APPLICATION GUIDELINES APIV 2016 REFUGEES: choosing between a coffin and a suitcase. “A refugee is a person who is outside their country of citizenship because they have well-founded grounds for fear of persecution because of their race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group (including gender- related persecution) or political opinion.” Geneva Convention (1951) “A refugee is not by choice. Most of the times they are people like you and me, but they have had to choose between a coffin and a suitcase, they have been forced to flee their countries persecuted because of their race, religion, nationality, political opinion, gender or sexual orientation. Many are victims of human trafficking or armed conflicts. They have lost everything except for their dignity.” The Spanish Commission for Refugee Aid (CEAR) The illustrations by APIV members, along with the selection of the works received will be part of the exhibition that will take place at the Fira del Llibre de València 2016. If it’s possible, there will be a catalogue about the mentioned show. According to The UN Refugee Agency- UNHCR information, the global figure of refugees for the first semester of 2015 rose to 20,2 million people, 700.000 more than the previous year, and the asylum applications increased 78%, until 993.600. In light of the data corresponding to months from January to June, 2015 is on its way to see how the global forced displacements exceed the amount of 60 million people. 60 million people! 4. Any techniques can be used and the illustrations must be created in CMYK color model. For decades, millions of people flee countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Eritrea, Pakistan, Nigeria, Somalia, Sudan, Gambia or Mali, a situation that has been worsened by the Syrian war that, for the last four years, has expelled from their country more than 4.180.000 people, in addition to more than 7, 2 million of internally displaced people (according to UNCHR data from October 2015). Facing this terrible situation, Spain, incomprehensibly, from the assigned amount of approximately 17.000 people, has only accepted 12 Syrian refugees until now. For the rest of the EU countries, only 160 refugees have been accepted out of 160.000 that were part of its commitment. In support of migrant people, victims of this so called “Refugee Crisis” and of the ineffectiveness of the European countries, the Associació Valenciana d’Il·lustradors de València (illustrators professional association) has decided to dedicate its annual exhibition at Fira del Llibre de València 2016 (the city book fair), to the reflection, the visualization and the solidarity with the refugee people. APPLICATION GUIDELINES 1. The goal consists in offering, with our habitual means of work, an illustration that reflects on the refugees or asylum-seekers’ situation, having been expelled from their original countries. Some possible views could be: - The daily life in a refugee’s camp. - The citizenship and the states solidarity /lack of solidarity. - Manipulation of information / to demonize and to stigmatize migrant people. - Causes that make families leave their countries. -What treatment will Europe/Spain/Valencia? refugees received in 3. Participation is limited to one entry per artist. Size of the work must be 30 x 30 cm, a 3 mm bleed around the image is required. 5. Participants should submit works in two files: one) in high-quality TIFF, PDF or JPG format (a maximum quality), with 300 dpi resolution in order to be printed; and two) in low-quality, PNG, JPG or web format. 6. Works should be sent by email to [email protected], writing in the subject: “REFUGEES + name or alias of the artist”. If the email is larger than 5 Mb it should be sent using the free file delivery service We Transfer. 7. A part from the illustration, it should be attached a text file including: - Name or alias of the artist. - Title or topic of the work. - Email address (only if the artist wants it to appear next to his/her name on the artwork label). - Web page (only if the artist wants it to appear next to his/her name on the artwork label). 8. The deadline for submissions is on the 1st March 2016 at 00:00h. RESOURCES AND BIBLIOGRAPHY: (in Spanish) • (Video) Salvados “Refugiados: sin noticias de Europa”: • (Article) “La jungla de Europa”. Reportage by Marta Arias about the refugee camp in Calais, 3 hours away from Paris: • Dossier Oxfam Intermón: itaria/buscando-refugio • (Brochure) “Los medios de comunicación y las personas refugiadas”. Glossary with terms addressed to journalists. ACNUR: 141112113618.pdf • Valencian citizen platform, “València ciutat refugi” 2. This year, exceptionally, it will be possible to every illustrator, that wants to, to participate in this exhibition, regardless of being or not member of APIV, and from every part of the world, with the purpose of attaining the biggest difusion. All the received illustrations, as long as they respect the Human Rights and people’s dignity, they will be uploaded to a web site created for the occasion, in blog or tumblr format and they will be released in social networks. More information: