EASA European Association of dangerous goods Safety Advisers Dangerous Goods Safety Adviser Associations in Europe, 2014-09-29 Country Name of Association (1) Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic (2) XXX (under preparation) Belgian Safety Advisors Association Union des Conseillers Wallons à la Sécurité des Matières Dangereuses ? ? Asociace bezpecnostních poradcu a znalcu, o.s. ADR/RID Chamber of Safety Advisers Denmark Foreningen af Sikkerhedsraadgivere i Danmark France Norway Poland Association des Conseilleurs à la Sécurite pour le Transport de Marchandises Dangereuses Association Nationale des Conseillers à la Sécurité Gefahrgutverein Deutschland Biztonsági Tanácsadók Nemzetközi Szakmai Egyesülete The Dangerous Goods Safety Advisors’ Association of Ireland Verband der Gefahrgutlogistik Luxemburg Vereniging voor Veiligheidsadviseurs Vervoer Gevaarlijke Stoffen ? Europejskie Stowarzyszenie Doradców ADR Portugal Romania Slovakia Europejskie Stowarzyszenie na rzecz bezpieczeństwa operacji transportowych Stowarzyszenie Doradców ds. Transportu Towarów Niebezpiecznych (Associacao Nacional de Conselheiros Seguranca)(†) XXX (under preparation) Zväz Logistiky a Zasielateľstva ? Asociacion Consejeros de Seguridad de Andalucia Asociacion Consejeros de Seguridad de Aragon Asociacion Consejeros de Seguridad de Asturias Asociacion Consejeros de Seguridad de Cantabria Asociacion Consejeros de Seguridad de Canarias Asociacion Consejeros de Seguridad de Castilla y Leon Asociacion Consejeros de Seguridad de Catalan Germany Hungary Ireland Luxemburg Netherlands Slovenia Spain Abbreviation chairperson www contact (3) ? BESAA UCWSMD (4) ? Guenther Van Loon ? (5) ? http://www.besaa.be http://www.ucwsmd.org (6) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] number of members (7) ? [email protected] Member of EASA (8) X - Vladimir Zelený Jiri Dosek http://www.dgsa-rid.cz/ ? [email protected] [email protected] 110 50 X X http://www.fasid.dk [email protected] 140 X ACSTMD Tine Lykke Thomsen Bernard Affolter http://www.acstmd.fr [email protected] ANCS GGVD BTE Thérèse Carbonne Hubert Glock Nagy Zsolt http://www.conseillersecurite.org/ http://www.ggvd.de/ http://www.bte.hu [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 434 260 240 X X X DGSAAI J.J. Tobin http://dgsaai.ie [email protected] 34 X VGL VVA Roman Elsen Wim van Dongen under construction http://www.veiligheidsadviseurs.org/ 550 X X ? ESD ADR ? http://www.esd-adr.pl/ 30 X ETOS ? Tadeusz Horoszkiewicz Marek Rozycki [email protected] wimvandongen@veiligheidsad viseurs.org ? [email protected] www.etos.org.pl [email protected] 35 X SDGSA Maria Nicopulos http://www.s-dgsa.pl/ [email protected] 100 X (ANCOS)(†) ? ZLZ ? Ivan Pobjecky ? [email protected] ? (X) X ? Emil Novak ? http://www.zlz.sk/en/sections-ofassociation.html ? ? - ACONSA ACONSEPA ASOCAMP ACCSCAN ACSTRANS ACCS Javier Saez http://www.aconsa.org ? X ABPZ ADR/RID CSA FASID http://www.asocamp.es http://www.webaccscan.com http://www.acstrans.com http://www.aecos.org [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] - EASA European Association of dangerous goods Safety Advisers Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom * Asociacion Consejeros de Seguridad de Galicia Asociacion Consejeros de Seguridad de Navarra Asociacion Vasca de Consejeros de Seguridad Asociacion Consejeros de Seguridad de Vasca Federacion Espanola de Consejeros de Seguridad Asociacion Espanola de Consejeros de Seguridad Asociacion Espanola de Consejeros de Seguridad Externos Verband Schweizerischer Gefahrgutbeauftragter Tehlikeli Madde Güvenlik Danışmanları ve Eğiticileri Derneği British Association of Dangerous Goods Professionals European Association of Dangerous Goods Safety Advisers ACONSENA Jesus Pellejero AVCS-ESAE FEDECOS AECOS AECSE Félix Serna Jesus Pellejero http://www.aconsena.org http://www.fer.es/acsrioja http://www.avcs-esae.org http://www.logisticaytransporte.net http://www.aecos.org http://www.aecse.com VSGGB TMGDER Bernhard Kuenzi Ernail Hayirli http://www.vsggb.ch/ http://www.tmgder.org BADGP Caroline Raine EASA Norbert Mueller [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 510 X [email protected] [email protected] 26 ? X X http://www.badgp.org/ [email protected] 110 X http://easa-dg.eu [email protected] [> 3000] 19