ESL / Bilingual Program School District U-46 Cognates Cognate Endings False Cognates Prefixes Suffixes Cognates: words in different languages related to the same root, e.g. education (English) and educación (Spanish). Aa Bb Cc abandon - abandonar balance - balance (n) cabin-cabina abdicate - abdicar balance - balancear cable - cable abolish - abolir band - banda cafeteria-cafetería abound - abundar bandit - bandido calculate - calcular abrupt - abrupto bank - banco calendar - calendario absolute - absoluto banker - banquero calm (v.) - calmar absorb - absorber bar - barra calvary - calvario abundance- abundancia barber - barbero camel - camello abundant - abundante barrel - barril camera-cámara abuse(n) abuso bat - bate camouflage-camuflaje abuse(v) abusar battle – batalla canyon-cañón academy-academia bicycle -bicicleta canal - canal accelerate-acelerar biography- biografía canary - canario accent- acento cancelable-cancelable accentuate-acentuar candidate - candidato access - acceso candor - candor accessory-accesorio capacity - capacidad accident -accidente cape - capa Aa Bb Cc accidental -accidental capital - capital allergic -alérgico capricious - caprichoso accompany -acompañar captain-capitán adult -adulto capture-capturar accord(n)-acuerdo catastrophe-catástrofe accuse-acusar cause-causa acquire - adquirir celebrate -celebrar act -acto cement-cemento active - activo center-centro actor- actor ceramic-cerámica actress - actriz cereal-cereal actuary - actuario ceremony-ceremonia adapt- adaptar chimney-chimenea adhere-adherir circle-círculo adherent-adherente class-clase adjust- ajustar coast-costa administrate- administrar colony-colonia admire - admirar color-color Aa Bb Cc admit - admitir committee -comité adolescence - adolescencia common -común adopt-adoptar commotion-conmoción adore- adorar company-compañía African -africano complete-completo air -aire concave-cóncavo association -asociación concert-concierto autograph – autógrafo agent -agente artist - artista automobile - automóvil appetite - apetito alarm - alarma activities - actividades adventure -aventura area -área altar - altar ambulance-ambulancia angular - angular conflict - conflicto confusing-confuso confusion-confusión considerable-considerable constellation-constelación construction-construcción contact- contacto contagious-contagioso continent-continente continue-continuar contract - contrato Aa Bb Cc animal -animal contribution-contribución announce -anunciar convict- convicto appear -aparecer correct - correcto atmosphere -atmósfera coyote-coyote antioxidant-antioxidante crocodile-cocodrilo arrogance- arrogancia curable-curable arrogant - arrogante curious-curioso aspirant-aspirante assailant-asaltante assistance-asistencia associate (v)-asociar assume-asumir athlete-atleta atrocity-atrocidad attack(n)-ataque attack(v)-atacar attention -atención August- agosto acrobatic- acrobático Aa Bb Cc adopt-adoptar attentive- atento attitude-actitud audacious-audaz audience-audiencia augment-aumentar Dd Ee Ff dance(n) - danza eccentricity - excentricidad fabricate - fabricar dance(v) - danzar echo - eco fabulous - fabuloso debate - debate edict - edicto facilitate - facilitar debilitate - debilitar edifice - edificio facility - facilidad debut - debut effect - efecto factor- factor decadence - decadencia effective - efectivo faculty- facultad decent - decente efficacy - eficacia false- falso decide - decidir elector - elector falsity - falsedad decisive - decisivo electricity - electricidad fame - fama elegance - elegancia family - familia Dd Ee declare - declarar elegant - elegante famous - famoso decline - declinar element - elemento fascinate - fascinar decorate - decorar emigrant - emigrante fatality - fatalidad decree - decreto empire - imperio fatigue - fatiga dedicate - dedicar enemy - enemigo favorable - favorable defect - defecto enigma - enigma defunct - difunto envy - envidia derelict - derelicto episode - episodio dialect - dialecto error - error direct - directo essence - esencia distinct- distinto essential - esencial district - distrito establish - establecer eternal - eterno eternity - eternidad evacuate - evacuar Ff Gg Hh Ii gallant - galante habitual - habitual idea - idea gallop - galope hatchet - hacha ideal - ideal gardener - jardinero harmonious - armonioso identity - identidad gas - gas hemisphere - hemisferio idiot - idiota gasoline - gasolina herb- hierba ignorant - ignorante general (adj.) -general hereditary - hereditario illuminate - iluminar generosity - generosidad historian - historiador image - imagen genteel - gentil history - historia imaginary - imaginario genuine - genuino honor - honor imaginative - imaginativo germ - germen horizontal - horizontal imagine - imaginar gesture - gesto horrendous - horrendo immediate - inmediato giant - gigante horrible - horrible immediately -inmediatamente glacial - glacial horror - horror immense - inmenso globe - globo hospitality - hospitalidad immortal - inmortal glorious - glorioso