idea wild newsletter 2008

the Heroes
and Sheroes
the Planet
the Heroes
of theof
by Wally & Joni Van Sickle
Once upon a time, a peccary noticed a sloth slowly moving through
the canopy. The peccary mocked the speed of the sloth and challenged her
to a race, believing he was the fastest critter in all of the jungle. The sloth
took the challenge, and a route was chosen. The race began and the peccary
soon found himself far ahead. Upon encountering some tasty fruits lying on the
ground, he decided to feast for awhile and relax. He soon fell asleep. Meanwhile, the sloth inched forward one step at a time. Eventually, she overtook
the sleepy pig and finished the race.
The peccary awoke and sadly realized
he had lost. The moral of the story
is, “Slow and steady wins the race.”
We invite you to peek into
IDEA WILD’s year as we maintain a
steady and strong pace towards increasing global conservation efforts.
Every November 1st, IDEA
WILD begins a new fiscal year, as
we have been for the last seventeen
years. November/December activities are largely centered on continuing preparation for one of our three
annual events called “Nature Goes
Wild”. Roy Young, the owner of the
Colorado based Nature’s Own stores,
graciously donates the entire inventory
of his Fort Collins store to IDEA WILD
for a one night shopping spree. Not
only do attendees to this event finish
up their holiday shopping, but 100% of
the sales goes directly to IDEA WILD
– two gifts for the price of one! Thanks
to the ticket selling efforts of the “Youth
for Biodiversity” kids, the event is filled
with over 400 people. December is
also the time when many donors like
the Ecesis Foundation send a heartfelt holiday donation to IDEA WILD.
IDEA WILD’s January and
February efforts are primarily focused
on “Black Tie Bingo”, membership
mailings, foundation reports, and trip preparation. Black Tie Bingo is our newest event, made possible by the efforts of the Fort Collins After Work Rotary Club. Over 200 guests dress up in their finest attire and play six rousing
games of bingo while simultaneously watching their silent auction bids and
tending to their drinks. This event definitely puts the “Fun” in “Fund Raising”.
Membership mailings are sent out along with reports detailing projects funded to
major foundation donors like the J.M. Kaplan Fund, the April Fund, the Denver
Zoological Foundation, the Moore Family Foundation, and the Swift Foundation.
New proposals requesting funds for IDEA WILD are also prepared and sent out.
March is usually spent in some other country. In the beginning, these
trips were all directed towards Latin American countries but over the last few
years, with the exception of Madagascar, they have all been countries located in
Southeast Asia. A trip always includes
giving IDEA WILD presentations at
universities and non-profits and visiting projects aided by IDEA WILD. The
primary goals are to introduce IDEA
WILD and to encourage nationals to
submit equipment requests. Once
nationals are routinely submitting requests from the targeted country, we
move on to another - and another
- and another. One step at a time.
April and May are primarily
devoted to organizing and conducting IDEA WILD’s benefit auction in
the Black Hills of South Dakota. This
was our original fund raising event,
and in 2007 we celebrated our 15th
Servers painted up like
brightly colored animals serve food
and wine as the crowd not only bids
on silent auction items from around
the world but compete against each
other to fund specific projects highlighted on a giant two story screen.
Once auction is over we move
into creating this fine IDEA WILD newsletter and recapping all that was made
possible the previous year. The summer
months are also devoted to exploring
new funding sources and merchandising stoneworks donated by Roy Young.
Most of the merchandising takes place
near Vail, Colorado at the Minturn Market.
October marks the end of the year and is celebrated with our annual
IDEA WILD board meeting and lots of presentations at local high schools and
junior high schools. We begin our Youth for Biodiversity program in October
when we personally give talks to young people about conserving biodiversity
Story continued on PAGE 8...
Ph. D. but also works as a lecturer at Andalas University where he teaches general biology, mammalogy, biogeography and, of course, ornithology.
Like many who have taught before at Andalas, he
has many protégé eager to follow his lead. The biology department at Andalas is the oldest in all of
Sumatra and almost every other biology department in Sumatra was formed by graduates from
Andalas. Thanks to Wilson, the tradition continues and is quite possibly more important than ever.
Wilson also conducts field work for the Sumatran Wildlife Mammal Survey. Three large conservation organizations have divided the island up into
grids with different people involved in surveying each
grid. Camera traps are used to document the mammal species found in each grid. Wilson is in charge
of several grids and has captured photos of tiger,
tapirs, clouded leopards, and many other species.
by Wally Van Sickle
We whizzed along at what seemed like
warp nine. Three of us and our Indonesian taxi
driver, Arvin, were all driving across the middle of
Sumatra in a small compact SUV while green images blurred by one after the other. At times we
were looking at beautiful second growth rain forest and at other times, miles and miles of oil palm
plantations. Ragged karst formations covered
with primary forest occasionally dominated the
skyline. Distant volcanoes invited exploration.
Sumatra is the sixth largest island on the
planet. It sits just above Australia and to the west
in the long chain of 18,000 Indonesian islands. Sumatra has a lot of big things living on it. Big trees,
big elephants, big Sumatran rhinos, big hornbills,
big tigers, and big flanged male orangutans all live
in Sumatra. Clouded leopards with their large canines, proportionately the biggest of any cat since
the saber toothed cats, also live on the island. Sumatran forests have the world’s biggest flowers and
big king cobras slither beneath them. Big rivers,
big volcanoes, and big swamps dominate many
parts of the island. And, of course, Sumatra has
big earthquakes and big tsunamis. Sumatra is
the “Wild West” of Indonesia and still has some of
the largest tracts of forest left in Southeast Asia.
Our goals were to introduce IDEA WILD
to various universities with conservation biology programs and deliver equipment to several
Conservation opportunities abound
on this island and when I looked out the window
I imagined the future Costa Rica of Southeast
Asia. Sixteen hours later we arrived at our destination. Arvin still had a big smile on his face.
Like many in Indonesia, Wilson Novarino and his eight siblings grew up tending the rice
paddies that kept the family fed. The family farm
in west Sumatra, happened to be near a significant patch of forest and young Wilson spent much
420 Riddle Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521
(970) 482-6748
[email protected]
of his spare time exploring the forest with a special
eye for birds. Even though his parents were poor
they managed to raise the money necessary for
Wilson to attend Andalas University West Sumatra
in Padang. The Japanese covered the cost of his
master’s degree, which he received from the same
university in 1998. He is now finishing up his Ph. D.
and the research activities associated with his graduate degrees center around bird community structure,
Several other bird banding sites are located along the Barisan Mountain chain that forms
the back bone of the island. Wilson wants to know
how the community and population dynamics of
bird species is affected by loss of lowland forest
and seasonality. Lowland forests are the first to
go, especially with the continual expansion of palm
oil plantations. Because of these plantations, Indonesia, after the U.S., China, and Brazil, has become the 4th largest emitter of greenhouse gases.
Wilson collects all sorts of data and photographs every bird he captures before releasing them.
IDEA WILD provided Wilson with a digital camera so
he could get the photographs he needs. Data from
his research and other ornithologists will be influential
in protecting the habitat necessary to conserve the
many bird species found throughout Sumatra. The
human species will also rely on these forests to help
keep the planet cool. I look forward to his success.
behavior, and ecology with an emphasis on conservation. To this day, Wilson still realizes his greatest
satisfaction when he is in the field looking at birds.
In 2004, the Indonesian Ornithologist Union
was created. Wilson was one of the founding members and helped organize the conference. He even
managed to find a spot in an already overfull agenda
for us to present IDEA WILD to the first ever gathering of the ornithologists of Indonesia. Over one
hundred predominant bird lovers and researchers from all over Indonesia were in attendance.
Wilson not only keeps busy finishing up his
Wally Van Sickle, M.S.
Frederick Lindzey, Ph.D.
Chan Mortimer
D.V.M, Ph.D.
Jim Quinlan
Kate Readio
Beth Stipe
Beth Stipe
We traveled a very long way to meet Wilson. He was our contact person in Sumatra and
helped us set up IDEA WILD presentations at Andalas University and arranged logistics for us to
travel to other universities. He also volunteered to
take us to one of his field sites where he conducts
bird banding. The site is on the slopes of the magnificent Kerinci Volcano in Kerinci Seblat National
Park. This enormous park is almost 200 miles long.
Sean Kelly
Ann Marie Gage
Joni Triantis Van Sickle, M.S.
Bonnie Barton
Jacob Maentz
Project Cost: $522
Project Sponsored by the
Moore Family Foundation
IDEA WILD works to minimize the loss of
biodiversity by empowering people on the
front lines of conservation.
