet 5 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) doxepin oral $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO duloxetine oral capsule,delayed release(dr/ec) 20 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) duloxetine oral capsule,delayed release(dr/ec) 30 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) duloxetine oral capsule,delayed release(dr/ec) 40 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) duloxetine oral capsule,delayed release(dr/ec) 60 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) EMSAM $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) ergoloid $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO escitalopram oxalate oral solution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (600 per 30 days) escitalopram oxalate oral tablet 10 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) escitalopram oxalate oral tablet 20 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) escitalopram oxalate oral tablet 5 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) FANAPT ORAL TABLET 1 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ST; MO; QLL (720 per 30 days) FANAPT ORAL TABLET 10 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ST; QLL (72 per 30 days) FANAPT ORAL TABLET 12 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ST; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) FANAPT ORAL TABLET 2 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ST; MO; QLL (360 per 30 days) FANAPT ORAL TABLET 4 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ST; MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) FANAPT ORAL TABLET 6 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ST; MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) FANAPT ORAL TABLET 8 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ST; MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) FANAPT ORAL TABLETS,DOSE PACK $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ST; MO; QLL (16 per 365 days) FETZIMA ORAL CAPSULE,EXT REL 24HR DOSE PACK $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (56 per 365 days) ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 47 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso FETZIMA ORAL CAPSULE,EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HR 120 MG, 80 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) FETZIMA ORAL CAPSULE,EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HR 20 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) FETZIMA ORAL CAPSULE,EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HR 40 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) fluoxetine oral capsule 10 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) fluoxetine oral capsule 20 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) fluoxetine oral capsule 40 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) fluoxetine oral solution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (600 per 30 days) fluoxetine oral tablet 10 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) fluoxetine oral tablet 20 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) fluphenazine decanoate $0 (Tier 1) MO fluphenazine hcl $0 (Tier 1) MO fluvoxamine oral tablet 100 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) fluvoxamine oral tablet 25 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (360 per 30 days) fluvoxamine oral tablet 50 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) GEODON INTRAMUSCULAR $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO guanfacine oral tablet extended release 24 hr $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) guanidine $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO haloperidol $0 (Tier 1) MO haloperidol decanoate $0 (Tier 1) MO haloperidol lactate $0 (Tier 1) MO HETLIOZ $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) imipramine hcl $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO INVEGA ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24HR 1.5 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) INVEGA ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24HR 3 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) INVEGA ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24HR 6 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 48 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso INVEGA ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24HR 9 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) INVEGA SUSTENNA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (2 per 28 days) INVEGA TRINZA INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 273 MG/0.875 ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (0.875 per 90 days) INVEGA TRINZA INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 410 MG/1.315 ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (1.315 per 90 days) INVEGA TRINZA INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 546 MG/1.75 ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (1.75 per 90 days) INVEGA TRINZA INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 819 MG/2.625 ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (2.625 per 90 days) KHEDEZLA ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24HR 100 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) KHEDEZLA ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24HR 50 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) LATUDA ORAL TABLET 120 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) LATUDA ORAL TABLET 20 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) LATUDA ORAL TABLET 40 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) LATUDA ORAL TABLET 60 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (75 per 30 days) LATUDA ORAL TABLET 80 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) lithium carbonate $0 (Tier 1) MO lithium citrate oral solution 8 meq/5 ml $0 (Tier 1) MO lorazepam oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) loxapine succinate $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO maprotiline oral tablet 25 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (270 per 30 days) maprotiline oral tablet 50 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (135 per 30 days) maprotiline oral tablet 75 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO MARPLAN $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO methylphenidate oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) mirtazapine oral tablet 15 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) mirtazapine oral tablet 30 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (45 per 30 days) ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 49 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso mirtazapine oral tablet 45 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) mirtazapine oral tablet 7.5 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) mirtazapine oral tablet,disintegrating 15 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) mirtazapine oral tablet,disintegrating 30 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (45 per 30 days) mirtazapine oral tablet,disintegrating 45 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) modafinil oral tablet 100 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) modafinil oral tablet 200 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) molindone $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) nefazodone oral tablet 100 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) nefazodone oral tablet 150 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) nefazodone oral tablet 200 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) nefazodone oral tablet 250 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (72 per 30 days) nefazodone oral tablet 50 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (360 per 30 days) nortriptyline $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO NUPLAZID $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; LA; QLL (60 per 30 days) olanzapine intramuscular $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) olanzapine oral tablet 10 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) olanzapine oral tablet 15 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (40 per 30 days) olanzapine oral tablet 2.5 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) olanzapine oral tablet 20 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) olanzapine oral tablet 5 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) olanzapine oral tablet 7.5 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (80 per 30 days) olanzapine oral tablet,disintegrating 10 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) olanzapine oral tablet,disintegrating 15 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (40 per 30 days) olanzapine oral tablet,disintegrating 20 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) olanzapine oral tablet,disintegrating 5 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) ORAP paliperidone oral tablet extended release 24hr 1.5 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) MO PAR; MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 50 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso paliperidone oral tablet extended release 24hr 3 mg $0 (Tier 1) PAR; MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) paliperidone oral tablet extended release 24hr 6 mg $0 (Tier 1) PAR; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) paliperidone oral tablet extended release 24hr 9 mg $0 (Tier 1) PAR; MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) paroxetine hcl oral tablet 10 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) paroxetine hcl oral tablet 20 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) paroxetine hcl oral tablet 30 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) paroxetine hcl oral tablet 40 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (45 per 30 days) paroxetine hcl oral tablet extended release 24 hr 12.5 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) paroxetine hcl oral tablet extended release 24 hr 25 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) paroxetine hcl oral tablet extended release 24 hr 37.5 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) PAXIL ORAL SUSPENSION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (900 per 30 days) perphenazine $0 (Tier 1) MO phenelzine $0 (Tier 1) MO pimozide $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO protriptyline $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO quetiapine oral tablet 100 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) quetiapine oral tablet 200 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) quetiapine oral tablet 25 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (960 per 30 days) quetiapine oral tablet 300 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (80 per 30 days) quetiapine oral tablet 400 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) quetiapine oral tablet 50 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (480 per 30 days) REXULTI ORAL TABLET 0.25 MG, 0.5 MG, 1 MG, 2 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) REXULTI ORAL TABLET 3 MG, 4 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 51 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso RISPERDAL CONSTA INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 12.5 MG/2 ML, 25 MG/2 ML, 37.5 MG/ 2 ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (2 per 28 days) RISPERDAL CONSTA INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 50 MG/2 ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO risperidone oral solution $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (480 per 30 days) risperidone oral tablet 0.25 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (1920 per 30 days) risperidone oral tablet 0.5 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (960 per 30 days) risperidone oral tablet 1 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (480 per 30 days) risperidone oral tablet 2 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) risperidone oral tablet 3 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (150 per 30 days) risperidone oral tablet 4 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) risperidone oral tablet,disintegrating 0.25 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (1920 per 30 days) risperidone oral tablet,disintegrating 0.5 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (960 per 30 days) risperidone oral tablet,disintegrating 1 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (480 per 30 days) risperidone oral tablet,disintegrating 2 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) risperidone oral tablet,disintegrating 3 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (150 per 30 days) risperidone oral tablet,disintegrating 4 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) ROZEREM $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) SAPHRIS (BLACK CHERRY) SUBLINGUAL TABLET 10 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) SAPHRIS (BLACK CHERRY) SUBLINGUAL TABLET 2.5 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) SAPHRIS (BLACK CHERRY) SUBLINGUAL TABLET 5 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) SEROQUEL XR ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HR 150 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (150 per 30 days) SEROQUEL XR ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HR 200 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) SEROQUEL XR ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HR 300 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (80 per 30 days) B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 52 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso SEROQUEL XR ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HR 400 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) SEROQUEL XR ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HR 50 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (480 per 30 days) sertraline oral concentrate $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (300 per 30 days) sertraline oral tablet 100 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) sertraline oral tablet 25 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) sertraline oral tablet 50 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) sleep aid (doxylamine) $0 (Tier 4) [*] STRATTERA ORAL CAPSULE 10 MG, 18 MG, 25 MG, 40 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) STRATTERA ORAL CAPSULE 100 MG, 60 MG, 80 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) SURMONTIL $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO temazepam oral capsule 15 mg, 22.5 mg, 30 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) thioridazine $0 (Tier 1) PAR; MO thiothixene $0 (Tier 1) MO tranylcypromine $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO trazodone $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO $0 (Tier 1) MO trifluoperazine TRINTELLIX ORAL TABLET 10 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ST; QLL (60 per 30 days) TRINTELLIX ORAL TABLET 20 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ST; QLL (30 per 30 days) TRINTELLIX ORAL TABLET 5 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ST; QLL (120 per 30 days) venlafaxine oral capsule,extended release 24hr 150 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) venlafaxine oral capsule,extended release 24hr 37.5 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) venlafaxine oral capsule,extended release 24hr 75 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) venlafaxine oral tablet 100 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (113 per 30 days) venlafaxine oral tablet 25 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (450 per 30 days) ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 53 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso venlafaxine oral tablet 37.5 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (300 per 30 days) venlafaxine oral tablet 50 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (225 per 30 days) venlafaxine oral tablet 75 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (150 per 30 days) venlafaxine oral tablet extended release 24hr 150 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) venlafaxine oral tablet extended release 24hr 37.5 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) venlafaxine oral tablet extended release 24hr 75 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) VERSACLOZ $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) QLL (600 per 30 days) VIIBRYD ORAL TABLET 10 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ST; MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) VIIBRYD ORAL TABLET 20 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ST; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) VIIBRYD ORAL TABLET 40 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ST; MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) VIIBRYD ORAL TABLETS,DOSE PACK 10 MG (7)- 20 MG (23) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ST; MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) VRAYLAR ORAL CAPSULE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; QLL (30 per 30 days) VRAYLAR ORAL CAPSULE,DOSE PACK $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; QLL (7 per 365 days) XYREM $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; LA; QLL (540 per 30 days) zaleplon oral capsule 10 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) zaleplon oral capsule 5 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) zenzedi oral tablet 10 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) zenzedi oral tablet 5 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) ziprasidone hcl oral capsule 20 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) ziprasidone hcl oral capsule 40 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) ziprasidone hcl oral capsule 60 mg, 80 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) zolpidem oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) ZYPREXA RELPREVV INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION FOR RECONSTITUTION 210 MG, 405 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; QLL (2 per 28 days) ZYPREXA RELPREVV INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION FOR RECONSTITUTION 300 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (2 per 28 days) B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 54 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso CARDIOVASCULAR, HYPERTENSION / LIPIDS ANTIARRHYTHMIC AGENTS amiodarone intravenous solution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO AMIODARONE INTRAVENOUS SYRINGE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR amiodarone oral $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO dofetilide $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) flecainide $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO lidocaine (pf) intravenous solution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO LIDOCAINE (PF) INTRAVENOUS SYRINGE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) mexiletine $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO MULTAQ $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) pacerone oral tablet 100 mg, 200 mg, 400 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO procainamide injection solution 100 mg/ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO procainamide injection solution 500 mg/ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) propafenone oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO quinidine sulfate oral tablets oral tablet 200 mg, 300 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO sorine oral tablet 120 mg, 160 mg, 80 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO sorine oral tablet 240 mg $0 (Tier 1) sotalol af oral tablet 120 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO SOTALOL AF ORAL TABLET 160 MG, 80 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO sotalol oral tablet 120 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO $0 (Tier 1) MO $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO acebutolol $0 (Tier 1) MO afeditab cr $0 (Tier 1) MO amiloride $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO amiloride-hydrochlorothiazide $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO sotalol oral tablet 160 mg, 240 mg, 80 mg TIKOSYN ANTIHYPERTENSIVE THERAPY ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 55 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso amlodipine besylate oral tablet 10 mg, 2.5 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) amlodipine besylate oral tablet 5 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (45 per 30 days) amlodipine-benazepril $0 (Tier 1) MO amlodipine-valsartan $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) amlodipine-valsartan-hcthiazid $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) atenolol $0 (Tier 1) MO atenolol-chlorthalidone $0 (Tier 1) MO AZOR $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) benazepril $0 (Tier 1) MO benazepril-hydrochlorothiazide $0 (Tier 1) MO betaxolol oral $0 (Tier 1) MO bisoprolol fumarate $0 (Tier 1) MO bisoprolol-hydrochlorothiazide $0 (Tier 1) MO bumetanide $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO BYSTOLIC $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO candesartan oral tablet 16 mg, 4 mg, 8 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) candesartan oral tablet 32 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) candesartan-hydrochlorothiazid oral tablet 16-12.5 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) candesartan-hydrochlorothiazid oral tablet 32-12.5 mg, 32-25 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) captopril $0 (Tier 1) MO captopril-hydrochlorothiazide $0 (Tier 1) MO cartia xt $0 (Tier 1) MO carvedilol $0 (Tier 1) MO chlorothiazide $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO chlorothiazide sodium $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO chlorthalidone oral tablet 25 mg, 50 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO clonidine hcl oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO clonidine transdermal patches $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (4 per 28 days) B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 56 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso COREG CR $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ST; MO DEMSER $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO dilt-xr $0 (Tier 1) MO diltiazem hcl intravenous $0 (Tier 1) diltiazem hcl oral capsule, extended release 120 mg, 240 mg, 300 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO diltiazem hcl oral capsule, extended release 180 mg, 360 mg, 420 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO diltiazem hcl oral capsule,ext release degradable $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO diltiazem hcl oral capsule,extended release 12 hr $0 (Tier 1) MO diltiazem hcl oral capsule,extended release 24hr 120 mg, 240 mg, 300 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO diltiazem hcl oral capsule,extended release 24hr 180 mg, 360 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO $0 (Tier 1) MO $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO doxazosin $0 (Tier 1) MO enalapril maleate $0 (Tier 1) MO enalapril-hydrochlorothiazide $0 (Tier 1) MO eplerenone $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO eprosartan $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) felodipine oral er $0 (Tier 1) MO fosinopril $0 (Tier 1) MO fosinopril-hydrochlorothiazide $0 (Tier 1) MO furosemide injection $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO furosemide oral solution 10 mg/ml, 40 mg/5 ml (8 mg/ml) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO $0 (Tier 1) MO $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO $0 (Tier 1) MO $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO diltiazem hcl oral tablet diltiazem hcl oral tablet extended release 24 hr furosemide oral tablet hydralazine hydrochlorothiazide indapamide ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 57 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso irbesartan $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) irbesartan-hydrochlorothiazide oral tablet 150-12.5 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) irbesartan-hydrochlorothiazide oral tablet 300-12.5 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) isradipine $0 (Tier 1) MO labetalol intravenous solution $0 (Tier 1) MO labetalol oral $0 (Tier 1) MO lisinopril $0 (Tier 1) MO lisinopril-hydrochlorothiazide $0 (Tier 1) MO losartan oral tablet 100 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) losartan oral tablet 25 mg, 50 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) losartan-hydrochlorothiazide $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) methyclothiazide $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO metolazone $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO metoprolol succinate $0 (Tier 1) MO metoprolol ta-hydrochlorothiaz $0 (Tier 1) MO metoprolol tartrate intravenous solution $0 (Tier 1) MO metoprolol tartrate intravenous syringe $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) metoprolol tartrate oral tablet 100 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg $0 (Tier 1) metoprolol tartrate oral tablet 37.5 mg, 75 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO moexipril $0 (Tier 1) MO moexipril-hydrochlorothiazide $0 (Tier 1) MO nadolol $0 (Tier 1) MO nadolol-bendroflumethiazide $0 (Tier 1) MO nicardipine intravenous solution $0 (Tier 1) MO nicardipine oral $0 (Tier 1) MO nifedical xl $0 (Tier 1) MO minoxidil oral B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 58 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso $0 (Tier 1) MO $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO nimodipine $0 (Tier 1) MO perindopril erbumine $0 (Tier 1) MO pindolol $0 (Tier 1) MO prazosin oral $0 (Tier 1) MO propranolol intravenous $0 (Tier 1) propranolol oral $0 (Tier 1) MO propranolol-hydrochlorothiazid $0 (Tier 1) MO quinapril $0 (Tier 1) MO quinapril-hydrochlorothiazide $0 (Tier 1) MO ramipril $0 (Tier 1) MO spironolacton-hydrochlorothiaz $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO spironolactone $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO $0 (Tier 1) MO nifedipine oral tablet extended release nifedipine oral tablet extended release 24hr taztia xt TEKTURNA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) TEKTURNA HCT $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) telmisartan oral tablet 20 mg, 40 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) telmisartan oral tablet 80 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) telmisartan-amlodipine $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) telmisartan-hydrochlorothiazid oral tablet 40-12.5 mg, 80-25 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) telmisartan-hydrochlorothiazid oral tablet 80-12.5 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) terazosin $0 (Tier 1) MO timolol maleate oral $0 (Tier 1) MO $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO $0 (Tier 1) MO $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO torsemide oral trandolapril triamterene-hydrochlorothiazid oral capsule 37.525 mg ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 59 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso triamterene-hydrochlorothiazid oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO TRIBENZOR $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) valsartan oral tablet 160 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) valsartan oral tablet 320 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) valsartan oral tablet 40 mg, 80 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) valsartan-hydrochlorothiazide $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) verapamil intravenous solution $0 (Tier 1) MO verapamil intravenous syringe $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) verapamil oral capsule, 24 hr er pellet ct $0 (Tier 1) MO verapamil oral capsule,ext rel. pellets 24 hr $0 (Tier 1) MO verapamil oral tablet $0 (Tier 1) MO verapamil oral tablet extended release 120 mg (24 hours) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO verapamil oral tablet extended release 120 mg, 180 mg, 240 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO DIGITEK ORAL TABLET 125 MCG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO DIGOX ORAL TABLET 125 MCG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO digoxin oral solution 50 mcg/ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO digoxin oral tablet 125 mcg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO LANOXIN ORAL TABLET 125 MCG, 62.5 MCG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO AGGRENOX $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ST; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) aspirin-dipyridamole $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ST; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) BRILINTA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) cilostazol $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO CARDIAC GLYCOSIDES COAGULATION THERAPY clopidogrel oral tablet 300 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (1 per 30 days) clopidogrel oral tablet 75 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) COUMADIN ORAL $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO EFFIENT $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 60 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso ELIQUIS ORAL TABLET 2.5 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) ELIQUIS ORAL TABLET 5 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (74 per 30 days) enoxaparin subcutaneous solution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (84 per 30 days) enoxaparin subcutaneous syringe 100 mg/ml, 150 mg/ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (28 per 30 days) enoxaparin subcutaneous syringe 120 mg/0.8 ml, 80 mg/0.8 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (22.4 per 30 days) enoxaparin subcutaneous syringe 30 mg/0.3 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (8.4 per 30 days) enoxaparin subcutaneous syringe 40 mg/0.4 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (11.2 per 30 days) enoxaparin subcutaneous syringe 60 mg/0.6 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (16.8 per 30 days) fondaparinux subcutaneous syringe 10 mg/0.8 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (24 per 30 days) fondaparinux subcutaneous syringe 2.5 mg/0.5 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (15 per 30 days) fondaparinux subcutaneous syringe 5 mg/0.4 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (12 per 30 days) fondaparinux subcutaneous syringe 7.5 mg/0.6 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (18 per 30 days) HEPARIN (PORCINE) IN 5 % DEX INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 12, 500 UNIT/250 ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR heparin (porcine) in 5 % dex intravenous parenteral solution 25,000 unit/250 ml(100 unit/ml), 25,000 unit/500 ml (50 unit/ml) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO HEPARIN (PORCINE) IN NACL (PF) INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 1, 000 UNIT/500 ML, 2,000 UNIT/1,000 ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR HEPARIN (PORCINE) INJECTION CARTRIDGE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO heparin (porcine) injection solution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO HEPARIN(PORCINE) IN 0.45% NACL INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 12, 500 UNIT/250 ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR HEPARIN(PORCINE) IN 0.45% NACL INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 25, 000 UNIT/250 ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) HEPARIN(PORCINE) IN 0.45% NACL INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 25, 000 UNIT/500 ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ? B/D PAR; MO Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 61 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso HEPARIN, PORCINE (PF) INJECTION SOLUTION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO jantoven $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO MEPHYTON $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] pentoxifylline $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO PRADAXA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) PROMACTA ORAL TABLET 12.5 MG, 25 MG, 75 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; LA; QLL (30 per 30 days) PROMACTA ORAL TABLET 50 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; LA; QLL (60 per 30 days) tranexamic acid intravenous $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO vitamin k1 injection $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] warfarin $0 (Tier 1) MO XARELTO ORAL TABLET 10 MG, 20 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) XARELTO ORAL TABLET 15 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (42 per 30 days) XARELTO ORAL TABLETS,DOSE PACK $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (102 per 365 days) LIPID/CHOLESTEROL LOWERING AGENTS ALTOPREV $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) amlodipine-atorvastatin $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) atorvastatin $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) cholestyramine (with sugar) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO cholestyramine light $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO colestipol $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO CRESTOR $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) fenofibrate micronized oral capsule 134 mg, 200 mg, 67 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) fenofibrate nanocrystallized 48 mg, 145 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO fenofibrate oral tablet 160 mg, 54 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) gemfibrozil oral $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO JUXTAPID $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; LA lovastatin oral tablet 10 mg, 20 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 62 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso lovastatin oral tablet 40 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) niacin oral capsule, extended release 250 mg $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] niacin oral tablet 100 mg, 50 mg, 500 mg $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] niacin oral tablet extended release 24 hr 1,000 mg, 750 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) niacin oral tablet extended release 24 hr 500 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) niacin oral tablet extended release 250 mg, 500 mg $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] NIACOR $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO omega-3 acid ethyl esters $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO PRALUENT PEN $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (2 per 28 days) PRALUENT SYRINGE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (2 per 28 days) pravastatin $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) prevalite $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO REPATHA SURECLICK $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (3 per 28 days) REPATHA SYRINGE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (3 per 28 days) rosuvastatin $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) QLL (30 per 30 days) simvastatin $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) SLO-NIACIN ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 250 MG $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] slo-niacin oral tablet extended release 500 mg $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] VASCEPA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO WELCHOL $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ZETIA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) MISCELLANEOUS CARDIOVASCULAR AGENTS RANEXA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) VECAMYL $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO NITRATES isosorbide dinitrate oral $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO isosorbide mononitrate $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO nitro-bid $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 63 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso nitroglycerin intravenous $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR nitroglycerin transdermal patch 24 hour $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO NITROSTAT $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO DERMATOLOGICALS/TOPICAL THERAPY ANTIPSORIATIC / ANTISEBORRHEIC acitretin $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO calcipotriene scalp $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) calcipotriene topical $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) selenium sulfide topical lotion $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO silver sulfadiazine $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ssd $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO BURN THERAPY MISCELLANEOUS DERMATOLOGICALS ammonium lactate blue gel $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] COATS ALOE ANALGESIC $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] COATS ALOE MOISTURIZING $0 (Tier 4) [*] COATS ALOE TOPICAL CREAM $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] COATS ALOE TOPICAL GEL $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] DR. SMITH'S DIAPER $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] DR. SMITH'S DIAPER RASH $0 (Tier 4) [*] DR. SMITH'S RASH-SKIN TOPICAL AEROSOL, SPRAY $0 (Tier 4) [*] ELIDEL $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (100 per 90 days) fluorouracil topical cream 5 % $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO fluorouracil topical solution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO imiquimod $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ITCH-X TOPICAL GEL $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] MEDICATED BODY POWDER TOPICAL POWDER 0.15 % $0 (Tier 4) [*] B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 64 escalonada Nombre de la medicina methoxsalen rapid OFF DEEP WOODS DRY Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO $0 (Tier 4) [*] OXSORALEN $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO PANRETIN $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO PICATO $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO podofilox $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO $0 (Tier 4) [*] REPEL SPORTSMEN MAX tacrolimus topical $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (100 per 90 days) thera-gesic topical cream 15-1 % $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] trixaicin $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] TRIXAICIN HP $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] UVADEX $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) VALCHLOR $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO vits a and d-white pet-lanolin topical ointment $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] white petrolatum topical ointment $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] Z-BUM $0 (Tier 4) [*] zinc oxide topical ointment 20 % $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ACNE MEDICATION TOPICAL GEL $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ACNE MEDICATION TOPICAL LOTION 10 % $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] THERAPY FOR ACNE adapalene topical gel 0.3 % $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO adapalene topical gel with pump $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO benzoyl peroxide topical foam $0 (Tier 4) [*] benzoyl peroxide topical gel 10 %, 2.5 %, 5 % $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] clindamycin phosphate topical $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ery pads $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO erythromycin with ethanol $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO erythromycin-benzoyl peroxide $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO metronidazole topical cream $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 65 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso metronidazole topical gel 0.75 % $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO metronidazole topical lotion $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ROSADAN TOPICAL CREAM $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO TAZORAC $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO tretinoin topical cream $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (45 per 30 days) tretinoin topical gel 0.01 %, 0.025 % $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (45 per 30 days) TOPICAL ANESTHETICS dibucaine $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] LIDOCAINE (PF) INJECTION SOLUTION 15 MG/ML (1.5 %) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) lidocaine (pf) injection solution 20 mg/ml (2 %), 40 mg/ml (4 %), 5 mg/ml (0.5 %) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO lidocaine hcl injection solution 20 mg/ml (2 %), 5 mg/ml (0.5 %) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO lidocaine hcl laryngotracheal $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO lidocaine hcl mucous membrane $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO lidocaine hcl urethral $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO lidocaine topical adhesive patch,medicated $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) lidocaine topical ointment $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO LIDOCAINE VISCOUS $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO lidocaine-prilocaine topical cream $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO TOPICAL ANTIBACTERIALS bacitracin topical ointment $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] bacitracin zinc topical ointment $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] gentamicin topical $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO mupirocin calcium $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO mupirocin topical ointment $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO povidone-iodine topical ointment $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] povidone-iodine topical solution 10 % $0 (Tier 4) [*] $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO sulfacetamide sodium (acne) B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 66 escalonada Nombre de la medicina SULFAMYLON TOPICAL CREAM Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO triple antibiotic plus $0 (Tier 4) [*] triple antibiotic topical ointment $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] triple antibiotic topical ointment in packet $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] antifungal (tolnaftate) topical cream $0 (Tier 4) [*] antifungal (tolnaftate) topical powder $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] antifungal cream $0 (Tier 4) [*] antifungal spray $0 (Tier 4) [*] TOPICAL ANTIFUNGALS CICLODAN TOPICAL SOLUTION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO ciclopirox topical cream $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ciclopirox topical gel $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ciclopirox topical shampoo $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ciclopirox topical solution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO ciclopirox topical suspension $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO clotrimazole topical $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO clotrimazole-betamethasone $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO econazole topical $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO FUNGOID TINCTURE TOPICAL TINCTURE ketoconazole topical miconazole nitrate topical cream $0 (Tier 4) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] MO MO; [*] nystatin topical $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO nystatin-triamcinolone $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO nystop $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO terbinafine hcl topical $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] tolnaftate topical cream $0 (Tier 4) [*] tolnaftate topical powder $0 (Tier 4) [*] zeasorb (miconazole) $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 67 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso TOPICAL ANTIVIRALS acyclovir topical $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) DENAVIR $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (5 per 2 days) ala-cort topical cream $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO alclometasone $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO amcinonide $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO betamethasone dipropionate $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO betamethasone valerate topical cream $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO betamethasone valerate topical lotion $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO betamethasone valerate topical ointment $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO betamethasone, augmented $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO CAPEX $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO clobetasol scalp $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO clobetasol topical cream $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO clobetasol topical foam $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO clobetasol topical gel $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO clobetasol topical ointment $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO clobetasol-emollient topical cream $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO cormax scalp $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) DERMATOP TOPICAL OINTMENT $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO desonide $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO desoximetasone $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO diflorasone $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO fluocinolone $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO fluocinolone and shower cap $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO fluocinonide topical cream 0.05 % $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO fluocinonide topical gel $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO fluocinonide topical ointment $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO TOPICAL CORTICOSTEROIDS B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 68 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso fluocinonide topical solution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO fluocinonide-e $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO fluticasone topical $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO halobetasol propionate $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO HALOG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO hydrocortisone topical cream 0.5 % $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] hydrocortisone topical cream 1 %, 2.5 % $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO hydrocortisone topical lotion 2.5 % $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO hydrocortisone topical ointment 0.5 % $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] hydrocortisone topical ointment 1 %, 2.5 % $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO hydrocortisone valerate $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO HYDROCORTISONE-MIN OIL-WHT PET $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO hydroskin topical lotion $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] mometasone topical $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO triamcinolone acetonide topical cream $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO triamcinolone acetonide topical lotion $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO triamcinolone acetonide topical ointment 0.025 %, 0.1 %, 0.5 % $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO trianex $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO triderm topical cream $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) TOPICAL ENZYMES SANTYL TOPICAL SCABICIDES / PEDICULICIDES CUTTER BACKWOODS $0 (Tier 4) [*] $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO $0 (Tier 4) [*] permethrin topical cream $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO permethrin topical liquid $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] REPEL SPORTSMEN $0 (Tier 4) [*] lindane topical shampoo OFF DEEP WOODS ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 69 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso DIAGNOSTICS / MISCELLANEOUS AGENTS ANTIDOTES $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO lactated ringers irrigation $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO neomycin-polymyxin b gu $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ringers irrigation $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO acamprosate $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ADAGEN $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO alendronate oral tablet 40 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) anagrelide $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ARALAST NP $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; LA BUPHENYL ORAL TABLET $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO acetylcysteine intravenous IRRIGATING SOLUTIONS MISCELLANEOUS AGENTS calcium with boron $0 (Tier 4) [*] CARBAGLU $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; LA CLINIMIX 4.25%/D5W SULFIT FREE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR CLINIMIX E 2.75%/D10W SUL FREE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR CLINIMIX E 2.75%/D5W SULF FREE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR d10 %-0.45 % sodium chloride $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) d2.5 %-0.45 % sodium chloride $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) d5 % and 0.9 % sodium chloride $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO d5 %-0.45 % sodium chloride $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO dextrose 10 % and 0.2 % nacl $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) dextrose 10 % in water (d10w) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) dextrose 25 % in water (d25w) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) DEXTROSE 30 % IN WATER (D30W) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) DEXTROSE 40 % IN WATER (D40W) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) dextrose 5 % in water (d5w) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO MO B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 70 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso dextrose 5 %-lactated ringers $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO dextrose 5%-0.2 % sod chloride $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) dextrose 5%-0.3 % sod.chloride $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) DEXTROSE 50 % IN WATER (D50W) INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) DEXTROSE 50 % IN WATER (D50W) INTRAVENOUS SYRINGE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) dextrose 70 % in water (d70w) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) dextrose with sodium chloride $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) disulfiram $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO EXJADE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; LA MO MO GLUTOSE 15 $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] GLUTOSE 45 $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] INCRELEX $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; LA kionex $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO levocarnitine (with sugar) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO levocarnitine oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO midodrine $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ORFADIN ORAL CAPSULE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) LA pilocarpine hcl oral $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO PROLASTIN-C $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; LA RAVICTI $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (525 per 30 days) RENAGEL $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ST; MO RENVELA ORAL POWDER IN PACKET 0.8 GRAM $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) RENVELA ORAL POWDER IN PACKET 2.4 GRAM $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) RENVELA ORAL TABLET $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (270 per 30 days) riluzole $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO sodium chloride 0.9 % intravenous $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO SODIUM CHLORIDE 0.9 % INTRAVENOUS $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 71 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso sodium chloride irrigation $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO sodium polystyrene (sorb free) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO sodium polystyrene sulfonate oral powder $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO sodium polystyrene sulfonate oral suspension $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) sodium polystyrene sulfonate rectal $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) SODIUM POLYSTYRENE SULFONATE RECTAL $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) SPS ORAL $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) SPS RECTAL $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) SUSPENDOL-S $0 (Tier 4) MO MO; [*] SYPRINE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO water for irrigation, sterile $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO $0 (Tier 4) [*] central vite $0 (Tier 4) [*] complete premium vitamin $0 (Tier 4) [*] MISCELLANEOUS DEVICES Pediatric mask for inhaler NEUTRACEUTICALS SMOKING DETERRENTS buproban $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) QLL (60 per 30 days) CHANTIX $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) CHANTIX CONTINUING MONTH BOX $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (56 per 28 days) CHANTIX STARTING MONTH BOX $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (106 per 365 days) NICODERM CQ $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*]; QLL (30 per 30 days) nicorelief $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] NICORETTE BUCCAL GUM $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] NICORETTE BUCCAL LOZENGE $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*]; QLL (20 per 1 day) nicotine (polacrilex) buccal gum $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] nicotine (polacrilex) buccal lozenge $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*]; QLL (20 per 1 day) nicotine transdermal patch 24 hour 14 mg/24 hr, 21 mg/24 hr, 7 mg/24 hr $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*]; QLL (30 per 30 days) B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 72 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso NICOTROL NS $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) azelastine nasal $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 25 days) chlorhexidine gluconate mucous membrane $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO deep sea nasal $0 (Tier 4) [*] ENTSOL NASAL GEL $0 (Tier 4) [*] EAR, NOSE / THROAT MEDICATIONS MISCELLANEOUS AGENTS ipratropium bromide nasal $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) MUCINEX SINUS-MAX $0 (Tier 4) [*] nasal decongestant (oxymetazl) $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] nasal spray 12 hour nasal spray,non-aerosol $0 (Tier 4) [*] nose drops $0 (Tier 4) [*] NRS NASAL RELIEF $0 (Tier 4) [*] PAROEX ORAL RINSE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO periogard $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO triamcinolone acetonide dental $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO TYZINE NASAL DROPS 0.05 % $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO acetic acid otic $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO acetic acid-aluminum acetate $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ear drops (carbamide peroxide) $0 (Tier 4) [*] EAR WAX TREATMENT $0 (Tier 4) [*] fluocinolone acetonide oil $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO hydrocortisone-acetic acid $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ofloxacin otic $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO CIPRODEX $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO COLY-MYCIN S $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO neomycin-polymyxin-hc otic $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO MISCELLANEOUS OTIC PREPARATIONS OTIC STEROID / ANTIBIOTIC ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 73 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso ENDOCRINE/DIABETES ADRENAL HORMONES ACTHAR H.P. $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO cortisone $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO dexamethasone $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO DEXAMETHASONE SODIUM PHOS (PF) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO dexamethasone sodium phosphate injection $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO fludrocortisone $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO hydrocortisone oral $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO methylprednisolone acetate $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO methylprednisolone oral tablets $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO methylprednisolone sodium succ injection recon soln 125 mg, 40 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO methylprednisolone sodium succ intravenous $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO prednisolone oral solution 15 mg/5 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO prednisolone sodium phosphate oral solution 15 mg/5 ml (3 mg/ml), 5 mg base/5 ml (6.7 mg/5 ml) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO prednisolone sodium phosphate oral tablet, disintegrating $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO prednisone intensol $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO prednisone oral $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO triamcinolone acetonide injection suspension 10 mg/ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO triamcinolone acetonide injection suspension 40 mg/ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ANTITHYROID AGENTS IOSAT $0 (Tier 4) [*] methimazole oral tablet 10 mg, 5 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO propylthiouracil $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO $0 (Tier 4) [*] THYROSAFE B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 74 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso DIABETES THERAPY acarbose oral tablet 100 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) acarbose oral tablet 25 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (360 per 30 days) acarbose oral tablet 50 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) alcohol pads $0 (Tier 1) MO BYDUREON $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (4 per 28 days) BYETTA SUBCUTANEOUS PEN INJECTOR 10 MCG/DOSE(250 MCG/ML) 2.4 ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (2.4 per 30 days) BYETTA SUBCUTANEOUS PEN INJECTOR 5 MCG/DOSE (250 MCG/ML) 1.2 ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (1.2 per 30 days) CYCLOSET $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ST; MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) GAUZE PADS 2 X 2 $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (200 per 30 days) glimepiride oral tablet 1 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) glimepiride oral tablet 2 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) glimepiride oral tablet 4 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) glipizide oral tablet 10 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) glipizide oral tablet 5 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) glipizide oral tablet extended release 24hr 10 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) glipizide oral tablet extended release 24hr 2.5 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) glipizide oral tablet extended release 24hr 5 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) glipizide-metformin oral tablet 2.5-250 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) glipizide-metformin oral tablet 2.5-500 mg, 5-500 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) GLUCAGEN HYPOKIT $0 (Tier 1) MO GLUCAGON EMERGENCY KIT (HUMAN) $0 (Tier 1) MO HUMALOG $0 (Tier 1) MO HUMALOG KWIKPEN $0 (Tier 1) MO HUMALOG MIX 50-50 $0 (Tier 1) MO HUMALOG MIX 50-50 KWIKPEN $0 (Tier 1) MO HUMALOG MIX 75-25 $0 (Tier 1) MO ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 75 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso HUMALOG MIX 75-25 KWIKPEN $0 (Tier 1) MO HUMAPEN LUXURA HD $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (200 per 30 days) HUMULIN 70/30 $0 (Tier 1) MO HUMULIN 70/30 KWIKPEN $0 (Tier 1) MO HUMULIN N $0 (Tier 1) MO HUMULIN N KWIKPEN $0 (Tier 1) MO HUMULIN R $0 (Tier 1) MO HUMULIN R U-500 (CONC) KWIKPEN $0 (Tier 1) HUMULIN R U-500 (CONCENTRATED) $0 (Tier 1) MO insulin pen needle $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (200 per 30 days) INSULIN SYRINGE (DISP) U-100 SYRINGE 0.3 ML, 1 ML, 1/2 ML $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (200 per 30 days) JANUMET $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) JANUMET XR ORAL TABLET, ER MULTIPHASE 24 HR 100-1,000 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) JANUMET XR ORAL TABLET, ER MULTIPHASE 24 HR 50-1,000 MG, 50-500 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) JANUVIA ORAL TABLET 100 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) JANUVIA ORAL TABLET 25 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) JANUVIA ORAL TABLET 50 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) JARDIANCE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) JENTADUETO $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) LANTUS $0 (Tier 1) MO LANTUS SOLOSTAR $0 (Tier 1) MO LEVEMIR $0 (Tier 1) MO LEVEMIR FLEXTOUCH $0 (Tier 1) MO metformin oral tablet 1,000 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (76 per 30 days) metformin oral tablet 500 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (153 per 30 days) metformin oral tablet 850 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) metformin oral tablet extended release 24 hr 500 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 76 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso metformin oral tablet extended release 24 hr 750 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (80 per 30 days) metformin oral tablet extended release 24hr 1,000 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (75 per 30 days) metformin oral tablet extended release 24hr 500 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (150 per 30 days) nateglinide oral tablet 120 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) nateglinide oral tablet 60 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) needles, insulin disp.,safety $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (200 per 30 days) NOVOPEN ECHO $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (200 per 30 days) pioglitazone oral tablet 15 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) pioglitazone oral tablet 30 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (45 per 30 days) pioglitazone oral tablet 45 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) pioglitazone-glimepiride $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) pioglitazone-metformin $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) PROGLYCEM $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO repaglinide-metformin $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (150 per 30 days) SYMLINPEN 120 $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (11 per 30 days) SYMLINPEN 60 $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (6 per 30 days) SYNJARDY $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) TANZEUM $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (4 per 28 days) tolazamide oral tablet 250 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) tolazamide oral tablet 500 mg $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) tolbutamide $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (180 per 30 days) TOUJEO SOLOSTAR $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO TRADJENTA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) TRULICITY $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (2 per 28 days) VICTOZA 2-PAK $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (9 per 30 days) VICTOZA 3-PAK $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (9 per 30 days) ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 77 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso MISCELLANEOUS HORMONES ALDURAZYME $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO ANDROGEL TRANSDERMAL GEL IN METERED-DOSE PUMP 20.25 MG/1.25 GRAM (1.62 %) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (150 per 30 days) ANDROGEL TRANSDERMAL GEL IN PACKET 1.62 % (20.25 MG/1.25 GRAM) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (112.5 per 30 days) ANDROGEL TRANSDERMAL GEL IN PACKET 1.62 % (40.5 MG/2.5 GRAM) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (150 per 30 days) ANDROXY $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO cabergoline $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO calcitonin (salmon) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (4 per 30 days) calcitriol intravenous solution 1 mcg/ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO calcitriol oral $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO CEREZYME INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 400 UNIT $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO danazol oral $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO desmopressin injection $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO desmopressin nasal $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO desmopressin oral $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO doxercalciferol intravenous $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR doxercalciferol oral $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO ELAPRASE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO FABRAZYME $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO KORLYM $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO KUVAN ORAL TABLET,SOLUBLE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO MIACALCIN INJECTION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO MYOZYME $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO NAGLAZYME $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; LA NATPARA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; LA; QLL (2 per 28 days) oxandrolone oral tablet 10 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 78 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso oxandrolone oral tablet 2.5 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) pamidronate intravenous recon soln $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO pamidronate intravenous solution 30 mg/10 ml (3 mg/ml), 90 mg/10 ml (9 mg/ml) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO pamidronate intravenous solution 60 mg/10 ml (6 mg/ml) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO paricalcitol oral $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO SENSIPAR ORAL TABLET 30 MG, 60 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) SENSIPAR ORAL TABLET 90 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) SOMAVERT $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO STIMATE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO SYNAREL $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO testosterone cypionate $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO testosterone enanthate $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO testosterone transdermal gel $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (300 per 30 days) testosterone transdermal gel in metered-dose pump 1.25 gram/ actuation (1 %) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (300 per 30 days) testosterone transdermal gel in metered-dose pump 10 mg/0.5 gram /actuation $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) testosterone transdermal gel in packet 1 % (25 mg/ 2.5gram) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (225 per 30 days) testosterone transdermal gel in packet 1 % (50 mg/ 5 gram) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (300 per 30 days) VPRIV $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO ZAVESCA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; LA ZEMPLAR INTRAVENOUS $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO zoledronic acid intravenous recon soln 4 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR zoledronic acid intravenous solution 4 mg/5 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO ZOMETA INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 4 MG/ 100 ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 79 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso THYROID HORMONES $0 (Tier 1) MO levoxyl oral tablet 100 mcg, 112 mcg, 125 mcg, 137 mcg, 150 mcg, 175 mcg, 200 mcg, 25 mcg, 50 mcg, 75 mcg, 88 mcg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO liothyronine oral $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO SYNTHROID $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO UNITHROID ORAL TABLET 100 MCG, 112 MCG, 125 MCG, 150 MCG, 175 MCG, 200 MCG, 25 MCG, 300 MCG, 50 MCG, 75 MCG, 88 MCG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO levothyroxine oral GASTROENTEROLOGY ANTIDIARRHEALS / ANTISPASMODICS anti-diarrheal (loperamide) oral tablet atropine injection syringe 0.05 mg/ml, 0.1 mg/ml $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) bismatrol oral suspension 262 mg/15 ml $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] bismatrol oral suspension 525 mg/15 ml $0 (Tier 4) [*] bismatrol oral tablet,chewable $0 (Tier 4) [*] dicyclomine oral capsule $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO dicyclomine oral solution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO dicyclomine oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO diphenoxylate-atropine $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO glycopyrrolate oral $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO $0 (Tier 4) [*] $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO kao-tin (bismuth subsalicylat) loperamide oral capsule loperamide oral liquid 1 mg/5 ml $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] loperamide oral liquid 1 mg/7.5 ml $0 (Tier 4) [*] $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO PEPTIC RELIEF ORAL TABLET,CHEWABLE $0 (Tier 4) [*] pink bismuth oral tablet,chewable $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] OPIUM TINCTURE B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 80 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso MISCELLANEOUS GASTROINTESTINAL AGENTS acid gone antacid $0 (Tier 4) [*] actidose/sorbitol oral suspension 50 gram/240 ml $0 (Tier 4) [*] almacone oral suspension $0 (Tier 4) [*] almacone-2 $0 (Tier 4) [*] alosetron aluminum hydroxide gel oral suspension 320 mg/5 ml AMITIZA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 4) PAR; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) MO; [*] $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO antacid $0 (Tier 4) [*] antacid anti-gas $0 (Tier 4) [*] antacid extra-strength oral suspension 200-200-20 mg/5 ml $0 (Tier 4) [*] antacid plus anti-gas oral suspension 200-200-20 mg/5 ml $0 (Tier 4) [*] anti-nausea liquid $0 (Tier 4) [*] anu-med $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] APRISO $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ASACOL HD $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO balsalazide $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO bisac-evac $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] bisacodyl oral $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] bisacodyl rectal $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] biscolax $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] budesonide oral $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO CANASA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO CIMZIA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (6 per 28 days) CIMZIA POWDER FOR RECONST $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (6 per 28 days) CIMZIA STARTER KIT $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (6 per 28 days) COLACE ORAL CAPSULE 100 MG ? $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 81 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso colocort $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO compro $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO constulose $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO CREON $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO CYSTADANE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO DELZICOL ORAL CAPSULE,DELAYED RELEASE(DR/EC) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO dimenhydrinate oral $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] diocto oral liquid $0 (Tier 4) [*] $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO DIPENTUM doc-q-lace $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] doc-q-lax $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] docu $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] docusate calcium $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] docusate sodium oral capsule 100 mg $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] docusate sodium oral capsule 250 mg $0 (Tier 4) [*] DOCUSOL $0 (Tier 4) [*] DOCUSOL KIDS $0 (Tier 4) [*] DOCUSOL PLUS $0 (Tier 4) [*] dok oral capsule 100 mg $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] dok oral capsule 250 mg $0 (Tier 4) [*] dok oral tablet $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] dok plus $0 (Tier 4) [*] dronabinol $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) EMEND ORAL CAPSULE 125 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO; QLL (5 per 30 days) EMEND ORAL CAPSULE 40 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO; QLL (1 per 2 days) EMEND ORAL CAPSULE 80 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO; QLL (10 per 30 days) EMEND ORAL CAPSULE,DOSE PACK $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO; QLL (15 per 30 days) ENEMA RECTAL ENEMA 19-7 GRAM/118 ML $0 (Tier 4) [*] ENEMEEZ $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 82 escalonada Nombre de la medicina ENEMEEZ PLUS enulose Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso $0 (Tier 4) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; [*] MO fiber (calcium polycarbophil) $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] fiber laxative (psyllium husk) $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] fiber-lax $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] FLEET PEDIATRIC $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] formula em solution $0 (Tier 4) [*] gas relief extra strength oral capsule $0 (Tier 4) [*] gas relief oral capsule $0 (Tier 4) [*] gas relief oral drops,suspension $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] gas relief oral tablet,chewable $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] GAS RELIEF ORAL TABLET,CHEWABLE $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] GATTEX 30-VIAL $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO GATTEX ONE-VIAL $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO gavilyte-c $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO gavilyte-g $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO gavilyte-n $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO generlac $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO $0 (Tier 4) [*] HEMORRHOIDAL SUPPOSITORY hydrocortisone rectal cream 2.5 % $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) hydrocortisone rectal enema $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO infants gas relief $0 (Tier 4) [*] kao-tin (docusate calcium) $0 (Tier 4) [*] lactulose $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO LIALDA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO LINZESS $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO liquid antacid oral suspension 200-200-20 mg/5 ml $0 (Tier 4) [*] magnesium oral tablet 250 mg $0 (Tier 4) [*] MAGTAB $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 83 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso MAJOR-PREP HEMORRHOIDAL RECTAL OINTMENT 0.25-14-74.9 % $0 (Tier 4) [*] masanti double strength $0 (Tier 4) [*] meclizine oral tablet 12.5 mg, 25 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO mesalamine rectal $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO mesalamine with cleansing wipe $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO metoclopramide hcl injection solution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO METOCLOPRAMIDE HCL INJECTION SYRINGE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) metoclopramide hcl oral solution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO metoclopramide hcl oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO mi-acid gas relief $0 (Tier 4) [*] mi-acid oral suspension $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] milk of magnesia $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] milk of magnesia concentrated $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] mintox maximum strength $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] MOVIPREP $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO mytab gas $0 (Tier 4) [*] mytab gas maximum strength $0 (Tier 4) [*] natural fiber laxative (sugar) oral powder 3.4 gram/ 7 gram $0 (Tier 4) [*] natural fiber laxative therapy $0 (Tier 4) [*] ondansetron hcl (pf) injection solution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ondansetron hcl (pf) injection syringe $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ondansetron hcl intravenous $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ondansetron hcl oral solution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO; QLL (450 per 30 days) ondansetron hcl oral tablet 24 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; QLL (30 per 30 days) ondansetron hcl oral tablet 4 mg, 8 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) ondansetron odt $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) peg 3350-electrolytes oral recon soln 236-22.746.74 -5.86 gram $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 84 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso peg 3350-electrolytes oral recon soln 240-22.726.72 -5.84 gram $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) peg-electrolyte soln $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 4) [*] PENTASA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO polyethylene glycol 3350 oral powder $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO peg3350 polyethylene glycol 3350 oral powder in packet $0 (Tier 4) prochlorperazine edisylate injection solution 10 mg/2 ml (5 mg/ml) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO prochlorperazine maleate oral $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO prochlorperazine maleate rectal $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO procto-pak $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO proctosol hc $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO proctozone-hc $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO $0 (Tier 4) [*] reguloid oral capsule MO; [*] RELISTOR SUBCUTANEOUS SOLUTION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO RELISTOR SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO REMICADE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO RULOX $0 (Tier 4) [*] sani-supp (adult) $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] sani-supp (infant) $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] senexon $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] senna lax $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] senna oral syrup 8.8 mg/5 ml $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] senna oral tablet $0 (Tier 4) [*] SENNA PLUS $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] senna with docusate sodium $0 (Tier 4) [*] SENNALAX-S $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] simethicone oral capsule 180 mg $0 (Tier 4) [*] simethicone oral drops,suspension $0 (Tier 4) [*] ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 85 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso sodium bicarbonate oral $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] stool softener oral capsule 100 mg, 240 mg $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO travel sickness $0 (Tier 4) [*] TRAVEL SICKNESS (MECLIZINE) $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] sulfasalazine ursodiol $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ZENPEP $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO $0 (Tier 4) [*] ULCER THERAPY acid reducer (famotidine) oral tablet 20 mg DEXILANT $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ST; MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) famotidine (pf) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO famotidine (pf)-nacl (iso-os) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) famotidine intravenous $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO famotidine oral suspension $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO famotidine oral tablet 10 mg famotidine oral tablet 20 mg, 40 mg HEARTBURN RELIEF (LANSOPRAZOLE) ORAL CAPSULE,DELAYED RELEASE(DR/EC) 15 MG $0 (Tier 4) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; [*] MO $0 (Tier 4) [*]; QLL (30 per 30 days) lansoprazole oral capsule,delayed release(dr/ec) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) misoprostol $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO omeprazole magnesium $0 (Tier 4) [*] omeprazole oral capsule,delayed release(dr/ec) $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) omeprazole oral tablet,delayed release (dr/ec) $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] pantoprazole intravenous pantoprazole oral $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) MO MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) PROTONIX INTRAVENOUS $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ranitidine hcl injection $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ranitidine hcl oral syrup $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ranitidine hcl oral tablet 150 mg, 300 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 86 escalonada Nombre de la medicina ranitidine hcl oral tablet 75 mg sucralfate oral tablet ZEGERID OTC Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso $0 (Tier 4) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] MO MO; [*] IMMUNOLOGY, VACCINES / BIOTECHNOLOGY BIOTECHNOLOGY DRUGS ACTIMMUNE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO ARANESP (IN POLYSORBATE) INJECTION SOLUTION 100 MCG/ML, 200 MCG/ML, 25 MCG/ML, 300 MCG/ML, 40 MCG/ML, 60 MCG/ ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO ARANESP (IN POLYSORBATE) INJECTION SYRINGE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO ARCALYST $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO AVONEX (WITH ALBUMIN) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (4 per 28 days) AVONEX INTRAMUSCULAR PEN INJECTOR KIT $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (4 per 28 days) AVONEX INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (4 per 28 days) AVONEX INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE KIT $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (4 per 28 days) EXTAVIA SUBCUTANEOUS KIT $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO EXTAVIA SUBCUTANEOUS RECON SOLN $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR ILARIS (PF) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; LA INTRON A INJECTION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO NEUPOGEN $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO NORDITROPIN FLEXPRO $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO OMNITROPE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO PEGASYS $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO PEGASYS PROCLICK $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO PEGINTRON $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO PEGINTRON REDIPEN $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO PROCRIT $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (12 per 28 days) PROLEUKIN $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 87 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso REBIF (WITH ALBUMIN) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO REBIF REBIDOSE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO REBIF TITRATION PACK $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO SYLATRON $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO VACCINES / MISCELLANEOUS IMMUNOLOGICALS ACTHIB (PF) $0 (Tier 1) MO ADACEL(TDAP ADOLESN/ADULT)(PF) $0 (Tier 1) MO ATGAM $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR BCG VACCINE, LIVE (PF) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO BEXSERO (PF) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO $0 (Tier 1) MO BOOSTRIX TDAP CARIMUNE NF NANOFILTERED INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 12 GRAM, 6 GRAM $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO CERVARIX VACCINE (PF) $0 (Tier 1) MO DAPTACEL (DTAP PEDIATRIC) (PF) $0 (Tier 1) MO ENGERIX-B (PF) $0 (Tier 1) B/D PAR; MO ENGERIX-B PEDIATRIC (PF) $0 (Tier 1) B/D PAR; MO GAMASTAN S/D $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO GAMMAGARD LIQUID $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO GAMMAGARD S-D (IGA < 1 MCG/ML) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO GAMMAPLEX $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO GAMUNEX-C $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO GARDASIL (PF) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO GARDASIL 9 (PF) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO HAVRIX (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION $0 (Tier 1) MO HAVRIX (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 1, 440 ELISA UNIT/ML $0 (Tier 1) MO HAVRIX (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 720 ELISA UNIT/0.5 ML $0 (Tier 1) B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 88 escalonada Nombre de la medicina HIBERIX (PF) Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso $0 (Tier 1) IMOVAX RABIES VACCINE (PF) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO INFANRIX (DTAP) (PF) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO $0 (Tier 1) MO IXIARO (PF) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO M-M-R II (PF) $0 (Tier 1) MO MENACTRA (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SOLUTION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO MENOMUNE - A/C/Y/W-135 $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MENOMUNE - A/C/Y/W-135 (PF) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO MENVEO A-C-Y-W-135-DIP (PF) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO OCTAGAM $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO IPOL INJECTION SUSPENSION PEDVAX HIB (PF) $0 (Tier 1) MO PRIVIGEN $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO PROQUAD (PF) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO QUADRACEL (PF) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) RABAVERT (PF) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO RECOMBIVAX HB (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION $0 (Tier 1) B/D PAR; MO RECOMBIVAX HB (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 10 MCG/ML $0 (Tier 1) MO RECOMBIVAX HB (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 5 MCG/0.5 ML $0 (Tier 1) ROTARIX ROTATEQ VACCINE tetanus,diphtheria tox ped(pf) TETANUS-DIPHTHERIA TOXOIDS-TD $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 1) MO $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO $0 (Tier 1) MO THYMOGLOBULIN $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR TICE BCG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO TRUMENBA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) TWINRIX (PF) ? $0 (Tier 1) MO Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 89 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso TYPHIM VI INTRAMUSCULAR SOLUTION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) TYPHIM VI INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO VAQTA (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO VAQTA (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) VARIVAX (PF) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO VARIZIG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO YF-VAX (PF) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ZOSTAVAX (PF) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO MUSCULOSKELETAL / RHEUMATOLOGY GOUT THERAPY allopurinol $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO colchicine-probenecid $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO COLCRYS $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO probenecid $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ULORIC $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ST; MO alendronate oral solution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (300 per 28 days) alendronate oral tablet 10 mg, 5 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) alendronate oral tablet 35 mg, 70 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (4 per 28 days) BONIVA INTRAVENOUS $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO FORTEO $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (3 per 28 days) ibandronate intravenous solution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO ibandronate intravenous syringe $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ibandronate oral $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (1 per 28 days) PROLIA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (2 per 365 days) raloxifene $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) ACTEMRA INTRAVENOUS $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO ACTEMRA INTRAVENOUS VIAL $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO OSTEOPOROSIS THERAPY OTHER RHEUMATOLOGICALS B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 90 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso BENLYSTA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO DEPEN TITRATABS $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ENBREL SUBCUTANEOUS RECON SOLN $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (8 per 28 days) ENBREL SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE 25 MG/ 0.5ML (0.51) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (4.08 per 28 days) ENBREL SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE 50 MG/ ML (0.98 ML) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (8 per 28 days) ENBREL SURECLICK $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (8 per 28 days) HUMIRA PEDIATRIC CROHN'S START $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (4.8 per 365 days) HUMIRA PEN $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (3.2 per 28 days) HUMIRA PEN CROHN'S-UC-HS START $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (9.6 per 365 days) HUMIRA PEN PSORIASIS STARTER $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (3.2 per 28 days) HUMIRA SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE KIT 10 MG/0.2 ML, 20 MG/0.4 ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (2 per 28 days) HUMIRA SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE KIT 40 MG/0.8 ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (3.2 per 28 days) KINERET $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (28 per 28 days) leflunomide $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ORENCIA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (4 per 28 days) ORENCIA (WITH MALTOSE) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO RIDAURA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO SAVELLA ORAL TABLET 100 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) SAVELLA ORAL TABLET 12.5 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (480 per 30 days) SAVELLA ORAL TABLET 25 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) SAVELLA ORAL TABLET 50 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) SAVELLA ORAL TABLETS,DOSE PACK $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (110 per 365 days) SIMPONI $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (1 per 28 days) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO OBSTETRICS / GYNECOLOGY ESTROGENS / PROGESTINS camila ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 91 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso DEPO-PROVERA INTRAMUSCULAR SOLUTION 400 MG/ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO errin $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ESTRACE VAGINAL $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO estradiol oral $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO estradiol transdermal patch weekly $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (4 per 28 days) ESTRING $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (1 per 90 days) FEMRING $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (1 per 90 days) lyza $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO medroxyprogesterone $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO MENEST $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO nora-be $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO norethindrone (contraceptive) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO norethindrone acetate $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ORTHO MICRONOR $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO PREMARIN ORAL $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO PREMARIN VAGINAL $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO PREMPRO $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO progesterone micronized $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ST; MO $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO MISCELLANEOUS OB/GYN clindamycin phosphate vaginal clotrimazole vaginal cream metronidazole vaginal $0 (Tier 4) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; [*] MO miconazole 7 $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] miconazole nitrate vaginal cream $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] miconazole nitrate vaginal suppository $0 (Tier 4) [*] miconazole-3 vaginal suppository $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (6 per 30 days) NUVARING $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO terconazole $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO $0 (Tier 4) [*] tioconazole-1 B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 92 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso tranexamic acid oral $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO XULANE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES / RELATED AGENTS ALTAVERA (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ALYACEN 1/35 (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ALYACEN 7/7/7 (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO apri $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO aranelle (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO aviane $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO AZURETTE (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO blisovi fe 1.5/30 (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO CAZIANT (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO cryselle (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO cyclafem 1/35 (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO cyclafem 7/7/7 (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO drospirenone-ethinyl estradiol oral tablet 3-0.03 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO econtra ez $0 (Tier 4) [*] ELINEST $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ELLA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO enpresse $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO $0 (Tier 4) [*] falmina (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO gildagia $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO GILDESS FE 1.5/30 (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO GILDESS FE 1/20 (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO junel 1.5/30 (21) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO junel 1/20 (21) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO junel fe 1.5/30 (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO junel fe 1/20 (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO FALLBACK SOLO ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 93 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso kariva (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO kelnor 1/35 (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO LARIN 1/20 (21) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO LARIN FE 1.5/30 (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO LARIN FE 1/20 (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO lessina $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO levonest (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO levonorg-eth estrad triphasic $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) levonorgestrel-ethinyl estrad oral tablet 0.15-0.03 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO levonorgestrel-ethinyl estrad oral tablets,dose pack, 3 month $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO LOW-OGESTREL (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO lutera (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO marlissa $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO MICROGESTIN 1.5/30 (21) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO MICROGESTIN 1/20 (21) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO MICROGESTIN FE 1.5/30 (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO MICROGESTIN FE 1/20 (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO MONO-LINYAH $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO mononessa (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO MY WAY $0 (Tier 4) [*] MYZILRA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO necon 0.5/35 (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO necon 1/35 (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO necon 1/50 (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO necon 10/11 (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO necon 7/7/7 (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO $0 (Tier 4) [*] NEXT CHOICE ONE DOSE B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 94 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso norgestimate-ethinyl estradiol oral tablet 0.18/ 0.215/0.25 mg-35 mcg (28), 0.25-35 mg-mcg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO nortrel 0.5/35 (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO nortrel 1/35 (21) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO nortrel 1/35 (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO nortrel 7/7/7 (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ocella $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ogestrel (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO OPCICON ONE-STEP $0 (Tier 4) [*] PLAN B ONE-STEP $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] portia $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO previfem $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO reclipsen (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO sprintec (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO SYEDA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO tri-previfem (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO tri-sprintec (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO trivora (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO velivet triphasic regimen (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO VIORELE (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ZARAH $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO zenchent (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO zovia 1/35e (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO zovia 1/50e (28) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO OXYTOCICS methylergonovine oral OPHTHALMOLOGY ANTIBIOTICS bacitracin ophthalmic ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 95 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso bacitracin-polymyxin b ophthalmic $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO BESIVANCE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ciprofloxacin hcl ophthalmic $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO erythromycin ophthalmic $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO gentak ophthalmic ointment $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO gentamicin ophthalmic $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO NEO-POLYCIN $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO neomycin-bacitracin-polymyxin $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO neomycin-polymyxin-gramicidin $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ofloxacin ophthalmic $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO POLYCIN $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) polymyxin b sulf-trimethoprim $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO tobramycin $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO VIGAMOX $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO trifluridine $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ZIRGAN $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO betaxolol ophthalmic $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO BETIMOL $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO BETOPTIC S $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO carteolol $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO levobunolol ophthalmic drops 0.5 % $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO metipranolol $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) timolol maleate ophthalmic $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO TIMOPTIC OCUDOSE (PF) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ANTIVIRALS BETA-BLOCKERS CHOLINESTERASE INHIBITOR MIOTICS PHOSPHOLINE IODIDE B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 96 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso DIRECT ACTING MIOTICS PILOCARPINE HCL OPHTHALMIC DROPS 1 %, 2 %, 4 % $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO MISCELLANEOUS OPHTHALMOLOGICS akwa tears (polyvinyl alcohol) $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] artificial tears (petro/min) $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] artificial tears (polyvin alc) $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] azelastine ophthalmic $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO cromolyn ophthalmic $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO FRESHKOTE $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ISOPTO TEARS $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] liquitears $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] lubricating plus $0 (Tier 4) [*] lubrifresh pm $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] MURO 128 OPHTHALMIC DROPS $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] PATADAY $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO PAZEO $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO PURALUBE $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] REFRESH CELLUVISC $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] REFRESH LACRI-LUBE $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] REFRESH PLUS $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] RESTASIS sodium chloride ophthalmic $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) $0 (Tier 4) MO MO; [*] NON-STEROIDAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AGENTS flurbiprofen ophthalmic drops $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ILEVRO $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ketorolac ophthalmic $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO NEVANAC $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 97 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso ORAL DRUGS FOR GLAUCOMA acetazolamide $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO acetazolamide sodium $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO methazolamide oral $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO AZOPT $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO bimatoprost $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO COMBIGAN $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO dorzolamide $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO dorzolamide-timolol $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO latanoprost $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO LUMIGAN OPHTHALMIC DROPS 0.01 % $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO TRAVATAN Z $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (5 per 30 days) OTHER GLAUCOMA DRUGS STEROID-ANTIBIOTIC COMBINATIONS NEO-POLYCIN HC $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) neomycin-bacitracin-poly-hc $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO neomycin-polymyxin b-dexameth $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO neomycin-polymyxin-hc ophthalmic $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO tobramycin-dexamethasone ophthalmic suspension $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO STEROID-SULFONAMIDE COMBINATIONS BLEPHAMIDE S.O.P. $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO sulfacetamide-prednisolone $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO dexamethasone sodium phosphate ophthalmic $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO fluorometholone $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO prednisolone acetate $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO prednisolone sodium phosphate ophthalmic $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO STEROIDS SULFONAMIDES sulfacetamide sodium ophthalmic drops B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 98 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso SYMPATHOMIMETICS ALPHAGAN P OPHTHALMIC DROPS 0.1 % $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO apraclonidine $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO brimonidine $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO $0 (Tier 4) [*] $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO $0 (Tier 4) [*] VASOCONSTRICTOR DECONGESTANTS eye drops (tetrahydrozoline) naphazoline OPTI-CLEAR RESPIRATORY AND ALLERGY ANTIHISTAMINE / ANTIALLERGENIC AGENTS 12 hour decongestant $0 (Tier 4) [*] ALA-HIST DM $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ala-hist ir $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ALA-HIST PE $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] all day allergy (cetirizine) oral tablet $0 (Tier 4) [*]; QLL (30 per 30 days) all day allergy (cetirizine) oral tablet,chewable $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] all day allergy-d $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] all-nite cold-flu $0 (Tier 4) [*] ALLER-CHLOR $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] allergy (chlorpheniramine) $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] allergy 4-hour $0 (Tier 4) [*] allergy relief (clemastine) $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] allergy relief (loratadine) oral solution $0 (Tier 4) [*] allergy relief (loratadine) oral tablet $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*]; QLL (30 per 30 days) allergy relief d-24 $0 (Tier 4) [*] allergy relief(diphenhydramin) oral liquid $0 (Tier 4) [*] allfen dm $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ap-hist dm $0 (Tier 4) [*] aprodine $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 99 Nombre de la medicina arbinoxa Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO banophen allergy $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] banophen oral capsule 25 mg $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] banophen oral capsule 50 mg $0 (Tier 4) [*] banophen oral liquid $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] benzonatate $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] BROMFED DM $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] brompheniramine-pseudoeph-dm oral syrup $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] brotapp $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] brotapp dm $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] cetirizine oral solution 1 mg/ml $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*]; QLL (300 per 30 days) cetirizine oral tablet $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*]; QLL (30 per 30 days) cetirizine oral tablet,chewable $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] cetirizine-pseudoephedrine $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] cheratussin ac $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] cheratussin dac $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] chest congestion relief $0 (Tier 4) [*] chest congestion relief pe $0 (Tier 4) [*] CHILD DELSYM COUGH+CHEST DM $0 (Tier 4) [*] CHILD DELSYM COUGH+COLD $0 (Tier 4) [*] CHILD MUCINEX CHEST CONGESTION $0 (Tier 4) [*] CHILD MUCINEX CONGESTION-COUGH $0 (Tier 4) [*] CHILD MUCINEX M-S COLD DAY-NTE $0 (Tier 4) [*] CHILD MUCINEX STUFFY NOSE-COLD $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] children's allergy (diphenhyd) oral liquid $0 (Tier 4) [*] children's cetirizine oral solution $0 (Tier 4) [*]; QLL (300 per 30 days) children's cetirizine oral tablet,chewable $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] CHILDREN'S CLARITIN ORAL TABLET, CHEWABLE $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] children's cold and cough dm $0 (Tier 4) [*] B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 100 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso CHILDREN'S MUCINEX COLD-FEVER $0 (Tier 4) [*] CHILDREN'S MUCINEX COUGH $0 (Tier 4) [*] CHILDREN'S MUCINEX MULTI-SYMP $0 (Tier 4) [*] CHILDREN'S MUCINEX NIGHT TIME $0 (Tier 4) [*] children's silfedrine $0 (Tier 4) [*] CHLO TUSS $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] CHLORPHEN SR $0 (Tier 4) [*] chlorpheniramine maleate oral tablet extended release $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] CLARITIN-D 12 HOUR $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] clemastine oral tablet 2.68 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO codeine-guaifenesin $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] complete allergy medicine oral capsule $0 (Tier 4) [*] complete allergy oral liquid $0 (Tier 4) [*] CONGESTION RELIEF (IBUPROF-PE) $0 (Tier 4) [*] cough dm er $0 (Tier 4) [*] cough syrup dm $0 (Tier 4) [*] cough-sore throat night $0 (Tier 4) [*] DALLERGY (CHLORPHENIRAMINE-PE) ORAL DROPS 1-2.5 MG/ML $0 (Tier 4) [*] DALLERGY (DEXBROMPHENIRAMN-PE) ORAL TABLET $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] dayhist allergy $0 (Tier 4) [*] DAYTIME COLD-FLU RELIEF (PE) ORAL CAPSULE $0 (Tier 4) [*] DECONEX DMX $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] DECONEX IR $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] DELSYM 12 HOUR $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] DELSYM COUGH-CHEST CONGEST DM $0 (Tier 4) [*] DELSYM COUGH-COLD DAYTIME $0 (Tier 4) [*] DELSYM COUGH-COLD NIGHTTIME $0 (Tier 4) [*] ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 101 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso dextromethorphan polistirex $0 (Tier 4) [*] dimaphen (pe) $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] dimaphen dm $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] diphenhist oral liquid $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] diphenhydramine hcl injection solution 50 mg/ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO diphenhydramine hcl injection syringe $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO diphenhydramine hcl oral capsule 25 mg $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] diphenhydramine hcl oral capsule 50 mg $0 (Tier 4) PAR; MO; [*] DURAFLU ORAL TABLET 60-20-200-500 MG $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ed a-hist $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ed a-hist dm oral liquid $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ED A-HIST DM ORAL TABLET $0 (Tier 4) [*] ed a-hist pse $0 (Tier 4) [*] ed bron gp $0 (Tier 4) [*] ED CHLORPED D $0 (Tier 4) [*] ed chlorped jr $0 (Tier 4) [*] ED-CHLORPED $0 (Tier 4) [*] ed-chlortan $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] endacof - dm $0 (Tier 4) [*] epinephrine injection syringe 0.1 mg/ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO EPIPEN 2-PAK $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (2 per 2 days) EPIPEN JR 2-PAK $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (2 per 2 days) fexofenadine oral suspension $0 (Tier 4) [*] fexofenadine oral tablet 180 mg, 60 mg $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] FLOWTUSS $0 (Tier 3) [*] guaifenesin ac $0 (Tier 3) [*] guaifenesin oral liquid $0 (Tier 4) [*] GUAIFENESIN ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 12HR 1,200 MG $0 (Tier 4) [*] B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 102 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso guaifenesin oral tablet extended release 12hr 600 mg $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] HISTEX (TRIPROLIDINE) $0 (Tier 4) [*] HISTEX DM $0 (Tier 4) [*] HISTEX PD $0 (Tier 4) [*] HISTEX PE $0 (Tier 4) [*] HYCOFENIX $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] hydrocodone-chlorpheniramine $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] hydrocodone-cpm-pseudoephed $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] hydrocodone-homatropine oral syrup 5-1.5 mg/5 ml $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] hydrocodone-homatropine oral tablet $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] hydromet $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] iophen c-nr $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] iophen dm-nr $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] iophen-nr $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] J-MAX $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] J-TAN D PD $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] J-TAN PD $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] kidkare cough/cold $0 (Tier 4) [*] levocetirizine oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) LODRANE D $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] lohist - d $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] lohist-dm $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] lorata-dine d $0 (Tier 4) [*] loratadine oral solution $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] loratadine oral tablet $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*]; QLL (30 per 30 days) loratadine oral tablet,disintegrating $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*]; QLL (30 per 30 days) loratadine-d $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] LORTUSS DM $0 (Tier 4) [*] ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 103 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso LORTUSS EX ORAL SYRUP $0 (Tier 3) [*] LORTUSS LQ $0 (Tier 4) [*] M-END DMX $0 (Tier 4) [*] M-END MAX D $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] mapap cold formula $0 (Tier 4) [*] mapap sinus max strength (pe) $0 (Tier 4) [*] maxiphen $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] MAXIPHEN DM $0 (Tier 4) [*] mucaphed $0 (Tier 4) [*] mucinex $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] MUCINEX COLD,FLU,SORE THROAT $0 (Tier 4) [*] MUCINEX COUGH MINI-MELTS $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] mucinex d $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] mucinex d maximum strength $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] mucinex dm $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] mucinex fast-max cold-flu-thrt oral tablet $0 (Tier 4) [*] MUCINEX FAST-MAX COLD-SINUS $0 (Tier 4) [*] MUCINEX FAST-MAX CONGEST-COUGH ORAL LIQUID $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] MUCINEX FAST-MAX CONGEST-COUGH ORAL TABLET $0 (Tier 4) [*] MUCINEX FAST-MAX DAY-NITE CONG ORAL TABLETS, SEQUENTIAL $0 (Tier 4) [*] MUCINEX FAST-MAX DM MAX $0 (Tier 4) [*] MUCINEX FAST-MAX NITE COLD-FLU ORAL LIQUID $0 (Tier 4) [*] MUCINEX FAST-MAX SEVERE COLD ORAL LIQUID $0 (Tier 4) [*] MUCINEX FST-MX DY-NT COLD(DPH) ORAL LIQUID, SEQUENTIAL $0 (Tier 4) [*] B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 104 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso MUCINEX MINI-MELTS ORAL GRANULES IN PACKET 100 MG $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] MUCINEX SINUS-MAX D-N (DIPHEN) ORAL TABLETS, SEQUENTIAL $0 (Tier 4) [*] mucinex sinus-max pressur-pain oral tablet $0 (Tier 4) [*] mucinex sinus-max sev congestn oral tablet $0 (Tier 4) [*] MUCUS RELIEF ER ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 12HR 600 MG $0 (Tier 4) [*] mucus relief oral tablet 400 mg $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] mucus relief sinus $0 (Tier 4) [*] nasal decongestant (pe) oral tablet 10 mg $0 (Tier 4) [*] nasal decongestant (pseudoeph) oral tablet $0 (Tier 4) [*] NASOPEN PE $0 (Tier 4) [*] nighttime sleep aid (diphen) oral tablet $0 (Tier 4) [*] NINJACOF $0 (Tier 4) [*] NINJACOF-A $0 (Tier 4) [*] NINJACOF-XG $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] NITE TIME COLD-FLU RELIEF ORAL CAPSULE $0 (Tier 4) [*] nohist-dm $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] nohist-lq $0 (Tier 4) [*] non-drowsy allergy $0 (Tier 4) [*]; QLL (30 per 30 days) ORGAN-I NR $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] PAIN RELIEF SINUS PE $0 (Tier 4) [*] pediatric cough and cold oral liquid 1-15-5 mg/5 ml $0 (Tier 4) [*] phenylhistine dh $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] POLY HIST PD $0 (Tier 4) [*] POLY-HIST DM (THONZYLAMINE) $0 (Tier 4) [*] POLY-VENT DM ORAL TABLET 60-20-380 MG $0 (Tier 4) [*] POLY-VENT IR ORAL TABLET 60-380 MG $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 105 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso promethazine injection solution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO promethazine oral tablet 12.5 mg, 25 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO promethazine vc-codeine $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] promethazine-codeine $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] promethazine-dm $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] PROMETHEGAN RECTAL SUPPOSITORY 12.5 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO pseudoephedrine hcl oral liquid $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] pseudoephedrine hcl oral tablet 30 mg $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] pseudoephedrine-guaifenesin $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] pyrilamine-phenylephrine oral tablet $0 (Tier 4) [*] q-dryl oral capsule $0 (Tier 4) [*] q-dryl oral liquid $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] q-tussin $0 (Tier 4) [*] q-tussin dm $0 (Tier 4) [*] quenalin $0 (Tier 4) [*] RESCON $0 (Tier 4) [*] RESCON-DM $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] rescon-gg $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] RESPAIRE-30 $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] restfully sleep $0 (Tier 4) [*] REZIRA $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] robafen $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] robafen cf (phenylephrine) $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] robafen cough $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] robafen dm $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] robafen dm cough $0 (Tier 4) [*] robafen dm cough-chest congest $0 (Tier 4) [*] RU-HIST D $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] RYMED (DEXCHLORPHENIRAMINE-PE) $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 106 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso rynex dm $0 (Tier 4) [*] rynex pe $0 (Tier 4) [*] rynex pse $0 (Tier 4) [*] siladryl sa $0 (Tier 4) [*] silphen cough $0 (Tier 4) [*] siltussin dm das $0 (Tier 4) [*] siltussin sa $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] siltussin-dm $0 (Tier 4) [*] SORE THROAT AND COUGH $0 (Tier 4) [*] STAHIST AD ORAL LIQUID $0 (Tier 4) [*] STAHIST AD ORAL TABLET $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] sudogest $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] sudogest 12-hour $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] sudogest pe $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] sudogest sinus and allergy $0 (Tier 4) [*] tussin dm oral liquid $0 (Tier 4) [*] tussin dm oral syrup 10-100 mg/5 ml $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] tussin expectorant $0 (Tier 4) [*] tussin oral liquid $0 (Tier 4) [*] TUSSIONEX PENNKINETIC ER $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] VANACOF $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] VANAHIST PD $0 (Tier 4) [*] VIRTUSSIN AC $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] ZONATUSS $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] ZUTRIPRO $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] $0 (Tier 1) B/D PAR; MO ADEMPAS $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; LA ADVAIR DISKUS $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) PULMONARY AGENTS acetylcysteine ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 107 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso ADVAIR HFA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (12 per 30 days) AEROSPAN $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) QLL (18 per 30 days) albuterol sulfate inhalation solution for nebulization 0.63 mg/3 ml, 1.25 mg/3 ml, 2.5 mg /3 ml (0.083 %) $0 (Tier 1) B/D PAR; MO; QLL (360 per 30 days) ALBUTEROL SULFATE INHALATION SOLUTION FOR NEBULIZATION 2.5 MG/0.5 ML $0 (Tier 1) B/D PAR; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) albuterol sulfate inhalation solution for nebulization 5 mg/ml $0 (Tier 1) B/D PAR; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) albuterol sulfate oral $0 (Tier 1) MO ANORO ELLIPTA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) ARNUITY ELLIPTA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) ASMANEX HFA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (13 per 30 days) ASMANEX TWISTHALER INHALATION AEROSOL POWDR BREATH ACTIVATED 110 MCG (30 DOSES) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (0.14 per 30 days) ASMANEX TWISTHALER INHALATION AEROSOL POWDR BREATH ACTIVATED 110 MCG (7 DOSES), 220 MCG (14 DOSES) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ASMANEX TWISTHALER INHALATION AEROSOL POWDR BREATH ACTIVATED 220 MCG (120 DOSES), 220 MCG (30 DOSES), 220 MCG (60 DOSES) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (0.24 per 30 days) ATROVENT HFA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (26 per 30 days) BREO ELLIPTA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) CINRYZE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO COMBIVENT RESPIMAT $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (8 per 30 days) cromolyn inhalation $0 (Tier 1) B/D PAR; MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) cromolyn nasal $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] DALIRESP $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) DULERA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (13 per 30 days) ESBRIET $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; QLL (270 per 30 days) FIRAZYR $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 108 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso FLOVENT DISKUS INHALATION BLISTER WITH DEVICE 100 MCG/ACTUATION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) FLOVENT DISKUS INHALATION BLISTER WITH DEVICE 250 MCG/ACTUATION, 50 MCG/ ACTUATION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (240 per 30 days) FLOVENT HFA INHALATION HFA AEROSOL INHALER 110 MCG/ACTUATION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (12 per 30 days) FLOVENT HFA INHALATION HFA AEROSOL INHALER 220 MCG/ACTUATION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (24 per 30 days) FLOVENT HFA INHALATION HFA AEROSOL INHALER 44 MCG/ACTUATION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (11 per 30 days) flunisolide nasal spray,non-aerosol 25 mcg (0.025 %) $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (75 per 30 days) fluticasone nasal $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (16 per 30 days) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) FORADIL AEROLIZER ipratropium bromide inhalation $0 (Tier 1) B/D PAR; MO ipratropium-albuterol $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO; QLL (540 per 30 days) KALYDECO ORAL TABLET $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) LETAIRIS $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; LA; QLL (30 per 30 days) levalbuterol hcl