Prof. Argenis A. Zapata Fonética y Fonología del Inglés I (B-2009) Universidad de Los Andes Facultad de Humanidades y Educación Escuela de Idiomas Modernos Spellings for the English Consonant Phonemes For /p/: p: pen [pÓeÚn], apologize [´"pÓAÚl´ÆdZaIz9], shop [SAp]. pp: apple ["œp:`], stopped [stApt], supper ["søp´r], happen ["hœp´n]. -pe: cope [kÓoUÚp], hope [hoUÚp], pipe [pÓaIÚp]. -gh: hicough ["hIkøp]. For /b/: b: bag [b9œÚg(], aboard [´"bO…rd9], club [kl9øÚb9]. bb: babble ["b9œÚb:`], rubber ["røÚb´r], ribbon ["rIÚb´n]. -be: tribe [t®9aIb9], tube [tÓu…b9]. For /t/: t: atypical [ÆeI"tÓIp´k:`], take [tÓeIÚk], time [tÓaIm]. tt: butter ["b9øÚ|´r] (or ["b9øt´r]), fatter ["fœÚ|´r] (or ["fœt´r]), latter ["lœÚ|´r] (or ["lœt´r]), matter ["mœÚ|´r] (or ["mœt´r]), Patty ["pÓœÚ|i] (or ["pÓœti]). -te: date [d9eIÚt], kite [kÓaIÚt], mate [meIÚt]. th: Anthony ["œnt´ni], Esther ["est´r], Esthonia [Æes"tÓoUni´], Thames [tÓeÚmz9], Thomas ["tÓAÚm´s], Thompson ["tÓAÚmsn`], thyne [tÓaIn]. -bt: debt [d9et], doubt [d9AUÚt], doubted ["d9AU|Id9] (or ["d9AUÚtId9]), indebted [In"deÚ|Id9] (or [In"detId9]). -pt: ptarmigan ["tÓA…rm´g´n], receipt [rI"siÚt]. -ght: daughter ["d9ÅÚ|´r] (or ["d9Åt´r]), height [haIÚt], naught [nÅt], thought [TÅt]. 1 Prof. Argenis A. Zapata Fonética y Fonología del Inglés I (B-2009) -ed: cooked [ÓUkt], fixed [fIkst], passed [pÓœst]. For /d/: d: adore [´"dO…r], day [d9eI], sad [sœÚd9]. dd: Daddy ["d9œÚ|i] (or ["d9œÚdi]), madden ["mœÚdn`], paddy ["pÓœÚ|i] (or ["pÓœÚdi]). -de: decide [d9I"saId9], made [meId9], nude [nu…d9]. -ed: begged [b9eÚgd9], breathed [b9ri…Dd9], changed [tSeIndZd9], determined [d9I"tÓ‰…rm´nd9], robbed [rAÚbd9], used [ju…zd9]. For /k/: k: book [b9Uk], kind [kÓaId9], Nike ["naIÚki], talk [tÓÅk]. lake [leIÚk], make [meIÚk], take [teIÚk]. -ke: kh: (Not very common) khaki ["kÓœki], khan [kÓA…n], Khartoum [ÆkÓA…rr"tÓu…m]. c: (usually before a, o, u and word-finally) cable ["kÓeIb:`], comic ["kÓAÚmIk], cut [kÓøt], panic ["pÓœÚnIk, skeptic ["skeptIk]. -cc-: accompany [´"kÓøÚmp´ni], accord [´"kÓO…rd9], soccer ["sAk´r]. -ck: back [b9œk], lack [lœk], licking ["lIkIN]. ch: chameleon [k´"mi…li´n], chaotic [ÆkÓeI"AÚ|Ik], character ["kÓœÚr´kt´r], chemistry ["kÓeÚm´st®9i], chi [kÓaI], choir ["kw9aI´r], Christ [k®9aIÚst], Christian ["k®9IstS´n], Christmas ["k®Ism´s], schedule ["skeÚdZU:] (AmE), school [sku…:], stomach ["støÚm´k]. -che: ache [eIÚk], headache ["heÚ|ÆeIÚk] (or ["heÚdÆeIÚk]), toothache ["tÓuÚTÆeIÚk]. cq: acquaint [´"kw9eInt], acquire [´"kw9aI´r], acquisition [Æœkw9I"zISn`], acquit [´"kw9It]. -cqu: lacquer ["lœk´r]. q: quick [kw9Ik], quiet ["kw9aI´t], quite [kw9aIt], conquest (n.) ["kÓAÚNkwest]. qu: bouquet [b9U"kÓeI], conquer ["kÓAÚNk´r], liquor ["lIk´r], quay [kÓi…]. -que: oblique [´"bliÚk], [ju…"niÚk]. pique [pÓiÚk], plaque [pl9eIÚk], 2 technique [ÆtÓek"niÚk], unique Prof. Argenis A. Zapata Fonética y Fonología del Inglés I (B-2009) x [= ks] exit ["eksIt], taxi["tÓœksi], text [tÓekst]. For /g/: g: agree [´"gri…], ago [´"goU], big [b9IÚg(], dog [d9ÅÚg(], game [g(eIm]. -gg-: beggar ["b9eÚg´r], begged [b9eÚgd9], bigger ["b9IÚg´r]. gh: ghast [g(œst], ghetto ["g(eÚ|oU], ghost [g(oUÚst]. gu: guard [g(A…rd9], guardian ["g(A…rdi´n], guess [g(es], guest [g(est]. -gue: catalogue ["kÓœÚ|´ÆlÅÚg(], colleague ["kÓAÚlÆi…g(], epilogue ["ep´ÆlÅÚg(], league [li…g(]. x [= gz]: exactly [Ig"zœktli], examination [IgÆzœÚm´"neISn`], exaggerate [Ig"zœÚdZ´ÆreIÚt], example [Ig"zœÚmp:`], exhaust [Ig"zÅst]. For /f/: f: found [fAUnd9], sofa ["soUf´], leaf [liÚf], half [hœf]. ff: afford [´"fO…rd9], effort ["ef´rt], stuff [støf], off [Åf]. ph: philosophy [f´"lAs´fi], photograph ["foU|´Ægrœf], physician [f´"zISn`]. -gh: cough [kÓÅf], draught [d9rœft], enough [I"nøf], laugh [lœf], laughter ["lœft´r], tough [tÓøf]. -fe: knife [naIÚf], life [laIÚf], safe [seIÚf], wife [waIÚf]. For /v/: v: cover ["kÓøÚv´r], over ["oUv´r], envy ["eμvi], invite [In"vaIÚt], vary [v9eÚri], visit ["v9IÚzIt]. f: of [AÚv9, ÅÚv9, øÚv9, ´v] ph: Stephen ["sti…v´n] -ve: dove [d9øÚv9], love [løÚv9], move [mu…v9], receive [rI"si…v9]. -vv-: (not very common) bovver ["b9AÚv´r], navvy ["nœÚvi], savvy ["sœÚvi], skivvy ["skIÚvi]. 3 Prof. Argenis A. Zapata Fonética y Fonología del Inglés I (B-2009) For /T/: th: enthrone [In"T®9oUn], math [mœT], method ["meT´d9], think [TIÚNk], thought [TÅt], thwart [Tw9O…rt], worth [w‰…rT] For /D/: th: another [´"nøÚD´r], mouthing ["mAUDIN], neither ["ni…D´r] (AmE) ["naID´] (BrE), other ["øÚD´r], rather ["rœÚD´r] (AmE) ["rA…D´] (BrE), smooth [sm9u…D9], together [t´"geÚD´r]. Note: In word-initial position, th is pronounced /D/ in the following words. Many of those words appear in modern English literature and the King James Bible: than [D9œÚn, D9´n], that [D9œt, D9´t], the [D9i…, D9i, D9´], thee [D9i…], their [D9E´r, D9´r], theirs [D9E´rz9], they [D9eI], they’re [D9E´r], them [D9eÚm, D9´m], themselves [D9´m"seÚ:vz9], then [D9eÚn], thence [D9eÚns], there [D9E´r, D9´r],, thereabout [ÆD9eÚr´"bAUÚt], thereafter [ÆDeÚr"œft´r], thereat [ÆD9eÚr"œt], thereby [ÆD9eÚr"baI], therefor [ÆD9eÚr"fO…r], therefore ["D9eÚrÆfO…r], therefrom [ÆD9eÚr"f®9øÚm], therein [ÆD9eÚr"IÚn], thereinafter [ÆD9eÚrIn"œft´r], thereof [ÆD9eÚr"AÚv], thereon [ÆD9eÚr"ÅÚn], thereto [ÆD9eÚr"tÓu…], thereunder [ÆD9eÚr"øÚnd´r], thereupon [ÆD9eÚr´"pÓAÚn], therewith [ÆD9eÚr"wIT], therewithal ["D9eÚrwIDÆÅ:], these [D9i…z9], thine [D9aIn], this [D9Is], tho’ [D9oU], those [D9oUz9], thou [D9AU], though [D9oU], thus [D9øs], thy [D9aI]. -the: bathe [b9eID9], breathe [b9ri…D9], clothe [kl9oUD9]. For /s/: s: isolate ["aIÚs´ÆleIÚt], soap [soUÚp], soup [suÚp], son [søÚn], sun [søÚn]. sc: science ["saI´ns], scientific [ÆsaI´n"tÓIfIk], scientist ["saI´ntIst], scythe [saID9], south [sAUÚT]. -se: cease [siÚs], close (adj.) [kl9oUÚs], decease [d9I"siÚs], false [fÅÚ:s], hoarse [hO…rs], house (n.) [hAUÚs], use (n.) [juÚs]. ss: essay ["eseI], lass [lœs], miss [mIs], passage ["pÓœsId°Z]( . c: (usually before ‘e, i, y’) cellar ["seÚl´r], city ["sIÚ|i], cycle ["saIÚk:`], mercy ["m‰…rsi], pencil ["pÓeÚns:`], receipt [rI"siÚt]. -ce: chance [tSœÚns], France [f®9œÚns], mince [mIÚns], pierce [pÓI´rs], since [sIÚns]. ps: psalm [sA…m], psychology [ÆsaI"kÓAÚl´dZi], psyche [saIÚki]. x: (pronounced /ks/) ax [œks], exit ["eksIt], explain [Ik"spl9eIn]. 4 Prof. Argenis A. Zapata Fonética y Fonología del Inglés I (B-2009) For /z/: -es: Charles [tSA…r:z9], craves [k®9eIvz9], fines [faInz9]. s: business ["b9IÚznIs], closet ["kl9AÚzIt], closing ["kl9ouzIN], desert (n.) ["d9eÚz´rt], desert (v.) [d9I"z‰…rt], easy ["i…zi], has [hœÚz9, h´z9], is [IÚz9], Thursday ["T‰…rzÆdeI], Tuesday ["tÓu…zÆdeI], using ["ju…zIN], was [wAÚz9, wÅÚz0, wøÚz9, w´z9], Wednesday ["weÚnzÆdeI]. -se: close (v.) [kl9oUz9], confuse [k´n"fju…z9], please [pl9i…z9], raise [reIz9], rise [raIz9], suppose [s´"pÓoUz9], surprise [s´r"p®9aIz9], use (v.) [ju…z9]. sc: discern [d9I"z‰…rn] ss: dessert [d9I"z‰…rt], dissolve [d9I"zAÚ:v9], possessive [p´"zesIv9], scissors ["sIÚz´rz9]. z: crazy ["k®9eIzi], lazy ["leIzi], razor ["reIz´r], zero ["z9IÚroU], zest [z9est], zoo [z9u…]. -ze: amaze [´"meIz9], analyze ["œÚn´ÆlaIz9], apologize [´"pÓAÚl´ÆdZaIz9], realize ["rI´ÆlaIz9]. zz: buzzer ["b9øÚz´r], dizzy ["d9IÚzi], fuzzy ["føÚzi]. x: (pronounced /gz/) exactly [Ig"zœktli], exaggerate [Ig"zœÚdZ´ÆreIÚt], exam [Ig"zœÚm], examination [Ig"zœÚm´ÆneISn`], example [Ig"zœÚmp:`], exempt [Ig"zeÚmpt]. x: (pronounced /z/) Xavier xylophone ["z9aIl´ÆfoUn]. ["z9eIvi´r], xenophobia [Æz9eÚn´"foUbi´], Xerxes ["z9‰…rkÆsi…z9], For /S/: ce: ocean ["oUÚSn`] ch: charade [S´"reId9], Chevrolet [ÆSeÚvr´"leI], machine [m´"Si…n]. -che: microfiche ["maIÚkroUÆfi…S], moustache [m´"stœS]. ci: (usually before -al, -an, -ent, -er, -es, -ous) ancient ["eInSn`t], glacier ["g(leIÚS´r], musician [mjU"zISn`], precious ["p®9eS´s], spacial ["speIS:`], species ["spi…SIz9]. s: (before ‘u’) ensure [In"SU´r], insure [In"SU´r], sensual ["seÚnSu´:], sugar ["SUg´r], sure [SU´r]. sch: schwa [Sw9A…], schedule ["SeÚdjU:] (BrE). sci: (usually before the endings -ence, -ous) conscience ["kÓAÚnS´ns], conscious ["kÓAÚnS´s]. se: Sean [SÅÚn]. 5 Prof. Argenis A. Zapata Fonética y Fonología del Inglés I (B-2009) sh: ashore [´"SO…r], ashtray ["œSÆt®9eI], shoe [Su…], wish [wIS]. si: (after consonants and before the endings -al, -on) controversial [ÆkÓAÚt®9´"v‰…rS:`], expulsion [Ik"spøÚ:Sn`], mansion ["mœÚnSn`], version ["v9‰…rSn`]. ss: (before -ure) pressure ["p®9eS´r], fissure ["fIS´r]. ssi: (before -on) [p´r"mISn`]. mission ["mISn`], passion ["pÓœSn`], passionate ["pÓœS´nIt], permission ti: [´"luÚSn`], (usually before the suffixes -al, -an, -ence, -ent, -ous, -on) Aleutian conscientious [ÆkÓAÚnSi"eÚnS´s], patience ["pÓeIS´ns], patient ["pÓeIS´nt], petition [p´"tÓISn`], position [p´"zISn`], potential [p´"tÓeÚnS:`]. x: (pronounced /kS/, before ‘u’) sexual ["sekSu´:], sexuality [ÆsekSu"œl´ti]. xi: (pronounced /kS/, before -al, -ous) axial ["œkSi´:], anxious ["œÚNkS´s]. For /Z/: g: genre ["Z(A…nr´]. -ge: (in French loan-words) beige [b9eIZ(], massage [m´"sA…Z(], mirage [m´"rA…Z(]. s: (after an accented vowel and before -ual, -ure) casual ["kÓœÚZu´:], leisure ["li…Z´r] (AmE) ["leÚZ´] (BrE), measure ["meÚZ´r], occasion [´"kÓeIZn`], occasionally [´"kÓeIZn`´li], pleasure ["pl9eÚZ´r], treasure ["t®9eÚZ´r], usual ["ju…Zu´:], usually ["ju…Zu´li]. si: (after an accented vowel and before -a, -an, -er, -on) Asia ["eIZ´], Asian ["eIZ´n], decision [d9I"sIÚZ´n], hosier ["hoUZ´r], lesion ["li…Z´n], precision [p®9I"sIÚZ´n], television ["tÓeÚl´ÆvIÚZ´n], vision ["v9IÚZ´n]. ti: (before -on) equation [I"kw9eIZ´n]. z: (before -ure) azure ["œÚZ´r], seizure ["si…Z´r]. zi: (before -er) glazier ["g(leIZ´r]. For /h/: h: ahead [´"HeÚd9], forehead ["fO…rÆHeÚd9], heat [hiÚt], house [hAUÚs] (n.). wh: whom [hu…m], whole [hoU:], whose [hu…z9]. 