IDEA WILD is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization
All contributions are tax-deductible: Tax ID # 83-0299770
Visit our website for more information and details on the
latest happenings at:
All illustrations by Wally Van Sickle
by Wally Van Sickle
Beyond the city limits of Panama City lies
one of my favorite Latin American zoos – the Summit Nature Park of Panama. I consider this zoo
one of my favorites for several important reasons:
First of all, the zoo is surrounded by Soberania National Park. With a good pair of binoculars you
can see any number of wild birds flying in and around
the zoo, including toucans, motmots, puff birds, and
trogons. Over 400 species of the 950 species of birds
found in Panama have been seen in this national park.
Secondly, the zoo only exhibits native
species. You will not find tigers, pandas, giraffes,
and all the other charismatic mega-fauna typically found at North American zoos. You will only
see native Panamanian animals such as harpy
eagles, jaguars, ocelots, spider monkeys, coatis, and Baird’s tapirs. This type of zoo helps create a pride and awareness of local fauna and instills a strong conservation ethic among nationals.
Thirdly, the zoo emphasizes conservation education activities and invites bus
load after bus load of young Panamanians to
learn about the natural history of their amazing country and how to conserve it. Over 50,000
bright eyed children visit the zoo every year.
Another reason I really appreciate this
zoo is their commitment to amphibian conservation. The worldwide decline in amphibians is especially acute in Central America. In an attempt to
stay ahead of this wave of extinction, this zoo has
created the El Valle Amphibian Conservation Center
(EVACC). This center includes a lab, exhibition center, and most importantly, a captive breeding center
for many of the endangered amphibians in Panama.
I highly recommend a visit to this zoo. It
is open 365 days a year and serves as an amazing introduction into the diversity of the tropics.
The ultimate success of a business or
organization is often dependent on the pillars
of competence and character traits of its leader. Character traits must first be identified, then
emphasized, and then required, recognized and
Numerous positive character traits
come to mind when I think of Adrian Benedetti.
On the Summit Nature Park web site Adrian
describes passion and why passion is so important
to the success of the zoo. Adrian is filled with the
very passion he describes. He
is also sincere, energetic, eager to learn and a quick study.
He is young, charismatic and
filled with humor. In 2005, he
became the director of the zoo
and currently oversees daily
operations and manages 45
personnel. The zoo is being
transformed from a city park
zoo into a world class urban
nature park largely due to his
character and leadership skills.
Adrian received his
B.A. in Humanities with a focus
in Sociology from the University of Colorado in May of 2002.
He began working for the Peregrine Fund Panama in 2004
and developed and implemented environmental education
programs. He gave hundreds
of talks to both children and
adults and specifically developed events that promoted the
conservation of the harpy eagle.
If all that wasn’t
enough for one person, Adrian
also oversees the operations of
the EVACC. This cutting edge
facility is like an ark for endan-
gered amphibians. The facility already holds hundreds of native amphibians and will eventually house
more than 40 species. Seventeen of the forty are considered high priority in the world of conservation and
will be captivity bred. Future goals include implementation of reintroduction programs with the offspring.
One of the first things Adrian wanted to do
was to recreate the environmental education department at the zoo. Prior to his involvement, education was largely conducted by tour guides and not
educators. He initiated a multi-phase plan to offer
dynamic and interesting education programs for the
thousands of children who visit the zoo every year.
The first order of business was to rehabilitate the environmental education space.
This finished space allowed them to meet and
conduct workshops, give lectures, and show
movies to their many interested zoo goers
– especially the tiny future heirs of the planet.
Phase two involved the training of his educational staff. With help from the Wildlife Conservation
Society, Adrian worked to create active environmental educators instead of passive tour guides. They
used the “Jaguars Forever” education manual as the
basis for the training and translated two “International Bug Club” modules into Spanish. This allowed for
the formation of the first ever Bug Club of Panama!
These educational pilot programs will then
be taken into neighboring schools and adaptations will be made to fit the realities of Panama.
Later derivations of these programs will be worked
into continuous education programs and taught
throughout the school year. They will also create
a mobile unit that will visit remote rural schools.
A key to the success of this environmental
effort was an LCD projector, a laptop computer, and
a screen to make all these ideas come to life in front
of the children. Adrian turned to IDEA WILD for those
pieces of equipment and, of course, we were thrilled
to participate in such a country-changing endeavor.
Project Cost: $1150
Adrian Benedetti
Recipient / Country / Cost /
Equipment Donated by IDEA WILD
“Three cheers for your “small is
beautiful“ approach. Key motivated
individuals in Latin America will have
by far the greatest positive impact on
conservation, and giving such folks
moral and intellectual support plus a bit
of practical support will work millions
of times better than hooking them into a
World Bank or USAID or TNC thing.”
-Peter Feinsinger
Author / Professor of Biology
Northern Arizona University
# 1631 Avian Conservation and
Vu Tien Thinh, Vietnam
$1525 Recorder & Accessories
# 1632 Impact of Vegetation
Changes on Bat Communities
Leslie Ragde Araceli, Costa Rica
$596 Mist Nets, Calipers, Misc.
# 1633 Reproductive Ecology
of Sandhill Cranes
Yarelys Sanchez, Caribbean
$193 Digital Camera
# 1634 Seed Dispersal by Spider
Monkeys in Forest Fragments
Oscar M. Chaves, Mexico
$964 Video Camera, GPS
# 1635 Anuran Genetic Diversity
Hector Zumbado Ulate, Costa Rica
$478 GPS, Digital Caliper, Spring
Scales, Headlamps, Misc.
# 1636 Shark, Ray and Skate
Field Guide
Carlos Bustamante Diaz, Chile
# 1637 Life Cycle Study of New
Springtail Species
Douglas Zeppelini, Brazil
$385 Used Laptop
# 1638 Grebe Ecology
Willy Maldonado Chambi, Peru
$182 Spotting Scope, Binoculars
# 1639 Effects of Habitat Degradation on the Apurimac Spinetail
Nadia Castro Izaguirre, Peru
$887 Binoculars, Mist Nets, Misc.
# 1640 Amphibian Conservation
Paul Stephen Crump, Panama
$1,428 Microscope
# 1641 Acoustic Monitoring of
Karekoona Abdou, Uganda
$450 Used Laptop
# 1642 Tern Diet and Habitat
Matilde Alfaro Barrios, Uruguay
$577 Stereomicroscope
# 1643 Genetic Diversity and
Conservation of the Maned Wolf
Marilia Bruzzi Lion, Brazil
$542 GPS Units & Accessories
# 1644 Biology Student
Association Education Programs
Cristian Castandea, Guatemala
$800 LCD Projector, Used Laptop
# 1645 Bleeding Toad Ecology
Muhammad Yazid, Indonesia
$806 GPS, Scales, Travel Funds
# 1646 Darwin’s Fox
Conservation Education
Cristobal Briceno Urzua, Chile
$806 Digital SLR Camera, GPS
# 1647 Phylogeography and
Conservation Genetics of Cacti
Evandro De Moraes, Brazil
$164 Digital Camera
# 1648 Snake Ecology and
Natural History
Fausto Erritto Barbo, Brazil
$870 Calipers, Scales, Misc.
# 1649 Indigenous Ecotourism
Guide Training
Jane Furchgott, Nicaragua
$461 Binoculars
# 1650 Andean Condor
Foraging Behavior
Karina Lilian Speziale, Argentina
$294 Spotting Scope, GPS
# 1651 Genetic Diversity of
Karla Pelz-Serrano, Mexico
$590 Live Traps, GPS, Tags
# 1652 Society for Conservation
of Nature Outreach Programs
Rajeev Chauhan, India
$325 Used Laptop
# 1653 Environmental Education
Rosendo Montero, Caribbean
$250 Digital Camera &
# 1654 Red Shrimp Study
Segura Castillo Angel, Uruguay
$540 Conductivity Meter, GPS,
# 1655 Scorpion Guide Book
Juliana de Souza Araujo, Brazil
$764 Digital Camera
# 1656 Habitat Selection of
Small Mammals
Natalia Oliveira Leiner, Brazil
$828 Data Loggers, Software
# 1657 Slender Loris
Saman Gamage, Sri Lanka
$185 GPS, Caliper, Scales
# 1658 Ecology and
Conservation of Lions
Shivani Bhalla, Kenya
$127 Binoculars
# 1659 Mammal Survey
Wesley Lopez, Brazil
$331 Digital Camera, GPS
# 1660 Avian Inventory
Carlos Bonilla Ruiz, Mexico
$474 Mist Nets
# 1662 Wild Boar Ecology
Maria Cuevas, Argentina
$939 Camera Traps
$283 Digital Camera
“I shant stop thanking
you. I can’t wait to get
into the field to start
using the equipment.”