inhalation solution for nebulization 0.31 mg/3 ml, 1.25 mg/0.5 ml, 1.25 mg/3 ml $0 (Tier 1) B/D PAR; MO; QLL (270 per 30 days) levalbuterol hcl inhalation solution for nebulization 0.63 mg/3 ml $0 (Tier 1) B/D PAR; MO; QLL (540 per 30 days) metaproterenol $0 (Tier 1) MO mometasone nasal $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) QLL (17 per 30 days) montelukast $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) NASONEX $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (17 per 30 days) OFEV ORAL CAPSULE 150 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) PERFOROMIST $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) PROAIR HFA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (18 per 30 days) PROAIR RESPICLICK $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (2 per 30 days) PULMOZYME $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 109 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso QVAR INHALATION AEROSOL 40 MCG/ ACTUATION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (9 per 30 days) QVAR INHALATION AEROSOL 80 MCG/ ACTUATION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (18 per 30 days) S2 RACEPINEPHRINE $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] SEREVENT DISKUS $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) sildenafil oral $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (90 per 30 days) SPIRIVA RESPIMAT $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (4 per 30 days) SPIRIVA WITH HANDIHALER $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) STIOLTO RESPIMAT $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (4 per 30 days) terbutaline oral $0 (Tier 1) MO terbutaline subcutaneous $0 (Tier 1) MO theophylline oral tablet extended release $0 (Tier 1) MO theophylline oral tablet extended release 12 hr $0 (Tier 1) MO TRACLEER $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; LA; QLL (60 per 30 days) VENTAVIS $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO VENTOLIN HFA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (36 per 30 days) XOLAIR $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; LA; QLL (6 per 28 days) XOPENEX HFA $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (45 per 30 days) $0 (Tier 1) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) MYRBETRIQ $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) oxybutynin chloride oral syrup $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (600 per 30 days) oxybutynin chloride oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (120 per 30 days) oxybutynin chloride oral tablet extended release 24hr 10 mg, 15 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) oxybutynin chloride oral tablet extended release 24hr 5 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) tolterodine oral capsule,extended release 24hr $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) zafirlukast UROLOGICALS ANTICHOLINERGICS / ANTISPASMODICS B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 110 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso tolterodine oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) TOVIAZ $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) trospium oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (60 per 30 days) VESICARE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIA(BPH) THERAPY alfuzosin $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO finasteride oral tablet 5 mg $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO tamsulosin $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO CIALIS ORAL TABLET 2.5 MG, 5 MG $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PAR; MO; QLL (30 per 30 days) CYSTAGON $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO; LA potassium citrate oral tablet extended release 10 meq (1,080 mg), 5 meq (540 mg) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO CHOLINERGIC STIMULANTS bethanechol chloride MISCELLANEOUS UROLOGICALS VITAMINS, HEMATINICS / ELECTROLYTES ELECTROLYTES antacid (calcium carbonate) oral tablet,chewable 200 mg calcium (500 mg) $0 (Tier 4) [*] ANTACID EXT STR (CALCIUM CARB) $0 (Tier 4) [*] antacid extra-strength oral tablet,chewable 300 mg (750 mg) $0 (Tier 4) [*] CAL-GEST ANTACID $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] CALCET CREAMY BITES $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] calci-chew $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] calcitrate $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] CALCITRATE-VITAMIN D $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] calcium 500 + d oral tablet 500 mg(1,250mg) -200 unit $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] calcium 500 with d $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 111 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso calcium 600 $0 (Tier 4) [*] calcium 600 + d(3) oral tablet 600 mg(1,500mg) 200 unit, 600 mg(1,500mg) -400 unit $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] CALCIUM 600 WITH VITAMIN D3 ORAL CAPSULE 600 MG(1,500MG) -400 UNIT $0 (Tier 4) [*] $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO calcium acetate oral capsule CALCIUM ANTACID ORAL TABLET, CHEWABLE 200 MG CALCIUM (500 MG) $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] CALCIUM ANTACID ORAL TABLET, CHEWABLE 300 MG (750 MG) $0 (Tier 4) [*] calcium carbonate oral suspension $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] calcium carbonate oral tablet 500 mg calcium (1, 250 mg), 600 mg (1,500 mg) $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] calcium carbonate oral tablet,chewable 500 mg calcium (1,250 mg) $0 (Tier 4) [*] calcium carbonate-vitamin d3 oral tablet 500 mg (1,250mg) -200 unit, 500 mg(1,250mg) -400 unit, 500mg (1,250mg) -600 unit $0 (Tier 4) [*] calcium carbonate-vitamin d3 oral tablet 600 mg (1,500mg) -200 unit, 600 mg(1,500mg) -400 unit, 600 mg(1,500mg) -800 unit $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] calcium carbonate-vitamin d3 oral tablet,chewable 500 mg(1,250mg) -400 unit $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] calcium citrate + d with mag $0 (Tier 4) [*] calcium citrate-vitamin d3 oral tablet 200-125 mgunit $0 (Tier 4) [*] calcium citrate-vitamin d3 oral tablet 315-200 mgunit, 315-250 mg-unit $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] calcium gluconate oral tablet 45 mg (500 mg) $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] calcium with vitamin d $0 (Tier 4) [*] calcium-magnesium $0 (Tier 4) [*] calcium-magnesium-zinc oral tablet $0 (Tier 4) [*] calcium-magnesium-zinc oral tablet 333-133-5 mg $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 112 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso CALTRATE 600 + D $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] CALTRATE WITH VITAMIN D3 $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] chelated zinc $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] citrus calcium oral tablet 315-250 mg-unit $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO electrolytes-dextrose $0 (Tier 4) [*] ENFAMIL ENFALYTE $0 (Tier 4) [*] hi-cal plus vit d $0 (Tier 4) [*] dextrose-kcl-nacl K-TAB ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 8 MEQ $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) KLOR-CON 10 $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO KLOR-CON 8 $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO KLOR-CON M10 $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO KLOR-CON M15 $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO KLOR-CON M20 $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO lactated ringers intravenous $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO laxative dietary supplement $0 (Tier 4) [*] MAGNESIUM (OXIDE/AA CHELATE) $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] MAGNESIUM AMINO ACID CHELATE ORAL TABLET 27 MG $0 (Tier 4) [*] magnesium gluconate oral tablet 30 mg (550 mg) $0 (Tier 4) [*] magnesium oral tablet 30 mg $0 (Tier 4) [*] magnesium oxide oral capsule 500 mg $0 (Tier 4) [*] magnesium oxide oral tablet 400 mg, 420 mg, 500 mg $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] MAGNESIUM SULFATE IN WATER INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MAGNESIUM SULFATE IN WATER INTRAVENOUS PIGGYBACK 2 GRAM/50 ML (4 %), 4 GRAM/50 ML (8 %) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 113 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso MAGNESIUM SULFATE IN WATER INTRAVENOUS PIGGYBACK 4 GRAM/100 ML (4 %) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO magnesium sulfate injection solution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO magnesium sulfate injection syringe $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MG-PLUS-PROTEIN $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] MONOCAL $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] NORMOSOL-R $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) NORMOSOL-R IN 5 % DEXTROSE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) NU-MAG $0 (Tier 4) [*] oralyte $0 (Tier 4) [*] ORAZINC $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] OS-CAL 500 + D3 $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] OSTEO-PORETICAL $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] oysco 500/d oral tablet $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] oysco d $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] oysco-500 $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] oyster shell + d3 $0 (Tier 4) [*] oyster shell calcium 500 $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] oyster shell calcium and mag $0 (Tier 4) [*] oyster shell calcium-vit d3 $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] PEDIALYTE ADVANCED CARE $0 (Tier 4) [*] pedialyte freezer pops $0 (Tier 4) [*] pedialyte oral solution $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] pedialyte singles $0 (Tier 4) [*] pediatric electrolyte oral solution $0 (Tier 4) [*] pediatric freezer pops $0 (Tier 4) [*] potassium chlorid-d5-0.45%nacl intravenous parenteral solution 10 meq/l, 30 meq/l, 40 meq/l $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) potassium chlorid-d5-0.45%nacl intravenous parenteral solution 20 meq/l $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 114 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso potassium chloride in 0.9%nacl intravenous parenteral solution 20 meq/l $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) potassium chloride in 5 % dex intravenous parenteral solution 20 meq/l, 30 meq/l, 40 meq/l $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) potassium chloride in lr-d5 intravenous parenteral solution 20 meq/l $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) potassium chloride in lr-d5 intravenous parenteral solution 40 meq/l $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) potassium chloride intravenous piggyback 10 meq/ 100 ml, 20 meq/100 ml, 40 meq/100 ml $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) POTASSIUM CHLORIDE INTRAVENOUS PIGGYBACK 10 MEQ/50 ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) POTASSIUM CHLORIDE INTRAVENOUS PIGGYBACK 20 MEQ/50 ML, 30 MEQ/100 ML $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) potassium chloride intravenous solution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO potassium chloride oral capsule, extended release $0 (Tier 1) MO potassium chloride oral tablet extended release $0 (Tier 1) MO potassium chloride oral tablet,er particles/crystals $0 (Tier 1) MO potassium chloride-0.45 % nacl $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) potassium chloride-d5-0.2%nacl intravenous parenteral solution 20 meq/l $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) potassium chloride-d5-0.2%nacl intravenous parenteral solution 30 meq/l, 40 meq/l $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) potassium chloride-d5-0.3%nacl intravenous parenteral solution 20 meq/l $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) potassium chloride-d5-0.9%nacl intravenous parenteral solution 20 meq/l $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) potassium chloride-d5-0.9%nacl intravenous parenteral solution 40 meq/l $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) ringers intravenous $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO MO MO MO selenium oral tablet 100 mcg, 50 mcg $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] selenium oral tablet 200 mcg $0 (Tier 4) [*] selenium oral tablet,delayed release (dr/ec) $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 115 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso SLOW-MAG $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] sodium chloride 0.45 % intravenous parenteral solution $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO SODIUM CHLORIDE 0.45 % INTRAVENOUS PIGGYBACK $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) sodium chloride 3 % $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) sodium chloride 5 % $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) sodium chloride intravenous $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO SUPER CALCIUM $0 (Tier 4) [*] zinc $0 (Tier 4) [*] zinc gluconate oral lozenge $0 (Tier 4) [*] zinc gluconate oral tablet 100 mg $0 (Tier 4) [*] zinc gluconate oral tablet 50 mg $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] zinc sulfate oral capsule $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] zinc sulfate oral tablet $0 (Tier 4) [*] ZINC-15 $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] zinc-220 $0 (Tier 4) [*] MO MISCELLANEOUS NUTRITION PRODUCTS AMINOSYN 8.5 % $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR AMINOSYN 8.5 %-ELECTROLYTES $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR AMINOSYN II 10 % $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR AMINOSYN II 7 % $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR AMINOSYN II 8.5 % $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR AMINOSYN II 8.5 %-ELECTROLYTES $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR AMINOSYN M 3.5 % $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR AMINOSYN-HBC 7% $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR AMINOSYN-PF 10 % $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR AMINOSYN-PF 7 % (SULFITE-FREE) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR calcium citrate malate-vit d3 CLINIMIX 5%/D15W SULFITE FREE $0 (Tier 4) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) [*] B/D PAR B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 116 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso CLINIMIX 5%/D25W SULFITE-FREE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR CLINIMIX 2.75%/D5W SULFIT FREE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR CLINIMIX 4.25%-D20W SULF-FREE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR CLINIMIX 4.25%-D25W SULF-FREE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR CLINIMIX 4.25%/D10W SULF FREE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR CLINIMIX 5%-D20W(SULFITE-FREE) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR CLINIMIX E 4.25%/D10W SUL FREE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR CLINIMIX E 4.25%/D25W SUL FREE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR CLINIMIX E 4.25%/D5W SULF FREE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR CLINIMIX E 5%/D15W SULFIT FREE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR CLINIMIX E 5%/D20W SULFIT FREE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR CLINIMIX E 5%/D25W SULFIT FREE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR FORTAVIT $0 (Tier 3) [*] FREAMINE III 10 % $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR HEPATAMINE 8% $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR intralipid intravenous emulsion 20 % $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO ISOLYTE-P IN 5 % DEXTROSE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) NORMOSOL-M IN 5 % DEXTROSE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) NORMOSOL-R PH 7.4 $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PLASMA-LYTE 148 $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) PLASMA-LYTE-56 IN 5 % DEXTROSE $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) travasol 10 % $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO TROPHAMINE 10 % $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR; MO TROPHAMINE 6% $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) B/D PAR VITAMINS / HEMATINICS ABANEU-SL $0 (Tier 4) [*] acerola c-500 $0 (Tier 4) [*] actical $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ACTIVE FE $0 (Tier 3) [*] ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 117 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso ALBA-LYBE $0 (Tier 4) [*] animal shape vitamins $0 (Tier 4) [*] apatate forte $0 (Tier 4) [*] APETEX $0 (Tier 4) [*] APETIGEN $0 (Tier 4) [*] apetigen plus oral liquid $0 (Tier 4) [*] APETIGEN PLUS ORAL TABLET $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] AQUADEKS $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] aquasol e $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ascorbic acid (vitamin c) oral granules $0 (Tier 4) [*] ascorbic acid (vitamin c) oral tablet 250 mg, 500 mg $0 (Tier 4) [*] ascorbic acid (vitamin c) oral tablet extended release 1,000 mg $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ascorbic acid (vitamin c) oral tablet extended release 1,500 mg $0 (Tier 4) [*] ascorbic acid (vitamin c) oral tablet,chewable $0 (Tier 4) [*] b complex 1 $0 (Tier 4) [*] b complex w-vit c $0 (Tier 4) [*] b complex-vitamin b12 $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] b-complex oral tablet $0 (Tier 4) [*] b-complex with vitamin c oral capsule $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] b-complex with vitamin c oral tablet $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] b-complex with vitamin c oral tablet extended release $0 (Tier 4) [*] BACMIN $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] bal b-100 $0 (Tier 4) [*] bal b-50 $0 (Tier 4) [*] balance b-100 $0 (Tier 4) [*] balance b-50 $0 (Tier 4) [*] balanced b-100 oral tablet 0.4 mg, 100 mg $0 (Tier 4) [*] B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 118 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso balanced b-50 oral tablet $0 (Tier 4) [*] bee-zee $0 (Tier 4) [*] beta carotene oral capsule 25,000 unit $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] BIOCAL $0 (Tier 4) [*] biosupp $0 (Tier 4) [*] biotin oral capsule 2,500 mcg, 5 mg $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] biotin oral tablet 1 mg, 300 mcg $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] biovol $0 (Tier 4) [*] c 1000-bioflavonoids-rose hips $0 (Tier 4) [*] c complex $0 (Tier 4) [*] c-500 oral tablet,chewable $0 (Tier 4) [*] CALCET PETITES $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] calcium 600 + minerals $0 (Tier 4) [*] calcium carbonate-vit d3-min oral tablet $0 (Tier 4) [*] calcium carbonate-vit d3-min oral tablet,chewable 600 mg (1,500 mg)-200 unit $0 (Tier 4) [*] calcium soft chew oral tablet,chewable 500-200-40 mg-unit-mcg $0 (Tier 4) [*] calcium-magnesium-copper-zinc $0 (Tier 4) [*] calcium-vitamin d3-vitamin k oral tablet,chewable 500-200-40 mg-unit-mcg $0 (Tier 4) [*] CALTRATE 600+D PLUS MINERALS $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] centamin $0 (Tier 4) [*] central vite with lutein $0 (Tier 4) [*] central-vite cardio $0 (Tier 4) [*] CENTRAL-VITE ENERGY $0 (Tier 4) [*] central-vite men's under 50 $0 (Tier 4) [*] central-vite oral tablet 18-400 mg-mcg $0 (Tier 4) [*] central-vite select $0 (Tier 4) [*] central-vite senior $0 (Tier 4) [*] ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 119 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso CENTRAL-VITE WOMEN'S MATURE $0 (Tier 4) [*] central-vite women's under 50 $0 (Tier 4) [*] centratex $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] CENTRUM COMPLETE $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] CENTRUM KIDS $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] CENTRUM MEN $0 (Tier 4) [*] CENTRUM ORAL LIQUID $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] CENTRUM ORAL TABLET,CHEWABLE $0 (Tier 4) [*] CENTRUM SILVER ORAL TABLET $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] CENTRUM SILVER WOMEN $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] CENTRUM SPECIALIST HEART $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] CENTRUM ULTRA MEN'S $0 (Tier 4) [*] century adults 50+ $0 (Tier 4) [*] century cardio $0 (Tier 4) [*] century oral tablet 18-400 mg-mcg $0 (Tier 4) [*] century ultimate men's oral tablet 8 mg iron- 200 mcg-600 mcg $0 (Tier 4) [*] century ultimate women's $0 (Tier 4) [*] CEREFOLIN $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] cerovite $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] cerovite advanced formula $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] cerovite jr $0 (Tier 4) [*] certavite senior-antioxidant $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] certavite-antioxid (iron gluc) oral liquid 9 mg iron/ 15 ml $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] certavite-antioxidant $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] chewable-vite $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] chewable-vite with iron $0 (Tier 4) [*] child vitamin with minerals $0 (Tier 4) [*] child's chewable vitamins/iron oral tablet,chewable $0 (Tier 4) [*] B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 120 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso child's vitamin with iron $0 (Tier 4) [*] children's chewable vitamin $0 (Tier 4) [*] CHILDREN'S CHEWABLES $0 (Tier 4) [*] CHILDREN'S CHEWABLES EXTRA C $0 (Tier 4) [*] CHILDREN'S CHEWABLES WITH IRON $0 (Tier 4) [*] children's iron $0 (Tier 4) [*] childs chew vite $0 (Tier 4) [*] childs/iron $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] cholecalciferol (vitamin d3) oral drops 400 unit/ml $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] compete $0 (Tier 4) [*] complete multivitamin oral tablet $0 (Tier 4) [*] complete multivitamin-mineral oral tablet $0 (Tier 4) [*] complete oral tablet 18-500-300-250 mg-mcg-mcgmcg $0 (Tier 4) [*] complete senior oral tablet 0.4-300-250 mg-mcgmcg $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] complex b-100 oral tablet extended release $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] CORAL CALCIUM ORAL CAPSULE 185-50-100 MG-MG-UNIT $0 (Tier 4) [*] coral calcium oral capsule 200-100-100 mg-mgunit $0 (Tier 4) [*] corvita $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] CORVITE $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] CORVITE 150 ORAL TABLET 150 MG IRON1 MG $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] CORVITE FE ORAL TABLET 150 MG IRON- 1 MG $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] CORVITE FREE $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] cyanocobalamin (vitamin b-12) oral liquid $0 (Tier 4) [*] cyanocobalamin (vitamin b-12) oral tablet 1,000 mcg, 500 mcg $0 (Tier 4) [*] ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 121 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso cyanocobalamin (vitamin b-12) oral tablet extended release $0 (Tier 4) [*] daily multiple for men $0 (Tier 4) [*] daily multiple for men 50+ $0 (Tier 4) [*] DAILY MULTIPLE FOR WOMEN $0 (Tier 4) [*] daily multiple for women 50+ $0 (Tier 4) [*] daily multiple oral tablet $0 (Tier 4) [*] DAILY MULTIPLE ORAL TABLET 400-120 MCG-MG $0 (Tier 4) [*] daily multiple vitamins/iron $0 (Tier 4) [*] daily multivitamin-minerals $0 (Tier 4) [*] daily vitamin with iron and ca $0 (Tier 4) [*] daily vites/iron $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] daily-vite $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] dialyvite 800 $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] DIALYVITE 800 WITH IRON $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] dino-life $0 (Tier 4) [*] dino-life with extra c $0 (Tier 4) [*] dino-life with iron-zinc $0 (Tier 4) [*] DRISDOL ORAL CAPSULE $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] duofer $0 (Tier 4) [*] ECEE PLUS $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ENLYTE (FERROUS GLYCINE) $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] ergocalciferol (vitamin d2) oral capsule $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] ergocalciferol (vitamin d2) oral drops $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ezfe 200 $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] fe c $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] FER-IN-SOL $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] fer-iron $0 (Tier 4) [*] FERATE ORAL TABLET 240 MG (27 MG IRON) $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 122 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso FERGON $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] FERIVA 21-7 TABLET $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] FERIVA FA (SUMALATE) $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] ferosul oral elixir $0 (Tier 4) [*] FEROSUL ORAL TABLET $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] FERRALET 90 DUAL-IRON DELIVERY $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] ferraplus 90 $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] ferretts $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] FERRETTS IPS $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ferrex 150 $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ferrex 150 forte $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] FERRIC X-150 $0 (Tier 4) [*] FERRIMIN 150 $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ferro-time $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ferrocite $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ferrous fumarate oral tablet 324 mg (106 mg iron) $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ferrous gluconate oral tablet 236 mg (27 mg iron) $0 (Tier 4) [*] ferrous gluconate oral tablet 240 mg (27 mg iron), 324 mg (37.5 mg iron), 324 mg (38 mg iron), 325 mg (36 mg iron) $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ferrous sulfate oral drops $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ferrous sulfate oral elixir $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ferrous sulfate oral liquid $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ferrous sulfate oral solution $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ferrous sulfate oral tablet 325 mg (65 mg iron) $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] FERROUS SULFATE ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ferrous sulfate oral tablet,delayed release (dr/ec) $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ferrousul $0 (Tier 4) [*] $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO FLUORITAB ORAL TABLET,CHEWABLE 1 MG FLUORIDE (2.2 MG) ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 123 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso FOCALGIN DSS $0 (Tier 3) [*] folic acid injection $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] folic acid oral tablet 1 mg $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] folic acid-vit b6-vit b12 oral tablet 0.5-5-0.2 mg $0 (Tier 4) [*] folitab $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] foltabs 800 $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] foltanx $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] fosfree $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] full spectrum b-vitamin c $0 (Tier 4) [*] FUSION PLUS $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] gummy dinos oral tablet,chewable 200 mcg $0 (Tier 4) [*] HAIR VITAMINS $0 (Tier 4) [*] hair,skin and nails oral tablet $0 (Tier 4) [*] HARD NAIL $0 (Tier 4) [*] HEMATRON $0 (Tier 3) [*] HEMOCYTE $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] HEMOCYTE-F $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] HEMOCYTE-PLUS $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] high potency iron $0 (Tier 4) [*] honey bears $0 (Tier 4) [*] honey bears with iron-zinc $0 (Tier 4) [*] I.L.X. B-12 $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ICAPS $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ICAPS AREDS ORAL TABLET,DELAYED RELEASE (DR/EC) $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ICAPS MV $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] icaps plus $0 (Tier 4) [*] ICAR ORAL SUSPENSION $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ICAR-C $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] iferex 150 $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 124 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso iferex 150 forte $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] infed $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] INTEGRA $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] INTEGRA F $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] INTEGRA PLUS $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] iron (ferrous sulfate) $0 (Tier 4) [*] iron high potency $0 (Tier 4) [*] iron oral tablet 325 mg (65 mg iron) $0 (Tier 4) [*] iron oral tablet extended release 159 mg (45 mg iron) $0 (Tier 4) [*] iron-vitamin c $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] IROSPAN 24/6 $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] l-methyl-b6-b12 $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] l-methyl-mc $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] LIFE-PACK MEN'S $0 (Tier 4) [*] LIFE-PACK WOMEN'S $0 (Tier 4) [*] LITTLE ANIMALS $0 (Tier 4) [*] LITTLE ANIMALS-IRON ORAL TABLET, CHEWABLE $0 (Tier 4) [*] $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO LUDENT FLUORIDE ORAL TABLET, CHEWABLE 1 MG FLUORIDE (2.2 MG) lysiplex plus oral liquid $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] MEDTYCHOLL-B COMPLEX-LIVER $0 (Tier 4) [*] MEGA MULTI FOR WOMEN $0 (Tier 4) [*] mega multiple/chelated mineral $0 (Tier 4) [*] MEGA MULTIVITAMIN FOR MEN $0 (Tier 4) [*] MEGA MULTIVITAMIN WITH MINERAL ORAL TABLET 13.5-200-250 MG-MCG-MCG $0 (Tier 4) [*] men's multi-vitamin $0 (Tier 4) [*] MERIBIN $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] metafolbic $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 125 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso multi-delyn $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] multi-delyn with iron $0 (Tier 4) [*] multi-vitamin hp/minerals $0 (Tier 4) [*] multilex $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] multilex-t and m $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] multiple vitamin-minerals $0 (Tier 4) [*] multivitamin oral tablet $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] multivitamin with iron $0 (Tier 4) [*] multivitamin with minerals oral tablet $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] my-vitalife $0 (Tier 4) [*] myferon 150 $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] MYFERON 150 FORTE $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] NEPHRO-VITE $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] NEPHRON FA $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] nephronex $0 (Tier 4) [*] NOVAFERRUM 125 $0 (Tier 4) [*] NOVAFERRUM 50 $0 (Tier 4) [*] NOVAFERRUM ORAL DROPS $0 (Tier 4) [*] NU-IRON $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] NUTRICAP $0 (Tier 3) [*] NUTRIVIT $0 (Tier 4) [*] once daily $0 (Tier 4) [*] ONCOVITE $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] one daily energy oral tablet $0 (Tier 4) [*] one daily essential oral tablet , 0.4 mg $0 (Tier 4) [*] one daily maximum $0 (Tier 4) [*] one daily men's 50+ $0 (Tier 4) [*] one daily multi-vit w-mineral $0 (Tier 4) [*] one daily multivitamin oral tablet $0 (Tier 4) [*] B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 126 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso one daily oral tablet $0 (Tier 4) [*] one daily plus iron $0 (Tier 4) [*] one daily with iron $0 (Tier 4) [*] ONE DAILY WOMEN 50 PLUS $0 (Tier 4) [*] one daily women's oral tablet 27-0.4 mg $0 (Tier 4) [*] oyster shell calcium with d $0 (Tier 4) [*] pantothenic acid $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] PERIDIN-C $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] poly-iron $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] poly-iron 150 forte $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] poly-vita $0 (Tier 4) [*] poly-vita (iron) $0 (Tier 4) [*] poly-vitamin $0 (Tier 4) [*] poly-vitamin with iron $0 (Tier 4) [*] poly-vitamins $0 (Tier 4) [*] polyvitamin/iron $0 (Tier 4) [*] $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO PREVENT $0 (Tier 4) [*] PRO FE $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] PROFERRIN ES $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] PROFERRIN-FORTE $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] PROTECT IRON $0 (Tier 3) [*] pyridoxine (vitamin b6) oral tablet 100 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg $0 (Tier 4) [*] RABANO YODADO $0 (Tier 4) [*] rena-vite $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] riboflavin (vitamin b2) oral tablet 100 mg $0 (Tier 4) [*] risacal-d $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] se-tan plus $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] SENIOR TABS $0 (Tier 4) [*] prenatal vitamin oral tablet ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 127 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso sentry oral tablet 18-500-300-250 mg-mcg-mcgmcg $0 (Tier 4) [*] SENTRY SENIOR ORAL TABLET 500-300-250 MCG $0 (Tier 4) [*] SIDEROL ORAL TABLET $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] slow release iron oral tablet extended release 143 mg (45 mg iron), 47.5 mg iron $0 (Tier 4) [*] SLOW RELEASE IRON ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 159 MG (45 MG IRON) $0 (Tier 4) [*] sodium fluoride oral tablet $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO sodium fluoride oral tablet,chewable 1 mg fluoride (2.2 mg) $0-$7.40 (Tier 2) MO spectravite adult 50+ oral tablet $0 (Tier 4) [*] spectravite advanced formula oral tablet 18-400 mg-mcg $0 (Tier 4) [*] spectravite men's $0 (Tier 4) [*] spectravite senior oral tablet 500-300-250 mcg $0 (Tier 4) [*] spectravite ultra women $0 (Tier 4) [*] SPECTRAVITE ULTRA WOMEN'S SR $0 (Tier 4) [*] strawberry c $0 (Tier 4) [*] stress formula $0 (Tier 4) [*] STRESS FORMULA 600 C $0 (Tier 4) [*] stress formula advanced $0 (Tier 4) [*] STRESS FORMULA ENERGY $0 (Tier 4) [*] stress formula with iron $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] stress formula with iron(sulf) $0 (Tier 4) [*] stress formula with zinc $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] STROVITE FORTE $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] STROVITE ONE $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] SUPER B COMPLEX + C $0 (Tier 4) [*] super b complex-vitamin c $0 (Tier 4) [*] B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 128 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso SUPER B-50 COMPLEX $0 (Tier 4) [*] super b/c $0 (Tier 4) [*] SUPER MULTIPLE ORAL TABLET $0 (Tier 4) [*] SUPER MULTIVITAMIN $0 (Tier 4) [*] super thera vite m $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] superplex-t $0 (Tier 4) [*] SUPERVITE (EC) $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] support $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] SUPPORT-500 $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] tab-a-vite $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] tab-a-vite-minerals $0 (Tier 4) [*] tab-a-vite/iron $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] TANDEM DUAL ACTION $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] TANDEM PLUS $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] taron forte $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] thera $0 (Tier 4) [*] thera m plus (ferrous fumarat) $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] thera vitamin $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] thera-m oral tablet $0 (Tier 4) [*] thera-m oral tablet 9 mg iron-400 mcg $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] thera-tabs $0 (Tier 4) [*] therapeutic liquid $0 (Tier 4) [*] therapeutic m + beta-carotene $0 (Tier 4) [*] therapeutic-m oral tablet 9 mg iron-400 mcg $0 (Tier 4) [*] therapeutic-m vitamin/minerals oral tablet 27-0.4 mg $0 (Tier 4) [*] theratrum complete with lutein $0 (Tier 4) [*] therems $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] THEREMS-H $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] therems-m $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 129 Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso thiamine hcl (vitamin b1) oral tablet 100 mg, 250 mg $0 (Tier 4) [*] total b/c $0 (Tier 4) [*] TOTALDAY MULTIPLE $0 (Tier 4) [*] TRI-VI-SOL $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] tri-vita $0 (Tier 4) [*] tri-vitamin $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] ULTRA B-100 COMPLEX ORAL TABLET $0 (Tier 4) [*] unicomplex-m $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] v-c forte $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] VIC-FORTE $0 (Tier 3) [*] VITA-BEE WITH C $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] vitamin a oral capsule 10,000 unit $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] vitamin a oral capsule 8,000 unit $0 (Tier 4) [*] vitamin b complex $0 (Tier 4) [*] vitamin b complex with c $0 (Tier 4) [*] vitamin b-1 $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] vitamin b-12 oral tablet $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] vitamin b-12 oral tablet extended release 1,000 mcg $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] vitamin b-12 oral tablet extended release 2,000 mcg $0 (Tier 4) [*] vitamin b-12 sublingual tablet 2,500 mcg $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] vitamin b-2 oral tablet 100 mg, 25 mg $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] vitamin b-6 oral tablet 100 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] vitamin c cough drops $0 (Tier 4) [*] vitamin c drops $0 (Tier 4) [*] vitamin c oral capsule, extended release $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] vitamin c oral lozenge $0 (Tier 4) [*] vitamin c oral powder effervescent in packet $0 (Tier 4) [*] vitamin c oral syrup $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] vitamin c oral tablet 1,000 mg, 250 mg, 500 mg $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] B/D: se requiere autorización previa, solo determinación de Parte D versus Parte B LA: disponibilidad limitada MO: pedido por correo PAR: se requiere autorización previa QLL: límite en el nivel de cantidad ST: terapia 130 escalonada Nombre de la medicina Cuánto le costará la Medidas, restricciones o límites medicina (nivel) necesarios en uso vitamin c oral tablet extended release 1,000 mg $0 (Tier 4) [*] vitamin c oral tablet extended release 500 mg $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] vitamin c oral tablet,chewable 250 mg, 500 mg $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] vitamin c with rose hips oral tablet $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] vitamin d2 $0 (Tier 3) MO; [*] vitamin e (dl, acetate) oral capsule 100 unit, 400 unit $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] vitamin e acetate $0 (Tier 4) [*] vitamin e mixed oral capsule $0 (Tier 4) [*] vitamin e oral capsule 1,000 unit, 200 unit, 400 unit $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] vitamin e oral capsule 100 unit, 600 unit $0 (Tier 4) [*] vitamin e oral drops 100 unit/0.25 ml, 50 unit/ml $0 (Tier 4) [*] vitamins a and d $0 (Tier 4) [*] vitamins and minerals $0 (Tier 4) [*] vitamins b complex oral capsule $0 (Tier 4) MO; [*] vitamins for hair oral tablet $0 (Tier 4) [*] wee care $0 (Tier 4) [*] WHOLE SOURCE MULTI-VITAMINS $0 (Tier 4) [*] women's daily formula oral tablet 18 mg iron-400 mcg-500 mg ca $0 (Tier 4) [*] ZINC (WITH A AND C) LOZENGES $0 (Tier 4) [*] zinc sulfate-vitamin c $0 (Tier 4) [*] zoo chews $0 (Tier 4) [*] ZOO FRIENDS ORIGINAL $0 (Tier 4) [*] ? Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite 131 Índice 1 12 hour decongestant ....... 99 A abacavir ............................ 11 abacavir-lamivudinezidovudine ......................... 11 ABANEU-SL .................. 117 ABELCET ........................ 10 ABILIFY MAINTENA .... 44 ABRAXANE .................... 23 acamprosate ...................... 70 acarbose oral tablet 100 mg ..................................... 75 acarbose oral tablet 25 mg ..................................... 75 acarbose oral tablet 50 mg ..................................... 75 acebutolol ......................... 55 acephen rectal suppository 120 mg, 650 mg ....................... 41 acephen rectal suppository 325 mg ..................................... 41 acerola c-500 .................. 117 ACETA-GESIC ................ 41 acetaminophen oral tablet 325 mg ..................................... 41 acetaminophen-codeine oral solution 120 mg-12 mg /5 ml (5 ml), 300 mg-30 mg /12.5 ml ...................................... 39 acetaminophen-codeine oral solution 120-12 mg/5 ml .... 39 ACETAMINOPHENCODEINE ORAL SOLUTION 240 MG-24 MG /10 ML (10 ML) ................................... 39 acetaminophen-codeine oral tablet 300-15 mg ............... 39 acetaminophen-codeine oral tablet 300-30 mg ............... 39 acetaminophen-codeine oral tablet 300-60 mg ............... 39 acetazolamide ................... 98 acetazolamide sodium ...... 98 acetic acid otic .................. 73 ? acetic acid-aluminum acetate ............................... 73 acetylcysteine .................. 107 acetylcysteine intravenous ....................... 70 acid gone antacid ............. 81 acid reducer (famotidine) oral tablet 20 mg ...................... 86 acitretin ............................. 64 ACNE MEDICATION TOPICAL GEL ................. 65 ACNE MEDICATION TOPICAL LOTION 10 % ....................................... 65 ACTEMRA INTRAVENOUS .............. 90 ACTEMRA INTRAVENOUS VIAL ................................. 90 ACTHAR H.P. .................. 74 ACTHIB (PF) ................... 88 actical ............................. 