Petition to SAVE tHE LIBRARY Dear Mayor AntonioVillaraigosa and Los Angeles City Council members, We oppose your plan to impose massive cuts to the Los Ang~les Public Librnry. We affirm that the library is an integral part of our community and know that your intended cuts would destroy the library as'· we know it. · - '\ This means reduced hours, redQced services, branch closures, 'drastically limited Internet access, and fewer books, DVD's and programs for our community. Your plan proposes at least an 11% cut of our staff.:..... the highest percentage of any affected city department. Your 5-year fiscal plan renders LAPL inope~able. Imposing a4ctitionallibrary staff cuts by the hundreds will cause even more drastic changes. A world-class- city demands a world-class library. \Ve citizens and voters of Los Angeles urge you to leave our world-class library alone. Name -· Si!mature Address Phone/Email Onmnization -3 ).3 J.J-)7' 9.,; oo 2. j:';f'y t:'-/7{J-- q~ 75 3. //::;;~!;~~;~~: ~;:~ 4. 5. s_~---~ 'Ps .S 5 Z'j I:s-4b<t I ;fie.. r '0. 7-~-{ \ 7. 1 8. 1' 'VI' I Yl tort'\ vvon::" ~l ,fi, ,\ - '-:",: f==; _ -IG t:2ttJ,V\e/ ;J'4&- IO.Ic- --- "'id>e/~ c: rce..vVIY'-- ;-"'~f\. C\ooWO.:- i t - u ~c\c~ :ti:s§ued by: Llbranans' Gmld, AFSCME:-i626. Return completed petitiOns to Roy Stone, 514 Shatto Place; 3rd Floor, Los Angeles CA 90020. JFo:r more information ca11213-703-7100, [email protected], or visit ww\v_, r·-·····- . .1:::fL~t. ~ ' I I ? L-'3 c.S 7 ~woo e1C---ztt( BlfO (!\)~ft.[Q.0Lp~LoS. ~-l'~'Q-%':-_----132-<-Z.oh-!0'5<.. ~+ . l..?t:Js- p A.,LGJ ff/J1t jf/yJ - 9. v ·~ t?r-ie- ~ I . (A_ &"''\ c YE--S, ! . Petition to SAVE tHE LIBRARY Dear Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Los Angeles City Couneil members, We oppose your plan to impose massive cuts to the Los Angeles Pubiic Librnry. We affirm that the library is an integ;al part of our community and lmow that your intended cuts. would destroy the libr~ as we know it. This means reduced hours, reduced services, branch closures, drastically limited Internet access, and fewer books, D VD' s and programs for our community. Your plan proposes at least an 11% cut of our staff-the highest percentage of any affected city department. Your 5-y~ar fiscal plan renders LAPL inope~able. Imposing additional library staff cuts by the hundreds will cause even more drastic changes. A world-class. city demands a world-class library. We citizens and voters of Los Angeles y~ge you to leave our world-class library alone. Name Address [l·.rt'lv e.. Phone/Email fU . 2. /4t.../bS?I ;?"-!" ~ 5~/-~ ·. 3. 4. Or2:anization (3'23) 2f"?-7 'f'Cf: 7 Z? -- -?2-tJ.,.. ,c;£1<(51 Z( 3' L() f Vi12~}t., 7£J/ ~('10 -e.~& 5. .Je 6. eq3 ·3:; 2 ~J34) !J- ( o 01 }\) !=:" 11·) r fl <t- '-l 7 I /' 'i 9 '-/ 3 I (3:. L. c_ 7. W. li§§u~ed by: Librarians' Guild, AFSCME 2626. Return completed petitions to Roy Stone, 514 Shatto Place; 3'd Floor, Los Angeles CA 90020. Fo.r more information call 213-703-7100, emaH [email protected], or visit ww{ --· ------· r------ . --~--- ---~- ·- ·. < Petitiml to S~VE .THE LIBRARY Dear Mayor Antonio ~illarai'gosa and Los Angeles City Council members, We oppose your plan to impose massive cuts to the Los Angeles Public Librnry. We affirm that the library is an integral part of our community and know that your intended cuts would destroy the librar¥ as we know it. ' . This means reduced hours, reduced services, branch closures, drastically limited Internet access, and fewer books, DVD's and programs for our community. Your plan proposes at least an 11% cut of our staff-the highest percentage of any affected c1ty department. Your 5-year fiscal plan renders LAPL inoperable. Imposing adcllitionallibrary staff cuts by the hundreds will cause even more drastic changes. A world-class city demands a world-class library. We citizens Name ~d voters of Los Angeles urge you to leave our world-class library alone. Address ~ Phone/Email rc;o<"'/tli!l;t!W1 JJr 2. --2 "/ I ..~. . .ISft :?oJfJ,;,r:r'IJ~o~IJwe:.j~ . 3. -s- -~/s-1- j7f)Z-1J 2--- S -2--S'7'· ~ ?0'7 7:'$? 4. ·h{ f 5. !'0 ·~·~ \1--e ~~ v!R_a.~~- ' \ IJ:".lrtt .t~ ;u. h": I , I .vt-e'j- /l)c. . MH ti- R ()-?5 I /0 8. 7. L~) 10. L) II c3Z- --d{ 2_ -zJ-5) .J0Ll·-l1 ·~S I I lfs§n~d by: Librarians' Guild, AFSCME 2626. Return completed petitions to Roy Stone, 514 Shatto Place; 3'd Floor, Los Angeles cA 90020. For more information call 213-703-7100; [email protected], ~rvisit ww~~-savethelibrm:y.otg -···-· ...... r--..-.. .. ----- .. ,, <: Petitirln~to SAVE tHE LffiRARY . I . Dear Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Los Angeles City Countil members,., . . We oppose your plan to impose massive cuts to the Los Angeles Public Librnry. We affirm that the library is an integral part of our community and know that your intended cuts would destroy the library as we know it. This means reduced hours, reduced services, branch closures, drastically limited Internet access, and fewer books, DVD's and programs for our community. Your plan proposes at least an II% cut of our staff- the highest percentage of any affected city department. Your 5-year fiscal plan renders LAPL inoperable. Imposing additional library staff cuts by the hundreds will cause even more drastic changes. ·. ' I A world-class city demands a world-~lass library. We citizens and voters of Los Angeles;urge you to'leave our world-class library alone. j ~ ,~m~ 1 JAddress j Signatur~ 34(L ., nct'!)'C . 1 Phone/Email j Organization ./-\-K.. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 0. C-::/1 lO. I [§:sued by: Librarians' Guild; AFSCME 2626. Return completed petitions to Roy Stone, 514 Shatto Place; 3rd Floor, Los Angeles CA 90020. For more information call 213-703-7100·, [email protected], or visit y·-···--·-- --- 1 Petition to S!.VEtHKLIBRARY Dear Mayor Antonio ~illaraigosa and Los Angeles City CounCil members, We oppose your plan to impose massive cuts to the Los Ang~les Pubiic Library. We affirm that the library is an integral part of our community and know that your intended cuts. would destroy the librat)' as we know it. This means :reduced hours, reduced services, branch closures, drastically limited Internet access, and fewer books, DVD's and programs for our community. Your plan proposes· at least an 11% cut of our staff:- the highest percentage! of any affected city department. Your 5-year fiscal plan renders LAPL inoperable. Imposing a<;lditionallibrary staff cuts by the hundreds will cause even more drastic changes. of Los Angeles_ urge you toleave our world-class library alone. A world-class- city demands a world-class library. We citizens and voters . . ~ [ ., - 2. - 3. - 4. Name _,. ' I Address ; -1 S~gn~Jure ..