-Robert Kityo,
# 1663 Seaweed and Toxic
Waste Removal
Gang Chen, China
$1263 Dive Suit & Accessories
# 1661 Sea Turtle Conservation
and Education Program
Fabian Sanchez, Costa Rica
$1162 Tags and Applicators
# 1664 Bird Abundance in
Polylepis Forests
Maria Laura Perasso, Argentina
$550 Digital Camera, GPS, Misc.
# 1666 Translocating Black
Lion Tamarins
Karla Monteiro Parahos, Brazil
$373 Used Laptop
# 1667 Rocky Reefs Fish
Survey and Natural History
Leonardo Venerus, Argentina
$119 Digital Voice Recorder
# 1668 Conservation of the
Yellow-Billed Pintail Duck
Rolando Gutierrez-Zuniga, Colombia
$500 Lens & Accessories
# 1669 Effects of Tourism on
Marine Habitat
Sandra Bessudo, Colombia
$611 Digital Camera, Misc.
# 1670 Status and Conservation
of Endangered Ladaku Urial
Bindu Raghavan, India
$419 Spotting Scope, GPS, Misc.
# 1671 Feeding Ecology of Sea
Flavia Maria Guebert, Brazil
$620 GPS, Digital Camera
# 1672 Effects of Grazing on
Arthropod Populations
German Horacio Cheli, Argentina
$1151 Microscopes, Moticam
# 1673 Rare Endemic Bird
Iwan Londo Febrianto, Indonesia
$715 Spotting Scope, Binoculars
# 1674 Mexican Long-Nosed
Bat Reproduction
Karla Patrica Toledo, Mexico
$1002 Camcorder, Accessories
# 1675 Survey of Spiny Tailed
Madhuri Ramesh, India
$265 Binoculars, GPS, Misc.
# 1676 Botanical Survey and
Identification Key
Naina Andrianjafy, Madagascar
$500 Used Laptop, Camera
# 1677 Forest Corridors for
Large Mammals
Paola Johanna Isaacs, Colombia
$638 GPS, Digital Camera, Misc.
# 1678 Breeding, Parental Care and
Social Learning in Spider Monkeys
Rosa Icela Ojeda, Mexico
$965 Funds for a Jeep
# 1679 Visual and Olfactory
Signals in Pollination
Santiago Benitez-Vieyra, Argentina
$726 Digital SLR
# 1680 Forest Dynamics
Carlos Ernesto Lazo, Peru
$205 Digital Camera, Binoculars
# 1681 Savannah Fern Study
Carlos Rodrigo Lehn, Brazil
$177 Digital Camera, GPS
# 1682 Giant Otter Study
Caroline Leuchtenberger, Brazil
$345 Camcorder
# 1683 Ecological Integrity
Hernando Zambrano, Colombia
$382 GPS Units
# 1684 Conservation of
Freshwater Fish
Zakiah, Indonesia
$543 Fish Identification Books
# 1685 Fish Diversity
and Distribution
Ahmed Ridwan, Indonesia
$486 Used Laptop
# 1686 Bamboo Forest
Aime-Christian Amani Ya, Congo
$264 Digital Camera, Misc.
# 1687 Environmental Education
in Habitat Conservation
Alejandro Velazquez, Caribbean
$707 Laptop, Digital Camera
# 1688 Ecology of
Rediscovered Cactus
Alejandro Bejerano, Caribbean
$386 Mist Nets, Refractometer
# 1689 Green Sea Turtle
Luciana Alonso, Argentina
$433 Digital Cameras
# 1690 Orchid Survey and
Population Dynamics
Ana Maria Benavides, Colombia
$651 Climbing Equipment
# 1691 Effects of Habitat Selection
on Caiman Reproduction
Carlos Ignacio Pina, Brazil
$940 GPS, Digital Camera, Misc.
“IDEA WILD ... makes
me feel good about
what’s happening and
possible in the world.”
-Joselyn Fenstermacher
# 1692 Carnivore Survey and
Graziela Dotta, Brazil
$1167 Camera Traps
# 1693 Giant Anteater
Isis Meri Medri, Brazil
$657 Used Laptop, External Drive
# 1694 Phytogeography of
Canarium Trees
Raharimampionona, Madagascar
$486 Used Laptop
# 1695 Environmental
Kelo Demetrio Zuniga, Ecuador
$388 Video Camera
# 1696 Bat Habitat Study
Lainet Garcia Rivera, Caribbean
$247 Digital Camera &
# 1697 Chirping Frog
Marcelo Kokubum, Brazil
$759 Recording Equipment
# 1698 Effects of Tourism on
Magellanic Penguins
Mariela Ines Ghys, Argentina
$685 Compass/Clinometer, Misc.
# 1699 Colombian Coffee
Mauricio Torres, Colombia
$436 Used Laptop
# 1700 Carnivore Conservation
Meredith Evans Wagner, Kenya
$1426 Pocket PC & Accessories
# 1701 Environmental
Education Radio Broadcasts
Patricio Pellet, Chile
$514 Digital Voice Recorder
# 1702 Environmental
Education on Ecosystem Health
Rene Barba Diaz, Caribbean
$649 Used Laptop, Head Lamps
# 1703 Snake Diversity Study
Ricardo Kawashita, Brazil
$622 Digital Camera, Used
# 1665 Endangered Flora
Photographic Database
Andry Petignat, Madagascar
$401 Digital Camera, Laptop
The April Fund 1656, 1658, 1668,
1682, 1683, 1707, 1720, 1742, 1748,
Bruce and Mavis Ude 1784
Christy Ross 1772
Ecesis Foundation 1770, 1774, 1789,
1790, 1791, 1792, 1793, 1794, 1795,
1798, 1800, 1803, 1804, 1809
Fort Collins Audubon Society 1673,
Matt Unger 1643, 1776
Mimi Hillenbrand 1773
Nathan Larson 1779
The Denver Zoological Foundation
1765, 1830, 1869, 1881, 1883, 1902,
1903, 1907, 1908, 1912, 1916, 1952,
1953, 1963, 1965, 1966, 1971
The J. M. Kaplan Fund 1644, 1649,
1651, 1660, 1661, 1674, 1713, 1716,
1762, 1767, 1771, 1775, 1797, 1807,
1811, 1817, 1841, 1854, 1872, 1889,
1893, 1917, 1919, 1921
The Moore Family Foundation
1634, 1647, 1650, 1652, 1663, 1672,
1677, 1679, 1685, 1686, 1689, 1694,
1703, 1708, 1727, 1746, 1751, 1756,
1757, 1758, 1761, 1777, 1778, 1780,
1781, 1783, 1785, 1786, 1787, 1796,
1799, 1801, 1802, 1805, 1806, 1814,
1828, 1829, 1832, 1847, 1920
The Swift Foundation 1637, 1645,
1646, 1648, 1650, 1652, 1654, 1655,
1656, 1658, 1659, 1662, 1663, 1668,
1669, 1675, 1678, 1683, 1684, 1690,
1695, 1707, 1714, 1734, 1735, 1737,
1747, 1749, 1752, 1753, 1754, 1755,
1759, 1760, 1763, 1788, 1874, 1876,
1878, 1879, 1880, 1896, 1898, 1915
Youth for Biodiversity 1631, 1665,
1667, 1686, 1691, 1692, 1693, 1694,
1697, 1698, 1699, 1700, 1701, 1702,
1704, 1705, 1709, 1710, 1715, 1717,
1718, 1720, 1725, 1726, 1730, 1732,
1733, 1833, 1877, 1894, 1899, 1906,
1911, 1913
Numbers listed above correspond to
IDEA WILD project numbers sponsors.