117 actidose/sorbitol oral suspension 50 gram/240 ml ...................................... 81 ACTIMMUNE ................. 87 ACTIVE FE .................... 117 acyclovir oral capsule ....... 11 acyclovir oral suspension 200 mg/5 ml ............................. 11 acyclovir oral tablet .......... 11 acyclovir sodium intravenous solution ............................. 11 acyclovir topical ............... 68 ADACEL(TDAP ADOLESN/ ADULT)(PF) ..................... 88 ADAGEN ......................... 70 adapalene topical gel 0.3 % ....................................... 65 adapalene topical gel with pump ................................. 65 ADASUVE ....................... 44 adefovir ............................. 11 ADEMPAS ..................... 107 ADVAIR DISKUS .......... 107 ADVAIR HFA ................ 108 AEROSPAN ................... 108 afeditab cr ......................... 55 AFINITOR DISPERZ ORAL TABLET FOR SUSPENSION 2 MG, 5 MG ..................... 23 AFINITOR DISPERZ ORAL TABLET FOR SUSPENSION 3 MG ................................. 23 AFINITOR ORAL TABLET 10 MG ............................... 23 AFINITOR ORAL TABLET 2.5 MG .............................. 23 AFINITOR ORAL TABLET 5 MG ................................. 23 AFINITOR ORAL TABLET 7.5 MG .............................. 23 AGGRENOX .................... 60 akwa tears (polyvinyl alcohol) ............................. 97 ala-cort topical cream ...... 68 ALA-HIST DM ................ 99 ala-hist ir .......................... 99 ALA-HIST PE .................. 99 ALBA-LYBE .................. 118 ALBENZA ....................... 17 albuterol sulfate inhalation solution for nebulization 0.63 mg/3 ml, 1.25 mg/3 ml, 2.5 mg /3 ml (0.083 %) ............... 108 ALBUTEROL SULFATE INHALATION SOLUTION FOR NEBULIZATION 2.5 MG/0.5 ML ..................... 108 albuterol sulfate inhalation solution for nebulization 5 mg/ ml .................................... 108 albuterol sulfate oral ...... 108 alclometasone ................... 68 alcohol pads ...................... 75 ALDURAZYME .............. 78 ALECENSA ..................... 23 alendronate oral solution ... 90 alendronate oral tablet 10 mg, 5 mg .................................. 90 alendronate oral tablet 35 mg, 70 mg ................................ 90 Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 132 alendronate oral tablet 40 mg ..................................... 70 alfuzosin .......................... 111 ALIMTA ........................... 23 ALINIA ORAL SUSPENSION FOR RECONSTITUTION ........ 17 ALINIA ORAL TABLET ........................... 17 all day allergy (cetirizine) oral tablet ................................. 99 all day allergy (cetirizine) oral tablet,chewable ................. 99 all day allergy-d ................ 99 all day pain relief .............. 41 all day relief ...................... 41 all-nite cold-flu ................. 99 ALLER-CHLOR .............. 99 allergy 4-hour ................... 99 allergy relief d-24 ............. 99 allergy relief (clemastine) ...................... 99 allergy relief (loratadine) oral solution ............................. 99 allergy relief (loratadine) oral tablet ................................. 99 allergy relief(diphenhydramin) oral liquid ......................... 99 allergy (chlorpheniramine) ........... 99 allfen dm ........................... 99 allopurinol ........................ 90 almacone oral suspension ......................... 81 almacone-2 ....................... 81 alosetron ........................... 81 ALPHAGAN P OPHTHALMIC DROPS 0.1 % ....................................... 99 alprazolam oral tablet ...... 44 ALTAVERA (28) .............. 93 ALTOPREV ...................... 62 aluminum hydroxide gel oral suspension 320 mg/5 ml .... 81 ALYACEN 1/35 (28) ........ 93 ALYACEN 7/7/7 (28) ....... 93 amantadine hcl oral capsule .............................. 11 ? amantadine hcl oral tablet ................................. 11 AMBISOME ..................... 10 amcinonide ....................... 68 amifostine crystalline ........ 22 AMIKACIN INJECTION SOLUTION 1,000 MG/4 ML .................................... 17 amikacin injection solution 500 mg/2 ml ...................... 17 amiloride ........................... 55 amiloridehydrochlorothiazide .......... 55 AMINOSYN 8.5 % ........ 116 AMINOSYN 8.5 %ELECTROLYTES .......... 116 AMINOSYN II 10 % ...... 116 AMINOSYN II 7 % ........ 116 AMINOSYN II 8.5 % ..... 116 AMINOSYN II 8.5 %ELECTROLYTES .......... 116 AMINOSYN M 3.5 % .... 116 AMINOSYN-HBC 7% .... 116 AMINOSYN-PF 10 % .... 116 AMINOSYN-PF 7 % (SULFITE-FREE) ........... 116 amiodarone intravenous solution ............................. 55 AMIODARONE INTRAVENOUS SYRINGE ......................... 55 amiodarone oral ............... 55 AMITIZA ......................... 81 amitriptyline ..................... 44 amlodipine besylate oral tablet 10 mg, 2.5 mg ................... 56 amlodipine besylate oral tablet 5 mg .................................. 56 amlodipine-atorvastatin .... 62 amlodipine-benazepril ...... 56 amlodipine-valsartan ........ 56 amlodipine-valsartanhcthiazid ........................... 56 ammonium lactate ............ 64 amoxapine ......................... 44 amoxicillin oral capsule .... 20 amoxicillin oral suspension for reconstitution .................... 20 amoxicillin oral tablet ...... 20 amoxicillin oral tablet, chewable 125 mg, 250 mg ..................................... 20 amoxicillin-pot clavulanate ....................... 20 amphotericin b .................. 10 ampicillin .......................... 20 ampicillin sodium injection ............................ 20 ampicillin sodium intravenous ....................... 20 ampicillin-sulbactam injection recon soln 1.5 gram, 3 gram .................................. 20 ampicillin-sulbactam injection recon soln 15 gram ........... 20 ampicillin-sulbactam intravenous recon soln 1.5 gram .................................. 20 ampicillin-sulbactam intravenous recon soln 3 gram .................................. 20 AMPYRA ......................... 37 anagrelide ......................... 70 anastrozole ........................ 23 ANDROGEL TRANSDERMAL GEL IN METERED-DOSE PUMP 20.25 MG/1.25 GRAM (1.62 %) ..................................... 78 ANDROGEL TRANSDERMAL GEL IN PACKET 1.62 % (20.25 MG/ 1.25 GRAM) ..................... 78 ANDROGEL TRANSDERMAL GEL IN PACKET 1.62 % (40.5 MG/ 2.5 GRAM) ....................... 78 ANDROXY ...................... 78 animal shape vitamins .... 118 ANORO ELLIPTA ......... 108 antacid .............................. 81 antacid anti-gas ................ 81 ANTACID EXT STR (CALCIUM CARB) ....... 111 Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 133 antacid extra-strength oral suspension 200-200-20 mg/5 ml ...................................... 81 antacid extra-strength oral tablet,chewable 300 mg (750 mg) .................................. 111 antacid plus anti-gas oral suspension 200-200-20 mg/5 ml ...................................... 81 antacid (calcium carbonate) oral tablet,chewable 200 mg calcium (500 mg) ............ 111 anti-diarrheal (loperamide) oral tablet ......................... 80 anti-nausea liquid ............. 81 antifungal cream ............... 67 antifungal spray ................ 67 antifungal (tolnaftate) topical cream ................................ 67 antifungal (tolnaftate) topical powder .............................. 67 anu-med ............................ 81 ap-hist dm ......................... 99 apatate forte .................... 118 APETEX ......................... 118 APETIGEN ..................... 118 apetigen plus oral liquid ............................... 118 APETIGEN PLUS ORAL TABLET ......................... 118 APOKYN ......................... 37 apraclonidine .................... 99 apri ................................... 93 APRISO ............................ 81 aprodine ............................ 99 APTIOM ........................... 32 APTIVUS ORAL CAPSULE ......................... 11 APTIVUS ORAL SOLUTION ...................... 11 AQUADEKS .................. 118 aquasol e ......................... 118 ARALAST NP .................. 70 aranelle (28) ..................... 93 ARANESP (IN POLYSORBATE) INJECTION SOLUTION 100 MCG/ML, 200 MCG/ML, 25 ? MCG/ML, 300 MCG/ML, 40 MCG/ML, 60 MCG/ML .... 87 ARANESP (IN POLYSORBATE) INJECTION SYRINGE .... 87 arbinoxa .......................... 100 ARCALYST ..................... 87 aripiprazole oral solution ............................. 44 aripiprazole oral tablet 10 mg ..................................... 44 aripiprazole oral tablet 15 mg ..................................... 44 aripiprazole oral tablet 2 mg ..................................... 44 aripiprazole oral tablet 20 mg, 30 mg ................................ 44 aripiprazole oral tablet 5 mg ..................................... 45 aripiprazole oral tablet, disintegrating 10 mg ......... 45 aripiprazole oral tablet, disintegrating 15 mg ......... 45 ARISTADA INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION,EXTENDED REL SYRING 441 MG/1.6 ML .................................... 45 ARISTADA INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION,EXTENDED REL SYRING 662 MG/2.4 ML .................................... 45 ARISTADA INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION,EXTENDED REL SYRING 882 MG/3.2 ML .................................... 45 ARNUITY ELLIPTA ..... 108 ARRANON ...................... 23 arthritis pain relief (acetam) ............................ 41 artificial tears (petro/ min) ................................... 97 artificial tears (polyvin alc) .................................... 97 ARZERRA ....................... 23 ASACOL HD ................... 81 ascorbic acid (vitamin c) oral granules .......................... 118 ascorbic acid (vitamin c) oral tablet 250 mg, 500 mg .... 118 ascorbic acid (vitamin c) oral tablet extended release 1,000 mg ................................... 118 ascorbic acid (vitamin c) oral tablet extended release 1,500 mg ................................... 118 ascorbic acid (vitamin c) oral tablet,chewable ............... 118 ASMANEX HFA ............ 108 ASMANEX TWISTHALER INHALATION AEROSOL POWDR BREATH ACTIVATED 110 MCG (30 DOSES) .......................... 108 ASMANEX TWISTHALER INHALATION AEROSOL POWDR BREATH ACTIVATED 110 MCG (7 DOSES), 220 MCG (14 DOSES) .......................... 108 ASMANEX TWISTHALER INHALATION AEROSOL POWDR BREATH ACTIVATED 220 MCG (120 DOSES), 220 MCG (30 DOSES), 220 MCG (60 DOSES) .......................... 108 aspir-low ........................... 41 aspirin oral tablet ............. 41 aspirin oral tablet, chewable ........................... 41 aspirin oral tablet,delayed release (dr/ec) 325 mg, 81 mg ..................................... 42 aspirin-dipyridamole ........ 60 atenolol ............................. 56 atenolol-chlorthalidone .... 56 ATGAM ............................ 88 atorvastatin ....................... 62 atovaquone ....................... 17 atovaquone-proguanil ....... 17 ATRIPLA .......................... 11 atropine injection syringe 0.05 mg/ml, 0.1 mg/ml .............. 80 Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 134 ATROVENT HFA .......... 108 AVASTIN .......................... 23 aviane ............................... 93 AVONEX INTRAMUSCULAR PEN INJECTOR KIT ................ 87 AVONEX INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE ......................... 87 AVONEX INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE KIT ................. 87 AVONEX (WITH ALBUMIN) ...................... 87 azacitidine ......................... 23 AZACTAM IN DEXTROSE (ISO-OSM) ....................... 17 azathioprine ...................... 23 azathioprine sodium ......... 23 azelastine nasal ................ 73 azelastine ophthalmic ....... 97 AZILECT ......................... 37 azithromycin intravenous recon soln 500 mg ............. 16 azithromycin intravenous recon soln 500 mg (2 mg/ ml) ..................................... 17 azithromycin oral .............. 17 AZOPT ............................. 98 AZOR ............................... 56 aztreonam ......................... 17 AZURETTE (28) .............. 93 B b complex 1 ..................... 118 b complex w-vit c ............ 118 b complex-vitamin b12 .... 118 b-complex oral tablet ...... 118 b-complex with vitamin c oral capsule ............................ 118 b-complex with vitamin c oral tablet ............................... 118 b-complex with vitamin c oral tablet extended release .... 118 baciim ............................... 17 bacitracin ophthalmic ....... 95 bacitracin topical ointment ............................ 66 ? bacitracin zinc topical ointment ............................ 66 bacitracin-polymyxin b ophthalmic ........................ 96 baclofen ............................ 38 BACMIN ........................ 118 bal b-100 ......................... 118 bal b-50 ........................... 118 balance b-100 ................. 118 balance b-50 ................... 118 balanced b-100 oral tablet 0.4 mg, 100 mg ...................... 118 balanced b-50 oral tablet ............................... 119 balsalazide ........................ 81 banophen allergy ............ 100 banophen oral capsule 25 mg ................................... 100 banophen oral capsule 50 mg ................................... 100 banophen oral liquid ...... 100 BANZEL ORAL SUSPENSION .................. 32 BANZEL ORAL TABLET 200 MG ............................. 32 BANZEL ORAL TABLET 400 MG ............................. 32 BARACLUDE ORAL SOLUTION ...................... 11 BCG VACCINE, LIVE (PF) ................................... 88 bee-zee ............................ 119 BELEODAQ ..................... 23 benazepril ......................... 56 benazeprilhydrochlorothiazide .......... 56 BENDEKA ....................... 23 BENLYSTA ...................... 91 benzonatate ..................... 100 benzoyl peroxide topical foam .................................. 65 benzoyl peroxide topical gel 10 %, 2.5 %, 5 % .............. 65 benztropine oral ................ 37 BESIVANCE .................... 96 beta carotene oral capsule 25, 000 unit ........................... 119 betamethasone dipropionate ...................... 68 betamethasone valerate topical cream ................................ 68 betamethasone valerate topical lotion ................................. 68 betamethasone valerate topical ointment ............................ 68 betamethasone, augmented ......................... 68 betaxolol ophthalmic ........ 96 betaxolol oral .................... 56 bethanechol chloride ....... 111 BETIMOL ........................ 96 BETOPTIC S .................... 96 bexarotene ......................... 23 BEXSERO (PF) ................ 88 bicalutamide ..................... 23 BICILLIN C-R ................. 20 BICILLIN L-A ................. 20 BICNU .............................. 23 BILTRICIDE .................... 17 bimatoprost ....................... 98 BIOCAL ......................... 119 biosupp ............................ 119 biotin oral capsule 2,500 mcg, 5 mg ................................ 119 biotin oral tablet 1 mg, 300 mcg .................................. 119 biovol .............................. 119 bisac-evac ......................... 81 bisacodyl oral ................... 81 bisacodyl rectal ................. 81 biscolax ............................. 81 bismatrol oral suspension 262 mg/15 ml ........................... 80 bismatrol oral suspension 525 mg/15 ml ........................... 80 bismatrol oral tablet, chewable ........................... 80 bisoprolol fumarate .......... 56 bisoprololhydrochlorothiazide .......... 56 bleomycin .......................... 24 BLEPHAMIDE S.O.P. ..... 98 BLINCYTO ...................... 24 blisovi fe 1.5/30 (28) ......... 93 blue gel ............................. 64 Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 135 BONIVA INTRAVENOUS .............. 90 BOOSTRIX TDAP ........... 88 BOSULIF ORAL TABLET 100 MG ............................. 24 BOSULIF ORAL TABLET 500 MG ............................. 24 BREO ELLIPTA ............. 108 BRILINTA ........................ 60 brimonidine ....................... 99 BRIVIACT INTRAVENOUS .............. 32 BRIVIACT ORAL SOLUTION ...................... 32 BRIVIACT ORAL TABLET 10 MG ............................... 32 BRIVIACT ORAL TABLET 100 MG, 75 MG ............... 32 BRIVIACT ORAL TABLET 25 MG ............................... 32 BRIVIACT ORAL TABLET 50 MG ............................... 32 BROMFED DM ............. 100 bromocriptine ................... 37 brompheniramine-pseudoephdm oral syrup .................. 100 brotapp ............................ 100 brotapp dm ...................... 100 budesonide oral ................ 81 bumetanide ....................... 56 BUPHENYL ORAL TABLET ........................... 70 buprenorphine hcl injection solution ............................. 39 buprenorphine hcl injection syringe .............................. 39 buprenorphine hcl sublingual tablet 2 mg ........................ 39 buprenorphine hcl sublingual tablet 8 mg ........................ 39 buprenorphine-naloxone sublingual tablet 2-0.5 mg ..................................... 42 buprenorphine-naloxone sublingual tablet 8-2 mg .... 42 buproban ........................... 72 bupropion hcl oral tablet 100 mg ..................................... 45 ? bupropion hcl oral tablet 75 mg ..................................... 45 bupropion hcl oral tablet extended release 100 mg .... 45 bupropion hcl oral tablet extended release 150 mg, 200 mg ..................................... 45 bupropion hcl oral tablet extended release 24 hr 150 mg ..................................... 45 bupropion hcl oral tablet extended release 24 hr 300 mg ..................................... 45 buspirone .......................... 45 BUSULFEX ..................... 24 BUTALBITAL COMPOUND W/CODEINE .................... 39 butorphanol tartrate injection solution 1 mg/ml ............... 42 butorphanol tartrate injection solution 2 mg/ml ............... 42 butorphanol tartrate nasal ................................. 42 BYDUREON .................... 75 BYETTA SUBCUTANEOUS PEN INJECTOR 10 MCG/ DOSE(250 MCG/ML) 2.4 ML .................................... 75 BYETTA SUBCUTANEOUS PEN INJECTOR 5 MCG/ DOSE (250 MCG/ML) 1.2 ML .................................... 75 BYSTOLIC ....................... 56 C c 1000-bioflavonoids-rose hips .................................. 119 c complex ........................ 119 c-500 oral tablet, chewable ......................... 119 cabergoline ....................... 78 CABOMETYX ORAL TABLET 20 MG ............... 24 CABOMETYX ORAL TABLET 40 MG, 60 MG .................................... 24 CAL-GEST ANTACID ... 111 CALCET CREAMY BITES ............................. 111 CALCET PETITES ........ 119 calci-chew ....................... 111 calcipotriene scalp ............ 64 calcipotriene topical ......... 64 calcitonin (salmon) ........... 78 calcitrate ......................... 111 CALCITRATE-VITAMIN D ...................................... 111 calcitriol intravenous solution 1 mcg/ml ........................... 78 calcitriol oral .................... 78 calcium 500 + d oral tablet 500 mg(1,250mg) -200 unit .................................. 111 calcium 500 with d .......... 111 calcium 600 ..................... 112 calcium 600 + d(3) oral tablet 600 mg(1,500mg) -200 unit, 600 mg(1,500mg) -400 unit .................................. 112 calcium 600 + minerals ... 119 CALCIUM 600 WITH VITAMIN D3 ORAL CAPSULE 600 MG(1,500MG) -400 UNIT ...................... 112 calcium acetate oral capsule ............................ 112 CALCIUM ANTACID ORAL TABLET,CHEWABLE 200 MG CALCIUM (500 MG) ................................. 112 CALCIUM ANTACID ORAL TABLET,CHEWABLE 300 MG (750 MG) ................. 112 calcium carbonate oral suspension ....................... 112 calcium carbonate oral tablet 500 mg calcium (1,250 mg), 600 mg (1,500 mg) .......... 112 calcium carbonate oral tablet, chewable 500 mg calcium (1, 250 mg) ........................... 112 calcium carbonate-vit d3-min oral tablet ........................ 119 calcium carbonate-vit d3-min oral tablet,chewable 600 mg (1,500 mg)-200 unit ........ 119 Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 136 calcium carbonate-vitamin d3 oral tablet 500 mg(1,250mg) 200 unit, 500 mg(1,250mg) 400 unit, 500mg (1,250mg) 600 unit ........................... 112 calcium carbonate-vitamin d3 oral tablet 600 mg(1,500mg) 200 unit, 600 mg(1,500mg) 400 unit, 600 mg(1,500mg) 800 unit ........................... 112 calcium carbonate-vitamin d3 oral tablet,chewable 500 mg(1, 250mg) -400 unit ............. 112 calcium citrate + d with mag ................................. 112 calcium citrate malate-vit d3 .................................... 116 calcium citrate-vitamin d3 oral tablet 200-125 mg-unit .... 112 calcium citrate-vitamin d3 oral tablet 315-200 mg-unit, 315250 mg-unit ..................... 112 calcium gluconate oral tablet 45 mg (500 mg) ............... 112 calcium soft chew oral tablet, chewable 500-200-40 mg-unitmcg .................................. 119 calcium with boron ........... 70 calcium with vitamin d .... 112 calcium-magnesium ........ 112 calcium-magnesium-copperzinc .................................. 119 calcium-magnesium-zinc oral tablet ............................... 112 calcium-magnesium-zinc oral tablet 333-133-5 mg ........ 112 calcium-vitamin d3-vitamin k oral tablet,chewable 500-20040 mg-unit-mcg ............... 119 CALTRATE 600 + D ...... 113 CALTRATE 600+D PLUS MINERALS .................... 119 CALTRATE WITH VITAMIN D3 ................. 113 camila ............................... 91 CANASA .......................... 81 CANCIDAS ...................... 10 ? candesartan oral tablet 16 mg, 4 mg, 8 mg ........................ 56 candesartan oral tablet 32 mg ..................................... 56 candesartanhydrochlorothiazid oral tablet 16-12.5 mg ........................ 56 candesartanhydrochlorothiazid oral tablet 32-12.5 mg, 32-25 mg ....... 56 CAPASTAT ....................... 17 CAPEX ............................. 68 CAPRELSA ORAL TABLET 100 MG ............................. 24 CAPRELSA ORAL TABLET 300 MG ............................. 24 captopril ........................... 56 captoprilhydrochlorothiazide .......... 56 CARBAGLU .................... 70 carbamazepine oral capsule, er multiphase 12 hr ........... 32 carbamazepine oral suspension 100 mg/5 ml .... 32 carbamazepine oral suspension 200 mg/10 ml ... 32 carbamazepine oral tablet ................................. 32 carbamazepine oral tablet extended release 12 hr 100 mg ..................................... 32 carbamazepine oral tablet extended release 12 hr 200 mg, 400 mg .............................. 32 carbamazepine oral tablet, chewable ........................... 32 carbidopa-levodopa .......... 37 carboplatin intravenous solution ............................. 24 CARIMUNE NF NANOFILTERED INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 12 GRAM, 6 GRAM .............................. 88 carteolol ............................ 96 cartia xt ............................. 56 carvedilol .......................... 56 CAYSTON ........................ 17 CAZIANT (28) ................. 93 cefaclor oral capsule ........ 15 cefaclor oral suspension for reconstitution 125 mg/5 ml ...................................... 15 cefaclor oral suspension for reconstitution 250 mg/5 ml, 375 mg/5 ml ...................... 15 cefaclor oral tablet extended release 12 hr ..................... 15 cefadroxil oral capsule ..... 15 cefadroxil oral suspension for reconstitution 250 mg/5 ml, 500 mg/5 ml ...................... 15 cefadroxil oral tablet ........ 15 cefazolin in dextrose (iso-os) intravenous piggyback 1 gram/ 50 ml ................................. 15 CEFAZOLIN IN DEXTROSE (ISO-OS) INTRAVENOUS PIGGYBACK 2 GRAM/50 ML .................................... 15 cefazolin injection recon soln 1 gram, 500 mg ................. 15 cefazolin injection recon soln 10 gram, 20 gram ............. 15 CEFAZOLIN INJECTION RECON SOLN 100 GRAM, 300 G ................................ 16 cefazolin intravenous ........ 16 cefdinir .............................. 16 cefepime ............................ 16 cefoxitin in dextrose, isoosm .................................... 16 cefoxitin intravenous recon soln 1 gram ....................... 16 cefoxitin intravenous recon soln 10 gram, 2 gram ........ 16 cefpodoxime ...................... 16 cefprozil ............................ 16 ceftazidime injection recon soln 1 gram, 2 gram .......... 16 ceftazidime injection recon soln 6 gram ....................... 16 ceftriaxone in dextrose,isoos ....................................... 16 Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 137 ceftriaxone injection recon soln 1 gram, 2 gram, 250 mg, 500 mg .............................. 16 ceftriaxone injection recon soln 10 gram ..................... 16 CEFTRIAXONE INJECTION RECON SOLN 100 GRAM .............................. 16 ceftriaxone intravenous .... 16 cefuroxime axetil oral tablet ................................. 16 cefuroxime sodium intraveneous vial injection recon soln 1.5 gram, 750 mg ..................................... 16 cefuroxime sodium intraveneous vial intravenous recon soln 7.5 gram .......... 16 CELLCEPT INTRAVENOUS .............. 24 CELONTIN ORAL CAPSULE 300 MG .......... 33 centamin .......................... 119 central vite ........................ 72 central vite with lutein .... 119 central-vite cardio ........... 119 CENTRAL-VITE ENERGY ........................ 119 central-vite men's under 50 .................................... 119 central-vite oral tablet 18-400 mg-mcg ........................... 119 central-vite select ............ 119 central-vite senior ........... 119 CENTRAL-VITE WOMEN'S MATURE ........................ 120 central-vite women's under 50 .................................... 120 centratex ......................... 120 CENTRUM COMPLETE ................... 120 CENTRUM KIDS .......... 120 CENTRUM MEN ........... 120 CENTRUM ORAL LIQUID .......................... 120 CENTRUM ORAL TABLET, CHEWABLE .................. 120 ? CENTRUM SILVER ORAL TABLET ......................... 120 CENTRUM SILVER WOMEN ......................... 120 CENTRUM SPECIALIST HEART ........................... 120 CENTRUM ULTRA MEN'S ............................ 120 century adults 50+ .......... 120 century cardio ................. 120 century oral tablet 18-400 mgmcg ................................. 120 century ultimate men's oral tablet 8 mg iron- 200 mcg-600 mcg ................................. 120 century ultimate women's .......................... 120 cephalexin oral capsule 250 mg, 500 mg ....................... 16 cephalexin oral suspension for reconstitution .................... 16 cephalexin oral tablet ....... 16 CEREFOLIN .................. 120 CEREZYME INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 400 UNIT .............. 78 cerovite ........................... 120 cerovite advanced formula ........................... 120 cerovite jr ........................ 120 certavite seniorantioxidant ...................... 120 certavite-antioxid (iron gluc) oral liquid 9 mg iron/15 ml .................................... 120 certavite-antioxidant ....... 120 CERVARIX VACCINE (PF) ................................... 88 cetirizine oral solution 1 mg/ ml .................................... 100 cetirizine oral tablet ........ 100 cetirizine oral tablet, chewable ......................... 100 cetirizinepseudoephedrine ............. 100 CHANTIX ........................ 72 CHANTIX CONTINUING MONTH BOX .................. 72 CHANTIX STARTING MONTH BOX .................. 72 chelated zinc ................... 113 cheratussin ac ................. 100 cheratussin dac ............... 100 chest congestion relief .... 100 chest congestion relief pe .................................... 100 chewable-vite .................. 120 chewable-vite with iron .... 120 CHILD DELSYM COUGH+CHEST DM .... 100 CHILD DELSYM COUGH+COLD ............. 100 child ibuprofen .................. 42 CHILD MUCINEX CHEST CONGESTION ............... 100 CHILD MUCINEX CONGESTIONCOUGH .......................... 100 CHILD MUCINEX M-S COLD DAY-NTE ........... 100 CHILD MUCINEX STUFFY NOSE-COLD ................. 100 child vitamin with minerals .......................... 120 child's chewable vitamins/iron oral tablet,chewable ....... 120 child's vitamin with iron ... 121 children's allergy (diphenhyd) oral liquid ....................... 100 children's aspirin .............. 42 children's cetirizine oral solution ........................... 100 children's cetirizine oral tablet, chewable ......................... 100 children's chewable vitamin ............................ 121 CHILDREN'S CHEWABLES ................ 121 CHILDREN'S CHEWABLES EXTRA C ....................... 121 CHILDREN'S CHEWABLES WITH IRON ................... 121 CHILDREN'S CLARITIN ORAL TABLET, CHEWABLE .................. 100 Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 138 children's cold and cough dm ................................... 100 children's ibuprofen .......... 42 children's iron ................. 121 children's mapap ............... 42 CHILDREN'S MUCINEX COLD-FEVER ............... 101 CHILDREN'S MUCINEX COUGH .......................... 101 CHILDREN'S MUCINEX MULTI-SYMP ................ 101 CHILDREN'S MUCINEX NIGHT TIME ................. 101 children's pain-fever relief oral liquid ................................. 42 children's pain-fever relief oral suspension ......................... 42 CHILDREN'S PAIN-FEVER RELIEF ORAL TABLET, CHEWABLE .................... 42 children's q-pap ................ 42 children's silfedrine ........ 101 childs chew vite ............... 121 childs/iron ....................... 121 CHLO TUSS .................. 101 chloramphenicol sod succinate ........................... 17 chlorhexidine gluconate mucous membrane ............ 73 chloroquine phosphate oral ................................... 18 chlorothiazide ................... 56 chlorothiazide sodium ....... 56 CHLORPHEN SR .......... 101 chlorpheniramine maleate oral tablet extended release .... 101 chlorpromazine ................. 45 chlorthalidone oral tablet 25 mg, 50 mg ......................... 56 cholecalciferol (vitamin d3) oral drops 400 unit/ml .... 121 cholestyramine light ......... 62 cholestyramine (with sugar) ................................ 62 CIALIS ORAL TABLET 2.5 MG, 5 MG ....................... 111 CICLODAN TOPICAL SOLUTION ...................... 67 ? ciclopirox topical cream .... 67 ciclopirox topical gel ........ 67 ciclopirox topical shampoo ............................ 67 ciclopirox topical solution ............................. 67 ciclopirox topical suspension ......................... 67 cidofovir ............................ 11 cilostazol ........................... 60 CIMZIA ............................ 81 CIMZIA POWDER FOR RECONST ........................ 81 CIMZIA STARTER KIT ... 81 CINRYZE ....................... 108 CIPRODEX ...................... 73 ciprofloxacin ..................... 21 ciprofloxacin hcl ophthalmic ........................ 96 ciprofloxacin hcl oral tablet ................................. 21 ciprofloxacin lactate intravenous solution 200 mg/ 20 ml ................................. 21 ciprofloxacin lactate intravenous solution 400 mg/ 40 ml ................................. 21 ciprofloxacin (mixture) oral tablet, er multiphase 24 hr 1, 000 mg .............................. 21 ciprofloxacin (mixture) oral tablet, er multiphase 24 hr 500 mg ..................................... 21 cisplatin ............................ 24 citalopram oral solution .... 45 citalopram oral tablet 10 mg ..................................... 45 citalopram oral tablet 20 mg ..................................... 45 citalopram oral tablet 40 mg ..................................... 45 citrus calcium oral tablet 315250 mg-unit ..................... 113 cladribine .......................... 24 clarithromycin oral suspension for reconstitution .............. 17 clarithromycin oral tablet ................................. 17 clarithromycin oral tablet extended release 24 hr ...... 17 CLARITIN-D 12 HOUR ............................. 101 clemastine oral tablet 2.68 mg ................................... 101 clindamycin hcl ................. 18 clindamycin phosphate injection ............................ 18 CLINDAMYCIN PHOSPHATE INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 300 MG/2 ML ................... 18 clindamycin phosphate intravenous solution 600 mg/4 ml ...................................... 18 clindamycin phosphate intravenous solution 900 mg/6 ml ...................................... 18 clindamycin phosphate topical ............................... 65 clindamycin phosphate vaginal .............................. 92 CLINIMIX 2.75%/D5W SULFIT FREE ................ 117 CLINIMIX 4.25%-D20W SULF-FREE ................... 117 CLINIMIX 4.25%-D25W SULF-FREE ................... 117 CLINIMIX 4.25%/D10W SULF FREE .................... 117 CLINIMIX 4.25%/D5W SULFIT FREE .................. 70 CLINIMIX 5%-D20W (SULFITE-FREE) ........... 117 CLINIMIX 5%/D15W SULFITE FREE .............. 116 CLINIMIX 5%/D25W SULFITE-FREE ............. 117 CLINIMIX E 2.75%/D10W SUL FREE ........................ 70 CLINIMIX E 2.75%/D5W SULF FREE ...................... 70 CLINIMIX E 4.25%/D10W SUL FREE ...................... 117 CLINIMIX E 4.25%/D25W SUL FREE ...................... 117 Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 139 CLINIMIX E 4.25%/D5W SULF FREE .................... 117 CLINIMIX E 5%/D15W SULFIT FREE ................ 117 CLINIMIX E 5%/D20W SULFIT FREE ................ 117 CLINIMIX E 5%/D25W SULFIT FREE ................ 117 clobetasol scalp ................ 68 clobetasol topical cream .... 68 clobetasol topical foam ..... 68 clobetasol topical gel ........ 68 clobetasol topical ointment ............................ 68 clobetasol-emollient topical cream ................................ 68 CLOLAR .......................... 24 clomipramine .................... 45 clonazepam oral tablet 0.5 mg ..................................... 33 clonazepam oral tablet 1 mg ..................................... 33 clonazepam oral tablet 2 mg ..................................... 33 clonazepam oral tablet, disintegrating 0.125 mg .... 33 clonazepam oral tablet, disintegrating 0.25 mg ...... 33 clonazepam oral tablet, disintegrating 0.5 mg ........ 33 clonazepam oral tablet, disintegrating 1 mg ........... 33 clonazepam oral tablet, disintegrating 2 mg ........... 33 clonidine hcl oral tablet .... 56 clonidine transdermal patches .............................. 56 clopidogrel oral tablet 300 mg ..................................... 60 clopidogrel oral tablet 75 mg ..................................... 60 clorazepate dipotassium .... 45 clotrimazole mucous membrane ......................... 10 clotrimazole topical .......... 67 clotrimazole vaginal cream ................................ 92 ? clotrimazolebetamethasone .................. 67 clozapine oral tablet 100 mg ..................................... 45 clozapine oral tablet 200 mg ..................................... 45 clozapine oral tablet 25 mg ..................................... 45 clozapine oral tablet 50 mg ..................................... 45 clozapine oral tablet, disintegrating 100 mg ....... 45 clozapine oral tablet, disintegrating 12.5 mg ...... 46 clozapine oral tablet, disintegrating 150 mg ....... 46 clozapine oral tablet, disintegrating 200 mg ....... 46 clozapine oral tablet, disintegrating 25 mg ......... 46 COATS ALOE ANALGESIC ................... 64 COATS ALOE MOISTURIZING ............. 64 COATS ALOE TOPICAL CREAM ............................ 64 COATS ALOE TOPICAL GEL .................................. 64 codeine-guaifenesin ........ 101 COLACE ORAL CAPSULE 100 MG ............................. 81 colchicine-probenecid ....... 90 COLCRYS ........................ 90 colestipol ........................... 62 colistin (colistimethate na) ..................................... 18 colocort ............................. 82 COLY-MYCIN S .............. 73 COMBIGAN .................... 98 COMBIVENT RESPIMAT ..................... 108 COMETRIQ ORAL CAPSULE 100 MG/DAY(80 MG X1-20 MG X1) .......... 24 COMETRIQ ORAL CAPSULE 140 MG/DAY(80 MG X1-20 MG X3) .......... 24 COMETRIQ ORAL CAPSULE 60 MG/DAY (20 MG X 3/DAY) .................. 24 compete ........................... 121 COMPLERA ..................... 11 complete allergy medicine oral capsule ............................ 101 complete allergy oral liquid ............................... 101 complete multivitamin oral tablet ............................... 121 complete multivitamin-mineral oral tablet ....................... 121 complete oral tablet 18-500300-250 mg-mcg-mcgmcg ................................. 121 complete premium vitamin .............................. 72 complete senior oral tablet 0.4-300-250 mg-mcgmcg ................................. 121 complex b-100 oral tablet extended release .............. 121 compro .............................. 82 CONGESTION RELIEF (IBUPROF-PE) ............... 101 constulose ......................... 82 COPAXONE SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE 20 MG/ML ........................ 37 COPAXONE SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE 40 MG/ML ........................ 37 CORAL CALCIUM ORAL CAPSULE 185-50-100 MGMG-UNIT ....................... 121 coral calcium oral capsule 200-100-100 mg-mgunit .................................. 121 COREG CR ...................... 57 cormax scalp ..................... 68 cortisone ........................... 74 corvita ............................. 121 CORVITE ....................... 121 CORVITE 150 ORAL TABLET 150 MG IRON- 1 MG .................................. 121 Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 140 CORVITE FE ORAL TABLET 150 MG IRON- 1 MG .................................. 121 CORVITE FREE ............ 121 COTELLIC ....................... 24 cough dm er .................... 101 cough syrup dm ............... 101 cough-sore throat night ... 101 COUMADIN ORAL ........ 60 CREON ............................. 82 CRESTOR ........................ 62 CRIXIVAN ORAL CAPSULE 200 MG ............................. 11 CRIXIVAN ORAL CAPSULE 400 MG ............................. 11 cromolyn inhalation ........ 108 cromolyn nasal ................ 108 cromolyn ophthalmic ........ 97 cryselle (28) ...................... 93 CUTTER BACKWOODS ................ 69 cyanocobalamin (vitamin b-12) oral liquid ....................... 121 cyanocobalamin (vitamin b-12) oral tablet 1,000 mcg, 500 mcg ................................. 121 cyanocobalamin (vitamin b-12) oral tablet extended release ............................. 122 cyclafem 1/35 (28) ............ 93 cyclafem 7/7/7 (28) ........... 93 cyclobenzaprine oral tablet ................................. 38 cyclophosphamide oral capsule .............................. 24 CYCLOSET ..................... 75 cyclosporine intravenous ... 24 cyclosporine modified ....... 24 cyclosporine oral capsule .............................. 24 CYRAMZA ...................... 24 CYSTADANE .................. 82 CYSTAGON ................... 111 cytarabine ......................... 24 CYTARABINE (PF) INJECTION SOLUTION 100 MG/5 ML (20 MG/ML) .... 24 ? cytarabine (pf) injection solution 2 gram/20 ml (100 mg/ml) ............................... 24 CYTARABINE (PF) INJECTION SOLUTION 20 MG/ML ............................. 25 D d10 %-0.45 % sodium chloride ............................. 70 d2.5 %-0.45 % sodium chloride ............................. 70 d5 % and 0.9 % sodium chloride ............................. 70 d5 %-0.45 % sodium chloride ............................. 70 dacarbazine ...................... 25 daily multiple for men ..... 122 daily multiple for men 50+ ................................. 122 DAILY MULTIPLE FOR WOMEN ......................... 122 daily multiple for women 50+ ................................. 122 daily multiple oral tablet ............................... 122 DAILY MULTIPLE ORAL TABLET 400-120 MCGMG .................................. 122 daily multiple vitamins/ iron .................................. 122 daily multivitaminminerals .......................... 122 daily vitamin with iron and ca .................................... 122 daily vites/iron ................ 122 daily-vite ......................... 122 DAKLINZA ORAL TABLET 30 MG, 60 MG ................. 11 DAKLINZA ORAL TABLET 90 MG ............................... 11 DALIRESP ..................... 108 DALLERGY (CHLORPHENIRAMINE-PE) ORAL DROPS 1-2.5 MG/ ML .................................. 101 DALLERGY (DEXBROMPHENIRAMNPE) ORAL TABLET ...... 101 danazol oral ...................... 78 dantrolene ......................... 38 DAPSONE ........................ 18 DAPTACEL (DTAP PEDIATRIC) (PF) ............ 88 DARAPRIM ..................... 18 DARZALEX ..................... 25 daunorubicin intravenous solution ............................. 25 dayhist allergy ................ 101 DAYTIME COLD-FLU RELIEF (PE) ORAL CAPSULE ...................... 101 decitabine ......................... 25 DECONEX DMX ........... 101 DECONEX IR ................ 101 deep sea nasal ................... 73 DELSYM 12 HOUR ...... 101 DELSYM COUGH-CHEST CONGEST DM .............. 101 DELSYM COUGH-COLD DAYTIME ...................... 101 DELSYM COUGH-COLD NIGHTTIME .................. 101 DELZICOL ORAL CAPSULE,DELAYED RELEASE(DR/EC) .......... 82 demeclocycline .................. 21 DEMSER .......................... 57 DENAVIR ......................... 68 DEPEN TITRATABS ....... 91 DEPO-PROVERA INTRAMUSCULAR SOLUTION 400 MG/ ML .................................... 92 DERMATOP TOPICAL OINTMENT ..................... 68 DESCOVY ....................... 11 desipramine oral ............... 46 desmopressin injection ...... 78 desmopressin nasal ........... 78 desmopressin oral ............. 78 desonide ............................ 68 desoximetasone ................. 68 DESVENLAFAXINE FUMARATE ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24HR 100 MG ............................. 