1- Mónica Alonso
Cápsula TI, 2003
Variable dimensions
Private collection
Photo: Xenaro Martínez Castro
10- Mapi Rivera
Untitled, 2000
DVD. 4’30’’
Variable dimensions
Courtesy of the artist
Photo: Ramón Casanova
2- Bene Bergado
Batimalas, 2000
Mixed technique
Variable dimensions
Collection Avelino Marín. Los Alcázares, Murcia
Photo: Rafa Sánchez
11- Ángeles Agrela
Camuflaje arena, 2001
Cloth and foam rubber
50 x 150 x 150 cm.
Collection of the artist
3- Martí Guixé
do frame, 2001
Installation: typography on wall
Variable dimensions
Courtesy Galería H2O, Barcelona
Photo: Inga Knölke
4- Núria Marqués
Bubblehappyness, 2002
Mixed technique
130 x 130 x 130 cm.
Collection of the artist
5- Alicia Framis
One night tent, 2003
Two colour photographs
148 x 84,5 / 106,5 x 89 cm.
Courtesy Galería Helga de Alvear, Madrid
Courtesy Galería Estrany de la Mota, Barcelona
6- Héctor Serrano & Lola Llorca
From Infinity to Beyond, 2002
120 x 180 cm
Courtesy of the artists
Photo: Jordi A. Tomás
7- Suso Fandiño
The Brillo Boxes, 2000
Mixed silk-screen print
112 x 224 cm
Collection CGAC, Santiago de Compostela
8- Rafael Bianchi
En juego, 2002
Wood and bronze
120 x 150 x 85 cm.
Collection ARTIUM Álava. Vitoria-Gastéiz
Photo: Gert Voor in’t Holt
9- Miguel Ángel Gaüeca
I am a Picture of a Picture of a Picture…, 2002
100 x 100 cm.
Collection ARTIUM Álava. Vitoria-Gastéiz
Photo: Gert Voor in’t Holt
12- Naia del Castillo
Cortejo, 2002
27 x 25 x 10 cm.
Collection Ordóñez-Falcó
13- El Perro
Wayway, 2001
Operating instructions
Variable dimensions
Courtesy of the artist
14- Martín Ruíz de Azúa
Casa básica, 2001
200 x 200 x 200 cm.
Prototipo del diseñador
15- Joan Morey
Personal matters per STP, 2002
Variable dimensions
Courtesy of the artist and Galería Luis Adelantado
16- José Antonio Hernández-Díez
Marx, 2000
200 x 150 cm.
Courtesy Galería Elba Benítez, Madrid
17- Xoán Anleo
Disciplina inglesa, 2003
Mixed technique
Variable dimensions
Collection of the artist
18- Diego Santomé
Fundación Diego Santomé, obra en proceso
Variable dimensions
Collection of the artist