-- - J Si..A v~t- rlQ -v~vn. I! I Phone/Email 1 . .,..,' , 1VflJ I{[Ultt(,J;i~{ft_~ SfJ[UO[~)r~CI f5?3-5/R) --7701 Iu ~-lPttzllt!LflflW -v-v-~ _ -1 ' /1 i1/}J:~;~-~-=lrt6 j.~ Organization CI-Jtfr . - / \_. ~h . 1 i nA I ~ -r•~ - 5. - 6. ' < - 7. ,I - 8. ~- 10. il, I, I ., I I ' lfssued by: Librarians'· Guild, AFSCME 2626. Return completed petitions to Roy Stone, 5l4 Shatto Place; 3rct Floor, Los Angeles CA 90020. For more information call 213-703-7100; email librariansguild@, or visit wwv-1 .savethelibrary .org --- --. ··---- --- -- r·-.,··------- PETITION TO SAVE THE LIBRARY Dear Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Los Angeles City Council Members, We, the students would like to urge you to NOT make cuts to the Los Angeles Public Library. In doing so you vvould be impacting our education directly. We need LAPLl LAPL is the place where we study, we find the books we need for school, we access the articles we need for our papers using the LAPL Datal7ases, and get encouragement and assistance from our local librarians from everything from school projects to health issues, to copege application help, and beyond. Being able to have a safe, quiet place to meet with our. friends, study, use a computer, and volunteer, is something that every teen in Los Angeles needs. We are the future leaders of this City, and we ask that you help us prosper by keeping the resources we have available. WE KNOW THAT CUTBACKS AT LAPL WOULD MEAN: Fewer Teen Activities such as SAT Prep, ACT Prep, Reduced Hours Study Skill skills sessions, book clubs etc. Fewer Books Limited assistance for students, and Fewer DVD's, CO's, & Audio Books Limited time to access the Internet Branch Closings in our neighborhoods. \Vith all the cutbacks on education this year, we have suffered enough. Don't mess with us anymore! ! I Signatm·e Name I. ~CW\1'00~ 2. \n~ ili'\1\;!!Df'(L T School .· ..· - --- -----------l 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. g_ 9. [~ 92\\ Issued by: Librarians' Guild, AFSCME 2626. Return completed petitions to Roy Stone, 514 Shatto Place, 3'd Floor, Los Angeles CA 90020. For more in formation call 213-703-7100, email )j))nu:h!ll~\~ll]([(if; bolmillLu'lll, or visit 'o\'1\'l.t.'Jillr;u·ifm~QU il!.:LQIJL ,/ PETITION TO SAVE THE LIBRARY Dear Mayor Antonio Vil1araigosa and Los Angeles City Council Members, \Ve, the students would like to urge you to NOT make cuts to the Los Angeles Public Library. In doing so you would be impacting our education directly. \Ve need LAPU I__APL is the place where we study, we find the books we need for school, we access the articles we need for our papers using the LAPL Databases, and get encouragement and assistance from our local librarians from everything from school projects to health issues, t.o college application help, and beyond. Being able to have a safe, quiet place to meet with our friends, study, use a computer, and volunteer, is something that every teen in Los Angeles needs. We are the f·uture leaders of this City, and we ask that you help us prosper by keeping the resources we have available. WE KNOW THAT CUTBACKS AT LAPL WOULD MEAN: Fewer Teen Activities such as SAT Prep, ACT Prep, Reduced Hours Study Skill skills sessions, book clubs etc. Fewer Books Limited assistance for students, and Fewer DVD's, CO's, & Audio Books Branch Closings in our neighborhoods. Limited time to access the Internet With all the cutbacks on education this year, we have~ sbffered enough. Don't mess with us anymore! I Name Signature School I. .., 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. H. 9. 10. Issued by: Librarians' Guild, AFSCME 2626. Return completed petitions to Roy Stone, 514 Shatto Place, 3'd Floor, Los Angeles CA 90020. For more informalion call 213-703-7! 00, email lJl!HU:liilt)K~LUd!lfhOll!JiiiLsntn,·or visit 2Y.lYW -!l\llilri<m!i.guil~LQJL Pl]:TITION TO SAVE THE LIBRARY Dear Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Los Angeles City Council Members, We, the students would like to urge you to NOT make .cuts to the Los Angeles Public Library. In doing so you would be impacting our education directly. We need LAPL! LAPL is tl(e place where we study, we find the books we need for school, we access the articles we need for our papers using the LAPL Databases, and get encouragement and assistance from our local librarians from everything from school projects to health issues, to college application help, and beyond. Being able to have a safe, quiet place to meet with our friends, study, use a computer, and volunteer, is something that every teen in Los Angeles needs. We are the future leaders of this City, and we ask that you help us prosper by keeping the resources we have available. WE KNOW THAT CUTBACKS AT LAPL WOULD MEAN: Fewer Teen Activities such as SAT Prep, ACT Prep, Reduced Hours Study Skill skills sessions, book clubs etc. Fewer Books Limited assistance for students, and Fewer DVD's, CO's, & Audio Books Branch Closings in our neighborhoods. Limited time to access the Intemet With all the cutbacks on education this year, we have suffered enough. Don't mess with us anymore! Name Signature School I. -, J. 4. 5. 6. 7. H. 9. !0. Issued by: Librarians' Guild, AFSCME 2626. Retum completed petitions to Roy Stone, 514 Shatto Place, 3'd Floor, Los Angeles CA 90020. For more in formation call 213-703-7100, enni l lihrnri;t[l~g.LWci.'l(~tllilllULUD~>!Jt,m visit<\!l'i.!W il{L0DL PETITION TO SAVE THE LIBRARY Dear Mayor Antonio Vi11araigosa a1id Los ' Angele~ City Council Members, We, the students would like to urge you to NOT make cuts to the Los Angeles Public Library. In doing so you would be impacting our education directly. We need LAPL! LAPL is the place where we study, we find the books we n~ed for school, we access the articles we need for our papers using the LAPL Databases, and get encouragement and assistance from our local librarians from everything from school projects to health issues, to .college application help, and beyond. Being able to have a safe, quiet place to meet with our friends, study, use a computer, and volunteer, is something that every teen in Los Angeles needs. We are the future leaders of ihis: City, and we ask that you help us prosper by keeping the resources we have I avatlable. WE KNOW THAT CUTBACKS AT LAPL WOULD MEAN: Fewer Teen Activities such as SAT Prep; ACT Prep, Reduced Hours Study Skill skills sessions, book clubs etc. Fewer Books Limited assistance for students, and Fewer DVD's, CD's, & Audio Books Branch Closings in our neighborhoods. Limited time to access the Internet \Vith all the cutbacks on education this year, we have suffered enough. Don't mess with us anymore! Name School I. 2. 3. 4. S. ()_ 7. I ~)/ g_ 9. [_1 0. in formation call 213-703-7100, email lihrl!J:Lc!H~lgllil\1~"' hf21llliU]J'(>I(<, or visit ~~WJIJ.iilf!lfirm2!'!Lli]_,;Lnrl!:. Petition to SAVE THE LIBRARY Dear Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Los Angeles City Coun¢ilmembers, \' We oppose your plan to impose massive cuts to the Los Angeles Public Library. We affirm that the library is an integral part of our community and know that your intended cuts would destroy the library as we know it. This means reduced hours, reduced services, branch closures, di;"astically limited Internet access, and fewer books, DVD's and programs for our community. Your plan proposes at least an 11% cut of our staff- the highest percentage of any affected city department. Your 5-year fiscal plan renders LAPL inoperable. Imposing additional library staff cuts by the hundreds will cause even more drastic changes. A world-class city demands a world-class library. We citizens and voters of Los Angeles urge you to leave our world-class library alone. 1. ?' ' '. i f7T /!, 2. , .J. V;JL Yi '[: 1\ J\l:.t C0Ln rfr" ~ /? L ./:;- r: 4· 1c:oC' c r Let- C )J.f 1,1 (/ (:a.L. "' _. ·--i~-n~ ~ \~o t '), ;/ _'\ Ct VlD;l ?( l· _ _-.:<' .-. 1- 1 r~ \- '' cr/ Organization fJ't 7 i.;J-J " ') 7 7 ?' r; c/eo6<:,- I e>CJ3~l '"' ~.J- I ' _.,. ../ ~ '../ ~ 'I ..._.. _.- " JA -~ L~J..~:l [. >' /1 eve., d qc(!t JL (' ;--- sf Y\~-<~!h ----~--/~. . . ____ 'o6Y :5/Zf--l~'-cto 'bf~ -']l . ·- ·-· - . -; - , - r~j'· 7 --i?.r':'"'f' .Z. Sol'1s 1 .' FIJLI // . c: i/ ;·-;,·-?':-r/r'/ !)a. . ___,~"!~~ ..,. ~& 7 '1 ~"?J:f?"Lic~ve~ .. . : 1. ''~-f ~~ > .... ..,.,.~ _ ____ .... _. .4;-ej/&<) )"-LU/·Lll) 10. iA Wf~ ..___; <). 9. a G 2~ ..J :4-i 5-: 7"o ,<"/ '52.~')_?y J'--~5" .:s y L,fl jS _·1~ 3-:13 ,-;} 7. ;;._-{;. ()~ J ~J)-~ Lf;u!2fl D·!'1Uf..!rFL 33__ JJ /") J1Ceo _j e/-2'}1H 1 7. /P .• , ('" t(·LL/2-/U?./ «> .,, _p 1'1 r ' 6. i' {~· • t. )' lf- I ;J· I~ ttl :2 (~or/c:. T/:;,n Av, Je c::>cOo /.4 fv"' 77je<; /2.oc__--{o/A- ? fl I! c> }~vve-dol'l ~ §' '· /JYL-C:JX. --1 'cr t!J>J..LJ' t/.!fp J/.Sd- '> b-21 e, cy 3 cc All\...)i-'1 5. .1. •/ M,_. il 1 ({( 4. /7t·' ) ~~--- i> L ~ _,.. Phone/Email Address Signature Name .. -~ IC61.¥'J1 11rt z --1os'2 :;::. 323J bW~ro s /l '!- ?hr:tb tlrrt- \)1 e-~t- bzS) lv9 1 ~oLJ 12. .~l~ l;Z:;:.?~~tx;.q~ .U--¢~ . vg;&j 7f9 -;/z!f . P>:.::tl/ .-~ ~::o~t_, v ---·;;·) t:· L) qq~ f/ ~r. ' oZ-5) ,3Lf8- rz::::rt:/ ll/11!7 I~W:i:::( zl Yr\ (Y1' L );,J 0})eV·I i II Lf 7 Issued by: Librarians' Guild, AFSCME 2626. Return completed petitions to Roy Stone, 514 Shatto Place, 3rd Floor, Los Angeles CA 90020. For more information call 213-703-7100, [email protected], ()r visit I ' Petition to SAVE THE LIBRARY Dear Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Los Angeles City C<;m1;1cilmembers, We oppose your plan to impose massive cuts to the Los Angeles Public Library. We affirm that the library is an integral part of our community and know that your intended cuts would destroy the library as we know it. ' \ This means reduced hours, reduced services, branch closures, drastically limited Internet access, and fewer books, DVD's and programs for our community. Your plan proposes at least an 11% cut of our staff-the _highest percentage of any affected city department. Your 5-year fiscal plan renders LAPL inoperable. Imposing akiditionallibrary staff cuts by the hundreds will cause even more drastic changes. A world-class city demands a world-class library. We citizens and voters of Los Angeles urge you to leave our world-class library alone. Address Signature Name 1. c - ~~ I /1 · :A.)__tJ ., ~-· · · v 2. -~~ ~ j , , : •. • Phone/Email "b. 'I~ S~ r,) . '/ (r-. r' · Organization Cf•. ()-~ r [..? 0' < (j ·- 3. 6 - 4. J .r----:;:> ") /: ,r-1 .c.~t....l(.\. - 5. 6. ·3 z,...~--- - z--t.. 5 -so·-:>J; 7. - 8. - 9. 3~J 10. klo 2~750'16 ·:> IU u) !§§Ued by: Librarians' Guild, AFSCME 2626. Return completed petitions to Roy Stone, 514 Shatto Place, 3rd Floor, Los Angeles CA 90020. For more information call213-703-7100, [email protected], or visit '. P•etition to SAVE THE LIBRARY Dear Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Los Angeles City Councilmembers, We oppose your plan to impose massive cuts to the Los Angeles Public Library. We affirm that the library is an integral part of our community and know that your intended cuts would destroy the library we know it. as This means reduced hours, reduced services, branch closmes, drastically limited Internet access, and fewer books, DVD's and programs for our community. Your plan proposes at least an 11% cut of our staff-the highest percentage of any affected city department. Your 5-year fiscal planrenders LAPL inoperable. Imposing ~doitionallibrary staff cuts by the hundreds will cause even more drastiC changes. A world-class city demands a world-class library. We citizens and voters of Los Angeles urge you to leave our world-class library alone. 1. 2. 3. p 0 't\ -(.Y-::-dlV (Q 0Y+t7 '-"-<- v (J 6&~Su~~eT C\._f~"'C-'-va 6. ~V\cil?i\I\A0{}V 7. JC5e L. \tA~'JO ~\ \\~ Dvou..o 9. / /- I 1. 10. a ~? 0J q • ~iVf- /{,~ "- .A -. 9J'¥J8) )/4- rlJ_;_.·- ~~'?', < . rr ~ .c./ \ u__. 't-./\t~'-tv I h \ C- . . - ,., • t ' ,.,..... __ ,.. ·-._.-"' d6¢&e:- ~v~:f:9- ,· troo1'3::;c..L.-s ~~ft7(~/(\li v \J It .N-aV\t.t.A 5it~,~~ "'~ _(J \J;~...u, :A Tt:w~~ . •· ' ~- ~pkj:_:-55 S:::::-t__9 \e P-c:-c:1< Ghl\,l?l 3'Zito Alt c..-e.. ty5"ZO ~1 Mtc.e. "'i;-'r- ~\\0t>)\, ~J QL b~t~ .. !>~ "1,.(> ITlA, (£. -s-r I · ,.,.-, '__)<J."-.\ \_.'-'....._ aiJ'(<_ ' ·1.,U\ g fD )t;sl~tJ gs~ { ~z s) z.zs·J¥S3 C?<?J 277- iJ (rz @2-~) 2.'5'5 1>2'3 ~I.LP- ·-( 7.__f:"~ Zfte I t>l"t. .l?;>( ~- '2 ~ lV \ 4)-1"' .A .--t----- 1 b -:_) u CL'-!}' (; '1, (;fL Organization l(·n,7) 503 ~a 0 t ~ '< / o:~ (__. ___ - ~[-L~"f. ~C-:-F"rc\ . 7 (__/! b~tr 1 cJle U ,4 ~ ~) (q n \'v\1\ V\\~s do_ 0-d IcC-~/t~N~~~Lv IJto12-JArkf ~t ·~~_-l,) '-l y_ t.._ I ,. . 3L/ .5 Ct ~~\:(_e._. ·->· 5. ) ?,\r:'J~-~ ___., I li\A..{I-- 4. ~/_ \4~ . Phone/Email Address Signature Name 1< }... EK-.. Lt:' (LC01 (, -oce zr 313 ~n- 7 I ~\2 J) t;-l AJ) Afr / . I {7/{/j ')_ }O'j J~ .Ff'J Issued by: Librarians' Guild, AFSCME 2626. Return completed petitions to Roy Stone, 514 Shatto Place, 3rct Floor, Los Angeles CA 90020. For more information call213-703-7100, emaillibrariansguild@hot', or visit I I I ' Petition to SAVE THE LIDRARY Dear Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Los Angeles City Coun,cilmembers, We oppose your plan to impose massive cuts to the Los Angeles Public Library. We affirm that the library is an integral part of our community and know that your intended cuts would destroy the library as we know it. This means reduced hours, reduced services, branch closures,drastically limited Internet access, and fewer books, DVD's and programs for our I community. Your plan proposes at least an 11% cut of our staff-the highest percentage of any affected city department. Your 5-year fiscal plan renders LAPL inoperable. Imposing additional library staff cuts by the hundreds will cause even more drastic changes. A world-class city demands a world-class library. We citizens and voters of Los Angeles urge you to leave our world-class library alone. f:'" .l I Phone/EwJ!.il I Organization -::b o.--.0. J-::::5 - ~ ,..., · v.z_. ~flO ~ '15£-- I~~\ {z_ Address _ ~; :.t-7Z""X/ -u ~'~r01~~ ~ l \._,A ~ ,c.-?)2_ ...,·..., --:>~ L."""> ;;..--~Jr., 2. &ivCJ'i c:;_ "?(In <? - .• 1. ..._....~ t '-'t- ~,__- L-A ~- •''kt'J!OS v11 Cl~~ _@}L\ ~)C~ 3. 0 J- f3 2~~) 38] /7 t ~ 4. ?Z 3 '77 82~ 5. y 7> s- I :77& I /!3&ZJ --::s-u (e ~3)?07 -s---z/7 6. 7. ,.---. 1-;3t (_,v-J I .- 9. 10. I::C6 (_ uj t/:;~ ~ . ; f) ~,~:]y'-.. - / (j -~O.Q...\.fl(~ ' n .<A--._.... 3.2-ICf 1 ~LO ~ B \'--'yO Rrf'T ~ I . (_i)z.,~) 2..5G·-lG-12L{ Issued by: Librarians' Guild, AFSCME 2626. Return completed petitions to Roy Stone, 514 Shatto Place, 3rct Floor, Los Angeles CA 90020. For more information call213-703-7100, [email protected], or visit Petici_6n para SAL V AR LA BIBLIOTECA Queridos Alcalde Antiono Villaraigosa y repres~ntantes del Consejal de la Ciudad, Estamos en contra de su plan para imponer recortes masivos ala Biblioteca Publica de Los Angeles. Affirmamos que la biblioteca es una parte integral de nuestra comunidad y sabemos que sus recortes prometidos pw~den destruir la biblioteca como la conocemos. Esto significa horas de apertura reducidas, el cerTar de bibliotecas, limite drastico de acceso al Internet, y menos libros, DVDs y programas para nueslra comunidad. Su plan propane por lo menos un 11% de recorte de empleados bibliotecarios- el porcentaje mas alto de los departamentos 1 civicos afcciados. Su plan fiscal de 5 anos va a hacer que la biblioteca sea inoperable. AI imponer cortes adicionales a! nivel de centena de trabajadores bibliotecarios, van a causar todavia cambios mas drasticos. Una ciudad de talla mundial merece una biblioteca de talla mundiaL Nosotros los ciudadanos y votantes de Los Angeles urgimos que dejen nuestra biblioteca de talla mundial sola. ! Direcci6n Telefono/correo electr6nico ·ff"tl\-'-' . ~ ~ '--·. "-'\\~'--' "--"\1"''-J,.._.l ...._..--~ l ·~./ ~/..4.i) 1 to 0$ ~'v\._OJ-e I 'i:)Lu • ~':«; I - ._ ~ .._.~:::>~r•vJ~J~-.3 \...'~~(j._J\ f"" v 1'--'/ ;: .! .:_~1 !)\Q,.L~ - < .__..- / \.-1 I -;.f <h ,J,1 ,.. , ,,; / I .-J ~ k·-:,:'1 ~_i,L, 'i;"r'.j """" ~ /. L.t:.-' (l·;~://1-' l%l:,>C J , .....- II Z,:b'Q'-.J IIU='- ~ \,.,.1 ( UL ~I vr- Organizaci6n I/ ·v v ";JJ ·>--'I'/ /,,.!) J-,P.J ,-)tk? ,.- :)r," ( fc-.,-~·-}&/a_...?'/lt·r.L. /,.;~~~ t( .;')'kJ,•A·",< ,,/4-d h-".;_1. Petition to SAVE THE LIBRARY Dear Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Los Angeles City Councilmembers, We oppose your plan to impose massive cuts to the Los Angdes Public Library. We affirm that the library is an integral part of our community and know that your intended cuts would destroy the library a~ w~ know it. · This means reduced hours, reduced services, branch closures, drastically limited Internet access, and fewer books, DVD's and programs for our community. Your plan proposes at least an 11% cut of our staff7- the highest percentage of any affected city department. Your 5-year fiscal plan renders LAPL inoperable. Imposing additional library staff cuts by the hundreds will cause even more drastic changes. A world-class city demands a world-class library. We citizens and voters of Los Angeles urge you to leave our world-class library alone. 1. 2. 3. 4 .. 5. 6. 7. ' ~ rY1 a }; Ci So lctnO _,~{) .rf~a :)till(~ I \\.C) Y11_ 01 rA _,... _Ll ..- ~ 9. . I 10. 1) {!- c i-' /' . I··'-.~~ (1. . I:J ·I '1 L/I ~ \~.. . r~ .. 1J \-_ c),_ rt ~\ ~ o-'~\-·' ~· ~{ . .,..,{.'[ 1c:\ )-() . l·,, ('1..~~ C'~ cL? _\ . /'1 -Lf) \( :( G , :T"'c_y· · oi{\cLLv i~,) 'Vc { ·~ 0 J no.__'[\r\. \.. r -e 2- y-:;.~,6'F:L / (?,··, lOy:> ··,_d., s+, 3 L( ;:.) q ¥ll1 ((\() 'b-L ' ~~}-( DJ !: '") '0 ' . c/ 5 -::7 V. . . . o..v•"''1re.; ·- -1} l' -c..._. r.. \. ~;'C.( 5i ,1-vr;, 1. \·11 x~~JO\ '" - 1:. Czrr// Ltr->'{ 1re- · b S3 ' ' KJ.:~ J '22o- 'i52llf (n?>S·n""c: S-i''""' :{:'rv'"r? fi /hJ z QL\ £ z~ ;!Jt"?t lr/ ·2 Oma;?.; .\\l Q( ~~~~ \-L ·CJ tN\Z<l · ' ) __. ~"\ ' r rl:!nn \o--c_· \ .. )·"\C.:..