46 Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 141 DESVENLAFAXINE FUMARATE ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24HR 50 MG ............................... 46 DESVENLAFAXINE ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HR 100 MG .................................... 46 DESVENLAFAXINE ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HR 50 MG .................................... 46 desvenlafaxine oral tablet extended release 24hr 100 mg ..................................... 46 desvenlafaxine oral tablet extended release 24hr 50 mg ..................................... 46 dexamethasone ................. 74 DEXAMETHASONE SODIUM PHOS (PF) ....... 74 dexamethasone sodium phosphate injection ........... 74 dexamethasone sodium phosphate ophthalmic ....... 98 DEXILANT ...................... 86 dexrazoxane hcl intravenous recon soln 250 mg ............. 22 dexrazoxane hcl intravenous recon soln 500 mg ............. 22 dextroamphetamine oral capsule, extended release 10 mg, 5 mg ........................... 46 dextroamphetamine oral capsule, extended release 15 mg ..................................... 46 dextroamphetamine oral tablet 10 mg ................................ 46 dextroamphetamine oral tablet 5 mg .................................. 46 dextroamphetamineamphetamine oral tablet 10 mg, 12.5 mg, 15 mg, 20 mg, 5 mg, 7.5 mg ........................ 46 dextroamphetamineamphetamine oral tablet 30 mg ..................................... 46 ? dextromethorphan polistirex ......................... 102 dextrose 10 % and 0.2 % nacl ................................... 70 dextrose 10 % in water (d10w) ............................... 70 dextrose 25 % in water (d25w) ............................... 70 DEXTROSE 30 % IN WATER (D30W) .............. 70 DEXTROSE 40 % IN WATER (D40W) .............. 70 dextrose 5 % in water (d5w) ................................. 70 dextrose 5 %-lactated ringers ............................... 71 dextrose 5%-0.2 % sod chloride ............................. 71 dextrose 5%-0.3 % sod.chloride ...................... 71 DEXTROSE 50 % IN WATER (D50W) INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION ...................... 71 DEXTROSE 50 % IN WATER (D50W) INTRAVENOUS SYRINGE ......................... 71 dextrose 70 % in water (d70w) ............................... 71 dextrose with sodium chloride ............................. 71 dextrose-kcl-nacl ............. 113 dialyvite 800 ................... 122 DIALYVITE 800 WITH IRON .............................. 122 diazepam injection solution ............................. 46 diazepam injection syringe .............................. 46 diazepam intensol ............. 46 diazepam oral concentrate ....................... 46 diazepam oral solution 5 mg/5 ml (1 mg/ml) ..................... 46 DIAZEPAM ORAL SOLUTION 5 MG/5 ML (1 MG/ML, 5 ML) ................ 47 diazepam oral tablet 10 mg ..................................... 47 diazepam oral tablet 2 mg ..................................... 47 diazepam oral tablet 5 mg ..................................... 47 diazepam rectal kit 12.5-1517.5-20 mg ........................ 33 diazepam rectal kit 2.5 mg, 57.5-10 mg .......................... 33 dibucaine .......................... 66 diclofenac potassium ........ 42 diclofenac sodium oral ..... 42 diclofenac sodium topical gel 1 % .................................... 42 dicloxacillin ...................... 20 dicyclomine oral capsule ... 80 dicyclomine oral solution ... 80 dicyclomine oral tablet ..... 80 didanosine oral capsule, delayed release(dr/ec) 125 mg ..................................... 11 didanosine oral capsule, delayed release(dr/ec) 200 mg ..................................... 11 didanosine oral capsule, delayed release(dr/ec) 250 mg, 400 mg .............................. 12 diflorasone ........................ 68 diflunisal ........................... 42 DIGITEK ORAL TABLET 125 MCG .......................... 60 DIGOX ORAL TABLET 125 MCG ................................. 60 digoxin oral solution 50 mcg/ ml ...................................... 60 digoxin oral tablet 125 mcg ................................... 60 dihydroergotamine injection ............................ 37 DILANTIN EXTENDED CAPSULES ...................... 33 DILANTIN INFATABS .... 33 DILANTIN ORAL CAPSULES 30 MG .......... 33 Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 142 dilt-xr ................................ 57 diltiazem hcl intravenous ... 57 diltiazem hcl oral capsule, extended release 120 mg, 240 mg, 300 mg ....................... 57 diltiazem hcl oral capsule, extended release 180 mg, 360 mg, 420 mg ....................... 57 diltiazem hcl oral capsule,ext release degradable ............ 57 diltiazem hcl oral capsule, extended release 12 hr ...... 57 diltiazem hcl oral capsule, extended release 24hr 120 mg, 240 mg, 300 mg ................ 57 diltiazem hcl oral capsule, extended release 24hr 180 mg, 360 mg .............................. 57 diltiazem hcl oral tablet .... 57 diltiazem hcl oral tablet extended release 24 hr ...... 57 dimaphen dm .................. 102 dimaphen (pe) ................. 102 dimenhydrinate oral ......... 82 dino-life ........................... 122 dino-life with extra c ....... 122 dino-life with iron-zinc .... 122 diocto oral liquid .............. 82 DIPENTUM ..................... 82 diphenhist oral liquid ..... 102 diphenhydramine hcl injection solution 50 mg/ml ........... 102 diphenhydramine hcl injection syringe ............................ 102 diphenhydramine hcl oral capsule 25 mg ................. 102 diphenhydramine hcl oral capsule 50 mg ................. 102 diphenhydramineacetaminophen .................. 42 diphenoxylate-atropine ..... 80 disulfiram .......................... 71 divalproex ......................... 33 doc-q-lace ......................... 82 doc-q-lax ........................... 82 DOCEFREZ INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 20 MG ..... 25 ? DOCETAXEL INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 10 MG/ML, 160 MG/16 ML (10 MG/ML), 160 MG/8 ML (20 MG/ML), 20 MG/2 ML (10 MG/ML) ..................... 25 docetaxel intravenous solution 20 mg/ml (1 ml), 80 mg/4 ml (20 mg/ml), 80 mg/8 ml (10 mg/ml) ............................... 25 docu .................................. 82 docusate calcium .............. 82 docusate sodium oral capsule 100 mg .............................. 82 docusate sodium oral capsule 250 mg .............................. 82 DOCUSOL ....................... 82 DOCUSOL KIDS ............. 82 DOCUSOL PLUS ............ 82 dofetilide ........................... 55 dok oral capsule 100 mg .... 82 dok oral capsule 250 mg .... 82 dok oral tablet ................... 82 dok plus ............................. 82 donepezil oral tablet 10 mg, 5 mg ..................................... 38 donepezil oral tablet, disintegrating .................... 38 dorzolamide ...................... 98 dorzolamide-timolol ......... 98 doxazosin .......................... 57 doxepin oral ...................... 47 doxercalciferol intravenous ....................... 78 doxercalciferol oral .......... 78 doxorubicin intravenous recon soln ................................... 25 doxorubicin intravenous solution ............................. 25 DOXY-100 ....................... 21 doxycycline hyclate intravenous ....................... 21 doxycycline hyclate oral capsule .............................. 21 doxycycline hyclate oral tablet ................................. 21 doxycycline hyclate oral tablet, delayed release (dr/ec) 100 mg, 150 mg, 75 mg ........... 21 doxycycline monohydrate oral capsule .............................. 21 doxycycline monohydrate oral tablet ................................. 21 DR. SMITH'S DIAPER .... 64 DR. SMITH'S DIAPER RASH ............................... 64 DR. SMITH'S RASH-SKIN TOPICAL AEROSOL, SPRAY .............................. 64 DRISDOL ORAL CAPSULE ...................... 122 dronabinol ......................... 82 drospirenone-ethinyl estradiol oral tablet 3-0.03 mg ........ 93 DROXIA ........................... 25 DULERA ........................ 108 duloxetine oral capsule, delayed release(dr/ec) 20 mg ..................................... 47 duloxetine oral capsule, delayed release(dr/ec) 30 mg ..................................... 47 duloxetine oral capsule, delayed release(dr/ec) 40 mg ..................................... 47 duloxetine oral capsule, delayed release(dr/ec) 60 mg ..................................... 47 duofer .............................. 122 DURAFLU ORAL TABLET 60-20-200-500 MG ......... 102 duramorph (pf) injection solution 0.5 mg/ml ............ 39 duramorph (pf) injection solution 1 mg/ml ............... 39 E e.e.s. 400 oral tablet ......... 17 ear drops (carbamide peroxide) ........................... 73 EAR WAX TREATMENT .................. 73 ECEE PLUS ................... 122 econazole topical .............. 67 econtra ez .......................... 93 Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 143 ed a-hist .......................... 102 ed a-hist dm oral liquid ... 102 ED A-HIST DM ORAL TABLET ......................... 102 ed a-hist pse .................... 102 ed bron gp ....................... 102 ED CHLORPED D ......... 102 ed chlorped jr ................. 102 ed-apap ............................. 42 ED-CHLORPED ............ 102 ed-chlortan ..................... 102 EDURANT ....................... 12 effervescent pain relief oral tablet, effervescent 325-1,9161,000 mg ........................... 42 EFFIENT .......................... 60 ELAPRASE ...................... 78 electrolytes-dextrose ....... 113 ELIDEL ............................ 64 ELINEST .......................... 93 ELIQUIS ORAL TABLET 2.5 MG .................................... 61 ELIQUIS ORAL TABLET 5 MG .................................... 61 ELITEK ............................ 22 ELLA ................................ 93 EMCYT ............................ 25 EMEND ORAL CAPSULE 125 MG ............................. 82 EMEND ORAL CAPSULE 40 MG .................................... 82 EMEND ORAL CAPSULE 80 MG .................................... 82 EMEND ORAL CAPSULE, DOSE PACK .................... 82 EMPLICITI ...................... 25 EMSAM ........................... 47 EMTRIVA ORAL CAPSULE ........................ 12 EMTRIVA ORAL SOLUTION ...................... 12 enalapril maleate .............. 57 enalaprilhydrochlorothiazide .......... 57 ENBREL SUBCUTANEOUS RECON SOLN ................. 91 ? ENBREL SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE 25 MG/0.5ML (0.51) ................................ 91 ENBREL SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE 50 MG/ML (0.98 ML) ................................... 91 ENBREL SURECLICK .... 91 endacof - dm ................... 102 endocet oral tablet 10-325 mg, 5-325 mg, 7.5-325 mg ....... 39 ENEMA RECTAL ENEMA 19-7 GRAM/118 ML ........ 82 ENEMEEZ ....................... 82 ENEMEEZ PLUS ............. 83 ENFAMIL ENFALYTE .................... 113 ENGERIX-B PEDIATRIC (PF) ................................... 88 ENGERIX-B (PF) ............ 88 ENLYTE (FERROUS GLYCINE) ...................... 122 enoxaparin subcutaneous solution ............................. 61 enoxaparin subcutaneous syringe 100 mg/ml, 150 mg/ ml ...................................... 61 enoxaparin subcutaneous syringe 120 mg/0.8 ml, 80 mg/ 0.8 ml ................................ 61 enoxaparin subcutaneous syringe 30 mg/0.3 ml ........ 61 enoxaparin subcutaneous syringe 40 mg/0.4 ml ........ 61 enoxaparin subcutaneous syringe 60 mg/0.6 ml ........ 61 enpresse ............................ 93 entacapone ........................ 37 entecavir ........................... 12 ENTSOL NASAL GEL .... 73 enulose .............................. 83 ENVARSUS XR ............... 25 epinephrine injection syringe 0.1 mg/ml ........................ 102 EPIPEN 2-PAK ............... 102 EPIPEN JR 2-PAK ......... 102 epirubicin intravenous solution 200 mg/100 ml .................. 25 epirubicin intravenous solution 50 mg/25 ml ...................... 25 epitol ................................. 33 EPIVIR HBV ORAL SOLUTION ...................... 12 EPIVIR ORAL SOLUTION ...................... 12 eplerenone ......................... 57 eprosartan ......................... 57 EPZICOM ......................... 12 EQUETRO ORAL CAPSULE, ER MULTIPHASE 12 HR 100 MG .................................... 33 EQUETRO ORAL CAPSULE, ER MULTIPHASE 12 HR 200 MG .................................... 33 EQUETRO ORAL CAPSULE, ER MULTIPHASE 12 HR 300 MG .................................... 33 ERAXIS(WATER DILUENT) ....................... 10 ERBITUX ......................... 25 ergocalciferol (vitamin d2) oral capsule .................... 122 ergocalciferol (vitamin d2) oral drops ........................ 122 ergoloid ............................. 47 ERGOMAR ...................... 37 ERIVEDGE ...................... 25 errin .................................. 92 ERWINAZE ..................... 25 ery pads ............................ 65 ery-tab ............................... 17 ERYTHROCIN INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 500 MG ................. 17 erythrocin (as stearate) oral tablet 250 mg .................... 17 erythromycin ethylsuccinate oral tablet ......................... 17 erythromycin ophthalmic ... 96 erythromycin oral tablet .... 17 erythromycin with ethanol .............................. 65 erythromycin-benzoyl peroxide ............................ 65 ESBRIET ........................ 108 Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 144 escitalopram oxalate oral solution ............................. 47 escitalopram oxalate oral tablet 10 mg ...................... 47 escitalopram oxalate oral tablet 20 mg ...................... 47 escitalopram oxalate oral tablet 5 mg ........................ 47 ESTRACE VAGINAL ...... 92 estradiol oral .................... 92 estradiol transdermal patch weekly ............................... 92 ESTRING ......................... 92 ethambutol ........................ 18 ethosuximide ..................... 33 etodolac oral capsule 200 mg ..................................... 42 etodolac oral tablet ........... 42 etodolac oral tablet extended release 24 hr ..................... 42 ETOPOPHOS ................... 25 etoposide intravenous ....... 25 EVOMELA ....................... 25 EVOTAZ .......................... 12 exemestane ........................ 25 EXJADE ........................... 71 EXTAVIA SUBCUTANEOUS KIT .... 87 EXTAVIA SUBCUTANEOUS RECON SOLN ................................ 87 eye drops (tetrahydrozoline) ............. 99 ezfe 200 ........................... 122 F FABRAZYME .................. 78 FALLBACK SOLO .......... 93 falmina (28) ...................... 93 famciclovir oral tablet 125 mg, 250 mg .............................. 12 famciclovir oral tablet 500 mg ..................................... 12 famotidine intravenous ..... 86 famotidine oral suspension ......................... 86 famotidine oral tablet 10 mg ..................................... 86 ? famotidine oral tablet 20 mg, 40 mg ................................ 86 famotidine (pf) .................. 86 famotidine (pf)-nacl (isoos) ..................................... 86 FANAPT ORAL TABLET 1 MG .................................... 47 FANAPT ORAL TABLET 10 MG .................................... 47 FANAPT ORAL TABLET 12 MG .................................... 47 FANAPT ORAL TABLET 2 MG .................................... 47 FANAPT ORAL TABLET 4 MG .................................... 47 FANAPT ORAL TABLET 6 MG .................................... 47 FANAPT ORAL TABLET 8 MG .................................... 47 FANAPT ORAL TABLETS, DOSE PACK .................... 47 FARESTON ...................... 25 FARYDAK ORAL CAPSULE 10 MG ............................... 25 FARYDAK ORAL CAPSULE 15 MG, 20 MG ................. 25 FASLODEX ...................... 26 fe c .................................. 122 felbamate .......................... 33 felodipine oral er .............. 57 FEMRING ........................ 92 fenofibrate micronized oral capsule 134 mg, 200 mg, 67 mg ..................................... 62 fenofibrate nanocrystallized 48 mg, 145 mg ....................... 62 fenofibrate oral tablet 160 mg, 54 mg ................................ 62 fenoprofen oral tablet ....... 42 fentanyl citrate .................. 39 fentanyl transdermal patch 72 hour 100 mcg/hr, 12 mcg/hr, 25 mcg/hr, 50 mcg/hr, 75 mcg/ hr ....................................... 39 FER-IN-SOL .................. 122 fer-iron ............................ 122 FERATE ORAL TABLET 240 MG (27 MG IRON) ........ 122 FERGON ........................ 123 FERIVA 21-7 TABLET ......................... 123 FERIVA FA (SUMALATE) ................ 123 ferosul oral elixir ............ 123 FEROSUL ORAL TABLET ......................... 123 FERRALET 90 DUAL-IRON DELIVERY .................... 123 ferraplus 90 .................... 123 ferretts ............................. 123 FERRETTS IPS .............. 123 ferrex 150 ........................ 123 ferrex 150 forte ............... 123 FERRIC X-150 ............... 123 FERRIMIN 150 .............. 123 ferro-time ........................ 123 ferrocite ........................... 123 ferrous fumarate oral tablet 324 mg (106 mg iron) ..... 123 ferrous gluconate oral tablet 236 mg (27 mg iron) ....... 123 ferrous gluconate oral tablet 240 mg (27 mg iron), 324 mg (37.5 mg iron), 324 mg (38 mg iron), 325 mg (36 mg iron) ................................ 123 ferrous sulfate oral drops ............................... 123 ferrous sulfate oral elixir ................................ 123 ferrous sulfate oral liquid ............................... 123 ferrous sulfate oral solution ........................... 123 ferrous sulfate oral tablet 325 mg (65 mg iron) .............. 123 FERROUS SULFATE ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE ....................... 123 ferrous sulfate oral tablet, delayed release (dr/ec) .... 123 ferrousul .......................... 123 FETZIMA ORAL CAPSULE, EXT REL 24HR DOSE PACK ................................ 47 Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 145 FETZIMA ORAL CAPSULE, EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HR 120 MG, 80 MG ......... 48 FETZIMA ORAL CAPSULE, EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HR 20 MG ........................ 48 FETZIMA ORAL CAPSULE, EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HR 40 MG ........................ 48 fexofenadine oral suspension ....................... 102 fexofenadine oral tablet 180 mg, 60 mg ....................... 102 fiber laxative (psyllium husk) ................................. 83 fiber (calcium polycarbophil) .................. 83 fiber-lax ............................ 83 finasteride oral tablet 5 mg .................................... 111 FIRAZYR ....................... 108 FIRMAGON KIT W DILUENT SYRINGE ...... 26 flecainide .......................... 55 FLEET PEDIATRIC ......... 83 FLOVENT DISKUS INHALATION BLISTER WITH DEVICE 100 MCG/ ACTUATION ................. 109 FLOVENT DISKUS INHALATION BLISTER WITH DEVICE 250 MCG/ ACTUATION, 50 MCG/ ACTUATION ................. 109 FLOVENT HFA INHALATION HFA AEROSOL INHALER 110 MCG/ACTUATION ....... 109 FLOVENT HFA INHALATION HFA AEROSOL INHALER 220 MCG/ACTUATION ....... 109 FLOVENT HFA INHALATION HFA AEROSOL INHALER 44 MCG/ACTUATION ....... 109 FLOWTUSS ................... 102 fluconazole ........................ 10 ? fluconazole in dextrose(isoo) ....................................... 10 FLUCONAZOLE IN NACL (ISO-OSM) INTRAVENOUS PIGGYBACK 100 MG/50 ML .................................... 10 fluconazole in nacl (iso-osm) intravenous piggyback 200 mg/ 100 ml ............................... 10 fluconazole in nacl (iso-osm) intravenous piggyback 400 mg/ 200 ml ............................... 10 flucytosine ......................... 10 fludarabine intravenous recon soln ................................... 26 FLUDARABINE INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION ...................... 26 fludrocortisone .................. 74 flunisolide nasal spray,nonaerosol 25 mcg (0.025 %) ................................... 109 fluocinolone ...................... 68 fluocinolone acetonide oil ...................................... 73 fluocinolone and shower cap .................................... 68 fluocinonide topical cream 0.05 % ............................... 68 fluocinonide topical gel .... 68 fluocinonide topical ointment ............................ 68 fluocinonide topical solution ............................. 69 fluocinonide-e ................... 69 FLUORITAB ORAL TABLET,CHEWABLE 1 MG FLUORIDE (2.2 MG) .... 123 fluorometholone ................ 98 fluorouracil intravenous .... 26 FLUOROURACIL INTRAVENOUS .............. 26 fluorouracil topical cream 5 % ....................................... 64 fluorouracil topical solution ............................. 64 fluoxetine oral capsule 10 mg ..................................... 48 fluoxetine oral capsule 20 mg ..................................... 48 fluoxetine oral capsule 40 mg ..................................... 48 fluoxetine oral solution ..... 48 fluoxetine oral tablet 10 mg ..................................... 48 fluoxetine oral tablet 20 mg ..................................... 48 fluphenazine decanoate .... 48 fluphenazine hcl ................ 48 flurbiprofen ....................... 42 flurbiprofen ophthalmic drops ................................. 97 flutamide ........................... 26 fluticasone nasal ............. 109 fluticasone topical ............. 69 fluvoxamine oral tablet 100 mg ..................................... 48 fluvoxamine oral tablet 25 mg ..................................... 48 fluvoxamine oral tablet 50 mg ..................................... 48 FOCALGIN DSS ............ 124 folic acid injection .......... 124 folic acid oral tablet 1 mg ................................... 124 folic acid-vit b6-vit b12 oral tablet 0.5-5-0.2 mg ......... 124 folitab .............................. 124 FOLOTYN ....................... 26 foltabs 800 ...................... 124 foltanx ............................. 124 fondaparinux subcutaneous syringe 10 mg/0.8 ml ........ 61 fondaparinux subcutaneous syringe 2.5 mg/0.5 ml ....... 61 fondaparinux subcutaneous syringe 5 mg/0.4 ml .......... 61 fondaparinux subcutaneous syringe 7.5 mg/0.6 ml ....... 61 FORADIL AEROLIZER .................. 109 formula em solution .......... 83 FORTAVIT ...................... 117 FORTEO ........................... 90 foscarnet ........................... 12 fosfree ............................. 124 Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 146 fosinopril ........................... 57 fosinoprilhydrochlorothiazide .......... 57 fosphenytoin ...................... 33 FREAMINE III 10 % ...... 117 FRESHKOTE ................... 97 full spectrum b-vitamin c ...................................... 124 FUNGOID TINCTURE TOPICAL TINCTURE ..... 67 furosemide injection .......... 57 furosemide oral solution 10 mg/ml, 40 mg/5 ml (8 mg/ ml) ..................................... 57 furosemide oral tablet ....... 57 FUSILEV .......................... 22 FUSION PLUS ............... 124 FUZEON SUBCUTANEOUS RECON SOLN ................. 12 FYCOMPA ORAL SUSPENSION .................. 33 FYCOMPA ORAL TABLET 10 MG, 12 MG ................. 33 FYCOMPA ORAL TABLET 2 MG ................................. 33 FYCOMPA ORAL TABLET 4 MG ................................. 33 FYCOMPA ORAL TABLET 6 MG ................................. 33 FYCOMPA ORAL TABLET 8 MG ................................. 34 G gabapentin oral capsule 100 mg ..................................... 34 gabapentin oral capsule 300 mg ..................................... 34 gabapentin oral capsule 400 mg ..................................... 34 gabapentin oral solution 250 mg/5 ml ............................. 34 GABAPENTIN ORAL SOLUTION 250 MG/5 ML (5 ML), 300 MG/6 ML (6 ML) ................................... 34 gabapentin oral tablet 600 mg ..................................... 34 gabapentin oral tablet 800 mg ..................................... 34 ? GABITRIL ORAL TABLET 12 MG, 16 MG ................. 34 galantamine oral capsule,ext rel. pellets 24 hr ................ 38 galantamine oral solution ............................. 38 galantamine oral tablet .... 38 GAMASTAN S/D ............. 88 GAMMAGARD LIQUID ............................ 88 GAMMAGARD S-D (IGA < 1 MCG/ML) ...................... 88 GAMMAPLEX ................ 88 GAMUNEX-C .................. 88 ganciclovir sodium ........... 12 GARDASIL 9 (PF) ........... 88 GARDASIL (PF) .............. 88 gas relief extra strength oral capsule .............................. 83 gas relief oral capsule ...... 83 gas relief oral drops, suspension ......................... 83 gas relief oral tablet, chewable ........................... 83 GAS RELIEF ORAL TABLET,CHEWABLE ..... 83 GATTEX 30-VIAL ........... 83 GATTEX ONE-VIAL ...... 83 GAUZE PADS 2 X 2 ........ 75 gavilyte-c .......................... 83 gavilyte-g .......................... 83 gavilyte-n .......................... 83 GAZYVA .......................... 26 gemcitabine intravenous recon soln 1 gram, 200 mg ......... 26 GEMCITABINE INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 2 GRAM ................ 26 GEMCITABINE INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 1 GRAM/26.3 ML (38 MG/ ML), 200 MG/5.26 ML (38 MG/ML) ........................... 26 GEMCITABINE INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 2 GRAM/52.6 ML (38 MG/ ML) ................................... 26 gemfibrozil oral ................ 62 generlac ............................ 83 gengraf oral capsule 100 mg, 25 mg ................................ 26 gengraf oral capsule 50 mg ..................................... 26 gengraf oral solution ........ 26 gentak ophthalmic ointment ............................ 96 gentamicin injection ......... 18 gentamicin ophthalmic ..... 96 GENTAMICIN SULFATE (PED) (PF) ........................ 18 GENTAMICIN SULFATE (PF) INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 100 MG/10 ML .................................... 18 GENTAMICIN SULFATE (PF) INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 60 MG/6 ML .................................... 18 gentamicin sulfate (pf) intravenous solution 80 mg/8 ml ...................................... 18 gentamicin topical ............ 66 GENVOYA ....................... 12 GEODON INTRAMUSCULAR ........ 48 gildagia ............................. 93 GILDESS FE 1.5/30 (28) ... 93 GILDESS FE 1/20 (28) .... 93 GILENYA ......................... 38 GILOTRIF ........................ 26 GLATOPA ........................ 38 GLEEVEC ORAL TABLET 100 MG ............................. 26 GLEEVEC ORAL TABLET 400 MG ............................. 26 GLEOSTINE .................... 26 glimepiride oral tablet 1 mg ..................................... 75 glimepiride oral tablet 2 mg ..................................... 75 glimepiride oral tablet 4 mg ..................................... 75 glipizide oral tablet 10 mg ..................................... 75 glipizide oral tablet 5 mg ... 75 Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 147 glipizide oral tablet extended release 24hr 10 mg ........... 75 glipizide oral tablet extended release 24hr 2.5 mg .......... 75 glipizide oral tablet extended release 24hr 5 mg ............. 75 glipizide-metformin oral tablet 2.5-250 mg ........................ 75 glipizide-metformin oral tablet 2.5-500 mg, 5-500 mg ....... 75 GLUCAGEN HYPOKIT ... 75 GLUCAGON EMERGENCY KIT (HUMAN) ................. 75 GLUTOSE 15 ................... 71 GLUTOSE 45 ................... 71 glycopyrrolate oral ........... 80 griseofulvin microsize oral suspension ......................... 10 griseofulvin ultramicrosize ................... 10 guaifenesin ac ................. 102 guaifenesin oral liquid .... 102 GUAIFENESIN ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 12HR 1,200 MG .................................. 102 guaifenesin oral tablet extended release 12hr 600 mg ................................... 103 guanfacine oral tablet extended release 24 hr ...... 48 guanidine .......................... 48 gummy dinos oral tablet, chewable 200 mcg .......... 124 H HAIR VITAMINS .......... 124 hair,skin and nails oral tablet ............................... 124 HALAVEN ....................... 26 halobetasol propionate ..... 69 HALOG ............................ 69 haloperidol ....................... 48 haloperidol decanoate ...... 48 haloperidol lactate ............ 48 HARD NAIL .................. 124 HARVONI ........................ 12 ? HAVRIX (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION .................. 88 HAVRIX (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 1,440 ELISA UNIT/ML ......................... 88 HAVRIX (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 720 ELISA UNIT/ 0.5 ML .............................. 88 HEARTBURN RELIEF (LANSOPRAZOLE) ORAL CAPSULE,DELAYED RELEASE(DR/EC) 15 MG .................................... 86 HEMATRON .................. 124 HEMOCYTE .................. 124 HEMOCYTE-F .............. 124 HEMOCYTE-PLUS ....... 124 HEMORRHOIDAL SUPPOSITORY ................ 83 HEPARIN (PORCINE) IN 5 % DEX INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 12,500 UNIT/250 ML ...... 61 heparin (porcine) in 5 % dex intravenous parenteral solution 25,000 unit/250 ml (100 unit/ml), 25,000 unit/500 ml (50 unit/ml) .................. 61 HEPARIN (PORCINE) IN NACL (PF) INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 1,000 UNIT/500 ML, 2,000 UNIT/1,000 ML ............... 61 HEPARIN (PORCINE) INJECTION CARTRIDGE .................... 61 heparin (porcine) injection solution ............................. 61 HEPARIN, PORCINE (PF) INJECTION SOLUTION ...................... 62 HEPARIN(PORCINE) IN 0.45% NACL INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 12,500 UNIT/250 ML ...... 61 HEPARIN(PORCINE) IN 0.45% NACL INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 25,000 UNIT/250 ML ...... 61 HEPARIN(PORCINE) IN 0.45% NACL INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 25,000 UNIT/500 ML ...... 61 HEPATAMINE 8% ......... 117 HERCEPTIN .................... 26 HETLIOZ ......................... 48 HEXALEN ....................... 26 hi-cal plus vit d ............... 113 HIBERIX (PF) .................. 89 high potency iron ............ 124 HISTAFLEX ..................... 42 HISTEX DM .................. 103 HISTEX PD .................... 103 HISTEX PE .................... 103 HISTEX (TRIPROLIDINE) .......... 103 honey bears ..................... 124 honey bears with ironzinc .................................. 124 HUMALOG ...................... 75 HUMALOG KWIKPEN ... 75 HUMALOG MIX 50-50 .... 75 HUMALOG MIX 50-50 KWIKPEN ........................ 75 HUMALOG MIX 75-25 .... 75 HUMALOG MIX 75-25 KWIKPEN ........................ 76 HUMAPEN LUXURA HD .................................... 76 HUMIRA PEDIATRIC CROHN'S START ............ 91 HUMIRA PEN ................. 91 HUMIRA PEN CROHN'SUC-HS START ................. 91 HUMIRA PEN PSORIASIS STARTER ......................... 91 HUMIRA SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE KIT 10 MG/0.2 ML, 20 MG/0.4 ML .......... 91 Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 148 HUMIRA SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE KIT 40 MG/0.8 ML .................................... 91 HUMULIN 70/30 ............. 76 HUMULIN 70/30 KWIKPEN ........................ 76 HUMULIN N ................... 76 HUMULIN N KWIKPEN ........................ 76 HUMULIN R .................... 76 HUMULIN R U-500 (CONC) KWIKPEN ........................ 76 HUMULIN R U-500 (CONCENTRATED) ........ 76 HYCOFENIX ................. 103 hydralazine ....................... 57 hydrochlorothiazide .......... 57 HYDROCODONEACETAMINOPHEN ORAL SOLUTION 2.5-167 MG/5 ML .................................... 39 hydrocodone-acetaminophen oral solution 7.5-325 mg/15 ml ...................................... 39 hydrocodone-acetaminophen oral tablet 10-300 mg, 5-300 mg, 7.5-300 mg ................. 39 hydrocodone-acetaminophen oral tablet 10-325 mg, 5-325 mg, 7.5-325 mg ................. 40 hydrocodonechlorpheniramine ........... 103 hydrocodone-cpmpseudoephed ................... 103 hydrocodone-homatropine oral syrup 5-1.5 mg/5 ml ........ 103 hydrocodone-homatropine oral tablet ............................... 103 hydrocodone-ibuprofen oral tablet 10-200 mg, 5-200 mg, 7.5-200 mg ........................ 40 hydrocortisone oral .......... 74 hydrocortisone rectal cream 2.5 % ................................. 83 hydrocortisone rectal enema ................................ 83 hydrocortisone topical cream 0.5 % ................................. 69 ? hydrocortisone topical cream 1 %, 2.5 % ........................ 69 hydrocortisone topical lotion 2.5 % ................................. 69 hydrocortisone topical ointment 0.5 % .................. 69 hydrocortisone topical ointment 1 %, 2.5 % ......... 69 hydrocortisone valerate .... 69 hydrocortisone-acetic acid ................................... 73 HYDROCORTISONE-MIN OIL-WHT PET ................. 69 hydromet ......................... 103 hydromorphone oral tablet 2 mg, 4 mg ........................... 40 hydromorphone oral tablet 8 mg ..................................... 40 hydroskin topical lotion .... 69 hydroxychloroquine oral .... 18 hydroxyurea ...................... 26 I I.L.X. B-12 ..................... 124 ibandronate intravenous solution ............................. 90 ibandronate intravenous syringe .............................. 90 ibandronate oral ............... 90 IBRANCE ......................... 26 ibu-drops ........................... 43 ibuprofen jr strength ......... 43 ibuprofen oral capsule ...... 43 ibuprofen oral suspension ......................... 43 ibuprofen oral tablet 200 mg ..................................... 43 ibuprofen oral tablet 400 mg, 600 mg, 800 mg ................ 43 ICAPS ............................. 124 ICAPS AREDS ORAL TABLET,DELAYED RELEASE (DR/EC) ....... 124 ICAPS MV ..................... 124 icaps plus ........................ 124 ICAR ORAL SUSPENSION ................ 124 ICAR-C ........................... 124 ICLUSIG ORAL TABLET 15 MG .................................... 26 ICLUSIG ORAL TABLET 45 MG .................................... 27 idarubicin ......................... 27 iferex 150 ........................ 124 iferex 150 forte ................ 125 ifosfamide intravenous recon soln ................................... 27 IFOSFAMIDE INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION ...................... 27 ILARIS (PF) ..................... 87 ILEVRO ........................... 97 imatinib oral tablet 100 mg ..................................... 27 imatinib oral tablet 400 mg ..................................... 27 IMBRUVICA ................... 27 imipenem-cilastatin .......... 18 imipramine hcl .................. 48 imiquimod ......................... 64 IMOVAX RABIES VACCINE (PF) ................................... 89 INCRELEX ...................... 71 indapamide ....................... 57 INFANRIX (DTAP) (PF) ................................... 89 infant's ibuprofen .............. 43 infants gas relief ............... 83 infants ibu-drops ............... 43 infed ................................ 125 INLYTA ORAL TABLET 1 MG .................................... 27 INLYTA ORAL TABLET 5 MG .................................... 27 insulin pen needle ............. 76 INSULIN SYRINGE (DISP) U-100 SYRINGE 0.3 ML, 1 ML, 1/2 ML ...................... 76 INTEGRA ....................... 125 INTEGRA F ................... 125 INTEGRA PLUS ............ 125 INTELENCE ORAL TABLET 100 MG ............................. 12 INTELENCE ORAL TABLET 200 MG ............................. 12 Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 149 INTELENCE ORAL TABLET 25 MG ............................... 12 intralipid intravenous emulsion 20 % ................................ 117 INTRON A INJECTION ... 87 INVANZ INJECTION ...... 18 INVEGA ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24HR 1.5 MG .............................. 48 INVEGA ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24HR 3 MG ................................. 48 INVEGA ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24HR 6 MG ................................. 48 INVEGA ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24HR 9 MG ................................. 49 INVEGA SUSTENNA ..... 49 INVEGA TRINZA INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 273 MG/0.875 ML .................................... 49 INVEGA TRINZA INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 410 MG/1.315 ML .................................... 49 INVEGA TRINZA INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 546 MG/1.75 ML .................................... 49 INVEGA TRINZA INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 819 MG/2.625 ML .................................... 49 INVIRASE ORAL CAPSULE ........................ 12 INVIRASE ORAL TABLET ........................... 12 iophen c-nr ...................... 103 iophen dm-nr .................. 103 iophen-nr ........................ 103 IOSAT ............................... 74 IPOL INJECTION SUSPENSION .................. 89 ipratropium bromide inhalation ........................ 109 ? ipratropium bromide nasal ................................. 73 ipratropium-albuterol ..... 109 irbesartan ......................... 58 irbesartan-hydrochlorothiazide oral tablet 150-12.5 mg .... 58 irbesartan-hydrochlorothiazide oral tablet 300-12.5 mg .... 58 IRESSA ............................ 27 irinotecan intravenous solution 100 mg/5 ml, 40 mg/2 ml ... 27 IRINOTECAN INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 500 MG/25 ML ................. 27 iron high potency ............ 125 iron oral tablet 325 mg (65 mg iron) ................................ 125 iron oral tablet extended release 159 mg (45 mg iron) ................................ 125 iron (ferrous sulfate) ....... 125 iron-vitamin c .................. 125 IROSPAN 24/6 ............... 125 ISENTRESS ORAL POWDER IN PACKET .... 12 ISENTRESS ORAL TABLET ........................... 12 ISENTRESS ORAL TABLET, CHEWABLE 100 MG ...... 12 ISENTRESS ORAL TABLET, CHEWABLE 25 MG ........ 12 ISOLYTE-P IN 5 % DEXTROSE ................... 117 isoniazid oral .................... 18 ISOPTO TEARS ............... 97 isosorbide dinitrate oral .... 63 isosorbide mononitrate ..... 63 isradipine .......................... 58 ISTODAX ......................... 27 ITCH-X TOPICAL GEL ... 64 itraconazole ...................... 10 ivermectin oral .................. 18 IXEMPRA ........................ 27 IXIARO (PF) .................... 89 J J-MAX ............................ 103 J-TAN D PD ................... 103 J-TAN PD ....................... 103 JAKAFI ORAL TABLET 10 MG .................................... 27 JAKAFI ORAL TABLET 15 MG .................................... 27 JAKAFI ORAL TABLET 20 MG .................................... 27 JAKAFI ORAL TABLET 25 MG .................................... 27 JAKAFI ORAL TABLET 5 MG .................................... 27 jantoven ............................ 62 JANUMET ....................... 76 JANUMET XR ORAL TABLET, ER MULTIPHASE 24 HR 100-1,000 MG ....... 76 JANUMET XR ORAL TABLET, ER MULTIPHASE 24 HR 50-1,000 MG, 50-500 MG .................................... 76 JANUVIA ORAL TABLET 100 MG ............................. 76 JANUVIA ORAL TABLET 25 MG ............................... 76 JANUVIA ORAL TABLET 50 MG ............................... 76 JARDIANCE .................... 76 JENTADUETO ................. 76 JEVTANA ........................ 27 junel 1.5/30 (21) ............... 93 junel 1/20 (21) .................. 93 junel fe 1.5/30 (28) ........... 93 junel fe 1/20 (28) .............. 93 junior mapap .................... 43 JUXTAPID ....................... 62 K K-TAB ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 8 MEQ ............................... 113 KADCYLA ....................... 27 KALETRA ORAL SOLUTION ...................... 12 KALETRA ORAL TABLET 100-25 MG ....................... 12 KALETRA ORAL TABLET 200-50 MG ....................... 13 KALYDECO ORAL TABLET ......................... 109 Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 150 kao-tin (bismuth subsalicylat) ...................... 80 kao-tin (docusate calcium) ............................ 83 kariva (28) ........................ 94 kelnor 1/35 (28) ................ 94 KEPIVANCE .................... 22 ketoconazole oral .............. 10 ketoconazole topical ......... 67 ketorolac ophthalmic ........ 97 KEYTRUDA .................... 27 KHEDEZLA ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24HR 100 MG ............................. 49 KHEDEZLA ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24HR 50 MG ............................... 49 kidkare cough/cold .......... 103 KINERET ......................... 91 kionex ................................ 71 KLOR-CON 10 ............... 113 KLOR-CON 8 ................. 113 KLOR-CON M10 ........... 113 KLOR-CON M15 ........... 113 KLOR-CON M20 ........... 113 KORLYM ......................... 78 KUVAN ORAL TABLET, SOLUBLE ........................ 78 L l-methyl-b6-b12 .............. 125 l-methyl-mc ..................... 125 labetalol intravenous solution ............................. 58 labetalol oral .................... 58 lactated ringers intravenous ..................... 113 lactated ringers irrigation ........................... 70 lactulose ............................ 83 lamivudine oral solution .... 13 lamivudine oral tablet 100 mg ..................................... 13 lamivudine oral tablet 150 mg ..................................... 13 lamivudine oral tablet 300 mg ..................................... 13 lamivudine-zidovudine ...... 13 lamotrigine oral tablet ...... 34 ? lamotrigine oral tablet, chewable dispersible ......... 34 LANOXIN ORAL TABLET 125 MCG, 62.5 MCG ....... 60 lansoprazole oral capsule, delayed release(dr/ec) ...... 86 LANTUS .......................... 76 LANTUS SOLOSTAR ..... 76 LARIN 1/20 (21) .............. 94 LARIN FE 1.5/30 (28) ..... 94 LARIN FE 1/20 (28) ........ 94 latanoprost ........................ 