# 1704 Porcelain Crab Biology
Roger Gasper Dolorosa, Philippines
$649 Microscope
# 1720 Bat Roosting Ecology
Kofoky Amyot Felix, Madagascar
$876 Receiver, Antenna
# 1705 Habitat Requirements of
Crested Serpent Eagles
Gunawan, Indonesia
$220 GPS, Spotting Scope, Binoculars
# 1721 Human Impact on Guanaco
Andres Rey, Argentina
$770 Binoculars, GPS, Accessories
# 1706 Conservation of Endangered
Fishing Bats
Jose Juan Flores-Marinez, Mexico
$468 Used Laptop
# 1722 Wooly Lemur Genetic Diversity
Rambinintsoa Andriantompohavana,
$729 Digital Camera, Used Laptop
# 1707 Sea Turtle Conservation
Julia Anne Horrocks, Barbados
$825 Tagging Pliers
# 1723 Marine Vegetation Ecology
Antonio Vega Torres, Caribbean
$455 Laptop, Under Water Camera Housing
# 1708 Swan Conservation
Macarena Sarroca, Uruguay
$474 Spotting Scope, Tripod
# 1724 Conservation of Aquatic Bird
Carlos Pena Rodriguez, Caribbean
$653 Laptop, Digital Camera
# 1709 Asian Waterbird Census
Nilo M. Arribas, Philippines
$460 Spotting Scope, Tripod
# 1710 Role of Fire on Forest
Sofia Laura Gonzalez, Argentina
$983 Data Logger
# 1711 Conservation Education
Gerardo Hechavarria, Caribbean
$600 LCD Projector, Used Laptop
IDEA WILD has provided
equipment to more
than 2200 projects
in 70 countries
# 1737 Island Herpetofauna Ecology
Fernanda de Cruz Centeno, Brazil
$565 Psychrometer, Slide Rule, Misc.
# 1738 Sumatran Raptor Database
Muhammad Iqbal, Indonesia
$911 Used Laptop, Bird Books
# 1739 Vampire Bat Attack Mitigation
Marcia Isabel Moya, Bolivia
$1007 Mist Nets, Digital Camera
# 1725 Relocation of Lemurs to
Protected Reserves
Edward E. Louis, Madagascar
$1496 Radio Collars
# 1740 Orchid Diversity of Sumatran
Peat Swamp Forests
Kasmaboti, Indonesia
$152 Field Guides
# 1726 Conservation Genetics of Indris
John Rigobert Zaonarivelo, Madagascar
$676 Used Laptop, Digital Camera
# 1741 Systematic Study of
Ganoderma Fungi
Mabel Gisela Torres, Mexico
$405 Used Laptop
# 1727 Riparian Species Inventory
Juan Carlos Naranjo, Caribbean
$1052 Used Laptop, Digital Camera
# 1742 Tiger Conservation
Pradnya Giradkar, India
$405 Used Laptop
“Your approval of my proposal for the items I asked to
improve parks monitoring system is one of the great
events on Madagascar conservation effort. I assure you
that we are eager to receive these items to start the process of giving trainings and helping park managers.”
-Aristide Andrianarimisa
# 1712 Lizards as Bioindicators
Jans Morffe Rodriguez, Caribbean
$487 Tent, Pack, Forceps, Misc.
# 1713 Conservation Status of
Lucrecia Masaya, Guatemala
$1160 Digital Camera Traps
# 1714 Bird Population Survey in
Peat Swamp Forests
Rumaisa, Indonesia
$543 Field Guides
# 1715 Anole Phylogeny and
Julian Andres Velasco, Colombia
$812 Digital Camera, GPS, Misc.
# 1716 Impact of Wild Extraction
on Palms
Olivia Sylvester, Costa Rica
$893 Clinometer, GPS, Tags, Misc.
# 1717 Shorefish Diversity and
Distribution in Mangrove Forests
Supoyah, Indonesia
$630 Books
# 1718 Coral Reef Fish Diversity
Nguyen Van Quan, Vietnam
$1261 Underwater Digital Camera
# 1719 Caribbean Wildlife Art Group
Nils Navarro Pacheco, Caribbean
$250 Camera Lens
# 1728 South American Sea Lion
Micaela Trimble Nunez, Uruguay
$553 Used Laptop
# 1743 Grey Langur and Purple-Faced
Langur Behavior
Rajnish Vandercone, Sri Lanka
$598 GPS, Binoculars, Misc.
# 1729 Restinga Antwren Conservation
Thiago Felipe da Silva Laurindo, Brazil
$1240 Binoculars, GPS, Scales, Misc.
# 1744 Badagary Lagoon Conservation
Idris Rufus Oluwafemi, Nigeria
$677 Used Laptop, Video Camera
# 1730 Phylogeny and Biogeography
of Frog Species
Daiana Paola Ferraro, Argentina
$976 Recorder, Microphone, GPS, Misc.
# 1731 Flat Head Bat Ecology
Liu Jia, China
$296 Digital Camera
# 1732 Floristic Variations in
Atlantic Rainforests
Ricardo Bertoncello, Brazil
$1085 Used Laptop, GPS, Binoculars
# 1733 Study of the Endangered
Margarita Monkey
Natalia Ceballos-Mago, Venezuela
$666 Used Laptop, GPS, Hip Chain
# 1734 Red-Billed Curassow
Christine Steiner Sao, Brazil
$624 Binoculars, GPS, Compass, Misc.
# 1735 Feeding Ecology of Black and
Gold Howler Monkeys
Claudia Carolina Ramerez, Argentina
$441 Binoculars, Flagging Tape, Misc.
# 1736 Ant Diversity
David Lambert Garces, Caribbean
$716 Digital Camera, Used Laptop
# 1745 Niche Role of Sykes Monkey
Sara Elizabeth Emerson, South Africa
$420 Camera Traps
# 1746 Riparian Ecosystem Insect
Todd Johnson, Zambia
$549 Water Monitoring Kit, Misc.
# 1747 Helmeted Curassow Reproduction
Victor Setina, Colombia
$786 Mist Nets, GPS, Scales, Misc.
# 1748 Diversity and Productivity of
Macromycetes Fungi
Aida Marcela Vasco, Colombia
$730 Dehydrator, GPS, Misc.
# 1749 Anuran Ecology
and Conservation
Daniel Eugenio Ramos, Bolivia
$1224 Recorder, Microphone, Misc.
# 1750 Environmental Education
Elier Sanchez Diaz, Caribbean
$594 Digital Camera, Used Laptop
# 1751 Lubigi Wetland Water Quality
Okiror Grace, Uganda
$554 Used Laptop, GPS
# 1752 Austral Conure Ecology
and Conservation
Jimena Ines Soledad, Argentina
$218 Tent, Diameter Tape, Compass
# 1753 Vocal Modulation of Anurans
Lucia G. Ziegler, Uruguay
$1079 Recording Equipment
# 1754 Biodiversity Community Education
Volkmann Luis Rafael, Argentina
$524 Digital Camera, Film Scanner
# 1755 Arthropods as Bioindicators in
Altantic Forest
Marcio Uehara-Prado, Brazil
$256 Digital Camera
# 1756 Sumatra Bird Banding Project
Wilson Novarino, Indonesia
$522 Digital Camera and Accessories
# 1757 Dragonfly Diversity, Distribution
and Habitat Preference
Assudais Abdurrahim, Indonesia
$493 Books
# 1758 Owl Habitat Requirements
Chong-Leong Puan, Malaysia
$1495 Transmitters, Receiver, Antenna
# 1759 Conservation Status of
Liolaemus Lizards
Alvaro Juan Aguilar, Bolivia
$522 GPS, Calipers, Scales, Camera
# 1760 Frog Conservation
Anisa Fitri, Indonesia
$514 Field Guides, Used Laptop
# 1761 Heath Forest Growth Rate Study
Francis Q. Brearley, Indonesia
$208 Increment Borer
# 1762 Watershed Resource Mapping
Isabella Lau, Costa Rica
$541 Used Laptop
# 1763 Bat Diversity and Distribution
Julio Cesar Bracamonte, Argentina
$834 Mist Nets, Scales, Calipers
# 1764 Iguanas as Seed Dispersers
Karen Beovides Casas, Caribbean
$342 Calipers, Backpack, Used Laptop
# 1765 Spider Diversity and Conservation
Williams Paredes Williams, Peru
$623 Used Laptop, GPS
# 1766 Green Sea Turtle Conservation
Patricia M Zarate, Ecuador
$414 Used Laptop
# 1767 Ocelot Distribution and Conservation
Jose Fernando Moreira, Guatemala
$878 Camera Traps
# 1768 Bird Monitoring in
Forest Fragments
Oscar Humberto Marin, Colombia
$1191 Recording Equipment, GPS
# 1769 Ocellated Antbird Behavior
Claudia Lizana Moreno, Costa Rica
$472 Binoculars, Used Laptop
# 1770 Environmental Education
Rosendo Martinez Montero, Caribbean
$712 Laptop
# 1771 Vocal Calls of Dink Frogs
Adrian Garcia Rodriguez, Costa Rica
$1506 Digital Recorder, Microphone
Projects continued from previous page...
# 1772 Herpetofauna Diversity and
Ahm Ali Reza, Bangladesh
$684 Digital Camera, Funds
# 1773 Biogeography of Tropical Ferns
Alejandra Vasco-Gutierrez, Colombia
$268 Digital Camera
# 1774 Effects of Herbivores and Pathogens
on Forest Diversity
Angelica Milagros Garcia, Peru
$487 Used Laptop, Binoculars
# 1775 Effects of Climate Change
on Crocodile Reproduction
Armando Hiram Escobedo, Mexico
$748 Rain Gauges, Lux Meter, Misc.