\' v·Ol k: : I 0<s)223 -3gr;7 3 5 G/A V'k~!J/j ~\J·'~QJ) il~tL-)]'J ?.1 r 1\. . ' I ·~ r'· ;-y;J '. r.;t Organization I Sf Loos:rnove J'fZIC, ~~n /,Iror/ rw ~ nln~~. . h ~. Phone/Email Address Signature Name I v t~f"l.fS " 3;L3:1 •' d-3 - :1:!1:31 .- . . (~ . 62?) 3'f/ ·-J;16 / 3J2J J lf~ Dle ?_ r- '3:2 >)) 2 7G~OC (0 ~. ./ r?:/'rr. /.) P;? / A.r.:: /r ~ )_;') j ;<.:;:z <-_5?(~)~ {:. . . . -· ( . .Afan:se... ( I Cit fll)::> v )~7-.~~) IL o-r esS-i":\Ve .?:>Z_3 / LZS -Jc; YLJ ~ <6 0 ID ~q Issued by: Librarians' Guild, AFSCME 2626. Return completed petitions to Roy Stone, 514 Shatto Place, 3rd Floor, Los Angeles CA 90020. For more information call213-703-7100, [email protected], or visit Petici6n para SALV AR LA BIBLIOTECA Queridos Alcalde Antiono Villaraigosa y rcpresentantes del Consejal de !a Ciudad, Estamos en contra de su plan para imponer recortes masivok a la Biblioteca Publica de Los Angeles. Affirmamos que la biblioteca es una parte integral de nuestra comunidad y sabemos que sus recortes prometidos pueden destruir la biblioteca como la conocemos. Esto significa horas de apertura reducidas, el cerrar de bibliotecas, limite dnistico de acceso al Internet, y menos libros, DVDs y programas para nuestra comunidad. Su plan propane por lo menos un 11% de recorte de empleados bibliotecarios - el porcentaje mas alto de los departamentos c!vicos afectados. Su plan fiscal de 5 afios va a hacer que la biblioteca sea inoperable. Al imponer cortes adicionales al nivel de centena de trabajadores bibliotecarios, van a causar todavia cambios mas drasticos. Una ciudad de talla mundial merece una biblioteca de talla n1undial. Nosotros los ciudadanos y votantes de Los Angeles urgimos que dejen nuestra biblioteca de talla mundial sola. Direcci6n Fim1a '(' ,{uv·rtdq ... ·""·, '""I"J r!Li(Jn f .:3526 ,.,., ' _, .. , , - '>"r<- ~'~ \o :)1 f"A "'J~li\ _:;____::U__ ' ·- > _/7 ;.L ,.--r~.~/~-:....1 <_. ~.~t~~r:\ ""' -:_,,. _,, .- J·: .. 4/'$1/ I ,,.,dr" Telefono/correo electr6nico ~~ "'"···. (,r'7/ 1 J(~~ ' ~--d _ l3c23) ;ss1- f3 3 7 lz G;r-at1dd<)\ .~I(Be3) rt '( \-\lc.. ~ l ( t1 I I c~ k ) (.., ) ;,( C/6 ?54 . .561$" J , I~'-/-"''-' ttr-.r·t-t.- Organizaci6n (3Z..)) <..- , '-" (.. ••r 5: C.{ L -. t.d 2_ 0 ".) =-r , t~ 1 -Cl / Proveido por: Libranans' Guild, AFSCME 2626. Man de las pcticioncs cornpletas a Roy Stone, 514 Shatto Place, 3rd floor, Los Angeles CA 90020. l;::0.L1;HL<c:\2.m, orvisite Para mas infonnaci6n !lame al213-703-7JOO, COtTeo electr6nico; i·c~rnrlil~l:,!Ui Petid6n para SALVAR LA BIBLIOTECA Qucridos Alcalde Antiono Villaraigosa y representantes del Consejal dt: la Ciudad, Estamos en contra de su plan para imponer rec01ies masivos a !a Biblioteca Publica de Los Angeles. Affirmamos que la biblioteca es una parte integral de nuestra comunidad y sabemos que sus rec01ies prometidos pueden destruir !a biblioteca como la conocemos. Esto significa horas de apetiura reducidas, el cerrar de bibliotecas, limite drastico de acceso al Internet, y menos libros, DVDs y programas para nuestra comunidad. Su plan propane por lo menos un 11% de rec01ie de empleados bibliotecarios- el porcentaje mas alto de los departamentos cfvicos afectados. Su plan fiscal de 5 afios va a hacer que !a biblioteca sea inoperable. Al imponer c01ies adicionales al nivel de centena de trabajadores bibliotecarios, v2n a causar todavia cam bios mas drasticos. {}n~1 ciudad de talla mundial merece una biblioteca de talla mundial. Nosotros los ciudadanos y votantes de Los Angeles urgimos que dejen nuestra hibli·=,wca de talla mundial sola. _ _ ' / - ~«A" fl/"nr -~ / 1 I ~ Telefono/correo electromco v~s e-; 2ft(/! ll_(c(o sf' Ldr•l .i..7 I Jlc ?:..-=---------- //-_ ·_. €? 5. • •. - - - -- --.~ _- 1 ~ ---v...,-~-p:~<-1 0 /~'-tVf<.F l ..o,"' v :------- '-=L\__..,_---.:.--/'.1 ,: 1 --v-_, ,·L -·cz--5 t . .nJJ1t- a·1- "'J r· zrv<.-t-uce~D 1 • ·c~· '""""' 'X J li-J L'~"7 (;I t!J71lr ./) rE 3~~ 1'":'-.L £7(. r'. c"'• U' · -~~-- ;;l.3')- 1 -- . -.;---- Ces-f-~'o_c;:t.JtrJ..£."1_ r_ - 1 I +e c I ~L!:-' C} L~yu . 'rc.c;:, LC.CZ__ _ ~2( 5'1-Z-::71-2---8 °j'16.{j-jif3 ;323)_ 2L.J~So7:L · ChoFt:--;:;{ I .::.-8"::--~ I ~--- l3"L5) ''L''1..} tc, 1'6 .b...'-~:_C@.__~---~J3 V /._; ! - ~ '""\-T:'Y-£t1L~t;-)_O ____ _ -ss-oz""""" - &z. ~ II 3;2.:3 9-./0/, c;-y·q~7 e c_{~ ·~, 3 1 / ..L . . ,---.... I ...) G~-7! rn . - .-'J_ Pt-.IC.C __ __o__ o ~_;:r~ 1 ·,:;_,t,_;J; _J{t_}ice. c; r LA -Qi_ 9rJDGS / IC/c'--Y":o:·:.~;({'c_-~< M,Qive_,__ _ j Du-eccwn Fmna ' ----/= l~va·u"l' ,. - ~ ~~ c::::"_ ~~ ~ . jr•u =c:.u:J-J~;) ) i ,.~- ') - r[ ,..v· Lc 7 I D& / L/ 1-Ji J • ! '( r - ~ 1erusr arL);IIDc:J . J CC .5 p ··"~'.. 'FC/C C-f&-:7 I f-:J,{L,) Lc>J. I Proveido por: Librarians' Guild._ AFSCME 2626. Mande las pcticiones completas a Roy Stone, 514 Shatto Place, 3rd Floor, Los Angeles CA 90020. . itutm~:d cutn, or visite Para mas informacion llame a1 213-703-7100, correo electr6nico: \ Petict6n para SALVAR LA BIBLIOTECA Queridos Alcalde Antiono Villaraigosa y representantes del Consejal de la Ciudad, Estamos en contra de su plan para imponer recortes masivos ala Biblioteca Publica de Los Angeles. Affirmamos que la biblioteca es una parte integral de nuestra comunidad y sabemos que sus recortes prometidos pueden destruir la biblioteca como la conocemos. Esto significa horas de apertura reducidas, el cerrar de bibliotecas, limite dnistico de acceso al Internet, y menos libros, DVDs y programas para nuestra comunidad. Su plan propane por lo menos un 11% de recorte de empleados bibliotecarios- el porcentaje mas alto de los departamentos civicos afectados. Su plan fiscal de 5 afios va a hacer que la biblioteca sea inoperable. AI imponer cortes adicionales al nivel de centena de trabajadores bibliotecarios, van a causar todavia cambios mas drasticos. Una ciudad de talla mundial merece una biblioteca de talla mundial. Nosotros los ciudadanos y votantes de Los Angeles urgimos que dejen nuestra biblioteca de talla mundial sola. l. 2. .., ~l. jc \.-. I L-fl.CCJ l rlo: t;;'"'?< ""' • 1 :2 6 /g' CaJ JcJBf\ c.~ ·~t~ ·- -)(' I li \\I ~:, '{ . '(\N -71\I (1~~ .~ r··()·bti - (;k{ V\ 9\ J· <"' \ ,,\C•\ Telefono/correo electr6nico Direcci6n Firn1a Nombre e- .,~ )" C'-"' Lf~~.t5 '10 .. V\(/1 i ej~~' {J Ut> r -- I .. -f.i s·~. ·rd!Ai.