Coleccion de Documentos Ineditos, Relativos Al Descubrimiento de

Coleccion de Documentos Ineditos, Relativos Al Descubrimiento de Las Antiguas Posesiones Espanolas... » Book < QVZFV4T4PW
Coleccion de Documentos
Ineditos, Relativos Al
Descubrimiento de Las Antiguas
Posesiones Espanolas de
America y Oceania Sacados de
Los Archivos del R
By -
RareBooksClub. Paperback. Book Condition: New. This item is
printed on demand. Paperback. 36 pages. Original publisher:
Asheville, N. C. (P. O. Box 2680, Asheville 28802) : U. S. Dept. of
Agriculture, Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment
Station, 1994 OCLC Number: ocm30819085 Subject: Timber -Florida. Excerpt: . . . sawtimber Table martality 7-Annual
poletimber removals natural nnd pine, and In by predomin nt in
Florida, species, 1987 tree 1980 and Poletimber Sawtimber QAO
1980 specles 1587 Tree I 1987 plne Lobloliy plne longleaf pina
Pond Sand pine Shortleaf pins pins Slash Spruca plne Pondcypr
ss ( bottomland ) Blackgum Loblolly-bay Red maple Sweetbay
Sweetgum Laurel oak red Southern oak oak Water oak Scrub
saftwwds Other hardwmds Other All sattwaods All hardwoods
Mortality Loblolly 4, 644 plne 10, 388 5, 842 28, 770 pine Longled
27, 028 17, 761 12, 373 41, 904 7, P24 13, 877 Pond 3, 907 10, 887
pine 39, 590 5, Q8 Sand 24, 510 20, 394 plne 5, 162 t 1, 567 plne 3,
992, 088 Sh rtleaf 59, 834 90, 142 73, 248 63, 428 Slash plne S p m e
368 plne 3, 762 1, 342 2, 078 Pondcypress 942 4, 316 1,...
[ 5.65 MB ]
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