98 LATUDA ORAL TABLET 120 MG ............................. 49 LATUDA ORAL TABLET 20 MG .................................... 49 LATUDA ORAL TABLET 40 MG .................................... 49 LATUDA ORAL TABLET 60 MG .................................... 49 LATUDA ORAL TABLET 80 MG .................................... 49 laxative dietary supplement ...................... 113 leflunomide ....................... 91 LENVIMA ORAL CAPSULE 10 MG/DAY (10 MG X 1/ DAY) ................................. 27 LENVIMA ORAL CAPSULE 14 MG/DAY(10 MG X 1-4 MG X 1), 20 MG/DAY (10 MG X 2) ........................... 27 LENVIMA ORAL CAPSULE 18 MG/DAY (10 MG X 1-4 MG X2) ............................ 27 LENVIMA ORAL CAPSULE 24 MG/DAY(10 MG X 2-4 MG X 1) ........................... 28 LENVIMA ORAL CAPSULE 8 MG/DAY (4 MG X 2), 8 MG/DAY (4 MG X 2) (60 PACK) ............................... 28 lessina ............................... 94 LETAIRIS ....................... 109 letrozole ............................ 28 leucovorin calcium injection recon soln 100 mg, 350 mg, 50 mg ..................................... 22 LEUCOVORIN CALCIUM INJECTION RECON SOLN 200 MG ............................. 22 LEUCOVORIN CALCIUM INJECTION RECON SOLN 500 MG ............................. 23 leucovorin calcium oral .... 23 LEUKERAN ..................... 28 leuprolide subcutaneous kit ...................................... 28 levalbuterol hcl inhalation solution for nebulization 0.31 mg/3 ml, 1.25 mg/0.5 ml, 1.25 mg/3 ml ........................... 109 levalbuterol hcl inhalation solution for nebulization 0.63 mg/3 ml ........................... 109 LEVEMIR ........................ 76 LEVEMIR FLEXTOUCH .................. 76 levetiracetam in nacl (iso-os) intravenous piggyback 1,000 mg/100 ml, 1,500 mg/100 ml ...................................... 34 levetiracetam in nacl (iso-os) intravenous piggyback 500 mg/ 100 ml ............................... 34 levetiracetam intravenous ....................... 34 levetiracetam oral solution 100 mg/ml ................................ 34 LEVETIRACETAM ORAL SOLUTION 500 MG/5 ML (5 ML) ................................... 34 levetiracetam oral tablet .... 34 levetiracetam oral tablet extended release 24 hr 500 mg ..................................... 34 levetiracetam oral tablet extended release 24 hr 750 mg ..................................... 34 levobunolol ophthalmic drops 0.5 % ................................. 96 levocarnitine oral tablet .... 71 levocarnitine (with sugar) ................................ 71 levocetirizine oral tablet ............................... 103 Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 151 levofloxacin intravenous .... 21 levofloxacin oral tablet ..... 21 levonest (28) ..................... 94 levonorg-eth estrad triphasic ............................ 94 levonorgestrel-ethinyl estrad oral tablet 0.15-0.03 mg .... 94 levonorgestrel-ethinyl estrad oral tablets,dose pack,3 month ................................ 94 levorphanol tartrate .......... 40 levothyroxine oral ............. 80 levoxyl oral tablet 100 mcg, 112 mcg, 125 mcg, 137 mcg, 150 mcg, 175 mcg, 200 mcg, 25 mcg, 50 mcg, 75 mcg, 88 mcg ................................... 80 LEXIVA ORAL SUSPENSION .................. 13 LEXIVA ORAL TABLET ........................... 13 LIALDA ........................... 83 lidocaine hcl injection solution 20 mg/ml (2 %), 5 mg/ml (0.5 %) ..................................... 66 lidocaine hcl laryngotracheal ................ 66 lidocaine hcl mucous membrane ......................... 66 lidocaine hcl urethral ....... 66 lidocaine topical adhesive patch,medicated ................ 66 lidocaine topical ointment ............................ 66 LIDOCAINE VISCOUS ... 66 LIDOCAINE (PF) INJECTION SOLUTION 15 MG/ML (1.5 %) ................ 66 lidocaine (pf) injection solution 20 mg/ml (2 %), 40 mg/ml (4 %), 5 mg/ml (0.5 %) ..................................... 66 lidocaine (pf) intravenous solution ............................. 55 LIDOCAINE (PF) INTRAVENOUS SYRINGE ......................... 55 ? lidocaine-prilocaine topical cream ................................ 66 LIFE-PACK MEN'S ....... 125 LIFE-PACK WOMEN'S ...................... 125 lindane topical shampoo .... 69 linezolid intravenous ........ 18 linezolid oral suspension for reconstitution .................... 18 linezolid oral tablet ........... 18 LINEZOLID-0.9% SODIUM CHLORIDE ...................... 18 LINZESS .......................... 83 liothyronine oral ............... 80 liquid antacid oral suspension 200-200-20 mg/5 ml ......... 83 liquitears ........................... 97 lisinopril ........................... 58 lisinoprilhydrochlorothiazide .......... 58 lithium carbonate .............. 49 lithium citrate oral solution 8 meq/5 ml ........................... 49 LITTLE ANIMALS ....... 125 LITTLE ANIMALS-IRON ORAL TABLET, CHEWABLE .................. 125 LODRANE D ................. 103 lohist - d .......................... 103 lohist-dm ......................... 103 LONSURF ........................ 28 loperamide oral capsule .... 80 loperamide oral liquid 1 mg/5 ml ...................................... 80 loperamide oral liquid 1 mg/ 7.5 ml ................................ 80 lorata-dine d ................... 103 loratadine oral solution ... 103 loratadine oral tablet ...... 103 loratadine oral tablet, disintegrating .................. 103 loratadine-d .................... 103 lorazepam oral tablet ....... 49 LORTUSS DM ............... 103 LORTUSS EX ORAL SYRUP ........................... 104 LORTUSS LQ ................ 104 losartan oral tablet 100 mg ..................................... 58 losartan oral tablet 25 mg, 50 mg ..................................... 58 losartanhydrochlorothiazide .......... 58 lovastatin oral tablet 10 mg, 20 mg ................................ 62 lovastatin oral tablet 40 mg ..................................... 63 LOW-OGESTREL (28) .... 94 loxapine succinate ............ 49 lubricating plus ................. 97 lubrifresh pm ..................... 97 LUDENT FLUORIDE ORAL TABLET,CHEWABLE 1 MG FLUORIDE (2.2 MG) .... 125 LUMIGAN OPHTHALMIC DROPS 0.01 % ................. 98 LUPRON DEPOT INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE KIT 3.75 MG ... 28 LUPRON DEPOT INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE KIT 7.5 MG .... 28 LUPRON DEPOT-PED INTRAMUSCULAR KIT 7.5 MG (PED) ........................ 28 lutera (28) ......................... 94 LYNPARZA ...................... 28 LYRICA ORAL CAPSULE 100 MG ............................. 34 LYRICA ORAL CAPSULE 150 MG ............................. 34 LYRICA ORAL CAPSULE 200 MG ............................. 34 LYRICA ORAL CAPSULE 225 MG, 300 MG ............. 34 LYRICA ORAL CAPSULE 25 MG ............................... 34 LYRICA ORAL CAPSULE 50 MG ............................... 34 LYRICA ORAL CAPSULE 75 MG ............................... 35 LYRICA ORAL SOLUTION ...................... 35 lysiplex plus oral liquid ... 125 LYSODREN ..................... 28 Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 152 lyza .................................... 92 M M-END DMX ................. 104 M-END MAX D ............. 104 M-M-R II (PF) .................. 89 MAGNESIUM AMINO ACID CHELATE ORAL TABLET 27 MG ............................. 113 magnesium gluconate oral tablet 30 mg (550 mg) ..... 113 magnesium oral tablet 250 mg ..................................... 83 magnesium oral tablet 30 mg ................................... 113 magnesium oxide oral capsule 500 mg ............................ 113 magnesium oxide oral tablet 400 mg, 420 mg, 500 mg ................................... 113 MAGNESIUM SULFATE IN WATER INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION .................... 113 MAGNESIUM SULFATE IN WATER INTRAVENOUS PIGGYBACK 2 GRAM/50 ML (4 %), 4 GRAM/50 ML (8 %) .................................... 113 MAGNESIUM SULFATE IN WATER INTRAVENOUS PIGGYBACK 4 GRAM/100 ML (4 %) ........................ 114 magnesium sulfate injection solution ........................... 114 magnesium sulfate injection syringe ............................. 114 MAGNESIUM (OXIDE/AA CHELATE) ..................... 113 MAGTAB ......................... 83 MAJOR-PREP HEMORRHOIDAL RECTAL OINTMENT 0.25-14-74.9 % ....................................... 84 mapap arthritis pain ......... 43 mapap cold formula ........ 104 mapap extra strength ........ 43 mapap pm ......................... 43 ? mapap sinus max strength (pe) .................................. 104 mapap (acetaminophen) oral capsule .............................. 43 mapap (acetaminophen) oral liquid ................................. 43 mapap (acetaminophen) oral suspension ......................... 43 mapap (acetaminophen) oral tablet ................................. 43 mapap (acetaminophen) oral tablet,chewable ................. 43 maprotiline oral tablet 25 mg ..................................... 49 maprotiline oral tablet 50 mg ..................................... 49 maprotiline oral tablet 75 mg ..................................... 49 marlissa ............................ 94 MARPLAN ....................... 49 masanti double strength .... 84 MATULANE .................... 28 maxiphen ......................... 104 MAXIPHEN DM ............ 104 meclizine oral tablet 12.5 mg, 25 mg ................................ 84 meclofenamate oral .......... 43 MEDICATED BODY POWDER TOPICAL POWDER 0.15 % ............. 64 medroxyprogesterone ........ 92 MEDTYCHOLL-B COMPLEX-LIVER ........ 125 mefloquine ........................ 18 MEGA MULTI FOR WOMEN ......................... 125 mega multiple/chelated mineral ............................ 125 MEGA MULTIVITAMIN FOR MEN ...................... 125 MEGA MULTIVITAMIN WITH MINERAL ORAL TABLET 13.5-200-250 MGMCG-MCG ..................... 125 MEGESTROL ORAL SUSPENSION 400 MG/10 ML (10 ML), 800 MG/20 ML (20 ML) ............................ 28 megestrol oral suspension 400 mg/10 ml (40 mg/ml) ........ 28 megestrol oral tablet ......... 28 MEKINIST ORAL TABLET 0.5 MG .............................. 28 MEKINIST ORAL TABLET 2 MG ................................. 28 meloxicam oral suspension ......................... 43 meloxicam oral tablet ....... 43 melphalan hcl ................... 28 memantine oral solution .... 38 memantine oral tablet 10 mg ..................................... 38 memantine oral tablet 5 mg ..................................... 38 men's multi-vitamin ......... 125 MENACTRA (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SOLUTION ...................... 89 MENEST .......................... 92 MENOMUNE - A/C/Y/W135 .................................... 89 MENOMUNE - A/C/Y/W-135 (PF) ................................... 89 MENVEO A-C-Y-W-135-DIP (PF) ................................... 89 MEPHYTON .................... 62 mercaptopurine ................. 28 MERIBIN ....................... 125 meropenem ........................ 19 mesalamine rectal ............. 84 mesalamine with cleansing wipe ................................... 84 mesna ................................ 23 MESNEX ORAL .............. 23 MESTINON ORAL SYRUP ............................. 38 MESTINON TIMESPAN ....................... 39 metafolbic ....................... 125 metaproterenol ................ 109 metformin oral tablet 1,000 mg ..................................... 76 metformin oral tablet 500 mg ..................................... 76 metformin oral tablet 850 mg ..................................... 76 Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 153 metformin oral tablet extended release 24 hr 500 mg ........ 76 metformin oral tablet extended release 24 hr 750 mg ........ 77 metformin oral tablet extended release 24hr 1,000 mg ...... 77 metformin oral tablet extended release 24hr 500 mg ......... 77 methadone injection .......... 40 METHADONE INTENSOL ....................... 40 methadone oral concentrate ....................... 40 methadone oral solution 10 mg/5 ml ............................. 40 methadone oral solution 5 mg/ 5 ml ................................... 40 methadone oral tablet 10 mg ..................................... 40 methadone oral tablet 5 mg ..................................... 40 METHADOSE ORAL CONCENTRATE ............. 40 methazolamide oral .......... 98 methenamine hippurate .... 22 methimazole oral tablet 10 mg, 5 mg .................................. 74 methotrexate sodium ......... 28 methotrexate sodium (pf) injection recon soln ........... 28 methotrexate sodium (pf) injection solution .............. 28 methoxsalen rapid ............ 65 methyclothiazide ............... 58 methylergonovine oral ...... 95 methylphenidate oral tablet ................................. 49 methylprednisolone acetate ............................... 74 methylprednisolone oral tablets ............................... 74 methylprednisolone sodium succ injection recon soln 125 mg, 40 mg ......................... 74 methylprednisolone sodium succ intravenous ............... 74 metipranolol ..................... 96 ? metoclopramide hcl injection solution ............................. 84 METOCLOPRAMIDE HCL INJECTION SYRINGE .... 84 metoclopramide hcl oral solution ............................. 84 metoclopramide hcl oral tablet ................................. 84 metolazone ........................ 58 metoprolol succinate ......... 58 metoprolol tahydrochlorothiaz ............... 58 metoprolol tartrate intravenous solution ......... 58 metoprolol tartrate intravenous syringe .......... 58 metoprolol tartrate oral tablet 100 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg ...... 58 metoprolol tartrate oral tablet 37.5 mg, 75 mg ................. 58 METRO I.V. ..................... 19 metronidazole in nacl (isoos) ..................................... 19 metronidazole oral ............ 19 metronidazole topical cream ................................ 65 metronidazole topical gel 0.75 % ....................................... 66 metronidazole topical lotion ................................. 66 metronidazole vaginal ...... 92 mexiletine .......................... 55 MG-PLUS-PROTEIN ..... 114 mi-acid gas relief .............. 84 mi-acid oral suspension .... 84 MIACALCIN INJECTION ...................... 78 miconazole 7 ..................... 92 miconazole nitrate topical cream ................................ 67 miconazole nitrate vaginal cream ................................ 92 miconazole nitrate vaginal suppository ....................... 92 miconazole-3 vaginal suppository ....................... 92 MICROGESTIN 1.5/30 (21) ................................... 94 MICROGESTIN 1/20 (21) ................................... 94 MICROGESTIN FE 1.5/30 (28) ................................... 94 MICROGESTIN FE 1/20 (28) ................................... 94 midodrine .......................... 71 migraine formula .............. 43 milk of magnesia ............... 84 milk of magnesia concentrated ..................... 84 minocycline oral capsule ... 21 minocycline oral tablet ..... 21 minoxidil oral ................... 58 mintox maximum strength ............................. 84 mirtazapine oral tablet 15 mg ..................................... 49 mirtazapine oral tablet 30 mg ..................................... 49 mirtazapine oral tablet 45 mg ..................................... 50 mirtazapine oral tablet 7.5 mg ..................................... 50 mirtazapine oral tablet, disintegrating 15 mg ......... 50 mirtazapine oral tablet, disintegrating 30 mg ......... 50 mirtazapine oral tablet, disintegrating 45 mg ......... 50 misoprostol ....................... 86 mitomycin ......................... 28 mitoxantrone ..................... 28 modafinil oral tablet 100 mg ..................................... 50 modafinil oral tablet 200 mg ..................................... 50 moexipril ........................... 58 moexiprilhydrochlorothiazide .......... 58 molindone ......................... 50 mometasone nasal .......... 109 mometasone topical .......... 69 MONO-LINYAH .............. 94 MONOCAL .................... 114 mononessa (28) ................. 94 montelukast ..................... 109 Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 154 morphine concentrate oral solution ............................. 40 MORPHINE INTRAVENOUS CARTRIDGE .................... 40 MORPHINE INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 10 MG/ML, 50 MG/ML ............................. 40 MORPHINE INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 100 MG/4 ML, 25 MG/ML, 250 MG/10 ML .................................... 40 MORPHINE INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 4 MG/ML, 8 MG/ ML .................................... 40 morphine intravenous syringe 2 mg/ml, 4 mg/ml .............. 40 morphine oral capsule, er multiphase 24 hr 120 mg, 75 mg, 90 mg ......................... 40 morphine oral capsule, er multiphase 24 hr 30 mg, 45 mg, 60 mg ......................... 41 morphine oral capsule, extend.release pellets 100 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg, 50 mg, 60 mg, 80 mg ................................ 41 morphine oral solution 20 mg/ 5 ml (4 mg/ml) .................. 41 morphine oral tablet 15 mg ..................................... 41 morphine oral tablet 30 mg ..................................... 41 morphine oral tablet extended release 100 mg, 15 mg, 30 mg, 60 mg ................................ 41 morphine oral tablet extended release 200 mg .................. 41 morphine (pf) injection solution 0.5 mg/ml ............ 40 morphine (pf) injection solution 1 mg/ml ............... 40 MORPHINE (PF) INTRAVENOUS PATIENT CONTROL.ANALGESIA SOLN 150 MG/30 ML ..... 40 MORPHINE (PF) INTRAVENOUS PATIENT ? CONTROL.ANALGESIA SOLN 30 MG/30 ML ....... 40 MOVIPREP ...................... 84 moxifloxacin ..................... 21 mucaphed ........................ 104 mucinex ........................... 104 MUCINEX COLD,FLU,SORE THROAT ........................ 104 MUCINEX COUGH MINIMELTS ........................... 104 mucinex d ........................ 104 mucinex d maximum strength ........................... 104 mucinex dm ..................... 104 mucinex fast-max cold-flu-thrt oral tablet ....................... 104 MUCINEX FAST-MAX COLD-SINUS ................ 104 MUCINEX FAST-MAX CONGEST-COUGH ORAL LIQUID .......................... 104 MUCINEX FAST-MAX CONGEST-COUGH ORAL TABLET ......................... 104 MUCINEX FAST-MAX DAY-NITE CONG ORAL TABLETS, SEQUENTIAL ............... 104 MUCINEX FAST-MAX DM MAX ............................... 104 MUCINEX FAST-MAX NITE COLD-FLU ORAL LIQUID .......................... 104 MUCINEX FAST-MAX SEVERE COLD ORAL LIQUID .......................... 104 MUCINEX FST-MX DY-NT COLD(DPH) ORAL LIQUID, SEQUENTIAL ............... 104 MUCINEX MINI-MELTS ORAL GRANULES IN PACKET 100 MG ........... 105 MUCINEX SINUSMAX ................................. 73 MUCINEX SINUS-MAX DN (DIPHEN) ORAL TABLETS, SEQUENTIAL ............... 105 mucinex sinus-max pressurpain oral tablet ............... 105 mucinex sinus-max sev congestn oral tablet ........ 105 MUCUS RELIEF ER ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 12HR 600 MG .................................. 105 mucus relief oral tablet 400 mg ................................... 105 mucus relief sinus ........... 105 MULTAQ .......................... 55 multi-delyn ...................... 126 multi-delyn with iron ....... 126 multi-vitamin hp/ minerals .......................... 126 multilex ........................... 126 multilex-t and m .............. 126 multiple vitaminminerals .......................... 126 multivitamin oral tablet ... 126 multivitamin with iron ..... 126 multivitamin with minerals oral tablet ....................... 126 mupirocin calcium ............ 66 mupirocin topical ointment ............................ 66 MURO 128 OPHTHALMIC DROPS ............................. 97 MUSTARGEN .................. 29 MY WAY .......................... 94 my-vitalife ....................... 126 mycophenolate mofetil ...... 29 mycophenolate sodium ..... 29 myferon 150 .................... 126 MYFERON 150 FORTE ............................ 126 MYOZYME ..................... 78 MYRBETRIQ ................. 110 mytab gas .......................... 84 mytab gas maximum strength ............................. 84 MYZILRA ........................ 94 N nabumetone ....................... 43 nadolol .............................. 58 nadololbendroflumethiazide ......... 58 Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 155 nafcillin injection .............. 20 nafcillin intravenous recon soln 2 gram ....................... 20 NAGLAZYME ................. 78 nalbuphine injection solution 10 mg/ml ........................... 43 nalbuphine injection solution 20 mg/ml ........................... 43 naloxone ........................... 43 naltrexone ......................... 43 NAMENDA ORAL SOLUTION ...................... 38 NAMENDA XR ORAL CAP, SPRINKLE,ER 24HR DOSE PACK ................................ 38 NAMENDA XR ORAL CAPSULE,SPRINKLE,ER 24HR ................................. 38 NAMZARIC ..................... 38 naphazoline ....................... 99 naproxen ........................... 43 naproxen sodium oral tablet 220 mg .............................. 43 naproxen sodium oral tablet 275 mg, 550 mg ................ 43 nasal decongestant (oxymetazl) ....................... 73 nasal decongestant (pe) oral tablet 10 mg .................... 105 nasal decongestant (pseudoeph) oral tablet .... 105 nasal spray 12 hour nasal spray,non-aerosol ............. 73 NASONEX ..................... 109 NASOPEN PE ................ 105 nateglinide oral tablet 120 mg ..................................... 77 nateglinide oral tablet 60 mg ..................................... 77 NATPARA ........................ 78 natural fiber laxative therapy .............................. 84 natural fiber laxative (sugar) oral powder 3.4 gram/7 gram .................................. 84 NEBUPENT ..................... 19 necon 0.5/35 (28) .............. 94 necon 1/35 (28) ................. 94 ? necon 1/50 (28) ................. 94 necon 10/11 (28) ............... 94 necon 7/7/7 (28) ................ 94 needles, insulin disp., safety ................................. 77 nefazodone oral tablet 100 mg ..................................... 50 nefazodone oral tablet 150 mg ..................................... 50 nefazodone oral tablet 200 mg ..................................... 50 nefazodone oral tablet 250 mg ..................................... 50 nefazodone oral tablet 50 mg ..................................... 50 NEO-POLYCIN ................ 96 NEO-POLYCIN HC ......... 98 neomycin ........................... 19 neomycin-bacitracin-polyhc ...................................... 98 neomycin-bacitracinpolymyxin .......................... 96 neomycin-polymyxin b gu ...................................... 70 neomycin-polymyxin bdexameth ........................... 98 neomycin-polymyxingramicidin ......................... 96 neomycin-polymyxin-hc ophthalmic ........................ 98 neomycin-polymyxin-hc otic .................................... 73 NEPHRO-VITE .............. 126 NEPHRON FA ............... 126 nephronex ....................... 126 NEUPOGEN ..................... 87 NEUPRO .......................... 37 NEVANAC ....................... 97 nevirapine oral suspension ......................... 13 nevirapine oral tablet ....... 13 nevirapine oral tablet extended release 24 hr 100 mg ........ 13 nevirapine oral tablet extended release 24 hr 400 mg ........ 13 NEXAVAR ........................ 29 NEXT CHOICE ONE DOSE ................................ 94 niacin oral capsule, extended release 250 mg .................. 63 niacin oral tablet 100 mg, 50 mg, 500 mg ....................... 63 niacin oral tablet extended release 24 hr 1,000 mg, 750 mg ..................................... 63 niacin oral tablet extended release 24 hr 500 mg ........ 63 niacin oral tablet extended release 250 mg, 500 mg .... 63 NIACOR ........................... 63 nicardipine intravenous solution ............................. 58 nicardipine oral ................ 58 NICODERM CQ .............. 72 nicorelief ........................... 72 NICORETTE BUCCAL GUM ................................. 72 NICORETTE BUCCAL LOZENGE ........................ 72 nicotine transdermal patch 24 hour 14 mg/24 hr, 21 mg/24 hr, 7 mg/24 hr ................... 72 nicotine (polacrilex) buccal gum ................................... 72 nicotine (polacrilex) buccal lozenge .............................. 72 NICOTROL NS ................ 73 nifedical xl ........................ 58 nifedipine oral tablet extended release ............................... 59 nifedipine oral tablet extended release 24hr ...................... 59 nighttime sleep aid (diphen) oral tablet ....................... 105 NILANDRON .................. 29 nimodipine ........................ 59 NINJACOF ..................... 105 NINJACOF-A ................. 105 NINJACOF-XG .............. 105 NINLARO ........................ 29 NIPENT ............................ 29 NITE TIME COLD-FLU RELIEF ORAL CAPSULE ...................... 105 nitro-bid ............................ 63 Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 156 nitrofurantoin macrocrystal oral capsule 50 mg ........... 22 nitroglycerin intravenous ... 64 nitroglycerin transdermal patch 24 hour .................... 64 NITROSTAT ..................... 64 nohist-dm ........................ 105 nohist-lq .......................... 105 non-aspirin pm .................. 44 non-drowsy allergy ......... 105 nora-be ............................. 92 NORDITROPIN FLEXPRO ........................ 87 norethindrone acetate ....... 92 norethindrone (contraceptive) .................. 92 norgestimate-ethinyl estradiol oral tablet 0.18/0.215/0.25 mg35 mcg (28), 0.25-35 mgmcg ................................... 95 NORMOSOL-M IN 5 % DEXTROSE ................... 117 NORMOSOL-R .............. 114 NORMOSOL-R IN 5 % DEXTROSE ................... 114 NORMOSOL-R PH 7.4 ... 117 nortrel 0.5/35 (28) ............ 95 nortrel 1/35 (21) ............... 95 nortrel 1/35 (28) ............... 95 nortrel 7/7/7 (28) .............. 95 nortriptyline ...................... 50 NORVIR ORAL CAPSULE ........................ 13 NORVIR ORAL SOLUTION ...................... 13 NORVIR ORAL TABLET ........................... 13 nose drops ......................... 73 NOVAFERRUM 125 ...... 126 NOVAFERRUM 50 ........ 126 NOVAFERRUM ORAL DROPS ........................... 126 NOVOPEN ECHO ........... 77 NOXAFIL ORAL SUSPENSION .................. 10 NRS NASAL RELIEF ..... 73 NU-IRON ....................... 126 NU-MAG ........................ 114 ? NUEDEXTA ..................... 38 NULOJIX ......................... 29 NUPLAZID ...................... 50 NUTRICAP .................... 126 NUTRIVIT ..................... 126 NUVARING ..................... 92 nystatin oral suspension .... 10 nystatin oral tablet ............ 10 nystatin topical ................. 67 nystatin-triamcinolone ...... 67 nystop ................................ 67 O ocella ................................ 95 OCTAGAM ...................... 89 octreotide acetate .............. 29 ODEFSEY ........................ 13 ODOMZO ......................... 29 OFEV ORAL CAPSULE 150 MG .................................. 109 OFF DEEP WOODS ........ 69 OFF DEEP WOODS DRY .................................. 65 ofloxacin ophthalmic ........ 96 ofloxacin oral tablet 400 mg ..................................... 21 ofloxacin otic .................... 73 ogestrel (28) ...................... 95 olanzapine intramuscular ................... 50 olanzapine oral tablet 10 mg ..................................... 50 olanzapine oral tablet 15 mg ..................................... 50 olanzapine oral tablet 2.5 mg ..................................... 50 olanzapine oral tablet 20 mg ..................................... 50 olanzapine oral tablet 5 mg ..................................... 50 olanzapine oral tablet 7.5 mg ..................................... 50 olanzapine oral tablet, disintegrating 10 mg ......... 50 olanzapine oral tablet, disintegrating 15 mg ......... 50 olanzapine oral tablet, disintegrating 20 mg ......... 50 olanzapine oral tablet, disintegrating 5 mg ........... 50 OLYSIO ............................ 13 omega-3 acid ethyl esters ... 63 omeprazole magnesium .... 86 omeprazole oral capsule, delayed release(dr/ec) ...... 86 omeprazole oral tablet,delayed release (dr/ec) ................... 86 OMNITROPE ................... 87 ONCASPAR ..................... 29 once daily ........................ 126 ONCOVITE .................... 126 ondansetron hcl intravenous ....................... 84 ondansetron hcl oral solution ............................. 84 ondansetron hcl oral tablet 24 mg ..................................... 84 ondansetron hcl oral tablet 4 mg, 8 mg ........................... 84 ondansetron hcl (pf) injection solution ............................. 84 ondansetron hcl (pf) injection syringe .............................. 84 ondansetron odt ................ 84 one daily energy oral tablet ............................... 126 one daily essential oral tablet , 0.4 mg ........................... 126 one daily maximum ......... 126 one daily men's 50+ ........ 126 one daily multi-vit wmineral ............................ 126 one daily multivitamin oral tablet ............................... 126 one daily oral tablet ........ 127 one daily plus iron .......... 127 one daily with iron .......... 127 ONE DAILY WOMEN 50 PLUS .............................. 127 one daily women's oral tablet 27-0.4 mg ........................ 127 ONFI ORAL SUSPENSION .................. 35 ONFI ORAL TABLET 10 MG .................................... 35 Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 157 ONFI ORAL TABLET 20 MG .................................... 35 OPCICON ONE-STEP ..... 95 OPDIVO ........................... 29 OPIUM TINCTURE ........ 80 OPTI-CLEAR ................... 99 oralyte ............................. 114 ORAP ............................... 50 ORAZINC ....................... 114 ORENCIA ........................ 91 ORENCIA (WITH MALTOSE) ...................... 91 ORFADIN ORAL CAPSULE ........................ 71 ORGAN-I NR ................. 105 ORTHO MICRONOR ...... 92 OS-CAL 500 + D3 .......... 114 OSTEO-PORETICAL .... 114 oxacillin injection ............. 20 oxacillin intravenous ........ 20 oxaliplatin intravenous recon soln 100 mg ....................... 29 oxaliplatin intravenous recon soln 50 mg ......................... 29 oxaliplatin intravenous solution ............................. 29 oxandrolone oral tablet 10 mg ..................................... 78 oxandrolone oral tablet 2.5 mg ..................................... 79 oxaprozin .......................... 44 oxcarbazepine ................... 35 OXSORALEN .................. 65 OXTELLAR XR ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HR 150 MG .................................... 35 OXTELLAR XR ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HR 300 MG .................................... 35 OXTELLAR XR ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HR 600 MG .................................... 35 oxybutynin chloride oral syrup ............................... 110 ? oxybutynin chloride oral tablet ............................... 110 oxybutynin chloride oral tablet extended release 24hr 10 mg, 15 mg .............................. 110 oxybutynin chloride oral tablet extended release 24hr 5 mg ................................... 110 oxycodone oral capsule .... 41 oxycodone oral concentrate ....................... 41 oxycodone oral tablet 10 mg, 5 mg .................................. 41 oxycodone oral tablet 15 mg ..................................... 41 oxycodone oral tablet 20 mg, 30 mg ................................ 41 oxycodone-acetaminophen oral solution ...................... 41 oxycodone-acetaminophen oral tablet 10-325 mg, 2.5-325 mg, 5-325 mg, 7.5-325 mg ..................................... 41 oxycodone-aspirin ............ 41 oysco 500/d oral tablet .... 114 oysco d ............................ 114 oysco-500 ........................ 114 oyster shell + d3 ............. 114 oyster shell calcium 500 ... 114 oyster shell calcium and mag ................................. 114 oyster shell calcium with d ...................................... 127 oyster shell calcium-vit d3 .................................... 114 P pacerone oral tablet 100 mg, 200 mg, 400 mg ................ 55 paclitaxel .......................... 29 pain and fever ................... 44 PAIN RELIEF SINUS PE ................................... 105 paliperidone oral tablet extended release 24hr 1.5 mg ..................................... 50 paliperidone oral tablet extended release 24hr 3 mg ..................................... 51 paliperidone oral tablet extended release 24hr 6 mg ..................................... 51 paliperidone oral tablet extended release 24hr 9 mg ..................................... 51 pamidronate intravenous recon soln ................................... 79 pamidronate intravenous solution 30 mg/10 ml (3 mg/ ml), 90 mg/10 ml (9 mg/ ml) ..................................... 79 pamidronate intravenous solution 60 mg/10 ml (6 mg/ ml) ..................................... 79 PANRETIN ....................... 65 pantoprazole intravenous ... 86 pantoprazole oral ............. 86 pantothenic acid ............. 127 paricalcitol oral ................ 79 PAROEX ORAL RINSE ... 73 paromomycin .................... 19 paroxetine hcl oral tablet 10 mg ..................................... 51 paroxetine hcl oral tablet 20 mg ..................................... 51 paroxetine hcl oral tablet 30 mg ..................................... 51 paroxetine hcl oral tablet 40 mg ..................................... 51 paroxetine hcl oral tablet extended release 24 hr 12.5 mg ..................................... 51 paroxetine hcl oral tablet extended release 24 hr 25 mg ..................................... 51 paroxetine hcl oral tablet extended release 24 hr 37.5 mg ..................................... 51 PASER .............................. 19 PATADAY ......................... 97 PAXIL ORAL SUSPENSION .................. 51 PAZEO .............................. 97 PEDIALYTE ADVANCED CARE .............................. 114 pedialyte freezer pops ..... 114 pedialyte oral solution .... 114 Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 158 pedialyte singles .............. 114 pediatric cough and cold oral liquid 1-15-5 mg/5 ml ..... 105 pediatric electrolyte oral solution ........................... 114 pediatric freezer pops ..... 114 Pediatric mask for inhaler ............................... 72 PEDVAX HIB (PF) .......... 89 peg 3350-electrolytes oral recon soln 236-22.74-6.74 5.86 gram .......................... 84 peg 3350-electrolytes oral recon soln 240-22.72-6.72 5.84 gram .......................... 85 peg-electrolyte soln ........... 85 peg3350 ............................ 85 PEGANONE ..................... 35 PEGASYS ........................ 87 PEGASYS PROCLICK .... 87 PEGINTRON ................... 87 PEGINTRON REDIPEN ... 87 PENICILLIN G POT IN DEXTROSE ..................... 20 penicillin g potassium ....... 20 penicillin g procaine intramuscular syringe 1.2 million unit/2 ml ............... 20 penicillin g procaine intramuscular syringe 600,000 unit/ml ............................... 20 penicillin g sodium ........... 20 penicillin v potassium ....... 20 PENTAM .......................... 19 PENTASA ........................ 85 pentoxifylline .................... 62 PEPTIC RELIEF ORAL TABLET,CHEWABLE ..... 80 PERFOROMIST ............. 109 PERIDIN-C .................... 127 perindopril erbumine ........ 59 periogard .......................... 73 PERJETA .......................... 29 permethrin topical cream ... 69 permethrin topical liquid ... 69 perphenazine ..................... 51 phenelzine ......................... 51 phenobarbital oral elixir ... 35 ? phenobarbital oral tablet 100 mg ..................................... 35 phenobarbital oral tablet 15 mg ..................................... 35 phenobarbital oral tablet 16.2 mg ..................................... 35 phenobarbital oral tablet 30 mg ..................................... 35 phenobarbital oral tablet 32.4 mg ..................................... 35 phenobarbital oral tablet 60 mg ..................................... 35 phenobarbital oral tablet 64.8 mg ..................................... 35 phenobarbital oral tablet 97.2 mg ..................................... 35 phenylhistine dh .............. 105 PHENYTEK ..................... 35 PHENYTOIN ORAL SUSPENSION 100 MG/4 ML .................................... 35 phenytoin oral suspension 125 mg/5 ml ............................. 35 phenytoin oral tablet, chewable ........................... 35 phenytoin sodium extended ............................ 35 phenytoin sodium intravenous solution ............................. 35 phenytoin sodium intravenous syringe .............................. 35 PHOSPHOLINE IODIDE ............................ 96 PICATO ............................ 65 PILOCARPINE HCL OPHTHALMIC DROPS 1 %, 2 %, 4 % ........................... 97 pilocarpine hcl oral .......... 71 pimozide ............................ 51 pindolol ............................. 59 pink bismuth oral tablet, chewable ........................... 80 pioglitazone oral tablet 15 mg ..................................... 77 pioglitazone oral tablet 30 mg ..................................... 77 pioglitazone oral tablet 45 mg ..................................... 77 pioglitazone-glimepiride .... 77 pioglitazone-metformin ..... 77 piperacillin-tazobactam .... 21 piroxicam .......................... 44 PLAN B ONE-STEP ........ 95 PLASMA-LYTE 148 ...... 117 PLASMA-LYTE-56 IN 5 % DEXTROSE ................... 117 podofilox ........................... 65 POLY HIST PD .............. 105 POLY-HIST DM (THONZYLAMINE) ..... 105 poly-iron ......................... 127 poly-iron 150 forte .......... 127 POLY-VENT DM ORAL TABLET 60-20-380 MG .................................. 105 POLY-VENT IR ORAL TABLET 60-380 MG ..... 105 poly-vita .......................... 127 poly-vita (iron) ................ 127 poly-vitamin .................... 127 poly-vitamin with iron ..... 127 poly-vitamins .................. 127 POLYCIN ......................... 96 polyethylene glycol 3350 oral powder .............................. 85 polyethylene glycol 3350 oral powder in packet ............... 85 polymyxin b sulftrimethoprim ..................... 96 polyvitamin/iron .............. 127 POMALYST ORAL CAPSULE 1 MG .............. 29 POMALYST ORAL CAPSULE 2 MG .............. 29 POMALYST ORAL CAPSULE 3 MG, 4 MG ... 29 portia ................................ 95 PORTRAZZA ................... 29 potassium chlorid-d50.45%nacl intravenous parenteral solution 10 meq/l, 30 meq/l, 40 meq/l ........... 114 potassium chlorid-d50.45%nacl intravenous parenteral solution 20 meq/ l ....................................... 114 Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 159 potassium chloride in 0.9%nacl intravenous parenteral solution 20 meq/ l ....................................... 115 potassium chloride in 5 % dex intravenous parenteral solution 20 meq/l, 30 meq/l, 40 meq/l ............................... 115 potassium chloride in lr-d5 intravenous parenteral solution 20 meq/l ............. 115 potassium chloride in lr-d5 intravenous parenteral solution 40 meq/l ............. 115 potassium chloride intravenous piggyback 10 meq/100 ml, 20 meq/100 ml, 40 meq/100 ml .................................... 115 POTASSIUM CHLORIDE INTRAVENOUS PIGGYBACK 10 MEQ/50 ML .................................. 115 POTASSIUM CHLORIDE INTRAVENOUS PIGGYBACK 20 MEQ/50 ML, 30 MEQ/100 ML .... 115 potassium chloride intravenous solution ........................... 115 potassium chloride oral capsule, extended release ............................. 115 potassium chloride oral tablet extended release .............. 115 potassium chloride oral tablet, er particles/crystals ........ 115 potassium chloride-0.45 % nacl ................................. 115 potassium chloride-d50.2%nacl intravenous parenteral solution 20 meq/ l ....................................... 115 potassium chloride-d50.2%nacl intravenous parenteral solution 30 meq/l, 40 meq/l .......................... 115 potassium chloride-d50.3%nacl intravenous ? parenteral solution 20 meq/ l ....................................... 115 potassium chloride-d50.9%nacl intravenous parenteral solution 20 meq/ l ....................................... 115 potassium chloride-d50.9%nacl intravenous parenteral solution 40 meq/ l ....................................... 115 potassium citrate oral tablet extended release 10 meq (1, 080 mg), 5 meq (540 mg) .................................. 111 POTIGA ORAL TABLET 200 MG, 300 MG, 400 MG ..... 36 POTIGA ORAL TABLET 50 MG .................................... 36 povidone-iodine topical ointment ............................ 66 povidone-iodine topical solution 10 % .................... 66 PRADAXA ....................... 62 PRALUENT PEN ............. 63 PRALUENT SYRINGE .... 63 pramipexole oral tablet .... 37 pravastatin ........................ 63 prazosin oral ..................... 59 prednisolone acetate ......... 98 prednisolone oral solution 15 mg/5 ml ............................. 74 prednisolone sodium phosphate ophthalmic ....... 98 prednisolone sodium phosphate oral solution 15 mg/ 5 ml (3 mg/ml), 5 mg base/5 ml (6.7 mg/5 ml) .................... 74 prednisolone sodium phosphate oral tablet, disintegrating .................... 74 prednisone intensol ........... 74 prednisone oral ................. 74 PREMARIN ORAL .......... 92 PREMARIN VAGINAL .... 92 PREMPRO ....................... 92 prenatal vitamin oral tablet ............................... 127 prevalite ............................ 63 PREVENT ...................... 127 previfem ............................ 95 PREZCOBIX .................... 13 PREZISTA ORAL SUSPENSION .................. 13 PREZISTA ORAL TABLET 150 MG ............................. 13 PREZISTA ORAL TABLET 600 MG, 800 MG ............. 13 PREZISTA ORAL TABLET 75 MG ............................... 13 PRIFTIN ........................... 19 PRIMAQUINE ................. 