Windows Phone 8.0 Resources for Developers

Máster Universitario en Tecnologías
Software Avanzadas para
Dispositivos Móviles
Windows Phone 8.0
Resources for Developers
Alejandro Campos Magencio
Microsoft Technical Evangelist
[email protected]
Basic Resources
• The place to start: Windows Phone Dev Center. Register and publish apps, watch reports, find tutorials and samples, etc.
• Dev Center guide (in Spanish): Guía para desarrolladores del Dev Center de Windows Phone
• All the tools you need to develop apps: Windows Phone SDK
• The Windows Phone Emulator. Requirements, troubleshooting tips & alternatives (in Spanish): Recursos sobre el
emulador de Windows Phone 8
• All the documentation you need in MSDN: Windows Phone development
• One-page view of the Windows Phone API: Windows Phone API QuickStart
• Hands on Labs: Windows Phone 8 Training Kit
• Lots of samples: Windows Phone Samples: learn through code
• Tips & Tricks (in Spanish): Tips & Tricks de desarrollo para Windows Phone
• Review this before publishing your app! App certification requirements for Windows Phone
What’s new in Windows Phone SDK 8.0 (MSDN)
• Visual Studio 2012 Update 2
• App models
• Multilingual App Toolkit for Visual Studio 2012
• Camera and photos
• SDK Update for Windows Phone 7.8
• Media
• SDK tools
• User interface
• Tiles and notifications
• Lock screen
• Maps and navigation
• Location
• Speech
• Wallet
• Communications
• Data and extensibility
• Windows Phone Store
• Ready for Business
• Localization and globalization
• Multi-resolution
• App manifest file
• Direct3D and games
• App compatibility
• Common language runtime
Webcasts Pre-Megathon 2013 (Videos in Spanish)
• Introducción al desarrollo de Windows Phone 8
• Diseñando apps de Windows Phone 8
• Construyendo apps de Windows Phone 8
• Ficheros y almacenamiento en Windows Phone 8
• El ciclo de vida de las apps de Windows Phone 8
• Asincronía y multi-tarea en Windows Phone 8
• Live Tiles y notificaciones de la pantalla de bloqueo en Windows Phone 8
• Usando los recursos del teléfono en Windows Phone 8
• La Tienda de Windows Phone 8
Building Apps for Windows Phone 8 Jump Start (Videos+PDFs)
01 | Introducing Windows Phone 8 Development
11 | Network Communication in Windows Phone 8
02 | Designing Windows Phone 8 Apps
12 | Proximity Sensors and Bluetooth in Windows
Phone 8
03 | Building Windows Phone 8 Apps
04 | Files and Storage on Windows Phone 8
13 | Speech Input in Windows Phone 8
05 | Windows Phone 8 Application Lifecycle
14 | Maps and Location in Windows Phone 8
06 | Background Agents
15 | Wallet Support
07 | Tiles and Lock Screen Notifications
16 | In-App Purchasing
08 | Push Notifications
17 | The Windows Phone Store
09 | Using Phone Resources in Windows Phone 8
18 | Enterprise App Architecture
10 | App to App Communication in Windows Phone 8
19 | Windows 8 Cross Platform Development
20 | Mobile Web
WP7.1 version: Mango Jump Start
01 | Introducing Windows Phone 8 Development
• WP8 Jump Start: Microsoft Virtual Academy & Channel 9 (1/2) + Channel 9 (2/2)
1. New app platform in Windows Phone 8
5. Overview of new features
2. WP8 programming APIs
6. In-app purchases
3. App development models
7. Localization and globalization
4. WP7x app compatibility
8. How to get started developing
• Webcast (in Spanish): Introducción al desarrollo de Windows Phone 8
• What’s new in WP8 SDK: Common language runtime, SDK tools, App models, Direct3D and
games, App compatibility, SDK Update for Windows Phone 7.8, Visual Studio 2012 Update
• Samples: Visual Studio project templates
02 | Designing Windows Phone 8 Apps