£1'{\-;1 7J :vr: 5~31.;2.1- 6.oiJ; (~? ~) .21?_"') 3S - o::J (3L)) 22-J'O:C IS!/ T 4. 'l'-\vc 0 5. I(~ 7J.~) ] 2C,- 'SY\- 5(1 •S!Srhth"' Z JirttW~Il !2 ,. ~~ -V .·'3.712 }\(\/ID. .s+ /... I u h~ -,/p'9 ~ i'D\:,be; 0C"L 2:?-S 'J o 9 ~Z-5 _, ( ~ c-:<;;;; C-r P){ 55 --1+vr-- <'17 a;_~ %9-9t) 0 v /:::ru./Lc o57J't 9.. e-011 ol?" · · -'1-7 r;; !I vo 8/ll)tl:?t; 7., . IL I J I Ji 7 b() /'3 s \ -; .?JL_:t ..- - -·c·:;~JjfY-LvA'4'/JL.d (/ )_;y, Jo~-) } .J"CJ )-- Y't9' "'? .. / t. f c·') rl~~~ '2_-·--·-, a; a'/ L/ f_'! I f.j f C .:j) 7 6 -- ,..,....nJ>J tr J "~ ~-l~( S i-~-(::;'C /l! 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. . /) .... t--c/'>··-ex s· t::'( f'<~x\:~ -r-> . /-; k::::;:-~-r:~ """·;> ··" '· . -- / - ~ " . J~-"' ~~ <:.}I',~/ 11 ,}·?.-:!' A.· ~ .v·Cfi. ' .. ~--, r? Organizaci6n sfP - 9 S·D/ s 5~£: ,_.- 1 r /\ c,--:, / l \: I . :! /7,/'"'-- !/) ,, ! 1 -" .r l. ..r P1·oveido por: Librarians' Guild, AFSCME 2626. Mande las peticiones completas a Roy Stone, 514 Shatto Place, 3rd Floor, Los Angeles CA 90020. Para mas infonnaci6n llame al213-703-71 00, con·eo electronico: Hbt:L1Ii'<1}~'ll'-1l51!.Lhc•l!l..l.;lllcorn, or visite _';\\Y\\_,:- Petlc~§n 1 para SAL VAR LA BIBLIOTECA Queridos Alcalde Antiono Villaraigosa y represenrantes de,l Consejal de la Ciudad, Estamos en contra de su pian para imponer recories masivos a 'la Biblioteca Publica de Los Angeles. Affim1amos que !a biblioteca es una parte integral de nuestra comunidad y sabemos que sus recortes prometidos pueden destruir la biblioteca como la conocemos. Esto significa horas de apertura reducidas, el cerTar de bibliotecas, limite drastico de acceso al Internet, y menos libros, DVDs y programas para nuestra comunidad. Su plan propane por lo menos un 11% de recorte de empleados bibliotecarios- el porcentaje mas alto de los departamentos civicos afectados. Su plan fiscal de 5 afios va a hacer que la biblioteca sea inoperable. Al imponer caries adicionales al nivel de centena de trabajadores bibliotecarios, van a causar todavia cambios mas drasticos. Una ciudad de talla mundialmerece una bib1ioteca de talla mundial. Nosotros los ciudadanos y votantes de Los Angeles urgimos que dejen nuestra biblioteca de talla mundial sola. Nombre Firma Telefono/correo electr6nico Organizaci6n 6. 7. P1·oveido por: Librarians' Guild, AFSCME 2626. Mande las peticiones completas a Roy Stone, 514 Shatto Place, 3rd Floor, Los Angeles CA 90020. Para mas infom1acion llame al213-703-7l 00, correo electronif=:o: J H~rm:iDJl21.1UiJ.£lli~~b£lJJi1:lJ) '.:( t~!!, or visite \.\!_':.\2'>'.:Si'c~~:lh•;Lt_br''J Peticio_n para SALVAR LA BIBLIOTECA Queridos Alcalde Antiono Villaraigosa y representantes del Consejal de la Ciudad, Estamos en contra de su plan para imponer recortes masivos a la Biblioteca Publica de Los Angeles. Affirmamos que la biblioteca es una parte integral de nuestra comunidad y sabemos que sus recmies prometidos pueden destruir la biblioteca como la conocemos. Esto significa horas de ape1iura reducidas, el cerrar de bibliotecas, limite drastico de acceso al Intemet, y menos libros, DVDs y programas para nuestra comunidad. Su plan propane por lo menos un 11% de recorte de empleados bibliotecarios- el porcentaje mas alto de los departamentos civicos afectados. Su plan fiscal de 5 afios va a hacer que la biblioteca sea inoperable. Al imponer cortes adicionales al nivel de centena de trabajadores bibliotecarios, van a causar todavia cambios mas drasticos. Una ciudad de talla mundialmerece una biblioteca de talla mundial. Nosotros los ciudadanos y votantes de Los Angeles urgimos que dejen nuestra bibl ioteca de talla mundial sola. Fi~-;}] Direcci6n Telefono/correo electr6nico Organizaci6n u -sss~,y-- z. L·:;"'2 :s t::-J 1-,. ~ /o ::_>:J~sJye-c. 1:> C 4 5. ""2 )) L_ Lj 1 - 'dl7 b 2 O(f J2_3_.}Lfzo--/A:.6 5 Proveido por: Librarians' Guild, AFSCME 2626. Mande las peticiones completas a Roy Stone, 514 Shatto Place, 3rd Floor, Los Angeles CA 90020. Para mas infom1aci6n llame al 213-703-7100, coneo electr6nico: 'thr:lu:m:.-;quji:J_,: i ,,\!_;Ti<l iLc:@J, or vi site ww~~·,sa ~C:\h.t:Uhcn:~~QLg Petici6n para SALVAR LA BIBLIOTECA Queridos Alcalde Antiono Villaraigosa y representantes del Con.sejai de la Ciudad, Estamos en contra de su plan para imponer recortcs masivos ala Biblioteca PC1blica de Los Angeles. Affim1amos que la biblioteca es una parte integral de nuestra comunidad y sabemos que sus recortes prometidos pueden destruir la biblioteca como la conocemos. Esto significa horas de apertura reducidas, el cerrar de bibliotecas, limite dnistico de acceso al Internet, y menos libros, DVDs y programas para nuestra comunidad. Su plan propane por lo menos un 11% de recorte de empleados bibliotecarios- el porcentaje mas alto de los departamentos civicos afectados. Su plan fiscal de 5 ai'\os va a hacer que la biblioteca sea inoperable. AI imponer colies adicionales al nivel de centena de trabajadores bibliotecarios, van a causar todavia cambios mas drasticos. Una ciudad de talla rnundial merece una biblioteca de talla mui1dial. Nosotros los ciudadimos y votantes de Los Angeles urgimos que dejen nuestra biblioteca de talla mundial sola. [J~Z2 /,~ 'Z/ , ' . ~i:::,_ ( 2. 1- .~ if·f 1 ,...; c)i/"'(1 / ... A ' { f · · · •:;, ,. ,':>(:_~\}<j(/W"·"( . -- -; Dirccc~On Organizaci6n ) , ',. ,£ .,___q ' _,... , r L.~/J ~ i )- i_7. . ---;;·,,n u.w,· ._i.k/ L:r;;l. r-~~~~ 6/(: /IITm~IJ/l-jJAIC:·"-7·~~"""'-'"-"=-------,,-,l_ : /~,·~j.o''iFil l~- I l {11 ~( )/1 __j!_t51 v+·{ r2-, f cJ,..( J /Z r,; M•• ,, ' 1 ltzj(/i~) //!1/(~~d.>.Le'-J--)-+----"'S4J;t...I..L--tci-----'-~'--£))f.