Cooperation on the dissemination of Europe

European Latin America Portal
Cooperation on the dissemination of Europe-wide research on Latin America
Anuario Americanista Europeo
An information system specialising in
European research in the Humanities and
Social Sciences on Latin America.
The contents are supplied by institutions
in the different countries of Europe which
form part of REDIAL, the European
network of libraries and archives (Red
Europea de Información y Documentación
sobre América Latina) and CEISAL, the
corresponding network of research centres
(Consejo Europeo de Investigaciones
Sociales de América Latina).
Data bases – collaborative work
Research Resources Publications
It links to a specific section of an open
archive which functions as an OAI
Cooperate with us
The Anuario Americanista
Europeo is an OAS
academic journal published
jointly by CEISAL and
REDIAL. Founded in 2003,
it is devoted to European
research and documentation
on Latin America. Each issue
is monographic and includes
a section on sources, libraries
and collections. From volume
6/7 2008/2009 it is published
only in electronic form.
In addition to a virtual library the portal offers data bases of European journals on
Latin American studies – including content and full-text links -, documentary sources,
current news, theses, courses in Latin American studies, research centres and European
research specialists.
The possibility for all to add data or news which
will be published in the portal after validation.
Special projects and new developments
European academic journals on Latin America
a sample of a data base
Observatorio europeo del Bicentenario de
las independencias latinoamericanas
2010 marks the Bicentenary of the start of the process which
led the countries of Latin America towards Independence;
for Mexico it is also the centenary of the Mexican Revolution.
The Observatorio is focusing on European academic activities
around these commemorations.
It provides an alternative to national portals or the
possibility of transferring data from national portals
Versions of the portal in English and Portuguese
The interface of the portal will be made available
in English and Portuguese in the course of 2010.
Search engine with keywords translated into
five languages
The portal will have a search engine which will enable
searching of the web pages of the member organisations
in German, English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.
Cooperation between the network of libraries and archives, REDIAL (Red Europea de Información y Documentación sobre América Latina)
and thenetwork of research centres (Consejo Europeo de Investigaciones Sociales de América Latina).