Science with Julio • Ciencia con Julio

Science with Julio • Ciencia con Julio
Modeled Writing
Silkworms like to eat leaves.
A los gusanos de seda les gusta comer hojas.
Phonological Awareness: Say the words like and
leaves • gusanos and gusta. Invite students to name other words that begin with the same initial sound as
these words. Write their words at the bottom of a sheet of chart paper. Have students identify the letter that
makes the sound /l/ • /g/.
Print Awareness: Write the sentence on chart paper, saying each word as you write it. Use the steps and
think-alouds suggested on page 11.
Phonics and Writing:
For English Speakers: Have students segment and blend the compound word silkworms. Ask them to
locate the sight words to and like.
For Spanish Speakers: Have students locate the sight words a, los, and de.
Extend practice with additional sentences:
Julio is Reagan’s friend. Julio es el amigo de Reagan.
They enjoy working together as partners. A ellos les gusta trabajar juntos.
Read-Aloud Discussion
1. Display the photo for Science with Julio • Ciencia con Julio in
Reagan’s Journal.
2. Ask students: What do you see in this photo? Where might this
photo have been taken? ¿Qué ven en esta fotografía? ¿Dónde
podría haber sido tomada esta fotografía?
3. Ask a volunteer to explain why the boy is using a magnifying
4. Read the first paragraph, and then invite students to answer
Reagan’s question.
5. Then read the second paragraph. Invite students to answer Reagan’s next question.
6. Discuss what Reagan and Julio like to do at the Science Workstation. Discuss the choices students have in
their class Science Workstation.
7. Provide information about silkworms. Explain that silkworms are a special type of caterpillar. The
silkworm eats white mulberry leaves for many days, and then it spends three days spinning a cocoon.
After approximately three weeks, the silkworm emerges as a moth. People use the silkworm’s cocoon to
make silk fabric. The silkworm’s diet of white mulberry leaves allows the silkworm to produce silken
thread for its cocoon.
Our Favorite Fruit
Shared Writing
1. Reread the first paragraph of Reagan’s journal entry. Have students help
you make a graph of their favorite snack or fruit.
2. Invite each student to draw a picture or write the name of his or her
favorite snack or fruit on a sticky note. Group together like responses to
create a bar graph.
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Developing a Draft
Invite students to draw a picture and write in their journal about their favorite snack or fruit. Suggest
additional writing ideas:
Ask students to write about why some snacks are healthy or unhealthy to eat. Prompt students by asking
why an apple might be healthier to eat than a bag of chips. Write students’ responses on chart paper for
student reference during journal writing.
Observation Form
Review Reagan’s journal entry. Have students look at the photo of Reagan’s
friend, Julio, and discuss how Reagan and Julio have fun playing together in
class because they know how to cooperate. Ask students for examples of ways
they cooperate at school. Invite them to write about this topic in their journal.
Reagan’s class had silkworms to observe. If your students have a class pet,
invite them to write letters to this pet. Make a special mailbox. Set aside a time
when students can read their letters to the class pet.
Print copies of the Observation Form on pages 58-59. Distribute copies to
students, along with magnifying glasses and objects students can observe
(e.g., leaf, pencil, unusual rock). Have students record their observations about
the object’s color, texture, shape, size, smell, and weight.
Draw your object:
Revising: Small-Group Sharing
Encourage students to add sensory words to their sentences about their favorite snack or fruit. Say: Describe
how it looks. How would you describe the texture, the way it feels in your mouth? Tell about the taste and smell.
Describan cómo se ve. ¿Cómo describirían la textura, la manera en que se siente en la boca? Háblenme sobre el
gusto y el olfato.
Editing: Working with a Partner
Ask students to work with a partner to review and edit their work. Focus on the editing skills taught during
Modeled Writing. Ask questions such as:
Did you start your sentence with an uppercase letter? ¿Empezaste la oración con una letra mayúscula?
Did you spell favorite and fruit or snack correctly? ¿Deletreaste favorita y fruta or bocadillo de la manera
Occasionally, students may want to rewrite a clean copy of their
finished writing to publish in the classroom. Refer to the publishing
ideas on pages 20-21, or ask students for their own creative ideas.
See pages 23-24
for tips on
early writing
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