hostile - hostil impartial - imparcial glory - gloria imperfect - imperfecto golf - golf imperial - imperial gradual - gradual importance - importancia impossible - imposible Hh Gg Ii gratitude - gratitud grotesque - grotesco Jj jar - jarra Kk kilogram - kilogramo Ll labor (n) - labor jargon - jerga labor (v) - laborar judicial - judicial laboratory - laboratorio judiciary - judiciario laborious - laborioso just - justo lament - lamentar justice - justicia latitude - latitud justify - justificar legal - legal legislator - legislador legumes - legumbres liberal - liberal liberty - libertad limit - límite Ll Kk Jj line - línea liquidate - liquidar liquor - licor list - lista locality – localidad Mm Nn Oo magistrate- magistrado narrate - narrar oasis - oasis magnitude - magnitud natal - natal obedience-obediencia majesty - majestad national - nacional obedient-obediente malice - malicia nationality-nacionalidad object -objeto malignant - maligno native - nativo objective-objetivo mandate - mandato natural - natural oblige-obligar manner - manera naturally-naturalmente obscure - obscuro manual - manual naval-naval observe- observar manuscript - manuscrito navigable -navegable obstruct - obstruir map - mapa necessary - necesario obtain - obtener Mm Nn Oo march(v) - marchar necessitate - necesitar occur - ocurrir margin - margen necessity- necesidad odious - odioso marine - marino negative - negativo offend- offender mark(n)- marca nerve- nervio offensive -ofensivo mark(v) - marcar neutral - neutro marvel - maravilla noble (adj) noble marvelous-marvilloso normal- normal matrimony - matrimonio medal - medalla mediate - mediar Pp Qq Rr pacific - pacífico quarter - cuarto race(n)- raza pact - pacto quiet - quieto radiant - radiante palace - palacio radiator - radiador palm - palma radical - radical passive - pasivo ranch- rancho past - pasado rapidity-rapidez rare - raro Qq Pp Rr paste - pasta ray- rayo pastor - pastor realist- realista paternal - paterno reality- realidad patience - paciencia reason(v)-razonar patio - patio reasonable- razonable patriarch - patriarca rebel- rebelde pause - pausa receive- recibir recently-recientemente recite-recitar reference-referencia refine-refinar reflect-reflejar Ss Tt Uu salad- ensalada tact- tacto ulterior - ulterior salary-salario talent - talento ultimate - último sanctity- santidad tardy - tardo united - unido sane- sano tariff - tarifa unity - unidad Ss Tt scene- escena telescope- telescopio universal - universal second- segundo temperature- temperatura unjust - injusto secret(n) - secreto temple-templo unstable- instable secretly - secretamente temporary- temporal urban- urbano sect -secta terminate - terminar urgency - urgencia secular - secular terrace- terraza urgent- urgente security - seguridad terrible - terrible use (v)- usar seduce- seducir theme - tema utility - utilidad senate - senado theology- teología utilize - utilizar sensual - sensual thesis - tesis serene- sereno timidity- timidez tint- tinte tobacco- tabaco tolerance- tolerancia tone - tono tourist- turista traditional - tradicional tragedy-tragedia train –tren Uu Vv vacant - vacante vacation - vacaciones vacillate- vacilar vague - vago valor - valor vanity - vanidad vary - variar vast - vasto vehicle - vehículo vein - vena velocity - velocidad verb - verbo victory-victoria violence-violencia violent- violento virgin- virgen -ace -al stays -al -ic/-ics -ine -acio becomes becomes-ica -ina becomes palace preface palacio prefacio canal coral final metal pedal canal coral final metal pedal electronics logic music physics rhetoric electrónica lógica música física retórica discipline doctrine heroine margarine morphine disciplina doctrina heroína margarina morfina marxism paganism Cognate Endings communism -ism -ity becomes becomes -m/-ma -ismo -idad becomes -ma -ology becomes ología -sion becomes-sión -tion becomes -ure -y -ción becomes-ura becomes -ía socialism comunismo socialismo marxismo paganismo curiosity electricity nationality university velocity curiosidad electricidad nacionalidad universidad velocidad dogma drama enigma program victim dogma drama enigma programa víctima archaeology biology psychology urology zoology arqueología biología psicología urología zoología impression mission aggression agresión action acción depression expression depresión expresión impresión dedication evolution instruction dedicación evolución instrucción misión nation nación agriculture cure figure literature miniature agricultura cura figura literatura miniatura anatomy artillery energy geography philosophy anatomía artillería energía geografía filosofía LIST OF FALSE COGNATES WORD MEANING WORD MEANING actual real advertise actually ancient assist attend basement billion realmente antiguo atender asistir (a un evento) Sótano USA: mil millones // Britain: millón de millón Límite, frontera universidad, inst. de edu. superior mercancía, artículo, producto, mercadería Actualmente cliente Engañoso a pesar de, no obstante apenado, avergonzado