• WP8 Jump Start: Microsoft Virtual Academy & Channel 9
1. Windows design language
5. Design time data
2. Designing an app
6. Data binding
3. Introduction to XAML layout
4. Styles and themes
• WP8 Jump Start Demos: Initial Layout, Styles and Alignment, Design Time Data, Data
Binding, List Templates
• Webcast (in Spanish): Diseñando apps de Windows Phone 8
• What’s new in WP8 SDK: User interface: Controls
• Samples: People Hub
03 | Building Windows Phone 8 Apps
• WP8 Jump Start: Microsoft Virtual Academy & Channel 9
1. Page navigation
5. Localization
2. Application bar
6. Windows Phone Toolkit
3. Handling screen orientation changes
7. Page transitions
4. Handling different screen resolutions
• WP8 Jump Start Demos: Page Navigation, Application Bar, Landscape Orientation, Screen
Resolutions, Localization, Page Transitions
• Webcast (in Spanish): Construyendo apps de Windows Phone 8
• What’s new in WP8 SDK: Multi-resolution, Localization and globalization, Multilingual App
Toolkit for Visual Studio 2012
• Samples: Globalization Sample
04 | Files and Storage on Windows Phone 8
• WP8 Jump Start: Microsoft Virtual Academy & Channel 9
1. Persistent storage in WP8
2. Using Windows Phone runtime storage
3. Special folders
4. Exploring the local folder
• WP8 Jump Start demos: Module 4 Storage Demos
• Webcast (in Spanish): Ficheros y almacenamiento en Windows Phone 8
• What’s new in WP8 SDK: Data and extensibility: Storage, Media: Music media library,
Media: Pictures media library
Local Database on Windows Phone 8
• Same as Windows Phone 7.1.
• Mango Jump Start: Channel 9 (1/2) + Channel 9 (2/2) (Videos+PDFs+Demos)
1. Database Support
2. LINQ to SQL
• Samples: Local Database Sample
05 | Windows Phone 8 Application Lifecycle
• WP8 Jump Start: Microsoft Virtual Academy & Channel 9
1. Windows Phone 8 program lifecycle
2. App deactivation and reactivation
3. Fast application switching
4. States and tombstones
5. Fast application resume
• WP8 Jump Start demos: Module 5 Application Lifecycle Demo
• Webcast (in Spanish): El ciclo de vida de las apps de Windows Phone 8
Async Pattern on Windows Phone 8
• Webcast (in Spanish): Asincronía y multi-tarea en Windows Phone 8
• Samples: Windows Phone Choosers with async/await
06 | Background Agents
• WP8 Jump Start: Microsoft Virtual Academy & Channel 9
1. Task management
2. Dual-purpose agents
3. Background and location tracking
4. Background agent tips
• WP8 Jump Start demos: Module 6 Background Agents Demo
• Webcast (in Spanish): Asincronía y multi-tarea en Windows Phone 8
• What’s new in WP8 SDK: Media: Background audio
• Samples: Background Agent Sample, Scheduled Task Agent, Auto-upload Sample,
Background Audio Streamer Sample
07 | Tiles and Lock Screen Notifications
• WP8 Jump Start: Microsoft Virtual Academy & Channel 9
1. Tiles in Windows Phone 8
2. Local tiles API
3. Lock screen notifications
4. Lock screen background
• WP8 Jump Start demos: Module 7 Tiles and Lockscreen Notifications Demos
• Webcast (in Spanish): Live Tiles y notificaciones de la pantalla de bloqueo en Windows
Phone 8
• What’s new in WP8 SDK: Tiles and notifications, Shell Tile Schedule, Lock screen
08 | Push Notifications
• WP8 Jump Start: Microsoft Virtual Academy & Channel 9
1. Push notifications
2. Push notification data flow
3. Toast and tile message content
4. Demo push notifications
• WP8 Jump Start demos: Module 8 Push Notifications Demos
• Samples: Toast Notification Sample, Raw Notification Sample
09 | Using Phone Resources in Windows Phone 8
• WP8 Jump Start: Microsoft Virtual Academy & Channel 9
1. Using the Contacts and Calendars in Windows Phone
2. Launchers and Choosers