# 1776 Santa Maria Parakeet Reproduction
Christian Andres Olaciregui, Colombia
$326 Binoculars, GPS, Misc.
# 1777 Reforestation of Mined Areas
Corporacion Oro Verde, Colombia
$339 Digital Camera, GPS, Voice Recorder
# 1778 Plant Diversity in Fragmented Forests
Diego Alejandro Molina, Colombia
$588 GPS, Binoculars, Compass, Misc.
# 1779 Eco-Restoration
Dieter van den Broeck, South Africa
$364. Digital Camera, GPS
# 1780 Reducing Human-Lion Conflicts
Hadas Kushnir, Tanzania
$338 Two-Way Radios, Tent, GPS, Misc.
# 1781 Ecology of Invasive
Red-Bellied Squirrell
Maria Laura Guichon, Argentina
$231 GPS, Binoculars
# 1793 Association for the Conservation of
the Amazon Basin Field Training
Karina Nelissa Salas, Peru
$774 Used Laptop, Camera, Hard Drive
# 1794 Mammal Survey in Dakrong Natural
Nguyen Duc Manh, Vietnam
$684 Binoculars, GPS, Camera, Misc.
# 1795 Red Knot Population Status
Veronica Laura D’Amico, Argentina
$623 Spotting Scope, Tripod, Binoculars
# 1796 Frog Diversity
Weslei Pertel, Brazil
$251 Digital Camera
# 1797 Sea Turtle Mortality
Agnese Mancini, Mexico
$410 Used Laptop
# 1798 Mammal Survey
Maria Daniela Rodriguez, Argentina
$879 GPS, Tent, Binoculars, Misc.
# 1799 Bat Diversity Study
Felicia Permata Sari, Indonesia
$383 Headlamp, Digital Camera, GPS
# 1800 Conservation Education
Fundacion Kennedy, Chile
$375 Used Laptop
# 1801 Human Impact on Bird Species
Diversity in Pristine Forests
Luca Borghesio, Kenya
$1079 Solar Charger, Weather Station
# 1802 Antiherbivore Defenses of Plants
Lucrecia Cella Pizarro, Argentina
$272 Spectrophotometer, Software
# 1803 Water Pollution Monitoring
Prigi Arisandi, Indonesia
$912 Boat
# 1782 Co-Habitating in Costa Rica’s
Wetlands: Community Education
Oscar M. Chaves, Costa Rica
$480 LCD Projector
# 1804 Vinaceous Amazon Parrot Conservation
Nestor Damian Farina, Argentina
$1288 Climbing Equipment
# 1783 Seabird Incidental Mortality
Diego Ricardo Gonzalez, Argentina
$337 VHF Radios
# 1805 Jaguar Ecology and Conservation
Nuno Miguel Negroes, Brazil
$1189 Camera Traps, GPS, Telemetry Antenna
# 1784 Golden Back Uacari Vocalizations
Bruna Martins Bezerra, Brazil
$752 Microphones, Digital Camera
# 1806 Archipelago Biodiversity Survey
Pablo Eliaz Diaz, Chile
$444 Digital Camera
# 1785 Disease Transmission of
Galapagos Birds
Diego Santiago Alarcon, Ecuador
$663 Mist Nets, Calipers
# 1786 Effects of Urbanization on
Bat Communities
Raul Andres Rodriguez, Colombia
$829 GPS, Batteries, Spring Scales, Misc.
# 1787 Population Evaluation of Rails in the
Chicamocha River
Johana Edith Zuluaga, Colombia
$662 Binoculars, Field Guides
# 1788 Ecosystem Restoration for
Wild Chinchillas
Amy Deane, Chile
$1362 Funds for Supplies and Transport
# 1789 Black Sea Turtle Migration and
Diego F. Amorocho, Colombia
$765 GPS, Two-Way Radios, Misc.
# 1790 Niche Modeling Methods for
Gabriel Correa Costa, Brazil
$314 Digital Camera
# 1791 Tropical Fern Biodiversity
Gladys Huallparimachi Quispe, Peru
$1150 Digital Camera, GPS, Misc.
# 1792 Habitat Requirements of Cougars
Joao Bosco Goncalves de Barros, Brazil
$1017 Tranquilizing Equipment, Misc.
# 1831 Endangered Freshwater Turtles
Genetic Diversity
Sabrina Clavijo Baquet, Uruguay
$634 Used Laptop, Digital Camera
# 1816 Cave Biodiversity
Carlos Eduardo Vieira, Brazil
$474 Waterproof Notebooks, GPS, Camera
# 1817 Altering the Course of the Scarlet
Christopher Vaughan, Costa Rica
$936 Climbing Equipment
# 1818 Ensuring the Sustainability of Wild
Game in the Brazilian Amazon
Daniel Pereira Munari, Brazil
$577 Used Laptop, Binoculars, Misc.
# 1819 The Threatened Birds of Brazil’s
Shrinking Grasslands
Darius Pukenis Tubelis, Brazil
$499 Binoculars
# 1832 Effects of Uncontrolled Logging on
Forest Communities and Biodiversity
Samson Komati Yuimb, Papua New Guinea
$397 Used Laptop
# 1833 Biogeography of Indo-Malay Frog
Umilaela, Indonesia
$658 Digital Caliper, GPS, SCT Meter
# 1834 Cultivating a Love of Nature in
Panama City
Adrian Benedetti, Panama
$1150 Used Laptop, LCD Projector, Screen
# 1820 Nesting Ecology of Chimpanzees
David Lekeaka Nkengateh, Cameroon
$778 Range Finder, GPS, Digital Camera
# 1835 Hunting Behavior of Raptors
Alejandro Victor Baladron, Argentina
$385 Binoculars, Spotting Scope, Misc.
# 1821 Wild Bird Education Awareness
Dudi Nandika, Indonesia
$951 Binoculars, Spotting Scope, Misc.
# 1836 Vocalizations and Social Behaviors
of Rufous Wren
Ana Maria Diaz, Colombia
$913 Recording Equipment, Used Laptop
# 1822 Protecting Indonesia’s
“Megalithical” Forest
Dwi Susanto, Indonesia
$697 Used Laptop, GPS, Calipers, Misc.
# 1837 Evolutionary Ecology
and Conservation Training
Angela Rocio Amarillo, Colombia
$954 Microscope, Forceps, Insect Pins
# 1823 Unsuspecting Victims: Protecting
Birds of Prey
Ivo Viktorov Danchev, Bulgaria
$223 Spotting Scope
# 1838 Evaluation of Andean Bear
Population Status
Angelica Maria Benitez, Colombia
$501 Digital Caliper, GPS, Digital Camera
# 1824 Conservation Status of Galagos
Johan Karlsson, Malawi
$589 Recording Equipment
# 1839 Understanding Predatory Behavior
of Wild Cats to Reduce Human Conflicts
Carlos Andres Valderrama, Colombia
$487 Video Camera
# 1825 Bee and Wasp Taxonomy
Julio A. Genaro, Caribbean
$786 Microscope
# 1826 Conservation of Nesting Sea Birds
Le Manh Hung, Vietnam
$306 Telephoto Lens
# 1827 Environmental Community Building
Maria Fernanda Ordonez, Colombia
$273 Digital Camera
# 1840 Nitrogen-Fixers of the Mangroves
Diego Bonaldo Genuario, Brazil
$497 Used Laptop
# 1841 Economics and Conservation:
Finding a Balance
Ester Quintana, Guatemala
$656 Digital Camera
# 1828 Antelope Community Structure Study
Mohammad Adnan Abu, South Africa
$1413 Camera Traps
# 1842 Conservation and Ecology of
Bottlenose Dolphins
Fabio Goncalves Daura-Jorge, Brazil
$475 Digital SLR Camera
# 1807 Yellow Naped Parrot Study
Alejandro Salinas Melgoza, Costa Rica
$903 Telemetry Equipment
# 1829 Ecological and Socioeconomic
Impact Assessment
Rado Andrimasimanana, Madagascar
$360 Used Laptop
# 1843 Cattle Predation By Large Cats
Francesca Belem Lopes, Brazil
$699 Camera Traps
# 1808 Cave Fauna Diversity Study
Cahyo Rahmadi, Indonesia
$128 GPS
# 1830 Environmental Education Program
Ruben Paitan Santillan, Peru
$465 Video Projector
# 1844 Habitat Use of Threatened Cerrado
Gisele Levy, Brazil
$641 Used Laptop, GPS, Camera, Misc.