6 Prof. Argenis A. Zapata Fonética y Fonología del Inglés I (B-2009) For /tS/: ch: attaching [´"tÓœtSIN], church [tS‰…rtS]. cz: Czech [tSek], Czechoslovakia [ÆtSek´sloU"vA…ki´]. t: (preceded by a stressed vowel and followed by -ural, -ure, -ual, -une) actual ["œktSu´:], actually ["œktSu´li], fortune ["fO…rtS´n], fortunately ["fO…rtS´nItli], natural ["nœtS´r´:], nature ["neItS´r]. tch: Tchaikovsky [ÆtSaÚI"kAfski], watch [wAtS]. te: righteous ["raIÚtS´s]. ti: (preceded by ‘s’ and followed by -ion, -ian, -ial) celestial [s´"lestS´:] (AmE) [s´"lestSi´:] (BrE), Christian ["k®9IstS´n], question ["kw9estS´n]. For /dZ/: ch: (esp. in BrE) Norwich ["nÅÚrId°Z(]. d: (usually after a stressed vowel and before -u or -uate) education [ÆeÚdZ´"kÓeIS´n], graduate (n. or adj.) ["g(rœÚdZuIt], graduate (v.) ["g(rœÚdZuÆeIÚt], graduation [Æg(rœÚdZu"eIS´n]. -de-: grandeur ["g(rœÚndZ´r]. -dg-: judging ["d9°ZøÚdZIN], judgment ["d9°ZøÚdZm´nt]. -dge: fudge [føÚd°Z]( , judge ["d9°ZøÚd°Z(]. -di-: soldier ["soU:dZ´r]. -dj-: adjective ["œÚdZIktIv9], adjust [´"dZøst]. g: (usually before ‘e, i, y’) engine ["eÚndZ´n], general ["d9°ZeÚn´r´:], gin [d°9ZIÚn], gym [d9°ZIÚm]. Exceptions: gaol [d9°ZeI:], margarine ["mA…rdZ´rIn]. -gg-: exaggerate [Ig"zœÚdZ´ÆreIÚt], suggest [s´g"dZest] (AmE) [s´"dZest] (BrE). j: ajar [´"dZA…r], just [d9°Zøst]. 7 Prof. Argenis A. Zapata Fonética y Fonología del Inglés I (B-2009) For /m/: -gm: diaphragm ["d9aI´Æf®9œÚm], paradigm ["pÓer´ÆdaIm], phlegm [fl9eÚm]. m: among [´"møÚN], lemon ["leÚm´n], mom [mAÚm], mother ["møÚD´r], sum [søÚm]. -mb: bomb [b9AÚm], bomber ["b9AÚm´r], bombing ["b9AÚmIN], climb [kl9aIm], climber ["kl9aIm´r], climbing ["klaImIN], comb [kÓoUm], combing [kÓoUmIN], lamb [lœÚm], limb [lIÚm], numb [nøÚm], plumber ["pl9øÚm´r], plumbing ["pl0øÚmIN], succumb [s´"kÓøÚm]. -mm-: common ["kÓAÚm´n], communication [k´Æmju…n´"kÓeIS´n], hammer ["hœÚm´r], hammock ["hœÚm´k], pummel ["pÓøÚm:`], recommend [Ærek´"meÚnd9], summing ["søÚmIN], summon ["søÚm´n]. -me: came [kÓeIm], fame [feIm], lame [leIm], name [neIm], same [seIm], some [søÚm]. -mn: autumn ["ÅÚ|´m] (AmE) ["O…t´m] (BrE), condemn [k´nd"eÚm], condemning [k´n"deÚmIN]. -lm: alms [A…mz9], balm [b9A…m], calm [kÓA…m], palm [pÓA…m], psalm [sA…m]. For /n/: gn: assign [´"saIn], deign [d9eIn], gnat [nœt], gnome [noUm]. kn-: knew [nu…], knife [naIÚf], know [noU], knowledge ["nAÚlId°Z]( . mn: mnemonics [nI"mAÚnIks]. n: any ["eÚni], gain [g(eIn], none [nøÚn], nun [nøÚn]. -ne: cane [kÓeIn], fine [faIn], lane [leIn]. -nn-: annoy [´"nOI], funny ["føÚni], running ["røÚnIn]. -nne: Anne [œÚn]. pn- pneumatic [Ænu…"mœÚ|Ik], pneumonia [Ænu…"moUni´]. For /N/: -ng: long [lÅÚN], sing [sIÚN], tongs [tÓÅÚNz9]. -ngue: harangue [h´"rœÚN], meringue [m´"rœÚN], tongue [tÓøÚN]. 8 Prof. Argenis A. Zapata Fonética y Fonología del Inglés I (B-2009) For /l/: l: late, alive [´"laIv9], Paul [pÓÅÚ:]. ll: call [kÓÅÚ:] , falling ["fÅÚlIN]. -le: aisle [aI:], ale [eI:], file [faI:], little ["lIÚ|:`], role [roU:], smile [sm9aI:]. For /r/: r: around [´"rAUnd9], bright [b9raIÚt], bury ["b9eÚri], crane [k®9eIn], far [fA…r], great [g(reIÚt], hair [hE´r], hurt [h‰…rt], mart [mA…rt], peer [pÓI´r], rain [reIn], rent [reÚnt], ring [rIÚN], ringer ["rIÚN´r], sir [s‰…r], stir [st‰…r], tear (n) [tÓI´r], tear (v.) [tÓE´r], vary ["v9eÚri], very ["v9eÚri]. -rr-: arrive [´"raIv9], berry ["b9eÚri], burrow ["b9‰…roU], carry ["kÓœÚri, "kÓeÚri], ferry ["feÚri], marry ["mœÚri, "meÚri], Perry ["pÓeÚri], sorrow ["sAÚroU], sorry ["sAÚri], stirrer ["st‰…r´r], stirring ["st‰…rIN], Terry ["tÓeÚr], tomorrow [t´"mAÚroU]. -re: are [A…r], care [kÓE´r], fare [fE´r], hare [hE´r], glare [g(lE´r], mare [mE´r], pare [pÓE´r], tare [tÓE´r]. rh-: rhetoric ["reÚ|´rIk], rhetorical [r´"tÓAÚr´k:`], rhinoceros [ÆraI"nAs´r´s], rhyme [raIm], rhythm ["rIÚD´m]. wr-: wreck [rek], wren [reÚn], wring [rIÚN], write [raIÚt], written ["rItn`], wrong [rÅÚN], wrote [roUÚt], wrought [rÅt], wrung [røÚN]. For /j/: -ew: anew [´"nju…], few [fju…], knew [nju…], new [nju…], news [nju…z9], pew [pju…]. eu- /ju…, jU/: Europe ["jUÚr´p, "j‰…r´p] (AmE), European [ÆjUÚr´"pÓi…´n], euthanasia [Æju…T´"ni…Z´], neuter ["nju…t´] (BrE). i: bunion ["b9øÚnj´n], onion ["øÚnj´n]. y-: yacht [jAt], yam [jœÚm], year [jI´r], yes [jes], yet [jet], yew [ju…], yoga ["joUg´], yogurt ["joUg´rt] (AmE) ["jÅÚg´t] (BrE), you [ju…], young [jøÚN]. u /ju…, jU/: confusion [k´n"fju…Z´n], cure [kjU´r], curious ["kjUri´s], muse [mju…z9], music ["mju…zIk], pure [pjU´r], use (v.) [ju…z9], -ue /ju…/: argue ["A…rgju…], barbecue ["b9A…rbIÆkju…], cue [kju…], hue [hju…]. 9 Prof. Argenis A. Zapata Fonética y Fonología del Inglés I (B-2009) For /w/: u: quality ["kw9AÚl´ti], question ["kw9estS´n], quick [kw9Ik], w: away [´"weI], between [b9I"tw9i…n], swam [sw9œÚm], swear [sw9E´r], swim [sw9IÚm], swore [sw9O…r], twenty ["tw9eÚni], twins [tw9IÚnz9], wait [weIÚt], walk [wÅk], want [wAÚnt], won [wøÚn], warm [wO…rm], wood [wUÚd9], word [w‰…rd9], won’t [woUnt], world [w‰…r:d9], worm [w‰…rm], worth [w‰…rT], worthy ["w‰…rDi], would [wUÚd9]. wh-: what [wAt, wÅt, wøt, w´t], when [weÚn], where [wE´r], which [wItS], whore [hO…r], why [waI]. Note: one [wøÚn]. 10