Salida tela, tejido instalaciones cog. verdadero: dibujo / cog falso: número periodista grande advice advise agreement allocate balloon black anunciar, hacer publicidad consejo aconsejar, recomendar acuerdo distribuir globo negro borrow called century tomar en préstamo llamó (pasado de call) siglo come conversely crime currency date disgrace expenses expensive floor venir a la inversa delito moneda (de un país) fecha vergüenza gastos caro piso for instance great cog. verdadero: letra / cog. falso: carta importante, principal una vez introduce por ejemplo cog. verdadero: grande / cog. falso: maravilloso presentar Paso, ritmo sartén patrón, diseño médico políticas realizar o darse cuenta pariente renunciar lazo, cuerda Varios Éxito salida del sol vacío, neumático, aspiradora limpiar con aspiradora lecture library murder parents relieve remain sales soul terrific trait translation tree border college commodities currently customer deceptive despite embarrassed exit fabric facilities figure journalist large letter major once pace pan pattern physician policies realize relative resign rope several success sunrise vacuum involve journal involucrar periódico, diario, revista, boletín conferencia, ponencia biblioteca asesinato padres liberar, aliviar permanecer ventas alma estupendo característica traducción árbol PREFIXES Prefixes change the meaning of a word. The list provided below is organized according to an a of meaning because most often there is no one single (unique) specific meaning. PREFIXES OF SIZE PREFIXES OF LOCATION/DIRECTION Prefix Meaning Examples Prefix Meaning Examples semihalf, partly semiconductor interbetween, interactive equiequal equidistant among extrabeyond, extraordinary intra within intrastate out-side hypersensitive; par/ para near, similar parallel hyper excessive hypermarket parastatal tel far away, at telescope, maxibig maxicomputer a distance television microsmall microchip transover; across transnational minilittle minicomputer near macrobig macroeconomics subunder subway; megabig megabyte subtitle over too much overpopulated; overworked re again rewrite, reread super over,above, supersede; supermarket excessive Prefix semimonobitriquadpentahexdecmulti- PREFIXES OF NUMBERS Meaning Examples half semicircle one monolingual two bilateral three triangle four quadruple five pentagon six hexagonal ten decimal many multinational PREFIXES OF TIME AND ORDER Prefix Meaning Examples antebefore antecedent ex former exwife; ex president prebefore prehearing primefirst primitive postafter postgraduate postwar retrobackward retroactive PREFIXES WITH NEGATIVE MEANING Prefix Meaning Examples unnot unable in“ incomplete im“ impossible non“ non-existent il“ illegal ir“ irresponsible misbad, wrong misunderstand disagree disopposite antiterrorism antiagainst decrease dereduce underestimate undertoo little SUFFIXES A SUFFIX COMES AT THE END OF A WORD. IT ALSO ADDS TO THE MEANING. HOWEVER, THE MEANING OF THE SUFFIX IS OFTEN DIFFICULT TO DEFINE. A SUFFIX USUALLY DEFINES A PART OF SPEECH. EXAMPLE: separate (verb and adjective) separately (adverb) separation (noun) Here are some common meanings of suffixes. (* also used for another part of speech) SUFFIX -able, -ible -ful -less -er*, -or, -ian, -ist, yst -er*, -or, -er / -ee MEANING possible, able to be done full of without person engaged in an occupation also: machine, software -er: ‘gives’; -ee: ‘receives’ -ess female person EXAMPLES acceptable, comprehensible, transportable useful, successful, meaningful useless, meaningless engineer, professor; competitor; scientist, analyst, librarian computer, (oracle) developer, generator employer; employee trainer; trainee interviewer; interviewee (air) hostess Here are some common suffixes grouped in parts of speech. (* also used for another part of speech) NOUNS -ance, -ence -ant* -ary* -Iy* -dom -ism -ity -ive* -ment -ness - (a)tion -ship -ure ADJECTIVES -ant*, -ent -al -ary* -ate* -er* -est -ic -ical -ive* -ory VERBS -ate* -ise, -ize, -yse, -yze -y* ADVERBS OF MANNER -ly EXAMPLES appearance, difference accountant secretary economy, frequency freedom, wisdom communism, racism quality, community executive government, statement, requirement, assignment, employment consciousness, competitiveness satisfaction, globalization, competition leadership manufacture, failure EXAMPLES important, different, excellent, independent national, natural, original Monetary, temporary separate, immediate (comparative) bigger, fewer, faster (superlative) biggest, fewest, fastest economic, basic, specific, characteristic economical, logical excessive, creative, attractive satisfactory, introductory separate, congratulate economize, analyze, mechanize satisfy, specify excessively, creatively The present participle (-ing) can be used in verbs, as adjectives and nouns The past participle (-ed) can be used in verbs and as adjectives References: Adapted from Spanish Lessons: Introduction to Cognates Adapted from Universidad De San Buenaventura – California