Latin American Hypertension Societies

 List of Presidents of the Latin American Hypertension Societies ESH Association Programme Latin American Society of Hypertension (LASH) President: Prof. Ramiro Sánchez [email protected] Capitulo Mexicano de la LASH President: Prof. José Parra [email protected] Department of Arterial Hypertension (DAH) of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology President: Dr. Weimar Sebba Barroso [email protected] Sociedad Argentina de Hipertension (SAHA) President: Dr Felipe Inserra [email protected] Past President: Dr. Daniel Piskorz [email protected] Sociedad Venezolana de Hipertensión (SVHT) President: Dr. Jesús López-­‐Rivera e-­‐mail contact (Secretary): Prof. Rafael Hernandez [email protected] Sociedad Centroamericana y del Caribe de Hipertensión y Prevención Cardiovascular (SCA-­‐CaribeHTA) President: Dr. Fernando Wyss [email protected] 