Prepositions of Phrasal Verbs

1º course Intermediate
Escuela de Idiomas
Quino Villa Bruned
Prepositions of Phrasal Verbs
-Suele indicar: continuar, seguir... / enchufar, conectar / ...
1. Continuar, seguir... (salvo “get”, que posee significados varios)
Phrasal Verb
Carry on
Go on
Walk on
Drive on
For example
Continuar, seguir
Seguir andando
Seguir conduciendo
Don’t stop here. Drive on.
Other Phrases
–Excuse me, where is the museum?
–Carry on straight this road, and turn left in the square.
2. Esperar
Phrasal Verb
Hold on
For example
Esperar (al teléfono)
Can you hold on a moment, please?
3. Referido a equipos, indica situación de conexión, encendido.
Phrasal Verb
Turn on
Switch on
For example
Encender, abrir...
Turn te tap on, please!
Switch the radio on, please!
Other Phrases
4. Referido a ropa, indica probársela o ponérsela.
Phrasal Verb
Try on
Put on
For example
You should try this suit on.
She had put a beautiful dress on.
5. Referido a un medio de desplazamiento o transporte, suele ir acompañado de “go”.
Phrasal Verb
Go on foot
Go on the bus
For example
Ir a pie
I could go on foot,
Ir en autobús
but I prefer to go on the train.
6. Get: varios significados.
Phrasal Verb
Get on
Get on
Get on
Get on with
For example
Llevarse bien con...
I get on with my brother.
Irle a uno (bien) las cosas
How did you get on?
Subirse a un vehículo
Get on the bus number seven, please.
Continuar con algo
Congratulations, get on with your work!
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