# 1809 Lion Conservation
Henry Brink, Tanzania
$1118 Immobilization Gun
# 1810 Wild Cat Conservation
Carlos Estaban Payan, Colombia
$1300 Camera Traps
WISH LIST 2008/2009
# 1811 ParksWatch Website: The Key to
Human Abundance
Gerardo Carreon Arroyo, Mexico
$790 Digital Camera
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# 1812 Ethnobotany Survey
Andre Braga Junqueira, Brazil
$409 Digital Camera, Misc.
# 1813 Manatee Conservation
Anmari Alverez Aleman, Caribbean
$434 Used Laptop
# 1814 Pangolin Research and Conservation
Leang Horn, Cambodia
$1593 Transmitters, Receiver, Antenna
# 1815 Diversity in China’s Mountain
Caie Yan, China
$459 Waterproof Binoculars, GPS, Misc.
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Sounds small, but it adds up quickly!
and how they can help with the up- glamorize conservation work, and there
coming Nature Goes Wild event. certainly are those moments. However, good conservation is really an ongoMixed in with all the fund raising is ing step by step process that requires
the constant day to day activities of tenacity, patience, and, most of all, an
receiving proposals, evaluating them optimistic vision of a greener future.
(378 in 2007), purchasing the equipPlease help IDEA WILD
ment from a diverse group of suppli- once again by making sure the
ers, and shipping the equipment to Heroes and Sheroes all make it
the Heroes and Sheroes. This news- to the finish line with their incredletter represents the 298 projects ibly important work in conserving
we donated equipment to in 2007. the many species of planet Earth.
Database management, accounting, and keeping the office clean
all take up the rest of our time. We often
Projects continued from PAGE 7...
# 1845 Marine Mammal Conservation
Lidio Franca do Nascimento, Brazil
$360 Digital Camera, Binoculars, GPS
# 1846 Reforestation Evaluation
Maria de Los Angeles La Torre-Caudros, Peru
$387 Compass, Flagging Tape, Misc.
# 1847 Efffects of Deforestation on Brocket
Deer Communities
Maria Eugenia Periago, Argentina
$422 Used Laptop
# 1848 Mouse Opossum Ecology
Maria Soledad Albanese, Argentina
$657 Video Camera and Accessories
# 1849 Indigenous Knowledge as
Conservation Tool for Cross River Gorillas
Denis Etiendem Ndeloh, Cameroon
$542 Digital Camera
# 1850 Human Impact on Bird
Species Diversity
Nguyen Phuc Bao, Vietnam
$661 Digital Recorder and Accessories
# 1851 Small Carnivore Status and Conservation
Nguyen Van Nhuan, Vietnam
$454 Binoculars, Headlamp, Misc.
# 1852 Brazil’s Life-Giving Palms
Nicholas Allain Saraiva, Brazil
$722 Spring Scales, GPS, Camcorder
# 1853 Natural History of Abrocoma
Rodent Species
Paula Andera Taraborelli, Argentina
$1017 Live Traps, Digital Camera
# 1854 Mangroves: A Concentrated Web of Life
Laura Yanez-Espinosa, Mexico
$1561 Video Camera
# 1857 Bats as Pollinators in Fragmented
Hernani Fernandes Magalhase, Brazil
$1470 Radio Collars
# 1868 Effects of Invasive Kelp on
Rocky Reef Fish
Alejo Joaquin Irigoyen, Argentina
$1169 Camera with Underwater Housing
# 1858 Acoustic Bird Monitoring
Luciano Nicolas Naka, Brazil
$1102 Recording Equipment
# 1869 Fauna Survey for Conservation and
Celio Bertelli, Brazil
$488 Used Laptop, Digital Camera
# 1859 Rodent Survey
Maria del Carmen Peralta, Peru
$1097 Live Traps
# 1860 Water Opossum Ecology
Melina de Souza, Brazil
$1351 Radio Collars
# 1861 Reducing Incidental Fishing Captures
Juan Pablo Seco, Argentina
$368 Digital Camera, Rechargeable Batteries
# 1862 Resource Availability and Social
Behavior of Capybaras
Adriana Alexandra Maldonado, Colombia
$1085 Video Camera, GPS, Misc.
# 1863 Mitigating Damage by
Leaf-Cutter Ants
Heike Antonia van Gils, Colombia
$451 Used Laptop, GPS
# 1864 Feeding and Behavioral Ecology of
Buffy-Headed Marmosets
Renato Richard Hilario, Brazil
$226 GPS, Binoculars, Diameter Tape, Misc.
# 1865 Environmental Education
Roy H. May, Costa Rica
$435 LCD Projector
# 1855 Wisdom of the Ancients: Vietnam’s
Medicinal Plants
Phung Van Phe, Vietnam
$408 GPS, Digital Camera, Misc.
# 1866 Caribbean Bird Migration
Talia Perez Martinez, Caribbean
$501 Laptop, Backpack, Stopwatch, Tent
# 1856 Saving the Siau Scops Owl
Yusman Hunowu, Indonesia
$486 Spotting Scope, Binoculars
# 1867 Conservation Strategies for
Endangered Baobab Tree
Achille Assogbadjo, Republic of Benin
$511 GPS, Waterproof Digital Camera, Misc.
# 1870 Reforestation of Fragmented Watersheds
Fernanda Zimbres Silva, Brazil
$1261 Camera Traps
# 1871 Mammal Species Compostion and
Distribution in Framented Landscapes
Jessica Castro Prieto, Puerto Rico
$600 Camera Traps
# 1872 Reproduction of Terrestrial Frogs
Jose Manuel Serrano, Mexico
$1102 Hygrometer, GPS, Misc.
# 1873 Sand Dune Spiny Rat Behavioral
Ecology and Population Dynamics
Jose Wellington Alves, Brazil
$1000 Radio Collars
# 1874 Tuco-Tuco Behavior and
Monica F. Rumbo, Paraguay
$833 Recording Equipment
# 1875 Impacts of Human Activities in
Protected Area Buffer Zones
Natalia Lenonor Quinteros, Peru
$713 GPS, Compass, Range/Height Finder
# 1876 Fruit Fly Ecology
Violeta Lily Rafael, Ecuador
$767 Insect Guides, Insect Pins, GPS, Misc.
# 1877 Invasive Tree Species Mitigation
Carlos Urcelay, Argentina
$397 Used Laptop
# 1878 Reforestation of Guariroba Basin
Marcelo Leandro Bueno, Brazil
$331 Digital Camera, GPS
Projects continued from PAGE 8...
# 1879 Ecosystem Analysis of Malpelo Island
Mateo Lopez Victoria, Colombia
$862 Digital Camera, Funds
# 1880 Human Impacts on Grassland Birds
Andrea Mayumi Chin, Brazil
$1228 Rangefinder, Recording Equipment
# 1881 Rorqual Whale Conservation
Brian Warren Kot, Canada
$500 Video Camera
# 1882 Sand Dune Lizard Study
Carolina Block, Argentina
$341 GPS, Rangefinder, Digital Camera
# 1883 Tern Nesting Behavior
Cesar Javier Lenzi, Uruguay
$657 Camcorder, Extra Battery, Misc.
# 1884 Water Rat Population Dynamics
Daniela Oliveira de Lima, Brazil
$981 Radio Collars
# 1885 Study of Predators in
Forest Fragments
Eleonore Zulnara Freire, Brazil
$780 Rangefinder, Digital Camera, Misc.
# 1886 Experiential Learning in Tropical
Gerardo Avalos, Costa Rica
$1254 Tapes, Compasses, GPS, Misc.
# 1887 Aquatic Fauna Diversity Study
Luis Maria Garcia, Philippines
$1351 Water Monitoring Equipment
# 1888 Impacts of Introduced Species on
Endangered Golden Lion Tamarins
Marcio Marcelo de Morais Jr, Brazil
$663 Digital SLR Camera Body, Misc.
# 1892 Bird Survey
Evgeniy Murzachanova, Russia
$765 Telephoto Lens, GPS
# 1893 Hawksbill Sea Turtle Conservation
Ingrid Lissette Yanez, Mexico
$1035 LCD Projector, Camcorder, GPS
# 1894 Elephant Conservation
Kate Elizabeth Evans, Botswana
$602 Pocket PC & GPS
# 1895 Mouse Opossum Conservation
and Ecology
Lida Marcela Franco, Chile
$1277 Tracking Equipment, GPS
# 1896 Breeding Biology of Tucumana
Amazon Parrot
Rivera Luis Osvaldo, Argentina
$1196 Cameras, Monitors, Fiberscope, Misc.
# 1897 Impacts of Environmental Variables
on Black Howler Monkeys
Marlin Betzabe Ortega, Guatemala
$205 Spotting Scope, Binoculars, Tent
# 1898 Protection of Biological Corridor for Neotropical Migratory Birds - Nicholas Bayly, Belize
$1163 Mist Nets, Balance, Pliers, Wing Rules
# 1899 Online Herpetofauna Database - Omar Torres Carvajal, Ecuador $416 Digital Camera
# 1900 Biodiversity Database - Rafaela Aguilera Roman, Caribbean $418 Laptop Computer
# 1901 Guanaco Assessment - Ramiro Jose Antonio, Argentina $165 Spotting Scope, Misc.
# 1902 Andean Bear Habitat Requirements - Robert Jose Marquez, Colombia $425 GPS, Misc.
# 1903 Conservation and Monitoring of Andean Cats - Rocio Palacios, Argentina $823 Binocular Micr
scope, Stereomicroscope, Microscope Camera
# 1904 Flying Fox Survey - Richard Keri Burnard, Madagascar $1199 Used Laptop, Digital Camera,
Headlamps, GPS, Rain Gear
# 1905 Comet Orchid Ecology - Amiee Veloarivony, Madagascar $569 Used Laptop, Camera
# 1906 Establishing the Queen Elizabeth - Kibale Wildlife Corridor - Frank Akampa, Uganda $804
Used Laptop, Digital Camera
# 1907 Conservation of Coquerl’s Sifaka - Gilbert Rakotoarisoa, Madagascar $325 Laptop
# 1908 Community Education for the Conservation of Endangered Amphibians - Giovanni Alberto
Chaves, Colombia $343 Used Laptop, Thermohygrometer
# 1909 Red-Throated Parrot Conservation - Jose A. Bouza, Caribbean $587 Laptop, Camera
# 1910 Kibale Community Fuel Project - Michael Stern & Becca Goldstone, Uganda $630 Microscopes
# 1911 Conservation Genetics of White Collared Brown Lemur - Hobinjatovo Tokiniaina, Madagascar
$325 Used Laptop
# 1912 Hard Coral Conservation - Adriana Schumann, Venezuela $867 Used Laptop, Misc.
# 1913 Community Based Ecotourism for Sea Turtle Conservation - Alejandro B. Pavia, Colombia $225
Tent, GPS
# 1914 Mangrove Conservation Project - Benjamin De Ridder, Madagascar $829 Used Laptop, Battery,
LCD Projector
# 1915 Endangered Tree Species Recovery - Regondi Diego Javier, Argentina $788 GPS, Palmtop,
Binoculars, Radios, Clinometer
# 1916 Study of Supata’s Golden Poison Frog - Erika Salazar, Colombia $517 Digital Camera,
Thermohygrometer, GPS with PC Cable
# 1917 Coffee Plantation Parasitoid Study - Gloria Vargas, Costa Rica $708 Microscope, Misc.
# 1918 Tropical Effects of Deforestation on Palm Genetics Mariano Giombini, Argentina $1439 Pipettes
# 1919 Tropical Montane Amphibian Diversity - Jose Urbina-Cardona, Mexico $390 Thermohygrometers,
Densiometers, GPS
# 1920 Glacier Circle Vegetation Analysis - Andres Oyola, Venezuela $645 GPS, Tent, Misc.
# 1921 Scarlet Macaw Conservation - Adrian Arce Arias, Costa Rica $700 Funds Funds for Educational Materials
# 1922 Bats and Birds as Cactus Seed Dispersers - Margarita Rios, Colombia $1604 Misc.
# 1923 Use of Mineral Licks by Brown Spider Monkeys - Alba Morales, Colombia $617 Camera Traps
# 1924 Environmental Education - Natalia Sanz de Satamaria, Colombia $358 Digital Camera
# 1925 Conserving the Last Wild Populations of Red Siskin Finches - Daniel Zubillaga, Venezuela $244
Used Laptop
# 1926 Conservation of Endangered Cacti - Luis Gonzalez, Caribbean $472 Flagging Tape, Misc.
# 1927 Improved Management of Queulat National Park - Sergio Manriquez, Chile $400 Used Laptop
# 1928 Human Impacts on Terrestrial Rainforest Mammal Populations - Michelle Lynn Wieland,
Congo - $1552 Hip Chains, Compasses, Measuring Tapes, Tents, Waterproof Notebooks, Binders
# 1889 Effects of Habitat Quality on
Mexican Wildlife
Pablo Jesus Ramirez, Mexico
$796 Camera Traps
# 1890 Sea Turtle Conservation and
Education Program
Serge Aucoin, Dominican Republic
$599 Snorkeling Gear
# 1891 Effects of Habitat Fragmentation
on Black and Gold Howler Monkeys
Silvana Marina Peker, Argentina
$399 Binoculars, Flagging Tape
“You must be the
change you wish to
see in the world”
IDEA WILD Team 2007
A List of Generous Donors
Heenan, Pete & Pam Hendricksen, Hank Henry, Vicki Henry,
Kathy Herbener, Mike & Jennifer Hesse, Tom Hicks, Gary
Hill, Kelly Hill, Mimi Hillenbrand, Holly Hoag, Janet Holman,
Billie Hopka, Theresa Hopper, Brent Houston, Jan Howard,
Jenny & Gwendolyn & Erin & Paige Hubbard, Patrice Hufnagel, Matt Hughes, Lynne Hull, Norma Hurd, Joel Hurmence,
Charlotte Icardi, Julie Israelson, A.J. Jackson, Gerti & Bill
Janss, Jil Jennewein, Laura Bernhardt & Rachel Jensen,
Theresa Jimenez, Amber Johnson, Dave & Karen Johnson,
David Johnson, Deanna Johnson, Matthew & Gloria Johnson, Terry Sethney Johnson, Christy Jones, Gary Jones,
Ken Fisher & Priscilla Jones, Jodie Judisch, Diana Kacinski,
Sandi Kaiser, Sandy Kappeler, Deb & Tessa & Lee Kauffman, Kelly Keller, Minor Kelley, Kristin Kempkes, Sue Kenney, Teri Kimbell, Jill Kinsey, Catherine Kiser, Joe Kissell, Judith Klater, Lisa Knudsen, Doug & Sue Koppmann, Jason &
Lisa Koppmann, Jerred & Lisa Koppmann, Wendy Kostrzewa, Joan Krehbiel, Chris Pittman & Shannon Krumbine, Bill
& Edda Krupke, Shawn & Jill Krush, Kimberly Kuck, Susan
Kuhling, Katherine Kuhns, Lesley Landon, Pam & Craig
Lange, Cindy Larom, Kristeen Larson, Kristy Larson, Nathan Larson, Brett & Patricia Lawlor, Ken & Norma LeBlanc,
Donna Braginetz & Larry Lechner, Marie Legare, Dick Leir,
Stephanie Lien, Lyndsey & Shane Linke, Travis Livieri, Kathleen Locke, J S Long, Steve & Cindy Loose, Jane Lottich,
Joanne Luyster, Patty Lynch, Terri Macey, Cathy Maddux,
Chris Maldonado, Kerry Manning, Kunz Manuel, Laura Marinari, Louis & Teresa Marinari, Rebecca Martin, Greg DeLude
& Vivian Martinez, Marty & Julie Martinez, Lindsay Mauch,
Bailey Vannorsdel & Star McCall, Erin McCarrick, Mick McDill, Joanne McFarland, Daria McGrath, Denny Mckay, Katie
McKay, Angie & Kassidy McKevitt, Nancy McLoughlin, Tracy
Mead, Sarah Smith & Ryan Menhusen, Doreen Meringolo,
Sally Merrow, Joseph & Carolyn Meyer, Pat Meyer, Kathleen
Mikolasy, Linda Miles, Karen Miller, Kim & David & Phillip &
Gavin Miller, Shirley & Robert Miller, Charis Mitchell, Linda
Mitchell, Ricki Mitchell, Jon Mohr, Jennifer Montcalm, Heather Morijah, Angela Morris, Chan & Mary Jane Mortimer, Mary
Morton, Lori Mustard, Shaun Nagel, Namaqua Unitarian
Universalist Congregation, Native American Office Products,
Claire & David & Nadia Neff, Lisa Neilsen, Kim Nelson, Jackie Newell, Jean Nichols, Kirk & Lisa Nordyke, Dina Norris,
North Western Warehouse Company, Al Notter, Harry Noyes,
Grady O’Brien, John O’Connor, Nancy Ode, Olin Oedekoven,
Kathryn O’Hara, James & Susan Olivo, Jeffrey & Lanette
Olson, Gilman Ordway, Kali Oxford, Rhonda & Curt Palin,
Contributors to the Benefit Auction were listed in
the 2007 auction brochure. We thank you once
again for your generosity!