19 primidone .......................... 36 PRIVIGEN ....................... 89 PRO FE ........................... 127 PROAIR HFA ................. 109 PROAIR RESPICLICK ... 109 probenecid ........................ 90 procainamide injection solution 100 mg/ml ........... 55 procainamide injection solution 500 mg/ml ........... 55 prochlorperazine edisylate injection solution 10 mg/2 ml (5 mg/ml) .......................... 85 prochlorperazine maleate oral ................................... 85 prochlorperazine maleate rectal ................................. 85 PROCRIT ......................... 87 procto-pak ......................... 85 proctosol hc ...................... 85 proctozone-hc ................... 85 PROFERRIN ES ............ 127 PROFERRIN-FORTE .... 127 progesterone micronized .... 92 PROGLYCEM .................. 77 PROGRAF INTRAVENOUS .............. 29 PROLASTIN-C ................ 71 PROLEUKIN ................... 87 PROLIA ............................ 90 PROMACTA ORAL TABLET 12.5 MG, 25 MG, 75 MG .................................... 62 PROMACTA ORAL TABLET 50 MG ............................... 62 Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 160 promethazine injection solution ........................... 106 promethazine oral tablet 12.5 mg, 25 mg ....................... 106 promethazine vccodeine ............................ 106 promethazine-codeine ..... 106 promethazine-dm ............ 106 PROMETHEGAN RECTAL SUPPOSITORY 12.5 MG .................................. 106 propafenone oral tablet .... 55 propranolol intravenous .... 59 propranolol oral ............... 59 propranololhydrochlorothiazid ............ 59 propylthiouracil ................ 74 PROQUAD (PF) ............... 89 PROTECT IRON ............ 127 PROTONIX INTRAVENOUS .............. 86 protriptyline ...................... 51 pseudoephedrine hcl oral liquid ............................... 106 pseudoephedrine hcl oral tablet 30 mg .................... 106 pseudoephedrineguaifenesin ...................... 106 PULMOZYME ............... 109 PURALUBE ..................... 97 PURIXAN ........................ 29 pyrazinamide .................... 19 pyridostigmine bromide .... 39 pyridoxine (vitamin b6) oral tablet 100 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg ................................... 127 pyrilamine-phenylephrine oral tablet ............................... 106 Q q-dryl oral capsule ......... 106 q-dryl oral liquid ............ 106 q-pap extra strength .......... 44 q-pap oral drops ............... 44 q-pap oral liquid ............... 44 q-pap oral tablet 325 mg ... 44 q-pap oral tablet 500 mg ... 44 q-tussin ........................... 106 q-tussin dm ...................... 106 ? QUADRACEL (PF) ......... 89 quenalin .......................... 106 quetiapine oral tablet 100 mg ..................................... 51 quetiapine oral tablet 200 mg ..................................... 51 quetiapine oral tablet 25 mg ..................................... 51 quetiapine oral tablet 300 mg ..................................... 51 quetiapine oral tablet 400 mg ..................................... 51 quetiapine oral tablet 50 mg ..................................... 51 quinapril ........................... 59 quinaprilhydrochlorothiazide .......... 59 quinidine sulfate oral tablets oral tablet 200 mg, 300 mg ..................................... 55 QVAR INHALATION AEROSOL 40 MCG/ ACTUATION ................. 110 QVAR INHALATION AEROSOL 80 MCG/ ACTUATION ................. 110 R RABANO YODADO ..... 127 RABAVERT (PF) ............. 89 raloxifene .......................... 90 ramipril ............................. 59 RANEXA ......................... 63 ranitidine hcl injection ...... 86 ranitidine hcl oral syrup .... 86 ranitidine hcl oral tablet 150 mg, 300 mg ....................... 86 ranitidine hcl oral tablet 75 mg ..................................... 87 RAPAMUNE ORAL SOLUTION ...................... 29 RAVICTI .......................... 71 REBIF REBIDOSE .......... 88 REBIF TITRATION PACK ................................ 88 REBIF (WITH ALBUMIN) ...................... 88 reclipsen (28) .................... 95 RECOMBIVAX HB (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION .................. 89 RECOMBIVAX HB (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 10 MCG/ML .... 89 RECOMBIVAX HB (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 5 MCG/0.5 ML .................................... 89 REFRESH CELLUVISC ... 97 REFRESH LACRILUBE ................................ 97 REFRESH PLUS .............. 97 reguloid oral capsule ........ 85 RELENZA DISKHALER ................... 13 RELISTOR SUBCUTANEOUS SOLUTION ...................... 85 RELISTOR SUBCUTANEOUS SYRINGE ......................... 85 REMICADE ..................... 85 rena-vite .......................... 127 RENAGEL ....................... 71 RENVELA ORAL POWDER IN PACKET 0.8 GRAM .... 71 RENVELA ORAL POWDER IN PACKET 2.4 GRAM .... 71 RENVELA ORAL TABLET ........................... 71 repaglinide-metformin ...... 77 REPATHA SURECLICK .................... 63 REPATHA SYRINGE ...... 63 REPEL SPORTSMEN ...... 69 REPEL SPORTSMEN MAX ................................. 65 RESCON ........................ 106 RESCON-DM ................. 106 rescon-gg ........................ 106 RESCRIPTOR ORAL TABLET ........................... 13 RESCRIPTOR ORAL TABLET, DISPERSIBLE ................. 13 RESPAIRE-30 ................ 106 Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 161 RESTASIS ........................ 97 restfully sleep .................. 106 RETROVIR INTRAVENOUS .............. 13 REVLIMID ORAL CAPSULE 10 MG ............................... 29 REVLIMID ORAL CAPSULE 15 MG, 2.5 MG, 20 MG, 25 MG .................................... 29 REVLIMID ORAL CAPSULE 5 MG ................................. 29 REXULTI ORAL TABLET 0.25 MG, 0.5 MG, 1 MG, 2 MG .................................... 51 REXULTI ORAL TABLET 3 MG, 4 MG ........................ 51 REYATAZ ORAL CAPSULE 150 MG, 200 MG ............. 13 REYATAZ ORAL CAPSULE 300 MG ............................. 13 REYATAZ ORAL POWDER IN PACKET ...................... 14 REZIRA .......................... 106 ribasphere oral capsule .... 14 ribasphere oral tablet 200 mg ..................................... 14 ribavirin oral capsule ....... 14 ribavirin oral tablet 200 mg ..................................... 14 riboflavin (vitamin b2) oral tablet 100 mg .................. 127 RIDAURA ........................ 91 rifabutin ............................ 19 rifampin ............................ 19 RIFATER .......................... 19 riluzole .............................. 71 rimantadine ....................... 14 ringers intravenous ......... 115 ringers irrigation .............. 70 risacal-d .......................... 127 RISPERDAL CONSTA INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 12.5 MG/2 ML, 25 MG/2 ML, 37.5 MG/2 ML .................................... 52 RISPERDAL CONSTA INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 50 MG/2 ML ... 52 ? risperidone oral solution ... 52 risperidone oral tablet 0.25 mg ..................................... 52 risperidone oral tablet 0.5 mg ..................................... 52 risperidone oral tablet 1 mg ..................................... 52 risperidone oral tablet 2 mg ..................................... 52 risperidone oral tablet 3 mg ..................................... 52 risperidone oral tablet 4 mg ..................................... 52 risperidone oral tablet, disintegrating 0.25 mg ...... 52 risperidone oral tablet, disintegrating 0.5 mg ........ 52 risperidone oral tablet, disintegrating 1 mg ........... 52 risperidone oral tablet, disintegrating 2 mg ........... 52 risperidone oral tablet, disintegrating 3 mg ........... 52 risperidone oral tablet, disintegrating 4 mg ........... 52 RITUXAN ........................ 29 rivastigmine ...................... 38 rivastigmine tartrate ......... 38 rizatriptan ......................... 37 robafen ............................ 106 robafen cf (phenylephrine) ............... 106 robafen cough ................. 106 robafen dm ...................... 106 robafen dm cough ........... 106 robafen dm cough-chest congest ............................ 106 ropinirole oral tablet ........ 37 ROSADAN TOPICAL CREAM ............................ 66 rosuvastatin ....................... 63 ROTARIX ......................... 89 ROTATEQ VACCINE ...... 89 roweepra ........................... 36 ROZEREM ....................... 52 RU-HIST D .................... 106 RULOX ............................ 85 RYMED (DEXCHLORPHENIRAMINEPE) .................................. 106 rynex dm ......................... 107 rynex pe .......................... 107 rynex pse ......................... 107 S S2 RACEPINEPHRINE ...... 110 SABRIL ............................ 36 sani-supp (adult) ............... 85 sani-supp (infant) .............. 85 SANTYL .......................... 69 SAPHRIS (BLACK CHERRY) SUBLINGUAL TABLET 10 MG ............... 52 SAPHRIS (BLACK CHERRY) SUBLINGUAL TABLET 2.5 MG .............. 52 SAPHRIS (BLACK CHERRY) SUBLINGUAL TABLET 5 MG ................. 52 SAVELLA ORAL TABLET 100 MG ............................. 91 SAVELLA ORAL TABLET 12.5 MG ............................ 91 SAVELLA ORAL TABLET 25 MG ............................... 91 SAVELLA ORAL TABLET 50 MG ............................... 91 SAVELLA ORAL TABLETS, DOSE PACK .................... 91 se-tan plus ....................... 127 selegiline hcl ..................... 37 selenium oral tablet 100 mcg, 50 mcg ............................. 115 selenium oral tablet 200 mcg .................................. 115 selenium oral tablet,delayed release (dr/ec) ................. 115 selenium sulfide topical lotion ................................. 64 SELZENTRY ................... 14 senexon ............................. 85 SENIOR TABS ............... 127 senna lax ........................... 85 senna oral syrup 8.8 mg/5 ml ...................................... 85 Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 162 senna oral tablet ............... 85 SENNA PLUS .................. 85 senna with docusate sodium ............................... 85 SENNALAX-S ................. 85 SENSIPAR ORAL TABLET 30 MG, 60 MG ................. 79 SENSIPAR ORAL TABLET 90 MG ............................... 79 sentry oral tablet 18-500-300250 mg-mcg-mcg-mcg .... 128 SENTRY SENIOR ORAL TABLET 500-300-250 MCG ............................... 128 SEREVENT DISKUS .... 110 SEROQUEL XR ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HR 150 MG .................................... 52 SEROQUEL XR ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HR 200 MG .................................... 52 SEROQUEL XR ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HR 300 MG .................................... 52 SEROQUEL XR ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HR 400 MG .................................... 53 SEROQUEL XR ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HR 50 MG .................................... 53 sertraline oral concentrate ....................... 53 sertraline oral tablet 100 mg ..................................... 53 sertraline oral tablet 25 mg ..................................... 53 sertraline oral tablet 50 mg ..................................... 53 SIDEROL ORAL TABLET ......................... 128 SIGNIFOR ........................ 29 siladryl sa ....................... 107 sildenafil oral .................. 110 ? silphen cough .................. 107 siltussin dm das ............... 107 siltussin sa ...................... 107 siltussin-dm ..................... 107 silver sulfadiazine ............. 64 simethicone oral capsule 180 mg ..................................... 85 simethicone oral drops, suspension ......................... 85 SIMPONI .......................... 91 SIMULECT INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 10 MG ..... 30 SIMULECT INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN 20 MG ..... 30 simvastatin ........................ 63 sirolimus ........................... 30 SIRTURO ......................... 19 sleep aid (doxylamine) ...... 53 SLO-NIACIN ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 250 MG .......... 63 slo-niacin oral tablet extended release 500 mg .................. 63 slow release iron oral tablet extended release 143 mg (45 mg iron), 47.5 mg iron .... 128 SLOW RELEASE IRON ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 159 MG (45 MG IRON) ............................. 128 SLOW-MAG .................. 116 sodium bicarbonate oral .... 86 sodium chloride 0.45 % intravenous parenteral solution ........................... 116 SODIUM CHLORIDE 0.45 % INTRAVENOUS PIGGYBACK ................. 116 sodium chloride 0.9 % intravenous ....................... 71 SODIUM CHLORIDE 0.9 % INTRAVENOUS .............. 71 sodium chloride 3 % ....... 116 sodium chloride 5 % ....... 116 sodium chloride intravenous ..................... 116 sodium chloride irrigation ........................... 72 sodium chloride ophthalmic ........................ 97 sodium fluoride oral tablet ............................... 128 sodium fluoride oral tablet, chewable 1 mg fluoride (2.2 mg) .................................. 128 sodium polystyrene sulfonate oral powder ...................... 72 sodium polystyrene sulfonate oral suspension ................. 72 sodium polystyrene sulfonate rectal ................................. 72 SODIUM POLYSTYRENE SULFONATE RECTAL .... 72 sodium polystyrene (sorb free) ................................... 72 SOLTAMOX ..................... 30 SOMATULINE DEPOT .... 30 SOMAVERT ..................... 79 SORE THROAT AND COUGH .......................... 107 sorine oral tablet 120 mg, 160 mg, 80 mg ......................... 55 sorine oral tablet 240 mg ... 55 sotalol af oral tablet 120 mg ..................................... 55 SOTALOL AF ORAL TABLET 160 MG, 80 MG .................................... 55 sotalol oral tablet 120 mg ..................................... 55 sotalol oral tablet 160 mg, 240 mg, 80 mg ......................... 55 SOVALDI ......................... 14 spectravite adult 50+ oral tablet ............................... 128 spectravite advanced formula oral tablet 18-400 mgmcg ................................. 128 spectravite men's ............. 128 spectravite senior oral tablet 500-300-250 mcg ............ 128 spectravite ultra women ... 128 SPECTRAVITE ULTRA WOMEN'S SR ................ 128 SPIRIVA RESPIMAT ..... 110 Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 163 SPIRIVA WITH HANDIHALER .............. 110 spironolactonhydrochlorothiaz ............... 59 spironolactone .................. 59 sprintec (28) ...................... 95 SPRITAM ORAL TABLET FOR SUSPENSION 1,000 MG, 250 MG, 500 MG ..... 36 SPRITAM ORAL TABLET FOR SUSPENSION 750 MG .................................... 36 SPRYCEL ......................... 30 SPS ORAL ........................ 72 SPS RECTAL ................... 72 ssd ..................................... 64 STAHIST AD ORAL LIQUID .......................... 107 STAHIST AD ORAL TABLET ......................... 107 stavudine oral capsule 15 mg, 20 mg ................................ 14 stavudine oral capsule 30 mg, 40 mg ................................ 14 stavudine oral recon soln ... 14 STIMATE ......................... 79 STIOLTO RESPIMAT .... 110 STIVARGA ...................... 30 stool softener oral capsule 100 mg, 240 mg ....................... 86 STRATTERA ORAL CAPSULE 10 MG, 18 MG, 25 MG, 40 MG ...................... 53 STRATTERA ORAL CAPSULE 100 MG, 60 MG, 80 MG ............................... 53 strawberry c .................... 128 STREPTOMYCIN INTRAMUSCULAR ........ 19 stress formula .................. 128 STRESS FORMULA 600 C ..................................... 128 stress formula advanced ......................... 128 STRESS FORMULA ENERGY ........................ 128 stress formula with iron ... 128 ? stress formula with iron (sulf) ................................ 128 stress formula with zinc ... 128 STRIBILD ........................ 14 STROVITE FORTE ....... 128 STROVITE ONE ............ 128 SUBOXONE SUBLINGUAL FILM 12-3 MG ................. 44 SUBOXONE SUBLINGUAL FILM 2-0.5 MG ................ 44 SUBOXONE SUBLINGUAL FILM 4-1 MG ................... 44 SUBOXONE SUBLINGUAL FILM 8-2 MG ................... 44 sucralfate oral tablet ........ 87 sudogest .......................... 107 sudogest 12-hour ............ 107 sudogest pe ..................... 107 sudogest sinus and allergy ............................. 107 sulfacetamide sodium ophthalmic drops .............. 98 sulfacetamide sodium (acne) ................................ 66 sulfacetamideprednisolone ..................... 98 sulfadiazine oral ............... 21 sulfamethoxazoletrimethoprim ..................... 21 SULFAMYLON TOPICAL CREAM ............................ 67 sulfasalazine ..................... 86 sulindac oral ..................... 44 sumatriptan succinate oral ................................... 37 sumatriptan succinate subcutaneous cartridge .... 37 sumatriptan succinate subcutaneous pen injector .............................. 37 sumatriptan succinate subcutaneous solution ...... 37 sumatriptan succinate subcutaneous syringe 6 mg/0.5 ml ...................................... 37 SUPER B COMPLEX + C ..................................... 128 super b complex-vitamin c ...................................... 128 SUPER B-50 COMPLEX ..................... 129 super b/c ......................... 129 SUPER CALCIUM ........ 116 SUPER MULTIPLE ORAL TABLET ......................... 129 SUPER MULTIVITAMIN ........... 129 super thera vite m ........... 129 superplex-t ...................... 129 SUPERVITE (EC) .......... 129 support ............................ 129 SUPPORT-500 ............... 129 SURMONTIL ................... 53 SUSPENDOL-S ............... 72 SUSTIVA ORAL CAPSULE 200 MG ............................. 14 SUSTIVA ORAL CAPSULE 50 MG ............................... 14 SUSTIVA ORAL TABLET ........................... 14 SUTENT ORAL CAPSULE 12.5 MG ............................ 30 SUTENT ORAL CAPSULE 25 MG, 37.5 MG, 50 MG .................................... 30 SYEDA ............................. 95 SYLATRON ..................... 88 SYMLINPEN 120 ............ 77 SYMLINPEN 60 .............. 77 SYNAGIS ......................... 14 SYNAREL ........................ 79 SYNERCID ...................... 19 SYNJARDY ..................... 77 SYNRIBO ......................... 30 SYNTHROID ................... 80 SYPRINE ......................... 72 T tab-a-vite ......................... 129 tab-a-vite-minerals ......... 129 tab-a-vite/iron ................. 129 TABLOID ......................... 30 tacrolimus oral .................. 30 tacrolimus topical ............. 65 TAFINLAR ....................... 30 Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 164 TAGRISSO ORAL TABLET 40 MG ............................... 30 TAGRISSO ORAL TABLET 80 MG ............................... 30 TAMIFLU ......................... 14 tamoxifen .......................... 30 tamsulosin ....................... 111 TANDEM DUAL ACTION ......................... 129 TANDEM PLUS ............. 129 TANZEUM ....................... 77 TARCEVA ORAL TABLET 100 MG, 150 MG ............. 30 TARCEVA ORAL TABLET 25 MG ............................... 30 TARGRETIN ORAL ........ 30 TARGRETIN TOPICAL ... 30 taron forte ....................... 129 TASIGNA ......................... 30 TAZORAC ........................ 66 taztia xt ............................. 59 TECENTRIQ .................... 30 TECFIDERA .................... 38 TECHNIVIE ..................... 14 TEFLARO ........................ 16 TEKTURNA ..................... 59 TEKTURNA HCT ............ 59 telmisartan oral tablet 20 mg, 40 mg ................................ 59 telmisartan oral tablet 80 mg ..................................... 59 telmisartan-amlodipine ..... 59 telmisartan-hydrochlorothiazid oral tablet 40-12.5 mg, 80-25 mg ..................................... 59 telmisartan-hydrochlorothiazid oral tablet 80-12.5 mg ...... 59 temazepam oral capsule 15 mg, 22.5 mg, 30 mg .......... 53 terazosin ........................... 59 terbinafine hcl oral ........... 10 terbinafine hcl topical ....... 67 terbutaline oral ............... 110 terbutaline subcutaneous ................... 110 terconazole ........................ 92 testosterone cypionate ...... 79 testosterone enanthate ...... 79 ? testosterone transdermal gel ..................................... 79 testosterone transdermal gel in metered-dose pump 1.25 gram/ actuation (1 %) ...... 79 testosterone transdermal gel in metered-dose pump 10 mg/ 0.5 gram /actuation .......... 79 testosterone transdermal gel in packet 1 % (25 mg/ 2.5gram) ........................... 79 testosterone transdermal gel in packet 1 % (50 mg/5 gram) ................................ 79 tetanus,diphtheria tox ped (pf) .................................... 89 TETANUS-DIPHTHERIA TOXOIDS-TD .................. 89 tetrabenazine oral tablet 12.5 mg ..................................... 38 tetrabenazine oral tablet 25 mg ..................................... 38 tetracycline ....................... 22 THALOMID ORAL CAPSULE 100 MG, 50 MG .................................... 30 THALOMID ORAL CAPSULE 150 MG, 200 MG .................................... 30 theophylline oral tablet extended release .............. 110 theophylline oral tablet extended release 12 hr .... 110 thera ................................ 129 thera m plus (ferrous fumarat) .......................... 129 thera vitamin ................... 129 thera-gesic topical cream 151 % .................................... 65 thera-m oral tablet .......... 129 thera-m oral tablet 9 mg iron400 mcg .......................... 129 thera-tabs ........................ 129 therapeutic liquid ............ 129 therapeutic m + betacarotene .......................... 129 therapeutic-m oral tablet 9 mg iron-400 mcg ................... 129 therapeutic-m vitamin/ minerals oral tablet 27-0.4 mg ................................... 129 theratrum complete with lutein ............................... 129 therems ............................ 129 THEREMS-H ................. 129 therems-m ....................... 129 thiamine hcl (vitamin b1) oral tablet 100 mg, 250 mg .... 130 thioridazine ....................... 53 thiotepa ............................. 30 thiothixene ........................ 53 THYMOGLOBULIN ....... 89 THYROSAFE ................... 74 tiagabine ........................... 36 TICE BCG ........................ 89 TIKOSYN ......................... 55 timolol maleate ophthalmic ........................ 96 timolol maleate oral ......... 59 TIMOPTIC OCUDOSE (PF) ................................... 96 tioconazole-1 .................... 92 TIVICAY ORAL TABLET 10 MG, 25 MG ...................... 14 TIVICAY ORAL TABLET 50 MG .................................... 14 tizanidine oral tablet ......... 39 tobramycin ........................ 96 tobramycin in 0.225 % nacl ................................... 19 tobramycin sulfate injection recon soln .......................... 19 tobramycin sulfate injection solution ............................. 19 tobramycin-dexamethasone ophthalmic suspension ...... 98 tolazamide oral tablet 250 mg ..................................... 77 tolazamide oral tablet 500 mg ..................................... 77 tolbutamide ....................... 77 tolcapone .......................... 37 tolmetin ............................. 44 tolnaftate topical cream .... 67 tolnaftate topical powder ... 67 Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 165 tolterodine oral capsule, extended release 24hr ..... 110 tolterodine oral tablet ..... 111 topiramate oral capsule, sprinkle ............................. 36 topiramate oral tablet 100 mg ..................................... 36 topiramate oral tablet 200 mg ..................................... 36 topiramate oral tablet 25 mg ..................................... 36 topiramate oral tablet 50 mg ..................................... 36 toposar .............................. 30 topotecan intravenous recon soln ................................... 30 TOPOTECAN INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION ...................... 31 TORISEL .......................... 31 torsemide oral ................... 59 total b/c ........................... 130 TOTALDAY MULTIPLE ..................... 130 TOUJEO SOLOSTAR ...... 77 TOVIAZ .......................... 111 TRACLEER .................... 110 TRADJENTA ................... 77 tramadol oral tablet .......... 44 tramadol-acetaminophen ... 44 trandolapril ....................... 59 tranexamic acid intravenous ....................... 62 tranexamic acid oral ......... 93 tranylcypromine ................ 53 travasol 10 % .................. 117 TRAVATAN Z ................... 98 travel sickness ................... 86 TRAVEL SICKNESS (MECLIZINE) .................. 86 trazodone .......................... 53 TREANDA INTRAVENOUS RECON SOLN ................. 31 TRECATOR ...................... 19 TRELSTAR INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION FOR RECONSTITUTION ........ 31 ? TRELSTAR INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 11.25 MG/2 ML, 3.75 MG/2 ML .................. 31 TRELSTAR INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE 22.5 MG/2 ML .................................... 31 tretinoin topical cream ...... 66 tretinoin topical gel 0.01 %, 0.025 % ............................. 66 tretinoin (chemotherapy) ... 31 TREXALL ........................ 31 tri-previfem (28) ................ 95 tri-sprintec (28) ................ 95 TRI-VI-SOL ................... 130 tri-vita ............................. 130 tri-vitamin ....................... 130 triamcinolone acetonide dental ................................ 73 triamcinolone acetonide injection suspension 10 mg/ ml ...................................... 74 triamcinolone acetonide injection suspension 40 mg/ ml ...................................... 74 triamcinolone acetonide topical cream .................... 69 triamcinolone acetonide topical lotion ..................... 69 triamcinolone acetonide topical ointment 0.025 %, 0.1 %, 0.5 % ........................... 69 triamterenehydrochlorothiazid oral capsule 37.5-25 mg ........... 59 triamterenehydrochlorothiazid oral tablet ................................. 60 trianex ............................... 69 TRIBENZOR .................... 60 triderm topical cream ....... 69 trifluoperazine .................. 53 trifluridine ......................... 96 trimethoprim ..................... 22 TRINTELLIX ORAL TABLET 10 MG ............... 53 TRINTELLIX ORAL TABLET 20 MG ............... 53 TRINTELLIX ORAL TABLET 5 MG ................. 53 triple antibiotic plus .......... 67 triple antibiotic topical ointment ............................ 67 triple antibiotic topical ointment in packet ............. 67 TRISENOX ...................... 31 TRIUMEQ ........................ 14 trivora (28) ....................... 95 trixaicin ............................. 65 TRIXAICIN HP ................ 65 TROPHAMINE 10 % ..... 117 TROPHAMINE 6% ........ 117 trospium oral tablet ......... 111 TRULICITY ..................... 77 TRUMENBA .................... 89 TRUVADA ORAL TABLET 100-150 MG, 133-200 MG, 167-250 MG ..................... 14 TRUVADA ORAL TABLET 200-300 MG ..................... 14 tussin dm oral liquid ....... 107 tussin dm oral syrup 10-100 mg/5 ml ........................... 107 tussin expectorant ........... 107 tussin oral liquid ............. 107 TUSSIONEX PENNKINETIC ER ................................... 107 TWINRIX (PF) ................. 89 TYBOST ........................... 14 TYGACIL ......................... 19 TYKERB .......................... 31 TYPHIM VI INTRAMUSCULAR SOLUTION ...................... 90 TYPHIM VI INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE ......................... 90 TYSABRI ......................... 38 TYZEKA .......................... 14 TYZINE NASAL DROPS 0.05 % ............................... 73 U ULORIC ........................... 90 Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 166 ULTRA B-100 COMPLEX ORAL TABLET ............. 130 unicomplex-m ................. 130 UNITHROID ORAL TABLET 100 MCG, 112 MCG, 125 MCG, 150 MCG, 175 MCG, 200 MCG, 25 MCG, 300 MCG, 50 MCG, 75 MCG, 88 MCG ................................. 80 UNITUXIN ....................... 31 ursodiol ............................. 86 UVADEX .......................... 65 V v-c forte ........................... 130 valacyclovir ...................... 14 VALCHLOR ..................... 65 valganciclovir ................... 14 valproate sodium .............. 36 valproic acid ..................... 36 valproic acid (as sodium salt) oral solution 250 mg/5 ml ...................................... 36 VALPROIC ACID (AS SODIUM SALT) ORAL SOLUTION 250 MG/5 ML (5 ML), 500 MG/10 ML (10 ML) ................................... 36 valsartan oral tablet 160 mg ..................................... 60 valsartan oral tablet 320 mg ..................................... 60 valsartan oral tablet 40 mg, 80 mg ..................................... 60 valsartanhydrochlorothiazide .......... 60 VANACOF ..................... 107 VANAHIST PD .............. 107 VANCOMYCIN IN 0.9% SODIUM CL INTRAVENOUS PIGGYBACK 500 MG/100 ML, 750 MG/150 ML ....... 22 vancomycin in dextrose 5 % intravenous piggyback 1 gram/ 200 ml ............................... 22 vancomycin in dextrose 5 % intravenous piggyback 500 mg/ 100 ml ............................... 22 ? VANCOMYCIN IN DEXTROSE 5 % INTRAVENOUS PIGGYBACK 750 MG/150 ML .................................... 22 vancomycin intravenous .... 22 VANCOMYCIN INTRAVENOUS .............. 22 vancomycin oral capsule 125 mg ..................................... 22 vancomycin oral capsule 250 mg ..................................... 22 VAQTA (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION .................. 90 VAQTA (PF) INTRAMUSCULAR SYRINGE ......................... 90 VARIVAX (PF) ................. 90 VARIZIG .......................... 90 VASCEPA ......................... 63 VECAMYL ...................... 63 VECTIBIX ....................... 31 VELCADE ....................... 31 velivet triphasic regimen (28) ................................... 95 VENCLEXTA ORAL TABLET 10 MG ............... 31 VENCLEXTA ORAL TABLET 100 MG ............. 31 VENCLEXTA ORAL TABLET 50 MG ............... 31 VENCLEXTA STARTING PACK ................................ 31 venlafaxine oral capsule, extended release 24hr 150 mg ..................................... 53 venlafaxine oral capsule, extended release 24hr 37.5 mg ..................................... 53 venlafaxine oral capsule, extended release 24hr 75 mg ..................................... 53 venlafaxine oral tablet 100 mg ..................................... 53 venlafaxine oral tablet 25 mg ..................................... 53 venlafaxine oral tablet 37.5 mg ..................................... 54 venlafaxine oral tablet 50 mg ..................................... 54 venlafaxine oral tablet 75 mg ..................................... 54 venlafaxine oral tablet extended release 24hr 150 mg ..................................... 54 venlafaxine oral tablet extended release 24hr 37.5 mg ..................................... 54 venlafaxine oral tablet extended release 24hr 75 mg ..................................... 54 VENTAVIS ..................... 110 VENTOLIN HFA ........... 110 verapamil intravenous solution ............................. 60 verapamil intravenous syringe .............................. 60 verapamil oral capsule, 24 hr er pellet ct ......................... 60 verapamil oral capsule,ext rel. pellets 24 hr ...................... 60 verapamil oral tablet ........ 60 verapamil oral tablet extended release 120 mg (24 hours) ................................ 60 verapamil oral tablet extended release 120 mg, 180 mg, 240 mg ..................................... 60 VERSACLOZ ................... 54 VESICARE ..................... 111 VIC-FORTE ................... 130 VICTOZA 2-PAK ............. 77 VICTOZA 3-PAK ............. 77 VIDEX 2 GRAM PEDIATRIC ...................... 14 VIDEX 4 GRAM PEDIATRIC ...................... 14 VIEKIRA PAK ................. 15 VIGAMOX ....................... 96 VIIBRYD ORAL TABLET 10 MG .................................... 54 VIIBRYD ORAL TABLET 20 MG .................................... 54 Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 167 VIIBRYD ORAL TABLET 40 MG .................................... 54 VIIBRYD ORAL TABLETS, DOSE PACK 10 MG (7)- 20 MG (23) ............................ 54 VIMPAT INTRAVENOUS .............. 36 VIMPAT ORAL SOLUTION ...................... 36 VIMPAT ORAL TABLET 100 MG ............................. 36 VIMPAT ORAL TABLET 150 MG ............................. 36 VIMPAT ORAL TABLET 200 MG ............................. 36 VIMPAT ORAL TABLET 50 MG .................................... 36 vinblastine intravenous solution ............................. 31 VINCASAR PFS INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 1 MG/ML .......................... 31 VINCASAR PFS INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 2 MG/2 ML ....................... 31 vincristine ......................... 31 vinorelbine ........................ 31 VIORELE (28) ................. 95 VIRACEPT ORAL TABLET 250 MG ............................. 15 VIRACEPT ORAL TABLET 625 MG ............................. 15 VIRAMUNE XR ORAL TABLET EXTENDED RELEASE 24 HR 100 MG .................................... 15 VIRAZOLE ...................... 15 VIREAD ORAL POWDER ......................... 15 VIREAD ORAL TABLET ........................... 15 VIRTUSSIN AC ............. 107 VITA-BEE WITH C ....... 130 vitamin a oral capsule 10,000 unit .................................. 130 vitamin a oral capsule 8,000 unit .................................. 130 vitamin b complex ........... 130 ? vitamin b complex with c ...................................... 130 vitamin b-1 ...................... 130 vitamin b-12 oral tablet ... 130 vitamin b-12 oral tablet extended release 1,000 mcg ................................. 130 vitamin b-12 oral tablet extended release 2,000 mcg ................................. 130 vitamin b-12 sublingual tablet 2,500 mcg ....................... 130 vitamin b-2 oral tablet 100 mg, 25 mg .............................. 130 vitamin b-6 oral tablet 100 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg .................. 130 vitamin c cough drops ..... 130 vitamin c drops ............... 130 vitamin c oral capsule, extended release .............. 130 vitamin c oral lozenge ..... 130 vitamin c oral powder effervescent in packet ...... 130 vitamin c oral syrup ........ 130 vitamin c oral tablet 1,000 mg, 250 mg, 500 mg .............. 130 vitamin c oral tablet extended release 1,000 mg ............. 131 vitamin c oral tablet extended release 500 mg ................ 131 vitamin c oral tablet,chewable 250 mg, 500 mg .............. 131 vitamin c with rose hips oral tablet ............................... 131 vitamin d2 ....................... 131 vitamin e acetate ............. 131 vitamin e mixed oral capsule ............................ 131 vitamin e oral capsule 1,000 unit, 200 unit, 400 unit .... 131 vitamin e oral capsule 100 unit, 600 unit ................... 131 vitamin e oral drops 100 unit/ 0.25 ml, 50 unit/ml .......... 131 vitamin e (dl, acetate) oral capsule 100 unit, 400 unit .................................. 131 vitamin k1 injection .......... 62 vitamins a and d .............. 131 vitamins and minerals ..... 131 vitamins b complex oral capsule ............................ 131 vitamins for hair oral tablet ............................... 131 VITEKTA ......................... 15 vits a and d-white pet-lanolin topical ointment ................ 65 VOLTAREN GEL TOPICAL GEL 1 % ........................... 44 voriconazole intravenous ... 11 voriconazole oral suspension for reconstitution ............... 11 voriconazole oral tablet 200 mg ..................................... 11 voriconazole oral tablet 50 mg ..................................... 11 VOTRIENT ...................... 31 VPRIV .............................. 79 VRAYLAR ORAL CAPSULE ........................ 54 VRAYLAR ORAL CAPSULE,DOSE PACK ... 54 W warfarin ............................ 62 water for irrigation, sterile ................................ 72 wee care .......................... 131 WELCHOL ....................... 63 white petrolatum topical ointment ............................ 65 WHOLE SOURCE MULTIVITAMINS ..................... 131 women's daily formula oral tablet 18 mg iron-400 mcg-500 mg ca .............................. 131 X XALKORI ........................ 31 XARELTO ORAL TABLET 10 MG, 20 MG ................. 62 XARELTO ORAL TABLET 15 MG ............................... 62 XARELTO ORAL TABLETS, DOSE PACK .................... 62 XENAZINE ORAL TABLET 12.5 MG ............................ 38 Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 168 XENAZINE ORAL TABLET 25 MG ............................... 38 XGEVA ............................. 23 XOLAIR ......................... 110 XOPENEX HFA ............. 110 XTANDI ........................... 31 XULANE .......................... 93 XYREM ............................ 54 Y YERVOY .......................... 31 YF-VAX (PF) ................... 90 YONDELIS ...................... 32 Z Z-BUM ............................. 65 zafirlukast ........................ 110 zaleplon oral capsule 10 mg ..................................... 54 zaleplon oral capsule 5 mg ..................................... 54 ZALTRAP ......................... 32 ZANOSAR ....................... 32 ZARAH ............................ 95 ZAVESCA ........................ 79 zeasorb (miconazole) ........ 67 ZEGERID OTC ................ 87 ZELBORAF ..................... 32 ZEMPLAR INTRAVENOUS .............. 79 zenchent (28) .................... 95 ZENPEP ........................... 86 zenzedi oral tablet 10 mg ... 54 zenzedi oral tablet 5 mg .... 54 ZEPATIER ........................ 15 ZETIA ............................... 63 ZIAGEN ORAL SOLUTION ...................... 15 ? zidovudine oral capsule .... 15 zidovudine oral syrup ....... 15 zidovudine oral tablet ....... 15 zinc .................................. 116 zinc gluconate oral lozenge ............................ 116 zinc gluconate oral tablet 100 mg ................................... 116 zinc gluconate oral tablet 50 mg ................................... 116 zinc oxide topical ointment 20 % ....................................... 65 zinc sulfate oral capsule ... 116 zinc sulfate oral tablet .... 116 zinc sulfate-vitamin c ...... 131 ZINC (WITH A AND C) LOZENGES ................... 131 ZINC-15 .......................... 116 zinc-220 ........................... 116 ziprasidone hcl oral capsule 20 mg ................................ 54 ziprasidone hcl oral capsule 40 mg ................................ 54 ziprasidone hcl oral capsule 60 mg, 80 mg .................... 54 ZIRGAN ........................... 96 zoledronic acid intravenous recon soln 4 mg ................. 79 zoledronic acid intravenous solution 4 mg/5 ml ............ 79 ZOLINZA ......................... 32 zolmitriptan ....................... 37 zolpidem oral tablet .......... 54 ZOMETA INTRAVENOUS SOLUTION 4 MG/100 ML .................................... 79 ZOMIG NASAL ............... 37 ZONATUSS .................... 107 zonisamide ........................ 36 zoo chews ........................ 131 ZOO FRIENDS ORIGINAL ..................... 131 ZORTRESS ...................... 32 ZOSTAVAX (PF) .............. 90 zovia 1/35e (28) ................ 95 zovia 1/50e (28) ................ 95 ZUTRIPRO ..................... 107 ZYDELIG ......................... 32 ZYKADIA ........................ 32 ZYPREXA RELPREVV INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION FOR RECONSTITUTION 210 MG, 405 MG ............................. 54 ZYPREXA RELPREVV INTRAMUSCULAR SUSPENSION FOR RECONSTITUTION 300 MG .................................... 54 ZYTIGA ........................... 32 ZYVOX INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 200 MG/100 ML ............... 19 ZYVOX INTRAVENOUS PARENTERAL SOLUTION 600 MG/300 ML ............... 19 ZYVOX ORAL SUSPENSION FOR RECONSTITUTION ........ 19 Si tiene consultas, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratis. Para obtener más información, visite TXDMKT-0101-16 SP 09.16 SP 169 ¿Tiene alguna pregunta? Llame al número gratuito 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711) de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. O visite Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP (Medicare-Medicaid Plan) es un plan de salud que posee contratos con Medicare y Texas Medicaid para proporcionar los beneficios de ambos programas a los afiliados. La Lista de medicinas cubiertas o las redes de farmacias y prestadores pueden cambiar durante el año. Le enviaremos una notificación antes de hacer algún cambio que afecte su caso. Los beneficios o copagos pueden cambiar el 1 de enero de cada año. Pueden aplicarse limitaciones, copagos y restricciones. Para obtener más información, llame a Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP Member Services o lea el Manual del miembro de Amerigroup STAR+PLUS MMP. Los copagos por medicinas recetadas pueden variar según el nivel de Ayuda adicional que reciba. Contacte al plan para obtener más detalles. You can get this information for free in other languages. Call us at 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711), Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. local time. The call is free. Usted puede obtener esta información gratuitamente en otros idiomas. Llame al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711) de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local. La llamada es gratuita. Puede obtener esta información de forma gratuita en otros formatos, como letra grande, Braille o audio. Llámenos al 1-855-878-1784 (TTY 711) de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m., hora local. La llamada es gratis. H8786_16_24854_T_008_SP CMS Approved 08/25/2015 Identificación del formulario: 16232 Versión: 14 Issued 09/01/2016