3. Alarms and reminders
4. The Windows Phone camera
5. The Windows Phone sensors
6. Video content
• WP8 Jump Start demos: Module 9 Using Phone Resources Demos
• Webcast (in Spanish): Usando los recursos del teléfono en Windows Phone 8
• What’s new in WP8 SDK: App manifest file, Data and extensibility: Custom contact store,
User interface: Launchers, Camera and potos
• Samples: Contacts and Calendar Sample, Email, Share, SMS, Add Contact and Web
Integration to Windows Phone Apps, Using the choosers in Windows Phone 8
10 | App to App Communication in Windows Phone 8
• WP8 Jump Start: Microsoft Virtual Academy & Channel 9
1. Auto-launching with File and Protocol associations
2. File associations
3. Protocol associations
• WP8 Jump Start demos: Module 10 App to App Communication
• What’s new in WP8 SDK: Data and extensibility: File and URI associations, Data and
extensibility: Search extensibility
• Samples: URI Association Sample, Navigation URI scheme sample, Route mapper sample
11 | Network Communication in Windows Phone 8
• WP8 Jump Start: Microsoft Virtual Academy & Channel 9
1. Networking for Windows Phone
5. Network information and efficiency
2. WebClient
6. Data compression
3. HttpWebRequest
7. Data sense
4. Sockets and Web services Odata
8. Storing data in the cloud
• WP8 Jump Start demos: Module 11 Networking Demos
• What’s new in WP8 SDK: Communications: Incoming sockets, Communications: Support
for IPv6, Communications: Windows.Net.Networking, Communications: Winsock native API
support, Communications: Data sense
• Samples: Windows Phone 8 Networking Samples, Weather Forecast Sample
12 | Proximity Sensors and Bluetooth in Windows Phone 8
• WP8 Jump Start: Microsoft Virtual Academy & Channel 9
1. Bluetooth overview
2. App to app communication
3. Near Field Communication
4. NFC and Bluetooth demo
• WP8 Jump Start demos: Module 12 NFC and Bluetooth Demos
• What’s new in WP8 SDK: Communications: Bluetooth, Communications: Proximity
• Samples: Windows Phone 8 Networking Samples, Bluetooth app to app sample, Bluetooth
app to device sample, URI Association Sample
13 | Speech Input in Windows Phone 8
• WP8 Jump Start: Microsoft Virtual Academy & Channel 9
1. Speech synthesis
2. Speech synthesis markup language
3. Handling voice commands
4. Simple speech input
• WP8 Jump Start demos: Module 13 Speech Demos
• What’s new in WP8 SDK: Speech
• Samples: Speech recognition and text-to-speech sample, Speech recognition using a
custom grammar,
14 | Maps and Location in Windows Phone 8
• WP8 Jump Start: Microsoft Virtual Academy & Channel 9
1. Location API
2. Location tracking in the background
3. Maps
4. Pushpins
• WP8 Jump Start demos: Module 14 Location and Maps Demos, Location Tracker
• What’s new in WP8 SDK: Location, Maps and navigation
• Samples: Location sample, Simple Map control sample, Route mapper sample
15 | Wallet Support
• WP8 Jump Start: Microsoft Virtual Academy & Channel 9
1. Wallet overview
2. Creating and using a membership card
3. Wallet background agent
4. Creating and using a payment card
• WP8 Jump Start demos: Module 15 Wallet Demos
• What’s new in WP8 SDK: Wallet
• Samples: Wallet membership and deals sample, Wallet payment instruments sample
16 | In-App Purchasing
• WP8 Jump Start: Microsoft Virtual Academy & Channel 9
1. In-App purchases
2. Testing in-app purchases
• WP8 Jump Start demos: Module 16 In-App Purchasing Demo
• What’s new in WP8 SDK: In-app purchase
• Sample: In-app purchase receipt verification
17 | The Windows Phone Store
• WP8 Jump Start: Microsoft Virtual Academy & Channel 9
1. Performance analysis
2. Simulation dashboard
3. App memory usage
4. Distributing apps
5. Store submission
• WP8 Jump Start demos: Module 17 Windows Phone Store Demos
• Webcast (in Spanish): La Tienda de Windows Phone 8
18 | Enterprise App Architecture
• WP8 Jump Start: Microsoft Virtual Academy & Channel 9
1. Building mobile middleware
2. Scaling out
3. Getting corpnet data out to devices
4. Working with offline data
5. Complete logical architecture
• What’s new in WP8 SDK: Ready for Business
19 | Windows 8 Cross Platform Development
• WP8 Jump Start: Microsoft Virtual Academy & Channel 9
1. Building for Windows devices
2. Strategies for sharing in a XAML app
3. Code sharing
4. Architecture
• WP8 Jump Start demos: Module 19 Windows Phone 8 & Windows 8 Cross Platform
• Develop for both: Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8 app development
• Port your Windows 8 apps (in Spanish): Portar apps de Windows 8 a Windows Phone 8
• Share code between your apps (video in Spanish): Compartir código entre Windows Phone
7, Windows Phone 8 y Windows 8
20 | Mobile Web
• WP8 Jump Start: Microsoft Virtual Academy & Channel 9
1. Mobile Web facts
2. Mobile Web best practices
3. Leveraging HTML5 and IE10 to build web apps
• Framework: PhoneGap
• What’s new in WP8 SDK: Communications: VoIP
• Sample: ChatterBox VoIP sample app
Useful tools
• Are you an iOS developer? iOS API Mapping Tool, Developing for Windows Phone: A
Guide for iOS Developers, Windows Phone 7 Guide for iPhone Application Developers
• Are you an Android developer? Android API Mapping Tool
• New components, functionality, etc.: The Windows Phone Toolkit
• 45+ components, 50+ design templates: RadControls for Windows Phone. Impressive!!!
• Create a Windows Phone app in a couple of minutes: Windows App Framework
• Create common Windows Phone UI layouts: Windows Phone 7 Design Templates
• Create some icons: Syncfusion Metro Studio 2
• Choose your colors! Color Scheme Designer
Other interesting resources
• Join the Nokia Premium Developer Program. Highly recommended!!!
• Connect your app to the Cloud: Windows Azure Mobile Services Dev Center
• Connect your app to Hotmail, SkyDrive and Skype: Live Connect Developer Center
• Video Player: Player Framework
• Understand how consumers interact with your app: Flurry Analytics
• E-Book (in Spanish): Introducción al desarrollo en Windows 8 y Windows Phone 8 (PDF)
Do you need help?
• Forums: Developing for Windows Phone
• Forums (in Spanish): Desarrollo Windows Phone, Foro de XNA
• Windows Phone Dev Center Support: Contact support
• Windows Phone Technical Support (in Spanish): Soporte técnico de Windows Phone 8
• Developer and Platform Evangelism Support (in Spanish, for Spain): [email protected]
Redes adhoc,!
Web Movil,!
Emprendedores y Empresas!
Nuevos paradigmas:!
II Edición (Octubre 2013 – Junio 2014)!
Máster Universitario en!
Tecnologías Software Avanzadas para Dispositivos Móviles!
Introducción al proceso !
de creación de empresas!
II Edición (Octubre 2013 – Junio 2014)!
Máster Universitario en!
Tecnologías Software Avanzadas para Dispositivos Móviles!
Viernes: !16:00 - 21:00!
Sábado: 9:00 – 14:00!
Dispositivos proporcionados
por USJ durante el máster!
Macbook Pro, iOS (movil,
tableta), Android (movil,
tableta), Kit Arduino!
Aspectos Técnicos:!
Carlos Cetina!
[email protected]!
Director Máster!
Alumnos Nuevos: 6600€!
Continuar estudios:!
30% descuento = 4620€!
Excelencia (nota carrera = 7,5) 60%!
Empresa (practicas empresa) 50% - 100% !
Logística y Becas:!
Marcos Lizarbe
[email protected]!
Información Universitaria!
Opinión Alumnos:!
Alberto Reche!
[email protected]!
Delegado I Edición!