READ HOW a digital camera, laptop computer, and LCD projector helped
two dedicated biologists with their biodiversity conservation efforts in
Indonesia and Panama. (Pages 2-3)
projects are located, how much they
cost, what the benefits are, and
imagine all that can be done with your
donation. (Pages 4-9)
Colin Paterson, John & Nicole Patterson, Robert Paulson,
Dianna Ricke-Peden & Edward Peden, Bonnie Peirson,
Amanda Perry, Leigh Pezzicara, Brad & Marty Phillips, Nancy Phillips, Nancy Phipps, Cindy Pichens, Pamela & Joe
Piesman, Kevin & Lynn & Tommy Pike, Carol Plock, Jennifer
Potestio, John Prasuhn, Lauren Prause, Pauli & Deborah
Price, Jan Purcell, Jim & Nan Quinlan, Rafe Quinton, Patti
Quirk, Douglas Rames, Jerry & Sandy Ravenscroft, Kate
Readio, Barb Hamilton & Stardust Red Bow , Tom Reimann,
T. Rider, Linda Renaud & Richard Rinearson, Judy Rippley,
Barb & Will Risheill, Lillian Risheill, Sandra Roark, John
Roberts, Margie Rosario, Todd Rosenzweig, Christy Ross,
Jennifer Roth, Becci & Greg Rowe, Penny & Tim Rudolph,
Chuck Rutenberg, Joanna Ryan, Barbara Rynn, Genie Rys,
S W, Inc., Crystal & Jerry Sailer, Carole Salman, Kyle Sandersen, David & Linda Sandvik, Sheri Sauer, Roger Schat,
Loren & Delores Schock, Noel Schroeder, Todd & Colleen
Schweiger, Gail Scoby, David Fanning & Carol Seemueller, Zoe Shark, Renee & Alayna Shaw, Zach & Casandra
& Solace Shell, Lauren Shoemaker, Mike Shonsey, Susan
Singley, Kelly Smith, Natalie Smith, Juley Sobson, Carolyn
Stack, Mary Starker, Julie Steinbock, Katherine Stephens,
Lindsey Sterling, Jane Stern, Laura Stewart, Terry Stewart, Marlene Stover, Mary & Timothy Straub, Amy & Teresa
Strunk, Bobby Sundby, Jennifer Sunderland, Steven Sutter,
Tim & Karen Sutton, Dave Swartz, John & Kirsten Swift, Telco Federal Credit Union, Robert Thielen, Kristi & Adrienne
Thomas, Tom Thorson, Sandy Threinen, Robert & Betty
Tobey, Christine Towns, Douglas Tremblay, Rosie Triantis,
Aaron Truax, Suzanne Trzos, Lisa Tussey, Dick & Diane Tyk,
Bruce & Mavis Ude, Mark Unger, Matt & Sierra Unger, Tamra
Urich, Kathleen Van Horn, Kory & Traci & London Van Sickle,
Rose Van Sickle, Wally & Doreen Van Sickle, Wally & Joni
Van Sickle, Claudette Mo & Chris Vaughan, Deborah Velenovsky, Michelle Venus, Deborah Vincent, Chelsea Vollmer,
June Wagner, Tina Warren, Beverly Wassmund, Karen Watters, Sheri Wayman, Lynne Weidel, Virginia Weigel, Felix
Weitzman, Jessica Utecht-Whillock & Tom Whillock, Terry
Whiting, Judy & Chris & Andrew & Ella Whitman, Carol Whitmore, Lisa Widdekind, Gary & Mary Widmann, Pat Wiese,
Tonya Williams, Patti Johnson & Andy Wolfe, Jill Wood, Kathi
Wright, Celine Wuarin, Brenda Miles & Jim Wurz, Marion
& Bob Wyatt, Elizabeth Wyskiel, Michelle Bespalets & JB
Young, Roy Young, Rosa Venezia, Jim Huff & Liz YoungHuff, Melissa Yurash, Doug & Levi Gibbs & Arlene Yusnukis,
Michael & Diane Ziering, Troy & Joleen Zoller, Steven Zuber
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Charles Abourezk, Mila Ahern, Kim Alarie, Priscilla Altimari, Marjorie Anderson, Agustin Arzeno, Alan Ashbaugh,
Kathy Bacon, Lynne & Ron Baker, Laurie Barickman, Carly
Baroch, Christy Bashor, Mark & Maureen Bauer, Jennifer
Davey & Stacey Baumgarn, Catherine Beal, Debbie Beal,
Tammie Beaton, Edna Becker, Erin Becker, Jay Bedsaul,
Alan Gease & Heidi Bell-Gease, Harold & Annie Bergman,
Gunter & Nicolette Bischof, Black Hills Service Company,
Kari Blackett, Matthew Blake, Dave & June Boon, Jim Borglum, Jackie Boss, Morgan Boudreaux, Pam Boyd, Karen
Bradley, Michele Bradley, Susan Braunstein, Bill Breed, Mike
Bren, Jeff Brockelsby, John Brockelsby, Roger Brockway,
Ray & Carole Brown, Darlene Buchanan, Marvin Renner &
Kelly Buchanan Renner, Karen & Rob Burd, Patricia Burge,
Cindy Burkhart, Jenni Burns, Kristin Burns, Donna Burrill,
Ekdal Buys, Joden & Andrea Caine, Rick Callan, Kathleen
Capra Bowles, Kaye Lynne & James Carpenter, Jeanine &
John Carroll, Sara Rowley & Leila Cary, Ed Cashimer, Lori
Cauthorn, Jolynn & Mike Chappell, Mike Charbo, William &
Ruth Charles, Amber & Alexis Chesna, Larry & Ellen Chisesi, Jean & Thomas Christen, Jens & Rochelle Christensen,
Barbara Clark, Thomas Clark, Laura Clough, Elizabeth Cohen, Cade & Mary Coldren, Cindy Comer, Miriam Comley,
Michelle Conlin, Colleen Conrad, Mickey Conway, Marilyn
Cook, Troy & Mary Corneliuson, Mary Jo Crawford, Doug
& Darla Crown, Bob & Kay Cushatt, Larry & Constance
Dahlstrom, Heidi & Allie Daniels, Tom & Gia Danson, Laurie
D’Audney, Carin Davis, Debbie Davis, Crystal Day, Myrna
De Milt, Jacqueline Delong, Rosemary Deurloo, Rene’e
Dewell, M A Dominguez, Roberta Dorfman, Marla Downing,
Cheryl Drake, Zetha Drew-Estes, Ron & Jean Drummond,
Desirae Amaya & Adam Duran, Sensei & Michelle Dusenbery, Jinger Dwyer, Cliff Eames, Chandler Easley, Larry &
Elaine Ebbert, Chris & Debra Eberly, Gracelyn Edwards,
John & Marion Edwards, Ruth Ekern, Tom Eldridge, Bill
& Tracey Emslie, Connie Eulberg, Susan Ewing, Mary Jo
Farrington, Cheryl Feist, Glenn Ficek, Michelle Fine, First
Western Federal Savings Bank, Kelly Hogeland & Josh
Fleming, Carol Fontane, Kari Frankhouse, Jessie Franz,
Larry Freedman, Harvey & Brenda Freishtat, Philip & Joni
Friedman, Rae Furcha, Mark & Audrey Gabel, Ann Marie &
Jason Gage, David Gallelli, Pat Garcia, Paul Jeffrey & Lara
Gasser, Christine & Stefan Geissbuhler, Ella Gifford, Janine
Glennon, Melissa & Dana Goins, Jenna Golden Vannuys,
Melissa Graham, John Grant, Rocky & Dana Greenwood,
Christine Gregg, Hiley Gregory-Allen, Richard Griess, Mary
Griffin, Diane Grimsrud, Grizzly Creek Gifts, Charlotte Grubl,
Heather Gullen, Lyndsay Gunter, Shannon Gutzmer, Kim
Haebig, Jim & Wadene Hall, Maurice & Mary Hall, Darlene
Halvorsen, Fred & Vicki Hanson, Rachel Hart, Donna Holtz
& Craig Hartig, Trisha Hass, Scott & Lynda Hausmann, Arla
& Dick Hay, Rowena Heckert, Crystal & Ray Hedberg, Todd
420 Riddle Drive Fort Collins, CO 80521