& Cg;_YfjP.iJ£0 (, 74 ~ J'/( d I L, lg P1·oveido por: Librarians' Guild, AFSCME 262o. Mandc las peticicnes completas a Roy Stone, 514 Shatto Place, 3rd Floor, Los Angeles CA 90020. Para mas informacion !lame al 21 3- 703-/t 00, correo electrC:mico: hh;:u-urhqu ln;ltn~\, or visite PETITION TO SAVE THE LIBRARY Dear Mayor Antonio Vil1araigosa and Los Angeles City· Council Members, We, the students would like to urge you to NOT make cuts to the Los Angeles Public Library. In doing so you would be impacting our education directly. VIe need LAPL! LAPL is the place where we study, we find the books we need for school, we access the articles we need for our papers using the LAPL Databases, and get encouragement and assistance from our local librarians from everything from school projects to health issues, to college application help, and beyond. Being able to have a safe, quiet place to meet with our friends, study, use a computer, and volunteer, is something that every teen in Los Angeles needs. We are the future leaders of this City, and we ask that you help us prosper by keeping the resources we have available. WE KNOW THAT CUTBACKS AT LAPL WOULD MEAN: Fewer Teen Activities such as SAT Prep, ACT Prep, Reduced Hours Study Skill skills sessions, book clubs etc. Fewer Books Limited assistance for students, and Fewer DVD's, CD's, & Audio Books Branch Closings in our neighborhoods. Limited time to access the Internet \Vith all the cutbacks on education this year, we have suffered enough. Don't mess with us anymore! Signature School l. J J. ;:::::,. ll. 7. };_ <) 10. Issued by: Librarians' Guild, AFSCME 2626. Return completed petitions to Roy Stone, 514 Shatto Place, 3'd Floor, Los Angeles CA 90020. For more in formation call 2"13-703-7100, emaillilllll!:Lcll!~gllil\l~ih@lEULi,l'.!J\, 01j visit }Y._\','1\'.Jlt>r;lri<ms.gcilsL0Dk Peticion para S~L V AR LA BIBLIOTECA Queridos Alcalde Antiono Villaraigosa y representantes del Consejal de la Ciudad, Estamos en contra de su plan para imponer recmies masivos a ~a Biblioteca Pl1blica de Los Angeles. Affinnamos que la biblioteca es una parte integral de nuestta comunidad y sabemos que sus recortes prometidos pueden destruir la biblioteca como la conocemos. Esto significa horas de apertura reducidas, el cenar de bibliotecas, limite dnistico de acceso al Intemet, y menos libros, DVDs y programas para imestra comunidad. Su plan propane por lo menos un 11% de recorte de empleados bibliotecarios- el porcentaje mas alto de los departamentos cfvicos afectados. u plan fiscal de 5 ai'ios va a hacer que ]a biblioteca sea inoperable. Al imponer cortes adicionales al nivel de centena de trabajadores bibliotecarios, van a causar todavia cambios mas drasticos. Una ciudad de talla mundial merece una biblioteca de talla mundial. Nosotros los ciudadanos y votantes de Los Angeles urgimos que dejen nuestra biblioteca de talla mundial sola. Direccion Nombre Telefono/correo electr6nico '<)~ LfCljte:>c-. (._.OW> :?(.K--4't£-.i<::, • l 'S Bus@ 3' '1.. J ~V-'X/"'<t>-'\!./ / /()-~J/.4 e[?/:;,j,--tl/.r'?~:tr;v.-.-u_.•"- 7. I _/O~F G yCi h6o ~ (,t)t-!Vl Organizaci6n --l[;n~;O/o rge.Jtuz..i 6 h--s - -z )y·t 't''¥ ~,.NV <:::. 8. tJ ,._:; 1.. 3~ "\:. 4L/0 ..8 - J7 J t-v l ..t<,....~~ 'f5 IProvcido por: Librarians' Guild, AFSCME 2626. Mande las peticiones completas a Roy Stone, 514 Shatto Place, 3rd Floor, Los Angeles CA 90020. Para mas infom1aci6n llame al 213-703-7100, coneo electronic~: I chi-,iLF,n ;~l\lil(J(~LlH~JJ!l!J]J,~~Ql.Jl, or vi site \X\\ ~~"~'~L\'~lh~~Ui~mr::r~,_Qll:;, Peticiop para S_A.L VAR LA BIBLIOTECA Queridos Alcalde Antiono Villaraigosa y representantes del C6i1sejal de la Ciudad, Estamos en contra de su plan para imponer recmtes masivos-a'la Bibliotcca Publica de Los Angeles. Affirmamos que la biblioteca es una parte integral de nuestra comunidad y sabemos que sus recortes pr0111etidos pueden destruir la biblioteca como Ia conocemos. . ' Esto significa horas de apertura reducidas, el cen·ar de bibliotecas, limite drastico de acceso al Internet, y menos libros, DVDs y programas pm~a nnestra comunidad. Su plan propane par lo menos un ll ~--'0 de recorte de empleados bibliotecarios- el porcentaje mas alto de los departamentos civicos afectados. Su plan fiscal de 5 ail.os va ahacer que la biblioteca sea inopera)Jle. Al imponer cortes adicionales al nivel de centena de trabajadores bibliotecarios, van a causar todavia cambios mas drasticos. Una ciudad de talla mundial merece una biblioteca de talla nJuBdial. Nosotros los ciudadanos y votantes de Los Angeles urgimos que dejen nuestra biblioteca de talla mundial sola. ~-- Nombre ~-~ Fi · \'. hif't6~1·'. . - 1 ,.; . r Firma .-, \(__,.0t I f1 Off!( /D,/'"j~c__.,P'"7 • 11! . . / _......., L--- Direcci6n - ... rC ·"1 , l'r-) 1 :L11\-rlll1siit~~~ .t . l"~' c \(\C~- \. ,.," \ ,•' ~ c)\ l"-'" '---'<;,;)") II'-'-FY1n'-'''"' ='"'-'""''V -· l 8. IP'roveido por: Librarians' Guild, AFSCME 2626. Mande las peticiones completas a Roy Stone, 514 Shatto Place, 3rd Floor, Los Angeles CA 90020. Para mas infom1aci6n Harne al 213-703-7100, con-eo electr6nicd: 1hr~iu_:,," ·;:,g:jlti{fLhi,~lrmiJ,;;grn, or vi site 'Y\', <\~2LL':'.<;_tjh~IJl~EUS~QJ:g _! Peticion para S_b..L V AR LA BIBLIOTECA l. Queridos Alcalde Antiono Villaraigosa y representantes del Cohsejal de Ia Ciudad, Estamos en contra de su plan para imponer recories masivos a la Bibliotcca Pttblica de Los Angeles. Affinnamos que !a biblioteca es una parte integral de nuestta comunidad y sabemos que sus recortes prometidos pueden destruir la biblioteca como la conocemos. Esio significa horas de apertura reducidas, el cen·ar de bibliotecas, limite ddtstico de acceso al Internet, y menos libros, DVDs y programas para imestra comunidad. Su plan propane por lo menos un 11 ~/ode recorte de empleados bibliotccarios- el porcentaje mas alto de los departamentos civicos afectados. . Su plan fiscal de 5 afi.os va a hacer que Ia biblioteca sea inoperable. Al imponer cories adicionales al nivel de centena de trabajadores bibliotecarios, van a causar todavia cambios mas drasticos. Una ciudad de talla mundial merece una biblioteca de talla mundial. Nosotros los ciudadanos y votantes de Los Angeles urgimos que dejen nuestra biblioteca de talla mundial sola. ~- r: Nombre "U~Jca G~. !-=_·_ ~) I 3 !---5. 0. ~lcJ..a ( ~ -- {) ~ 1--)..S: !_ - 4<v:-~~,~--po 1 · i ~- 41 lA), >1Vervoe :~ \.._) l ~- \{oma\'\ -z .~ .\ Telefono/correo electr6nico Direcci6n I /7.....-,.; l2£lLtv1 i Cf! ·-·-- /J _t~:;:dJ-1 [t/r V::f-z£ j~/.. . -- <;;/_,vtq ....-~yz~v~ ---. .... Stiff, tr! . ltvf Lt I p/( £/2--cJ,607 . ! c:::J-·'-eL.i::._k-nt~ ,{ '""""- r. (/ 7 i TevVlpf6 "bz-i) ?Hq -o {6!1 0 tO, . , 1:0o=J)B.