Command tu affirmative 1

Sentence Match Quiz for Category: command_tu_affirmative_1
Mark the sentence that matches each item below.
1) Hazme un corte nuevo.
- A: Give me a new haircut.
- B: You should set the table. Set the table.
- C: You must close the window. Close the window.
- D: Buy a lot of clothes.
2) Oye, la señorita dice que nosotros podemos abordar el avión ahora.
- A: Buy a lot of clothes.
- B: Tell me! How is work going?
- C: Drink all the milk.
- D: Listen, the lady says that we can board the plane now.
3) Debes creer lo que digo. Cree lo que digo.
- A: You should believe what I say. Believe what I say
- B: Juan, read the book.
- C: You should set the table. Set the table.
- D: Let me write down your phone number.
4) Bebe toda la leche.
- A: Drink all the milk.
- B: You should set the table. Set the table.
- C: Juan, please, sweep the floor.
- D: Sing in the shower.
5) No seas tan insustancial, pon sentimiento en lo que haces.
- A: Drink all the milk.
- B: Let me write down your phone number.
- C: Eat the food.
- D: Don't be so blasé, put feeling into what you do.
6) ¡Anda, cuéntamelo todo!
- A: Sing in the shower.
- B: Cristina, please, mop the floor.
- C: Let me write down your phone number.
- D: Go on, tell me everthing!
7) Termina la tarea.
- A: Walk and I will go with you. (you - informal)
- B: Take out a piece of paper.
- C: Don't have them wait outside. Have them come in.
- D: Finish the homework.
8) Come la comida.
- A: Send the C.V. to the responsible person.
- B: Remove everything from your desk.
- C: Drink all the milk.
- D: Eat the food.
9) Y sobre todo, diviértete!
- A: Listen, the lady says that we can board the plane now.
- B: Finish the homework.
- C: You must close the window. Close the window.
- D: And, above all, have fun!
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(continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: command_tu_affirmative_1
Mark the sentence that matches each item below.
10) Debes poner la mesa. Pon la mesa.
- A: You should set the table. Set the table.
- B: You must go to class. Go to class.
- C: Are you supposed to be here?
- D: Don't have them wait outside. Have them come in.
11) Dame esa maleta, la que está allí.
- A: Give me that suitcase, the one that is there.
- B: You should be careful.
- C: Are you supposed to be here?
- D: Juan, please, sweep the floor.
12) Canta en la ducha.
- A: Sing in the shower.
- B: Juan, please, sweep the floor.
- C: Don't have them wait outside. Have them come in.
- D: Add two eggs and let them fry.
13) Cristina, por favor, trapea el piso.
- A: Cristina, please, mop the floor.
- B: Buy a lot of clothes.
- C: And, above all, have fun!
- D: You should believe what I say. Believe what I say
14) Añade una pizca de sal.
- A: Add a pinch of salt.
- B: You must go to class. Go to class.
- C: Dance all night long.
- D: Give me that suitcase, the one that is there.
15) Quita todo de tu escritorio.
- A: Write a two page paper about your family.
- B: Listen, the lady says that we can board the plane now.
- C: Give me that suitcase, the one that is there.
- D: Remove everything from your desk.
16) ¡Cuéntame! ¿Qué tal el trabajo?
- A: Tell me! How is work going?
- B: Give me that suitcase, the one that is there.
- C: Juan, read the book.
- D: Juan, please, sweep the floor.
17) Camina tú y yo iré contigo.
- A: Walk and I will go with you. (you - informal)
- B: Listen, the lady says that we can board the plane now.
- C: You must go to class. Go to class.
- D: Take out a piece of paper.
18) Envíale el C.V. al responsable.
- A: Walk and I will go with you. (you - informal)
- B: Send the C.V. to the responsible person.
- C: Give me that suitcase, the one that is there.
- D: You must go to class. Go to class.
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(continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: command_tu_affirmative_1
Mark the sentence that matches each item below.
19) Escribe dos páginas acerca de tu familia.
- A: You should believe what I say. Believe what I say
- B: Write a two page paper about your family.
- C: Finish the homework.
- D: Don't have them wait outside. Have them come in.
20) Saca una hoja de papel.
- A: Walk and I will go with you. (you - informal)
- B: Buy a lot of clothes.
- C: And, above all, have fun!
- D: Take out a piece of paper.
21) Déjame apuntar tu número de teléfono.
- A: And, above all, have fun!
- B: You must go to class. Go to class.
- C: Don't be so blasé, put feeling into what you do.
- D: Let me write down your phone number.
22) Compra mucha ropa.
- A: Buy a lot of clothes.
- B: Remove everything from your desk.
- C: Eat the food.
- D: Are you supposed to be here?
23) Debes cerrar la ventana. Cierra la ventana.
- A: Walk and I will go with you. (you - informal)
- B: You must go to class. Go to class.
- C: Cristina, please, mop the floor.
- D: You must close the window. Close the window.
24) Lee los libros.
- A: You should be careful.
- B: Give me a new haircut.
- C: Walk and I will go with you. (you - informal)
- D: Read the books.
25) Baila toda la noche.
- A: Dance all night long.
- B: Finish the homework.
- C: You must close the window. Close the window.
- D: Read the books.
26) No los dejes esperar allá afuera. Hazlos pasar.
- A: Walk and I will go with you. (you - informal)
- B: Buy a lot of clothes.
- C: Add a pinch of salt.
- D: Don't have them wait outside. Have them come in.
27) ¿Debes estar aquí?
- A: Send the C.V. to the responsible person.
- B: You should be careful.
- C: Are you supposed to be here?
- D: You should set the table. Set the table.
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(continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: command_tu_affirmative_1
Mark the sentence that matches each item below.
28) Añade dos huevos y déjalos freír.
- A: Drink all the milk.
- B: Walk and I will go with you. (you - informal)
- C: Take out a piece of paper.
- D: Add two eggs and let them fry.
29) Juan, lee el libro.
- A: Buy a lot of clothes.
- B: Sing in the shower.
- C: Juan, read the book.
- D: Are you supposed to be here?
30) Juan, por favor, barre el piso.
- A: Juan, please, sweep the floor.
- B: You must close the window. Close the window.
- C: Walk and I will go with you. (you - informal)
- D: Write a two page paper about your family.
31) Debes tener cuidado.
- A: You should be careful.
- B: You should believe what I say. Believe what I say
- C: Drink all the milk.
- D: Give me that suitcase, the one that is there.
32) Debes ir a clase. Vé a clase.
- A: Remove everything from your desk.
- B: Take out a piece of paper.
- C: And, above all, have fun!
- D: You must go to class. Go to class.
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Answer Key for Worksheet be82d
Sentence Match Quiz starting on page 1
1 = A , 2 = D , 3 = A , 4 = A , 5 = D , 6 = D , 7 = D , 8 = D , 9 = D , 10 = A , 11 = A , 12 = A , 13 = A , 14 = A , 15 = D , 16 = A ,
17 = A , 18 = B , 19 = B , 20 = D , 21 = D , 22 = A , 23 = D , 24 = D , 25 = A , 26 = D , 27 = C , 28 = D , 29 = C , 30 = A , 31 =
A , 32 = D
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