-fv~ I W~~ 4e:Pf:.?/ Be·TM { "'1:-e.-i/V't pl~ Be.:tt-t.s~( " £.-"' -./ - 7. 8. 9. 10. - • '-'"·' I 1'-''' q·~•\/~../\,'ITfJ!_-1 --'"":e~t1.f(tJ.{0fjrJ I . --- '"'-/ rroveido por: Librarians' Guild, AFSCME 2626. Mande ias peticiones completas a Roy Stone, 514 Shatto Place, 3rd Floor, Los Angeles CA 90020. Para mas informacion llame al 213-703-7100, coneo electronico:, [1i'';i~:U,th·J\lit~cl{~0l!.(J.!.ITWi1~lJm, or visite :y_\'. '\·_,;:;q~·~t.l1l~L1\~rm:LQJ'b . Petici6n Qara S-4-L VAR LA BIBLIOTECA Queridos Alcalde Antiono Villaraigosa y representantes del Consejal de ]a Ciudad, Estamos en contra de su plan para imponer recOiies masivos ala Biblioteca Publica de Los Angeles. Affinnamos que la biblioteca es una parte integral de nuestra comunidad y sabemos que sus recortes prometidos pueden destmir biblioteca como la conocemos. I; Esto significa horas de apertura reducidas, el cerrar de bibliotec;as, limite dnistico de acceso al Internet, y menos libros, DVDs y programas para nuestra comunidad. Su plan propane por lo menos un 11 %) df:i recorte de empleados bibliotecarios - el porcentaje mas alto de los departamentos civicos afectados. cl plan fiscal de 5 afios va a hacer que Ja biblioteca sea inoperable. Al imponer cortes adicionales al nivel de centena de trabajadores bibliotecarios, van a causar todavia cambios mas drasticos. Una ciudad de talla mundial merece una biblioteca de talla mundial. Nosotros los ciudadanos y votantes de Los Angeles urgimos que dejen nuestra biblioteca de talla mundial sola. Telefono/correo electronico t5?33 Pwf1Y sr--·, , 7. \) 0. ,.. (I ~ 'tl /1~ --:-A ~_.p·~.• ~ ··""" j l-"tr -y <¥? ~~("'CTh =) 1./~ ~! <VL-¥>,' 7<:"!-- . J ' 1--t:;:;, ~/~,~.,.'J-?eYJ2.____:f_2e7-"? o · I. <-:? • /71 J-,..e.d d t.scr6rrY .----~-·r· 1 If , , 9 I /) I/"' SfJ~s-4s-39:?t:7 Organizaci6n . _ •. - - - / A .. - /1'~cL./§1u'-:'_ / .P"l /)~!:•9L.-..J:-;. I ,I ; :"f:L )/ / (!< lO. iP'roveido pot·: Librarians' Guild, AFSCME 2626. Mande las peticiones completas a Roy Stone, 514 Shatto Place, 3rd Floor, Los Angeles CA 90020. Para mas infom1aci6n !lame al 213-703-7100, correo electr6i-jco: ;fl·:~iLF·I·,·,~gJjLti~fi.JWlmniL~Dm, or visitc '-:~;_\', \\,)~y~_tlh~U!!EU:y,_Qt:g _i /·' Petici6n para SALVAR LA BIBLIOTECA Queridos Alcalde Antiono Villaraigosa y representantes del Cons~jal de Ia Ciudad, Estamos en contra de su plan para imponer rec011es masivos a la Biblioteca Pl1blica de Los Angeles. Affinnamos que la biblioteca es una parte integral de nuestra comunidad y sabemos que sus rec011es prometidos pueden destruir la biblioteca como la conocemos. Esto significa horas de apertura reducidas, el cerrar de bibliotecas, limite dn'istico de acceso al Internet, y menos libros, DVDs y programas para nuestra comunidad. Su plan propone por lo menos un 11% de r~corte de empleados bibliotecarios- el porcentaje mas alto de los departamentos civicos afectados. plan fiscal de 5 afios va a hacer que la biblioteca sea inoperable. AI imponer cortes adicionales al nivel de centena de trabajadores bibliotecarios, van a causar todavia cambios mas drasticos. tl Una ciudad de talla mundial merece una biblioteca de talla mundial. Nosotros los ciudadanos y votantes de Los Angeles urgimos que dejen nuestra biblioteca de talla mundial sola. Direccion - - - - - - - - t l .T_e_lec:--fl,o_no/correo 7 1('-l:> G.\~'S II I..;\~" Ccr !lvfu 1-~ 7. S. \\~..ts .1 c<....-\ r·n: £.s 0\. Oclj(l_. /) \)~, vc. Iera'l electr6nico g50- T7 I"< C5'6,&) 8' /'if-- 7 L'fO _ ·c:··----------- r I ' -· ·v ·~- 'e>\~ 335"- 9. l()/l f S :A I l J2b i'\1 4 JW '7 t.rh, }f'/iJ l}cTN-t..--1...- JP1·oveido por: Librarians' Guild, AFSCME 2626. Mande las peticiones completas a Roy Stone, 514 Shatto Place, 3rd Floor, Los Angeles CA 90020. Para mas informacion !lame al 213-703-7100, coneo electr6nico: _t,h;:,iL!'tll·;;,milc!ffLhi!.LUWJ1~;9n1, or vi site \\\'·\',~';lY~tl~~l!i!ElfY,QJ];~ ' Peticion l?ara S~cLV AR LA BIBLIOTE.CA Queridos Alcalde Antiono Villaraigosa y representantes del Consejal de la Ciudad, Estamos en contra de su plan para imponer reco1ies masivos ~ la Bibliotcca Publica de Los Angeles. Affinnamos que la biblioteca es una parte integral de nuestra comunidad y sabemos que sus recortes prometidos pueden destruir la biblioteca como la conocemos. Esto significa horas de apertura reducidas, el cen·ar de bibliotecas, limite drastico de acceso al Internet, y menos libros, DVDs y programas para nuestra comunidad. Su plan propane por lo menos un 11% de recorte de empleados bibliotccarios- el porcentaje mas alto de los departamentos civicos afectados. 1 plan fiscal de 5 afios va a hacer que la biblioteca sea inoperable. Al imponer cortes adicionales al nivel de centena de trabajadores bibliotecarios, van a causar todavia cambios mas drasticos. .1 Una ciudad de talla mundial merece una biblioteca de talla mundial. Nosotros los ciudadanos y votantes de Los Angeles urgimos que dejen nuestra biblioteca de talla mundial sola. Direc:ci6n 3 b 2 '3 L{)t/S/vJ~/(1;; ~s~ . Telefono/correo electronico 's 1-'?Z ~ ? ~ 650 ·-; 32~- 2..>""71-" 7. 0 0. l). 10. f::,Yf/l.JJ ItO v= I ' ~-· ;retici6n para SAL VAR LA BIBLIOTECA Queridos Alcalde Antiono Villaraigosa y representantes del Consejal de Ia Ciudad, Estamos en contra de su plan para imponer recmies masivos ala Biblioteca PLtblica de Los Angeles. Affinnamos que la biblioteca es una parte 1 integral de nuestra comunidad y sabemos que sus recortes prometidos pueden destruir la biblioteca como la conocemos. Esto significa horas de apertura reducidas, el cenar de bibliotecas; limite drastico de acceso al Intemet, y menos libros, DVDs y programas para 1mestra comunidad. Su plan propane por lo menos un 11% de recorte de empleados bibliotecarios- el porcentaje mas alto de los departamentos civicos afectados. plan fiscal de 5 ai'ios va a hacer que ]a biblioteca sea inoperable. Al imponer cortes adicionales al nivel de centena de trabajadores bibliotecarios, van a caus3r todavia cambios mas drasticos. Una ciudad de talla mundial merece una biblioteca de talla mundial. Nosotros los ciudadanos y votantes de Los Angeles urgimos que dejen nuestra biblioteca de talla mundial sola.